《Everyone Loves Me》Ep Intro

School belle Yue Qianling has been secretly in love with high school tycoon Gu Xun for a long time, and listens to her friends' suggestion to stage a “小白花” style pursuit of love.Unfortunately, Gu Xun was already in the game and fell in love with his tough and dashing partner, Nuomi Xiaomahua“.In real life, he is very indifferent to Yue Qianling's pursuit, but in the online world, he uses all kinds of martial arts routines, but who would have thought that Xiaomahua” is Yue Qianling.In the end, Gu Xun, who knew the truth, had to start the "reverse road to chasing his wife", which was both funny and exciting.The two finally get to know each other and fall in love, working together to pursue their dreams and achieve a future together.

《Everyone Loves Me》E1Plot

Episode 1

Gu Xun's friend said to the computer screen that he didn't know if anyone could crack his design. Gu Xun said that he needed to see it.Yue Qianling stunned Gu Xun and his friends with his super skills. Gu Xun found it very interesting to be able to break through his own designs.Yue Qianling also felt that she would definitely win after passing this S bend. Sure enough, she passed it, and Gu Xun also thought she was very powerful.Yue Qianling found this last level of the game very interesting, and she knew it must have been designed by Gu Xun.Yue Qianling was about to leave when she saw Gu Xun won first place on the screen. She was very happy and wanted to stay and see Gu Xun. What she didn't know was that Gu Xun saw her online name Nuomi Xiaomahua and he was also looking for it.Yue Qianling.

Yue Qianling left under repeated urging from the staff. Gu Xun went out to look for her but could not find her, and the two of them missed her.When Yue Qianling returned to the company, she was criticized by her boss, Team Leader Yin, for saying that she had the highest number of votes and that his speech made her get closer.Yue Qianling directly posted her resignation report in the work group without saying anything. Her colleagues all asked her what to do with the New Year album.Yue Qianling said that Team Leader Yin was here, and Team Leader Yin said that the New Year album could not be drawn with hands.Team leader Yin thinks that Yue Qianling is resigning, so let's go to a dinner party together at night.Yue Qianling recalled the scene of the previous party.

Yue Qianling refused, saying she didn't want to waste time.Yue Qianling came to Sister Yin's office to apply for her resignation report. Sister Yin asked her if she regretted it now and could she help her revoke it.Just as he was talking about the resignation of people from the Ninth Business Department, a big fight broke out.Sister Yin told her that there had been no progress in this department for a long time. The board of directors had strong opinions and wanted to eliminate this department, but the big boss supported it and specially hired a person.Yue Qianling saw that the man's name was Gu Xun, and just as he was talking, Gu Xun came.When Yue Qianling saw Gu Xun so close to her, her eyes began to bubble.Yue Qianling looked at Gu Xun and asked him to come and apply for the job. Gu Xun told her that was right and left.

Yue Qianling just turned around and was about to stop Sister Yin from stamping her resignation report, but she didn't expect that Sister Yin had already stamped it.Yue Qianling regretted it very much. She and her good friend Yin Xue called and said that they had just moved out and resigned, but Gu Xun came to apply for employment.Her friends said that this might be their wonderful fate. Yue Qianling thought of the scene where she and Gu Xun played games together before.Yue Qianling was moving her things and was about to leave. Her colleague came over and asked her if she knew Gu Xun. Yue Qianling said that she did.Team Leader Yin said that he had asked Gu Xun just now and he didn't seem to know Yue Qianling.

Yue Qianling criticized him and said that he knew Jay Chou, but did Jay Chou know him?Gu Xun encountered challenges when he first came to the company. The company gave him a task to achieve a 50% pass rate for his proposal next month, otherwise he would be allowed to leave on his own.However, Mr. Jiang did not believe that Gu Xun could make 3A in one month. He also told Gu Xun that he would not touch the people he trained so that he could not touch them.Gu Xun told his companion Jiang Junnan that the next project to be launched was their focus, and he told him that they could just reduce the number of people they needed to recruit.When Yue Qianling came to the game hall, she saw that she was not at the top of the list. The name on the top list was Natural Awakening.

The boss told Yue Qianling that Zi Xing was a handsome guy and wanted to introduce them to him, but Yue Qianling said that ordinary handsome guys were like blank sheets of paper in her eyes.Yue Qianling turned around and saw Gu Xun. She hurriedly bought game coins to create a chance to talk to Gu Xun.When Yue Qianling returned to her dormitory, she saw her physical education teacher in her dormitory. She was about to leave her roommate Yin Xue when she called her.When the physical education teacher saw her, he told her to take the physical education test next week, and Gu Xun just called her to play games.Yue Qianling started playing games very hard when she got on the account, and her teammates noticed that she was in a bad mood.They asked Yue Qianling what was wrong, and Yue Qianling said that he had fallen out of love, which made Gu Xun feel a little uncomfortable.

《Everyone Loves Me》E2Plot

Episode 2

Yin Xue asked Yue Qianling if the gaming netizen she had never met was reliable. Yue Qianling said that she didn't know, but he was a man anyway.Yin Xue began to test whether Yue Qianling was suitable to be a little white flower, but Yue Qianling thought that was too gross.Yin Xue asked her if she wanted to be a gentle little white flower, and Yue Qianling said of course she would. From now on, she would be a little white flower in bud.Just as she was talking, Yue Qianling received a text message telling her that the daily and weekly rankings were announced. Yue Qianling saw that she was on the list, and then someone sent him a text message asking her if she could make an appointment for 30,000 yuan a piece.Yue Qianling felt that it was beneficial to be on the list. It was a road to wealth.

Yue Qianling was woken up by Huang Jie's phone call early in the morning. Huang Jie told her that she forgot to bring her gloves.She asked Yue Qianling whether he would send it to her or whether Yue Qianling would pick it up himself.Yue Qianling originally said that she didn't want to go because it was too cold, but then she thought about it and quickly said that she would get it because she wanted to meet Gu Xun by chance.Yue Qianling met Gu Xun as soon as he arrived at the company. They happened to take the same elevator.Gu Xun's friend Jiang Junnan asked Yue Qianling which department she worked in so early. Before Yue Qianling could speak, Gu Xun said that she had resigned.Yue Qianling was very happy when she walked out of the elevator. She felt happy that Gu Xun still remembered her.

Yue Qianling felt that she had to find a way to stay, so she asked Sister Yin if she could come back to work.This incident happened to be known by Team Leader Yin. He was saying that some people's hearts are as high as the sky, and they want to come back as soon as they leave.Unexpectedly, Yue Qianling happened to hear this, and Team Leader Yin turned around and came to Yue Qianling.He quickly changed his face again, but Yue Qianling was not afraid of him and directly attacked him.After just a few words, someone said there was a loophole in their work and they were trying to figure out how to fix it.When Mr. Jiang came, he thought it could be fermented, so he quickly signaled to his assistant to leave him alone.

Gu Xun happened to be passing by and saw it, and he asked him to try it.Gu Xun asked them where the host was. Gu Xun opened the host and found a pest.However, Mr. Jiang said that he was caught off guard, so Gu Xun left without paying attention.After Gu Xun left, they were all discussing that he should be a manager at such a young age. They all wanted to go to Gu Xun's department. After hearing this, Mr. Jiang got angry and said loudly that they would not work.Yue Qianling told Huang Jie that she was going to submit her resume, and she could do it as long as she could stay in this building.Huang Jie felt that Yue Qianling was really crazy. There was no need to do this to confront Team Leader Yin. Yue Qianling told her that she was not doing this for him.

Yue Qianling received a call from Yin Xue asking her to rehearse the lion dance. When she arrived, she had already seen a person wearing lion dance clothes standing somewhere.Yue Qianling thought that person was Yin Xue. She went over to pat the person on the head and said that she had thought of a good way to cope with the exam. The person in the lion dance costume tried to take off his headgear many times, but Yue Qianling interrupted him..After Yue Qianling finished speaking, the man also took off his hood, and Yue Qianling saw that the man was Gu Xun.Gu Xun said that she was the sixth child and told the scene about the last time they played live CS together. Yue Qianling asked him if he didn't recognize her.Gu Xun said that he didn't know she was Yue Qianling, he only knew that she was Lao Liu.

While Yue Qianling was being interviewed, Chen Yin called. She asked Yue Qianling if she wanted to return to the company. Mr. Jiang took the phone and asked Yue Qianling to return to the company now and give her a salary increase.Yue Qianling and Yin Xue were training for lion dance, and they were exhausted.They happened to see Gu Xun and Jiang Junnan practicing next to them, and Yue Qianling suggested that they could match men and women.Gu Xun asked Jiang Junnan to come over and help him take a look at the painter whose online name was Sleeping Until He Wakes Up Naturally. He felt that it was still a little imperfect and they needed a main artist who could stand alone.Gu Xun returned to the company smoothly. Just as Sister Yin was going to find Gu Xun to sign, Yue Qianling asked her to help.

《Everyone Loves Me》E3Plot

Episode 3

Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun to sign, but Gu Xun refused her. Just as Yue Qianling was about to speak to Gu Xun in his usual tone, she just asked him to read a few pages.She quickly held back and spoke to Gu Xun softly, but Gu Xun still rejected her.Mr. Wei told Yue Qianling that she was good at painting, but there were many people with such ability.If she wants to stay, she must have the ability to stay. Mr. Wei told her that he would read her manuscript in a few days. If she couldn't draw it, she should tell her in advance so that he could replace her in advance.Team leader Yin heard this and told Yue Qianling to tell him if he couldn't continue painting. Yue Qianling said that if he couldn't paint well, he would still be there.

They were originally a group, and if something happened to all of them, it was not just Yue Qianling.Yue Qianling said that if he couldn't draw well, he would have to go back to take the postgraduate entrance examination, while Team Leader Yin had seniors and juniors, and if he didn't do well, he would lose his job.Yue Qianling's manuscript was criticized by President Wei, and Team Leader Yin was nearby making sarcastic remarks.Yue Qianling worked overtime at the company until late. She asked her netizens on the game how they should celebrate the New Year.Yue Qianling didn't know that the school sweetheart was Gu Xun, whom he had a crush on for a long time. Gu Xun also didn't know that his netizen Nuomi Xiaomahua was Yue Qianling who he had a crush on.Gu Xun discovered a hidden boss in the company, Mr. Wei. He and Jiang Junnan blocked Mr. Wei's way.

Gu Xun hoped that Mr. Wei could cooperate with him, but Mr. Wei told him that he would not cooperate with him.Gu Xun took out the 3A works previously created by General Wei Wei Han. He felt that Wei Han had not completely given up on 3A.Gu Xun asked him if he dared to make a bet with him. If the project was successful next week, he would come over and cooperate with him.Gu Xun's creative purpose is to promote oriental aesthetics and inherit traditional Chinese culture.Gu Xun was going to have a dinner with his colleagues, but Yue Qianling boarded the game account and asked him if he could have a chat.Gu Xun stopped having dinner with them. He and Yue Qianling were chatting online.

When Huang Jie was getting ready to get off work, she saw Yue Qianling added another cat to the original painting. She thought the cat looked a bit like a person, but she couldn't remember who it was.Yue Qianling asked who he was, and Huang Jie said he looked like a proud and handsome boy. Yue Qianling thought that was Gu Xun.Yue Qianling met a puppy on her way back, and she happened to see Gu Xun.She pretended that she was afraid of dogs and wanted to attract Gu Xun's attention. Unexpectedly, a motorcycle suddenly came over. Yue Qianling couldn't think about it anymore. She quickly picked up the dog, and Gu Xun also ran over and grabbed it.Yue Qianling hugged him.

Gu Xun went online and asked Yue Qianling how girls were spending their time as the New Year was approaching.Jiang Junnan asked him if he wanted to ask Xiao Mahua to spend the New Year together, just ask him directly, but Gu Xun said he didn't understand anything.The two of them were talking and happened to see Yue Qianling. Jiang Junnan asked her if she wanted to come over for dinner. Gu Xun was just about to refuse Jiang Junnan when he called her over.Yue Qianling felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so she quickly found a reason to leave. Jiang Junnan came to ask Yue Qianling after going to the toilet, but Gu Xun said that he was scared away.Jiang Junnan said that he was planning to recruit some people, but Gu Xun said that Yue Qianling was not good enough.As soon as Yue Qianling went out, she saw two stars accompanying the moon. She took a photo and sent it to Gu Xun as Xiao Mahua.

Gu Xun hurriedly ran out to find Xiao Mahua. Yue Qianling saw Gu Xun not far away. She was wondering whether Gu Xun was the school boy, but the words Gu Xun sent dispelled her idea.Yue Qianling handed in the manuscript that she had re-drawn. She said that she felt that the male protagonist was too lonely alone, so she added a cat beside her.After reading it, Mr. Jiang said that he should publish it, but Team Leader Yin said sarcastic remarks about Yue Qianling.Yue Qianling thought that her painting was going to be finished and that she would be kicked out of the company. Unexpectedly, the reactions online were all favorable and favorable.Yue Qianling met Gu Xun again when she got off work, and she made an appointment to dance the lion dance with him.

《Everyone Loves Me》E4Plot

Episode 4

Yue Qianling told Gu Xun in the game that she was going to meet her crush soon, and she asked Gu Xun what she should do.Gu Xun asked her what kind of girls the boys in idol dramas liked, and Yue Qianling said it was her.Gu Xun said that she should just do the opposite and use her weakness to impress the male god's protective desire.Yue Qianling called Yin Xue and asked her when she would come back to practice lion dance. Yin Xue told her that she had something to do and couldn't go back.Gu Xun called Jiang Junnan, and Jiang Junnan also said that he had something to do and couldn't come.Gu Xun just finished the call when he saw Yue Qianling coming with a big pot. Gu Xun didn't understand why Yue Qianling was holding a pot.

Yue Qianling said that although the pot was not as heavy as a lion's head, they could proceed step by step.Gu Xun had no choice but to agree to let her fight quickly, but Yue Qianling tripped while going up the stairs.Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun to help him, but Gu Xun immediately moved away.Yue Qianling lost her balance and sat down in the cauldron. She almost fell to the ground. Gu Xun quickly came over and hugged her.Yue Qianling asked if he was okay, and Gu Xun said to let her get up first.Jiang Junnan told Gu Xun that he wanted to find an assistant. Gu Xun said that he had been busy with project establishment recently and would wait until the injection was over.Jiang Junnan said that he didn't need to worry about it anymore, as the interviewer had already arrived.

Jiang Junnan interviewed many people, but he was not satisfied with them.Before Chen Xinyi could go in, Jiang Junnan came out of the office.Chen Xinyi thought he was also here for an interview. She looked at Jiang Junnan's unhappy face and thought his interview did not go well.Jiang Junnan continued what she said and said that Jiang Junnan was too impersonal and harsh on employees.After hearing this, Chen Xinyi comforted him that not all leaders would understand their employees. Jiang Junnan felt that Chen Xinyi was quite aware, so he told Chen Xinyi that she could come to join the company tomorrow. Only then did Chen Xinyi realize that the person in front of her was the interviewer, Mr. Jiang.Jiang Junnan was texting Gu Xun about the details of their design, and someone in Mr. Jiang's group happened to hear it.

Gu Xun saw him asking Jiang Junnan about the situation just now, and he knew that the person just now had heard what they said about the remote exchange.He expressed their thoughts during the project establishment speech. Their two-person linkage was upgraded on the basis of remote exchange.After explanations from both parties, the project that was finally approved was Gu Xun Group’s Narrow Road.Wei Han submitted his resignation report to Jiang Yishi. Jiang Yishi asked him not to even apply for a department transfer, but to resign directly.Wei Han told him that 3A was his dream, but Jiang Yishi told him that 3A was very difficult to achieve and almost no one in China could do it.

Wei Han told him that he wanted to give it a try, and Gu Xun took his team members and moved back to the original ninth business department, which was next to the first business department of Yue Qianling's department.Gu Xun asked Jiang Junnan and their friend Luo Tuo if they wanted to go out for dinner together, but Jiang Junnan said that he would not go because he had something to do.Huang Jie said that Yin Jun was not here today and they wanted to have a good meal. As they were talking, Gu Xun and people from their department also came together.Huang Jie invited them to sit down and eat together, and Gu Xun happened to sit next to Yue Qianling.Luotuo sent a message in their group chat. Yue Qianling and Gu Xun saw it and said a few words.Gu Xun saw what Xiao Mahua said and was a little suspicious that Yue Qianling next to him was Xiao Mahua. He tried a few words and heard Xiao Mahua say that he was a colleague with the male god.

Gu Xun felt a little sad, so he made an excuse and said he had to leave first.Yue Qianling also said that the school's access control time was coming soon and she had to go back first.As soon as she walked out of the door, Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun if she could take Gu Xun's car back to school. Gu Xun didn't say anything. Yue Qianling said that she should go to the subway. Gu Xun said that there was no subway and let her go.Take your own car.On New Year's Eve, Yue Qianling and Yin Xue dressed up and prepared to go out to celebrate the New Year. Luo Tuo also came to Jiangcheng to look for Gu Xun.Yue Qianling and Yin Xue were watching the fireworks together, and Gu Xun was also there with Luo Tuo.

《Everyone Loves Me》E5Plot

Episode 5

Gu Xun saw the photo of Xiao Mahua watching fireworks that he posted in the group chat, and he found that he was in the same place as him.Gu Xun started to search, and he saw Yue Qianling. He didn't know if she was a little Mahua.Luo Tuo saw the photos in the group and knew that they were in the same place. He asked Gu Xun to quickly leave a voice message for Xiao Mahua.Gu Xun said he would fight if he didn't want to. Yue Qianling kept looking for Gu Xun, but she couldn't find him.Gu Xun and Yue Qianling looked for each other, but neither found the other.Yue Qianling and Yin Xue were taking a bath and drinking red wine together. Yue Qianling saw the school boy's hair, and she felt that half of Jiangcheng's people were there.

Yue Qianling asked Yin Xue what it meant if a netizen posted Happy New Year on New Year's Eve?Yin Xue asked if the two of them had met, Yue Qianling said no, and Yin Xue told her that was the literal meaning.The lion dance exam began. The teacher said that Yue Qianling would not be able to take the exam wearing a skirt and her hair was not tied up.Yue Qianling asked her teacher if she could make up the exam if she failed this time. The teacher told her that if she failed the exam again, she would have to leave the exam, which would affect her future future.Yue Qianling panicked when she heard that her graduation might be delayed and her grades would be kept. Yue Qianling thought that she would have to pass the exam even if she ruined her image today.She told Gu Xun that she had a suggestion, but Gu Xun told her that he would not recommend it.

Yue Qianling asked him if he wanted to delay graduation, as this would affect his work.Gu Xun asked Yue Qianling what he proposed, and Yue Qianling said that he would make an exchange with him.During the exam, Yue Qianling kept spinning in circles, and Gu Xun kept shouting what she was doing.Yue Qianling fell out of the lion's body. Gu Xun quickly called her. Yue Qianling reacted and quickly crawled over and rubbed Gu Xun's leg.The onlookers were all looking at them, wondering whether Yue Qianling and Gu Xun were together.After the exam, their results were announced.Yue Qianling and Gu Xun scored 60 points, which was considered a passing grade.

Yin Xue looked at Yue Qianling's unhappy face and asked her why she was still not happy after passing the exam.Yue Qianling said that she was mentally retarded in Gu Xun's heart, and Yin Xue said that they should go to dinner together to turn grief and anger into appetite.Luo Tuo asked them in the group what delicious food there was in Jiangcheng, and Xiao Mahua said that the coriander beef noodles were delicious.Jiang Junnan asked Gu Xun if he was going to eat later, and Gu Xun said coriander.Jiang Junnan asked him if he didn't like coriander and why he wanted to eat coriander today.He wondered if Gu Xun had some incurable disease, and then he thought it might be because of Xiao Mahua.Yue Qianling and Yin Xue also came to this shop to eat beef noodles. Jiang Junnan said that Yue Qianling must be interested in Gu Xun.

He saw that Yue Qianling had glanced at Gu Xun several times, but Gu Xun just hummed and said nothing.Gu Xun was about to leave. When Yin Xue saw it, she asked Yue Qianling to catch up with him and ask for his WeChat message.Yue Qianling wasn't ready to go yet, but Yin Xue happened to see a school card on the ground. She picked it up and saw the surname Gu and thought it was Gu Xun.Yin Xue asked Yue Qianling to catch up with Gu Xun and send him a WeChat message.Yue Qianling caught up with Gu Xun. She told Gu Xun that she had picked up his school card and wanted to add his WeChat account.Unexpectedly, the school ID card was that of a man named Gu Xiaopeng, and Yue Qianling was embarrassed in front of Gu Xun again.

Yue Qianling changed the style of the drawing. She chose a Chinese-style style, but the artist felt that the sudden change would not be good, so Yue Qianling was rejected.She was a little sad. Yue Qianling said in the group that she was bored, and the school boss asked her to go find her friends to play. Yue Qianling said that her friends were very busy and no one could play with her.Jiang Junnan discovered that Chen Xinyi had social phobia, and he comforted her carefully.Wei Han met Yue Qianling in the elevator. He was very optimistic about Yue Qianling's ability. He asked Yue Qianling if he was interested in joining their ninth business unit.Yue Qianling said of course she was willing, and Wei Han told her the interview requirements.

《Everyone Loves Me》E6Plot

Episode 6

Yue Qianling and Yin Xue went to participate in the competition for dominance in the game hall. She was very angry and patted the game console and said that the company was disconnected from the Internet and she could not upload it.She vented her anger in the company and asked her opponent to come out after a round.Unexpectedly, the person opposite was Gu Xun.Yin Xue also saw that the person opposite her was Jiang Junnan, and Yue Qianling did not pretend to be a noob.She vented her temper very hotly and told her to leave with Yin Xue to watch a movie.Jiang Junnan looked at Yue Qianling's leaving figure. He felt that Yue Qianling's fiery look just now seemed a bit like a person.When Yue Qianling returned to the dormitory, she asked the school boss if she would come to play. She was very angry now.

The school boss asked her what was wrong, and Yue Qianling said that she had encountered something unsatisfactory at work.Gu Xun heard the harmless but extremely insulting words again in the game, and he thought of Yue Qianling.Gu Xun deliberately let Yue Qianling win in the game. Yue Qianling asked him if he liked her, and the message he just sent was deleted.Yue Qianling saw her colleagues playing games at the company, and she couldn't stand it and started playing games herself.When Gu Xun saw Yue Qianling playing games enthusiastically, he remembered that he had asked Yue Qianling before if he knew how to play games. Yue Qianling said that he did not know how to play games and could only play small business games.

Gu Xun came over and wanted to see the name of Yue Qianling's game. He saw that it was not Nuomi Xiaotiao.But he didn't expect that the name of the game was not Yue Qianling's account when Yue Qianling was about to leave after get off work.Gu Xun stopped her and told Yue Qianling that he had seen her painting and that it was a very good use of oriental aesthetics.Yue Qianling told Yin Xue that Gu Xun praised her, and she was very happy.Yue Qianling felt that her previous tactics were a bit reserved, and now she was going to change her tactics and prepare to attack.Yue Qianling was about to go to the company to give Gu Xun a late-night snack. She saw a girl inviting Gu Xun to hang out during the New Year. Gu Xun told her that he would accompany his girlfriend during the New Year.

When Yue Qianling heard this, she was heartbroken and turned away.On her way back, Yue Qianling saw a pair of couples and she was very sad. When she returned to the dormitory, she lay on the bed and cried.Yin Xue asked her what was wrong and if someone was bullying her. Yue Qianling told her that she just heard Gu Xun say that he had a girlfriend.In the days that followed, Gu Xun and Yue Qianling lived independently.Huang Jie told Yue Qianling that the company was going to have a team building and they could bring their family members with them this time.Yue Qianling thought that Gu Xun might bring his girlfriend there, so she said she would be busy with graduation matters in those days and not go.Huang Jie said that Jiang Yishi valued team spirit very much, and Yue Qianling's absence would definitely affect her graduation.

Yue Qianling agreed to go to the team building. She saw Jiang Junnan and asked him if he could bring his family members.Why didn't Gu Xun bring a girlfriend? Jiang Junnan said it was impossible for him to be single.Yue Qianling said that she heard Gu Xun say that he would go back to be with his girlfriend during the New Year. Jiang Junnan said that was Gu Xun's usual way of rejecting others.Yue Qianling was very happy when she heard it, and she immediately started eating happily.Jiang Junnan asked Yue Qianling who he was playing in the masquerade. Yue Qianling asked him who Gu Xun was playing. Jiang Junnan told Yue Qianling that it was a golden mask.

The costume party started, and Yue Qianling was looking for who was Gu Xun. He saw two people wearing masks, both of whom looked very much like Gu Xun.Huang Jie presided over their game of one-two-three wooden figures. In the end, the only people left on the field were Yue Qianling and a man who she thought looked like Gu Xun.Huang Jie asked the two of them to go on stage and unmask. Yue Qianling was a little disappointed when she saw it wasn't Gu Xun.Huang Jie and the people in the audience teased the two of them for thirty seconds. Yue Qianling was very reluctant but didn't know what to do. Gu Xun said that he would take Yue Qianling's place.Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun what she should do as a little Mahua in the game, and Gu Xun told her that if she liked her, she should confess her love and not leave any regrets.When Yue Qianling attended her graduation ceremony, her sister called and asked to use her gaming account.Gu Xun saw Xiao Mahua online and went to look for Xiao Mahua anxiously. Yue Qianling happened to come to confess her love to him.

《Everyone Loves Me》E7Plot

Episode 7

Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun if he had a girlfriend, and Gu Xun replied that he had always liked her.She eagerly asked Gu Xun if there was a chance, but Gu Xun frankly told her that he didn't like her and that he would never like her in the future because she was not his type.What's even more embarrassing is that when Gu Xun said these words, the microphone was turned on, and everyone in the school heard his rejection.

It started to rain heavily, so Gu Xun asked Jiang Junnan to deliver an umbrella to Yue Qianling.Jiang Junnan brought the umbrella to Yue Qianling and told her that it was given to her by Gu Xun.But Yue Qianling turned around and looked at Gu Xun, and then told Jiang Junnan that it was not necessary.

Yue Qianling returned to the dormitory soaked all over, and she began to recall everything that happened between her and Gu Xun.She looked at Gu Xun's portrait and burst into tears out of sadness.

She got into the game and was shot at by Little Mahua before the game even started.Her teammates asked her why she fired. Jiang Junnan in the game helped her throw a thunder, and the little Mahua, Yue Qianling, started crying.Jiang Junnan and Gu Xun, whose online name is the school boy, hurriedly came to ask Xiao Mahua what happened, and Xiao Mahua told them that he was heartbroken.After hearing this, Gu Xun began to gloat and said that he would treat Little Mahua to dinner tonight.

Luotuo said it was the one who offended Xiao Mahua, and Xiao Mahua told them to go find Gu Xun from the Binjiang Campus of Dongning University to hack him to death.Then they realized that the person Xiao Mahua confessed to was Gu Xun.Gu Xun asked Xiao Mahua if he and the Gun King were queuing up in the morning. Xiao Mahua told him that she had lent her number to her cousin because she was going to attend the graduation ceremony in the morning.Gu Xun began to regret it, and he wished he could do it all over again.

Jiang Junnan suggested that Gu Xun approach Yue Qianling first and wait until her mood stabilized.Yue Qianling asked Yin Xue if she was moved by herself, thinking that Gu Xun had not seen her merits at all.She said that she worked very hard every day. Not only did she have to get up early to put on makeup and go to work, but she also had to speak with her voice in a disgusting voice.Yin Xue told her to stop thinking about that scumbag, and Yue Qianling thought this might be retribution for her deception.She decided to rent a house and invited Yin Xue to come and play with her if she had the chance.

Huang Jie saw that Yue Qianling was not wearing makeup and asked her what was going on.Yue Qianling told her that she had no time to put on makeup because she was too busy at work.She told Huang Jie that she had planned to get a promotion and a salary increase, but Huang Jie said that she didn't want to be so tired. She still wanted to have a sweet relationship when she had time.She said that she chatted with a handsome guy online yesterday, but Yue Qianling didn't seem to be interested.Yue Qianling took the document and asked the leader to stamp it. Gu Xun saw it and followed her.He called out to Yue Qianling and wanted to have a good chat with her, but Yue Qianling told him that there was nothing to talk about. If he wanted to talk about work, he should go to DingTalk first, and left as soon as he said yes.During the meeting, Gu Xun felt uncomfortable because of Jiang Yishi's cynicism, but she did not back down.She responded with clever words to Jiang Yishi, catching him off guard.

After Jiang Yishi returned to the department, she immediately urged her employees to speed up the progress.As the team leader, Yue Qianling asked if anyone in the team wanted to stick to the original project.Huang Jie also expressed her participation in the most important project at the moment, "Love Economy", while Yue Qianling insisted on continuing with the original project.

Huang Jie jokingly asked Gu Xun if she had a girlfriend, but Gu Xun looked at Yue Qianling and replied that he was too busy with work and had no time.Huang Jie then asked if many people had confessed to her. At this time, Gu Xun looked at Yue Qianling again.

Yue Qianling was unhappy about this. She asked Gu Xun what she meant and whether she thought ordinary people like them were not worthy of confessing to her.The whole atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

《Everyone Loves Me》E8Plot

Episode 8

Gu Xun mustered up the courage to confess to Yue Qianling that he was actually the school boy. Yue Qianling responded calmly, saying that she already knew that he was Gu Xun, the school boy of Dongning University.However, she also warned Gu Xun not to show off his superiority in front of her again.Gu Xun tried to explain what he meant, but Yue Qianling said that they were just colleagues in the company and had no other relationship.

Afterwards, Chen Xinyi went to find the financial officer to get a stamp, but was humiliated and rejected by the financial staff.However, Gu Xun's subordinate chief planner leaked their design drawings. Gu Xun knew that Jiang Yishi's subordinate Mike was also present at the time.The main planner Wang Hai didn't take it seriously and thought he was just drunk at the time.
Because of this matter, Gu Xun asked Wang Hai to go to the Human Resources Department to complete the resignation procedures.Wang Hai asked Gu Xun confusedly what he meant.After hearing Gu Xun's explanation, Wang Hai left regretfully and told Gu Xun not to regret it.Jiang Junnan asked Gu Xun why he did this. This was the time when the company was employing people.When he was helping Gu Xun move things, the two came across Yue Qianling moving.

Only then did Yue Qianling learn that her neighbor across the street was Gu Xun. She called the landlord to inquire about vacating the lease, but was told that the deposit would not be refunded upon check-out.Yue Qianling decided to think about it again, and then found that the air conditioner remote control was damaged. The landlord suggested that she borrow one from the opposite side.

On the elevator, Yue Qianling met Jiang Junnan, who complained that Yue Qianling didn't even say hello when she saw him.He hoped that Gu Xun could comfort him.Gu Xun then sent a voice message telling Jiang Junnan not to mention Yue Qianling again because he was very annoyed.But Jiang Junnan accidentally played the voiceover, and Yue Qianling overheard it and expressed that he had no taste.

When Gu Xun was about to go downstairs to feed the stray dogs, he saw Yue Qianling feeding the puppies with sheep tripe.He was about to reveal to Yue Qianling that his online name was the school boy, but he suddenly felt nauseated after seeing the sheep tripe.

Yue Qianling told Gu Xun that if he felt sick, he could stay away from her and let him go through the west gate while he walked through the east gate.After returning home, Gu Xun logged into his game account and asked Yue Qianling what he was doing.Yue Qianling said that she had told Gu Xun that they would no longer interact with each other in the morning, but unexpectedly they became enemies and neighbors again in the evening.She also mentioned that the air conditioner remote control was broken, and Gu Xun suggested that she borrow one.Yue Qianling said that she would not succumb to evil forces. When she was about to go into the refrigerator to escape the heat wave, Gu Xun came to the door.

Gu Xun said that he would help her repair the air conditioner and was ready to confess to her again that he was the school idol.However, Yue Qianling had already called him and told him about his experience.She said they had nothing in common in real life and she just needed someone to talk to.Gu Xunze told Jiang Junnan that he could be his catharsis object, but he received a call from someone telling him that something had happened.When Gu Xun first entered the company, he learned that the company's original manuscript had been leaked.

All this is thanks to the scene that Wang Hai promoted when he was drunk last time.The project Gu Xun was responsible for was very narrow, and he needed to find a painter to draw images of girls.He and his colleague Jiang Junnan saw a drawing posted on the Internet by an artist called “ Sleep to Wake Up Naturally ”.Jiang Junnan and Gu Xun both felt that this was their ideal style, so Gu Xun took the initiative to contact the painter who “slept until he woke up naturally”.

However, the manuscript drawn by Su Zheng was denied by Jiang Yishi.This made Su Zheng feel a little disappointed, so he threw away all the drawings.When Gu Xun saw this scene, he immediately picked up the discarded drawings and studied Su Zheng's paintings in detail.He found that Su Zheng's painting style was quite good.

《Everyone Loves Me》E9Plot

Episode 9

Yue Qianling faced Gu Xun's invitation to join the Ninth Business Department, but she refused no matter how much he tried to persuade her.Seeing Gu Xun leave, Yue Qianling felt disappointed. Unexpectedly, Gu Xun came back again, affirmed Yue Qianling's work ability, and extended the invitation again, but Yue Qianling still rejected it.

Yue Qianling was very straightforward when she rejected Gu Xun, but in fact she still yearned for the Ninth Division. Yin Xue knew what she was thinking and believed that she had not yet recovered from her emotional pain.

Yue Qianling drank milk tea and picked up the courier. Unexpectedly, the courier was in a big box, which made her a little embarrassed. Gu Xun happened to come to pick up the courier. He wanted to help but said he would help with the milk tea. Yue Qianling immediately carried it by herself.She left, but the box was too big, affecting her vision, and she almost bumped into people or obstacles several times. Gu Xun guided Yue Qianling like a guide dog, causing the aunt passing by to criticize him for being a grown man.Yue Qianling laughed secretly in his heart when he refused to help. When he saw this, he got off the slope and asked Gu Xun to help, and led Gu Xun to take the express to the back door.

Gu Xun then learned that Yue Qianling had bought a dog house for a stray dog, thinking it was a foldable type. The big package said that he would assemble it, and asked Yue Qianling to go back first. Unexpectedly, when he opened the package, he saw that it was all to be assembled.But there were no tools. Gu Xun quickly got a toolbox and started working. He installed the kennel from day to night. Gu Xun hadn't finished installing it yet. Yue Qianling's anger hadn't finished yet. She didn't want to sympathize with Gu Xun.At the same time, she hoped that God would rain like the day when she was rejected when she confessed. Sure enough, it started to rain heavily with lightning and thunder. Yue Qianling hesitated to send the umbrella. When she did send it, she found that Gu Xun was not there, thinking that he had thrown away his clothes.I left half of the kennels alone, feeling disappointed.

But Gu Xun just went back to get his umbrella, and continued working when he came back. He had to finish the work at night, but the wind and rain kept working against Gu Xun, and the umbrella always blew away, making Gu Xun wet. Yue Qianling saw this and took the initiative to help.Gu Xun held up an umbrella and told Gu Xun not to look at her fiercely, but in fact she always stared at Gu Xun quietly. At this time, her attitude softened, and Gu Xun was also very happy. Yue Qianling was finally willing to approach him.While the atmosphere was still good, he invited Yue Qianling to join the Ninth Business Department again. Unexpectedly, Yue Qianling ran away early and left the four words "Dream" on the umbrella. Gu Xun couldn't help but smile after reading it.

Yue Qianling told his game partners about his worries. Luotuo and Jiang Junnan didn't know that it was Gu Xun who extended an olive branch to Yue Qianling and dug a hole for Gu Xun. They didn't expect that Yue Qianling came into contact with 3A because of Gu Xun, and sheI am very interested in Xia Lu. Although my ability has been recognized by Gu Xun, I feel a little unsure. I am worried that the Ninth Division, which is full of great masters, will hold me back. Everyone immediately persuades Yue Qianling to give it a try., but before that, Yue Qianling had to give out his energy, and Gu Xun couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Gu Xun couldn't help but feel happy when he thought that Yue Qianling learned 3A painting for him. He felt that today's fried chicken was particularly delicious, and even the water was sweet.

But Yue Qianling was not happy because her takeout was lost. When Gu Xun learned about it, he accompanied Yue Qianling to adjust the monitoring. Unexpectedly, he took the takeout. Yue Qianling thought of the doll she wanted to collect, so sheUnwilling to let Gu Xun go, he not only asked him to dig through the trash can, but also asked him to sincerely make amends and collect a set to compensate himself.

Gu Xun promised Yue Qianling not to buy dolls at high prices to replenish his credit, so he had to order fried chicken. He had already vomited because of this, and Jiang Junnan also vomited. Even the cleaning lady couldn't stand it when she saw Gu Xun.Only then did we finally collect all eight dolls.

Seeing Gu Xun's sincerity, Yue Qianling began to tease Jiang Yishi until she relented, and promised to let her study in the Ninth Business Department after she completed her job. She didn't know that the reason why Jiang Yishi relented was because of Gu Xun.He was given a benefit he couldn't refuse.

Yue Qianlingxing hurriedly reported to the Ninth Business Department. As soon as he entered the door, he was thirsty and wanted to drink water. Gu Xun happened to log in to the game with the account of the school official. Worried about being seen by Yue Qianling, he knocked on the wall. Jiang Junnan happened to come in.Yue Qianling ran away quickly, so that Gu Xun's identity as the school boss was not exposed.

Yue Qianling still couldn't face Gu Xun because of the wall-dong incident at lunch. While avoiding Gu Xun, he accidentally spilled a drink on Gu Xun. Gu Xun used this to add Yue Qianling's WeChat account and later found out that Yue Qianling returned to his hometown to get it.Driving license meets his childhood sweetheart, who also wants to pursue Yue Qianling, but is in a hurry.

《Everyone Loves Me》E10Plot

Episode 10

Gu Xun learned in the game that Yue Qianling went home to meet his childhood sweetheart, and guessed that the man wanted to pursue Yue Qianling, so he persuaded Yue Qianling to lie that he had a partner, and if the other party asked, he would pretend to be Yue Qianling's boyfriend.

As soon as Yue Qianling finished praising the school idol, her childhood sweetheart immediately hinted to her that he had been chasing her for a long time and asked her if she had a boyfriend. Yue Qianling said yes without hesitation and said that her boyfriend was very good at games and could always be abused when she was being abused.Sometimes she vented her anger for her, but when it came to talking about whether he was good to her in reality, she felt a little bitter, but she still said it was good against her conscience. She didn't even notice that she had replaced Gu Xun in the role of her boyfriend.

Yue Qianling's mother was very satisfied with Tang Xin and wished she could have him as her son-in-law. When she saw that he was making a dinner date in the name of Daikin, she immediately agreed on behalf of Yue Qianling and urged Yue Qianling to put on a small skirt and attend the appointment.

Gu Xun knew that Tang Xin had gone to Yue Qianling's house and wanted to chase after him. In the end, he found that he didn't even know where Yue Qianling's house was. He couldn't help but feel frustrated, so he changed his strategy and asked Yue Qianling to fight in the fourth platoon, but Yue Qianling couldn't help it.Qian Ling was busy having dinner and had no time at all.Jiang Junnan saw that Gu Xun had no intention of playing games at all, and he felt like he was insulting himself by letting him go, so he kindly sent Gu Xun a secret love test.Gu Xun said there was no need for it, but in fact, he immediately took advantage of Jiang Junnan's opportunity to go to the toilet and sent it to Yue Qianling. Yue Qianling carefully compared the test questions and found that Tang Xin met the criteria for secretly falling in love with her. She couldn't help but become anxious. Gu Xun was even more worried.Urgent, I took this opportunity to get Yue Qianling's phone number and planned to cover Yue Qianling in an emergency.

Tang Xin sent Yue Qianling home. Gu Xun suddenly called Yue Qianling and urged Yue Qianling to go back early in a rough voice. He also asked Yue Qianling to say that she loved him. Tang Xin listened with bitterness, but heUnwilling to be reconciled, he took Yue Qianling's mobile phone and sent a video call to Gu Xun. Gu Xun did not dare to reveal his true identity and was spinning around anxiously with his mobile phone. Tang Xin asked Yue Qianling why his boyfriend was so disrespectful.It was unreliable. Yue Qianling suggested that he was playing games, but Tang Xin thought it was even more unreliable.

As soon as Yue Qianling returned home, her parents took her and criticized her boyfriend who was not only poor but also loved playing games and was not a good match at all. They advised her to consider Tang Xin. However, Yue Qianling had always regarded Tang Xin as a good friend, and the two of them had no intention of being a good match.Impossible, run back to your room and sleep.

Gu Xun had been thinking about the secret love test. In order to let Yue Qianling know him better, he took the initiative to open up the circle of friends. Yue Qianling keenly felt that Gu Xun had someone he liked, and thought it had nothing to do with him. Although he got herThe joy of getting the driver's license was shared with friends, but it was only visible for three days. Seeing this, Gu Xun felt helpless.

Huacai Company needs to reduce funding due to financial constraints. The projects of Jiang Yishi and Gu Xun need to participate in the evaluation meeting. In the end, each department will conduct an evaluation and determine the fund allocation ratio. For this purpose, both departments held a meeting.Jiang Yishi looked at Yue Qianling meaningfully when he asked everyone to give their opinions. At this time, Yue Qianling happened to receive the meeting notice from Chen Xinyi and was very anxious. Huang Jie knew Yue Qianling's difficulties and suggested that she pretend to have low blood sugar.Fortunately, Jiang Yishi's meeting ended in time. Yue Qianling was about to leave quickly, but Jiang Yishi stopped her and asked her why she had no objection. Yue Qianling said that she had low blood sugar while working on the manuscript last night, and Jiang Yishi immediately asked her not to go to the Ninth Business Department., Yue Qianling quickly expressed that he could persist, and Ma Liu rushed to the meeting.

Gu Xun saw that everyone in the department was already here, only Yue Qianling hadn't come yet, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Fanxing was quite critical of Yue Qianling being the last one to come, and he tested Yue Qianli's idea of ​​the character Lin Zhi on the spot. After hearing thisYue Qianling was very dissatisfied with her idea. She blocked Yue Qianling in private and reminded her to ask the planner about the background and character settings of the game. Yue Qianling insisted that if she could not complete the work, she would take the blame and resign, but Fanxing's suggestion was stillVery recognized.

Wang Hai was expelled, and Xia Lu needed a leader with ideas. Gu Xun thought of Su Zheng and went to him with information, hoping that he could consider it. Many of Su Zheng's ideas were rejected.Jiang Yishi's subordinates were unhappy, and finally, under pressure, asked Jiang Yishi to leave and join the Ninth Business Department.

Yue Qianling's work design was not approved, so she worked overtime to revise it.Gu Xun had been waiting at home for Yue Qianling to come home from get off work. When he saw Yue Qianling, he rained petals on her behalf. Yue Qianling was very happy to see her.

《Everyone Loves Me》E11Plot

Episode 11

When Gu Xun was running at night and saw that Yue Qianling had not returned yet, he wondered why Yue Qianling had not returned yet.Soon, Yue Qianling finally returned, but Gu Xun asked why he came back so late.Yue Qianling explained that she had only finished the manuscript at forty minutes, so she came back so late.Gu Xun retorted that it was three o'clock in the morning and Yue Qianling should pay attention to rest.Then, Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun why he was still running at night, worried that he was not paying attention to his health, but Gu Xun decided to rest.

Afterwards, Gu Xun logged into the game as a school girl and told Yue Qianling to pay attention to the design competition. There was something worthy of attention in the special reward column.After Yue Qianling saw Gu Xun's name, Gu Xun pretended not to know when Yue Qianling asked if the person he had liked before was named Gu Xun.

Yue Qianling thought that the name Gu Xun was ordinary and might be the same name, but she also felt that he should be the one who designed the game.After some conversations, Yue Qianling thought that what Gu Xun said made sense, especially after watching the design competition and watching the game video posted by Gu Xun.She felt that she might be like Gu Xun said, with incomplete lines and unsteady eyes.

Originally, Yue Qianling and Fanxing made an appointment to have a meeting in the morning, but due to Jiang Yishi's sudden change of the meeting time, Yue Qianling missed the first meeting.When I went to see Fanxing in the afternoon, I was told that Fanxing was busy with other things.

Gu Xun heard all this in the office and came out to tell Fanxing that there was a conference call and asked her to go ahead.Because Fanxing changed her schedule, she had to have a meeting with Yue Qianling, but asked her to wait for her to sort out the information.

When they went to the library to look for the book Gu Xun mentioned, Yue Qianling was about to pick up the book, but Gu Xun took it away first, and then took away another book, which made Yue Qianling feel dissatisfied.Gu Xun explained that he had a habit of reading and collecting one after reading it. Yue Qianling thought he was sick.She inquired about the books from the librarian, only to learn that they had already been checked out.

Gu Xun took the initiative to lend Yue Qianling a book to read, which made her very happy, but Gu Xun said that she would have to drive.He explained that he sprained his wrist while helping her move things a few days ago, and he couldn't drive.In order to be able to read, Yue Qianling agreed.

In the car, Yue Qianling scared Gu Xun and made him very anxious, but she insisted on letting him look at her phone and did not listen to Gu Xun's advice.She also asked Wei Han to help her look at the character Lin Zhi she drew. Wei Han believed that there was still some room for improvement and recommended to her a lecture by ancient game expert Wang Linzhi, but tickets for his lecture were very difficult to get.

When Gu Xun heard the conversation on the side, he met Wang Linzhi and asked to help him get two tickets for the lecture.Yue Qianling was turned away because she didn't have a ticket. Fortunately, she met Su Zheng, who said that he had a friend at the partner who could help her ask if he had tickets.Gu Xun happened to come over and planned to tell Yue Qianling that he had tickets here. Unexpectedly, Su Zheng's friend could help and pointed out that the location was a bit remote.So Yue Qianling was very happy to enter the venue with Su Zheng, and found that her position was actually in the first row, and she had a very good impression of Bin Zheng.Gu Xun, who was standing upstairs, looked down at the entire scene, his heart filled with pain and anger.He gritted his teeth and said that Yue Qianling thanked the wrong person and he could not accept such a misunderstanding.

At this moment, Su Zheng walked towards Yue Qianling and told her that Gu Xun actually got the vote for her.He felt that Gu Xun was carrying a sincere emotion, hoping to make her happy and win her forgiveness.

When Yue Qianling heard Su Zheng's words, he couldn't help but think in his heart.She began to realize that perhaps her misunderstanding of Gu Xun was a little too hasty.

Later, Yue Qianling logged into the game and expressed his cold status in the group chat. He also said that due to the weather, there were no riders to deliver medicine.At this moment, Gu Xun learned about it and decided to go out in the rain to buy medicine for Yue Qianling.Just on the way back, he happened to meet Yue Qianling.

Yue Qianling found the medicine in Gu Xun's hand and asked him what he was hiding.In order to prevent her from finding out, Gu Xun had no choice but to hug her tightly.

Later, Gu Xun took the opportunity to borrow a hair dryer and invited Yue Qianling to his home.There, she found the cold medicine that Gu Xun had just bought, and began to wonder whether Gu Xun was the school idol.

《Everyone Loves Me》E12Plot

Episode 12

The company was going to hold a celebration. Chen Xinyi saw that Yue Qianling was wearing casual clothes because she couldn't find a dress, so she decided to help her make a dress.

Chen Xinyi found some spider dolls to sew on clothes for Yue Qianling. Yue Qianling thought that although these spiders were cute, they would be weird if sewn on clothes.Chen Xinyi told her no. Her grandma told her that spiders represent auspiciousness. Many foreigners like it. They think whoever finds the starting point of a spider's web will always be lucky.

Yue Qianling looked at Chen Xinyi working seriously, and she couldn't help but pick up her phone and take a picture.She told Chen Xinyi that she was beautiful in terms of proportions. Chen Xinyi said that she had always stayed silent in the crowd before, but now she also wants to make some changes.Yue Qianling told Chen Xinyi what to do, and Chen Xinyi dressed up as the Phantom of the Theater and came out with Yue Qianling.The two of them were dressed beautifully. When Jiang Junnan saw Chen Xinyi, he said that she looked really good today.Huang Jie also thought Yue Qianling's clothes looked good, and Yue Qianling told her that Chen Xinyi made them for her.

Huang Jie said that Yue Qianling's clothes and makeup were very beautiful today and she didn't want to take pictures with her. Mr. Ren happened to hear it, so he ran over and hugged Yue Qianling to take pictures with Huang Jie.

After taking the photo, Mr. Ren posted it on WeChat Moments. When Gu Xun saw it, he immediately logged into the game and asked Yue Qianling what he was doing.Yue Qianling told him that she was drinking, and Gu Xun asked her if she had drunk too much. Yue Qianling said how could she not get drunk after a thousand drinks.Gu Xun thought to himself that if he went to Yue Qianling now, he would definitely know. He turned around and called Jiang Junnan to ask about the background of the man in the photo with him and Yue Qianling.Jiang Junnan knew that he was talking about Ren Tianyi, and he told Gu Xun that Ren Tianyi's character was not very good.

Jiang Junnan told him that Ren Tianyi's wife used to be his subordinate, and now her representative is at home.Gu Xun felt that his wife must be bored at home, and Jiang Junnan immediately knew what he meant.

Yue Qianling was a little drunk. She wanted to go out to use the toilet, but as soon as she came out, Ren Tianyi stopped her and asked to take her away.Gu Xun arrived in time and pulled Ren Tianyi away. His wife also arrived, so Gu Xun called the police. Ren Tianyi was educated by the police to be more honest in the future.

On the way Yue Qianling and Gu Xun left together, Yue Qianling asked him why he came back if he hadn't gone back.Gu Xun said that he came to the company party early after finishing the work, and Yue Qianling asked him if he knew he was drunk and came here on purpose.Yue Qianling called out to the school boy, and Gu Xun turned around and admitted.

Yue Qianling recalled the day when her confession was rejected, and she turned around and left sadly.Gu Xun quickly chased after him, but Yue Qianling beat Gu Xun angrily.Gu Xun said that if this could give him a chance to speak, then let her fight.

Gu Xun pulled Yue Qianling into the car. He told her that he only found out about it on the day of graduation. Yue Qianling asked him what else she didn't know.Gu Xun told her that the dream of the 900 million girl is Jiang Junnan, the dream of the 900 million boy is his trumpet, the camel is his neighbor since childhood, and the wheat is his roommate.

When Yue Qianling heard this, she became even more angry. Gu Xun asked her if she would ignore him in the future. In fact, he had confessed to her before. Yue Qianling thought of that time in the elevator when Gu Xun told her that he was the school idol.Yue Qianling still couldn't help being very angry. Gu Xun kept trying to make Yue Qianling forgive him.

Yue Qianling watched Gu Xun do many things to get her forgiveness, and she was no longer so angry.

Yue Qianling's Lin Zhi had finished her manuscript, so Jiang Junnan sent Yue Qianling a WeChat message about a department dinner and meeting her downstairs, in order to reward her.

After going downstairs, Yue Qianling only saw Jiang Junnan and Gu Xun, and wondered why there were only three of them at the department dinner.

《Everyone Loves Me》E13Plot

Episode 13

Chen Xinyi stayed at Yue Qianling's house for some reason, so she met Gu Xun who came to see Yue Qianling.After seeing Yue Qianling, Gu Xun gave the milk tea he bought to Yue Qianling, and Yue Qianling changed hands and wanted to give it to Chen Xinyi.Upon seeing this, Gu Xun gave his milk tea to Chen Xinyi.

Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun what business he had, and Gu Xun said that he had found some videos about 3A for Yue Qianling to take a look at.Yue Qianling told Chen Xinyi to let her sleep first as he would have to work overtime at night.Chen Xinyi opened Yue Qianling's closet, but unexpectedly all the clothes inside fell out. She saw Gu Xun's portrait hidden in the closet. Chen Xinyi felt that there was something going on between the two.

Chen Xinyi saw that Yue Qianling's room was messy, so she helped Yue Qianling tidy it up. After seeing it, Yue Qianling asked her if she could tidy up the kitchen for her.Yue Qianling was about to watch the video Gu Xun gave him, but he didn't expect there was a password.

Yue Qianling sent Gu Xun a WeChat message asking him for the USB flash drive password, and Gu Xun asked her if she had forgiven him.Yue Qianling said loudly that it was impossible, and then she thought that it was impossible to be so shameless. As she said this, Yue Qianling tried the pinyin of "forgiveness" but didn't expect it to be correct.Gu Xun received a call from Jiang Junnan early in the morning. Jiang Junnan told him that Ling Yu had responded and said that she was very interested.

When Yue Qianling woke up in the morning, she saw Chen Xinyi making a large table of breakfast. She said that Chen Xinyi was so good that she would never be able to eat takeout in the future.While eating, Gu Xunlai asked what he was doing. Yue Qianling hurriedly packed his things. They were going to Beijing on a business trip later.Yue Qianling asked him who he was with, and Gu Xun said he was going with her.

Yue Qianling called Huang Jie to tell Huang Jie that she was going to Beijing for a business trip. Huang Jie said that everyone was rushing to Beijing. Last night, Jiang Junnan also rushed to Beijing overnight.Yue Qianling knew that there might be a problem with her cooperation with Ling Yu, so she and Gu Xun hurried to Beijing.Gu Xun felt that the First Business Department had taken a step ahead of them when they were about to cooperate with Lingyu. It seemed that it was premeditated. Yue Qianling and Gu Xun went to find Lingyu together. Yue Qianling had a new idea.She quickly drew it.Yue Qianling and the others saw Ling Yu and explained their purpose of coming to her. Ling Yu told them that they were late and that someone in their company was one step ahead of them and offered better conditions.

Ling Yu's partner was injured before they were about to perform, so Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun to join her on stage.Everyone in the audience felt that the two of them were a good match. Yue Qianling felt very uncomfortable when he heard it in the audience.Yue Qianling thought that Gu Xun was very good at acting and had forgotten to talk about cooperation. Gu Xun told her that it would be up to her to talk about cooperation.Ling Yu said that he had something to do now and would talk about it later. After saying that, Ling Yu went to play games.Yue Qianling saw that the game she was playing was the game that she and Gu Xun played together. She told Ling Yu that cooperation in this game was very important, and she suggested that she and Gu Xun could help her.

After the game ended, Yue Qianling told Ling Yu their intention to create this game, and Ling Yu agreed to cooperate with them.

Gu Xun asked Yue Qianling what gift was appropriate for a girl. Yue Qianling asked him if the girl was exquisite and whether she liked wearing jewelry. Gu Xun told her that she didn't like it either.Yue Qianling said that this girl was quite rough, and Gu Xun said that she was very rough, but also very cute.Yue Qianling thought it was for Ling Yu, so she told Gu Xun that a girl like Ling Yu must like keyboards.

After returning to Jiangcheng, Gu Xun bought a keyboard, kept one for himself, and gave one to Yue Qianling as a gift.

Jiang Yishi accidentally discovered that Gu Xun went to the First Business Department to find Yue Qianling to participate in a real-person competition.

《Everyone Loves Me》E14Plot

Episode 14

Yue Qianling met Gu Xun, who invited her to participate in a real-life competition, and heard Gu Xun mention the first time they met, and how Gu Xun called him Lao Liu.

Jiang Junnan took two new beauties to play games. Chen Xinyi was very unhappy when she saw it.Yue Qianling came over and told her that she could do without the man, but she could not do without the country.Saying that, Yue Qianling took Chen Xinyi and Gu Xun to kill Jiang Junnan. Jiang Junnan also wanted to add the girl Feng Ru's WeChat account, and Gu Xun went up to give him a few more shots.Gu Xun took his employees for a dinner together, and Yue Qianling asked him to have a drink while he drove today.

Chen Xinyi told Yue Qianling that she was moving away. Although Yue Qianling was a little reluctant to leave, she knew that her house was too small.Yue Qianling said that she really envied the atmosphere of the Ninth Business Department, and Gu Xun told her that it wasn't us who still had her.Yue Qianling is their original artist and an indispensable part.They all told Yue Qianling not to run away from both ends, but to come to their ninth business department.Just as Jiang Yishi was coming, he asked Yue Qian how he still had time to attend the party since he had finished doing all the tricks.Gu Xun told him that it was off duty time now and he was not too concerned about it.Jiang Yishi said that he was really good at disciplining people. Why did his people shine as soon as they arrived at Gu Xun's place?

It was the first time for Yue Qianling and Chen Xinyi to see Gu Xun like this, and they were both frightened by Gu Xun.Jiang Junnan told them not to make a fuss, as the two of them often did.Yue Qianling was curious about why the two of them were like this. Jiang Junnan said that when Jiang Yi was in his third year as a graduate student, he spotted Gu Xun's talent in a science and technology competition, and the two of them had won many honors together.But apart from having the same ability, neither of them could deal with anything else. Finally one day the two of them had a quarrel and broke up.

Gu Xun and Jiang Yishi started playing darts again. Jiang Junnan told Yue Qianling and the others that Gu Xun and the others tied for first place in darts at the school bar.But he didn't expect Jiang Yishi to lose this time. He started talking about Gu Xun's employees.Gu Xun said that since he was not strong enough, he should not take it out on his employees.

As he said this, the two people started to quarrel. Jiang Junnan and Gu Xun were both drunk.Chen Xinyi helped drunk Jiang Junnan out. Jiang Junnan looked for his mobile phone and wanted to call Feng Ru.But he called Chen Xinyi. Jiang Junnan asked her if she could be friends with him. Chen Xinyi replied that he could.Jiang Junnan happily told Chen Xinyi that Feng Ru agreed to be friends with him, but he didn't know that he actually sent the wrong number.

Yue Qianling was preparing to go home with a drunk Gu Xun. She took advantage of Gu Xun's drunkenness and asked him when he would pay back the five million he owed her.Gu Xun was drunk and said he would give it to her tomorrow, but Yue Qianling thought to himself that he really had five million.She asked Gu Xun if he could give her a promotion and a salary increase, and give her his house and car. Gu Xun suddenly opened his eyes and asked her why he should give it to her.Yue Qianling thought that Gu Xun would not wake up, but Gu Xun said that it should be their common property.

Huang Jie told Yue Qianling that Jiang Yishi was going to appoint the team leader of the love agency today, and Yin Jun had been preparing for this team leader for a long time.

Gu Xun told them that each department would select an outstanding employee and receive performance rewards.Wei Han, the art team leader, wanted to give this spot to Fanxing, but Fanxing said that he deserved it and should give the award to Yue Qianling.Wei Han told her that he had asked Gu Xun that Yue Qianling did not belong to their department and could not pass the process, but Fanxing felt that she could not be allowed to work blindly.Yue Qianling and Gu Xun had just returned home together. Yue Qianling saw a cockroach and she immediately jumped into Gu Xun's arms. Yue Qianling's mother happened to see it.Yue Qianling's mother liked Gu Xun very much, so she entrusted Yue Qianling to Gu Xun.

Late at night, Yue Qianling came home and found someone following him, so he went to find Gu Xun out of fear.

《Everyone Loves Me》E15Plot

Episode 15

Yue Qianling saw Tang Xin delivering something to him downstairs. Tang Xin was about to send Yue Qianling to work when Gu Xun suddenly appeared.Tang Xin learned Gu Xun's identity, and the two fought openly and secretly.

Tang Xin told Yue Qianling that he came to Jiangcheng this time to attend a friend's wedding, and he invited Yue Qianling to be his female companion on the weekend.Yue Qianling said that she had to work overtime on weekends and had no time to accompany him.Tang Xin said that if she didn't go, he wouldn't go either. He just happened to go to the hospital to check for his myocarditis.As soon as Yue Qianling heard that he was going to the hospital, he hurriedly walked side by side with him to show concern for him. Gu Xun followed and tried to join in, but Tang Xin pushed him away.Gu Xun asked him why he pushed him, but Tang Xin said how could he push him, and Yue Qianling also said that he had myocarditis, how could he push him.As soon as Yue Qianling arrived at the company, she received a text message from Tang Xin saying that the clothes and shoes he bought for her would be delivered immediately. Huang Jie could tell that she didn't like the man who gave her the clothes.

Huang Jie told her that if she didn't like it, she should fight it quickly. Yue Qianling thought for a while and felt that Huang Jie was right.She picked up the things Tang Xin sent and was about to go downstairs to have dinner with Tang Xin. When Gu Xun saw Huang Jie, he asked her where Yue Qianling was.Huang Jie told him that Yue Qianling went downstairs to eat Japanese food and she had an appointment today.Yue Qianling wanted to return the things Tang Xin gave him, but Tang Xin told her that these things could not be returned, so Yue Qianling was ready to give the money to Tang Xin, but Tang Xin felt that it was not necessary.The two of them were talking when Gu Xun arrived. He told Yue Qianling that he happened to have an appointment with someone here, but that person broke the appointment.

Gu Xun asked if they could eat together if they didn't mind. Tang Xin sat down just as he was about to refuse Gu Xun.Gu Xun looked at the dishes in front of Yue Qianling and said that Yue Qianling didn't like eating such light dishes.With that said, Gu Xun called the waiter and asked for a plate of coriander.Tang Xin said that it was indeed his fault for not understanding Yue Qianling's eating habits in advance.Gu Xun said that if you want to know anything, you can ask him. As he said this, Gu Xun took Yue Qianling's hand.Tang Xin said that he had heard that Yue Qianling was single before. As he said this, Gu Xun began to pretend that green tea disgusted Tang Xin.Gu Xun saw the clothes Tang Xin gave to Yue Qianling, and he said he wanted to transfer money to Tang Xin.

Tang Xin didn't want it, so Gu Xun said he would regret it if he didn't want it.After Tang Xin accepted Gu Xun's transfer, Gu Xun deliberately spilled the food on the newly bought clothes.Gu Xun and Yue Qianling also took the opportunity to leave. Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun to cooperate with him and complete the trick until Tang Xin left.When there was a power outage at Yue Qianling's house, she asked Gu Xun for help, but Gu Xun went downstairs to help with property maintenance and monitoring.Gu Xun discovered the person who was following Yue Qianling, and he asked Yue Qianling to cooperate with him in acting to catch the person.That person was the security guard of their community, and Yue Qianling and the others sent the person to the police station.

On their way back, someone called Gu Xun who said she was his mother-in-law. Yue Qianling was surprised that he actually had a mother-in-law.It wasn't until Gu Xun answered the phone that Yue Qianling found out it was her mother. She asked Gu Xun why he mentioned her mother as mother-in-law. Gu Xun said her surname was Yue, so wasn't she her mother-in-law.

Jiang Junnan told Gu Xun that he was going to introduce them to his girlfriend today, and Yue Qianling quickly called to prepare to tell Chen Xinyi.Unexpectedly, Chen Xinyi already knew.

Gu Xun saw that Su Zheng wanted to confess to the person he liked after losing in the truth or dare game. He knew that Su Zheng liked Yue Qianling, so he snatched Su Zheng's cell phone to prevent him from confessing his love.

《Everyone Loves Me》E16Plot

Episode 16

Yue Qianling approached Gu Xun to talk about work. When he was about to leave, he was stopped by Gu Xun and asked why he returned home last night. Yue Qianling said that his friend was broken up in love and he went to comfort his friend.

When Yue Qianling walked out of Gu Xun's office, she saw that Fanxing's keyboard was broken. She told Fanxing that she could go and apply for a new one with Chen Xinyi.Fanxing told her that she couldn't exchange for something better with her current level. Just when Yue Qianling was about to say no, Chen Xinyi told her that Gu Xun bought her keyboard with his own money.

Fanxing called Yue Qianling when she was having a meeting on the project. After Jiang Yishi saw it, he asked her to continue talking about her thoughts.Yue Qianling's cell phone rang again, but Jiang Yishi still had no intention of letting her answer it.

Yue Qianling hurried to the ninth business department after the meeting. Fanxing told her that Ling Yu's work had changed and left early.Yue Qianling knew that she was to blame for this incident, so she worked hard with Fanxing to save this unexpected situation.Yue Qianling told Gu Xun that this incident was her fault. She apologized to Gu Xun and told him that this would never happen again.

Gu Xun asked her if she could really guarantee it, in which case she would have to make a choice.Gu Xun knocked on Yue Qianling's door. He sent Yue Qianling an electronic peephole, a leak-proof alarm and a self-defense stick.

Yue Qianling received a text message from Huang Jie telling her that tomorrow's meeting of the First Division would be rescheduled to the afternoon. She was troubled that this time coincided with the conflict with the Ninth Business Department.

The employees of the Ninth Business Department were waiting for Jiang Junnan to have a meeting. Unexpectedly, Jiang Junnan was playing video games and watching movies with Feng Ruru.Jiang Junnan told Feng Ruru that she was going to a meeting. Feng Ruru was about to get angry. She said that Jiang Junnan had promised to watch the movie with her, so Jiang Junnan had to watch the movie with her.

Yue Qianling was still debating whether to choose the Ninth Division or stay in Division One. After weighing the pros and cons on the balcony for a long time, she decided to toss a coin.The coin just fell at the feet of her boss, who told her that she actually proposed to transfer Yue Qianling to the ninth business department when she finished painting Lin Zhi.But Gu Xun rejected her. He didn't want to interfere with Yue Qianling's decision and wanted her to make her own choice.Yue Qianling asked her boss why she founded the Ninth Business Unit in the first place. The boss told her that she also tossed a coin, but the result was that she should not do it. Even at that moment, she knew that she must do it.

The boss told Yue Qianling that tossing a coin was not about making a decision, but about following one's heart.Yue Qianling told her that she would do her part for Narrow Road, but Jiang Yishi told Yue Qianling that he would not let her go.Gu Xun's mother called him and asked him why he didn't reply to WeChat. Gu Xun told her that he was busy and hung up first.

Jiang Junnan asked him about the game he was hiding from his mother, and Gu Xun said he would tell her later.

Wuminghua invited Yue Qianling to participate in offline activities, and she helped Huang Jie get an exclusive autograph.Huang Jie told her that Jiang Yishi had always wanted to make an appointment with Wuminghua's love agent, but Wuminghua rejected him many times.

After hearing this, Yue Qianling went to Jiang Yishi, and she told Jiang Yishi that she could use her personal connections to help him date Wuminghua.But in exchange for her going to the Ninth Division, Yue Qianling told him that she had done a good job in all her work in the Division One, and now she was going to the next stage. Jiang Yishi agreed after hearing this.

When Yue Qianling came home after throwing away the garbage, she found that the door lock was broken. It was too late and she couldn't find a locksmith, so she had to knock on Gu Xun's door.

After Yue Qianling entered Gu Xun's house, she found a lot of couple's supplies. She suspected that Gu Xun did not live alone, but she learned from Gu Xun that all the things were specially prepared for Yue Qianling.

《Everyone Loves Me》E17Plot

Episode 17

Yue Qianling was with Gu Xun and heard Gu Xun mention Su Zheng and said that he could come to him if he had anything to do, guessing that Gu Xun was jealous.

When Yue Qianling and Wei Han were discussing work together, her mother called her and asked her to go on a blind date.Yue Qianling directly said that he would not go, and Gu Xun's mother also called him and asked him to go on a blind date.Gu Xun said that he was too busy and had no time, and Yue Qianling said that he didn't know her, so he didn't go.Mother-in-law told her that she knew this person. She saw the little look in Yue Qianling and Gu Xun's eyes, so she was helping Yue Qianling.Yue Qianling wondered if this was the bet that Gu Xun mentioned, and he was too embarrassed to ask her out.

Yue Qianling happily agreed to her mother's request, and she began to put on makeup.Huang Jie could tell that she was different today, and Yue Qianling told her that she had lost a bet with him and wanted to watch a talk show together.Huang Jie asked her if that person was handsome. Yue Qianling told her that he was just so so, and then she clamored to see that person's photo.Huang Jie said that she had just received a dress from Chun Yufeng and asked Yue Qianling to wear it, but Yue Qianling told her not to take it so seriously.

Gu Xun and Jiang Junnan were discussing the game together. Gu Xun was a little scared. Jiang Junnan told him that Narrow Road was the best and that it would be released tomorrow and asked him not to think too much.

Yue Qianling stood at the door of the talk show and waited for a long time. She comforted herself that she must have been delayed by work. She knew that Gu Xun was like this.After waiting for a while, Yue Qianling was thinking about whether to send a text message to Gu Xun, but she was afraid that doing so would make her appear too anxious.Gu Xun asked Jiang Junnan if it was still too late to change the promotional video. He felt that the narrow promotional video could be done well.The staff had already started to urge those who hadn't come in to come in quickly. Yue Qianling thought that if she didn't come, she shouldn't come, but then she thought about it and thought that he had made the appointment with her first.Yue Qianling called her mother and asked her what Gu Xun had said, and she still hadn't come to her appointment.

When Gu Xun came out after finishing his work, he saw talk show written on Yue Qianling's computer desk. He quickly called his mother and asked his mother if her colleague's daughter worked in artificial intelligence. After asking Gu Xun, he found out that the girl was Yue Qianling.spirit.Gu Xun quickly drove to get there, but he encountered a traffic jam on the road. He quickly called Yue Qianling, but Yue Qianling's phone was turned off.

Gu Xun was waiting downstairs for Yue Qianling to come back. He wanted to explain to Yue Qianling, but Yue Qianling told him that there was no need to explain, he knew it himself.As soon as she walked to the door of her house, she found that the door lock could not be opened. Gu Xun asked her to just stay at home for the night, but Yue Qianling insisted on calling the locksmith.

After Yue Qianling's door was repaired, she walked in. Gu Xun stood at the door and wanted to explain to her. When Yue Qianling was about to close the door and drive him away, the door repairman immediately pushed Gu Xun in.When Yue Qianling opened the door again to drive Gu Xun out, he found that the door lock could not be opened again. Yue Qianling called the locksmith but he didn't come.

Gu Xun apologized to Yue Qianling, but Yue Qianling refused to listen. Gu Xun tripped over a book on the ground and knelt on the ground. When Yue Qianling saw him like this, he quickly asked him to get up before talking.Gu Xun told her that he did not know that the girl his mother introduced to him was Yue Qianling, and he apologized to Yue Qianling.

Yue Qianling told him that she thought the talk show was just a bet. She asked Gu Xun if he would go if he knew the girl was her, and Gu Xun told her that he would go.Yue Qianling wanted to cry a little. Gu Xun stepped forward and held her head and asked her what was wrong. Yue Qianling said that he was wronged and he didn't understand.

Gu Xun announced that the release of the promotional video would be postponed. The members of the board of directors disagreed and wanted to terminate the project.Gu Xun asked them to give themselves some time, and he would definitely give them a satisfactory answer. The people on the board of directors asked him what to do if he couldn't do it, and Gu Xun told them that he would bear all the consequences.

Jiang Junnan was trapped by work, but kept receiving calls from Feng Ruru, and had no choice but to ask Chen Xinyi to help him find Feng Ruru.

《Everyone Loves Me》E18Plot

Episode 18

Yue Qianling came to ask about Gu Xun's physical condition, and Gu Xun told her that she just had a headache.Yue Qianling then put her hand on Gu Xun's forehead to check whether he had a fever, but she felt that the situation was fine and there was no fever.Therefore, Yue Qianling suggested that he drive himself, because Gu Xun was not suitable for driving if he had a headache.

Seeing Gu Xun sleeping soundly, Yue Qianling hoped that he could sleep a little longer.She drove her car for a few laps downstairs in the community, and finally attracted the attention of the security guard.The security guard came up to ask about their situation, and Yue Qianling made up that he was practicing driving.The security guard pointed out that this was not a place for driving practice, and pointed out that the surrounding trash cans and road cones were badly damaged.

Hearing the noise, Gu Xun also woke up. He told the security guard that they were residents of the community and promised to compensate for the damaged items.The security guard asked them to register at the property management office tomorrow and told them to drive carefully.

Yue Qianling told Gu Xun that she just wanted him to sleep a little longer, so he proposed to split the maintenance fee and compensation fee in half.Gu Xun didn't mind, thinking that these were common property.Yue Qianling asked him if he was drunk that day. Gu Xun replied that even if he was drunk, he could hear it. Yue Qianling angrily said that he should pay for it alone.

While Jiang Junnan was working, Feng Ruru suddenly appeared.He immediately apologized and explained that he had been busy playing games these days.He promised to go out with Feng Ruru in a few days, but Feng Ruru told him that the meteor shower was over and the relationship between them was over.Jiang Junnan asked to give him another chance, and Feng Ruru asked him to put her first.Obviously, Jiang Junnan couldn't do it, so Feng Ruru left.

Chen Xinyi is still helping Jiang Junnan book the doll for Feng Ruru.She searched a lot online before finding a seller.However, when Feng Ruru went to the agreed place, it was Jiang Junnan who she met.It turned out that they were over.Jiang Junnan explained that he could not meet Feng Ruru's request because he now had his own team and feelings could not be put first.

Chen Xinyi started to drink beer in anger.Jiang Junnan couldn't tell for a moment whether it was him who was heartbroken or Chen Xinyi.Chen Xinyi said she didn’t know how to help Jiang Junnan.After the two drank beer, Chen Xinyi bought a balloon. She said that every time she was unhappy, she would buy a balloon and pop it after telling her unhappy things.

Seeing this, Jiang Junnan also stepped on the balloon, making the two very happy.Jiang Junnan felt that Chen Xinyi was different from before, and Chen Xinyi asked him what was different.Jiang Junnan said she was more cheerful than before and felt good.

When Gu Xun and Yue Qianling came to the company, they learned that the booth had already been allocated to the project.Gu Xun told them not to worry, he would definitely give them an explanation.Later, Gu Xun asked his boss why the booth was given to the project department before the promotional video was released.Jiang Yishi explained that after the love agent released the four character drawings, the response was very good, and he received game recharge cash flow in advance.

The details above are richer and the descriptions are more detailed.Fanxing asked Yue Qianling if he needed to modify the poster of the promotional character, but Yue Qianling said he didn't need to because the promotional video hadn't been released yet and the outcome had not yet been decided.

Gu Xun released the results of the Propaganda Department, and the results exceeded her boss's expectations, so she decided to hand over the exhibition hall to the Ninth Business Department.

Yue Qianling took a love test and the results showed that she would be single in the past three days.So she asked Jiang Junnan how the things she explained were going.

On the way home, Yue Qianling was wondering if Gu Xun was ready to confess his love to her.She saw flowers and candles at the end of the road and thought it was Gu Xun's move, but she found out it was Su Zheng.

Gu Xun happened to witness Yue Qianling rejecting Su Zheng's embrace and mistakenly thought that Su Zheng's confession was successful.

《Everyone Loves Me》E19Plot

Episode 19

Jiang Junnan was looking at his phone and saying yes, yes, Gu Xun asked him what he was sure about.Jiang Junnan told him that he was not allowed to work today, and Gu Xun said that he was superstitious. Jiang Junnan also told him that today was a good day to confess, and Gu Xun asked him if he was really accurate.Yue Qianling and Gu Xun were walking downstairs together. She felt that her work went well today and wanted to go out with Gu Xun to have something delicious to celebrate.However, Gu Xun said that he should order takeout at home today. He asked Yue Qianling to go up first and buy something by himself. Yue Qianling knew the password for the door.Yue Qianling walked to the door of Gu Xun's house and wondered if it was already so obvious. It seemed that Gu Xun was about to confess.Gu Xun stood downstairs and saw that Yue Qianling had arrived at his home. He was about to press his phone to control the lights in the room.

Suddenly Gu Xun received a call from Jiang Junnan telling him that he was in trouble. Yue Qianling waited for a while and found nothing. She knew that she had guessed wrong again.Gu Xun called and told Yue Qianling that Zhalu had been sued for infringement and that he needed to go back to the company immediately. Yue Qianling wanted to go with Gu Xun, so Gu Xun should let her rest at home first.Yue Qianling was very worried about Gu Xun at home. She called Chen Xinyi to ask how she was doing.As soon as Gu Xun opened the door to throw away the garbage, she saw Gu Xun standing at the door of her house. She asked Gu Xun if he had solved it.Gu Xun told her that she had not found a solution yet and that this role was very important to him.

Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun to bend down, and Gu Xun bent down obediently.Yue Qianling hugged Gu Xun, she lay on Gu Xun's shoulder and told him not to be sad, she would stay with him.Gu Xun told Yue Qianling that the character Xiao Lin was created through discussion between himself and his father. Yue Qianling saw the manuscript that Gu Xun had discussed with his father.She asked Gu Xun why his father could not be allowed to testify, and Gu Xun told her that his father had died long ago.Gu Xun believed that the documents on the Internet were forged, and Yue Qianling asked him who was deliberately framing them.Someone on the board of directors proposed to sell Narrow Road and dissolve the Ninth Division.

Gu Xun didn't agree with them doing this. He asked them to give themselves some time and he would solve it all.Gu Xun texted Yue Qianling to tell her that he was going back to his hometown and asked her not to worry.But Yue Qianling couldn't get through when he called him, and he couldn't find anyone else.She quickly called Luo Tuo and asked him if Gu Xun had contacted him.Luo Tuo told her that under such circumstances, Gu Xun would just go back to his hometown and stay for a few days. Yue Qianling felt relieved when he heard what he said.Luo Tuo suddenly said that Gu Xun was not normal this time and did not contact him when he returned to his hometown.He told Yue Qianling that Gu Xun had loved to get into trouble since he was a child. When he was a child, his teacher scolded him for staying in the teacher's office all night. When he went to find Gu Xun, he was almost fainting from hunger.

When Yue Qianling heard this, she quickly asked Luotuo to send her the address. She took a long night's drive and arrived at Gu Xun's hometown.Yue Qianling had just lost his temper with Gu Xun, and Gu Xun told Yue Qianling that he had been thinking about her.And he likes her, both the former school sweetheart and the current Gu Xun like her.He told Yue Qianling that he had planned to tell her these things that night and had prepared star lanterns, but he had not had time to tell her yet.Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun how much he liked her. Gu Xun told her that this matter was not objective and there was no standard reference, but he knew that Yue Qianling was the only girl he had liked since childhood.

Gu Xun told Yue Qianling that she was his first love, and Yue Qianling said that he was too. The two finally achieved perfection and hugged each other happily.Gu Xun and Yue Qianling went to his father's studio to look for evidence, but they didn't find it.Gu Xun thought of Uncle Guo, who was a partner with his father before. Uncle Guo was also Luotuo's father.When Luo Tuo saw Yue Qianling, he knew she was a little girl and a beauty. Yue Qianling also congratulated Luo Tuo on becoming a father.Gu found his father's computer and asked Uncle Guo if his father had sold the copyright in the end. Uncle Guo didn't know.

《Everyone Loves Me》E20Plot

Episode 20

Yue Qianling felt that Gu Xun and the others were too polite to each other, so Gu Xun said that he would be rude, and after saying that, he kissed Yue Qianling.Gu Xun asked Yue Qianling if he had brought his ID card. Yue Qianling told him that he had and what he was going to do.Gu Xun said he was going to the hotel, but Yue Qianling pushed Gu Xun away. She thought he was too rude.Gu Xun asked her what she was thinking. Wouldn't she stay in a hotel or on the roadside when she came here?The two people came to the front desk of the hotel and asked for two rooms. Yue Qianling thought that according to the routine of idol dramas, there should be one room left.Unexpectedly, the hotel front desk told them that the computer system showed that there were two rooms left, and Gu Xun asked her to put her things back in the room and go to her own room.

Before Yue Qianling had any whims, Gu Xun asked her to come work together. She put on lipstick and came to Gu Xun's room.Gu Xun kept staring at her, and Yue Qianling asked him why he kept looking at her.Gu Xun felt that she looked a little different today, and Yue Qianling said that he could even tell that he changed his lipstick color, so it seemed that he was not a straight man.Gu Xun asked her if she was wearing lipstick today, but it turned out that he didn't notice.Gu Xun tried his father's birth year to hack his father's computer. There was a very strict agreement in the computer. Gu Xun knew that the copyright was really not in their hands.Yue Qianling asked him what he was going to do now, and Gu Xun said he had to delete that character to keep the narrow path of the Ninth Division.

Gu Xun was a little sad. He thought his father had sold such an important thing.Gu Xun thought of the scene when he played with his father as a child. This character was created because of this little game.Yue Qianling pointed to a piece of software on the computer screen and asked Gu Xun what it was. Gu Xun told her that it was the software she often used to chat with her father.Gu Xun logged in and saw that his father had left many messages for him.Gu Xun read these messages with tears in his eyes. He knew that his father had been leaving messages with her, even before his death.

People from the company's board of directors came again to raise the issue of selling the narrow road, and the boss Stella told them that Gu Xun had said that he would give them a solution today.At the critical moment, Gu Xun arrived with the document, and he sent a copy to all the board of directors.They asked him what it was, and Gu Xun told them that it was something that could prove copyright ownership.It turned out that Gu Xun's father finally found out that the company didn't want him to participate in research and development, so he signed a termination agreement with the company.Lin's father told him that the characters and the conch were created by him and belong exclusively to Gu Xun. Gu Xun was very moved and missed his father.Yue Qianling came to Gu Xun's office to deliver documents and found Gu Xun asleep. She covered him with the clothes she gave Gu Xun.

Yue Qianling lay on Gu Xun and looked at his face. Unexpectedly, Gu Xun opened his eyes.When Yue Qianling was about to leave, he was pulled by Gu Xun. When the two were in love and ready to kiss, Wei Han came in. Fortunately, he wore virtual glasses and did not see Gu Xun and Yue Qianling.Chen Xinyi came to announce the list of single welfare winners. Yue Qianling was the last one. Her gift was a blind box.Gu Xun happened to see this scene, and he angrily called Yue Qianling to come out.Yue Qianling told him that she was single when she registered on the list. In fact, she was about to tell them just now, but she wanted this blind box so much.When Yue Qianling was about to give Gu Xun a hug, Huang Jie happened to call her from behind. Yue Qianling quickly reached out to Jiang Yishi behind Gu Xun, pretending to shake hands with him and say hello.Yue Qianling was expecting Gu Xun to call her, but after waiting for a long time, she got a call from her friend Yin Xue.Gu Xun came when the two were talking on the phone. He heard Yin Xue saying that he was here just now.Yue Qianling slapped Gu Xun on the wall, and Gu Xun sneezed when he smelled the scent of her hair.Gu Xun felt that the smell of Yue Qianling's shampoo was a bit strange, so he told Yue Qianling his home password.Gu Xunnan came to Jiang Junnan to talk about work, but Jiang Junnan turned a blind eye to him.

《Everyone Loves Me》E21Plot

Episode 21

During the dinner of the Ninth Business Department, Gu Xun heard Jiang Junnan mention the company's friendship, but refused on the grounds that he had a partner, so he exposed his love affair.

Wei Han and the others asked Gu Xun what his ideal type was like, and Gu Xun said that his ideal type was what his girlfriend was like.After saying that, Gu Xun kicked Yue Qianling with his foot, and the two of them secretly poked each other sweetly.

After the party, Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun why she didn't know he had photos of his girlfriend. Gu Xun asked her if she wanted to see it. Yue Qianling clicked, and Gu Xun picked up the phone to show her. Unexpectedly, he wanted to see it.Take a photo of the two of them together.

Gu Xun wrote a lot of small notes to Yue Qianling when he lent her documents, telling her that there were snacks in the drawer and not to drink coffee on an empty stomach. He also told her that he had bought her a new teacup in the tea room.

Yue Qianling came to the tea room and saw a yellow mug, and Gu Xun also came with a black mug.It turned out to be a couple's mug that Gu Xun bought, and he asked Yue Qianling to make coffee for him.

The two secretly held hands in the tea room, Fanxing happened to come in, and Yue Qianling quickly let go of Gu Xun's hand.Gu Xun said that the coffee made by Yue Qianling was better, and Yue Qianling asked Fanxing if he wanted it. Fanxing told them that he wanted to go to the bathroom.

Jiang Junnan received a call from Feng Ruru. Feng Ruru said that they had broken up, so they should not give her flowers.Just when Jiang Junnan was about to say that it was not from him, Chen Xinyi said that she had forgotten to cancel what he had ordered before.

Jiang Junnan told Feng Ruru that although they broke up, they could still be friends. As a friend, there was no other meaning in giving her a bouquet of flowers on her birthday.Just when Feng Ruru was about to say not to do this again, Jiang Junnan said in advance that he would not give it away again.Jiang Junnan asked Chen Xinyi if there was anything she had not canceled. Chen Xinyi said that there was also a restaurant she had booked for Feng Ruru's birthday.Jiang Junnan said that since it couldn't be canceled, let Chen Xinyi go with him.While the two were having dinner, Jiang Junnan knew that Chen Xinyi knew him very well, so he asked Chen Xinyi if she knew him so well and wouldn't she like him.

Chen Xinyi didn't say anything but just took a sip of wine. Jiang Junnan also saw that Chen Xinyi liked her.Just when Jiang Junnan was a little overwhelmed, Gu Xun called him. When Jiang Junnan answered the phone, he called his mother and said that he would be back in a while. Gu Xun on the other end of the phone just thought that he was sick.Gu Xun and Yue Qianling were cooking at his home when Jiang Junnan suddenly opened the door and came in.Yue Qianling immediately squatted down, and Jiang Junnan had already seen her.He deliberately asked Yue Qianling whether he knew that Gu Xun had a girlfriend, and whether it would be bad to stay at his house in the middle of the night.Just as Yue Qianling was about to go back, Gu Xun took her hand and told Jiang Junnan that they were together.

Yue Qianling and Gu Xun were working hand in hand, and Huang Jie had actually seen them a long time ago.She deliberately asked whether Gu Xun was a scumbag after seeing off his girlfriend and his female colleague. Yue Qianling told Huang Jie that the two of them were together.

Yue Qianling was wearing the sexy pajamas given to her by Huang Jie at Gu Xun's house to send documents to Fanxing. Unexpectedly, Gu Xun's mother suddenly came.Yue Qianling was very nervous about seeing Gu Xun's mother dressed like this for the first time. Unexpectedly, Gu Xun's mother said it was very good. Yue Qianling said she liked it and bought her one.Gu Xun's mother discovered that he was playing games. She didn't want Gu Xun to follow the same path as his father. She asked Gu Xun to choose between her and the game.

《Everyone Loves Me》E22Plot

Episode 22

When printing things, Jiang Junnan and Chen Xinyi were together. Seeing Wei Han coming over, Jiang Junnan was nervous and turned off the light, and the two were misunderstood by Wei Han.

Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun if his mother ignored him. Gu Xun said that he had sent messages for a whole day and ignored him.Yue Qianling sent a WeChat message to Gu Xun's mother saying that she and Gu Xun had broken up. Sure enough, Gu Xun's mother came to Yue Qianling's house early the next morning.

Mother Gu asked Yue Qianling if she was fine yesterday and why they broke up today.She asked Yue Qianling if Gu Xun bullied her, and Yue Qianling said that Gu Xun made an appointment with her to have dinner with her every day, but he kept working overtime and didn't accompany her.Yue Qianling began to cry sadly. When Gu's mother saw a lot of instant noodles in her house, she understood that whether Yue Qianling ate instant noodles or not had nothing to do with Gu Xun.After saying that Mother Gu was about to leave, Yue Qianling quickly stood up, hugged her and acted coquettishly with her. She thought that since Mother Gu was here, she should meet Gu Xun.Just as he was talking, Gu Xun opened the door of Yue Qianling's house and told his mother to go see something.

If she still insists on not letting herself play the game after reading it, then he won't do it.Gu Xun showed his mother Xiao Lin, a game character created by his father based on himself. His mother burst into tears after reading it.Gu's mother knew that Gu Xun wanted to play games, but her husband died of exhaustion because of games.She didn't want her son to make the same mistake. Gu Xun also wanted to explain to his mother, but Gu's mother said she couldn't control him when he grew up, and left.

Gu Xun and Yue Qianling were sitting on the sofa watching TV. Gu Xun kept looking at Yue Qianling.Yue Qianling asked him to watch TV and watch what he was doing.She asked Gu Xun if she looked good, and Gu Xun told her that she was very good-looking.

Stella's shareholders were preparing to sell their shares to Walter. Old Zhao was hesitant, but Director Wang advised him that Stella was obviously messing around now.

Gu Xun and Yue Qianling had just gotten off the car and were about to enter the company. Gu Xun asked if he had forgotten something today.Yue Qianling asked him what he had forgotten, and the security guard said he had forgotten to hold hands. He pointed to the surveillance cameras around him.The two of them saw Su Zheng not far away. Su Zheng saw the two holding hands and congratulated them on being together.As soon as the two left, they heard Wei Han, Fanxing and others talking. Yue Qianling pretended to be alone and happened to bump into them.

She asked a few people what they were doing, and Wei Han said that they had discovered a second pair of office lovers.Yue Qianling quickly asked who it was, and they said it was Chen Xinyi and Jiang Junnan.Gu Xun asked them again who the first couple was, and several people said in unison that it was the two of them.It turned out to be Wei Han. Fanxing and the others had discovered it a few days ago in the company. Yue Qianling asked what they were still pretending to do in those days.

Walter's people came to tell Stella that they wanted to acquire Huacai, and Director Wang held 30% of the shares.He asked Stella not to persuade them. He had already decided to sell the shares to Walter. After Gu Xun knew the news, he was going to go to Walter with Narrow Road.

Chen Xinyi came to ask Jiang Junnan if he would support Gu Xun unconditionally, and Jiang Junnan said yes.Chen Xinyi wondered why she came to ask him. Jiang Junnan told her that she didn't know what a dream was before she met Gu Xun.He couldn't do 3A alone without Gu Xun. Chen Xinyi felt that after all, Jiang Junnan was still doing it for his own development.

Yue Qianling and Chen Xinyi were in a bad mood and went to the bar to drink. Yue Qianling was so drunk that he couldn't even open the door to his house.When Gu Xun heard her yelling outside the door and couldn't open the door, he hurried out. When Yue Qianling saw it was Gu Xun, she asked him why he made her unhappy. When she smelled Gu Xun's smell, she said it smelled bad.dead.

《Everyone Loves Me》E23Plot

Episode 23

Yue Qianling came back drunk, and Gu Xun took care of Yue Qianling. Yue Qianling wanted to kiss Gu Xun but fell down in the end. Gu Xun had no choice but to carry him back to bed.

When Yue Qianling woke up the next day, she saw that it was Gu Xun's room and immediately walked out angrily, taking her coat and bag to leave.But when she saw Gu Xun sleeping on the sofa, she apologized to Gu Xun in her heart. She knew that she needed to calm down and might not be able to treat him well.

When Gu Xun woke up and opened the door, he saw a keyboard, his slippers and some other small things at the door.Gu Xun looked at the door of Yue Qianling's house, and he had no choice but to take the things in.

When Chen Xinyi came to the company, she saw the turtle food on her table. She took it in and told Jiang Junnan that her turtle could not digest this kind of turtle food.Yue Qianling told Gu Xun that she tried to combine Narrow Road with Western elements, but she couldn't do it.Gu Xun knew that this was not her true level. She couldn't do 3A like this.Yue Qianling told him that he couldn't do it. As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Junnan came in. He told Gu Xun that Nuomi Xiaomahua would become irritable soon.

Gu Xun asked him if Chen Xinyi had ignored him recently, and Jiang Junnan also shook his head.Gu Xun was about to explain to Yue Qianling, but Yue Qianling didn't listen.She happened to see Stella playing games and walked over. She saw that Stella's online name was Queen Mother.Yue Qianling immediately thought of the Queen Mother they had fought against before. She told Stella that she was a Nuomi little twist.Stella said that their team had a very shady way of playing called the school bastard. Yue Qianling looked at Gu Xun and said that the school bastard was like that in real life.Gu Xun openly admitted that he was the school sweetheart, and Yue Qianling told Stella not to talk to the traitor.Gu Xun happened to see Yue Qianling when he got off work. He wanted to take her home but was rejected.

Yue Qianling went to the restaurant she had booked with Gu Xun to eat alone, and she happened to meet Walter's people and Director Wang.She hurried over to listen to what they said. After hearing what they said, Yue Qianling thought on the way back that if Gu Xun didn't go to Walter, then his game would be buried.

When Yue Qianling returned to the company, she heard Chen Xinyi tell her that Gu Xun had taken people from the Ninth Business Department to meet with Walter's people. She immediately ran over impulsively and had a quarrel with Gu Xun.Gu Xun told them their secret code in the game, and Yue Qianling understood it immediately, and she quickly sat down to cooperate with Gu Xun.

After returning home, Yue Qianling asked Gu Xun to kneel down and not touch the keyboard because Gu Xun had lied to her.Unexpectedly, Gu Xun knelt down and wrote out the English letters of love to Yue Qianling. Yue Qianling told him that he was so angry that he forgot to talk to him about serious matters.She told Gu Xun that she heard Walter's people discussing with Wang Dong that if he went and disobeyed, his narrow path would be hidden.Gu Xun told them that in fact these were all in their plan, and he and Stella had already discussed it to persuade the shareholders.Yue Qianling said that she had not forgiven him yet after burying her in the dark for so long, so he asked Gu Xun to continue kneeling.

Gu Xun pushed Yue Qianling onto the sofa. He tickled Yue Qianling, and the two of them reconciled while fighting.

Chen Xinyi resigned because Jiang Junnan was going to Walter, but everyone in the Ninth Business Department knew that all this was Gu Xun's acting.Chen Xinyi chose to go to Project 1. Jiang Junnan and Gu Xun were going to bring her back. Jiang Yishi told them that it was better to stay here than outside.

Gu Xun, Stella and the others were struggling to find investment. The security guard saw Stella sitting alone sadly. He called Stella several times but she didn't respond.He came over and asked her what she was thinking. She didn't even hear her father calling her. After understanding the situation, Stella's father told her that he had told her to leave a way out for everything she did, and he told her not to worry..

《Everyone Loves Me》E24Plot

Episode 24

Just when Director Wang was about to sign a contract with Walter, Jiang Junnan brought over Mr. Lu, an investor who offered better conditions. Therefore, Director Wang decided to sign a contract with Mr. Lu. Unexpectedly, Yue Qianling brought evidence of Director Wang's dereliction of duty and illegal acts.Appear.

Everyone in the company was very happy to know the result, and they all asked Stella to give them a half-day holiday.Stella told them that they would have a holiday but would go to work today and she would arrange a celebration party for everyone.Stella's father told her that it was fortunate that he let Director Zhao hold 10“ of the shares behind her back. Stella looked at Director Zhao in confusion.Her father told her that 10” of the shares held by Director Zhao belonged to him, and he was afraid that she would lose everything.

Stella's father told her that she and Zhao Dong were brothers who came from the same alley. She asked her father what she would do if Zhao Dong didn't listen to him.Stella's father asked her how much money she needed now to buy Director Zhao's shares. Stella told him that it would cost 100 million based on the current market price.As he spoke, Stella's father started to turn on his mobile phone, and Stella asked him if he wanted to buy a house.He told Stella that in fact they demolished five houses, but he lied to her and said it was three houses, and he had made a lot of money doing business with the money over the years.

The money was enough to buy the shares in Director Zhao's hands. He asked Stella if he could be promoted to captain of the security team because he had done her such a big favor.Jiang Junnan apologized to Chen Xinyi. He told Xinyi that he could not live without her and would discuss everything with her in the future.He was about to stutter something, but Chen Xinyi told him that she knew what he was going to say.

Jiang Junnan asked her if she could consider him being her boyfriend. Chen Xinyi rejected him. Jiang Junnan said that she would give him a three-month trial period. Chen Xinyi said that it would depend on his performance.He gave Chen Xinyi a little turtle and her little coconut as a companion, and he went to a place called Little Latte.Together they are raw coconut latte. He said that he bought a male and Chen Xinyi's is a female. Maybe they can be boyfriend and girlfriend in the future.Chen Xinyi told him that he couldn't do it because hers was also a male turtle.Yue Qianling was getting ready to go home for the New Year, and Gu Xun complained about her not taking him home when he was sending her back.

Yue Qianling told him that it was too sudden. She would go home and tell her parents this time and take him back next time.Yue Qianling's mother found out that she and Gu Xun were together, so she asked Yue Qianling why Gu Xun fell in love with her, since Gu Xun was so good.Yue Qianling's cousin used her account to play games, and Gu Xun thought it was Yue Qianling.He just said, dear, let's have a game. As soon as he said Yue Qianling's cousin, he pulled Gu Xun into their family group.Yue Qianling told him not to talk and to send emojis whenever they asked.When Gu Xun faced their inquiries, he kept handing out red envelopes.His move won unanimous praise from Yue Qianling's relatives, and Gu Xun secretly came to her door with Yue Qianling on her back.

Gu Xun met Yue Qianling's parents for the first time. Her parents gave Gu Xun many tests.Gu Xun accepted and handled them all very well. His father-in-law told Gu Xun some of Yue Qianling's living habits, and he asked Gu Xun to help him take good care of Yue Qianling.The two of them came across sugar-roasted chestnuts while shopping, and their father-in-law told Gu Xunyue that Qianling had liked to eat sugar-roasted chestnuts since she was a child.She had to eat it every day and her teeth were damaged. She asked Gu Xunshao to buy some for her in the future.Soon a year later, Yue Qianling and Gu Xun held an engagement ceremony.The sales of "Zhaolu" also exceeded 10 million, Gu Xun's dream of becoming a 3A company was also successful, and Jiang Junnan and Chen Xinyi were also together.

Everyone Loves Me

Everyone Loves Me

Total 24 Episodes Mar 01, 2024 C-Drama Urban/Rom Actor: Zhou Ye Lin Yi Tang Mengjia Zhang Song