《dusk love》E6

Episode 6: She must have fallen in love with the other person

In the busy kitchen, Jane Moran finally completed her cooking task.The aroma of the food filled the air, but her mind had already wandered elsewhere.Ji Jie's call broke the tranquility and brought good news - the supplier, Mr. Lu, agreed to re-ship the goods, which instantly eased the burden on Jian Moran's heart.

Episode 6: She must have fallen in love with the other person

Huo Jinyan's invitation allowed her to temporarily put aside her fatigue from work and sit down to enjoy this delicious meal.However, the atmosphere at the dinner table changed unexpectedly.Huo Jinyan's sudden move caused the cake in Jian Moran's hand to be gently taken away by him. This scene couldn't help but remind her of the time she spent with a certain boy when she was a child.Those vague memories seemed to be awakened, causing her to fall into brief contemplation.

A sudden power outage at night plunged Jian Moran's room into darkness.Her screams echoed in the empty corridor, attracting Huo Jinyan's attention.Only then did he discover that Jian Moran was afraid of the dark.Jian Moran's confession made him understand her better. Her car accident experience, the pain of amnesia, and the deep fear all made him feel more sympathy and concern for her.

Kyle's investigation results made Huo Jinyan frown even more.The production and operation data of the franchisees who cooperated with Jian Moran were surprisingly similar, which made him wonder if there was any unknown conspiracy.He decided to let Kyle investigate further and uncover the truth behind all this.

The fabric supported by Mr. Lu is about to arrive, and Ji Jie asks Jian Moran for instructions on where to store it.But the doubts in Jian Moran's heart made her unable to concentrate.She couldn't help but ask herself, why did she always think of Huo Jinyan involuntarily recently?Is her emotion a sign of illness?Ji Jie's words suddenly made her realize that the emotion in her heart was love.

As the design director of Jian's Yu Nion brand, Jian Moran has always dreamed of creating his own clothing brand Yu Ni.However, the board had reservations about her proposal, saying it was too risky.After the board meeting, Jian Moran found his second uncle, hoping that he could convince other shareholders.However, her second uncle's words made her fall into deep thought.It turned out that her father clearly stipulated in his will that the company could only be handed over to her after she got married.Her second uncle's advice made her realize that maybe getting married was the only way to realize her dream.

However, the second uncle's real purpose was to marry her to his adopted son Yicheng.Jian Moran had already understood her second uncle's thoughts, so she rejected the proposal without hesitation.She told her second uncle that she already had a fiancé and took out Huo Jinyan's photo.This fiancé was selected for her by her assistant. He had a clean background as a model, was low-key, and had a gentle personality. He was an easy candidate to control.

dusk love

dusk love

Total 24 Episodes Feb 20, 2024 C-Drama Short/Rom Actor: Dai Gaozheng An Yongchang