《The Killer's Shopping List》E2

Counterfeit criminals

Dacheng and the uncle playing nunchucks found a female body on the grass in the park. After calling the police, the police came to the scene quickly and asked Dacheng some questions. Unexpectedly, Dacheng provided a lot of valuable information as soon as he opened his mouth. Who is the deceased?Kindergarten teacher, lives alone, and is receiving treatment for depression.From the address of the deceased to his phone number, personal life status, and the life information of Mr. Nunchuck, Dacheng answered everything fluently. Such a know-it-all mind stunned the policemen on the side.However, Team Leader Jin, who has worked in the neighborhood for many years, is not surprised and calls Dacheng the equivalent of the landowner here. However, Yaxi's evaluation of Dacheng is that he looks tall and smart, but is actually useless.

Counterfeit criminals

Early the next morning, the fat aunt rushed into the supermarket in panic and told her mother and other store clerks that a body was found in the park last night, and the discoverer was Dacheng.Although her mother tried her best not to pay attention, there was a worried look on her face. She coldly threw out a bunch of new sign stickers and asked Da Cheng to stick them on the shopping bags one by one, hoping that he would stop thinking about it.But then Xiaolu came to buy things again and mentioned the pink slippers, which she had picked up at the foot of the Madonna statue in the church the day before yesterday. This was a very important piece of information. When Dacheng wanted to ask more questions, Xiaolu immediately moved away.The topic started, and she mentioned that she saw Yaxi dressed up nicely and preparing to go on a blind date.This news made Dacheng's mind explode instantly. He ignored the work in the supermarket and asked a part-time worker to stand guard for him, then quickly came to the police station.After some probing, Dacheng still didn't see Yaxi.

On the way back home, Dacheng passed by the Virgin Mary statue in the church and accidentally found a pill under her feet. Dacheng picked it up and looked at it, remembering that there were many such pills scattered around the body he found. He glanced around and found that not far awayThere were also some pills scattered around, like a guide, guiding Dacheng to a corner.There was a pair of women's stockings here. At this time, Team Leader Jin called Daesung from behind. He immediately stuffed the stockings into his trouser pocket and pretended that nothing happened.But after all, Team Leader Jin watched Da Cheng grow up, and he immediately caught the signal from his expression that Da Cheng was meddling in his own business again.Team leader Jin didn't say anything, but he warned Dacheng sincerely that he was very worried about him.Team leader Jin still clearly remembers that a few years after the fraud incident, there were uninvited guests in the supermarket again. Daesheng bravely dealt with them, but in the end the criminal was nowhere to be seen, leaving only the goods scattered on the floor and a pool of blood.That time, in order to protect Dae-sung, my mother decided to settle the matter and begged Team Leader Kim to conceal the existence of the bloodstains. Team Leader Kim agreed to her request, so he picked up ketchup and sprinkled it on the ground to cover up, but afterwards he followed the bloodstains all the way to the garbage dump alone., seems to have found something in the trash can...

Time returns to the present, and Dacheng returns to work in the supermarket again.At work that day, the community president got angry at Dacheng because he couldn't buy the stockings he wanted, so Dacheng had to bring other styles.I saw the president pulling the stockings hard to see the quality, but this action gave Dacheng a flash of inspiration. He quickly came to the stockings shelf and picked up a pair of all styles of stockings. Dacheng took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention.He quickly ran back to his residence and started pulling out the new stockings one by one.Because the stockings Dacheng picked up were of very good quality and would not be damaged no matter how hard they were pulled, he thought they were most likely the murder weapon used to mark the neck of the deceased. After having this conjecture, Dacheng called Yaxi and asked about the death of the deceased.Yaxi was surprised whether the cause of death was strangulation. What Dacheng said was correct, but this was internal information from the police station.

Dacheng immediately asked Yaxi to come out to meet and said that he had important information to provide.Dacheng handed the silk stockings and pills to Yaxi, hoping that she would make great achievements and be promoted smoothly, so that Dacheng could become an excellent housekeeper. This was originally a good intention, but she was lectured by Yaxi again, and she did notI don’t need Dacheng to be my helper. I just want Dacheng to find what he wants to do and shine in the areas he is good at. He doesn’t want to be a salty fish all day long.

Today is a discount day in the supermarket, and internal employees can get half discounts. The new boy at the fresh food post immediately took a bunch of products, including two pairs of stockings.When Dacheng was checking out, he was a little curious about these two things and asked the boy if he was buying it for his mother or girlfriend, but the boy was unwilling to answer, which made Dacheng even more suspicious of him.At ten o'clock in the night, a girl walked into the supermarket angrily, shouting who had been sending her strange things. Her mother immediately went up to her and checked some of the shopping bags the girl had brought. She was sure that they were not sent by the supermarket.The product has not reached the delivery threshold.The girl complained that she was having a nervous breakdown. Other employees also came to take a look and found that there were some used tampons in the shopping bag. It seemed that the girl had been harassed and intimidated by unknown persons for a long time.The employees took the girl aside to comfort them, and then Dacheng saw that there was also a pair of stockings in those bags...

At this time, the girl asked the supermarket to delete her membership information. Dacheng immediately came to the computer, quickly opened her file, and claimed that the culprit was probably a customer of the supermarket, because the products used for harassment and the shopping bags all came from here..Mom immediately told Dacheng to shut up and warned him not to cause trouble to the supermarket again.After that, the mother also drove the girl away and threw the shopping bag she brought into the trash can.At this time, the fat aunt was making sarcastic remarks and was worried that the supermarket would close down soon.After hearing this, her mother immediately quarreled with her, but the fat aunt also had a fiery temper. She started to fight whenever she disagreed, and the two women struggled with each other.Dacheng stepped forward to break up the fight, but was punched in the face, causing his nose to bleed instantly.He was furious now, and it was all the fault of that nasty molester.Dacheng picked out those shopping bags from the trash can and took them back to his residence to start studying them. Dacheng printed the shipping list and matched them one by one with the products in the bags, trying to find out the customers who purchased them.This screening project was huge. Fortunately, a colleague helped him make suggestions and asked Dacheng to do some profiling of criminals and then narrow down the list.Dacheng thought it made sense, and also thought that the harassers used shopping bags from the past, and could use this to narrow down the search date. Colleagues couldn't help praising Dacheng for drawing inferences from one instance to another, saying that he had always been smart in the past, but one day in middle school, he started to, became very depressed and no longer wanted to study.Dacheng's eyes evaded, as if he didn't want to recall that past event.But after closing time tonight, as my mother stood in front of the supermarket, she remembered that night many years ago.

At that time, Dacheng was still in middle school. One day, his mother was closing the shop alone and was attacked. This man was the criminal who was sent to prison by the mother and son.The first thing he did after being released from prison was to seek revenge on his mother and Dacheng.Not long after, Dacheng also came to the supermarket. He watched his mother being attacked by a criminal again. He picked up a can of drink and threw it at the criminal, hitting him in the head. The scene stopped here. Mom didn't dare to think about it anymore. She justI hope my family will be safe and never be in danger again.

The next day, my mother skipped work all day, put on a leather jacket and rode a motorcycle, becoming a high-profile delivery rider.She told Dacheng that she would use this method to find out information about competitors. While delivering goods, she would also quietly throw away flyers from other supermarkets.At night, my mother came to the home of the harassed girl, only to find a man trying to open the door. My mother immediately stepped forward to fight with him, only to find that the man was Xiaolu's father.He explained that he worked in real estate and wanted to open the door at the request of the homeowner because of some water leakage.After speaking, Xiaolu's father asked Dacheng's mother to go in with him to check. Unexpectedly, he found the girl's body as soon as he entered the door, with a canned yellow peach next to him.

On the other side, when Dacheng was thinking about the case, he thought of those pills scattered in large quantities. If other products can be purchased from supermarkets, then pills should not be easily available.Dacheng sent a message to Yaxi and asked what kind of treatment pills they were, but learned that they were not medicine, just a kind of candy.After hearing this, Dacheng immediately thought of a children's toy that was the exclusive agent of his own supermarket, and the matching candies inside were the ones at the crime scene.At this time, the fat aunt came again to provide clues, saying that it was the goods that Dacheng's father bought after being deceived, and now the supermarket has a lot of national reserves.Dacheng searched the Internet based on the scammer's information and found that the other party's photo looked familiar. At this time, the part-time student girl passed by and said that her eyes were exactly the same as the nunchaku man.Dacheng immediately asked Yaxi about the hospital where the uncle was currently located. It happened that Yaxi also wanted to go to the uncle because she found that the actual age and appearance of the uncle were too different, and she wanted to conduct some further investigation on his identity.

After the two arrived at the hospital, the uncle had already gone out, leaving only a silver-white wig beside the bed.The two had no choice but to wait in the hospital lobby. At this time, Dacheng passed by a man. When he turned around, he found that he was actually the uncle, but at this time his face looked more like another person, the counterfeit criminal when he was a child.It turned out that he had been lurking next to the Dacheng family. At this time, the criminal looked fierce and took out a knife to support Yaxi.

The Killer's Shopping List

The Killer's Shopping List

Total 8 Episodes Apr 27, 2022 Korean Crime Actor: Kim Seol Hyun Lee Kwang Soo