《special lady》 Summ

It tells the funny and sweet story of Song Zhu, the lively third daughter of the Song family, who rebelled against an arranged marriage and pursued true love, and how she and Xiao Yu, a sinister young master who came to study while hiding his identity, went from being dissatisfied with each other to falling in love over time and growing up together.

Xiao Yu is a unique person. He is not immersed in books like the children of the Song family, but he has talent and unique charm.He is a knight-errant who travels around the world and is famous for his martial arts skills and wit.

When Xiao Yu first met Song Zhu, he was attracted by her beauty and unique temperament.He found that Song Zhu was an independent, lively woman with her own thinking. When talking to her, Xiao Yu truly felt what made her unique.Although Song Zhu did not inherit her family's literary talent, she possessed an extremely strong will and independent thinking.

As time went by, the relationship between Xiao Yu and Song Zhu became closer.They traveled together through the mountains and rivers, wandering around the clouds and wild cranes, feeling the beauty of the world in their own way.Xiao Yu gradually influenced Song Zhu, making her begin to re-examine her life plan.She discovered that she had been just catering to her family's expectations, while ignoring her true inner desires.

Song Zhu decided to get rid of the halo of his family and pursue his own happiness.She began to pay attention to social issues, study people's livelihood, and use her wisdom and strength to change the world.she

On the campus of Yiyang Academy, the struggle between Song Zhu and Xiao Yu has become a unique landscape.The contest between them not only attracted the attention of many teachers and students, but also triggered a series of stories inside and outside the campus.

Song Zhu united a group of her friends, and they decided to use wisdom and courage to fight against Xiao Yu's threat.Whenever Xiao Yu tried to destroy the order and harmony of Yiyang Academy, Song Zhu could always detect it in time and quickly organize a series of counterattacks.

Once, in order to damage Song Zhu's reputation, Xiao Yu deliberately challenged her in a martial arts competition in the academy.Although Song Zhu knew that it was impossible to compete with Xiao Yu's strength, she did not intend to give up easily.She decided to use the wisdom and help of her friends to fight against Xiao Yu with minimal losses.

So Song Zhu and her friends began intensive training, not only honing their martial arts skills, but also studying Xiao Yu's weaknesses and tactics.They formed a team, cooperated with each other, and jointly formulated a strategy to deal with Xiao Yu.

The day of the martial arts tournament finally arrived, and the entire academy was filled with a tense atmosphere.When Song Zhu and Xiao Yu stood on the ring, everyone held their breath, waiting for the result to be announced.

The game started. Song Zhu nimbly avoided Xiao Yu's attack. She quickly showed her strength and advantages.Behind her back, her friends silently provided her with support and help.They always pay attention to the situation on the battlefield and provide Song Zhu with tactical guidance and inspiration.

Facing Song Zhu's powerful counterattack, Xiao Yu gradually felt the pressure.He began to feel challenges and obstacles that he had never experienced before.But he was not willing to admit defeat. He decided to show his true strength and compete with Song Zhu.

The fierce battle lasted for a while, and in the end, Song Zhu successfully defeated Xiao Yu with her intelligence and the support of her team.All the teachers and students in the school cheered for Song Zhu's victory.

Although Song Zhu defeated Xiao Yu, she was not complacent.She knows that this is just the beginning of a battle, and there are countless challenges waiting for her.However, she also understands that as long as she pursues her own happiness firmly, she will be able to overcome any difficulties.

《special lady》Full Summary

《special lady》Episode 1 plot introduction

The Song family in Yiyang was decorating the house with lanterns and festoons to welcome the second son of the family, who was the number one scholar in high school, back home, but Song Zhu, the third wife in the family, had the idea of ​​sneaking out.It turns out that there is a rule in Yiyang City: to catch a son-in-law under the official list.

Song Zhu was afraid that his second brother would be captured by a rude village woman, so he made up his mind to take him home halfway. On the other hand, he also wanted to take the opportunity to buy the calligraphy of Zhou Jizhi, a talented scholar whom he had admired for a long time, but he did not want to accidentally meet him for the first time.Xiao Yu, who came to Yiyangcheng, formed a relationship.Just because she bit Xiao Yu in desperation to save her second brother, who was the number one scholar, he was forcibly kidnapped by his son-in-law captors and almost got married to a strange woman.

Song Zhu looked anxiously at the retreating carriage, filled with worry and regret.She didn't expect that her impulse would lead to such a result.

Xiao Yu sat in the carriage, filled with confusion and doubts.He always thought that he was just an ordinary scholar, how could he be related to such a charming woman?

The carriage was galloping on the streets of Yiyang City, and Song Zhu looked around anxiously.She knew she had to try to rescue Xiao Yu, otherwise everything would become out of control.

Suddenly, a burst of noise came from the front.Song Zhu looked up and saw a group of people gathered together, seemingly fighting.Her heart moved, and she quickened her pace with a glimmer of hope.

When Song Zhu rushed to the crowd, what she saw shocked her.Xiao Yu was surrounded by a group of people who wanted to capture his son-in-law. He looked helpless and looked at everyone helplessly.

A trace of determination flashed in Song Zhu's eyes. She squeezed into the crowd, pushed the people in front of her hard, and finally approached Xiao Yu.

"Let him go!" Song Zhu shouted loudly, his voice full of determination and strength.

Everyone looked at this brave woman in shock, but no one dared to take action.Although they had rules, they did not dare to offend the family of the second young master in the mansion.

Song Zhu glanced around coldly and had an idea in his mind.She strode up to Xiao Yu and sneered: "It seems that you are really the second young master in the house. Otherwise, why would these people be so afraid of offending you?"

Xiao Yu was stunned. He looked at Song Zhu with doubts in his heart.Before he could speak, Song Zhu continued: "I can help you escape, but there is a condition.You must help me buy Zhou Jizhi's calligraphy treasure."

A trace of surprise flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes. He did not expect that Song Zhu would suddenly make such a request.But he also knew that the situation was urgent and he needed someone he could rely on.

"Okay, I promise you.But you have to keep me safe."Xiao Yu calmed down and replied.

Song Zhu nodded, knowing that there was no room for error, otherwise everything would be in vain.She took Xiao Yu's hand and quickly left the crowd.

In a secret place, Song Zhu explained her plan to Xiao Yu in detail.Xiao Yu listened carefully and was filled with admiration for this brave and smart woman.

The two of them discussed it and started taking action.They mingled in the alleys of Yiyang City, secretly observing Zhou Jizhi's whereabouts.

Soon after, they discovered Zhou Jizhi's traces.He was shopping for calligraphy treasures in an antique shop, and there was a bustling crowd around him.

Song Zhu and Xiao Yu quietly approached, ready to implement their plan.They need to cleverly buy Mo Bao and ensure their own safety.

In the crowd, Song Zhu and Xiao Yu showed their tacit cooperation.Xiao Yu attracted Zhou Jizhi's attention with his talent, and Song Zhu took the opportunity to buy the calligraphy treasure.

In the end, they successfully bought the calligraphy treasure and left the antique store smoothly.They breathed a sigh of relief and their hearts were filled with joy.

Song Zhu looked at the calligraphy treasure in his hand and was filled with emotion.She didn't expect that she could be so brave, help Xiao Yu rescue him, and buy the coveted calligraphy treasure.

《special lady》Episode 2 plot introduction

Song Zhu and Xiao Yu were at war with each other, but the county magistrate brought his son Li Wenshu swaggeringly in front of everyone, teaching his son that the purpose of entering Yiyang Academy was to choose a daughter of the Song family to be his wife and to make his family shine.These remarks caused disdain from those around him.

Song Zhu took the opportunity to invite Xiao Yu to talk to him, hoping to dispel his idea of ​​getting married to her. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu was not polite and bluntly stated that he did not like Song Zhu and asked for his lucky bag.

Song Zhu's heart sank, she didn't expect Xiao Yu to express his dissatisfaction with her so directly.She felt like her dignity was being challenged, but she also knew now was not the time for an attack.She took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

"Xiao Yu, do you really look down on me?" Song Zhu asked softly, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Xiao Yu looked at Song Zhu coldly and did not answer her question, but continued to ask: "Where is the lucky bag? I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

Song Zhu knew she couldn't avoid this question. She frowned slightly, thinking about how to explain.She understood that Xiao Yu was a smart man and he would not let her go easily.

"Xiao Yu, I admit that the promise I made to you before was not sincere.However, you must also understand that as a woman, I have my responsibilities and the interests of my family to consider.I had to marry into a wealthy family to maintain the honor of my family."Song Zhu's voice gradually became deeper.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.He showed a sarcastic smile and said: "I see, for the benefit of the family, you can play with other people's feelings at will? Song Zhu, you are truly worthy of being a rich and powerful daughter.""

Song Zhu's face suddenly turned pale. She felt that she had been completely seen through by Xiao Yu, and she could no longer find any excuses.

"Xiao Yu, I know I was wrong.However, we can start over and I will try my best to make up for my mistakes."Song Zhu said with a trembling voice.

Xiao Yu smiled coldly and said no more.He turned and left, leaving Song Zhu standing alone, frustrated.

She indeed brought all this on herself. She ignored the feelings of others for the benefit of her family, and ended up losing the person she truly valued.She felt extremely regretful and remorseful, but it was irreversible.

《special lady》Episode 3 plot introduction

Song Zhu, who did not want to be embarrassed in front of Zhou Ji, denied that she was the third mother of the Song family. Xiao Yu was happy to watch the show, but in order to expose it, he took advantage of Song Zhu's attempt to conceal his identity and made Song Zhu bleed for himself and Zhou Ji.Ji opened another wing, and Song Zhu had no choice but to agree.

But as soon as the front leg left Zhou Ji's sight, the back leg Song Zhu showed his true colors in front of Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu did not want to continue fighting with him and proposed to exchange letters and live in peace from then on. Song Zhu added that he must break off the engagement as a condition, and Xiao Yu alsoShould be downloaded together.

Song Zhu struggled to stay out of Zhou Ji's sight, feeling filled with guilt and uneasiness.She had to admit that she lied in front of Zhou Ji.Although it was to protect her identity and her family's reputation, such deception made her feel very guilty.

Xiao Yu stood aside, a trace of pride flashing in his eyes.He had always known that Song Zhu was acting, but he never thought that there would be such a chance to make him bleed.He looked at Song Zhu with a sneer, waiting for her response.

Song Zhu knew that he had no choice but to agree to Xiao Yu's request.She felt bitter in her heart, but she knew this was her only choice.She couldn't help but secretly swear that once she got the letter, she would resolve the engagement issue as soon as possible and completely draw a clear line with Xiao Yu.

As soon as he left Zhou Ji's sight, Song Zhu returned to the room.She turned around to face Xiao Yu, revealing her true face.She looked at Xiao Yu, her eyes full of indifference and determination.She no longer wanted to continue fighting with him.

Xiao Yu looked at her, the pride in his heart gradually disappeared, replaced by an inexplicable respect.He knew that Song Zhu was not that innocent girl, but a smart and cunning woman.He decided to make peace with her and end the fight.

“Okay, let's exchange letters.” Xiao Yu suggested, he didn't want to continue to be entangled.

Song Zhu nodded, she was also eager to end it all.They exchanged letters without a second glance, as if the fight was over.

“I will go through the divorce procedures as soon as possible.”Song Zhu said firmly that she hoped to end her relationship with Xiao Yu as soon as possible.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly and agreed to Song Zhu's request."Okay, I will help you handle it."

They said nothing more to each other, but at this moment, they both understood each other's determination.From now on, they will each go their own paths without any intersection.

The fight is over, but their fate remains undecided.They will face more challenges and tests, but they are determined not to escape and to face everything bravely.

What kind of miracles and surprises will the future bring them?Only time will tell.

《special lady》Episode 4 plot introduction

On the day of the martial arts test, many female students peeked outside, and Yan Qinruo also came for Xiao Yu.Song Zhu climbed up a tree not far away and waited for Xiao Yu to destroy him when he shot an arrow.

Because of her help, Xiao Yu, who hit the examiner's head coach Shen's hat, not only was not expelled, but gained the admiration of coach Shen, who threatened to accept him as a closed disciple. Song Zhu was miserable, not to mention that Xiao Yu knew that she wasDuring the trouble, Song Zhu refused to send the sheep into the tiger's mouth. He stayed on the tree and refused to get down, but accidentally slipped and fell. Fortunately, Xiao Yu came to rescue him.

Xiao Yu stretched out his hands to catch Song Zhu who fell from the tree.He smiled slightly, a hint of appreciation flashing in his eyes.

"You are really a brave girl, you dare to cause destruction!" Xiao Yu said with a smile.

Song Zhu scratched his head in embarrassment, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said, "I just think that people like you should not be bound to this martial arts test, so I want to help you."

Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment, then laughed.He patted Song Zhu's shoulder lightly and said, "Thank you for your help, but being a closed disciple is not very attractive to me.I prefer to walk freely and experience the ups and downs of life."

Song Zhu felt a little disappointed after hearing Xiao Yu's words, but she did not give up and said firmly: "Xiao Yu, I believe you are a person who pursues truth and justice.No matter what path you choose, as long as you maintain your original intention, I will support you."

Xiao Yu looked at Song Zhu's sincere eyes and was deeply moved.He knew that Song Zhu admired him not only because of his archery skills, but also because of his pursuit of freedom and justice.

"Song Zhu, you are a good girl, and I am very grateful for your support and understanding.No matter what happens in the future, I hope we can become friends and pursue our dreams together." Xiao Yu looked at Song Zhu with firm and warm eyes.

Song Zhu's eyes flashed with happiness, she nodded slightly and said, "I hope so too, Xiao Yu.No matter where you go, I will be behind you and support you."

Their eyes met, as if a tacit connection was established between them.From that moment on, both Xiao Yu and Song Zhu understood that the bond between them had gone beyond ordinary friendship and had become an indispensable presence in each other's lives.

On that day of the martial arts test, although Song Zhu regretted her decision, she understood that her actions were not only for Xiao Yu, but also for her inner perseverance and courage.

And Xiao Yu also understood that he had a true friend, someone who was willing to give everything for him.He is determined to become a better version of himself, working hard for Song Zhu and for his own dreams.

《special lady》 Episode 5 plot introduction

The Song family sent the No. 1 Scholar who was taking office away from home. At this time, Song Zhu saw Xiao Yu's test paper in Song Xu's hand and secretly screamed. However, at this time, the second brother quietly told her that he had sent Xiao Yu before leaving home.When Xiao Yu told his father about his visit, Song Zhu was heartbroken.

Soon Xiao Yu came to the door with generous gifts. Seeing that his father praised Xiao Yu very much, Song Zhu interrupted the conversation several times, but he was afraid that Xiao Yu would tell everything about him, but for some reason Xiao Yu did not betray her until she heard that.It was said that Xiao Yu would leave Beijing in a few days, so he felt relieved.

Song Zhu's heart was filled with endless anxiety and worry. She didn't know why Song Xu was holding Xiao Yu's test paper, and she was even more worried that her secret would be exposed.While she was thinking about how to deal with this unexpected situation, she secretly hoped that her second brother could help her overcome the difficulty.

After hearing that her second brother told her that she had informed her father about Xiao Yu's visit, Song Zhu was heartbroken.She understood that no matter how outstanding Xiao Yu was, the entanglement between her and him would definitely become an obstacle to her future.She felt that her future was gradually bleak, surrounded by countless regrets and regrets.

However, when Xiao Yu came to the door with generous gifts, she unexpectedly found that her father admired him very much.Song Zhu felt surprised and uneasy. She didn't know if her father already knew about her relationship with Xiao Yu.She interrupted the conversation several times, trying to change the subject, but she was afraid that Xiao Yu would reveal her secret to everyone.

However, a miracle happened.Xiao Yu did not betray her, he always remained silent.Song Zhu felt relieved and felt grateful to Xiao Yu.She didn't know why Xiao Yu chose to keep the secret, but she didn't dare to believe in his sincerity too much.She knows that in this world of power and intrigue, no one can be completely trusted.

A few days later, when Song Zhu heard that Xiao Yu was about to leave Beijing, she was slightly relieved.Although she still had doubts in her heart, she also understood that as long as Xiao Yu left the capital, the entanglement between her and him would end temporarily.She just hoped that she could spend this time safely and try not to get involved in more trouble.

Song Zhu took a deep breath and decided to be careful and try to avoid too much contact with Xiao Yu.She knows that only by staying calm and vigilant can she survive in this world full of undercurrents and dangers.She swore that neither Xiao Yu nor anyone else would shake her firm heart and determination.She wants to look forward, no longer be troubled by the past, and she wants to work hard for her future.

《special lady》Episode 6 plot introduction

Master Zhang sued Master Chen before Song Xu regarding Xiao Yu's entry into the Song Dynasty as a teacher, accusing him of acting absurdly and disregarding the reputation of female students. However, Master Chen acted upright, had his own considerations, and believed in XiaoYu's character, Song Xu finally put an end to the matter on the grounds that women's studies should respect Master Chen's attitude.

During the subsequent conversation between the two, Song Xu saw that Master Chen had a high opinion of Xiao Yu.Because Xiao Yu's status as a teaching officer was recognized, Song Xu planned to place him in the men's dormitory of the academy.

Because Xiao Yu's teaching status was officially recognized, Song Xu decided to place him in the men's dormitory of the academy.This is an important move, which not only means that Xiao Yu can better integrate into the atmosphere of the college, but also facilitates academic exchanges and interaction between students.

In the days that followed, Xiao Yu met other like-minded students in the men's dormitory of the academy. They learned from each other, discussed and made progress together.Xiao Yu also gradually integrated into this small community, and they spent a happy and fulfilling college time together.

In the education system of Song Dynasty, the learning and communication between male and female students promote each other.Chen Fuzi’s persistence and Song Xu’s support laid a solid foundation for equal learning and exchanges between male and female students in the academy.This open and inclusive academic environment has also become a major feature and advantage of Song Studies.

Through this dispute and mediation, Xiao Yu gained recognition and respect from more people.He showed excellent educational ability and academic quality in Song Dynasty and became a shining star in the academy.Master Chen's wisdom and understanding also earned him more reputation in the academy.

Under the leadership of Song Xu, Song Studies continued to develop and grow, attracting more and more students.In this open and inclusive academic hall, they jointly explore the vast world of knowledge and contribute to the development and progress of society.Xiao Yu's entry also added new vitality and hope to Song Dynasty.)

《special lady》Episode 7 plot introduction

Master Zhang sued Master Chen before Song Xu regarding Xiao Yu's entry into the Song Dynasty as a teacher, accusing him of acting absurdly and disregarding the reputation of female students. However, Master Chen acted upright, had his own considerations, and believed in XiaoYu’s behavior as a human being,

In the end, Song Xu put an end to the matter on the grounds that he still had to respect Master Chen's attitude when it came to women's education.During the subsequent conversation between the two, Song Xu saw that Master Chen had a high opinion of Xiao Yu.Because Xiao Yu's status as a teaching officer was recognized, Song Xu planned to place him in the men's dormitory of the academy.

When Xiao Yu entered the Song School as a teacher, Master Zhang reported Master Chen's actions to Song Xu, accusing him of disregarding the reputation of female students and acting absurdly.However, Master Chen has always acted upright and sat upright. He has his own considerations, and he believes in Xiao Yu's character.In the end, Song Xu decided to put an end to the matter on the grounds that women's studies required respect for Master Chen's attitude.

Then, Song Xu and Master Chen started talking, and Song Xu gradually realized that Master Chen had a high opinion of Xiao Yu.Master Chen's approval of Xiao Yu made Song Xu more determined to place him in the men's dormitory of the academy.

As the head of Song Dynasty Studies, Song Xu recognized Xiao Yu's status as a professor and received support from other faculty members.He knew that placing Xiao Yu in the men's dormitory of the academy would not only provide him with a good learning environment, but also allow him to interact with other students and make progress together.

Therefore, Song Xu decided to discuss the details of this arrangement with Xiao Yu as soon as possible.He hopes to provide Xiao Yu with a comfortable and quiet learning environment, and also hopes that he can grow together with other students.

When Xiao Yu heard the news, he was extremely grateful.He knew that being placed in the men's dormitory of the academy was an honor and an affirmation of his talent.He was determined to study hard and live up to the expectations of Song Xu and Chen Fuzi.

From then on, Xiao Yu played an important role in Song Dynasty studies.With his knowledge, talent and enthusiasm, he influenced many students and became a role model for them to learn from.His outstanding performance also made Chen Fuzi more convinced that his choice was correct.

In Song studies, Xiao Yu gradually showed his talent and knowledge, and he became a highly respected figure in the academy.His teaching methods are deeply loved by students, and they all express their desire to learn from him.

Master Chen and Song Xu were also proud and satisfied with their decision.They watched Xiao Yu's vigorous development in Song Dynasty, and their hearts were filled with joy and encouragement.

In the men's dormitory of Song School, Xiao Yu got along well with other students and made progress together.They learn from each other, help each other, and explore the mysteries of knowledge together.Their friendship spread throughout the college and became a bond among the students.

In the big family of Song Dynasty, Xiao Yu found his own sense of belonging and a stage for growth.He keeps working hard, pursuing knowledge and truth, and fighting for his dreams.

The story of Xiao Yu has become a legend of Song Dynasty, and his name has been recorded in the history of the academy.His story inspires countless students and makes them believe that as long as they work hard, they can realize their ideals.

Every corner of Song Dynasty studies is filled with Xiao Yu's spirit and influence.His teaching status was affirmed, his talents were showcased, and his efforts were rewarded.

《special lady》Episode 8 plot introduction

Song Zhu rushed into the fire to save Xiao Yu, but was knocked unconscious by the explosion. In a daze, she saw a man carrying her out of the fire.Everyone ran over when they noticed the fire, and Zhou Ji rushed into the fire to help.

Xiao Yu returned to the fire to save Master Zhang's beloved goose, but the goose failed to survive. After they were safe, Zhou Ji and Xiao Yu also fainted from exhaustion.In the hospital room, Song Yi was caring for the unconscious Song Zhu, Xiao Yu was resting aside, and Zhou Ji was also unconscious.

In the hospital room, a quiet atmosphere filled the air.Song Yi gently wiped the sweat from the unconscious Song Zhu's forehead, his eyes revealing deep concern and care.

Xiao Yu sat quietly aside, silently guarding the unconscious Song Zhu.His heart was heavy because he knew that it was his impulse that put Song Zhu into this dangerous situation.His eyes were full of guilt and remorse.

The doctor carefully diagnosed the comatose Song Zhu and then gave him treatment.He said: “Her injuries were not serious, she just fainted from the impact of the explosion.He should wake up soon.”

Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the doctor's words, but he still couldn't calm down.He looked at Song Zhu's face, his heart filled with worry and love for her.He was determined to protect her no matter what, and never let her get hurt again.

At the same time, Zhou Ji was also lying on the medical bed and fell into a deep sleep.His breathing was steady and strong, as if he was regaining his strength.Song Yi gently covered him with a quilt, and then wiped him clean carefully.Her eyes were full of concern and concern for Zhou Ji.

At this moment, the hospital room was filled with an atmosphere of determination and unity.Everyone was praying silently, hoping that they would wake up soon and return to them again.

Time passed quietly, and several hours gradually passed.Finally, Song Zhu slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was still a little blurry, but she could feel that she was already lying on the hospital bed.She turned her body gently and saw Xiao Yu guarding her next to her.

“You're awake!” Xiao Yu hurriedly approached, looking at her with eyes full of joy and concern.

Song Zhu smiled slightly and said softly: “I'm fine, just a little dizzy.”

Although her voice was weak, Xiao Yu heard her clearly, and his heart was filled with gratitude and relief.He gently held Song Zhu's hand and said softly:“ You must have a good rest. When you fully recover, we will face the future together.”

At this moment, the hospital room is filled with hope and courage.Everyone knows that although they have experienced a terrible fire, they are still united and face the challenges ahead firmly.

Time continued to pass, and finally, Zhou Ji slowly woke up.He opened his eyes slightly and looked at Song Yi beside him, feeling an indescribable emotion well up in his heart.

“You're awake!”Song Yi couldn't help but cheer, her eyes full of joy and relief.

Zhou Ji smiled slightly and said softly: “Thank you, Yiyi.You are always by my side and I feel safe.”

Although his voice was weak, Song Yi heard it clearly, and her eyes were full of tenderness and gratitude.She gently held Zhou Ji's hand and said softly:“You should also take a good rest. When you recover, we will face the future together.”

There was an atmosphere of warmth and hope in the hospital room.Everyone knows that although they have experienced the test of life and death, they still firmly believe that as long as they unite as one, they will be able to overcome any difficulties and welcome a better tomorrow.

《special lady》Episode 9 plot introduction

Men's students entered one after another, and the room where Zhou Ji and Xiao Yu lived suddenly became lively. Xiao Yu simply invited everyone to drink and fight crickets, and while chatting and laughing, he pretended to casually ask Zhou Ji about the situation of Wenjing Pavilion.

In the women's dormitory, they gathered together to admire the moon. Yan Qinruo's face was filled with peach blossoms, which made it obvious that he was missing his sweetheart. Song Zhu was restless, wondering whether the jar of wine he had sent during the day had made Xiao Yu break his rules., and then simply rushed to the men's dormitory to find out what was going on, and bumped into Uncle Li Wen who was patrolling.

Male students walked into Zhou Ji and Xiao Yu's room one after another, making it lively all of a sudden.Xiao Yu smiled and invited everyone to drink and fight crickets together. While chatting and laughing, he pretended to casually ask Zhou Ji about the situation of Wenjing Pavilion.

Over at the girls' dormitory, everyone gathered together to admire the bright moonlight.A faint peach blossom appeared on Yan Qinruo's face, letting people know that she was missing her sweetheart.Song Zhu was restless, wondering whether the jar of wine he had sent during the day would make Xiao Yu break the rules.So, she decided to rush to the men's dormitory to find out.

As soon as Song Zhu came out of the women's dormitory, he bumped into Uncle Li Wen who was on patrol.Uncle Li Wen is the school steward and he has always had a good impression of Song Zhu.When he saw her appearing in the men's dormitory, he smiled slightly and asked, "Miss Song Zhu, why are you in the men's dormitory at this time?"

Song Zhu was a little nervous, but he still replied calmly: "I heard that there was a drinking and cricket-fighting competition going on in the men's dormitory, so I came over to take a look."

Uncle Li Wen nodded. He also knew that Xiao Yu and Zhou Ji liked this kind of competition.He smiled and said, "In that case, let me go with you to see it."

Song Zhu felt happy and followed Uncle Li Wen into the men's dormitory.

《special lady》Episode 10 plot introduction

When Xiao Yu saw Zhou Ji's appearance, he subconsciously let go. Song Zhu was thrown to the ground helplessly, and the three of them were a little embarrassed.The fireworks were still going on outside, and the person setting off the fireworks in the academy was Uncle Li Wen. He wanted to take this opportunity to express his love to Song Yi, but he didn't expect that Song Yi didn't attend the appointment, and the person who came was Song Li.

Song Zhu secretly climbed over the wall to go home, but was caught by her mother. When she was thinking about making excuses, her eldest brother Song Li also came back over the wall.Song Li confessed that he went to the back mountain to watch the fireworks, but Song Zhu mistakenly thought that he knew about her going to the kitchen.

Song Zhu felt panicked and didn't know how to explain her climbing over the wall to go home.She thought to herself that if she said that she went to the back mountain to watch the fireworks, her mother would definitely expose her. After all, it was so late, where would there be fireworks?She hurriedly looked for excuses, but found that her mind went blank.

Just when Song Zhu was confused, her elder brother Song Li suddenly appeared in front of her.He looked exhausted, as if he had just experienced a lot of twists and turns.Seeing this, Song Li stepped forward and asked with concern: “Sister, why did you climb over the wall and come back?I thought you were at home.”

When Song Zhu heard Song Li's words, he was shocked and hurriedly stepped forward and said: Brother, did you know that I went to the kitchen?“

Song Li was stunned, but he didn't expect Song Zhu to misunderstand what he meant.He quickly explained: ”Sister, I didn’t know you went to the kitchen, I just said that I went to the back mountain to watch the fireworks.“

Song Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that he was too worried.She smiled shyly and said: ”Brother, I misunderstood you just now, I'm sorry.“

Song Li waved his hand, patted Song Zhu's shoulder comfortingly, and said: It's okay, sister.Before you went home, did you see what happened in the kitchen?”

Song Zhu shook his head and said that he did not see the situation in the kitchen.She was a little lucky, at least no one would know about her secretly going to the kitchen.

Song Li smiled comfortingly and said: “That's good, sister.After you go home, it's better not to climb over the wall again, it's too dangerous.”

Song Zhu nodded, saying that he would follow Song Li's advice.She looked at Song Li's back with gratitude, her heart filled with warmth and touch.Although she made a mistake, with her brother's support and understanding, she felt that everything became less bad.

Back home, Song Zhu explained to her mother why she climbed over the wall and came back. Although her mother scolded her, she could also see her regret and change.Mother sighed and said to Song Zhu: Don't do such things again in the future, just stay at home.%

Song Zhu nodded and said he would correct it.She understands that climbing over the wall is a dangerous thing. It not only brings risks to herself, but also worries her family.From that day on, Song Zhu never had the idea of ​​climbing over the wall. She was determined to cherish her family's love and be a child who knew how to obey the rules.

《special lady》Episode 11 plot introduction

In order to get through the test, Xiao Yu and Song Zhu accidentally pretended to have somnambulism, and finally deceived Master Zhang and Coach Shen respectively.The next day, Song Zhu was curious about why Xiao Yu broke into the Wenjing Pavilion at night and went there early to find out.

The next day, sunlight poured into Song Zhu's room through the window, waking her up in the morning.She rubbed her sleepy eyes, got up and got dressed, but her thoughts were still stuck on what happened last night.She was confused and curious, and couldn't help but want to know why Xiao Yu broke into the Wenjing Pavilion at night.

She hurriedly finished washing up and happened to run into Xiao Yu when she went downstairs.He looked a little tired, but his eyes were full of excitement and anticipation.

"Good morning, Song Zhu.You seem to be in good spirits. You didn't seem to have much sleep last night, right?"Xiao Yu asked with a smile.

Song Zhu smiled shyly and nodded sheepishly.She felt a little envious. Xiao Yu was obviously full of confidence and excitement about his night break.

"Yes, I am indeed curious about why you broke into Wenjing Pavilion at night.Can you tell me?" she asked cautiously.

Xiao Yu looked at Song Zhu's eyes,

Song Yi and Song Li worked together to find a way to plead with Song Xu to avoid the punishment of Song Zhu being banned from the Wenjing Pavilion, but they were all rejected. It was not until the housekeeper Dai Shu came to cooperate that Song Xu relented.Song Xu felt that he had been fooled, but he didn't pursue it further.

《special lady》Episode 12 plot introduction

The failure of the pursuit plan made Song Zhu very upset, and he got drunk sadly.Only when Xiao Yu accompanied him did he learn that Song Zhu insisted on breaking off the engagement not because he didn't want Xiao Yu to get married, but because he didn't want to marry blindly and silently, and he didn't want his marriage to be in the hands of others.

As the daughter of the Song family, Song Zhu is already burdened with the pressure and aura brought by her status.She knew that she could not change her origins, but she hoped to at least maintain a certain degree of freedom in matters of marriage.When she confided her feelings to Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu sincerely decided to help her.

Xiao Yu knew that Song Zhu was good at riding and shooting, so he started from this aspect and determined to create a marriage that belonged to Song Zhu.He started a series of preparations to find a matching partner for Song Zhu.

First of all, Xiao Yu actively looks for young talents with the same interests and hobbies.He participated in various social activities and made friends, hoping to introduce some suitable candidates to Song Zhu.He also specially arranged a riding and shooting competition and invited many talented young people to participate, hoping that Song Zhu could get to know more like-minded people during the competition.

Secondly, Xiao Yu learned that Song Zhu pursued freedom and independence, and he decided to help her fight for more decision-making rights.In the future marriage arrangements of the Song family, he participated in decision-making with Song Zhu to gain more autonomy for her.He listens to her opinions, respects her choices, and strives to allow her to get the marriage she wants.

Finally, Xiao Yu often conducted riding and shooting training with Song Zhu to help her improve her skills.He provided her with better horses and training grounds, allowing her to practice more focused.He has always been by her side, giving her encouragement and support, allowing her to achieve greater success in riding and shooting.

Through this series of efforts, Xiao Yu helped Song Zhu find a like-minded partner and successfully gained more decision-making power.Song Zhu was finally able to maintain a certain degree of freedom in her marriage. She looked at Xiao Yu gratefully, and her heart was filled with gratitude and admiration.She knew that with Xiao Yu's help, she could find her own happiness in marriage.

《special lady》Episode 13 plot introduction

Xiao Yu, Song Zhu, Zhou Ji, and Yan Qinruo gathered in the teahouse on the pretext of studying, but in fact they all had their own agendas and caused a lot of fun.Then the four of them came to Peach Blossom Pond to prepare for boating. Song Zhu planned to rent a boat with Zhou Ji, and sent Xiao Yu and Yan Qinruo to buy some drinks.

Xiao Yu and Yan Qinruo walked into a nearby tavern together. The wine racks in front of them were filled with all kinds of wine.Yan Qinruo excitedly picked up a bottle of wine and said to Xiao Yu with a smile: "Xiao Yu, have you seen this bottle of wine? I heard it is a local specialty and should be delicious."“

Xiao Yu smiled and nodded. He walked to the counter and said to the boss: Boss, we want to buy some drinks. Do you have any recommendations?”

The boss said with a smile on his face: "There are some local specialty wines here with a very unique taste. You can try them."“He pointed to the bottles of wine on the counter.

Xiao Yu and Yan Qinruo walked over curiously. They looked at the labels of each bottle of wine carefully and decided to pick some back for Song Zhu and Zhou Ji to try.

Xiao Yu picked up a bottle of amber wine, read the description on the label, and said with a smile: "This bottle of wine seems to be the local specialty grapefruit wine. I heard it is very fragrant. Let's buy a bottle."”

Yan Qinruo nodded excitedly. She picked up another bottle of wine, read the description on the label, and said with a smile: "This bottle of wine is cherry wine. I heard it tastes delicious. Let's buy a bottle too."%

They handed the two bottles of wine they selected to the boss, who enthusiastically accepted the wine and put it into a cloth bag.

Xiao Yu and Yan Qinruo returned with a full load. When they returned to the dock of Taohuatan, they saw that Song Zhu and Zhou Ji had rented a small boat.They got on the boat, Xiao Yu took out the drinks he just bought and said with a smile: "Look, Yan Qinruo and I specially prepared some special drinks for this boating trip, hoping to bring some surprises to everyone."

Song Zhu and Zhou Ji took the wine with smiles on their faces, and the four of them sat on the boat together, enjoying the tranquility and beautiful scenery on the lake.They poured each other drinks, chatted easily, and laughed.

But she didn't know that Uncle Li Wen was also prepared to take revenge on her and Xiao Yu.By the Peach Blossom Pond, because Xiao Yu's love for Yan Qinruo was an excuse to deceive Song Zhu, Song Zhu could not be alone with Zhou Ji as he wished, but was taken away by Xiao Yu to rent a boat.

《special lady》 Episode 14 plot introduction

Master Song gave a lecture, and both male and female students participated. During this period, Uncle Li Wen made a lot of nonsense, thinking that he would win the favor of the master. Unexpectedly, he was full of ugliness. Instead, Xiao Yu and Zhou Ji sang together and won the respect of the masters and the master.

However, Uncle Li Wen's performance made people laugh and cry.His arguments are ridiculous and lack logic and in-depth thinking.He is only obsessed with trivial details and superficial knowledge, and cannot grasp the problem as a whole.His words are exaggerated and false and completely untenable.This kind of performance not only made the surrounding students impatient, but also made the mountain leaders doubt his ability.

At the same time, Xiao Yu and Zhou Ji participated in the discussion in a unique way.They were not self-righteous or showing off their knowledge, but listened and thought carefully with humility and calmness.When they analyze a problem, they can combine various viewpoints to find the root of the problem.Their arguments are profound, fascinating, logically rigorous, and breathtaking.

This unusual performance attracted the attention of masters and mountain chiefs.They showed great interest in Xiao Yu and Zhou Ji and began to pay attention to their speeches.Masters and mountain chiefs communicated with them one after another, hoping to learn more about their way of thinking and academic background.

The performance of Xiao Yu and Zhou Ji made Uncle Li Wen feel ashamed, and he began to reflect on his behavior and attitude.He realized that he was too conceited and flashy and didn't really think deeply about the problem.So, he decided to learn from Xiao Yu and Zhou Ji and correct his mistakes.He began to humbly ask them for advice, hoping to improve his academic level.

In the following courses, Xiao Yu and Zhou Ji continued to demonstrate outstanding academic insights and in-depth thinking abilities.Their exchanges with masters and mountain chiefs became more and more frequent, and they were recognized and appreciated by more people.

Uncle Li Wen, who already hated Xiao Yu, also hated Zhou Ji this time.In the men's school class, two male students who had been following Li Wenshu to show off his power snatched Zhou Ji's letters and revealed his identity as a concubine.

《special lady》 Episode 15 plot introduction

The four people who originally made an appointment to enjoy the moon were left by Xiao Yu, so only Song Zhu and Zhou Ji were left to attend the appointment.Song Zhu felt guilty because of Xiao Yu's departure. When Zhou Ji saw this, he patiently enlightened her and said that Xiao Yu didn't want to see her like this. Only then did Song Zhu smile.

When Uncle Hu returned, he learned that Xiao Yu had been expelled from the academy, and informed him that the new instruction from the crown prince required him to return to the capital immediately. Seeing Xiao Yu's expression of reluctance, Uncle Hu reminded the person in front of him that Xiao Yu was in love with Song Sanniang, and youCan't.

Uncle Hu looked at Xiao Yu's expression of reluctance and knew in his heart that he couldn't let go of Song Sanniang's feelings.He took a deep breath and decided to tell Xiao Yu some facts that he had to face.

"Xiao Yu, I know you have special feelings for Song Sanniang, but you have to understand that there is no future between you.You are a student at the academy, and she is a dancer.Our identities are very different, and worldly restrictions prevent us from being together."

Xiao Yu felt heavy in his heart after hearing what Uncle Hu San said.He suddenly realized that even though they loved each other deeply, the gap between them was too big.Their life trajectories are destined to be different.

"Uncle Hu, I understand what you mean.I won't let my feelings hold me back.I will accept the prince's instructions and return to the capital to complete my mission.As for Song Sanniang, I will try my best to forget her and let go of this relationship."

Uncle Hu was slightly relieved after hearing Xiao Yu's words.He knew that this would be a huge test for Xiao Yu, but he believed that he could overcome it.

"Very good, Xiao Yu.Your decision is correct.You are an ambitious student, and your future should not be hindered by personal feelings.After returning to Beijing, you must work hard for yourself with higher goals, whether it is for the country or your own future."

Uncle Hu Sanshu's words made Xiao Yu regain some firmness.He knew he had to put his personal feelings aside in order to gain a foothold in the temple.

"Uncle Hu, thank you for your reminder and encouragement.I will try not to let myself be distracted and complete the tasks assigned to me by the prince.I believe that only in this way can I truly realize my own value and contribute to the country."

Uncle Hu smiled and nodded, looking deeply at the young man in front of him.He knew that Xiao Yu had found his motivation to move forward, and he believed that he would achieve great things.

"Go, Xiao Yu.The road ahead is still long, but only after going through the wind and rain can we see the rainbow.I hope you can stick to your beliefs and pursue your dreams.No matter what happens, I will always support you."

With the encouragement of Uncle Hu, Xiao Yu regained the courage to move forward.He knew that he had to leave this place and return to the capital to face the challenges ahead.Although he was still a little reluctant to give up, he decided to keep his feelings with Song Sanniang in his heart and move forward with concentration.

《special lady》 Episode 16 plot introduction

In the prosperous city of Luoyang, there are many academies and the literary style is flourishing.Among them, the relationship between the Third Academy of Luoyang and the Imperial College is particularly delicate.In this delicate relationship, a young man named Xiao Yu attracted everyone's attention.

Song Zhu, as the representative of the academy, expressed his apology when he first met Xiao Yu and submitted the academy regulations.He reminded Xiao Yu that he could take advantage of the upcoming civil and military league to return to the academy.However, Hu Sanshu, an experienced academy administrator, had reservations about Xiao Yu's return.

While Xiao Yu was talking with them, their conversation was interrupted by news about someone coming from the Imperial College.It turned out that people from the Imperial Academy and people from Luoyang Third Academy lived in the same inn and were training at the same time.Such a coincidence makes people suspicious.

With his keen intuition, Xiao Yu suspected that people from the Imperial College would help people from the Third Academy cheat in the competition.In order to find out the truth, he decided to let Uncle Hu conduct an in-depth investigation.It is not only necessary to find out the identity and background of these visitors, but also to find out who is instructing them.

Uncle Hu took the order and left, while Xiao Yu fell into deep thought.He knew that there must be a bigger secret behind it waiting to be revealed.And he is determined to uncover all this and make the game fair.

《special lady》 Episode 17 plot introduction

In the fierce competition field, every battle is full of tension and danger.In order to achieve their goals, the opposing team does not hesitate to resort to injurious tactics.Just as the game was in full swing, there was a sudden commotion outside the field.It turned out that Xiao Yu arrived at the competition site, but the people at the door prevented him from entering.Faced with this situation, Xiao Yu did not back down. He decisively broke through, showing his firm determination and unyielding fighting spirit.

At this critical moment, Song Zhu was almost hit by the flying ball.At the critical moment, Xiao Yu rushed forward and stood in front of Song Zhu.His heroic behavior not only saved Song Zhu, but also bought precious time for Yiyang Academy.However, the success on the field did not let Xiao Yu get rid of the difficulties off the field.Li Wenshu's father, Li Shancai, was dissatisfied because of Xiao Yu's glory.He pointed out in public that Xiao Yu had already been expelled from Yiyang Academy.

This sudden news shocked everyone.Xiao Yu, this heroic young man on the field, has been expelled from the academy?But Xiao Yu's expression was unusually calm, as if he had anticipated all this.He responded calmly: “Although I have been expelled, my heart will always belong to Yiyang Academy.”His voice was firm and powerful, which moved everyone present.

《special lady》 Episode 18 plot introduction

Song Zhu, a kind and sensitive girl, is deeply grateful to Zhou Ji.This gratitude stems from a critical moment when Zhou Ji selflessly extended a helping hand.However, for some reason, when she was ready to express her gratitude to Zhou Ji, the words failed to come out.But a coincidence of fate led her to meet Xiao Yu, a person whose personality complemented hers. His presence often brought her unexpected surprises.

Xiao Yu, a witty and eloquent young man, has known Song Zhu for a long time, and a special tacit understanding has been formed between the two.When Song Zhu asked him for help, hoping that he could help call out Zhou Ji, Xiao Yu did not hesitate, although he knew that this might cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.He helped Song Zhu hold his arms and begged him for help.This scene happened to be seen by Zhou Ji in the room, and he mistakenly thought that the two were flirting.

Zhou Ji, a reserved and somewhat sensitive boy, has always had a good impression of Song Zhu.However, for some reason, his attitude towards Song Zhu has always been a bit cold.When he saw Song Zhu holding Xiao Yu's arm, the jealousy in his heart instantly burned, and his heart was filled with doubts and anger.

As for Xiao Yu, although he understood that Song Zhu's plea was out of gratitude, his understanding of Zhou Ji made him couldn't help but remind Song Zhu that Zhou Ji was not a simple person.However, he did not reveal all the suspicions in his heart because he knew that it was all just his speculation and there was no conclusive evidence.His move failed to calm Zhou Ji's anger, and eventually the two broke up on bad terms.

《special lady》 Episode 19 plot introduction

In the bustling city, Song Zhu and Zhou Ji are two completely different people.Song Zhu is an innocent girl with a heart full of love and hope; while Zhou Ji, although her family is well off, is burdened by heavy pressure due to the burden of her family.

Song Zhu has always had deep feelings for Zhou Ji, but Zhou Ji was unable to face this feeling because of his inner struggle.It's not that he doesn't want to respond, but he feels that he can't give Song Zhu a bright future.Family expectations and responsibilities made him feel suffocated, and he was afraid that he could not make Song Zhu happy.

At this time, Xiao Yu's appearance broke the deadlock.When he saw Song Zhu reading a book alone, he mistakenly thought she was crying and teased her out of concern.He felt relieved when he found that Song Zhu was bickering with him as usual.The scene of the two laughing and scolding was warm and harmonious, but all this was seen by Zhou Ji who was not far away.

Zhou Ji felt mixed emotions in his heart.He saw Song Zhu's smile and his own powerlessness.He knew that he could not bring Song Zhu such happiness, so he chose to escape.

But in the classroom, Song Zhu knew nothing about it.She sighed and didn't understand why Zhou Ji was so cold.Her friend Yan Qinruo saw her confusion and analyzed: “The quiz is coming, and Zhou Ji cannot be distracted.” Yan Qinruo's words made Song Zhu somewhat understand Zhou Ji's situation, but her heart was still full of doubts and loss.

《special lady》 Episode 20 plot introduction

On that early summer afternoon, the sun filled the entire courtyard, and Song Zhu and Xiao Yu parted on bad terms again.The relationship between them seems to be covered by a thin gauze curtain, visible but intangible, full of helplessness and confusion.

When he got home, Song Zhu sat in front of his mother thoughtfully, with a trace of uneasiness and doubt in his eyes.Her mother gently stroked her hand and told her in a low voice that Xiao Yu had shelved the engagement for her.The news was like a bolt of lightning, instantly piercing the haze in her heart.She looked at her mother in shock, her eyes filled with regret.

She thought of every dispute she had with Xiao Yu, every confusion and misunderstanding, which turned out to be due to her own narrow-mindedness and prejudice.She once stubbornly believed that Xiao Yu was the kind of person who would do anything to achieve his goals, but she never expected that he would make such a sacrifice for her.

However, the regret in his heart did not let Song Zhu let go easily.She knew that she had hurt Xiao Yu, and the deep guilt and self-blame were like a thorn in her heart.She began to silently search for reasons in her heart, just to make herself feel better - it was all because Xiao Yu lied to her that this misunderstanding occurred.

At the same time, Song Zhu's parents looked at her silently.They know the pain and struggle in their daughter's heart, but they know better that what they need most at this time is understanding and support.So, they gently said to Song Zhu: "Son, we know you feel bad, but you have to understand that Xiao Yu put aside the engagement for you not to deceive you, but because he really thinks about you."

Song Zhu's eyes were filled with tears when he heard his parents' words.She looked into her parents' eyes full of understanding and care, and the guilt and self-blame in her heart instantly turned into a warm current.She knew that no matter what she did, her parents would stand by her side and give her the strongest support.

《special lady》Episode 21 plot introduction

However, when Song Zhu tried to explain, Zhou Ji didn't care, as if he had already forgotten why he left.

Song Zhu came up with a plan, and he quickly persuaded Zhou Ji to stay, hoping that he could help paint on the gourds to attract more customers.He praised Zhou Ji's superb painting skills, which would definitely make the gourds sell well.Faced with Song Zhu's enthusiastic solicitation to stay, Zhou Ji uncharacteristically agreed.Song Zhu didn't notice the strange atmosphere. He just looked forward to the big sale of the gourds with joy.

With the addition of Zhou Ji, the sales of gourds have indeed increased significantly.People praised Zhou Ji's painting skills one after another, and Hulu's business was getting better and better.Zhou Ji and Xiao Yu, two completely different people, were also attracted by this business and began to secretly compare themselves with each other, which was quite competitive.

At the same time, something happened between Xiao Yu and Song Zhu.Xiao Yu, a kid from a wealthy family, left the academy for some reasons.After Song Zhu saw Xiao Yu, he immediately apologized to him and gave him the academy rules, reminding him that he could use the opportunity of the civil and military league to return to the academy.However, Uncle Hu reminded Xiao Yu that it was not necessary.

Xiao Yu tried to change the subject. He asked Uncle Hu about investigating the people coming from the Imperial College.In Uncle Hu Sans report, Xiao Yu learned that people from the Imperial College and people from Luoyang Third Academy lived in the same inn and were training at the same time.This convinced him that these people would help the people from Sanshuyuan cheat in the competition.In order to reveal the truth, Xiao Yu decided to ask Hu Sanshu to go to the Imperial College to investigate the identity and background of these people and who was instigating them.

《special lady》 Episode 22 plot introduction

In the quiet Yiyang Academy, the conversation between Xiao Yu and Song Xu stirred up waves like a stone.Xiao Yu, a challenger of unknown origin, tried to uncover Song Xu's true face with questions and temptations.However, Song Xu easily resolved Xiao Yu's temptation with four or two moves.This silent contest seems to indicate the upcoming storm in the academy.

In the house, Zhou Fei's unintentional mistake caused an uproar.Zhou Ji, a cautious student, also became very interested in the kerchief.Like Zhou Fei, he fell into confusion.At the same time, Song Zhu, this ingenious woman, embroidered a handkerchief with her own hands in order to apologize to Yan Qinruo.Yan Qinruo looked at the needle holes on Song Zhu's fingers and felt heartbroken.This pure emotion allowed the two to quickly reconcile.

The competition on the field is fierce and dangerous, and opponents are willing to hurt people in order to win.The moment Song Zhu was almost hit by the ball, Xiao Yu descended from the sky like a magic weapon and stood in front of her.His appearance not only kept Song Zhu safe and sound, but also worked tacitly with Song Zhu to reverse the situation of the game.Yiyang Academy won again.However, the joy of victory did not last long. Uncle Li Wen's father, Li Shancai, could not win the glory of Xiao Yu and pointed out in public that he had been expelled from Yiyang Academy.This news was like a bolt from the blue, surprising everyone.

《special lady》 Episode 23 plot introduction

Lord Zuo met with Wan Li and reported on Li Shancai's handling of the charity money, which confirmed that they had colluded with Xiao Yu.He said that he had seen through the fraud in the portrait held by Xiao Yu, and vowed to get the real portrait of Xiao Yu to prove his identity.On the other hand, Xiao Yu was approaching Xue Hanfu in the name of fighting crickets, trying to find out from him the secrets of businessmen donating money for charity.Xue Hanfu revealed that the donations were donated to a charity association sponsored by the Duke of Yue, and then distributed by the charity association to four academies, including Yiyang Academy, whose person in charge was Professor Shen.

Song Zhu had something to say in her heart and was ready to defend Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu's sudden appearance stopped her from speaking.However, this gave her a chance to thank Xiao Yu.Although Xiao Yu accepted her thanks, his mouth habitually started to quarrel with hers.Zhou Ji in the room heard the noise and subconsciously looked at them.He happened to see Song Zhu holding Xiao Yu's arm and begging him for help in calling Zhou Ji out.Zhou Ji misunderstood their behavior and thought they were flirting.He was filled with jealousy, and the anger that had just subsided was rekindled.

Because of Song Zhu's plea, Xiao Yu couldn't help but remind her that she actually didn't understand Zhou Ji's true character.But he couldn't expose his suspicions just because Zhou Ji lost the game, so the two broke up on bad terms.That night, everyone's fate changed drastically due to a cricket fighting competition, and the truth was still hidden in the fog.

《special lady》 Episode 24 plot introduction

Yan Qinruo's birthday party is coming soon, and everyone gathers in front of Yiyang Academy, waiting to participate in this grand celebration.At this time, Xiao Yu deliberately put on a beard and disguised himself because he was afraid that his identity would be exposed, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Yan Qinruo originally intended to invite Xiao Yu to ride with him, but Xiao Yu was unwilling to have too much contact with Yan Qinruo, so as not to increase her favorable impression of him.At the same time, Xiao Yu did not want Song Zhu to be alone with Zhou Ji, so he finally chose to ride in a carriage with Song Zhu and Zhou Ji.

On the carriage, Song Zhu tried to talk to Zhou Ji many times, but Xiao Yu deliberately destroyed them all. Song Zhu felt helpless and simply closed his eyes and took a nap without paying attention to anyone.Facing Song Zhu's desire to express his feelings, Zhou Ji did not dare to face it because he was overwhelmed by the burden of the family, so he had to choose to escape.

At this time, Xiao Yu suddenly appeared and met Song Zhuwenshu.He thought this scene was very strange, so he made some words to make Song Zhu happy.It turned out that he mistakenly thought that Song Zhu was crying, but he felt relieved when he saw that Song Zhu could argue with him as always.The scene of the two laughing and scolding was witnessed by Zhou Ji who was not far away. The upset Zhou Ji finally chose to leave alone.

Song Zhu, who was rejected by Zhou Ji, sighed in class and couldn't understand why Zhou Ji rejected her.Yan Qinruo analyzed that this was because the quiz was about to take place and Zhou Ji could not be distracted.At this time, Xiao Yu also appeared in the classroom and told Song Zhu that he would always be by her side, which moved her very much.Finally, after the quiz, the misunderstanding between Song Zhu and Zhou Ji was resolved, and the two came together again.

《special lady》 Episode 25 plot introduction

On that sunny morning, Song Zhu accidentally picked up a red sandalwood bracelet.Little did she know that the owner of this bracelet turned out to be the noble Queen Mother.When she returned the bracelet to the owner, she discovered that the owner turned out to be the Queen Mother.However, the Song family's teachings enabled her to maintain due etiquette no matter what situation she faced.This also made the Queen Mother quite fond of her. Not only did she praise her for her beauty, but she also gave her a bracelet.

At the same time, Xiao Yu was quietly handling the donations he had raised on the other side.The amount of money he raised was staggering.However, just as he was about to leave, he was discovered by his servant.Fortunately, Zhou Ji and Zhou Fei happened to appear in the backyard and helped him avoid the disaster.The two of them just went home to visit their mother. After learning about it, Yan Qinruo took the initiative to arrange a trip for them and prepared gifts.

However, the relationship between Song Zhu and Xiao Yu was not satisfactory.They had an argument again and broke up.Back home, Song Zhu learned from her mother that Xiao Yu had shelved the engagement for her.This made her deeply regretful because she misunderstood Xiao Yu's intentions.At the same time, she was deeply moved by her parents' profound righteousness.

Song Zhu felt extremely happy when she learned that she had terminated her engagement.However, when she thought that she had wrongly blamed Xiao Yu, she felt very upset.She tried to convince herself that all this was a misunderstanding caused by Xiao Yu deceiving her.

《special lady》 Episode 26 plot introduction

With the help of Coach Shen, Xiao Yu learned about the specific division of labor at Yiyang Academy.He learned that Master Zhang was in charge of the account book, and he was responsible for distributing the donation list himself.He is determined to be personally involved the next time the donations are distributed to learn more details.

Therefore, Xiao Yu persistently asked Coach Shen to bring him with him the next time he distributes charity funds.In the Master's study, he found the list of students who had received donations and copied it carefully.However, when he was about to leave, he unexpectedly met Song Zhu.

Song Zhu asked him in confusion why he was so sneaky. Xiao Yu had an idea and made a fool of himself.Song Zhu quickly remembered the purpose of his visit and asked Xiao Yu why he hurt Yan Qinruo.Xiao Yu was unwilling to delve into this topic and explained it as “ misunderstanding”.

At this time, Song Zhu noticed Zhou Ji's figure and hurriedly explained.But Zhou Ji didn't seem to care about this, and Song Zhu hurriedly asked him to help sell gourds, praising his superb painting skills, which would definitely attract many customers.Xiao Yu subconsciously did not want Zhou Ji to stay and lied that he needed to accompany his sister shopping.

However, Zhou Ji, uncharacteristically, agreed.Song Zhu didn't notice the strange atmosphere.With the addition of Zhou Ji, gourd sales became extremely hot.Zhou Ji and Xiao Yu also unconsciously developed a sense of competition.

As soon as Song Zhu saw Xiao Yu, he apologized to him and handed him the academy rules, reminding him that he could use the opportunity of the civil and military league to return to the academy.However, Uncle Hu reminded Xiao Yu that there was no need to do this.

In order to distract attention, Xiao Yu began to inquire and investigate the people coming from the Imperial College.In Hu Sanshu's report, he learned that people from the Imperial Academy and people from Luoyang Third Academy lived in the same inn and were training at the same time, confirming that they would help people from Third Academy cheat in the competition.

Xiao Yu immediately decided to ask Hu Sanshu to go to the Imperial College to investigate the identity and background of the person who came and who was instigating him.Only in this way can we fully understand the truth of the matter and be fully prepared for the next game.

《special lady》Episode 27 plot introduction

The sky was covered with clouds, and heavy rain poured down.In this majestic heavy rain, a figure came quickly. She was Song Zhu, with deep anxiety and eagerness.She came after Yan Qinruo, hoping to explain the misunderstanding and get her friends to accept her again.However, Yan Qinruo did not want to see her, feeling sad that she was deceived by the person closest to her.

Song Zhu's heart was full of apologies. She sincerely apologized to Yan Qinruo, hoping to be forgiven.However, Yan Qinruo's heart had been hurt so deeply that it was difficult to accept it for a while.At this time, Song Zhu wanted to explain the truth to Zhou Ji, but was taken away by Xiao Yu.

Song Zhu's heart was filled with anger and confusion, and she poured all her emotions into Xiao Yu.However, Xiao Yu endured all this silently, with only concern and worry for Song Zhu in his heart.Even though Song Zhu was upset and didn't want to see him, he followed her and guarded her to prevent her from doing anything impulsive.

Faced with Xiao Yu's temptation, Song Xu skillfully resolved the misunderstanding.Xiao Yu had no choice but to temporarily put aside his doubts and continue to observe the development of the situation.

In the house, everyone was shocked by Zhou Fei's unintentional mistake.Zhou Ji also expressed his concern about the kerchief.At the same time, Song Zhu came to Yan Qinruo to apologize with a handkerchief embroidered by himself.Yan Qinruo looked at the needle holes on Song Zhu's fingers and felt heartbroken.He understood that Song Zhu apologized sincerely, and the misunderstanding between the two was resolved.

On the playing field, the competition is fierce and dangerous.The opponent did not hesitate to hurt others in order to win, which shocked everyone.At this critical moment, Xiao Yu rushed to the scene.Facing the people blocking the door, he did not hesitate to force his way in.The moment Song Zhu was almost hit by the ball, Xiao Yu arrived and stood in front of her.He and Song Zhu cooperated tacitly, and Yiyang Academy won again.

However, the joy of victory was broken by Li Wenshu's father Li Shancai.He pointed out in public that Xiao Yu had already been expelled from Yiyang Academy.This news shocked everyone and put Xiao Yu into a dilemma.However, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, Xiao Yu is determined to protect Song Zhu and guard the honor of Yiyang Academy.

《special lady》 Episode 28 plot introduction

Chen Jue, a blind date woman who was targeted by Prince Fu, managed to escape cleverly by taking advantage of an opportunity to meet Princess Fu under his careful planning.This woman with both courage and wit was later protected by Princess Fu, who defended Chen Jue.However, King Fu was extremely dissatisfied with Princess Fu's motherly attitude and blamed her for being a "loving mother but a failure".Despite this, King Fu flinched when faced with the warning look from Princess Fu's eyes, and he was obviously a henpecked person.

Song Zhu and Yan Qinruo’s wish for reconciliation

In the academy, Song Zhu mustered up the courage to try to repair the relationship with Yan Qinruo again.However, Yan Qinruo always ignored Song Zhu.In desperation, Song Zhu had to leave first.When she turned the corner, she met Zhou Fei and learned that Zhou Ji had returned to the academy.So, she decided to talk to Zhou Ji first.

Mr. Zuo’s investigation and Wanli’s warning

Mr. Zuo reported to Wanli the results of the investigation into Li Shancai's handling of charity funds, confirming that there was indeed collusion between the three.At the same time, he reminded Wanli that Xiao Yu's portrait was fraudulent and vowed to get Xiao Yu's real portrait to confirm his true identity.At this time, Xiao Yu approached Xue Hanfu in the name of fighting crickets, trying to find out from him the details of businessmen's donations for charity.He learned that the donation was first donated to a charity meeting organized by Yue Guogong, and then distributed to four academies, including Yiyang Academy, by the charity association. The person responsible for this matter was Professor Shen.

Song Zhu’s gratitude and Zhou Ji’s misunderstanding

Song Zhu originally prepared an explanation for the previous misunderstanding, but because of Xiao Yu's appearance, she got the opportunity to thank her, but there was no chance to explain.While Xiao Yu accepted the thanks, he also started to quarrel with her.Zhou Ji in the room subconsciously looked over after hearing the noise, and happened to see Song Zhu holding Xiao Yu's arm and begging him to help him call Zhou Ji out.Zhou Ji mistakenly thought that the two were flirting, and the jealousy that had just subsided reignited again.Xiao Yu, on the other hand, couldn't help but remind Song Zhu that she didn't actually know Zhou Ji.However, considering that the competition did not confirm that Zhou Ji cheated, he did not express his suspicion.The two broke up unhappy.

《special lady》Episode 29 plot introduction

Xiao Yu silently looked at the paintings Song Zhu had left on the gourd in his studio, feeling filled with emotion.He couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't become the real Xiao Yu, the Xiao Yu who could stand side by side with Song Zhu and appreciate the ink on the gourd together.At this time, Zhou Ji returned to Zhaishe.Xiao Yu immediately asked Zhou Ji why he didn't stand up to defend Song Zhu today and watched her fall into an embarrassing situation.He thought Zhou Ji was still concerned about the engagement, so he took out the letter to cancel the engagement and wanted to explain it clearly.However, Zhou Ji's attitude was beyond his expectation.

Zhou Ji didn't care about Xiao Yu's explanation. He calmly stated that he had accepted the fact of breaking off the engagement, and his view of Song Zhu had also changed.It turned out that the reason why Zhou Ji took another look at Song Zhu was just because she had taken the initiative to pursue him.This fact made Xiao Yu furious. He could not accept that Song Zhu had such feelings for Zhou Ji.

Everyone gathered in front of Yiyang Academy to prepare for Yan Qinruo's birthday party.Because Xiao Yu was afraid that his identity would be exposed, he specially put on a beard to disguise himself.On the way to the banquet, Yan Qinruo invited Xiao Yu to ride in a carriage, but Xiao Yu refused.He didn't want to have too much contact with Yan Qinruo, so as not to increase her favorability towards him.At the same time, he was also worried about Song Zhu and Zhou Ji being alone, so he decided to ride in the same carriage with Song Zhu and Zhou Ji.

On the carriage, Song Zhu tried to talk to Zhou Ji many times, but Xiao Yu deliberately sabotaged them all.She had no choice but to close her eyes and take a nap, no longer talking to anyone.At this time, Zhou Ji felt Song Zhu's desire to express his feelings, but he was overwhelmed by the burden of the family and could not face Song Zhu's feelings.He chose to escape and left the carriage.

Xiao Yu happened to see Song Zhu writing a book and mistakenly thought she was crying.He felt relieved when he saw Song Zhu bickering with him as usual.The scene of the two laughing and scolding was seen by Zhou Ji from a distance, and his mood became more and more irritable.

Yan Qinruo analyzed the reason why Zhou Ji rejected Song Zhu in class. She believed that it was because the quiz was about to come and Zhou Ji could not distract himself from emotional issues.Song Zhu sighed deeply on the side, wondering why he was declined by Zhou Ji.

《special lady》 Episode 30 plot introduction

On that breezy spring day, Song Zhu and Xiao Yu drank a pot of aged wine together.Everyone gets drunk even if they are not drunk. With his drunken eyes hazy, Song Zhu revealed the secret in his heart - it would not be bad to marry Xiao Yu.However, when the early morning sunshine fell on the two of them, when Song Zhu woke up, he found that he was holding Xiao Yu's arm tightly.In shame, she quickly let go, and the two started fighting as usual.But this time, every contact they had made Song Zhu feel blushing and heartbeating like never before, and she was so shy that she left in a hurry.

Xiao Yu returned to the house and found that everyone was very busy. It turned out that everyone was looking for the lost Uncle Li Wen for the Li family.He wondered why Li Shancai was in such a hurry, but when he was still wondering, the guards suddenly appeared and told him that the prince was waiting for him.

Song Zhu met the owner - the Queen Mother.Although the Song family taught her to understand etiquette, when she faced the Queen Mother, she still did enough etiquette, which made her favored by the Queen Mother.The Queen Mother even gave her a rosewood bracelet as a gift, praising her for her beauty.

Xiao Yu, on the other hand, quietly found the donations raised, and the amount was jaw-dropping.However, as soon as he left, he was noticed by the servants.Fortunately, Zhou Ji and Zhou Fei also appeared in the backyard and helped him avoid the disaster.The purpose of their trip was just to go home and visit their mother.

After Yan Qinruo learned of their arrival, he took the initiative to arrange the itinerary and prepare gifts for them.

But the relationship between Song Zhu and Xiao Yu once again cracked.They broke up on bad terms again.Back home, Song Zhu learned from her mother that Xiao Yu had shelved the engagement for her.She felt regretful for her misunderstanding and was moved by Xiao Yu's dedication.She was originally very happy to break off the engagement, but when she thought that she had wrongly blamed Xiao Yu, she was very upset.She tried to convince herself that all this was a misunderstanding caused by Xiao Yu deceiving her.But no matter what, she couldn't deny her heartbeat, shyness, and everything Xiao Yu had done for her.Their stories continue, misunderstandings and understandings are intertwined, and the road ahead is full of unknowns and expectations.

《special lady》 Episode 31 plot introduction

In the deep cave, Xiao Yu couldn't help but kiss Song Zhu.However, this is just a sweet dream.After waking up from the dream, he did not dare to interrupt his beloved.Soon, the Song family came to find them, and the two were happily rescued.This experience made Xiao Yu understand better that his feelings for Song Zhu were deep, but they were also full of helplessness and confusion.

At the same time, Uncle Li Wen returned home to remember his parents, but was ambushed by a killer.He fled for his life in a hurry, and finally escaped to the academy.The killers went on a killing spree in the academy in order to snatch the account books from Uncle Li Wen and silence him.Despite the resistance of Xiao Yu and Coach Shen, Master Chen was still brutally murdered to protect Uncle Li Wen.These scenes of tragedy deeply saddened Xiao Yu and strengthened his determination to find the real murderer.

Xiao Yu learned from Professor Shen that Master Zhang was in charge of the accounts of Yiyang Academy, and he was in charge of the donation list and distributing it.Therefore, Xiao Yu pestered Coach Shen to bring him with him the next time he distributed charity.Then he sneaked into the master's study, found the list of beneficiary students, and copied it.However, when leaving, he unexpectedly met Song Zhu.

Song Zhu had questions about Xiao Yu's behavior, but he avoided the topic by making jokes.The purpose of Song Zhu's trip was to question Xiao Yu about why he hurt Yan Qinruo, but Xiao Yu didn't want to discuss this topic in depth, so he explained it with the word “ misunderstanding”.After Song Zhu discovered Zhou Ji's figure, he quickly explained, but Zhou Ji didn't care about it.Song Zhu quickly asked Zhou Ji to help him, praising his good painting skills, which would definitely make the gourds sell well.Xiao Yu subconsciously didn't want Zhou Ji to stay and bluntly said that he still needed to go shopping with his sister, but Zhou Ji uncharacteristically agreed and Song Zhu didn't notice the strange atmosphere.

Because of Zhou Ji's participation, the gourd selling business is getting better and better. Zhou Ji and Xiao Yu also unconsciously compare themselves with each other and feel quite competitive.And behind this competition, there is a subtle friendship and jealousy between them.

As soon as Song Zhu saw Xiao Yu, he apologized to him and gave him the academy rules, reminding him that he could use the opportunity of the civil and military league to return to the academy.However, Uncle Hu reminded Xiao Yu that it was not necessary.This reminder did not dissipate Xiao Yu's determination. He turned around and asked about the investigation of the people coming from the Imperial College to distract him.In Hu Sanshu's report, Xiao Yu learned that the people from the Imperial College and the people from the Third Academy in Luoyang lived in the same inn and were training at the same time, and it was determined that they would help the people from the Third Academy cheat in the competition.

Xiao Yu immediately asked Uncle Hu to go to the Imperial College to investigate the identity and background of the person who came and who was instigating him.This decision reveals a thoughtful side of him.He knew that to uncover the truth, he had to go deep into the tiger's den.And this decision also indicates that greater dangers and challenges are waiting for him.

《special lady》Episode 32 plot introduction

In the ancient academy, the encounter between Xiao Yu and Song Zhu seemed to be an arrangement of fate.Xiao Yu, a witty and charming man, always knew how to speak sweet words to win Song Zhu's heart.And Song Zhu, a beautiful and intelligent woman, also has deep feelings for Xiao Yu.

However, one day, Song Zhu discovered Xiao Yu's secret.It turned out that Xiao Yu had already had feelings for her as a man and a woman, and those sweet words were not just to make her happy, but the true feelings deep in his heart.Song Zhu no longer concealed her emotions. She told Xiao Yu that after experiencing so many things, she understood that she must cherish the people around her.

On that rainy day, Song Zhu came after Yan Qinruo, and she wanted to explain all the misunderstandings.However, Yan Qinruo did not want to see her, feeling sad that she was deceived by her best friend.At this time, Xiao Yu appeared, and he took Song Zhu away from the sad place.Although Song Zhu was confused and took his anger out on Xiao Yu, he still accepted it all silently.He cared about Song Zhu and was worried that something would happen to her. Even if she was upset and didn't want to see him, he would follow her.

Xiao Yu's care and love for Song Zhu made Song Zhu feel warm and safe.And Xiao Yu's temptation also allowed Song Xu to resolve it with a few strokes.In that dangerous ball game, Xiao Yu rushed over desperately. When faced with the people blocking the door, he even forced his way in.The moment Song Zhu was almost hit by the ball, Xiao Yu rushed to block her.Their tacit cooperation allowed Yiyang Academy to win again.

However, the joy of victory did not last long.Uncle Li Wen's father, Li Shancai, was not as talented as Xiao Yu, and publicly pointed out that he had been expelled from Yiyang Academy.This news was undoubtedly a huge blow to Xiao Yu, but he did not give up.He knew that as long as Song Zhu was by his side, he would have the strength to face all difficulties and challenges.

《special lady》 Episode 33 plot introduction

Chen Jue, an ordinary tea shop owner, suddenly learned one day that the boat lent by his friend Song's family had been found to have embezzled official money.He immediately realized that this matter was not trivial, and hurried to ask Song Xu how to deal with it.However, what he didn't expect was that Song Xu learned of the matter earlier than he did, and already understood that he had been framed.

Although Song Xu was angry, he still remained calm.He firmly believes that those who are clean will clean themselves up, so there is no need to worry too much.He only entrusted Chen Jue with the hope that if something unexpected happened to him, he could help take care of the women at home.Song Xu's calmness and trust made Chen Jue feel more pressure, and at the same time strengthened his determination to help him find out the truth.

At this moment, a large number of officers and soldiers broke into Song's house and claimed to take Song Xu away.Faced with this sudden change, Chen Jue did not shrink back, but stepped forward.He bravely protected the female members of the Song family and revealed his true identity.It turns out that he was once a famous head catcher who resigned and went into seclusion for some reason. Now for the sake of his friend Song Xu, he decided to return to the world to find out the truth about this corruption case.

With his extraordinary wisdom and experience, Chen Jue began to investigate the matter in depth.He visited the people involved in the case, collected various evidences, and gradually revealed the truth about this unjust case.With Chen Jue's unremitting efforts, he finally found out the truth and cleared Song Xu's wrongdoing.Those who framed Song Xu also received the punishment they deserved.

《special lady》 Episode 34 plot introduction

On that stormy night, the killer's target was Song Zhu, but the appearance of Chen Jue changed everything.His timely appearance prevented the killer from attacking Song Zhu again.Seeing that Song Zhu was injured, Chen Jue took her back to Prince Fu's Mansion without hesitation.

Song Zhu was still angry with Chen Jue, but seeing him busy and taking care of her meticulously, the anger in her heart gradually subsided.Not to mention, Chen Jue was running around and working tirelessly on Song Zhu's father's affairs.All of this made Song Zhu feel deeply warm.

In the end, Song Zhu chose to forgive Chen Jue.The misunderstanding between the two disappeared, and the sweet days returned again.Chen Jue used his influence to clear up various relationships and finally met Song Xu in the prison.He comforted Song Xu and reassured him that he would take care of everything at home.

Song Zhu was deeply moved by Chen Jue's actions and dedication.She understands that this man is really good to her and is trustworthy and reliable.Their relationship grew deeper as a result, and their mutual trust and understanding reached a new level.

《special lady》 Episode 35 plot introduction

Zhou Ji is now trapped in a self-isolated situation.Whenever he heard a knock on the door, his heart would tremble suddenly and he would be very agitated.On this day, he was disturbed by the knock on the door again. He opened the door angrily and wanted to drive away the person who disturbed him.However, there was no one at the door, leaving only Yan Qinruo standing there quietly.

Yan Qinruo knew Zhou Ji's inner pain and didn't want to see him giving up on himself like this.She stared at Zhou Ji tenderly, trying to use her care and encouragement to inspire him to have the courage to stand up again.However, Zhou Ji stubbornly indulged in his own pain and refused to face reality.

In desperation, Yan Qinruo had no choice but to accompany Zhou Ji to drink away his sorrows.They drank one cup after another in the cozy tavern, venting their inner anguish to their heart's content.Under the anesthesia of alcohol, Zhou Ji opened his heart for the first time and told about the bullying he and his mother had suffered at the Zhou family.His voice was trembling, and the more he spoke, the more he felt that his patience and efforts were so ridiculous.

Yan Qinruo listened quietly to Zhou Ji's confession, and a strong sympathy surged in her heart.However, she did not laugh at or belittle Zhou Ji's past, but cared about his hands, the hands that had been injured while protecting her mother.Her gentleness and thoughtfulness made Zhou Ji feel a little warm, and also made him start to re-examine his life.

With Yan Qinruo's company and encouragement, Zhou Ji gradually emerged from the shadow of self-isolation.

《special lady》 Episode 36 plot introduction

In Prince Fu's palace, Song Zhu was preparing to say goodbye, but he overheard Prince Fu and Princess Fu talking about his marriage to Chen Jue. They seemed to disapprove of the marriage.Song Zhu left first with some evasion. She didn't want to face such a situation.Soon after, Chen Jue learned that Song Zhu had quietly followed Song Xu back to Yiyang, and he immediately followed him.

Returning to Yiyang again, the memories of the past reappeared before him one after another, including those with the prince, which made Chen Jue deeply moved.Soon he arrived at Song's house. The moment he saw Song Zhu, he felt guilty and worried that Song Zhu would be angry with him. Unexpectedly, Song Zhu was not angry.

Song Zhu's attitude surprised Chen Jue. He originally thought that Song Zhu would be angry about the marriage.However, Song Zhu was not angry, but calmly accepted the reality.

Chen Jue breathed a sigh of relief. He had been worried that he would lose Song Zhu.Now it seems that their relationship will not be affected by this incident.

However, the attitudes of King Fu and Princess Fu made Chen Jue a little worried.They didn't seem to approve of the marriage, which puzzled him.He didn't know why they opposed the marriage, and he didn't know how to convince them.

However, Chen Jue did not want to give up Song Zhu.He loved Song Zhu deeply and didn't want this incident to affect their relationship.Therefore, he decided to find a way to persuade King Fu and Princess Fu to agree to the marriage.

special lady

special lady

Total 36 Episodes Dec 29, 2023 C-Drama Period/Rom Actor: Sheng Yinghao Zhong Lili Zhaizi Road Xiao Yan