《Frozen Surface》Ep Intro

Lanhe, a quiet northeastern town, caused a stir due to a bizarre murder case.A murder occurred at Hongqiao Group, a well-known local company. Three people were killed overnight. The criminal suspect Yang Si (played by Hu Jun) was arrested and brought to justice while on the run. However, the criminal police captain Guan Yu (played by Chen Jianbin) discovered many doubts during the interrogation.Yan Hongqiao's original wife Wang Ping (played by Deng Jiajia) seems to be inextricably linked to the case.As Guan Yu's investigation deepens, a past event in Northeast China from 1990 to 2005 comes to light.

《Frozen Surface》E1Plot

A murder occurred in Lanhe

Yan Hongqiao called everyone here, told them about Lanhe's plan to withdraw counties and establish districts, and asked them what they thought.Others said that of course they listened to Yan Hongqiao.Yan Hongqiao called Jin Dali over and beat him severely.Guan Yu had just cooked a bowl of noodles at home when he received a phone call from a scammer, telling them to make it look like he had no wife.

Guan Yu received another call from the team, and hurriedly changed over without even thinking about food.On the way, Guan Yu's car failed to start. Someone happened to pass by and took Guan Yu over.When Guan Yu got here, he quickly took the candy and ate it because of hypoglycemia.Other colleagues wanted Guan Yu to take a break, but Guan Yu refused.

There was a dead woman in the car in the yard. It was initially determined that she fell to death.Guan Yu entered the house. There was a dead security guard here. There was a badge in his clothes and there was soot on the back of his clothes.Guan Yu thought this was very important and asked people to investigate it carefully.There is another corpse upstairs, that of Yan Hongqiao.The medical examiner said it was a gunshot wound.

Guan Yu came over to take a look and found that the deceased woman, Chen Xiaoming, had probably committed suicide, which he found very strange.Yan Hongqiao's office was very clean, with no traces. Forensic doctor Lao Yuan said it would take at least two days for the autopsy results to be available. Guan Yu asked him to hurry up and ask the city for them if there was not enough manpower.Guan Yu found a dark room here, which seemed to be lived by a girl, but it was very depressing.Guan Yu thought about it carefully, but no matter which possibility it was, there would be something wrong, and there was no way to explain it.

Someone was making a fuss outside, and Guan Yu came out to ask.Outside was Yan Hongqiao's nephew Feng Gen. Feng Gen felt that his uncle was dead, so of course he had to go in.Guan Yu came over and said that the investigation was still going on inside. No one else could go in now, so Feng Gen had to forget it.The county bureau chief and the city bureau chief talked about this case. The city bureau chief was also very depressed and felt that Lanhe could no longer be like this and that this matter must be investigated thoroughly.The county bureau director said that he asked Guan Yu to lead the team. The city bureau director was very unhappy and wondered why he should be allowed to lead the team.Guan Yu came over, and the director of the municipal bureau said that there was a gun in this case and the task force should be responsible.Guan Yu said that he could do it and just let him go to the task force.

Guan Yu asked the bookstore director to give him seven days and he would solve the case.The county bureau chief also helped to talk, and finally gave Guan Yu five days.Captain Chu, the head of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Provincial Public Security Department, also came over and asked Guan Yu how they were preparing.Guan Yu asked people to share the information they had investigated and arranged tasks for everyone.Captain Chu had no problem and asked them to investigate.Yan Hongqiao's ex-wife is named Wang Ping. Zhou Qi and others came to ask Wang Ping.Wang Ping has a basketball team here. Zhou Qi asked about their divorce. Wang Ping said that it was due to emotional discord, but they were still business partners, so they still had contact.Zhou Qi asked Wang Ping when he last saw Yan Hongqiao, and Wang Ping said it was a month ago.

Zhou Qi asked other questions, but Wang Ping answered them all, but there was no useful information.Zhou Qi was also very depressed after coming back.Zhong Yi is from the criminal investigation team of the city bureau, and he also came to help with this case. The fingerprints at the scene came out, and there were Yang Si's fingerprints.Yang Si went in during a previous robbery and just came out a few months ago.Guan Yu asked people to catch Yang Si and stop him at various traffic intersections.Yang Si bought a ticket and was recognized by the conductor, so he quickly told Guan Yu and others.Guan Yu felt that there were still a lot of passengers here. If these passengers were evacuated, Yang Si would probably be alerted, and no one would be caught.

《Frozen Surface》E2Plot

Yang Si was investigated

Guan Yu asked them to pretend to be passengers and quietly go over to catch Yang Si.Yang Si was going to the toilet, Guan Yu and the others also pretended to go to the toilet, and caught Yang Si and took him back.Yang Si was brought in for interrogation and said that he was also inexplicable and didn't know what they were arresting him for.The interrogator here asked Yang Zi where he went last night. Yang Si said that there was a fire at his house last night, and he called the fire department, but there were bungalows there, and the fire trucks probably couldn't get there.I don't know if he came over or not, he was already out.

Yang Si said that he had no place to go, so he could only go wherever it was warmer. He originally wanted to go to the hospital, but the door of the hospital was closed and he couldn't get in. Finally, he searched in a tube by the bridge.A place to stay.The interrogator asked him if he had any witnesses. Yang Si said that he did meet a few people drinking, but they probably didn't remember him long ago.

Yang Si asked what kind of law he had broken. Is it also a crime to wander on the street?Guan Yu sent a coded message to Zhou Qi and asked him to call the fire department to check whether the incident was true.Guan Yu said that it was not illegal for him to wander on the street, but he reminded him why the Hongqiao Group had his fingerprints.

Yang Si said that he couldn't hide it from them. At that time, he noticed that there was a light there and it should be quite warm, so he went there to get away. Unexpectedly, he found a dead man lying in the car, so he went in and wanted to call someone, but what happenedThere was another dead person inside, so he left first.Guan Yu asked Yang Si if this was the case, why there were still his fingerprints on the second and third floors.Yang Si said that he was thinking about going inside to find some valuable property, but he found nothing, so he had to leave first.

Guan Yu and the others talked about Yang Si. Yang Si had been in prison for 15 years and knew very well what to say and what not to say. He had already prepared a set of words, but now he has not asked anything.Zhou Qi went to ask the fire brigade if the fire yesterday was true, and it was at a similar location to Yang Si.

Guan Yu asked everyone to investigate Yang Si's social background, and asked Zhou Qi and the others to ask Wang Ping what other people should do, and report any news.Liao Yuan went to investigate the traces of the gun and came to find Sun Guoliang. Sun Guoliang said that he had changed now and had nothing to do with them, but he told them a person if they wanted to know about it., you can look for this, maybe you can get some clues.

Liao Yuan and the others came to find this person. This person refused to say anything at first, but under Liao Yuan's interrogation, he still confessed, saying that they were selling guns for Xiao Wei, and that Xiao Wei had been arrested by Liao Yuan..Liao Yuan came to the prison to interrogate Xiaowei. Xiaowei said that he sold such a gun, but he just sold guns for others and did not know where he got the gun.

Guan Yu and the others came to the police station to introduce the work. After asking around, they learned that Yang Si's job could not last long. Later, he went to find some odd jobs under the bridge. These odd jobs were not needed.Look where they come from.Guan Yu and the others came under the bridge to check that a proprietress selling small things had met Yang Si and said that Yang Si was still here yesterday and refused to buy his things. She was very picky, so she was deeply impressed.

《Frozen Surface》E3Plot

Guan Yu investigates Chen Xiaoming

Yang Xuesong and Chen Xiaoming went to see the stars before. Yang Xuesong bought some things for Chen Xiaoming, thinking that Chen Xiaoming wanted to eat cake before, and this was similar to cake.Chen Xiaoming talked about Yang Xuesong, saying that this was all he could give himself, and that he did not want these stars, because they were beyond his reach no matter how hard he reached them. All Yang Xuesong could give himself were these stars that he could not reach.

Yang Xuesong asked Chen Xiaoming what he meant. Chen Xiaoming said that he could no longer be with Yang Xuesong.Yang Xuesong saw the watch Chen Xiaoming was wearing and asked him if Feng Gen bought it for him. He felt that Chen Xiaoming would follow someone like Feng Gen. Chen Xiaoming said that Yang Xuesong didn't need to worry about it.

Guan Yu and Zhou Qi came to the school where Chen Xiaoming studied to inquire. The counselor mentioned that there was a boy named Liu Lei who had a good relationship with them, so he called Liu Lei over and asked them to ask.

There were two girls in the office, and they were talking about Chen Xiaoming. They felt that Chen Xiaoming was not clear with other men. From time to time, a car would come to the door to pick her up. It would not be surprising for someone like her to have anything happen to her.of.Guan Yu asked them how they knew, and the two girls said that everyone talked about it like this.

Liu Lei came over. He originally thought they were talking about the relationship between Yang Xuesong and Chen Xiaoming. They said that once a man named Wang Shan came to harass Chen Xiaoming. He was helping Feng Gen find a girl. Yang Xuesong happened to be there at that time.He bravely rescued Chen Xiaoming, but later Feng Gen asked someone to beat him up.

Liu Lei said that Yang Xuesong and Chen Xiaoming later fell in love, but they broke up for unknown reasons.Zhong Yi and others came to Chen Xiaoming's home to ask about Chen Xiaoming's parents. They originally thought that Chen Xiaoming and Yan Hongqiao would not have any relationship, but they did not expect that Yan Hongqiao actually came to the house and said that he would give them a house.

Chen Xiaoming had left a mobile phone at home before. Zhong Yi took it over and checked it and found that everything in it had been deleted.Guan Yu went to test Yang Si before and said that they found evidence of Yang Xuesong. Yang Si's expression was not right. Although he said it was harsh, he was really concerned.

Yang Si also lent money to buy Yang Xuesong a car and asked him to carry passengers. Guan Yu came to the taxi company.Ma Xiaojing was in charge of the company. The taxi driver came to see Ma Xiaojing, hoping that he could reduce the share price, but Ma Xiaojing disagreed.Guan Yu came over to ask Ma Xiaojing, and Ma Xiaojing said she didn't know Yang Xuesong.

How could I possibly know everyone who drives so many people?Guan Yu left first and asked Ma Xiaojing to talk to Wang Shan and ask Wang Shan to come to the team for questioning.Wang Shan hid when he saw Guan Yu coming, and came over to ask Ma Xiaojing what was going on. Ma Xiaojing told him what Guan Yu said.Yang Xuesong worked as a network administrator in an Internet cafe. Zhong Yi brought someone over to check. The people in the Internet cafe said that Yang Xuefeng didn't come here after working for a few days. Their network administrator might use the computer at the front desk.

Zhong Yi discovered Yang Xuesong's chat history on the computer here. Yang Xuesong once said that he would kill Yan Hongqiao one day.When Guan Yu saw this, he felt that it would be easier now that there was evidence, and he could go further to provoke Yang Si.

Guan Yu came to interrogate Yang Si, and Yang Si asked Guan Yu if he had found any evidence and could prove his innocence.Guan Yu said that he had now found evidence of Yang Xuesong and showed the chat record to Yang Si.Yang Si said that this did not mean anything, and he admitted that he had killed these people himself.

《Frozen Surface》E4Plot

Yang Si said that he had killed someone

Yang Si was brought here. Yang Si said that after he killed someone, he threw all the guns in this area, but he was in the dark at the time and didn't know where he threw them.Guan Yu asked people to search inside in groups, but only one piece of clothing was found, and no gun was found.Yang Si said that he just left the gun here, and they had to find it by themselves.

Yang Si wanted to smoke, but Guan Yu had already quit, but he still gave Yang Si a cigarette from someone else.Guan Yu said that Yang Xuesong was just Yang Si's stepson. Would Yang Si really help Yang Xuesong vent his anger because he was beaten?Yang Si said that it didn’t matter whether he was his son or not.Hitting Yang Xuesong was a slap in the face, and that bastard Feng Gen even burned down his own house.

Guan Yu asked Yang Si if he knew what his action meant this time. Yang Si said that he heard that needles were used now, and it shouldn't hurt. He couldn't swallow this breath. Since they didn't want to live by themselves, then no one else should live..Guan Yu asked Zhou Qi to go back and carefully check Yang Si's files from small to large, take Yang Si to re-walk the route he took, and let Zhong Yi check the surveillance.

Yang Si said that he went out to Hongqiao Group to find Feng Gen. At that time, a security guard was guarding the door. He didn't want to let him in, but he killed the security guard and went upstairs to see Yang Hongqiao.Yang Hongqiao said that Feng Gen was not here.When the two were arguing, Yan Hongqiao also took out a gun.However, the gun was quickly taken away by Yang Si, who fired two shots and killed Yan Hongqiao.Guan Yu asked Yang Si why he let Chen Xiaoming go. Yang Si said.I didn't want to let Chen Xiaoming go. I was going to kill him, but I didn't expect that Chen Xiaoming couldn't stand the excitement and jumped downstairs to his death.

Zhong Yi and the others found surveillance cameras at the entrance of a store. They went to check and found that Yang Xuesong had indeed had a conflict with Feng Gen and the others.Guan Yu later asked the taxi driver here. The person here said that Yan Hongqiao and Feng Gen had a conflict at that time. Yan Hongqiao also punished Feng Gen very harshly. Feng Gen was in charge of taxis at the time.When someone from the car company overcharged employees, Yan Hongqiao gave him a beating. He said that Hongqiao Group was a serious company and that they should charge as many employees as they should. He didn't say anything, but Feng Gen dared to pay more.Accept it, just don't give yourself face, and leave the taxi company to Ma Xiaojing.

Wang Ping received a call from the county magistrate, saying that there was no problem on her side, but the county magistrate had to worry about the case. If she took the case to the new district, it would be difficult for the magistrate to explain.Wang Ping called a few bosses over and gave them a bank card, saying that Yan Hongqiao was leading everyone to make money at that time, but this development zone was a matter of the Hongqiao Group and had nothing to do with them., there is 1 million in this card, let them withdraw from this project.

Several bosses spoke very harshly, thinking that since Wang Ping was a woman, just find a man to take care of the children at home and not worry about so many things.Wang Ping had already grasped their handle and asked his assistant to show it to them, saying that this matter was originally a matter of their Hongqiao Group and had nothing to do with them. Yan Hongqiao was willing to take them to make money together before, but he did notIf you are willing, ask them if they want to take care of these things anymore.These people had something in Wang Ping's hands, and they didn't dare to speak.

《Frozen Surface》E5Plot

Guan Yu investigates the water ghost incident

When Yang Si came to work at the construction site, the person in charge asked them to hand over their ID cards. A man next to him gave Yang Si a drink and asked him to warm up first. Both of them had the surname Yang, so they started chatting.

There was a man here who wanted to escape, but was beaten by the foreman. The people who came found that this was a black construction site and ran away one after another.Guan Yu asked someone to check the smoke reaction, and his guess was now confirmed. According to the gun smoke reaction, Yang Si did not fire the gun, and Chen Xiaoming was the most likely person to shoot it.

Guan Yu and the others returned to the crime scene again, trying to find out what happened.Guan Yu asked Zhou Qi to do an experiment here. Because they were both familiar with each other, when she took the gun, the other party didn't think he would shoot and kill people, so he didn't dodge. Yan Hongqiao didn't dodge either.traces of.

What I don’t understand now is why Chen Xiaoming jumped off the building after shooting. Some people think that he might have committed suicide out of fear of crime.What is certain now is that a gun from Yan Hongqiao was taken away, but it is not certain that the murderer used this gun to shoot. It is very likely that he brought a gun by himself and killed the person.Then take away Yan Hongqiao's gun.Yan Hongqiao's gun was locked in the drawer. The key is now with the criminal police team. If Chen Xiaoming takes this key to match a key, there will be traces on the original key. Let's check it.You'll know it right away.

Zhong Yi posted a message on the Internet and wanted to find Chen Xuesong. Now they also found a comment about a water ghost on the Internet, saying that someone fell and saw a water ghost on the other side of the Lan River.Guan Yu came over and saw that it was from the Water Conservancy Bureau, so he called Lao Zhao from the Water Conservancy Bureau. He learned that Lao Zhao was in the hospital, so he took someone over to see him.Lao Zhao said that he was really hanging that day. When he fell, he saw a little ghost. It was more than one meter long. It couldn't be a fish.

Guan Yu asked Zhong Yi to investigate and see if it had anything to do with the case. Lao Zhao's wife asked Guan Yu to go to the south quickly and bring his wife back. People always have to return to their roots after falling leaves, and it is still a couple after all.Guan Yu remembered that he had received a scam call before, saying that his wife was dead.The county magistrate called the director and asked them to investigate the case quickly.Guan Yu told the director about this matter and wanted to go back to Yang Si's hometown to investigate.The director reminded Guan Yu that there are only two days left.

Guan Yu and the others came to Yang Si's hometown. Yang Si's mother said that Yang Si had not come back for a long time.Guan Yu wanted to ask if there were any photos of Yang Si here. Yang Si's mother asked them to search in the cabinet. If there was one, there was one. The tallest one there was Yang Si.Guan Yu and the others compared the photos and found that the two people were not the same person. They asked the police here to investigate again and see who took Yang Si out to work in the first place and who passed by in the middle. These people mustInvestigate it.

Ma Xiaojing asked Wang Shan if he had gone to the police station, and Wang Shan said he had.Ma Xiaojing asked him not to talk nonsense. If he went, why would the police call again? Wang Shan was also very unhappy after hearing this, saying that Ma Xiaojing wanted to kill herself.

Feng Gen came to find Ma Xiaojing, and the two talked about Wang Shan. They felt that if he went to the police station to talk nonsense, they would have to do something. Wang Shan happened to be outside and heard it.The notice that Lanhe County was to be withdrawn from the county and divided into districts came down, and Guan Yu and the others saw the news.Zhong Yi received a call from her mother and promised to go back to celebrate her birthday with her in two days.

《Frozen Surface》E6Plot

Lanhe county was removed and divided into districts

In 1990, Yang Si came here and found his ex-wife. Yang Si's ex-wife was selling some small things here with a child. Because she had no way to take care of the child, she could only tie the child up and tie it to her.

Yang Si came here with his ex-wife. His ex-wife originally thought that he was going to be robbed, but she stopped when she saw Yang Si.Yang Si's ex-wife asked the child to call him father, but the child didn't want to, so Yang Si thought it was okay and it would be fine once they got to know each other better.Guan Yu and the others originally wanted to go back, but now the snow here is too heavy and there is no way to go back. They called back and asked someone to investigate Yang Si's incident at the wholesale market.

Zhong Yi asked Guan Yu why he didn't tell them that Yang Si was fake. Guan Yu said that they didn't have substantial evidence yet, and telling them was just to make them worry. It was better to find out the matter first.Zhong Yi and the others came to Wang Shan's house to inquire and learned that Wang Shan had not been back for a while. A neighbor mentioned it.

Wang Shan's father originally wanted to deny the incident of driving an Audi, saying that his son didn't have the ability yet, but the neighbors saw it.Zhong Yi asked them what color Audi it was, and they said it was a black Audi. This car was the one they were checking before.After Zhong Yi and the others left, Wang Shan's grandma released Wang Shan from the cellar and gave him a sum of money to tell him to leave quickly.

When Wang Shan left, he came back and took away the razor.Zhong Yi went to drive and asked Xiao Zhao to wait here. Xiao Zhao realized something was wrong here and chased after him.Zhong Yi waited for a long time, but Xiao Zhao didn't come back. She called Xiao Zhao and found that Xiao Zhao's cell phone rang in the alley.Zhong Yi entered the alley and found that Xiao Zhao was injured here, so he quickly called an ambulance.

Liao Yuan and the others discovered that the key had indeed been reissued. They came to inquire and learned that the lock was imported and very high-end. He could not match it here, but he knew that there was a company in the county that could.Sun Guoliang was brought over by the Red Soldiers and asked if he dared to steal this project.Sun Guoliang was very shocked to be tied up here. He begged the Red Army to kill him, saying that he would never dare to do it again.

The red soldiers chopped off one of Sun Guoliang's fingers.When Sun Guoliang went there, he happened to see Liao Yuan and others returning and quickly asked them to save him. Liao Yuan asked Sun Guoliang to get in the car.Zhong Yi called Liao Yuan and said that he had discovered the signal of Yang Xuesong's mobile phone and wanted to go over and take a look, asking Liao Yuan to call the team for support. Xiao Zhao was injured and had been sent to the hospital.

Liao Yuan was very anxious after hearing this, saying that the gun had not been found yet, and Yang Xuesong might still have a gun on him, and asked Zhong Yi not to go there alone, but Zhong Yi hung up the phone.It took 10 minutes for the main team to get over, and Liao Yuan also rushed over.When Liao Yuan arrived at the bureau, he put Sun Guoliang down first and hurried over.

When Zhong Yi rushed here, he saw Wang Shan here and wanted to catch Wang Shan. The shaving knife Wang Shan took cut Zhong Yi's throat.County Magistrate Qi spoke here, saying that the removal of Lanhe County from the county and the establishment of a district was a matter of great merit.

County Magistrate Qi came to the Director of the Public Security Bureau and said that he knew that the police had their own system for handling cases, but he could not just watch him become Lan He's sinner.The director said that he had to wear the hat that County Magistrate Qi had given him.Wang Ping and the others also talked about this matter, and also talked about the land for the fertilizer factory, which they had finally obtained back then.

《Frozen Surface》E7Plot

Wang Shan knows Yan Hongqiao’s secret

Guan Yu and the others rushed over, and Zhou Qi was shocked to find that Zhong Yi was dead.A razor was found at the scene, which is likely to be the murder weapon, but further comparisons are needed.

Others went to check and found no trace of Yang Xuesong, nor Yang Xuesong's mobile phone.Wang Shan was very frightened after killing someone. He washed his hands and went to an Internet cafe to find a place to read what was recorded on Yang Xuesong's phone.Yang Xuesong was originally going to record something that day, but Ma Xiaojing came over to find Yang Xuesong, and Yang Xuesong's cell phone accidentally recorded the incident.

Wang Shan saw the video on his mobile phone and learned about it.Guan Yu remembered what happened when he was young. At that time, he and his colleagues went to chase a thief. He was supposed to rent it himself, but his colleague went for him, and his colleague was injured.

The leader told me that his colleagues helped him get this injury, not to make him cry here, but to catch the thief. Later, the thief caught Guan Yu and told his wife Xie Hanying happily when he came back, but Xie Haiying’s brother Xie Haijun died.It was judged to be suicide, but Xie Haiying couldn't accept it. It was obvious that his brother had a grudge against others. He felt that the police had to pay attention to evidence when handling cases, and the relationship between the couple also became very bad.

Xie Haiying wanted Guan Yu to go to the south to develop together, but Guan Yu disagreed.Guan Yu and the others continued to investigate Yang Si and found out that there was a previous selection of outstanding employees.The security guard who was killed was also one of the three people selected. The security guard's daughter rushed over and said that she did not have this medal and she remembered it very clearly.

In this case, the medal found next to the security guard was very problematic.There is a problem with Yang Si's identity, which is basically certain. After he was arrested, he confessed very happily.It must be that he is afraid of being discovered by others, and now he has to continue to investigate his identity.

Guan Yu asked people to investigate several factories here, and found that only the fertilizer factory was the most likely.They came over to report to the Tao Bureau and felt that if it was really related to the fertilizer factory, the incident at the fertilizer factory 15 years ago was probably related to the current incident. As long as this relationship could be solved, the problem would be solved..

Tao Bureau asked him to go ahead and investigate.Guan Yu asked Tao Ju if he had told his wife about Zhong Yi. Tao Ju said that he could not open his mouth. They only had such a son. His wife was afraid of danger so she asked him to work as a technical detective. Unexpectedly, something happened.Guan Yu and the others didn't know what to say.Guan Yu and we had a meeting together. Zhou Qi told what happened at the scrap yard. Zhong Yi found Yang Xuesong’s cell phone signal in the scrap yard and chased after him.

By the time others arrived, Zhong Yi was already dead, and no trace of Yang Xuesong or his mobile phone was found at the scene.Zhong Yi and the others were investigating Wang Shan before. Zhong Yi left a trace before his death, which looked like Wang's first stroke. Guan Yu asked them to investigate further.Ma Xiaojing felt very worried, as if something had happened to Wang Shan, she asked people to keep an eye on Wang Shan.

Wang Shan was originally going to come back, but when he saw someone staring at him, he ran away quickly.Ma Xiaojing's men went to take Wang Shan away. Lao Zhao was going home, so he happened to see him and quickly chased after him on his bicycle.Liao Yuan said that Feng Gen was involved in the sale of guns, which was a serious crime that could kill his head, and asked Feng Gen's mother to think carefully about whether to speak out.

Wang Shan was tied up here, and Ma Xiaojing said that he asked for it himself, and he made it happen by himself.Wang Shan asked Ma Xiaojing not to force herself. Ma Xiaojing asked Wang Shan what he wanted. Wang Shan said that he knew how Yan Hongqiao died.

《Frozen Surface》E8Plot

Guan Yu investigates Yang Si’s identity

Guan Yu came to Xie Haijun's wife's house and told her about what happened back then.At that time, several of them had a good relationship with Yang Lijia, and Yang Lijia even came to the house to help install the radiator.

Several people talked about the partner. Xie Haijun originally wanted to introduce Xie Haiying to Yang Lijia. At that time, Yang Lijia had already found a partner. The partner's parents did not allow them to be together, but the girl said she must be with Yang Lijia., two people have decided to be together.However, there were conflicts in the factory at that time. Later, Yang Lijia beat up their master, and he disappeared after that.

Ma Xiaojing came to see Wang Ping. The secretary came over and said that Wang Ping had something to do now and asked him to wait here. In fact, Wang Ping was free at all and just didn't want to see Ma Xiaojing.Ma Xiaojing had no choice but to wait here.

Lao Zhao from the Water Conservancy Bureau followed and found that they had brought Huang Mao to a house. He came over to look at their car. Watching the man from Wangshan, he discovered Lao Zhao and came down with a knife.Check.Lao Zhao said that he saw a job recruitment notice posted on his car, so he came to take a look. He was fine during the winter vacation and could definitely do the job.

The man had no doubts anymore and left his phone number to Lao Zhao.Guan Yu and the others talked about the current affairs here. Liao Yuan interrogated Yang Hongmei for a long time, but nothing was asked.The Hongqiao Group developed well back then because Yan Hongmei married the son of an official.Guan Yu said that Yan Hongmei's assets have been transferred to Haiya, and Feng Gen is likely to hide in Haiya and let them investigate.Guan Yu came over to ask Yan Hongmei, and Yan Hongmei said that she knew her son was absolutely impossible to do anything. The most he could do was help his old uncle get a gun.

Guan Yu said that Feng Gen was very likely to kill Yan Hongqiao now, but Yan Hongmei said it was impossible. Yan Hongqiao had no son, and the property would belong to Feng Gen in the future. Feng Gen had no need to do such a thing.Zhou Qi and the others were staring at Ma Xiaojing here. Zhou Qi felt that Ma Xiaojing sent someone to find Wang Shan yesterday. She sat in the office all night and then came to see Wang Ping again. It is very likely that she had news about Wang Shan.So keep an eye on it here.

When Ma Xiaojing met Wang Ping, she said that she had been focusing on Hongqiao transportation these years, and she would not take her for nothing, so she wanted to pay 500,000 to buy it.Ma Xiaojing went back first, Assistant Wang Ping followed, and so did Zhou Qi and the others.Assistant Wang Ping drove to a small village. Zhou Qi discovered that Zhong Yi had mentioned this place before. She learned that there was a temple here, so she went to take a look.Assistant Wang Ping beat Ma Xiaojing and asked Ma Xiaojing if she knew why. Ma Xiaojing said that half a million was too little. Assistant Wang Ping said that Wang Ping would not allow any threats.

Lao Zhao came to find Guan Yu and the others and told them about the clue. Guan Yu asked Zhou Qi and the others to take people to keep an eye on Wang Shan.Guan Yu came to the hotel, met Wang Ping, and asked Wang Ping if she knew Yang Xuesong.Wang Ping said that she knew him and he was still here a few days ago.Wang Ping thought it was unlikely that Yang Xuesong killed Wang Ping's ex-husband, and Yang Xuesong seemed quite honest.

Guan Yu felt that Yang Xuesong was probably provoked by the bad guys, and asked Wang Ping who he thought the bad guys were. Wang Ping said that catching the bad guys was their job.Guan Yu found Yang Lijia’s master and his wife. Yang Lijia’s master was currently bedridden. Yang Lijia’s wife said that people kept giving them things and money.

《Frozen Surface》E9Plot

The truth about Yan Hongqiao’s murder

Assistant Wang Ping called Jin Zhuhua over and asked her to kill Yan Hongqiao and asked her if she could do it.Jinzhuhua said there was no problem.Assistant Wang Ping took out Yan Hongqiao's gun and asked her to use this and put the gun back when the time came. This was Yan Hongqiao's gun, otherwise there would be trouble.Jin Zhuhua agreed and entered the company, but was stopped by the security guard.

The security guard asked Jin Zhuhua to get out quickly, thinking that she was like a beggar.Jin Zhuhua killed the security guard because the security guard talked too much.Yan Hongqiao heard the noise downstairs, came down to check, and saw Jin Zhuhua holding a knife. He quickly went back to find the gun, but the gun was no longer here.Chen Xiaoming heard the noise and came out to check. Jin Zhuhua came over and asked Yan Hongqiao if this was what he was looking for.

Yan Hongqiao was also surprised to see Jin Zhuhua holding the gun.Yan Hongqiao pulled Chen Xiaoming in front of him to block the gun. Jin Zhuhua called Chen Xiaoming over, took Chen Xiaoming's hand and killed Yan Hongqiao.Jin Zhuhua said that the gun was fired by Chen Xiaoming, and when the police came, she would tell her so.

Assistant Wang Ping also came in. Jin Zhuhua said that she originally agreed on one person, but now she has settled three, and asked Assistant Wang Ping to give her more money.Chen Xiaoming jumped down from the building.Assistant Wang Ping tied Ma Xiaojing to the factory. Ma Xiaojing didn't understand how she had offended him.Assistant Wang Ping asked Ma Xiaojing who asked him to deal with Yang Xuesong, and Ma Xiaojing quickly said it was herself.

Assistant Wang Ping said that the police would come later and asked Ma Xiaojing to tell them this.Guan Yu brought people over, and Assistant Wang Ping threw Yang Xuesong's cell phone into the machine in front of them.Assistant Wang Ping and Ma Xiaojing were taken away. Zhou Qi wanted to take the fragments back and restore them, but they were extremely broken and there were many other things, so there was nothing they could do.

Haiya captured Feng Gen, and Guan Yu asked them to interrogate him there.Jin Zhuhua called back, but her son said that the police were coming to arrest her and that she was a bad person.Zhou Qi happened to see Jin Zhuhua here and quickly chased after her.Jin Zhuhua ran into a store and caught the little girl inside.Zhou Qi asked Jin Zhuhua to calm down and let him go first.Jin Zhuhua asked them to prepare a car for themselves and let them go out. Zhou Qi asked others to go out and asked them to find the special police.

Jin Zhuhua went out and was about to get in the car when the special police prepared here shot Jin Zhuhua to death.Now there is no problem with Yang Si, but he still needs to be sentenced and sent to a detention center for destroying evidence.Yang Si accepted the result and wanted to see his son.Guan Yu has already said that at this juncture, he is afraid that something will happen if he knows that Yang Xuesong is dead, so he will not tell him yet.

Two policemen were discussing the matter outside the car, and Yang Si heard them.On the way, Yang Si and the police fought and the car overturned.County Magistrate Qi said that the matter involving Assistant Wang Ping was very bad, and Wang Ping was asked not to attend the current investment fair.People from the Discipline Inspection Commission came to see County Magistrate Qi and said that he was suspected of violating discipline and would be taken away for investigation.

The subordinates sent Wang Ping here, saying that Assistant Wang Ping had left something for her here.Wang Ping rescued Assistant Wang Ping back then, and Assistant Wang Ping rented a house here.Wang Ping's family did not allow Wang Ping to study and blocked her at the school gate to discredit her. Wang Ping had no choice but to attend night school.Later Wang Ping met Yan Hongqiao in the factory.Feng Gen was interrogated here and said that he was very dissatisfied when Yan Hongqiao pried Zhou Qi away.Wang Ping asked Feng Gen to deal with Yan Hongqiao and take out the gun, and Feng Gen took it out.

《Frozen Surface》E10Plot

Yang Si confesses the truth

Back then, Yang Si went on a robbery to treat his child and was caught by the police. Yang Si asked the police not to let his son see him.Yang Xuesong came out. The police saw Yang Xuesong and told him to study hard and listen to his mother.Now the whole city is searching for this woman.The woman had no place to go, so she came to Assistant Wang Ping's house. When Assistant Wang Ping came home, the woman she saw said that he had not even cleaned his tail, so how could she get out of him.

The woman said that she could clean up her tail, and Assistant Wang Ping had to send her away. Assistant Wang Ping said that as long as she wanted to send someone out, there would be no one she could not send out.Forensic doctor Yuan and his apprentice were dissecting corpses here. Forensic doctor Yuan was old and couldn't bear it any longer. His apprentice asked him to go rest first and then he could do it himself.Forensic doctor Yuan said that he was retiring next year, and he looked a little uncomfortable.Guan Yu came over to interrogate Yang Si again, saying that it was now clear that Yang Xuesong had nothing to do with this matter. If he had something to hide, he could tell it now. Yang Si was very shocked.

Ask Guan Yu what evidence he has for saying this, is he lying to himself?Guan Yu said that the evidence could not be shown to him, but he could guarantee that Yang Xuesong did not kill anyone. Yang Si was also very excited after hearing this.Yang Sen finally explained all these things. Before the incident, he had a quarrel with Yang Xuesong. He heard that Yang Xuesong had a conflict with Feng Gen and the others. Thinking that he wanted to solve the matter, he kept following Feng Geng., later I arrived at the Guandi Temple and saw Wang Ping here with a mobile phone.

Wang Ping spoke hesitantly and asked Yang Si to go back quickly and stop worrying about these things. Yang Si was very anxious when he heard this and asked Wang Ping what was going on.Wang Ping said that she had persuaded Yang Xuesong to kill someone because of confusion, but he could not persuade him and now he had sent Yang Xuesong away.Yang Si asked how Hongqiao Group should go. In the past, Hongqiao Group handled the matter and left its own traces, including the medal of the outstanding employee of that year.

Yang Si expressed his unqualification as a father, and he had no choice but to help Yang Xuesong take the blame.Guan Yu called everyone over and told them about the current situation. Yang Si and Yang Xuesong have determined that they have nothing to do with this matter and are being used. They must be looking for Yang Xuesong's mobile phone. There must be some secret. LetThey had to find Yang Xuesong's cell phone, and they also had to find the woman.Ma Xiaojing hid back in her hometown, but was still found by Assistant Wang Ping, who kidnapped Ma Xiaojing's mother and child.The police found the hotel where the woman was staying and found a lot of pine branches inside.

Zhou Qi and the others received the news and rushed to a place with pine trees. As a result, explosives were placed in the hut here. It exploded as soon as they arrived. Fortunately, they were not injured.After they came back, they told Guan Yu what happened here. Before they arrived, the house here had already exploded, thinking that someone wanted to destroy the evidence.

Assistant Wang Ping sent the woman away, saying that someone was picking her up in front of her and asked her to get out of the car and walk over. However, after the woman got out of the car, he drove over her and put her in the trunk.Two men saw the car and thought it was a good car. They wanted to drive away, but they were killed by the woman who was still alive.The woman was also very depressed. She did not expect that Assistant Wang Ping would dare to trick her.

《Frozen Surface》E11Plot

Yang Xuesong is dead

Assistant Wang Ping called Jin Zhuhua over and asked her to kill Yan Hongqiao and asked her if she could do it.Jinzhuhua said there was no problem.Assistant Wang Ping took out Yan Hongqiao's gun and asked her to use this and put the gun back when the time came. This was Yan Hongqiao's gun, otherwise there would be trouble.Jin Zhuhua agreed and entered the company, but was stopped by the security guard.

The security guard asked Jin Zhuhua to get out quickly, thinking that she was like a beggar.Jin Zhuhua killed the security guard because the security guard talked too much.Yan Hongqiao heard the noise downstairs, came down to check, and saw Jin Zhuhua holding a knife. He quickly went back to find the gun, but the gun was no longer here.Chen Xiaoming heard the noise and came out to check. Jin Zhuhua came over and asked Yan Hongqiao if this was what he was looking for.

Yan Hongqiao was also surprised to see Jin Zhuhua holding the gun.Yan Hongqiao pulled Chen Xiaoming in front of him to block the gun. Jin Zhuhua called Chen Xiaoming over, took Chen Xiaoming's hand and killed Yan Hongqiao.Jin Zhuhua said that the gun was fired by Chen Xiaoming, and when the police came, she would tell her so.Assistant Wang Ping also came in. Jin Zhuhua said that she originally agreed on one person, but now she has settled three, and asked Assistant Wang Ping to give her more money.Chen Xiaoming jumped down from the building.Assistant Wang Ping tied Ma Xiaojing to the factory. Ma Xiaojing didn't understand how she had offended him.Assistant Wang Ping asked Ma Xiaojing who asked him to deal with Yang Xuesong, and Ma Xiaojing quickly said it was herself.

Assistant Wang Ping said that the police would come later and asked Ma Xiaojing to tell them this.Guan Yu brought people over, and Assistant Wang Ping threw Yang Xuesong's cell phone into the machine in front of them.Assistant Wang Ping and Ma Xiaojing were taken away. Zhou Qi wanted to take the fragments back and restore them, but they were extremely broken and there were many other things, so there was nothing they could do.Haiya captured Feng Gen, and Guan Yu asked them to interrogate him there.Jin Zhuhua called back, but her son said that the police were coming to arrest her and that she was a bad person.Zhou Qi happened to see Jin Zhuhua here and quickly chased after her.Jin Zhuhua ran into a store and caught the little girl inside.

Zhou Qi asked Jin Zhuhua to calm down and let him go first.Jin Zhuhua asked them to prepare a car for themselves and let them go out. Zhou Qi asked others to go out and asked them to find the special police.Jin Zhuhua went out and was about to get in the car when the special police prepared here shot Jin Zhuhua to death.Now there is no problem with Yang Si, but he still needs to be sentenced and sent to a detention center for destroying evidence.Yang Si accepted the result and wanted to see his son.

Guan Yu has already said that at this juncture, he is afraid that something will happen if he knows that Yang Xuesong is dead, so he will not tell him yet.Two policemen were discussing the matter outside the car, and Yang Si heard them.On the way, Yang Si and the police fought and the car overturned.County Magistrate Qi said that the matter involving Assistant Wang Ping was very bad, and Wang Ping was asked not to attend the current investment fair.People from the Discipline Inspection Commission came to see County Magistrate Qi and said that he was suspected of violating discipline and would be taken away for investigation.The subordinates sent Wang Ping here, saying that Assistant Wang Ping had left something for her here.

Wang Ping rescued Assistant Wang Ping back then, and Assistant Wang Ping rented a house here.Wang Ping's family did not allow Wang Ping to study and blocked her at the school gate to discredit her. Wang Ping had no choice but to attend night school.Later Wang Ping met Yan Hongqiao in the factory.Feng Gen was interrogated here and said that he was very dissatisfied when Yan Hongqiao pried Zhou Qi away.Wang Ping asked Feng Gen to deal with Yan Hongqiao and take out the gun, and Feng Gen took it out.

《Frozen Surface》E12Plot

Yang Si Guanyu starts over

When Feng Gen went to find Assistant Wang Ping, he saw Yang Xuesong arguing with Yang Xuesong here. After pushing Yang Xuesong, he accidentally killed Yang Xuesong.Feng Gen quickly said that he did not do it on purpose and that Wang Ping's assistant later handled the matter.On New Year's Day in 2000, an assistant came to Wang Ping and said that the house had been sold for more than 10 million yuan, and 3 million yuan would be used to compensate those people, and the rest would be deposited in the bank. Wang Ping did not expect that he would only use this much.Assistant Wang Ping said that Yan Hongqiao led people to demolish the house and saved a lot of money. Wang Ping did not expect that Yan Hongqiao would even save this little money.Yan Hongqiao came over and started arguing with Wang Ping. Wang Ping said she wanted a divorce.

Yan Hongqiao asked him to think clearly and kill her himself. Wang Ping asked her to see who would die first, so Yan Hongqiao had no choice but to leave first.Guan Yu and the others held a meeting here. Guan Yu said that Wang Ping also had a lot of eyes, and people kept an eye on the roads going abroad and out of the province.Guan Yu received the news that Yang Si had run away.Yang Si came to Erzhuzi. Erzhuzi thanked Yang Si for his life-saving grace. He was very kind to Yang Si and gave him a sum of money as an emergency.Yang Si asked Er Zhuzhu if he knew where Wang Ping was. Er Zhuzi said that Wang Ping was indeed running away, but not from him, and might be looking for Lao Yaozi.

Yang Si locked Er Zhuzhu in the office, came to see Lao Yaozi himself, and fought with Lao Yaozi's younger brothers, knocking them all down.Lao Yaozi was also afraid of Yang Si and said that Wang Ping had not contacted him.An investment fair was being held here. Wang Ping came to the Lao Lao Fertilizer Factory and talked about her own experience. She was a child from the south. She was sold by her parents and dismissed from school. She came to Lanhe to develop. She felt that this was the place.My own world, I finally realized my original dream here.Yang Si came over and took Wang Ping away.Guan Yu and the others checked here and saw Yang Si driving back, so they quickly chased after him.

Yang Si came to the river, dug a hole, and wanted to throw Wang Ping in.Wang Ping quickly said that Yang Xuesong's matter had nothing to do with him, and she was not the one who killed him.Yang Si.He said that he owed them a favor for Yang Xuesong's illness.Now that the favor price has been repaid, he should not provoke his son.

Guan Yu also rushed over and showed Yang Si the video that Yang Xuesong recorded at that time. Yang Xuesong said that his mother had told him about Yang Si when she passed away, and he did not expect that Yang Si had paid so much for him.If there are more, I will make a big bet at once. If I succeed, I will buy a house in Xingfu Community and they will live a good life.

Guan Yu said that if Yang Si killed Wang Ping, he would be a murderer. Can Yang Xuesong really forgive a murderer? He would have no shame to see Yang Xuesong even if he died.Yang Si let Wang Ping go.The court soon made a verdict, and Wang Ping, Yang Si and others had to pay the price for what they had done.Wang Ping was sentenced to life imprisonment, his assistant was sentenced to death, Yang Si was sentenced to 19 years in prison for intentionally injuring others and destroying evidence, and Yan Hongmei and Ma Xiaojing were also sentenced for harboring.

Everyone was very sad when they thought of Zhong Yi.When Guan Yu returned home, the bowl of noodles that he had not eaten before was still there.Guan Yu thought about his wife and quickly bought a ticket to Xiazhou.Soon it was 2019, Guan Yu had retired, and Yang Si was released from prison and opened a bun shop.Guan Yu came to find Yang Si and said that Wang Ping died of cancer two days ago. Yang Si was very happy to hear this.

Guan Yu went shopping, and a family passed by. The child gave the balloon to Guan Yu, and Guan Yu gave the child a candy.

Frozen Surface

Frozen Surface

Total 12 Episodes Jan 10, 2024 C-Drama Myst/Crime Actor: Hu Jun Chen Jianbin Deng Jiajia