《A Lonely Hero's Journey》Ep Intro

Gu Yizhong, a son of the Gu family in Suzhou, returned to China after studying architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he and his girlfriend Xiao Ruotong joined underground organizations.After a rescue operation failed, all contact points of Suzhou's underground organizations were exposed.Gu Yizhong was mistaken for a traitor within the party due to deliberate frame-up by the Japanese and puppets. Unable to prove his innocence, he took the initiative to infiltrate the Japanese and puppets. After many twists and turns, he finally became a latent agent of our party in the Suzhou secret service station.

Under tremendous pressure, Gu Yizhong will fight with Zhou Zhifei, the head of the Suzhou Wang Puppet Secret Service Station, and Toshio Kondo, the Japanese military adviser, and wait for the opportunity to find the real traitor in the party, Black Eight, and remove him.Gu Yizhong continued to secretly collect intelligence for our party, saved comrades in the party from danger many times, and provided tremendous support and help to the anti-Japanese and national salvation movement organized by our party's underground organization in Suzhou.He moved forward with unwavering faith and continued to grow in the struggle.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E1Plot

Episode 1

In June 1941, Suzhou City had fallen to the Japanese invaders for nearly four years, and the claws of the Wang Puppet Government were raging in Suzhou City.The young master of the Gu family, Gu Yizhong, was originally an architect with outstanding talent and learning. After studying abroad, he founded the Construction Society in Suzhou, trying to make a contribution to Chinese architecture like his senior Liang Sicheng.Although he is a scholar, Gu Yizhong was born in a military family and has a patriotic heart. Under the guidance of his friend Xiao Junxia and his lover Xiao Ruotong, two party members, he secretly helped organize the Iron Blood Action Team and participated in the national salvation operation.The Jagged Action Team secretly planned to rescue Taro Nakanishi, an underground member of the Communist International who was imprisoned in Yiyuan at No. 90 of the Wang Puppet Secret Service Station.Yiyuan has a complex layout and tight defenses, making it difficult to rescue people. However, Gu Yizhong relied on the architect's strong sense of space to restore the floor plan of Yiyuan from memory and planned a perfect escape route.Unexpectedly, during the execution of the mission, the Iron-Blooded Operation Team was ambushed by spies and almost the entire army was wiped out. Xiao Junxia was in danger of covering Gu Yizhong's escape. Gu Yizhong also protected Xiao Ruotong who was assisting outside. Unfortunately, he fell into the hands of Zhou Zhifei, the commander of Agent No. 90..At the same time, another wave of people on the 90th went to arrest underground party members. The experienced Hu Zhiping sensed the danger in advance and moved his pregnant wife Gu Huizhong early.To ensure safety, Gu Huizhong returned to Gu Yuan after ten years of absence.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E2Plot

Episode 2

When he was about to be executed, Gu Yizhong accidentally got a chance to survive with the help of the captured Communist Lian Qianbao and jumped off the bridge to escape.Gu Yizhong naively thought that his comrades were willing to sacrifice their lives to cover his successful escape. He never expected that he was stepping into the trap designed by Zhou Zhifei step by step.Gu Huizhong learned from Xiao Ruotong that the commander-in-chief of the operation was Yingying, and was shocked. Her husband was about to meet Yingying, and she suspected Yingying was a traitor.Xiao Ruotong immediately went to Zuibaxian to stop Hu Zhiping, but was hunted down by agents from No. 90. The two fled in a hurry, and their suspicions about Yingying deepened.After Wang's puppet revolution in Qingxiang began, Mr. Li became the chairman of the puppet Jiangsu Province and had overwhelming power for a while.In order to reduce Li Quan, Zhou Fohai Dingmo Village appointed a deputy webmaster, Huang Xinzhai, to come to Suzhou to join forces with Masao Kondo, a Japanese consultant who had always been at odds with Zhou Zhifei, to restrain Zhou Zhifei at every turn.Due to Kondo's special status, Zhou Zhifei appeared to obey his orders, but in fact he was at odds with him.Regarding the arrest of Gu Yizhong this time, the two of them had their own plans.After Gu Yizhong was deliberately let go by Zhou Zhifei, Kondo reminded Zhou Zhifei that his first goal was to find the New Fourth Army's Taihu base camp.Gu Huizhong and Hu Zhiping said goodbye to Gu Xixing, and Xiao Ruotong took them to the underground traffic officer Shui Sheng and prepared to go to the base.Shui Sheng was in a bit of a dilemma. He had to apply to the base area to lead them.But the situation was urgent at this moment, so Gu Huizhong used the radio to send a telegram to the organization to apply.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E3Plot

Episode 3

Gu Yuan, two women came to the door.The young girl's name is Haimo, the daughter of Gu Xixing's savior and Pingtan teacher Zhang Yuquan.His cousin-in-law Weng Tai said that Zhang Yuquan would rather die than obey and was killed by the Japanese. Before he died, he entrusted Haimo to her and asked her to defect to Gu Yuan based on the alliance letter of her son.At the base, Eagle Zhou Zhenwu appeared, and Wang Mingzhong, the enemy engineering section chief, organized a meeting to investigate and understand what had happened.Gu Yizhong truthfully reported everything that happened to the organization, but after verification by the organization, the Communist Party member Lian Qiangbao who he said rescued him from the execution ground was not found to be this person, and the Japanese and puppets repeatedly showed mercy to him, which made it even more frustrating.He became a target of suspicion within the organization.Gu Yizhong was speechless.At night, there was no one in the quiet courtyard.Gu Yizhong tossed and turned in the room. Suddenly, he saw a black shadow flash through the window.Gu Yizhong was alert, got up and chased after the black shadow. Gu Yizhong followed the black shadow all the way to the radio room. The black shadow was nowhere to be found, but there was a little soldier bleeding underground lying on the ground.The sound alerted the patrolling soldiers, who came over to check the situation with flashlights. They were shocked to see Gu Yizhong standing in the radio room with blood on his hands.The radio station in the radio room was on. At the same time, Agent Station No. 90 received a secret message, which was the address of Chongshan Island.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E4Plot

Episode 4

Zhou Zhifei and “Quanshui” once had a touching and pathos past.Lian Jinhai met on his behalf, and Ou Xinping turned out to be Mrs. Weng, who was known as Haimo's cousin!Weng Tai intended to instigate Zhou Zhifei and asked Lian Jinhai to arrange a meeting between them.After Gu Yizhong returned to Suzhou and had nowhere to go, he asked his cousin Lu Zheng for help.He clarified his thoughts and saw through Zhou Zhifei's scheme.From the arrest of Yiyuan prison to the lucky survival now, Zhou Zhifei had planned it for a long time - he wanted to use Gu Yizhong to confuse the public and protect the real traitor Cell No. 8.To untie the bell, one must tie the bell. Gu Yizhong and Lu Zheng tried to track Zhou Zhifei, but they were no match for Zhou Zhifei. Before they could catch Zhou Zhifei, the two were arrested by Zhou Zhifei's men.In order to ease the relationship with Kondo, Zhou Zhifei took the initiative to offer Gu Yizhong to Kondo.Kondo did not hit or scold him, and even respectfully sent Gu Yizhong to the hospital in person.The reporters who arrived at short notice took photos one after another, and the crowd also talked about it. Everyone speculated that the young master of the Gu family had fallen into the water and became a traitor.Kondo's behavior made Gu Yizhong completely confused.Gu Yizhong's reputation was humiliated, and Gu Xixing, the patriotic father of Guan Jie, also suffered infamy.Mr. Gu locked up Gu Yizhong and did not allow him to step out of the room.Seeing the opportunity, Weng Tai ordered Haimo to send glutinous rice balls to Gu Yizhong to enhance their relationship.Gu Yizhong took the opportunity to ask Haimo to help get tools and wanted to escape from the room, but was blocked by Weng Tai.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E5Plot

Episode 5

Gu Xixing arranged for Gu Yizhong to leave Suzhou and go to Hong Kong.But Gu Yizhong knew that he couldn't just be a coward. Xiao Ruotong risked his life to let him out just to clear his name. He must not let Ruotong down.Therefore, Gu Yizhong fled Gu Yuan with his father on his back.In order to check the evidence, Gu Yizhong walked on the edge of the knife. Finally, he found the witness Lian Qiangbao who was pretending to be the New Fourth Army to save him. Lian Qiangbao immediately confessed to save his life and admitted that he was an agent of No. 90 and was criticized by Zhou Zhifei.Disguised as the New Fourth Army to deceive Gu Yizhong.Gu Yizhong asked Lian Qiangbao to leave the written evidence.Xiao Ruotong found Haimo, and Haimo promised her that he would tell her any news about Gu Yizhong.Gu Yizhong had personal and physical evidence and tried to establish contact with the organization. He used Haimo to contact Xiao Ruotong and finalized the meeting place.But Zhou Zhifei, who was all-pervasive, had already laid an ambush in advance and surrounded Xiao Ruotong and other Communist Party members who came to join forces.In the melee, the only witness Lian Qiangbao was shot dead. In order to recover Liu Qiangbao's lost confession, Gu Yizhong rushed into the hail of bullets regardless of the danger, but was shot by Zhou Zhifei...

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E6Plot

Episode 6

The news of Gu Yizhong's death spread instantly. Xiao Ruotong shed tears, thinking that Zhou Zhenwu and others forced Gu Yizhong to death.Gu Huizhong was also heartbroken and blamed herself for being aggressive in Taihu... On the other hand, Zhou Zhifei had to send his son to Japan. Before leaving, he asked Zhou Youfei to memorize the genealogy and beat him to teach him the skill of carrying a platoon., let him remember that no matter how big or small the devils beat or scold him, he could not say a word.Everyone met at the Renhe and Car dealerships. The Japanese and puppet Qing Dynasty activities were rampant. A large number of wounded were in urgent need of medical treatment. Malaria was prevalent in Taihu Lake. Many soldiers had high fever and severe diarrhea, which greatly affected their combat effectiveness.The Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee arranged for Hu Zhiping to return to Suzhou to carry out work and purchase quinine, a specific drug for treating malaria, as soon as possible.Everyone thought that Gu Yizhong was dead, but no one expected that the bullet missed and Haimo came to his rescue at the critical moment and saved his life.Zhou Zhifei went to meet with Mrs. Weng. Mrs. Weng brought a personal letter from Xu Enzeng and told Zhou Zhifei firmly that she came here with a military order and would commit suicide if the mission failed.Before leaving, Mrs. Weng revealed to Zhou Zhifei that Gu Yizhong was not dead.On the other hand, Zhou Zhenwu believed that Xiao Ruotong's current condition was not suitable for staying in Suzhou; Xiao Ruotong followed Zhou Zhenwu to the bookstore on Pingjiang Road and suspected that Zhou Zhenwu was the one who tipped off No. 90.The two clashed and were stopped by Hu Zhiping.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E7Plot

Episode 7

Gu Yizhong opened the secret message, which was sent by his former spiritual mentor Huang Qiushao - hoping that he could work at No. 90.To deal with the Japanese, they needed a lot of soldiers with guns, but they also needed eyes and ears.Gu Xixing decided to take this opportunity to send Gu Yizhong to Hong Kong, away from the place of right and wrong.Gu Yizhong refused. Once he left, the Gu family's reputation would be completely wiped away.He didn't want to run around and live like a mouse, so he decided to agree to Huang Qiucao's suggestion and lurk in No. 90.Huang Qiushou represented the organization and gave him such a mission, which was his honor as an ordinary citizen.From this day on, something new emerged in his heart.Even if the responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai, I dare to bear it.Gu Yizhong surrendered on the 90th, which Zhou Zhifei never expected.Zhou Zhifei asked him if he was crazy, but Gu Yizhong said, didn't you always want me to be No. 8? Now that I can help you, you should be happy.Zhou Zhifei told him not to be hypocritical. He knew that Gu Yizhong must have a purpose when he came to No. 90.Gu Yizhong hid it, saying that he had died once and knew the importance of living.Now, except for Kondo, no one can protect his safety, so he can just live an ignoble existence.Zhou Zhifei warned Gu Yizhong not to be too smart, as No. 90 was not a place where he could stay if he wanted to.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E8Plot

Episode 8

Haimo thought that Gu Yizhong must have his own reasons for joining No. 90, but Gu Xixing reminded her that what Gu Yizhong did was unacceptable and she could no longer get close to Gu Yizhong, and proposed to adopt her as his goddaughter on his 60th birthday next month.Mr. Li had a dispute with Kondo over the matter of being the governor of Wu County.Mr. Li's heart belongs to the wealthy Wang Zemin, but Kondo insists on trying to seduce Gu Xixing.The two broke up unhappy.Hu Zhiping brought information that Cui Yaomin, a scalper who could buy quinine, would come from Shanghai to meet with them at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.However, on the other side, Zhou Zhifei sent someone to capture Cui Yaomin and learned the time and place of the meeting.Zhou Zhifei ordered Gu Yizhong to participate in the round-up operation.Gu Yizhong understood that Zhou Zhifei's purpose in asking him to participate in the operation was simply to expose him. He must not act rashly, but what should he do if the person who came to contact him was a comrade he knew?Sure enough, Xiao Ruotong followed Zhou Zhenwu and appeared at the meeting point. In desperation, Gu Yizhong had to use his intelligence to help Xiao Ruotong escape.Zhou Zhenwu was angry that Xiao Ruotong acted without permission, but he also admitted that he might have been killed if Xiao Ruotong hadn't followed him.He hoped that Xiao Ruotong could look at Gu Yizhong's matter rationally.Xiao Ruotong fell into deep thought.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E9Plot

Episode 9

Xiao Ruotong found Haimo and asked her to arrange for him to meet Gu Yizhong again.In order to prevent Gu Yizhong from turning back, Zhou Zhifei ordered him to shoot Cui Yaomin, a communist who had surrendered. Gu Yizhong pretended to be unfamiliar with guns and tremblingly let Cui Yaomin snatch the gun away, causing him to kill Zhou Zhifei's confidant Lian Jinhai in the chaos.Lian Jinhai's death made Zhou Zhifei heartbroken, so he transferred Xie Wenchao to fill Lian Jinhai's vacancy.Huang Xinzhai mistakenly thought that Zhou Zhifei was going to attack Gu Yizhong, and quickly asked Kondo to stop him.Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhifei did not take action and instead praised Gu Yizhong.Zhou Zhifei handed the letter of appointment as governor of Wu County to Gu Yizhong and asked him to deliver it to Gu Xixing.Gu Yizhong was unwilling, but had no choice but to use ten small yellow croakers to rescue his cousin Lu Zheng.Gu Yizhong sent his cousin home and used a matchbox to hide from Gao Hu's eyes to spread the information. He asked Lu Zheng to persuade Gu Xixing that within three days, he would be forced to present his letter of appointment as governor of Wu County and must leave before his birthday.Suzhou.But Gu Xixing didn't want to leave. Not only did he want to hold a birthday party, he also wanted to do it in a glorious way.On the other side, Zhou Zhifei introduced Wang Zemin to Mr. Li and encouraged him. Although Gu Xixing already had a letter of appointment, it was still uncertain whether he could become a governor in the end.Wang Zemin was full of expectations and prepared a big gift for Mr. Li.At the same time, Gao Hu was arranged by Zhou Zhifei to closely monitor whether Gu Yizhong and Gu Xixing were in private contact. Unexpectedly, Gu Yizhong and his son kept everything secret and cleverly used newspapers to convey the news.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E10Plot

Episode 10

Birthday is coming soon.Zhou Zhifei took the initiative to contact Weng Tai and persuaded her to join forces with him to kill Gu Xixing.As long as Mrs. Weng is willing to help, everything else is easy to talk about.The organization learned that Gu Xixing insisted on celebrating his sixtieth birthday before leaving. They were worried that the Japanese would be cruel to the old man if they failed to persuade him. The provincial party committee ordered Gu Xixing to be protected at all costs and to crush the traitors and Japanese invaders.conspiracy.On the eve of the birthday party, Gu Xixing had a heart-to-heart talk with Hai Mo. He had already seen through that Hai Mo was not the real Hai Mo.Haimo frankly admitted that Zhen Haimo had died when she was eleven years old, and she was Zhang Yuquan's disciple.Gu Xixing reminded Haimo to stay away from Weng, and asked Haimo to trust him and listen to his arrangements tomorrow.Gu Yizhong was puzzled by his father's choice, but there was nothing he could do about it.He attended the birthday party and pretended to persuade his father.Gu Xixing was furious and broke off the relationship on the spot, shot him in the shoulder and drove him out of the house.Gu Yuan was in chaos. His subordinate Lao Sha pretended to be the master Jin Chan and escaped. Zhou Zhenwu and others covered Gu Xixing's departure.In Gu Yuan, Haimo read the letter left by Gu Xixing, who left some money for Haimo to live on.On the other side, Fugui secretly sent Gu Xixing to the boat, but was still captured by Kondo.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E11Plot

Episode 11

In No. 90, the Gu family's father and son's drama was discovered and they were locked in a room.Zhou Zhifei told him that he could either convince his father and have both father and son, or the opposite.The father and son were honest with each other. The reason why Gu Xixing did not leave was because he was worried that Gu Yizhong's foundation in No. 90 was not stable and he would not be trusted. He just wanted to prove that he was a traitor in front of everyone.So Gu Xixing committed suicide in front of Gu Yizhong.Haimo begged Weng Tai to let him go. Her true feelings moved Weng Tai and he was able to escape at gunpoint.The pain of losing his father made Gu Yizhong worse than death, and the infamy of patricide nailed him to the pillar of shame.Haimo rushed to the train station and saw the news in the newspaper about Gu Yizhong's righteous murder of his parents. He couldn't believe it and rushed back to the garden immediately.At Mr. Gu's funeral, Gu Yizhong remained silent in the face of everyone's misunderstanding.Despite the danger, her sister came to Gu Yuan and completely broke up with him, but he still didn't reveal the truth.He knew that once he relaxed, his father's hard work would be in vain.That night, Xiao Ruotong found Gu Yizhong with a gun and weakly but firmly forced him to return to the organization to give an account.Gu Yizhong, who had been suppressing it for a long time, finally confided that there was a secret behind all this, but he couldn't tell it.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E12Plot

Episode 12

Gu Yizhong and Xiao Ruotong were in a stalemate. At the critical moment, sea foam knocked Xiao Ruotong unconscious.Gu Yizhong hurriedly sent Xiao Ruotong to Zhaohe Clinic. Lu Zhaohe diagnosed Xiao Ruotong as suffering from malaria and contacted the pharmacy urgently.Xiao Ruotong learned that Zhaohe Hospital had channels for specific drugs and reported to the organization.Gu Yizhong was questioned by his cousin Lu Zheng. Lu Zheng did not believe that he would do such a crazy thing, but Gu Yizhong did not answer and left indifferently.However, in a deserted place, facing Huang Qiushou, the only teacher who could express his feelings, he finally burst into tears, feeling that he could not hold on any longer.Huang Qiushou gave him a copy of the Party Manifesto that he carried with him and encouraged him to cheer up with the power of faith.Although Kondo was an enemy, he also had the character of a celebrity. He summoned Gu Yizhong and expressed his sorrow that the death of Gu's father was not his intention.Gu Yizhong's move made him completely believe in his sincerity, because he himself was also a patricide.Kondo gave Gu Yizhong a task to set up a special team to investigate the case of Ding Jiansheng's smuggling of military supplies. The personnel were selected by Gu Yizhong and reported only to himself.Mrs. Weng left Gu Yuan and entered Zhou's house. This move made Zhou Zhifei very anxious.Fortunately, Ji Yuqing mistakenly thought that she was Mr. Li's mistress and did not guess the true relationship between the two.When old lovers met, the atmosphere was ambiguous and on the verge of breaking out. However, Zhou Zhifei asked Mr. Weng if he had used a honey trap to get the information, but Mr. Weng kicked him out.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E13Plot

Episode 13

Gu Yizhong began his desperate counterattack. He found a pipe in Ding Jiansheng's home and found the Shanghai Rongshe Club through the pipe.Everyone in Gu Yizhong rebelled against their relatives, but only Haimo trusted him - Lin Chong was tricked into carrying a knife and entered the White Tiger Hall. In the eyes of outsiders, he wanted to assassinate Captain Gao and deserved the death penalty.But at that time, no one in the world could listen to Lin Chong's excuse.Gu Yizhong knew that the base area had caused a large number of casualties due to the Japanese and puppet Qingcheng Movement and was in urgent need of medicine. He used his cousin Lu Zheng to guide Xiao Ruotong to find Ding Jiansheng's location.Zhou Zhifei knew that once Ding Jiansheng was caught, he would definitely expose the secret of making money from it, so he sent Zhang Jiping and Xie Wenchao to kill and silence him.Xiao Ruotong and Zhou Zhenwu disguised themselves and sneaked into Shanghai Rongshe Club.At this time, Ding Jiansheng had been captured by Zhang Jiping and Xie Wenchao. Xiao Ruotong and the others managed to escape from the mountain and successfully escaped with the secret help of Gu Yizhong.But the news that Gu Yizhong was in Shanghai was exposed, Zhang Jiping, Xie Wenchao and others immediately rushed to No. 90 to get cash.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E14Plot

Episode 14

At the critical moment when Xie Wenchao and others were searching the house, Gao Hu covered for Gu Yizhong, saying that Gu Yizhong had been drinking with him tonight.Before he finished speaking, Gu Yizhong appeared in pajamas.Although Xie Wenchao's doubts remained, he had no choice but to leave because he had no evidence.Zhou Zhifei tortured Gao Hu and forced him to reveal Gu Yizhong's whereabouts.Gao Hu gritted his teeth and refused to admit it, protecting Gu Yizhong.Zhou Zhifei asked Gu Yizhong to hand over Ding Jiansheng to him, but Gu Yizhong dealt with him and insisted that Ding Jiansheng was not in his hands.On the other side, Zhou Zhenwu successfully bought the medicine according to what Ding Jiansheng said.Xiao Ruotong thought he should be sent back to Shanghai, but Hu Zhiping said that Ding had some skills and connections with the Japanese, and wanted to detain him for another two days and ask his superiors for instructions before making a decision.Gu Yizhong approached Huang Xinzhai and extracted information about cell No. 8 from him, which was intertwined and complicated. In order to confirm his conjecture, Gu Yizhong used Lu Zheng to pass the information to Xiao Ruotong.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E15Plot

Episode 15

Xiao Ruotong opened the note, and it read clearly - Whoever attacks Ding Jiansheng is the No. 8 cell.She analyzed with Zhou Zhenwu, ruled out Gu Yizhong as a suspect, and focused on Hu Zhiping and Gu Huizhong.On the other side, Gu Huizhong confessed to Hu Zhiping that three days before the Yiyuan operation, she disappeared for an entire afternoon and was invited by Ji Yuqing to visit Zhou Zhai. The two were classmates of Leyi Girls' Middle School.Gu Huizhong believed that she had made a big mistake and had caused her husband to suffer, but Hu Zhiping did not let her report that the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee was about to transit from Suzhou to the base of Huainan.Hu Zhiping was responsible for their safety. After escorting the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee to leave safely, they returned to their roots and confessed the truth to the organization.At the same time, Lieutenant General Gu Yi shifted his suspicion to his brother-in-law Hu Zhiping.He found Wang Ma, asked about Gu Huizhong's residence, and followed Hu Zhiping; Hu Zhiping was in contact with Zhou Zhifei, and Zhou Zhifei pressed Hu Zhiping to ask about the whereabouts of Ding Jiansheng. Hu Zhiping said that if he wanted Ding Jiansheng, he would trade the seabed for it.Gu Yizhong ran hard to see the person who was meeting Hu Zhiping, but before he arrived, the person had already left.After returning home, Zhou Zhifei confided his dilemma to Mrs. Weng. Kondo forced him to hand over Ding Jiansheng, but it would lead to a dead end. If he did not hand over the position of the webmaster, he would be gone.Mrs. Weng offered to help deal with Ding Jiansheng.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E16Plot

Episode 16

Hu Zhiping took Ding Jiansheng away on the pretext that he had a secret mission in the organization, and Xiao Ruotong followed him just in case.However, Hu Zhiping secretly contacted Zhou Zhifei and exchanged Ding Jiansheng for his own underwater life, and Ding Jiansheng was also shot dead by the killer.Gu Yizhong came to the attic where the killer had just been hiding, and carefully discovered a bag of melon seeds left on the ground, with “李记” written on it.Zhou Zhenwu and Xiao Ruotong highly doubted that Hu Zhiping was actually Cell No. 8, but Hu Zhiping was plausible - comrades from the Provincial Party Committee were about to transit from Suzhou, and they needed good citizen certificates and travel permits to enter and exit the Qingxiang blockade area. Zhang Beisheng, director of the Qingxiang Committee Blockade General OfficeI owe Ding Jiansheng a big favor, but Ding Jiansheng is dead now.Zhou Zhenwu and Xiao Ruotong discussed that the top priority was to quickly prevent comrades from the provincial party committee from contacting them, but the radio station responsible for contacting their superiors was Gu Huizhong.Zhou Zhenwu sent people back to Taihu Gencui to report the unexpected situation and cancel the dealer's contact point.Based on “Li Ji”'s relevant clues, Gu Yizhong settled in, locked the killer “Eagle Eye”, and tracked him to meet another woman.However, Li Jiuzhao, sent by Zhou Zhifei, took the lead and silenced Eagle Eye.Huang Xinzhai deduced that Zhou Zhifei had already known the whereabouts of Eagle Eye so quickly, and obtained detailed clues from Gu Yizhong about the appearance of the woman he was meeting with. Through the description, Huang Xinzhai concluded that the woman was Quan Shui!As long as he grabs the spring water, Zhou Zhifei will be finished!

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E17Plot

Episode 17

Gu Yizhong took the initiative to come to the door and pointed out that the spring water should be hidden in Zhou's mansion, thereby threatening Zhou Zhifei and asking him to hand over the No. 8 cell at the bottom of the sea.Zhou Zhifei bit him to death, cell number eight was Gu Yizhong.In Fengyuan Bookstore, Gu Yizhong went to look for Haimo, but saw her being beaten up by patriotic students because of her reputation as a traitor.Gu Yizhong educated those students and sent an invitation to Haimo, inviting her to come to the boat to get together.Gu Yizhong asked Haimo about Mrs. Weng's background, and gave Haimo some money to go back to her hometown to buy some land and live a stable life.Haimo refused, but moved back to the garden and took care of Gu Yizhong's daily life.Because Jiang Boxian was targeted, Mr. Li secretly imprisoned him in No. 90 - Jiang Boxian was the secret envoy sent by Chiang Kai-shek, intending to negotiate privately with the Japanese.He told Zhou Zhifei that if necessary, he could kill Jiang Bo first to silence him.Zhou Zhifei used this to persuade Mrs. Weng that Chiang Kai-shek wanted to sue for peace with the Japanese in private, and there was no need for agents like them to continue to work hard.But Mrs. Weng didn't want to believe it and wanted to carry out the task.On the other side, Gu Yizhong came to the archives room to return Cui Yaomin's files, but unexpectedly saw Xiao Junxia's name.Zhou Zhifei deliberately used Xiao Junxia, ​​who was still alive, to lure Gu Yizhong. As long as Gu Yizhong wants to rescue him, there will be flaws.He set up a trap to ask Gu Yizhong to escort the prisoner and reunite with Xiao Junxia.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E18Plot

Episode 18

Xie Wenchao deliberately called to transfer the prison warden, leaving Gu Yizhong alone.Looking at the key close at hand, Gu Yizhong hesitated, but at the last moment, he restrained his impulse, saw through the conspiracy, and did not act rashly.Jiang Boxian, who was imprisoned in No. 90, pretended to faint and was sent to the Appeasement Military Hospital.As soon as the news came out, Mrs. Weng immediately took Ji Yuqing hostage, walked out of the gate of Zhou's house, and sneaked into the Appeasement Military Hospital to perform her mission.But they were outnumbered. At the critical moment, Zhou Zhifei rescued Weng Tai and blocked the Japanese.Zhou Zhifei was furious, Jiang Boxian couldn't save him, and Mrs. Weng's move was just to die in vain!Does she think she can save the country and nation on her own?Mrs. Weng said calmly, yes.Zhou Zhifei locked Mrs. Weng in the room and ordered Ji Yuqing to keep an eye on her.At the same time, Gu Yizhong started an operation to rescue Xiao Junxia under the guidance of Huang Qiushou.He contacted Xiao Ruotong and told her that Xiao Junxia was alive, and she led the rescue operation.No. 90 was impregnable, and a hard attack was impossible. The only way was to dig tunnels to save people. Gu Yizhong figured out the layout of the surrounding buildings, found a gap, pretended to be strolling around, and measured the building structure of No. 90 with steps.The local route was determined.He drew professional drawings that only Xiao Ruotong could understand, and sent Fugui to help her dig tunnels to save people.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E19Plot

Episode 19

Just as Huang Xinzhai was about to investigate in depth, Xie Wenchao suddenly arrived and, under the guise of borrowing ink, suddenly opened the door and interrupted his plan.Afterwards, Xie Wenchao confided in private that he accidentally learned about the conspiracy between Huang Xinzhai and Gu Yizhong, which involved a mysterious figure named “Quanshui”-Ou Xinping.Zhou Zhifei was well aware of Huang Xinzhai's ability and did not have high hopes of capturing “Quanshui”, so he did not pay too much attention to this information.

In order to monitor and respond to Gu Yizhong's actions more effectively, Zhou Zhifei carefully planned and sent Xie Wenchao to mobilize elites from the Kunshan Secret Service Station. They quietly blended into the market and formed three teams to launch an all-weather, all-out close surveillance network on Gu Yizhong..

At the same time, “Quanshui” took advantage of Zhou Zhifei's absence to sneak into his mansion and secretly plot an escape strategy.When Zhou Zhifei returned, he saw that Yuqing was restrained and “Quanshui” had disappeared without a trace, leaving only an unopened letter.Upon seeing this, Yuqing was so anxious that she turned the letter into ashes and asked about Zhou Zhifei's past with “Quanshui”.Zhou Zhifei quickly made up a lie, saying that “Quanshui”'s real name was Liu Xiujuan and that he had been punished by Mr. Li's wife, in order to confuse Yuqing and make him believe it.

On the other side, Gu Yizhong was in a panic, knowing that time was running out and Xiao Junxia must be rescued immediately.He secretly contacted Haimo and told her to inform her cousin to leave Suzhou immediately.During dinner, although Haimo noticed something strange about Gu Yizhong, he did not forcefully question him.Gu Yizhong judged that the tunnel excavation was nearing completion, so he sent Gao Hu to explore the dungeon on the pretext of delivering food, but was declined by the warden.

Just as Gao Hu was reporting back, Gu Yizhong received an urgent call from Haimo and hurried back to the park.Xiao Ruotong is already waiting here, telling him that the tunnel is close to the prison, but he is faced with the problem of path selection.Gu Yizhong responded quickly, provided a stethoscope, and guided Xiao Ruotong and others to accurately locate his hiding place by monitoring the sounds in the wall and using Xiao Junxia's specific signal as a guide.

While Gu Yizhong and Xiao Ruotong were intensively planning, Haimo broke in and reported the approaching agents.Gu Yizhong decisively arranged for Haimo to escort Xiao Ruotong to evacuate, but Haimo insisted on staying to fight the enemy.Xie Wenchao led his team to break in. Without seeing Gu Yizhong, he severely interrogated the people present.Haimo was quick to wit, and used Mr. Gu's memorial tablet to fabricate stories about ghosts and gods, forcing the agents to retreat in awe.At this time, Gu Yizhong returned and secretly praised Haimo's wit.

At the same time, Xiao Ruotong went to Fugui's office with a stethoscope. Unexpectedly, he was confronted by workers holding guns after opening the door.It turned out that the workers were deceived by rumors and thought there was no treasure underground, but in fact they mistakenly pointed to Prison No. 90.When Xiao Ruotong revealed his identity, the workers were shocked and quickly changed their attitude. Not only did they release their wealth, they also actively participated in excavation work and showed full respect for the New Fourth Army.

After Xie Wenchao reported to Zhou Zhifei, Zhou Zhifei realized that he had been fooled by Gu Yizhong.In order to lure the enemy deeper, he ordered Xie Wenchao to spread false news that Xiao Junxia was about to be executed.Gu Yizhong cleverly used eggs to convey secret messages. He hid words in the eggshells, then restored them with glue, and Gao Hu sent them to prison with his meals.Jiang Boxian was keenly aware of this special “gift”.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E20Plot

Episode 20

In prison, after Xiao Junxia learned that Jiang Boxian refused to eat chicken eggs, he informed him of his intention, took the initiative to eat chicken eggs, and took out the note saying "Knock on the wall to locate%".Xiao Ruotong and Fugui knocked on the wall through the culvert to find Xiao Junxia.At this time, in the webmaster's office, Zhou Zhifei was waiting for Gu Yizhong to take the bait. He deliberately used Xiao Junxia to lure Gu Yizhong into revealing his flaws.Gu Yizhong saw through the conspiracy and had already made a good plan for himself, giving Xiao Ruotong and Fugui a chance to blow up the wall with gunpowder to save people and escape unscathed.Zhou Zhifei pointed out that it was Gu Yizhong's accomplices who dug a culvert on the opposite side of Pishi Street to rescue people, and came to the house where the blue coat was hanging. However, Gu Yizhong calmly denied it and responded as usual.In order to test Gu Yizhong's true identity, Zhou Zhifei sent Zhang Jiping to surround the rescuers.At the critical moment, Eagle led a team of troops to cover Xiao Ruotong and others' retreat back to the car dealership.Ji Hongbo, the special commissioner of the Central Unification Committee, went to Suzhou to meet Ou Xinping with Xu Enzeng's letter.Xu En once blamed Ou Xinping for his poor performance. Not only did he fail to rescue Jiang Boxian, he also failed to persuade Zhou Zhifei to return to Chongqing and demanded direct sanctions on Zhou Zhifei.Xiao Junxia escaped from danger, and he produced evidence that the photo of Taro Nakanishi given by Hu Zhiping was not true. The real Taro Nakanishi had died in prison. Everyone knew that cell No. 8 was Hu Zhiping.The Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee leader's transit trip was organized by Hu Zhiping. In order to avoid danger, the Eagle went to Hu Zhiping's residence to stop his movement.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E21Plot

Episode 21

Gu Yizhong reunited with Xiao Junxia and made the same judgment about cell No. 8.Xiao Ruotong is happy that Gu Yizhong finally proved his innocence.In the name of delivering milk powder, Eagle went to Hu Zhiping's residence to test whether he knew that Agent No. 90 had learned about the transit information of provincial party committee leaders from Suzhou.When Hu Zhiping's identity was exposed, he jumped over the wall and killed the eagle to silence him. He also took Gu Huizhong to move on the pretext that his residence was exposed.Gu Yizhong and Xiao Ruotong failed to receive news about the eagle, so they went to Hu Zhiping to search and found that the eagle was dead.Realizing that the whereabouts of the leaders of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee were exposed, Gu Yizhong asked Xiao Ruotong to take Xiao Junxia and others to retreat from the car dealership to the construction agency, while he went back to No. 90 to investigate the news.Zhongtong sent snipers to carry out an assassination mission while Zhou Zhifei was riding in the car, but the cunning Zhou Zhifei escaped by pretending to be a bodyguard.Hu Zhiping used the location of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee leaders to make deals with Zhou Zhifei, hoping to get the money and the bottom of the sea, and led Gu Huizhong to run away.Gu Huizhong followed Hu Zhiping and was shocked when he saw Hu Zhiping secretly meeting Zhou Zhifei.From Gao Hu, Gu Yizhong learned that all personnel at the station had been ordered to carry out the task of arresting the leaders of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee.After receiving the call from Gu Yizhong, Xiao Ruotong immediately looked for the address of Shikumen and notified the leaders of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee to transfer. After entering the door, he learned that this was a trap set up by Wang Mingzhong and his enemy engineering comrades, and no leader had crossed the border. The purpose was to force Cell No. 8 to show up..With the cooperation of Wang Mingzhong, everyone evacuated from the roof, allowing the agent No. 90 to escape.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E22Plot

Episode 22

His father was forced to death by Zhou Zhifei, and now his sister is also dead.Gu Yi was determined to take revenge by killing Zhou Zhifei.He was stopped by Huang Qiushou at the critical moment.Huang Qiushou comforted Gu Yizhong. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, countless people died every day due to aggression. The country was not peaceful and the family was in trouble.Killing Zhou Zhifei is just a quick move. We will not engage in assassination. Zhou Zhifei needs to accept the government's public trial and the people's bullets.He hoped that Gu Yizhong could persevere. There were countless comrades fighting alongside him in this trench.Xiao Ruotong was worried that Gu Yizhong could not withstand the changes and pressure, so he reported it to the organization, and the organization agreed that Gu Yizhong would return to the base with them.Zhou Zhifei surrounded the Zhongtong station, forced the Zhongtong agents who assassinated him to evacuate, and secretly transferred Jiang Boxian.Kondo threatened Zhou Zhifei to hand over Jiang Boxian by using Zhou Zhifei's son who was studying in Japan.In order to complete the task, Ou Xinping kidnapped Haimo and forced Gu Yizhong to help her find Jiang Boxian for Haimo's life and the righteousness of her family and country.Just before Xiao Ruotong and Gu Yizhong set off, Gu Yizhong gave up the opportunity and decided to stay to save Haimo.Jiang Bo was temporarily accommodated by Mr. Li. At Zhou Zhifei's suggestion, he decided to go for a walk in Liuyuan the next day.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E23Plot

Episode 23

Ji Hongbo met in secret with Huang Xinzhai, who kidnapped Jiang Boxian in exchange for a pass to leave Suzhou.On the other side, Gu Yizhong got the news and informed Ou Xinping, but he suspected that Zhou Zhifei deliberately spread the news.Gu Yizhong went to Huang Qiu Shou to report the matter. Huang Qiu Shou speculated that Jiang Bo first came to negotiate with the Japanese on behalf of Chiang Kai-shek. The conclusion of cooperation would undoubtedly destroy the anti-Japanese national united front established by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.In order to ensure a smooth journey against Japan, he suggested rescuing Jiang Boxian first.Wang Puppet also does not want Chongqing to have contact with Japan, so currently all parties want to get Jiang Boxian, Operation Liuyuan or Zhou Zhifei's trap to induce all parties to kill each other.The next day, as soon as Jiang Boxian arrived at Liuyuan, Huang Xinzhai killed the Shanghai agents who were following him and tried to take Jiang Boxian away, but was intercepted by Xie Wenchao, who had already killed Ji Hongbo who was waiting outside the door in advance.From high above, a Peace Army sniper fired, and Huang Xinzhai was scared away.Xie Wenchao asked Uncle Jiang to go to the front door to find the person who would take care of him.Ou Xinping and Shen Yifei led people into Liuyuan. Shen Yifei rescued Jiang Boxian, but the surrounding agents were shot by snipers. Shen Yifei took Jiang Boxian to a higher place to escape.On the other side, Gu Yizhong has been using a sniper rifle at the Peace Army snipers from a high place, trying to help them leave.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E24Plot

Episode 24

Ou Xinping was sent to Prison No. 90 and tortured.Kondo hoped that Zhou Zhifei would instigate rebellion and Ou Xinping would surrender, but Ou Xinping would rather die than succumb to the Japanese.Zhou Zhifei recalled the time when the two went boating in Suzhou, and couldn't hide his emotions when looking at the affectionate Ou Xinping.Gu Yizhong revealed that Zhou Zhifei deliberately spread the news about Jiang Boxian's trip, killed Huang Xinzhai and silenced others, planned to rob Xinping in the area, revealed his whereabouts to Kondo so that the Japanese could use the Central Unification's retreat, and then used Peace Army gunmen to massacre more than a dozen people, only toTo save his own life.Back in Gu Yuan, Haimo begged Gu Yizhong to rescue Ou Xinping. Gu Yizhong didn't understand why Haimo still helped her. Haimo confessed her life experience to Gu Yizhong. She cooperated with Weng Tai to save the life of her brother in the air force.Gu Yizhong asked her real name, but Hai Mo hesitated and asked him to continue calling her Hai Mo. If it weren't for this name, she would not have known her cousin and come to Gu Yuan.The Japanese asked Mr. Li for questioning, suspecting that Zhou Zhifei had contact with Chongqing.Zhou Zhifei was called to Mr. Li's place. Mr. Li blamed Zhou Zhifei for letting Jiang Bo escape first, talked about his past with Ou Xinping, and said that the Japanese side believed that Ou Xinping was of no use and demanded that he be shot.Gu Yizhong brought food made by Hai Mo to Ou Xinping, and Ou Xinping hoped that Gu Yizhong could take care of the helpless Hai Mo.The next day, Zhou Zhifei came to the execution ground in person and shot Ou Xinping to death.Before dying, the two revealed their feelings to each other for the last time.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E25Plot

Episode 25

Zhang Jiping recognized that the mastermind of digging the tunnel was Gu Yuan's housekeeper Fugui, and immediately sent people to find Fugui in Dingjue Temple. Fugui preferred to die and resisted arrest, and tied a bomb to die with them.The garden Kondo took Gu Yizhong to visit has been changed to the Suzhou Sino-Japanese Cultural Association, and Gu Yizhong was appointed as the vice president.Seeing their close relationship, Zhou Zhifei felt uneasy and arrested Haimo to No. 90, slandering Haimo as an associate of Zhongtong and that Gu Yizhong had been protecting him.Gu Yizhong angrily asked for help, but was asked why Haimo lived in Gu Yizhong's house.In order to save Haimo, Gu Yizhong confessed that Haimo was his fiancée.Kondo urged Gu Yizhong to get married as soon as possible and granted Gu Yizhong the position of deputy webmaster. He wanted to drag Gu Yizhong into trouble and support Gu Yizhong to contain Zhou Zhifei.Gu Yizhong asked Huang Qiu Shou for help. Huang Qiu Shou said that if he wanted to dispel Kondo's concerns, from now on, Gu Yizhong would not only have to cut off all contact with Xiao Ruotong, but also have a fake marriage with Hai Mo.He is well aware of the feelings between Gu Yizhong and Xiao Ruotong, but the country is on the verge of survival, and we must work hard regardless of our own safety.Gu Yizhong did not want to let Xiao Ruotong down and refused the job, but when he saw Fugui's suicide note to him, he realized that he could not escape his responsibility.Gu Yizhong held the pen Xiao Ruotong gave him, his eyes moist.On the other side, Xiao Ruotong looked at Gu Yizhong's proposal letter and smiled.On the city tower, Gu Yizhong looked down at Gusu City and finally decided to fake a marriage with Haimo.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E26Plot

Episode 26

Xiao Ruotong and Xiao Junxia left Suzhou in accordance with organizational regulations.Gu Yizhong is no longer the carefree young master and architect dedicated to studying. Along the way, the tests imposed on him by fate eventually became his unshirkable responsibility. With the support of faith, Gu Yizhong codenamed “A Lonely Hero's Journey”, return to No. 90 to continue the mission.Mr. Li came to Suzhou to find Zhou Zhifei about Luo Wuqiang, the commander of the 33rd Independent Division.If the Wang Puppet Government wants to compete with the governments of other countries, it must have its own armed forces, implement the "Weapon Plan", win over Luo Wuqiang, and unite forces from all over Suzhou.Mr. Li brought a movie star, Miss Luzhu, to Zhou Zhifei to place her properly. Zhou Zhifei knew at a glance that she was not a fuel-efficient lamp.Xiao Ruotong, wearing the uniform of the New Fourth Army, received a new task in the base area, sneaked into Shanghai with a new identity, and broke into the 33rd Independent Division of the Peace Army.Before going to work, Gu Yizhong learned from Haimo that a new Japanese family had moved next door.News of the dissolution of the Comintern came to No. 90. Gu Yizhong analyzed that this was an act of Soviet Russia having to please Britain and the United States after losing the battlefield, and it might pose a threat to the Northeast.Kondo approved and handed over the work of formulating the Qingxiang plan to Gu Yizhong.Gu Yizhong found a secret letter from Hua Xia Pictorial and asked him to meet at Yong'an Department Store in Shanghai.As it happened to be Haimo's birthday, Gu Yizhong decided to take Haimo and Junsheng to Shanghai together; Zhou Zhifei learned that Gu Yizhong was going to Shanghai and sent his men to follow him.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E27Plot

Episode 27

Mr. Ono said that he was a businessman and liked Chinese culture very much, so he asked Haimo for advice on Pingtan.Kondo handed over the revised agent training materials to Gu Yizhong, which made Zhou Zhifei even more dissatisfied.He called Xie Wenchao. The Huaxia Pictorial in the photo made Zhou Zhifei suspicious. He asked Xie Wenchao to send people in Shanghai to investigate all the staff of the Huaxia Pictorial.While playing mahjong with Mrs. Zhou, Haimo heard the news that Zhou Zhifei had taken her Hua Xia pictorial, and had a bad premonition.Haimo went home and told Gu Yizhong the news.Mr. Ono hosted a banquet for Gu Yizhong and Haimo.Xiaoye likes Pingtan very much and hopes to become Haimo's teacher. Haimo happily agrees.Back home, Gu Yizhong blamed Hai Mo for not agreeing easily to prevent danger, but Hai Mo had already planned. She knew that Gu Yizhong was on a mission. Since the other party offered it, she could help her by breaking into Ono's house.Huang Qiushou saw the agents following him, realized that his identity was exposed, and used smoke bombs to escape.Liu Shiqing suggested that Huang Qiushou evacuate immediately.However, Gu Yizhong has not yet received the news about the military plan, and Huang Qiushou hopes to complete the handover before leaving.Gu Yizhong saw Xie Wen heading towards the train station and knew that Huang Qiushou was in danger, so he immediately called to inform him.In the noodle shop, Xie Wenchao followed Huang Qiu Shou in with a special agent. At the last moment, Huang Qiu Shou tore up the list of materials and sprinkled them into the soup.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E28Plot

Episode 28

Huang Qiu Shou was secretly arrested. He unfortunately died trying to hide Gu Yizhong's identity.Zhou Zhifei tested Gu Yizhong with Huang Qiushou's corpse. Gu Yizhong was flawless, but he was in grief and burst into tears in a deserted place.He recalled the way Huang Qiu Shou gave lectures to passionate young people like them, the way he spoke passionately, and the way Huang Qiu Shou gave himself the codename “A Lonely Hero's Journey”.Zhou Zhifei was fully confident that Huang Qiushou's insider at No. 90 was Gu Yizhong. He decided to find an opportunity to deal with Gu Yizhong.Mr. Li blamed Zhou Zhifei for being reckless, and the two discussed that winning over Luo Wuqiang was the most important thing.He handed over the difficult matter of purchasing a residence for Luzhu in Suzhou to Mr. Li.Zhou Zhifei was worried about this.Ji Yuqing suggested that the matter should be handed over to Gu Yizhong's office. If Luzhu took action against Gu Yizhong, it would be a good idea to use Mr. Li's hand to get rid of Gu Yizhong.Gu Yizhong had no choice but to accompany Miss Lu Zhu. Miss Lu Zhu teased Gu Yizhong, but Gu Yizhong responded awkwardly.In the evening at the Japanese dance hall, Miss Luzhu danced with Gu Yizhong, and her outstanding figure attracted the attention of the Japanese army Colonel Ito.But Lv Zhu didn't give any face, and refused Ito's invitation to dance. The accompanying officer tried to pull Lv Zhu up, but was slapped.The entourage held Lvzhu with a gun. Gu Yizhong stepped forward to smooth things over and protect Lvzhu. When the situation was tense, he met Mr. Ono to help rescue him.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E29Plot

Episode 29

Gu Yizhong was worried about Haimo's safety and refused Xiaoye's invitation.In order to obtain information about military affairs, Gu Yizhong finally agreed to take risks at Haimo's request and agreed to attend the banquet of Japanese commander Xiao Lin.Luo Wuqiang was originally a subordinate of Feng Yuxiang. Later, his unit was changed to the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army. After the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army disintegrated, he took refuge in Tianjin and did not come out until two years ago.In the early years, he had quite a relationship with Luo Wuqiang, and now he has eight thousand mercenaries, which would be a good card if he could win them over.Xiao Ruotong followed Luo Wuqiang's troops to Suzhou. She played Lu Junnuo, the tutor of Luo Wuqiang's children, in order to get closer to him, gain his trust, and instigate him to join the New Fourth Army.Zhou Zhifei saw Lu Junnuo's photo and thought it looked very familiar.Originally, Xiao Ruotong had asked the organization to reveal his true identity to Luo Wuqiang, but Luo Wuqiang suddenly received news that Chairman Wang wanted to promote him to major general and specially invited him to Suzhou to attend the medal ceremony.Mr. Li negotiated conditions with Luo Wuqiang, hoping that Luo Wuqiang could cooperate with the Wang puppet.Their conversation was overheard by Gu Yizhong who was hiding outside.Luo Wuqiang was noncommittal about Mr. Li's conditions and said that he had accepted Minister Zhou's invitation.Mr. Li asked Zhou Zhifei to stabilize Luo Wuqiang first.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E30Plot

Episode 30

At the banquet, Zhou Zhifei used various methods to test Gu Yizhong and Xiao Ruotong, but everyone tried to get rid of them in various ways.When the atmosphere was tense, Miss Luzhu came with Wang Zemin.Although Haimo talks little, he is very articulate.Xiao Ruotong reported that Gu Yizhong did not reveal himself, but currently no one knows who Gu Yizhong is.The organization obtained Huang Qiufa's communication code before his death and asked Wang Mingzhong to restart contact with “A Lonely Hero's Journey” and set off for Suzhou.Luzhu asked Gu Yizhong to take her home. She suspected that Gu Yizhong was a communist.After Lu Zhu started playing around, Gu Yizhong realized that Lu Zhu was playing tricks and gave Gu Yizhong the mung bean cake that Lu Zhu had brought.Luzhu saw at a glance that Gu Yizhong and Lu Junnuo were old acquaintances, and told Gu Yizhong that No. 76 was investigating Lu Junnuo.Xiaolin's banquet was heavily guarded and full of dangers. Gu Yizhong finally overcame all difficulties and took the core photo, but was almost caught on the way. Fortunately, Ono secretly helped him to protect himself, and he was able to escape.Ono forced him to hand over the photos and forget the blame, but Gu Yizhong refused. He pointed out that the Japanese were sanctimonious and that they were stealing Suzhou by force.Ono was speechless and did not expose himself in the end.Zhang Jiping led people to arrest Wang Mingzhong, and Xiao Junxia, ​​who came to join him, could only watch as he was arrested.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E31Plot

Episode 31

Zhou Zhifei tortured Wang Mingzhong, both soft and hard, forcing him to reveal A Lonely Hero's Journey's contact information.Wang Mingzhong would rather die than obey and was killed in the fight.Under Xiao Junxia's persuasion, Luo Wuqiang came to ask for help. Zhou Zhifei deliberately blamed his death on his subordinates. He exchanged one life for another and shot his subordinate Li Jiuzhao himself.Luo Wuqiang thought that his men had eliminated the Japanese guarding the city gate, and led his troops out of the city, but they were intercepted by Japanese military police fire... Suzhou underground organizations cooperated to send Luo Wuqiang out of Suzhou.Unexpectedly, the Japanese army deceived Luo Wuqiang and others into siege. At the critical moment, the team led by Xiao Junxia fought desperately to rescue and died heroically.Gu Yizhong asked Luzhu for help and asked Luo Wuqiang to dress up as Mr. Li, and successfully sent Luo Wuqiang back to the base camp despite the Japanese's tight defense.“武工” plan failed.When Mr. Li learned about this incident, he was furious and said that the Japanese were acting in secret and were clearly at odds with Chairman Wang.Mr. Li knew that Luo Wuqiang liked Xiao Ruotong. With this hostage in hand, he could further negotiate with Luo Wuqiang and sent Zhou Zhifei to place Xiao Ruotong under house arrest.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E32Plot

Episode 32

Gu Yizhong, a son of the Gu family in Suzhou, returned to China after studying architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, after a rescue operation to assist his underground party girlfriend failed, all contact points of the Suzhou underground organization were also exposed.Gu Yizhong was mistaken for a traitor within the party due to deliberate frame-up by the Japanese and puppets. Unable to prove his innocence, he took the initiative to infiltrate the Japanese and puppets. After many twists and turns, he finally became a latent agent of our party in the Suzhou secret service station.Under tremendous pressure, Gu Yizhong battled wits and courage with Zhou Zhifei, the head of the Suzhou Secret Service Station, and Toshio Kondo, the Japanese military adviser, and took the opportunity to find out the real traitor in the party, Black Eight, and remove him.Gu Yizhong continued to secretly collect intelligence for our party, saved comrades in the party from danger many times, and provided tremendous support and help to the anti-Japanese and national salvation movement organized by our party's underground organization in Suzhou.He moved forward with unwavering faith and continued to grow in the struggle.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E33Plot

Episode 33

A gentleman claimed that he wanted to publish a supplement about Suzhou’s ancient architecture.After meeting, the person spoke the secret code Huang Qiu had given him.But Gu Yizhong knew that this was a trap, saw through the other party, and did not fall into the trap.The connection failed, and Zhou Zhifei was despairing. He could only place his hope on Mr. Li.Mrs. Li sent Luzhu to the Japanese Military Police. In order not to be humiliated, Luzhu committed suicide.However, Mr. Li was poisoned by the Japanese and died soon. Before he died, he handed all important letters to Zhou Zhifei and asked Zhou Zhifei to deliver them to Boss Dai. His only request was to treat his family well.Without Mr. Li as his backer, Zhou Zhifei was desperate. On the pretext of going home to offer incense, he cooperated with Ji Yuqing to kill Iwai and escape. Before escaping, he showed off to Kondo. In his hands, Kondo's subordinates were involved in transactions with the New Fourth Army, smuggling military rice and other evil deeds.This is evidence that if Kondo doesn’t treat his son well, all these photos will be made public by him.A month later, Zhou Zhifei defected to the army again.After Mr. Li's death, Wan Lilang of the Political Security Bureau of the Wang government walked into No. 90 with great swagger and announced that the name of the secret service headquarters would be revoked and reorganized into the Political Security Bureau with immediate effect. No. 90 was also ordered to be renamed the Political Security Bureau directly under Suzhou PoliticsSecurity Bureau branch %, with Gu Yizhong as director.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E34Plot

Episode 34

When Haimo learned about this, she was very anxious. Regardless of the danger, she went to Zhou Zhifei to ask about the whereabouts of Gu Yizhong, and found that Gu Yuan had been renamed by Zhou Zhifei and taken as his own.Lu Zhaohe told Haimo that Gu Yizhong was being held in Shizikou Prison.Haimo posted a missing person notice and looked for Luo Wuqiang. She knew that at this time, only Luo Wuqiang could save Gu Yizhong.Gu Yuan was decorated with lanterns and colors, and guests were entertained. Distinguished guests from all walks of life came one after another.Now that Chongqing is negotiating, the two parties are cooperating again. Wang Zemin and Xie Wenchao are traitors, and they all rely on Zhou Zhifei's status as a special commissioner to help them.Unexpectedly, this banquet turned out to be the Hongmen Banquet. Zhou Zhifei turned his face and refused to recognize anyone. He read out the Regulations on Punishing Traitors promulgated by the National Government in public, ordering everyone to surrender.Lin Guoping, director of the Political Department of the New Fourth Army, and Chen Anliang, chief of staff, found Haimo and learned that Gu Yizhong was in prison. They said they would try their best to rescue him. Gu Yizhong had made many contributions to our party and would never abandon him organizationally.With the help of Director Lin, Haimo was able to visit Gu Yizhong.Haimo told Gu Yizhong that Director Lin had helped find the most famous lawyer in Shanghai and would definitely prove his innocence.Gu Yizhong was prosecuted for being a traitor. In court, faced with Zhou Zhifei's frame-up, Gu Yizhong suffered from the lack of evidence and witnesses and was helpless.Zhou Zhifei submitted the materials previously filed on No. 90, accusing Gu Yizhong of masterminding the plot to kill Ou Xinping and more than a dozen agents of Zhongtong.

《A Lonely Hero's Journey》E35Plot

Episode 35

Gu Yizhong rescued Political Commissar Chen and wrote a note to Luo Wuqiang, asking Political Commissar Chen to find Luo Wuqiang.Xie Wenchao exposed Gu Yizhong to help save people, and mocked that even if Japan was defeated, Suzhou would not be ruled by the New Fourth Army. However, Gu Yizhong pointed out that Xie Wenchao was a member of the puppet government, and Chongqing would never let him go.Gu Yizhong took out Dai Li's letter of appointment and said that he had always been the person assigned to No. 90 by the military commander. Xie Wenchao was completely confused.Gu Yizhong wanted to rescue the New Fourth Army who was imprisoned in No. 90. He persuaded Zhang Jiping to find a way out for himself before Japan surrendered. After learning that Gu Yizhong was a member of the military commander, Zhang Jiping and others also decided to revolt and broke out of the prison together.On August 15, 1945, Emperor Hirohito of Japan broadcast to the whole country, accepting the Potsdam Proclamation and implementing unconditional surrender, ending the war.When Kondo heard the news coming from the radio, he fell to his knees.Gu Yizhong took to the streets, and there were sounds of joy celebrating victory everywhere.Kondo met with Gu Yizhong and they were honest with each other.Gu Yizhong informed Kondo that he had notified the New Fourth Army to take over Suzhou.Only then did Gu Yizhong realize that Kondo had known his identity for a long time. He had not revealed it not because there was no evidence, but also because of sympathy. Gu Yizhong told Kondo that he was not yet one and hoped to join one day.Kondo decided to commit seppuku and asked Gu Yizhong, a confidant who was both friend and foe, to help him.

A Lonely Hero's Journey

A Lonely Hero's Journey

Total 36 Episodes Aug 06, 2024 C-Drama Myst Actor: Zeng Shunxi Zhang Songwen