Han Qing (played by Sun Li), a female police officer of the Sanhe Criminal Investigation Team, secretly continues to investigate the whereabouts of Zhong Wei (played by Luo Jin), her tacit partner who has worked with her for many years, mysteriously disappeared.With the emergence of a new murder case and the addition of trainee police officer Lin Jiajia (played by Ding Guansen), she discovered from clues that the murder case was related to Zhong Wei's disappearance.But in the process of handling cases, criminals are always one step ahead. They suspect that there is a mole within the police station... After experiencing a series of criminal incidents and confusing cases, can they defeat the darkness and find the truth behind it?
Tentatively scheduled to go online in February
TV series《breaking the shadows》character introduction
Dec 22, 2023《breaking the shadows》how many episodes are there?
Oct 19, 2023《breaking the shadows》starring list
Aug 17, 2023《breaking the shadows》When will it be broadcast?
Aug 17, 2023《breaking the shadows》official announcement Sun Li
Jul 12, 2023《breaking the shadows》original novel
Jul 12, 2023《breaking the shadows》Plot introduction
Jul 12, 2023