《New Life Begins》Ep Intro

Because of a marriage promotion, girls from all over the world gathered in Xinchuan.Yin Zheng (played by Bai Jingting), the Six Young Masters of Xinchuan who is keeping a low profile and bides his time, unexpectedly becomes acquainted with Li Wei (played by Tian Xiwei), who just wants to work hard to win the election and live comfortably in his hometown. Together, they start a new life that is full of situations but complements each other.As Yin Zheng opened his house and went to court, the two gradually had similar tastes and hearts. They spent three meals and four seasons together, and grew up with other brothers and sisters with different personalities and fates. Together they wrote the warm daily life of the Xinchuan family.

《New Life Begins》E1Plot

Yin Zheng caught Li Wei and ate it secretly

On the land of Jiuchuan, headed by Xinchuan, there are nine major rivers: Jinchuan, Mochuan, Danchuan, Daichuan, Cangchuan, Yingchuan, Yanchuan and Jichuan.In order to maintain the balance of Jiuchuan, Xinchuan has always had a tradition of marrying each other. It selects outstanding women in Jiuchuan and appoints them to young masters of the right age to maintain the relationship with each river.With another women's election in Jiuchuan, Li Wei, who came from Jichuan and was determined to lose the election, gathered in Xinchuan with the Rouchuan lady Hao Jia, Danchuan Princess Shangguanjing and others.

《New Life Begins》E2Plot

Li Wei marries Yin Zheng as his concubine

Li Wei only wanted to lose the election and go home as soon as possible, but she received the news that she was accused of being married to the Sixth Young Master.It turned out that Li Wei's performance gave Master Xinchuan a big headache. He really didn't know how to deal with her properly. No matter how he pointed it out to the young master, he would feel sorry for his son. However, as the only contestant submitted by Jichuan, he was afraid of sending her directly back to his hometown for fear of refuting Jichuan.face.Yin Zheng had never seen his father in such a difficult situation, so he took the initiative to share the worries of Lord Xinchuan and expressed his willingness to marry her.

《New Life Begins》E3Plot

Li Wei doesn’t want to consummate her marriage with Yin Zheng

Half a month passed, and Yin Zheng came out on top in the examination. When he returned, he saw Li Wei in mourning.When Li Wei saw that Yin Zheng was not only fine, but his face was glowing, and his stomach problems had been taken care of by him, he realized that he had misunderstood and was very broken.Yin Zheng wasn't angry either. He found her frightened look amusing, so he just teased Li Wei.When Mrs. Xinchuan learned that Yin Zheng had recovered, she arranged for the two of them to hold a make-up wedding.Li Wei tried every means to avoid being favored, and even used Song Wu, his wife's adopted daughter, as a shield.

《New Life Begins》E4Plot

Yin Zheng and Li Wei's strategy for the three young masters

Li Wei and Yin Zheng joined hands. One used soft and hard tactics to shake the heart of the third young master, while the other started with the third young master's wife Dong Haitang, and finally persuaded the third young master to return to the palace by himself.This cooperation also made Yin Zheng aware of Li Wei's abilities.He discussed with Li Wei that he already had a family and needed to start a career as soon as possible so that he could enter the court and seek employment as soon as possible.During this period, he needed to establish an image of a stable family business in front of his father, and he also needed Li Wei's cooperation.

《New Life Begins》E5Plot

Yin Zheng fights against injustice for Li Wei

Li Wei and Shangguan Jing were punished for being disrespectful to their mother-in-law, and Yin Zheng was also called to a parent-teacher meeting.After Yin Zheng learned about the cause and effect, instead of blaming Li Wei, he also defended the girls in Neiyuan Academy. After returning home, he comforted Li Wei and helped her apply medicine.Li Wei was so touched that she no longer just worked hard to eat and drink well for herself. She began to seriously want to help Yin Zheng maintain a good stomach, and customized a stomach-nourishing recipe for him.

《New Life Begins》E6Plot

Li Wei celebrates Yin Zheng’s birthday

Through the Jiuchuan delicacies at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, Li Wei and Yin Zheng also talked about the importance of unblocking land transportation in Danchuan and the shortage of supplies in Cangchuan, which impressed the new Lord of Sichuan.Lord Xinchuan wanted to reward his son, but Yin Zheng asked for a reward to allow Li Wei to see his family.It turned out that when he saw Li Wei missing her family on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, he silently remembered it in his heart and facilitated the reunion of Li Wei and his family on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

《New Life Begins》E7Plot

Yin Zheng Li Wei Danchuan trip

When they arrived in Danchuan, they tasted the hot food and experienced the unique local customs.Shangguan Jing's sister, Shangguan Yan, the lord of Danchuan, was dissatisfied with Yin Qi, so she made every possible effort to make things difficult for her. She formulated four evaluations for her husband's appearance, husband's manners, husband's morality, and husband's strength, in order to vent her anger on her sister.Yin Qi passed all the tests and finally met Shangguan Jing.

《New Life Begins》E8Plot

Yin Zheng and Li Wei drunken kiss

In desperation, Yin Zheng, who has always been best at hiding his feelings, expressed his feelings for Li Wei in public.Upon seeing this, Lord Danchuan stopped embarrassing the young couple and agreed to let his sister go back with Lao Wu as long as Shangguan Jing could be happy.Later, before Yin Zheng could speak, Li Wei said that she understood that he only said that to refuse the marriage.

《New Life Begins》E9Plot

Yin Zheng and the three young masters collect the owed money

Yin Zheng thought that during the First Lord's time, officials had borrowed funds from the Household Affairs Department for organizing activities, and some of the money they owed had not yet been repaid, so he teamed up with Li Wei and roped in Yin An, an old master of the business community.Yin Zheng and the three young masters each used their own methods, using soft and hard tactics, to collect all the money owed by the previous government and cover 40% of the debt. This solved Xinchuan's urgent need and made the three young masters who didn't like him look at him with admiration.

《New Life Begins》E10Plot

Yin Zheng shows Li Wei his new home

Seeing that Yin Zheng and Li Wei were getting closer and closer, Song Wu felt dissatisfied. The next day, he went to school and threatened to compare Li Wei to Li Wei. As a result, Li Wei and his sisters were punished by their grandmother, and even Yin Zheng was punished.Mother and wife called to lecture.Li Wei felt that she had implicated many people, and felt very guilty. She decided to work hard, change her appearance, and finally got the best in the school.

《New Life Begins》E11Plot

Li Wei accepts Yin Zheng’s confession

After opening the mansion, they had to hold an opening banquet. Li Wei and Liu Baoquan studied various dishes and invited the sisters to try them. Everyone gained weight and couldn't fit into the clothes issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They began to worry about losing weight. DongHaitang even fainted from starvation due to the diet.Li Wei called on everyone to take care of their bodies and make their clothes bigger together.Yin Zheng was a little nervous when he went to court for the first time. Li Wei encouraged him and agreed that she would wait for him to have dinner at home after he went to court, which meant she agreed to stay for him.

《New Life Begins》E12Plot

Yin Zheng Yuanying jointly refuses marriage and cooperation

When Yin Zheng returned home, Li Wei happily told him that the preparations for the opening of the mansion were almost complete, the decoration was almost finished, the food list for the opening banquet was also ready, and a table of delicious food was prepared for him to eat together, Yin Zheng looked heavy and was at a loss for the first time.After learning about the marriage, Li Wei looked at the new yard alone and lamented that she spent a long time decorating it and didn't know if the hostess liked it.There was a wedding in the palace, and Li Wei was feeling sad while eating the jujubes that Yin Zheng brought back from Xinchuan.

《New Life Begins》E13Plot

Yin Zheng and Li Wei are preparing for the official banquet

After discussing the cooperation, Yuanying began to make drastic reforms in the mansion, getting up early to clock in, maintaining a healthy diet, canceling the curfew, and turning off the lights at midnight. A series of high-pressure training made Li Wei complain endlessly, and Yin Zheng also doubled the pressure.Under the high pressure, both Yin Zheng and Li Wei were a little tired. They understood each other's feeling of tiredness, so they secretly went to the kitchen to eat midnight snacks. Yuanying actually saw the two of them, but did not expose them and smiled helplessly., let the two of them go.

《New Life Begins》E14Plot

The fifth young master was poisoned at the house banquet

Just when the Sixth Young Master thought that no one would come, Shangguan Jing appeared first, followed by the Fifth Young Master Yin Qi, Dong Haitang, the Third Young Master Yin An, Hao Jia, the Seventh Young Master Yin Yan and Ruan Sisi, allHe came to Jingyuan despite the pressure from his eldest son.Everyone ate together warmly and happily.Suddenly, the fifth young master Yin Qi became dizzy and vomited, which seemed to be symptoms of food poisoning.After Li Wei read the recipe, she discovered that the originally ordered lettuce had been replaced by amaranth.

《New Life Begins》E15Plot

Yin Zheng reopened the mansion

During the period of confinement, Yin Zheng was a little discouraged. Li Wei wanted to comfort him and make him happy. Yin Zheng suddenly felt relieved. He had been working hard since he was a child and never relaxed for a moment, so he decided to take this opportunity to take a rest.So, everyone played cards and set traps together, and had a great time. Suddenly, Yuan Ying's sinister face suddenly appeared behind him, scolding how he still had the time to play when the government was closed, which shocked everyone.

《New Life Begins》E16Plot

Song Wu was granted the title of princess

Li Wei and Yuanying had a dinner with the sisters. It was a rare occasion for them to go out for a reunion. They drank and chatted, but accidentally got drunk and were taken home by their respective husbands.Although Hao Jia was punished again, Zhao Fangru prepared food. Although she always said unpleasant words, the relationship between the two was quietly changing, and a friendship of mutual sympathy and understanding gradually developed, and they gradually moved toward reconciliation.

《New Life Begins》E17Plot

Yin Zheng and Li Wei were sent as envoys to Mochuan

The eldest young master did not hesitate to disobey the military order and leave the station for the sake of his daughter, and openly opposed the marriage intention of the new master in the court.Jiang Yue, the eldest young master's wife, also saw that Song Wu was just pretending to be ill and suddenly came to visit the sixth young master's mansion. She was actually looking for an excuse to find out what was going on.Li Wei and Yuanying helped Song Wu smooth things over, but they also discovered that Jiang Yue and the eldest young master were both devoted to their daughters. Li Wei thought that if her parents didn't want her to marry far away, she would endanger herself and others, so she and Yin Zheng reached an agreement that they couldn't do for each other.Song Wu deceived Princess Ping'an's consensus.

《New Life Begins》E18Plot

Yin Zheng gets official position

After some back and forth, Yin Zheng and Brother Qiao finally settled the matter.After talking about the plan, a group of people inspected the farming and implemented the policies, and finally settled the matter with Lord Mo Chuan.After finishing the business, Li Wei suggested that everyone, since they came to Mochuan, could visit their grandpa's house. Yin Zheng, the fifth young master, and the third young master all said that they had not been sober since they came to Mochuan, and they finally didn't have to worry about going to see their grandpa.They got drunk, but Grandpa Li Wei turned out to be a tough old man named Kong Wu, and he fell down after being drunk by the three of them again.

《New Life Begins》E19Plot

Song Wu meets scholar Song Wu

Just when Song Wu almost lost confidence in his feelings, at the night market in Xinchuan, Song Wu met Song Wu, a scholar with the same name and surname as himself. Song Wu experienced the pounding feeling of his heart for the first time.The third young master was in charge of the family. He was once again asked by his elders about his childlessness for many years. He was very puzzled. Little did he know that Dong Haitang and the solar terms girls had used various methods to avoid having children without telling him.

《New Life Begins》E20Plot

Li Wei proposed to open a store and start a business

Song Wu was just a scholar, and he was different from Song Wu, who was a princess. Lord Xinchuan objected to their marriage, saying bluntly that if Song Wu's marriage was approved, all princesses and young masters would be free to marry, and there would be chaos.Tsunasa.In the end, Song Wu was willing to give up his position as princess, while Song Wu rejected Yin Zheng's proposal to exempt him from the scientific examination and directly join the officialdom. The two eventually became an ordinary and happy couple. Yin Zheng and LiWei and Yuanying sincerely bless her.

《New Life Begins》E21Plot

Jiuchuan Food Club opens

Yin Zheng comforted Li Wei about the Ren Bin Banquet. Li Wei knew that she couldn't blame Yin Zheng for this matter, and she couldn't vent her anger on such nihilistic things as rules, but she was really aggrieved and could only calm down and disappear for the time being.Yin Zheng, she made an agreement with Yin Zheng to calm down for three days before meeting again.The restaurant jointly owned by Li Wei, Yuan Ying, Dong Haitang and the solar terms girls was finally prepared. Shangguan Jing and Ruan Sisi also joined the team. The nine girls pressed their fingerprints together to form a nine-petal flower. The building of Jiuchuan Food Club was officially opened.Open.

《New Life Begins》E22Plot

Hao Jia is pregnant

Li Wei and her sisters' business was prosperous, and she wanted to recruit Hao Jia to do business together, but Hao Jia was imprisoned in the mansion by Yin Song, and she was not allowed to interact with her sisters.After finally meeting Hao Jia, everyone discovered that Hao Jia had bruises on her body. Then they knew that Yin Song had been violent to Hao Jia and decided to help Hao Jia leave Yin Song. However, at this juncture, they discovered that she was pregnant.

《New Life Begins》E23Plot

Yin Zheng resumes restaurant operations

The three young masters took Yin Qi to impeach Lord Yue, but Yin Zheng remained calm and transferred Lord Yue by issuing new coins so that he could no longer go to the restaurant to cause trouble.The Marquis of Yue took advantage of the fact that he was an elder, and deliberately made it difficult for Yin Zheng to drink. Yin Zheng announced the opening of the restaurant in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, and punished himself for drinking and asking the Marquis of Yue to leave.

《New Life Begins》E24Plot

Li Wei helps Hao Jia leave

Li Wei secretly took the doctor to see Hao Jia, and Zhao Fangru also helped. The doctor diagnosed Hao Jia with qi depression, but Yin Song ignored Hao Jia's mental state and just asked her to take good care of the fetus. Li Wei couldn't stand it anymore, and she andThe sisters discussed to find a way to let Hao Jia leave.In order not to implicate Yin Zheng, Li Wei asked Yin Zheng to write a letter of divorce and distance himself from herself, but Yin Zheng said that he would bear the responsibility together no matter what, allowing Li Wei to do what he wanted to do.

《New Life Begins》E25Plot

Hao Jia committed suicide by throwing himself into the lake

When Yin Song learned that Hao Jia had not given birth to a child, his attitude suddenly changed. He showed no concern for Hao Jia and ignored his newly born daughter.Hao Jia was on the verge of emotional collapse and could not face the crying baby. She cried all day long and was put into a forbidden room by Yin Song.At the same time, Zhao Fangru also learned the truth about her years of infertility, also thanks to Yin Song.

《New Life Begins》E26Plot

Yin Zheng reconciled with Mrs. He

With everyone's help, Hao Jia successfully left Yin Song's mansion and stayed in a restaurant temporarily.The sisters were also inspired to launch confinement meals in the restaurant and popularize knowledge about postpartum qi stagnation to guests, so that everyone would pay attention to the mental state of pregnant women.Mrs. He summoned Li Wei. Li Wei had heard that Mrs. He was in the same situation back then, so he comforted Mrs. He so that Mrs. He would no longer be too harsh on himself. He also made Yin Zheng understand Mrs. He and comforted him for the grievances he had felt since childhood.

《New Life Begins》E27Plot

Yin Zheng and Yin Qi were held accountable by Lord Xinchuan

Yin Zheng suspected that the counterfeit currency was related to Yin Song, but found that Yin Song had put the blame on the third young master.In order to uphold justice, Yin Zheng decided to thoroughly investigate the counterfeit currency and catch the mastermind behind it.Yin Zheng took Yin Qi out on business and learned about the impact of the road closure incident at the junction of Danchuan and Daichuan on local businessmen. He decided to let it go before reporting it. Unexpectedly, it fell into Yin Song's favor and he was charged with trespassing.

《New Life Begins》E28Plot

Yin Qi was demoted to a commoner

Mrs. Chun took the initiative to plead guilty and asked Lord Xinchuan to demote Yin Qi to a commoner in exchange for his freedom.Lord Xinchuan finally made a decision, and Yin Qi was deposed, but Shangguan Jing never left him and did not exercise her right to reconcile. The two became friends in adversity.On the other side, Yin Zheng was suspended, and Jiuchuan Food Club and Women's Chamber of Commerce were also shut down. However, Li Wei and her sisters did not get depressed because of this. Instead, they cheered up and made various preparations, believing that the restaurant would eventually reopen.day.

《New Life Begins》E29Plot

Yin Song was deposed and exiled

Yin Zheng resisted the pressure and submitted the evidence to Lord Xinchuan.According to the law, Yin Song should be sentenced to death, but Yin Zheng still made a stipulation that Yin Song should apologize in public to save his life.The young master broke the law and was guilty of the same crime as the common people. Even though it was heartbreaking, Master Xinchuan had to make the final decision to depose Yin Song as the eldest son and exile him.During the liquidation of the eldest son's mansion, Yin Zheng came to visit Yin Song, and the two finally gave each other advice.

《New Life Begins》E30Plot

Lao Wu breaks into Danchuan to find Shangguan Jing

Shangguanjing was so sad that she returned to Danchuan again when she heard that Lao Wu wanted to make peace. Li Wei and Yuanying scolded Lao Wu when they heard about it. Lao Wu also regretted it and was very sad until Yin Qi learned that Shangguanjing was looking for a son-in-law., could no longer suppress his feelings, and finally decided to step into Danchuan's situation again and apologize to Shangguanjing.After passing many tests again, Yin Qi is now a completely different person from before. Not only can he eat spicy food, but he has also mastered the skill of hiding, which makes everyone in Danchuan look at him with new eyes.

《New Life Begins》E32Plot

After negotiating with Li, Yuanying stayed in Jinchuan

Yuan Ying's mother deliberately told Lord Jinchuan some of Yuan Ying's suggestions to let Lord Jinchuan see Yuan Ying's ability, but Lord Jinchuan still refused to let go.Li Wei, Yin Zheng and Yuanying analyzed why Lord Jinchuan was so stubborn. Li Wei finally saw that Lord Jinchuan was not a person who only considered interests. The reason for his opposition was that he was worried that his daughter would be alone for the rest of his life after divorce, so he boldly revealed Lord Jinchuan's thoughts., Lord Jinchuan pondered for a long time, but still refused to admit it.

《New Life Begins》E33Plot

Li Wei's apprenticeship with Yin Zheng is jealous

Yin Qi found Shangguan Jing who was far away from home and followed her secretly. Shangguan Jing had discovered him a long time ago and wanted to persuade him to go back. However, Yin Qi claimed that he was a living map of Jiuchuan and wanted to be a guide for Shangguan, but he took Shangguan directly.Reached a dead end.Seeing that Shangguanjing didn't want to take him with him, Yin Qi tried every means to prove that he was useful. However, the harder he tried, the more useless he became. He failed at everything he did. There were constant embarrassments along the way, leaving Shangguanjing dumbfounded.

《New Life Begins》E34Plot

Yin Zheng and Li Wei sweet kiss

Yin Zheng's stomach disease relapsed, and Li Wei rushed to see him, but realized that Yin Zheng attracted his attention because of jealousy. Li Wei made it clear that she was learning cooking from Xiao Yang to feed Yin Zheng, and the relationship between the two took a further step.My wife and I went out on business, so we entrusted the eleventh young master to Yin Zheng and Li Wei to take care of them. They had to tell bedtime stories at night, were picky about food during meals, and kept asking all kinds of sharp questions. Yin Zheng and Li Wei were really helpless.Simply send Little Eleven to school and let the teacher educate him.

《New Life Begins》E35Plot

Yin Zheng went to Cangchuan to solve the frost damage

It was the Spring Festival again, and Li Wei prepared a reunion dinner with all the ladies and sisters. An Xiyuan, the wife of the Fourth Young Master, arrived belatedly and announced that she was pregnant.At this time, a sudden freeze occurred on the border between Xinchuan and Cangchuan. The leader of Xinchuan sent Yin Zheng and the four young masters to rescue the disaster as a test of their abilities.The four young masters went to the larger Wuxiang Town, while Yin Zheng chose to go to the more remote Canghe Town.

《New Life Begins》E36Plot

Yin Zheng, Li Wei and Cangchuan reunited

Yin Zheng found out that Li Wei mistakenly entered the bandit's den and led people to arrest the gangsters, but did not find Li Wei's whereabouts.It turned out that Li Wei relied on her cleverness to trick the bandits into eating them and took the opportunity to escape.Li Wei was cold and hungry. She touched her empty sleeves, only three fire folds were left.Li Wei made a wish in the dark, praying that she would not freeze to death or starve to death. Even if she died, she hoped to see Yin Zheng again.

《New Life Begins》E37Plot

Yin Zheng and Li Wei consummate their marriage

The Lord of Xinchuan became ill due to overwork and his condition worsened. He refused to let anyone see him. Yin Qi immediately rushed back to Xinchuan after hearing the news. Seeing that his old father was tortured by his illness, Yin Qi was heartbroken and decided to stay and take care of his father. When he met Yin QiBeing so sincere to him, Master Xinchuan also put aside all his worries, and the estrangement between father and son was eliminated.After Lord Xinchuan recovered, his family gathered together to celebrate his birthday.

《New Life Begins》E38Plot

Yin Zheng and Li Wei return to Jichuan

The Lord of Xinchuan decided to patrol Xinchuan with the four young masters to give him a chance to repent and make a new start. Before leaving, he awarded the seal of Yuanzhu to Yin Zheng. Finally, he decided to establish virtuous people instead of long-term leaders, and give him a chance to repent and turn over a new leaf.Yin Zheng was appointed as the crown prince, and promised him to straighten Li Wei. He also asked Yin Zheng and Li Wei not to lose etiquette when they returned to their parents' home to propose marriage like an ordinary father.Yin Zheng was moved and received the heavy Yuan Chu Seal, and he felt more and more how heavy the burden would be on him in the future.

《New Life Begins》E39Plot

Yin Zheng and Li Wei arrange a make-up wedding

Yin Zheng and Li Wei finally held a formal wedding. I remembered that because of Yin Zheng's stomach disease, he didn't even hold a wedding. There were ups and downs all the way. Now they finally met Li Wei and got married. The two finally got married, and their families were all happy.People feel sincerely relieved.Li Wei helped and his wife manage the Neiyuan. After discussing with the sisters, she decided to adjust the subjects of the Neiyuan School. The teaching mother at that time refused to give in, so everyone expressed to her over a meal that they should not change the subject.The principle of imposing one's own will on others.

《New Life Begins》E40Plot

Yin Zheng and Li Wei reform Jiuchuan promotion

The new women's election is coming. Li Wei and Yin Zheng have long wanted to cancel the unreasonable old marriage system. However, this year's election has already begun, and the two have discussed changing the election. The difference from that time is that this time,The 'draft' became the 'selection of talents', and women could no longer only be used for marriage, but could seek positions in Xinchuan based on their own abilities.Looking at the young girls who were childish but full of expectations, Li Wei and her sisters seemed to see themselves back then.

New Life Begins

New Life Begins

Total 40 Episodes Nov 10, 2022 C-Drama Period/Comedy/Rom Actor: Tian Xiwei Bai Jingting