《Unnatural》Ep Intro

Mikoto Misumi is a female forensic doctor who works in the private forensic organization “UDI”. This organization specializes in receiving remains of people who died due to abnormal causes and dissecting them to find the truth of the case.Working with Mikoto, there are also the Forensic Medicine Nakado Department, recorder Kube Rokuro, and examination technician Tokai Hayashi Yuko, among others.

Although Nakata has rich clinical experience, his personality is eccentric. There are often irreconcilable conflicts between Mikoto and Nakata, who have different understandings of justice and law.In fact, Zhongtang has a secret that no one knows. His girlfriend died in an accident, but various clues revealed to Zhongtang that it was a serial murderer who took his girlfriend's life.Zhongtang stayed in UDI despite being told by others just to find the murderer of his girlfriend.


nameless poison

In the autopsy room of UDI (Unnatural Causes Research Institute), forensic doctor Mikoto Misumi is working intently.This institute specializes in receiving the remains of those who died in abnormal conditions or died of homicide. It processes about 400 remains every year, with the purpose of finding out the true cause of death for the deceased.UDI has two main teams - the Misumi class and the Nakado class, each dedicated to solving the mystery of the cause of death.

A couple walked into UDI, unable to accept the verdict that their son, Takano Shima Watari, had died of asthenic heart disease.They firmly believed that there was something strange about the cause of their son's death, so they entrusted UDI to find out the truth.Misumi Mikoto took over the case, and she decided to start with the autopsy of the body to find out the real cause of Takanoshima Watari's death.

nameless poison

After careful dissection, Mikoto found that there was no abnormality in Takano Shimawatari's heart, but there were symptoms of acute renal insufficiency.She suspected the death may have been caused by poison.At this time, a colleague of Takanoshima Watari also died suddenly. The cause of death is unknown.Is there some connection between the two deaths?

Mikoto and her team began to investigate in depth, and they met Takanoshima Wataru's fiancée Baba Riko.Luzi revealed that she was developing a highly toxic drug called “Anonymous Poison”.The drug may have been linked to Koyashima's death.The racecourse insisted that she was home alone at the time of the incident and had no alibi.


Death letter

Under the leadership of Mikoto, the UDI team (Unnatural Death Investigation Unit) once again faced a bizarre case.This time, they received a commission on a suspected mass suicide by burning charcoal.However, as the investigation deepens, Mikoto firmly believes that this is not a simple suicide case, but a carefully planned murder.

The case took place on a cold winter night when a group of young people were burning charcoal to keep warm in a remote hot spring villa.However, when rescuers arrived at the scene, they found one of the girls dead.After a preliminary autopsy, doctors initially determined that the cause of death was carbon monoxide poisoning.However, Mikoto discovered something fishy.She discovered that the girl's cause of death was not carbon monoxide poisoning, but freezing to death.What's even more shocking is that there was a note calling for help left in the girl's stomach.

This note convinced Mikoto that this was a murder case.Her point of view was blocked by the director.The director believes that this is just an unfortunate suicide case and does not require too much investigation.But Mikoto insists on unraveling the message left by the girl and uncovering the truth.She led the team members and began a difficult investigative journey, ignoring the obstruction of the director.

Death letter

On the way to the hot spring villa, Mikoto and team member Rokuro discovered a surprising fact.It turns out that the owner of this villa is the girl's father.And he mysteriously disappeared on the eve of the crime.This discovery made Mikoto even more convinced that this case was not a simple suicide, but a carefully planned murder.

As the investigation deepens, Mikoto and Rokuro gradually discover more clues.They found that the charcoal-burning equipment in the villa had been deliberately damaged, causing carbon monoxide to leak.The girl's father is the mastermind behind all this.In order to cover up his crime, he deliberately locked his daughter and other young people in the villa in an attempt to create the illusion of suicide.

Just as Mikoto and Rokuro were about to reveal the truth, they encountered a life-and-death crisis.After the girl's father learned that his crime was about to be exposed, he decided to kill Mikoto and Rokuro.He set a trap to kill them.


unexpected witness

In the recent high-profile housewife blogger murder case, the testimony of key witness Mikoto in court caused an uproar.The defendant's husband, Kaname, originally insisted that he accidentally killed someone because of his wife's mental abuse. However, after Mikoto pointed out that the kitchen knife used as evidence was not the murder weapon, he suddenly recanted his confession, causing the entire court to fall into chaos.

The case has attracted much attention since the trial, not only because the victim is a popular housewife blogger, but also because the issues of domestic violence and mental abuse revealed behind the case are thought-provoking.During the trial, Kaname has always insisted that he accidentally killed his wife in a state of extreme mental breakdown, while prosecutor Toriya tried hard to convict Kaname, believing that it was premeditated murder.

unexpected witness

At a critical moment in the trial, Mikoto's testimony took the case in an unexpected direction.As a neighbor, Mikoto heard the quarrel during the incident and witnessed Kaname leaving the scene.She pointed out in court that the kitchen knife as evidence was not the murder weapon because she had seen Kaname holding a different knife after the incident.This testimony directly challenged the prosecution's evidence chain and also triggered Kaname's sudden retraction.

After the confession was retracted, the entire court fell into chaos.Prosecutor Toriya expressed extreme anger at this, believing that Kaname's behavior was playing with the law and wasting judicial resources.Kamikura, the director of the court, is even more worried that if the case is not handled properly, it may affect the funding of the UDI (Japan Prosecutor's Office) and the public's trust in the judicial system.

Faced with this sudden change, Mikoto did not flinch.She is determined to pursue the truth, not only to seek justice for the victims, but also to expose the deep-seated problems behind domestic violence.For this reason, she decided to start a court showdown with prosecutor Toriya, who has a high success rate.


Who do you work for?

In the hustle and bustle of the city, motorcycle accidents happen from time to time, but what kind of truth is hidden behind each accident?UDI (The Unsolved Mysteries Institute) recently received a special commission to uncover the unknown cause of death behind a motorcycle accident.

Sano, an ordinary factory worker, unfortunately passed away due to a motorcycle accident.However, the truth behind the accident is far from simple as it seems.Sano's mother, Natsuyo, firmly believed that the cause of her son's death was not simple, so she found UDI, hoping that they could uncover the truth about the accident.

The team at UDI accepted the challenge and began investigating in depth.During the investigation, they discovered that the cause of Sano's death may involve multiple aspects: excessive fatigue at the factory, motorcycle repair errors, and missed diagnosis by doctors.Every possible cause pointed to a different responsible party. Factory directors, repair shop managers, and hospital lawyers all came to UDI in an attempt to shirk responsibility.

Who do you work for?

Faced with pressure from all parties, the Meiqin team remained neutral and decided to conduct an autopsy investigation.After meticulous dissection and analysis, Mikoto's team finally revealed the real cause of Sano's death - an accident.It turned out that Sano lost control of the motorcycle due to sudden physical discomfort at the time of the accident, and eventually died.

However, just as UDI was about to conclude its investigation, they received a threatening letter against Zhongtang.This letter exposed the secrets of Mulin and Zhongtang, and UDI's team was once again in trouble.Not only do they have to face doubts and pressure from the outside world, but they also have to protect their own safety.

Facing the challenge, the Meiqin team did not back down.They decided to continue their in-depth investigation and uncover the truth behind the threatening letter.They believe that only by thoroughly finding out the truth can they give Sano a fair explanation and protect themselves and those around them.


death's revenge

After Sakamoto suddenly resigned, the manpower shortage problem at UDI (Unnatural Cause Research Institute) became particularly prominent.At this time, Dr. Zhongtang temporarily joined the Meiqin team, bringing new vitality and support to UDI.However, with the arrival of a bizarre case, UDI was once again pushed to the forefront.

Takumi Suzuki, a man from Aomori, found UDI with heavy sorrow and firm faith.His wife drowned not long ago, and the police initially determined it to be suicide.But for Suzuki, this conclusion is unacceptable in any case.He firmly believed that his wife could not commit suicide, so he came all the way, hoping that UDI could reveal the truth for him.

The Mikoto team accepted this challenge and began the anatomy of the remains.However, before the autopsy begins, Mulin nervously reveals a shocking news to Mikoto - the body was stolen from the crematorium.This means that Mikoto and her team not only have to face complex anatomy work, but may also be suspected of damaging the remains and face legal risks.

death's revenge

As a temporary member, Dr. Nakado has not yet fully integrated with the Meiqin team, but at this critical moment, he showed outstanding professionalism and team spirit.He and Mikoto faced difficulties together and worked hard to find clues, hoping to uncover the secret behind the body as soon as possible.

As the dissection progressed, Mikoto gradually discovered some unusual signs.These signs convinced her that the death of Suzuki's wife was not as simple as suicide.She is determined to find out Suzuki's true purpose of stealing the body and entrusting UDI to conduct an autopsy.This is not only to give Suzuki a satisfactory answer, but also to safeguard justice and truth.

In this bizarre anatomy, every member of the UDI team demonstrated their professionalism and humanity.They not only faced work challenges, but also faced the test of human nature.Between truth and lies, they chose to stick to the truth and use science and reason to speak out for the deceased.

Finally, with the joint efforts of the UDI team, the true cause of death of Suzuki's wife was revealed.It turns out her death was an accident and not a suicide.This truth not only gave Suzuki a satisfactory answer, but also allowed the UDI team to once again prove their professionalism and value.


not friends

Donghae Lin had a great time at the networking party.When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the room, he was horrified to find that the body of Quan Tianhara was lying next to him, and his memory of last night was completely blank.

This discovery shocked the entire city and attracted the attention of the police.At the same time, members of the UDI (Special Crime Investigation Unit) Nakado and Rokuro were busy dissecting the body of a man who died suddenly.During careful inspection, they unexpectedly discovered that there was some mysterious connection between the man and Kwon Tianhara.

The police quickly regarded the two cases as serial murders. As the only witness at the scene, Dong Hailin naturally became the key suspect.Facing the police's questioning and the pressure of public opinion, Donghailin felt helpless and confused like never before.

not friends

At this moment, Mikoto from UDI arrived at the scene.She is not only a good friend of Dong Hailin, but also an expert in forensic science.After carefully observing Gontahara's body, Mikoto discovered some strange signs that may reveal the true cause of Gontahara's death.

In order to clear Dong Hailin's suspicion, Meiqin and the members of UDI launched an in-depth investigation.Not only do they have to face a complicated case, but they also have to race against time, because Dong Hailin may become the next target at any time.During the investigation, they gradually uncovered the secrets between Quan Tianhara and the man who died suddenly, and a huge criminal network began to surface.

As the investigation deepened, Donghailin gradually recalled the clips from last night.Although these memories are fragmentary, they become the key to solving the mystery.Dong Hailin realizes that he may be involved in a more complex conspiracy.

In the end, with the joint efforts of UDI members, the truth came to light.


Bleed to death

On a peaceful afternoon, Mikoto's cell phone suddenly rang, and a text message from an unknown number broke her tranquility.The sender was signed “Shirai”, a name she was not familiar with.The text message included a live broadcast link, which simply read: “Challenge you, Mikoto.”

Mikoto opened the link in confusion, and a man wearing a black hood and face covering appeared on the screen. He called himself “MurderS”.Behind the man was a body covered in white cloth, and next to him stood a terrified-looking teenager, whom the man claimed was hostage X.

“Mikoto, you need to determine the cause of death of this body within a limited time.”The man said coldly, “If you answer wrongly, hostage X will pay the price.”

The corpse Y in the picture looked particularly strange. Meiqin could not catch many clues from the blurry quality of the live broadcast.She felt a chill running down her spine. This was obviously a targeted provocation, and her wisdom and courage would be the only hope to save the boy.

Bleed to death

Nakado, Mikoto's friend, learned about this and thought it was a trap, and strongly advised her not to fight.But Mikoto knows very well that once she retreats, not only the lives of the hostages will be threatened, but more innocent people may also be in danger.She decided to take up the challenge and use her professional knowledge to uncover the truth about this mysterious death.

Time was running out, so Meiqin began to analyze every detail of the live broadcast.She noticed that the hands of body Y were placed abnormally, which seemed to indicate a certain cause of death.At the same time, subtle sounds and smells in the background of the live broadcast may also be the key to solving the case.

However, as the investigation deepens, Mikoto discovers that the incident is far more complicated than she imagined.The scars on body Y, the stains on the clothes, and the subtle reaction of hostage X all point to a larger conspiracy.She realized that this was not only a contest of knowledge and courage, but also a life and death game against time.

As the live broadcast continues, Mikoto must solve the mystery as soon as possible, otherwise the lives of the hostages will be in danger.


distant hometown

Recently, a fire incident in a commercial and residential building attracted widespread attention from society.The fire not only caused huge property losses, but also caused ten unidentified blackened remains to be sent to the UDI (Unidentified Death Institute) for identification and cause of death analysis.

During the autopsy, they found that one of the remains had suffered a severe blow to the brain and had obvious binding marks on his waist.These clues led forensic scientists to suspect that the fire may not have been a simple accident, but involved more complex factors.

distant hometown

On the other side, Takase, the only survivor of the fire, is still receiving treatment in the hospital.After Takase's father Toshiya learned about his son's experience, he emotionally asked UDI to fire his son Rokuro because Rokuro had had conflicts with Takase before.This request plunged UDI into a vortex of public opinion, but UDI Director Kamikura firmly stated that they will adhere to the principles of fair and objective identification without any outside interference.

In addition, Director Kamikura also revealed that they recently visited the body of the wife of a shogi teacher.The shogi teacher could not accept the reality after his wife's death and refused to take back his wife's body.Currently, his wife's body remains at UDI, and Director Kamikura said they will respect the family's wishes while seeking an appropriate way to handle this special situation.


enemy posture

In a seemingly ordinary empty house, the body of a young woman is found in a hidden suitcase.This tragic discovery shocked the local community and attracted the attention of forensic doctor Mikoto.After a preliminary inspection, Mikoto found that the deceased's mouth actually had the same “red goldfish” mark as the victim in the previous two cases.This discovery makes it seem that there is some mysterious connection between these three seemingly unrelated cases.

Experts from UDI (Unnatural Cause Institute) quickly intervened in the investigation and suspected that this was a serial murder case committed by the same murderer.However, due to the lack of formal evidence, the police have always had reservations about the case and have not paid sufficient attention to it.Faced with the indifference of the police, Mikoto and her colleagues at UDI decided to personally dissect the newly discovered remains to thoroughly find out the cause of death.

enemy posture

During the autopsy, Mikoto discovered that the contents of the deceased's stomach emitted a strong rancid smell. This discovery seemed to imply that the deceased had suffered great pain during his lifetime.UDI experts conducted in-depth analysis and discussions on this matter, trying to find clues to solve the case.

At the same time, Kamikura had serious doubts in his heart after accidentally seeing reports about UDI.He decided to visit the police station in person, hoping to provide more help in the investigation of this case.However, at the police station, Kamikura unexpectedly discovered something even more surprising - the police seemed to have concealed some key evidence, which may be closely related to the truth of the case.

As the investigation deepened, UDI experts gradually revealed the truth about this serial murder case.They discovered that the murderer used a special drug to put the victims into a coma, then brutally killed them, leaving a mark of “red goldfish” in their mouths as a mark.The discovery shocked everyone and prompted the police to re-examine the case.


journey's end

Takase, who was suspected of killing many women, including Nakado's lover Yukiko, suddenly surrendered to the police.This news has attracted widespread attention in society.However, after surrendering, Takase only admitted to destroying the body and firmly denied the accusation of homicide.The investigation into the case has been in trouble as the police have not yet found direct evidence of his murder.

Relatives and friends of the victim expressed anger and confusion about this sudden surrender.Mikoto and others gritted their teeth and vowed to find evidence to convict Takase.They firmly believe that Takase is the culprit of this series of vicious cases and must pay the price for his crimes.

While Mikoto and others are working hard to find evidence, UDI (Parnormal Phenomena Research Bureau) is also in crisis.It turned out that Rokuro had provided intelligence about UDI to the weekly magazine. This behavior was now exposed, causing serious damage to UDI's reputation.Faced with this sudden crisis, UDI must take measures to restore public trust, otherwise it will face the fate of dissolution.

journey's end

In order to deal with this crisis, UDI decided to strengthen internal management and strictly maintain confidentiality.We will also actively cooperate with the police to provide technical support and assist in the investigation of Takase's suspected serial murder case.Members of UDI know that they must demonstrate their professional capabilities and responsibility at this critical moment in order to restore public trust and maintain UDI's reputation.

In this case, Takase's surrender made a breakthrough in the investigation.To bring him to justice, more direct evidence needs to be found.Mikoto and others will continue to work hard to find clues and uncover the truth.And UDI will go all out to fight for justice and contribute to public safety.

The surrender of Takase, a suspected serial murderer, has attracted widespread attention in society.At this critical moment when the case investigation is in trouble and UDI is facing a crisis, all parties need to show their professional capabilities and responsibility.



Total 10 Episodes Jan 12, 2018 Japan Myst/Plot Actor: Hiroko Yakushimaru Matsushige Yutaka Ichikawa Minoru Masataka Kubota Jinguraxin Satomi Ishihara