

  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 15 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Jan 11, 2022
  • Genre:
  • Plat:
  • Actor:
  • Synopsis:
    Li Shiqing dreamed that the No. 45 bus she was riding exploded as she walked towards the cross-river bridge. She was also frightened awake by the explosion.After waking up, she fou ...

《Reset》 Summ

Li Shiqing dreamed that the No. 45 bus she was riding exploded as she walked towards the cross-river bridge. She was also frightened awake by the explosion.After waking up, she found that her experience on the bus was exactly the same as in her dream. After many failed attempts to prevent the explosion, she was convinced that she had entered a time loop.

At the same time, Xiao Heyun, who was forcibly dragged out of the car during the sixth time loop, also entered the loop with Li Shiqing.Two ordinary young people experienced life and death challenges in repeated cycles, achieved self-growth, and learned the stories behind the passengers of different identities on the No. 45 bus.

In the end, with the joint efforts of the two and the police, the truth of the explosion was finally found.Justice will eventually come, just as the names of the two people foretell, when the sky is clear and the cranes are flying over the clouds, poetry will rise to the clear and open sky.


《Reset》Character Info


《Reset》Ep Summ


In the finale, the cycle is broken and the murderous couple are caught.

In the play, only the heroine Li Shiqing, played by Zhao Jinmai, was in the loop for the first five times. She discovered that the bus would explode. At that time, she was extremely scared and wanted to get off the bus. However, the kind-hearted Li Shiqing also wanted to save other people, so she took the bus andXiao Heyun next to him also pulled out of the car.After that, Xiao Heyun also entered the cycle, but his health became worse and worse.

The two people went through many cycles together, and gradually revealed the truth about the bus explosion, the real culprits of the bus bombing, and the reasons why they bombed the bus.In the finale, the truth behind Wang Mengmeng's exit was slowly revealed.


1. Just remember, we are resting now in order to go a further distance.

2. That’s it, let’s do whatever it takes, break it down, anyway, there’s nothing worth saving for the passengers in this car.

3. Why can they spread rumors on the Internet and slander someone they don’t know at all?

4. But what was even more unacceptable than the physical pain was the driver’s sudden change of heart in the last cycle.

5. The look in her eyes was too complicated, as if she had many things to say to her, but in the end she could only choke in silence.

6. Li Shiqing has never doubted the driver, not even once.

7. All their experience and plans are based on every mistake. There is not much time for thinking, let alone execution.

8. The familiar pain came... again in the way she least wanted to accept.

9. It was precisely based on countless failures that the two young people came up with the most detailed and appropriate plan this time.

10. But this ringtone is like a magic spell.

11. Kindness is not a cheap virtue. It must match ability, otherwise it will add chaos.

12. Just get off the bus at the station and live your normal life.

13. Those people on the Internet will only judge others based on their own cognitive scope and moral standards.

14. If this is the last cycle, it is also the last chance for the people in this car to survive.

15. How can there be any normal life? When I open my eyes every day, you look like you are going to die.

16. We are also corpses in many cycles. There is no need to feel guilty because of this car of people.

17. They selected me today. This is the first time in twenty-three years that I feel irreplaceable.

18. Who said that standing in the light is a hero.

19. Although the watermelon rind is broken, the scoop is clean.

20. It turns out that the schoolbag is childhood, the snakeskin bag is love, and the suitcase is home.

21. Every ordinary person is a superhero.

22. In countless cycles, they saw their surging love.

《Reset》Related Info

For the most important scene in the play, the bus, the crew prepared 5 identical buses for filming.As a story that takes place in a bus, if shot in real-life, it would have a huge impact on road traffic.Therefore, the in-car scenes of 《Reset》 were all shot in the studio with the help of LED screens.Most of the show's budget was spent on production, and a large amount of money was spent on LED material shooting and LED screen construction.It took two months to shoot the materials needed for the LED screen alone.

The road in the story does not exist in reality. The crew spent a lot of time and effort to select different sections of the road, and then formed a road themselves.The first difficulty when selecting shooting materials is the weather. Because the story only takes place within a few hours, the weather conditions must be consistent. The shooting of LED materials also needs to avoid cloudy and rainy days.Secondly, compared to cars, buses have higher requirements for rear background distortion and perspective, so the material requires repeated shooting and experimentation.

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