This drama is adapted from the manga of the same name and tells the story of Suzuki Aoba (Kimura Keito), a shady first-year high school student who embarks on a shady path.), although he is occasionally called “fighting game by his classmate Sannosuke Iwase (played by Shin Hasegawa)” was beaten badly, but he still lived a satisfying school life.
One day, Kenshin Akazawa (Tsubaki Taiga), a superstar in the fighting arts world in the next class,(played) to save him from the “Fighting Game”, Quanxin suddenly said to him “You are empty...”cannot forgive him, and declared that he wanted to punch him“.
Under the introduction of Sannosuke Iwase, Aoba entered Tokiwa Kinari (Sanano Takeru).The Shark Gym, which is on the verge of closing down, is run by a character) and enters the world of ”MMA“
Suzuki Aoba (Kimura Keito), who has been frail and sick since childhood, suffers from asthma. Since elementary school, his classmate Iwase Sannosuke (Hasegawa Shin) has been used as a tool to vent stress, and he has lived a painful school life.
Although I have always been troubled by the hopeless cheerfulness of my classmate Kenshin Akazawa (Tsubaki Taiga), a rising star in the fighting world, one day, I got angry because Kenshin said he had no dreams. “You are an empty shell.…”
Set a goal to beat him up.Aoba calls Iwase, who has been bullying him, his “friend” and enters his Shark Gym.With the help of gym representatives Tokiwa Kanari (Gake Sano) and Iwase, plunge into the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), the most powerful fighting technique that allows various attacks such as punches, kicks, and joint techniques!
During a sparring session with Tokiwa (Sanogake), Aoba (Kimura Keito) gained praise for his tenacious perseverance and became a member of the Shark Gym.Soon, under Tokiwa’s command, the MMA challenge began just one week after the competition started...!The opponent is Tamatsu Kota (Yamashita Nagaku), a newcomer at the Sunny Dojo where Kenshin (Tsubaki Taiga) goes.
He is Aoba's middle school classmate, but Tamatsu said he doesn't really want to recall his middle school days.Yusong, the son of a large barbecue chain store, entered the world of MMA in order to bid farewell to his obese past self.Aoba, who worked hard to acquire skills within a week, fought equally with Tamatsu, and the competition became fierce.Tamamatsu who wants to win for the sake of change, and Aoba who believes in the truth of Tamamatsu, where will this game go——.
In order to defeat Kenshin (Tsubaki Taiga), Aoba (Kimura Keito) sets his goal to become Grappler (Sleeping Technician).I asked Wataru Amachi (played by Masaru Kasamatsu), a salaryman who works at the Shark Gym, for advice, but he firmly refused on the grounds that he was "not an instructor“" and could not solve the problem.
In short, in order to absorb Amachi's skills, Aoba observed him wholeheartedly and recorded them.At the request of Tokiwa (Gake Sano), Amachi reluctantly practices with her, but she is not good at dealing with Aoba who pretends to be the protagonist”.Finally, if you can pick one out of the rain, I’ll teach you how to sleep. If you can’t, resign from the gym!%Declaration, but...!?
Miraculously taking one from Amachi (Kasamatsu Sho), under the guidance of Tokiwa (Sanogake) and his master Amachi, Aoba (Kimura Keito) took the first step as a Grappler.The groups for the MMA Koshien qualifiers have also been determined, and in Aoba's area, there is also a karate high school champion Yuzuru Yuma (Okubo Haru) who goes to school in the same dojo as Kenshin (Tsubaki Taiga).
In order to get as close as possible to their dream of defeating Kenshin, Aoba and Iwase (played by Shin Hasegawa) looked for Hazuru's weaknesses and prepared for the competition.On that day, Aoba successfully defeated Aoba as a result of training, but he had an asthma attack... Can he defeat Hazuru, who has an overwhelming gap in fighting experience?
Aoba (Kimura Keito) completely attacked Hazuru (Okubo Haru)'s weak waist, made a beautiful comeback, and decided to enter the official competition elimination round.Later, Aoba, Iwase (Shin Hasegawa), and Tokiwa (Gake Sano) came to the official competition draw venue.
During the process of drawing numbers, Mamoru Hataya (Kazuma Sumi), a candidate for the winner of this tournament, and Aizaki Hiiragi (Sorato Okura), a cerebral fighter with a deviation value of over 70, were drawn. In the first round, Aoba'sThe opponent is the last runner-up, Nueji Yanmaru (Takechi Kaisei), who is known as the Kitakyushu Unsinkable Ship. Aoba accidentally quarreled with Nuelu, but was scolded and killed by Nuelu!%
and accept the proclamation of war.Finally the day of the decisive battle arrived.Faced with Nuelu who keeps attacking Aoye, Aoye hides a certain skill that he secretly learned from Yuzuru.
With only 1 second left, Aoba (Kimura Keito) won the first battle against Kitakyushu's unsinkable ship Noji Yanmaru (Buchi Kaisei).With the support of Iwase (played by Shin Hasegawa) and Tokiwa (played by Takeshi Sano), they entered the semi-finals of MMA Koshien. Their next opponent is the cerebral fighter Hiiragi Aimao (played by Sorato Okura) in the competition.
Hiiragi is able to analyze his opponent thoroughly, even seeing through “his attempts to defeat Kenshin”.Before the semifinals with Hiiragi, Aoba, who injured his left foot due to playing Mikazuki in the No Road match, suddenly thought of a battle plan and put it into practice.Can he take advantage of his injury to launch a surprise attack on Hiiragi... challenge to enter the MMA Koshien finals.