

family healing drama
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 12 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Sep 17, 2023
  • Genre:
  • Plat:
  • Actor:
  • Synopsis:
    In a distant metropolis, the name Gao Jiayue once represented infinite glory and hope.As an outstanding business elite, his wisdom and courage are admirable.However, time flies by, ...

《Living》 Summ

In a distant metropolis, the name Gao Jiayue once represented infinite glory and hope.As an outstanding business elite, his wisdom and courage are admirable.However, time flies by, and when Gao Jiayue appears in his hometown town again, he is no longer the high-spirited young man he was.

Years of hard work have left Gao Jiayue exhausted both physically and mentally.The ups and downs in the business world once put him in trouble, and his relationship and career were both stuck.He had wandered under the neon lights of the city countless times, thinking about his future, and even thought of saying goodbye to the world.But at the trough of his life, the memory of his hometown was always like warm sunshine, illuminating his way forward.

On a cold winter day, Gao Jiayue boarded the train home.In the carriage, his mood was complicated and difficult to describe.He has both a deep attachment to his hometown and an indescribable guilt.He didn't know if he could face those familiar faces, those relatives who had placed high hopes on him.

However, the road home is not easy.When Gao Jiayue walked into the house, he found that each of his family members encountered different problems.My father's health was deteriorating, and my mother was exhausted trying to take care of him.His younger brother is burdened with heavy debts due to a failed business venture, while his younger sister is exhausted mentally and physically due to marital problems.

Faced with all this, Gao Jiayue's heart was full of struggle.He wanted to escape and return to the unburdened metropolis.But when he saw the expectation and dependence in his family's eyes, he knew he couldn't do this.He decided to put aside the glory and pain of the past and face the challenges of life again.

In the days that followed, Gao Jiayue and his family spent many difficult times together.They faced difficulties together, supported each other, and slowly got out of the woods.In this process, Gao Jiayue rediscovered his own value and meaning.He is no longer a lone fighter, but the backbone of a family.

Finally, when spring came, Gao Jiayue's family members all got out of their respective predicaments.My father's condition was under control, and my mother's face bloomed with a smile again.The younger brother's entrepreneurial project is gradually on the right track, and the younger sister's marriage problem has been properly resolved.

In this season full of hope, Gao Jiayue stood on the land of his hometown, feeling the tranquility and satisfaction he had never experienced before.He understood that no matter how big and prosperous the outside world was, it could not replace the warmth and tranquility from his family.He decided to stay in his hometown and use his own strength to continue to protect this family, making this bond the most precious asset in his life.


《Living》Character Info


《Living》Ep Summ


Jiayue returned to the Gao family with the idea of ​​seeing his family before he died, but all the way here, he had different ideas about his future.Although life is still difficult, it doesn't seem so boring anymore when I'm with my family.The road is still long, and there are still many possibilities for Gao Jiayue's Living. He can't see the end yet, and he is still alive.


歌曲名 Lyricist Composer Perf Notes
  • 是你 Shao Hao, Ningxia Shao Hao, Ningxia Chen Peixian opening song
  • 嘿 人生 Shao Hao, Ningxia Shao Hao, Ningxia Chen Peixian Ending song
  • 真人真事 Update Update Update episode
  • 继续前进 Shao Hao, Ning Xia, Chen Yuxiang Shao Hao, Ningxia Chen Yuxiang episode
  • Update Update Update episode
  • 学不会 Yao Ruolong JJ Lin JJ Lin episode


1. Who in this world will come to our home?

2.I'm coming back

3.Why do you drink like this?

4. No, why are you back?

5. Sorry, I’m a newbie.

6. Get in line and thank you

7. Really fell down

8.How come you have one million?

9. My waist is broken and I want to undergo reconstruction.

10. Eat it yourself

《Living》Related Info

《Living》 is a family healing drama directed by Xu Zhaoren and Lin Zhiru, starring Wu Kangren, Zheng Yuanchang, Lin Zhexi, Zhang Rongrong, Sun Kefang, Xixiang, Yang Guimei, Fang Zhiyou, and Xie Zhanrong.

It tells the story of Gao Jiayue, who has been away from home for many years and is in trouble in his relationship and career. Before deciding to say goodbye to the world, he returns home in despair and slowly finds himself while getting along with his family.

The drama will be broadcast exclusively on Bilibili on September 17, 2023.

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