This drama is adapted from the novel of the same name and tells the story of Hagiwara Kazaki (Muto Jun) who is worried about a sexless life with his live-in lover.); and Satoshi Hanai (Asuka Ito), who lives with his childhood sweetheart who has always been unrequitedly in love despite knowing that he can't realize it.decoration).
One day, a text message sent by Yi Xian was mistakenly transmitted to Zheng. From that day on, the two began a wonderful communication without knowing each other's identity.Because they like each other, they want to touch and hug each other - both parties have the same unsatisfied desire, and the distance between them is gradually shortening.The constant drizzle gradually gathered into a violent torrent, drowning both of them...
Hagiwara Hitachi (Muto Jun), who works in the sales department of a home appliance manufacturer, is troubled by his sexless relationship with his live-in girlfriend Mizutani Kari (Akita Shiori).One day, he was assigned to be the director of the company's concurrent party. He was supposed to email the store candidate list to another account, but he accidentally sent it to “someone”.
The person who received the email was none other than Sei Hani (Asuka Ito) who was working in the General Affairs Department at the same time.Hanjing Zheng is also troubled by the hopeless love between his cohabitation partner Fujisawa Kazaki (Matsumoto Daiki).Neither of them ever expected that they would be the recipients of email exchanges.They started sending each other emails and having seemingly casual conversations, and gradually developed a wonderful relationship...
Taking the erroneous email sent by Hagiwara Kazaki (Muto Jun) as an opportunity, Hani Zheng (Ito Asahi) started a casual communication.The two people, who work in the same electrical appliance manufacturing company and can talk in the workplace, didn't expect that they were the other's email partners.
Ichikyo went to a barbecue restaurant with his live-in girlfriend Kaori Mizutani (played by Akita Shiori) and their friends. When he heard that his friend was getting married, he felt that he was forced to face the reality of a sexless life.Then, Xiang Zheng expressed his troubles...