《Ice Hunt》Ep Intro

In the peaceful coastal town of Sanping City, the anti-narcotics brigade accidentally seized a batch of new methamphetamine during an operation. Its scale and purity were extremely rare. Sanping Public Security immediately launched an investigation.With her keen sense of smell and insight, Zhao Younan, a retired policewoman from the army, targeted Huang Zongwei, who was engaged in chemical business.

The scheming Huang Zongwei ignited the fighting spirit of the fledgling Zhao Younan. She stared at Huang Zongwei. No matter where he was hiding, no matter how high-level the illusion was, she could dig up clues, discover the truth, and rush to arrest him without hesitation.

The public security team headed by Zhao Younan and the drug manufacturing and trafficking gang headed by Huang Zongwei, one is relentless in pursuit and the other is cunning and good at hiding. In this way, a cat-and-mouse war is staged...

《Ice Hunt》E1Plot

Episode 1

Ice Hunt Episode 1 Plot Introduction: Zhao Younan disguises himself to lure out the drug trafficking den

In the 1980s and 1990s, affected by the global drug wave, my country's drug problem was not immune to the problem. With the decision on drug control, my country's anti-drug work began to be based on laws.Faced with various forms of drug crimes, as well as more cunning and vicious institutional drug traffickers, our country's anti-drug police have faced difficulties and made tremendous sacrifices and efforts.In the 1990s, under the difficult conditions of limited technology and tight resources, the anti-drug police relied on a large number of visits and investigations, long-term presence and perseverance, united all possible forces, fought on the front line of anti-drugs, and were committed to eliminating drugs. This society'sThe source of all evil.

Liu Yuan, captain of the anti-narcotics brigade of the Sanping County Public Security Bureau, reported on the progress of the work. Their police investigators followed for a month and found a drug dealer named Lin Abiao, and then also targeted his den in Renmei Village.Zhang Haifeng, director of the Sanping County Public Security Bureau, held a meeting to learn about the history of Renmei Village. He also learned that drug dealers conduct transactions at different locations each time and deliberately disrupt the rules. At present, the police are unable to grasp the specific transaction location and time.

Because Lin Abiao never left the village, Liu Yuan believed that their actions must be hit with one strike. He suggested that their insiders disguise themselves and enter Renmei Village.Police officer Duan Minghong recommended Zhao Younan from the information room to disguise himself in Renmei Village. Director Zhang Haifeng learned that Zhao Younan had returned from the army and had good skills, so he agreed to let Zhao Younan participate in this operation.

Later, Liu Yuan led Duan Minghong and others to approach Renmei Village, and also secretly informed Zhao Younan, who entered the village in disguise, to confirm the location of the drug transaction. Zhao Younan proposed that she would officially join the anti-drug team after completing the task, and Liu Yuan readily agreed.Zhao Younan came to the Renmei Village small shop in disguise and asked the small shop owner about the location of drug sales through code words. She confirmed that the shop with the pig head hanging at the entrance of Third Street was the drug trading place and secretly informed the police of the location.Then Zhao Younan went to the trading place alone to trade, but he didn't want the drug dealer to see a beautiful woman coming and took the opportunity to increase the price. During the resistance of Zhao Younan to the drug dealer, he was electrocuted and fell to the ground.

When the drug dealer wanted to invade Zhao Younan, Zhao Younan knocked him to the ground. The drug dealer noticed something unusual and fled in a hurry. Zhao Younan chased after him. At the same time, Liu Yuan, Duan Minghong and others also secretly sneaked into Renmei Village and saw Zhao Younan leaving behind.After the signal was given, they also came to surround him.Under the siege of several people, everyone finally succeeded in arresting the drug dealer.

The big drug dealer Huang Zongwei came to the factory after taking care of his children to sleep. He learned from Uncle Zhong that the goods could be traded smoothly tomorrow morning. He gave some of the money to Uncle Zhong to give to the workers who worked overtime. Later, he also gave a red envelope to Uncle Zhong's daughter who was admitted to college, and alsoHe took the opportunity to pay for his uncle's daughter's four-year college tuition.

Zhao Younan and his eldest sister's family paid homage to their deceased mother. The second sister came in a hurry to pay homage and then prepared to leave. Zhao Younan couldn't stand what the second sister did and quarreled with her.The eldest sister originally wanted to invite Zhao Younan to visit her father, but Zhao Younan was resentful of his father and was unwilling to admit his father's identity.

Zhang Haifeng held a meeting in the police station. The drugs Liu Yuan and the others seized last time were new drugs that appeared all over the world. Although the arrest of A Biao was very successful this time, it also alarmed the upstream and downstream of drugs. He announced that the police station has become a task force, codenamed720, A Biao was suddenly interrogated to find the source of the poison and trace the transaction trace.

Huang Zongwei successfully completed the transaction of the goods in his hand, and also learned from the other party that the police had now discovered a new type of methamphetamine.Huang Zongwei then found his partner He Hongzhang and said that he heard from buyers that the intermediate of the new methamphetamine was the onion crystal he produced.Huang Zongwei warned He Hongzhang not to sell goods casually and leak information, otherwise he may die in the end.

《Ice Hunt》E2Plot

Episode 2

Ice Hunt Episode 2 Plot Introduction: Zhao Younan investigates Huang Zongwei

He Hongzhang contacted the God of Plague to inquire about the sale of the last batch of goods. After learning the specific situation, he went to KTV and shot and killed the God of Plague and his mistress Bai Jie.Later, Liu Yuan and others rushed to the KTV after learning the news and found that the two people had been killed.Zhao Younan saw the handprints and footprints left by the murderer from the KTV scene. She followed the footprints and discovered the path the murderer took.Then she got some clues from passers-by and found the noodle shop where the murderer had been. She learned that the murderer had met a man named Boss Huang.

Liu Yuan learned from the research of Professor Hai Da that this batch of drugs did not contain ephedrine, and in the past, the raw material for manufacturing methamphetamine at home and abroad was ephedrine.Today's KTV murder incident is directly related to the 720 case. Zhang Haifeng believes that this is a murder to silence, so Lu Hao goes all out to pursue the murderer, while Liu Yuan pursues the source of the drug.

He Hongzhang told Huang Zongwei that everything had been taken care of, but Huang Zongwei was still worried and asked He Hongzhang to go out to relax and not come back to Sanping within three months.Huang Zongwei and his wife Ye Alan have triplets. He has great expectations for his son's future, but his wife Ye Alan only hopes that the family can stay together in peace.After Huang Zongwei comforted his wife, he went to the factory. He carefully came to his own chemical laboratory and personally produced the products he developed.

In Guangning City, Dongguang Province, drug dealer Chang Ge bought and sold drugs by selling newspapers. After selling the drugs, he came back and learned from his brothers that a new type of drug had arrived in the local area. He ordered his brothers to find out the source of the drugs as soon as possible.Through the description of the noodle shop owner, Zhao Younan successfully asked his police colleagues to draw a portrait of Boss Huang.Zhao Younan came to his second sister's house with a portrait of Boss Huang, and asked his second brother-in-law who was doing business about this person, and learned that this person was Huang Zongwei from the telecommunications company.

Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong came to Huang Zongwei's home. They interrogated Huang Zongwei and learned that the other party had dinner with He Hongzhang at noon the day before yesterday. Through Huang Zongwei's account of the details of their meeting, the two did not become suspicious of Huang Zongwei.After Huang Zongwei left, he contacted He Hongzhang privately and asked him not to use his previous mobile phone number. He also said that he would contact him if anything happened.After making the call, Huang Zongwei threw the mobile phone used to contact He Hongzhang into the sea.

Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong found He Hongzhang's company registration address with the business card they obtained from Huang Zongwei, but learned that it was just a scammer's company address. They found out He Hongzhang's pager number from the people here, and then Zhao Younan disguised his identity and called He Hongzhang.However, after a few words, He Hongzhang's identity was revealed, and the two lost the clue to investigate He Hongzhang again.In order to continue investigating the case, Zhao Younan decided to look for clues from the robbery of He Hongzhang's murder.

Huang Zongwei asked Uncle Zhong to burn all the materials in the laboratory, and also told Uncle Zhong to temporarily close the factory.During the conversation between the two, they accidentally caught an employee taking the goods out without permission. Huang Zongwei apparently forgave the other person, but secretly told Uncle Zhong to kill him.

《Ice Hunt》E3Plot

Episode 3

Ice Hunt Episode 3 plot introduction: He Hongzhang and Guang Ning were hacked

Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong were looking for a parts manufacturer that assembles guns. The two came to a suspicious hardware factory. The owner of the hardware store learned that the two were police officers and was panicked when he saw the two searching the store.Zhao Younan found the steel pipe in the store. The boss explained that it was a pressurized water pipe. However, Zhao Younan saw that the 7.62 mm steel pipe was used to assemble a soil gun and asked the boss. The hardware store owner saw something wrong and wanted to run away.

Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong surrounded the hardware store owner and successfully captured him. The two teamed up with Lu Hao to interrogate the hardware store owner Zhang Wenhua, and told him that if the person who asked him to customize steel pipes used steel pipes to make guns, he would be responsible for it.pay legal liability.

He Hongzhang continued drug dealing in other places. He received a call from Zhang Wenhua, the owner of the hardware store. Zhang Wenhua urged him to come back to pick up the gun and took the opportunity to inquire about his current location. However, He Hongzhang was very cautious and asked Zhang Wenhua to wait for his call.He Hongzhang came out to find a woman for entertainment. Brother Chang found He Hongzhang through this woman, and successfully allowed the brothers to control He Hongzhang, and warned the other party that no other person besides him would be allowed to sell drugs in Guangning.

Brother Chang asked He Hongzhang to inquire about the source of the goods in his hands, and also expressed his desire to do business with He Hongzhang.He Hongzhang was dissatisfied with Brother Chang's attitude, but he also said that the goods were made by his friends in Sanping. If Brother Chang wants the source of the goods, it is best to let him go.Brother Chang saw that he could not find out the information about the person who made the goods, so he simply said that he would not take away He Hongzhang's supply, but he wanted to buy a thousand kilograms of goods. Seeing that the other party had such a big appetite, He Hongzhang agreed to the other party's cooperation.

Duan Minghong took Zhao Younan to the train station to check whether He Hongzhang had bought a train ticket within three days, but he did not find He Hongzhang's name.Huang Zongwei brought his wife and children to Donghanping Village in Sanping. He took his uncle to his hometown house and paid homage to his grandparents in person, hoping that they would bless him with prosperity.

Uncle Zhong asked Huang Zongwei about his next arrangements. Huang Zongwei said that domestic factories would not continue to operate in the future, and he was planning to go abroad to open a factory.He let Uncle Zhong enjoy his old age at home and decided to take Uncle Zhong's son Aaron to develop abroad.He Hongzhang contacted Huang Zongwei and told him that a customer in Guangning wanted one thousand kilograms of goods and was sure that the customer would not sell it domestically. Huang Zongwei was moved by this.

Lu Hao and others successfully waited at the hardware store for He Hongzhang's contact number. When they learned that He Hongzhang was returning to Sanping this afternoon, Lu Hao arranged for everyone to rush to the train station to arrest He Hongzhang.On the other side, Huang Zongwei and Aaron also came to the train station to wait for He Hongzhang.Ami, a working girl, works in a store, but unexpectedly encounters a cheating old man. The boss accuses Ami and wants to deduct her wages. Huang Zongwei, who is eating in the store, sees Ami being embarrassed and kindly helps to calm the conflict.

《Ice Hunt》E4Plot

Episode 4

Ice Hunt episode 4 plot introduction: He Hongzhang was caught and confessed to Huang Zongwei

Huang Zongwei saw Lu Hao at the train station, and he quickly contacted Aaron and the two left the train station.The train station where He Hongzhang was sitting was close to the station. Lu Hao and others did not see He Hongzhang outside. He sent police officers to search for He Hongzhang in the train station immediately.

Huang Zongwei arranged for Aaron to book two rooms at the Fuxin Hotel near the train station, and also find a ticket seller to buy three soft sleepers for Haining tomorrow.Then Huang Zongwei went home and told his wife Alan that they had to leave Sanping immediately. His wife was puzzled as to why he left so suddenly. Huang Zongwei explained that he had offended someone in the telecommunications company, and now the other party wanted to seal up his factory and pay two million yuan, so he decided to takeHe took his wife and children to Haining to develop.

He Hongzhang returned to his hometown, but he could not contact Huang Zongwei now. While he was anxious, he urged his wife A Ying to prepare lunch.After Huang Zongwei arranged for his wife and children to stay in the hotel, he took Aaron back to the village to say goodbye to Uncle Zhong.On the way, Huang Zongwei told Aaron that as long as he followed him, he would be able to achieve great success in the future, and also told him that chemistry could change the world.Huang Zongwei then asked Aaron to drive the car to the intersection of Xihanlin Road, park the car there, and then walk to Jinshan Temple to wait for him.

He Hongzhang contacted the owner of the hardware store and asked him to deliver the gun to A Ying's house in Qilu Mountain Village. The police team quickly rushed there after learning the news.Huang Zongwei contacted He Hongzhang to ask him to leave Sanping as soon as possible. He also said that he would be notified when the goods were available in the future.He Hongzhang packed his things and planned to leave the village, but he soon discovered that the police had come to the village, and he could only run away in a hurry.Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong quickly chased He Hongzhang and finally succeeded in catching He Hongzhang.

After being arrested, He Hongzhang confessed that the methamphetamine was manufactured by Huang Zongwei. Liu Yuan quickly contacted Lu Hao to arrest Huang Zongwei. However, Lu Hao took people to Huang Zongwei's home and found that the place was deserted.Lu Hao guessed that Huang Zongwei was currently in his hometown, so he asked Liu Yuan and others to intercept him first, and then he would lead people to support him.

Duan Minghong led people to Huang Zongwei's hometown, but the villagers at the entrance of the village had been arranged by Uncle Zhong in advance to directly attack the police on the grounds that Duan Minghong and others were fake policemen. In the end, Liu Yuan used a gun as a warning to make them stop the attack.Liu Yuan and others came to the village chief Zhongshu's home to inquire about Huang Zongwei's whereabouts. Zhongshu said that Huang Zongwei had not returned to the village and that everyone in his family had disappeared.Liu Yuan and others came to Huang Zongwei's old house to check and saw that there were still unburned incense in the house. Liu Yuan thought that Huang Zongwei was near the village and quickly informed Lu Hao to lead people to surround Huang Zongwei as soon as possible.

When asked by the police, Uncle Zhong continued to pretend to be dumbfounded and never disclosed Huang Zongwei's whereabouts.Zhao Younan searched the house and found Huang Zongwei's previous belongings, and they were going to take them back to the police station to continue investigation.Liu Yuan deduced from Huang Zongwei's belongings that he was an extremely superstitious person and believed that even if he absconded, he would seek refuge at Jinshan Temple. Liu Yuan led the team to Jinshan Temple.

《Ice Hunt》E5Plot

Episode 5

Ice Hunt episode 5 plot introduction: Huang Zongwei hides in a coffin to avoid pursuit

Huang Zongwei took Aaron to pay homage to his father at Jinshan Temple. He asked his father to protect him from this disaster, and he would definitely honor his ancestors in the future.Liu Yuan and others came to Jinshan Temple to inquire about the whereabouts of Huang Zongwei from the master in the temple. When they learned that he was at the pagoda at the moment, everyone went to the pagoda to look for him.

Duan Minghong, Zhao Younan and others searched around but did not find Huang Zongwei on the tower. They started searching at Jinshan Temple. Zhao Younan wanted to search the coffin parked in Jinshan Temple, but the master in the temple came forward to stop it. Police officers on the other side discovered a new situation., Zhao Younan also rushed to check.This also allowed Huang Zongwei and Aaron, who were hiding in the coffin, to successfully evade the police search.

Lu Hao held a meeting to report the situation. The armed police were still searching the mountain. They were also setting up controls at various entrances and exits such as train stations and bus stations. If they had not fled, Huang Zongwei and his wife and children would not have been able to escape.Zhao Younan learned from He Hongzhang that he had met a big customer in Guangning. She wanted to go to Guangning to find out. Director Zhang Haifeng asked them to notify the provincial department and Guangning police to find out the matter.Zhang Haifeng asked everyone to concentrate all their efforts on various traffic entrances and exits in the city to search for Huang Zongwei, his wife and children.

Huang Zongwei once again went to the noodle shop near the train station to eat. A Mei, a working girl at the noodle shop, did not tell the police his whereabouts in order to thank him for helping him last time.The police found the hotel where Huang Zongwei's wife was registered to live, but at this time only Aaron was in the hotel. The police checked Aaron's ID card and did not raise any doubts about his identity.

Ami, a working girl, told Huang Zongwei that the police outside were looking for him. Huang Zongwei saw that Ami was dissatisfied with her current job and was willing to help her close the restaurant and asked Ami to contact him when she wanted to change jobs. Ami left her contact information for Huang Zongwei, sayingI can give up this job at any time.Later, after Huang Zongwei saw Ah Mei leave the restaurant, he entered the kitchen and blew up the kitchen. The sound of the explosion attracted the surrounding police, who quickly put out the fire. At the same time, Aaron quickly left the place with Huang Zongwei's wife and children.

Huang Zongwei brought Aaron, his wife and children and others to Haining by freight. He had already bought a house here, and settled down with his wife and children quickly after arriving here.Huang Zongwei told Aaron that the reason he didn't say goodbye to Uncle Zhong was because he was worried that Uncle Zhong wouldn't let them leave. Now that they were gone, they would be wandering around the world. Huang Zongwei asked Aaron not to contact anyone in the village.

Duan Minghong investigated Huang Zongwei's past experience and learned that he dropped out of high school and worked part-time jobs for several years. He later went to night university and worked in a telecommunications bureau after graduation.Through interviews, they learned that Huang Zongwei's synthesis method of onion crystals came from Li Xuefeng, a professor at Hainan University. Two years ago, he deceived the method of making drugs in the name of making weight loss pills and developed a new type of drug with extremely high purity.Huang Zongwei is extremely talented in organic chemistry. If he follows the right path, he should be a talented person.

Lu Hao learned that Huang Zongwei's family fled to Haining, and Liu Yuan decided to take people to Haining.Judging from the repeated failure to catch Huang Zongwei, Zhao Younan believed that going to Haining was also Huang Zongwei's deception, so she applied to go directly to Guangning.Zhao Younan believes that Huang Zongwei wants to continue making money on the one hand, but also knows the dangers in the province on the other.Zhang Haifeng agreed with Zhao Younan's analysis, arranged for Lu Hao to take people to Haining, and asked Duan Minghong and Zhao Younan to explore the road in Guangning starting tomorrow.

Huang Zongwei was about to go on a long trip. Alan helped Huang Zongwei pack his things. Huang Zongwei told his wife to take good care of their three children. Before leaving, his son cried "Dad" and Huang Zongwei burst into tears.Although Huang Zongwei was reluctant to leave his wife and children, looking at the family photos in his hands, he still believed that men should do big things, and that the love between children was not worth mentioning.

Huang Zongwei took Aaron to the outskirts of Quang Ninh City in Dongguang Province to stay temporarily. Here Huang Zongwei started the system again. During the period of the system, he warned Aaron not to get involved in drugs because he had seen that the lives of those who were contaminated with drugs were worse than death.

《Ice Hunt》E6Plot

Episode 6

Ice Hunt Episode 6 Plot Introduction: Huang Zongwei evaded roundup and was mysteriously kidnapped

Zhao Younan received a message from her second sister. She came to her home and found that her second sister was being abused by her second brother-in-law. She persuaded her second sister and her second brother-in-law to divorce, but the second sister was unwilling to divorce because once divorced, she would have nothing and nothing to do.Make money on your own merits.Zhao Younan took Duan Minghong to find his second brother-in-law Jiang Xiaoming. When Jiang Xiaoming saw Zhao Younan bringing the police, he said that he would go back and apologize, but also said that it was just a family matter.Zhao Younan warned Jiang Xiaoming not to bully the second sister at will, and Duan Minghong also took the opportunity to warn Jiang Xiaoming.

Duan Minghong brought Zhao Younan to Dongguang Province. Tian Qingshan, the captain of the anti-narcotics team of the Guangning Municipal Public Security Bureau, came to pick them up at the station. Tian Qingshan said that they judged that Huang Zongwei's coming to Guangning was a bit hasty. In the past few years, all local institutional dens had been eliminated. Now,The sources of drugs in Guang Ninh City are all from abroad. If Huang Zongwei comes to Guang Ninh, there may really be development.

Tian Qingshan took Duan Minghong and Zhao Younan to the outskirts of a KTV in Guangning. He said that this was a drug trading place in Guangning. They found out that there was a boss Chen here, but they did not find the big boss, so they never closed the place.Wire.If Huang Zongwei really comes to Guangning, he may be able to get some clues from here.

Lao Qiang helped his brother Tiger entertain customers at a KTV, but he was arrested by the anti-narcotics police. Although he was eventually cleared of suspicion and released, he was very angry and came to Tiger to question the matter. Lao Qiang demanded compensation and wanted to let TigerTake things with you.Seeing that Lao Qiang already knew about his drug trafficking, Tiger could only agree to take him with him to sell drugs and make money.Lao Qiang believed that Tiger's friend who was caught would not last long in the police station before confessing to Tiger, so he persuaded him to leave the place temporarily.

Aaron came to KTV to sell drugs according to Huang Zongwei's instructions, and sure enough, he attracted the attention of local drug dealers.Lu Hao and others found Huang Zongwei's wife and children in Haining, and also confirmed that Huang Zongwei had left Haining.Tian Qingshan entered the KTV in plain clothes. He used his experience to find the “Flower Fox” here and asked him about the specific identity of Boss Chen. “Flower Fox” said that he had not found out the identity of Boss Chen, but knew that Boss Chen had been looking for him recently.A very pure form of methamphetamine.Tian Qingshan warned “花 Fox” to keep an eye on this matter and to tell them in time if there is any trouble.

The local drug dealer and Aaron agreed to meet at Heping Road in the old city at two o'clock the day after tomorrow. He also said that as long as Huang Zongwei came, everything would be done as he said.Tian Qingshan successfully obtained the news from KTV. He told Duan Minghong and others that Huang Zongwei would appear in the old city at two o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow.

Ah Sheng brought the drugs he got from Aaron to Brother Chang for inspection. Brother Chang confirmed that this was a very pure drug made by Huang Zongwei, and he was very happy for this.Huang Zongwei gave Aaron some precautions and asked him to first see if there were any drug dealers coming to meet him.On the other side, Tian Qingshan led people to ambush around the old city.Aaron walked around the old town. He noticed that there was a policeman nearby and promptly informed Huang Zongwei of the news. Then Aaron saw Bingbing, a woman he met at the KTV. He knew that the drug dealer sent Bingbing to contact him, so he informed Bingbing that there was someone nearby.The police quickly fled.Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong tracked Aaron, but were accidentally blocked by a taxi driver arranged by Huang Zongwei on the way. They lost clues about Aaron's whereabouts again.At the same time, Huang Zongwei was also kidnapped and taken away by Brother Chang's men.

《Ice Hunt》E7Plot

Episode 7

Ice Hunt episode 7 plot introduction: Huang Zongwei shows off his skills as a poison king and joins a new organization

Brother Chang brought Huang Zongwei into his territory. He told Huang Zongwei that he likes to be polite before doing things. He wanted to see Huang Zongwei's skills. If Huang Zongwei is the real God of Wealth, he is willing to kneel down and apologize. If he is a fake God of Wealth, he will leave his life behind..Huang Zongwei entered Chang Ge's drug laboratory and quickly developed the drug.

After Brother Chang got the drugs, he asked his men to test the drugs and confirm that the drugs were indeed the type he wanted. He asked his men to kill the previous drug maker and silence him, and hugged Huang Zongwei on the spot to confirm the partnership.Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong searched the KTV trading location with the local anti-narcotics police, and found something unusual about the new newspaper in the KTV through drug-detection dogs.Zhao Younan proposed at the provincial meeting to launch an investigation from the newspaper, but the provincial department leaders believed that there was no direct evidence and did not approve the investigation of the case from the newspaper.

Zhao Younan always believed that the newspaper's clues were important. Duan Minghong persuaded her that as the Sanping police assisting the investigators, she must obey the leadership and not act alone.But Zhao Younan asked Duan Minghong to cooperate with the provincial department in setting up a net to arrest Huang Zongwei, and she acted alone to investigate the clues.Zhao Younan found a local small shop, where she learned that the two factories that printed newspapers were Pingchuan Printing Factory and Xinglong Printing Factory.

Brother Chang prepared a whole fish feast for Huang Zongwei. Huang Zongwei told Brother Chang that he chose to make drugs on the boat because he felt it was safer. Previously, his factory in Sanping was investigated. Not only was everything gone, but there were also clues left behind..Nowadays, fishing boats are used to build factories, and the wastewater is discharged into the river without leaving any traces.Huang Zongwei proposed their cooperation goal of 1,000 kilograms. Now only one fishing boat will definitely not be able to meet the demand. Chang Ge said that his wife’s cousin has a fishing business and has dozens of fishing boats.In this way, they can carry out their drug manufacturing industry on fishing boats at sea.

Huang Zongwei put forward his own conditions for cooperation. He hoped that the 1,000 kilograms of goods produced would never be sold domestically. He told Achang that Kunsha had been placed under house arrest by government forces and that the Golden Triangle was now leaderless. He persuaded Achang to develop overseas.Achang hesitated for a while and finally agreed to Huang Zongwei's request for cooperation.Huang Zongwei then asked Brother Chang to find his brother Aaron, and Brother Chang agreed.

Zhao Younan found the printing factory and wanted to go in to investigate, but was blocked by the printing factory owner. Fortunately, Duan Minghong arrived in time and successfully allowed Zhao Younan to enter the printing factory on the grounds of discussing cooperation.Aaron was worried about Huang Zongwei's safety, so he secretly followed Bingbing to ask about the matter. Bingbing confirmed that Brother Chang would not harm Huang Zongwei's life, and Aaron was completely relieved.Bingbing saw that Aaron had not finished eating and cooked a pot of noodles for him. Bingbing told Aaron that she was brought into this industry by Ah Sheng three years ago, and now she wanted Aaron to protect herself in the face of Bingbing.Deliberately seduced, Aaron completely fell in love.

Zhao Younan's clues to track Huang Zongwei were broken again, and she once again thought about how to continue the investigation.At the same time, the superior leaders coordinated the light and dark fronts and arranged to deploy another comrade to gradually get closer to the drug sales network.

《Ice Hunt》E8Plot

Episode 8

Tiger and Lao Qiang took their personal mobile phones to the outskirts of Guicheng City in Quang Qin Province and wanted to meet Boss Tan.Boss Tan has always been very cautious and confiscated their mobile phones as soon as he saw the two of them entering his territory.

Soon, Tiger and Lao Qiang met Boss Tan.Tiger introduced his very good friend Lao Qiang to Boss Tan, and Lao Qiang also expressed his interest in entering the drug industry in person.Boss Tan did not refuse them, but just said that he would let them stay here for refuge now and tell them how to do things when the time is right.

Boss Tan's men sent a gift from General Nguyen of Shan Viet to Boss Tan. It is a Desert Eagle Mark pistol, which is also the most powerful pistol currently.Lao Qiang learned that Boss Tan had been in the arms business before and became more interested in him.

The provincial department has been setting up a net to arrest Huang Zongwei, but there has been no clearer clue.On the other side, because Huang Zongwei made poison on the boat, a large number of fish in the river died, and the fishermen caught nothing every day.Achang asked Huang Zongwei if he had ever thought about how much money he wanted to earn. Huang Zongwei said that he had thought about this issue before. One yuan per person for the whole country is exactly 1.2 billion.But he also knows that making money is a matter of flowers blooming in the mirror, and the two of them may be buried before the flowers bloom.

Achang asked Bingbing to bring Aaron here. Huang Zongwei was very happy to see Aaron.With the help of Huang Zongwei, Achang used the fishery to successfully transport the drugs and made a lot of money. Everyone was very happy about this and held a banquet to celebrate.Brother Chang was drunk and was sent back to Chen's house by his subordinate Ah Sheng. Ah Sheng had already had an affair with Brother Chang's wife. Brother Chang's wife asked Ah Sheng if she could find out Huang Zongwei's secret recipe for making poison. Ah Sheng said that because Huang Zongwei was cautious, heI didn’t even find out the key raw materials.Brother Chang's wife asked Ah Sheng to drive a wedge between Brother Chang and Huang Zongwei, so that they could obtain the secret recipe for making drugs as soon as possible, break away from Brother Chang and start their own business as soon as possible.

Huang Zongwei confirmed that his younger brother Aaron liked Bingbing and asked when the two would get married. Aaron had not considered this matter.Knowing that Aaron didn't mind that Bingbing had been with Ah Sheng before, Huang Zongwei also understood Aaron's youthful spirit.Tian Qingshan led a team to clear up drug trafficking gangs in Guangning City, but did not find any news about Huang Zongwei.At this time, there was news from Fenghai that the drugs confiscated were highly consistent with the drugs produced by Huang Zongwei, but Zhao Younan believed that Huang Zongwei would not let the drugs he produced be sold in the country, and believed that if Fenghai was pursued now, Huang Zongwei would not be able to find his whereabouts.Zhao Younan speculated that Huang Zongwei used Guangning as a drug manufacturing center and radiated across southern China.At the same time, she also guessed that Huang Zongwei had contacted local drug dealers, and that the other party not only had a hidden drug manufacturing site, but also had complex drug trafficking channels.Thinking of Boss Chen mentioned by Tian Qingshan, they decided to start their investigation from here.

Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong also received a new task from the leadership, asking them to start investigating local drug-making raw materials. The two planned to investigate Huang Zongwei's drug-making raw material phenylacetone.At the same time, a fisherman reported that the fish pond was poisoned, and the police and various departments in the county cooperated to investigate the matter.

Lao Qiang was trapped in Boss Tan's private residence. He could not contact the outside world. He wanted to familiarize himself with the local environment but was discovered by Boss Tan. He had to take the opportunity to explain a few words to get through.Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong disguised themselves as businessmen and went to the local chemical factory in Guangning, intending to purchase phenylacetone.However, they discovered that phenylacetone for all production lines of the chemical plant had been reserved by a new customer, which turned out to be Rongda Food Company.

They decided to go to the Rongda Food Factory to investigate, and unexpectedly found that the food factory only used four tons of phenylacetone a year, but purchased 12 tons.This made Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong very confused, because this amount far exceeded what they needed.They began to suspect that Rongda Food Company may be using phenylacetone in illegal or fraudulent activities, so they decided to investigate the matter in depth.

《Ice Hunt》E9Plot

Episode 9

Boss Tan not only arranged a banquet for Tiger and Lao Qiang, but also arranged a beautiful woman for the two of them after the dinner.After Lao Qiang took the beauty back to the room, he took advantage of the beauty's bathing time and quickly took the phone in the room to the power distribution room he saw during the day to deliver the message.

On the other side, Zhao Younan received news that Guangning’s boss Chen was named Chen Zhiwei, and she asked Duan Minghong to quickly inform Qi Ting of the news.Brother Chang is also worried that if their drug business expands, the police will track him down from the raw materials. Huang Zongwei said that when he asks Aaron to get the raw materials, he will ask Aaron to store the raw materials at the entrance of each village along the river and bribe some honest farmers to help keep them.raw materials.Then when the big ship came, he took the opportunity to send the raw materials to the ship again. Even if the police came, they could not find any clues.

Huang Zongwei wondered why Brother Chang was so famous in Guangning and why the police couldn't find any information about him. Brother Chang said that there was no such person as Chen Jianchang in Guangning. They only knew of Chen Abing who bought newspapers, Chen Xiyong, Ahui's boss, and friends from out of town.Knowing that his name was Chen Zhiwei, he had multiple names so the police could not find him.

Huang Zongwei specially ordered a birthday cake for his child and sent it home. Ye Alan knew that the cake was specially sent by his husband. Then he saw the bankbook sent by her husband in the cake. Ye Alan broke down and cried bitterly.Zhao Younan continued to monitor the chemical factory and accidentally discovered that they were transporting phenylacetone. She secretly hid in the car transporting phenylacetone.Duan Minghong then arrived and discovered that Zhao Younan was missing, guessing that she had found new clues.
Zhao Younan pretended to be a chemical worker transporting phenylacetone. She took the opportunity to pass on the address of the transfer station to Xingyue Auto Repair Factory in Shangxi Town. Duan Minghong also received the information on the other side.Qi Ting learned that the test results of the water quality of the fisheries along the river contained ammonia pollutants, and quickly arranged for people to investigate the drug manufacturing factory along the river.Zhao Younan saw Aaron's figure among the people sporting phenylacetone, and she commandeered a passerby's car to continue following him.

Aaron noticed something unusual in the process of transporting phenylacetone today, and he quickly told Huang Zongwei the news.Duan Minghong followed Zhao Younan's information and found the phenylacetone that Asheng and others had placed in the villagers' homes. He took the opportunity to approach the villagers on the pretext of asking for directions, and was led by the villagers to the riverside where the phenylacetone was transferred.Duan Minghong claimed to be Asheng's friend, and the villagers did not become suspicious.

Zhao Younan followed Aaron and learned that he often went to the home of newspaper staff member Chen Abing. She thought of the abnormality in the newspaper that the police dog had sniffed out before, and guessed that Huang Zongwei was here. She quickly contacted Qi Ting to inform her of her location and waited for the police's support.

Although Aaron felt that he had gotten rid of Zhao Younan, Huang Zongwei was still worried. He told Brother Chang about his worries and wanted to suspend the drug production.On the other side, Duan Minghong followed the person transporting phenylacetone to the big ship. His identity was recognized by Asheng. Asheng quickly told Brother Chang that the police had found him, and Brother Chang quickly arranged for everyone to leave the place.

Brother Chang deposited all the money given to his brothers into the corresponding parents' account, and asked his brothers to help stop the police today.Zhao Younan, Tian Qingshan and others broke into Chang Ge's home. Because Chang Ge's brothers intercepted with guns, police officer Xiao Ning was accidentally shot. Zhao Younan caught Chang Ge's men in time and forced him to find out Chang Ge's escape route.

《Ice Hunt》E10Plot

Episode 10

Ice Hunt Episode 10 Synopsis: Aaron threw his girlfriend into the river to escape

Zhao Younan discovered a secret passage in Brother Chang's home. Following the secret passage, she found that Huang Zongwei and others had arrived at the west pier of the village and had left in a speedboat. She quickly informed Duan Minghong of the news.Later, Duan Minghong drove a speedboat to pick up Zhao Younan, and the two continued to pursue Huang Zongwei and others.

Brother Chang, Huang Zongwei and others planned to leave Guangning and go to Nanwan, but Huang Zongwei believed that the Golden Triangle was more suitable for them to start over.Aaron found that the police were about to catch up with them. In order to get rid of the police quickly, Brother Chang planned to throw Aaron's girlfriend Bingbing out of the speedboat in order to reduce the weight of the speedboat. Aaron was unwilling to abandon his girlfriend. Huang Zongwei came forward and slapped Aaron in the face, accusing him.Aaron turned against Brother Chang because of a woman and had no sense of the overall situation.In order to let Aaron make a choice, Huang Zongwei decided to jump into the river by himself. Brother Chang and others hurriedly stopped Huang Zongwei. At the same time, Aaron cruelly threw his girlfriend Bingbing into the river.In order to completely silence the murderer, Chang Ge shot several times at the ice in the river.

Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong found Bingbing thrown into the river. They worked together to rescue him on the speedboat, but found that Bingbing had been shot to death.The police confirmed Huang Zongwei's identity as a drug dealer, and a nationwide arrest warrant was issued. Ye Alan, who was out shopping for groceries, saw that her husband was now wanted, feeling lonely and helpless.

Brother Chang, Huang Zongwei and others came to the outskirts of Nanwan City, Dongguang Province to defect to the Nanwan Double Dragon Society. The Pang brothers received several people very formally. On the surface, Brother Chang could rest assured to live here, but secretly they wanted to keep Huang Zongwei's suit.Take his poison-making technology.In order to entertain Huang Zongwei, the Pang brothers specially helped him find a woman. Huang Zongwei did not use his real name to chat with the woman. He disguised his identity and bought a mobile phone and card from the woman, and also obtained her identity information.

Boss Tan discovered that Lao Qiang had gone to the power distribution room in the middle of the night. He warned Lao Qiang face to face. Lao Qiang knew that his whereabouts had been exposed and he decisively admitted his mistake, but also said that he just wanted to greet his old mother.In order to prove his innocence, Lao Qiang pointed a gun at himself to prove his innocence, which made Boss Tan temporarily put aside his doubts.Then Boss Tan told the two of them that he had a brother in Dongguang who needed to be picked up here. He had a lot of things to do recently, so he asked Lao Qiang and Tiger to pick him up.

The next day, Lao Qiang and Tiger set out to pick up someone. On the way, Tiger told Lao Qiang that he had privately learned that the person he was going to pick up was called Boss Chen. Lao Qiang knew that this person was Chen Zhiwei and secretly revealed the news to the outside world.After Zhao Younan obtained clues about Chen Zhiwei, he went directly to Nanwan with Duan Minghong to look for Huang Zongwei.

Huang Zongwei used the mobile phone in his hand to contact the working girl A Mei. A Mei learned that Huang Zongwei was willing to take him to travel around the world, and she was very happy to send her family away to Nanwan to look for Huang Zongwei.The Pang brothers wanted to sell drugs with Brother Chang, and Brother Chang was anxious to leave. The Pang brothers finally exposed their ambitions. They wanted Huang Zongwei to leave the drug-making formula in exchange for their safe departure.Seeing the confrontation between the two parties, Huang Zongwei agreed to hand over the formula and asked the other party to provide personnel, venues and raw materials, and the Pang brothers agreed.

《Ice Hunt》E11Plot

Episode 11

Ice Hunt Episode 11 Plot Introduction: Two major drug dealers started fighting over sales channels

The Pang brothers prepared the raw materials and equipment for making drugs according to Huang Zongwei's requirements. The two of them personally followed Huang Zongwei to learn how to make drugs. They were very happy to see Huang Zongwei successfully making drugs with high purity. The Pang brothers decided to make it themselves., Huang Zongwei told the two to follow the steps, and he took the opportunity to hide outside the room. Soon, within Huang Zongwei's estimated time, the room exploded.

Brother Chang and others quickly started a gun battle with the Pang brothers' men, and everyone took the opportunity to find a way out.On the other side, Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong found this place based on the information address. After hearing the gunfire, they quickly rushed to the place where the gunfight took place.Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong were dealing with drug dealers. On the way, Zhao Younan was accidentally poisoned and fainted. He was accidentally rescued in time by Lao Qiang who came here to pick them up.

After Chen Jianchang, Huang Zongwei and others escaped, they successfully found Boss Tan. Boss Tan was very happy after seeing Huang Zongwei. He said that he would provide personnel, venues, and overseas channels. Chen Jianchang said that he would be responsible for domestic channels, but Huang Zongwei was unwilling to do domestic work.channel.Chen Jianchang put Boss Tan in charge of Shan Yue, and he found another channel to go west, which was safer.Boss Tan believed that the two routes were more risky, and the two had disputes over sales channels. Huang Zongwei simply suggested taking out small batches of goods and trying new channels before making a final decision.Both Chen Jianchang and Huang Zongwei agreed to his suggestion.

Boss Tan brought Ami here, which made Huang Zongwei very happy.Huang Zongwei declared that May was his girlfriend and told May not to tell others about their true relationship.Ami told her family that she came here to work. Huang Zongwei paid Ami part of her salary in advance and told Ami that they were engaged in import and export chemical trade.

Huang Zongwei believed that there were some problems between Boss Tan and Chen Jianchang, and was worried that something would happen sooner or later. He told Aaron to pay attention to the channels, and they could evacuate in advance if there was any problem.Director Qi made a special trip to Haining Province to secondment Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong. Recently, drugs manufactured by Huang Zongwei were discovered again at home and abroad, so he asked them to join the special investigation team.The next day, the two followed Director Qi to Quang Ninh Province.The task force held a meeting to figure out the drug sales channels and found that they were trading through online chat channels. The tracking address found that the account was logged in in Guangqin Guicheng City.

Boss Tan and Chen Jianchang communicated with each other. Boss Tan suspected that Chen Jianchang was selling drugs domestically, while Chen Jianchang suspected that Boss Tan wanted to monopolize the drugs in his hands. The two argued, which made Huang Zongwei very angry. He changed his previous friendly attitude and demanded this batch of drugs.The goods go through Boss Tan's channel, and we will discuss how to divide the money later after the goods are sold.Ah Sheng discovered that Ma Zai secretly kept drugs during shipment, but due to the temptation of the other party's interests, he concealed the matter and did not tell others.

Lao Qiang and Tiger were sent to the transfer station by Boss Tan. Tiger was embarrassed by the Ma Zai here when he first arrived. Lao Qiang saw that Tiger was very dissatisfied with the current situation and simply suggested that the two of them go back to find Boss Tan directly.Then the two men drank down the man on duty overnight, set fire to the transfer station, and then drove away.While refueling the car on the way, Tiger accidentally discovered the vehicle used by Boss Tan to transport drugs.

《Ice Hunt》E12Plot

Episode 12

Ice Hunt Episode 12 Plot Introduction: Breakup between Huang Zongwei and Chen Jianchang

Lao Qiang and Tiger came to Boss Tan's residence overnight. Tiger directly told Boss Tan that they had burned the transit chain. He was even more dissatisfied that Boss Tan had directly taken his “ Tiger Cold Chain” as his own. He demanded the losses in the past six months, butBoss Tan didn’t admit it at all.Tiger simply took out the drugs he found from the cold chain truck to threaten Boss Tan.

Zhao Younan and others, together with technical staff, contacted people selling drugs online, and they lured them to show up by purchasing goods in bulk.Ma Zai Xiaoqin wanted to sell the drugs he had secretly kept. Ah Sheng followed Xiaoqin and found that he had secretly kept the drugs. Xiaoqin explained that the two kilograms of drugs he had secretly kept belonged to Boss Tan. In principle, he had nothing to do with Chen Jianchang.No.In order to let Ah Sheng keep it secret for him, Xiao Qin agreed that the two of them should share the money gained equally.

Zhao Younan and others finally determined that the transaction method was self-pickup. She and Duan Minghong brought the money to the transaction location, and Xia Jianbin, captain of the anti-narcotics team of Guicheng City Public Security Bureau in Qin Province, followed them.Xiao Qin was ordered to transport Boss Tan's drugs to the border. At the same time, he also planned to sell the two kilograms of hidden drugs in his hand.

Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong came to the transaction location and waited. Finally, they waited for Ma Zai Xiaoqin. The two sides began to check the money and goods. Ah Sheng accidentally noticed that Duan Minghong looked familiar and guessed that his true identity was a policeman. Seeing that the situation was not good, Ah ShengFleeing quickly, Ma Zaixiaoqin detonated the grenade on his body and jumped into the water to escape while Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong were hiding.On the other side, Xia Jianbin, the captain of the anti-drug team who was hiding in the dark, quickly led people to track Ah Sheng.

Xiao Qin escaped successfully through the river. He returned to Boss Tan to explain the matter and said that Boss Tan's goods were all at the transfer station.Boss Tan was very angry about this. Chen Jianchang suggested that this batch of goods should not be transported any more. Boss Tan was naturally unwilling.The two had a dispute again, and Boss Tan threatened Chen Jianchang's family, and finally asked Chen Jianchang to compromise the matter.Chen Jianchang gave up the goods in the hands of Boss Tan, but also decided to terminate the cooperative relationship between the two.Chen Jianchang decided to take people away, but unexpectedly Huang Zongwei was unwilling to leave with him. Huang Zongwei said that he had his own life goals and he respected Chen Jianchang's decision.

Chen Jianchang did not expect that Huang Zongwei would abandon himself and choose Boss Tan. He beat Huang Zongwei angrily, and the two completely broke up.After Chen Jianchang left, Huang Zongwei said that there was no problem in his production process, but there was a problem in Boss Tan's sales process. For this reason, he asked for settlement expenses, and Boss Tan agreed to his conditions in order to ensure future supply.Huang Zongwei believes that the police are always following him along the way. He suspects that Boss Tan has a traitor here, but he also said that Boss Tan needs to solve these problems himself.

Boss Tan asked Xiao Qin to continue delivering goods the next day, warning him that if something went wrong, Xiao Qin's family would be killed.Chen Jianchang was dissatisfied with being abandoned by Huang Zongwei. He asked Ah Sheng to snatch away Boss Tan's goods and divided the stolen goods into 40-60 shares in advance, which made Ah Sheng excited.

Huang Zongwei successfully obtained the settlement allowance from Boss Tan. Now he has earned 6 million yuan, and he is extremely excited.Then Huang Zongwei decided to take a vacation and take Ami to travel abroad to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.He asked Aaron to clear the money in the card and buy the raw materials he needed.

Xiao Qin was responsible for drug transportation. He came to the transfer station to find Tiger and Lao Qiang to transport drugs together, and asked them to hand over their mobile phones.Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong both rushed to take responsibility for the failure of the arrest. Director Qi did not blame them. Zhao Younan believed that Huang Zongwei must have received wind of this operation. Then she received information from Lao Gun, and several people targeted the drug again.transportation routes.The police set up an inspection on the transportation section. Boss Tan learned the news through the sentry. Xiao Qin changed the route midway and confirmed that there was a mole among the three.

《Ice Hunt》E13Plot

Episode 13

Ice Hunt episode 13 plot introduction: Undercover policeman was killed in a drug dealer's trap

Xiao Qin suspected that Lao Qiang was the mole. Lao Qiang did not admit that he was the mole, and said that there were three people in the car, and Hu was also a suspect.Later, Xiao Qin also believed that Tiger was suspected of being a mole. Several people doubted each other and did not admit that he was a mole.In the end, Xiao Qin told the two that they were not out for business this time. He was ordered by Boss Tan to find out the mole. Now that he saw Lao Qiang still quibbling here, he shot Lao Qiang directly.

Although Tiger was angry because Xiao Qin killed Lao Qiang, he learned from Xiao Qin that this was Boss Tan's order, and Tiger chose to obey his orders.Before Lao Qiang died, he turned on the mobile phone left in the car. Zhao Younan and others also learned of the death of the undercover policeman at the same time, and they quickly tracked the drug dealer's vehicle.

Xiao Qin eliminated the undercover police, and on the other hand, Boss Tan also arranged for personnel to transfer the drugs out of the country.Chen Jianchang asked Ah Sheng to cooperate with him in a betrayal scene, but he did not expect that Ah Sheng would really betray him. Even his wife Ah Hui had an affair with Ah Sheng for a long time, and even the child was Ah Sheng's biological child.The angry Chen Jianchang wanted to kill Ah Sheng with one shot, but Ah Sheng, who was well prepared, killed Chen Jianchang with one blow.

Boss Tan and others learned of Chen Jianchang's death, and Huang Zongwei had other ideas because of Chen Jianchang's death.Boss Tan tried a new route with 100 kilograms of drugs, and he distributed the money he received to Xiao Qin and Asheng who had merit. Tiger did not receive a reward because he led the undercover police here.Boss Tan decided to trade one thousand kilograms of drugs next time, and everyone had no objections.

Director Qi led people to review the previous route of drug dealers and found that the drug dealers' lair was near the place where they were searching. He arranged for Team Xia to set up checkpoints on the road and asked Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong to guard the drug dealers on the way.Zhao Younan discovered that there was a problem with the vehicle transporting cement on the road. She informed Team Xia about the matter. Team Xia checked the cement transport vehicle at the checkpoint and saw Xiao Qin and Tiger exposed in the vehicle. They started a shootout with the police. Tiger was eventually arrested because he was shot., Xiao Qin was also successfully captured by Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong on the way.

Under the deployment of Director Qi, the police finally succeeded in capturing 2,000 kilograms of drugs. As Sheng witnessed Xiao Qin being arrested, he promptly turned the vehicle transporting the drugs and fled, burying the drugs in the car in the forest along the way.Huang Zongwei noticed the abnormality and asked Aaron to prepare items for escape. He also asked Aaron to park the car 300 meters away and wait to leave at any time.

Because Zhao Younan and Lao Qiang (Zheng Zhiyao) were comrades in the army before, Director Qi specially brought her to say goodbye to Lao Qiang's body.According to regulations, the Haining Provincial People's Government assessed Comrade Zheng Zhiyao as a martyr and provided a pension to his family. The Ministry of Public Security awarded him the title of First-Class Hero Model on the National Public Security Front.Zhao Younan thought of asking Zheng Zhiyao why he wanted to be an anti-drug policeman. Zheng Zhiyao's reason was because his best comrade died in an anti-drug operation, and the murderer was never caught.Although they were born in a peaceful era, some wars required soldiers to fight, so Zheng Zhiyao decided to join the anti-drug career at that time.

Xiao Qin revealed Boss Tan's manor residence, and the anti-narcotics police quickly launched an action plan.At this time, Boss Tan also learned that Xiao Qin and others were arrested, and A Sheng also escaped with the goods.Angry, he went to inquire about Ah Sheng's actions after Ah Hui escaped. Before he could find out Ah Sheng's whereabouts, he learned that the manor had been surrounded by the police.A fierce gun battle broke out between the police and drug dealers inside the manor. Boss Tan was killed by a bomb during his escape. Zhao Younan searched the manor and did not find Huang Zongwei. He only found Ami who was left behind in the room.

《Ice Hunt》E14Plot

Episode 14

Ice Hunt episode 14 plot introduction: Huang Zongwei faked his death to escape and confuse the police

Zhao Younan interrogated A Mei and learned that after A Mei met Huang Zongwei, she came to Guangqin as a worker, but she did not know what Huang Zongwei's specific occupation was.Ami also told the police that Huang Zongwei took her to his laboratory a few hours ago and promised to teach her technical formulas. During the journey, Huang Zongwei asked Ami to hide in the cabinet due to gunshots.Ami saw in the cabinet that Boss Tan entered the laboratory and pointed a gun at Huang Zongwei. The two had a dispute over business issues, and Boss Tan eventually shot Huang Zongwei.Later, Ami heard the sound of dragging things and chopping an ax in the cupboard. When questioned by the police, Ami admitted that she was in a relationship with Huang Zongwei and said that Huang Zongwei had promised to marry her.

The police analyzed the fingerprints and experimental liquids in the laboratory and speculated that someone was dissolved by the strong alkaline solution in the laboratory. Although the forensic doctor could not confirm that the person who was dissolved was Huang Zongwei, the blood stains left at the scene were consistent with Huang Zongwei's DNA.The police believe that one of the people who was dissolved may be Huang Zongwei, and the other may be Chen Jianchang. Both of them may have been killed and silenced by Boss Tan.

Zhao Younan believed that Huang Zongwei was not necessarily dead based on his usual blinding tactics, and he must have escaped secretly this time.She couldn't accept the police's inference, and she became emotional and came to question Ami.After summarizing opinions from many aspects, Director Qi concluded the case for the time being and the task force was disbanded. He ordered Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong to continue working at their respective jobs.

Zhao Younan and Duan Minghong returned to Haining. Zhao Younan returned to the anti-drug team and submitted an application for transfer to the household registration department. Liu Yuan agreed to her request.Duan Minghong learned that Zhao Younan had been transferred from the anti-narcotics team. He was reluctant but didn't know how to deal with the relationship between the two.

Although Zhao Younan was transferred to the household registration department with doubts about Huang Zongwei's case, she did not give up investigating the case.Duan Minghong and Lu Hao were eating noodles in front of the small shop run by Ye Alan. Duan Minghong accidentally saw Aaron passing by on a motorcycle on the street. After Lu Hao confirmed the incident, he continued to wait at the small shop.Sure enough, after a while, I saw someone pretending to buy cigarettes to deliver a message to Ye Alan, asking Ye Alan to go to the fish stall to buy fish.

The police then followed Ye Alan to the fish stall. Ye Alan noticed something unusual and ran away in a hurry. On the way, he was picked up by Aaron on a motorcycle.Ye Alan met her husband Huang Zongwei by the river. Huang Zongwei wanted to take his wife and children abroad, but Ye Alan learned from the police that the methamphetamine produced by Huang Zongwei would kill thousands of housewives and disperse them. She could not accept that her three children would be separated.A criminal dad.

Seeing that his wife was unwilling to follow him abroad, Huang Zongwei told Ye Alan that it was not safe for her to stay in the country. The shop opposite the small shop was opened by the police.After Ye Alan learned about it, she was even more unwilling to leave with Huang Zongwei. She believed that once they left, their mother and son would be implicated by Huang Zongwei.Ye Alan hoped that Huang Zongwei would consider his children and completely disappear from their lives in the future. If he couldn't, she would choose to call the police immediately.In the end, Huang Zongwei had no choice but to compromise. He allowed Ye Alan to accept his money and take care of his three children in the future.Raise three children to go to college. When the children ask about their father’s occupation, they will tell them that he is a chemistry teacher.

Seeing Ye Alan leaving, Huang Zongwei decided to take Aaron to Guangqin.After saying goodbye to Huang Zongwei, Ye Alan went home alone. She went to the shop opposite to thank the police for taking care of her. She also told them that Huang Zongwei had kidnapped her before, but she had cut off all contact with Huang Zongwei and would not have any contact in the future, and she would alsoThe child's surname was changed to Ye.

Two years later, Huang Zongwei, who was in Guangqin, asked Aaron to find someone to apply for two ID cards from the Central Plains so that they could go abroad, and then apply for two phone cards and a driver's license.While searching for a solution, Aaron saw an advertisement and walked into a bathing center to find a woman, but accidentally fell into a trap.

The next day, Aaron woke up and learned that he had spent 9,000 yuan at the bathing center and was forced to apply for a new card worth 100,000 yuan. Aaron didn't have that much money, so he could only call Huang Zongwei for help.After receiving the call, Huang Zongwei came to look for Aaron and accidentally met Ah Sheng in the bathing center. It turned out that the bathing center was run by Ah Sheng. The old people reunited after a long separation, and Aaron was naturally safe and sound.

《Ice Hunt》E15Plot

Episode 15

Ice Hunt episode 15 plot introduction: Huang Zongwei goes abroad to start the drug manufacturing industry

Ah Sheng took Huang Zongwei and Aaron to their home on the beach, where Huang Zongwei and Aaron met Ah Hui. Everyone was very happy to meet again alive.Ah Sheng said that Huang Zongwei gave him and Ah Hui a happy life, and he was very grateful to Huang Zongwei.Huang Zongwei asked Ah Hui how Chen Jianchang's parents were doing. When he learned that the two elders were doing well, Huang Zongwei settled his worries.

Ah Sheng told Huang Zongwei that he was just a shareholder of the bathing shop, and the real boss was Ah Dong, who was originally in the sand and gravel business in Shan Vietnam.Ah Sheng said that they only hid a few kilograms of drugs at first, but at that time Huang Zongwei produced 2,000 kilograms of drugs, and the police only seized more than 900 kilograms, so he guessed that Ah Sheng and Ah Qiang took more than 100 kilograms.of drugs.Huang Zongwei knew that the person who could take over this batch of goods must be a big seller. The two of them could get at least 30 to 40 million from selling the drugs.

Seeing that the lie was exposed, Ah Sheng wanted to resist, but Huang Zongwei said that he didn't care about the money in their hands and regarded it as a meeting gift from him.Ah Sheng and Ah Qiang knelt down to thank Huang Zongwei for their kindness and were willing to work for him in the future.Ah Sheng told Huang Zongwei that their batch of goods was sold abroad through Adong. Later, he gave Adong shares in the bath store and asked Adong to help look after the store.

Huang Zongwei learned about A Dong's origins through A Sheng, and also learned that A Dong had always wanted the source of previous drugs. Huang Zongwei learned that A Dong had all overseas channels, and he asked A Sheng to help arrange a meeting with A Dong.After getting the news, A Dong came to see Huang Zongwei alone. He was very excited to see Huang Zongwei and agreed to go to Shan Viet for development together.

Ah Hui wanted to go back to her hometown to visit her parents and children before leaving, and entrust her parents and children to the care of her sister. However, Ah Sheng was worried that Ah Hui's whereabouts would be exposed and prohibited her from going home to visit her parents.Unexpectedly, Ah Hui secretly packed her luggage and returned to her hometown while Ah Sheng was away.After Huang Zongwei learned about this, he persuaded Ah Sheng not to worry about Ah Hui, and they went to Shan Yue as scheduled.

Ah Hui took a taxi to Guangning City, Dongguang Province. She encountered taxi extortion. Fortunately, she met the police for help. The police also recognized Ah Hui's identity and asked her to investigate some matters.Huang Zongwei and others came to Shan Vietnam to meet with A Dong. A Dong let Huang Zongwei live here without worrying about the police, the government, and not to worry about life.

Ah Hui's father persuaded his daughter to cooperate with the police in catching Huang Zongwei. The police also believed that she had just gone astray and believed that she could help the police arrest Huang Zongwei.

Zhao Younan's father was critically ill, and all three sisters returned to their hometown. However, Zhao's father still hoped to see his son before he died. However, the sisters could not contact their half-brother, and eventually Zhao's father passed away regretfully.Zhao Younan thought of Aaron's father from his father's patriarchal life. She then called Duan Minghong to come to Zhongshu's house with her. After asking, they learned that Aaron's real name was Huang Yunlong.

Aaron never returned home after leaving with Huang Zongwei. Uncle Zhong also thought that it was okay not to have such a useless son. Zhao Younan asked Uncle Zhong how to continue the family line without a son. Uncle Zhong cried bitterly because of his concern.The police understood how Uncle Zhong missed his son, and also said that Aaron was not deeply involved in the case following Huang Zongwei. Now the only person who can save Aaron is Uncle Zhong.Uncle Zhong only hopes that his son can come back safely, so he is willing to cooperate with the police.

Guangning police learned from Ah Hui that Huang Zongwei, Ah Sheng and others followed Adong to Shan Vietnam. The police asked Ah Hui to cooperate with them to go to Shan Vietnam to find out where Huang Zongwei and others were manufacturing drugs.Haining police also arranged for Lu Hao to tell Ye Alan and Duan Minghong to keep an eye on Hanlin Village to promptly check whether Huang Zongwei and Aaron were in contact with their families.

Xiao An came to visit Alan Ye. She also specifically told Alan Ye that she had quit her job as a police officer and would focus on opening a restaurant in the future. Although Alan Ye emphasized that she had cut off contact with Huang Zongwei, Xiao An said that some relationships could not be broken off if Alan wanted to.No, Huang Zongwei doesn’t necessarily think so.Ah Hui received a call from Ah Sheng, who asked her to rush to the fishing port of Chunhou Town, Haibei County, Guangqin the day after tomorrow, where someone would pick her up to go abroad.

《Ice Hunt》E16Plot

Episode 16

Ice Hunt Episode 16 Synopsis: Ami kidnaps triplets and threatens Huang Chongwei

Ah Sheng brought Ah Hui to Shan Vietnam, but Ah Dong belittled Ah Hui when he saw her. It turned out that Ah Dong received a letter from a domestic informant saying that Ah Hui had been instigated by the police, although Ah Sheng was willing to believe it.Ah Hui, but Ah Dong no longer trusts the two of them, and Ah Dong already feels that Ah Sheng has no use value, and now he will also bring the police undercover to Shan Yue.After A Dong forced out that A Hui and Tian Qingshan were in contact via telegram, he shot A Hui directly, and then killed A Sheng and A Qiang directly.

Huang Zongwei was very calm after learning that Ah Sheng and others were killed, and he also guessed that the Guangning police were not willing to let him go. However, Ah Dong believed that the domestic police were beyond their reach now, and the Chinese police had zero law enforcement capabilities in Shan Vietnam. Even if they came here,, he can also get the message in advance to change the address.A Dong ensured that the drugs would only be sold abroad, so that Huang Zongwei did not need to worry about being caught.

Adong sent a protest telegram to Tian Qingshan, telling him that drug dealers A Sheng, A Hui, and A Qiang had all been shot. This made Tian Qingshan even more angry at the crazy actions of Adong and others.Duan Minghong and Zhao Younan got married, and colleagues in the police station came to celebrate.

This year, the drugs produced by Huang Zongwei set off a huge wave around the world. Interpol arrested thousands of drug gangs around the world, and the source pointed to the Adong drug trafficking family in Shan Vietnam.However, because Shan Vietnam has not joined Interpol, Interpol cannot arrest the Adong criminal gang.The Chinese anti-narcotics police were assisted in the investigation by Interpol, and Director Qi also decided to station in Sanping to try to arrest Huang Zongwei as soon as possible.

Two years later, Ami was released from prison after serving her sentence. After being released from prison, Ami could not contact Huang Zongwei. She remembered that Huang Zongwei once said that he bought a storefront house in Xiangfu Lane, Haining. She came here and saw Ye Alan who opened a small shop., she bought a bucket of instant noodles at a small shop. When she learned that A Mei had no money, Ye Alan gave her a bucket of instant noodles.Ye Alan saw that A Mei was having difficulties in life and said that if A Mei was willing to help in the store, she could pay A Mei a salary, and A Mei readily agreed.

At the same time, the police also learned that Ye Alan left Ami to work in the store.Director Qi analyzed that the best plan now is to wait for the opportunity. Although Zhao Younan is approaching the delivery date, he still applied to Haining, hoping to get close to Ye Alan to get some useful information.The police received news that Uncle Zhong had received a letter last year, and they went to question Uncle Zhong, but Uncle Zhong denied that it was a letter from Aaron, which made the police suspicious of his words.Duan Minghong secretly found letters and bankbooks on the beam of his room while Uncle Zhong was not paying attention, and found that Uncle Zhong had received six million in drug money from Aaron.Now that the evidence is conclusive, Director Qi ordered the arrest of Uncle Zhong.

Ah Mei bought medicine for vomiting and diarrhea and put it into the porridge Ye Alan ate. As a result, Ye Alan suffered from vomiting and diarrhea. She went to the hospital alone for treatment and asked Ah Mei to pick up the children from school.A Mei took the triplets away and left a message to Ye Alan asking her to contact Huang Zongwei and let Huang Zongwei fulfill his promise.Ye Alan was worried that his child had been kidnapped and taken away, so he hurriedly came to Xiaoan's store opposite for help.

Huang Zongwei learned the news from the Chinese police and learned that his sons had been kidnapped and taken away by Ami. Huang Zongwei wanted to return to China to save his son, but A Dong was naturally unwilling to let Huang Zongwei go.Now Huang Zongwei already knows that A Dong uses him as a drug-making tool, and the two have a dispute.Huang Zongwei called Ye Alan to confirm that his son was indeed kidnapped by Ami. He asked Ye Alan not to call the police and he would return to China to rescue his son.Huang Zongwei knelt down and begged Adong for help. Adong promised to use all domestic channels to help him save his son, but also asked Huang Zongwei to give up his wife Ye Alan.

《Ice Hunt》E17Plot

Episode 17

Ice Hunt Episode 17 Synopsis: Huang Zongwei returns to China to rescue his son

Director Qi investigated and learned that the person who helped Ami kidnap the child was Ami's inmate Wang Xiangsong. This man had once caused her husband to fall down the stairs and died due to domestic violence.She was released from prison two months earlier than Ami, but it is not clear what she is doing now and where she lives.Director Qi analyzed that the two would not harm the child and believed that Huang Zongwei would return to China on time.

Because the south of China was already guarded by the police, Adong chose to take Huang Zongwei to the north to return to the country.After the two landed in the north on a private plane, they took a boat trip back to China. On the way back, Adong chatted with Huang Zongwei about their family past. It turned out that Adong was not the only son in the family. He was the person with the least status in the family. His father would let him still be alone.He grew up free-range in China, an experience he will never forget.Later, after meeting Huang Zongwei, his life became wonderful.

After Huang Zongwei and A Dong left from the pier, the police rushed over and the two parties happened to face each other.In order to avoid police pursuit, Adong asked Huang Zongwei to hide in a refrigerated truck, which also allowed them to successfully evade the search.After arriving at a safe place, Adong quickly asked people to release Huang Zongwei from the refrigerated truck. At this time, Huang Zongwei was already frozen. Adong hurriedly ordered people to find an old Chinese medicine doctor to treat Huang Zongwei.

Huang Zongwei almost froze to death, which made Adong very angry and asked his subordinates to quickly warm Huang Zongwei. Later, under the care of an old Chinese medicine doctor, Huang Zongwei successfully revived, and the old Chinese medicine doctor asked him to lie down for three days before he could return to normal.Adong asked Huang Zongwei what food he wanted to eat. Huang Zongwei wanted to drink hen soup, and Adong hurriedly ordered people to make it.Adong had people send guns to prepare, and also told two of his men to protect Huang Zongwei with their lives. For this reason, he promised to ensure that the parents of his men lived a worry-free life.

Ami called the radio and told the radio about the past acquaintance between herself and Huang Zongwei. Huang Zongwei heard this familiar story from the radio. In the story, a girl was bullied by the boss while working in a restaurant, and was later rescued by a knight. At that time, the girlFalling for the knights.Later, the girl received news about this famous knight, and she left regardless of her own safety. The two spent more than a wonderful month together.When officers and soldiers attacked, the girl covered the knight's escape because the knight had promised her that he would give her a large sum of money so that she and her family could live a life without worries about food and clothing.Because the girl loves the knight, she will give everything for the knight.Later, the knight disappeared, and the girl spent the most difficult three years in prison. As her youth passed, the girl began to hate the knight for deceiving her. She wanted to say goodbye to this relationship completely, but she didn't know where to go.After listening to the story, Huang Zongwei knew that Ami was calling him, and guessed from the story that Ami might be in a wildlife park with tigers.

Adong knew that it was immoral to let Huang Zongwei abandon his children to survive, but losing Huang Zongwei to him was equivalent to losing half his life. He could only repeatedly tell his subordinates Atai and Lao Dao to ensure Huang Zongwei's safety.On the other side, Zhao Younan heard the story on the radio and knew that it was the story of Ami and Huang Zongwei. She reported the news to her leaders. Everyone analyzed the content of the story and finally determined where Ami was hiding, and quickly arranged the police to rush here to rescue the children.Catch Huang Chongwei.

《Ice Hunt》E18Plot

Episode 18

Ice Hunt Episode 18 finale plot introduction: The drug gang is finally wiped out

Ami was so upset because she hated Huang Zongwei's deception. She wanted to take out the triplets to take out her anger. Wang Xiangsong protected the triplets and stopped Ami from taking out the children.With nowhere to vent her hatred, Ami came to the zoo to look at the tigers, hoping to calm her anger.

Artai and Lao Dao took Huang Zongwei to the wildlife park. They asked Huang Zongwei to wait outside the wildlife park. They promised to take the child out of the zoo safely. Then Artest and Lao Dao sneaked into the wildlife park. They found Ami and others and made a prompt decision.He stabbed A Mei and Wang Xiangsong to death with a knife, and then took the three children away.

Huang Zongwei and others drove away with their children. On the way, they happened to encounter the police car led by Liu Yuan. Liu Yuan and others noticed that there was something wrong with the passing vehicle and quickly turned around and chased them.Huang Zongwei and others also discovered that the police car was chasing them. Artai and Lao Dao got out of the car and started shooting with the police. Their firepower was too strong for the police to deal with.Artest and Lao Dao threw the driver out of the car and drove away quickly. Duan Minghong drove alone to catch up.On the way, Duan Minghong's car was shot. In order to avoid the shooting, Duan Minghong's car overturned. He could only helplessly watch Huang Zongwei disappear before his eyes again.

Lao Dao decided to drive on a mountain road to Jiangning. After arriving in Jiangning, Lao Dao got out of the car and intercepted the police behind him, allowing Artest to continue moving forward with Huang Zongwei.Director Qi and others caught up with Duan Minghong and guessed from the road Duan Minghong was pointing that Huang Zongwei and others fled to Jiangning. He immediately ordered a tight seal on all intersections and villages along the way to prevent the gunmen from taking hostages again.At the same time, Director Qi also notified Jiangning police to close the road to investigate Huang Zongwei.

The armed police were ordered to pursue Huang Zongwei, and Duan Minghong also took the opportunity to join the armed police team. Lao Dao ambushed and intercepted the armed police on the way. Duan Minghong asked the armed police comrades to break out from the front, while he surrounded the gunman from behind. Duan Minghong climbed up the cliff from the back mountain, attracting firepower from the armed police in front.With the help, he successfully found Lao Dao's location and shot him successfully.

Huang Zongwei's whereabouts have been exposed, and he is worried that the police will catch up with them at any time. Atai asked Huang Zongwei to leave the child and the car, and they went to find A Dong on foot. A Dong would definitely help him get out of the country successfully. Huang Zongwei returned to China for the sake of his children.He didn't want to give up the child.So he asked Artest to turn back, and they encountered Lu Hao's police car on the way. Huang Zongwei and Artest could only abandon the car and hide in a nearby village with their children.The two found an uninhabited house and hid here temporarily.Atai threatened the police with the child's safety, and Lu Hao agreed to negotiate to ensure the child's safety.

After dawn, Director Qi, Director Zhang, Zhao Younan and others came here with Ye Alan. Atai knew that they were surrounded by heavy weapons at this time. He took a child as a hostage and asked the police to arrange a helicopter to send them away.Zhao Younan persuaded Huang Zongwei to learn to be a good man for the sake of his wife and children, and not to let the children complain about him as a heinous father in the future. Huang Zongwei pretended to be angered and agreed with Atai's suggestion to take his son as a hostage and rush out together with Atai. Atai believed it, butUnexpectedly, Huang Zongwei suddenly shot and killed Artest.Huang Zongwei did not want to affect his image in his son's mind. He told his son that he was a police undercover, and then he walked out of the room alone and surrendered.

Huang Zongwei and his gang, who have been rampant for many years, are finally brought to justice. However, the situation in my country's fight against drug crimes is still severe and complicated. However, because there are front-line anti-drug policemen who, with unparalleled faith and loyalty to their mission, continue to organize special anti-drug projects in order to protect the safety of people's lives, property, and health. The anti-drug police continue to carry out key rectifications in areas seriously affected by drugs and crack down on illegal and criminal activities. No matter how difficult the anti-drug road is, the anti-drug police have always adhered to the belief of punishing evil and promoting good, and defended the tranquility of society with their lives.

Huang Zongwei was sentenced to death in accordance with the law for manufacturing and selling drugs in huge quantities and in serious circumstances.Uncle Zhong was sentenced to death for intentional homicide and drug production.With the assistance of our country's public security, the Shan Vietnamese police wiped out the Adong overseas criminal group.Aaron was deported back to China and was eventually sentenced to death for intentional homicide, manufacturing and selling drugs.


Ice Hunt

Ice Hunt

Total 18 Episodes Feb 21, 2024 C-Drama Myst/Crime Actor: Anna Yao Zhang Songwen