Anno Koichi (played by Tomeaki Karasawa), who became the private banker of the Tenguji Aina Group's president, Tenguji Johiro (played by Hashizume Isao), successfully saved the plight of the dango shop run by Iida Kumiko (played by Suzuki Honami).and gained deep trust.two.Then, Zhang Yang proposed the next commission to Anno.Zhang Yang realizes that he doesn't have much time left, and is convinced that the Tiangong Temple clan will soon fight over 700 billion assets.“I hope you can protect our family's assets from those guys”——Zhouyang sent Anno to the clan as the private bank of the Tenguji family.
Among them, the eldest son Tentenguji Tsutomu (played by Yasui Junpei) fell down the stairs and was dying and unconscious.In addition, Nu's driver witnessed this scene and was pushed out of the car by a suspected female person.Therefore, Joyo's wife, Tenzanji Mikoto (played by Mari Natsuki), who rules the world as the absolute power of the clan, entrusts Anno to find the prisoner.
Anno, together with his assistant Miko Shibasu (Uesugi Hiiragi) and Kumiko, who became the new assistant, began to search around Tsutomu.In an apartment owned by Tsutomu's personal asset management company, there lives yoga instructor and lover Kirishima Yukie (played by Yuri Tsunematsu).Is the culprit Yukie who had murderous intention due to love entanglement...? However, Yukie denied that Tsutomu loved her and allowed her to live a good life. It was impossible for her to kill Tsutomu.
After receiving the report from Anno, Tsutomu's wife Tenguji Kasumi (MEGUMI) called Yukie out and asked her to retreat from the apartment. Then she took the money and said ridiculous things to Yukie.Kasumi also asked Anno to completely eliminate Yukie and not to have anything to do with Tsutomu.
Taking this incident as an opportunity, Yuga's job was also fired. Yukie, who lost everything, visited Tsutomu who was sleeping in the ward with a pensive expression.At this time, Anno appeared...!