《Loving Step by Step》Ep Intro

“ Mask” CEO Lu Senyang, played by Zhao Zhiwei, meets “ Hedgehog” daughter Bu Ran, played by Lu Yangyang. When a hunter falls in love with his prey, his hatred turns into a soft knot. The two never thought they would fall into a love affair.war…

《Loving Step by Step》E1Plot

Episode 1

Loving Step by Step Episode 1 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran meets Lu Cenyang for the first time

At an exhibition of the work of Taylor, the space designer of Yihua Group, Bu Ran exposed in public that Taylor had plagiarized his works and was expelled by security guards. To avoid the security guards, he hid in the men's room and met Lu Senyang, who was negotiating terms with Donghua, the actual controller of Yihua Group.

Lu Cenyang accused Yihua Group of operating in secret and deliberately digging holes for its partners. Director Hua did not take Lu Cenyang seriously until Lu Cenyang played a recording on the phone. Director Hua’s grandson Yi Zihe and othersTogether, they finally allowed Yihua Group's unfinished building to not only pass the inspection, but also achieve a king price. These were all forged results. This was also the trump card of Lu Senyang's negotiation with her. Director Hua reluctantly agreed to Lu's request.Cen Yang’s conditions.

Bura blocked Lu Cenyang in the toilet and finally escaped the pursuit of the security guards. However, her disheveled appearance made Lu Cenyang wary. He took a picture of Bura's appearance with his mobile phone to prevent her from following him.While playing “celestial dance”, Bulan wanted to grab his phone and delete those photos. When the two were fighting, Bulan's clothes were torn. Lu Cenyang had to take off his coat and put it on her, and said that ifIf everything is safe, he will delete those photos. If she doesn't believe it, there is his business card in the clothes, so she can contact her then.

Lu Cenyang walked out of the bathroom and met Yi Zihe head-on. He had a grudge because of Lu Cenyang's secret photography and was going to lead someone to teach him a lesson. Lu Cenyang was not afraid and relied on his own skills to fight with the other person.Unexpectedly, Bu Ran came out and easily defeated Yi Zihe using the live broadcast exposure as a cover. In return, Lu Cenyang deleted those photos in front of her.

Yi Mincai, the boss of Yihua Group, was scolded by her mother, Director Hua, for poor performance. Bu Ran opened the door and came in. It turned out that she was the daughter of Yi Minde, the eldest son of Director Hua. Yi Mincai complained that Bu Ran had framed Taylor for stealing her.Her design work was ruined at the manuscript exhibition. Bu Ran complained to her grandma that her second uncle's family had violated the law and cut off her student loan before she graduated. She also asked her tutor Taylor to molest her on the pretext of helping to pay for tuition fees.Thinking that Director Hua disapproved of it, protected Yi Mincai in person, and wanted to slap Bu Ran, Bu Ran's mother Bu Huiyun stepped forward to block the slap for her daughter. Bu Ran was furious and pointed out to her face that her father had taken the blame for the Yi family and served his sentence.However, Director Hua put the responsibility on Yi Minde. Bu Huiyun fainted and fell to the ground in anger. Bu Ran had to send her to the hospital for emergency treatment immediately.

Fortunately, Bu Huiyun was not seriously injured, but hospital bills became a problem. In desperation, Bu Ran had to go to her grandma for help, claiming that she wanted to be a valuable person to Yihua Group, and she could go to Lu Cenyang's PinshangThe group acted as an informant, but Director Hua felt that she might not be able to do it, so he asked her to take action before negotiating terms with him.

At the Haishi Construction Industry Summit, Lu Senyang made a brilliant appearance. Pinshang Group was born three years ago. In three years, it has developed to a level that can compete with Yihua Group, which impressed people in the industry.Bu Ran heard that her second aunt called her to arrange a beauty trap to make Lu Senyang look bad. She decided to use this opportunity to gain Lu Senyang's trust. When Bu Ran arrived at the scene, she happened to see a woman named Kai Rui pestering her.Lu Chenyang, she must be the woman bribed by her second aunt.

Kai Rui drugged the wine and was using her charm to get Lu Cenyang to drink the wine. Unexpectedly, Bu Ran's arrival disrupted her plan. Bu Ran drank the wine for Lu Cenyang, and Lu Cenyang took the opportunity to take her away.to the venue.After the medicine got stronger, Bulan began to make love to Lu Cenyang in every possible way. Only then did Lu Cenyang realize that Kerry had drugged his wine. He was a little grateful to Bulan for saving him, but why did Bulan want toHe didn't quite understand saving himself.

Lu Cenyang finally brought Bura home, and Bura kissed him several red marks on his neck. Early the next morning, Bura woke up and started roaring. Lu Cenyang had already thought of a way to deal with it.Bu Ran immediately became honest after watching the surveillance. She cheated in order to get a chance to enter Pinshang Group, but Lu Senyang did not agree. He said that Pinshang Group was not accessible to anyone who wanted to.

《Loving Step by Step》E2Plot

Episode 2

Loving Step by Step Episode 2 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran tries her best to design and become fashionable

Bu Ran was rejected by Lu Cenyang through the back door, so she decided to rely on her own ability to enter Pinshang and submitted her resume for an interview.

The question given by Pinshang's interviewers was to design a decoration plan of about 40 square meters for a customer with a disability. After an hour of answering time, all the applicants handed in their answer sheets, and only Bu Ran'sThe design was more in line with the requirements of the interviewers and took into account the special situation of disabled customers. Lu Senyang, who was observing through surveillance in the office, also nodded in approval. In the end, Bu Ran and another man passed the interview, which made Bu Ran very excited.

Bu Ran immediately told her mother the news. Today happened to be the day when her father Yi Minde was released from prison. She came to the prison to pick up her father non-stop. Unexpectedly, Yi Minde directly asked her for money after he came out, saying that he wanted to go out and have fun.Bu Ran couldn't help but be a little angry. No one from the Yi family came to pick him up. His mother was still lying in the hospital, but with his attitude now, Bu Ran took her father to the hospital without saying a word.

Lu Senyang was concerned about the treatment of his sister Lu Siqi, and also came to the hospital. He happened to meet Bu Ran and Yi Minde. After learning about Bu Ran's life experience, he began to doubt her purpose of entering Pinshang, and immediately arranged for a secretary after returningAfter canceling Bu Ran's recruitment, no matter how capable she is, Pinshang will not hire anyone from the Yi family.On the other side, Bu Ran was still complacent. She and Yi Minde came to her grandma's house. Yi Min pretended to be enthusiastic and asked his wife to transfer money to him. Yi Minde pretended to be an excited drunkard.After leaving, Bu Ran told his second uncle and second aunt the news that he was about to join Pinshang, but they didn't believe it.

Bu Ran was not happy for a long time when she received a call from the Pinshang Human Resources Department. Bu Ran was a little disappointed when she learned that she had lost something. At this time, her good friend Qin Xun called, and she immediately thought of a close friend.Lu Cenyang’s good idea.Qin Xun had a side job as a private detective. He obtained evidence that the client's husband was cheating, and thus got the opportunity to rent a house in Fulege at a lower rent, and this house was right next door to Lu Senyang.

Bu Ran pretended to have met by chance and returned the clothes to Lu Cenyang, and at the same time made a flattering look. Even she felt awkward, but Lu Cenyang ignored her at all.Bu Ran decided to renovate her new home and give Lu Cenyang a chance to see her own skills. She also took out all her past design manuscripts and hung them on the balcony, hoping that Lu Cenyang would find out where she shined.Lu Senyang turned a blind eye, and her underwear was blown by the wind to the balcony of Lu Senyang's house. She embarrassedly asked Lu Senyang to help her get her underwear back.

Lu Cenyang was very disappointed with her attitude of giving in. Qin Xun helped her come up with ideas. Since asking someone to put himself in the urn was not enough, he would try another trick, which meant finding a project that Lu Cenyang was very concerned about. Bu Ran passed the project on this project.The outstanding performance impressed Lu Cenyang. At present, the children's welfare home where Qin Xun was a donor was about to be renovated. Lu Cenyang attached great importance to this project and he felt that Bu Ran could take advantage of this opportunity.

The next day, Qin Xun took Bu Ran to the Children's Welfare Home. Coincidentally, Lu Cenyang also came here today. He has deep feelings for the Children's Welfare Home because he grew up here and was his adoptive father.Picking him up from here gave him a new life. His adoptive father was forced to jump off a building and died, which was an eternal pain in his heart. It was the Yihua Group that forced his adoptive father to death. This was also the reason why he hated the Yihua Group so much.Reason.

《Loving Step by Step》E3Plot

Episode 3

Loving Step by Step Episode 3 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran wants to join the orphanage renovation design

Lu Cenyang accidentally saw Bu Ran in the children's welfare home, which made Lu Cenyang, who was wary of her, immediately doubt her intentions. Thinking of the renovation project of the children's welfare home, Lu Cenyang seemed to have guessed something.B Ran began to sneer, but this time she changed her previous flattering attitude. Since a warm face and a cold butt were not enough, she would treat him with a straight face. She did not give Lu Cen Yang a good look and took the child directly into the house.

Qin Xun saw her face and immediately guessed that Bulan might have met Lu Senyang. He stepped forward to comfort Bulan and pulled her to dance with the children. Although Bulan was not good at dancing, she interacted with the children.Still very willing.Outside the door, the dean introduced Qin Xun and B Ran to Lu Cenyang. Qin Xun was also a donor to the welfare home. Lu Cenyang was prejudiced against B Ran and did not say anything nice in front of the dean, but the dean did.I feel that Bu Ran is not such a person.

Lu Senyang received a call from his informant. The other party said that Yihua Group was in close contact with Taylor because Lu Senyang wanted to ask Taylor to design the orphanage reconstruction project. He was afraid that Yihua Group would interfere with it, so he told the other party to find out what they were doing.What project is being planned?At the same time, Yi Minde and Yi Zihe were also studying how to deal with Lu Cenyang. They felt that Bu Ran was a bit of a hindrance, so they came up with a good way to drive her away from Lu Cenyang, which was to buyBu Ran rented the house in Fulege and evicted him as the landlord.

Bu Ran continued her decoration at home. The noisy sound of the electric drill made it impossible for Lu Cenyang to rest. He had to call Bu Ran to stop the decoration. However, it was already past the time required by the property management to stop the decoration, and Bu Ran ignored him at all. At this time, the housing agent came to the door and said that the owner was ready to sell the house, and Yi Ran was ready to move out as soon as possible.Bu Ran immediately asked Qin Xun, and then he learned that someone had offered a high price to buy the house from the owner. He had just learned the news, and when Bu Ran was at a loss, Lu Cenyang came out and handed his business card toThe agent is willing to offer five points to convince the owner that he will buy the house.

B Ran didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, but it seemed to be helping him. At this time, Lu Senyang received a call from Taylor. B Ran heard the content of their conversation, which was to invite Taylor to renovate the orphanage.In design, Taylor used to be Bu Ran's teacher, and she knew best what kind of virtue he was. She wanted to persuade Lu Cenyang to give up cooperation with Taylor, but how could Lu Cenyang listen to what she said.

Back home, Bura remembered the painful experience she had while studying abroad. Before graduation, Bura learned that her student loan had been suspended, and she began to worry about her next life. At this time, her tutor Taylor asked herShe extended a helping hand and said that she could help her apply for the highest scholarship, and her level and ability were worthy of it, but only if she wanted to become Taylor's woman. How could Bu Ran submit to this, so she pretended to let herTaylor went to take a shower and then burned all the manuscripts he had left on his desk to vent his anger, for which she was beaten severely in retaliation.

Lu Cenyang came to the orphanage again. The dean persuaded him to accept Bu Ran into the renovation design, but Lu Cenyang refused. He thought that Bu Ran would give up and give up. Unexpectedly, he saw her in the orphanage.When she slipped and fell to the ground and cut her lip, Lu Cenyang helped her wipe the wound. Bu Ran took this opportunity to ask to join the renovation design, but Lu Cenyang still didn't agree and asked her to give up her wish as soon as possible.Bu Ran was very angry, and her child Douhua came forward to comfort her. From Douhua's mouth, she learned that Lu Senyang was a person who was very attentive to the orphanage and very caring to the children, and her impression of him changed a lot.

Qin Xun learned from his friends that Taylor had already departed for China and was about to stay at Pinshang's partner hotel. Bu Ran was a little surprised after hearing the news. Why would Taylor give up Yi Hua, who offered generous treatment, and switch to Pinshang?If it didn't fit his character, there must be some fraud, so she inquired about Taylor's itinerary, put on makeup and followed them into the hotel, wanting to know what conspiracy Taylor and Yi Hua had.

《Loving Step by Step》E4Plot

Episode 4

Loving Step by Step Episode 4 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran helps Lu Cenyang

At the hotel, Bu Ran followed Lu Cenyang and found that Lu Cenyang was entertaining Taylor. She then took the initiative to approach Taylor and suspected that Taylor was a fake. She confirmed her guess through testing.

Bu Ran was worried that Lu Cenyang had been deceived, so she tried every means to notify him. However, Lu Cenyang went to take a shower after returning home. He did not answer the phone and knocked on the door. No one answered the door. Bu Ran had to risk crossing the balcony to his home. As a result,She was stuck in the middle, and it was Lu Cenyang's help that freed her, and the two had an intimate face-to-face kiss. Lu Cenyang drove Bu Ran out angrily. Hearing that sheShe still had to jump over the balcony, but he still kindly told Bulan to pay attention to safety, because there were parents who cared about her, but Bulan reminded him loudly that Taylor was fake and must have ulterior motives.

Yi Zihe discovered that Bu Ran might know the existence of the fake Taylor and was worried that it would ruin their plan, so he conspired with his father. Yi Min then took advantage of the trick and decided to invite the real Taylor over. If Lu Cenyang spread all his anger on the real Taylor, they can profit from it and achieve cooperation with them.

Bu Ran continued to stalk in the hotel, trying to expose the fake Taylor. Unexpectedly, the real Taylor had arrived. She thought he was a fake, so she followed and took pictures, but was pulled into the room by Taylor.Qin Xun learned the news from Taylor's little girlfriend. He was worried about Bu Ran's safety, so he immediately rushed to the hotel and told Lu Cenyang the news. At the same time, Yi Minde also informed Lu Cenyang.

Fortunately, Lu Senyang arrived in time, so B Ran didn't suffer any loss. Lu Senyang protected B Ran behind him, then let her leave and gave Taylor a lesson. But B Ran didn't know that she thought LuCen Yang is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and at the same time she wants to cooperate with Taylor. The fact that she was bullied is not worth mentioning in the face of interests.After the incident, Lu Senyang didn't know that the person who informed him was Yi Minde. He called to ask about the other party's intentions, but Yi Minde did not tell the truth.

Bu Ran worked hard to make a design for the children in the welfare home. She handed the design to the director. The children were very happy to see such a design. After Lu Senyang arrived, Bu Ran said that even ifHer design was not recognized, but she devoted her whole heart to the children in the orphanage, and she will not come here again in the future.

Lu Senyang learned about Bu Ran's bullying by Taylor and her situation in the Yi family, and began to sympathize with Ran Lai. He chose to cooperate with Qin Xun, preparing to uncover Taylor's mask of a human face and an animal heart.Taylor asked Yi Hua for a high remuneration and agreed to cooperate with Yi Hua, which would be very helpful for Yi Hua to win the orphanage reconstruction project. Yi Min only agreed to his request heartily after being reminded by his wife.

At the signing ceremony for the cooperation between Yi Hua and Taylor, Bu Ran wanted to use this opportunity to expose Taylor, but was unable to do so because of the security guards. Just when she made a desperate move and wanted to rush to the stage, Lu Senyang took action, and the huge screen at the venue began.When the scene of Taylor bullying a female student was played, Taylor panicked and the scene became chaotic. After Bu Ran knew that it was Lu Cenyang who did it, she thanked him with tears in her eyes.

《Loving Step by Step》E5Plot

Episode 5

Loving Step by Step Episode 5 Plot Introduction: Lu Senyang invites Bu Ran to join the project

Bu Ran was very moved when she learned that Lu Cenyang helped her deal with Taylor.

The signing press conference between Yi Hua and Taylor was interrupted. Director Hua hurriedly stepped forward to save the situation, claiming that Yi Hua had not known that Taylor had such bad behavior before, and the cooperation between the two parties was suspended.

The fake Taylor handed Lu Cenyang a card, saying that it was the money Yi Mincai used to bribe him before. He and the real Taylor were twins, and he had always been used as a weapon by the real Taylor. This time, thanks to Lu Cenyang, heNot letting him fall into the abyss.Kerry played a key role in this operation to expose Taylor. Therefore, Lu Senyang graciously forgave her for her previous behavior of drugging herself, and recruited her to Pinshang Marketing Department as director.

Yi Hua was also a party whose interests were harmed. They were eliminated from the competition for the orphanage reconstruction project. Pinshang directly took over as the contractor of the orphanage reconstruction, but Director Hua didn't seem worried. She seemed to have some backup plans.But the courier sent by Lu Cenyang made her very angry. It contained the bribe money from Yi Mincai collected by the fake Taylor. Director Hua came to Yi Mincai's office angrily and asked him to kneel down and reflect, because he had disgraced her.In the end, it was Yi Mincai's wife who came to persuade him to get out of the situation. As a result, after Director Hua left, he was still slapped by his wife.

Bu Ran came to the noodle shop for dinner and unexpectedly met Lu Cenyang. Bu Ran thanked him. Lu Cenyang said that he was teaching Taylor not only for her, but also for the children in the orphanage. Then he formally invited Bu Ran to join.Bu Ran was very excited after hearing about the orphanage renovation project, and was about to agree. At this time, Director Hua called and asked her to approach Lu Cenyang and reveal the orphanage renovation project to her. Bu Ran had no choice but to reply to Lu Cenyang.Said to think about it before replying.

In the evening, Bu Ran called her grandma and said that the orphanage could not be a tool for her and Pinshang's game, which was tantamount to her refusal to be an informant for Director Hua. On the other hand, Lu Cenyang was eager to know what Bu Ran was thinking, so she came to ask questions.Bu Ran Aojiao said that she could join Pinshang, but she needed an apology from Lu Cenyang. Lu Cenyang threw out the bait. If she joined Pinshang, she could get a sincere apology from Taylor and help her become an internationally renowned designer. Bu RanHe immediately changed his attitude and nodded in agreement.After Lu Cenyang returned, he called Secretary Yao and asked her to arrange for Bu Ran to join the company tomorrow. Secretary Yao thought this was a means by the boss to deal with Yi Hua, but Lu Cenyang recognized Bu Ran's ability very much.

The next day, Bu Ran came to the hospital with a happy face to take her mother home, and told her parents about the news that she had joined Pinshang. Yi Minde was not surprised by the news. Qin Xun came to pick them up, and then they came to the old house together.Guys eat.Yi Zihe learned that Qin Xun had a share of the credit for bringing down Taylor, so he planned to lead people to take revenge. Lu Cenyang stepped forward to help after seeing it. Yi Minde saw that the situation was not good and also came over. Yi Zihe wanted to challengeThe enmity between Yi Minde and Lu Cenyang arose. After all, Yi Minde couldn't escape the relationship that forced Lu Cenyang's adoptive father to death.

Yi Minde easily solved the problem and made Yi Zihe retreat. He also told the story that Lu Cenyang and Bu Ran had a baby kiss. Yi Minde and Lu Cenyang were both surprised. Bu Ran was secretly grateful for this.The marriage was not consummated, and Lu Chenyang was a little aggrieved.

《Loving Step by Step》E6Plot

Episode 6

Loving Step by Step Episode 6 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran joins Pinshang

Bu Ran, who got up early, went to Pinshang to join the job. Unexpectedly, her car suddenly broke down and she wanted to give Ce Yang a ride, but Lu Ce Yang refused. Bu Ran had no choice but to ask Qin Xun for help.

In the underground parking lot of Pinshang, Bu Ran met Kerry who had also come to join the company as soon as she got out of the car. This surprised her. She never expected that Lu Senyang would be so generous to someone who had drugged her.Her kind reminder was met with disdain from Lu Cenyang. Qin Xun stepped forward to greet Lu Cenyang and asked him to take good care of Bu Ran, acting like a boyfriend. Lu Cenyang felt a little unhappy.

Bu Ran reported to the human resources department. Secretary Yao was in charge of the human resources and marketing departments. She directly assigned Bu Ran to the marketing department to work as an assistant to Kerry. This made Bu Ran very angry and her good mood was wiped out.Even if he went to the design department, he still had to bring tea and water to Kerry. Although his uncle could bear it, his aunt couldn't, so she broke into Lu Cenyang's office to ask for an explanation.Of course, Lu Senyang had some of his rhetoric about training and understanding the market. Bu Ran was speechless. But Bu Ran remembered the promise he made to her last night and asked Taylor to apologize to her. She didn't expect that.Unexpectedly, Lu Cenyang opened his phone the next second, and Taylor's apology to Bu Ran came out.

Bulan swallowed her anger and wanted to leave. Lu Cenyang asked her to make a cup of wolfberry water for her. Bulan had no choice but to obey. She met Kerry again in the boiling water room. The two inevitably had a quarrel. Bulan returned to the office with the water cup.Lu Cenyang once again reminded her to pay attention to Kerry, but Lu Cenyang didn't take it seriously. Instead, he accused her of making a cup of water that didn't meet the requirements and asked her to make another cup. Bu Ran left in anger, but accidentally broke the cup.After Kerry saw it, he gloated. Lu Cenyang directly told Kerry to discipline Bu Ran and let her, a newcomer, know some rules. Kerry, who got Shang Fang's sword, was naturally happy. After returning, he sent Bu Ran to the top floor.In the flower room, Bu Ran knew that she was deliberately making things difficult for her, so she could only swallow her anger in order to work further.

Someone reported Bu Ran's movements to Director Hua. She knew that Bu Ran was determined to follow Lu Cenyang and go against Yi Hua. Fortunately, she had made plans in advance and placed her chess pieces in Pinshang, otherwise she wouldThe game with Lu Senyang will fall into a passive position.

Yao Mi was a little worried that the fight between Bu Ran and Kai Rui would mess up the atmosphere of Pinshang, but Lu Cenyang felt that this could temper Bu Ran's character. He was very optimistic about Bu Ran's ability, and the director of the welfare home also liked Bu Ran very much.Ran's design, she told Lu Cenyang that the children called him and Bulan a golden boy, a prince and a princess, and they deliberately brought the two together. Lu Cenyang thought of her engagement with Bulan,He couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Mr. Liu, who runs a building materials business, decorated his son's wedding room. He chose Pinshang, but he was very dissatisfied with the design, so he went to Pinshang to make a fuss. When Kerry saw it, he hurriedly came out to rescue him and handed over the hot potato.Bu Ran, Bu Ran saw the opportunity to show off herself, so she invited Mr. Liu to the conference room for a detailed discussion. Unexpectedly, Mr. Liu coveted her beauty and was not interested in what she was talking about.When he was holding Bu Ran's hand and wanted to make the next move, Lu Cenyang, who had received the news, quickly rushed to pull away his hand, drove Bu Ran away and let him receive him, because he had long known that Mr. Liu was a lustful person.only.

《Loving Step by Step》E7Plot

Episode 7

Loving Step by Step Episode 7 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran helps Lu Cenyang out of the siege

Although Lu Senyang helped B Ran in the conference room, B Ran still didn't appreciate it and left angrily.

Kai Rui pretended to come over to comfort her and asked her to apologize to Lu Cenyang. Bu Ran faced her with a dark face. Then, Master Li asked her to send the potted plants to Lu Cenyang's office to give her a chance to reconcile with Lu Cenyang..

Bu Ran carried the potted plant to Lu Cenyang's office and almost fell down on the steps. Fortunately, Lu Cenyang came back to hold her up. Bu Ran was still struggling with the fact that Lu Cenyang drove her away in front of Mr. Liu. Lu CenyangYang did not tell the real reason. Bu Ran said that he was just afraid that he would be poached by others, and then slammed the door and left.Yao Mi and Lu Cenyang had already discussed that Bu Ran would be responsible for the design of the orphanage reconstruction project, but before he could say anything, Bu Ran had disappeared.

Yao Mi helped Lu Cenyang clean up the wardrobe. The two seemed to be very close. Yao Mi put a group photo in Lu Cenyang's dressing room so that outsiders would not be able to find it. In the photo, it turned out to be Lu Cenyang, Yao Mi and LuCen Yang's adoptive father.Lu Cenyang cooked a bowl of noodles for Yao Mi. Yao Mi ate it with gusto and said that the noodles cooked by her brother were delicious. In fact, she was Lu Siqi, but she lost part of her memory because of an accident.Yao Mi suddenly had a headache, and Lu Cenyang had to send her to the hospital.

Bu Ran asked Qin Xun to go to Good Guys to have skewers in the evening. She was still aggrieved that she was deprived of the opportunity to contribute by Lu Cenyang. Qin Xun comforted her. At this time, the waiter brought a pot of hot soup.The man deliberately bumped into the waiter, and he ran directly towards Qin Xun with the soup. After seeing this, Bu Ran pushed Qin Xun away without any hesitation. Qin Xun was not injured, but Bu Ran's hand was burned., Qin Xun immediately took her to the hospital.

Kerry came to the Yi family. She was Director Hua's spy in Pinshang. Kerry reported to Director Hua Lu Cenyang's attitude towards Bu Ran, saying that Lu Cenyang was indifferent to Bu Ran on the surface, but he helped Bu Ran.Ran blocked all her attacks. Director Hua did not care about this and asked about the progress of the task he assigned her. Kerry said with some embarrassment that she had not found any trace of Lu Siqi since she entered Pinshang.

After Bu Ran's hand was taken care of, she chatted with Qin Xun about who was behind it. Qin Xun confirmed that it was Yi Zihe who did it. Bu Ran was worried that Yi Zihe's next target was Lu Cenyang and wanted to kill him.When she went to report to him, Qin Xun persuaded her to just send a message and to take care of her health now. Bu Ran agreed on the surface, and after Qin Xun left, she pulled out the infusion tube and secretly went to Lu Senyang.

Yao Mi's body was fine. Lu Cenyang was more concerned about her memory recovery. He asked Dr. Ma about the situation. Dr. Ma was worried that Yao Mi would think of the tragic events after recovering her memory. Lu Cenyang said that even ifShe also has the right to know the pain.

At this time, Bu Ran appeared in the lobby. She saw someone secretly filming Lu Cenyang and determined that it was Yi Zihe, so she pretended to be his girlfriend to rescue Lu Cenyang. After getting Bu Ran's hint, Lu Cenyang cooperatedHe pretended to be intimate with her, and then left the hospital arm in arm.

On the way back, Lu Cenyang asked Bulan what he heard in the hall. He was concerned about whether Bulan knew about Lu Siqi, but Bulan heard nothing and only saw Lu Cenyang and Dr. Ma in the hall.As she said something, she thought Lu Cenyang sought medical treatment because of an unspeakable addiction. Lu Cenyang asked her to think about it, but Bu Ran fell asleep before she could say a word.

After arriving at Fule Pavilion, Bu Ran just wanted to go back to sleep. Lu Cenyang told her to take charge of the orphanage reconstruction project, but Bu Ran didn't listen at all. She didn't think about it until the next morning.She regretted it so much that she hurriedly ran to Lu Cenyang to confirm the matter, but Lu Cenyang kept talking about it and asked her to think clearly about what she heard before speaking.

In the evening, Lu Cenyang returned to Fule Pavilion and was attracted by the scent of tea in Bu Ran's room. Buran used this method to let Lu Cenyang into the room, hoping that he would mention the renovation of the orphanage, but Lu CenyangYang only drank tea and fainted in Bu Ran's arms due to hypoglycemia. Their lips touched each other.

《Loving Step by Step》E8Plot

Episode 8

Loving Step by Step Episode 8 Plot Introduction: Kerry slanders Bu Ran

Bu Ran was angry that Lu Cenyang kissed her and took away her first kiss. Later, she learned that Lu Cenyang had low blood sugar and found food for Lu Cenyang.

After a while, Lu Cenyang gradually woke up. Bu Ran took a glass of water and leaned over, saying that she knew why he went to the hospital. He just wanted to treat a hidden disease that was prone to hypoglycemia. She thought it was nothing and asked Yao Mi to accompany him.Well, after Lu Chenyang heard this, he confirmed that she had really not heard anything about Lu Siqi, so he felt relieved and told her that the company had agreed to her joining the orphanage renovation project as a designer and becoming a full-time employee in advance. Bu Ran listenedAfterwards, she was so excited that she quickly promised that she would do her best to work. Lu Cenyang also wanted to tell her about Mr. Liu, but Bu Ran pushed him out of the door.

Back home, Lu Cenyang recalled the scene of his accidental kiss with Bu Ran before he fainted, and couldn't help but feel thirsty.

On the other side, Bu Ran was also upset about the loss of her first kiss, and could only forgive herself by saving someone's life.

Yi Zihe picked up a girl from the orphanage and easily obtained the design drawings of the orphanage's reconstruction project. Director Hua asked Yi Mincai's wife Kexin to make the battle bigger, so that the Charity Federation and people in the industry would know that it wasThe people with good taste themselves leaked the project secrets.

Early the next morning, Bu Ran dressed up and got ready to go out happily. She also took the initiative to grab a handful of chocolates to give to Lu Cenyang. Lu Cenyang received a call from Secretary Yao and learned about the leaked project plan. He immediatelyLet Bu Ran stay at home and rest. Bu Ran didn't know why, so Lu Senyang had no choice but to tell the truth. The project plan was leaked, and there were rumors that she, the designer, leaked it herself.

Yi Hua summoned all the building materials dealers. Director Hua first reminded everyone not to be implicated because of Pinshang's affairs, and then signed a contract with them on the grounds that high-end building materials were needed for the refined decoration of the project, thus cutting off Pinshang's supply chain and forcing them toPinshang gave up the orphanage project so that Yihua would have a chance to share the fortune.

Lu Cenyang conducted emergency public relations. He first found the director of the welfare home to explain the situation to the Charity Federation, and then called the suppliers. However, everyone had already signed a contract with Yi Hua and expressed their inability to do anything.

Bu Ran couldn't stay at home any longer, so she came to Pinshang, only to find that her work station had been turned into a mess by Kerry. Kerry even poured dirty water on her body, no matter how B Ran explained it.It was useless. At the same time, Secretary Yao took people to Lu Cenyang's office to search around to see if Bu Ran had placed a listening device somewhere. Bu Ran was speechless.

Pinshang was in a mess, and Yao Mi thought of an excellent way to get out of the predicament. Regardless of whether Bu Ran was the one who leaked the news, he could put the blame on her, and then throw dirty water on her as a member of the Yi family.As for Yi Hua, losing a newcomer like this could immediately reverse Pinshang's situation, but Lu Senyang didn't agree. He didn't want to give in and be implicated innocently.

Yi Minde found Yi Mincai and learned that he and Yi Zihe were behind the scenes. Bu Ran was desperate in Pinshang. He showed his true colors and no longer showed himself as an alcoholic. He warned Yi Mincai not to do anything to Bu Ran again, otherwiseHe will make it difficult for his successor, because his daughter is his bottom line.Kexin mocked Bu Huiyun for pretending that nothing had happened. Yi Minde suddenly appeared and forced Kexin to name the builder who was most active in currying favor with Yihua on the grounds that he had some scandalous evidence of Yi Zihe in his hand.

Lu Cenyang comforted Bu Ran, who was suffering from the supercilious look, but his words were a bit direct, saying that she was not capable of stirring up such a big storm, so Bu Ran's gratitude turned into a supercilious look at him.

After get off work, Qin Xun asked Bu Ran to come to his old shop. Bu Ran happened to see his father with a new look talking to Mr. Liu. He first deceived Mr. Liu and got out the information he wanted to know. After learning that Mr. Liu actually wanted to take advantage of Bu Ran, he deliberately sprinkled Mr. Liu with coffee.

After Mr. Liu left, Bu Ran looked at her father with tears in her eyes. This was the image of her father in her mind. Yi Minde learned from Mr. Liu that Yi Zihe's specialty was picking up girls, so he probably came from the welfare home.He got the project plan in the hands of someone else, and he asked Qin Xun to use this as an entry point to find the person who leaked the project plan.

《Loving Step by Step》E9Plot

Episode 9

Loving Step by Step Episode 9 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran works hard to help Pinshang

In the welfare home, Bu Ran discovered that the female teaching assistant was reprimanding a child for graffiti on her shoes. After stopping her, she exchanged WeChat messages with her and decided to help her deal with the marks on her shoes.

Looking back, Ran Ran found that the female teaching assistant's shoes actually cost more than 10,000 yuan. This surprised her. Qin Xun came over and was very puzzled. He knew that this female teaching assistant was usually very economical. Obviously, someone else probably bought these shoes for her., thinking of the leaked drawings of the orphanage and Yi Zihe's habit of picking up girls, the female assistant was very suspicious. Bu Ran asked Qin Xun to keep an eye on the female assistant, and she followed Yi Zihe.

Secretary Yao contacted Mr. Wang, who distributes building materials, and Lu Cenyang also rushed over. Unexpectedly, Yi Zihe had already prepared. He sent people to follow Lu Cenyang in order to cut off the project halfway and let the welfare home project go without building materials.And cannot start.Qin Xun found the female assistant who wanted to contact Yi Zihe and took out the video taken by Bu Ran. It turned out that the female assistant was just a tool used by Yi Zihe. The female assistant was very sad after watching it.

Bu Ran continued to follow Yi Zihe and wanted to dig out some clues, but unexpectedly she was stopped by Yi Zihe's bodyguards. Yi Zihe asked people to drive Bu Ran away. Bu Ran was preparing to get rid of these bodyguards in the underground garage. Lu Cenyang sawAfter arriving, he stepped forward to help, but he was injured in order to protect Bu Ran. At the same time, Mr. Wang, whom Mi Yao had worked so hard to contact, was taken advantage of by Yi Zihe, who negotiated a contract with Mr. Wang at a high price. Bu Ran was also betrayed by Mi Yao.Accusations were made.

Yi Zihe knew that Bu Ran might have discovered that the female assistant had leaked the secret, so he immediately gave the female assistant a large breakup fee. Bu Ran's plan to get the female assistant to expose Yi Zihe failed.Yao Mi felt that this was the best time to push Bulan out as a scapegoat, but Lu Chenyang refused to say anything. He knew that Bulan was not from the same family as the Yi family.

Director Hua was furious after learning that Yi Minde contacted Mr. Liu to help Pinshang, and asked Yi Minde to clean up and leave the house. Yi Minde stared at Director Hua, and put all the money and bank cards on the coffee table.Then he pulled Bu Huiyun and turned around to leave.Bu Ran really wanted to help Pinshang solve the building materials crisis, but she didn't know how to start. She had to ask her father for advice. Yi Minde advised her to just wait and see. Based on his understanding of Lu Cenyang, he should have some backup plans, butBu Ran was impatient, so Yi Minde had no choice but to do the opposite and ask her to be prepared to persuade Director Hua.

Bu Ran made an appointment with her grandma to meet, saying that she had something important to report, and then claimed that they had all fallen into Lu Cenyang's plan. Lu Cenyang wanted them to stock up on building materials at a high price, which eventually led to Yihua's cash flow being cut off, but Director Hua did not.He didn't believe Bu Ran's words and felt that this just meant that Lu Cenyang was desperate.Yao Mi directly recorded the conversation between the two and sent it to Lu Cenyang. Lu Cenyang chatted with the gardener Master Li about the matter. Master Li said that Bu Ran knew so clearly about Lu Cenyang’s scheme. Could it be thatIt was true that a bug was installed. Lu Cenyang was glad that Director Hua did not believe Bu Ran, otherwise his plan would have failed. This scene was seen by Kerry who was hiding aside. Kerry turned around and left, while Lu Cenyang looked atHer back showed a pleased smile.

Kai Rui's report made Director Hua change her mind. She was worried that she had really fallen into the trap, so she came up with a way to deal with it, which was to actively provide building materials for the welfare home project. She contacted the director of the welfare home, who asked Lu CenYang called over to discuss. Director Hua wanted to get involved deeply, but was turned away by Lu Cenyang.When Bu Ran saw her grandma coming to the door, she was worried that Pinshang had been forced into a desperate situation. She was worried about this. Lu Cenyang didn't point it out after seeing it. He hugged Bu Ran who was crying because of it and couldn't laugh or cry.

《Loving Step by Step》E10Plot

Episode 10

Loving Step by Step Episode 10 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran misunderstands Lu Cenyang

The building materials dealer changed its attitude towards Pinshang due to the change of attitude of Director Hua, and the crisis of Pinshang Building Materials was completely resolved.

Lu Cenyang asked Secretary Yao to inform Bura to come to work in the company, and also asked those who accused Bura to apologize to her in person. Kerry on the side looked unhappy after hearing the news.Later, Kerry took the opportunity to talk to Yao Mi, trying to get the news about Lu Siqi from her mouth. Yao Mi half-assed and half-heartedly said that Lu Siqi was praying for Lu Cenyang in Tibet. Kerry felt like he had found a treasure, and immediatelyGo back and report to your master.

Yi Hua suffered another loss from Pinshang, and Director Hua could only vent his anger on his son and grandson. At this time, Kerry reported the news about Lu Siqi in Tibet. Director Hua felt that Lu Cenyang's only weakness wasIt was Lu Siqi. She had to start with Lu Siqi, so she asked Yi Zihe, who was good at picking up girls, to leave for Tibet immediately and find her before Lu Siqi left. Although Yi Zihe was very reluctant, he did not dare to violate the rules.Go against grandma's decision.

Bu Ran breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Pinshang had solved the crisis. Unexpectedly, Lu Cenyang told her that all this was in his plan. He had calculated that Yi Hua would make a fuss about building materials, soShowing weakness to trick Yi Hua into being fooled, Bu Ran realized that she had been worried in vain.When he returned home, Lu Cenyang would always think of the scene when he was with Bu Ran from time to time. Her cute and persistent look lingered in his mind, and then he realized that Bu Ran had quietly entered his heart.

Lu Cenyang wanted to contact B Ran, but didn't know how to get it, so he ordered takeout ingredients for making porridge to B Ran, and then sent a message asking her to cook porridge for him, otherwise there would be no need to discuss work and welfare home projects.Although Bu Ran was very willing, Lu Cenyang held her lifeline, so she had no choice but to obey.

Early the next morning, Bu Ran took the cooked porridge and knocked on Lu Cenyang's door angrily. Lu Cenyang proudly offered to become a full-time employee and follow up on the orphanage project as a condition. Bu Ran immediately changed her attitude.I wish I could lift Lu Cenyang to heaven.

Bu Ran used her ability to quickly get along with the employees. Yao Mi felt unhappy when she saw it. She stepped forward to remind Bu Ran a few words in a preachy way. Bu Ran humbly agreed, and turned around to find Yao Mi.She had a headache, so I thought of buying her a bottle of cervical spray.Qin Xun was very concerned about B Ran's affairs and helped her with ideas from time to time. In return, B Ran helped design a very good decoration style for his home. Qin Xun tentatively asked about the lack of a hostess in this home, and B RanIt's easy to answer this immediately.Turning around, Bu Ran invited Qin Xun to the blind date corner. The aunts took a fancy to the handsome Qin Xun and took the initiative to ask. Qin Xun was so scared that Qin Xun turned around and ran away.

Yao Mi was not interested in B Ran's overtures. She suspected that B Ran had ulterior motives, so she went to Lu Cenyang to remind her. Lu Cenyang disapproved, but because of Yao Mi's face, he said he would talk to B Ran.After get off work, Lu Cenyang reminded Buru to stay away from Yao Mi with a warning. Bura felt something was wrong, but didn't say anything more. When she went to the bathroom, she accidentally met Yao Mi who had a headache. She was kind-hearted and kept Yao Mi away. The secretary was sent to the hospital, and Lu Cenyang rushed over after learning about the situation. He let Bu Ran go home to rest, and then walked into the emergency room. Bu Ran immediately thought that Lu Cenyang and Yao Mi might be an underground lover.

When Bu Ran was about to leave, she saw the person who wanted to secretly photograph Lu Cenyang last time. She didn't want Lu Cenyang to be tricked again, so she stayed to cover him until Lu Cenyang left safely.

Yi Minde and Bu Huiyun lived happily in their residence in the countryside. Yi Minde also bought tea for her daughter. Bu Ran was very excited after receiving her salary. After all, her salary after becoming a full-time employee was much more, and she could also help her parents.Improve your life.Bu Ran came to the house where her parents lived with gifts. Yi Minde and Bu Huiyun saw that their daughter never left Lu Cenyang, and they couldn't help but worry that she had feelings for Lu Cenyang, and her identity as the Yi family would be the secondThere was an insurmountable gap, but Bu Ran told them calmly that Lu Cenyang already had a girlfriend, and the old couple felt relieved.

《Loving Step by Step》E11Plot

Episode 11

Loving Step by Step Episode 11 Plot Introduction: Lu Senyang takes care of the drunk Bu Ran

Bu Ran heard her parents talking about her and Lu Cenyang. She kept thinking about it all the way back. She didn't know when, but what happened between Lu Cenyang and her would always appear in her mind.Bu Ran tried to get rid of it but couldn't get rid of it, but how could Lu Senyang like him? Besides, he now had an underground love affair with Yao Mi. With this idea, B Ran returned to the company, but she didn't expect to meet Lu Senyang.When they met head-on, Bu Ran pretended to tie her shoelaces, and then quickly ran into the conference room. She couldn't afford to offend but could hide from the head office.

Lu Senyang saw that B Ran seemed to be hiding from him, so he sent her a message. As a result, B Ran was caught by Kerry in the meeting. The somewhat annoyed B Ran could not do anything to Lu Senyang.Yao Mi felt B Ran's kindness. In order to thank her for sending her cervical spray and taking her to the hospital, Yao Mi offered to treat B Ran to a drink in the evening. B Ran thought of Lu Cenyang's warning, so she politely declined. Yao Mi saw thatThe reason was not revealed, and Bu Ran readily agreed when she saw that Yao Mi was sincerely dating her.

In the evening, the two came to the bar to drink and chat. Yao Mi thought that Bu Ran knew about her relationship with Lu Cenyang. Bu Ran bluntly said that she would keep Yao Mi and Lu Cenyang's underground relationship a secret. Yao Mi thenAfter realizing it, she began to deny it vigorously, but Bu Ran didn't quite believe it.At this time, Yi Min, who happened to be drunk, came over. He did not reveal Bu Ran's identity, but some cynicism was inevitable. He also set his sights on Yao Mi and made frivolous remarks to buy her a drink.Bu Ran stepped forward to stop him and spilled wine on Yi Mincai. Yi Mincai became angry, so Yao Mi had no choice but to reveal his identity and call Pinshang's legal affairs to make Yi Hua's topic hotter.Yi Mincai had no choice but to give up.

Yao Mi's good mood was disturbed, and Bulan proposed to renew the stall at her home. The two took advantage of the excitement and came to Bulan's house to drink beer. Bulan's alcohol capacity was limited, and she fell asleep after drinking a few drinks. Yao Mi was helpless.He had no choice but to call Lu Cenyang over. Lu Cenyang was willing to serve Bulan. Bulan was lying on the ground talking while drinking, saying that she wanted to attend the opening ceremony of the orphanage. Lu Cenyang felt a little distressed after seeing it.I decided to take her with me to the groundbreaking ceremony the next day.

Early the next morning, Bu Ran brought the overcooked porridge to Lu Senyang, and immediately became energetic after hearing that he said he would take her to the opening ceremony of the welfare home.Director Hua also came to attend the groundbreaking ceremony. She pretended not to know Bu Ran, so she warned her with a double entendre. Lu Cenyang came to the rescue after seeing it. The dean asked Lu Cenyang to say a few words as the contractor. Lu CenyangYang gave this opportunity to Bu Ran, who sincerely expressed his feelings and received unanimous recognition and applause from everyone.

Afterwards, Bu Ran basically stayed on the construction site until all the renovation projects were completed. She and Lu Senyang took the children to the new classroom. Seeing the spacious and bright classroom, the children were very happy and urgedThe two played games with them and said that they were the prince and princess, which made Bu Ran feel a little embarrassed.Back at the company, Bu Ran shared the photos of herself and her children with her colleagues. Everyone was very interested in Lu Senyang's appearance in the photos, so Bu Ran hurriedly found a topic to talk about.

After get off work, Lu Cenyang wanted to invite Bulan to have dinner with him, but found that she left in a hurry. He followed Bulan to the old man's house. Seeing how close she and Qin Xun were, Lu Cenyang was filled with jealousy, and he immediately took out his mobile phone. He sent a message to Bura and asked her to go to the company to get the documents for him and send them home. Although Bura was angry after seeing it, she could only obey.

When Bulan was delivering documents, she was attracted by the fragrance of tea in Lu Cenyang's house. Lu Cenyang wanted to give her his precious tea table, but Buran thought he had bad intentions. Lu Cenyang had no choice but to give her the task, and said that if he completed itIf she was satisfied, she could be approved to work in the design department. Bu Ran immediately changed her attitude.

《Loving Step by Step》E12Plot

Episode 12

Loving Step by Step Episode 12 Plot Introduction: Lu Senyang has a crush on Bu Ran

Bu Ran and Lu Cenyang started chatting while drinking tea. Bu Ran mentioned that Qin Xun's cooking skills were very good and could catch his girlfriend's stomach. Lu Cenyang felt unhappy. Then, Bu Ran mentioned her plan seriously.After quitting the rent and moving to Qin Xun's house, Lu Cenyang's expression immediately changed. He asked Bu Ran why she had the idea of ​​moving. Was it because the rent was too expensive or because he was putting too much pressure on her at work? These things were allNegotiable.

Bu Ran didn't expect Lu Cenyang's reaction to be so big. Just when she didn't know how to answer, Kerry called and invited Lu Cenyang to attend her birthday party tomorrow. Lu Cenyang refused directly. He looked at B Ran.After a glance, he relaxed and said that if her birthday party was held together with the completion celebration of the orphanage, he would make an exception and attend. Kerry would naturally not miss this good opportunity to get closer to Lu Cenyang.

Kerry dressed brightly and wanted to attract Lu Cenyang's attention. She also frequently toasted to Lu Cenyang and used her social skills, but Lu Cenyang was unmoved. Kerry had to turn her target to Bu Ran., Lu Senyang blocked the drink for B Ran, but Kerry tried his best. B Ran didn't want Lu Cenyang to lose face in front of the employees, so she took the initiative to challenge, but she was no match for Kerry, and she couldn't bear to drink a few bottles of wine.Then he fell unconscious and fell on the sofa.

Seeing that his plan was successful, Kerry asked someone to send Bulan home. Unexpectedly, Lu Senyang took the initiative to see Bulan off. Kerry's plan to get close to Lu Senyang came to nothing.Qin Xun came to pick up Bu Ran, and happened to see Lu Cenyang about to send the drunken Bu Ran away. Yao Mi suddenly had a headache after sending them away. Qin Xun followed her to the hospital. Through her conversation with Dr. Ma, Qin Xun knew that sheIt was his half-sister Lu Siqi.

Lu Cenyang was worried that Bura would be dishonest when she was drunk and sleeping alone. He was afraid that she would roll on the ground and catch cold, so he took her to his home. Bura was shocked when she woke up the next day, and was a little embarrassed after seeing Lu Cenyang., she could only find excuses to distract her. Lu Cenyang prohibited her from moving out with a commanding tone. He also said that he would help her if there were any difficulties in the future. There were clearly different emotions in his eyes. Bu Ran was a little panicked after seeing this., Fortunately, Kerry called and wanted to cause trouble for Bu Ran because she was late. Lu Cenyang lied and said that he had asked Bu Ran to discuss the design drawings to excuse her.

Lu Cenyang took Bu Ran to the company. Bu Ran's unintentional words made Lu Cenyang almost crash the car. Bu Ran's mobile phone fell under the driver's seat. When the two picked up the mobile phones, they inevitably had physical contact. The atmosphere was both ambiguous and embarrassing.Ran left in a panic after getting the phone.

Lu Senyang saw that B Ran had a stomachache, so he asked her to go back to rest on vacation. B Ran didn't want her colleagues to misunderstand and insisted on working even though she was sick. Kerry was a little jealous after seeing it.Lu Senyang arranged for Kerry to do a short video planning project. He wanted to spread Pinshang's reputation through short videos. Kerry thought he had been reused and accepted the task happily. Lu Senyang also said that his sister came from Tibet.When he came back, he brought back some gifts. He gave a star and moon bracelet to Kerry as a replacement birthday gift for her.

When Yi Zihe came back from Tibet, he only found some copycat versions of Lu Siqi, but his people were tortured terribly. Director Hua was very angry and called Kerry to question him. Kerry said that it was true that Lu Siqi was in Tibet.Lu Cenyang had just given her an expensive bracelet, but after putting down the phone, she checked the price of the bracelet, and it was only a few dozen yuan.

Kerry put the responsibility for not getting Lu Cenyang solved on Bu Ran. She asked Bu Ran to work overtime on the short video planning project, preparing to dig a big hole for her.Bu Ran reluctantly worked overtime, and Qin Xun secretly came to deliver medicine. However, Lu Cenyang found out, and the two almost quarreled.

《Loving Step by Step》E13Plot

Episode 13

Loving Step by Step Episode 13 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran represents Pinshang in the design competition

Lu Senyang knew that B Ran was being bullied by Kai Rui but did not dare to say anything. He asked B Ran why she didn't listen to him and go back to rest. He also mentioned that she felt uncomfortable when she got up in the morning. Qin Xun exploded after hearing this. Could it be thatThe two of them slept together last night. Bu Ran stood up to explain, but it seemed to be getting darker and darker.In order to ease the embarrassment, Bura asked Qin Xun to take her home. However, Lu Cenyang stood up and wanted to see Bran off and asked Qin Xun to leave quickly, otherwise he would call the police on the grounds that he broke into the company privately. Buru quickly pulled him away.Cen Yang went downstairs.

Bu Ran blamed Lu Cenyang for reacting too much. Even if it was wrong for Qin Xun to break into the company, he still wanted to deliver medicine to himself. She blamed Lu Cenyang for not using what happened last night to stimulate him, but Lu Cenyang disagreed. Anyway,Qin Xun was not her boyfriend. Bu Ran said that it was not just boyfriends and girlfriends who cared about each other. He suspected that Lu Cenyang's motive was also out of concern for him. Lu Cenyang immediately asked what his motives were towards her, and then said that he had no intention of caring about her.She stopped Kerry and apologized to B Ran for drinking her, saying that he took care of her last night to express his apology. B Ran knew that Lu Cen Yang had never had the habit of apologizing to his subordinates, but he apologized to himself in person, which made her panic for a moment.I had no choice but to run away quickly, citing a stomachache.

When Bu Ran was walking on the street, she happened to meet Yi Zihe who was entangled with his new and old love. Bu Ran stood up for the assistant teacher in the welfare home and cursed Yi Zihe as the representative of a scumbag, but the girlfriend Yi Zihe got this time was not the same.Not simple, she is the space designer Chen Manni who can make Taylor give a thumbs up.Director Hua knew that Lu Senyang wanted to use short videos to expand his influence. Yi Zihe stepped forward and proposed to use the "Extraordinary Place" column to suppress Pinshang. Chen Manni was the sharp weapon in his hand. This time Director Hua praised Yi Zihe, which made him very proud.

Kai Rui mocked Bu Ran for getting Lu Cenyang by being drunk, but Bu Ran retorted. Lu Cenyang asked Bu Ran to attend a meeting with the staff of the - Extraordinary Place - column, and appointed her to participate as a stylish designer.activities.Bu Ran feels that there is a big gap between herself and Chen Manni. Chen Manni has both good looks and abilities, and is also very popular. If she participates, she can only be a backer. She is not afraid of only her design ability, but this event is about comprehensivestrength.

Lu Cenyang encouraged her to be brave enough to be herself, but Bu Ran still lacked confidence. Bu Ran came to her father for discussion and saw her father painting. Although he had not painted for many years, he could paint well for the people he loved., if you give sincerely, you will be rewarded.Yi Minde also provided important information to her daughter. Chen Manni had taken the initiative to pursue Lu Cenyang, but was rejected by Lu Cenyang. The reason why she hooked up with Yi Zihe was to take this opportunity to humiliate Lu Cenyang.

After some enlightenment from her father, Bu Ran's extinguished confidence began to gradually recover. After get off work, Bu Ran saw Chen Manni provoking Lu Senyang and vilifying B Ran. Bu Ran tit for tat, which made Chen Manni leave angrily.

Bu Ran was worried that there would be no good projects to participate in the competition. Lu Cenyang recommended the renovation design of the old house. The "Extraordinary Place" column officially started. Bu Ran went to Aunt Wang's house to measure the size of the old house. She dressed casually and participated in the show with Chen Manni.Compared with having a lot of makeup artists and assistants, it was indeed a bit shabby, so he was ridiculed by Kerry and others, saying that it would damage the image of Pinshang. After hearing this, Lu Senyang specially carried an ordinary bag to support Bu Ran.Yao Mi sent a valuable bag to Bulan, but Bulan did not accept it. She thought it was good for her.

Relatives and friends around her mobilized their popularity to vote for Bu Ran, which moved her very much. But even so, she was dumped by Chen Manni for several blocks. Qin Xun sent nutrition supplements, and Lu Cenyang said Bu Ran was willing.A large table was filled with food to reward her hard work. Bu Ran's confidence became stronger and stronger. If she only talked about design, she felt that she would not lose to Chen Manni.

《Loving Step by Step》E14Plot

Episode 14

Loving Step by Step Episode 14 Plot introduction: Bu Ran won the competition and entered the design department

Bu Ran has accumulated a lot of popularity through her own efforts, but Chen Manni has more fans. She feels that she is already the winner, and begins to dream about marrying into a wealthy family. Yi Zihe promises that if she can win this time, she willHe took her to meet her grandma and officially started her career as a sideline young lady. However, Lu Senyang would not let Yi Hua win easily. He collected information about Chen Manni hiring gunmen to draw design drawings in this competition and exposed it on the Internet, causingChen Manni lost a lot of fans, and she was surpassed by Bu Ran at the last moment of the game.

Yao Mi went to have breakfast with Bu Ran to celebrate her victory in the game. The aggressive Chen Manni came to settle accounts with Bu Ran. She blamed Bu Ran for her failure. Yi Zihe also ruthlessly abandoned her.After leaving her, Bu Ran responded tit-for-tat, pitying her for being a well-known designer who still wanted to marry into a wealthy family. Chen Manni countered that Bu Ran was just pretending to be aloof, and she was also clinging to Lu Cenyang's thigh. Bu RanOnly then did I realize that Lu Senyang had done a lot of work off the court, otherwise, she would not have been able to win with her ability alone.

However, Bu Ran's design ability has been widely recognized. Aunt Wang smiled from ear to ear. The renovated house was even better than she imagined. She was very grateful to Bu Ran for letting Lu Cenyang take her over to play when she was free.Helping Buru introduce a partner, Lu Cenyang was so frightened that he quickly refused because Buru had high vision.

Bu Ran and Lu Cenyang met near the old house. Lu Cenyang asked her to accompany him for a walk. He confided in B Ran and told her his wishes and Pinshang's future ideas.The design competition is over, and Bu Ran wants to move on to the next project as soon as possible. Lu Cenyang said that Pinshang wants to compete for the ancient alley renovation project, and Bu Ran is the vanguard of Pinshang.Lu Cenyang put the hair flower he bought on the roadside on Bulan, and Bulan turned away shyly. However, Lu Cenyang's skill was too poor, and it hurt Bulan's hair, which made the originally romantic sceneryAdded failure.

Yao Mi came to her old friend. Tomorrow is Bulan's birthday. She wanted to hold a birthday party for Bulan. Qin Xun told her that Bulan had never held a birthday celebration and she didn't like others to celebrate her birthday. Yao MiMi had to change his mind.After Yao Mi left, Lao He asked Qin Xun if he had put all his hatred for his father on Lu Siqi, because he had known Qin Xun’s identity for a long time. Qin Xun said that everything was over, and Lu SiqiQi still has amnesia. He feels that none of this is important. The most important thing right now is to catch Bu Ran.

Qin Xun invited Bu Ran to dinner, thanked her for helping him design and decorate his house, and said that he would cook a large table of dishes for Bu Ran at the renovated new home that night. Bu Ran always mentioned Lu Cenyang in and out of her words, so Qin XunFeeling stressed.Bu Ran finally realized her wish to go to the design department. Her colleagues liked her very much, and she felt like a fish in water. The day passed quickly. When Bu Ran got up, she found that all her colleagues had left and she was about to leave.At that time, colleagues came in with cakes to celebrate her birthday. This concession was very touching.

B Ran brought the cake to Master Li, and Master Li reminded B Ran to give a piece to Lu Cenyang. He knew that Lu Cenyang liked B Ran, so it was considered an assist for him.Lu Cenyang invited Bulan to have dinner, but Buran refused because she had something to do. Lu Cenyang knew that she had an appointment with Qin Xun, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Master Li woke up the dreamer with a word, as long as it was not until twelve o'clockCounting today, Lu Chenyang immediately understood and went to prepare.

Qin Xun cooked a large table of dishes to please B Ran. He also tentatively asked about letting B Ran be his girlfriend, but B Ran refused to answer. In desperation, Qin Xun had to give in and play with her sincerely.He wanted to take the opportunity to express his feelings for Bu Ran through the game of Adventure.

《Loving Step by Step》E15Plot

Episode 15

Loving Step by Step Episode 15 Plot Introduction: Qin Xun confessed to B Ran but was rejected

Qin Xun used the game to confess his love to B Ran, and took out the necklace he had prepared in advance, hoping that B Ran could be his girlfriend. B Ran did not expect that Qin Xun would suddenly confess his love. She did not react for a while and did not know how to reply., just then Lu Cenyang called and said that he had helped Bu Ran find her bodyguard boyfriend. If she wanted to meet, she could come to the villa. Bu Ran was worried that she had no chance to leave, so she said sorry to Qin Xun.Then walk away quickly.

When Bu Ran reached the top of the mountain and was about to open the door, she suddenly thought of Lu Cenyang. She became hesitant about how to choose between her male god and Lu Cenyang. Bu Ran had never been so sad before, so she immediately gave Yao MiAfter making a phone call for consultation, Yao Mi immediately guessed that the bodyguard man Buru mentioned was Lu Cenyang. She gave some suggestions to Buru selfishly. Buru finally turned around and left. The Lu Cenyang in the villa was actually the one from back then.That bodyguard, he wanted to use this opportunity to explain to Bura, but he didn't expect Bura to leave at the last moment.

Both of them caught a cold because of the cold wind. The next day, Bu Ran came to Pinshang, and Master Li brought her a potted plant and cold medicine. In fact, he gave it to Lu Chenyang.Kerry came over to make sarcastic remarks, but Bu Ran retorted with a few words. She quickly reported to Director Hua. Seeing that Bu Ran had gained Lu Cenyang's attention, Director Hua rekindled the idea of ​​using her and could find a way out through her.Siqi, Yi Mincai's wife was a little panicked after hearing Director Hua's order, and hurriedly came back to find Yi Mincai and his son to find a solution. They could not give in to Bu Ran's opportunity with Director Hua, thus affecting Yi Zihe's succession to Yi Hua.

At present, it is very important to establish the relationship between Lu Senyang and Bu Ran, and revealing Bu Ran's identity as a member of the Yi family is the key. They thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, not letting Director Hua know that they were behind the scenes, but alsoAfter Bu Ran's identity is exposed, Chen Manni, who was abandoned some time ago, is the best bullet.

After Bu Ran returned home, she saw the words "she is a girl from the Yi family" spray-painted on the wall. She was worried that Lu Cenyang would misunderstand her after seeing it, so she wanted to wipe it off as soon as possible, but it took a long time to wipe it off. At this time, YiMin De called and said that Bu Ran's fans blocked the door of their house and refused to leave, disrupting their normal life. Bu Huiyun was unable to travel even if she wanted to go to the hospital. In desperation, B Ran immediately rushed to the place where her parents lived.

After B Ran arrived, she discovered that these people were not her real fans, but people hired by Chen Manni to disrupt the situation. Qin Xun then came to the rescue. B Ran angrily scolded Chen Manni, but Chen Manni confused right and wrong, saying that Yihua and Pinshang had teamed up to do something.The game allowed him to lose the game. Bu Ran's true identity was the granddaughter of Director Hua. Yi Minde came forward to claim that Bu Ran had nothing to do with the Yi family, but such rhetoric was a bit pale. Bu Huiyun fainted to the ground, and these people gave up and left.Go, Yi Zihe was very excited after seeing it from the side. He gave Chen Manni a large breakup fee as a reward for this action.

Bu Ran and Qin Xun sent Bu Huiyun to the hospital. She felt very sorry for her mother because she was implicated. Fortunately, Bu Huiyun was not seriously injured. Yi Minde judged that this matter was not simple and there must be someone behind it.In Push Hands, Bu Ran remembered that someone had spray-painted writing on her doorstep. Bu Huiyun immediately asked her to go back and deal with it. It was best not to let Lu Cenyang see it. However, before Bu Ran and Qin Xun arrived home, Lu Cenyang had already seen it.Got to the writing on the wall.

《Loving Step by Step》E16Plot

Episode 16

Loving Step by Step Episode 16 Plot Introduction: Yao Mi wants to drive away Bu Ran

When Lu Senyang returned home, he found writings on the wall outside his home. Then he received a call from Secretary Yao and learned that Chen Manni was causing trouble in Yi Minde's house and was defeated because of the joint plan of Yi Hua and Pin Shang.Lu Cenyang took care of the family affairs, and because he was worried about Bu Ran, he immediately contacted the company's public relations to handle it.

In order to settle the matter as soon as possible, Lu Cenyang used almost all his connections and invited Master Li out, asking him to use his old connections to help deal with it. The two of them were very busy and finally achieved results.When Bulan and Qin Xun hurried back, they unexpectedly found that the paint on the wall was gone. Bulan guessed that Lu Cenyang might know about this and wanted to take the initiative to say sorry to him, but he didn't call Lu Cenyang away for a long time.Qin Xun comforted her and said that maybe Lu Cenyang didn't know about this at all, but Bu Ran also felt that she should confess her identity to Lu Cenyang. Qin Xun wanted to stay with Bu Ran, but she persuaded her to leave.

After returning home, Bu Ran thought about it and decided to call Lu Cenyang to explain the matter. However, Lu Cenyang was busy and no one answered Bu Ran's call, which made Bu Ran feel anxious., she spent the whole night in such an uneasy mood.

Early the next morning, after Lu Chenyang had finished everything, he found out that Bu Ran had called more than a dozen times. He hurriedly called back, but did not tell her everything completely, and pretended not to know. Bu Ran looked confused.She put down the phone and turned to check online. She found that the videos from last night suddenly disappeared, which made her even more confused.

When B Ran was getting ready to go to work, she found Qin Xun asleep in the car. Seeing that he hadn't left last night, B Ran felt a little guilty. She knew Qin Xun's feelings for her, but this was not the love she needed..Bu Ran asked Qin Xun if he had found someone to settle those videos. Qin Xun said that he was not that capable yet. Bu Ran thought that it might be Lu Senyang, but she was not sure. With such a mood,B Ran came to the company, but was stopped by Chen Manni at the door. Chen Manni had an attitude of insisting on fighting B Ran until death, and exposed B Ran's identity as a member of the Yi family. Colleagues talked a lot about B Ran being a member of the Yi Hua sect.The undercover agent was very suspicious.

Bu Ran couldn't explain clearly for a while. She looked at Yao Mi for help, but Yao Mi uncharacteristically ignored her because she was the one who found Chen Manni. The purpose was very simple, which was to drive Bu Ran out of Pinshang, becauseShe found out that Lu Senyang fell in love with Bu Ran, which was a result she didn't want to see.After Qin Xun saw this scene, he immediately pulled Bu Ran away. Lu Cenyang rushed over after learning the situation and stopped Bu Ran in the underground parking lot. Qin Xun accused Pin Shang of not distinguishing between black and white, and LiThe master directly told Lu Cenyang that he stayed up all night to get the video for Bura. Although Buru was a little moved, leaving now was the wisest move. Lu Cenyang said that he liked Bura and wanted to keep him in this way.B Ran, but B Ran still left firmly.

Lu Cenyang knew that B Ran would definitely move away according to her temper. He asked Master Li to find a way to hold B Ran back while he tried to find a way to keep her by his side.As expected by Lu Cenyang, Bu Ran reluctantly packed up her things and prepared to leave, but was stopped by the security guard. The security guard claimed that he was ordered by Yi Mincai not only to keep an eye on them, but also to splash paint on them. He was sincere.He apologized to B Ran and begged B Ran to call Lu Cenyang to confirm, otherwise Lu Cenyang would not let him go.

B Ran didn't want to argue with a security guard, so she called Lu Cenyang. Lu Cenyang asked her to wait for her. He would give B Ran a special gift. If she still wanted to leave then, he would never do it.block.Lu Chenyang came to the Yi family and told Director Hua that Yi Mincai's family attacked Bu Ran and exposed her as a member of the Yi family. Director Hua said that he only had one grandson, Yi Minde had left the Yi family long ago, and Bu Ran alsoIt has nothing to do with her.

Lu Senyang sent the recording of the conversation with Director Hua to his colleagues in the company, clarifying the rumors about the identity of Bu Ranyi's family. Then he found Bu Ran and admitted that he was the bodyguard who helped her back then, and then prepared to give her a life.A very meaningful birthday.

《Loving Step by Step》E17Plot

Episode 17

Loving Step by Step Episode 17 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran accepts Lu Cenyang’s confession

Lu Senyang wanted to celebrate B Ran's birthday in a meaningful way, so he made preparations in advance. The screen played the blessings of the children in the orphanage to B Ran, and invited them both to go together as prince and princess.As a guest at the welfare home, Lu Senyang brought out the cake he made by himself, took out his guitar and played and sang by himself. Ran was deeply moved by the warm atmosphere.

Lu Cenyang lit candles to celebrate Bu Ran's birthday, and then took out a necklace in the shape of a jade chan flower. He confessed his true feelings to B Ran. The flower language of the yu chan flower was his belief that the jade chan flowers in the ancient alley could wither, but in his heartThe Jade Chan flower never fades. He asked Bulan if she could be his girlfriend. Bulan was already happy in her heart, but she still had to pretend to be reserved on the surface. Lu Cenyang helped Bulan put on the necklace and kissed him.Bu Ran seemed to have discovered something. She immediately pushed Lu Cenyang away and blamed him for saying that she had never been in love before.He defended himself, smiled and kissed her, and the two of them sealed their love with a kiss.

In the evening, Lu Cenyang and Bulan returned home respectively, never forgetting the sweet kiss. Qin Xun called to greet him. Hearing that Bulan agreed to Lu Cenyang's confession, he was so angry that he directly put down the phone, and Bulan alsoDidn't pay much attention to it.Early the next morning, Lu Cenyang packed up and hid at the door. When he saw Bulan coming out, he quickly went out. The two remembered the intimate scene last night, and the ambiguous feelings struck. Bulan had to change the topic and leave quickly.

Along the way, Bu Ran wanted to hold Lu Cen Yang's hand, but he pretended to avoid it. When they got downstairs of the company, Lu Cen Yang grabbed B Ran's hand and wanted to kiss her. Bu Ran was afraid that the company employees would see it, so she hurriedlyDeclaring that the relationship between the two was temporarily sealed, she did not want her colleagues to point fingers at her, so Lu Senyang could only follow her wishes.Bu Ran came to the door of the company and found that Yao Mi and Kai Rui were waiting there with everyone. Yao Mi said that Lu Cenyang had explained clearly to everyone that everyone had misunderstood Bu Ran and hoped that she could forgive everyone. Bu Ran said that sheIt is understandable that Yao Mi and Kerry are somewhat duplicitous about Bu Ran's return.

Lu Senyang tasted the sweetness of love and always tried to find ways to get in touch with Bu Ran more. However, since the company was full of employees, he could only try to find opportunities, making the two of them like an underground party.Lu Cenyang asked Yao Mi to hand over the ancient alley renovation project to Bu Ran. Yao Mi was jealous, but had to obey his arrangement.

Director Hua was very angry at what Yi Mincai had done. He felt that he was just an adou who couldn't help him. If he was allowed to continue, Yi Hua would probably be destroyed in his hands, so he deprived Yi Mincai of his authority and put him in charge.His separation from Yihua can be regarded as a strategy to lose the coach and keep the coach.

After getting off work, Lu Cenyang was reluctant to leave Bu Ran and insisted on letting her take him downstairs. Then he kissed Bu Ran wildly in the elevator. How did the employees know that the boss would stage a kissing scene in the elevator? After several interruptions, Lu Cenyang gave way.He became so angry that he directly asked the employees to take the stairs to exercise in the future.

At the ancient alley renovation meeting, Bu Ran elaborated on her design concept, which was recognized and praised by her colleagues. However, Lu Cenyang pretended to be angry and asked Bu Ran to come to his office. There were several shortcomings, which made herShe corrected it, and her colleagues all looked at each other.After Bu Ran came to the office, Lu Cenyang pulled down the curtains. Everyone thought the two would have a big quarrel, but little did they know that there was a big kissing scene in which you and I were chasing each other. The two kissed so darkly,No one was willing to give in. When the employees heard the sound of things falling from the office, they hurriedly asked Secretary Yao to come in and persuade them. The boss and the employees were fighting, and the news spread out whether it was good or bad.

Yao Mi hurriedly entered Lu Chenyang's office, but she saw the two of them with red and swollen lips and unfinished expressions. She was so angry that she could not speak at that time.

《Loving Step by Step》E18Plot

Episode 18

Loving Step by Step Episode 18 Synopsis: Bu Ran and Lu Cen Yang are together

On Bu Ran's birthday, Lu Cenyang prepared a blessing video for the children of the historical welfare home and prepared a birthday surprise for her, which moved Bu Ran very much.As a son and a princess, Lu Senyang went to the welfare home as a guest. Afterwards, Lu Senyang brought out the cake he made by himself, took out his guitar and played and sang by himself. Ran was deeply moved by the warm atmosphere.

Lu Cenyang lit candles to celebrate Bu Ran's birthday, and then took out a necklace in the shape of a jade chan flower. He confessed his true feelings to B Ran. The flower language of the yu chan flower was his belief that the jade chan flowers in the ancient alley could wither, but in his heartThe Jade Chan flower never fades. He asked Bulan if she could be his girlfriend. Bulan was already happy in her heart, but she still had to pretend to be reserved on the surface. Lu Cenyang helped Bulan put on the necklace and kissed him.Bu Ran seemed to have discovered something. She immediately pushed Lu Cenyang away and blamed him for saying that she had never been in love before.He defended himself, smiled and kissed her, and the two of them sealed their love with a kiss.

In the evening, Lu Cenyang and Bulan returned home respectively, never forgetting the sweet kiss. Qin Xun called to greet him. Hearing that Bulan agreed to Lu Cenyang's confession, he was so angry that he directly put down the phone, and Bulan alsoDidn't pay much attention to it.Early the next morning, Lu Cenyang packed up and hid at the door. When he saw Bulan coming out, he quickly went out. The two remembered the intimate scene last night, and the ambiguous feelings struck. Bulan had to change the topic and leave quickly.

Along the way, Bu Ran wanted to hold Lu Cen Yang's hand, but he pretended to avoid it. When they got downstairs of the company, Lu Cen Yang grabbed B Ran's hand and wanted to kiss her. Bu Ran was afraid that the company employees would see it, so she hurriedlyDeclaring that the relationship between the two was temporarily sealed, she did not want her colleagues to point fingers at her, so Lu Senyang could only follow her wishes.Bu Ran came to the door of the company and found that Yao Mi and Kai Rui were waiting there with everyone. Yao Mi said that Lu Cenyang had explained clearly to everyone that everyone had misunderstood Bu Ran and hoped that she could forgive everyone. Bu Ran said that sheIt is understandable that Yao Mi and Kerry are somewhat duplicitous about Bu Ran's return.

Lu Senyang tasted the sweetness of love and always tried to find ways to get in touch with Bu Ran more. However, since the company was full of employees, he could only try to find opportunities, making the two of them like an underground party.Lu Cenyang asked Yao Mi to hand over the ancient alley renovation project to Bu Ran. Yao Mi was jealous, but had to obey his arrangement.

Director Hua was very angry at what Yi Mincai had done. He felt that he was just an adou who couldn't help him. If he was allowed to continue, Yi Hua would probably be destroyed in his hands, so he deprived Yi Mincai of his authority and put him in charge.His separation from Yihua can be regarded as a strategy to lose the coach and keep the coach.

After getting off work, Lu Cenyang was reluctant to leave Bu Ran and insisted on letting her take him downstairs. Then he kissed Bu Ran wildly in the elevator. How did the employees know that the boss would stage a kissing scene in the elevator? After several interruptions, Lu Cenyang gave way.He became so angry that he directly asked the employees to take the stairs to exercise in the future.

At the ancient alley renovation meeting, Bu Ran elaborated on her design concept, which was recognized and praised by her colleagues. However, Lu Cenyang pretended to be angry and asked Bu Ran to come to his office. There were several shortcomings, which made herShe corrected it, and her colleagues all looked at each other.After Bu Ran came to the office, Lu Cenyang pulled down the curtains. Everyone thought the two would have a big quarrel, but little did they know that there was a big kissing scene in which you and I were chasing each other. The two kissed so darkly,No one was willing to give in. When the employees heard the sound of things falling from the office, they hurriedly asked Secretary Yao to come in and persuade them. The boss and the employees were fighting, and the news spread out whether it was good or bad.

Yao Mi hurriedly entered Lu Chenyang's office, but she saw the two of them with red and swollen lips and unfinished expressions. She was so angry that she could not speak at that time.

《Loving Step by Step》E19Plot

Episode 19

Loving Step by Step Episode 19 Plot Introduction: Lu Senyang cleverly responded to break the deadlock

Yi Mincai and Meng Kexin thought that their plan had succeeded, so they came to Lu Cenyang and Yao Mi with wine glasses and talked about Lu Cenyang's personal feelings, insisting that he tell who his girlfriend was.No, the bosses in the industry nearby also echoed, wanting to know who this diamond king is in love with.Mr. Liu was also drawn into the camp by Yi Mincai. He took the initiative to send a video to Bu Ran. In the camera, it was Yao Mi holding Lu Cenyang's arm, while Yi Mincai forced the palace to tell him who his girlfriend was. It was obviousBu Ran was also very nervous. She had no idea that this was a play directed and acted by Yi Mincai and his wife, and she was their target.

Lu Cenyang was a little at a loss. He looked at Yi Mincai, thinking of what he was threatening him to do to stir up Lu Mingyuan's old news. Yi Mincai showed a very proud smile, while Yao beside himThe secretary looked at Lu Cenyang expectantly. She hoped that she could appear as Lu Cenyang's girlfriend on this occasion. Even if it was just temporary, she could fulfill her wish. At the critical moment, Kerry stood up and sheHe took Lu Chenyang's hand and asked him to tell everyone about the relationship between the two. The people around him looked confused, including Yi Mincai and his wife.

Kerry tried to smooth things over, saying that the relationship between the two was just a relatively close superior-subordinate relationship. Lu Senyang said that he admired Kerry's abilities very much, which was why Pinshang reused her, and then took the opportunity to announce hisThe real girlfriend was Bu Ran, an outstanding designer of Pinshang, which aroused everyone's discussion. It turned out that Kai Rui was exposed by Lu Senyang before the banquet and drew her over. This made the whole situation not turn towards Yi Mincai and his wife.The direction of the director was developing, but Mr. Liu could only put away his phone angrily, and Bu Ran here also breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that his plan was broken by Kerry, Yao Mi simply used this opportunity to reveal that Bu Ran was Yi Minde's daughter, creating a situation where Yihua and Pinshang would marry and cooperate. Yi Mincai and his wife were so embarrassed that they could onlyPut on a fake smile to cope with the situation.After the meeting, Yi Mincai asked Lu Cenyang if he didn't care about his threat. Lu Cenyang responded calmly and said that he not only instigated Kerry, but also his old friend Lao Xu, and he also knew Qin Xun's true identity., At this point, the plan of Yi Mincai and his wife failed completely.

Later, Lu Cenyang made an appointment with Qin Xun. He said that he already knew Qin Xun's identity. He did not tell the Yi family that Yao Mi was Lu Siqi, which meant that he had not completely turned to the Yi family. Qin XunSaid that although he hated his father, he was an older brother after all and would not do anything detrimental to his sister. Lu Cenyang handed Qin Xun a diary, which recorded Lu Mingyuan's journey of missing his son. Qin XunAfter watching it, my heart stirred up, and my hatred for my father lessened.

Lu Senyang solved the crisis and spent time with B Ran. He wanted to tell her about his relationship with Yao Mi, but B Ran stopped him. She said that she completely believed in Lu Senyang and that everyone had their own privacy.There was no need for him to tell himself everything in the future. Faced with such a well-behaved and sensible girlfriend, Lu Senyang couldn't express it fully in words, so he kissed her directly.The next day, the two went to the sea of ​​flowers together. Lu Cenyang wanted to use this method to inspire his girlfriend's creative inspiration. After all, the renovation and design of the ancient alley was Pinshang's top priority.

Director Hua was very disappointed with Yi Mincai and his wife, and asked them to pay close attention to cultivating Yi Zihe. Of course she knew her grandson's ability. She asked the two to find a good marriage. Perhaps only through marriage can the Yi family prosper in the future. Yi ZiheAlthough Mincai and his wife were very reluctant, they could only obey.

Lu Cenyang and Bulan were chatting with each other at home. Yao Mi bought some things and sent them over. Buran had to hide in the bathroom, but Lu Cenyang's evasive attitude made Yao Mi suspicious. She had already guessed that Bulan was on the road.Cen Yang’s house.

《Loving Step by Step》E20Plot

Episode 20

Loving Step by Step Episode 20 Plot Introduction: The ancient alley renovation plan makes waves again

Lu Cen Yang only focused on being intimate with Bu Ran. He didn't take into account Yao Mi's feelings at all. He never thought that the sister who grew up with him would have different feelings for him. The depressed Yao Mi left Lu Cen Yang.In the Yang family, she came to the bar alone to relieve her worries, but unexpectedly saw Yi Zihe who was forced by her grandmother to go on a blind date.Yi Zihe's cynical attitude made the other party very disappointed. She threw down two stacks of money and walked away. Yi Zihe was already drunk. He wanted to stand up and chase the other party, asking her why she looked down on him because it was him before.You use money to hit others, but today you let others use money to hit you.

Yi Zihe stood up staggeringly, and just as Yao Mi was about to leave, he bumped into Yao Mi and the guest at the table next to him. Not only did he not apologize, he also threw money at the other person, making the guest at the table furious.Wanting to teach Yi Zihe a lesson, Yao Mi had no choice but to step forward and apologize, saying that his friend drank too much and asked for forgiveness. The guest saw that Yao Mi had a good attitude, so he didn't care too much.Yao Mi helped Yi Zihe out, and Yi Zihe complained to her about being forced to go on a blind date by his family. He also said that his family did not care about his feelings. Yao Mi thought of his life experience and comforted him by saying that after all, there were still people.Worrying about his affairs is not like her being alone.

When Yi Zihe saw someone who could understand him, he felt that Yao Mi was different from other girls. He was used to other girls coming and going with ease, so he felt differently. He wanted to use hisYi Zihe expressed his love in a way, so he came forward to hug Yao Mi and wanted to kiss her. Yao Mi struggled to get rid of him, but Yi Zihe was a man after all, and he was so entangled that she could not get rid of him for a while. Fortunately, Qin Xun passed by and saw him,He stepped forward and taught Yi Zihe a lesson. Yao Mi was very grateful to Qin Xun. She just didn't know that Qin Xun was her half-brother.

Lu Cenyang arrived after receiving Yao Mi's call for help. He thanked Qin Xun on Yao Mi's behalf, but Qin Xun didn't appreciate it. It was only natural to save his sister. The two sat down to chat. Qin Xun suspected that he wanted to use the road.Mingyuan's diary was originally for him, but Qin Xun expressed his true feelings. He didn't want anything from the property left by his father. He just wanted Lu Cenyang to give Bu Ran to him. But Lu Cenyang didn't consider it at all. He could give Pinyin to him.All Shang's shares were given to Qin Xun and Yao Mi, but Bu Ran's matter was exempted from discussion.

Drunk Yi Zihe was sent home by the policeman who patrolled the night. When he woke up the next day, he became a little stupid. He just sat there and giggled. Meng Kexin was so anxious that he urged Yi Mincai to plead with Director Hua and stop forcing his son.Go out on a blind date, otherwise I will divorce him.In desperation, Yi Mincai had no choice but to plead with her mother. Director Hua inevitably ridiculed him and even made fun of Yi Minde. This made Yi Mincai furious and came to settle accounts with Yi Minde, accusing him of always letting her live in the world.Under his shadow, he overturned tables and chairs and planned to make a scene. Bu Huiyun fainted and fell to the ground in anger. Yi Minde immediately sent her to the hospital.

After receiving the news, Bu Ran rushed over. Although Bu Huiyun was fine, Bu Ran had to go to Yi Min to ask for an explanation. Yi Minde stopped her. Then Director Hua called and Bu RanOnly then did she realize that the director behind this scene was her own grandmother. He deliberately provoked Yi Min and came to trouble Yi Minde's family. Director Hua threatened Bu Ran. If she didn't want her parents to be entangled all day long, she would just press the button.Do what you say, that is, get all of Pinshang's design plans for the renovation of the ancient alley.

Bu Ran was entangled, but in the end she did not choose to betray Pinshang, but Yi Mincai obtained Pinshang's final design plan by buying off Pinshang's employees, and got the opportunity to explain the plan first.When Director Hua presented Pinshang's plan with slight changes, Lu Cenyang and Bu Ran were shocked. Bu Ran was a little at a loss, and Lu Cenyang was also confused. When it was Pinshang's turn to announce the plan, Lu CenyangYang Yang walked onto the stage and wanted to exit, but unexpectedly Yao Mi and Chen Manni walked in.

Secretary Yao announced another plan designed by Chen Manni. It was more novel than the one designed by Bu Ran. The experts and judges were more inclined to this plan. Director Hua was very angry and accused Bu Ran of cheating.Bu Ran was also confused by provoking a conflict between her and Lu Cenyang. It seemed that Lu Cenyang had been prepared for it, and he might just be a pawn in the chess game.

《Loving Step by Step》E21Plot

Episode 21

Loving Step by Step Episode 21 Plot introduction: Bu Ran solved the misunderstanding about Lu Cenyang

Bu Ran was slapped on the spot by Director Hua, who accused her of ruining the opportunity to help her parents out of trouble. By the time Lu Cenyang chased her out, Bu Ran had disappeared.Bu Ran was extremely depressed. She first wanted to go to her old friend to talk to Qin Xun, but she stopped when she reached the door. Qin Xun was not her boyfriend and she couldn't let him bear everything. Thinking of this, Bu Ran turned aroundHis head moved away from the old man, and Qin Xun saw this scene.

Bu Ran had nowhere to go, so she finally came to the orphanage. Playing with the children made her temporarily forget her worries. Qin Xun guessed that she might come here, so he followed her to the orphanage.Qin Xun asked her what happened. Bu Ran refused to admit that she was worried, but Qin Xun still guessed that it must be related to Lu Cenyang. Bu Ran said that if he really wanted to help, he would help her find out who it was.She revealed Pinshang's plan to Yi Hua in exchange for her mother making him a meal of sweet and sour pork ribs.

When Bulan returned home, she found Lu Cenyang's car parked in front of her house. She tiptoed over to listen and learned that Lu Cenyang came specifically to see her, and that he and Yi Minde had resolved their conflicts long ago.De advocated the merger of Yihua and Pinshang to fight the industry crisis, but some people in Yihua with ulterior motives used this to make a fuss and forced Lu Mingyuan to fulfill harsh conditions. Yi Minde resigned in anger, hoping to make Yihua's people give up.As a result, Lu Mingyuan committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Lu Senyang expressed his absolute belief in B Ran and said that he would not let B Ran suffer any grievance in the future. However, he could not find B Ran now, so he asked Yi Minde and his wife for help. B Ran was outside the window.After hearing this, all the annoyance in his heart disappeared. At this time, Qin Xun called. Although he did not find out who leaked the plan, judging from his professional sensitivity, although Kerry resigned, she had helped YiWhen Hua was doing things, it was possible that someone who had been close to Kerry had replaced her, Bu Ran believed that.

Back in Pinshang, Bu Ran heard that Xiao Yang was spreading rumors about herself secretly, so she exposed Xiao Yang to his face, and Xiao Yang was the biggest suspect in leaking the plan. Yao Mi stood up and blasted everyone away, and she confronted Bu Ran.Ran's attitude also became unfriendly, and she directly stated her point of view. She just didn't want the Yi family to stay in Pinshang.It turned out that the person who leaked the plan was Xiao Yang, but Yao Mi acquiesced and reminded her, which allowed Xiao Yang to steal Xiao Ran's plan, and then Yao Mi and Chen Manni made another plan based on Bu Ran's design.set of plans.

Yi Mincai's repeated unfavorable actions made Director Hua lose patience with him. Meng Kexin also replaced him as the president of Yihua, leaving Yi Mincai as the office director.Xiao Yang called Yi Mincai to ask for remuneration. The transaction between the two was caught by Lu Senyang. He didn't want to make the matter a big deal, so he only asked for two things. First, Yi Mincai would no longer trouble Yi Minde's family., the second is to serve as a witness to explain the facts to B Ran.

Bulan solved her misunderstanding about Lu Cenyang, and the two got back together. Lu Cenyang took Bulan to the fish stall to relax. After this incident, their relationship took another step forward.Yi Mincai was willing to fail. He encouraged Yi Zihe to create trouble for Lu Cenyang, which would also help him catch Yao Mi. His idea was to find someone to destroy the renovation project of the ancient alley and create trouble for Pinshang.

Lu Senyang took Bulan to crisis public relations. He asked Aunt Wang to prepare a table of wine and food, and planned to have a good argument with these people who were looking for trouble. Bu Ran, who was not good at drinking, could only act as his driver.Bu Ran gave full play to her advantages as a designer and used her novel viewpoints to silence those who criticized her. At this time, Lu Cenyang received a call from Yao Mi. She opened her mouth and called her brother, Lu Cenyang.He was very excited, which meant that Lu Siqi had recovered his memory. He was in a hurry to rush to the hospital, but those people didn't want him to leave, so Bu Ran had to stand up and say that he would have a few drinks with them on behalf of Pinshang.

《Loving Step by Step》E22Plot

Episode 22

Loving Step by Step Episode 22 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran is jealous because of Yao Mi

The village chief was bribed by Yi Zihe. According to Yi Zihe's instructions, he planned to get Bu Ran drunk, thus thwarting Pinshang's plan to persuade the villagers. Bu Ran tried his best to persuade the villagers, but the village chief used drinking wine to persuade the villagers.Bu Ran had no choice but to drink with them.On the other side, Lu Cenyang came to the hospital quickly. Yao Mi threw himself into his arms and called him brother. Lu Cenyang was surprised and happy. He was worried that Yao Mi would remember the painful experience after regaining his memory. Yao Mi was concernedWhat was more important was Lu Cenyang's attitude towards her. Now that Yi Zihe was pestering her like a dog-skin plaster, she asked Lu Cenyang to come forward and solve it.

Lu Cenyang taught Yi Zihe a lesson and told him to stay away from Yao Mi, but Yi Zihe refused no matter what. He knew that Lu Cenyang was in love with Bu Ran and asked Lu Cenyang to choose between Yao Mi and Bu Ran., if he expresses that he only likes Yao Mi, he will quit, otherwise he will never give in. Lu Cenyang is in a dilemma. He warns Yi Zihe that Bu Ran and Yao Mi are both people he cannot touch. Yi Zihe BuBu pressed forward. At this time, Aunt Wang called and said that Bu Ran had drunk too much and asked Lu Cenyang to come over quickly. Lu Cenyang was worried and turned around to go to the ancient alley. Yao Mi was annoyed and followed him.

When Lu Cenyang rushed to Aunt Wang's house, he saw Bu Ran singing karaoke. She said that she had taken care of the villagers. Lu Cenyang saw that she was drunk and felt distressed for a moment. He took off his clothes and gave herBu Ran put it on and prepared to take her home. After Yao Mi arrived, she sneered at Bu Ran and accused her of only doing damage.Lu Cenyang helped Bu Ran get into the car, but Yao Mi was very jealous. She simply revealed her identity as Lu Siqi. Bu Ran was very surprised, but she still blessed Yao Mi. Lu CenyangCaught in the middle.

Yao Mi almost crashed the car because she was distracted. Lu Cenyang put his hands on the steering wheel to help Yao Mi relieve her pressure so that she was not injured. Bu Ran felt a little uncomfortable when she saw it. Yao Mi offered to send Bu Ran back, which seemed to be a surprise.Bu Ran got out of the car angrily and went to the old man like a deputy master. Lu Cenyang wanted to send her off, but Yao Mi pretended to have a headache, so Lu Cenyang had to take her to the hospital first.

Bu Ran was angry. She got drunk for Pin Shang and Lu Ce Yang, but was ignored. She vomited a few times and then came to the old man. When Qin Xun saw her like this, he immediately guessed the reason.She wanted to take the opportunity to please Bu Ran, but Bu Ran was unmoved. She was focused on the renovation project of the ancient alley, and asked Qin Xun to help find some old objects to increase the original beauty of the ancient alley. Qin Xun had no choice but to agree.However, as a price, he gave in and gave himself a pat on the back.The more Lu Cenyang thought about it on the road, the more something was wrong. He quickly turned around to look for B Ran. He shouldn't have left her on the roadside just now. He found his old friend along the way. When he saw B Ran beating Qin Xun on the back, he felt...Feeling jealous, he turned around and left with Yao Mi.

Lu Cenyang sent Mi Yao to the hospital for treatment and then sent her home. Then he immediately returned home and wanted to find Bu Ran to explain, but Mi Yao called and said that he wanted to move to his house. Lu Cenyang He declined politely, saying that he could take Yao Mi to and from get off work every day.Qin Xun sent Bulan back. Lu Cenyang wanted to explain to her, but Bulan ignored her at all. She only talked about work with Lu Cenyang and put aside the relationship for the time being. Lu Cenyang was also helpless.

The next day, Lu Cenyang picked up Secretary Yao for work. Bu Ran arrived just in time on an electric bike. Qin Xun and Mr. Hu, who collects old objects, also rushed over. Several people were talking about work while secretly competing with each other, especially Lu Cenyang andQin Xun refused to give in to anyone, but fortunately it did not affect the progress of the project.A group of people went downstairs to see Mr. Hu off, and just as Yi Zihe drove up, he was still pestering Yao Mi. Yao Mi simply revealed the fact that he was Lu Siqi. Yi Zihe was very surprised, and Bu Ran sawSomething was wrong, so he got in the car and took Yi Zihe back to Yi's house.

《Loving Step by Step》E23Plot

Episode 23

Loving Step by Step Episode 23 Plot Introduction: Lu Senyang catches ghosts and reconciles with Bu Ran

Yi Zihe had nothing to do with Bu Ran, but he wanted to insert a knife between Bu Ran and Lu Cenyang's relationship. He told Bu Ran that Yao Mi had cut his wrists for Lu Cenyang, which made him feel uncomfortable because of this.Bu Ran, who was worried about something, became even more upset.Bu Ran walked into Pinshang uneasily, always thinking about colleagues' discussions about the relationship between Lu Cenyang and Yao Mi. She lowered her head and ran into someone's arms. When she looked up, she saw that it was Lu Cenyang..

Lu Cenyang took Bu Ran to the flower room on the rooftop, sincerely apologized to her and explained what happened last night. Because Yi Zihe had been pestering Lu Siqi, he pretended to be a couple. Bu Ran asked about Lu Siqi's cutting.Regarding the wrist matter, Lu Cenyang explained that her arm was indeed injured. She pushed him away at that time, so that he was not hit by the car. She was also injured at that time.Lu Cenyang said that the person sitting in front of Bu Ran now is his true self, and hoped that Bu Ran could believe him. Bu Ran said that she was not as good as Lu Cenyang and Lu Siqi's childhood sweethearts, so she had to carefully consider this relationship. SheIt was suggested that the two of them give each other some time to calm down, which was also responsible for their feelings. Seeing Bu Ran turn and leave, Lu Cenyang felt a little lonely but helpless.

Yi Mincai was drinking alone at home to drown his sorrows. When Yi Zihe saw it, he stepped forward to ask. Although Yi Mincai was depressed, he still did not forget to give Lu Chenyang a fatal blow and at the same time give in and learn a lesson., the father and son discussed a destruction plan and planned to start with the ancient alley renovation project.

Bu Ran took the initiative to ask to follow the reconstruction project of the ancient alley, and Lu Cenyang had no choice but to agree. Qin Xun took on the role of logistics support. In addition to providing meals for the workers, he also specially prepared her favorite barbecue for Bu Ran. Yao Mi led the peopleAfter arriving, he also joined us at the table, and his words were full of hostility towards B Ran. Then Lu Cenyang arrived, and he also took the food that B Ran liked to eat. Several people were fighting overtly and covertly at the dinner table, and they were all making oaths openly or secretly.In order to maintain his sovereignty, Qin Xun deliberately provoked trouble and used Coke to compete with Lu Cenyang. As a result, he was so drunk that he burped, and Bu Ran said that the two of them were too naive.

After the meal, Lu Cenyang wanted to say a few words to B Ran, but was stopped by Lu Siqi. B Ran did not give him the chance and followed Qin Xun and left quickly. Lu Cenyang had no choice but to return to the company with Lu Siqi.After Qin Xun left, Bu Ran wanted to pack her things and leave, but she heard the workers in front of her running and shouting that there was a ghost. She hurriedly stepped forward to ask. The workers said that someone saw a headless ghost walking around in the construction site.In order to stabilize everyone's mood, Bu Ran said that she would sleep at the construction site tonight. She was not afraid of a woman. What did they, the big men, have to be afraid of?

After Lu Senyang heard the news, he knew that someone was behind the scenes. He immediately set out to prepare things and planned to go to the construction site to catch ghosts at night.Although Bu Ran was timid, she was just a girl after all. She was a little scared to be alone in the gloomy construction site at night, so she had the courage to shout loudly, and even offered tea and toasts to everyone around her, seeking psychological comfort., but there was still constant movement in the construction site, so she had no choice but to go forward with a stick to check, but was picked up by a dark figure. Bu Ran was panicked, struggling and kicking the other person with her hands and feet, and Lu Cenyang had no choice but to reveal his identity.

Lu Cenyang's arrival gave Ran Ran a lot of peace of mind. Lu Cenyang's considerate care and sincere explanation gradually eliminated Ran Ran's misunderstanding of him. The two worked together to catch the haunted person and sent him to the police station. They struggled for most of the night.They lay in the tent and fell asleep.Early the next morning, Bu Ran woke up amidst the noise of the workers. She didn't want her relationship with Lu Senyang to be discovered by the workers, so she took the initiative to go out to say hello to everyone, and then led them to the ghost hunting scene.Lu Cenyang called out from the tent, but was still discovered by the workers, and Bu Ran couldn't help but blush.

Lu Senyang and Bu Ran figured out that Yi Mincai and Yi Zihe were behind the scenes, so they came to Yi's house early in the morning to deliver paintings. In fact, they wanted to teach Yi Mincai and Meng Kexin a lesson so that they could learn from each other in the future.Speak for B Ran in front of Director Hua and stop all actions against B Ran, otherwise he will make it public that Yi Zihe hired someone to pretend to be a ghost.

《Loving Step by Step》E24Plot

Episode 24

Loving Step by Step Episode 24 Plot Introduction: Bu Ran and Lu Cenyang break up

Lu Cenyang and Bu Ran walked out of the Yi family. The haunting incident ended with Yi Mincai and Meng Kexin accepting Lu Cenyang's conditions. They promised not to embarrass Bu Ran again, and the Yi family would make corresponding steps in the future.They would also try their best to stop Ran's actions. Bu Ran expressed her gratitude to Lu Cenyang. Lu Cenyang went further and asked Bu Huiyun to cook sweet and sour pork for him as a condition, so Bu Ran had to accompany him to his house for dinner.On the other side, Secretary Yao discovered that Lu Cenyang did not come to work. Yi Zihe called and said that Lu Cenyang and Bu Ran slept in a tent at the construction site last night and asked her to give up as soon as possible. YaoThe secretary was very angry. She immediately rushed to the construction site to investigate and found that the workers were talking about the matter and there were signs that two people had been in the tent.

Yi Minde and Bu Huiyun welcomed Lu Cenyang's arrival. They already treated Lu Cenyang as a prospective son-in-law, and Lu Cenyang did not treat him as an outsider. They ate the sweet and sour pork with relish and ate the rice.Bowl after bowl, B Ran couldn't do anything to him.Secretary Yao called to ask if Lu Senyang was going back to the company. Lu Senyang was having sex with Bu Ran, so he naturally refused to go back easily, so he simply gave himself a day off.

The depressed Yao Mi came to the old man and complained to Qin Xun about Bu Ran and Lu Cenyang. Qin Xun accused Yao Mi of being too willful, and then admitted that he was her half-brother. Yao Mi was shocked.But after hearing that he said he didn't recognize his father, Yao Mi didn't recognize him as his brother, and even said that he would use his own way to win back Lu Senyang.

Soon after, Mi Yao called Lu Cenyang and pretended to have a headache, saying that he was worried that he had lost his memory. Lu Cenyang hurriedly comforted her. After Bu Ran heard about this, she came back with Lu Cenyang, saying that women take care of women.More convenient.After seeing Lu Cenyang, Yao Mi hugged him and refused to let go. Lu Cenyang pulled her hand away and repeatedly explained that the two were just brother and sister. She was always his sister, but Yao Mi refused. Bu RanWhen she came back and saw this scene, she felt a little unhappy, but she still stepped forward and said hello in a friendly manner. Yao Mi bluntly said that if she wanted to become his sister-in-law, she must accept the test and decorate the Fulege house to look like her childhood.Bu Ran agreed without hesitation.

Yao Mi said that he wanted to eat seafood and asked Lu Cenyang to go out and buy it. Before Lu Cenyang left, he told Bu Ran not to argue with her no matter what Yao Mi told her. However, as soon as Lu Cenyang left, Yao Mi deliberately angered Bu Ran.Ran and Bu Ran didn't reply politely to her. Yao Mi turned around and left in anger. Lu Cenyang didn't stop him when he came back. He accused Bu Ran of not listening to him because Yao Mi was a patient. Bu Ran was also very angry.left.

Before Yao Mi left, she said that if Lu Cenyang chose to be with Bu Ran, then she would find Yi Zihe to fall in love. Bu Ran comforted Lu Cenyang, saying that this was just Yao Mi's angry words.Meng Kexin encouraged Yi Zihe to chase Yao Mi, which would distract Lu Chenyang. Yao Mi just sent an invitation message. Yi Zihe felt that his opportunity had come, but he did not expect that Yao Mi was just taking advantage of him.The tool allowed Lu Cenyang to make the decision to break up with Bu Ran.

Yao Mi disappeared, and Lu Cenyang was very anxious. He was worried that Yi Zihe would be unfavorable to Yao Mi, so he approached Yi Mincai to negotiate terms, but he unexpectedly was rejected by Yi Mincai.Lu Cenyang was drinking with his old friend to drown his sorrows. Bu Ran was called by Qin Xun. She was heartbroken when she saw Lu Cenyang like this. Just then, Yi Zihe called and offered to let her break up with Lu Cenyang as a condition., Bu Ran couldn't bear to see Lu Cenyang so uncomfortable, so she agreed to Yi Zihe's conditions, broke up with Lu Cenyang, and resigned from Pinshang.

《Loving Step by Step》E25Plot

Episode 25

Loving Step by Step Episode 25 Plot Introduction: Pinshang is Suppressed

When Lu Senyang saw that Bu Ran proposed to break up with Yao Mi in order to save Yao Mi, he couldn't help but sober up. This was the result he didn't want to see. Bu Ran felt that finding Yao Mi was the most important thing right now. We would talk about the breakup later.Yi Zihe sent Bu Ran the address, and the two rushed there quickly.

Yao Mi looked like she was being bullied in the tent, her clothes were torn, and she was trembling. Lu Cenyang hurriedly took off his clothes and put them on her, then hugged her and turned around to leave. Bu Ran stood beside him.Being ignored directly made her feel a little chilled.Yao Mi was brought back to Fule Pavilion by Lu Cenyang. He even lit the incense to let Yao Mi have a good sleep and forget those unpleasant things. Yao Mi pretended to be pitiful to persuade Lu Cenyang to stay with him.Lu Cenyang had no choice but to agree.

Bu Ran was a person who kept her word, and she didn't want Lu Cenyang to be upset because of this incident. She placed the pot of flowers she carefully maintained at the door of Lu Cenyang's house. Although she was very reluctant, she still made the decision.The decision to break up.Lu Cenyang opened the door and saw Bu Ran. Bu Ran said that he would move out soon. The resignation letter would be sent to his mailbox tomorrow and the rent would also be sent to his WeChat. Lu Cenyang hugged Bu Ran and refused to let go, saying that heShe didn't agree to break up with her, but Bu Ran had made up her mind. Yao Mi's voice calling Lu Cenyang came from inside the house, so she pushed Lu Cenyang away and returned home.

The next day, Qin Xun helped Bu Ran move out of Fule Pavilion. Bu Ran was reluctant to leave but had no choice. On the way, she transferred the rent to Lu Cenyang, hoping to hear his words of persuasion to stay, but she couldn't.Lu Cenyang didn't respond at all, and Bu Ran cried sadly. In fact, Lu Cenyang wanted to try his best to persuade her to stay, but he didn't know how to speak. It wasn't until Qin Xun sent B Ran back to his parents' home and settled down that Lu Cenyang gave Qin XunWhen he went to ask for information, Qin Xingyou replied that he was no longer qualified to care.

Yao Mi got up in the middle of the night and saw Lu Cenyang sitting there lonely in a daze. She knew that her plan had succeeded. In fact, Yi Zihe had not violated her. She also tied up Yi Zihe and asked him to follow her.Together they staged a drama of being violated, and Yi Zihe was willing to be her pawn.The next day, Lu Cenyang asked Master Li to mobilize his strength to find Yi Zihe. Yao Mi immediately pretended to have a headache to stop him. He also said that Yi Zihe's mobile phone had indecent videos of him and himself, and told Lu Cenyang to stop there.No further pursuit, which made Lu Chenyang very strange.

Bu Ran was not having a good time at home. Seeing this, Yi Minde and Bu Huiyun could only use the decoration and design work of the neighbors to kill time for their daughter, hoping that she could get out of the emotional low as soon as possible..The ancient alley renovation project was suddenly suspended. Mr. Hu was reported to have provided old objects involving cultural relics, and Chen Manni's plagiarism of designs abroad was also exposed. This put Pinshang at the forefront of the storm for a while. It turned out that all of this was caused by Qin XunBehind the scenes, he reached a cooperation intention with Director Hua, with the purpose of screwing up the ancient alley renovation project that was about to be completed, and ultimately suppressing Pinshang completely.

The Guxiang aborigines who did not know the truth began to besiege the Pinshang project department and did not listen to the employees' explanations. Yao Mi posted the news about the suspension of the Guxiang renovation project on WeChat Moments. Bu Ran was shocked when she saw it. This was PinshangThis project was the hard work of her and Lu Cenyang. She could not let this project be damaged, so Bu Ran immediately rushed to the construction site to find a solution.

《Loving Step by Step》E26Plot

Episode 26

Loving Step by Step Episode 26 Synopsis: Lu Senyang exposes Yao Mi’s lies

Buran rushed to the construction site and was besieged by the troubled aborigines. Lu Cenyang came to relieve Buran and asked everyone to give Pinshang more time. Even if he lost his fortune, he would give them an explanation, but those peopleLu Cenyang naturally refused to keep Bulan as a hostage. He wanted to take Buran away, but was hit on the head by an aborigine with a hoe. Only then did those people stop. Bu Ran hurriedly took Lu Cenyang away.Take it aside and bandage the wound.

Hearing that Director Hua promoted Qin Xun to be the CEO of Yihua, Yi Mincai and Meng Kexin couldn't sit still. This position was originally reserved for Yi Zihe, and Qin Xun was Lu Mingyuan's biological son.But Yi Hua's life and death rivals back then, they were worried that Qin Xun would turn back and bite Yi Hua, but Director Hua insisted on his own opinion. He believed that Qin Xun and Lu Cenyang were natural rivals, and it would be even better to use Qin Xun's power to defeat Pinshang.Sense of achievement, progress is going well now. After Pinshang collapses, the best outcome is to give Qin Xun a little sweetness and let him withdraw. She warned the two of them not to question their decisions anymore, and at the same time not to provoke Bu Ran, because this is Qin XunOne of the conditions for cooperation with oneself.

Yao Mi also came to the scene of the ancient alley. When Aunt Wang said that Lu Cenyang was injured, she hurried over to check, but she saw Lu Cenyang and Bu Ran talking and laughing together. Although Lu Cenyang was injuredHe was injured, but he was grateful to the person who injured him. Without his action, B Ran would probably ignore him for a long time, and B Ran felt sorry for him and he didn't even hide.

Lu Cenyang and Yao Mi received calls one after another. The on-site inspection team sent by the government had arrived at Pinshang and asked them to go back quickly to explain the situation. When they returned to the company, they found that the person in charge of the inspection team was actually Qin Xun., Qin Xun proposed to hold the person in charge of the ancient alley renovation project accountable, and asked for an explanation for the use of Chen Manni as a designer. Lu Cenyang asked him to give himself some time, and Pinshang would give him a satisfactory answer.

Yao Mi offered to give in and be the scapegoat, but Lu Cenyang refused to say anything. Yao Mi didn't understand. Lu Cenyang simply told her about pretending to be bullied and co-starred with Yi Zihe, accusing her of being too selfish.He was willful and would not consider other people's feelings at all. After that, he walked away, leaving Yao Mi alone in tears.

Lu Senyang approached Qin Xun and proposed cooperation, and the two seemed to have reached some kind of agreement.Bu Ran learned that Qin Xun was Lu Mingyuan's son. She also knew that Qin Xun approached her to take revenge on the Yi family, but later Qin Xun changed his original intention and the two became real good friends. This time, Bu Ran asked Qin Xun to let go of Pinshang, but Qin Xun made her his girlfriend as a condition, which B Ran could not accept.

Bu Ran found Yao Mi and asked her to post a message to put all the blame on herself, so that Pin Shang could get out of the crisis. Yao Mi was a little surprised by her approach, but now this may be the best opportunity to bring Pin Shang back to life., just when the two reached an agreement and were ready to put it into action, they received unexpected news. Lu Cenyang publicly announced that he was responsible for the ancient alley reconstruction project at the cost of resigning from all posts in Pinshang and withdrawing. Yao Mi and Bu RanThey were all surprised.

Bu Ran began to look for Lu Cenyang everywhere, but she searched all the places where Lu Cenyang might have been and found no trace of him. When Bu Ran came to Fule Pavilion, she couldn't help but feel sad when she thought of the sweet scene of the two of them together., at this time, Yao Mi also came here to look for Lu Cenyang. She cried and begged Lu Cenyang to come back quickly. It would be difficult for Pinshang to survive without him.

《Loving Step by Step》E27Plot

Episode 27

Loving Step by Step Episode 27 Plot introduction: Bu Ran successfully promotes the ancient alley renovation project

Lu Senyang transferred all his shares in Pinshang to Qin Xun. Qin Xun was able to have a greater say in Pinshang. He found projects that he had previously cooperated with Pinshang. Those partners were attracted by Pinshang's reputation.Qin Xun reported the situation to Director Hua. Director Hua was very satisfied. She also showed her sincerity and gave Yi Minde the shares she had planned to give to Yi Minde.If Qin Xun and Bu Ran get married, Yi Hua's shares will not be out of control of the Yi family, which is really a win-win situation.

Qin Xun proposed that he should be responsible for the follow-up work of the ancient alley reconstruction project. He wanted to maximize the benefits of this project. Naturally, Director Hua had no objection. On the other hand, Bu Ran, who could not find Lu Cenyang, was very angry and accused Lu Cenyang of being...It is the greatest irresponsibility for a big bastard to leave Pinshang and Yao Mi alone and disappear alone.

Yi Minde came to the seaside to pay homage to Lu Mingyuan, and also invited Qin Xun to come and explain what happened that year. In these years, Qin's mother had been working hard outside, so how could she get so much money to buy a house? It was all Lu Mingyuan's investment.After Lu Mingyuan's accident, Qin's mother offered to sell all the houses to help Lu Mingyuan, but even so, the Lu family could not escape the crisis. Lu Mingyuan did not want his wife and children to lose everything, so she rejected this request.After listening to Yi Minde's story, Qin Xun bowed deeply to the seaside. In his heart, he had forgiven his father.

Without Lu Cenyang, Pinshang was basically in a state of paralysis. Many employees offered to resign, and Yao Mi was helpless. At this time, Qin Xun came to the door, not caring about the blood relationship, and asked Yao Mi to sign the agreement between Pinshang and Yi.Hua's cooperation, otherwise Pinshang might end up worse than Lu's before. Yao Mi was really desperate, so she could only sign the contract.Later, Qin Xun said that someone would follow up the ancient alley renovation project. Yao Mi didn't care much about it anymore. What she didn't expect was that the person who would follow up the project would be Bu Ran. Yao Mi was very angry and accusedThe two colluded with each other in order to defeat Pinshang and get the ancient lane project, and Bu Ran didn't want to explain to her.

Qin Xun vacated Lu Cenyang's office for B Ran to use. B Ran refused at first, but Qin Xun said it was for work needs, so B Ran agreed. Anyway, working here, she can also have a touching love for Lu Cen Yang.thoughts.Bu Ran began to devote herself to the project and was very busy. However, Lu Cenyang disappeared and she never contacted her. On this day, Bu Ran returned home and found that her parents were not at home, but Lu Cenyang was wearing an apron.Appearing in front of her, Bu Ran was surprised. Lu Cenyang said that he had explained to the public that he had withdrawn from Pinshang, and his current job was to provide logistics support for Bu Ran.

Bu Ran had no choice but to let Lu Senyang do it. Lu Senyang took on the responsibility of washing and cooking, and also delivered the meals to B Ran's office who was working overtime. Qin Xun saw itHe was very angry and called the security guard to drive Lu Cenyang away.Qin Xun sent Bulan home after working overtime. Lu Cenyang had been waiting on the roadside early. Bulan sprained her foot because of walking at night. Lu Cenyang carried her caringly on his back. The fireflies on the roadside highlighted the couple.Let them feel a different kind of beauty.

Without Yi Hua's meddling behind the scenes, the ancient alley renovation project was quickly completed, and everyone celebrated happily. Only then did Bu Ran tell Yao Mi the truth. She came to take over the project just to fulfill Lu Cenyang's wish. Yao MiYao Mi was very touched and felt the good intentions of Bu Ran and Qin Xun. Bu Ran also told about Lu Cenyang's stay at her house, and Yao Mi was relieved.B Ran took a taxi home, and suddenly a light beam lit up on the roadside. It turned out to be the street lamp specially installed by Lu Cen Yang for B Ran. B Ran was moved by Lu Cen Yang's true feelings and decided to get back together with him.

《Loving Step by Step》E28Plot

Episode 28

Although Bu Ran was happy in her heart, she still said against her will that she had not forgiven Lu Cenyang. How could Lu Cenyang not see Bu Ran's feelings? He directly sealed Bu Ran's mouth with a kiss, and the two of themThe passionate kiss was so intense that after a while Bu Ran felt that if things continued like this, something inappropriate for children would happen uncontrollably, so she lied that she was going to bed and hurriedly rushed into the house.

Not long after, Lu Cenyang knocked on the door and came in. When he poured water for Bulan, he accidentally spilled it on the table, soaking Bulan's drawings. When the two were hurriedly cleaning up, their eyes collided again inadvertently, and a wave ofThe flame of love burned uncontrollably, and they kissed each other again. This time Lu Cenyang carried Bu Ran to the bed. Just when Lu Cenyang was planning to make the next move, Bu Ran hinted to him that the curtains were not closed, and Lu CenyangKnowingly, he ran over and closed the curtains, and what followed was a night of leisure, beautiful women and beautiful scenery, and Lu Senyang enjoyed it.

The next day, Qin Xun invited Yi Minde to the barbecue stall where he and Bu Ran often ate. Yi Minde, in a rare act of generosity, said that he would be the one to treat the meal. Naturally, Qin Xun would not let him pay for it.Cen Yang arrived later, and the three of them ate and chatted together. It turned out that everything was planned by the three of them. Qin Xun's joining of Yi Hua was also part of the plan. Their purpose was to make Yi Hua and PinShang merged to reshape the corporate culture and change the previous business philosophy of Yihua to achieve a win-win result.

Qin Xun used the black information collected while working in Yi Hua as an important condition to persuade Director Hua. Lu Cenyang used this information to come to negotiate with Director Hua, but Director Hua had been on the battlefield for a long time, how could he be easily persuaded by him?At this time, Qin Xun and Yi Minde also walked in. Only then did Director Hua realize that she and Yi Hua had fallen into their trap. She had no choice but to vent her anger on Yi Minde, stepped forward and gave him a slap in the face, and then carefullyCounting his various devious behaviors, Yi Minde patiently tried to persuade Director Hua, but Director Hua was so angry that she couldn't listen to anything.

With the arrival of Bu Ran and Lu Siqi, all the truth came to light. Meng Kexin stood up and accused everyone, trying to hold back the somewhat shaken Director Hua. Yi Min finally got tough and loudly accused Meng Kexin of not wanting toIf she continued to struggle fearlessly, she would rather get divorced than to be the master again, and Meng Kexin was so angry that she walked away.Director Hua didn't want to give in just like that, so Lu Cenyang chased him out to persuade him. He also took Director Hua to the welfare home, and used his true feelings to impress Director Hua. He also showed that he had never wanted to annex Yi Hua, especially after meeting Bu Ran.After that, he thought more about life and hoped that Director Hua would think carefully about this matter. In the end, Director Hua changed his mind and agreed to merge Yihua and Pinshang.

After this incident, Director Hua accepted Yi Minde, and Yi Mincai also sincerely apologized to his eldest brother. Yi Zihe gave all his shares in Yihua to Lu Siqi, expressing his sincere pursuit of happiness.Obsession, saying that if he can't get into Lu Siqi's sight now, then he will wait for the day when he finally matures and he will come back to pursue her.When Qin Xun arrived at the old man's shop, many girls gathered around him. The old man almost turned into a dating corner. They were all girls who admired Qin Xun, but Qin Xun still couldn't forget Bu Ran, but this wish could only be buried deep in his heart..

Bu Ran and Lu Cenyang were wandering in the sea of ​​flowers, enjoying their romantic journey. Bu Ran suddenly discovered that Yi Zihe and Lu Siqi appeared not far away, and then a drone fell from the sky.The person who controlled it was Qin Xun. Then Yi Minde and Bu Huiyun also came out. It turned out that this was a carefully designed proposal scene. Lu Cenyang took the wedding dress and headdress from the flower basket brought by the drone to Bu Huiyun.Ran put it on, and then took out the ring to propose to Bulan. Amidst everyone's blessings, Bulan agreed to Lu Cenyang's proposal, and the lovers who had gone through hardships finally got married.

Loving Step by Step

Loving Step by Step

Total 28 Episodes Mar 28, 2024 C-Drama Urban/Rom Actor: Lu Yangyang Zhao Zhiwei