《Mr. Bad》Ep Intro

Nan Xing (played by Shen Yue), a girl who loves writing, accidentally summoned the villain Xiao Wudi (played by Chen Zheyuan) in her book when she made a wish. As soon as the smart and cunning Xiao Wudi came to this world, he threatened and blackmailed Nan Xing.When they arrived next door to Nan Xing's house, the two began a neighborhood life of constant fighting and fighting.

《Mr. Bad》E1Plot

Nanxing Fairy Spring Make a Wish

On a sunny morning, Nan Xiaoxing, a girl who had just graduated from the sports department's discus major, was standing in front of the window, staring into the distance.She lives with her mother Anina. Although she has lost the stage of her sports career, her heart is still full of enthusiasm and chivalrous spirit.In her world, heroism not only exists on the court, but also permeates every moment of daily life.

On this day, Nan Xiaoxing ushered in an important turning point in her life.Based on her interests, she submitted her resume to X Culture, the publishing company of the great writer and “男神” alumnus Lu Zichen.The night before the interview, as usual, she came to the mysterious Fairy Spring and made an unforgettable wish.However, she never expected that this simple wish would lead to a wonderful encounter that intersected time and space.

When Nan Xiaoxing stood at the door of the interview, her nervousness made her a little at a loss.She took a deep breath, trying to calm her inner turmoil.However, at this moment, a man in ancient costume suddenly appeared in front of her.He was dressed in black and had a stern face, like a knight from another world.Nan Xiaoxing's eyes widened and she looked at the person in front of her in disbelief.She didn't know yet that this man was the villain in her book - Xiao Wudi, a peerless demon who was born in a demon sect and committed all kinds of evil.

Although Xiao Wudi has a deep city, he doesn't know that he is actually a book person.He learned from Nan Xiaoxing that the current era was no longer the world he was familiar with.In order to adapt to this new environment as soon as possible, he made a special trip to the city library and quickly absorbed knowledge about history, technology, and even the current situation of the world.However, he is still confused as to why he traveled through five hundred years.

Just when Nan Xiaoxing was not performing well in the interview and feeling depressed, she suddenly found that the coin on her chest was shining brightly.Immediately afterwards, the man in ancient costume appeared in front of her again.This time, Nan Xiaoxing finally understood that this mysterious coin seemed to have the power to summon Xiao Wudi.What surprised her even more was that Xiao Wudi knew the stories in her book very well, as if he was the character in that story.

《Mr. Bad》E2Plot

Xiao Wudi follows Nan Xing home

Before the summoning occurred, Xiao Wudi's heart captured Nan Xing's subtle emotional fluctuations.It was an emotion mixed with fear and curiosity, like an irresistible attraction that he couldn't ignore.He heard her inner words clearly, and every word was like a drum beating in his heart, making him almost convinced that his journey across time and space was closely connected with this woman.

Xiao Wudi, a soul from ancient times, seems out of place in modern society.However, in order to solve the mystery between himself and Nan Xing, he decided to go deep into her world and help her get out of her predicament.His appearance caused waves in Nanxing's originally peaceful life.

Nan Xing, an ordinary modern woman, lived a simple and ordinary life.However, when the man in costume appears in front of her, her world is completely turned upside down.She finally connected the person in front of her with Xiao Wudi, who was described as the %Devil in the book. Fear made her want to run away, but Xiao Wudi followed her like a shadow until she reached her home.

Nan Xing was afraid that Xiao Wudi would do all kinds of evil things as described in the book, so he had to keep him temporarily.She faced his pickiness and indifference with kindness and patience, hoping to influence him and let him integrate into the world.And Xiao Wudi gradually realized that returning to ancient times did not happen overnight. He must learn to adapt to this new world.

With his excellent IQ and photographic memory, Xiao Wudi began to imitate the lifestyle of modern people and quickly integrated into this society.He learned the language, understood the culture, and even began to try to accept modern technology.His changes surprised Nan Xing and made her full of expectations for his future.

However, just when Nanxing felt relieved that her life was about to get on the right track, fate brought her new challenges.The call from the public security bureau forced her to identify the suspect who had been reported as a speeding robbery. On her way home, she received another call from the X Culture HR department informing her that she had been admitted.This series of good news made Nan Xing ecstatic, but he did not expect that behind this, there was a greater crisis hidden.

Someone began to follow Nan Xing, with unknown intentions.Faced with the sudden danger, Nanxing was not afraid and faced them bravely.However, at the critical moment, an unexpected flame triggered her panic disorder, putting her at a disadvantage.At this moment, Nanxing is facing an unprecedented dilemma, and her fate will be closely connected with Xiao Wudi.

《Mr. Bad》E3Plot

Nanxing arranges a place for Xiao Wudi

Nan Xing's impression of Xiao Wudi has changed subtly, which stems from his heroic feat of repelling the robbers.In order to express his gratitude, Nanxing led Xiao Wudi to Room 302 on the opposite floor on the same floor and let him stay there temporarily.This decision not only represents Nanxing's gratitude to Xiao Wudi, but also symbolizes her beginning to trust this once strange man.

That night in Room 302, Nan Xing and Xiao Wudi had an in-depth conversation.Xiao Wudi seemed to accidentally ask why Nan Xing was afraid of fire.Nan Xing's eyes revealed deep sadness. She explained that she had lost her family in an accident when she was young, and the fire left her with a deep fear.After hearing this story, Xiao Wudi felt a surge of complicated emotions in his heart.He felt Nan Xing's vulnerability, but he still chose to cover up his concern with an indifferent attitude, and even joked that he had mastered another of Nan Xing's weaknesses.

However, as time passed, Nanxing began to discover that Xiao Wudi had surprising secrets hidden in him.Not only does he have strong physical fitness, he also has a lot of modern knowledge.What's even more shocking is that he even started learning English. This monster-like learning ability left Nan Xing stunned.Seeing Xiao Wudi studying tirelessly every day, Nan Xing also felt his own pressure.She knew that she must learn how to be a professional social worker as soon as possible in order to gain a foothold in this competitive world.

On the day of registration, Nanxing learned a depressing news.It turned out that she was admitted by Ye Qing under special circumstances, but the company's president, Lu Zichen, did not recognize her.This news made Nanxing's mood instantly hit rock bottom.She felt like she was abandoned in a strange world, helpless and confused.Ye Qing encouraged her to have confidence and use her meticulousness and persistence. At the same time, she bluntly told her that Lu Zichen's assistant position had the highest elimination rate in the company.This news made Nan Xing feel even heavier. She felt as if she was standing on the edge of a cliff and could be fired at any time.

On her first day of employment, Nan Xing found no one to celebrate this new beginning with her.She was sitting alone in the corner of the restaurant, watching the couple at the next table gently wiping the girl's mouth. She couldn't help but sigh that she also wanted someone to wipe her mouth.This little wish was heard by Xiao Wudi again. He walked to Nan Xing's side and gently wiped the residue from the corner of her mouth.This simple gesture made Nan Xing feel a bit of warmth and comfort. She knew that in this strange world, at least Xiao Wudi was willing to be by her side.

As time goes by, the relationship between Nan Xing and Xiao Wudi gradually heats up.They face difficulties together, learn together, and grow together.Nan Xing began to discover that Xiao Wudi was not only a brave and fearless warrior, but also a knowledge master full of wisdom and talent.Xiao Wudi was also moved by Nan Xing's tenacity and kindness. He began to let go of his guard and sincerely accepted this woman who once seemed strange to him.

In the process, Nanxing also gradually learned how to be a professional social person.She is no longer afraid of challenges and difficulties, but bravely welcomes every new opportunity.She knows that only through continuous hard work and learning can she gain a foothold in this competitive world.And Xiao Wudi has been by her side, silently supporting her and encouraging her to move forward.

《Mr. Bad》E4Plot

Invincible promises to bring love to Nan Xing

After being summoned many times, Xiao Wudi finally deduced a troublesome fact - he must be tied to Nan Xing to help her fulfill those seemingly unreliable wishes.This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Xiao Wudi, who has always been free and unrestrained.He tried to escape and decided to move away, but accidentally saw the small guide to modern life left to him by Nan Xing.It was full of Nan Xing's love and expectation for life, which made Xiao Wudi couldn't help but feel soft.

He changed his mind, decided to stay, and promised to give Nan Xing an unforgettable love.However, the relationship had a rocky start.Nan Xing's mother Anina was surprised by Xiao Wudi's appearance, but her reaction was unexpectedly mild.In front of Anina, Xiao Wudi behaved well-behaved and sensible, and even enjoyed Anina's dark dishes.Annina marveled at this and lamented that no one in the world could do this except her son.

Xiao Wudi began to fantasize that maybe when Nan Xing found a boyfriend, he would be able to regain his freedom.So, he started looking for a suitable boyfriend for Nan Xing.However, this attempt failed.Nanxing still faces difficulties at work.Although she works meticulously, seriously and responsibly, and even takes the initiative to take on additional work, the communication problem between her and Lu Zichen has not been resolved for a long time.This made Lu Zichen even more dissatisfied with her attitude.

Lu Zichen and Ye Qing once again argued over the issue of assistants.He proposed to fire Nan Xing, and also took the opportunity to express his dissatisfaction with Ye Qing for finding a boyfriend.Ye Qing was confused by this and didn't understand where Lu Zichen's emotions came from.However, she did not give up fighting for the chance to stay for Nan Xing.With Ye Qing's help, Nan Xing was able to temporarily keep his job.

《Mr. Bad》E5Plot

Invincible hardcore confession makes an own mistake

In the bustling city, the story of Xiao Wudi and Nan Xing is unfolding.Xiao Wudi is an extremely smart planner who always has endless ideas.And Nan Xing, a girl full of dreams, is always looking forward to the appearance of her Prince Charming.

In order for Nan Xing to find her husband, Xiao Wudi had good intentions.He carefully planned a series of blind dates. However, these blind dates all seemed a little special--weird and unacceptable.Nan Xing was naturally unwilling in every possible way and eager to escape from these embarrassing scenes.

At this moment, Ye Qing's phone call came like a life-saving straw, inviting Nan Xing to go to Lu Zichen's house to pick up the manuscript.Nanxing was relieved and went immediately.However, when she arrived at Lu Zichen's house, she found him fainted in the bathtub.In desperation, Nan Xing had no choice but to summon Xiao Wudi to help.

The two worked together to revive Lu Zichen who was suffering from hypoglycemia. Nan Xing seemed a little nervous in the face of the unexpected situation.All this was seen by Xiao Wudi, who mistakenly thought that this was a sign that Nan Xing liked Lu Zichen.So, he decided to get to know more about Lu Zichen who suddenly appeared.

After a night of investigation, Xiao Wudi checked Lu Zichen's background thoroughly.Not only did he learn that Lu Zichen was the son of industrial tycoon Lu Zhenliang, but he also discovered that Lu Zichen did not start from scratch, but accepted investment from his father in the early stages of his business.He even guessed the type of girl Lu Zichen liked.

Nan Xing was very surprised when he learned all this.She resolutely rejected Xiao Wudi's suggestion to transform herself into the type Lu Zichen liked.In her heart, true love should not be based on transformation and catering.

At the same time, Anina's insinuation also caused Xiao Wudi to misunderstand.She hinted that the person Nan Xing valued must be someone who could live in this house, which made Xiao Wudi even more convinced that the person Nan Xing liked was herself.

《Mr. Bad》E6Plot

Xiao Wudi“ came back from the dead”

On a sunny afternoon, Xiao Wudi confidently announced his plan, but was laughed at mercilessly by Nan Xing.Nan Xing's outspoken confession that he had never liked Xiao Wudi gave this proud young man his first taste of self-esteem being frustrated.He couldn't accept this fact and decided to secretly plan to prove that Nan Xing's dislike was just a lie.

However, at this moment, X Culture faced its biggest public relations crisis since Nan Xing joined the company.The new chapter "Su Yu's Death" released by Lu Zichen aroused strong dissatisfaction among fans, and the pressure of public opinion put X Culture in trouble.In the chaos, Nan Xing accidentally learned of Lu Zichen's love for Ye Qing and the fact that he had received death threats.This news made Nan Xing feel anxious. She expressed her opinion forcefully to Lu Zichen for the first time. She didn't expect that such confidence would actually bear fruit.Lu Zichen casually agreed with Nan Xing that as long as she could catch this anti-fan, she would stay.

Faced with such a challenge, Nanxing took the initiative to seek help from Xiao Wudi.Unexpectedly, Xiao Wudi agreed immediately.This night, a suspicious intimidator appeared in X culture.Nan Xing chased him to a blind corner, only to see Xiao Wudi pretending to be dead and lying in a pool of blood%.Nan Xing cried heartbrokenly, but Xiao Wudi smiled and admitted that he was lying.Such a joke made Nan Xing very angry, and she would not allow Xiao Wudi to joke about life and death.

However, this farce made Xiao Wudi experience a care he had never experienced before.He was secretly moved and began to reflect on his behavior.He realizes that his plan is just out of his love for Nan Xing, but should such love be based on deception and lies?He began to rethink his feelings for Nan Xing and how he should express them.

At the same time, Nan Xing also re-examined himself during this crisis.She realized that when facing difficulties and challenges, she could no longer rely on others for help, but should learn to face and solve them herself.She decided to let go of her past pain and misunderstandings, and face Xiao Wudi and the relationship between them with a more mature attitude.

《Mr. Bad》E7Plot

Nanxing takes Xiao Wudi to experience modern life

In a building full of modern urban atmosphere, Lu Zichen promoted Nan Xing to a regular employee despite his reluctance.This decision filled Nanxing with joy and expectation, and she decided to express her gratitude in a special way - taking Xiao Wudi to experience modern life.

Xiao Wudi, a man who seemed cold but full of innocence at heart, did not reject Nan Xing's kindness.Under the leadership of Nan Xing, he experienced the bustling and hustle and bustle of the city, and his innocent and lovely side was also fully revealed in this experience.Nan Xing looked at Xiao Wudi and said bluntly: “You don't look like a bad person.”Hearing this, Xiao Wudi was stunned for a moment, then chuckled, but did not respond directly to Nan Xing's compliment.

By chance, Xiao Wudi saw Lu Zichen in the mall.Lu Zichen was hesitating whether to return the gift he had bought for Ye Qing, but unexpectedly ran into Ye Qing's boyfriend buying a ring.Looking at Lu Zichen's lonely back, Xiao Wudi already had the answer in his heart.He understood Lu Zichen's feelings for Ye Qing, which also made him once again have the idea of ​​​​bringing Nan Xing and Lu Zichen together.

Lu Zichen was depressed because of Ye Qing's incident, and his state was obviously depressed.Xiao Wudi saw this and had an idea in his mind.He deliberately hinted in front of Nan Xing that as an assistant, she should take the initiative to care about her boss. No matter where the boss goes, she should go with him. If the boss works overtime, she should also work overtime with him.After hearing what Xiao Wudi said, Nan Xing felt that it made sense and decided to take action.

However, she did not expect that all of this was Xiao Wudi's careful design.He took advantage of an opportunity and deliberately locked Nan Xing and Lu Zichen in the elevator together.In the elevator, the atmosphere between the two was a little subtle. Nan Xing tried to break the silence, but Lu Zichen seemed a little absent-minded.

This chance encounter gave Nanxing a deeper understanding of Lu Zichen, and also made her begin to re-examine her feelings for Lu Zichen.And Xiao Wudi's plan seemed to have achieved certain results quietly.

《Mr. Bad》E8Plot

Jealous King Xiao Wudi stalks Nan Xing's party

In the bustling city, everyone has their own story and plan.Xiao Wudi, a man who was always calm and composed, found himself breaking his plan this time. The reason for this made him unable to sleep late at night.

It all starts with a plan.Xiao Wudi, the mastermind behind this city, is always able to control everything at critical moments.However, this time he made a mistake.He tried to prevent Nan Xing from contacting Lu Zichen, but he did not expect that his actions would expose his identity.Nan Xing, the girl who was always full of energy and enthusiasm, was angry because of Xiao Wudi's calculations.The relationship between the two became tense and they eventually broke up.

Late at night, Xiao Wudi sat alone at home, his eyes full of confusion and contemplation.He asked himself, why did he make such a decision?He understood that this plan was of great significance to him, but why did he choose to give up at the critical moment?During his reflection, he gradually realized that he might have developed feelings for Nan Xing.This feeling made him lose his composure and made him make decisions that went against his original intentions.

As for Nan Xing, when she woke up the next day, although she was still angry with Xiao Wudi, she also realized that she could no longer escape.She decided to face Xiao Wudi bravely and communicate with him normally.She is no longer afraid of the man behind the scenes, because she knows that as long as she has the courage, she can defeat everything.

At the same time, a subtle alliance formed between Lu Zichen and Nan Xing.Although Lu Zichen is not looking for Nan Xing because of work, his trust and dependence on Nan Xing are gradually increasing.He repeatedly wanted to go to Ye Qing to inquire about the outcome of the proposal, but he always backed down at the last moment.He used the excuse that he had a friend who wanted to pursue Ye Qing, but in fact, he was that friend.Nan Xing saw his hesitation and uneasiness and decided to speak to him directly.She told Lu Zichen that if he really liked Ye Qing, he should express his feelings himself instead of asking his assistant to do these strange things.Nan Xing's words made Lu Zichen fall into deep thought, and he began to re-examine his feelings and attitude.

Nan Xing himself was also drinking and dining with friends at the party, enjoying a rare moment of relaxation.Although she was still worried about work problems, she knew that there would always be solutions to these problems.It wasn't until midnight that Xiao Wudi, who was already exhausted from waiting, received a knock on the door.When he opened the door, the first thing he saw was the drunk Nan Xing, holding high the ice cream he had always wanted to eat.This scene made Xiao Wudi feel complicated emotions. He knew that the story between him and Nan Xing was far from over.

《Mr. Bad》E9Plot

“My heartbeat after the ice cream kiss”

Nan Xing was drunk and fell asleep at Wu Di's house. Wu Di quietly carried her back to the next door, but before leaving, she was grabbed by Nan Xing in her sleep.Wuwei was so immersed in happiness that he forgot to go home and slept next to Nanxing's bed all night. It was not until he woke up the next day that he finally realized that he liked Nanxing.

Seeing the invincible in him, he fell into panic. He had never experienced love before and began to avoid Nan Xing deliberately.Nan Xing has not yet noticed the change in Wudi's feelings, but just asks him not to match her with him in the future, and the two of them should get along well as friends.On Anina's birthday, Nanxing invited Xiao Wudi to attend the birthday dinner.Wuwei reluctantly went there, carefully concealing himself, but almost revealed his love for Nanxing when he was spreading cakes during the banquet.

In order not to be seen through by Nan Xing, Wu Di refused the invitation to go home with her, determined to find a way to calm down and avoid contact with Nan Xing.Nan Xing was very puzzled by this and mistakenly thought that the other party was still angry and wanted to find a way to make him happy.At the same time, Lu Zichen finally made up his mind to pursue Ye Qing and carefully arranged a date to an art exhibition. Unexpectedly, Ye Qing, who was accustomed to his behavior pattern, mistakenly thought it was a work arrangement.

Lu Zichen felt wronged but had no one to complain to, and was also looking for a way to calm down.In the end, Wu Di and Lu Zichen, two frustrated people in love, met at a meditation meeting and were speechless.At the meditation meeting, Wu Di was summoned by Nan Xing to an escape room specially arranged for him.

《Mr. Bad》E10Plot

Xiao Wudi takes the initiative

Xiao Wudi was summoned to the secret room shop by Nan Xing and had no choice but to agree to play with Nan Xing. However, he was arranged by the NPC in the secret room to be locked up with Nan Xing in a secret room alone. Wudi, who did not want to expose himself, was particularly tortured and had to quickly overcome obstacles and solve the puzzle..

Before the final puzzle, the two must hug to unlock the sensor lock.Wudi wanted to refuse the hug, but after learning that Nan Xing arranged all this just to make him happy, he finally understood Nan Xing's mood and took the initiative to hug Nan Xing emotionally.

After the secret room, Wuwei found that he enjoyed the warm and happy feeling when he was with Nanxing, and began to look forward to getting along with Nanxing. Instead of looking for him, Nanxing found the other company to have lunch with him, and was bumped into by his colleagues, causing trouble.Lots of jokes.

Xiao Wudi was secretly angry, but Nan Xing didn't feel anything strange about the other party.Ye Qing accidentally discovered a novel written by Nan Xing before and admired her writing style very much. He hoped that she could submit a manuscript in the company's new author recruitment activity.Nan Xing had no confidence in his writing ability and was indecisive for several days, unintentionally neglecting Xiao Wudi.In order to get close to Nan Xing again, Xiao Wudi forced Nan Xing to accompany him again and again.

《Mr. Bad》E11Plot

Wudi pretends to be sick to seek attention

Wuwei pretended to be sick to coax Nanxing, and he was very happy when he saw that the other party tried his best to take care of his %sick self.But Nan Xing still had to work after all, so he asked Anina to come over and replace him the next day.Xiao Wudi was pretending to be ill, and Anina's care made him very burdened, so he had to be forced to fully recover.Lu Zichen was troubled by the lack of progress in his relationship with Ye Qing, so he tried hard to make excuses to ask Nan Xing to help.

Nan Xing suggested that he should try to understand Ye Qing's preferences and do things that Ye Qing likes to make her happy.Invincible was not satisfied with Nan Xing being able to give him only a small part of her attention, and tried every means to invade her entire life.In order to spend more time with her, Xiao Wudi did not hesitate to destroy the circuit of Nan Xing's house and asked them to move in next door temporarily.I tried my best to get the opportunity to watch a movie with Nan Xing alone, but Nan Xing was obsessed with celebrities.

The angry Wudi took Nan Xing to find another movie. Unexpectedly, the other party fell asleep out of boredom and rested his head on Xiao Wudi's shoulder.Xiao Wudi happily refused to wake up Nan Xing, and they were not called away by the staff until the movie was over.

《Mr. Bad》E12Plot

Invincible explores the ideal type of Nanxing

Nan Xing's decision was encouraged by Ye Qing, and he began to conceive of his own novel.As “material”, Invincible was indispensable in Nanxing's writing process, so he got a lot of time to spend with him.Because Nan Xing had no experience in love, Wuwei suggested that she could experience the feeling between lovers with her. However, when the situation came to an end, she retreated a little and changed the love elements in the novel to other directions and wrote - My Devil Neighbor -.At the same time, Lu Zichen once again asked Ye Qing out. This time he followed Nan Xing's suggestion and took her to do Ye Qing's favorite extreme sports.

Ye Qing was having a great time, but Lu Zichen, who had always been quiet, was left alone.Lu Zichen was unwilling to be unable to participate and reluctantly played with her. Eventually he fainted on the bungee jumping platform and was sent to the hospital by Ye Qing. When he woke up, he found that the other party was exchanging WeChat messages with a doctor who also loved extreme sports. He had to watch his carefullyThe planned date fell through again.But he didn't know that the reason why Ye Qing ignored Lu Zichen's actions was because he had told his father many years ago that he would not like Ye Qing.

Xiao Wudi discovered the manuscript of "My Demonic Neighbor" and changed the manuscript to "My Heroic Master" according to his own preferences.During the quarrel between the two, Wu Di finally realized that he had a very bad image in Nan Xing's heart.In order to reverse the situation, he did not hesitate to find Xiong Sisi to explore her ideal type, and packaged himself into a gentle, polite and considerate man from the outside to the inside, which surprised Nan Xing.

《Mr. Bad》E13Plot

Invincible is uncharacteristically gentle and considerate

Nan Xing was very uncomfortable with Xiao Wudi's uncharacteristic tenderness and thoughtfulness, and the writing was at a deadlock because he could not find the prototype of the male protagonist.Xiong Sisi was defrauded of money by her part-time gym. When Nan Xing learned about it, she was filled with indignation. Thinking that evil people will be punished by evil people, she took Xiao Wudi to collect debts.

Unexpectedly, Wudi still maintains his warm-mannered style, and when faced with villains, he still persuades Nan Xing with a pleasant face, causing Nan Xing to collapse again.The black-hearted company thought they were kind-hearted and easy to bully, so they intensified their behavior and even pushed them.Unable to bear it for a long time, Wudi returned to his true nature as a devil and used strategies to recover the debt reasonably and legally.However, the frustrated Wudi believed that his plan to change his image had failed. When Nan Xing pressed him, he blurted out that he only did these things to make her like him.

Nanxing was speechless, saying that he didn't hate Invincible.Xiao Wudi pretended not to care about Nan Xing's approval and secretly danced with joy.And Nan Xing also began to reflect on whether he had a preconceived concept when he wrote the image of Xiao Wudi as such a devil.For a moment, all the things Xiao Wudi had done for her flashed back in her mind, and she suddenly realized that Xiao Wudi was not as bad as she thought. She had truly found the direction of this book.

《Mr. Bad》E14Plot

“ Nan Wang Jin Xiao ” first experience of dating

Nan Xing and Xiao Wudi resolved their previous differences and decided to create together after some discussion.The two were in high spirits, discussing the plot together, revising the novel together, and rushed to send the manuscript before the deadline.Nanxing was a little dissatisfied with the dating plot in the novel, admitting that because she had never experienced a real date, the writing was not good.Invincible kept this matter secretly in his mind.Ye Qing confirmed the shortlisted works for this call for submissions. The editor-in-chief and others were surprised that Nan Xing submitted the submission, and the writing was unexpectedly good.

Nanxing and Wuwei opened the shortlisted email together, excitedly went to the company for a meeting as authors, and went to have a good meal in the evening to celebrate.On the way home after dinner, the two tentatively held hands in the name of experiencing the plot.The sound of her heartbeat made Nanxing confirm that she fell in love with Wuwei, but she didn't say it right away.Lu Zichen, who took the initiative to approach Ye Qing, talked about Nan Xing's manuscript and raised a question: Why would the male protagonist like someone like the female protagonist if he is so smart, noble and excellent?

Ye Qing was speechless at Lu Zichen's dullness and told him that feelings are not like this, “you really don't understand love”, but Lu Zichen cared about what Ye Qing said “don't understand love”, and thought he understood.

《Mr. Bad》E15Plot

Nanxing invites Wuwei to attend the PEN conference

Nanxing mustered up the courage to invite Wuwei to attend the PEN conference, and Wuwei readily agreed.At the same time, Lu Zichen and Ye Qing also came to the venue separately.Lu Zhenliang, the always strict father, still belittled his son in front of his classmates in order to let his son inherit his company one day.

Lu Zichen was very angry, but fortunately he was persuaded by Ye Qing.Ye Qing tactfully stated that the two were just good friends and told Lu Zichen not to think too much, but secretly recalled the past when Lu Zhenliang asked him to give up Lu Zichen in exchange for investment money.Xiao Wudi and Nan Xing excitedly participated in the pen meeting in the ancient town of Water Village.

《Mr. Bad》E16Plot

Nan Xing confesses to Xiao Wudi

After dinner, Nan Xing, Xiao Wudi and the team separated. Xiao Wudi excused himself as tired and went back to the room to feel alone.But she was suddenly summoned by Nan Xing. Xiao Wudi covered her eyes from behind because he was worried about Nan Xing having a panic attack, and asked her angrily what she was doing here.

Nan Xing said that because this is a holy place for confession, Xiao Wudi said painfully, I am not a real person, I may leave at any time, and I cannot give you a happy future.Nan Xing said that she had already lost once and left the future to the future. This time she only wanted the present.Under the romantic fireworks, Wuwei was touched by Nanxing's words, and the two finally embraced each other.That night, when the fireworks were rising, Lu Zichen confessed his love to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing felt that Lu Zichen hadn't thought about it well at all.The ancient town is bustling with activity. Nanxing and Wuwei are like young lovers in love, nervous and excited at the same time, walking around sweetly.The next day, everyone packed up and prepared to go back.Nan Xing found that Lu Zichen did not come to the lobby to gather, and wanted to find Lu Zichen.Ye Qing said not to worry about it, Lu Zichen left last night, and they could just go back.

After returning home, due to the special situation between himself and Xiao Wudi, Nan Xing didn't know how to tell Anina, so the two of them agreed not to tell Anina for the time being, and deliberately avoided suspicion in front of Anina.

《Mr. Bad》E17Plot

Invincible learns that he comes from a novel

Nan Xing, who fell in love for the first time, was filled with joy and looked happy even when she went to work.On the other hand, Lu Zichen's side was gloomy and gloomy.He couldn't face Ye Qing's rejection, couldn't distinguish between work and personal feelings, and couldn't handle his relationship with Ye Qing well.

Ye Qing was very embarrassed. In order to get Lu Zichen back on track, she chose to resign, regardless of whether Lu Zichen agreed or not.Having made up her mind, Ye Qing immediately began to hand over the tasks at hand, one of which was to check for Nan Xing before leaving to prevent Xiao Wudi from harming her author's rights.Ye Qing asked Nanxing to inform Xiao Wudi to come to the company for an interview the next day.Nan Xing was still immersed in a happy love and told Xiao Wudi about this during a sweet date with him.

They had no idea of ​​the coming changes.The next day, during a private interview with Ye Qing, Xiao Wumei unexpectedly discovered that he was the villain in the fanfic written by Nan Xing earlier, and he was shocked.Under Xiao Wudi's questioning, Nan Xing remembered the matter and admitted that Wudi was indeed the villain she wrote.Xiao Wudi couldn't accept this fact and left angrily.Nan Xing was filled with guilt and wanted to apologize to him, but he avoided her.Late at night, looking at Nan Xing who was still waiting downstairs, Xiao Wudi couldn't bear to appear in front of her.

《Mr. Bad》E18Plot

Nanxing prepares a surprise for Xiao Wudi

Xiao Wudi accepted Nan Xing's apology but was still depressed because he felt that he was not real and his life was meaningless.Unable to answer Xiao Wudi's problem, Nan Xing struggled to think about the meaning of life, and was finally awakened by Anina. The meaning of life is not something to be imagined, but to be lived.

Nan Xing immediately went to enlighten Xiao Wudi and told him not to worry about his identity anymore, because he already lived a more exciting and meaningful life than many real people.Xiao Wudi has actually been enlightened, but he still wants to continue to be comforted by Nan Xing, expressing that he has huge regrets about his missing childhood and life.Nanxing naturally wanted to make up for his regrets and started busy planning.

On the other side, Ye Qing returned to his wonton shop to help, and Lu Zichen was also approached by his father.He learned that his father was willing to invest because Ye Qing persuaded him and agreed not to be with Lu Zichen, not because he was optimistic about him.Lu Zichen was greatly hit, and he decided to stand on his own feet and completely get rid of Lu Zhenliang's control.Nan Xing carefully prepared a surprise for Xiao Wudi, complementing his series of experiences including birth, schooling, graduation, etc. Xiao Wudi kissed her movedly.

In the sweet moment between the two, Nan Xing's coin shone with a mysterious light and enveloped them, and Xiao Wudi disappeared in this light.

《Mr. Bad》E19Plot

Nanxing misses Xiao Wudi from afar

Nan Xing searched everywhere for Xiao Wudi but failed, and then figured out that since he had given her unforgettable love, his mission had been completed, so he went back.Xiao Wudi also found himself back in Hehuan Palace, and tried several times to return to Nanxing without success.

Nan Xing experienced her first breakup in love. She originally thought she would be devastated, but found that she was unusually calm.Ye Qing's departure and Lu Zichen's departure from his father's group caused the company to face unprecedented challenges. Nanxing became extremely busy and unknowingly took on a lot of things.She saw that Lu Zichen repeatedly ran into obstacles while looking for investors, and had no choice but to sell the house to save the company.

Nan Xing was shocked by Lu Zichen's desperate behavior. She went to Ye Qing privately to persuade Lu Zichen not to be so impulsive.Although Ye Qing said she no longer cares about the company's affairs, she still sent a concerned message to Lu Zichen, but the other party did not reply.Nan Xing was busy looking at the wind chimes he and Wudi made together, and missed Xiao Wudi across the distance in time and space.

《Mr. Bad》E20Plot

Xiao Wudi appears in times of crisis

Nan Xing originally thought that she would remain calm, but while drinking and talking with Ye Qing, her suppressed emotions finally burst through the dam and she burst into tears.After venting her emotions, Nan Xing received instructions from Lu Zichen to go to the company to get the manuscript. At this time, Lu Zichen had lost his house and moved to the company.

Lu Zichen accidentally knocked over the scented candle and ignited the manuscript paper, causing a fire.Nan Xing had a panic attack when she saw this scene. At the critical moment, Xiao Wudi appeared and hugged her.Nan Xing was very excited when she saw Xiao Wudi who had recovered. Xiao Wudi was very indifferent, as if he had lost his memory and didn't recognize her, and he said goodbye to her in a hurry.In fact, Xiao Wudi was pretending to have amnesia, because he knew that he had conditions and tasks to come back this time, and he didn't know when he would disappear again.

He didn't want to hurt Nan Xing again, so he had no choice but to make this move.Nan Xing actually saw through Xiao Wudi's disguise but did not reveal it. He summoned him to his side and forced him to change clothes and take a shower.In order for Xiao Wudi to take off his disguise as soon as possible, Nan Xing asked Lu Zichen to move into his home. Firstly, it solved Lu Zichen's accommodation problem, and secondly, it was to stimulate Xiao Wudi.Sure enough, Xiao Wudi couldn't stand the stimulation, revealed everything to Nan Xing and asked to stay.

Nan Xing scolded Xiao Wudi, but was also moved that he thought about himself, and agreed with him that the two of them should not think so far this time and cherish the moment.Late at night, Nan Xing watched Xiao Wudi making excuses to sleep on the floor of her bedroom. She couldn't laugh or cry, and she also understood that Xiao Wudi couldn't bear to leave her.

《Mr. Bad》E21Plot

Nanxing novel successfully launched

After Lu Zichen moved into Nan Xing's house, he saw Nan Xing's busy work status from the side and felt how Ye Qing felt back then.Lu Zichen reflected on his naivety and took the initiative to go to Ye Qing to express his apology, saying that he did not want her to be bound by him and that she should do what she liked.

Ye Qing was in trouble, what exactly is the thing that he likes?Nan Xing took Xiao Wudi to visit the graves of his father and Mao Xiaojun, and solemnly introduced him to his mother Anina as her boyfriend.Anina was happy at first and asked Xiao Wubi what his plans were for his and Nanxing's future. Wubi said that he had not thought about it well and could not tell Anina the reason.Anina turned to Nanxing to seek answers, but Nanxing also asked her mother not to ask further about the matter.Anina began to disapprove of this relationship in her heart.That night, Xiao Wudi dreamed about what happened to Mao Xiaojun and Nan Xing when they were young, and was surprised to find that Mao Xiaojun liked Nan Xing.

The scenes in the dream appeared in Xiao Wudi's mind from time to time, and he could not leave for a long time.Xiao Wudi thought about it again and again, guessing that maybe this was his mission when he came back this time, to tell Nan Xing about Mao Xiaojun's love?At this time, Xiao Wuhui had not yet made up his mind on this matter.Nan Xing's novel was successfully launched and was very popular and well received.To celebrate the release of the novel, Nan Xing and Xiao Wudi made an appointment to go to a restaurant for dinner.It was originally a happy scene, but because the next table ordered flame steak, Nan Xing's panic disorder broke out again.

《Mr. Bad》E22Plot

Invincible decided to help Nan Xing untie her heart knot

Nan Xing did not take the panic attack seriously at first, thinking that he was under too much stress and that he could just rest for two days.Xiao Wudi realized the seriousness of the problem.Under his questioning, Nan Xing told about his past with Mao Xiaojun and the fire that year.Xiao Wudi was convinced that Nan Xing's knot was related to what happened that year. In order to untie Nan Xing's knot, he told Nan Xing that Mao Xiaojun liked her back then.

But Nan Xing didn't believe it and decided that this was just Xiao Wudi's comfort.In order to completely untie Nan Xing's knot, Xiao Wudi went to find Anina, revealed his identity to her, asked her to help him, and then began an intensive plan.

Lu Zichen deliberately asked Nan Xing to resign so that she could devote all her body and mind to writing, and gave her an author contract for her to consider carefully.Nan Xing quickly thought about it and said, "I've thought about it. I'm resigning. I want to devote myself to my favorite writing career." The speed was so fast that Lu Zichen couldn't help but ask her to think about it again.Nan Xing shared the good news with Ye Qing, and her excitement about realizing her dream inspired Ye Qing.

Ye Qing figured out that what she liked was to be by Lu Zichen's side and help him, so she went to X Culture to apply for the position of assistant to the president.When Nan Xing handed over the job before leaving her job, she found that the person who applied for the job was actually Ye Qing. She was pleasantly surprised. Knowing that Ye Qing was here, she could hand over the job with confidence.

《Mr. Bad》E23Plot

Xiao Wudi stayed to guard Nanxing

After Lu Zichen learned that the new assistant was Ye Qing, his first reaction was to fire her.It wasn't until Ye Qing explained to him that what she liked was to be by his side and help him, that Lu Zichen could accept it, and the two finally reconciled.Faced with Lu Zhenliang coming to make things difficult, Lu Zichen decided not to be weak anymore and bravely stepped forward to protect Ye Qing.

Xiao Wudi forced Nanxing to put on the school uniform from that year and go back to school to relive the past in order to relieve his knot.Nan Xing looked at Xiao Wudi in his school uniform and couldn't help but express all the guilt that had been stored in her heart for many years. She always felt that it was her love that caused Mao Xiaojun's death.Xiao Wudi told Nan Xing not to blame himself, because he paid willingly and he had always liked Nan Xing.

Nan Xing finally let go, the two kissed passionately, and fireworks rose behind them. This time Nan Xing was completely healed.Xiao Wudi thought that after solving Nan Xing's heart knot, he would disappear completely, but only then did Xiao Wudi learn the truth: he was not the big villain in Nan Xing's works, but the villain created by Mao Xiaojun to protect Nan Xing.Xia.

So he will stay and protect Nanxing for the rest of his life.Xiao Wudi also solved his identity problem, and the two told Anina the good news together. Now they no longer need to worry about the future.

《Mr. Bad》E24Plot

"Nan Wang Jin Xiao" held a wedding

Xiao Wudi and Nan Xing were like ordinary lovers, happily choosing a date, getting the certificate, and using 302 as their wedding room.On the wedding day, all their relatives and friends came to the scene to witness their happiness.Junior brother Xiaohao also proposed to Xiong Sisi at the wedding. A few years later, Nan Xing's novel has become a huge success.In terms of family, Wudi is still out of tune after marriage, but this does not affect him and Nan Xing living a happy life. They also have a lovely child.

In addition, Nan Xing's family and friends also found their own happiness.Mother Anina looked at Xiao Wudi as if she had seen her son, and felt very comforted.Ye Qing and Lu Zichen are also married and have a lovely daughter.

After the marriage, Lu Zichen completely became Ye Qing's good wife, but he enjoyed it.Nanxing was worried that Xiao Wudi would disappear and lived every day as if it was his last.But Nan Xing didn't know that this annoying “villain boyfriend” had lied to him again.Mao Xiaojun's wish was that Xiao Wudi would never leave her before his life was over.

Mr. Bad

Mr. Bad

Total 24 Episodes Sep 30, 2022 C-Drama Myst Actor: Qu Jingjing Luo Mingjie Shen Yue Chen Zheyuan