《Eternal Brotherhood》Ep Intro

Young Zichuanxiu defended the Zichuan Imperial Capital but was framed by Yang Minghua and sent to the border. Years later, he returned to the imperial capital relying on his military exploits, only to find that his family was in danger; Yang Minghua, who had become the president, was plotting a rebellion inside; and Seiya and Liufeng were eyeing him outside.In order to protect Zi Chuan Ning, who grew up together, and to keep the promise made back then, Zi Chuan Xiu worked with his sworn brothers Di Lin and Sterling to eradicate the rebellion.

During the alien invasion, Zi Chuanxiu went to the Far East, led the orcs to overthrow the brutal rule of the Saiyan tribe, and became the king of the Far East, with the title of Bright.After that, he fought in the north and south, experienced the baptism of blood and fire, and the collision of swords and swords, and grew up to become the guardian of the continent with the world in mind.When he learned that the mainland was facing the threat of barbarian invasion, he resolutely gave up everything and led his army to the Eastern Wilderness to fight against millions of barbarians.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E1Plot

Episode 1

On the Hengchuan battlefield located on the border of Zichuan, the Zichuan family and the barbarians are about to go to war.Zi Chuanxiu, the banner leader of the Yuanzhou Army, secretly assassinated the barbarian commander Gesha, causing the barbarian army to be defeated and the barbarian princess Kadan to be captured.This great victory in Hengchuan made the Zichuan family famous. However, the victory brought internal disputes.

When Zichuan Xiu escorted the prisoners to the Wayun Pass to meet Luo Bo, the deputy commander of the Yuanzhou Army, he learned that Yang Minghua, the president of the Zichuan family, had called him back to the imperial capital to report on his duties.Luo Bo guessed that Yang Minghua wanted to harm Zi Chuanxiu because he disobeyed military orders and went out to the army privately.After the news came out, it caused an uproar within the Zichuan family.

The victory of the Zichuan family should have been good news for everyone. However, as the suspicion and conflicts between Yang Minghua and Zichuan Xiu continued to escalate, the cloud of internal strife shrouded the glory of the victory.The victory in this Yuanzhou battle seems to have brought more hidden dangers and troubles to the Zichuan family.How to resolve internal conflicts has become a current problem for the Zichuan family.

Since the death of the previous chief, Zichuan Yuanxing, the destiny of the Zichuan family has shifted to a new track.The current chief, Zichuan Sanxing, has taken over the important responsibilities of the Zichuan family, while the president Yang Minghua and the Yuanzhou army president brother Yingxing fully assist him, each guarding the imperial capital and Yuanzhou to ensure the safety and stability of the Zichuan family.

However, people's hearts are unpredictable. As time passed, Yang Minghua's ambitions and desires began to expand. He repeatedly exceeded his authority, making everyone worried.If it weren't for Ge Yingxing to contend with him, I'm afraid the Zichuan family would have ceased to exist.Yang Minghua has had a great influence on the future of the Zichuan family. He even used Zichuan Xiu's omissions to provoke his brother Yingxing, causing unrest within the family.

As the proud disciple of Ge Yingxing, Zi Chuanxiu decided to return to the imperial capital in order to protect the family and Ge Yingxing.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E2Plot

Episode 2

Zi Chuanxiu and Di Lin are incompatible on the surface, and they seem to be fighting to the death, but in fact they are putting on a show for others.Over the years, Di Lin, Si Yilin, and Zi Chuan Xiu have been loyal to their families. However, they were helpless to discover that Yang Minghua had huge power in the imperial capital. In order to protect Zi Chuan Ginseng's lineage, Di Lin accepted an undercover mission.He became a member of Yang Minghua's command, and his task was to secretly cooperate with Si Yilin and Zi Chuanxiu, deputy commanders of the Imperial Guard.

Zi Chuanxiu was eventually thrown into prison by Di Lin, but in fact this was just a superficial trap.According to the code left by Di Lin, Zi Chuanxiu reunited with his brothers Si Yilin and Di Lin.

Di Lin and Si Yilin wanted to use public opinion to exonerate Zi Chuanxiu, but Yang Minghua found the opportunity to kill Zi Chuanxiu.At the critical moment, Princess Zi Chuan Ning came to the rescue in a carriage, and Zi Chuanxiu escaped successfully.

Zi Chuanxiu and Zi Chuan Ning were childhood sweethearts. Unfortunately, Zi Chuanxiu was framed by Yang Minghua and went to Yuanzhou. They did not see each other for seven years.Zi Chuan Ning has been fond of Zi Chuan Xiu for a long time. Due to his background and situation, Zi Chuan Xiu dared not express his feelings to Zi Chuan Ning. He could only give Zi Chuan Ning a moonstone after briefly reminiscing about the past, and then left without saying goodbye.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E3Plot

Episode 3

Ge Yingxing returned to the imperial capital and used the secret letter as evidence to prove that Zichuan Xiu was following his own orders and leading the troops to attack, and it could not be regarded as disobeying military orders.At the same time, facing Yang Minghua's pressing pressure, Ge Yingxing brought news that the barbarians intended to negotiate peace with Zichuan in order to save Princess Kadan.At this point, Zi Chuanxiu's disobedience to military orders has completely come to an end.Zichuan Xiuhe's subordinates Baichuan, Mingyu, and Roger moved into Zichuan Ning Mansion.On the other side, officials in the conference hall were discussing whether to accept the barbarian peace talks.

According to the latest news, Ge Yingxing has returned to the imperial capital, and he also brought a secret letter proving that Zichuan Xiu's dispatch of troops was not a disobedience to military orders.This news immediately caused a sensation, because there were rumors that Zi Chuanxiu had disobeyed military orders, so his status was in jeopardy.But now with Ge Yingxing's proof, this rumor was immediately broken.

Not only that, Ge Yingxing also brought even more sensational news. He expressed his intention to negotiate peace, and he also brought news that the barbarians were trying to save Princess Cardan.This means that Zi Chuanxiu's actions are not blind, but have deeper considerations.In this way, the rumor that Zi Chuanxiu disobeyed military orders became even more untenable.

Zi Chuan Xiu and his subordinates Bai Chuan, Ming Yu, and Luo Jie have now moved into Zi Chuan Ning Mansion. This news gives people a tense atmosphere.The officials in the conference hall were having a heated debate on whether to negotiate peace with the barbarians.This issue involves the future of the country, so the debate is extremely fierce.

Whether it is Zi Chuanxiu's actions or the peace talks with the barbarians, they have become hot topics in the imperial capital.Ge Yingxing successfully persuaded the officials at the meeting and proposed that he personally handle the peace talks, while Yang Minghua tried every means to transfer Zi Chuanxiu to the Directorate in charge of logistics, intending to restrict Zi Chuanxiu's role in the peace talks.

However, Zichuanxiu was not bothered by Yang Minghua's tricks, but saw through Yang Minghua's mind.Although the Directorate may appear to have no role on the surface, it is actually a place where it can play a role.Zi Chuanxiu is prepared to make full use of his resources and connections in the Directorate to achieve his goals during the peace talks.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E4Plot

Episode 4

Zi Chuan Ning was delighted that Zi Chuan Xiu could stay in the imperial capital, but Zi Chuan Xiu always found reasons to avoid Zi Chuan Ning.After getting drunk, Zichuanxiu and Si Yilin revealed their truest thoughts. Zichuanning was the heir to the family, and he was just a poor boy with an uncertain future. The two of them had no future.

In the prisoner-of-war camp, the injuries of the barbarian prisoners were serious and had not healed for a long time.Regardless of her own safety and thinking about her tribe, the barbarian princess Kadan requested a military doctor from the Zichuan soldiers, but was rejected.Cardin did not give up, and used the soldier's sword as a tool and the fabric of his skirt as gauze to clean and bandage the wounds of the tribesmen.

Zi Chuanxiu came to the prisoner of war camp on the grounds that the Director-General was distributing benefits. When she discovered that Cardin might be in danger, she decided to go and inform Si Yilin.After discussion, the two decided to let Zi Chuanxiu pretend to be Cardin and stay in the prisoner of war camp, while the real Cardin returned to the mansion with Si Yilin, and was personally protected by Si Yilin.

Sure enough, that night a masked man in black sneaked into the prisoner of war camp to assassinate Cardin, Zi Chuanxiu bravely repelled the assassin.The fight attracted Zichuan soldiers guarding the prisoner of war camp. Zichuanxiu's disguise was about to be exposed. At the critical moment, Baichuan arrived in time to rescue Zichuanxiu.However, this move aroused Zi Chuanxiu's suspicion.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E5Plot

Episode 5

At the beginning of the peace talks, Emperor Lu put forward a clause that required the Zichuan family to return Princess Cardan to the barbarians before they could sign a treaty.This request aroused Ge Yingxing's dissatisfaction. He questioned Emperor Lu, thinking that returning the princess first might put the Zichuan family into a disadvantageous situation, because if the barbarians tore up the treaty and refused to acknowledge their debt, Zichuan would be at a disadvantage.Finally, under the mediation of the barbarian envoy Mu Qi, both parties agreed that Princess Cardan would attend the peace talks in person tomorrow to witness the beginning of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

However, Yang Minghua learned the news. In order to sabotage the peace talks, he arranged to restrain Ge Yingxing on the frontline battlefield, and at the same time instructed Luo Minghai to assassinate Princess Cardan.On the other hand, Ge Yingxing and Zi Chuanxiu speculated that Yang Minghua would not sit idly by. They expected that Kadan would be in danger, and urgently ordered Zi Chuanxiu to protect Kadan.

Zi Chuanxiu came to the prisoner of war camp on the grounds that the Director-General was distributing benefits. When she discovered that Cardin might be in danger, she decided to go and inform Si Yilin.After discussion, the two decided to let Zi Chuanxiu pretend to be Cardin and stay in the prisoner of war camp, while the real Cardin returned to the mansion with Si Yilin, and was personally protected by Si Yilin.

Sure enough, that night a masked man in black sneaked into the prisoner of war camp to assassinate Cardin, Zi Chuanxiu bravely repelled the assassin.The fight attracted Zichuan soldiers guarding the prisoner of war camp. Zichuanxiu's disguise was about to be exposed. At the critical moment, Baichuan arrived in time to rescue Zichuanxiu.However, this move aroused Zi Chuanxiu's suspicion, and the crisis recurred.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E6Plot

Episode 6

Cardin and Si Yilin were recuperating in the cave. The barbarian assassins smelled the smell of medicine and surrounded them tightly.When Kadan didn't know kung fu and Si Yilin was seriously injured, the barbarian assassins attacked them.Just when Cardin was about to be assassinated, Zi Chuanxiu fell from the sky and saved them.Zi Chuanxiu and the others rushed back to the imperial capital.

Back in the imperial capital, Emperor Lu threw the bloody cloak in front of the messenger Mu Qi. He pretended to be furious and attacked Mu Qi. He actually colluded with the Zichuan family to conceal the fact that the princess was dead and silenced Mu Qi.On the second day, Cardin was changing clothes and preparing to attend the peace talks.

In the meeting hall, Zichuan officials were anxiously waiting for the peace talks to begin. They hoped to resolve conflicts with the barbarians through negotiations and avoid the outbreak of war.However, the position of the barbarian envoy was empty, and Zichuan felt uneasy.

The personal guard Weiming hurried over and brought shocking news - the barbarian envoy Lu Di and others had used the unexpected death of Princess Cardan as an excuse to leave the Zichuan Imperial Capital overnight and prepared to launch a war against Zichuan.The peace talks have completely broken down, and Zichuan is facing a serious situation.

Yang Minghua felt deeply guilty and responsible. He found Zichuan Shenxing and expressed his willingness to plead guilty.In the name of being demoted, he humbly asked Sanxing to allow him to leave Zichuan to make up for his mistakes.Taking advantage of the opportunity, Yang Minghua asked his crony Lei Xun to intervene in Yuanzhou affairs, hoping to manipulate the situation behind the scenes to save the situation.

Within Zichuan, another power game is also going on.In order to compete with Yang Minghua, Ge Yingxing decided to sacrifice Si Yilin, demoted him, and participated in Yuanzhou affairs.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E7Plot

Episode 7

Di Lin stood up and put forward some different opinions with some hesitation.Zichuan Shenxing asked him to talk about specific plans, so Dilin put forward three suggestions.The first suggestion is to place Kadan under house arrest, and the second is to mobilize 170,000 imperial garrison troops to go to Yuanzhou to put pressure on the Bei clan.The third article is not to proactively propose peace talks, but to use strong military force to make them withdraw before negotiating peace talks.

Ge Yingxing immediately agreed with Di Lin's suggestion and proposed that Lei Xun lead the imperial garrison to Yuanzhou.Lei Xun agreed immediately, and Yang Minghua also expressed no doubt. However, at this time, Luo Minghai stood up and expressed his opposition.

Luo Minghai pointed out that Ge Yingxing and Si Yilin had committed serious crimes due to the peace talks. If they led troops on an expedition, they might not be convinced by the crowd. The war was imminent, and military law could not be ignored.Di Lin also echoed from the side, making Zichuan Shenxing lose his opinion for a while.

Di Lin took the initiative to stand up and said that he would lead the expedition, and he only needed 50,000 imperial garrison troops.He proposed a military order and would come to see him immediately if he failed in a battle.Yang Minghua accused Di Lin of being young and energetic, but Ge Yingxing thought Di Lin was feasible.He said that there was no need for the emperor's garrison to go out, and he could allocate 50,000 Yuanzhou troops to Di Lin.

After the matter was confirmed, Ge Yingxing brought up the issue of punishment again, and also brought Yang Minghua and Lei Xun along with him.Luo Minghai had no choice but to tell the specific measures of punishment.Ge Yingxing made changes and used ten days of seclusion as punishment.Tomorrow he would rush to Wayun day and night and retreat on the carriage, but Si Yilin and Lei Xun could not escape the pain of thirty army sticks.Yang Minghua was also punished, and Ge Yingxing proposed that political affairs should be handled by Zichuan Shenxing.Zichuan Shenxing excused herself due to illness, but finally agreed.

Zi Chuanxiu, Di Lin and Si Yilin took a bath together to discuss matters.Zi Chuanxiu mentioned that Yang Minghua asked Di Lin to send the token to Emperor Lu at the right time, which directly contributed to the escape of the Bei tribe envoy.Then the two began to laugh at Si Yilin being beaten with a military stick.Regarding the pursuit of the mole, Zi Chuanxiu said that the mole originated from his subordinates.In fact, Zi Chuanxiu made a basic judgment and came to Ning Mansion with the dishes he cooked himself to find Bai Chuan.However, Zichuan Ning stopped her. Zi Chuanxiu promised to do something important with her in the evening, and then she got rid of Zichuan Ning's intimate entanglement.

Zichuan Ning used the dishes to imply that Baichuan wanted to get back to the right place after he lost his way.Bai Chuan understood Zi Chuanxiu's intention, but she seemed to have difficulties and did not say it in person.On the other side, Ge Yingxing came to see Yang Minghua, but Yang Minghua disappeared behind closed doors. Ge Yingxing simply spoke his inner thoughts“ at his door.

In fact, Ge Yingxing and Yang Minghua are sworn enemies on the surface, but they and Zichuan Yuanxing are sworn brothers.Back then, they worked together for Zichuan through life and death, and Zichuan Yuanxing even rescued the dying Yang Minghua from the pile of dead people.Therefore, after Zichuan Yuanxing died in the battle, the two of them came to assist Zichuan Shenxing.Ge Yingxing asked Yang Minghua in a tentative tone whether he would rebel, and was relieved after receiving a negative answer from Yang Minghua.After leaving Yang Minghua sketches of thirteen top weapons as a souvenir, he turned and left.

After Lin Xiujia” interrogated% Zi Chuanxiu, she prepared sufficient frontline supplies for Di Lin.Finally, they said goodbye.On the other side, Ge Yingxing bid farewell to Zichuan Shenxing. He told Zichuan Shenxing about testing Yang Minghua, saying that although Yang Minghua was domineering and arrogant, he had no intention of rebellion.Zichuan Shenxing can use Yang Minghua's ten-day retreat to test.Zichuan Shenxing agreed on the surface, but he had different ideas in his heart.

After Zichuan Shenxing placed Kadan in Ning Mansion, Zichuan Ning received her very grandly.However, Cardin seemed depressed and just wanted to go back to his room to rest alone, and specifically asked for a carving knife.After discussing with Xiaomei, Zichuanning worried that she had suicidal thoughts, so the two decided to go check and break into her room.It turned out to be a misunderstanding. They learned that Cardin wanted to make a token for his father to repay his safety.

Zichuanning specially arranged a party to help Kadan resolve his worries, and Kadan was very grateful.But right now, her most important thing is to pass her token to her father.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E8Plot

Episode 8

Zichuan Ning handed the token to Zichuan Shenxing in the hope of increasing the bargaining chip for peace talks.However, Ge Yingxing has left.Before leaving, he told Zichuan Xiu to help Zichuan Shenxing find out whether Yang Minghua had any rebellious intentions.

Zichuan Shenxing ordered people to quickly give Kadan's token to Ge Yingxing, thinking that it would increase the bargaining chip for peace talks.However, little did they know that there was a secret line that reported the news to Luo Minghai, who sent someone to intercept him halfway, killed all the people who sent the message, and took away the token.

Zi Chuan Ning dressed up carefully for the auspicious day with Zi Chuan Xiu, but Zi Chuan Xiu completely forgot about their previous agreement.It turns out that the important event he mentioned was just to send his brother Yingxing back to Yuanzhou.Zichuan Ning was so disappointed that he pushed him out directly.In fact, Zichuan Xiu was not ignorant of Zichuan Ning's intentions. He just didn't want to involve her in his own predicament, so he cruelly rejected her crazy love.

Zichuan Shenxing was in charge, and ministers reported relevant matters one after another. Problems such as refugees and locust plagues gave him a headache, so he asked Luo Minghai how Yang Minghua had dealt with them in the past, taking the opportunity to find evidence of rebellion based on Yang Minghua's records of handling government affairs.

Luo Minghai turned around and reported to Yang Minghua the situation of Zichuan Shenxing's administration, and handed over to Yang Minghua the Cardan token he had robbed last night.However, Yang Minghua threw the token aside and disapproved of Zichuan Shenxing's approach.

Zichuanning was very angry at Zichuanxiu's neglect of him, and directly gave all Zichuanxiu's personal belongings and the private money he had saved for seven years to Baichuan and others.After Zichuanxiu found out, he was helpless. He took out Zichuanning's cosmetics and wanted to use it to fight her. However, Zichuanning was not afraid at all, making Zichuanxiu's plan invalid.

Zichuanxiu planned to use the opportunity of quarreling with Zichuan Ning to enter the monarch's mansion, but at this time, news came that Zichuan Ginseng was going to hold a family banquet.Zichuanxiu deliberately quarreled with Zichuan Ning at the family dinner, causing Zichuan Ning to leave, while Zichuan Xiu stayed, and the study became his temporary residence, which was in line with his wishes.
Si Yilin accompanied Zi Chuanxiu to look for evidence of Yang Minghua's rebellion.At this time, Yang Minghua did not realize that Zichuan Xiu was targeting him. He asked Luo Minghai to send all his administrative records for the past ten years to Zichuan Shenxing, so that he would be busy and have no time to take care of himself.However, this move provided Zi Chuanxiu and Si Yilin with more comparison materials.

Luo Minghai's arrival almost exposed Zichuanxiu's plan. Fortunately, Si Yilin had prepared in advance, and Zichuanxiu pretended to be drunk, so Luo Minghai did not see the flaw.The two also took the time to transcribe important content to prevent Yang Minghua from interfering and destroying it at any time.

After regaining her composure, Zichuanning allowed Xiaomei to come to Zichuanxiu. However, Zichuanxiu had not completed the task and had to try to anger Zichuaning again.For this reason, he asked Si Yilin to accompany him to Chunfeng Garden, and called ten beauties at once to accompany him. Xiaomei told Zichuan Ning the news, and she was so angry that she was speechless.In fact, Zi Chuanxiu was not really just telling beauties to kill time, but under the surface, he found a Payi man among them, still passing on information to the outside world.This discovery gave him some new ideas and actions.

Zi Chuanxiu and Si Yilin finally found a breakthrough.They acted separately, and Si Yilin led people to blow up the privately mined iron mines. This move was also to send a message to the outside world - hoping that the Payi people would stop their aggression against them.Zi Chuanxiu killed Tie Shou, obtained Yang Minghua's seal from him, and prepared to distribute Yang Minghua's private food to refugees.But he didn't do it directly himself, but specifically left it to Bai Chuan to complete. This was a test for Bai Chuan and a hint.

After finishing these things, Zichuan Xiu felt a certain degree of comfort, so he returned to Ning Mansion.However, when he returned to Ning Mansion, he found that Zi Chuan Ning had been drinking to drown his sorrows all day long, and even said he would never pay attention to him again.This made Zi Chuanxiu very depressed. He did not dare to reveal his true feelings to his childhood sweetheart, so he could only sit down and drink to relieve his worries.These psychological entanglements made him feel very painful, and he did not want to give up lightly in the face of euphemistic rejection, so he decided to find a suitable opportunity to express his emotions to Zichuan Ning in person.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E9Plot

Episode 9

Because Tie Shou did not return on time, Yang Minghua began to feel a little uneasy.He immediately sent people out to find Tie Shou's whereabouts, but the news that came one after another was unfavorable to Yang Minghua.First there was the mining disaster, then Iron Hand was assassinated, and someone distributed the food from his private granary to the refugees in Iron Hand's name.This series of events made Yang Minghua very anxious.At this moment, Zichuan Ginseng also arrived.He first complimented Yang Minghua, saying that he had suffered from headaches during the few days he had been in power, and expressed that he would leave all major matters to Yang Minghua in the future.Finally, Zichuan Shenxing took out the trump card that Zichuan Yuanxing gave him.

Zichuan Shenxing explained that this thing was used to restrain Yang Minghua.He said that after careful consideration, he still chose to believe that Yang Minghua would not have any rebellious intentions, so he gave this thing to him.After Yang Minghua opened the box, he understood what Zichuan Yuanxing meant, and then he went to find Tongchui to confirm.Tongchui is the hidden thread left by Zichuan Yuanxing by his side. He and Tie Shou are Yang Minghua's right-hand men.

Yang Minghua asked Tongchui about the content of the mission, and Tongchui answered truthfully and said that if Yang Minghua had any rebellious intentions, he would be killed immediately, otherwise he would swear allegiance to the death.Yang Minghua couldn't bear that the people closest to him didn't believe in him, so he ended Tongchui's life with a knife, and then came to Zichuan Yuanxing's spiritual place to cry, confiding his journey over the years, and lamenting Zichuan Yuanxing's distrust of him., and finally vomited blood, saying that in this case, his wish was granted.

Early the next morning, Zichuanning woke up and couldn't remember what happened when he was drunk last night.Fortunately, Xiaomei testified that she believed that what Zichuanxiu said was true. She had forgiven Zichuanxiu and forced him to swear allegiance to her.

Zichuanxiu came to Baichuan, and Baichuan asked him when he found out that he was a mole.Zichuan Xiu said that it was before the official grain was shipped to Hengchuan. At that time, only Zichuan Xiu and Luo Bo learned the news, while Bai Chuan divided the grain into multiple portions.

Zi Chuanxiu said that she had long been regarded as one of her own, and she was not suitable to be an undercover agent.Bai Chuan said that what really changed for her was during the trial, when she realized that she was just an insignificant pawn and that Yang Minghua probably didn't even know his last name.Every year he sends people to adopt some orphans, and then trains them to obey his orders at any time.

Zi Chuanxiu wanted to return Bai Chuan's daily behavior records of him. Bai Chuan said that after he read it, the rift between the two would be even greater.Because what was recorded above would embarrass him even more.

Zichuanxiu gave Baichuan a chance to repair the cracks and asked her to disguise herself as a man and go to Chunfeng Garden.But Baichuan was discovered by Ming Yue. Ming Yue judged that her package contained important items, so she made her drunk with wine, took out the items in the package and checked, and found that it was a secret letter from the King's Palace.At this time, Zi Chuanxiu suddenly appeared and questioned the person behind Mingyue, saying that he would exchange the corresponding chips with him.

Zichuan Shenxing held a family dinner for Zichuan Xiu and Si Yilin to celebrate their victory. He was still a little worried about Yang Minghua. Zichuan Xiu and Si Yilin said that Ge Yingxing had already made an explanation before leaving, and their mission was to protect Zichuan Shenxing.If Yang Minghua becomes disloyal, Ge Yingxing will return to his teacher, King Qin.

Zichuanning and Kadan chatted together. Kadan wanted to put a sky lantern on the anniversary of his mother's death, but was stopped by Si Yilin.As the heir to the king, Zichuan Ning ordered him to accompany Kadan to release.Kadan didn't want to cause any trouble to Si Yilin, so he decided to destroy the sky lantern.However, Si Yilin accidentally released the sky lantern and claimed that it was his own fault.He said he would go to the Military Leading Department to apply for punishment tomorrow.

Then, Si Yilin also comforted Cardin, which made him feel very grateful and moved.This made Cardin's feelings for Si Yilin deeper, but he was unable to express them because of their identities.Cardin was even more moved by Si Yilin's actions, because he knew that Si Yilin really wanted to help him solve the problem.Such behavior made Cardin's feelings for Si Yilin more complicated, but he could not find an appropriate way to express his gratitude.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E10Plot

Episode 10

Zi Chuanxiu is worried, and he hopes to find the hidden mastermind behind the intelligence collection in Chunfeng Garden.If the mastermind behind the scenes is not Yang Minghua, Zichuanxiu intends to use it in his own hands; but if it is Yang Minghua who secretly instigates it, then he must find a way to get rid of the control of the mastermind behind the scenes.Otherwise, their every move will be controlled by Yang Minghua.In view of this, Zichuanxiu approached Si Yilin for discussion, and did not forget to seek more fees from Si Yilin.

Si Yilin knew that Zichuan Xiuzheng was troubled by Zichuanning's indifference to him, so he arranged an emotional mentor for him.This so-called emotional mentor is quite capable in helping him better understand the inner world of girls.It was only after Zi Chuanxiu came to the emotional mentor that she learned that this “emotional mentor” turned out to be Kadan.Kadan told him that what Zichuanning needed was understanding and emotional resonance.Zichuanxiu seemed to have some understanding after hearing this.

Before leaving, Cardin gave Si Yilin a piece of clothing made from a battle robe, which was covered with knife edges.In the Northern culture, this means supreme glory.However, Si Yilin asked her to sew all the incisions because such clothing was not allowed in the Zichuan army.He wants to wear this shirt.

Seeing Kadan's shy but happy look, Zichuanxiu seemed to understand what she meant.Zi Chuanxiu noticed that Si Yilin also had a crush on Cardin, so he proposed the idea of ​​​​helping the two of them elope.However, Si Yilin disagreed. He believed that this idea must be suppressed ruthlessly, because Kadan was the princess of the Bei tribe, and what he was thinking about was Zichuan Ning.

Zi Chuan Xiu also faces similar problems, because Zi Chuan Ning is also a princess.The most important issue right now is to please her.Therefore, Zi Chuanxiu racked his brains to think of what gift to give to Zi Chuan Ning.After some testing, Zi Chuanxiu even took out the rattle he used to coax children when he was a child.Zichuanning was angry and funny, and finally had to express his agreement to play a song together.

Zi Chuanxiu was naturally happy to do so.However, Zichuanning's performance was really difficult to listen to and the pitch was not accurate. Even Xiaomei couldn't help but plug her ears after listening to it.Murasaki Hide tried his best to complete such a performance.Xiaomei couldn't help but applaud and praise. Zichuanning was very happy and said that this was a performance that she was satisfied with.He even had to perform for civil and military officials at his birthday celebration.Xiaomei and Zichuanxiu hurriedly persuaded her to think about it again.

After the battle report from Yuanzhou came, Di Lin led the army to advance rapidly and captured ten cities of the Bei Clan in succession.Such an approach would naturally trigger revenge from the Bei clan.Therefore, Emperor Zichuan's garrison had to defend.So Luo Minghai issued an urgent edict to summon Minghui and Fang Jin, the commanders of the Jingbian Army and the Black Flag Army, to come to the capital to discuss the military situation.Just when the generals were worried about the countermeasures, Yang Minghua appeared and said that the revenge of the Bei clan was not something to be afraid of. The most important thing right now was to celebrate the princess's birthday.Luo Minghai suggested summoning Di Lin back to Beijing to attend the princess' celebration, and Yang Minghua nodded in agreement.

Yang Minghua hosted a banquet in honor of Minghui and Fang Jin, and his intention to win over them was obvious.In the final showdown between the two sides, Yang Minghua proposed that some situations would occur in the imperial capital and hoped that their two armies would not take any action for the time being.Minghui wisely remained neutral, while Fang Jin took a tough stance, saying that he would protect Zichuan with all his strength, and threatened to inform Zichuan Shenxing about the matter.Then he left the table angrily, and Luo Minghai chased him out, using Fang Jin's daughter as a threat, forcing him to give up the idea of ​​confronting Yang Minghua.

On the front line in Yuanzhou, Di Lin's approach was also opposed by Ge Yingxing's subordinates.He has now expanded his army to 200,000, and such a move also poses a threat to the Yuanzhou Army.At this time, Lei Hong, a spy secretly planted by Yang Minghua in the Yuanzhou Army, was obstructing him.Ge Yingxing seems to be confident about everything and seems to be prepared for everything.In the imperial capital, Zichuanxiu was finally able to meet the master behind the scenes with Mingyue's help. To his surprise, it was Xiao Long, the leader of the Shulu Department.After some testing, Xiao Long said that he was not Yang Minghua's subordinate, and that there was just an exchange of interests between the two.He also said that he could provide information to Zi Chuanxiu and hoped to get some rewards.In the end, Zi Chuanxiu used the information about Zi Chuan Ning's love for her in exchange for the secret information that half of the officials in the four offices near the imperial capital were taking orders from Yang Minghua.

Zi Chuan Ning's birthday is coming soon, and Zi Chuan Xiu is thinking about what kind of gift to give her.Finally, he decided to take her to Mingyue to learn how to play.However, Mingyue directly pointed out the intonation problem in Zi Chuanxiu's performance at that time, and asked for more silver coins before she was willing to continue teaching Zi Chuan Ning, because she felt that Zi Chuan Ning's musical foundation was too poor.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E11Plot

Episode 11

Mingyue was entrusted by Zi Chuanxiu to teach Zi Chuan Ning, and gave him strict instructions, so that Zi Chuan Ning could successfully start his apprenticeship.

Kadan cooked Bei tribe delicacies for Si Yilin. Remembering what his father once taught him, Si Yilin offered to protect her and Zichuan Ning to go to the forest to experience her past life. Kadan felt Si Yilin's attentiveness.On the other side, Yang Minghua and Xiao Long discussed together how to create conclusive evidence to frame Si Yilin. Before leaving, Yang Minghua reminded Xiao Long that a war would break out soon, and he needed to consider how to stand in line.

Si Yilin was framed for murder and was taken to the cell for interrogation. The interrogators presented relevant evidence. Si Yilin remembered that the time of the incident was when he accompanied Kadan to release the sky lanterns. For Kadan,, he could not prove his whereabouts during this period, and would rather die than tell.After Zichuanxiu heard about it, he immediately came to visit him in the cell. Si Yilin didn't tell him that Zichuanxiu wanted to rob the prison and take him away. Si Yilin revealed Yang Minghua's trick, which was to control the Imperial Guard. It seemed that he would have to rebel when he rebelled.arrive.

Zi Chuanxiu wanted to find out from Zi Chuan Ning the whereabouts of Si Yilin that day, but Zi Chuan Ning could not tell. At this time, Kadan walked in to explain everything and wanted to testify in person. Zi Chuan Xiu suddenly realized that Yang Minghua and Xiao LongIt has been planned for a long time.Later, Zichuan Xiu came to ask Zichuan Sanxing, and Zichuan Sanxing made a gesture to find Yang Minghua to release him. Zichuanxiu felt it was inappropriate. Zichuan Sanxing's unintentional words reminded Zichuan Xiu, and he immediately came up with a countermeasure.Send people to the prison to participate in the interrogation and maim Si Yilin, so that his life will be safe.

Ge Yingxing led his men to look for King Zuo Jiaming. When he encountered pursuers, he had already noticed that Yang Minghua was an undercover agent in the Yuanzhou Army. It must have been Lei Hong who brought people here with the purpose of killing himself.Zichuan Shenxing came to the cell to visit Si Yilin and begged Yang Minghua to let Si Yilin go for his own sake. Before leaving, he also hinted to Yang Minghua that he was the person closest to him. This sentence also confused Yang Minghua.Confused.Soon after, Si Yilin was released, and Kadan came to visit. She stroked Si Yilin's injured cheek, and her heart was deeply attached to Si Yilin.

Zi Chuan Ning's birthday celebration was the day that Yang Minghua wanted to take the opportunity to start a rebellion. Zi Chuan Ning attended the event dressed up, but Zi Chuan Ning did not appear for a long time. At Luo Minghai's reminder, Yang Minghua came forward to host the ceremony, which was originally one of Zi Chuan Shen Xing's responsibilities.Inside, if Yang Minghua presided over it, he would be suspected of overstepping his authority. Someone stepped forward to stop him, but was killed by Di Lin who rushed back. He spoke out to defend Yang Minghua, and no one said anything else. When Zichuan Shenxing, who had just arrived, saw this, he complained that he had a stomachache.For reasons of escape.

Seeing that something bad was going on, Zi Chuanxiu hurriedly brought Zi Chuan Ning back to Ning Mansion and asked her to stay to protect herself and Kadan. He wanted to deal with Yang Minghua according to his plan, but Zi Chuan Ning was reluctant to leave.

Brother Yingxing was surrounded by pursuers and had no way to go. He had no choice but to jump off the cliff with a rope. The guard Weiming received the order to kill Brother Yingxing, but he could not do it, so he confessed that he was Zichuan Yuanxing and placed him on Brother Yingxing.He knew that Ge Yingxing was a chess piece around him sincerely and had no remorse, but he received an order to kill him. Only then did Ge Yingxing understand that it turned out that Zichuan Shenxing was behind everything. He had found the chess piece.The way to deal with Yang Minghua is that if Yang Minghua is eliminated, he will become his biggest threat, so he must die to get rid of Zichuan Shenxing's heartache.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E12Plot

Episode 12

Ge Yingxing knew that he had become a thorn in Zichuan Shenxing's eyes.For Zichuan's plan, he must sacrifice himself.So he told Weiming that they must go cliff jumping together.He promises to leave a token and go back to complete the mission, while he lives a wandering life.Weiming believed his words and went down first along the rope thrown by Ge Yingxing.However, Ge Yingxing threw the rope to Weiming, but he did not come down.Weiming immediately understood his intention, he didn't want to live anymore.Ge Yingxing told Weiming that if he saw Zichuan Xiu, he would give him a message and put Zichuan's plan first.

In the imperial capital, Yang Minghua was ready to rebel. He believed that success was only a matter of time.Luo Minghai brought him soju and reported to him that the imperial garrison had entered the city in batches and that there would be an early curfew tonight.He also conveyed the news that Ge Yingxing was under siege to Zichuan Xiu. Yang Minghua believed that he was very anxious now.

Zi Chuanxiu was very anxious after receiving the news. Di Lin comforted him and said that he had already found a way to notify Ge Yingxing when he was in Yuanzhou, and believed that he would be prepared.Then, they discussed how to deal with Yang Minghua's rebellion.The addition of Si Yilin further enhanced their confidence.It turned out that Zi Chuanxiu found someone to repair Si Yilin's injured muscles and bones, so that he could recover as before.

It was rumored that Di Lin was cold-blooded and murderous, and Zichuan Xiu also blamed him for just showing off in front of Yang Minghua, instead of killing the two of them directly.Di Lin said that he didn't care about anyone's opinions, except for their brothers and Lin Xiujia.Zi Chuanxiu understood Di Lin's painstaking efforts.The three of them held hands together, firmly believing that justice would prevail.Rivers of blood will flow in the imperial capital tonight, but it won't be their blood.

The Imperial garrison led by Lei Xun has assembled outside the city.Lei Xun told his men to stand by and everything would be subject to his orders.At the same time, Lei Hong led people to surround Ge Yingxing.He admires his brother Yingxing very much, but he is Yang Minghua's man and has to obey orders.Ge Yingxing did not resist. He said that he did not die at the hands of Lei Hong because his existence was meaningless.In the end, Ge Yingxing died under random arrows.

Facing the coming storm, Zichuan Shenxing seemed to be confident, sitting alone in the Monarch's Mansion playing games.His seven years of forbearance will come to fruition tonight.Di Lin brought Zi Chuanxiu and Si Yilin to Lei Xun's camp, quietly got rid of them, and then the three of them split up.Zi Chuanxiu went to the imperial garrison to seize military power with an order to mobilize troops. Si Yilin led the imperial guards to protect the monarch's palace and the princess's palace, while Di Lin was working as a support outside the city, ready to enter the city to quell the rebellion at any time.

Zichuan Xiu came to the imperial garrison camp with the troop deployment order in hand, and the generals welcomed him, which surprised them very much.Deputy Commander Ge Xin was loyal to Lei Xun, but other generals were hesitant.Zi Chuanxiu acted both soft and hard. He first led people to a tough confrontation, and then revealed the news that Yang Minghua had rebelled and Ge Yingxing led the army to serve as king, which broke the unity of the generals.Then he put forward a condition: as long as the generals stayed still and the situation calmed down tomorrow, he would guarantee their future with their heads on his neck.After this operation, the generals' resistance collapsed and they each left with their men.The allotted time has come, and Yang Minghua is waiting anxiously for any movement from Ke Lei Xun, but there is no movement from Ke Lei Xun.At this time, Luo Minghai took the initiative to go to the Imperial Guard Army to check the situation and prepare to take over.

After Luo Minghai left, Yang Minghua immediately ordered someone to notify Xiao Long, telling him that he could act as planned.Soon after, Xiao Long's military patrol team began to attack the monarch's mansion.Despite the full resistance of the troops led by Si Yilin, the monarch's palace was still in danger.At this time, after Zi Chuanxiu learned the news, he immediately asked Bai Chuan to go to the rescue.At the same time, he also gave a token to Si Yilin, hoping that he could find a way to give it to Xiao Long to save the crisis in the monarch's mansion.

Si Yilin finally found Xiao Long and showed him the content on the note Zi Chuanxiu handed to him: “Undercover of Dilin Monarch's Mansion”.After seeing these words, Xiao Long immediately changed his original plan and led the military inspection team to withdraw.

After learning the news, Yang Minghua immediately led his troops to the Monarch's Mansion, preparing to capture Zichuan Ginseng.However, everything was beyond his expectation.It turns out that Luo Minghai and Di Lin were both chess pieces set by Zichuan Shenxing by his side.Zichuan Shenxing has been pretending to be crazy and stupid for seven years just for this moment.In the end, Yang Minghua was killed, and his rebellion and power seizure became a dream.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E13Plot

Episode 13

In the end, Yang Minghua was unable to successfully carry out his rebellion plan. What surprised him most was that Zichuan Ginseng was the main reason that prevented him from succeeding.Before that, Zichuan Shenxing had been patient and patient, just to wait for this day to come and let Yang Minghua fail.This kind of scheming made Yang Minghua feel extremely frightened.

Zichuan Shenxing gave Yang Minghua the treatment of a whole corpse out of his past contributions and affection.When the soldiers cleared the battlefield and the wind and rain stopped, Zichuan Shenxing asked about the time and lamented that Zichuan would usher in a new era from now on.

Feeling that Yang Minghua's rebellion was unlikely to succeed, Xiao Long felt the crisis and began to prepare for backup.He found evidence of Yang Minghua's rebellion and wanted to use it to protect himself, but it was too late.Di Lin led the army to put down the rebellion. He has always been known for his decisiveness, and this time was no exception.For a time, the imperial capital was filled with blood and everyone was in danger. Xiao Long also failed to escape the fate of being killed.

Several generals of the imperial garrison were also afraid of Di Lin, worried that he would harm them.Zi Chuanxiu came forward to promise that Di Lin was his eldest brother and would protect them from worries.However, when Di Lin led the army to arrive aggressively, Zichuan Xiu also had a premonition that something was not good.He interceded for several generals, but Di Lin had received orders from Zichuan Shenxing and had to kill the remaining rebels.

Zi Chuanxiu tried his best to stop him, even if he had to pay the price of his promising future.He said he couldn't even protect innocent people, so what future did he have?The two sides reached a stalemate, and Zichuan Xiu begged Di Lin to give him half an hour. He went to Zichuan Ginseng to plead for mercy.Di Lin agreed to his request.

Zichuanxiu rode to the king's palace and begged Zichuan Shenxing to forgive several generals, even if he risked being accused of speaking for the rebels.Finally, he asked Zichuan Shenxing for permission.But when he hurried back to the Imperial garrison camp, Di Lin had already given the order, and several generals and men all fell in a pool of blood.Zi Chuanxiu was in grief. He didn't understand why Di Lin did this. He could have let these people go, but insisted on taking their lives.This created a rift between the two brothers.

Luo Minghai reported to Zichuan Shenxing that Yang Minghua's remaining parties had been cleared.Ge Yingxing's coffin was being transported to the imperial capital. The commanders of the Black Flag Army and the Jingbian Army sent letters of repentance, apologizing for their failure to return to the imperial capital in time to support the royal family.Zichuan Shenxing said that the two armies' standing still had actually helped a lot. He would not punish them, but would reward them.He asked Luo Minghai to go home for a visit. After Luo Minghai left, his expression became serious and he said to himself that everything he did was for Zichuan.

After Luo Minghai returned home, he found that all the thirty-four members of his family had died. This made him miserable. He believed that it was Di Lin who had done it, so he knelt down and begged Zichuan Shenxing to seek justice for him. Zichuan Shenxing took over the responsibility and saidHe did not tell Di Lin their identities, but he would give Luo Minghai an explanation.

Zichuanxiu closed the door and reflected for a long time. Zichuan Ning brought food. Zichuanxiu had just eaten a few mouthfuls when he received the news that his brother Yingxing had died, which made him grief-stricken.Zi Chuanxiu once again came to the noodle shop where she ate when she and her brother Yingxing parted. The past was vivid in her mind, but now things have changed.

Zichuan Sanxing held a grand state funeral for his brother Yingxing, pretending to be grief-stricken, while Zichuan Xiu just watched with indifference.At the funeral, Luo Minghai stood up and delivered an impassioned speech to the people present with a solemn expression.He accused Di Lin of being the mastermind behind Ge Yingxing's murder and claimed that he revealed Ge Yingxing's marching route to Lei Hong.Dilin strongly denied the accusation on the spot and expressed his willingness to accept investigation.However, the person responsible for the investigation was Luo Minghai himself, which caused people to doubt the matter and believed that Luo Minghai might use this opportunity to put Di Lin to death.Zichuan Shenxing acquiesced to Luo Minghai's actions, implying his support and approval.

The people present fell silent after hearing these accusations and rebuttals.They had doubts and suspicions about the truth of the incident, and the atmosphere at the funeral became tense surrounding the conflict between Di Lin and Luo Minghai.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E14Plot

Episode 14

After the funeral of Ge Yingxing, Zi Chuanxiu knelt in front of his spiritual tablet and muttered with a heavy heart, deeply missing his mentor.At the same time, he was determined to find out the truth behind his mentor's death.

Later, Zi Chuanxiu and Si Yilin came to the cell to visit Di Lin.Zi Chuanxiu was still angry with Di Lin. He stood outside the cell and did not go in. Si Yilin walked in and chatted with Di Lin about the case, hoping to help Di Lin clear his grievances.

Di Lin endured the pain of being tortured and pretended as if nothing had happened. He asked Si Yilin to send a message to Lin Xiujia, telling her that everything was fine and there was no need to worry.As soon as Si Yilin and Zi Chuanxiu got out of the cell, they received news that Ge Yingxing's bodyguard Weiming did not know the truth about Ge Yingxing's death.Zi Chuanxiu immediately left for the meeting place, while Si Yilin went to inform Lin Xiujia.

Zichuan Ning asked Si Yilin to accompany Kadan, because Kadan had been thinking about him since Si Yilin was injured.Zichuan Ning told Lin Xiujia the news about Di Lin.On the other side, Zi Chuanxiu came to the place agreed by Weiming and happened to see two masked men attacking Weiming.He took action to subdue the masked man and wanted to ask the mastermind behind it, but unexpectedly the masked man committed suicide by taking poison.Weiming was seriously injured, but before he died, he told the truth about his brother Yingxing's generous death, and told Zichuanxiu his farewell message "Zichuan Weida".Weiming didn't know who was the real murderer of Ge Yingxing, but Zichuan Xiu guessed that except Zichuan Shenxing, no one else could make Ge Yingxing make such a choice.

Zichuan Xiu thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to force Zichuan Shenxing to ask him to release Di Lin.Zichuan Xiu touched Zichuan Shenxing's thoughts and made him feel uncomfortable.Zichuan Xiu told Zichuan Shenxing's last words from brother Yingxing.From Zichuan Shenxing's panicked eyes, Zichuan Xiu was even more sure of his judgment.Zi Chuanxiu asked to return to Yuanzhou to lead troops to guard the border and inherit the mantle of his brother Yingxing.Zichuan Shenxing first used Zichuan Ning's relationship with him to persuade him, and then said that his decision to go or stay would be decided by the military deployment department, and soldiers should obey orders as their bounden duty.

After Zichuan Xiu left, Zichuan Shenxing sent a message to Luo Minghai, and the investigation of Di Lin ended here.The next day, Zichuan Ginseng began to reward officials who had contributed to quelling the chaos.Luo Minghai replaced Yang Minghua as the president of the Zichuan family, Si Yilin was promoted to the commander of the Imperial Guard Army, and Di Lin replaced Xiao Long in charge of the Shulu Department.The most unfortunate thing was Zi Chuanxiu. He was demoted to the continued defense service at Jiashan Pass. Baichuan and others began to complain about following Zi Chuanxiu, who did not rise but fell.The three of them wanted to collect some money to help Zichuan Xiu find some opportunities, but their pockets were also empty.

Zi Chuanning was also surprised when she heard the news. She didn't know what her uncle was thinking.However, Zichuanxiu's behavior of leaving without saying goodbye made her even more angry, so she simply went to find Zichuanxiu at her door.Zi Chuanxiu knew Zi Chuan Ning's intentions, but deliberately prevaricated, making Zi Chuan Ning very unhappy.But Zichuanxiu's approach is also for Zichuanning's sake.

Zichuan Shenxing asked Di Lin about the counter-rebellion in Yuanzhou. Dilin said that the rebels in the twenty-five regiments of Yuanzhou were within control, but there had been changes in various tribes, and troops should be sent to put pressure on them to prevent the slightest change.Zichuan Shenxing said that the matter still had to be under the jurisdiction of the Leading Army Department, and asked him to come up with a proposal and let the Leading Army Department decide.Di Lin heard what he meant.The leader finally made a difficult decision. He ordered Luo Bo and Lin Bing, who were chasing Lei Hong, to change the direction of their operations and lead their troops to attack the orcs and snake tribes in the uprising.At the same time, Di Lin was very worried about the safety of the Yuanzhou Army. He sent a message to Zichuan Xiu through Si Yilin, asking him to give Luo Bo an advance warning and strengthen defensive measures.

However, even so, Luo Bo and others were still attacked from behind by Lei Hong, resulting in the loss of most of Yuanzhou's platforms.Facing the fierce enemy attack, Luo Bo could only lead his troops to retreat to Wayun Pass, try to stabilize the defense line, and buy time to wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Zichuan Shenxing finally made a decision after consulting the ministers.He ordered Si Yilin to lead the imperial garrison to set off urgently to Wayun to support the Yuanzhou Army with practical actions.At the same time, the Black Flag Army and the Jingbian Army will immediately send troops to support Yuanzhou after the border defense affairs are settled.This battle will be a difficult defensive battle, but Zichuan Sanxing is determined not to let any soldier be harmed and does his best to ensure that the Enshu Army can hold its position.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E15Plot

Episode 15

After receiving the order from his family to call up reserves, Zi Chuanxiu went to Jixin Province to enlist in the army.Kisin Province is poor and backward, and young people have joined bandits one after another, making the local situation even more chaotic.With his military talent and wisdom, Zi Chuanxiu successfully recruited some bandits and established a unit called Xiuziying%.

The battle at Wayun Pass was tense at all times. Si Yilin defeated the Yuanzhou rebels and achieved a major victory.However, he did not follow the orders of the leading army department to garrison Wayun. Instead, he ordered the entire army to dispatch and continue to pursue the rebels.Only Di Lin and Zi Chuanxiu understood Si Yilin's strategy, but Luo Minghai mistakenly thought that he was advancing blindly.

Si Yilin's move caused an uproar, but Zi Chuanxiu firmly believed in his decision.In the following battles, the Xiuzi Battalion led by Zichuan Xiu repeatedly made achievements and made important contributions to the entire battle.In the end, Si Yilin's strategy succeeded, bringing stability and peace to the entire region.

Zichuanning came to Jiashan Pass again with a heavy heart.The purpose of his coming here was to persuade Zichuanxiu to return to the imperial capital with him, but Zichuanxiu avoided his proposal and could only prevaricate him on the grounds of obeying the orders of the military leader.Zichuan Ning felt bitter in his heart. He didn't get any definite answer, so he could only leave and said that he would come again.

As they penetrated deeper into the hinterland of Yuanzhou, the rear supplies of Si Yilin's army gradually failed to keep up. Coupled with the hostility of the various tribes in Yuanzhou towards them, it became difficult to move forward.Zichuan Ning is well aware of the complexity of the situation, and he needs to solve these problems as soon as possible, otherwise, the military's actions will be greatly affected.

He began to negotiate with the local chiefs, hoping to get their support and help.After hard work, Zichuan Ning finally received some help, which made the army's operations in the hinterland of Yuanzhou go smoothly.

During this march, Zi Chuanning also discovered some shortcomings of Si Yilin's army. He began to improve the army's supplies and equipment to ensure that the army could better adapt to the special environment of Yuanzhou.Zichuan Ning understands that only by improving the overall quality of the military can it better cope with future challenges.

Even so, Si Yilin is still clearly aware that there are many rebels in Yuanzhou. If they don't go straight to the source, the Zichuan family will pay a hundred times the price in the future.The lonely Si Yilin and Kadan, who was far away in the imperial capital, were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and they expressed their love and lovesickness through letters.

Recently, the rebellion in Yuanzhou has continued to escalate, putting the Zichuan family into an unprecedented crisis.As a member of the Zichuan family, Si Yilin is fully aware of the great responsibility he has on his shoulders.Faced with the rebels' wanton actions, he decided to step forward and go straight to the source to clear away hidden dangers for his family.

However, Si Yilin also knows that this is not an easy task.The rebels in Yuanzhou were scattered and colluded with each other, presenting a scattered and complex pattern.Si Yilin understood that in order to solve the problem, we must have a means that hits the point and have the courage to go straight to the source.

At the same time, Kadan, who was far away in the imperial capital, was also worried about Si Yilin's safety.Although they are in different places, the spiritual bond between them has become closer.Cardin often wrote about his concern for Si Yilin and his expectations for the family in his letters at home, hoping that he could step forward and resolve the crisis like a true family hero.

Although they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, Si Yilin and Cardin's hearts are always connected.In their letters, they used words to convey each other's voices and emotions, and worked together for the future of the family.Although they were alone, they silently worked hard for the safety of their family in their hearts.

Although the rebellion in Yuanzhou caused anxiety, Si Yilin's determination never wavered.On the lonely road, he has firm faith and moves forward bravely, determined to get to the source, eliminate hidden dangers, and protect his family and country.And Cardin, in the distant imperial capital, will always be with him, cheering him up with affectionate letters home, cheering for him, and waiting for him.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E16Plot

Episode 16

In order to save Luo Bo, Zi Chuanxiu decided to seek help from Di Lin.When he found Di Lin, the two brothers met frankly together, opening up the pain and contradictions deep in their hearts.

They finally turned their hostility into friendship, turned rain into sunshine again, and reconciled as before.With the help of Di Lin, Zi Chuanxiu successfully rescued Luo Bo and received reinforcements from Si Yilin.

At the same time, in Yuanzhou, Si Yilin anxiously awaited the arrival of Jingbian Army Minghui.However, Zi Chuan Ning decided to break the boat and went to Zi Chuan Shenxing to ask for permission to marry Zi Chuan Xiu.

He even said that he was willing to give up his status as a princess in order to be with Zi Chuanxiu.Zichuan Shenxing was furious after hearing this, but then felt guilty, thinking that he had not taught Zichuan Ning well.

Zichuan Ning also realized his unfilial behavior and stopped mentioning the marriage.Zichuan Shenxing decided to transfer Zichuanxiu to Yuanzhou. Before Zichuanxiu left, he told Zichuan Ning that he only regarded her as a friend and tried to make her give up.

However, Zichuanning was not willing to give up. She pretended to be sick and went out of the city in disguise, heading to Yuanzhou alone to find Zichuanxiu.Her determination and persistence are moving.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E17Plot

Episode 17

Zi Chuanxiu led people to Yuanzhou, but when they asked for food and grass, they were harassed and insulted by the logistics and supply department of Kaige City. Seeing that Luo Jie was injured, Zi Chuanxiu decided to punish the logistics and supply department of Kaige City.

The person in charge of the Service Department of Kaige City got a taste of Zichuanxiu's ability this time. Zichuanxiu not only let people rob food and grass, but also used the account books to find problems. Sure enough, he found the flaw. After the person in charge was beaten, he still behaved obediently.Gave supplies to Xiuziying.After Baichuan heard about this, she was worried that it would be detrimental to Zichuanxiu. She came over to remind Zichuanxiu to restrain himself, but Zichuanxiu didn't take it seriously. The commander of the Shulu Department was his eldest brother, and it didn't matter even if he did something excessive.

Mingyu came over to report to Zichuanxiu that he was ready to serve porridge to the people of Kaige City. Only then did Baichuan understand Zichuan's deeper intention. When he heard that Zichuanxiu had arranged for the brothers from Xiuziying to go out to relax, Baichuan became anxious again., This is not a routine practice in the military camp. Zi Chuanxiu has long argued that if these soldiers who have been bandits are not given a chance to relax, they will not be far away from rebellion.​

Zichuanxiu's soldiers were plotted when they went out to relax. They were all tied up and asked for ransom. Just when they were at a loss to seek help, Zichuanxiu led his men like magic soldiers from the sky to rescue them. This life-saving grace, the soldiersOf course we will not forget.

Zi Chuan Ning also came to Kaige City and passed by Zi Chuan Xiu. She checked into an inn. Because she was generous, the boss and the waiter were very polite to her. Zi Chuan Ning specially gave the waiter a tip and asked her to do some research for her.Regarding Zichuan Xiu and Xiuziying, the man was naturally very willing and asked her to wait for news about him the next morning.

Zichuan Shenxing came to Ning Mansion, but Xiaomei tried to stop her but failed. He found that Zichuan Ning was not on the bed collapse. At the critical moment, Kadan arrived and helped Xiaomei out. She said that Zichuan Ning went to Xiangshan to ask for a blessing bag a few days ago.Then he forgot that it was at his place, and Zichuan Ning ran out secretly, presumably to go to Xiangshan to ask for a blessing bag for Zichuan Xiu. Although Zichuan Shenxing was full of doubts, he did not go into details.

Lin Xiujia saw the flaw. After learning that Zichuan Ning had gone to Yuanzhou, she immediately explained the situation to Di Lin and asked him to quickly inform Zi Chuanxiu that Zi Chuan Ning must be found quickly to prevent her from encountering any accidents. Di Lin also understood the importance of this matterSex, so he activated the special contact information with Zichuanxiu and sent a message to him, asking him to find Zichuanning and send her back to the imperial capital no matter what.

Zichuanning learned from her clerk that Xiuziying was heading to the Lunshan Pass. Regardless of the danger, she set out on her own to reach the Lunshan Pass, determined to catch up with Zichuanxiu.At the same time, Zi Chuanxiu also found out about Lei Hong's appearance in Luoxia Valley, and Di Lin's letter also arrived at the same time. He was very nervous after receiving the letter. When he learned that Zi Chuan Ning came to look for him, he asked him toBaichuan first led people to Luoxia Valley. If he encountered Leihong, he would be held back first. After he found Zichuanning, he came to join them.

Zichuan Ning met a group of refugees on the way. She kindly took off her jade bracelet and gave it to her grandmother. However, the refugees were so hungry that they eventually ate her beloved horse Chai Chui. Zi Chuan Ning was so frightened that she ran away., but panicked and sprained her foot, and was tied up by three unidentified people. From the conversations between several people, she mistakenly thought that the other party wanted to eat her, so she took off the rope and continued to run away. After hearing the news, the people chased her all the way., Zichuan Ning hid behind a tree and watched anxiously. At this time, someone approached her from behind.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E18Plot

Episode 18

Zichuanning found out that she was being followed, and when she was really scared, she saw Zichuanxiu's figure and immediately fell into Zichuanxiu's arms.

On the other side, Baichuan led the team to a village. The whole atmosphere was full of weirdness. She claimed that Zichuan Xiu had previously told Roger to go to persuade the rebels to surrender. Roger went out to persuade the rebels to surrender cautiously, but it turned out that the other party was not Lei Hong.The rebels are actually a tribe from Yuanzhou called the Zoe tribe.

The leader of the tribe, Lao Delun, was about to lead his people to start a fight with Xiuziying. However, he saw a meat bun flying through the air. Zichuan Xiu suddenly appeared in front of everyone. In the surprised eyes of the Xiuziying soldiers, heHe walked up and hugged Old Delun. It turned out that Old Delun and Zichuan Xiu had been friends for many years.

Old Delun set up a banquet to entertain the Xiuziying group. Zichuanxiu introduced Zichuan Ning. Because it was difficult to reveal her princess identity, he called Zichuan Ning his friend named Zi Ning. At the same time, he told Zi Chuanning that these peopleIt's not bad in itself. To say she is pork belly is to describe her skin as being fairer, but not to actually eat her.

After the meal, Zi Chuanxiu and Old Delun reminisced about old times. Old Delun felt that with his ability, he should be doing well now. Zi Chuanxiu did not tell him about his current embarrassing situation. He just asked Old Delun about Lei Hong's situation., Old Delen said that Leihong once lobbied him, but he did not agree, but some tribes chose to cooperate with Leihong.

Zichuanxiu prepared hot water for Zichuan Ning who had a sprained ankle, and used the Zoe tribe's exclusive black grass ointment to treat her injury. Zichuan Xiu mentioned by the way that she wanted to send her back to Beijing, but Zichuan Ning was unwilling to do so and threw her away.The princess had a temper, so Zi Chuanxiu had to persuade her slowly, and she also stayed vigil outside the door for Zi Chuan Ning like she did when she was a child. That night, Zi Chuan Ning slept very peacefully.

Early the next morning, Zi Chuanxiu took Zi Chuan Ning to the refugee who had killed Zhui Chui. Firstly, to give her some relief, and secondly, to make Zi Chuan Ning feel the danger of Yuanzhou. Zi Chuan Ning understood Zi Chuan Xiu's kindness.He was careful, but he was unwilling to leave Zichuanxiu. Zichuanxiu had no choice but to keep her for a few more days.

The situation in Yuanzhou has been controlled by the imperial garrison led by Si Yilin. Zichuan Shenxing was relieved a little. He came to Di Lin and guessed that Zichuan Ning had sneaked away to Yuanzhou, which made Di Lin thinkThe method is to inform Zi Chuanxiu that the safety of Zi Chuanning must be ensured and she must be sent back to the imperial capital.

Si Yilin led his troops to Deyunxingtai, and the commander Gu Lan hosted a banquet to receive them. Si Yilin wanted to raise a thousand dan of food, but Gu Lan looked embarrassed. He sang a double act with his subordinates, and finally agreed to give the emperorThe garrison raised 300 shi of food. Even so, Si Yilin expressed his gratitude.

Zhuo Lin, an official at Deyunxingtai, deliberately poured wine on Si Yilin. Taking advantage of the opportunity to help Si Yilin sort out, he told him about Gu Lan's embezzlement of military pay. Si Yilin wanted to know why he told himIn these matters, Zhuo Lin mentioned that his former commander Chaxi disappeared because he asked Gu Lan for medical expenses. He asked Si Yilin to investigate the matter and investigate Gu Lan.

Si Yilin decided to report the matter to the Shulu Department. After Di Lin learned about it, he immediately reported Gu Lan's embezzlement of military pay to Zichuan Shenxing, and also copied it to other departments to maximize the impact and report it to Si Yilin.Punish Gu Lan to create momentum.

On the other side, after Gu Lan provided three hundred stones of food and grass, he specially prepared a gift to give to Si Yilin. Unexpectedly, he was rejected by Si Yilin on the spot. He had a premonition that the situation was not good, but he did not know where he appeared.Mistakes.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E19Plot

Episode 19

Di Lin reported Gu Lan's corruption of ink to Zichuan Shenxing, and Luo Minghai was shocked when he heard about it.Because Gu Lan is his only brother-in-law, and his wife has passed away, Gu Lan is his only relative at present.In order to protect Gu Lan, Luo Minghai strongly accused Di Lin of harboring hatred for him and accused Di Lin of using this incident to harm him and Gu Lan.

Zichuan Shenxing believed that this matter must be investigated seriously, but he did not let Luo Minghai avoid it. Instead, he asked the two to participate in investigating the matter together.Later, Zichuan Shenxing quietly expressed his attitude to Luo Minghai, revealing his intention to leave some room, but he did not make it completely clear.

During a fasting ceremony of the orcs, the soldiers of Xiuzi camp were stunned. Baichuan reminded Zichuan that he was concerned about Zichuanning's situation. Zichuanxiu understood Zichuanning's feelings, but could not return to the imperial capital with her.In the evening, Zichuanning chatted with Baichuan, and Baichuan described Zichuanxiu's feelings for Yuanzhou to her.The two of them were suddenly startled by the insects on the ground. Although Bai Chuan had experienced many wars, she was still a woman after all.

Si Yilin planned to investigate Gu Lan, and Gu Lan tried to bribe Si Yilin after learning the news.Facing Gu Lan's bribe, Si Yilin unwaveringly refused. Gu Lan threatened to use Luo Minghai to protect himself, but Si Yilin was unmoved.Si Yilin's men found evidence, and Gu Lan's guards also confessed how Commander Chuck was killed.Si Yilin immediately arrested Gu Lan and prepared to escort him to the imperial capital for trial.

Although the Leading Department cooperated with the Shulu Department in the investigation, Luo Minghai sent someone to stop Gu Lan halfway and brought him to his house.He gave Gu Lan two ways out, trying to determine whether Gu Lan was lying, but his suspicions were confirmed. Gu Lan was indeed suspected of corruption.In the end, Luo Minghai sent Gu Lan to the Shulu Department.

Luo Minghai confirmed Gu Lan's corruption, but he only had this one family member in his heart.He bowed his head to Di Lin and was willing to resign from Zichuan Shenxing in exchange for Gu Lan's life.Di Lin was a little shaken. After all, this was an opportunity to repair the relationship with Luo Minghai.However, if Gu Lan was left alone, the corruption problems in other industries would be difficult to solve, so he still cruelly rejected Luo Minghai.Luo Minghai realized that it was difficult to save Gu Lan's life. He told Di Lin viciously that his hands were covered with blood and could not be washed away, and the pain of losing relatives would be retribution on him in the future.

Zi Chuanxiu wanted to establish a fortune hall and gain profits through transactions with local businessmen.Initially, these businessmen did not trust Xiuziying. Zichuan Xiu mentioned his two brothers, but the effect was not obvious.At the critical moment, Zichuanning stood up and made a promise for Zichuanxiu, and the businessmen agreed to cooperate with Xiuziying.Of course, Zi Chuanxiu established the Fortune Hall not just to make money, but also had an important goal, which was to find clues about Lei Hong.

Luo Minghai went to Zichuan Ginseng to plead for mercy, but Zichuan Ginseng pointed out the importance of Gu Lan.Corruption problems exist in many industries, and handling Gu Lan's case is a good way to kill this evil practice.Therefore, Gu Lan was not spared, and Luo Minghai reluctantly accepted the result.When Gu Lan was about to be executed, he begged Luo Minghai to save him on the execution ground and said he was sorry for his sister.Di Lin was very excited after hearing this and personally stepped forward to kill him with a knife.This can be regarded as helping Luo Minghai make a decision, but Luo Minghai only increased his hatred for Di Lin.

Lin Xiujia walked into the house and felt the baby moving in her belly.She wanted Di Lin to feel it too, so she asked Di Lin if she could touch it.Di Lin suddenly realized that his hands were not clean, so he hurriedly washed his hands.In the process, he suddenly recalled some of the vicious words Luo Minghai said before, which made him feel a little uneasy.Di Lin has always been decisive in doing things, but at this moment he felt uneasy inside.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E20Plot

Episode 20

Zichuan Shenxing carefully prepared a banquet to entertain Di Lin and Luo Minghai, hoping to resolve the old feud between the two.However, the hatred in Luo Minghai's heart was deep-rooted and could not be resolved with a few words.Although he agreed on the surface, he was full of resentment and dissatisfaction in his heart.

Di Lin proposed that there were as many as 25 people involved in corruption cases in various industries, and they had been escorted to the imperial capital.Di Lin expressed his concern that these people would repeat the mistakes of the Gu Lan case, causing innocent people to be punished.Luo Minghai, however, secretly obstructed the case and asked Dilin to verify the facts of the case to avoid accidentally hurting good people.Zichuan Shenxing supported Di Lin in handling this matter.

Di Lin reported Zichuan Ning's current situation to Zichuan Shenxing, and Zichuan Shenxing immediately arranged for Si Yilin to escort Zichuan Ning back to the imperial capital.After Di Lin left, Zichuan Shenxing left Luo Minghai behind and claimed that he was one of his closest people.He encouraged Luo Minghai to let go and investigate the case, and promised that if Dilin made any mistakes, he would deal with it fairly.This behavior is undoubtedly to provoke a conflict between Luo Minghai and Di Lin, in order to prevent either party from becoming too powerful and threatening the stability of his regime.

In order to improve the combat effectiveness and cohesion of his men, Zichuanxiu specially hired snake tribesmen to rob his men's belongings.He then ordered that if someone's belongings were lost, the year-end dividends would be deducted, which forced his men to unite to regain what had been stolen by the snake tribe.

Baichuan and others were confused by Zi Chuanxiu's move to attach so much importance to the Three Provinces TV Station. Zichuan Ning explained to them the origin of the Three Provinces TV Station.The Three Provinces Platform was originally established to check and balance the power of the king, but later it gradually evolved into a tool for the nobles to seize interests, and even the king sometimes had to make concessions.

Si Yilin and Di Lin received the news of Zi Chuan Ning's return, and they acted immediately. Si Yilin was responsible for picking up Zi Chuan Ning, while Di Lin arranged the affairs of Deyun Xingtai and led his men to meet up with Si Yilin.Return to the imperial capital.

Zichuanning asked Si Yilin's men to give her one more day. She was reluctant to leave Zichuanxiu, but she understood Zichuanxiu's determination towards Yuanzhou.In the end, she decided to leave, thinking about Zi Chuanxiu in her heart. She knew that this separation was not the end of their relationship, but the beginning of a new beginning.

Zi Chuanxiu escorted Old Delun back to his hometown. Old Delun held a banquet to entertain everyone. He persuaded Zi Chuanxiu to stay to avoid the war.At this moment, news came from Zichuanxiu's men that businessmen doing business with Zhifutang discovered traces of Lei Hong and others.Zi Chuanxiu immediately organized troops, determined to avenge his brother Yingxing, and determined to kill Lei Hong.

Lei Hong sent his men to seek refuge with the Bei Clan in advance to prepare for his next step of taking refuge in the Bei Clan.At the border, Zi Chuanxiu led his troops to stop Lei Hong, and the two sides launched a fierce battle.In the end, Zichuan Xiu seriously injured Lei Hong and prepared to take his life.However, just when he was about to succeed, someone rescued Lei Hong, and Zi Chuanxiu realized that this person was a master trusted by the Bei tribe.This shows that Lei Hong still has value.After Leihong and his men were captured, the mages of the Northern Tribe performed an exorcism ritual.Lei Hong's men were very panicked, but Lei Hong took his time and even laughed.He knew he had really escaped this time.

At the meeting of the Three Provincial Stations, Di Lin wanted to observe, but was stopped by Zichuan Shenxing.Most of the people who attended the meeting were engaged in business in distant states, and the war caused them to suffer heavy losses.Therefore, they strongly demanded an end to the war, because the continuation of the war would harm their fundamental interests.To this end, they also found a respected elder of the Zoe tribe.However, the elder proposed to take charge of Yuanzhou's affairs, which Zichuan Shenxing could not accept.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E21Plot

Episode 21

The counselors jointly forced Zichuan Shenxing to hand over the management of Yuanzhou to the elders of the Zoe tribe, so that their interests could be guaranteed. However, this had already touched Zichuan Shenxing's bottom line, but Sanshengtai'sPower can check and balance the ruler. Zichuan Shenxing couldn't think of any good way for a while. At the critical moment, Di Lin walked in.

Originally, Di Lin was not qualified to participate in the Three Provinces Taiwan Conference. After he heard the excessive remarks of the counselors outside, he immediately stood up and criticized these counselors for their traitorous behavior. The counselors accused Di Lin of not being qualified to make irresponsible remarks to them, but Di LinFrankly speaking, their words and deeds were treason. This big label made everyone dare not act rashly. They could only use the power of the Three Provinces Taiwan to expel Di Lin.Di Lin saw that Zichuan Shenxing did not express any opinions and seemed to express acquiescence in what he had done, so he took the opportunity to go out and suddenly drew his sword and stabbed him to death when passing by the Zoe clan elder.

As soon as the elder died, the counselors' plan fell through, and Zichuan Shenxing's dilemma was solved. When everyone criticized Di Lin's behavior, Zichuan Shenxing stood up to speak for Di Lin and settled the situation in an understatement, leaving the counselors speechless.It can be said.After the meeting, the counselors studied countermeasures together. They were helpless against Di Lin, so they targeted Si Yilin, trying to attack him with rumors, and finally forced him to be unable to fight.

Si Yilin escorted Zichuanning back to the imperial capital. Zichuanning was worried that he would be criticized by his uncle. Unexpectedly, Zichuan Shenxing was uncharacteristic and talked about his own mistakes. He prepared a lot of her favorite food for Zichuanning, and also used pictures ofZichuan Ning's anxious heart was relieved by teaching her how to learn old history.

Li Qing was very happy after seeing Si Yilin, but Si Yilin had a cold face. He could no longer hold any other woman in his heart except Kadan.Kadan was extremely happy when she learned the news that Si Yilin was back. However, considering her identity, she was afraid of bringing trouble to Si Yilin. Moreover, the rumors outside were not good for him. Under the arrangement of Zichuan Ning, she dressed up asIn the appearance of a servant, he followed Zichuan Ning to see Si Yilin. After the two met, they expressed their heartfelt feelings to each other, and they were inseparable from each other.

Zichuan Shenxing asked the ministers for their attitude towards the crusade. Many people accused Si Yilin of disobeying orders and delaying military flights, which indirectly killed many soldiers. This time Luo Minghai supported Si Yilin. Zichuan Shenxing's performance towards Luo MinghaiVery satisfied, and it played into his mind, he decided to commend Si Yilin, grant him the title of Duke of Loyalty and Bravery, and give him the Zichuan family medal. At the same time, he offered a marriage to Li Qing, but Si Yilin refused on the grounds that the country was not at peace. Di Lin knewIn his mind, he was afraid that he would do something over the top again, so he stepped forward to rescue him and said that he was too excited to speak.

After Zichuan Ning learned that Zichuan Shenxing had granted Si Yilin a marriage, she complained about Kadan. Although Kadan felt uncomfortable, she would rather regret it for the rest of her life than let her sweetheart fall into a difficult situation.On the other side, Di Lin persuaded Si Yilin not to rush into the future impulsively, but Si Yilin had made up his mind. He would rather die on the battlefield than let down Kadan.

The Bei Clan army invaded and Moon Bay fell. Luo Minghai suggested sending Si Yilin to fight immediately. Zichuan Shenxing also had the same idea. Just when Si Yilin asked for a meeting, he assigned a task to Si Yilin. After Si Yilin accepted the order, he knelt down and begged.Zichuan Shenxing withdrew the promise of marriage. Zichuan Shenxing guessed that he had a crush, but when he heard that Si Yilin's crush turned out to be Kadan, the princess of the Northern Tribe, he immediately frowned.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E22Plot

Episode 22

Zichuan Shenxing didn't expect that Si Yilin's crush would be Princess Kadan of the Bei tribe. This was unacceptable to him, so he laid out the pros and cons for Si Yilin and played the emotional card, saying that he had always been optimistic about Si Yilin.Yi Lin regards him as the most important candidate to assist Zichuan Ning in the future. He and Li Qing will be a perfect match. This is also the best future for him. He advises him to think twice.But Si Yilin was unmoved and insisted on refusing to marry. In this life, he would not marry anyone other than Kadan. Seeing that Zichuan Shenxing could not convince Si Yilin, he put forward the necessary conditions for his marriage to Kadan, which was the achievements of Zichuan and the Bei clan.Datong, judging from the current situation, this possibility is slim.

Zichuan Shenxing still relied on Si Yilin to defend Yuanzhou, so he had to put down the marriage offer in advance. In order to stabilize Si Yilin, he returned to the inner room and brought a pair of jade bracelets, saying that this was for the two of them.Si Yilin refused to accept the gift because it was too valuable. Zichuan Shenxing said that he wanted him to give it to Kadan as a token of love. She could not let her underestimate the Zichuan noble. Si Yilin was grateful to accept it.

Kadan was entangled in his relationship with Si Yilin, and Si Yilin came to find her. Kadan couldn't bear to let Si Yilin ruin his great future for herself, so she cruelly rejected Si Yilin, and Si Yilin took it.The jade bracelet came out, claiming that it was a love gift given to them by Zichuan Shenxing, and mentioned the conditions for the two to be together in the future. Although Kadan could not believe that this would happen, Si Yilin's deep affection made himShe couldn't refuse, and the two kissed each other deeply in love, and Cardin gave herself to Si Yilin. Even if the two of them could not get married in the future, she would not regret the investment of this relationship.Early the next morning, after Si Yilin left, Kadan sat alone in front of the dressing mirror and worried, would she really wait until the day when the world is peaceful? Even she herself refused to believe it.

When he learned that Si Yilin led the imperial garrison to Yuanzhou, Zichuan Xiu naturally would not stand idly by. Although fighting was not Xiuziying's strong point, he made clear arrangements for gathering information and logistical supplies. If a good brother goes on an expedition, he will definitely do it.Give us a helping hand.On the other side, Si Yilin rushed to help Payi. On the way, he received news of the fall of Payi. It was Leihong who led the soldiers of the Northern tribe. He relied on his subordinates in Payi to open the city gate. The soldiers of the Northern tribe massacred the city. Commander Minghui hid inHe only narrowly escaped death among the dead, but he was already frightened to the point of losing his mind.

The news spread to the imperial capital. The fall of Payi meant that the barrier of Yuanzhou was gone. If Wayun fell again, the barrier of Zichuan would be gone. Luo Minghai knew this, but there were no good generals available in the court. He thought of the emperor.Lin, but there was a rift between the two after all, so he had to suggest to Zichuan Shenxing that Di Lin lead the troops to protect Wa Yun.Zichuan Shenxing once again exercised power. On the one hand, he claimed that he was incompetent and wanted to send Di Lin to the front line. On the other hand, he sent him to support the troops and respect himself. In the name of taking care of Lin Xiujia, he put her under house arrest in the Jun Chang Mansion, so that Di Lin could only obey orders..

Emperor Lu brought Fang Jin's body back to the base camp to ask for credit from the God Emperor. However, the missing head made him very embarrassed. The God Emperor didn't care and rewarded everyone. Leihong stood up to ask for the reward. After all, he was the one who opened Payi's key.At the city gate, the God Emperor gave him a small test, asking him to use a knife to eat Fang Jin's flesh. Lei Hong gritted his teeth and stepped forward. When he was about to take action, the God Emperor stopped him. The God Emperor named him Duke Ping Jing and asked him toHe led his troops and wiped out Zichuan together with the soldiers of the Bei tribe.

Zi Chuan Xiu told Si Yilin the good news he had found out, and the two discussed countermeasures together. Zi Chuan Xiu led the team to conduct a feint attack, while he led the imperial garrison to attack Pa Yi in a detour, recapture the fortress and build a barrier for Wayun.General Yun Qianxue of the Northern Tribe met Lu Di. News came from the front that Si Yilin was taking the road to attack Maple Leaf Danlin. This was obviously a move to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao. Yun Qianxue felt that there was a trick in it. After Lu Di saw the opponent's food preparations,Feeling that Si Yilin wanted to attack Maple Leaf Danlin, he immediately sent troops to return to support, so that the God Emperor could not be harmed.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E23Plot

Episode 23

Lu Di led his troops back to Maple Leaf Danlin to rescue him. As a result, both he and Caton were scolded by the God Emperor, who thought that they could not even see through such a trick as inducing a tiger to leave the mountain. At this time, Karan came in and claimed that he had guessed Si Yilin.He will use the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, so he has sent Yulin General Yun Qianxue to secretly investigate the whereabouts of Si Yilin, and he will definitely be beaten to death. The God Emperor also criticized him, saying that if Si Yilin's action wasReally, he ignored his own safety and was accused of being unfaithful and unfilial.

The God-Emperor did this to quell the overt and covert fight between the two brothers. He asked the generals to gather troops to station here to see what Si Yilin wanted to do.On the other side, the news came that Si Yilin issued a letter of war to the Northern God Emperor and led his troops to capture Maple Leaf Danlin. Everyone was extremely surprised. They didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Si Yilin's gourd. Li Qing stood up forSi Yilin argued that his move must have deep meaning and would not push Zichuan's elite into the fire pit. Zichuan Shenxing immediately woke up. Si Yilin just wanted to use the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain to buy more time for Zichuan's defense..

Zi Chuan Ning recently studied government affairs with Zi Chuan Shenxing. Zi Chuan Shencaused chaos, and at the same time prepared military pay for emergencies. Zichuan Ning's proposal was recognized by Zichuan Shenxing and Luo Minghai. At this time, Counselor Ma Wei came to see him. On behalf of the three provinces and Taiwan, he suggested that Zichuan should not only guard against the Bei tribe.In addition, we should also guard against other tribes, strengthen cooperation with the Lin family, purchase grain and grass from them, and strengthen the defense against Wayun.Zichuan Shenxing praised Ma Wei and wanted Zichuan Ning to have more contact with Ma Wei, which was a great match-maker. However, Zichuan Ning was not interested in him and only cared about Zi Chuanxiu's safety. She asked Ma Wei to help her find out about Zi ChuanNews from Xiu and Si Yilin.

Si Yilin and Zi Chuanxiu cooperated tacitly, built a plank road to cross Chencang secretly, and led the imperial garrison to seize Payi. The defenders of the Bei tribe lost their lives while still drinking and carousing.Zi Chuanxiu wanted his men to go to Wayun and join Si Yilin himself. Because it was dangerous to go there, he did not want these soldiers who had never been on the battlefield to die with him. His men had long seen his intention, and the soldiers were willingAccompany him in the battle, and would rather die than cower.

Yun Qianxue surrounded Payi. He did not plan to attack by force. He just cut off the water source of Payi. When the food and grass in the city were exhausted, he had no choice but to surrender.Zi Chuanxiu saw Yun Qianxue's plan. He led people pretending to be Bei tribe soldiers to attack Yun Qianxue's camp at night. He even single-handedly pretended to be Bei tribe soldiers to send a message to Yun Qianxue and wanted to assassinate him, but Yun Qianxue found out., the two fought, Zi Chuanxiu's skill was even better, and finally cut off one of his arms. Due to the large number of opponents, he had to escape quickly.

The soldiers of Payi found a group of Bei soldiers walking over at the city gate, holding white flags and slogans. Si Yilin checked with a telescope and confirmed that it was Zi Chuanxiu who had arrived, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.After the God-Emperor learned the news, he immediately sent troops to besiege Payi. After Caton and Lu Di arrived, they pretended to come to express condolences, but in fact they laughed because Yun Qianxue belonged to the Karan camp and they wished Yun Qianxue died in the battle.

Zichuanxiu used his will to educate and guide the soldiers of Xiuziying to give up the idea of ​​surrender. In fact, he was also prepared to die, and together with Si Yilin, he guarded the line of defense of Payi for Zichuan.On the other side, Di Lin, who was defending Wayun, used an iron-fist policy to punish the soldiers who disobeyed management. Everyone was frightened and agreed to build fortifications immediately. Di Lin demanded that it be completed within seven days, otherwise he would engage in military law.

《Eternal Brotherhood》E24Plot

Episode 24

Zichuan Xiu's night attack on the Bei tribe camp not only severely injured Yun Qianxue, but also indirectly caused Lei Hong to be questioned, because it was rumored that it was the Bei tribe rebels. Caton found Lei Hong and deliberately used this incident to suppress him., Leihong was worried, fearing that the God Emperor would blame him for this matter, so he begged Caton to speak for him. Caton said that he had protected him in front of the God Emperor, but he also helped him establish a military order, and within three daysAfter capturing Payi and killing Si Yilin, Lei Hong was in trouble. Si Yilin was known as the Tiger of Zichuan. How could it be solved in three days? But at this point, he could only carry out the attack with a scalp.Preparation for Phayat.

After all, Leihong was very cunning. He used the captured Payi soldiers as the first barrier and let them work as coolies to push the equipment at the front. The defenders would definitely have some scruples out of consideration for their comrades.Sure enough, Lei Hong led his troops to approach Payi. Si Yilin and Zi Chuanxiu couldn't help scratching their heads when they saw this formation. Zi Chuanxiu was resourceful. Since he couldn't hurt the prisoners with arrows, he had to use other strategies.

Zichuanxiu asked the soldiers of Xiuzi Camp to mobilize the people and prepare a large amount of lime, pepper and other items for backup. The way to solve the problem was to use catapults to throw stones and gunpowder to create smoke to isolate the enemy's front and rear, and then use semaphores to command the prisoners to run.Towards the city gates on both sides, Si Yilin led his troops out of the city to attack, creating opportunities for the prisoners to escape. The first thing was to eliminate the opponent's messengers and prevent the rear from knowing the situation ahead, so that they would not dare to act rashly.

Zichuanxiu's plan worked. Leihong could not get the previous information, so he had to send people to inquire again. Most of the prisoners entered the city, but some of Leihong's men also followed into the city. This was exactly what Zichuanxiu expected.After seeing the result, the soldiers of Xiuziying put the enemy troops into the city, closed the door and beat the dogs. Lime and chili powder came in handy. The enemy troops were miserable after being attacked, and eventually the entire army was destroyed.

The time agreed between Zi Chuanxiu and Si Yilin was coming soon, but Si Yilin had not yet gotten rid of the enemy's entanglement. He asked his subordinates to withdraw first and acted as the last line of defense for them. Zi Chuanxiu saw that his brother was in danger, so naturally he would not stand idly by.He rushed out single-handedly to help Si Yilin rescue the siege. The two brothers fought with all their strength and safely broke out of the siege and returned to the city. Only then did Lei Hong wake up and led his troops to attack the city. However, they were hit head-on by rolling logs and thunder stones. In desperation, he had to lead his troops to attack the city.The soldiers retreated, but when he returned to the camp, he was scolded by Caton. Caton thought he could reap the benefits, but unexpectedly, Leihong was defeated.

Karan came over to visit Yun Qianxue and get to know the situation on the front line. Yun Qianxue felt that there was an expert behind Si Yilin because this style of fighting was not a regular fighting method of the Imperial Guard Army, but he had no way of knowing who it was..Si Yilin and Zi Chuanxiu summarized the battle situation and felt that it was a narrow victory. Of course, the two brothers could not help but compliment each other. Zi Chuanxiu suddenly saw Si Yilin's bracelet and insisted on grabbing it to take a look. Si Yilin had no choice but to tell the truth, butHe has little confidence in the future between himself and Kadan. After all, if he wants Zichuan and the Bei Clan to unify, it will take a long way.

The Northern Tribe’s National Preceptor came to Yun Qianxue, and the God Emperor decided to re-appoint him as the commander of the attack on Pa Yi. The National Preceptor also recognized Yun Qianxue’s ability, but he reminded Yun Qianxue that the opponent might have an expert commanding him behind the scenes., it may be the person who cut off one of his arms, I hope he will be cautious in his next step.Yun Qianxue led his troops to besiege Payi, and continued his strategy, which was to besiege but not attack. When the city was short of food and grass and people were panicked, he would not attack and defeat himself. Si Yilin and Zichuan XiuThey also saw Yun Qianxue's strategy, but they didn't have any good countermeasures at the moment. The other Zichuan armies were too busy to take care of themselves and couldn't send troops to support them. They could only stick to it for the time being and find other plans.

After Di Lin learned about the battle situation in Payi, he was very worried for the two brothers. He angrily scolded them that they were two fools who knew they couldn't do anything, but he couldn't just watch them suffer, so he prepared toLin Bing was a little confused about leading people to the rescue and sharing life and death. Di Lin said that he was going to be the third fool now.

Eternal Brotherhood

Eternal Brotherhood

Total 24 Episodes C-Drama Period Actor: Zhang Mingen Liu Yuning Yang Xuwen