《Nobody Knows》E3

Episode 3

Wang Di complained about the poor signal at home all day long, so Qin Li climbed up to the rooftop to repair the antenna, which finally stabilized the signal and Wang Di was finally able to watch TV.Wang Di wanted to stay at his house, so Qin Li gave him the key to his house and a small pair of scissors.In December 1999, the police went to Qin's house to search and found cash hidden in the pillow. Qin Li came home and happened to see the police handling the case.Feng Guojin went to the hospital to visit the injured Cao Meng, thinking that he owed Cao Meng his life, but Cao Meng mentioned Feng Guojin's kindness to him when he was a soldier.The two talked about the case and found more than 100,000 yuan from the Qin family. In addition to the more than 1 million yuan from the village, there was still a difference of 100,000 yuan, but Qin Dazhi insisted that this was the money.

Episode 3

When Feng Guojin came home from get off work, Feng Xuejiao mentioned that her mother was on a business trip. There were many classmates in the class whose parents had gone into business and made a lot of money. She hoped that Feng Guojin could also buy famous brands for herself.Feng Guojin doesn't like his daughter to compare herself with others, but grandpa Feng Xuejiao promises to buy famous brands if her grades improve.Feng Guojin went to the office to meet the director. The director praised his ability to handle cases and decided to promote him to captain. However, Feng Guojin recommended Cao Meng. The director decided to put the matter aside temporarily and let Feng Guojin do work for Qin Dazhi and conduct an exclusive interview.Give the public a warning.Wang Di's mother made fish soup for Grandpa Qin, and Wang Di drank bowl after bowl of it greedily. Wang Di's father complained that the family could hardly afford to support Grandpa Qin.At this time, the TV was playing an exclusive interview with Qin Dazhi. Qin Dazhi hoped that his son would take good care of his grandfather, not repeat the same mistakes, and must break through the darkness and move towards the light.Because of the exclusive interview, Qin Dazhi's identity was exposed. Qin Li was bullied by other classmates. Everyone thought he was the son of a murderer and hit him with chalk and books. Wang Di saw this and stopped others from hurting Qin Li. Qin Li walked out holding back tears.Classroom, cleaning his school uniform.Huang Shu understood Qin Li's pain and took the initiative to help clean the school uniform.

Wang Di was angry that the senior students bullied Qin Li and planned to seek revenge on the senior students after school. However, Feng Xuejiao hoped that Wang Di would not mention this matter again, because every time he mentioned it, he would stab Qin Li with a knife.Feng Xuejiao brought delicious food to Qin Li and admitted her father's mistake. Qin Li believed that Feng Guojin was not wrong, and Feng Xuejiao was not wrong at all. He also hoped that Feng Xuejiao would not take it to heart. Feng Xuejiao was very happy after hearing this and hoped that Qin Li would always treat her well.friend.Qin Li and Huang Shu took the bus together. The boy who appeared last time harassed Huang Shu again. Qin Li helped her escape successfully and promised to keep it secret.Huang Shu hoped that Qin Li would share with her any unhappy things he encountered in the future. The two listened to the song "Nobody Knows" together and felt that time passed very quickly.Huang Shu went to art school since she was a child, but her cultural performance could not keep up, and she has often been late recently. The class teacher reminded Huang Shu to be careful and reminded her classmates not to spread rumors.

Feng Xuejiao sprained her foot during rehearsal, and Huang Shu sent her to the infirmary for treatment. Feng Xuejiao learned that she could not participate in theatrical performances because of the sprain.After Wang Di learned about the situation, he carried Feng Xuejiao back to the classroom.Feng Xuejiao's grandfather, Mr. Yang, was the police chief before he retired. Because of Feng Xuejiao's matter, he went to school. The head teacher flattered her when he saw it. He also mentioned the early love between Feng Xuejiao and Wang Di. At this time, the police came to the school to find the head teacher. Mr. Yang saw it.Teach the police that they should change into civilian clothes when looking for someone at school.Huang Shu was called to the office for questioning. When he came back, he burst into tears. The classmates talked about Huang Shu. Upon seeing this, Qin Li picked up the book and threw it at the classmates to attract their attention. Huang Shu understood his behavior and was grateful to him.What he did.Afterwards, Huang Shu didn't understand why Qin Li wasn't curious about why the police were looking for him. Qin Li knew that even if he made a mistake, it was definitely not Huang Shu's fault.On December 3, 2011, a naked woman appeared in the snow. Years later, the exact same case emerged, which reminds people of the case that happened in the snow on January 31, 2001.

Nobody Knows

Nobody Knows

Total 16 Episodes Aug 08, 2022 C-Drama Myst