《Animal Practice》Ep Intro

There is an Animal Practice in a zoo, and the person in charge is Dr. Wang, an animal psychotherapist.He is both a madman and a genius veterinarian. He has an eccentric personality and has a logical and self-consistent analysis and understanding of every move of animals.Under his theory and practice, humans have the first real opportunity to communicate with animals about their inner world.Li Yan, an outstanding medical graduate, became Dr. Wang's assistant under the recommendation of his tutor Professor Wang and started his internship journey.Li Yan is not willing to become a veterinarian, but the real purpose of Professor Wang's move is to let Li Yan find out Dr. Wang's mysterious life experience.In this way, the genius Dr. Wang and the rookie Li Yan experienced all kinds of absurd stories related to animals.In the end, Li Yan realized that there was actually no problem with the animals. It was the owners of the animals who really needed to adjust their thoughts and life direction.The two have become a tacit partner, and their method of healing animals and owners has been recognized by more and more people.

《Animal Practice》E1Plot

Episode 1

Li Yan, a talented medical graduate, successfully became the assistant of the famous veterinarian Dr. Wang under the strong recommendation of his mentor Professor Wang.However, behind this seemingly ordinary internship opportunity, there is a hidden secret.The real purpose of Professor Wang's trip is to hope that Li Yan can conduct an in-depth investigation and find out Dr. Wang's mysterious life experience.

Although Li Yan was not very interested in the profession of veterinarian, his trust in Professor Wang and his curiosity about the unknown world drove him to accept this challenge.So, he and Professor Wang embarked on this internship journey full of unknowns and adventures.

The first task they faced was to rescue a lion sent by a breeder.This lion has recently lost its appetite and its physical condition is worrying.Li Yan and Dr. Wang quickly started work and conducted a comprehensive physical examination of the lion.During the examination, they discovered abnormalities in the lion's digestive system, which seemed to be caused by certain ingredients in the food that caused indigestion.

In order to find out the root of the problem, Li Yan began to conduct in-depth research on the eating habits and breeding environment of lions.He carefully asked the keepers about the lion's daily diet and living habits, and personally observed the lion's living conditions.After a series of investigations and experiments, Li Yan finally found the crux of the problem: It turned out that in order to supplement the nutrition of the lions, breeders often added some human food to the food, and some of the ingredients in these foods were harmful to the lion's digestive system.caused a burden.

After finding the source of the problem, Li Yan and Dr. Wang quickly formulated a treatment plan.They adjusted the lion's diet, removed foods that were harmful to the lion's digestive system, and added some nutritious foods specially designed for lions.Under their careful treatment, the lion's physical condition gradually improved and his appetite gradually recovered.

《Animal Practice》E2Plot

Episode 2

After Dr. Wang communicated with the lion, he successfully sensed the lion's homesickness, so he used a special treatment method and asked Li Yan to prepare his specially prepared ingredients.Li Yan came to the pharmacy and was surprised to find that it was just a canteen and the prescription prescribed by Dr. Wang was actually a packet of snail powder.Li Yan met the pharmacist Zheng Zheng and bought snail noodles, which successfully solved the lion's homesickness.Li Yan had doubts about Dr. Wang's ability to communicate with animals. He reported the situation to Professor Wang. Professor Wang told him to stay put and carefully record all Dr. Wang's medical skills.It turns out that Professor Wang is Dr. Wang's brother. The brothers were separated many years ago. After Dr. Wang returned to China not long ago, he suddenly turned into a weird veterinarian.Professor Wang asked Li Yan to secretly report his brother's every move, and in turn deduced Dr. Wang's true purpose of becoming a veterinarian.

《Animal Practice》E3Plot

Episode 3

In this challenging and difficult moment, inventor Professor Ai and Mrs. Ai approached Dr. Wang, hoping to use his wisdom and talent to solve their problems.Their marriage has come to an end, but in order to get the marriage certificate in the safe, they must let the parrot say the password to unlock the door - the three words “I love you”.However, the parrot was foul-mouthed and got them into trouble.

As an experienced communication expert, Dr. Wang decided to accept this challenge.He knew that communicating with parrots was not easy, but he remained confident and determined.He took out the kazoo that he was good at, hoping to build a communication bridge with the parrot through the magic of music.

However, things did not go as smoothly as Dr. Wang expected.Despite his best efforts, the parrot didn't seem to buy it.It played tricks on Dr. Wang again and again, putting him in embarrassing situations.Dr. Wang felt very frustrated, but he did not give up. He firmly believed that as long as he worked hard, he would be able to find a way to communicate with the parrot.

《Animal Practice》E4Plot

Episode 4

In Dr. Wang's unique and contagious kazoo music, the parrot seemed to be attracted by the magic. It tried three times to tell the password of the safe, but missed the correct password every time.Following the parrot's mistake, the safe triggered its self-destruct program, and the precious items inside were about to disappear.

At this critical moment, Professor Love and Mrs. Love showed their most sincere emotions.They forgive each other, let go of past misunderstandings and conflicts, and embrace each other sincerely.The parrot also said the touching words "I love you" in this warm atmosphere.

Professor Love and Mrs. Love rediscovered their trust and affection for each other. They decided to go home with the parrot and start a new life.This experience made them cherish each other more, and also made them understand the intelligence and wit of parrots better.

Li Yan sent Professor Wang a video of Dr. Wang playing the kazoo, and Professor Wang was full of curiosity about it.He invited experts to decipher the secrets in the video, and unexpectedly discovered that Dr. Wang did not lie.It turns out that he and Parrot jointly planned this scene to help Professor Ai and Mrs. Ai reconcile.

《Animal Practice》E5Plot

Episode 5

Dr. Wang received a special package containing a box of fresh crayfish.He opened the package with great interest and saw these vibrant little creatures. He was immediately inspired and decided to use his cooking skills to cook a sumptuous meal for them.So, he acted quickly, cleaned the crayfish, added various spices and condiments, and carefully cooked a pot of crayfish with good color, fragrance and flavor.

Dr. Wang admired his superb cooking skills while tasting the delicious crayfish.However, as he was feasting, an accompanying letter caught his eye.The letter stated that these crayfish were not ordinary ingredients, but the sender's pet, a cute crayfish named “Bobo”.It turns out that the owner of the letter is a cruise ship mate. He established a deep friendship with Bobo during the voyage and regarded him as a loyal partner.

Unfortunately, in an accident, Bobo accidentally fell into a pot of newly purchased crayfish.Due to the similar appearance of the two, the first mate could no longer tell which one was his pet Bobo.So, he had an idea and decided to send all the crayfish to Dr. Wang, who was good at cooking, hoping that he could identify Bobo through observation during the cooking process.

《Animal Practice》E6Plot

Episode 6

Doctor Wang took out a real pet crayfish. He soon discovered that the first mate had experienced dangers at sea earlier and did not dare to go to sea again, so he could only place his feelings on the crayfish.After communicating, he found that the first mate was afraid of the waves on the sea, so he was unwilling to let the crayfish go to the sea.Dr. Wang pretended to be the captain and staged a thrilling journey with the first mate, which finally made the first mate face his inner knot and let the crayfish see the world.

《Animal Practice》E7Plot

Episode 7

A rich foreign client had a cat. He spent a lot of money to treat the cat like a king, but the cat refused to lie down.After Dr. Wang's diagnosis, he found that the real problem was the rich man. His circle of friends were all either rich or noble, and he lived a life of luxury and debauchery. He no longer had the ability to be down-to-earth and rely on his own hands to create the meaning of life.Dr. Wang asked Li Yan to catch a lazy stray cat, replace the rich man's original cat, and give the hard-working cat to the place where she was really needed to catch mice.The rich man didn't care that the cat had been replaced. He was very satisfied with the cat that Dr. Wang had selected that was as delicious and lazy as himself, and he happily flew back to China.The rich man paid Dr. Wang a large sum of money as a thank you, and Dr. Wang donated all the money to poor children.

《Animal Practice》E8Plot

Episode 8

The famous young actress Xiaoyu found Dr. Wang, her face was full of anxiety.Xiaoyu brought her pet sheep to the clinic and told her troubles: Dr. Wang, I really want to help my pet sheep, but it is too ugly to enter the entertainment industry.Can you give it a facelift?%

Dr. Wang looked at the sheep in front of him. It was indeed a little different from common pet sheep, but it was not so much that it needed plastic surgery.Dr. Wang understands that plastic surgery is not the answer to all problems, especially in this situation.

In order to help Xiaoyu change her mind, Dr. Wang did not perform surgery directly. Instead, he transformed into a young actor and went through the interview process with Xiaoyu.They shuttled between various crews and faced various picky directors and producers.

In the process, Dr. Wang showed Xiaoyu the cruelty and competition in the entertainment industry, letting her understand that if you want to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, you need more than just appearance.What's more important is strength and talent.At the same time, Dr. Wang also conveyed a message to Xiaoyu: Every life has its own unique value and beauty and should not be denied just because of shortcomings in appearance.

《Animal Practice》E9Plot

Episode 9

Dr. Wang had an in-depth conversation with Xiaoyu. He explained in detail that beauty is diverse and should not be easily defined.He told Xiaoyu that everyone has his or her own unique beauty, and that no one, whether human or animal, should be denied simply because of shortcomings in appearance.

Xiaoyu listened to Dr. Wang's words and gradually understood what he meant.She realized that her previous view of the pet sheep was too one-sided, denying its value simply because of its appearance.She decided to give up the idea of ​​giving the ugly sheep plastic surgery, cherish the time she spent with it more, and discover more beauty in it.

At the same time, when Li Yan and Professor Wang were discussing Dr. Wang's background, they unexpectedly discovered that Dr. Wang seemed to have actually trained in plastic surgery in South Korea.This discovery made them more trustful in Dr. Wang's professional abilities and made them admire his medical ethics and style even more.

After learning the news, Dr. Wang decided to come forward to admonish Xiaoyu again.He changed his name to Professor Park, called Xiaoyu, and told her not to pursue external beauty too much.He emphasized that a person's value should not only depend on appearance, but more importantly, inner qualities and talents.

However, when Xiaoyu gradually realized the similarities between Dr. Wang and Professor Park, Dr. Wang quickly hung up the phone.

《Animal Practice》E10Plot

Episode 10

Ji Ge is a foot massager, and his grandmother has instilled the belief in the existence of chinchillas since he was a child.This belief was like a mysterious seed, deeply rooted in his heart and became the most precious memory of his childhood.Even as he grew older, this belief never wavered.However, he never understood why the little chinchilla he bought never grew up.

One day, Dr. Wang and Li Yan accidentally learned Ji Ge's story, and they decided to help Ji Ge solve the mystery that had troubled him for many years.The two carefully planned a special "My Neighbor Totoro Arrival" reenactment.They took advantage of Ji Ge's deep longing for Totoro and cleverly used props and costumes to create a realistic image of Totoro.

When Ji Ge saw this “My Neighbor Totoro”, his eyes were full of surprise and excitement.He accepted the existence of this “My Neighbor Totoro” without any doubt, as if he had returned to the innocent era of childhood.He interacted with “My Neighbor Totoro”, shared his stories and feelings, and enjoyed this rare warmth and companionship.

However, Ji Ge did not realize that this “My Neighbor Totoro” was actually Li Yan pretending to be.In his heart there is only the trust and love for Totoro, as well as the joy and touch of interacting with “Totoro”.

In the process, Ji Ge finally understood that the chinchilla he had been obsessed with when he was a child was not the real chinchilla, but the love and protection of his grandma for him.

《Animal Practice》E11Plot

Episode 11

The Pi star from distant outer space came to the earth. He determined that the earth was full of violence and prepared to destroy the earth.He used cheating methods to make Dr. Wang, Li Yan and Zheng Zheng lose to his pet crab in the rock-paper-scissors game.

《Animal Practice》E12Plot

Episode 12

Dr. Wang recognized the identity of the Pi star at the critical moment. He successfully defeated the opponent, saved the world, and provided the aliens with a more reasonable and interesting casual game.The Pi star was very grateful and promised to take everyone to Yangcheng Lake in Suzhou in a few days.

《Animal Practice》E13Plot

Episode 13

The sensational "Human Bear CP" and "Dr. Xue" duo seek help from Dr. Wang.It turns out that after Big Bear and Little Bear became popular, fans from both sides began to fight. In order to give Little Bear better development, Big Bear hoped that Dr. Wang could persuade Little Bear to leave him.Dr. Wang pretended to break up the couple, and Daxiong's career plummeted.Unexpectedly, Little Bear gave up his personal development and returned to Big Bear again.Daxiong finally understood that friendship is more important than hyping CP.

《Animal Practice》E14Plot

Episode 14

Mr. Cao is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. He only remembers buying gold as a birthday gift for his son, but he doesn't remember where he put it. He only remembers talking about it with the goldfish.Dr. Wang realized that the goldfish's memory was only seven seconds. In order to find the gold, Dr. Wang took Mr. Cao and Li Yan into the goldfish's subconscious.

《Animal Practice》E15Plot

Episode 15

After digging deeper and deeper, the three finally discovered the truth about gold.When Mr. Cao saw his old self in the mirror, he realized that he had become a prisoner in the maze of memory.It turned out that Mr. Cao's memory stayed in his youth. At that time, he had no time to accompany his children because of his busy work, which made him feel guilty.The so-called gold is actually the name of a toy.

《Animal Practice》E16Plot

Episode 16

In the duck pen, Dalong, who claims to be a breeder, is chasing the ducks.Doctor Wang and Li Yan accidentally found the duck that swallowed diamonds under the entrustment of Dalong.After everyone returned to the office, they were surprised to find that Dalong and his two men were both fugitives wanted by the police, and the diamonds were stolen goods.Dr. Wang successfully escaped with the duck with the help of Li Yan. Dalong was furious and hijacked Li Yan, Zheng Zheng, and Professor Wang, forcing Dr. Wang to hand over the diamond.

《Animal Practice》E17Plot

Episode 17

Dr. Wang racked his brains and finally got the diamond, and returned to the office to rescue Li Yan and others.After a fight, Dr. Wang took the opportunity to talk to the tiger, and he released the tiger to chase the bad guys.Unexpectedly, the tiger went back on its word and arrested anyone it saw.Everyone fled, and eventually, everyone chose to escape back into the cage.

《Animal Practice》E18Plot

Episode 18

Doctor Wang and other four people worked together to defeat Dalong and successfully handed him over to the police.Li Yan wanted to tell Professor Wang the truth about Dr. Wang, but Professor Wang was unwilling to explore.Professor Wang added his own funds and technology to Animal Practice. More and more people and animals came to see Dr. Wang and Li Yan for medical treatment. Everyone received proper treatment and found the long-lost joy and happiness.

Animal Practice

Animal Practice

Total 18 Episodes Apr 11, 2024 C-Drama Comedy/Short