《Endless Journey》Ep Intro

The story begins in 2002, when a girl was brutally raped and murdered by two suspects and then dumped in the wilderness.The person responsible for the case is Endless Journey of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, with Cheng Bing as the captain and Pan Dahai and others as team members.Through careful investigation, they identified two suspects, Wang Dayong and Zhang Xiaoqiang, and captured them and brought them back for interrogation.

However, during the interrogation, an accident happened.Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly died in the interrogation room because he had been beaten by the crowd before.This attracted the attention of superiors, who believed that it was caused by the use of violence by Endless Journey detectives to extract confessions.After investigation, Cheng Bing was found guilty and imprisoned. Other team members were also implicated, some were dismissed from the police, and some were demoted.Endless Journey, the former elite police force, fell apart.

Another suspect, Wang Dayong, took the opportunity to escape from the law and disappeared from sight.He is not only a cruel murderer, but also a cunning liar who specializes in taking advantage of women's emotions to defraud money.He moved around, changed multiple identities and names, and even got married and had children.He thought he had escaped punishment and could live out his old age in peace.

After being released from prison, he reorganized Endless Journey and never gave up on justice and honor.Ten years later, Cheng Bing regained his freedom, but found that he had lost everything.He has no family, no job, no friends.He had only one thought: to find Wang Dayong, give an explanation to the deceased, and give an explanation to himself.He is not willing to let it turn into obsession. He wants to prove that he and Endless Journey are innocent and righteous.

Thus, he began a lonely and long road to pursue the murderer.He inquired about Wang Dayong's whereabouts, collected clues, and analyzed evidence.He also reconnected with his former teammates, hoping to get their help.Although they have all gone their separate ways, and some have even given up on their ideals of being police officers, under the inspiration of Cheng Bing, they decided to gather together again.

《Endless Journey》E1Plot

Episode 1: Cheng Bing leads the team to squat

Cheng Bing led the team to stay here. Shitou wondered whether the news was wrong and they didn't want to come back here at all.Cheng Bing said that it is impossible for a motorcycle to be repaired for two days. There must be something wrong with it.Cheng Bing saw someone coming and informed everyone to act quickly.

Cheng Bing and the others went upstairs and caught two people in the house, but one person jumped out of the window and ran away.Cheng Bing hurriedly chased him out. Lin Ying noticed something was wrong and chased after him. She happened to see the man and wanted to catch him, but he was restrained by the man.Cheng Bing and others rushed over, and the man asked Cheng Bing to let him go, otherwise he would kill the man.

Cheng Bing asked the man to think clearly that what he had committed before was not a capital crime, but if he killed someone today, he would really not be able to survive.Cheng Bing winked at Lin Ying. Lin Ying moved a little to the side. Cheng Bing took the opportunity to shoot the man. The man fell to the ground. Cheng Bing and the others quickly went up and arrested him.

This group of people were drug dealers. Cheng Bing and the others chased them for a long time and finally caught them.After returning to the bureau, Uncle Qi was also very happy.Cheng Bing wanted to transfer Lin Ying to the Second Brigade, but Uncle Qi told him not to look down on lesbians. The Second Brigade was also a criminal police officer, so it was not the same.

Everyone was eating here, and Lao Liao also cooked the food in the refrigerator, which made the cook very depressed and said that this was their ration for half a month. Since they had eaten it all, he would let them eat potatoes until the end of the month.Uncle Qi said that this meal was his. They had done quite well in handling the case during this period. He would apply for second-class collective merit for their Endless Journey. This meal was regarded as an early celebration banquet.

Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong checked into the hotel. Wang Eryong called a woman over. Unexpectedly, a man came over soon and said that the woman was his wife. The woman said that she was forced.Wang Eryong also understood that they were Immortal Dance.The man didn't care about this, so Wang Eryong was beaten.Cheng Bing and the others were discussing here. Some people felt that Wang Dayong and Wang Heyong would not come back. They would definitely run away if they committed something. However, some people felt that Wang Dayong, Wang Eryong's mother and Wang Eryong's daughter were still in the town.This can't be run away, they will definitely bring it back.

Cheng Bing and the others received news that there was a shooting and rushed over.There were blood stains and a bullet casing left at the scene. Lin Ying had shot a gun in school before and knew it was a 9 mm pistol bullet.There is no need to register an ID card in this place, you can live there just by paying.Someone next door heard the noise and said it was ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pang-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-pong' sound from inside.Cheng Bing and the others discovered that Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong had done this, and were very surprised. They didn't expect that they would actually come back.

At that time, Wang Dayong came over and took a gun. He originally wanted to take Wang Eryong away directly. Unexpectedly, Wang Eryong grabbed the gun and injured the person who just hit him.Wang Dayong was very unhappy and felt that Wang Eryong would attract the police here. Wang Eryong felt that he was beaten, so he would naturally beat him back.

Wang Dayong and the others bumped into someone on the road. Cheng Bing and the others rushed over after receiving the news. They felt that based on the current speed, they had already left the city.Wang Dayong's case was originally handled by the Second Brigade, but he didn't expect someone to run away.The captain of the second brigade came over and wanted to take this case to them.

《Endless Journey》E2Plot

Episode 2: The white car appears

Shitou and the others disagreed, thinking that they had let people go before, so it would be better to hand them over to the third team.Cheng Bing asked Uncle Qi to put aside the matter of the bedroom for a while. When the case was over, they would write the letter together and it would be him, hoping that this month would pass peacefully and he could retire well.Uncle Qi asked the Second Brigade and Endless Journey to take charge of the case.Cheng Bing and the others received news that the white car that Wang Dayong and the others drove earlier appeared.

The person who called the police was a shop owner near the car who said the car was blocking his way to open the door and wanted to move over. Unexpectedly, he found a lot of bloody tissues in the car and there was blood on the door, so he called the police.I took a cigarette and came to see the captain of the second brigade. I felt that they were not talking too much about me. The captain of the second brigade felt that he had nothing to say if he let people go.

Wang Dayong, Wang Eryong and the others came to a friend's house. Wang Eryong was worried that this person would tell their whereabouts. Wang Dayong said that he had committed a crime and only he knew about it, so he did not dare to betray himself.Wang Dayong gave a gold necklace to his friend and asked him to sell the necklace. He only kept 10,000 yuan and gave the rest to him.

Cheng Bing and the others were discussing this case here. Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong had committed a robbery before. There was a stolen gold necklace in this house.Cheng Bing and the others were now investigating people Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong might know and found a person, but this person said that Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong did not come to them, and indeed they found nothing wrong in his home.

My friend took this gold necklace to a pawn shop and wanted to sell it. The boss said that it was risky to do this now and he didn't want to accept it. If he promised 78 per gram, he would accept it.My friend originally wanted to negotiate the price, but the boss refused to accept it and he had no choice but to sell it at this price.

Cheng Bing said that Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong left all the cash at the scene. Now the only thing they can exchange for money is this gold necklace. He asked them to investigate all gold and pawn shops in the city. Any place that accepts gold must be investigated.Today is the birthday of Cheng Bing’s daughter Tongtong. Cheng Bing went back very late and apologized to Tongtong. Tongtong said that his father worked hard and left a cake for him.

The next day, Cheng Bing's wife was cooking at home and said that if Cheng Bing had time today, he would discuss the divorce.Cheng Bing said that there was no need to discuss it, and he disagreed. Cheng Bing received the news that someone had sold a large piece of gold, and asked someone to detain the person, and he would come over immediately.

Cheng Bing came over to interrogate him and asked him if he had made this piece of gold from a gold necklace. The man quickly said that he had never seen any gold necklace.Cheng Bing said that he recognized it. If he admitted it now, it would be fine. If they waited until they caught Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong to explain, it would not be like this.This man could only admit that he had received a gold necklace, but after seeing photos of Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong, he said they were not here to sell it and described the person who sold him the necklace.

Cheng Bing and the others found this man, but Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong were gone, and this man was unwilling to say anything.Cheng Bing said that there is no problem if he wants to be loyal, and what is the point. If Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong run away now, all their lives in the future will be counted as this person's share, and asked him if he can afford it.This man could only explain that Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong asked him to help rent a house.

《Endless Journey》E3Plot

Episode 3: Wang Eryong gets interested

Episode 3: Wang Eryong gets interested

After listening to Wang Dayong's friend Liuzi, Cheng Bing followed Liuzi's directions to the community where the Wang brothers rented a house, but found nothing.Cheng Bing guessed that Wang Dayong did not trust Liu Zi, and then received news that someone had been killed in Ping An Community. He found that the crime scene was opposite the house where the Wang brothers rented, and went there immediately.

The day before, the Wang brothers discovered Cheng Bing and others in the rental house, so they hid in the next door room and saw the victim Zhao Maimai in the house. Wang Eryong sexually assaulted Zhao Maimai and then killed him.The next day, Zhao Maimai's father came back from the night shift and saw his daughter's body before calling the police.

Cheng Bing and others were reprimanded by the Zhou Bureau for this matter. Worried that the Wang brothers would harm others again, the Zhou Bureau decided to issue a wanted order to deter the two men.

On the other side, Wang Dayong learned what Wang Eryong had done and reprimanded him. Wang Eryong no longer cared about life and death because he had killed many people. Wang Dayong did not let Wang Eryong do the killing, thinking that even if Wang Eryong was caught, he would not necessarily be sentenced to death. Then Wang Dayong letWang Eryong completed the task according to his plan.

Cheng Bing and others got the information and knew the location of the Wang brothers. When they rushed there, they had disappeared. They later determined the location through the map they left behind after studying it.

On the street, Cheng Bing and others chased the Wang brothers who were robbing them on the street. Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong escaped separately. Cheng Bing watched helplessly as Wang Dayong escaped due to the inability to drive into the alley and the car accident.

Wang Dayong escaped and Wang Eryong was arrested. After receiving the news, Cheng Bing immediately returned and took away Wang Eryong, who was surrounded by the crowd.

After returning to the police station, Cheng Bing learned that Uncle Qi was going home to get medicine, and took the initiative to stop the interrogation of Wang Eryong.

During the interrogation, Cheng Bing saw that Wang Eryong had an arrogant attitude and was unwilling to cooperate. When he was about to take action, Lin Ying stopped him due to interrogation discipline.

After dinner, Wang Eryong faced the interrogation and told how he found a gun during a theft in Jiangzhou and later killed him because he was disturbed by the woman of that family.

Lin Ying and Lao Ma left to buy food, and met Pan Dahai who had returned after discovering Wang Dayong's whereabouts.

The interrogation continued. Cheng Bing heard Wang Eryong say he had a headache and didn't care. Then he learned from Wang Eryong how Wang Eryong sexually assaulted Zhao Xiaomai and killed him. Because he couldn't stand Wang Eryong's arrogance, Cheng Bing punched him.At this time, Pan Dahai passed by and saw Wang Eryong starting to twitch.

《Endless Journey》E4Plot

Episode 4: Uncle Qi suffers from cerebral hemorrhage

Episode 4: Uncle Qi suffers from cerebral hemorrhage

Uncle Qi, who was originally at home, received news from the police station and was about to rush there when he fell to the ground due to cerebral hemorrhage.

On the other side, Wang Eryong, who was sent to the hospital for rescue, eventually died of his injuries.

At the same time, Uncle Qi was hospitalized and out of danger after being rescued, but he suffered a stroke and lost the ability to communicate.

Because of Wang Eryong's incident, Cheng Bing was reprimanded by the Zhou Bureau. Cheng Bing used the fact that Wang Eryong had been beaten by the crowd when he was arrested as an excuse to show that he did not beat Wang Eryong.Director Zhou, who originally wanted to find Uncle Qi, was helpless when he learned about Uncle Qi's situation.

Endless Journey and others were discussing Wang Dayong's whereabouts. When they saw Zhou Ju coming for Wang Eryong's death, they learned that Zhou Ju wanted to suspend several of them who were present during Wang Eryong's interrogation. They believed that Wang Eryong's death had nothing to do with them, so they were very dissatisfied..Cheng Bing comforted everyone to have a good rest.

The inspection team interrogated Cheng Bing and others. Everyone expressed their opinions during the interrogation and believed that the matter had nothing to do with Cheng Bing.Only Pan Dahai faced the interrogation and told what happened when Cheng Bing interrogated Wang Eryong.

Because Uncle Qi suffered a cerebral hemorrhage at home, the Labor Bureau did not consider it a work-related injury.Cheng Bing learned about this from Uncle Qi's wife. Because it could not be recognized as a work-related injury, Uncle Qi's family's economy was also affected.

Wang Eryong died suddenly at the police station, and his mother deliberately contacted the media to arouse public opinion.

On the other side, Cheng Bing went to the Labor Bureau to fight against Uncle Qi, but the Labor Bureau blocked his mouth with regulations.Cheng Bing had no choice but to go to Zhou Ju again, but Zhou Ju felt that he could not protect himself.

After a forensic investigation, the cause of Wang Eryong's death was determined to be caused by facial injuries. It was unclear whether it was caused by Cheng Bing, who was still taken away.Shitou was angry that Pan Dahai explained at the interrogation center that he wanted to find Pan Dahai, but was stopped by others.

Cheng Bing, who was imprisoned in the detention center, was found to be a police officer. Everyone was puzzled as to why Cheng Bing was imprisoned, but Cheng Bing was worried that his affairs would affect other colleagues in the third team.

Soon, regarding Wang Eryong's case, Cheng Bing was prosecuted. Because Cheng Bing ignored Wang Eryong's headache when interrogating Wang Eryong and beat Wang Eryong, Cheng Bing was classified as intentional injury and sentenced to eleven years in prison.At the same time, Cheng Bing's wife Liu Wenfang also heard the verdict.

《Endless Journey》E5Plot

Episode 5: Liu Wenfang visits Cheng Bing

Episode 5: Liu Wenfang visits Cheng Bing

Cheng Bing was imprisoned. When he saw Liu Wenfang who came to visit him, he took the initiative to give the divorce agreement to Liu Wenfang.

During his sentence, Cheng Bing was released one year early because of his good behavior.On the day he was released from prison, the prison guards sent Cheng Bing off, changing his farewell words of being a good person into the hope that Cheng Bing would never look back.

Cheng Bing, who had been released from prison after many years, could no longer keep up with the development of the times, and even taking the bus was affected.

Cheng Bing wanted to steal a hotel, but was deported because he was released from prison. He had no choice but to sleep in a black Internet cafe that did not require an ID card. He was awakened by the nightmare of chasing Wang Dayong and being beaten by Wang Dayong.

Someone stole Cheng Bing's bag. Cheng Bing arranged surveillance and did not know the whereabouts of the person, so he waited in the Internet cafe. Then he learned through his boss that the person who stole his bag worked at a car wash. When he went to retrieve the bag, he accidentally discovered that Liu Zi was a car wash.OK boss.

At that time, Cheng Bing arrested Liu Zi and sent him to prison. Although he was imprisoned for seven years, Liu Zi was grateful to Cheng Bing for letting him find his way back, so he prepared meals for Cheng Bing to wash away his troubles.Cheng Bing learned from Liuzi that Liuzi could not find a job when he was released from prison, so he borrowed money to open a car wash business by himself.Liu Zi knew that Cheng Bing had nowhere to stay and invited Cheng Bing to stay.

Seeing others wondering why Liuzi was respectful to Cheng Bing, Liuzi revealed that the two people he was afraid of were Wang Dayong and Cheng Bing, both of whom were cold on the outside but cruel in reality.

Cheng Bing, who settled in a car wash shop, wanted to help but was blocked by Liuzi. Then when he saw someone collecting protection money, he stopped Liuzi and took the initiative to help that person wash the car.Not long after, the man's boss arrived and learned that the person washing the car was Cheng Bing. He immediately stopped Cheng Bing and promised not to pay protection money.

Afterwards, the younger brother learned from the boss that the man who washed the car was Cheng Bing who killed Wang Eryong.

Cheng Bing worked in a car wash shop for half a year. One day he met Liu Wenfang by chance. During the chat, he learned that Liu Wenfang married Zhao Shuanfu and had a child after the marriage.Now Zhao Mingfu has a very good relationship with his daughter Tongtong, and the family is happy. Liu Wenfang hopes that Cheng Bing will not look for Tongtong on the grounds that Tongtong is in the second year of high school and does not affect her studies.

Cheng Bing promised not to see Tongtong, but still thought about her. After learning that the cousin of his colleague at the car wash shop and Tongtong were in the same high school, he wanted to see Tongtong secretly, but was mistaken by the security department as a bad person.Faced with the ridicule from the security department, colleagues at the car wash shop took action.

《Endless Journey》E6Plot

Episode 6: Cheng Bing looks for his daughter at school

Episode 6: Cheng Bing looks for his daughter at school

Cheng Bing and others were taken away by the police. When faced with questioning, Cheng Bing told the reason why he went to school because he wanted to see his daughter. Then, just as they were about to leave, another policeman revealed the background of Cheng Bing's case. Cheng Bing was therefore suspected of being a murderer. The policeUnwilling to let him go, he wanted to find Cheng Bing's daughter.

Tongtong and Cheng Siyuan were brought to the police station by the police. When they saw Cheng Bing, they did not want to recognize him. They publicly stated that they did not recognize Cheng Bing and then left.Seeing this situation, Cheng Bing was very sad and was later imprisoned in the police station for causing trouble with his colleagues.

After receiving the news, the deputy director Lao Ma came. Cheng Bing was very excited to see Lao Ma. After being released, he drank with Lao Ma. During this period, Lao Ma blamed Cheng Bing for not telling him that he was released from prison early.Cheng Bing asked about Uncle Qi's situation and then asked people from the other three teams. Everyone was very emotional about the situation.After returning home, Cheng Bing thought about Tongtong alone, feeling guilty.

Tongtong had been feeling lonely after seeing Cheng Bing return home, and cried to Liu Wenfang when he saw him returning home.

The next day, Liu Wenfang took the initiative to find Cheng Bing and told Cheng Bing about Tongtong's situation. He also told Cheng Bing about the difficulties he had with Tongtong over the years and hoped that Cheng Bing would stop disturbing Tongtong.

After Liu Wenfang left, Liu Wenfang's current husband Zhao Mingfu came to Cheng Bing and explained his intention to come. He also told Cheng Bing about Tongtong's growth in recent years and their living conditions, expressing Tongtong's status in Cheng Bing's heart and comforting Cheng Bing..Cheng Bing knew the impact of his appearance on Tongtong and promised not to meet him. Zhao Mingfu comforted Cheng Bing to take his time.

Pan Dahai, who was working, learned from Lin Ying that Cheng Bing was released from prison. He was very excited and hoped that Lin Ying would say hello to Cheng Bing on his behalf.

Lin Ying and Lao Ma went to find Cheng Bing. Seeing that Cheng Bing did not want to see them, Lin Ying took the initiative to mention Qi Shu, and Cheng Bing showed up and asked to visit Qi Shu.

Cheng Bing and Lin Ying went to visit Uncle Qi. Uncle Qi and Aunt Qi were very happy to see Cheng Bing. Cheng Bing felt that he was sorry for his brothers in the third team. Then he received a message from Uncle Qi hoping that he would live well.Feeling.

Xiao Xu's expression changed when he learned the news that Cheng Bing was released from prison. Zhao Maimai's father also knew about Cheng Bing's release from prison.

《Endless Journey》E7Plot

Episode 7: Dinner at Lao Liao Restaurant

Episode 7: Dinner at Lao Liao Restaurant

Cheng Bing and others had dinner at Lao Liao's restaurant. While they were chatting, Cheng Bing learned that many members of the third team had left the police station, Cai Bin became a businessman, and Shitou also became a taxi driver.In this regard, Cheng Bing blamed himself very much and apologized to everyone, but everyone thought that the original incident was an accident, indicating that he had time to do his own things after leaving the police station and was very satisfied with his current life.

Zhao Maimai's father, who learned that Cheng Bing and others were having a dinner, came to accuse everyone because Wang Dayong had been away for ten years and his whereabouts were unknown.Everyone felt very sad when they learned that the person coming was Zhao Maimai's father.

After the dinner, everyone watched Cheng Bing leave. Seeing that Cheng Bing still remembered Zhao Xiaomai's father, they knew that Cheng Bing had not let go of what happened back then.

Liuzi saw Cheng Bing drinking when he returned to the car dealership, and gave him kind words and persuaded him not to think too much.

While discussing the case, Lin Ying heard Pan Dahai ask about Cheng Bing and tell him about Cheng Bing's current situation.Pan Dahai wanted to know if Cheng Bing said anything more, but Lin Ying said no.

Cheng Bing received regular education from the street, and was left to meet Zhou Bureau after it was over.Cheng Bing learned from Zhou Ju that the bureau and the province had worked hard for him but could not do anything about it.Director Zhou affirmed Cheng Bing and believed that Cheng Bing was a good policeman. Afterwards, Cheng Bing couldn't help but cry after leaving.

Cheng Bing saw Xiao Xu who came to see him, and learned that Xiao Xu did not come to the dinner party that day because he was dissatisfied that Cheng Bing beat someone and that as a rural person, he was implicated in taking off the police uniform he had worked so hard to put on..Cheng Bing felt very guilty. Wang Dayong, who had escaped before being caught, became a knot in Xiao Xu's heart. Xiao Xu was even more dissatisfied with the people in the police station for letting Wang Dayong go and only kept bragging about his past honors.

On Tongtong's birthday, Cheng Bing came alone to the hotel where Liu Wenfang's family was celebrating his birthday and watched from a distance.Zhao Mingfu saw Cheng Bing and took Cheng Bing there. Tongtong was very dissatisfied. When Cheng Bing went shopping, he said that he didn't want to see Cheng Bing and was heard by Cheng Bing.Cheng Bing left the gift and left.

《Endless Journey》E8Plot

Episode 8: Zhaoyang Police Station seeks explanation

Episode 8: Zhaoyang Police Station seeks explanation

Because his daughter's murderer had not been found for ten years, Zhao Maimai's father, Zhao Yang, held a sign outside the police station to demand an explanation. Many people took pictures. Cheng Bing stopped him immediately when he saw this.

Zhao Yang's actions attracted Pan Dahai. In order to calm Zhao Yang's emotions, Pan Dahai took the initiative to take him to the police office. Through the investigation and compilation of clues on the wall involving the Wang brothers, Pan Dahai told Zhao Yang that he had never given up on the murder of Zhao Xiaomai.Seeing this situation, Zhao Yang felt relieved, expressed his gratitude to everyone, and promised not to come again in the future.

Cheng Bing found a skeletal corpse from a newspaper and thought it was related to Wang Dayong. He heard from Pan Dahai that the whole city was under control at that time, and analyzed that Wang Dayong would not kill anyone during that period. He also revealed that the Wang brothers committed a murder on Zhao Xiaomai and immediately robbed him.Regarding the matter of public funds, it is believed that Wang Dayong may have killed someone during the control period.Pan Dahai told Cheng Bing not to care about the case anymore because he was no longer a policeman.

Today is the death anniversary of Zhao Xiaomai. Cheng Bing ran into Zhao Yang in the cemetery and learned from Zhao Yang that Zhao Yang resigned to find the murderer of his daughter and worked everywhere to find Wang Dayong.Zhao Yang went to the police station every year on the anniversary of Zhao Maimai's death to inquire about the case, but the police station asked him to go back and wait for news every time. As time passed, Zhao Yang began to worry that new cases would overturn the case of Zhao Maimai's murder.

At the police station, Lin Ying interrogated the suspect and learned from the suspect that the man had a drunken argument with the victim many years ago and tied the victim up and stuffed him into a bridge. Unexpectedly, the victim died the next day because he was afraid that the man would kill him.Things that were buried.Years later, the man was still arrested by the police.

In Wang Dayong's hometown, Cheng Bing came to look for Wang Dayong's mother. He learned from others that Wang Eryong's daughter Miao Miao had grown up, and that Wang Dayong's mother was old and confused and was sent to a nursing home.

In the nursing home, Cheng Bing met Wang Dayong's mother and was mistaken for Wang Dayong.Wang Dayong's mother was confused, but she still thought about Wang Dayong.

When Liuzi was looking for Cheng Bing, he found clues about Wang Dayong collected by Cheng Bing and learned that Cheng Bing was still investigating Wang Dayong.In order to collect more clues, Cheng Bing hopes Liuzi can help him recall what Wang Dayong once said to him.

The police station had been keeping an eye on Wang Dayong's hometown and found that Cheng Bing had gone to find Wang Dayong's mother. Lin Ying immediately found Cheng Bing and persuaded Cheng Bing to live a good life and stop investigating the case on the grounds that Cheng Bing was not a policeman.

Endless Journey gathered again for dinner at the opening of the Beijing Olympics, and everyone celebrated Lao Ma's retirement.Liuzi gave red envelopes to everyone in the car wash shop. Cheng Bing told Liuzi in advance that he was leaving and promised to come back to celebrate the New Year with him.

《Endless Journey》E9Plot

Episode 9: The three teams searched for Cheng Bing but failed

Episode 9: The three teams searched for Cheng Bing but failed

On New Year's Day, Cheng Bing went downstairs to Liu Wenfang's house alone and looked at a lamp upstairs in the distance.

On the other side, while watching the fireworks, Tongtong saw the teddy bear Cheng Bing gave him in the cabinet and chose to close the cabinet.

When Liu Wenfang's family was preparing to celebrate the New Year, they received news from Cheng Bing that there were two new year's red envelopes in their mailbox for their children.

The three teams searched for Cheng Bing but failed. Later, they learned from Liuzi that Cheng Bing had learned that someone was in a situation and went to Cha Bang. Even though they knew that the police had already started investigating, they decided to investigate it themselves.

The police had not seen Wang Dayong's whereabouts for many years. Cheng Bing suspected that Wang Dayong was in illegal circumstances, so he came to the Yunnan border. Cheng Bing found his former inmate here and wanted to investigate the people who went to Chapang around 2000. The inmate agreed to help inquire.

Cheng Bing settled in a nearby hotel and paid extra money to check in even though he didn't have an ID card.Cheng Bing met a woman who provided special massage services at night. While asking the woman to give him a massage, he asked about how to appear on camera. The woman agreed to help him ask the local snakes.

Cheng Bing met the local smuggler through a woman, and after giving him money, he asked the smuggler about the person in the photo. The smuggler was not in a good mood, but said he was not.

Afterwards, the smuggler took the initiative to contact the leader and told him that he wanted to send him away.

The woman received the drugs that the smuggler requested to sell, and later found Cheng Bing and told Cheng Bing that the smuggler was willing to send him to Chapang.

At the hotel, when the smuggler and others arrived, they found plainclothes police officers conducting anti-narcotics operations downstairs and were arrested by the police.In the chaos, the smuggler hid in the soldier's room and jumped out of the window to escape.Later, the police broke in and Cheng Bing was taken away together.

Cheng Bing learned that the police found drugs in his bag. He recalled what happened after the smuggler entered the door, and after analysis, he guessed that the woman had deliberately put the drugs into his bag in order to escape.Through inspection, the police determined that the drugs only contained the fingerprints of the woman and the smuggler.

When checking Cheng Bing's bag, the police found a photo of Endless Journey committing a crime, and only then did they learn that Cheng Bing was also a police officer.Cheng Bing's suspicion was cleared, and the police were grateful to Cheng Bing for helping them catch the woman they had never found.

Lin Ying received news from the border police about Cheng Bing's location and went to pick him up.Lin Ying knew that Cheng Bing went to the border for Wang Dayong, and once again persuaded Cheng Bing to let go of the past.

《Endless Journey》E10Plot

Episode 10: Cheng Bing was picked up by Lin Ying

Episode 10: Cheng Bing was picked up by Lin Ying

Cheng Bing was picked up by Lin Ying. Hearing that Lin Ying was planning to have a dinner, he rejected Lin Ying because he was concerned about Wang Dayong's case.

When Cheng Bing returned to the car dealership, he saw Shitou who had been waiting for him. Faced with Shitou's blame, he didn't know what to say. Then he learned from Shitou that the members of the three teams returned to their lives after Cheng Bing went to prison and gradually arrested him.Wang Dayong's incident was forgotten, but Shitou still remembered it. He was angry that Cheng Bing pursued him alone and did not treat him as a brother.

At the same time, Lao Ma and others gathered together. In order to dissuade Cheng Bing from pursuing Wang Dayong, they deliberately introduced Cheng Bing to work. Unexpectedly, they discovered that Cheng Bing did not come back with Lin Ying.

Cheng Bing took the initiative to bring Shitou to meet with Lao Ma and others, and told everyone that he was still concerned about arresting Wang Dayong when he was in prison, and did not want Wang Dayong to continue to do evil outside.Cheng Bing told everyone how important the arrest of Wang Dayong was to the rest of his life, and then after drinking, he went out to take photos with everyone from Endless Journey.

Pan Dahai saw Lin Ying returning at the police station and listened to Lin Ying's persuasion to let Cheng Bing try to find Wang Dayong. Pan Dahai was still worried about Cheng Bing's safety and wanted to contact him.

Cheng Bing decided to go to Chabang, and Shitou wanted to follow him. When they applied for passports together, they met Pan Dahai. After listening to Pan Dahai's persuasion to give up the situation and pursue Wang Dayong, Cheng Bing refused.

Cheng Bing investigated the tattoo totem of the previous snake head and learned that it was the totem of the Brotherhood. He suspected that Wang Dayong was related to the Brotherhood.

Cheng Bing, who successfully applied for a passport, went to Tongtong's school to take a look at Tongtong from a distance before leaving.

On the day Cheng Bing and Shitou left, members of Endless Journey saw them off and saluted them.

After arriving at the destination, Cheng Bing was investigating the matter of the Brotherhood. He accidentally saw that someone from the Brotherhood was collecting debts from a man. After the people from the Brotherhood left, the man wanted to beat his wife. Cheng Bing immediately stopped him, and then asked his familyThe violent person learned that the Brotherhood had always had a single line of contact with him, and only when something happened would someone from the Brotherhood come to him.

Cheng Bing and Shitou used Wang Dayong's photo to question the people here. In the bar, they met a man who claimed to have seen Wang Dayong. They were taken away by the man and attacked and fainted.

《Endless Journey》E11Plot

Episode 11: Stone Investigation Attack

Episode 11: Stone Investigation Attack

Cheng Bing and Shitou investigate that the Brotherhood was attacked and wake up in a warehouse.After Cheng Bing regained consciousness, he couldn't wake up Shi Shi, who was still in a coma. Then he saw the little boy entering through the transom of the warehouse and learned that the little boy was the son of a man who had previously abused his wife.

The little boy rescued Cheng Bing and Shitou. Cheng Bing learned from the boy through questioning that Soe Wen who attacked Cheng Bing was from the Brotherhood. The boy overheard Soe Wen and others talking and knew that they were going to attack him.So he kept following him.

Because someone was guarding the door, Cheng Bing and Shitou followed the boy and escaped from the warehouse through the transom.

Cheng Bing, who escaped, learned from the boy that the people behind the Brotherhood wanted to arrest him. Seeing this, Cheng Bing decided to go to the Yuehua Hotel to find Old Tang, who led them into the jade business.

After arriving at the destination, Cheng Bing went to the hotel alone.Old Tang didn't know that Soe Win was from the Brotherhood, so he hired Soe Win as a bodyguard.

The boy saw Soe Win, Brother Feng and others downstairs in the hotel, and immediately told Shitou. After learning about the situation, Shitou wanted to enter the hotel to alert Cheng Bing.Cheng Bing was worried that Old Tang would be influenced by him, so he persuaded Old Tang to leave with them.

In the hotel, before Shitou could find Cheng Bing, he met Sou Wen and others, fought with several people, and was eventually captured.

When Cheng Bing went out, Shitou and the boy were missing. When he received a call and learned that the two had been kidnapped, Old Tang deliberately thought that he should call the police.

Cheng Bing, who called the police together with Lao Tang, revealed that the person he was looking for was Wang Dayong. He then received Brother Feng's video and heard Brother Feng mentioning Wang Dayong. He noticed something was wrong and suspected that the police and Brother Feng were on the same team.In order to protect Lao Tang's safety, Cheng Bing took Lao Tang's mobile phone and asked him to seek asylum in the embassy.

On the other side, when Lao Ma and others were together, Cai Bin suddenly had a bad premonition about what happened to the third team.Then Lin Ying, who came here, learned that Cheng Bing and Shitou left the country five days ago and have now lost contact.

In order to save Shitou and the boy, Cheng Bing arrived at the destination alone, caught one of the gatekeepers, and learned from that person through threats that someone was paying to do something against him.

Cheng Bing contacted Brother Feng and lied about catching Wang Dayong in exchange for Shi Lei and then used the bomb he found to threaten Brother Feng who came.After rescuing the two Shitou, Cheng Bing was blocked when he was about to leave. At the same time, Brother Feng was shot dead.

At this time, Cheng Bing saw Mr. Pang appearing and took the initiative to tell him the true identity of the Chinese policeman. He learned from Mr. Pang about the affair between Mr. Pang and Wang Dayong.

《Endless Journey》E12Plot

Episode 12: Mr. Pang reveals key information

Episode 12: Mr. Pang reveals key information

Mr. Pang met with Cheng Bing and learned of Cheng Bing's identity. He admired him very much for persisting in looking for Wang Dayong despite not being a policeman.Cheng Bing learned from Mr. Pang that Wang Dayong robbed Mr. Pang and shot him, causing Mr. Pang to become lame.Mr. Pang had been looking for Wang Dayong, and later learned through surveillance that Wang Dayong had prepared for the robbery for half a year in advance, and after the robbery, he crossed the border and returned to China.

Mr. Pang was determined to find Wang Dayong and was willing to pay a lot of money to let Cheng Bing help him find it. Cheng Bing did not want the money and just hoped that Mr. Pang would not embarrass the boy. Mr. Pang agreed and returned all their things at the same time.Cheng Bing contacted Lao Liao immediately, and everyone in the country felt relieved.

Old Tang saw Cheng Bing who came to see them, saw the photo of the original stone that Cheng Bing brought, and promised to help him find out whether the original stone appeared again.

Cheng Bing and Shitou returned to the country to meet Lao Liao and others, and told everyone what they had encountered during their trip.

Cheng Bing met Pan Dahai to provide clues about the original stone. Pan Dahai once again persuaded Cheng Bing to give up tracking. He heard Cheng Bing mention the running case and told him about the fingerprint database that relied on technology.

At the meeting, Pan Dahai asked everyone to trace the situation of the original stone. Lin Ying recognized Cheng Bing's idea and reminded Lin Ying that Cheng Bing was not a policeman.

Lao Liao's wife was very dissatisfied because Team Three never paid for their dinner party in the store, and she also didn't like that Team Three kept thinking about Team Three.

Everyone gathered at Cheng Bing's office to hunt down Wang Dayong. After discussion, they decided to investigate through clues from the original stone.

After Cheng Bing added Tongtong's contact information, and through her deciphering of Martian texts, he suspected that Tongtong was in early love. He later stopped the boy from pestering Tongtong after school, but Tongtong asked him not to disturb her life.

《Endless Journey》E13Plot

Episode 13: Cheng Bing rents a house

Episode 13: Cheng Bing rents a house

After so many years, Cheng Bing learned that the stone that Wang Dayong snatched in 2000 was not resold until eight years later. It is better to prepare to trace it layer by layer to find useful clues. Listen toAfter saying these words, Shi Lei was still planning to buy tickets the next day and go to that place to find out the news. At this time, he was still planning to accompany his boss to look for clues.

Later, when Lin Ying went back, she told Pan Dahai about Wang Dayong's reselling of stones. At this time, she wanted to ask the person in front of her if she would send a letter of assistance to Xiecheng. After hearing that, the person in front of her was ready to let her personallyI went over to investigate the situation in person. After that, all the former partners of Endless Journey gathered together and prepared to go there. Even the old brother who usually disagreed at home successfully persuaded his wife to get on the train and leave together.

After arriving at the destination, Cheng Bing and other friends went to Jade Boss to track down clues. After listening to what the other party said, they got Wang Dayong's photos back then and wanted him to have a good look at them, but the person in front of him was...They didn't know him at all, and they also said that the people who came to do business at that time were full of arrogance, as if they were from the Northeast. Before leaving, they continued to tell the boss to get clues about Shitou.

After not getting any useful clues, a few people were still temporarily dealing with it in a nearby hotel, preparing to carry out a new plan the next day. They sent someone to disguise themselves as a boss, and continued to spread the news about the jade stone in the market with others.After Lin Ying came over after eating, they were also planning to ask the people in front of them to join in and prepare to find useful clues and hand them over to Pan Dahai.

On the second day, they just started doing what they said. Cheng Bing first started pretending to be someone who needed jade stones and wandered around the street, spreading clues. Then they continued to show up in front of his friend who was pretending to be the big boss.They started talking about business. After the discussion, Cheng Bing looked at the dress of the person in front of him and prepared to dress him in a new outfit. Then when the people inside came out, they also changed into a set of relaxed bathrobes. Several people were still there.At this time, we decided to prepare to spend the night in the room.

After lying on the bed again, several former partners of Endless Journey also felt that the night was very practical. Cheng Bing also took the lead in recalling the time when several people worked together to solve crimes and were crowded into the same room. Although it was crowded, it was very warm.Thinking of these things made them full of emotions.With this energy in his body, Cheng Bing also started to discuss and prepare to ask the people next to him to buy drinks. At the same time, he also called Lin Ying over. While everyone was drinking together, they continued to tease each other, and the noise became more and more loud.It was so big that it alarmed the surrounding tenants.

After daytime, they continued to get down to business, waiting in line for someone to come over to inspect the goods. The person sitting next to them inspected the goods for a long time, but still didn't find what they wanted. Soon a strange man came with his own stone.He came to the door, but he went in twice but was not taken by the other party. Then he got angry and prepared to break the jar and surrounded the house with his other brothers.Seeing that this group of people was about to cause trouble, Lin Ying ran to the scene without haste and showed her identity as a police officer. After driving the people away, they began to regret their actions at that time, and Cheng Bing began to plot again.Prepare to go out and continue to rent a house to live with everyone.

After looking at the house, everyone lived together and continued to live a self-sufficient life in it. After eating, they continued to look for clues about the stones on the street. While Cheng Bing was busy doing business on the street, he alsoSuddenly, he received a call from Xu Zhiping's wife, proposing a divorce.

《Endless Journey》E14Plot

Episode 14: Being cheated by gambling on stones

In order to finance Endless Journey's living expenses, Shitou decided to use his rent to gamble on Shitou. However, he was defrauded of all the money by Zhang Shuqiao and others, and was arrested and taken to the police station for provoking trouble.While Cheng Bing was dealing with the stone, he was also worried about the conflict between Xiao Xu and his wife.In the mediation room of the police station, Zhang Shuqiao acted playfully and refused to admit it. Cheng Bing exposed her trick and, with the mediation of the police, agreed to compensate the cut rough stone at the market price.

The Shitou matter was resolved, and Xiao Xu's wife was comforted.But Shitou lost the rent by gambling, which made Endless Journey's situation even worse.In order to save money, Cheng Bing planned to let Lao Ma, Liao Jian, and Cai Bin go back. Shitou felt guilty and wanted to sell the house for money, but Cheng Bing gave him a lesson.Cai Bin finally came up with an idea to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Ju Ding made money while investigating the case.So, Endless Journey and Shitou's friend Jiajia opened a night market barbecue stall, and the business was booming.

Episode 14: Being cheated by gambling on stones

The opening of the night market barbecue stall made Endless Journey's situation start to improve.Everyone works together and comes to the stall early every day to clean, prepare ingredients, and welcome customers who come to taste the delicious food.

Although Shi Shi felt guilty, he also realized his mistake.He was determined to make up for the lost rent money through hard work.As a result, he devoted himself to the operation of the stall every day. Not only did he gradually become proficient in barbecue skills, he also interacted with customers, increasing the popularity of the stall.

Cai Bin gave full play to his talents. He not only helped with the barbecue, but also carefully designed a special menu, combining barbecue with some special snacks, attracting more customers.He and Jiajia also opened a small shop next to the stall, specializing in selling some trinkets and handicrafts, adding a unique atmosphere to the night market.

Cheng Bing, Lao Ma and Liao Jian were responsible for logistics support.They come to the stall early every day and are responsible for purchasing ingredients, cleaning equipment and maintaining order.Their attentiveness and conscientiousness make the operation of the night market stalls smoother.

As time goes by, the business of the night market barbecue stalls becomes more and more prosperous.Customers praised Shi Shi's barbecue skills one after another, and expressed their hope to come here regularly to taste delicious food.Friends of Endless Journey are also actively promoting and inviting more people to come to the night market barbecue stalls to taste the delicious food.The stall’s popularity and revenue also increased.

While Juding continues to work hard to investigate the case, Endless Journey's financial situation gradually improves.Shitou gradually paid off the rent he had lost gambling on Shitou. As a result, Shitou cherished everything in front of him more and determined to start a new life and no longer indulge in gambling.

With the funds, Lao Ma, Cai Bin, and Xiao Xu had more time to visit and inquire, while Cheng Bing continued to work in the rough stone factory, and learned from Boss Huang that the former head of the rough stone association, Gu Laoer, was in 2008.I got a rough stone worth tens of millions and disappeared.Cheng Bing guessed that the rough stone Gu Laoer got was probably Wang Eryong's.In order to find out the truth of the matter, Cheng Bing decided to start with Gu Er's former lover Zhang Shuqiao.While several people were discussing, Zhang Shuqiao and the person in charge of the current rough stone association came to their night market stall.

《Endless Journey》E15Plot

Episode 15: Emergency in Jiecheng

Episode 15: Emergency in Jiecheng

An accident occurred in Jiecheng, and Wang Dayong's ID card was found on the deceased. Pan Dahai came to Jiecheng for this matter and learned that the body was sent to the provincial capital for testing.

On the other side, Cheng Bing and others continued to investigate the rough stones. Through Huang Lao from the Rough Stone Appraisal Association Center, they learned that the rough stones had appeared here in 2005.Afterwards, Cheng Bing and others discussed and decided to investigate around the stone while keeping an eye on Zhang Shuqiao.

Zhang Shuqiao was brought for interrogation by Pan Dahai, who revealed that everything had been done by the missing Gu Erqiang.

Cheng Bing learned that Pan Dahai came to Jiecheng and knew that Pan Dahai came for Wang Dayong, and then received a call from Pan Dahai wanting to meet him.

When Cheng Bing saw Pan Dahai asking for clues but failed, he told Pan Dahai the clues he got through Huang Lao.

On the other side, Zhang Shuqiao received a call and was going to the police station for interrogation. When she left, she did not forget to tell her brother to let A Guang fish her out on time.

Facing the interrogation, Zhang Shuqiao told the story of the stone purchase that year. Gu Erqiang was dissatisfied with the seller's betrayal and wanted to steal the materials.Through identification, Zhang Shuqiao determined that the seller was Wang Dayong.

When Shitou asked an agent to borrow a car, he told the agent what they were doing. Afterwards, he told Cheng Bing about it, and Cheng Bing thought it didn't matter.

Boss Qian saw Zhang Shuqiao's brother who came to beg to fish out Zhang Shuqiao, but he was unwilling to help.

Cheng Bing pretended to free Zhang Shuqiao by talking to Zhang Shuqiao's brother. He learned from Zhang Shuqiao's brother that someone had picked up Gu Erqiang's ID card back then, and he ignored the call.

《Endless Journey》E16Plot

Episode 16: Gu Erqiang stole the original stone and killed someone

Episode 16: Gu Erqiang stole the original stone and killed someone

Cheng Bing learned from Zhang Shuqiao's brother that when Gu Erqiang robbed the rough stone and killed someone, he could not be sure whether the person killed was Wang Dayong.

Due to an accident at home, Lao Liao decided to go home, and Cheng Bing also persuaded him to go back and take care of his injured wife.

According to the test, the deceased in the car was not Wang Dayong. Cheng Bing did not want to injure his teammates anymore, so he lied that the deceased was Wang Dayong, bought tickets for everyone to leave, and then left alone.

Everyone gathered at the barbecue restaurant and learned that Shitou decided to stay in Jiecheng for the sake of intermediary girl.

There was a shooting case in Xi'an. Pan Dahai discussed the case with the police and later learned about the pistol from the man.

When several people were eating together, Lin Ying heard someone claiming that the soldiers had killed Wang Eryong. When she was confronting them, she learned that the murderer had been caught.

After everyone rushed to the scene, they discovered that the person they arrested was not Wang Dayong. After interrogation, they learned that this person's gun was stolen in 2008.Seeing that the man was unwilling to cooperate with the interrogation, Pan Dahai directly stated his purpose of coming, and then used the photo to pry open the man's mouth and learned about the circumstances of the man's murder of the people in the car. Afterwards, he decided to go to Northeast China to investigate.

Cheng Bing found no clues about the original stone in Jiecheng and decided to head to the northeast.

Cheng Bing was transferred to the Northeast to look for Liu Danan, the owner of the bathhouse who lost the bathhouse due to gambling. Later, he met Pan Dahai, who also came to the Northeast to investigate. They had dinner with Pan Dahai and talked about the past.At the dinner table, Pan Dahai threatened Cheng Bing not to investigate anymore because he suspected that Cheng Bing had concealed Wang Dayong's intention to bring him back to cooperate with the investigation. However, Cheng Bing insisted on finding his lost self through this case.

《Endless Journey》E17Plot

Episode 17: Pan Dahai’s dissuasion

Episode 17: Pan Dahai’s dissuasion

When the two of them went to take a bath in the big bath, Pan Dahai kept trying to dissuade the people next to him that they could choose to do other things instead of being police officers. However, at this time, the people in front of him still did not continue to listen to what he said. He felt that the people on both sides wereEncountering here means that we are looking for the right place. Wang Dayong has definitely appeared here. Although these things are like finding a needle in a haystack for Cheng Bing, he is still very willing to seize these insignificant opportunities and continue to find the clues he wants.After hearing these words, Pan Dahai directly told the example of his old man. At that time, he also advised the other party not to dwell on his illness, because in his opinion, many illnesses are caused by being scared to death, and then after the person leaves, heYou still know what the other person is thinking. This situation is like the Cheng Bing in front of you who has taken off his police uniform, but still has the spirit of a policeman in his heart.

After the two of them changed their clothes and went out, Pan Dahai also told the situation about Gu Erqiang. After hearing these words, Cheng Bing jokingly expressed that he began to believe in fate. After hearing that Wang Dayong once had a note on his cell phone,After hearing Xia's name, Pan Dahai called the people on the other side and asked them to search for people with the word "xia" in their names one by one in the village. After explaining everything, Pan Dahai was ready to go back in the car. Cheng Bing also specifically told him toOld friends, please don’t mention your affairs to other Endless Journey members and let them spend the New Year there in peace and contentment.After sending the person away, Cheng Bing continued to get down to business. He went door-to-door to find clues about the person whose name was named "Xia". On the other side, the members of Endless Journey called Cheng Bing but no one answered. Shi Lei, who was sitting next to him, was still preparingLet the eldest brother come back with regard to marrying Jiajia.

After nightfall, Cheng Bing, who had not found any clues, was walking aimlessly on the road, but suddenly he saw a child sitting alone on the street looking at him. After seeing the child starving, he took the child back and returned it.He asked the landlord to cook two bowls of hot noodles. When Doudou was sleeping, Cheng Bing noticed the sleeping child next to him, and suddenly thought of Tongtong at home. Unexpectedly, the child's mother suddenly came over after a while., took the child away directly. Cheng Bing saw the gloves dropped on the ground and was about to return them. Suddenly he remembered the child's name and his heart skipped a beat. Then he continued to follow the other observer's every move the next day. Unexpectedly, the surrounding peopleBut the neighbors were saying bad things about her.

In the evening, Cheng Bing kindly sent his gloves back and prepared to help his children move things. Unexpectedly, the woman who rushed out of the house rudely asked him to leave. She stopped immediately when she heard her husband's name. Then Li HongxiaBut he took the initiative to come to the door and asked about her husband's whereabouts. When he heard that the other party didn't know, he turned around and left without ceremony.After going out, Cheng Bing told Pan Dahai about Li Hongxia on the other side, and planned to ask him not to disturb the people here and to solve the problem by himself. After that, he went to find someone, and the other party sawLater, Cheng Bing was asked to sit down and drink together, and he told the story of what happened to Wang Dayong: In 2005, Wang Dayong worked as a technician in her foot massage shop. Li Hongxia was a single woman with children, and Wang Dayong was very kind to her and her children., gave Li Hongxia a feeling of home that she had not had for many years. Wang Dayong told her that it was not that he did not want to get married, but that his account was canceled because he offended someone. Li Hongxia promised him to help find a new identity, but who knew that Wang Dayong and herBeing together is good for yourself and your children because you want to use them to gain a new identity.After that, he continued to cry alone and said that his children had no father. Seeing their tragic experience, Cheng Bing felt particularly uncomfortable. He quietly left the money in his wallet and left. When he turned around, the girl found him.Cheng Bing said that her mother asked her to give him the bag left by her father.

After daybreak, Cheng Bing packed his bags and left the place alone. He continued to look for clues on the road and moved his target to the deep forest. Unexpectedly, after entering the ice and snow, he still fell to the ground tenaciously. Suddenly, he fell to the ground.Suddenly, he seemed to see Wang Dayong walking towards him. When he woke up later, Cheng Bing was rescued. He also learned from the old man that Wang Dayong had stayed here. Then what people didn't expect was that after going out, Cheng Bing suddenlyI received a phone call and learned about the death of Uncle Qi.

《Endless Journey》E18Plot

Episode 18: The silence in front of Uncle Qi’s bed

Episode 18: The silence in front of Uncle Qi’s bed

At this moment, all the former members of Endless Journey were waiting silently in front of Uncle Qi's bed one by one. Even Pan Dahai followed him. Uncle Qi was lying on the bed in critical condition, observing the surroundings and looking forward to Cheng Bing's arrival. However,Until the moment when his life ended, he still closed his eyes with regret. Cheng Bing, who was carrying a bag on the other side, hurried over and found that the hospital bed was empty.

After that, everyone held a grand funeral for Uncle Qi. As a police officer, Pan Dahai and Lin Ying took the lead there. They bowed to the people around them with heavy hearts.After the funeral, the news of Uncle Qi's sudden death was a huge blow to Cheng Bing. He started to feel depressed and refused to eat or drink. Even Pan Dahai noticed the mood of his old friend and was ready to let him have a good time.Pausing for a moment, Lin Ying unexpectedly found Cheng Bing during the day and found him lying alone and drunk in front of the seventh uncle's tomb. She also took the initiative to recall the stumbling past, and felt that she seemed to have grown up a lot now.Regarding Uncle Qi in front of her, Lin Ying directly expressed her gratitude to him for the help he had given. At this point, she continued to persuade Brother Bing to live a good life.

But these words may have been encouraging to Cheng Bing before, but now looking at Uncle Qi's mausoleum made him feel that the days were a little short. At this time, Lin Ying suddenly received a call and knew that there was something wrong with Aunt Qi.The situation passed quickly.After learning that her family was in debt, Lin Ying led the debt collectors to get the money, leaving Cheng Bing alone to comfort the people next to him. When he saw his aunt was sad, he said on the spot that he would help her to get the pension. Unexpectedly, after passing the police station,, but found that the people inside treated Uncle Qi's matter as the cause of the disease. Seeing this result, Cheng Bing began to feel that it was unfair and prepared to argue. The policeman next to him patiently explained to him, and then Pan Dahai, who was passing by, learned about it.He directly pulled the person out to argue, and he was also prepared to help advance the money himself, but this result was not what Cheng Bing wanted. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind the other person to continue to think of a solution.

After going out, Cheng Bing walked aimlessly on the street alone, and saw all the former members of Endless Journey busy with their respective tasks. Time passed by like this, and it gradually came to an end.At night, he continued to sit alone on the street, lost in thought, and remembered what someone once said.

After daytime, Tongtong went to the door of the car wash to find Cheng Bing, and planned to ask him to sign an agreement to sever the relationship between father and daughter. After seeing his daughter's cruel decision, Cheng Bing felt uncomfortable, but he still felt relieved.He signed slowly. After returning to the house, he was in a very bad state. With the help of an acquaintance, he was preparing to find a job in a bar.

Unexpectedly, one day, Cheng Bing suddenly saw someone in the bar forcibly bringing a woman in to bully her. Although the people around him kept blocking her, he rushed in to save the woman without hesitation, and was ready to drink with the person in front of him, and then put her in the bar.After the person was kicked out, the people with background around him were not ready to forgive him easily. Cheng Bing, who closed the door, did not hesitate to treat the person to be docile and did not forget to ask the person to call home. Secretary Zhao came over to see this situation.From now on, we will directly prepare to deal with funeral arrangements.

After successfully helping his aunt get the money, Cheng Bing ran to the bar regardless of his health and continued to drink to his heart's content. After that, he continued to hang out. Even his good friends passing by left in disappointment when they saw how decadent he was.After that, Cheng Bing followed other unscrupulous people to join in the fun and saw them bullying Wang Dayong's mother. He beat them up angrily and drove them away. Then he asked for his watch back and prepared to go somewhere.

《Endless Journey》E19Plot

Episode 19: Meet Wang Miaomiao

Episode 19: Meet Wang Miaomiao

After entering the house, Cheng Bing called the people on the other side directly and said that he was a relative of Wang Miaomiao and was going to join them to make money.Just after Lin Ying returned, she told her captain Pan Dahai about Cheng Bing's contact with Wang Miaomiao outside, and also learned that the other party wanted to continue to find Wang Dayong through this person. Instead of letting Cheng Bing drink alcohol every dayIf he had nothing to do, he might as well find something serious to do, so he had no objection to Cheng Bing doing this.After going out, Cheng Bing sat alone outside, waiting for someone to pick him up. When someone came, he later told the other person that he was Wang Miaomiao's cousin. After hearing that they were old acquaintances, the other party did not suspect anything at all, and planned toI took him with me to find someone.

After entering, Cheng Bing successfully met Wang Miaomiao himself, and he quickly filled out the form and handed over his mobile phone and belongings. Afterwards, the staff next to him welcomed him to join and continued to lead others to attend the class.After returning, Cheng Bing also saw Wang Miaomiao feeding a little wild cat outside, so he took the initiative to talk to him. When the other person turned his head, he saw the injuries on the face of the person in front of him and askedWho hurt the victim, but Wang Miaomiao was unwilling to tell him at all. She also felt that she could not go out now, and continued to persuade old acquaintances not to make the wrong idea of ​​​​escape, otherwise they would be attacked by the people inside.Beaten.

Unexpectedly, after dark, Cheng Bing didn't take these words to heart at all, and secretly prepared to escape alone. This time, he was almost discovered by the people inside, so he continued to run to Wang Miaomiao and told him that he could go out., but now the people next to him are still worried, saying that there is no place to stay after he goes out. When he thinks that his mobile phone and ID card have been seized, Wang Miaomiao starts to hesitate a little, and Cheng Bing, who is standing next to him, listens to this.After worrying about it, I secretly looked for something with a flashlight. Unexpectedly, I was discovered by a group of people inside and was knocked unconscious to the ground.

After seeing that their target was all focused on Cheng Bing, Wang Miaomiao took advantage of the chaos to escape outside secretly. When he got down, he saw other police cars approaching. After that, the police went straight into the den of thieves and took away the people inside.The innocent people were successfully rescued. After being released, Cheng Bing followed Wang Miaomiao and followed him to Ludao to look for the scumbag. After night, the two people gradually let down their inner guard, and Cheng Bing began toHe told the other party about his own experiences and felt that she was somewhat similar to his daughter.

After talking about this, the two of them continued to find a new job and start living together. Unexpectedly, when Mrs. Wang on the other side was sleeping, she suddenly saw a black shadow entering the house and quickly disappearing without a trace., the same situation suddenly appeared on Liuzi's side. Fortunately, his brother appeared in time, and the person in front of him was brutally attacked. The next day, Pan Dahai learned about Wang Dayong and became vigilant.

Wang Miaomiao and Cheng Bing rushed to the toilet immediately after getting off work. Cheng Bing, as the elder, gave way to each other. After he sat leisurely on the sofa alone, he quietly checked the mobile phone on the table.Unexpectedly, the phone suddenly rang after a while. Wang Miaomiao, who heard the sound, did not take it to heart at all, and asked someone outside to help deal with the harassing call. After picking up the phone, Cheng Bing answered the call alone.Unexpectedly, after hearing his voice, the other party suddenly became silent, and then hung up the phone decisively. Looking at this lonely scene, Cheng Bing on the other side seemed to have a familiar feeling of déjà vu.​

《Endless Journey》E20Plot

Episode 20: Clues

Episode 20: Clues

After the people from Endless Journey learned about Wang Dayong's clues, they gathered together to discuss the matter and prepared to help Cheng Bing complete it.While working, Cheng Bing specially called Wang Miaomiao out of the room to take out the food he had carefully prepared, and carefully told Wang Miaomiao to heat it up before eating. Seeing that he was so nagging, the other party left with the things.When eating lunch, the people sitting next to her tasted the food and began to praise the cook non-stop for her cooking skills. They also felt that the other person raised her as his own daughter.

On the other side, the people from Endless Journey saw Cheng Bing's daughter after school and continued to follow her to check on the suspect. Unexpectedly, they saw a suspect and rushed towards them, only to find that the suspect was someone sent by Pan Dahai. Only then did they know that he had been sent by Pan Dahai.After getting into a big trouble, Pan Dahai directly began to criticize this group of people for their reckless behavior.The people from Endless Journey continued to express their desire to intervene in this matter. They continued to lurk around, but still found nothing. After returning, Liuzi thought about it and prepared to use his body as bait to lure Wang Dayong to show up..On the other side, Cheng Bing was cooking in the kitchen when he noticed Wang Miaomiao sneaking out alone and followed him, only to find that Wang Miaomiao was standing in the playground in a daze.

Liuzi, who was squatting in the room, had been in a daze and didn't even listen to the words of the people next to her. At this moment, she was a little scared because of her high-profile affairs at that time, but she was still ready to go out alone to lure the enemy over on the street.When we were on the way, the former staff of Endless Journey kept a close eye on Liuzi's actions, waiting for Wang Dayong to show up. They soon discovered a suspect, pushed him to the ground on the spot, and caught him. They didn't expect to see his face clearly., but everyone began to be disappointed that the other party was not Wang Dayong at all.

After arriving at the amusement park, Cheng Bing continued to play happily with Wang Miaomiao and took photos of each other. At this time, the two of them also added each other on QQ to chat when they had time, and then go back again. In the future, Wang Miaomiao would take advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival.I bought a set of clothes for my cousin, and found that the other party had carefully prepared a small skirt for me, so I hurried to the room and started trying it on. After getting dressed, the two people went to the riverside to blow the cold wind. Wang Miaomiao suddenly rememberedThe unpleasant things that happened in the past were revealed without hesitation.

After sobering up, Wang Miaomiao suddenly discovered that her cousin had a fever, and she began to worry about his physical condition. After taking care of him, she continued to the hospital for a check-up. Unexpectedly, the doctor informed him that he needed to be hospitalized, and then Wang Miaomiao began to work alone again.He was busy taking care of his cousin's health and specially fed him in front of the hospital bed. Even other patients lying in the hospital were very envious when they saw this scene.

After returning home, Wang Miaomiao continued to prepare to help her cousin get things. Unexpectedly, she accidentally found something in the other person's bag and found the familiar bracelet. Only then did she know that the cousin in front of her was a policeman., he hid alone. When it was night, Cheng Bing still saw no one and hurriedly went to make a call, only to find that his phone had been turned off.

Wang Miaomiao felt very uncomfortable when she was alone outside. She suddenly remembered what her cousin had said to her, and she felt even more sad. At this moment, Cheng Bing, who returned from the hospital, found that his home was empty and there was no one at all.Shadow, and then he began to cook meals calmly and waited for the other person to come back, and finally he wanted the person back.

After coming back, Wang Miaomiao felt restless and no longer as lively as before. Seeing her cousin picking up food for herself, she was still holding back some words in her heart. After eating, the two of themI turned off the lights and got ready to go to bed. Unexpectedly, Wang Miaomiao couldn't sleep alone, so she quietly walked over with a knife.​

《Endless Journey》E21Plot

Episode 21: Shi Lei’s Wedding

Episode 21: Shi Lei’s Wedding

Pan Dahai met his boss at the police station, but told him that he did not dare to accept this honor because the fugitive Wang Dayong had not yet been arrested and brought to justice. He always felt that this honor was well deserved.

The wedding day came soon for Shi Lei. He even dressed up carefully and invited other people from Endless Journey to come over. Unexpectedly, everyone called Cheng Bing's phone for a long time but it was always turned off, and he started to worry again..

Someone who was close to Wang Miaomiao went to his home to tell Cheng Bing about his niece going to the dance hall. The person in front of him hurriedly prepared to run to find someone. Unexpectedly, Wang Miaomiao inside didn't care about her body at all.She was drinking to exchange money. When the people next to her saw that she was so short of money, they were ready to help. As soon as they heard that the other party had killed Wang Miaomiao, they agreed to the other party's request and planned to ask him to do her a favor.

After entering, Cheng Bing saw the group of people and was about to attack his niece. He went up and started fighting with them angrily. After that, they were taken to the police station for investigation. Unexpectedly, after they were released, Wang Miaomiao was left alone.He continued to run forward without caring about the person behind him, and even told him that he wanted to kill him.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Bing knew what the other party was thinking this time. It turned out that before this, he also found out that his niece had gone through his bag to find out her identity, so he specially prepared a meal carefully and was mentally prepared.When he lay down, he also knew that the other person wanted to kill him, and even began to look forward to being freed after the knife was removed, but he was also afraid that his niece would embark on a road of no return.

After hearing these words, Wang Miaomiao still hated the other party for deceiving him and had no intention of forgiving him. Seeing what he had done, Cheng Bing knew that he was very ashamed of the person in front of him. This time, he did not choose to do too much.His explanation was that he always treated the other party as his biological daughter. After returning home, he became depressed and followed his niece home.

After returning, Wang Miaomiao did not intend to leave. She was still planning to stay with her grandma and take care of her. Then Lin Ying ran over to Cheng Bing alone and asked him about his next plan. But this time, there was no one in front of her at all.Before leaving, he planned to settle down his niece first. At the moment, he didn't think that catching Wang Dayong was the only thing. He also planned to live every day with the people around him.

After that, everyone gathered together to celebrate the New Year happily. Unexpectedly, during the bustle, Cheng Bing silently left alone and looked towards home. Even the people upstairs noticed him. Cheng BingSeeing this, the ex-wife handed the red envelope to her daughter, intending to ask her to take a good look at her father.

After the New Year, Cheng Bing continued to be busy working with his friends and was happy every day. He also made a special trip to report his niece’s birthday and gave away a carefully selected watch on that day. At this time, Wang Miaomiao also noticed, the next day was my cousin’s daughter’s birthday, so I took out the gift directly, hoping that the other party would record what he wanted to say on it.

When he went back to play on the computer, Wang Miaomiao specially sent a message to the other party to express his blessings. The two of them chatted openly. Tongtong's mother saw her daughter chatting with others and started chatting again. After the other party listened, she didn't say anything at all.Close the door without hesitation.

Seeing that her daughter was so uneasy, Cheng Bing's ex-wife began to sigh again, and began to think that her daughter was sulking because of her invitation to Cheng Bing. On the other side, Cheng Bing continued to entertain the people around him, and evenHe warmly welcomed everyone, and after asking the people around him, he found out that Wang Miaomiao went to visit his grandma.

Unexpectedly, the other party would go to celebrate Tongtong's birthday under such circumstances. After the two good friends communicated, they opened their hearts. Wang Miaomiao also told the story about herself and her cousin, and took out her watch.Under her arrangement, Cheng Bing reconciled with his daughter and hugged each other excitedly.​

《Endless Journey》E22Plot

Episode 22: Closer to the truth

Episode 22: Closer to the truth

After daytime, Wang Miaomiao was still sitting with her grandma when she saw her cousin rushing over. Unexpectedly, the old man still recognized him as his son. Seeing that the old lady almost had a conflict with the people next to her because of confused things, ChengBing went directly to persuade him to make peace, but accidentally discovered the ginger candy that fell on the ground, and suddenly thought of something.

After completing the investigation at the hospital, Cheng Bing was still prepared to follow this clue and continue to pursue the truth with an uneasy mood. He quickly packed his bags and told everyone to go back quickly.When he returned to the wooden house, Cheng Bing continued to search the room alone. He also found the ginger that had been left behind, and began to suspect that a second person was coming. While eating, he continued to letThe old man in front of him carefully thought about whether anyone else had been here before. The other party then remembered that there was a thief at that time, and began to restore the scene in a serious manner.After hearing this, Cheng Bing continued to rummage through the things left by the other party, and successfully found a note inside.

After that, while eating, Cheng Bing directly called Pan Dahai on the other side and expressed his inner speculation. He began to suspect that Wang Dayong might have deliberately let another poacher go or even killed him., after listening to his inferences, Pan Dahai still felt that the matter of arresting the person was very slim, because the police had been groping for a long time but still found nothing. However, the other party still wanted the person in front of him to find clues for him for the last time.opportunity.

Then Cheng Bing, who was holding the paper, continued to fumble around and found Huang Liping's house. Only then did he learn that Huang Liping had moved away. Unexpectedly, through his quick insight, he discovered that Anzi had been mailing things, and he directlyHe began to run to the Internet cafe to continue tracing clues. After finding something, he ran to the express delivery station to prepare for questioning.Wang Miaomiao on the other side was very worried about Cheng Bing's condition and had been restless all day. This time, she didn't ask for anything, she simply expressed the hope that the other party would be safe.

Later, because of the investigation, Cheng Bing continued to stay in the express station as a courier. He worked hard with everyone every day, but he still did not forget to continue to pursue clues. One day, he suddenly encountered a car thief and directlyHe chased after him bravely, but still couldn't get the thing back, so he had to ask the people next to him to call the police. Unexpectedly, while delivering the express, Cheng Bing suddenly discovered the familiar car and noticed the car thief.

After assisting the police, Cheng Bing wandered back to the courier station to start working. At this time, the boss began to blame him for his bravery and reminded him of his work to keep the other party in peace.After hearing this, Cheng Bing agreed and promised to stay out of trouble in the future. Unexpectedly, after he passed by, he suddenly noticed a courier on the ground and hurriedly asked the person next to him. Only then did he realize that a girl had just come over.Sent express.

Then Cheng Bing hurriedly ran to the monitoring room to check the situation. He also discovered that the woman whose battery car was stolen came to send a courier. Only then did he know that he had seen her at that time. Then he rushed to the control room without saying a word.I was looking for people outside, but still couldn't find any trace.​

《Endless Journey》E23Plot

Episode 23: Relief

Episode 23: Relief

In order to investigate the situation, Cheng Bing has been looking for electric vehicles, but has found nothing.After Cheng Bing left, the girl who lost the car and her husband appeared in the car.

When Cheng Bing returned to the inn, he found that the inn felt guilty for being retaliated against, and the boss fired Cheng Bing on the spot.When Cheng Bing left alone, he received encouragement from his colleagues and his confidence instantly doubled.

Wang Miaomiao's younger brother cracked down on fraud. After Wang Miaomiao took his younger brother back, he met the other parent who came to hold him accountable. He saw that the other party mentioned that the murderer lost control of his mood and wanted to beat him.After Cheng Bing received a call and learned about the situation, he took the initiative to contact Wang Miaomiao to give him good advice.

Late at night, Cheng Bing decided to go out to investigate the girl and did not forget to contact Pan Dahai.

In order to investigate, Cheng Bing became a water deliveryman and found the woman whose battery car was stolen by delivering water. However, due to the high vigilance in the woman's home, he was unable to enter and could only stay outside.

Cheng Bing squatted and noticed that the man in the house went downstairs and drove away. He immediately followed the man to a store. He wanted to extract fingerprints from the things the man touched, but found nothing.

Cheng Bing stayed at the case for many days, and finally found hair through the garbage at Anzi's house.

Cheng Bing was doing his daily job of delivering water. When he learned that Anzi had asked him to deliver water, he knew something was wrong. Then he noticed someone was following him while delivering water, so he secretly contacted Pan Dahai.

At night, Anzi followed Cheng Bing at work and wanted to attack him.Cheng Bing noticed that he was hiding in the door, and there were constant knocks on the door. After Cheng Bing prepared everything and went out and went downstairs, Pan Dahai led the police to arrive and arrested Anzi on the spot.

At the police station, Anzi refused to cooperate in the interrogation.It wasn't until Lin Ying got the DNA test report that she was sure that Anzi was Wang Dayong.

Cheng Bing was relieved to learn the situation and immediately sent the good news to everyone.​

《Endless Journey》E24Plot

Episode 24: Final Chapter

Episode 24: Final Chapter

After the police pushed the prisoner back, Wang Dayong silently allowed him to put on the prison uniform and slowly walked inside with handcuffs. After sitting down, he still refused to cooperate and continued to answer questions as Anzi.Unexpectedly, Pan Dahai found Cheng Bing again and planned to let him see Wang Dayong alone, because for the prisoner, the person in front of him was also a thorn in the other's heart.

After entering, the two old acquaintances did not make any further detours. Wang Dayong directly began to ask about his brother's situation, and then began to feel that the other party was the same person who used killing to solve the problem like himself. However, what the other party said to himBut he expressed disapproval and was prepared to make him pay for what he had done. Once he mentioned this, Wang Dayong also knew that the other party had many questions to ask himself, so he was ready to sit down and have a good chat with an old acquaintance.Unexpectedly, Cheng Bing was still very curious about why the other party escaped under tight security. After Wang Dayong listened to his question, he began to recall what happened that year, and that time he really thought he was the one who escaped.He will die, but God's will still makes people live tenaciously, and the person who expresses it does not intend to continue to believe in fate.

Then the two people chatted about the place where they once lived. After hearing the other person's experience, Wang Dayong began to feel that the two of them were more or less destined. However, the person opposite still said seriously that he was not the same person as him.After that, Wang Dayong continued to patiently talk to the people next to him about his cheating. He felt that the people in front of him had made him a good person. Otherwise, he would have continued to live as someone else. However, Cheng Bing still felt thatIt was a wrong choice for him to hurt others without scruples because of an obstacle in front of him. During the conversation, Wang Dayong also mentioned the things at home. You know, when he called Wang Miaomiao, it was the person in front of him who answered the phone.It was precisely because of the sensitivity of the two people that they followed the clues and found out what happened behind the scenes.

After that, Wang Dayong continued to ask the other party whether he would feel it was worth it if he didn't catch him in the end. But in the past, Cheng Bing would have felt that all this was not worth it, but now after a series of reasons because of finding someoneThe various people and things I encountered made me slowly understand that living in this life is not just the result of living, but the entire process of living. This process can also repair many things in people's hearts.Problems allow people to face their family and friends better, and they can be healed even when their faith collapses. These journeys along the way are considered practice for him. Even if there is no result, everything is worth it..

After all the dust settled, Cheng Bing had clearly explained what he needed to explain. He stood up as if he was relieved, and kindly advised the people in front of him to cooperate with the police's work, and finally left some dignity for himself in the following days.From then on, Wang Dayong calmly faced his prison sentence and accepted the bad results.

After returning to the car wash, Wang Miaomiao was still waiting for the people outside to come back. After knowing that the other party no longer had to run around, she began to feel very happy. Similarly, on the other side, after Zhao Xiaomai's father knew that the murderer had been caught and brought to justice,He bowed deeply towards the police station and put down the stone that had been in his heart for many years.

Cheng Bing on the other side then went back to the police station to meet Pan Dahai. The two also chatted about the situation at home. The man next to him proudly told the other party about his daughter. After seeing the person leave,Pan Dahai also shouted to the people next to him to remove everything about Wang Dayong from the wall.Taking advantage of the daytime, Cheng Bing brought his former Endless Journey friends to Uncle Qi's grave to tell them that he had completed the tasks he assigned, and saluted the old man deeply.​

Endless Journey

Endless Journey

Total 24 Episodes Dec 21, 2023 C-Drama Myst/Crime Actor: Qin Hao Li Naiwen Chen Minghao Lin Jiachuan