This drama is adapted from the manga of the same name and tells the story of Suzuki Aoba (Kimura Keito), a shady first-year high school student who embarks on a shady path.), although he is occasionally called “fighting game by his classmate Sannosuke Iwase (played by Shin Hasegawa)” was beaten badly, but he still lived a satisfying school life.
One day, Kenshin Akazawa (Tsubaki Taiga), a superstar in the fighting arts world in the next class,(played) to save him from the “Fighting Game”, Quanxin suddenly said to him “You are empty...”cannot forgive him, and declared that he wanted to punch him“.
Under the introduction of Sannosuke Iwase, Aoba entered Tokiwa Kinari (Sanano Takeru).The Shark Gym, which is on the verge of closing down, is run by a character) and enters the world of ”MMA“
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