《Legend head Xiang》Ep Intro

It tells the story of Sho Ijuin, the legendary leader who manages a delinquent team with more than 1,000 delinquents, and Tatsuto Yamada, a ten thousand year old errand boy who has no sense of presence in the class and is at the bottom of the school hierarchy. The strongest and the weakest two.It’s a comedy story about people who met by chance and exchanged their lives one day because they looked exactly the same.

《Legend head Xiang》E1Plot

Episode 1

The “Rido Han Dou” area is famous for gathering a large number of delinquent youth groups, and shopping is commonplace. The legendary leader Ijuin Sho (Takahashi Fumiya) formed the strongest gang “Triangle Hockey”.

On the other hand, the otaku Tatsuto Yamada has a crush on Fujitani Aya (Nagisa Sekimizu) from the local girl idol group. However, Tatsuto Yamada, who has been bullied all year round, has not been in school for nearly a year.Moreover, his parents didn't care about him at all and they all went to work overseas. Yamada Tatsuto lived a lonely life.

On this day, Tatsumi went to attend Aya's birthday event, and happened to meet Sho Ijuin riding a motorcycle very fast. Sho was seriously injured in order to avoid someone in the middle of the road.Deputy Minister Daimonsuke (Sugao Araki) sent Xiang to the hospital. However, Xiang did not blame Tatsuto. Instead, he wanted to discuss something with Tatsuto...

Xiang took off the master's glasses and discovered that the two of them looked exactly the same. Xiang believed that if word spread about his hospitalization, his enemies would come to seize %risk's territory and order them to pretend to live their own lives.Ask to exchange identities with the master. If the identity is exposed, the master will die.

《Legend head Xiang》E2Plot

Episode 2

There are many undesirable groups fighting against each other in the four areas: “Army Demon”, “Doujiu Sui”, “Wei Shuluo Ghost”, and “瀕杀魔”.Among them, the group “Grand Cross” led by Ijuin Sho (Takahashi Fumiya), known as the legendary leader, is the strongest. Competing with it is the “Hokuso Yu Company” led by Seyama Daigo (Kanajo Bikai) and Tojo Shin (“Blood Mafia” led by Karaman.Although the balance is maintained now, a full-scale confrontation may break out at any time. The otaku Tatsuto Yamada (Fumiya Takahashi) who has always been bullied has now become Sho's stand-in, and he is worried about this!

Moreover, Xiang's girlfriend, the gangster chief Naoko Ayanokouji (Hirue Iguru) who hates roundabout ways the most, will also ask him what he has been doing secretly recently.“

In this case, in the territory of ”Grand Cross“, it was discovered that Seyama's younger brother Shinji (Masashi Ikeda) was using underage girls to engage in fairy dance!

Moreover, Tojo Shin also caught this trend very early.Will this fairy jump incident become the trigger for an all-out confrontation between ”Grand Cross“×”Bei Zongyu Company“×”Blood Mafia“!?

However, Tojo Makoto, who accidentally met Xiang (Master), cooperated inexplicably...What is he planning?

On the other hand, at a certain street corner, Master was shocked to find that the person he bumped into was Sister Cai (Nagisa Seki)!Moreover, Cai said with tears that she really wants to see you!” just pounced on him, and the master fell into a frozen state!!

There is such a point of contact between Xiang and Sai——!?

Sister Cai seems to want to discuss something with Xiang.

《Legend head Xiang》E3Plot

Episode 3

Ijuin Sho (Takahashi Fumiya), the legendary leader who dominates the party, has been suffering from illness for some time.Is this how to retire??In Xiang's mind, scenes emerged of how he and “Grand Cross” Vice President Densuke (Sugao Araki) and other members had overcome many difficulties together, as well as Yamada Tatsuto (Takahashi), who was often bullied and was Xiang's substitute.Wen Zai) figure.

One day, “King” Yasha Rikukaiku (Arai), who claims to be undefeated in 30,000 street fights, and Miracle Hirie (Kokubo Hisato), the organizer of the amateur mixed martial arts competition, appear in front of Sho (Master).Xiang Xiang asked if he could participate in the now popular fighting competition “BAD ENDLESS”, but Xiang refused.Daimon handles the recruitment of warriors on Sho's behalf, and later, in the video displayed on the Hiruga tablet, the figure of “Grand Cross”'s special attack captain Kuroda Tsuyoshi (Tanaka Weideen) is discovered.Kuroda, who arrived just in time, suddenly bowed his head to Xiang and said: “Please let me retire” from Grand Cross“.What happened to him——!?

On the other hand, Aya Fujitani (Nagisa Sekimizu), the idol who the master risked his life to support, and a member of the Street Corner Taimei, was exposed as a Taimei in the past and became a hot topic on the Internet.The master couldn't bear it and called Cai.However, Daimon discovers that the special attack uniform Aya is wearing is the uniform of the women's team ”Red“ of which Sho's girlfriend Naoko Ayanokouji (Hirue Iguru) is the captain.This time Aya's past is exposed, is Naoko also involved?still--!?

Then, he got sick!After hearing rumors that Sho refused to participate in ”BAD ENDLESS“ and Kuroda suddenly announced his retirement from ”Grand Cross“, the boss of ”Blood Mafia“, a huge team that runs alongside ”Grand Cross%, Tojo Makoto (Karama) began to take action.Aya's past, Kuroda's sudden retirement announcement, Tojo's suspicious actions, how will Master, who is confused by these things, deal with it!

《Legend head Xiang》E4Plot

Episode 4

Ijuin Sho (Takahashi Fumiya) told Yamada Tatsuto (Takahashi Fumiya) about his condition, but asked him to keep Daimon Densuke (Sugao Shinju) and other members secret.Xiang said seriously to the master: “I can only rely on you now.”However, since no one around except the gate knew about the identity change between Xiang and Tatsuto, Tatsuto didn't know what to do.

One day, “Grand Cross” captain Sakurai Ryota (Nakagawa Daisuke) fell in love with “Takano Ryo (Haine), a woman who had never shown a smile.However, Sakurai, known as the lovelorn king, had fallen in love with different women many times before, but all ended in failure.Sakurai, who decided to confess to Lisu, asked: ”I want you to witness my determination.

“So, Sho (Tatsuto), Sakurai and other members, as well as Sho's girlfriend Naoko Ayanokouji (Hirue Iguru), went to ”Santa Maria“, a nightclub that Lisu often goes to.But Naoko yelled at the playboy who came to chat with her!Later, Naoko danced happily with the man!What the hell happened——!?

Soon after, Sakurai greeted Lisu who came to the club, but Lisu ignored him expressionlessly: ”High school students, please go home and sleep.“It turns out that Lisu is dating ”Santa Maria“'s boss Kamio Misui (Hamamasa Satoru).Sho learned from Tojo Makoto that Kamio is a very dangerous person.

On the other hand, Master received a short message from Aya Fujitani (Nagisa Sekimizu): ” has something to discuss.%Sayuri Sotocho (Reika Yoshida), a member of street skater Taimei, had a friend who was deceived by a man and finally jumped off the building.Sayuri hopes to find that man and punish him!

《Legend head Xiang》E5Plot

Episode 5

In the “RidoHando” area where there are many delinquent youth groups, Jinnai Hibiki (Hirano Aya) took office as the new juvenile section chief.Contrary to her beautiful appearance, she will use Aikido skills to knock down and scold the gangsters who come up to her.She declared that it would be up to me to change the situation in Guangdong!“, aggressively trying to catch all the bad boys.

Until now, the experienced veteran detective Murata Genji (Kawase Yota) has been in charge of the juvenile department. He understands the gangsters and even established a good relationship, but now everything has changed.So the members of ”Grand Cross“ were very scared.

Soon after, Hibiki summoned Ijuin Sho (Takahashi Fumiya).At the same time, she also called Seyama Daigo (Kanagi Bikai) and Tojo Makoto (Karama). What is Hibiki's intention...!?

On the other hand, Dongcheng noticed that Xiang had found a substitute, and smiled maliciously: ”What will happen to other gangsters when they know about this? I'm looking forward to it.“

”Grand Cross“ Vice President Densuke Kado (Sugao Araki) begged the real Sho who was hospitalized to return, but due to illness and other reasons, Sho was hesitant and could only answer ”Anyway, let’s observe the situation for now“.

At the same time, fraud cases targeting the elderly occur frequently in ”risk.com.Atsushi Marukawa (Komagi Ne Aita), who values ​​the team's brand more than anyone else, said: "It can't be said that it is completely impossible for someone below to do such a thing secretly", so he started patrolling the streets, but...At this time, Hibiki was arrested...!

Then, the real Xiang made up into a black-haired and glasses expert, and met Fujitani Aya (Sekimizu Nagisa) by chance!

《Legend head Xiang》E6Plot

Episode 6

In the “Weiduohandou” area where the heroes are divided, hunting and killing incidents of bad teenagers occur frequently.It is said that even in the summer, the leader wraps up his coat and covers his face, claiming to be the leader of the girl gang “Zhendi Liluo”.Faced with this situation, “GrandCross” members were very scared.However, only Yamada Tatsuto (Takahashi Fumiya) who became Ijuin Sho remained indifferent, because since the real Sho met Fujitani Aya (Sekimizu Nagisa) by chance, Tatsuto has lost contact with Aya, and he is worried about this., so absent-minded.At this time, Xiang's girlfriend, Naoko Ayanokouji (Hirue Iguru), the leader of the girl's gang Red, said murderously: Since the other party claims to be a girl's gang, then let's solve this problem!“

One day, Mizuho Kudo (Ren Komai), a seemingly well-behaved female high school student who had just moved to ”Kidohanto“, directly proposed to Naoko that she wanted to join a gang.And she shamelessly asked her shy, frail sister to join them.Naoko flatly refused: ” wants to join without ever meeting, this is impossible.“

On the other hand, Cai has been hesitant to reply to the master's message, and cannot concentrate on participating in the training of the street girl. The company captain Tsujizawa Kyoko (Kasumi Mori) is also dissatisfied with her.Cai found out that the place where Kyoko met Xiang and others was a small cafe. The mysterious man Sasaki Sage who heard their conversation on the side approached her and said: ”You are talking about very interesting topics.What happened to Ijuin Sho?“Who on earth is he——!?

Soon, Cai suddenly came to Yamada's house where Tatsumi was staying. Was the fact that the two people's identities had been exchanged finally discovered by Cai?What on earth happened——?

Later, the real Xiang went out for a night out in the appearance of an expert, and accidentally encountered the hunting incident of ”真帝丽拉“.Moreover, the target of the hunt turned out to be a member of ”GrandCross“.Witnessing this scene, Xiang said to ”Zhendi Liluo“, who had his face covered tightly: ”Is it my turn to be your opponent this time?“The two were confronting each other.At the same time, Cai wanted to ask about Xiang's situation and found Naoko, and soon became tense with Naoko - ”I will make you cry!“(Naoko)” Come here!%(彩)Why is this?

《Legend head Xiang》E7Plot

Episode 7

The substitute Yamada Tatsuto (Takahashi Fumiya) becomes Ijuin Sho (Takahashi Fumiya), the leader of the most powerful gang “Grand Cross”.In Tatsuto's room, Sho learns that Tatsuto plans to commit suicide on the birthday of his idol Aya Fujitani (Nagisa Seki), so he questions Tatsuto.The master replied that the reason for committing suicide was that “life is boring”, and murmured feebly: “I have reached my limit”.

At the same time, Xiang, who dyed his blond hair and regained his appearance as a bad boy, came to the snack teahouse Hong again after a long absence.He could no longer force the master and decided to come back.But at the moment when he was about to tell the vice-captain Daimon Densuke (Sugao Araki) about his condition, a mysterious man Sasaki Sage (Fujiwara Daisuke) suddenly intervened.The saint investigated Xiang and Tatsuto's exchange of identities, Xiang's illness, and his concealment of these things from “Grand Cross” members, and proposed “a certain deal” to him.Although Xiang refused on the spot, he became ill and fell into a coma... What was the result?

On the other hand, for some reason, “Blood Mafia”'s boss Tojo Makoto (かルマ) and the saint's secretary and bodyguard Chamon Hidaka (Takagoshi Hiroyuki) visited Tatsuto who was alone in the room.They came to discuss destroying “Grand Cross”. Did Dongcheng really join the Saint?still……?He was surprised when he further heard from Chamen that the saint was actually a major sponsor of Taimei Office on the corner of the street!Master was threatened by Chamen: “If you want, you can let Cai withdraw from the street corner Taimei.”, the master is speechless.

Soon, a video of Xiang and Daren exchanging identities spread online, and “Grand Cross”'s reputation plummeted.At the same time, the members also knew the secret, and “Grand Cross” was facing the crisis of internal division...?Is all this a trap designed by the saint?What is the saint's intention?Then, the saint finally appeared directly in front of the master...

Legend head Xiang

Legend head Xiang

Jul 19, 2024 Japan Comedy/Plot