《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》Ep Intro

In 1735 AD, Emperor Qianlong (played by Huo Jianhua) ascended to the throne. At the same time, his young confidant Jin Ruyi (played by Zhou Xun) also entered the palace as his concubine.This event marked the beginning of a deep and complex marriage journey, one filled with love, power, betrayal and resilience.

When the new emperor ascended the throne, Ruyi was named Concubine Xian because of her friendship with Qianlong's childhood sweetheart.However, this did not bring the peaceful life she expected.On the contrary, she was ostracized by everyone, especially the Queen Mother (played by Wu Junmei) who had a feud with the Ruyi family.This makes Ruyi's court life full of crises, and she needs to use wisdom and courage to deal with these challenges.

Emperor Qianlong also faced his own problems.He needs to deal with the situation where the Queen Mother is in power and the old officials are controlling the government. At the same time, he also needs to find a way to protect Ruyi, the woman he loves deeply.During this process, Qianlong and Ruyi supported each other and overcame many difficulties together.Together they cleared the way forward until Qianlong finally pushed Ruyi to the position of queen and shared the world with her.

However, after becoming the queen, Ruyi discovered that Qianlong was no longer the young husband she once loved deeply, but had grown into a mature, suspicious, fickle, and even selfish emperor.Qianlong's changes gradually shattered the affection and trust between the two, which made Ruyi feel very painful.

Despite this, Ruyi still held on to her good memories and abided by her duties as a queen until her death.Her story shows us the power of love. Even in the whirlpool of power, we can maintain our original intention and stick to love.At the same time, her story also reminds us that the conflict and contradiction between power and love are eternal themes in history and human nature.

《Qianlong and Ruyi: Love and Power in the Court》is not only a historical drama about the struggle in the palace, but also a love tragedy that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.It allows us to see how Qianlong and Ruyi, a young couple, persisted in their love and faced difficulties together amidst the temptation of power and the intrigues of the palace.However, when Qianlong became emperor, power corrupted his heart. He became suspicious and fickle, and his trust in Ruyi gradually disappeared.This change not only made Ruyi miserable, but also made the audience feel deeply regretful.

However, Ruyi did not give up.She held on to her beautiful memories and abided by her duties as a queen. Even in the face of Qianlong's betrayal and the oppression of power, she still maintained her inner tenacity and kindness.Her story allows us to see the tenacity and wisdom of women, and also allows us to see the power of love.

《Qianlong and Ruyi: Love and Power in the Court》not only shows the joys and sorrows of the couple Qianlong and Ruyi, but also reveals the conflicts and contradictions between power and love.It allows us to see the complexity of human nature and the cruelty of history, and also makes us cherish the current peace and tranquility even more.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E1Plot

Hongli asks to marry Qingying

In the deep palace of the Qing Dynasty royal family, the fourth prince Hongli was anxiously looking for Qingying in his dream. When he opened the door, he was stunned by the scene in front of him: Qingying was holding Ruyi, which symbolized Fujin's identity.However, this is not his Fujin, but another woman's.After waking up from the dream, Hongli's heart was full of uneasiness and doubts.

He hurriedly found the third elder brother to ask about the result of choosing Fujin, and learned that the third elder brother had chosen Dong E as his direct descendant, while Qingying did not even get the position of side Fujin and Princess.What shocked him even more was that Qingying was missing now.Hongli was anxious and immediately began to search for Qingying's whereabouts.

Finally, he found Qingying playing with a telescope somewhere in the palace.After talking, Hongli learned that Qingying didn't like the third elder brother. In order to avoid becoming Fujin, she deliberately ate a lot of beans and acted falsely when choosing Fujin so that she failed.Hearing this, Hongli was moved and distressed.He told Qingying that he would also choose Fujin next month and hoped that Qingying could become his show girl and help him control his eyes.However, Qingying rejected this proposal. She felt that she and Hongli were like brothers and did not want to be his blessing.

When leaving, Hongli told Qingying that he would wait for her at Jiang Xuexuan.After the queen learned about this, she prepared a new dress for Qingying, hoping that she could dress up beautifully to choose Hongli's Fujin.However, Qingying still firmly refused.She told the queen that her relationship with Hongli was very special, and she did not want to affect their relationship because of their identity.

At the same time, the third elder brother Hongshi was scolded by Emperor Yongzheng in Yangxin Hall.The emperor accused him of entangled with party members, colluded with courtiers, and had evil intentions.It turned out that except for the two excerpts from the time of Shenhong, the rest of the excerpts spoke favorably for him, which aroused Yongzheng's dissatisfaction.In Jiang Xuexuan, the fourth elder brother is choosing Fujin.Concubine Xi taught Hongli that he should choose Fu Jin who could help him. The Fucha family had a high position and was a good choice.However, just as the auspicious moment was approaching, Qingying failed to arrive.

Hongli picked up Ruyi and was about to hand it to Fucha, choosing her as his direct descendant.However, just at this moment, the green cherry blossoms arrived.Hongli immediately changed his mind and withdrew the Ruyi he was about to give away.The emperor was very angry when he learned about this. He announced that the third elder brother Hongshi would be cut off from his clan status and his jade certificate would be removed. The queen was also banned from Jingren Palace for interfering in court affairs.

In this context, Hongli decided to choose Fucha as the side Fujin and Qingying as the direct Fujin.However, the emperor did not agree with this decision.He told Hongli that as a member of the royal family, he could not do everything according to his own temperament.Hongli's marriage was not something he did alone, and what was suitable was not necessarily what he wanted.Under Hongli's constant requests, the emperor finally agreed to let Qingying be Hongli's concubine, the Fucha family as the direct Fujin, the Gao family as Gege, and Hongli was named Prince Bao.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E2Plot

New emperor ascends the throne

In the deep palace of the Qing Dynasty, the meeting between Hongli and Qingying was destined to be an extraordinary love affair.Qingying, a girl from a well-born family, stands at a crossroads in life, hesitating whether she should marry into the prince's palace and become Hongli's sidekick.She witnessed the scene of the queen being punished, and her heart was filled with panic and uneasiness.However, Hongli's promise made her feel a little warmth and dependence.

Hongli, as the future emperor, made an oath to Qingying to protect her.He told her that he would do his best not to let her suffer at all.This promise made Qingying determined that she was willing to go through the ups and downs of life with Hongli.

The sedan chair carried Qingying and Yue Gege into Prince Bao's Mansion.In this unfamiliar environment, Qingying felt a little uneasy.However, Hongli's arrival gave her a little comfort.He quietly told Qingying that she was the one he chose and he wanted to be with her on the first night.As for his direct descendant Fujin, he was full of love and respect.

Yue Gege learned about what happened the previous night from the maid, and she suggested that she should join forces with Fujin to gain a foothold in the house.In Fujin's room, Fujin expressed her attitude. She believed that the more the prince dotes on Fujin, she should do better and show the magnanimity of her direct descendant Fujin to win the prince's favor.

Six years later, everyone paid their respects to Fujin, and Xiyue was named Fujin.At this time, the news of the emperor's death came and everyone was shocked.Hongli inherited the throne and became the new emperor.Due to the late emperor's last words, the queen was unable to attend Yongzheng's funeral ceremony and was extremely sad.In Jingren Palace, she was in great pain, but the maid next to her said that her only chance to get out of Jingren Palace had arrived.

When the new emperor met with the ministers, some ministers proposed that according to the ancestral rules, Jingren Palace should be revered as the Queen Mother, and Concubine Xi should be revered as the Queen Mother.The emperor said that he still needed to think carefully.Qingying brought almond milk to the emperor, and the emperor told her whether the problem of the ban on Jingren Palace should be solved.Qingying comforted the emperor not to embarrass herself too much.

Niu Gulu was also embarrassed by this matter. She decided to stay put and wait to see what the emperor's intention was.Qingying brought ham and chicken soup to the Queen Mother, but was angrily scolded by the Queen Mother.The Empress Dowager believed that the green sakura was taking precedence over the other, and the two things should be stewed together in order of priority. Trying to give equal emphasis would spoil the taste.Qingying had to kneel aside, holding a bowl of hot soup, feeling very tormented.

The emperor learned that Qingying was suffering and sent her burn medicine.Ulanara asked Qingying to let the emperor let her out. In order to depend on the emperor for life and death, she must fight for this status.Qingying came to see the emperor and begged the emperor to let her aunt live in the palace as the queen mother, so that she could have both ends.Niu Gulu was furious when she heard the news. She concluded that Qingying must have proposed this idea and asked Qingying to come see her the next day.

The Queen Mother took out a bottle of poison and told Qingying that if she wanted to keep Jingren Palace alive, she must lose Qingying's hope.Qingying asked the Queen Mother if she could let her aunt be buried with the late emperor if she chose to die.The Queen Mother said that if she could live her old age peacefully in the palace, she would be allowed to be buried with the late emperor, but she would have no title.Qingying agreed and resigned.

Qingying came to the Yangxin Hall, and the emperor said that in order to take into account the emperor's mother, the queen mother had to make arrangements slowly for the care of Qingying's aunt.Qingying and the emperor recalled the scene when they first met, and they were very moved.In this deep palace, their love and justice are intertwined and become a beautiful landscape.However, there is still a long way to go, and it is still unknown whether they can continue to go hand in hand.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E3Plot

Aunt died and Qingying was banned

In the deep palace of the Forbidden City, Qingying came to visit her aunt and brought a seemingly warm proposal: as long as she peacefully lives her old life in the palace, she will have the honor of being buried with the late emperor.However, behind this lies the deep scheming of Niu Gulu. She had already told Qingying that Qingying had earned this honor with her life.Qingying doesn't want to be the victim of others, let alone linger under the control of Niu Gulu.She chose to face it bravely and drank the poison sent by Niu Gulu.

Before she died, as the only bloodline of the Ulanara clan, she told Qingying not to harbor hatred, but to let the Niu Gulu clan become her helper and pave the way for the future queen.Qingying burst into tears and witnessed the death of her aunt. The grief in her heart was unspeakable.

After the Queen Mother learned the news, she decided to keep Qingying temporarily.The emperor also had doubts about Uranala's death. He learned from the eunuch that she had died of poisoning, and that the Queen Mother had been to Jingren Palace, which made him think deeply.The Fucha family of Fujin lamented the fate of the Ulanara family. As a queen, she should have enjoyed her old age in peace, but she ended up like this.

In the power struggle in the palace, Qingying became a key figure.The emperor wanted to bury Ulanara as a queen, but the queen mother disagreed.At this time, Zhang Tingyu also joined the dispute. He believed that the ennoblement of Jingren Palace was of great importance and needed to be treated with caution.Qingying firmly stated that she saw with her own eyes that her aunt died of excessive grief due to the death of the late emperor, and there were no other twists and turns.

Finally, the Queen Mother ordered that Ulanara be buried in the concubine's garden with concubine ceremony.The emperor asked Qingying again about Jingren Palace, and Qingying insisted on her statement.The emperor warned her not to move around during this period to avoid causing criticism.After Qingying resigned, she met the Queen Mother outside the palace. She said that she would testify for the Queen Mother and prove her aunt's innocence.

The enthronement ceremony was held as scheduled. The emperor honored Niu Gulu as the Queen Mother and the Fucha family of Fujin as the empress.However, the Queen Mother was unhappy with the emperor's decision to let her live in Shoukang Palace.She understood that the emperor's thoughts were difficult to predict, so she decided to take the opportunity to move into Cining Palace as soon as possible.The emperor sent Yuzhu Ginseng soup to Qingying, who was keeping mourning in Jingren Palace, and conveyed his feelings.The Queen asked the Queen Mother for advice on how to determine the position of the concubines. The Queen Mother asked Qingying to observe mourning for her aunt in the Qian Mansion for three years, and she could not leave the pavilion without an order.The emperor was angry about this, but could not help Qingying.

The fates of Qingying and her aunt are intertwined. They support each other in the power struggle in the palace, but each faces huge challenges.Qingying must learn to gain a foothold in the court, while also working hard to keep her aunt innocent.Although her aunt passed away, her influence still exists, laying the foundation for Qingying's future.In this changing situation in the palace, how will Qingying make a choice, and how will her fate unfold?

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E4Plot

Ruyi was given the name

The deep palace is always filled with countless secrets and conspiracies.All the concubines left the house one after another, and Qingying was embroidering alone in her room. Her heart was full of expectation and uneasiness.At this time, Hailan came to visit and brought shocking news - the Queen Mother had not yet moved to Cining Palace.Qingying knew that this matter was not trivial. It undoubtedly planted the seeds of discord between the emperor and the queen mother, and the relationship between mother and son became tense.

Hailan is well aware that things in the palace are complicated, and reminds Qingying that she should plan for herself first and not get involved easily.However, Qingying's heart was filled with worries about the Queen Mother.She understood that as a concubine, her fate was closely related to that of the Queen Mother.So, she decided to look for opportunities to advise the Queen Mother, hoping to resolve the misunderstanding between the Emperor and the Queen Mother.

The queen took the opportunity to ask the emperor to decide on the titles of the concubines, but the emperor postponed the canonization because there were not enough people.The queen knew full well that the emperor's move was nothing more than stalling for time, waiting for a better time.And Qingying also understood that her grounding was a thorn in the emperor's heart, and he needed time to deal with it all.

The renovation work of Cining Palace has been completed, but the emperor refused to let the Queen Mother move because she was not satisfied yet.His longing for Qingying deepened day by day, but he couldn't see her due to various reasons.So, he gave Qingying the wishful knot and music score in his dormitory to express his longing for her.Qingying gave the handkerchief she embroidered as a return gift, hoping to make the emperor understand her feelings.

In order to meet the emperor, Qingying came up with a way. She invited Hai Changzai.Hai Changzai entered the dormitory in the name of asking for peace and took the opportunity to change Qingying out.Qingying met the emperor quietly. She understood the emperor's difficulties, but she still couldn't help but remind him that filial piety comes first. Even if she is busy with government affairs, she should not forget the Queen Mother in Shoukang Palace.The emperor was moved by Qingying's sincerity and decided to put aside his grudge and obey the Queen Mother to fulfill his filial piety.

When the Queen Mother was happy, the Emperor interceded for Qingying and allowed her to enter the palace.He took the Queen Mother to visit Cining Palace, and the Queen Mother was very satisfied with the results of the renovation.The Queen Mother reminded the Emperor to reuse old ministers, and the Emperor agreed and promised to improve the Queen Mother's clan relations.In addition, the emperor also decided to add an emblem to the Queen Mother, which was designated as “Chongqing”.

The Queen Mother was very moved when she learned that Qingying had advised her.She ordered Qingying to be exempted from the grounding and allowed her to return to the palace.Qingying begged the Queen Mother to give herself a new name so that she could cut off her old past and pray for new blessings.The Queen Mother gave Qingying the name Ruyi, “yi” means beautiful and quiet, which means she hopes that Ruyi can have a peaceful and beautiful future.

Gao Xiyue and Jin Yuyan were very unhappy when they learned that Ruyi had been pardoned.They discussed the matter with the queen and believed that Hai Changzai was the culprit.In order to be wary of Hai Changzai, Gao Xiyue offered to let her live with him.When the emperor and the queen discussed the enfeoffment of concubines, the emperor wanted to make Ruyi a noble concubine, but the queen thought that Ruyi had just been released from confinement and should keep a low profile, so she suggested that she be made a concubine or concubine first.The emperor finally agreed to make Ruyi his concubine and move into Yikun Palace.Under the queen's dissuasion, the emperor agreed to let Ruyi live in the more remote Yanxi Palace.In the end, Ruyi was named Concubine Xian, Gao was named Concubine Hui, and the whole family raised the flag.After Ruyi moved into Yanxi Palace, she started her new life.

However, life in the palace is not as simple as Ruyi imagined.Hailan and Concubine Hui lived in the same palace. Concubine Hui deliberately made things difficult for her, ignoring Hailan even as she knelt down, and even assigned her a dark and shabby room to the west.When Hailan came to visit Ruyi, Ruyi learned that she had been wronged in Xianfu Palace and told her to take good care of herself.When paying her respects to the Queen the next day, Ruyi asked Hailan to live with her, but the Queen refused her request on the grounds that she could see the emperor often.

Although Ruyi encountered various difficulties in the palace, she did not give up.She understands that only by persevering can she win the final victory.And her story continues...

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E5Plot

The emperor sent words to express his feelings

Deep in the palace of the Qing Dynasty, the Western painter Lang Shining used his superb skills to paint portraits of the emperor and queen. His paintings not only demonstrated his artistic talent, but also indirectly affected the subtle relationships in the harem.

When Mrs. Fucha entered the palace to visit the queen, she not only brought news from outside the palace, but also brought profound insights into the situation in the harem.She reminded the queen to be wary of the movements of the concubine and Ruyi. As a head wife, she should maintain her nobility and dignity and should not have to deal with trivial matters herself, but should let her subordinates work for her.Mrs. Fucha's words were undoubtedly consolidating the queen's position, and at the same time they also laid the groundwork for the fight in the harem.

While Lang Shining was painting in the palace, his conversation with Ruyi also revealed his unique insights into Western marriage concepts.He believes that in the West, a man can only marry one wife. If the relationship between husband and wife no longer exists, both parties can choose to leave.This concept is undoubtedly a brand new impact for Ruyi, who is deeply bound by traditional marriage.Ruyi thought deeply about this, and she began to question her marriage and status, which also paved the way for her dispute with the emperor.

The emperor did not agree with Ruyi's question. He thought that Ruyi was delusional.However, when Ruyi brought the emperor a portrait she had painted by herself, the emperor was moved by her sincerity.The relationship between the two was sublimated in the subtle disputes and reconciliations.The emperor not only accepted Ruyi's paintings, but also carried the veil she gave him with him. This silent understanding made their relationship even deeper.

However, the fight in the harem did not end.In order to establish her authority, the queen decided to set an example and save money in the palace to curb the extravagance.Although this move was supported by the emperor, it caused dissatisfaction among the concubines.After Ruyi learned that the sachet she got was a defective product, she gained a deeper understanding of the struggle in the harem.

At the same time, the emperor's favor for Ruyi also aroused the jealousy of other concubines.Despite the emperor's efforts to balance the harem, fighting among the concubines continued.In this complicated situation, the relationship between Ruyi and the queen also became delicate.They are each other's supporters and potential rivals.

Castiglione's court paintings not only demonstrated his artistic talent, but also became witnesses of the harem battles.His paintings not only recorded the images of the emperor and empress, but also indirectly affected the subtle relationship in the harem.In this complex and subtle palace life, each concubine is trying to find her own position and way out, and the emperor plays a vital role in it.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E6Plot

Mei agreed to be granted the title

In the bustling palace, A Ruo's voice echoed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.She accused the steward of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of once giving crudely made sachets to Concubine Xian, and her words were full of dissatisfaction.She even showed off the plaque inscribed by the emperor himself and presented it to Ruyi, in order to ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs not to underestimate Yanxi Palace.These words happened to be heard by Su Lian, who was beside the queen, and then he reported it to the queen.

In the Queen's Palace, the imperial concubine came to visit. Seeing that the imperial concubine was afraid of the cold, she gave the imperial concubine her treasured black fox skin, placing high hopes on her to give birth to her first brother since the emperor ascended the throne.The imperial concubine burst into tears of gratitude and could not thank the queen enough for her generous gift.However, when the imperial concubine heard about Ruyi being awarded the plaque in the Queen's Palace, she felt dissatisfied and hurriedly left.

The emperor was enjoying pipa music. The imperial concubine was good at pipa, so she played a piece of music in front of the emperor. The emperor was fascinated by it.The imperial concubine took the opportunity to mention the plaque given to Yanxi Palace by the emperor, and begged the emperor to reward herself and the queen with a share.The emperor readily agreed, and then wrote eleven plaques with a splash of ink and sent them to each palace.

When turning over the cards, the emperor remembered Bai Ruiji, a pipa prostitute from Nanfu, and ordered her to be brought here.In the palace, identity and status are always unpredictable, so Bai Ruiji became Mei Yao and became the emperor's new favorite.

Hai Changzai accompanied Ruyi to chant sutras for his aunt, but Ruyi found that Hai Changzai's stove was not hot.After questioning, it was learned that Hai Changzai's charcoal fire had been seized by the imperial concubine, and his life was very difficult.The queen announced in front of the concubines that the emperor had newly appointed a Nanfu musician, Wei Mei, and asked everyone to make peace in the six palaces.

The imperial concubine learned that Haichang Zai had accompanied Concubine Xian in chanting sutras and praying for blessings, so she asked Haichang Zai to make some five-color prayer flags for her.Hai often worked until late at night in the cold winter, and there was no charcoal fire in her palace, making her life difficult.

Mei's promised promotion attracted the attention of the court, and all the concubines sent her gifts.Mei agreed to ask the emperor why the imperial concubine was more skillful, but the emperor liked to play the pipa himself.The skills that the emperor Chengmei agreed to have improved a lot after he requested them, and he also feels like a good teacher.

The next day, Mei agreed to come to pay her respects to the queen, and her dress attracted everyone's attention.The noble concubine saw that the clothes Mei promised to wear were from Jiangnan when she entered the palace. The concubine accused Mei promised of being too luxurious on the grounds that the queen advocated simplicity in the harem.However, Mei agreed because the emperor liked her to dress like this, so the queen could not say anything more.

Concubine Xian and Mei agreed to enjoy the snow together in the palace, and they met the concubine by chance in the garden.During the dispute, Mei agreed that the emperor favored her more simply because she was a few years younger, implying that the imperial concubine was old.The imperial concubine was furious and slapped her mouth with double happiness.At this time, the queen came to calm the dispute between the two parties, and ordered Ruyi to send Mei and promised to return to the palace.

In the palace, power and favor are always the focus of competition.Mei's promised promotion undoubtedly cast a pebble into the calm waters, causing ripples.And in this ripple, everyone is planning for their own status and future.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E7Plot

The imperial concubine framed Hai Changzai

When Mei promised to leave the palace, she failed to salute the queen in accordance with the palace rules. This behavior attracted the attention of Su Lian, the maid next to the queen.Su Lian immediately pointed out Mei Yao's inappropriate behavior, but Mei Yao reacted violently and pushed Su Lian away, causing Su Lian's hand to be injured.Although the queen was very dissatisfied with Mei's promised behavior, she had to exercise restraint considering the presence of the emperor.

This incident also aroused the concern of the imperial concubine. She was worried that Mei's reckless behavior would bring trouble to herself, so she asked the queen to intervene.In order to calm down the incident, the queen ordered Su Lian to go to the Imperial Hospital to get anti-swelling ointment, and asked the imperial concubine to deliver it to Mei for approval.

Later, Ruyi accompanied Mei and promised to return to the palace, only to find that red charcoal was burning in the palace where Mei had promised. This was a kind of charcoal fire that only high-ranking concubines could use according to palace regulations.In addition, there is a plaque gifted by the emperor hanging in the palace where Mei promised, with the four words "Yizhao Shushen%" written on it.Mei promised not to understand this, and Ruyi explained to her that these four words praised the woman for being kind and cautious, showing noble manners and moral character.

At this time, Su Lian brought the ointment to the palace where Mei agreed.However, Mei promised not to appreciate Su Lian's arrival, and even expressed disdain for the ointment.Su Lian had no choice but to remind Mei Promise to take the overall situation into consideration and not to mention the matter in front of the emperor, otherwise Mei Promise would not be able to escape his involvement.Mei promised that although she was dissatisfied, she could only accept the ointment.

On the other hand, the concubine discovered that Sanbao, who was beside Ruyi, sneaked out of the back door of her palace. After investigation, she learned that Sanbao was secretly sending charcoal to Hai Changzai.Although Hai Changzai's living conditions were difficult, he still studied with peace of mind. When he learned that the imperial concubine was unwell, he went to pay her respects.However, in front of the imperial concubine, her maid Xiangyun accused Hai Chang of being jealous of the imperial concubine and deliberately instructing her to steal coal.The imperial concubine was furious, accusing Hai Chang of pretending to be pitiful, and kicked her out of the room.

Jia Guiren, who was around the concubine, took the opportunity to provoke Hai Changzai, saying that Hai Changzai had a sinister mind and that stealing the concubine's charcoal fire caused the concubine to suffer from cold syndrome. He wanted to use this to frame Hai Changzai.When the emperor and the queen were resting, the eunuch Wang Qin tried to get close to the maid Lian Xin who was beside the queen, but Lian Xin refused.

At this time, Ruyi heard that Hai Changzai was found stealing red charcoal from the imperial concubine's palace and was about to be punished by the imperial concubine, so she hurried to Xianfu Palace.In Xianfu Palace, Hae Changzai knelt in the snow and insisted that he had not stolen.However, Xiangyun accused Hai Chang of being jealous of the imperial concubine and instructing him to steal coal.However, Ruyi believed that the charcoal in the incense burner and the testimony of the palace maid alone were not enough to convict, because Hai Changzai's house was small and it was impossible to hide so many red charcoal.At this moment, Hai Changzai fainted in the snow.

Ling Xin came to ask the prince to send a message to the emperor to save Hai Chang Zai, but was rejected by the prince.Fortunately, Li Yu saw this and offered to help Ying Xin.In the Xianfu Palace, the imperial concubine ordered Haichang to search the house for Hongluo Tan, and ordered the palace maid to take off Haichang's clothes and search her body.Ruyi stepped forward to stop him, but was punished by the concubine to kneel in the snow.Hai Changzai did not want to be humiliated, nor did he want to implicate Ruyi, so he admitted that he had stolen the concubine's charcoal.

At this time, the emperor rushed to the scene, and the imperial concubine cried to the emperor and complained about her grievances.The emperor explained that he had told Ruyi to give some red charcoal to Hai Changzai from her, and told Ruyi to keep it secret.However, Ruyi didn't know how to adapt, which led to things happening like this.The imperial concubine accused Hai Chang of the following crimes. The imperial concubine Xian was unreasonable to her and should be punished.The emperor expressed that rewards and punishments should be clearly defined, and ordered people to take Xiangyun down and beat him to death with sticks as a warning to others.Finally, the emperor ordered the concubine to rest in peace in the palace for three months and not to accompany her, and moved Hai Changzai to Ruyi's Yanxi Palace.

After the incident, Ruyi returned to the palace and asked Dr. Jiang to diagnose and treat Hai Changzai. He found that the Yongquan points on her feet were injured and she was very weak.Aruo was unsatisfied with Ruyi and wanted Ruyi to use all means to win over the emperor.However, Ruyi believes that the concubine's reckless behavior has angered the emperor and will definitely suffer in the future.She praised Ling Xin for his delicate and practical eyes, and asked Ling Xin to pay more attention to the happenings in the palace for her in the future.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E8Plot

Hai Changzai tries hard to prove Ruyi’s innocence

In the deep palace of the Forbidden City, Mr. Jia came to visit the imperial concubine, but heard the imperial concubine complaining that she was self-defeating.Last night, a shocking incident occurred in the Yanxi Palace. After Haichang woke up, he recalled what happened yesterday, and his heart was filled with grievances.Fortunately, Ruyi was there to comfort her, reminding her to learn to be patient in order to cope with the complex and ever-changing interpersonal relationships in the palace.

Ruyi left Yanxi Palace and went to Yangxin Palace to meet the emperor.On the way, she found that Li Yu was forced to kneel on the cold tiles. She couldn't bear it, so she ordered him to go to Yanxi Palace for treatment after kneeling.Soon, the emperor summoned Ruyi, and it turned out to be for Mei's injury.Mei agreed and claimed that her injuries became more serious after using the medicine sent by the imperial concubine.After examination, the imperial physician found that the medicine was mixed with poisonous plumbagin, which was more toxic when it came into contact with the skin.

Su Lian claimed that he had also used this medicine, but there was no difference.Mei agreed to suddenly accuse Ruyi of framing her because only Ruyi had the opportunity to come into contact with this medicine.The queen said that she would let the nuns from the Shenxing Department investigate the matter.At this time, Hai Changzai broke into the Yangxin Hall and insisted that the matter had nothing to do with Ruyi.She revealed that Ruyi's sachet did not contain plumbago pills, but bloodvine powder, so Ruyi could not harm anyone.

The emperor was furious after hearing this and ordered Ruyi to investigate the matter thoroughly.The queen felt chilled, thinking that the emperor blamed Ruyi before the matter was investigated.At this time, the queen noticed that Wang Qin, the chief eunuch, was giving gifts to the maid Lian Xin beside her, and thought that Wang Qin was a person worth winning over.

Li Yu came to Yanxi Palace, and Ruyi personally applied medicine to him and was grateful for his help.Ruyi also reminded Li Yu not to show off his cleverness in front of Wang Qin, and to please Wang Qin after returning home, after all, he was working under him.After experiencing a series of frame-ups, Ruyi deeply felt that life in the palace was not easy and secretly cried.

The emperor came to Yanxi Palace and expressed his apology to Ruyi.He said that he thought that pretending to neglect Ruyi would reduce the jealousy of other concubines, but he did not expect that Ruyi would still be in danger.The emperor promised to be with Ruyi calmly in the future.

The next morning, the emperor showed great care to Ruyi and asked the maid to take good care of her.At this time, news came that a young eunuch serving medicinal materials in the imperial hospital confessed and admitted that he accidentally stained the inner wall of the round platinum with plumbagin powder.Since Su Lian used the upper part, there was no difference; but Mei agreed to use the lower part, and the amount was large, so the injury became more and more serious.Ruyi said that she did not intend to investigate the matter in detail, but would just go with the flow and maintain the peace of the harem.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E9Plot

The imperial concubine strives to raise her eldest brother

Deep in the Forbidden City, Ruyi's name was frequently mentioned by the emperor.She was favored not only because of her beauty and intelligence, but also because of her unique taste and the emperor's deep memory of her.The Suzhou and Hangzhou green plums presented by the emperor were a deep reminder of her preferences. Ruyi was deeply gratified by this. She asked her servants to take good care of it and asked them not to publicize it.

However, things were changing in the palace.Wang Qin couldn't help but feel fear in his heart when he saw Ruyi being favored.He had offended Concubine Xian in the past, and now he wanted to curry favor with the empress in order to protect himself.However, the queen thought he was cunning and untrustworthy and was unwilling to accept him.And Mei agreed, and another woman in the palace was also observing all this secretly.She alluded to the fact that the queen favored the imperial concubine and claimed to be from a lowly background but was favored by the emperor, so she was assassinated by others.The emperor just comforted her and asked her to take a good rest and continue serving after she recovered from her injuries.Mei agreed but chose to continue using Plumflower Pill. She believed that only by being pitifully injured could she gain the emperor's favor.

In order to stabilize her position, the queen chose to show her favor to the queen mother.She ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send clothes to the Queen Mother, hoping to please the emperor.However, the Queen Mother saw through her thoughts and knew that it was because the Queen had recently dissatisfied the Emperor, so she pretended to be filial to please the Emperor.Mei's agreement to use plumbagin was actually prompted by the Queen Mother.The Queen Mother wanted to take this opportunity to confuse the situation in the palace so that she could legitimately preside over affairs in the palace.

On the first day of the new year, Ruyi saw Aruo wearing the new clothes she had given him, but Xingxin was still wearing the old clothes.It turns out that A Ruo took all the four pieces of clothing he was given as his own. When Ruyi found out, he ordered A Ruo to return the clothes.At the banquet, the Queen Mother emphasized the noble status of the emperor's first son after he succeeded to the throne, which made all the concubines step up their efforts to have children.However, the queen practiced frugality, causing the concubines to lose face by wearing simple clothes.The emperor's eldest son Yonghuang got cold due to poor care by his servants, and the queen was very worried about this.

Lingxin brought snacks to Ruyi, and Ruyi asked her to give some to her third brother.On the way, Xingxin met his eldest brother, who complained that he didn't have any good things, but his third brother had everything.Lingxin gave the snacks to her eldest brother, but was seen by the maid next to the imperial concubine.The imperial concubine thought that the queen mother loved her eldest son, so she allowed Concubine Xian to get close to him.After returning to the palace, Yingxin told Ruyi all this, and Ruyi told her not to make any noise and to find out the truth first.

The imperial concubine was very anxious to be pregnant with Longzi, and the maid beside her reminded her that she could raise her eldest brother first and occupy the identity of the eldest son's adoptive mother.The imperial concubine thought it was reasonable and was determined to find a way to raise her eldest brother.Concubine Hui persuaded the emperor to stay, hoping that the emperor could stay in Xianfu Palace.Ah Ruo spoke rudely in front of Ruyi, and Ruyi reminded her to be careful with her words and ordered Yingxin to come and serve her.

Ruyi mentioned the emperor's biological mother to Lingxin and said that this was the emperor's heart problem.The emperor's biological mother, Li, was originally a palace maid and had never been famous or distinguished.Ruyi wanted to make up for the emperor's shortcomings, but Xingxin reminded her to think twice about this matter.The next morning, the imperial concubine mentioned the matter of raising her eldest brother to the emperor, and the emperor said that he would think about it again.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E10Plot

Ruyi asked the emperor to grant a title to his biological mother

Today is Ruyi's birthday, and the festive atmosphere in the palace permeates every corner.The emperor specially ordered Eunuch Li to send an exquisite golden fork with parallel stems as a gift to Ruyi. This gift not only represented the emperor's favor, but also showed Ruyi's special status in the palace.

When Eunuch Li left, he gave Xingxin a velvet flower, which symbolized good luck and good luck.It turns out that Li Yu, Ling Xin and Imperial Physician Jiang all come from the same place, and they have deep nostalgia and friendship with each other.Dr. Jiang was reprimanded by Dr. Zhao for deleting the prescription according to his own ideas, and warned him that if he did this again, he would not be able to gain a foothold in the Taiyuan Hospital.After hearing the news, Xing Xin personally sewed a sachet and gave it to Imperial Physician Jiang to express her concern and support for him.Dr. Jiang was deeply moved and said he would carry this sachet with him and always remember this friendship.

The emperor visited Yanxi Palace in person to celebrate Ruyi's birthday.During the dinner, the emperor mentioned the hairpin given to Ruyi and asked why he chose a rose among the many lotus shapes.Ruyi responded wittily that although the roses were beautiful and prickly, they always attracted people to pick them, just like the emperor's love for her.After hearing this, the emperor admired Ruyi's intelligence.

However, the atmosphere at the table was not relaxed.Ruyi took the opportunity to make a wish to the emperor - to grant the title of concubine to the deceased emperor, alluding to the emperor's biological mother Li Shi.This request immediately made the emperor serious.He believes that some people can only be hidden in their hearts and cannot be mentioned easily.But Ruyi insisted on her opinion. She quoted her aunt's experience and expressed her sympathy for those women who failed to get their due status.She hoped that the emperor could posthumously designate Li as a noble person to express his respect and memory for her.

The emperor was very angry at Ruyi's request. He loudly asked why Ruyi made such a request.Ruyi said frankly that she did not want to see other women like her aunt, lonely and helpless, without even a basic status.Her persistence and sincerity finally moved the emperor, making him realize that this was not only a posthumous title for the Li family, but also a kind of respect and nostalgia for the past.

Although the emperor initially had objections to the matter, after careful consideration, he decided to grant Ruyi's wish.He ordered the deceased emperor's concubines to be posthumously named and moved them to the imperial concubine mausoleum so that they could rest in peace.Ruyi was very happy when she saw that the emperor had something on his mind. She knew that her persistence and sincerity had finally been recognized and understood by the emperor.

The Queen Mother had already understood Ruyi's proposal to the emperor to pursue his biological mother. She said that there would always be people who would make things difficult for Ruyi and asked her to ignore it.In the palace, the imperial concubine accompanied the emperor to visit the eldest brother. The imperial concubine showed great care to the eldest brother.When the emperor asked the eldest brother to write, everyone was surprised to find that his arms were covered with scars.This discovery deeply saddened the emperor and strengthened his support and love for Ruyi.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E11Plot

Ruyi adopts eldest brother

Deep in the palace, a battle for the eldest brother's adoptive mother quietly began.The emperor discovered that his eldest brother was being treated harshly by his servants. He felt pity and decided to find a satisfactory adoptive mother for the prince.The queen, the concubine and Ruyi, the three outstanding figures in the court, all hope to adopt the prince to add glory and security to themselves.

The emperor knew that this matter was important and was unwilling to make his own decision, so he decided to let the eldest brother make the decision himself.This decision undoubtedly added some variables to the battle.In order to attract the eldest brother, the imperial concubine brought out exquisite pastries, but the eldest brother was unmoved. He claimed that he was not hungry, but he had already made up his mind.He chose Ruyi as his adoptive mother, a choice that surprised everyone present.The emperor saw the eldest brother's determination and immediately agreed to his request.

However, the imperial concubine's sense of loss did not dissipate.When she saw that Ruyi got her eldest brother, she was very unwilling and determined to get the prince back.Su Lian, who was beside the queen, reminded the queen that it was possible that Concubine Xian and the eldest brother had colluded a long time ago, which led to what happened today.Concubine Xian wants her mother to be more valuable than her son and covets the position of queen.When the queen heard this, she felt a little vigilant in her heart. She decided to send someone to observe secretly so that she could also get some information.

Ruyi took the eldest brother back to Yanxi Palace and vacated the East Side Hall for the eldest brother to live.Everyone congratulated her one after another, and Ruyi said that she would treat her elder brother like her own son.She knew very well that she and her eldest brother were both lonely people, and they relied on each other like each other to keep each other warm in winter.Eunuch Qin from the Ministry of Internal Affairs also sent many gifts to Yanxi Palace. Now that Ruyi has an elder brother, Eunuch Qin changed his previous attitude and became very respectful.However, Ah Ruo didn't appreciate it and made some sarcastic remarks to Eunuch Qin, so Eunuch Qin had to keep apologizing.

Eunuch Qin brought his eldest brother's wet nurse, Aunt Li, with him.However, when the eldest brother saw Nanny Li, he hurriedly hid behind Ruyi.Ruyi accused her of not taking good care of her eldest brother, and dragged Nanny Li out, beat her with a cane for thirty years, and drove her out of the palace.She told her servants that this was the fate of bullying their master.Eunuch Qin immediately knelt down to plead guilty, while Ah Ruo threw the inferior cloth sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in front of Eunuch Qin, and forced Eunuch Qin to eat the scraps of food sent before.

When the queen heard that Ruyi had punished Nanny Li and Eunuch Qin, she became even more wary of Ruyi.She suffered from the inability to find out the emperor's thoughts, and Jiaguiren reminded her that Wang Qin, the chief eunuch, had taken a fancy to the maids around the queen. If the queen seduced her with her beauty, Wang Qin would definitely be sincere to her.The queen thinks that Su Lian is very stable, considerate and capable, but Jia Guiren says that Su Lian is old now and not as young and beautiful as Lian Xin.All this was heard by Su Lian, and she was grateful to Jia Gui for speaking for her.

Ruyi took great care of her eldest brother and was very touched when she heard her eldest brother call her mother.She coaxed her eldest brother to sleep, and the emperor also quietly came to Yanxi Palace. He saw Ruyi painstakingly choosing clothing materials for his eldest brother, and praised her as a satisfactory mother-in-law.The emperor was grateful to Ruyi for thinking about him, and settled his worries, allowing his biological mother to be granted the title, and the two reconciled as before.

After that, the eldest brother Yonghuang studied hard, and Ruyi was also very concerned about him, and the two got along very harmoniously.However, the fighting in the palace never stopped.Wang Qin was ordered by the emperor to send mint and ginger powder to his second and third elder brothers to prevent heatstroke, but he met the queen in front of the palace gate.Wang Qin quietly told the queen that he was determined to do things for the queen, but he was unable to do anything for her. He said that he had taken a fancy to Lian Xin and asked for the queen's grace.The queen was unwilling at first, but she couldn't refuse in order to win over Wang Qin.The queen mentioned this matter to the emperor, and the emperor reminded the queen that she should first ask Lian Xin's feelings before talking about it.

The next day, when the queen sent her second elder brother to study, she told him to study hard and not to live up to her expectations.The news that the queen wanted to give Wang Qin the lotus heart had spread. When Ruyi heard about it, she realized that the queen wanted to win over Wang Qin and find out the holy intention.Ruyi told Hai Changzai that the emperor saw her hard work in taking care of her eldest brother and wanted to promote her as a noble.At this time, the eldest brother came back from studying and was a little unhappy. It turned out that the second elder brother was praised for his prince-like behavior on the first day he came to study. The eldest brother thought that as the eldest son, he could also become a prince.Ruyi warned him that in the palace, the son is more important than the mother. The second elder brother is the son of the queen, and the eldest elder brother's mother-in-law and herself are only concubines. Naturally, he is not as good as the legitimate son. She tells the eldest elder brother not to say this again in the future.words to avoid causing trouble.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E12Plot

A Ruo ridiculed Lian Xin

In the palace garden, Ruyi and his elder brother took a leisurely walk, enjoying the rare tranquility.However, a sudden burst of crying broke the tranquility.The source of the voice is a palace maid named Lian Xin, who is the queen's right-hand assistant.Lian Xin's eyes flashed with tears of homesickness, and she explained that she only felt so sad when she thought of her hometown occasionally.

However, Ah Ruo used harsh words to taunt Lian Xin, saying that she was about to marry the eunuch Wang Qin. Such a fate was really pitiable.Lian Xin's mood became even heavier. She turned and ran away, her eyes blurred by tears.

On the way to pay respects to the queen, Mei Changzai's sedan suddenly ran rampant, frightening the imperial concubine's face to pale.To make matters worse, the jade hairpin gifted by the emperor also broke into pieces in the chaos.In the Queen's Palace, the concubine angrily complained to the Queen about Mei Changzai's unreasonable behavior.However, Mei Changzai explained that she had something urgent to report to the queen, so she had no choice but to confront the imperial concubine.

Mei Changzai's words surprised everyone because she claimed that she was pregnant.The queen, the concubine and Ruyi all congratulated her, and there was a festive atmosphere in the palace.The queen even announced that she also had a happy event to tell everyone, that is, she was going to betroth Lian Xin to Wang Qin.Lian Xin painfully said that she only wanted to take care of the Queen, but the Queen didn't seem to care about her feelings.

The Queen Mother was very happy when she learned that Mei Chang was pregnant.She specially gave Yonghe Palace a statue of Guanyin to send her children, which symbolized her blessing to the royal children and grandchildren.

Accompanied by the emperor, Ruyi had dinner together.She mentioned that the queen betrothed Lian Xin to Wang Qin, thinking that this was an injustice to Lian Xin.The emperor said that this was to allow Lian Xin and Wang Qin to take care of each other, and the relationship between them would be closer.The emperor also advised Ruyi not to get involved in the queen's affairs, because the queen preferred the imperial concubine between Ruyi and the imperial concubine.Ruyi was dissatisfied after hearing this. She said that in her palace, she did not want the emperor to mention other concubines.She understood that the emperor had important responsibilities and had to take care of the previous government affairs as well as the concubines, queen mother, and heirs in the harem, so she was willing to give the emperor more space.After hearing this, the emperor praised Ruyi for her straightforwardness, which was an advantage that other concubines did not have.

Later, the emperor mentioned the problem of floods in the south of the Yangtze River.He said that this problem has always troubled him, but this year's Huaiyin County Magistrate has made great achievements in water control and is a rare talent.The emperor planned to promote him to prefect in recognition of his achievements.At this time, Ah Ruo suddenly knelt down and thanked the emperor for his gift. It turned out that the magistrate of Huaiyin was her amma.The emperor was very surprised and said that he would definitely find a good family for A Ruo.

After Ah Ruo returned to her room, she proudly showed off to Xing Xin that she was Ruyi's dowry girl, and Ama was appreciated by the emperor again.She also asked Ling Xin to fetch water for her to clean herself, but Ling Xin had no choice but to agree.The next day, Ah Ruo was busy dressing up, but asked Ling Xin to serve his master first.Ruyi found out that Aruo was not there and asked Lingxin to rush her.However, Ah Ruo arrived in a hurry just as the emperor was driving.After the emperor left, Ruyi accused Aruo of dressing up too delicately and unlike a palace maid, and the empress did not like luxury. If others saw her dressed like this, she would definitely be punished.After Ah Ruo returned to the room, she cried and changed out of her clothes. She thought it was because Ruyi was jealous of her beauty and the emperor's favor.

The queen became jealous when she saw the emperor personally sending her eldest brother to study.She believed that Ruyi was behind the scenes and wanted to win the emperor's favor.Mei Changzai was promoted to a noblewoman because she was pregnant. Taking advantage of her good fortune, she often called the emperor from other concubines to accompany her.However, this also made her a thorn in the side of other concubines.

The big day for Wang Qin and Lian Xin finally arrived. The queen chose the most spacious room in the eunuch's veranda and gave it to Lian Xin.Although Lian Xin was still crying, the Queen's will could not be violated and she could only obey her orders.Late at night, Ruyi heard a woman's wailing in Yanxi Palace, which seemed to come from the veranda.The next day, after the concubines paid their respects to the queen, Mei Guiren said that she seemed to hear two women shouting from the veranda, and asked Ruyi if she heard it.Ruyi said that she did not hear it.Everyone speculated that the person might be Lian Xin, secretly ridiculing her fate.

Ruyi's handkerchief fell into the Queen's Palace, and Lian Xin came to return it.A Ruo grabbed Lian Xin and mocked her with harsh words again.Lian Xin sarcastically mocked A Ruo for marrying her father-in-law, and hoped that she could grow old together and stay together forever and ever.Ruyi was very angry when she heard this. She warned A Ruo that if she was so unruly again, she would be punished.At this time, the imperial concubine rushed to the scene. She said that A Ruo had made rude remarks and she had to punish her.After a storm, the palace is still filled with the atmosphere of conspiracy and power, and the fate of Ruyi and Lianxin will continue to be affected.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E13Plot

There is a rift between Ruyi and Aruo

In ancient palaces, the intertwining of power and emotion always seemed extremely complex.Today, the conflict between the imperial concubine and Ruyi emerged again, involving the fate of a palace maid, A Ruo.

Ah Ruo was once Ruyi's dowry maid, but she made an inadvertent mistake and was punished by the imperial concubine.The imperial concubine ordered someone to slap Ah Ruo. Ruyi wanted to intervene, but the imperial concubine firmly refused.The imperial concubine insisted that Ah Ruo kneel in the rain and think about it for six hours, while Ruyi was also punished to copy the Sutra of the Mother of Buddha a hundred times.Ah Ruo cried to Ruyi for help, but Ruyi believed that the fault should be borne by herself.

When the sky was filled with clouds, Ruyi was worried about A Ruo's health and wanted to leave an umbrella for her.But the eunuch guarding A Ruo refused this request.The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Ah Ruo was exhausted and cried bitterly in the rain.Ruyi couldn't bear it, so she ordered the imperial doctor to diagnose and treat Aruo, and also prepared hot water and quilts.

Ah Ruo's soaked body was carried back to the palace, and Ruyi fed her ginger soup with his own hands, showing a deep friendship.In the Changchun Palace, the conversation between the Queen and Lian Xin also revealed another scene in the palace.Lian Xin did not want to return to Wang Qin and confided her grievances to the queen, but the queen did not pay much attention to her.

After the imperial doctor diagnosed A Ruo, she confirmed that she was fine and just needed to take a good rest.Ah Ruo confessed that she made the mistake to protect Ruyi, but Ruyi criticized her for not giving in in the palace.The imperial concubine was dissatisfied with the Buddhist scriptures copied by Ruyi. She thought the handwriting was illegible and she did not sincerely admit her mistake.Ruyi came up with a plan and wrote Liu Yuxi's "Lang Tao Sha" to deal with it.

The emperor met Ruyi by chance on the way to deliver Buddhist scriptures and deeply appreciated Ruyi's talent and thoughtfulness.Ruyi took the opportunity to mention watching the tide, and the emperor was moved by Ruyi's attentiveness.The emperor discovered that under the Buddhist scriptures there was also the Buddhist Mother Sutra written by Ruyi. Ruyi explained that it was for the sake of praying for the people.The emperor was moved by Ruyi's kindness and ordered people to enshrine the Buddha's Mother Sutra in the shrine.

Ruyi and Lingxin discussed Aruo's future and considered marrying her out of the palace.Ah Ruo expressed her unwillingness to leave Ruyi, and finally Ruyi agreed to let her leave the palace after she reached the age of twenty-five.However, no one knew the changes in A Ruo's heart.

On the other hand, the emperor was hesitant about the concubine's Ama Gaobin entering the military aircraft office, fearing that it would cause opposition from the courtiers.In order to consolidate her status, the imperial concubine asked the emperor to raise her eldest brother.The emperor promised to wait until Gao Bin made great achievements before making arrangements.

On the way back to the palace, the imperial concubine met the crying Xiao Luzi and learned that her hometown of Hebei was suffering from a drought.The imperial concubine promised to help find her family, but she didn't know that all of this was secretly observed by Zhenshu, the palace maid next to the noble concubine.

Mei Guiren is pregnant, but she is arrogant and rude, which makes the queen dissatisfied.The imperial concubine was worried that Mei Guiren would threaten her status by giving birth to a prince, so she conspired with Mo Xin to deal with Mei Guiren.Meigui people believed in the rumor that eating fish and shrimp was good for children and ate a lot of it, causing the Yanxi Palace to be full of fishy smell.

When Ruyi, Chunbi, and Haichang went to visit Mei Guiren, they passed by the garden and heard the sound of falling water.The person who was rescued turned out to be Lian Xin. She insisted that she had slipped and fell into the water, but Ruyi had doubts.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E14Plot

Mei Guiren gave birth to a freak

In the deep palace of the Forbidden City, the conversation between Ruyi and Lian Xin quietly unfolded.Ruyi, that virtuous and virtuous concubine, listened to Lian Xin's painful talk.Lian Xin was once Wang Qin's wife. Her experience is heartbreaking.Wang Qin's animal behavior made her tremble in the dark night and her body was covered with bruises.She couldn't bear the pain, so she chose to create the illusion of falling into the water in order to find some relief.

Ruyi looked at Lian Xin's scarred arm and felt a strong sympathy in her heart.She knew very well that Lian Xin's pain came not only from physical injuries, but also from mental torture.Ruyi gently held Lian Xin's hand and said softly: "I can help you escape from the sea of ​​suffering, but you still have to wait for the opportunity."%

At the same time, the emperor paid special attention to Mei Guiren's dragon fetus.The little prince who was about to be born was given three names by the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Yongxun, Yongqi and Yongjue.The names of the princesses are Xuan Ying and Jing Fu.Ruyi chose the name Yongqi in front of the emperor, and the emperor agreed.At this time, the eunuch came to report that Meigui's fetal energy suddenly fluctuated, and she was afraid that she was about to give birth.

The emperor and Ruyi hurried to Yonghe Palace, but heard Mei Guiren's shrill scream.The queen also arrived soon after, and the three of them went to the side hall to wait.Soon, a faint cry of a baby came, and the imperial doctor came to report that Mei Gui had given birth to a little brother.However, this little brother was born with a defect and died shortly after birth.

The emperor insisted on taking a look at the little brother. When he lifted the swaddling clothes, everyone was shocked.The emperor was unsteady on his feet and almost fell down.The queen immediately ordered Wang Qin to declare that Mei Gui gave birth to a stillborn child and bury it immediately without letting others know.

Later, the emperor asked the queen and Ruyi to visit Mei Guiren, and he was helped out of the side hall.Wang Qin walked out of Yonghe Palace with his little brother in his arms, and bumped into the imperial concubine who came to visit.Wang Qin told the concubine that Mei Guiren had given birth to a stillborn fetus. The concubine was frightened and hurried back to the palace.

When Mei Guiren woke up, she could not see her child and was heartbroken.Ruyi told her that the child had passed away. Meigui couldn't believe it and asked whether her child was a boy or a girl.The queen told her that he was a little brother, and also asked her not to be too sad. She had already ordered the master of Anhua Palace to chant sutras for salvation.

After the Queen Mother learned that Mei Guiren's child had passed away, she lamented that Mei Guiren was not blessed.She asked the emperor to come to the palace to persuade him not to be too sad and that there would be another child.However, Mei Guiren fell into deep grief. Not only did the emperor not come to visit her within half a month, but no one else came to visit either.Mei Guiren lamented that she was trapped in Yonghe Palace, and the palace maid Yayun reminded her that she might as well think of a solution on her own.

At this moment, the emperor and his concubines came to pay their respects to the queen mother and announced good news: Lady Yi was already two months pregnant.Everyone congratulated him one after another.However, Concubine Gao told Ruyi privately that Mei Guiren's child was not as simple as stillbirth but had a different body shape.Ruyi asked where she heard these nonsense and asked the concubine to stop spreading gossip.

Just when everyone was talking about it, the news came that Mei Guiren had hanged himself. Everyone rushed to Yonghe Palace one after another. Mei Guiren had been rescued.The imperial concubine mentioned that there are rumors circulating throughout the palace that Mei Guiren gave birth to a monster, and that if she were Mei Guiren, she would hang herself.The emperor reassured Mei Guiren that there was no such thing and ordered Wang Qin to investigate where the rumors came from.

After walking out of Yonghe Palace, Gao Guiren told the emperor that it would be unlucky for Mei Guiren to give birth to a stillborn child. Now Yi Guiren is also pregnant, so why not let Mei Guiren let her go see her child.However, Ruyi believed that the death of children in the palace was a common occurrence. Mei Guiren hanged herself just because she heard the rumors and rushed to fear that she should not be punished.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E15Plot

Wang Qin collides with the imperial concubine

In the deep palace, a contest about power, status and suspicion quietly unfolded.The Emperor, as the supreme ruler, every decision he makes affects the fate of countless people.In this incident, Mei Guiren's experience became the trigger of this contest.

The emperor's sudden change in Mei Guiren was not only to clear her mind, but the deeper reason may be his distrust of the rumors in the palace and his absolute control over power.He moved Mei Guiren to Anhua Hall, which was actually a kind of house arrest and observation for her.The queen's trust in Wang Qin reflects her prestige and status in the palace. She firmly believes that her cronies will not betray her.

However, the rumors in the palace are like an undercurrent, constantly surging.From the conversation between Aruo and Jiagui, we can feel the jealousy and comparison in the palace.Although Ah Ruo is beautiful, she does not have a master like Yi Guiren, which makes her dissatisfied.And Jia Guiren's instigation deepened A Ruo's resentment towards Ru Yi.

Under the emperor's inquiry, Doctor Qi admitted that he might have leaked the rumor, but he was willing to bear all punishment.This not only reflects his loyalty to the emperor, but also exposes his helplessness and vulnerability in the palace.The emperor reminded him not to walk around the palace in the near future, which was actually a kind of protection for him and a warning to him.

Mei Guiren prayed in front of the Buddha. Her heart was filled with fear and uneasiness.She claimed that someone was going to harm her, but in fact, she might just be using this method to arouse the emperor's sympathy and mercy.The Queen Mother's reminder to her made her realize that her fate was no longer in her hands and she needed to be more careful.

Ruyi's encounter in the palace is a microcosm of this contest.She was involved in the center of rumors and became a pawn in the fight between the emperor and the noble concubine.She insisted that she had not leaked a word, but Wang Qin insisted.The emperor's distrust and the imperial concubine's aggressiveness put her in a dilemma.Her choice to self-impose herself was actually a helpless choice, and it was also to protect herself and her status.

During the period of confinement, Ruyi did not give up her pursuit of the truth.She asked Li Yu to find Lian Xin, hoping to find clues.The appearance of Lian Xin brought a new turning point to this contest.Her testimony and Wang Qin's madness made the emperor begin to suspect that there might be a deeper conspiracy behind the entire incident.

In the end, Wang Qin's madness and Lian Xin's testimony made the emperor realize that there might be a larger conspiracy behind this contest.He decided to investigate the matter thoroughly and clear Ruyi's name.The ambition of the imperial concubine and the calmness of the queen were also fully demonstrated in this contest.Although Ruyi is temporarily out of trouble, she knows that the competition in the palace will never stop, and she needs to be more careful in order to gain a foothold in this war without gunpowder.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E16Plot

The second elder brother is suffering from asthma

Lian Xin, a palace maid who lived cautiously in the deep palace, had her fate changed drastically because of an off-duty eunuch named Wang Qin.Wang Qin, the man who acted recklessly in the palace, went crazy because he couldn't find the lotus heart due to the drug's effects. His pills were found, and the emperor's anger followed.

Lian Xin, the palace maid who was originally in the veranda, was involved in the disputes in the harem because of Wang Qin's affairs.She originally just wanted to live a peaceful life, but she didn't expect to be blackmailed by Wang Qin, nor did she expect that Wang Qin would be implicated in the Yanxi Palace because of her nonsense.When the emperor learned that the rumor that Mei Gui had given birth was Wang Qin's nonsense after drinking, and that Lian Xin did not dare to tell the truth because of threats, he was furious.He ordered all the eunuchs in the palace to gather in the punishment department and watch Wang Qin's execution as a warning to others.

And Lian Xin, who was originally just a little palace maid, became the focus of everyone's attention because of this dispute.The emperor's favor for Ruyi made the concubine jealous. She wanted to compete for the eldest brother, but she didn't expect that this would lead to Wang Qin's affair.And Lian Xin was also involved in this dispute.

The queen, the woman with the highest power in the harem, expressed concern about Lian Xin's affairs, but she did not completely believe Lian Xin's words.She thought that Lian Xin failed to win over Wang Qin and she lost a chess piece in vain.But Ruyi showed her intelligence in this dispute.She teamed up with Li Yu and Lian Xin to get the truth out of Wang Qin's mouth and confirmed the concubine's crime.This move not only taught the imperial concubine a lesson, punished Wang Qin, saved Lian Xin, but also cleared Ruyi's own grievances. It was very clever to kill four birds with one stone.

As for Lian Xin, after experiencing this dispute, she had a new understanding of the queen, the emperor, and Ruyi.She understood the cruelty of the harem and her own insignificance.But she also understood that only by keeping a clear mind can she survive in the harem.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E17Plot

Yiguiren lives in Ruyi palace

Deep in the palace, Ruyi, a demure and witty concubine, showed her determination and sympathy when faced with the sudden poisonous snake incident.In the Nuan Pavilion, a poisonous snake suddenly appeared, causing everyone to panic.Yi Guiren, a pregnant concubine, was frightened and suffered from abdominal pain.Ruyi immediately stepped forward to comfort him and ordered the eunuch to use realgar powder to drive away the venomous snakes and pinch the snakes away with pliers.Her actions were quick and decisive, buying precious time for Mr. Yi.

Later, the emperor led all the concubines to visit Yi Guiren. After hearing the imperial doctor say that Yi Guiren was fine, everyone felt relieved.For the safety of Yi Guiren, the emperor decided to let her move to Changchun Palace and be cared for by the queen herself.However, Jia Guiren proposed to let Ruyi take care of Yi Guiren, thinking that Ruyi had taken good care of his eldest brother and was the most suitable candidate.Although Ruyi said that she was not pregnant and might not know how to take care of a pregnant woman, she finally agreed after everyone's persuasion.

After Ruyi returned to the palace, she immediately ordered Ah Ruo to clean up the Dong Nuan Pavilion so that noble Yi could live there.However, Aruo agreed on the surface, but had other plans in his heart.At the same time, Hai Guiren was worried that other snakes, insects, rats, and ants would appear in the Yanxi Palace, so he prepared moxa leaves, mint leaves and other insect repellents for Ruyi, and planned to make some sachets to hang in the Yanxi Palace.

However, things did not calm down there.Jia Guiren apologized to the queen, saying that he had reasons for making the decision without permission and letting Ruyi take care of Yi Guiren.She believes that the second elder brother is more important than Yi Guiren, and Yi Guiren may affect the second elder brother's recovery after being frightened.However, the queen insisted that the emperor's heir was more important. If noble Yi gave birth to a prince, she must raise it herself.

The imperial concubine became suspicious of Shuangxi, thinking that the snake in Yiguiren's palace might have escaped from him.Shuangxi insisted that all the snakes he raised were non-venomous, and none of his snakes were missing.The imperial concubine was relieved and asked Shuangxi to throw the snake away to avoid being talked about.

Ruyi ordered someone to bring the oil paint used to dye Jingyang Palace for Hailan to inspect.Hailan smelled the smell of snakeberry juice mixed with it and concluded that someone must have done something to attract the poisonous snakes.Ruyi was about to tell the emperor about this, but the palace maid brought the pregnancy medicine Hailan was rewarded by the queen, but she poured the medicine away and said that she did not want to compete for the favor. With Ruyi, she would have someone to rely on.

Ruyi reported to the emperor that the oil painting had been tampered with. However, there were too many people involved in the matter and it was difficult to find out.The imperial concubine went to the Queen's Palace to visit her eldest brother and brought Cordyceps sinensis.After leaving, the noble concubine Jia told the concubine that now that the noble concubine Yi lives in the Yanxi Palace, if Ruyi uses any means, there will be another prince. Then the situation of the queen and everyone will be even more difficult.She reminded the concubine that if something happened to the prince of Yi Guiren, Ruyi would be the unlucky one, and if A Ruo's Ama worked under the concubine Ama, he could use it for his own use.

Ruyi took great care of Yi Guiren and even asked the imperial doctor to carefully examine the residue of the anti-fetal medicine that Yi Guiren took.However, the queen knelt at the door of Katsy and prayed, hoping that she would lose twenty years of her life in exchange for the safety of her second elder brother.All this was seen by the emperor. The emperor heard that the second elder brother was suffering from asthma and accompanied the queen to see Yonglian and told the eunuch to inform Ruyi not to go to her tonight.Ruyi understood that the emperor loved his son very much. At this time, Yi Guiren suddenly complained that he had a headache. Ruyi called the imperial doctor.The imperial doctor said that Yi Guiren was just pregnant and had severe internal heat for the first time.Ruyi called Yiguiren probably because he lit a charcoal pot in the room day and night to dry it out, which caused the fire to start. It would be better to put out a few.However, Yi Guiren said that she had always felt cold since she was pregnant and ordered two more.

Just when people in the palace were panicking, news suddenly came from the Yanxi Palace that Yi Guiren had seen Da Hong Ruyi and rushed there.However, when Ruyi arrived, Yi Guiren had already passed out. Ruyi opened Yi Guiren's quilt and his face changed drastically.The news of the accident in Yanxi Palace soon reached the ears of Jiagui. She got up and wanted to take a look, but after taking a few steps, she collapsed to the ground.The mother-in-law who delivered the baby reported that Ruyi Guiren's dragon fetus had stopped moving in the womb. The imperial doctor said that now the only way to expel the stillborn fetus in Yi Guiren's belly was with medicine, otherwise Yi Guirui would also be in danger. As for why the dragon fetus was damaged, she could only wait to expel it.Diagnosis will be made after the baby is born.

After hearing the news, the emperor came to Yanxi Palace and saw that he had lost another child. He was very sad and thought that God was punishing him for allowing him to have the status of the ninth emperor but losing the family happiness of father and son.Ruyi stood aside silently, but her heart was filled with endless sadness and helplessness...

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E18Plot

Aruo betrayed Ruyi

Deep in the palace, a struggle for power, status and children is unfolding.The sudden death of Yi Guiren's child plunged the entire palace into grief and suspicion.As a result, the queen lost one hope and was very sad.The imperial doctor's diagnosis showed that the dragon fetus had taken shape, but the umbilical cord and the dragon fetus were all blue-black, which was obviously a sign of poisoning.This incident immediately attracted the attention of the palace.

At the same time, Jia Guiren learned that she was pregnant, which undoubtedly injected new impetus into this struggle.The Queen Mother heard that the noble lady Yi had lost her son and ordered the Queen to investigate the matter in detail.Because Yi Guiren lived in Yanxi Palace, the emperor decided to start the investigation from Yanxi Palace.After Yi Guiren lost her child, she was in a daze and cried bitterly while holding the clothes she had made for her child. Her grief and despair infected the entire palace.

The queen summoned Ruyi to Changchun Palace, where everyone gathered to discuss the ins and outs of Yi Guiren's affairs.The queen revealed that Yi Guiren was poisoned by mercury. The carbon ash burned in Yi Guiren's room contained cinnabar, and cinnabar contained mercury.This discovery shocked everyone and gave the queen an opportunity to overthrow Concubine Xian.

As the investigation deepened, the eunuch reported to the emperor that both Mingyi Guiren and Mei Guiren liked to eat fish and shrimp when they were pregnant, but the fish and shrimp provided to Yi Guiren were dead and thrown out.The eunuch found the remaining small bag of fish and shrimp, and the queen ordered him to take it to the imperial physician for examination. After examining it, the imperial physician said that it also contained cinnabar.This discovery further confirmed the queen's suspicion of Concubine Xian.

The queen decided to search all the concubines' palaces to find more evidence.At this time, Su Lian found a box of cinnabar from under the drawer of Ruyi's dressing table.Su Lian also brought Xiao Luzi, Xiao Fuzi and Xiao Anzi, and they all pointed out that Ruyi ordered them to put cinnabar on the fish and shrimp.Xiao Fuzi also revealed that Concubine Xian threatened his brother's life and asked him to put cinnabar in the red charcoal.Xiao Anzi also pointed out that Concubine Xian had asked for a lot of cinnabar from her after Mei Guiren's wedding.

Faced with the accusations from everyone, Ruyi fell into a desperate situation.However, the emperor did not believe these testimonies easily. He believed that the testimonies of only three people could not be counted.The queen suggested that A Ruo be brought for questioning. A Ruo is Ruyi's personal maid, and her testimony may play a key role.

Ah Ruo knelt in front of the emperor, the queen mother and the empress, accusing Ruyi of being resentful since she was banned, encouraging her eldest brother to fight for favors and heirs, and forcing herself to do things she didn't want to do.She claimed that she really couldn't stand what Ruyi was doing, so she exposed Ruyi in front of everyone.Ah Ruo said that Ruyi valued the emperor's first prince after he ascended the throne, so he ordered Xiaoluzi and Xiaofuzi to remove Guizi.She also accused Ruyi of wanting to seize the legitimate son after raising her elder brother. After hearing the news that her second elder brother had asthma, she cursed day and night.

Aruo's testimony put Ruyi into even more trouble.When Yi Guiren heard that Ruyi had harmed her own child, she accused her of being a scorpion-hearted person and then passed out from grief.Mei Guiren also rushed forward and slapped Ruyi. Yi Guiren, the concubine and others all asked the emperor to severely punish Concubine Xian.Haiguiren and Chunbi plead for Ruyi, saying that Ruyi is not such a person.The emperor was very embarrassed for a while.

Ruyi didn't know what to do and could only say that she had never done it.The emperor said that he believed that Concubine Xian's matter needed to be investigated in detail.The Queen Mother insisted on dealing with Concubine Xian and ordered her to be demoted to a noble house and imprisoned in Yanxi Palace, but the Emperor had no choice but to agree.Yi Guiren moved out of Yanxi Palace. Ruyi felt wronged and sat in front of the window in a daze.

A Ruo's impeccable words were spoken in the Changchun Palace. Hai Guiren said that now he doesn't even know who A Ruo is colluding with.Ruyi analyzed that the imperial concubine might have harmed Mei Guiren, but the imperial concubine and Yi Guiren had nothing to do with each other.Hai Gui people said that it might be because the imperial concubine wanted to use the death of the two princes to frame Ruyi.Now that Ruyi has completely fallen out of favor, Hai Guiren still decides to stay with Ruyi and stay with her.

The emperor ordered someone to find Aunt Yuhu to investigate the matter in detail.Aunt Yuhu is the old man in the palace and knows everything about the affairs of the palace.The emperor hoped that she could find out the truth and restore the truth of the matter.

Ah Ruo was tortured in the Shenxing Division but still insisted that it was Ruyi who killed the emperor's heir.At this time, Aunt Yuhu came to check on Aruo.The imperial concubine asked the queen to raise her eldest brother. The queen said that she would plan for her, but it still depended on the emperor's wishes.The queen said that it was also very important for Ah Ruo to contribute a lot to move Concubine Xian to Concubine Xian.It turns out that on the day A Ruo was forced to kneel in the rain by the imperial concubine, the nobleman brought A Ruo to the Queen's Palace to intercede for her.After that, Ah Ruo resented Concubine Xian for being grateful to the queen.

Aunt Yuhu came back and reported to the emperor that someone wanted A Ruo to die in the Shenxing Division. The emperor decided to save A Ruo first.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E19Plot

Ruyi is in danger

Deep in the palace, the queen was confused by A Ruo's treatment, so she asked the emperor to make a decision.The emperor made an unexpected decision and asked A Ruo to stay with him.This decision not only surprised the queen, but also Aruo herself.

At the same time, Mei Guiren broke into Yanxi Palace while Hai Guiren was away. She was resentful because her child was killed by Ruyi.She picked up the whip and whipped Ruyi herself to vent her anger.After hearing the news, Xing Xin came and promptly stopped Mei Guiren's violent behavior.Although Ruyi felt aggrieved, in the face of Mei Guiren's scolding, she could only insist that she had not done that thing.After Mei Guiren vented her anger, she left angrily.Soon, Hai Guiren took his eldest brother back to Yanxi Palace. The eldest brother saw that Ruyi was injured all over his body and wanted to report it to the emperor, but was stopped by Ruyi.She knew that with her current situation, even if she called the imperial doctor, no one would be willing to come for treatment.

In another corner of the palace, Jia Guiren went to visit Yi Guiren.Yi Guiren originally had doubts about the cause of her child's death, but under Jia Guiren's instigation, she began to believe that Ruyi was the enemy who killed her child.Therefore, Yi Guiren took Safflower Achyranthes Decoction all day long, hoping to remove the remaining poison from her body, but failed, which also meant that it would be difficult for her to get pregnant again in the future.Jia Guiren showed off her pregnancy in front of Yi Guiren, which made Yi Guiren miss her child even more and hate Ruyi even more intensely.

Jia Guiren then went to Yangxin Hall and told the emperor the news of her pregnancy, which made the emperor feel relieved.After the imperial concubine learned that Jia Guiren was pregnant, she felt anxious. She was worried that her status would be threatened, so she wanted to get rid of Jia Guiren's child.However, after Mo Xin's persuasion, she gave up the idea.Mo Xin reminded her that Jia Gui's birth would not increase the power of the Queen and Concubine Xian, but might instead be an opportunity.The imperial concubine lamented that she had become ruthless and began to plan to kill the prince.

On the other hand, the Queen Mother criticized Mei Guiren's behavior and believed that it was inappropriate for her to take action before the emperor had dealt with Ruyi.She ordered Mei Guiren to go back and reflect.After losing her son, Mei Guiren developed a red syndrome, which made it difficult for her to serve the emperor in the future.Seeing that Gui Mei was in poor health and short-sighted, the Queen Mother decided to look for an official woman of the right age among the old ministers who were close to her as a candidate.

After Ruyi fell out of favor, the queen even removed the guards of Yanxi Palace, making Yanxi Palace very unstable.Late one night, Yi Guiren walked into Ruyi's room and planned to hurt her with a hairpin.Fortunately, Hai Guiren arrived in time and stopped Yi Guiren's behavior.Later, Hai Guiren reported to the emperor that Mei Guiren and Yi Guiren had hurt Ruyi.Although the emperor sent people to guard Yanxi Palace, he did not deal with Yi Guiren and Mei Guiren.

The emperor told Ah Ruo that he liked to listen to her and asked her if she thought she was a betrayer of the Lord.The emperor said that as long as Ah Ruo never forgets her true heart, no one will think of her like this.At this time, news came from Li Yu that Yi Guiren had passed away due to postpartum disorders. The emperor felt sorry for this and ordered that Yi Guiren be made a concubine.Ah Ruo comforted the emperor and said that fortunately Jiagui was pregnant, and the emperor had hope for a successor.The emperor expressed his intention to make Aruo the permanent resident of Shen and live in the palace of concubines.The queen ordered people to take good care of Yi Guiren's family.

The imperial concubine's dissatisfaction with A Ruo is getting worse day by day, but the queen comforts her by saying that A Ruo's Ama works under the imperial concubine's A Ma, so the imperial concubine can hold A Ruo hostage.In addition, the imperial concubine can also arrange servants to serve around A Ruo.When Ah Ruo came to Jia's palace, Jia's concubine reminded her that if Ruyi regained her favor, she would be killed.Ah Ruo obeyed the order of the palace maid beside the Queen Mother to send a plate of pastries to Ruyi, but the plate of pastries was intercepted by Fujia who was beside the Queen Mother.The Queen Mother expressed dissatisfaction with this blatant behavior and proposed that Ruyi be demoted to a commoner and imprisoned in the cold palace.The emperor thought the move was too hasty, but the queen mother said that if Ruyi was wronged, the matter would be widely implicated.In the end, the emperor decided to adopt the Queen Mother's suggestion and confine Ruyi to the cold palace to protect her.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E20Plot

Ruyi was thrown into the cold palace

In the vortex of power in the palace, although the emperor deeply missed his old relationship with Ruyi, he had to make a decision in the face of the overall situation.He ordered Yuhu to stop pursuing the matter and take care of Jiabi personally while ensuring Ruyi's safety.However, this decision was a huge turning point in fate for Ruyi.

The emperor moved the eldest brother to Zhongcui Palace, and the eldest brother had a deep relationship with Ruyi. He personally went to the emperor to plead for mercy and even scolded Aruo.But the emperor ignored it and just asked the eldest brother to go to the palace of pure concubines.Later, Li Yu came to announce the decree, and Ruyi was deposed as a commoner and imprisoned in the cold palace for life.This cold decision caused Ruyi's world to collapse instantly.

Lingxin and Sanbao were determined to follow Ruyi into the cold palace. Ruyi chose to let Lingxin follow him and entrusted Sanbao to Hai Changzai.She asked Li Yu to let her see the emperor again, knelt in front of the emperor, and asked the emperor if he believed in justice.However, the emperor's response made her heartbroken.He mentioned the relationship between the two - the wall-mounted moment - but the reality was that he helplessly watched his beloved woman walk into the cold palace.

Ruyi returned to the palace, and the hairpin in front of her reminded her of the happy times.She put on the clothes of a commoner and bid farewell to Hailan and Chunbi.On the way to the cold palace, she learned that today was the canonization ceremony for Jiabi, Meibi and Shen Changzai.But she herself was taken to an empty courtyard, which was the place where concubines who had fallen out of favor and made mistakes in the past generations were punished.

Life in the cold palace was very cold, and Ruyi felt unprecedented loneliness and despair here.Li Yu kowtowed to say goodbye before leaving and returned the velvet flowers with concern, which made her feel the warmth and warmth of human kindness.The figures and crazy women in front of the window late at night frightened her even more.However, she still faced it all with strength and comforted those women with the same tragic fate with snacks.

At the same time, the emperor's love for A Ruo also caused turmoil in the harem.Concubine Jia was very dissatisfied with this, and she made up her mind to completely conquer Ah Ruo after giving birth to the prince.She was worried about whether her prince would be valued by the emperor, because this child was not only her hope, but also the prince's hope.

Although Ruyi lost her former glory and wealth in the cold palace, she still maintained her inner tenacity and kindness.She adapted to this new environment in her own way, and at the same time tried her best to help those women with the same tragic fate.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E21Plot

Ling Yunche helps Ruyi

In the bustling palace, Shen Changzai suddenly attacked Hai Guiren, and the tranquility of the palace was broken with a slap.Although Hailan was not deeply favored by the emperor, she was an old friend who had been with the emperor since his incubation. Faced with such an insult, she felt extremely aggrieved.This incident quickly spread in the court, and the imperial concubine complained to the emperor about Shen Changzai's arrogance, but the emperor did not punish Shen Changzai, but expressed his heartache for her.The emperor's favoritism made the concubine very unhappy and she left angrily.

The Queen's intervention temporarily put an end to the dispute.She warned Ah Ruo to understand dignity and inferiority, and at the same time reconciled the conflict between the imperial concubine and Ah Ruo.However, the disputes in the palace did not stop, but turned to another corner - the cold palace.

In the cold palace, Ruyi's life was extremely difficult, and she had to complete all the trivial matters on her own.Hailan visited Ruyi late at night and brought her clothes. This deep friendship is particularly precious in the cold palace.However, Hailan's behavior was discovered by the guard Ling Yunche. He did not make any announcement, but promised to help Hailan deliver things to Ruyi.

The deep friendship between Hailan and Ruyi was not exposed because of this. They used the kite as a token to show that each other was well.Ling Yunche also provided Ruyi with the opportunity to do embroidery work in the cold palace in exchange for money, which gave Ruyi a glimmer of hope in her life.However, Ling Yunche's life in the cold palace was not easy. He complained that he could only do dirty work, but then the palace maid Wei Yanwan ran to him.

In order to support the family, Wei Yanwan sent monthly money to E Niang and her younger brother.She longs to serve in the favored concubine's palace to improve her life and find a good job for Ling Yunche.However, the money in her hand was not enough. Ling Yunche said that he had also saved some money and was willing to help Wei Yanwan.

The imperial concubine and the concubines saw the eunuch delivering meals to the Leng Palace near the Leng Palace. They checked the meals given to Ruyi and lamented that Ruyi's life was pretty good.Wei Yanwan is also working hard to raise money, hoping to serve her eldest brother.Ling Yunche asked Ruyi about the situation of Chunbi and the eldest brother, and was relieved to learn that they were generous to their servants and that the eldest brother was also very sensible.

In the imperial garden, the emperor saw Hailan flying a kite. He asked Hailan to pick up some Lingxiao flowers and send them to the cold palace, hoping that Ruyi could distract her thoughts through these flowers and plants.Ling Yunche also gave Wei Yanwan the money he had saved so that she could serve her eldest brother.

However, the disputes in the palace did not stop.The second elder brother's illness worsened, making the atmosphere in the palace even more tense.Hai Guiren was flying a kite in the palace and was hit by the queen and others. The concubine accused her of not knowing the importance of the matter, and Shen Changzai humiliated her.The queen punished Ha Changzai by kneeling in the rain for two hours, causing her physical and mental torture.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E22Plot

Hailan took the opportunity to get rid of the second elder brother

Deep in the cold palace, Hailan burst into tears, her heart full of grievances and helplessness.Since her sister passed away, she has no one to rely on in this deep palace, and every disturbance makes her feel frightened and uneasy.Ruyi's instructions echoed in her ears: Hailan, you must learn to protect yourself.%However, how can Hailan, who has lost her family, protect herself in this dangerous place?

On the way back to the palace, Hailan overheard the imperial concubine's secret.The children of Mei Guiren and Yi Guiren were actually harmed by the imperial concubine secretly!And Ruyi's death was also caused by this noble concubine.Hailan was shocked and couldn't believe it. She hid quickly, not daring to let anyone discover her.

In the rain, Hailan walked weakly, her mood sinking to the bottom.At this moment, she finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground.Fortunately, a palace maid discovered her and sent her back to the palace.

After waking up, Hailan lay in bed, recalling Ruyi's words, and the flame of revenge ignited in her heart.She decided that for her sister and herself, she would find out the truth and clear their grievances.

However, deep in the palace, there are dangers everywhere.Doctor Jiang wanted to come to visit, but Eunuch Ma drove him away for various reasons.It turned out that Eunuch Ma had been bribed by the imperial concubine, and he had tampered with Ruyi and Hailan's meals. On the surface, they looked harmless, but in fact, they hid murderous intent.

At the same time, Hailan learned from the pure concubine that the queen forced the second elder brother to study hard, which made his condition become more serious.Hai Lan secretly thought that this might be a breakthrough.

In Xiufang, Hailan showed her intelligence.She guided the ladies to sew a longevity quilt for the Queen Mother. The phoenix feathers on it had a unique color scheme, which greatly satisfied the Queen Mother.When the emperor saw this scene, he admired Hailan's wisdom and intentions and decided to call her to sleep with him.

However, in the emperor's words, Hailan noticed his taboo against Ruyi.She understood that in order to avenge her sister, she must find conclusive evidence.

At this moment, shocking news came from the palace: the second elder brother passed away.The queen was deeply regretful, and the emperor was also heartbroken.The queen believed that it was because she had halved the number of people serving in the Xie Fang Hall that the reed flowers floated into the second elder brother's room and blocked his breathing.However, Hailan knew full well that all this was her plan.

When burning paper for the second elder brother in the palace, Hailan claimed that the queen was cruel, but in fact, she was the real murderer.The death of her second elder brother was exactly the trap she set for revenge.

However, at this moment, someone came.Hailan hurriedly put out the fire and left the scene.It turned out that the imperial concubine and Princess Hejing went to the garden to play, and Princess Hejing picked up the ghost paper and gave it to the imperial concubine.The imperial concubine suspected that this was Ruyi's curse on Yonglian, and she decided to take the opportunity to get rid of Ruyi.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E23Plot

Yan Wan abandons Ling Yunche

In the deep palace, the arrival of a newborn always brings a hint of joy and expectation.When Concubine Jia successfully gave birth to her fourth brother, the emperor was overjoyed.He named the newborn Yongxuan, which means that he hopes that he will shine forever like the sun, moon and stars.The emperor's love made Chunbi begin to worry. She was worried that the emperor would neglect the eldest brother and the third brother because of the fourth brother.

Hyland, however, sees things differently.She suggested that Chunbin take the two princes to visit the fourth elder brother. This would not only enhance the friendship between father and son, but also allow the emperor to see Chunbin's hard work and dedication.Although Chunbi agreed, she only took the third elder brother with her because the eldest elder brother studied hard and needed to rest.When the emperor saw Chunconi's hard work, he felt grateful and promoted her to the title of concubine. This was undoubtedly the best recognition of Chunconi's hard work.

However, all this did not satisfy Chunbi.She knew that although her status had been improved, her eldest brother's heart was never with her.The eldest brother knows that he is not Chunfei's biological child. Chunfei has her own biological child, so he cannot rely on Chunfei wholeheartedly.Hailan once suggested that Chunbi adopt her eldest brother. Now Chunbi is very grateful. She knows that Hailan's suggestion gives her more weight in front of the emperor.

The emperor's love for the children did not diminish.When he visited the eldest elder brother and the third elder brother in Zhongcui Palace, he spoke highly of the eldest elder brother's teaching of the third elder brother to read and offered to teach the third elder brother to read.This move made Chunbi feel very happy, and she rewarded Wei Yanwan, thinking that she taught well.

However, Hailan noticed the interaction between the emperor and Wei Yanwan.The emperor told Wei Yanwan that she could strive for a better life through her own efforts, and these words were full of tenderness.Hailan was keenly aware that the emperor had special feelings for Wei Yanwan.Although the pure concubine was dissatisfied, she could not stop the emperor's idea.

Wei Yanwan's life did not become easier because of the emperor's favor.She gave all the money in the palace to E Niang, but E Niang still felt that the money was not enough.Wei Yanwan knew that E Niang disliked Ling Yunche's identity, so she confided her depression to Ling Yunche.Ling Yunche said that he would work hard to let Wei Yanwan live a good life, but Wei Yanwan was worried that E Niang and her brother would suffer along with him.She decided to leave the palace when she reached twenty-five years old, and no longer wanted to be a palace maid serving her eldest brother.She asked Ling Yunche not to meet again in the future. Looking at Wei Yanwan's retreating back, Ling Yunche's heart felt like a knife.

Hailan told Chunbin that the emperor had feelings for Wei Yanwan. Although Chunbin was dissatisfied, she knew that she could not change the emperor's mind.She was worried that if Wei Yanwan became the emperor's servant, everyone would think that she was recommended by a pure concubine to win over the emperor.In this way, the third elder brother will become the target of everyone's attack.Hailan gave Chunbi an idea to try to resolve this potential crisis.

At this time, the eldest brother called Wei Yanwan loudly, and Chunbi and Hailan found her outside the room.Chunbi thought that Wei Yanwan's thoughts were no longer with her eldest brother, so she ordered someone to call Wei Yanwan.She demoted Wei Yanwan to the flower room to serve flowers and plants on the grounds of Wei Yanwan's birth date and the conflict between her eldest brother and the emperor.The emperor's love for Hailan did not weaken, and he sent her rouge.However, when Hailan looked at herself carefully dressed, she felt that she had become a stranger.

Ruyi was very surprised when she received the handkerchief from Ling Yunche in the cold palace.Ling Yunche smelled of alcohol and spoke very impatiently.He claimed that he was from a lowly background and had no future, and even the woman he loved had left him.Ruyi tried to comfort him, telling him that if a woman abandons him for a future, then such a person is not worth his sadness.Jiang Yubin ventured to the cold palace to diagnose Ruyi's master and servant. He found that Ruyi's body was not serious and could be cured with careful treatment.However, when he was taking Xing Xin's pulse, Ruyi saw that the two of them were flirting with each other.

The emperor's purse fell in the bedroom, and he ordered Aruo to get it.A Ruo quietly looked through the box beside the emperor's bed and found the handkerchief Ruyi had embroidered for the emperor.The queen gradually got over the pain of losing her son, and the imperial concubine came to the queen's palace to show the queen the ghost paper that the princess had picked up.The imperial concubine said that the paper must have been blown out of the cold palace, and Ruyi must be cursing Yonglian.After hearing this, the queen was determined to avenge Yonglian.Ling Yunche could never forget Wei Yanwan and drank all day long to drown his sorrows.Wei Yanwan's life in the greenhouse was also very miserable. She did manual labor all day long and was bullied.The fate of the two seems to have been entangled in the palace's intrigues and struggles, and they are unable to break free.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E24Plot

Narbu died

In the middle of the night, a cry for help suddenly came from the cold palace, breaking the tranquility of the palace.Ling Yunche, the loyal guard in the palace, rushed to the scene immediately after hearing the news.When he arrived, he saw several venomous snakes in Ruyi's room, and her personal maid Xingxin was fighting the venomous snakes with a wooden stick.Ling Yunche made a prompt decision and used wine to drive away the poisonous snakes and rescued the two of them.

But the situation did not calm down. Ruyi had been bitten by snakes, and Ling Yunche discovered that these snakes were highly venomous.In order to save Ruyi, he sucked out the poisonous blood without hesitation and ordered her to take antidote pills.His heroic behavior made Ruyi extremely grateful.

After careful inspection, Ling Yunche found that the tiles in Ruyi's room had been uncovered, and it was obvious that someone had intentionally put a poisonous snake in.When the news spread, the imperial concubine was furious and blamed Shuangxi and Aruo for neglecting their duties.When Imperial Physician Jiang was treating Ruyi, he found that the medicine she took had no effect. Instead, the food contained ingredients of great dampness and severe cold, which would aggravate her rheumatism. Apparently someone had deliberately poisoned her.

Ruyi decided to wait and see what happens and wait for the opportunity.However, after the imperial concubine learned that Ling Yunche had rescued Ruyi, she sent someone to teach him a lesson and tried to frame others.Aunt Yuhu, sent by the emperor, had already ordered Ling Yunche and Zhao Jiuxiao to protect Ruyi, which put them in a dilemma.

At this time, Ruyi gave Ling Yunche insoles to express her gratitude, but unexpectedly found scars on his body.When she asked, Ling Yunche revealed the identity of the other party, and Ruyi immediately saw through their plan.After the emperor learned of the incident, he ordered Yuhu to investigate in detail.

On the other hand, the Queen Mother selected Lu Muping to serve the Emperor, but the Emperor was not interested in her.At this time, Ruyi's Ama personally led people to build the river embankment, but unfortunately fell into the water and died.Hailan proposed that Ruyi go out of the cold palace to attend the funeral for Amma, but the emperor refused and only rewarded Ruyi's family generously.The queen felt even more resentful when she saw the emperor's attention to Ruyi.

Ruyi was devastated when she learned the news of Ama's passing. She firmly believed that her father's misfortune was caused by her being in the cold palace.Ling Yunche was entrusted by Ruyi to check the situation, but what he brought back was still heartbreaking news.

In her dream, Ruyi met her aunt, and her words made Ruyi realize that she must find a way to leave the cold palace.However, it was not Hailan who gave her the news, but the Queen.The queen tried to use paper money and ghost coins to stimulate Ruyi, making her even more desperate.During the Ghost Festival, Ruyi received these strange paper money, and she realized that there must be something fishy behind it.

The situation in the palace was changing, and Ruyi's life in the cold palace became increasingly difficult.However, she did not give up. She knew that she had to be strong. For Amma and herself, she had to find a way out of this cold palace.And Ling Yunche, this loyal guard, has been protecting her secretly. Their fates are closely linked, and they face various challenges in the palace together.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E25Plot

Ruyi sees the queen clearly

In the deep palace of the palace, Ruyi silently commemorated her Amma in the cold palace.The rituals in the palace were being carried out solemnly, but Ruyi's behavior attracted the attention of the Queen Mother.The Queen Mother learned that Ruyi was holding a ceremony in the cold palace and rushed to the scene immediately. However, she accused Ruyi of violating her rituals and even claimed that she was cursing herself.

However, when the Queen Mother carefully looked at the paper money Ruyi burned, she found that it was not ordinary paper money, but a six-character mantra copied by Ruyi himself.This mantra was practiced daily by the Queen Mother. Ruyi copied it, which was actually a blessing for the Queen Mother.This discovery shocked the Queen Mother, who misunderstood Ruyi's intentions and felt deeply guilty about it.

At this time, Cheng Han, who had been following the Queen Mother, was scolded by the Queen Mother.The Queen Mother believed that Cheng Han had already taken refuge with other masters and was now taking advantage of her.Therefore, the Queen Mother severely punished Cheng Han.

Just as the Queen Mother was about to leave, Concubine Ji suddenly rushed towards the Queen Mother with a knife.When Ruyi saw this, he immediately rushed to the Queen Mother and blocked Concubine Ji with his own body.The guards immediately stepped forward and held Concubine Ji down, and the Queen Mother ordered her to be disposed of.

After the Queen Mother left, Ruyi burned paper money alone in the cold palace and sent her thoughts and blessings to Amma.However, it's not over yet.The emperor learned that someone had framed Ruyi, and he suspected that the queen was responsible.

Hailan was pregnant at this time, but she chose to keep it secret.She told Jingshifang that she was not feeling well and was not suitable for sleeping in order to avoid possible danger.Although she was very unwell, she remained cautious in the hope of protecting herself and her children.

The emperor left the Old Summer Palace and returned to the palace.Hailan is determined to use her own child to rescue Ruyi.On the day when Ruyi and the imperial concubine entered the dormitory, the imperial concubine saw a painting in which it was the emperor and Ruyi.The imperial concubine was jealous because of this and asked the emperor to stop thinking about Ruyi.In order to appease the imperial concubine, the emperor ordered the painting to be burned.

However, Li Yu did not actually burn the painting. Instead, he gave the painting to Painter Lang and asked him to keep it for him.This painting became the secret between the emperor and Ruyi and the testimony of their relationship.

When Hailan was three months pregnant, she told the emperor the good news.The emperor cherished it very much and sent Qi Imperial Physician to take care of it.Ruyi was also very happy when she learned the news.However, when the imperial physician was examining Ruyi's illness, Ruyi's bracelet accidentally dropped and several pills fell from it.This bracelet was given by the queen when Ruyi entered the palace.

The imperial doctor called this pill Si Ling Xiang. If a woman takes it for a long time, it will be difficult for her to become pregnant.Ruyi now saw the queen's true face clearly, and she understood that the queen had been secretly preventing her from getting pregnant.At the same time, the imperial doctor also said that there was something fishy about the imperial concubine's illness. Every time he prescribed medicine, he would grab two more medicines. There must be someone else secretly framing her.

Doctor Jiang promised that he would take care of Ruyi's body for the future.Although Ruyi saw clearly the dangers of the palace, she still held out hope and looked forward to one day leaving the cold palace and seeing the emperor again.Hailan, on the other hand, used her child as a bargaining chip and was determined to rescue Ruyi.In this court battle, the friendship between Ruyi and Hailan became their most solid support.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E26Plot

Shu Guiren enters the palace

Inside the palace, a grand banquet was being held.The Queen Mother was all smiles, because her adopted daughter, Princess Hengti, also came from Prince Chu's residence to attend.The atmosphere in the palace became particularly joyful.To add to the fun, the Queen Mother specially trained a palace maid, Yi Huan, to sing and dance for the emperor.Yi Huan danced gracefully and sang beautifully. The emperor was very satisfied and asked her her last name.

Yi Huan answered respectfully that his surname was Yehenala.This answer immediately caused an uproar in the palace.It turns out that the Yehenala tribe was once a strong enemy of Nurhachi, the great ancestor of the Qing Dynasty, and was later destroyed by the great ancestor.Before his death, the leader of Yehenala had sworn that even if there was only one woman left in the Yehenala family, he would destroy Aixinjueluo.This ancient oath was widely circulated in the palace, and the concubines were shocked by Yi Huan's identity.

However, the Queen Mother said that this was just a rumor. The Yehenara family had already surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, and Amma, who was interested in the emperor, also served beside the emperor and was loyal to the royal family.The emperor also believed that the Queen Mother's statement was reasonable. Seeing that Yihuan was not only outstanding in singing and dancing, but also could recite poems eloquently, he decided to make her a noblewoman.

Just as everyone was immersed in joy, fireworks outside the palace suddenly lit up the night sky.The imperial concubine’s Ama specially found fireworks, hoping to add joy to the banquet.However, Yi Huan made some profound words under the gorgeous fireworks: “If life is as lively as fireworks for a while, it will return to loneliness.It would be better to be a few stars in the sky. Although there is only a faint light, it will always be bright.”The emperor was very impressed after hearing this and gave her the title “Shu”.

However, just as everyone was gathering together, news of the scandal suddenly came from the palace.The fire was fierce, and Ling Yunzhe rescued Ruyi's master and servant from the cold palace regardless of the danger.When the emperor arrived, he was relieved to see that Ruyi was fine.It turned out that the fire was caused by fireworks, so the imperial concubine knelt down outside the Yangxin Hall to plead guilty, but the emperor did not blame her.

When the queen saw Ruyi returning safely, she was very dissatisfied.She worried that the emperor would continue to pursue the cause of the fire.Su Lian reminded her that even if she continued to investigate, it would only be found on Shen Guiren and had nothing to do with the queen.Lord Shen felt relieved when he heard that the emperor did not investigate the matter.

When Imperial Physician Jiang was treating Ruyi, he noticed that the fire was burning strangely, suggesting that someone was behind the scenes.Ruyi knew it well, but didn't want to say more.She asked Dr. Jiang to take good care of Hailan and return the emperor's clothes.At the same time, Dr. Jiang also quietly gave Hai Guiren a medicine bag while diagnosing her pulse.

In her memories, Yi Huan remembered the first time she met the emperor, and she fell in love with him at that time.Now that she got what she wanted, she was very satisfied.Hai Guiren was concerned about Ruyi and sent her winter clothes and his own money.While the palace maid left, Hai Guiren secretly took the medicine sent by Dr. Jiang.Soon after, she developed carbuncles on her mouth and began to feel unwell.After diagnosis, the imperial doctor said that Hai Guiren was also poisoned by cinnabar.

This incident made the emperor begin to doubt what happened back then.He proposed that Ruyi in the cold palace could no longer poison the prince, and decided to interrogate the witness Shen Guiren to investigate in detail what happened that year.The peace in the palace was broken again, and a contest about power and love and hate quietly began.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E27Plot

Ruyi returns to the palace

In the deep palace, power and desire are intertwined, and there are countless secrets hidden behind every smile.Concubine Jia revealed to the queen the emperor's intention to recreate Concubine Xian's green head card. This news caused an uproar in the harem.The imperial concubine was even more outspoken, saying that Ruyi would never be allowed to come out alive, while the queen seemed relatively calm and believed that the imperial concubine was acting too hastily.

In this power game at court, each man is looking for the other's weakness in order to land a sure blow.Both Concubine Jia and Concubine Gui suspected that Hai Guiren was the victim of the other party, while Guiren Shen revealed that Concubine Gui had framed Ruyi in the past.During this turmoil, Ah Ruo became the focus of everyone's attention. She was scolded by the imperial concubine for seeking glory as a seller. Even though her status has been improved, her origin and past have always been a shadow that she cannot get rid of.

However, in this storm in the palace, Ruyi seemed extremely calm.She learned through Doctor Jiang that the emperor still cared about her, which made her feel happy and worried.She decided to use this opportunity to fake a suicide to get out of trouble.The imperial concubine asked A Ruo to handle the matter, trying to take this opportunity to get rid of Ruyi's threat.

However, things did not develop according to Ruyi and the imperial concubine's plan.Ruyi was suddenly poisoned in the cold palace. At the same time, cinnabar was also found in Haiguiren's benzoin.The news quickly reached the emperor's ears, and he immediately rushed to the Leng Palace to check on Ruyi's condition.Seeing Ruyi lying unconscious on the bed, the emperor was filled with worry.He held Ruyi's hand tightly and promised to take her back to the palace as soon as she could walk.

This news caused a huge shock in the harem.Neither the queen nor the concubine knew who was responsible for the murder, but they both understood that A Ruo would never tolerate Ruyi returning to the emperor.Therefore, they all chose to wait and see.However, the murderer of Ruyi and Hai Guiren's poisoning was never found, and the emperor decided to take Ruyi back to the palace no matter what.

Among the many palaces, Yikun Palace is the most gorgeous.The emperor chose to let Ruyi live in Yikun Palace to make up for the suffering she had suffered over the years.Shen Guiren knelt outside the Yangxin Hall and begged the emperor to forgive her mistakes, but the emperor ignored her.Seeing that Ruyi was about to walk out of the cold palace, Ah Ruo began to panic and knew that a disaster was imminent for her.Hailan, on the other hand, is sincerely happy that Ruyi is leaving the cold palace.

Before leaving, Ruyi made a pair of boots and gave them to Ling Yunche to express her gratitude to him.Ling Yunche also begged Ruyi to help him find a good future. Ruyi was also happy that he could now think about himself.The next day, Li Yu personally came to pick Ruyi back to Yikun Palace. Ruyi insisted on walking back to the palace, showing her tenacity and determination.

On the tower, Ruyi and Li Yu looked down at the palace with worry. Her eyes were full of expectations and determination for the future.After returning to Yikun Palace, Li Yu returned the velvet flower to Lingxin, symbolizing Ruyi's new life.The emperor was waiting for Ruyi's arrival in the palace. He knew that Ruyi had suffered a lot from his previous decision, but he also firmly believed that keeping Ruyi by his side would make her truly safe.

The emperor prepared a gift for Ruyi and personally ground green plum powder and gave it to her. This gift embodies the emperor's hard work and love.When Lingxin heard the emperor's words outside the door, she was deeply moved. She knew that Ruyi had finally survived.The emperor held Ruyi's hand tightly and promised never to let her fall into despair again.In the end, Ruyi asked the emperor to promote Ling Yunche, and the emperor readily agreed, showing his deep love and support for Ruyi.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E28Plot

The emperor punishes A Ruo

Deep in the palace, Concubine Chun couldn't help but feel ripples in her heart when she heard that Ruyi had returned to the palace.She took her eldest brother to Ruyi's palace, but met Jia Bin in front of the door.Concubine Jia stopped Concubine Chun in the name of the emperor, claiming that Ruyi needed to rest and should not be disturbed.Concubine Chun knew the significance of Ruyi's return to the palace. She was worried that her eldest brother's status might be affected, and he might even be adopted by Ruyi, thus jeopardizing Concubine Chun's own status.

At the same time, Hailan also came to visit Ruyi.The relationship between the two is deep, and Hailan reminds Ruyi that she must find out the truth about the poisoning.Ruyi confessed that she took the risk to get out of the cold palace, while Hailan revealed that she was poisoned by cinnabar to protect Ruyi.The stretch marks on Hailan's body symbolize that she is no longer the beloved concubine in the palace, which makes her feel that her future will be more difficult.Therefore, she decided to give the child to Ruyi to raise, hoping that the child could thrive under Ruyi's protection.

Ruyi respectfully greeted him in front of the Queen Mother, who was well aware of Ruyi's dangerous military tactics.She hopes that the concubines in the palace can bloom with flowers, rather than favoring only one person.Ruyi understood the Queen Mother's intentions and was determined to move forward steadily in the palace.

On the occasion when the concubines paid their respects to the queen, Ruyi attracted attention because she did not wear the bracelet given by the queen.Chun Fei took the opportunity to bring up the matter of returning her eldest brother, but Ruyi declined because she had not sorted out everything.Although Concubine Chun was a little disappointed, she understood Ruyi's caution.Ruyi's life in the palace was not easy, and the deep relationship between her and Hailan became her support in the palace.

The emperor's attitude towards Ruyi was also quite complicated.At the Beginning of Winter family banquet, Ruyi brought vinegar made from roses to the emperor, and the emperor expressed appreciation for her hard work.However, when it came to the issue of Shen Guiren, the emperor seemed cold and cruel.He warned Shen Guiren not to forget her identity, and also hinted that there was someone behind her.All this was seen by Ruyi, and she knew that the struggle in the palace was far from over.

And Concubine Chun's worries were not groundless.In the palace, status and power are closely related, and the future of the eldest brother is directly related to the status of the pure concubine.Therefore, pure concubines must act cautiously lest their status be threatened.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E29Plot

Ah Ruo’s true identity was revealed

In this deep palace, Ruyi's wisdom and tenacity were once again demonstrated.She cleverly asked Imperial Physician Jiang to remove the Linglingxiang from the bracelet to avoid the Queen's suspicion. This move not only reflected her wit, but also revealed her caution and vigilance in the court.

Subsequently, the conversation between Ruyi and Yuhu revealed Ling Yunche's fate.Ling Yunche, the once loyal guard, was assigned by Ruyi to be on duty in Kunning Palace.Yu Hu revealed that even if Ruyi did not intercede for Ling Yunche, the emperor would reward him heavily.This is because the emperor has been secretly paying attention to Ruyi's safety, and even specifically ordered Yuhu to find the guards from Leng Palace to protect her.This made Ruyi deeply feel the emperor's care and concern, and she was full of gratitude for it.

In the Yangxin Hall, the emperor showed Ruyi the painting he had always treasured. The painting had been lost for a time, but the emperor said that even if the painting was lost, Ruyi's position in his heart would not change.He missed Qingying back then, the woman who lived a relaxed and comfortable life, but now Ruyi had to spend hard days in the cold palace.The emperor was well aware of Ruyi's suffering in the cold palace, and even the handkerchiefs and belts she made passed through his eyes before being sold outside the palace.Ruyi was deeply moved by this meticulous care, and the emperor promised to protect her from now on.

When Ling Yunche was on duty at Kunning Palace, he met his former lover Yan Wan.Yan Wan was scolded for failing to collect pine branches, and Ling Yunche extended a helping hand.This scene gave Yan Wan hope, and she tried to save the relationship.While Ruyi and Yingxin were admiring plum blossoms in the garden, they unexpectedly met Ling Yunche.Ling Yunche hoped that Ruyi could arrange a better job for Yanwan so that she would not be tired.Ruyi promised to find a solution after spring, which made Ling Yunche grateful.

However, the turmoil in the palace did not subside.Aruo's Amaguiduo died while guarding against a flash flood. In order to comfort his family, the emperor specially ordered Li Yu to send a thousand taels of silver.But at the palace banquet, the Spring Festival gift prepared by the emperor for the concubines caused a disturbance.The concubines received the Pearl of the East China Sea, but Aruo received cinnabar.The emperor asked Yu Hu to explain the whole story. It turned out that Yu Hu found that Xiao Fuzi and Xiao Anzi's families were wealthy, and their money was actually distributed by A Ruo.

Later, the emperor asked Ah Ruo to recount Ruyi's murder of the emperor's heir again, but Ah Ruo hesitated and said that he had forgotten it.Hailan and Jiabi accused Aruo, thinking that she was the culprit who framed Ruyi.Ruyi pointed out that A Ruo could not afford to buy so much cinnabar, and there must be someone behind it.A Ruo looked at the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine hurriedly distanced herself from the relationship and accused A Ruo of being evil-hearted.When Mei Guiren saw that the real culprit who killed her child was A Ruo, she stepped forward angrily and slapped her in the face.

The emperor ordered people to move Ah Ruo to the side hall of Yangxin Hall for further interrogation.Ruyi was finally redressed and felt very happy.The imperial concubine hurriedly found the queen, worried that A Ruo would betray herself and the queen.Su Lian insisted that everything was done by A Ruo and had nothing to do with him.The emperor asked Ah Ruo to change into slave clothes, and the imperial concubine sent her a message, saying that the lives of her two younger brothers were now in her own hands.

Under the emperor's questioning, Ah Ruo finally admitted her crime of framing Ruyi, but she refused to reveal the person behind the scenes.The emperor asked if she was the one who poisoned Ruyi in the cold palace. Although Ah Ruo denied it, the maid next to her revealed her resentment and poisonous plot against Ruyi.Ah Ruo could only admit that the incident in the cold palace and the snake encounter were all her fault.She claimed that she was once favored by the emperor, but Ruyi suppressed her at every turn, making her resentful.Over the years, although she was very favored in the eyes of outsiders, she was actually ridiculed and jealous, and never truly favored by the emperor.

The emperor said that he kept A Ruo just so that Ruyi could be innocent one day. He had never really liked A Ruo.He asked Ruyi to leave and he wanted to interrogate Aruo alone.Finally, the emperor told Ruyi that A Ruo still refused to confess the mastermind behind the scenes. For the sake of the peace of the harem, the matter was investigated until A Ruo.Yu Hu revealed that A Ruo's two younger brothers were both being held captive by Master Gao, and that Xiao Fuzi and Xiao Anzi's money actually came from the imperial concubine and only passed through A Ruo's hands.The emperor was worried that the queen was also involved, and decided to keep A Ruo silent forever.As for the imperial concubine, the emperor believed that it was not yet time to deal with her.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E30Plot

The fifth elder brother was born

In the power struggle in the court, A Ruo's fate seemed particularly tragic.She was once a loyal palace maid, but unfortunately she became a victim of power.When the emperor decided to brutally punish her by giving her a potion that would make her unable to speak again, her fate was sealed.Aruo knelt in front of Ruyi in the snow. Her eyes were full of despair and unwillingness, but she could not make a sound.This helplessness and despair give people a deeper understanding of the cruelty of the court.

The emperor's actions were undoubtedly showing everyone in the palace the consequences of betraying his master.He hopes that through Ruo's tragic fate, others will understand the importance of loyalty.However, can such punishment really instill awe in people's hearts, or will it only intensify the intrigues and feuds in the palace?

At the same time, Hai Guiren's birth experience also shows us another side of the palace.At a critical moment, Dr. Jiang was transferred away, leaving behind Dr. Xu and Dr. Li.Hai Guiren was in great pain. After giving birth to his brother, he continued to bleed and was dying.Fortunately, Doctor Qi arrived in time and rescued Hailan.The emperor was very happy about the arrival of the fifth elder brother. He also named him Yongqi and made Hailan the concubine Yu.This series of events gives people a deeper understanding of life, death and power in the palace.

However, behind this, there seems to be a deeper conspiracy hidden.Ruyi's suspicion of Imperial Physician Xu and Imperial Physician Li, as well as Sanbao's sight of Imperial Physician Xu accepting property from concubines and concubines, all hint that there are unknown secrets in the palace.Concubine Jia's treatment of Dr. Xu gave people a deeper understanding of the palace's conspiracy.All this makes people wonder, what kind of purpose and motivation are hidden behind every decision and action in the palace?

The emperor's accusations against the queen also let us see another side of the palace.The Queen's interpretation of the vision in A Ruo's coffin undoubtedly aggravated the panic and uneasiness in the palace.The emperor's accusations against the queen show us his control over rumors and his emphasis on the stability of the palace.This also makes us understand that in the court, rumors and rumors can often cause greater disturbances and fights.

After Hailan woke up, her determination and vows made people feel her tenacity and courage.She said that she would no longer sit still and wait for death, and would take back all the things others had done to her.This kind of determination and courage makes people full of expectations and concerns about her future destiny.

The emperor's consideration of choosing Fujin for his eldest brother also shows us the importance he attaches to his family and heirs.Chunfei's recommendation and Ruyi's agreement seemed to indicate that a new marriage was about to begin.It also gives us a deeper understanding of marriage and family relationships in the court.

However, A Ruo's death remains a mystery.The cause of her death and the conspiracy behind it seem to hide unknown secrets.Rumors abounded in the palace, and everyone in the palace avoided Ruyi.The will-o'-the-wisps that appeared in Yikun Palace at night raised more speculations and doubts about the cause of A Ruo's death.Ruyi's move of asking a shaman to exorcise ghosts also allows us to see her nostalgia and guilt for Aruo.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E31Plot

The imperial concubine was frightened

Deep in the palace, today is the seventh day after the death of the imperial concubine A Ruo.As night fell, the crow of the divine crow came from the palace. This sound made the concubine feel an inexplicable chill in her heart.She recalled that in May 7th, Ruyi was frightened by this, and now the same voice sounded again, as if it was foreshadowing something.

In the silence of the night, the concubine seemed to hear A Ruo's call, and she claimed that she wanted to take revenge on her.The imperial concubine's heart was suddenly filled with fear. She believed that the reason why A Ruo resented her so much was because she had made her take the blame for Zhu Sha.In order to quell this seemingly supernatural revenge, the imperial concubine hurriedly ordered someone to find a shaman, hoping to use talismans to dispel this ominous omen.

However, things did not calm down.The imperial concubine was restless all day long, and she could hear A Ruo's voice even during meals.Although the imperial doctor did not find anything abnormal after diagnosis and treatment, rumors in the palace became increasingly rampant.The queen came to visit, but the concubine still insisted that she often saw A Ruo.Ruyi also came with concern and sent Buddhist scriptures copied by Master Anhuadian, hoping to bring a little peace to the imperial concubine.

Just as the princess and Shuang Xi were playing in the courtyard, Ruyi accidentally heard that Shuang Xi was playing with snakes. She couldn't help but feel suspicious, so she ordered someone to investigate the matter in detail.At this time, the imperial concubine had fallen into a state of unconsciousness. She believed that A Ruo came to seek revenge from her, and even told the secret of her conspiracy to murder Ruyi with the queen in front of the queen.Although the queen accused the concubine of talking nonsense, the concubine insisted that all these things were done for the queen, and Aruo's accusation was also to protect the queen.

The imperial concubine's nonsense made everyone in the palace panic, especially Su Lian. She was worried that the emperor would hear these things when he returned, which would implicate the queen.Jia Bin put forward a more extreme suggestion, thinking that if the concubine was really crazy, then no one would believe what she said.

After the emperor returned to the palace, he originally planned to go to the queen's palace, but met Ruyi halfway.Ruyi revealed something to the emperor, which made the emperor change his mind and decided not to go to the queen's palace, but ordered someone to bring a double happiness to the imperial concubine's palace.After some interrogation, Shuangxi admitted that he had murdered Ruyi in the cold palace, but he did not admit that arsenic was involved.The emperor ordered Yu Hu to investigate the matter thoroughly.

When the imperial concubine heard that Shuang Xi had been taken away, she wanted to beg the emperor for forgiveness, but it was getting late and she was afraid that A Ruo would come to find her, so she had to give up.After listening to the queen's narration, the emperor said that he never believed in ghosts and gods, and believed that all this was caused by someone's guilty conscience.He mentioned the visit of the Yu family and the prince born by Jia Concubine, and decided to promote Jia Concubine as his concubine.

The next day, the imperial concubine asked to see the emperor, but learned that Shuangxi had confessed everything.The imperial concubine was so frightened that she fell to the ground and begged the emperor for forgiveness on her knees.However, the emperor showed Shuangxi's confession to Ruyi.Ruyi pointed out that Shuangxi did not admit to the snake incident in Jingyang Palace, thinking that there must be something fishy.The imperial concubine has always relied on the queen, so this matter must be related to the queen.But the emperor firmly stated that the queen was his wife and did not want to involve her.The emperor decided to imprison the imperial concubine in the palace and let her fend for herself without any punishment from the outside world.

It turns out that all this was Ruyi's plan. She asked Dr. Jiang to replace the moxa leaves of the imperial concubine with absinthe wormwood, which caused her to have continuous hallucinations.Ruyi felt unwilling to accept that the queen was still staying out of the matter.She told Ling Yunche that from now on she only had to send flowers to various palaces and no longer had to take care of the flowers and plants, and said that she would marry them both in the future.Ling Yunche was extremely grateful for this.

The emperor summoned Hailan to sleep with him, but Hailan said that he was ashamed to see Tian Yan.The emperor saw the stretch marks left by Hailan during childbirth and comforted her to take good care of her health.The next day, Hailan told Ruyi that now she only has her sister and child in her heart, as long as the three of them are well.When Ruyi took Yongqi to greet the queen, she met Yanwan who was going to send flowers to the queen's palace.Lingxin said that Yanwan and Ruyi were somewhat similar, but Yanwan modestly said that she did not dare to compare with Concubine Xian.Ruyi asked Yanwan to go with him to Changchun Palace.In the Changchun Palace, Yan Wan brought Yao Huang Peonies to the Queen, and Concubine Jia on the side praised Ruyi for the similarities between the flowers embroidered on her body and Yao Huang Peonies.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E32Plot

The imperial concubine is terminally ill

In ancient palaces, gorgeous costumes and exquisite accessories became symbols of identity and status.One day, Ruyi received a new dress from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. She said calmly that she did not pay special attention to the dress, but she did not expect that it would cause a turmoil in the palace.

Concubine Jia, a very scheming woman in the court, stirred up trouble.Although the queen did not show any displeasure after Ruyi left, the seeds of dissatisfaction had already been planted in her heart.She ordered her servants to remove the Yao Huang Mudan from the palace, which symbolized a certain change in power and status.

Yan Wan, a woman unknown in the court, was ordered to remove the flowers.However, she accidentally bumped into a guard while carrying it, causing the vase to fall and the pieces to scatter.The queen seized this opportunity and ordered people to punish Yan Wan, accusing her of not knowing the rules.Yan Wan defended herself by saying that it was her first time coming with Concubine Xian and she was not familiar with the rules of the palace.

Concubine Jia took the opportunity to interject. Since Yan Wan liked Ruyi so much, she named her Ying'er and transferred her to her palace.However, this is not preferential treatment to Yan Wan, but another form of torture.Concubine Jia often mentioned Ruyi when the queen was angry, which further angered the queen and made Yan Wan's life even more difficult.

Concubine Jia, this palace maid who had a deep relationship with the prince, although she was in the Qing Dynasty, her heart was tied to the prince far away.She once gave up her relationship with the prince and married into the palace for the sake of the future of her mother's family.However, she could never forget that old relationship in her heart.

At the same time, the Queen Mother was also secretly investigating the cause of Narbu's death.It turns out that Narbu was killed by Gao Bin.But for the sake of the peace of the harem, the Queen Mother decided not to expose the matter for the time being.

Concubine Jia learned from Concubine Chun that Yan Wan had seduced the emperor, so she treated her harshly in front of everyone.Everyone threw their dirty clothes to Yan Wan and asked her to wash them.At night, Concubine Jia ordered Yan Wan to wash her feet and even asked her to hold candles and keep vigil in the palace.

Ling Yunche, the loyal guard, has been looking for Yan Wan's whereabouts.One day, he saw Yan Wan with a maid from Qixiang Palace. There were scars on her arms, and the people next to her called her Ying'er.Ling Yunche told Ruyi about this, and Ruyi realized that all of this was for him.

When the Dragon Boat Festival came, the queen gave sachets and five-poison cakes to the concubines.Concubine Jia made Ying'er kneel down in front of everyone and held up the Five Poison Cake for her to take. This was undoubtedly another humiliation for Yan Wan.Ruyi proposed to let Ying'er follow her, but Concubine Jia did not agree.

Later, Hailan told Ruyi that Yanwan had seduced the emperor, and then she was transferred to the flower room.After Ruyi heard this, her sympathy and pity for Yanwan gradually disappeared.

Concubine Chun gave birth to her sixth brother. The Queen Mother was very happy and asked the queen to visit Concubine Chun in her palace.The queen saw the happy scene between the emperor and the pure concubine, and couldn't help but think of her own child.She was eager to have a legitimate son with the emperor, so she increased the dose of pregnancy-inducing drugs.However, due to being too impatient and taking too much nourishment, she suddenly suffered a nosebleed.

During the diagnosis and treatment by the imperial physician, the queen asked about the concubine's current condition.The imperial doctor told her that the imperial concubine would not survive this winter.The imperial concubine lay in bed, feeling weak, but the emperor never came to visit her.She knew that the emperor had forgotten her, and her heart was filled with endless sadness.

A few days later, several maids in the imperial concubine's palace died of scabies.The imperial concubine's condition became increasingly serious, and she knew that she would soon die.So, she ordered Mo Xin to send a message, saying that she still wanted to see the emperor.However, whether this wish can be realized is unknown.

Amidst the disputes and love-hate intertwining in the court, how are the fates of Ruyi and Yanwan intertwined?Can they find their own way out of this palace turmoil?All the answers are hidden in this deep palace.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E33Plot

The imperial concubine learns the truth about her infertility

In the deep palace, there are many secrets.Ruyi stepped into the imperial concubine's palace, only to find it empty, with her former attendants gone.When the imperial concubine heard that someone was visiting, she thought it was the emperor, but when she saw it was Ruyi, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

Ruyi knew very well that the fate of women in the palace was ill-fated, and both he and the imperial concubine were struggling in the scheme.She bluntly told the concubine that although the emperor ordered Doctor Qi to treat her illness, two medicines were secretly added to the medicine, causing her vitality to be severely damaged.Ruyi also revealed that the bracelet gifted by the queen and worn by the concubine actually contained Lingling incense, a spice that can make women infertile.She gently picked up the bracelet with a hairpin, and a few pills rolled out of it.Ruyi said that this was a secret she discovered by accident, and she had removed Linglingxiang, but she continued to wear the bracelet.

The queen has been wary of Ruyi for a long time, and she is just taking advantage of the imperial concubine.From the beginning, the queen was determined not to have children between the two.When the imperial concubine heard this, she had mixed feelings in her heart. She thought she was loyal to the queen, but she didn't expect to be treated like this.She decided to make what the Queen had done public and let those who should know know.

The imperial concubine begged Ruyi to let her see the emperor again, but Ruyi ignored her and turned away.When Ruyi came to Yangxin Hall, the emperor was recalling his first meeting with the imperial concubine.Ruyi pleads for the imperial concubine, hoping that the emperor can see her again.The emperor was also touched.

When the emperor stepped into the imperial concubine's palace and saw her in gorgeous clothes, the imperial concubine asked the people around her to leave. She wanted to talk to the emperor alone.She admitted that she was guilty, but there were some things she had to say.The imperial concubine revealed the queen's crimes, such as marrying Lian Xin to Wang Qin to detect the holy will, bewitching A Ruo to frame Concubine Xian, and instructing herself to poison Concubine Xian.She also took out the bracelet given by the queen and revealed the truth about infertility.

After hearing this, the emperor accused the concubine of framing the queen, but the concubine believed that the emperor was afraid that the queen would disappoint him.The emperor said that he was extremely disappointed with the imperial concubine.The imperial concubine asked the emperor whether he had tampered with the medicine. The emperor denied it and said that the imperial concubine had turned into a poisonous woman.In order to take care of the old relationship, the emperor decided to give the concubine a posthumous title so that she could die in dignity.

The imperial concubine was heartbroken by the emperor's indifference. She hoped that in the next life she could marry an ordinary family, raise a husband and raise children, and be a kind and virtuous person.The emperor gave her the posthumous title of “Xian” to fulfill her wish.The imperial concubine believed that the emperor had poisoned her and was determined to plot against the emperor.She put scabies on the emperor's cushion, hoping that the emperor would also feel sick.

The emperor came to Yikun Palace and saw Ruyi's old bracelet, so he decided to ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send a new one.He asked Ruyi if he knew how to scheme against people, and Ruyi admitted that he would protect himself when framed.The emperor further asked Ruyi if he would plot against him, and Ruyi expressed his willingness to never deceive the emperor.The emperor kept Ruyi by his side and told her that he was heartbroken after hearing the concubine's words, but for the sake of the concubine's dignity, he decided to promote her as the imperial concubine, and named Ruyi and Chunfei as the concubine, and concubine Yu as the concubine Yu.

The imperial concubine woke up from her dream and arranged a job for Mo Xin, hoping that she would not forget who harmed her.Mo Xin helped the concubine walk to the courtyard, but the concubine fell to the ground and died while admiring the snow.When the Queen Mother heard about the death of the imperial concubine, she expressed emotion that the imperial doctor Qi was able to do the job well, but she also believed that the imperial concubine brought it upon herself.The emperor was deeply saddened by the death of the imperial concubine.He told the queen that the imperial concubine said a lot before her death, which made the queen feel uneasy.The queen discovered that the emperor began to distance herself from her, and saw the emperor Ming Ruyi take off his bracelet. She suspected that the emperor had known the truth, and was filled with fear.

The emperor and Ruyi were both unwell and stayed in the Yangxin Hall together.The queen and queen mother came to visit, but were told that the emperor had scabies. This disease was contagious and the situation was very serious.The Queen Mother and the Empress looked at the Emperor with their veils on their faces and were worried when they saw that he was unconscious.The secrets and calculations in the palace are still going on, and no one knows what the fate of the emperor and Ruyi will be.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E34Plot

The emperor's illness is very dangerous

In the power struggle in the palace, the queen always played a key role.However, the pressure and responsibilities she bears are also far beyond ordinary people.Recently, the emperor's illness has made the atmosphere in the palace extremely tense.The Queen Mother proposed to let the concubines take turns to serve the Emperor. However, the Queen Mother was worried that the Emperor's illness would be extraordinary and might affect the Sixth Palace, so she decided to serve the Emperor alone.

The queen stayed by the emperor's side day and night, leaving the affairs of the harem in the care of Concubine Jia.Although all the concubines wanted to compete for favors in front of the emperor, no one wanted to speak out to the queen, and they passed the blame and no one wanted to be the first to do so.This kind of palace life of overt and covert fighting makes people feel deeply depressed.

Yi Huan, a unique concubine, couldn't stand the behavior of everyone, so she chose to leave alone and go to Anhua Hall to chant sutras and pray for the emperor.In order to help the emperor recover as soon as possible, she ignored the dissuasion of others and hung the prayer flags in the courtyard in the rain.Although her behavior seems aloof, it is full of deep concern for the emperor.

When the emperor woke up and found the queen at his side, he was deeply moved by the deep love between husband and wife.However, the queen insisted that she was the emperor's first wife and should be at her side.She cooked the porridge for the emperor with her own hands and fed him with her own hands. This deep affection was touching.

However, the queen's life was not easy.The good news spread to all palaces, causing everyone to talk about it.Yi Huan lamented that although the emperor would send her pregnancy medicine after bedtime, she never had an heir. She thought it was because of her frail body.The queen's pregnancy undoubtedly brought new variables to the palace.

Mrs. Fucha asked Qi Taiyi to pay special attention to the queen's diet to ensure that the queen gave birth smoothly.After diagnosing and treating the queen, the Qi imperial doctor said that the queen's baby was most likely to be a prince, but she was weak and needed to burn moxa to preserve the fetus.Mrs. Fucha hopes that the emperor can accompany the queen when the moxa is burning, so that the emperor knows how difficult it is for the queen to give birth, so that he will cherish the child more.The queen is already quite young, and this child is of great significance to the entire Fucha family.

However, Concubine Jia was afraid that the queen would give birth to a legitimate son, which would endanger her and her fourth brother's status.She tried to be happy again to consolidate her position.One night, Concubine Jia was dancing in the palace, and the sound of Beiqin attracted the emperor.The emperor was attracted by Concubine Jia's dancing and walked into Concubine Jia's room.The queen's pregnancy made the struggle in the palace more intense.

While Dr. Qi was burning moxa for the queen, the news came that Concubine Chun had given birth to a princess, which made the queen feel relieved.However, Concubine Jia was also blessed for two months, and the queen ordered people to send gifts. The meaning is self-evident.Princess He Jing came to visit the queen and brought her own paintings.There are only two people in the painting, the queen and the princess. The princess said that it would be better if there was an elder brother.The queen quickly accused her, saying that her child must be an elder brother.

The Queen Mother was also happy for the Empress, but also puzzled that Yi Huan could not conceive for a long time.She suspected that the emperor had tampered with the pregnancy pills, and this suspicion made the atmosphere in the palace even more tense.

The queen was weak, so Ruyi performed a wedding ceremony on her behalf, which aroused the queen's displeasure.However, Su Lian said that as long as the queen gave birth to a legitimate son, all this would not be a problem.Qi Imperial Physician performed acupuncture to preserve the fetus, but the fetus was still showing signs of decline, and the dragon fetus was about to be born in only eight months.At this moment, the Queen Mother is leading the concubines to pray for no rain in the capital. The Emperor is also still in Yuanqiu, and the Queen does not want to disturb him.However, the queen's body was weak, the dragon fetus had no strength, and she could not get out on her own. The situation was once very dangerous.

Soon, the news came that the queen had given birth. At this time, it rained heavily, which relieved the drought in the capital.Everyone said that the queen's legitimate son was blessed. The emperor was very happy and named the prince Yong Cong, which means a ritual vessel for worshiping the earth.On the full moon day of Yong Cong, the Queen Mother gave Yong Cong the longevity lock that the Holy Ancestor Emperor had given to the late emperor. The emperor also valued Yong Cong very much and granted a general amnesty to the world on the full moon day.However, the concubines saw that the seventh prince was weak and seemed to have no energy, which made the atmosphere in the palace become tense again.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E35Plot

The emperor's preference for Yong Cong made Concubine Jia jealous

The fifth elder brother Yongqi is five years old. His intelligence is deeply loved by everyone in the palace.However, in this palace full of intrigues and struggles, everyone is planning for their own future and destiny.Hailan mentioned to Ruyi that the emperor seemed to want to make Yong Cong the prince, which aroused the attention of the queen and many maids.

Although Yong Cong was young, his frailty made the queen worried.Doctor Qi's diagnosis made the queen even more desperate. He admitted that the seventh prince was born prematurely and was weak, and that his life before the age of ten was full of dangers.The queen's heart became increasingly heavy. She hoped to have another brother, but Doctor Qi told her that it was almost impossible to get pregnant again because of her cold body.Therefore, the seventh prince became the queen's only hope.

The emperor learned that the queen suffered severe losses after giving birth, but major events in the palace came one after another, and it was difficult for the queen to preside over them.At this critical moment, the emperor turned his attention to Ruyi.On the night of Chinese Valentine's Day, the emperor and Ruyi were admiring the moon under the night sky, and he asked Ruyi to make a wish.Ruyi admitted that she only wanted to be with the emperor for a long time, and she hoped to spend this life with him.The emperor was moved by Ruyi's true feelings, and he promised that he would never leave Ruyi.

However, the battle in the palace did not subside.The Queen was weak after childbirth and the Queen Mother was old. The Emperor wanted Ruyi to take charge of the affairs of the Sixth Palace.Ruyi originally wanted Concubine Chun to manage the concubine together, but the emperor believed that Concubine Chun was mild-tempered and soft-eared, making it difficult for her to be qualified for the job.In desperation, Ruyi had to shoulder this important task alone.

In order to express his love and trust for Ruyi, the emperor specially gave Ruyi a gift - a palace-shaped beaded flower in the shape of a rose.This is specially made by the emperor for the Chinese Valentine's Day, and each concubine has a different style.The rose is unique to Ruyi, which means that the emperor and Ruyi have a unique relationship.The emperor personally brought beads and flowers to Ruyi, and the two agreed to be together forever.

However, life in the palace was not always peaceful.On the night of the Ghost Festival, it rained heavily in the palace.The seventh prince suddenly started crying, and the queen quickly asked for the Buddha statue in her palace.At the same time, news came that Concubine Jia was having a difficult childbirth. Although the queen was worried, she still remained calm.In Qixiang Palace, Ying'er secretly rejoiced when she saw that Concubine Jia was having difficulty giving birth.She took the opportunity to go to the emperor for help, but was told that the emperor was discussing something and not to be disturbed.

At this critical moment, Ying'er met Jin Zhong.Jin Zhong saw that Ying'er was being bullied in the palace, so he proposed that he could help Ying'er rise to power.If it succeeds, Ying'er will be the ladder to Zhong's superior position; if it fails, the two will comfort each other, and no one will dare to bully Ying'er in the future.In order to get out of the predicament, Ying'er decided to accept Jin Zhong's proposal.

When Concubine Jia's eighth prince was full moon, she was dissatisfied because the emperor favored the seventh prince.In front of Ruyi, she beat Ying'er to vent her anger.When the emperor rushed to the scene, he saw that Ying'er was smart and somewhat similar to Ruyi, so he kept her by his side.Ruyi took the opportunity to ask the emperor to let Yan Wan out of the palace and promise her to Ling Yunche.However, the emperor left Yan Wan behind as a palace maid.

Yan Wan didn't want to do it, but she had no choice but to disobey the emperor's order.After she came to Yangxin Hall, Jin Zhong told her that only by becoming the emperor's concubine could she achieve success.In order to change her destiny, Yan Wan began to work hard to dress herself up, hoping to attract the emperor's attention.She mentioned her encounter with the emperor in an attempt to get closer to him.Although the emperor recognized that Yan Wan had taken care of his eldest brother, he didn't care about her words.Seeing that the emperor was not interested in her, Yan Wan proposed to measure and re-cut the emperor's clothes.In the process, she skillfully approached the emperor.When the emperor suggested that Yan Wan measure his size in person, Jin Zhong suddenly broke into the room.When he saw Yan Wan's arms wrapped around the emperor's waist, he was so frightened that he quickly fell to his knees.The emperor asked Jinzhong to pass the decree and Feng Yanwan agreed to be granted residence in Yongshou Palace.

That night Yanwan went to bed and met Ling Yunche by the roadside.Ling Yunche asked if anyone forced Yan Wanyan to say that she was voluntary.Ling Yunche was heartbroken after learning that he was just a way out for Yan Wan.Yan Wan said that after being bullied over the years, she realized that only she could save herself.She said that she was walking to bed now because she wanted to use her feet to measure how far the road from palace maid to beloved concubine was.In the end, Yan Wan knew she was sorry and called Ling Yunche "Brother Yunche" but Ling Yunche changed her name to "Wei" and the two of them broke off their friendship from then on.

In this palace full of intrigues and struggles, everyone's fate is full of unknowns.However, no matter what the future holds, they must work hard to plan for their own future and destiny.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E36Plot

Ruyi learns that Yihuan fell into the trap

Deep in the Forbidden City, Yan Wan was summoned to sleep in the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart, while Ling Yunche sat alone by the roadside, his heart ashen.Ruyi, the quiet and profound noble concubine, walked to Ling Yunche's side and used her wisdom and kindness to try to awaken his sleeping heart.She told him that one cannot be sad for the same reason twice and encouraged him to stand up and plan for his future.Ling Yunche, despite the pain, agreed to Ruyi and became a royal guard, guarding outside the Yangxin Hall. Listening to the laughter of Yan Wan and the emperor in the hall, the pain in his heart was like a knife.

However, fate seemed not to favor them.The shadow of the pox epidemic spread from Hebei to the capital. Countless children died of the disease, and a tense atmosphere began to pervade the palace.The Queen Mother reminded the Emperor to act with caution, and Mo Xin, the concubine's maid during her lifetime, also found Ruyi with a desire for revenge.Her mother-in-law died of pox, and she also wanted to avenge the imperial concubine, and even wanted to poison the queen's legitimate son.However, Ruyi's kindness and determination stopped her. She could not tolerate poisoning the prince.

At the same time, Yan Wan is also working hard to gain her own status.In order to gain the emperor's favor, she would do whatever it took, and even wanted to prepare her own abortion medicine based on Shu Bin's prescription, hoping to get pregnant as soon as possible.However, her ambition does not stop there. She also wants to take the opportunity to investigate Shu Bin's pregnancy medicine in order to gain more power.

In this world full of conspiracy and power, Ruyi has always maintained her kindness and persistence.She doesn't want to participate in Yanwan's fight, nor does she want to see innocent people get hurt.She just wants to protect the people she loves and protect the peace of this deep palace.However, her fate was not as she wished. The spread of the pox epidemic, Yan Wan's ambition, and Mo Xin's revenge made her life more and more difficult.

In this cold winter, the news came that the seventh prince had passed away. The queen was heartbroken and the emperor was also heartbroken.And Yan Wan, although she remained calm and arrogant on the surface, ripples began to appear in her heart.She began to doubt whether she could really gain a foothold in this deep palace and whether she could really get everything she wanted.

However, no matter what the future holds, Yan Wan has already made her choice.She will continue to fight in this deep palace, fighting for her status and power at all costs.And Ruyi will continue to stick to her beliefs and use her kindness and wisdom to protect the peace and tranquility of this deep palace.Their story will continue to be played out in this deep palace until the end of their fate.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E37Plot

The Horqin tribe begs to marry the princess

In ancient palaces, the intertwining of power and emotion often makes people breathless.The Queen Mother and the Empress, two noble women, started a contest about their daughter's marriage because of their respective worries and concerns.

The Queen Mother came to see the Emperor and had something important to tell her.However, no one dared to tell the emperor about this matter, so the queen mother had to come in person.The emperor cared about Yong Cong and did not care about other things. He still did not want to believe the fact that Yong Cong was gone.The Queen Mother advised the Emperor that as the ruler of the world, he should not be overly sad because of the death of a child. After all, there were other children who needed his care.

The queen was also in deep grief at this moment, lying on the bed with a bloodless face.Hengti's entry into the palace brought joy to the Queen Mother. However, the Queen Mother was about to accompany the emperor on an eastward tour, and her concern for Hengti was beyond words.Especially Hengti has reached the age of marriage, and the Queen Mother's sister once married far away, which makes her very reluctant to let go.Therefore, the Queen Mother was determined to arrange Hengti's marriage herself.

Princess Jingse came to visit the Queen and brought some comfort.However, the pain in the Queen's heart was unspeakable.She was heartbroken that she was so incompetent that she couldn't even protect her own child.Jingse tried to cheer up the queen, mentioning that the emperor was busy with his eastern tour and Ruyi's favor.After the queen heard the news that the emperor was about to tour east, she decided to cheer up and let Dr. Qi come for diagnosis and treatment.

The emperor decided to take the queen on an eastward tour, but Qin Tianjian said that the celestial phenomena had been very different recently, indicating that a disaster was coming in the middle palace.The emperor didn't care and ordered Qin Tianjian to go down.The emperor and his entourage went out to patrol the east side of the city, and the queen always accompanied the emperor.However, her health continued to deteriorate, she had trouble sleeping at night and was very weak.It takes two hours to put on makeup every day to cover up the haggard face.

The queen believed that if she did not follow the emperor on his eastward tour, she would be ridiculed by everyone in the world, which would bring disgrace to the Fucha family.Now, she can only hope that the princess will give Jingse Xu a good family and bring prosperity to the Fucha family.The emperor told the queen mother that the Horqin tribe wanted to marry the legitimate princess. Now the only legitimate princesses are the queen mother's daughter Hengti and the queen's daughter Jingse.When the princess marries Horqin, she will be far away from home and will be very miserable.The queen said that Jingse was still young, so it would be better to give Hengti to Horqin.However, the emperor said that the ministers in the court strongly opposed it because the Queen Mother had already married a daughter away from home. If Hengti was to be married away again, the Queen Mother would be overly worried.

The queen was very worried about Jingse's future and tried her best to persuade the emperor to change his mind.However, their conversation was overheard by Mei Bin who came to visit the queen.Mei Bi hurriedly reported to the Queen Mother. After the Queen Mother heard that the Emperor only cared about her own daughter, she was determined to keep her daughter and ordered the ministers in the court to strongly oppose the marriage of Hengti.

Mei Bi heard that the Queen Mother said that the Queen's life depended on medicine, so she told Concubine Jia about this.The emperor was very upset when he saw that the ministers were opposed to Hengti marrying far away.The Queen Mother wanted Yi Huan to speak for her, but Yi Huan saw that the Emperor was troubled and did not persuade him.The Queen Mother was furious, seeing that Yihuan only cared about the emperor, and blamed her for her incompetence.Yi Huan insisted not to do anything for the Queen Mother, who said she was infatuated and had a soft heart, and would suffer big losses sooner or later.

Late at night, the Queen Mother called the Queen and gave the Queen the pearls that the late Emperor had given her when she was made a concubine, as a dowry for Jingse.However, the queen also took out a pair of golden mandarin ducks and gave them to Hengti as a dowry.The Queen Mother and the Queen were at loggerheads, both trying to keep their daughter.The emperor learned that the empress dowager and the empress could not give up. Ruyi suggested that Doctor Qi deliver medicine to the empress so that they could get off the ground. The emperor agreed.

In the Queen Mother's Palace, the Queen Mother mentioned that if Concubine Xian was the direct descendant of Fujin, she would be considerate of her now and the current dispute would not occur.However, the queen said that Concubine Xian had no children. If this happened, Hengti would have to get married.The Queen Mother was furious. At this time, Doctor Qi came to deliver medicine to the Queen, but the Queen Mother left angrily.

Zhang Tingyu asked to see the emperor, saying that it was inappropriate for Hengti to marry into the Horqin tribe. If Hengti was allowed to marry, both tribes in Mongolia would become the son-in-law of the Queen Mother, which would increase the power of the Queen Mother.Ruyi, who was hiding behind the screen, heard all this and couldn't help but feel ripples in her heart.

In this palace full of intrigue and emotion, everyone has their own position and demands.The competition between the Queen Mother and the Queen was not only for their daughter's marriage, but also for their respective status and power in the palace.However, in this contest, they all ignored the most important thing - family love.Perhaps, only when they truly let go of their obsessions can they find true happiness and peace.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E38Plot

Ruyi proposes a plan to retain Hengti

Deep in the splendid palace, the emperor's decisions always affect the fate of countless people.When the emperor revealed to Ruyi that he knew that it would be a more appropriate choice for Princess Jingse to marry far away to Mongolia, but he had to care about the queen's feelings, a battle about power, family and emotion quietly unfolded.

Ruyi, as a wise and profound concubine in the palace, understood the emperor's difficulties and even more understood the queen's reluctance.She proposed that a princess should first be a subject of the emperor's family, and then the daughter of her parents.She hoped that the emperor would consider the overall situation and choose the person he trusted most for marriage.Although the emperor said that he still needed to consider it, he had already made up his mind.

At the same time, the Queen Mother was also observing all this secretly.She hopes that Ruyi can speak for her, but she doesn't want to take the initiative to go to Ruyi.When Ruyi took the initiative to visit, the Queen Mother frankly expressed her dilemma: even the previous ministers could not persuade the emperor to change his mind.Ruyi believed that the courtiers had not identified the key points of persuasion.

Ruyi suggested to the Queen Mother that the courtiers should explain the benefits of marrying Princess Hengti, and that the Queen Mother herself should also make it clear that she was willing to marry Hengti.She explained that this was done to make the Fucha family understand the benefits of marrying a daughter, thereby putting pressure on the queen.As the representative of the interests of the whole family, the queen had to comply with this decision.The Queen Mother expressed her appreciation for Ruyi's intelligence, but she also saw that she still held a grudge against the Queen.

The emperor's decision was finally settled, and he decided to let Princess Jingse marry far away to Mongolia.In order to appease the princess and queen, he asked Ruyi and Concubine Chun to go together to persuade them.Ruyi first went to see the queen. She knew well the helplessness and struggle in the queen's heart.The queen understood that for the benefit of the Fucha family, she and her daughter had to make sacrifices.

When Ruyi and Concubine Chun met the princess, the princess's arrogance and unyieldingness were fully demonstrated.She resolutely refused to marry far away, and even sneered at Ruyi and Concubine Chun.Ruyi patiently told the princess that the marriage between Manchu and Mongolia was a tradition left by her ancestors. In order to stabilize the palace, the queen needed a strong backer like Horqin.As the beloved daughter of heaven, the princess must do her best for the Qing Dynasty.

Finally, under the Queen's persuasion, the princess tearfully agreed to marry far away.Although the queen was extremely heartbroken, she also understood that this was for the benefit of the family and the country.After the princess left, the emperor recalled the scene of her birth, and his heart was full of reluctance.He decided to set up a princess palace in the palace so that the princess and her husband could often visit her.

The Queen Mother was very satisfied with the emperor's decision. She took a fancy to Hengti and decided to marry her to the minister Zongzheng.On the way back to the palace, the emperor and the queen were walking together, but they found Ruyi to enjoy the moon together.When the queen saw this scene, she was very unhappy, thinking that Ruyi was showing off in front of her.

However, a trick of fate came inadvertently.The queen lost her footing and fell into the water while admiring the moon, but was saved by Ling Yunche.But after the queen was rescued, she became delirious and kept talking about retaliation.The imperial doctor came to report that the queen had reached the end of her life.

In the palace, the battle between power and family affection never stops.Although the emperor's decision was for the benefit of the country, it inevitably hurt the people he loved.Although Ruyi's wisdom and courage temporarily alleviated the crisis in the royal family, it also planted new hidden dangers.In this seemingly peaceful palace dispute, everyone's fate is closely affected.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E39Plot

The queen was filled with hatred and her lotus heart collapsed, sacrificing herself to die for the Lord.

The imperial doctor diagnosed that the queen was seriously ill and had run out of oil. She was afraid that she would die soon.Princess Jingse was heartbroken and accused the imperial doctor of not being good at medical skills and talking nonsense.The Queen Mother came forward to comfort her, pointing out that the Queen was seriously ill, and only veterans like Doctor Qi, who had been in the palace for many years, could speak out.The Queen Mother took charge of the overall situation and asked Concubine Chun and Ruyi to help take care of the Queen, while bringing Jingse beside her to comfort her.

At this time, the palace was in chaos. Concubine Chun found that the pearl flower on her head was missing, but it was difficult to find it due to the chaos.Hailan came to see Concubine Chun. Concubine Chun mentioned that the queen was still talking about tit for tat while she was in a coma, and was worried that the queen heard her conversation with Mei Gui and Hailan, or fell into the water because of it.Concubine Chun was afraid that she would be resented by the queen and would cause trouble for herself when she woke up.Hailan comforted her, saying that none of the concubines heard the cry for help, and it was impossible to know that it was the queen, so Concubine Chun felt relieved.

After the queen regained consciousness, the emperor came to visit her bedside.The queen was grateful for the emperor's company and asked the emperor not to let Jingse observe mourning for three years due to her death, so as not to affect her future.The emperor promised to consider Jingse at every turn.Subsequently, the queen strongly recommended Concubine Chun to the emperor as his successor, but the emperor said that the matter needed to be considered by himself.The queen made it clear that Ruyi could not be the successor because Ruyi was born in the Ulanala clan and the late emperor's queen was very vicious. The descendants of such a person could not be the queen.The emperor ignored it and asked the queen to have a good rest.

The queen confided her unwillingness and fear to the emperor on the sickbed, and admitted that she had never had a complete husband. As the mother of a country, she could only be a good wife, but as a woman, she also hoped to be loved and loved by her husband.The emperor comforted her that she was in the middle palace and had children, so she should be content and happy.The queen admitted that she had tampered with the bracelets of the concubine and Ruyi, and did not want them to get pregnant in front of her. She also admitted that she resented Ruyi, but she denied that there was a snake in the cold palace and Ruyi was poisoned.The emperor said that he already knew what the queen had done, but he did not reveal it because he was thinking about the royal family's face.The queen lamented the emperor's cold-heartedness and predicted that no matter who succeeded him, he would end up no better than herself.Soon after, news of the queen's death came.

Concubine Jia's maid told Su Lian that there was something fishy about Queen Su Lian falling into the water, and took out a pearl flower as evidence.Su Lian was suddenly pushed into the water, and his life or death was uncertain.The emperor told Queen Ruyi that there were still many things that she refused to acknowledge until her death, and there might be hidden secrets in them.Ruyi suggested interrogating Su Lian and Lian Xin, but Li Yu claimed that Su Lian had hit a pillar and died.Ruyi said that martyrdom is an honest matter and there is no need to be secretive.The emperor ordered Yu Hu to investigate the matter in detail and asked Lian Xin if he knew what the queen had done.Lian Xin said that she did not know anything about it and believed that the queen had not done these things, because although the queen was resentful of Ruyi, she did some things that would implicate herself and her clan members.Yu Hu found the pearl flower in Su Lian's hand and thought it looked very familiar.

Concubine Chun was busy arranging the funeral ceremony of the queen, and Concubine Jia reminded her that whoever does many things well may become the successor.Concubine Chun was grateful to Concubine Jia for her guidance.Hailan saw that Concubine Chun was interested in succeeding her, and reminded Ruyi to try her best to stay alive in the palace, otherwise she would be harmed by others.Lian Xin told the emperor that some things might have been done by Su Lian, but the queen did not know about it, and hinted that someone else might have pointed it out.The emperor was grateful for Lian Xin's frankness and allowed her to leave the palace.Lian Xin decided to go underground to apologize to the queen, and then jumped into the water.The whole court fell into mourning and confusion.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E40Plot

Yonghuang pretends to be close to Ruyi

In the deep palace of the Qing Dynasty palace, suspicions and intrigues intertwined, like a silent contest.The pearl flower in Yu Hu's hand became the trigger of this contest.The emperor caught a glimpse of the pearl flower, and his heart was filled with ripples. It was a token given to Concubine Chun on Chinese Valentine's Day the year before last.Although Yu Hu claimed that no other evidence had been found, the emperor's suspicions had aroused and his trust in Concubine Chun began to waver.

The queen's funeral ceremony was extremely solemn, and the emperor posthumously named her Queen Xiaoxian to show his respect and grief.However, in this solemn and solemn atmosphere, the figures of Concubine Chun and Concubine Jia frequently shuttled back and forth. They were taking care of things in the palace and consolidating their power, which undoubtedly added a bit of tension and uneasiness to the heavy air.

Concubine Chun mentioned Yongzhang's stability in front of the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother followed suit and proposed that Yonghuang and Yongzhang should share the responsibility in order to train them.When the Queen Mother mentioned Empress Xiaoxian's recommendation before her death, Concubine Chun humbly said that she was not worthy of being her successor. How much scheming and calculations were hidden in such words?

In Ruyi's palace, Hailan reminded Ruyi to beware of the concubines Chun Guifei and Jia Fei trying to win over and flatter themselves.Hailan believes that Ruyi has the affection for the emperor and a descendant background, so he should be his successor.However, Ruyi said calmly that what she wanted was only the emperor's affection, not his position.Such an answer not only shows Ruyi's humility and indifference, but also hints at her position and attitude in the palace.

Concubine Jia heard that the old prince was seriously ill, and she secretly made plans in her heart.After the old prince dies of illness, the prince can inherit the throne, which is undoubtedly a huge help to Concubine Jia.She began to plan for her future and regarded Ruyi and Chun Guifei as enemies.She believed that Ruyi had no children and was nothing to be afraid of. Although Concubine Chun had three sons, she wanted to make this her Achilles' heel.

The closeness between the eldest brother and Ruyi made both Chun Guifei and Hailan wary.Concubine Chun mentioned this matter at Queen Xiaoxian's wine ceremony, trying to test the relationship between Ruyi and her eldest brother.Hailan reminded Ruyi that Concubine Chun was already eyeing her, and she must be prepared to deal with it.

In the palace, the concubines all fawned over Chun Guifei, and even Yi Huan was taking the pregnancy-inducing medicine given by the emperor.Ruyi reminded her that the medicine was poisonous, so she shouldn't drink it if she could.Hailan took the fifth elder brother to the Imperial Hospital. On the way, she met the third elder brother. She deliberately pretended not to see him, hinting that the fifth elder brother should stay awake on the day of the transfer to the Empress Zi Palace in order to win the emperor's favor.

After listening to Yu Hu's report, the emperor became suspicious of the behavior of the eldest brother and the third brother, thinking that they had their own agenda and were trying to win people's hearts.Concubine Chun's position in the palace became more and more stable, and the emperor's fear of her became even deeper.

In this silent contest, everyone is planning for their own future, and the emperor is trying to find true loyalty and trust in this conspiracy.However, how to define true loyalty and trust in this palace?Perhaps, only time can give the answer.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E41Plot

The emperor scolded Yonghuang Yongzhang

On the solemn day when Empress Xiaoxian's Zi Palace was moved, the palace was filled with a sad atmosphere.All the princes and concubines shed tears to express their grief for the late queen.However, in this grieving crowd, the eldest brother and the third brother seemed extremely calm and showed no sadness.

The emperor noticed this unusual scene and asked the eldest brother why he didn't shed tears.The eldest brother replied respectfully. He saw that the emperor was too sad, and he had to deal with the loss of the late empress for the emperor, so he did not dare to grieve.The emperor turned to the third elder brother again. The third elder brother also said that he saw the emperor's mother sad and wanted to maintain some sobriety and reason, so he did not shed tears.

However, the emperor was furious after hearing this. He believed that the two sons were unfaithful and unfilial, fighting internally and externally, and plotting evil intentions.Concubine Chun defended her third elder brother, but was angered by the emperor.The emperor even regretted not giving his eldest brother to Ruyi to raise, thinking that this was the cause of the current situation.

The emperor was still angry. He accused the eldest brother of always considering himself the eldest son and coveting the position of prince, while the third elder brother always competed with the eldest brother to please his relatives.The words and deeds of the two are inconsistent, and they cannot inherit the throne without a son.When Concubine Chun heard these words, she couldn't bear it and fainted to the ground.Everyone helped her back to Zhongcui Palace.

After waking up, Concubine Chun hurriedly begged the Queen Mother for mercy, but the Queen Mother did not see her and just told her to behave herself in the future.The Queen Mother was also suspicious of the lack of sadness of the eldest brother and the third brother, thinking that there must be something fishy, ​​so she ordered someone to investigate in detail.

The eldest brother and the third brother knelt in the rain to plead guilty, but the emperor insisted not to see them.Concubine Chun rushed here, held the third elder brother in her arms and begged the emperor for mercy.In the end, the emperor issued an order to punish the two princes' master and Shuda, and asked the brothers to go back and think about their mistakes.

After this turmoil, Concubine Chun fell seriously ill, and no one from the palace came to visit her, not even Concubine Jia.Concubine Chun learned that it was Concubine Jia's fourth elder brother who was leading the princes to salute at the funeral ceremony in the palace. She thought that the emperor had praised his fourth elder brother on the day when he reprimanded Yong Huang and Yong Zhang, and she felt even more sad.

The emperor suspected that the people around Concubine Chun intended to reveal that the former empress had recommended Concubine Chun as her successor, so he ordered Eunuch Jin Zhong to lead people to check the people in Concubine Chun's palace, and if he didn't like the concubine, he would be kicked out of the palace.Seeing this, Imperial Concubine Chun blamed herself even more, thinking that she had cut off Yongzhang's path to becoming a prince.

At the same time, the fourth prince attracted much attention because of the praise he received from the emperor.When he returned to the palace to pay his respects to Concubine Jia, Concubine Jia was very pleased and told him to be more careful.Si Age said that he would not let down E Niang's expectations.

In this dispute in the palace, Ruyi knew that Hailan was taking advantage of the emperor's suspicion of the eldest elder brother and the third elder brother to make them completely fall out of favor.Ruyi sees that her eldest brother is very depressed now, and she can't let go of the love she had back then. However, Hailan thinks that Ruyi is too emotional and this will be her biggest weakness.

On the other hand, Yanwan saw Hailan leaving Ruyi's palace and wanted to see Ruyi, but Ruyi did not see her.Yan Wan thought that Concubine Jia was also a strong candidate to compete for the throne. If she became the successor, life would be even more difficult in the future.So, she decided to go to Qixiang Palace to meet Concubine Jia.

On the way, Yan Wan met Concubine Jia, who sarcastically said that she was once her palace maid, but now that she is a concubine, she is always fawning and adapting to the situation.Concubine Jia asked Yan Wan to help her wipe her muddy shoes. In order to make friends with Concubine Jia, Yan Wan could only bear the humiliation and wipe them for her.Concubine Jia asked Yan Wan why she was not pregnant since she had gone to bed. She also said that Yan Wan was already a great blessing to serve the emperor and was not worthy of giving birth to a prince.

At this time, Ling Yunche met Jia Fei and Yan Wan by chance. After Jia Fei left, Ling Yunche saw Yan Wan crying and took out a handkerchief for her to wipe.Yan Wan said that she didn't want Ling Yunche to see her like this. Although the road now was difficult, she would keep walking.

Yanwan, who returned to the palace, held a grudge against Concubine Jia, and she was determined to have a child in order to stabilize her position.At the same time, when Li Yu came to see Ling Xin, he saw that Ling Xin was very close to Dr. Jiang.After Dr. Jiang left, Li Yu gave a jade hairpin to Ling Xin, but Ling Xin thought the gift was too valuable and refused to accept it.During the conversation, Ling Xin mentioned that Concubine Jia's blessing of having children was enviable, but Li Yu thought that she could not give Ling Xin such a blessing and did not want to delay her any longer.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E42Plot

Ruyi is promoted to imperial concubine

Since ancient times, the inner courtyard of the palace has always been full of power struggles and emotional entanglements.Among them, Ruyi’s growth path is particularly eye-catching.From the first time when the Queen Mother praised her for her impeccable speaking skills and how much better she was than her aunt, to later for being canonized as an imperial concubine, every step Ruyi took was cautious and full of wisdom.

Ruyi is well aware of the complexity of the court, and she understands that her achievements are inseparable from the Queen Mother's teachings.In the eyes of the Queen Mother, Ruyi is a child who knows how to listen and learn.She is not trapped in a cocoon like her aunt, but is able to learn from it and continue to grow.When the Queen Mother reminded her not to make the same mistake again, Ruyi showed a high degree of understanding. She knew that in this palace, every step must be taken with caution.

At the same time, the emperor's regard for Ruyi also aroused the jealousy of other concubines.Concubine Chun's illness, Concubine Jia's ambition, and Yan Wan's plan all caused quite a stir in the palace.However, Ruyi always remained calm and rational, and she used her wisdom and kindness to resolve one crisis after another.

In the conversation between the emperor and the queen mother, we can feel the emperor's deep feelings for Ruyi.He insisted on making Ruyi the imperial concubine, not only because of her outstanding performance in palace affairs, but also because of his trust and dependence on Ruyi.Although the Queen Mother was worried about the emperor's decision, she also understood that the emperor was no longer the child who needed her protection.

Master Anji's prayer ceremony brought a moment of tranquility to the palace. However, beneath this tranquility was a greater storm hidden.Concubine Jia's physical discomfort, the ungrateful behavior of the Princess Himuro, and the appearance of Master Anji's disciple Ando all foreshadowed the subsequent plot.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E43Plot

An assassin appears in the palace

Deep in the palace, Master Anji is praying for the royal family. His piety and compassion have won the respect of everyone.Aier, a palace maid who was bullied in Qixiang Palace, found Master Anduo and was grateful for the help he had given her.She confided to the master that the days in the palace were like torture for her, but Master Anduo comforted her with compassion, telling her that as long as she had peace of mind, she could survive all difficulties.

The warmth Elle felt in the palace could only be given by Master Anduo, and she developed a deep respect and dependence on him.She hopes to get the Buddhist beads in the hands of the master to feel his boundless compassion and pray for a better life in the next life.Master Anduo took off the beads without hesitation and gave them to Aier. Aier was deeply touched by his kind deeds.

However, all this did not escape Concubine Jia's eyes.When she saw Aier getting the master's prayer beads, she felt jealous, thinking that this was a challenge to her status.She used her influence to suppress Aier and sent Aier to the Criminal Punishment Department.Elle was in agony in prison. She deeply felt that she had implicated Master Anduo, and she felt deeply guilty about this.

At the same time, Master Anji's influence in the palace was gradually expanding.His blessing activities attracted the participation of many palace ladies, and even the emperor praised him highly.However, in Concubine Jia's view, all this was Master Anji trying to curry favor with the emperor, and she developed a deep hostility towards Master Anji.

The emperor's attitude towards Master Anji was very tolerant. He believed that the master was a monk and should be respected.However, he also noticed that the ladies in the palace went to Anhua Hall to listen to the master's chanting, which made him think about whether he should let the master leave the palace as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble.

On the other hand, Ruyi received special care from Master Anji in the palace.The master gave her incense and told her that she could wear the Seven Treasures Beads to increase peace.All this was heard by Chun Guifei's maid, and Chun Guifei began to become jealous and wary of Ruyi.

However, a bigger storm is brewing secretly.Late at night, an assassin dressed in white broke into the palace, causing an uproar.The emperor was very angry about this matter. He ordered his guards to investigate the matter carefully. At the same time, he also had doubts about Master Anji.

Under the emperor's questioning, Concubine Jia took the opportunity to frame Ruyi. She accused Ruyi of having an affair with Master Anji and produced a bracelet and a love letter as evidence.Ruyi insisted that she had never done this, but the emperor had doubts about her.

The Queen Mother's attitude towards this matter was very clear. She believed that she should take this opportunity to clean up the harem and check whether the maids had done anything inappropriate.So Fujia led people to search the palace, but found the Buddhist beads in Ai'er's hand in the palace of Concubine Jia.Ai'er was punished by the Queen Mother and whipped a hundred times as a warning.

However, Concubine Jia did not give up because of this. She decided to add fuel to the fire and use Ai'er to make the matter even bigger.She spread rumors to the palace ladies, saying that Ruyi was a woman entangled in rumors and unworthy of being the mother of a country.

The emperor was very troubled by this matter. He knew full well that Ruyi was innocent, but he could not completely rule out her suspicion.He tossed and turned late at night, thinking about how to handle the matter.

Ai'er was in agony in prison, and she deeply felt that she had implicated Master Anduo and Ruyi.At the prompting of the jailer, she decided to defend herself. She shouted out that she had only received a string of Buddhist beads and was being punished like this. How could she be compared to the treatment of an imperial concubine?Her shouts echoed in the night air, seeming to express the helplessness and sorrow deep in the palace.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E44Plot

Xing Xin entered the Criminal Division and was tortured

Recently, there have been a lot of rumors in the palace. The emperor was very angry when he heard that Ai'er shouted shocking words in public.This incident not only spread rumors in the palace, but also had a serious impact on the emperor's reputation.In order to quell the rumors, the emperor decided to investigate the matter personally in order to bring justice to the palace.

Now, the physical evidence is complete, but the only human witness is Jingxin.Lingxin is a person close to Ruyi, and the emperor values ​​Ruyi very much, so questioning Lingxin will definitely involve torture.This put the emperor into a dilemma. He wanted to find out the truth, but he didn't want to hurt his relationship with Ruyi.

Soon, a group of people came to Yikun Palace and prepared to take away Xingxin.To prove Ruyi's innocence, Yingxin expressed his willingness to go.Before leaving, Ruyi told Xingxin that she would find out the truth as soon as possible and clear her name.After that, Ruyi was imprisoned in Yikun Palace and isolated from the outside world.

On the day of Wanshou Festival, the emperor was still troubled by Ruyi's incident.All the guards admitted that they had seen someone with the appearance of a mage entering and exiting Yikun Palace, but only Jingxin did not admit it.Now the only person who can prove Ruyi's innocence is Xingxin, and the emperor is in trouble.In order to clear Ruyi's innocence, the emperor ordered that Xingxin be tortured.

At the birthday banquet, none of the concubines could see Ruyi.Ruyi made snacks in the palace and wrote the words "Shou" personally, and ordered Aunt Wei to bring them to Hailan to express her feelings for the emperor.Hailan received a birthday gift from Ruyi and discovered that there was a mystery hidden in it.She opened the longevity peach and found that it contained a bracelet, and quickly ordered someone to fetch Guard Ling.

The Queen Mother told the Emperor that only Jing Xin and a few guards were being detained and tortured by the Shen Xing Department, and the matter should not cause too much trouble.Concubine Jia said that she had already given instructions to the Division of Punishment.The Queen Mother accused Concubine Jia of always interrupting when she was talking to the Emperor, making the atmosphere even more tense.

At this time, Hailan returned to the banquet, and Ling Yunche called Li Yu out, asking him to help rescue Lingxin and Ruyi.Li Yu agreed to help and accepted the bracelet sent by Ling Yunche.He also asked Ling Yunche to tell Hailan to hold the emperor back before he came back.

Li Yu left the banquet on the pretext of sending the Queen Mother back to the palace, but the Emperor said at the banquet that he was tired and wanted to go back to Yangxin Hall first.Hailan asked the emperor to take a rest before going back. The fifth elder brother also asked the emperor to watch the singing and dancing before leaving, and the emperor agreed.Hailan brought the snacks sent by Ruyi to the emperor. The emperor saw that he had accepted the words "Shou" on the cakes, but said that he had to go back to Yangxin Hall first.Hailan motioned to Ling Yunche to follow the emperor in case of any eventuality.

Li Yu came to the Yangxin Hall, found the bracelet hidden by the emperor, and exchanged the one sent by Ling Yunche with the other one.At this time, the emperor came outside the Yangxin Hall. Li Yu was so anxious that he could not open the bag containing the bracelet. He accidentally dropped the bag under the cabinet and could not get it.The emperor met Yan Wan outside the palace. Yan Wan aggrieved Ru Yi and asked the emperor to see clearly and give Ru Yi justice.The emperor ignored him and left.

During this period, Li Yu hurriedly picked up the bracelet and exchanged it.Li Yu happened to meet the emperor when he went out. He lied that he was afraid that the emperor would catch a cold, so he wanted to come back and bring a blanket to the emperor.The emperor took out the Chinese character "Shou" written by Ruyi. This character "Shou" was copied by Ruyi from the emperor's handwriting.Ruyi wanted to tell the emperor that as long as someone is willing, someone can imitate her calligraphy.The emperor inquired about Ling Xin's situation and learned that Ling Xin still kept silent. Although he knew that torture would hurt his relationship with Ruyi, he had to do so in order to restore Ruyi's innocence.

The emperor opened the box containing the bracelet and went to Yikun Palace.Yan Wan was still kneeling outside the palace, begging the emperor to forgive Ruyi.Li Yu told Yan Wan that the emperor already knew her intentions and asked her to go back.On the way back to the palace, Yan Wan said that Concubine Jia had always been at odds with her. If Ruyi could one day get her wrong done, she would naturally remember her friendship.She believes that Ruyi has been in the palace for many years and will not let others push her to a dead end.

In the Shenxing Department, Xingxin was tortured but still insisted that the imperial concubine did nothing.When the emperor came to Yikun Palace, he took out the physical evidence found by Concubine Jia and said that he would investigate the matter in detail.He tortured Xingxin to keep Ruyi innocent.Ruyi said that she did not want to harm Xing Xin for her own innocence. The emperor said that Ruyi's innocence was also his own innocence, and hoped that Ruyi could maintain their common reputation.

When the emperor was about to leave Yikun Palace, Ruyi pointed out that there was something wrong with the bracelet.Ruyi said that this bracelet is made of carnelian rather than agate. Although the two are similar in color, practitioners will never mistake it.Therefore, this bracelet definitely cannot be the product of a master.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E45Plot

Ruyi clears her grievances

One early morning, there was a sound of gentle footsteps in the palace.Li Yu, a loyal palace attendant, held an exquisite walking stick in his hand. The decorations on the walking stick shone with a faint light.His destination was Concubine Jia's palace. The emperor had a decree to give this step to her.

Concubine Jia took the Bu Yao and looked at it carefully.She discovered that the rocker was actually made of carnelian.Although carnelian is beautiful, it is not considered valuable in jewelry.She was confused and couldn't help but ask Li Yu why the emperor would use such materials to make Bu Yao.

Li Yu explained softly that when Queen Xiaoxian was alive, she disliked luxury things the most.Recently, the emperor missed Empress Xiaoxian and specially made a walking wave made of carnelian to express his memory of the late empress.After hearing this, Concubine Jia's face showed a look of joy.

However, Li Yu hadn't finished speaking yet.He also mentioned that the emperor ordered each palace to write down the names of the seven treasures. As the highest-ranking concubine in the palace, Concubine Jia naturally had to start from Qixiang Palace.Concubine Jia nodded in agreement and ordered Zhenshu to summon the palace people.But Li Yu stopped her, saying that Zhenshu was also from Qixiang Palace and wanted to write it together.

Concubine Jia and Zhenshu both changed their expressions. Concubine Jia explained that Zhenshu was from her mother's tribe and did not know Chinese characters.But Li Yu insisted on principles and would not give in.Concubine Jia had no choice but to agree.

Li Yu personally supervised the writing of the palace people. He noticed that Zhenshu's handwriting was very ugly and became suspicious.He decided to personally search Zhenshu's residence, and found an unfinished letter from home. The handwriting was completely different from what he had just written.

Zhenshu explained that she had just been flustered and her handwriting was a bit sloppy.But Li Yu didn't believe her words.He took out two carnelian and said that the emperor gave Zhenshu two agates, but Zhenshu could not distinguish between agate and carnelian.This made the emperor think that Zhenshu must have done the bracelet thing.

The emperor was furious and ordered Zhenshu to be imprisoned in the Shenxing Department, and he specifically told her not to hurt her hand, because the emperor knew that she could write exactly the same words as the imperial concubine.

When Concubine Jia learned about this, she was furious and determined to rescue Zhenshu.However, things are not that simple.The punishment imposed by the Shenxing Division was cruel. When he was rescued, he was seriously injured and could no longer walk like a normal person.

Doctor Jiang treated Xingxin and found that Xingxin had been beaten with sticks and flogged, and pepper water was poured on the wound, causing the wound to suppurate.What's more serious is that her left leg was clamped with a stick, and the calf bone was pinched. Even if she recovered, she would no longer be able to walk like a normal person.

Both Concubine Jia and Ruyi felt deeply guilty, and they told Dr. Jiang to take good care of Lingxin.Doctor Jiang agreed and expressed his willingness to marry her and take care of her for the rest of her life.Ruyi and Li Yu were both very pleased.

However, things are not over yet.Li Yu found several clues about Ruyi's invitations at Zhenshu's residence.Zhenshu finally confessed that she imitated Ruyi's handwriting.But she insisted that she couldn't stand Ruyi's domineering behavior and that the matter had nothing to do with Concubine Jia.

The emperor did not believe that Zhenshu could do such a thing alone. He believed that Concubine Jia had something to do with it.Therefore, he ordered Concubine Jia to be demoted to the rank of concubine, banned from Qixiang Palace to reflect on her past, and sent Zhenshu back to her mother country.

Ruyi felt aggrieved and believed that the emperor did this to prevent herself from being criticized so that she could become the queen.She asked the emperor to give Jingxin to Dr. Jiang, and the emperor agreed.

The prince of Jia Concubine was taken to the Xiaofang Palace. Jia Concubine tried her best to stop him, but to no avail.Li Yu said that all of this was the fault of the concubines themselves, and that the concubines could not protect the princes and Zhenshu.When Concubine Jia went to see Zhenshu, she couldn't believe it when she learned that the prince had made a mistake and had been escorted to the capital for punishment.

Concubine Jia knelt in front of the Yangxin Hall and begged the emperor to spare Prince Yu.However, the emperor ordered that the concubine be demoted to a noble concubine. If she made trouble again, she would be demoted to a lower level until she was demoted to a human being.Jia Guiren accused Ruyi of framing him, but Ruyi exposed him on the spot.Ruyi accused her of being so noisy even though she was pregnant with the emperor's heir. This was because she regarded the prince as more important than the emperor and his heir.

Jiagui felt a stomachache and was sent back to Qixiang Palace.At night, she gave birth to the ninth elder brother, but the ninth elder brother died when he landed.The emperor could not bear to punish Prince Yu, so he only punished him with a three-year reward and sent him back.The Jiagui people lost the support of their children and the prince, and felt very desperate.But she was determined to take good care of herself. As long as she lived well, she would see the prince again one day.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E46Plot

Ling Xin marries Imperial Physician Jiang

Deep in the palace, Dr. Jiang's medical skills and Xingxin's perseverance jointly weave a warm story.The defeat of the Jinchuan War made Neqin the focus.He asked the emperor to send a master to assist in the battle, which not only broke military discipline, but also made the emperor very angry.Neqin's unauthorized return to Beijing touched the emperor's bottom line. Although the Queen Mother lamented Neqin's ignorance, she also knew that she could not interfere in this matter.

Doctor Jiang devoted himself to taking care of Ling Xin, and his medical skills and care helped Ling Xin's health gradually improve.Although she was worried about her physical disability, she did not want to drag down Dr. Jiang and insisted on letting him leave.This kind of tenacity and self-awareness is deeply admirable.Doctor Jiang's departure gave Ruyi an opportunity. She hoped that Xingxin could marry the person she liked and live an ordinary life.

With Ruyi's persuasion and the palace maid's support, Yingxin finally walked out of Yikun Palace in her wedding dress.Dr. Jiang bid farewell to Xingxin. Ruyi covered their heads and sent them out of the palace.At this moment, Ling Xin finally found his support, and Dr. Jiang also fulfilled his promise.

At the gate of the palace, Li Yu specially changed his position and came to say goodbye to Xing Xin.He said that he would take good care of Ruyi in the palace and gave them fifty acres of fertile land as a wedding gift.This friendship moved both of them very much.

At the same time, Jia Guiren played Beiqin in the palace, recalling the emperor's past favor.She is determined to win back the emperor's heart and show her charm.And Yan Wan was promoted to the concubine position, and she had mixed feelings in her heart.Although the emperor's evaluation of her was mediocre, she was rewarded for interceding for Ruyi.The emperor also realized that he had ignored Jiagui for a long time, so he decided to make her a concubine and give the Yu family an explanation.

However, Yan Wan is worried about Jia Guiren's concubine, and she is worried about being bullied again.Ruyi advised her not to force things and let nature take its course.Late at night, Yihuan was painting alone in the palace. She painted the emperor on paper to express her longing for the emperor.The emperor dined with Ruyi and Yihuan and talked about his eldest brother's physical condition.Ruyi hoped that the emperor could visit him, but the emperor believed that his eldest brother's illness was caused by his worries and had already asked the imperial doctor to go for diagnosis and treatment.

However, the eldest brother's condition is getting worse day by day.He dreamed about E Niang. When he woke up, he vomited blood and claimed that he would go to Queen Xiaoxian to argue with her.Ruyi hurried to Yonghuang's bedside, only to learn that he had passed away.Yonghuang's Fujin revealed that his eldest brother had nightmares all day long, and it was even worse a few days ago on the anniversary of the death of Queen Xiaoxian.The imperial doctor gave the eldest brother some refreshing medicine, but he still insisted on talking to Ruyi alone.He apologizes to Ruyi and reveals that it was the concubine Jia who told him that Queen Xiaoxian killed his mother-in-law.Ruyi asked Jiabi why she said this, but Yonghuang had passed away and the truth was unknown.

The emperor rushed to the scene, but was unable to see Yong Huang for the last time.He was heartbroken, and Ruyi came to comfort him.The emperor admitted that he did not want to attend Yong Huang's funeral because he did not want to face his resentful eyes when he was seriously ill.This deep father-son relationship is deeply regrettable.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E47Plot

Rong Pei enters Yikun Palace

Deep in the palace, an emperor was lamenting his reign.Since he ascended the throne, he has been diligent and caring for the people, but fate does not seem to favor him.His sons, the princes whom he loved deeply, died one after another, and he had to endure the sadness of white-haired people sending black-haired people away.He looked at the children he had raised with heartache, but could not bear their unfilial piety.He told Ruyi that it was a royal taboo for a prince to seize power. He reprimanded those unfilial children, but he still loved them.

Ruyi knew the emperor's pain well, and she comforted him, telling him that if Yonghuang knew the emperor's thoughts, he would definitely feel comforted.She mentioned that Yonghuang never forgot about Concubine Zhemin before his death, and told her that it was Concubine Jia who said that Concubine Zhemin and the second princess were killed by Empress Xiaoxian.The emperor was deeply shocked by Ruyi's words. He remembered that Queen Xiaoxian insisted before her death that she had not harmed Concubine Zhemin. He thought that his suspicion might have harmed Yonghuang as well.

The emperor confessed his feelings to Ruyi. He said that although he was among thousands of people, his loneliness made him deeply painful.He told Ruyi that he always wanted her to be the queen because he thought Ruyi was the one he really chose.Ruyi was moved by the emperor's true feelings, she agreed to him, and the two hugged each other tightly.

When the news spread, everyone in the palace treated Ruyi with great respect.On the road, Ruyi saw a group of maids newly broadcast from the Old Summer Palace by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among them, a maid named Rong Pei caught her attention.When Ruyi saw Rong Pei loudly accusing Eunuch Zhao of being unfair, she immediately stepped forward to stop him and expressed her appreciation for Rong Pei's straightforwardness.She asked Rong Pei to come to Yikun Palace as an errand, and Hailan also helped prepare for the ceremony.

On the day before the ceremony of establishing the queen, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent colorful satin for the queen's front and back tailoring, but Rong Pei stopped it.She told Ruyi that the eldest brother had been mourned for less than a hundred days, so these bright satins were not suitable for entering the palace.Ruyi also agreed with Rong Pei and asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send some plain satin.After Eunuch Qin left, Ruyi expressed appreciation for Rong Pei's attentiveness and asked her to take Xingxin's position from now on and be the aunt in charge of Yikun Palace.

However, the emperor's rebuke to Yongzhang caused controversy.The fifth elder brother defended Yongzhang, thinking that he often stopped explaining just to let himself and his sixth brother understand better.After hearing this, the emperor no longer criticized Yongzhang, but asked him to read more of the Classic of Filial Piety and understand a little about the etiquette of filial piety and brotherhood.

Ruyi met Concubine Chun outside the palace, and the two returned to the palace together.Concubine Chun has now worshiped Buddha and recited sutras. Ruyi believed that she was instigated because she loved her son so much.Concubine Chun expressed her gratitude to Ruyi because she knew that Ruyi would not be partial to any prince.

The Queen Mother expressed concern about Ruyi's canonization. She believed that Ruyi's posthumous position was not earned by herself, but was given to her by the emperor.Ruyi told the Queen Mother that she didn't care about her position, she just wanted to be the emperor's wife.However, the queen mother reminded her that the emperor was the emperor and could never be a husband. Even the queen was just a slave around the emperor.

Finally, the emperor announced to the portrait of the late empress that he had decided to make Ruyi his queen.Jingse also rushed back to the capital, and father and son finally met again.Jingse reminded Ruyi that she had no family background and children, so she might be dissatisfied with the concubine.But the emperor believed that it was precisely because Ruyi had no family background that she would not spend her whole life planning like the previous empress.

The next day, Ruyi was named the Queen of the Central Palace, and she led everyone to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.Under the attention of millions of people, she walked towards the emperor. The two looked at each other and smiled, and the emperor also extended his hand to Ruyi.Everyone saluted the emperor and queen one after another to celebrate the birth of the new queen.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E48Plot

The Emperor and Ruyi are newly married

As night fell, there was silence in the palace.The emperor quietly came to Ruyi's room, gently lifted her hijab, and completed the grand wedding.After everyone left, the emperor and Ruyi sat opposite each other. Although their bodies were exhausted, their hearts were full of satisfaction and peace.The emperor finally said with emotion: “Now, I can truly be at ease.Not only have you become a queen, but more importantly, you can finally be with me for real.”

The emperor was well aware of Ruyi's suffering, and promised not to bully or betray her, and to share life and death with her.Ling Yunche, who was waiting outside the room, looked at the light in the room and couldn't help but feel a burst of envy in his heart.He may have also thought of the emotional entanglement between himself and Yan Wan, but more of it was his blessing to Ruyi.

Yan Wan looked at the grand occasion of the Queen's Standing Ceremony with mixed feelings in her heart.She sighed: "No wonder everyone wants to climb up."“Although she knew that she might not be able to become a queen in this life, if she could become an imperial concubine, she would be satisfied.

Ling Yunche and Zhao Jiuxiao drank together. Zhao Jiuxiao became interested in the maids around Yan Wan, but Ling Yunche reminded him not to miss the people around Yan Wan.Zhao Jiuxiao thought that Ling Yunche was worried that Yan Wan would be left out because the emperor became queen, but Ling Yunche had a more profound insight: sitting on the position of queen does not necessarily mean happiness, and there may be greater problems in the future.pain.”There is a shadow of a person in his heart, he can only look at her from a distance, happy for her, but always worried about her future.

At night, Ruyi dreamed of her aunt, who praised her as worthy of being the daughter of Ulanara.The next day, all the concubines came to pay their respects to the queen. Concubine Chun mentioned that the concubines were dressed beautifully today.Concubine Jia proudly expressed that the emperor liked her to wear red, while Ruyi magnanimously expressed that she and the emperor were one and the same. Concubine Jia missed the emperor and she also missed herself.However, Princess Jia was not satisfied with this. She mentioned that although Ruyi was the new queen, she still lived in the old palace, implying that Ruyi's status was unstable.Hailan reminded Jiabi that the queen will always be the queen, and no matter where she lives, she will be the master of the Sixth Palace.Not to be outdone, Jiabi mocked Ruyi by talking about filling houses among the people.However, Ruyi didn't care, and instead ordered the reinstatement of Jia's concubine as a noble concubine, which showed her tolerance and generosity.

In the gift of earrings, Concubine Chun received agate pearl earrings, while Concubine Jia received carnelian earrings.Concubine Chun was grateful and put it on immediately; Concubine Jia thought it was Ruyi deliberately humiliating herself and argued angrily with Ruyi.However, Ruyi said that she thought that everyone in the palace knew the difference between carnelian and agate, but she did not expect that Concubine Jia was so ignorant and regarded her as a tool to achieve success in one step.She took this opportunity to ridicule Concubine Jia for her plot to harm her, and ordered Rong Pei to put on the earrings for Concubine Jia herself, which caused Concubine Jia to be in great pain.Concubine Jia shed tears in front of everyone, but she could only swallow her anger.

Back in the palace, Concubine Jia felt that she couldn't swallow this breath and wanted to complain to the emperor.However, in Yikun Palace, both Lingxin and Hailan said that Ruyi's move was a combination of kindness and power. As a queen, it is natural for her to teach her concubines. Even if Concubine Jia complained to the emperor, nothing would happen.Ruyi came to Yangxin Hall. The emperor had already learned about Concubine Jia and expressed his support for Ruyi to suppress her.Ruyi said that she wanted to use this to suppress the custom of relying on her mother's clan in the palace. The emperor agreed very much and said that he had punished Concubine Jia to shut up and think about her mistakes.

The emperor thought carefully for Ruyi and abolished the Cold Palace and let the former emperor's concubines there go to the Rehe Palace to retire in their old age.From today on, the husband and wife in the palace are of one mind and there will never be a break in love.The emperor prepared a gift for Ruyi - a painting made by Lang Shining for the two of them, and planned to take her to Mount Wutai to burn incense to comfort her ancestors.Ruyi was very happy and felt the emperor's deep affection.

On the grassland, the emperor took Ruyi on a horseback ride, and the two of them promised to enjoy it until they grow old.However, Concubine Jia was punished every day in Fengxian Hall. She looked at the portraits of her ancestors and determined to make her son the future emperor of the Qing Dynasty.At the same time, Ruyi's mother-in-law came to the palace to visit her daughter. The mother and daughter met very affectionately.In the palace, love, power, and desire are intertwined, and everyone is looking for their place in this game.The story of Ruyi and the emperor also slowly unfolded in this complicated palace life.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E49Plot

Concubine Shu has been in love for many years and is finally pregnant

Deep in the palace, Shu Bin's physical discomfort and late night vomiting attracted everyone's attention.Yan Wan guessed that Shu Bin might be pregnant, but the emperor immediately denied this possibility, which surprised everyone.The emperor immediately ordered Dr. Qi to come for diagnosis and treatment, hoping to confirm Shu Bin's true condition.

Doctor Qi's diagnosis shocked everyone. Shu Bin was actually two months pregnant.This news made Shu Bin extremely happy, but the emperor's face was expressionless, making it difficult to tell what he really thought.The emperor immediately promoted Concubine Shu to the title of Concubine Shu, and asked Imperial Physician Qi to take good care of her body.

However, the emperor's heart was filled with doubts, and he asked Imperial Physician Qi why Concubine Shu was pregnant.Doctor Qi speculated that Concubine Shu might have unexpectedly given birth to a child because she did not take the pregnancy medicine on time.The emperor was shocked by this. He asked Concubine Shu if she had ever suspected that there was something wrong with the pregnancy-inducing medicine. Doctor Qi thought that Concubine Shu might have lost hope in having children, so she did not take the medicine on time and became pregnant unexpectedly.

Faced with this unexpected good news, the emperor's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.Instead of expressing joy, he gave off a sense of deep concern.He asked Doctor Qi to take good care of the dragon fetus, but at the same time he began to have doubts about the child's life experience.

Ruyi was very happy about Concubine Shu's pregnancy. She lamented that Concubine Shu's long-awaited wish finally came true.However, Yan Wan became jealous because of this, and she also began to take a large amount of pregnancy-inducing drugs in the hope of becoming pregnant.Chunchan reminded her that Concubine Shu suddenly became pregnant after she stopped taking the medicine, and suggested that she take the medicine outside the palace for the doctor to take a look at.

The Queen Mother was also very surprised when she learned that Concubine Shu was pregnant.She secretly planned to raise the child so that Concubine Shu would do her bidding.However, Yan Wan was shocked to discover that the prescription that Chun Chan retrieved turned out to be a contraceptive medicine.Yan Wan felt very heartbroken that all her years of hard work were in vain.Chun Chan comforted her that as long as she stopped taking the medicine, she would still be pregnant.

Ruyi felt sympathy for Yan Wan's experience, but she also began to have doubts about the abortion pill.She reminded Yan Wan and Shu Fei many times to drink less pregnancy medicine. Maybe she already knew the secret.Yan Wan began to resent Ru Yi, thinking that she did not treat her sincerely.

The emperor also began to have doubts about Imperial Physician Qi. He suspected that Imperial Physician Qi might be from the Queen Mother.He asked Yu Hu to investigate the background and past medical history of Imperial Physician Qi, and found that when Imperial Physician Qi treated Concubine Huixian, her condition became increasingly serious.The emperor decided to take action against the imperial physician during his southern tour to ensure his own safety.

During the southern tour, the relationship between the emperor and Ruyi became increasingly deep.When they were traveling in the south of the Yangtze River, the emperor expressed his deep admiration for Ruyi and even wanted to spend the rest of his life with her as an ordinary couple.However, when night fell and the emperor put on his dragon robe, he had to face all the troubles and responsibilities of the royal family.

After Yan Wan learned of the Queen Mother's plan, she decided to take action first.She wanted to deal with Concubine Shu and her children to ensure her position in the palace.But will her plan succeed?Will the emperor discover her conspiracy?

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E50Plot

The emperor gets rid of Qi Ru

In ancient palaces, the relationship between the queen mother and the emperor was usually complex and subtle.As the emperor's mother and former ruler, the Queen Mother's influence on the emperor cannot be ignored.During this banquet, the Queen Mother arranged for Mei Bi and Qing Guiren to sing and perform on the lotus boat, not only for entertainment, but also to take this opportunity to convey her wishes to the emperor.

The Queen Mother questioned the emperor's behavior of favoring Ruyi.She believed that although Ruyi was favored by the emperor, she failed to continue the bloodline of the royal family, which was detrimental to the harmony of the harem and the future of the royal family.The Queen Mother reminded the Emperor that he should take care of the concubines in the harem and protect them from rain and dew. This is to maintain the stability of the harem and the prosperity of the royal family.

Under the arrangement of the Queen Mother, Mei Bi and Qing Guiren became the protagonists of this banquet.However, the Queen Mother was not very relieved about Mei Bin. She believed that Qing Gui was not safe alone, so she asked Fujia to pay attention to the housekeeper Gege in order to win over the emperor.This shows that while maintaining her own power, the Queen Mother was also considering how to choose more suitable concubines for the royal family.

The emperor's reaction showed his respect and compromise for the queen mother.He promised not to neglect the people in the harem in the future, which showed that he was willing to balance the relationship in the harem under the guidance of the Queen Mother.However, the emperor's favor for Yan Wan also caused jealousy and disputes in the harem.

As a newly promoted concubine, Yan Wan's performance won the emperor's praise.However, this also caused dissatisfaction among other concubines.Both Concubine Jia and Concubine Chun expressed dissatisfaction with Yan Wan's promotion, believing that her status had been promoted too quickly.This dissatisfaction spread in the harem, exacerbating the tension in the harem.

At the same time, the Queen Mother's attitude towards Yan Wan also seemed complicated.On the one hand, she appreciates Yan Wan's talent and wit, but on the other hand, she is worried that she will become an unstable factor in the harem.This ambivalence reflects the Queen Mother's struggle between maintaining her own power and maintaining the stability of her harem.

In addition, the emperor also showed dissatisfaction with the interference of the queen mother.He thought that the Queen Mother's hand was stretched too far, and even had the idea of ​​​​taking the imperial doctor beside him.This shows the emperor's determination to maintain his power and independent decision-making.

Throughout the story, harem strife and royal power struggles are deftly woven together.The Queen Mother, the Emperor, and the concubines each have different goals and interests. The interactions and conflicts between them form the core of the story.By depicting the psychology and actions of these characters, the story shows the complex interpersonal relationships and power struggles in the ancient palace.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E51Plot

Ling Yunche was framed

Tonight, the emperor summoned his concubine to bed. While she was washing and getting ready, there was a sudden commotion in the palace.The figure flashed by, and the palace maid was horrified to find that Concubine Jia's personal bellyband was mysteriously missing.Immediately afterwards, the bellyband was found in the room of the guard Ling Yunche.This discovery outraged the emperor, and Ling Yunche was immediately accused and tortured.

Ruyi rushed to the scene in a hurry. In front of her, Ling Yunche was tied up tightly and covered with bruises.However, he still vehemently denied all the accusations.Concubine Jia knelt beside the emperor and cried out her innocence and grievance with tears in her eyes.

Ruyi carefully observed Concubine Jia's bellyband and found that this matter was quite strange.She pointed out that if someone really stole something as private as this, he would hide it close to his body and would never leave it in a crowded veranda.At this time, Yan Wan also rushed to the scene and witnessed Ling Yunche's tragic situation.

Ruyi pleads for Ling Yunche, believing that the matter is full of doubts and needs further investigation, otherwise it will not only ruin Ling Yunche's future, but also damage the reputation of the royal family.Yan Wan also couldn't bear it and suggested that Ling Yunche be transferred out of the capital and assigned to be on duty at Mulan Paddock.In order to maintain the reputation of the royal family, the emperor ordered this to be done.

When Ruyi left the Yangxin Hall, she told Li Yu to take good care of Ling Yunche.She was deeply confused. Concubine Jia had no grudge against Ling Yunche, so why did she want to frame him?What kind of conspiracy is hidden behind this matter?

In fact, all of this was carefully planned by Jin Zhong in order to get rid of Ling Yunche.However, Yan Wan still couldn't bear to see Ling Yunche die.She warned Jinzhong to stay safe, otherwise Ruyi and Concubine Jia would not let him go once the matter was exposed.Seeing Yan Wan's resolute attitude, Jin Zhong had no choice but to give up.

Although Yan Wan and Jin Zhong have temporarily reconciled, the rift between them is irreparable.Upon seeing this, Chunchan came forward to mediate, hoping that the two could continue to cooperate.

Ruyi sent Rong Pei to visit Ling Yunche and encouraged him to endure the hardships and believed that one day he would return to the capital in an upright manner.Ling Yunche was grateful for Ruyi's concern.

Back in the palace, Ruyi hurried to Concubine Shu to comfort her.She knew the importance of her children to Concubine Shu, and advised her to put her children first, and other things would be taken care of slowly.Concubine Shu thought of her soon-to-be-born child, and her heart was full of expectations.

The Queen Mother mentioned to the Emperor that she wanted to raise Concubine Shu's child, and mentioned what Qin Tianjian said that day.The emperor was puzzled by the source of the news and ordered an investigation.Yan Wan took the opportunity to frame Mei Bin, claiming that she had seen her waiting outside after leaving Yangxin Hall.The emperor ordered Li Yu to send concubine Mei to Yangxin Hall.

Concubine Jia was terrified after learning the news, worried that Mei Bi would expose the crimes she had committed.She hurriedly ordered the palace maid to poison Mei Bin to avoid future troubles.Ruyi and Hailan happened to witness this scene and suspected that there must be something fishy behind Concubine Jia.

Ruyi and Hailan came to Meibi Palace and reminded her that this matter was fraudulent.Mei Bi used a silver needle to test the poison, but the result was that the silver needle did not turn black.However, when Concubine Jia fed the food to the parrot, the parrot died immediately.Mei Bin was horrified, and Ruyi quickly ordered Dr. Jiang to check the food.

After leaving, Ruyi lamented Mei Bi's experience, thinking that although she was favored, she lost her son and fell out of favor, which was very pitiful.She guessed that there must be a deeper reason why Concubine Jia was eager to kill Mei.

Mei Bin came to the Tai Hospital to check her medicinal materials, and asked her to change the medicine on the pretext that the medicinal materials were damp.Doctor Jiang reported to Ruyi that Mei Bi's rice had been mixed with unusual medicine.Ruyi suspected that the matter had nothing to do with the imperial kitchen, and was probably the fault of Concubine Jia.

In addition, Dr. Jiang also discovered that two of Shu Fei's medicines were inappropriate.This is originally a good medicine for dehumidification, but it can damage the kidneys for people with weak kidney qi.Concubine Shu's kidney energy is weak, so this medicine will undoubtedly affect the fetus in her belly.In order not to make Concubine Shu sad, Dr. Jiang chose to hide it.

At night, Qingbi drank Gubenzhibeng Decoction to pray for an early pregnancy.However, the medicine has been tampered with by Mei Bi.The next day, Qing's concubine suffered from unbearable abdominal pain, and the imperial doctor diagnosed that the medicine had been lacerated with Achyranthes bidentata and Cao Wu.Mei Bi took the initiative to admit her crime, saying that she was jealous of Qing Bi's favor and committed the murder.As a result, Qingbi was seriously injured and had difficulty conceiving again.The emperor was furious and wanted to execute Mei Bin.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E52Plot

The emperor sends the tenth prince out of the palace

The emperor ordered Ruyi to deal with Meibin. Ruyi saw her in Meibin's palace, dressed in fine clothes, sitting on the bed and playing the pipa.Ruyi asked Mei Bin why she did such a thing. Mei Bin admitted that she was the queen mother's servant and that poisoning Qing Bin was the emperor's order. The purpose was to make the queen mother suffer but she did not dare to say anything. She could only blame herself for choosing the wrong person to stay with the emperor..Mei Bi said that the only thing she was sorry for was her child. She avenged her child but never even met her child.Meibin firmly believed that Queen Xiaoxian killed her child, but Ruyi believed that there was something fishy about the matter. Queen Xiaoxian's position was stable, and Meibin's child could not threaten her.Ruyi suspects that someone is taking advantage of Meibin, and Meibin may have hated the wrong person and avenged the wrong person.Ruyi told Meibin that he had installed auspicious points for her mother and son, and would also perform rituals for her. Meibin was very grateful.Ruyi asked someone to serve poisoned wine, and Meibi drank it and passed away with a smile on her face.

When Ruyi left Mei Bin's palace, she lamented that Mei Bin was pitiful and suspected that Concubine Jia was the mastermind behind Mei Bin.Concubine Shu gave birth to her tenth prince, but the emperor was not very happy because he was worried about the conflict between father and son as mentioned by Qin Tianjian.The Queen Mother hugged the 10th Prince and loved it very much. She brought Concubine Shu the purple ginseng from the year before last and rewarded the grandma who delivered the baby and the imperial doctor generously.However, the grandmother who delivered the baby revealed to Yan Wan that Concubine Shu was damaged during pregnancy and it would be difficult for her tenth brother to raise her.

After the tenth prince was full moon, the signs of severe loss of qi and blood became more obvious.The emperor remembered Qin Tianjian's words and believed that he and the ten elder brothers were incompatible with each other, so he ordered the ten elder brothers to be sent to the Prince's Mansion to be raised.Concubine Shu was reluctant to give up and wanted to ask the Queen Mother to intercede, but the Emperor refused.The Yellow River has burst its banks, and the emperor has been very unwell recently.Concubine Shu had not seen her tenth brother for a long time, and the emperor did not call her to sleep with him. She missed him very much.The emperor woke up from his dream, dreaming about the late emperor, and thought that he and his tenth prince were in conflict, and that he might be weak because of this.Ruyi comforted the emperor and asked him not to worry about the celestial phenomena.

The next day, Ruyi asked Emperor Li Yu how his dragon body was doing, and was relieved to learn that the emperor was fine.The concubines came to pay their respects to the queen. Ruyi said that he was going to hold a ritual ceremony for Mei Bin. Qing Bin was dissatisfied, but Ruyi thought that Mei Bin poisoned Qing Bin might not have been his intention.Concubine Jia was suspicious of what Mei Bin had said to Ruyi before she died. Ruyi said that she believed that Mei Bin had harmed Qing Bin, and that she had lost her temper due to the pain of losing her son. She also believed that she thought the children in the palace were pitiful and all suffered.People assassinate.The concubines mentioned that the seventh prince died young due to an illness and was not assassinated.Ruyi claimed that the illness of the seventh elder brother was strange. Mei Bi told Ruyi before her death that she had seen Mo Xin. Later, Mo Xin got the pox and died. Later, the seventh elder brother and the wet nurse fell ill and died.Jia Bin said how could Mo Xin ever meet Chun Niang? She could only blame the seventh elder brother for his poor fortune.All the concubines thought that Concubine Jia's words were disrespectful to Queen Xiaoxian and the Seventh Prince, and they all stood up and said that Concubine Jia should be punished.Ruyi ordered Concubine Jia to draw hundreds of prayer flags for Queen Xiaoxian and Qi Age. They were not allowed to leave Qixiang Palace until the drawings were completed.Ruyi mentioned to the emperor that she suspected that Concubine Jia poisoned Empress Xiaoxian and her son, but because there was no real evidence, the emperor did not believe it.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E53Plot

Yan Wan charms the emperor

Deep in the palace, Queen Ruyi began to notice some subtle changes.The emperor has frequently conferred many blessings and permanent presences recently, and the number of blessings has increased more than before.Ruyi couldn't help but start to worry about the emperor's health.At the same time, Rong Pei brought good news to Ruyi, saying that she was very happy.This news made Ruyi feel a little more relaxed. She immediately told Rong Pei to let Dr. Jiang take good care of Lingxin and not to rush back to the palace to work on errands.

However, the peace in the palace did not last long.Concubine Chun came to see Ruyi and mentioned that the emperor had been feeling unwell recently, which could not be improved even after taking tonics.Although Ruyi didn't know exactly what tonic the emperor drank, she promised to persuade him.The emperor himself was deeply depressed, and expressed dissatisfaction with the tonics prescribed by Imperial Physician Jiang, believing that they were ineffective.Dr. Jiang explained that he did not dare to use too much medicine for the sake of the emperor's dragon body.However, the emperor mentioned the past that the late emperor had mixed deer blood with wine, and seemed very dissatisfied with Dr. Jiang's attitude.

At this critical moment, Yan Wan prepared deer blood wine for the emperor and asked Jin Zhong to inform the emperor.After hearing the news, the emperor immediately went to Yangxin Hall.At the same time, Concubine Jia's body also appeared strange. Her menstruation was delayed and she was very likely to become pregnant again.She believed that Ruyi was targeting her everywhere now, so in order to protect the fetus in her belly, she decided to wait until she was older before reporting it to the emperor.

Ruyi learned that Yanwan used deer blood wine to please the emperor, and that the emperor was currently in the Yongshou Palace, she immediately went to the Yongshou Palace.Unexpectedly, Ruyi bumped into the scene where the emperor summoned the four concubines to sleep with him.Yanwan knelt in front of Ruyi to plead guilty, and Ruyi asked about the emperor's whereabouts.Yanwan said that the emperor had fallen asleep drunk.Ruyi angrily reprimanded Yanwan for cutting the deer blood wine and letting the emperor drink it. He also accused the concubines of not wanting to persuade and flattering, with bad intentions.

At this moment, the emperor walked out of the palace, explained that he only drank tonic because he was weak, and asked everyone to go back to the palace.However, Ruyi insisted on punishing the concubines and made the emperor drink sobering soup.The emperor was very unhappy about this and knocked over the sobering soup that Ruyi was carrying.Although Ruyi was unsteady, luckily someone from the palace helped her in time.She insisted that she felt sorry for the emperor's body, but the emperor didn't care and asked Ruyi to go back to the palace to think about her mistakes.

Ruyi refused to give in and voluntarily knelt before the emperor to be punished.The emperor asked Ruyi to kneel here and followed Yanwan into the room.The emperor believed that Ruyi was using his status as queen to threaten him, and was very dissatisfied with this.Ruyi felt dizzy after kneeling for a long time and collapsed to the ground.When the emperor heard the sound, he immediately came to help Ruyi and drank a sobering drink to prevent Ruyi from being smoked.

After Ruyi woke up, she was very happy to know that she had been blessed.The emperor also apologized for his gaffe and promised Ruyi to take good care of his body in the future.In order to punish Yan Wan, the emperor removed her green card.After Concubine Jia learned about the queen's happiness, she lamented that no one would cherish her child in the future, and could only hope that she would give birth to a prince again.

At night, Yan Wan ran to the emperor's chariot to plead for mercy, but the emperor accused her of seducing the emperor and ignored her.Ruyi and the emperor felt very relieved after untying their knot, but they were still worried about when the emperor's worries about growing old would be resolved.Rong Pei comforted her that taking good care of Long Zi was the most important thing now.

Concubine Jia informed the emperor that she had been lucky for three months, and the emperor ordered Concubine Jia to be punished.The Queen Mother mentioned that no one has been waiting for the Emperor recently and proposed a draft.The emperor also agreed to the draft and ordered people from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to handle it without letting the Queen Mother interfere.The Queen Mother felt that the emperor was alienated from her and felt very chilled.

Concubine Yu and Concubine Shu came to visit Ruyi. Hailan said that she made children's clothes for Ruyi every year, hoping that Ruyi would be happy soon.Doctor Jiang said that the emperor was in good health and did not need to take tonic medicine anymore. He only needed to rest peacefully.The emperor lamented that Ruyi could always stay awake and advised him.Doctor Jiang also mentioned that Brother Ten had improved, and the emperor was relieved.

Yan Wan, who has fallen out of favor, is now also being ignored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Just when she felt helpless, her mother-in-law came to ask for money, which made her even more embarrassed.A draft was held in the palace, but the princess selected by Fujia failed to pass the screening.It turned out that the emperor had ordered not to select the daughters of powerful ministers, the daughters of previous officials, and women with low status. The Queen Mother lamented that the emperor was too defensive.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E54Plot

Later gave birth to twelfth brother

Recently, three new beauties have been added to the palace. They are Keguiren, Gong Changzai and Xi Changzai.The three newcomers all came to pay their respects to Queen Ruyi and expressed their respect and loyalty.As a queen, Ruyi asked them to abide by the palace rules, serve the emperor wholeheartedly, and create heirs for the royal family.

In a courtyard in the palace, Kebin and the emperor built a snowman together and had barbecue in the courtyard for fun.At this time, Yan Wan was holding two fresh chickens, hoping to share this warm time with the two of them.However, Ke Bin refused Yan Wan to join because she had donated deer blood wine to the emperor.Kebin's harsh words made Yanwan feel even more humiliated.

Yan Wan was in a low mood. Just as Concubine Jia was choosing to deliver her grandma, the jealousy in her heart became even stronger.Ruyi's mother-in-law went to the palace to visit her and was very pleased to see that her daughter was in good health.The emperor was very concerned about Ruyi's pregnancy and asked Dr. Jiang about the gender of the fetus.Dr. Jiang said it was still difficult to determine.The emperor then went to visit Ruyi in person. Ruyi admitted that he would rather be pregnant with a princess, because princesses are often more considerate.After hearing this, the emperor also praised him repeatedly.

In order to find out about the Queen's pregnancy, Yan Wan spent a lot of money to find the midwife who delivered Concubine Shu and asked her for her opinion.The grandma who delivered the baby did not dare to say anything, so Yan Wan could only tell her to take good care of her.When Doctor Jiang examined Ruyi's pulse, he hinted that she was pregnant with a boy.Ruyi didn't want others to know about this, so she deliberately concealed it and specially asked a Sichuan cook to serve her and prepare spicy dishes every day.

The next day, Li Xin from Qixiang Palace sent dried sour apricots, but Rong Pei told Concubine Jia that the queen disliked eating sour foods at this time.After Concubine Jia heard this, she felt a little relieved.People in the palace began to talk a lot, speculating that if Concubine Jia gave birth to an elder brother, but the queen gave birth to a princess, Concubine Jia's status might be more stable.

At this time, good news came from the palace that Concubine Jia had successfully given birth to her eleventh brother.When Ruyi chose a grandma to deliver the baby, she specifically chose Grandma Tian who had delivered Concubine Shu.Rong Pei was also extremely careful and inspected many times what Ruyi needed for production.During the day, Ruyi only ate spicy food, but at night Rong Pei secretly brought sour apricots for Ruyi to eat.

When Ruyi was about to give birth, the emperor prayed devoutly in the Fengxian Hall, hoping that the queen would give birth to a healthy prince.Concubine Jia also felt uneasy at this moment. She placed her hope on Ruyi giving birth to a princess.Soon, the good news came that Ruyi successfully gave birth to his twelfth brother, and the emperor was extremely happy.After Concubine Jia learned that she had been deceived, she lamented her incompetence and worried that the emperor would favor his legitimate son.In order to fight for a future for Si Age, she was determined to try her best.

The twelfth elder brother was very strong. The emperor named him Yongzhuang and asked Ruyi to raise him personally.At the same time, the third elder brother, the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother were practicing archery together.The third elder brother left first. In order to prepare for the upcoming Mulan Qiuyan, the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother stepped up their training.The emperor asked Concubine Jia about Si Age's riding and shooting skills and expressed his high hopes for him.

As night falls, the fifth elder brother secretly practices archery in the palace. He has mastered the ability to shoot with his eyes closed.But in order not to show it to others, he deliberately hid his ability.Hailan reminded the fifth elder brother to recognize his identity and not to think wildly.The fifth elder brother revealed to Hailan the news that the fourth elder brother had been working harder and harder recently, and Hailan asked him to pretend not to know about it and stay with the fourth elder brother at all times on Mulan's autumn day.

With the arrival of autumn, the emperor led his concubines to Mulan's paddock for hunting.Concubine Jia met Ling Yunche by chance and ordered her fourth brother to beat him. Fortunately, Ruyi appeared in time to stop the conflict.Ling Yunche told Ruyi about his experiences in recent years and said that he would return in a legitimate way.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E55Plot

The emperor is assassinated in the paddock, Ling Yunche marries Mao Qian

In the royal deer hunting paddock, a grand hunt is going on.The emperor, as the lord of the people, personally led all the ministers and princes to participate in this hunt, showing the royal bravery and boldness.However, this seemingly peaceful hunting ground hides a deep crisis.

The emperor, riding on horseback, is like a brave warrior, leading the way, followed by the princes, each showing his magical powers.The emperor ordered that whoever can shoot the most prey will be heavily rewarded by him.This is not only a hunt, but also a competition for the princes to show off their talents.

However, the most eye-catching person in this hunt was Ling Yunche.He did not pursue the number of prey like other princes, but took his horse for a leisurely walk in the woods.With his keen eyesight, he discovered the scent of the mare, which made him feel that things were not simple.

Sure enough, when the emperor discovered a thousand-mile horse and wanted to tame it, the crisis came quietly.The emperor ignored the persuasion of others and insisted on pursuing him. The fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother followed closely to ensure the emperor's safety.However, when they came to a remote place, they were assassinated.A cold arrow was shot at the emperor. The horse was frightened and the emperor fell off his horse.At this time, the fourth elder brother actually took advantage of the chaos and shot an arrow at the emperor.

At the critical moment, Ling Yunche stepped forward and used his whip to rein in the horse that was charging towards the emperor. The fifth elder brother also stood in front of the emperor.Seeing this, Si Age shot another arrow at the frightened horse and rescued the emperor.Although the emperor was not seriously injured, he was deeply shocked by this danger.He looked at the fifth prince standing in front of him and asked him why he didn't shoot the wild horse.Yongqi replied that he had been taught that animals that hurt people often have to be stopped. He believed that the wild horse had already hurt him, so he would not hurt the emperor again.

The emperor was deeply shocked by this incident. He punished the guards and investigated the matter strictly.However, the assassin's traces are difficult to find.Fu Heng speculated that the two assassins should have cooperated, but the cooperation was not good enough, and they fled into the forest in a hurry after successive failures.They also smeared the bodily fluids of the mare on the bushes, which attracted the wild horses.

At night, the emperor lay on the bed, feeling full of uneasiness.He didn't know who wanted to harm him, and he even felt that there was no one he could trust around him.He felt that he was in danger and needed someone he could trust to protect him.

At this time, he thought of Ling Yunche.Ling Yunche showed outstanding courage and wisdom in this incident. He saved the car and was named a second-class bodyguard by the emperor, and asked him to stay in front of him.The emperor's trust and reliance on Ling Yunche also made him feel a little comfort.

However, this incident is not as simple as it seems.Ruyi thought there was something fishy about this because the arrow was not poisonous, which meant that the assassin did not want to kill the emperor.So, what is their purpose?Is it to warn the emperor?Or is it to test the emperor's strength and wisdom?

The next day, Yongqi told Ruyi that he first saw Si Age entering the woods alone, and when he entered, the emperor had already fallen to the ground.This information made Ruyi deeply confused, and she began to suspect that Si Age was related to this matter.However, Fu Heng had already found the assassin's body at this time, which made Hailan suspect that Fu Heng was dealing with it randomly.

At this time, the situation in the palace became increasingly complicated.The emperor began to suspect that the matter was related to Yongzhang, and thought that the father and son in the palace should also be suspicious.This suspicion and suspicion made the atmosphere in the palace even more tense.

However, at this critical moment, Ling Yunche ushered in his own happy event.In order to commend him for his rescue efforts, the emperor chose a woman named Mao Qian to marry him.Although Ling Yunche was reluctant, he could only agree.

At Ling Yunche's wedding, he did not show a smile, which made the guests feel a little embarrassed.However, when he lifted the bride's hijab and saw Mao Qian's face, his heart was filled with doubts.He didn't know this woman and didn't know why the emperor chose her for him.

At night, Ling Yunche sat alone in the room, wearing wedding clothes but unable to fall asleep.He thought of his past with Ruyi, and his heart was filled with longing and melancholy.He doesn't know what his future will be like, or whether he can protect his family and friends.

During this crisis, the emperor's heart also experienced tremendous changes.He began to reflect on his actions and decisions, and also began to re-examine the people and things around him.He understands that as the king of a country, he cannot trust anyone easily, nor can he make any decisions easily.He needs to handle affairs and disputes in the palace more carefully and wisely.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E56Plot

The eldest princess remarried and her tenth prince passed away.

The emperor and his concubines temporarily stayed in the Old Summer Palace, preparing to return to the palace after Ruyi's child was born for a hundred days.When news came that the tenth prince's illness had recurred, Prince Chu asked the emperor to send more imperial doctors for diagnosis and treatment.The emperor said that he thought that since he was in good health and the tenth prince's health was also improving, he would be able to avoid the hints of the celestial phenomena, but in the end he could not escape his fate.Yan Wan saw the opera troupe playing in the Old Summer Palace, and the palace maid reminded her that she might as well learn Kun Opera again, and she would be favored by the emperor.Yi Huan knelt in front of the Buddhist hall and prayed for the safety of her child. Yi Huan originally wanted to visit the tenth prince again, but due to the palace rules, he could not meet.

News of the civil strife in Jungar came, and Dawaqi assassinated the old master. The Queen Mother's eldest princess had made peace with Jungar in the early years. The eldest princess personally revised the book and begged the emperor to send troops for reinforcements. The rebellious Dawaqi also expressed his willingness to the emperor.She surrendered, but asked to marry the eldest princess as his wife. This matter must be discussed with the Queen Mother.

The minister said that fighting wastes people and money, and if they can get married, the matter can be resolved.The emperor was very embarrassed. The queen mother asked the emperor, but the emperor could only refuse to see him.The tenth prince was about to die, and Yi Huan was very anxious. He knelt in front of the palace and begged the emperor to let him go out of the palace, but the emperor was busy with important court affairs and had no time to take care of it.Yi Huan could only come to see the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother said that she also felt sorry for her child. She would agree to anything for anyone who asked the Emperor to bring the eldest princess back.Yi Huan could only come to see the emperor late at night, but the emperor did not agree to take the tenth prince back. Yi Huan knelt in front of the emperor and begged him to let the child return to his mother.Yi Huan said that she was sent to the palace by the Queen Mother, and she knew she wanted to avoid suspicion, so she never did anything to embarrass the emperor. But as a mother, she now had to plead with the emperor.

The emperor asked Yi Huan to leave first, and he wanted to discuss state affairs with the ministers first.Ruyi came to see the Queen Mother, who said she was anxious and couldn't eat anything.The Queen Mother said that she wanted to take her miserable daughter back to the palace and hoped that the Queen would understand her.Ruyi said that she understood the Queen Mother's intentions.When Ruyi came to the emperor, the emperor believed that it would be very difficult if he sent troops by himself. Coupled with the recent floods in the south of the Yangtze River, the court would be even less able to withstand the war.Ruyi advised the emperor to make it clear to the queen mother. The emperor said that he was in a dilemma and didn't know how to explain it to the queen mother.

Ruyi saw that the emperor had made up his mind and advised the emperor to explain to the queen mother first.Ruyi also brought up Concubine Shu's request to take the tenth prince back to the palace. The emperor was still concerned about the conflict between himself and the tenth prince. Under Ruyi's persuasion, he agreed to let the tenth prince return to Concubine Shu's palace to take care of him.The emperor came to the palace of the Queen Mother. The emperor wanted the eldest princess to marry Dawaqi.The emperor said that the current situation was uncertain and it was not the time to use troops, so he had no choice but to do so.The Queen Mother was very dissatisfied and believed that the emperor would marry the eldest princess to an enemy who wanted to kill her husband, which would bring disgrace to the royal family.The emperor also wanted to welcome his sister back, but for the sake of stability, he had no choice but to sacrifice the eldest princess.

The Queen Mother repeatedly lamented that the emperor ignored his own sister for the sake of the country. He was really a good emperor%.The emperor knew that the eldest princess was a pawn in Dawaqi's hands, and he had no choice but to agree to her request.Seeing that she was unable to protect her daughter, the Queen Mother said that if Ruyi gave birth to a princess, she would be able to marry far away for the imperial court, which would be better than a million soldiers.The emperor felt unhappy and could only plead with the queen mother to put state affairs first.The emperor walked out of the Queen Mother's Palace and found Ruyi waiting for him.Although the emperor was reluctant to give up, he himself also did not give up on the soldiers on the frontier.The emperor lamented that the queen mother would never forgive him again, and Ruyi said that he was still with the emperor.Ruyi lamented that her child might be a princess, and she felt helpless when she thought that princesses were mostly destined to marry far away.

At this time, the news came that the tenth prince had passed away. The emperor thought that he had not named the tenth prince and could not even remember his appearance, so he thought that he was an incompetent Ama.Concubine Shu was heartbroken and knelt in front of the Yangxin Hall. The emperor could only comfort her with words.Concubine Shu lost her child and was very haggard, as if her heart had left with the child.Concubine Shu believed that it was her own physical weakness that caused Brother Ten to die young.Late at night, Ruyi copied the emperor's imperial poem to express his condolences, and the emperor saw it.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E57Plot

Concubine Shu committed suicide sadly

In the palace late at night, the moonlight was like water, and the emperor quietly listened to Concubine Shu reciting the imperial poem he had written for Empress Xiaoxian outside the window.Every sentence is full of affection, and every word reveals sorrow.Concubine Shu's voice was trembling, and she couldn't help but sigh: If she leaves one day, will the emperor still remember her?

The Emperor walked into the room, his face full of concern.He told Concubine Shu to take good care of her body, because she had just lost her tenth brother, and the grief almost tore her heart.Concubine Shu's body was already weak. She finally got pregnant, but she still couldn't keep it.She knew that she was sorry for the emperor, and this guilt weighed on her heart like a huge stone.

The emperor took Concubine Shu into his arms, trying to use warmth to dispel the gloom in her heart.He told Concubine Shu not to think wildly and that he would always be by her side.The emperor was moved by Concubine Shu's friendship and personally gave her medicine.Looking at Concubine Shu's sleeping face, the emperor made up his mind that when Concubine Shu recovered from her illness, he would treat her well.

In another corner of the palace, the queen was taking a walk in the spring scenery of Wuling and heard that the emperor had been here yesterday.Yan Wan came up with a plan and prepared to sing here to wait for the emperor.However, Ruyi heard Yan Wan's voice, and she asked Rong Pei to go check it out.Rong Pei came to Yan Wan and conveyed the queen's decree: those who sing joyful lyrics and songs during the funeral of the tenth prince must kneel in front of the tenth prince's soul for a day and a night.

Yanwan was dissatisfied, so she went to Jinzhong to tell her the matter.It turns out that all this is Jinzhong's plan.He was jealous of Ling Yunche's favor after returning to the palace, and deliberately spread wrong news to let the emperor come to Wuling Chunse.Yan Wan wanted Jin Zhong to help her win favor, but Jin Zhong told her that the emperor currently loves Concubine Shu very much. If she is allowed to survive safely, it will be more difficult for Yan Wan to regain his favor in the future.

When Concubine Shu was walking in the palace, she accidentally met Yan Wan kneeling in front of the eleventh prince's soul.Yan Wan burst into tears and told her misfortune. She told Concubine Shu that she had had a child before, but was unable to keep it due to various reasons.Concubine Shu was shocked. She had never heard that Yan Wan was pregnant.

Yan Wan took the opportunity to take out the pregnancy-inducing medicine that Shu Fei had drunk, and told Shu Fei that she had secretly drank her pregnancy-inducing medicine.However, this pregnancy-inducing drug was actually a contraceptive pill, and it was precisely for this reason that she had never been able to get pregnant.Concubine Shu couldn't believe it. She insisted that she had never heard of such a thing.However, Yan Wan produced the diagnoses of several famous doctors to prove that what she said was true.

Concubine Shu's heart was filled with huge waves, and it was difficult for her to accept this fact.She pushed Yan Wan away and rushed into the Yangxin Hall.She knelt before the emperor and asked him what the pregnancy medicine he gave her was.The emperor insisted that it was a pregnancy-inducing medicine prescribed by the Imperial Hospital, but Concubine Shu said that she had asked someone to investigate and found out that the pregnancy-inducing medicine was actually a pregnancy-preventing medicine.

The emperor asked Concubine Shu not to get to the bottom of the matter, otherwise it would only increase the pain.However, Concubine Shu insisted on knowing the truth.She asked the emperor if he did this because of the queen mother. She had been in a dilemma for many years, but her sincere dedication had become a pawn for the emperor and the queen mother.The emperor thought that Concubine Shu did not understand his situation. He wanted to make up for Concubine Shu, but he did not expect that she would give up on him first.

Concubine Shu felt chilled, and she regretted her love for the emperor back then.She said goodbye to the emperor and walked out of the Yangxin Hall.She asked the palace people to leave and returned to the room.Concubine Shu touched the clothes she had made for her tenth brother and the imperial poems she had written. The pain in her heart was indescribable.She burned the royal poem and then set the house on fire.

Everyone discovered that there was water in the palace and hurriedly came to put out the fire.The queen also rushed to Concubine Shu's palace, but the fire was too strong to save her.The queen was extremely anxious. She suddenly felt a burst of abdominal pain and collapsed on the ground.The queen was carried back to the palace and was about to give birth.The emperor rushed to Yikun Palace to visit the queen and asked the palace people not to tell the queen about Concubine Shu's death.At this time, the queen gave birth to a princess, and the emperor happily named her Princess Heyi.

However, the turmoil in the palace did not subside.Concubine Chun noticed that the fifth princess's face turned purple, and Imperial Physician Jiang also noticed something was wrong.He hurriedly reported to the emperor that the fifth princess had a heart disease. There was no precedent for curing this disease, so she could only be raised carefully and not be frightened.The emperor was extremely anxious and asked the imperial doctors to come for diagnosis and treatment.

The emperor thought that the day of Concubine Shu's death was the day of the birth of the fifth princess, and he suspected that Concubine Shu had brought this bad luck to the fifth princess.Due to the death of Concubine Shu and the floods in the south, Ruyi's rewards for delivering grandma were halved in order to accumulate virtue for the princess.However, this decision caused dissatisfaction among the palace people.

Grandma Tian had no money to treat her daughter because of the reduction in rewards, so she approached Yan Wan for help.Yan Wan gave Grandma Tian a sum of money and told her that she would use it in the future.In order to save her daughter, Grandma Tian had no choice but to accept the money.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E58Plot

The Queen Mother protects her concubine

Recently, turmoil in the palace has resumed. Yan Wan was confused and made a big mistake because she was jealous of Concubine Shu's pregnancy.She begged the Queen Mother for mercy, and explained with tears in her eyes that she did not intend to poison the tenth prince, but only hoped to make Concubine Shu look disfigured and lose the emperor's favor.Unexpectedly, things developed beyond her expectations, and she accidentally injured the innocent tenth prince.In addition, she also admitted that it was her own fault that made Imperial Doctor Jiang fall ill in the post house.

Faced with the Queen Mother's questioning, Yan Wan showed unprecedented humility and sincerity.She admits that she is jealous but does not mean to cause harm to others.She promised the Queen Mother that she was willing to serve the Queen Mother and hoped that the Queen Mother could protect herself.At this time, the queen sent Rong Pei to ask about Yan Wan's situation. Yan Wan was frightened and eagerly hoped that the queen mother could give her shelter.

The Queen Mother understood the Queen's thoughts and decided to let Rong Pei slap Yan Wan ten times a day to calm the Queen's anger.Although Yan Wan was in pain, she was grateful for the Queen Mother's decision.She swore to Ruyi that she had never harmed Concubine Shu, but only did something wrong out of jealousy.However, the truth of the matter could no longer be found out, and Ruyi could only accept the Queen Mother's solution.

When Rong Pei carried out the order of the Queen Mother, he severely punished Yan Wan.Although Yan Wan insisted that she had not harmed Concubine Shu, Rong Pei believed that she was guilty for failing to discover Concubine Shu's abnormality and report it in time.Yan Wan could only bear all this silently, her heart filled with endless regret and pain.

At the same time, Hailan also discovered something wrong with Concubine Shu's death.Ruyi told her that Concubine Shu had seen something about Yan Wan, but the Queen Mother had already intervened in the matter, and Ruyi was helpless.On the other hand, in order to check and balance the forces of various ministries, the emperor named Balin's daughter as concubine Ying and doted on her very much.Seeing this scene, Yan Wan was determined to regain the emperor's favor.

The emperor's love for concubine Ying reminded Ruyi of what happened to Concubine Shu, and she couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.Rong Pei reminded Ruyi that he should consider the future of the twelfth prince, but Ruyi believed that the twelfth prince was still young and there was no need to worry too much for the time being.She had thought many times that if the fifth elder brother could be capable and responsible, it would be great to make him the crown prince.Rong Pei saw that Ruyi treated fifth elder brother sincerely, so it was inconvenient for him to say anything more.

One day, when the emperor was dining with Ruyi, Concubine Ying came to serve the meal.She sent Wuxi Dafu as a gift to the queen, for which the queen was extremely grateful.At the same time, in another corner of the palace, Yan Wan was being visited by Jin Zhong.Jin Zhong reminds Yan Wan that she can sing somewhere else to attract the emperor's attention, and even hints that performing at Mulan Paddock will definitely touch the emperor's heart.However, the emperor had no intention of taking Yan Wan there when Mulan was in autumn.Yan Wan came up with a plan and decided to turn to the Queen Mother to change her destiny.

The next day, news came from the palace that Yan Wan was ill.She took the opportunity to request to return to the palace to recuperate to avoid the emperor's punishment.Ruyi also agreed to her request.Since Ruyi had just given birth and was unable to accompany her, the emperor could only let her stay in the Old Summer Palace to recuperate.Before leaving the Old Summer Palace, Yan Wan carefully planned a plan to regain her favor.She came to meet the emperor dressed as a Mongolian servant who came to give the emperor a relaxing massage and squeezed his shoulders behind his back.The emperor didn't notice anything unusual at first, and it wasn't until Yan Wan spoke that he realized that this person was actually Yan Wan.

Yan Wan expressed her longing to the emperor and said that now there is dragon energy around the emperor to protect her and all her illnesses are gone.The emperor thought that Yan Wan had the intention to let her get up.Then Yan Wan mentioned that she had practiced some new songs and wanted to invite the emperor to taste them.After hearing this, the emperor was very satisfied and asked her to come down to serve him.The news that Yan Wan successfully regained his favor quickly spread throughout the harem. Concubine Ying and Concubine Ke were very dissatisfied with this and thought Yan Wan was charming and seductive to the master.Li Yuze speculated that Jin Zhong played a role in fueling the flames, but Jin Zhong ignored himself.Li Yu then passed the news to Ruyi to keep her alert to the changes in the harem.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E59Plot

Ruyi ordered Yan Wan to be punished

In the chaos of the palace, Yan Wan's behavior attracted everyone's attention.She returned to the palace due to illness, but appeared in Mulan's paddock again. This behavior was regarded by Ruyi and Hailan as evidence of her unscrupulous climb up.And Yan Wan's poor performance in archery made her lose face in front of everyone.Although the emperor showed concern for her, in Ruyi's eyes, Yan Wan's shallowness and vulgarity were all done deliberately to gain the emperor's favor.

However, Yan Wan was not discouraged.She showed great humility and obedience in front of the emperor, even slapping herself to accept the punishment.Although these actions of hers surprised Ruyi and others, they successfully won the favor of the emperor.The emperor not only punished her, but also promised to send an imperial doctor to treat her.This series of actions improved Yan Wan's status in the harem.

At the same time, Darwazi's provocative behavior also brought a lot of trouble to the Qing Dynasty.He plundered the Durbo tribe, which made the tribe intolerable, and finally chose to submit to the Qing Dynasty.The emperor attached great importance to this matter and ordered Yongxuan and the Ministry of Rites to prepare for the unblocking of the seal, and also asked Yongqi to study.This move is undoubtedly a reward and promotion for Si Age.

However, at this time, some discordant notes appeared in Concubine Chun's palace.Concubine Chun's two sons failed to get the emperor's favor, which made her feel worried.After the fourth elder brother gained the emperor's favor, he also began to take action.With the help of his mother's clan, he sent precious ginseng and other treasures to courtiers and their relatives to win over people's hearts.This move is undoubtedly a competition for the crown prince's position.

However, at this time, Concubine Chun received a gift from Ruyi - a necklace with a phoenix and peony pattern.This collar was originally presented to the Queen by Concubine Jia, but the Queen gave it to Concubine Chun instead.This move made the emperor feel very scared, and he began to doubt Concubine Jia's motives and ambitions.

At the same time, the fifth elder brother also began to take action.He used compilation of books as an excuse to protect himself and to calm his mind.He gave the book he compiled to Ruyi and received Ruyi's praise.Ruyi believes that the fifth elder brother knows how to keep a low profile and bide his time, which is what a truly wise man does.

However, at this time, the emperor learned that the fourth elder brother was drunk and had not returned.This made the emperor's dissatisfaction with Si elder brother escalate again.The arrival of Prince Chun Fujin made the emperor suspicious of Concubine Jia and Si Age.She revealed to the emperor Concubine Jia's plan to let the fourth prince win the crown prince position, which made the emperor's view of the fourth prince even more negative.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E60Plot

The fourth elder brother was ignored by the emperor

Deep in the Forbidden City, the whirlpool of power and desire never stops.The emperor's decree caused another stir in the palace.In order to warn the fourth elder brother, the emperor ordered Yu Hu to issue an edict strictly prohibiting the princes in the palace from interacting with court officials.The reaffirmation of this old order is undoubtedly a stern warning to Si Age.

Ruyi knew the emperor's intentions very well, and she understood that the emperor's biggest concern was that the princes would associate with gangsters and pose a threat to the imperial power.She hoped that Si Age could restrain his behavior and avoid getting involved in unnecessary disputes.However, in this palace, everyone's thoughts are so complicated, who can truly be calm?

Rong Pei lamented on the sidelines that although the fifth elder brother fell out of favor, he was loved by the Queen Mother.However, Concubine Jia and her son only wanted to compete for favor, but they lost the favor of the Queen Mother.Between such gains and losses, who is the real winner?

Ling Yunche sighed at home, and Mao Qian complained that he ignored family affairs and was absent-minded.Ling Yunche didn't want to argue with her, so he turned around and went back to his room, but his mind was full of thoughts.He knew that everyone in this palace had their own role and mission, and he was just one of them.

The fourth brother complained to Concubine Jia that the emperor had ignored him recently, but Concubine Jia encouraged him not to lose heart, as long as he performed well, he would still have a chance.She is well aware of the rules in this palace, and also understands that Fourth Prince needs more opportunities to show himself.

The fifth elder brother often accompanied the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother was very satisfied with him.At this time, Mulan Paddock presented several newly tamed wild horses for the fifth elder brother to tame.In the imperial garden, the wild horses were naughty and difficult to tame, but Si Age invited him there. He used straw to attract the wild horses, and then got on the horse, showing his extraordinary riding skills.When the emperor saw Ye Ye being so obedient to Si Age's words, the emperor couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.He remembered the scene when he was assassinated in the paddock, and his suspicion of Si Age became deeper and deeper.

At night, Concubine Jia was very uneasy in the palace.She believed that having only the fourth prince was not enough, and she needed to continue to promote the eighth prince to ensure that one of her three princes would become the future prince.She decided to write a letter to her mother's family, asking the prince to govern diligently and thriftily, to serve the Qing Dynasty, and to ask the emperor to send the prince as an envoy to the Yu family.Such a move undoubtedly involved both the fourth and fifth elder brothers in this power struggle.

In his dream, the emperor once again dreamed of the scene of the assassination in the paddock that day. He told Ruyi about his suspicions about Yongxun and Concubine Jia.He had already sent people to check the whereabouts of the fourth elder brother that day, hoping to find conclusive evidence.Ruyi advised the emperor not to think too much and go to bed first.However, the emperor's heart was already filled with doubts.

The next day, the people sent by the emperor came to report the matter, but no conclusive evidence was found that the fourth elder brother had attacked the emperor.The emperor could only commend Ling Yunche first and promote him to a first-class bodyguard.In order to celebrate this happy event, Mao Qian prepared a banquet and treated the guests to drinks.However, Ling Yunche thought this was too flamboyant, but at Mao Qian's insistence, he had no choice but to go.

The emperor mentioned to Ruyi that the Yu family asked the emperor to send the prince as an envoy to the Yu family.The emperor considered letting Yongqi go, but Ruyi was worried that the Yu family had plans that would be detrimental to Yongqi.The emperor praised Ruyi for his thoughtfulness and decided to send Prince Chu.At the same time, the emperor told Ruyi that he thought Yongxun was acting suspiciously, and that Concubine Jia's advice would be indispensable for this move.In order to avoid more disputes, the emperor decided to let Yongxun leave the palace and open a mansion, away from Concubine Jia.

Ruyi came to visit Yongqi, and she knew that the emperor mentioned the Jungar incident to Yongqi.Yongqi proposed to the emperor that he should use troops against Geer and welcome the eldest princess back to the court.Ruyi praised Yongqi for being very filial and told him that she had asked Yongqi to keep a low profile in the past, but now the time has come for Yongqi to perform well in the future.The emperor ordered to send troops to conquer Dawaqi, but the fourth prince did not know about it beforehand. Concubine Jia also felt that the incident was unexpected. She also accused the fourth prince of getting close to Ye Ye in the imperial garden that day, which aroused the emperor's suspicion.

At this time, Li Yu came to convey the order, saying that the emperor ordered the fourth elder brother to leave the palace to open the palace immediately, and was not allowed to enter the palace unless there was something wrong, and moved the eighth elder brother to the Xiefang Palace.Concubine Jia felt resentful because she was being plotted against.After the fourth elder brother left, the third elder brother and the fifth elder brother were very harmonious.However, Concubine Jia's madness became more and more serious. She felt that someone was plotting to harm her, so she ordered some dogs to look after her home.However, these dogs frightened Ruyi's fifth princess, who became frightened and fell ill.When the emperor learned about it, he angrily rebuked Concubine Jia and ordered Concubine Jia to keep only one dog and send the rest away.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E61Plot

Concubine Jia was taught a lesson by Rong Pei

Today is Yan Wan's birthday, and she is waiting expectantly for the emperor's arrival.As night fell, the emperor lived up to his expectations and stepped into her palace.Yan Wan carefully arranged the palace, and the palace was filled with the fragrance of camellia. She welcomed the emperor's arrival with a Kunqu opera. Her singing was melodious, which greatly impressed the emperor.Yan Wan sat in the emperor's arms, and the two were affectionate. The emperor even bluntly said that every time he heard Yan Wan sing, he felt happy.

The emperor recalled the scene when he and the queen first met. Yan Wan was eager to imitate the queen and learn to sing Qingtou immediately to the emperor, but the emperor thought it was not necessary.Later, the emperor's thoughts turned to Queen Ruyi, and he insisted on visiting her despite Yanwan's attempts to stay.In front of Ruyi, the emperor talked about the war in Jungar. Ruyi comforted the emperor with gentle words, saying that the soldiers would return safely.At the same time, Ruyi also told the emperor the good news that concubine Ying was pregnant. The emperor was very happy after hearing this and asked Ruyi to send someone to take good care of concubine Ying.

Successful reports of the war in Jungar spread frequently. Seeing that the situation was not good, Dawaqi sent people to sue for peace.The fifth elder brother was cautious about this and believed that Dawaqi's request for peace at this time was out of fear rather than sincerity, so he disapproved of agreeing to their peace request.The emperor agreed with the fifth elder brother's point of view and praised him for not only attaching importance to friendship, but also being more calm and rational.At the same time, the emperor also learned that the fifth elder brother often helped the eighth elder brother, regardless of his rift with the fourth elder brother, so he asked the fifth elder brother to take the eighth elder brother to Nanyuan to ride horses and shoot arrows.

The fourth elder brother came to the palace of Concubine Jia, and Concubine Jia asked him to take care of the eighth elder brother, but the fourth elder brother told her that Yongqi cared about the eighth elder brother.Concubine Jia was uneasy, worried that Yongqi had some ulterior motives for the eighth prince.The news came that Yingbi was pregnant, and Ruyi was also happy for her.However, Concubine Jia's dog Fuguier suddenly appeared, and Rong Pei immediately stood in front of Ruyi to protect her from being frightened.Concubine Ying expressed her dissatisfaction with Concubine Jia, and Rong Pei even stepped forward and slapped Concubine Jia on behalf of Ruyi.Concubine Jia was furious, but the appearance of Rong Pei and Hailan made it impossible for her to fight back.Yan Wan witnessed all this from the corner and was filled with worries about Concubine Jia's future.

Concubine Jia returned to the palace and was angry at everyone's bullying, but there was nothing she could do about it.The emperor decided to take all the elder brothers to practice riding and shooting. However, on the day when the eighth elder brother went to Nanyuan to ride a horse, his horse suddenly frightened and knocked him to the ground.The eighth prince was seriously injured and was rushed to Xiefang Palace.After hearing the news, Concubine Jia rushed over and was heartbroken when she saw the eighth prince in pain.She believed that the fifth elder brother was the culprit. After Ruyi and Hailan arrived, Concubine Jia insisted that it was Yongqi who had bad intentions.In order to quell the dispute, Ruyi decided to let the emperor handle the matter and ordered the people serving in Nanyuan to be escorted to the Shenxing Division.

The emperor sent Li Yu and Ling Yunche to investigate the matter thoroughly. Ling Yunche discovered a silver needle hidden in the eighth prince's saddle in Nanyuan.Concubine Jia was taking care of her eighth brother in the palace. Queen Ruyi brought him bone soup for bone regeneration, but Concubine Jia overturned the soup to the ground, accused Ruyi's son of harming her own child, and refused to let RuyiYi came to his palace again.Ling Yunche and Li Yu discovered the secret of the Silver Needle, but because it involved the fifth elder brother, Concubine Yu and the queen, they decided not to report the matter to the emperor for the time being.Ling Yunche asked Zhao Jiuxiao to steal the saddle, but was accidentally discovered by Mao Qian. She secretly followed Ling Yunche and found the saddle, the silver needle in it, and the boots that Ruyi had given to Ling Yunche.

At night, the emperor summoned Yan Wan to attend his bed. Yan Wan whispered in the emperor's ear and mentioned the rumors in the palace about the eighth prince's fall from his horse.She hinted that the matter might have something to do with Concubine Jia, and that it was a ploy to trade one child for another child's future.The emperor's face became solemn under the dim light. He was deep in thought, seeming to be weighing every emotion and plot in the palace.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E62Plot

The fifth princess died in shock

In the Xiefang Hall, the eighth prince was walking slowly with the support of Concubine Jia. The eighth prince said that his legs were not strong enough.The emperor called the imperial physician to inquire. The imperial physician said that he had tried his best, but the eighth prince still could not walk like a normal person in his life.Concubine Jia held the eighth prince in her arms and asked the emperor to punish the fifth prince.The emperor did not believe that the fifth elder brother would do anything to harm his brothers, and told Concubine Jia not to talk nonsense, and taught Yongxuan that although he was injured, his ambition could not be abandoned, and as long as he had great ambitions, he could still be his good son.

Concubine Jia asked the emperor to choose a good woman to be the wife of the fourth prince, so that someone could take care of the eighth prince.The emperor agreed to let Concubine Jia choose her and then tell him that if she was a girl from a good family, he would marry her.Yongqi felt guilty for failing to take good care of his younger brother. Hailan and Ruyi said that the matter had nothing to do with him and asked him not to worry about it anymore.Concubine Jia's rich son disappeared. Concubine Jia ordered Li Xin to look for it, but there was still no trace. Concubine Jia lamented that people couldn't care about it anymore, let alone dogs.The Shangsi Festival was coming soon, and Concubine Jia ordered people to reward each palace with some clothing materials. At Yanwan's suggestion, Qingbin used the materials given by Concubine Jia to make a set of clothes for Ruyi's elder brother and the princess. Ruyi liked it very much..The two sets of clothes are one red and one green. Originally the red one was made for the elder brother and the green one was made for the princess, but both of them like each other's colors.

Ruyi then agreed to let them all wear their favorite colors.Ruyi took her twelfth prince and the fifth princess to play in the imperial garden wearing new clothes. Suddenly a dog pounced on the fifth princess. The fifth princess was so frightened that she fell to the ground. Concubine Jia on the side discovered that the dog was the long-lost dog.Rich son.The emperor came to visit the fifth princess who had fainted. Concubine Jia was kneeling outside the palace to plead guilty. The emperor pushed Concubine Jia to the ground and angrily scolded her for raising an animal that frightened his own princess.

Yan Wan was fanning the flames, and Concubine Jia was powerless to defend herself.Hailan said that this time the rich man pounced directly on the fifth princess, which may have something to do with the red clothes worn by the fifth princess. Ying Bin pointed out that the clothes smelled like the azalea water that Concubine Jia used to use. Qing Bin also said that the material of the clothes wasRewarded by Concubine Jia.Concubine Jia was unable to argue, and the emperor ordered Concubine Jia to be banned from Qixiang Palace.At this time, the news came that the fifth princess had died, and the emperor was very sad.Concubine Ying was frightened and the child was not saved.Ruyi lost her daughter, fainted from crying, and never woke up.Hailan asked the emperor to never forgive Concubine Jia again. The emperor said that he would never forgive Concubine Jia lightly. This time, Concubine Jia would be dealt with according to the promised position. He would watch her being flogged every day. He also ordered Concubine Qing to be demoted to a nobleman and punished her.Copying scriptures in Anhua Hall.

Concubine Jia repeatedly complained that she was wronged in the palace, but a group of palace servants broke into the room, tied up Concubine Jia without any explanation, and beat her with a whip. Concubine Jia was in great pain and screamed repeatedly.After Ruyi lost her beloved daughter, she didn't drink any water the whole day. She stroked the things used by the fifth princess during her lifetime and was filled with grief.The soldiers who conquered Jungar were worried about the safety of the eldest princess and were timid, which hindered the movement of the army.The emperor emphasized that while ensuring the safety of the eldest princess, he would not allow Dawaqi to be so presumptuous.Concubine Jia was whipped every day, but she still insisted that she was wronged and had never harmed the princess.Today is the fifth princess's birthday. The emperor wanted to accompany Ruyi, but Zhun Geer sent an urgent battle report, so the emperor could only deal with state affairs first.Yan Wan learned that Ling Yunche had discovered the silver needle, but she did not explain it to the emperor, thinking that Ling Yunche still had her in mind.

At this time, Yan Wan saw Ling Yunche accompany Ruyi to the funeral of the fifth princess, and then he picked up the flowers that fell from Ruyi's head. From Ling Yunche's eyes, Yan Wan saw that he was interested in Ruyi.I understood that Ling Yunche was not hiding the truth for himself, and he was very jealous.The emperor came to visit Ruyi after finishing his official duties. The emperor confessed that he did not dare to face the death of the fifth princess and felt very guilty for not being able to catch up with her funeral.The emperor took out the golden lock that he had ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make for the fifth princess, but as soon as the golden lock was made, the fifth princess left. Both the emperor and Ruyi could not hide their grief and hugged each other and cried.

The next day, good news came that the Qing army had defeated Dawaqi and captured him. The eldest princess was also unharmed.However, the eldest princess was pregnant, and the emperor, considering his family ties, decided to make Dawaqi the prince, allowing him to live in the capital and never return north.The eldest princess returned to Beijing to visit the Queen Mother. Mother and daughter finally met each other after twenty years of separation. Both of them were very excited.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E63Plot

Ruyi is happy again

On a sunny morning, the emperor patrolled the palace in a sedan chair.Suddenly, he unexpectedly met the eldest princess.The emperor hurriedly ordered people to stop the sedan chair to show respect for this royal noble.The eldest princess saluted the emperor, but the emperor waved his hand and said there was no need to be more polite.He said with emotion: Brother and sister have not seen each other for many years, why bother to stick to these red tapes.“However, the eldest princess insisted: ”The etiquette between monarch and minister cannot be abolished, nor can the love between brother and sister be forgotten.“Her answer made the emperor feel helpless.

After the eldest princess saluted, the emperor took out a golden grasshopper cage from his sleeve, which was a gift given to him before the eldest princess got married.The emperor tried to evoke the good memories between brother and sister.However, the eldest princess said calmly: "As a caged person, how could I like to play with such caged insects?"”Her words revealed a deep sadness and helplessness.After hearing this, the emperor felt guilty in his heart.

In order to make up for past mistakes, the emperor decided to let the eldest princess move to Cining Palace.However, the eldest princess politely declined the emperor's kindness.She said that after she gave birth, she would naturally accompany the emperor to fulfill her filial duty.The emperor looked at the eldest princess's retreating figure and couldn't help but feel deeply in his heart.He understood that his sister would never forgive him again.

At the same time, Concubine Jia was suffering in the palace.She was trapped in the palace and didn't know when she would be released. She missed her children very much.After the emperor pacified Jungar, he redrawn the map, all of which made her feel extremely anxious and helpless.

In another corner of the palace, the emperor and Ruyi were discussing state affairs.The emperor mentioned the contribution of Jin's mother clan, the Yu family, in this battle, and planned to restore Jin's status as a noble concubine when all nations came to congratulate her.Although Ruyi was unhappy, she could only express that state affairs were of paramount importance and asked the emperor to make a decision.

After Concubine Jia was restored to her throne, the emperor also promised Si Age to visit Qixiang Palace frequently to pay her respects.This made Concubine Jia very happy.She has been paying attention to the marriage of her fourth brother, and has fallen in love with Prince Yi's descendants.However, the envoy of the Yu family proposed to the emperor that Yongxun should be the heir of Queen Xiaoxian, which made Si Age feel very inappropriate.

On the occasion when the concubines paid their respects to the queen, Concubine Jia once again became the center of attention.Yanwan used the Eighth Prince of the Holy Ancestor to warn Concubine Jia, but Concubine Jia didn't care and even uttered arrogant words.Her remarks aroused everyone's dissatisfaction and anger, and Ruyi had to remind her to be careful with her words.

However, Concubine Jia did not restrain her words and deeds.She continued to offend her ancestors and the emperor, which made Ruyi very angry.After the emperor learned about it, he rushed to visit Ruyi and learned that she was pregnant.The emperor was overjoyed and asked the imperial physician to take good care of Ruyi.

After learning the news that the Queen was happy, the Emperor planned to prepare for Yongxun's marriage and asked Concubine Jia if there was a suitable candidate.Concubine Jia took the opportunity to recommend Princess Yi's second daughter, Gege, whom she liked.However, the emperor reprimanded her for having bad intentions, and also mentioned that the fourth elder brother had murdered his father in Mulan Paddock.Concubine Jia repeatedly claimed that she was wronged and believed that the queen had harmed her child.She cried to the emperor and complained that Hailan had assassinated her fourth and sixth elder brothers, but Hailan swore that she had never done such a thing.

The emperor kicked Concubine Jia to the ground and angrily accused her of plotting to murder the emperor's heirs and the cholera harem.He ordered Yongxuan to be named Baylor, marry Prince Yi's second daughter Gege as his direct descendant Fujin, and from now on, his fourth elder brother would be the heir to Prince Lu.From then on, the emperor never had such a child again.He also deposed Concubine Jia as a commoner and imprisoned her to death in Qixiang Palace.The fourth elder brother was forcibly dragged out of Qixiang Palace and was not allowed to see Concubine Jia.

In another corner of the palace, the fifth elder brother accidentally saw the emperor's furious scene.At night, he sat alone in the courtyard.Hailan came to him and told him that Si Age was the one who caused his own trouble.She reminded the fifth elder brother to abide by his duties as a minister to keep his life safe.Although the fifth elder brother was puzzled, he still remembered E Niang's teachings.

When the queen was pregnant in the fifth month, Qin Tianjian reported the auspicious omen to the emperor.The emperor was very happy and promised that if it worked, he would be rewarded heavily.However, at the same time, Si Age took Fujin to the palace to pay respects but was rejected by the emperor.The fourth elder brother could only take Fujin out of the palace to visit his mother-in-law.However, they could not see Concubine Jia without the emperor's permission.

In another corner of the palace, Mrs. Yu sent a portrait of a woman to the emperor.The emperor named the Song family among them nobles and moved them to live in the Old Summer Palace.All this caused an uproar in the palace but the emperor seemed not to care.He only cares about his queen and future princes, hoping that they can bring more auspiciousness and prosperity to the royal family.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E64Plot

Jin Yuyan passed away with regret

The emperor made the Song family a nobleman and allowed him to live in the Old Summer Palace.At the same time, Prince Yu brought a secret letter stating that Jin Yuyan was not born to her mother, questioning her identity.Ruyi believed that the prince wanted to distance himself from the relationship with the Jin family, while the emperor expressed indifference to Jin Yuyan's fate, thinking that she was unlucky.

At this time, Ruyi learned that she was pregnant, and the emperor said it was an auspicious sign, and that everything should be focused on the dragon fetus.However, Dr. Jiang told Ruyi that she might give birth prematurely. As long as the baby is eight months old and the delivery goes smoothly, there will be no serious problems.At the same time, Yan Wan also learned that she was pregnant, while Jin Yuyan was gradually coming to an end.

Ruyi went to Qixiang Palace and asked Jin Yuyan about the truth about the death of the fifth princess.Although Jin Yuyan insisted that she was innocent, she revealed many palace secrets to Ruyi, including the causes of death of Queen Xiaoxian, Mei Bin, Yi Bin, Eldest Brother, A Ruo and others.However, she refused to admit that Concubine Shu's child was harmed by herself.

The emperor expressed doubts about Jin Yuyan's crime and believed that Concubine Chun might be related to the matter.But Ruyi did not believe that Concubine Chun would collude with the Jin family.Jin Yuyan's body became increasingly weak, and she finally chose to commit suicide wearing her own ethnic clothing.In order to maintain the dignity of the royal family, the emperor ordered that her posthumous affairs be handled in a dignified manner and prepared to designate her as an imperial concubine.

Yan Wan felt jealous when she saw that Ruyi's fetus was valued by the emperor.She learned that Ruyi might give birth prematurely, so she asked Grandma Tian to deliver Ruyi's baby.However, Grandma Tian told Ruyi that her fetus was in a wrong position and she needed to rub her belly every day to make the fetus turn around.Ruyi trusted Grandma Tian, ​​and in the next few days, Grandma Tian came to rub Ruyi's belly every day.However, after a period of time, Ruyi felt unwell, the baby moved frequently, and eventually was born prematurely.

This incident aroused the emperor's anger, and he ordered a thorough investigation into the matter.In the end, it was discovered that Grandma Tian was bribed by Jin Zhong in an attempt to harm Ruyi's mother and son.The emperor expressed anger at Jin Zhong and Yan Wan's crimes and ordered them to be severely punished.At the same time, he also expressed his deep apology and concern for Ruyi.

After this incident, Ruyi deeply felt the cruelty and ruthlessness of the court struggle, and she strengthened her belief in seeking justice for the weak and innocent people in the court.At the same time, she also cherishes her family and family ties more and strives to protect herself and her children's safety.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E65Plot

Thirteenth brother died young

Deep in the Forbidden City, Concubine Ying stepped into the Buddhist hall, where Concubine Chun was already meditating and chanting sutras.Their hearts were filled with worries about the queen, and they hoped to use the power of Buddha to protect Ruyi's safety.At the same time, in Yikun Palace, Ruyi was in severe pain due to the abnormal fetal position.The experienced Grandma Tian was invited to help out, hoping to change the queen's fetal position.The emperor waited anxiously in the room, feeling confused.

Hailan wanted to go in for a visit, but was dissuaded by Qin Tianjian, saying that the fetus was extremely precious and he needed to avoid collision.The emperor's importance is self-evident, and he has reserved a distinguished name and status for his unborn child.However, as the night deepened, the queen's birth made no progress.Yan Wan took the opportunity to give Dr. Bao's prescription to Grandma Tian in an attempt to control the situation.

After going through many hardships, the queen finally gave birth to a brother, but the child did not cry.The grandma who delivered the baby knelt before the emperor to plead guilty and announced that the little brother had died in infancy.The emperor was shocked and angrily accused Qin Tianjian of failing to prophesy.Grandma Tian pointed out that there is a saying among the people that destiny is hard to control the child, and Qin Tianjian also agreed that Ziweixing and the queen's destiny were not in harmony.Hailan angrily accused everyone of failing to deliver the baby and demanded severe punishment from the emperor.However, the emperor ordered that all those who delivered babies should be removed from the palace, and Qin Tianjian was also dismissed.

After Ruyi woke up, she insisted on seeing her child.Hailan reluctantly told her that Brother Thirteen had left.Ruyi was heartbroken and everyone tried their best to comfort her.Yan Wan secretly poisoned Qin Tianjian in an attempt to cover up the truth.Ruyi asked Imperial Physician Jiang the reason, but Imperial Physician Jiang said that he knew nothing.Rong Pei felt that this matter was strange and suggested that Ruyi thoroughly investigate the grandmother who delivered the baby, especially Grandma Tian.

In order to comfort Ruyi, the emperor agreed to her request.However, with Grandma Tian's dying words, the emperor's trust in Ruyi began to waver.He suspected that Ruyi's harsh treatment of Grandma Tian caused her to harbor evil thoughts.Ruyi firmly denied it, but the emperor mentioned that she had halved Grandma Tian's reward.Ruyi expressed his disbelief that Grandma Tian would harm the emperor's heir because of this, thinking that there must be a hidden secret behind it.

However, the emperor believed that this matter had something to do with Ruyi. He said heartbrokenly that Yongjing was the auspicious son he had longed for, but he died due to the incompatibility between Ziweixing and Ruyi's fate.When Ruyi heard that the emperor blamed herself for killing the child, her heart was chilled to the bone.The emperor decided not to see Ruyi for the time being, and Ruyi felt deeply chilled.

Rumors spread in the palace, accusing Ruyi of being a mastermind.Hailan tried her best to defend Ruyi, but she couldn't resist Yuyou's words.When Ruyi was waiting for Ling Yunche in Yikun Palace, her heart was filled with endless sorrow and confusion about the future.This period of joys and sorrows in the palace once again shows the palace life intertwined with fate and doubts, and Ruyi's experience is even more depressing.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E66Plot

Yan Wan's mother enters the palace

In the deep palace, suspicions are thick and various conspiracies and power struggles are going on endlessly.Ruyi, a woman struggling in the whirlpool of power, once again raised her doubts to Ling Yunche.She suspected that there was someone behind Grandma Tian and wanted Ling Yunche to investigate the matter in depth.Ling Yunche, the loyal guard, said without hesitation that he would do his best to find out the truth.

Ruyi took her twelfth brother to visit the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother's words revealed that the Emperor and Queen were deeply saddened by Yong Jing's death.However, instead of comforting each other, their grief tortured each other even more.The Queen Mother advised Ruyi to cheer up, because as long as the emperor is around, they will still have children.She hoped that Ruyi could take the initiative to ease the relationship with the emperor.

Mao Qian couldn't help but feel suspicious when she heard Ling Yunche say "Don't be sad" in her dream at night.Yan Wan's mother is about to enter the palace, and Yan Wan has made careful arrangements for this.At the same time, she also learned that Ling Yunche was investigating Grandma Tian's son Tian Jun.Ling Yunche received a five hundred tael silver note from Tian Jun, which was given to him by Grandma Tian.Tian Jun also revealed that the silver note was given by Concubine Yu.

Ling Yunche conducted an in-depth investigation and found that the banknote was given to Grandma Tian by Hailan's nephew.Ruyi was shocked by this, she couldn't believe that Hailan would attack her.Ling Yunche also revealed that he heard Zha Qi say that as long as the Queen's legitimate son was alive, it would be difficult for the fifth prince to be crowned prince.This makes the reason why Concubine Yu wanted to kill Ruyi more clear.

However, at this moment, Hailan was arrested by the emperor and sent to the Shenxing Department for torture because she was related to the Thirteenth Brother.After Ruyi learned of the incident, she immediately asked Sanbao to investigate.In the Criminal Punishment Department, Hailan saw Zaqi who had been tortured, but Zaqi claimed that Hailan ordered him to murder the Thirteenth Brother.Hailan firmly denied that she would rather be punished than bear such a crime.

Jinzhong also brought Hailan into prison. He threatened Hailan, saying that now that both witnesses and physical evidence were available, even if Hailan refused to confess, he might not be able to convict.However, Hailan was not afraid. She firmly believed that she could get rid of her injustice.

After Ruyi learned about Hailan's experience in the palace, she firmly believed that Hailan was innocent.She believes that people like Zaqi are easily bribed and may say things that go against their will.Therefore, she asked the emperor to investigate the matter thoroughly, and the emperor agreed to her request.

However, the emperor's trust in Ruyi seems to have begun to waver.He mentioned that the thirteenth elder brother might have been killed by Hailan, and thought that Hailan might have killed his legitimate son to pave the way for Yongqi.Ruyi insists that Hailan is innocent, but the emperor believes that trust is just a mirror.He expressed disappointment with Ruyi because the love between husband and wife was not worth the illusory celestial phenomena.

In the Shenxing Division, Hailan asked someone to bring a message to Ruyi, saying that she wanted to see the Queen.However, in front of the concubines, Ruyi said that Hailan was suspected of murdering the Thirteenth Brother, and everything should be handed over to the Shenxing Department.Ruyi gave Yan Wan's E Niang some pieces of silk and satin, but Yan Wan's E Niang was arrogant and domineering, scolded the maids wantonly, and even took for herself the jewels the emperor had given Yan Wan.This made Yan Wan's position in the palace even more embarrassing.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E67Plot

Mrs. Wei's voodoo curse Ruyi

Ling Yunche, under the orders of Ruyi, conducted an in-depth investigation into Zhaqi's case and unexpectedly discovered that he had a close relationship with Concubine Zhuang's younger brother Zuolu.Happy to fall into.Dilemma considered.The complexity of the palace, Ruyi

Concubine Zhuang decided that her mother would not let Mrs. Wei Lingyun go further, but instead sent her daughter to the throne, hoping that her daughter would give birth to a prince and thereby enhance the family's status.She even invited an immortal master to predict that Ruyi's position as queen would not be guaranteed, and that Concubine Zhuang would have a chance to ascend to the throne of queen with the help of the prince.However, Concubine Zhuang knew that in the palace, too much words would lead to mistakes, so she reminded her mother to be careful in her words and deeds.Despite this, Mrs. Wei's ambitions did not shrink, but instead grew.

When she learned that Zhaqi might retract his confession, Concubine Zhuang decided to ask Jin Zhong to find an opportunity to get rid of him to avoid future troubles.At the same time, Mrs. Wei secretly made a puppet in an attempt to use witchcraft to curse Ruyi so that the queen would step down as soon as possible.This conspiracy was accidentally discovered by the palace maid and she quickly informed Li Yu.

Zhaqi could not bear the torture and finally confessed, but Yu Fei always remained silent.While reporting to the emperor, Li Yu also exposed Mrs. Wei's suspected witchcraft.The emperor ordered a search of Mrs. Wei's residence and brought Mrs. Wei to the palace for questioning.At the same time, Li Yu captured Zorlu and tortured him severely.

During the search, the guards found four dolls from the Wei Mansion, which were embroidered with Ruyi's birth date and pierced with silver needles.Faced with irrefutable evidence, Mrs. Wei panicked and insisted that she had never seen these puppets and did not know Ruyi's birthday.Ying Guiren exposed her lie on the spot and pointed out that Mrs. Wei had sent someone to deliver gifts on Ruyi’s birthday.Concubine Chun also confirmed that Zaqi had witnessed Mrs. Wei making these puppets.Faced with the accusations from everyone, Mrs. Wei denied everything and insisted that she was innocent.

At this time, Jin Zhong heard everything outside the door. He wanted to report to Concubine Zhuang, but was stopped at the door.Ruyi angrily accused Mrs. Wei of using despicable means to curse her, and Guiying Ying and Concubine Chun also accused Mrs. Wei of her crimes.Although Mrs. Wei was exposed, she still insisted that she was wronged.

At the same time, Jinbao found Gu Gu's puppets in the side hall of Yongshou Palace, and learned that four identical puppets were also found in the Wei Mansion.After Concubine Zhuang learned the news, she immediately went to Yikun Palace to see the emperor.Ling Yunche brought Zuolu's confession, and Zuolu confessed to what he had done, and also explained how Concubine Zhuang asked him to hand over the banknote to Zhaqi.Upon seeing this, Mrs. Wei cried out that she was wronged, but with all the witnesses and material evidence, she was immediately speechless.

Concubine Zhuang rushed to Yikun Palace anxiously, and Jinzhong reported the progress of the matter to her.Concubine Zhuang was so anxious that she put all the blame on Mrs. Wei. In order to save Concubine Zhuang and Zoru, Mrs. Wei confessed on the spot.She claimed that she did this because she did not want to see Concubine Zhuang being manipulated and was willing to bear all the blame.Ruyi expressed doubts about Mrs. Wei's statement and believed that she was not capable of colluding with both internal and external parties to frame Concubine Yu.But Mrs. Wei firmly took all the blame, claiming that Concubine Zhuang and Zuo Lu had nothing to do with the matter.The emperor was so angry that he ordered the death of eight other wives, including his wife.When Concubine Zhuang was pleading for Mrs. Wei, she had fetal motility and her lower body was bleeding.The emperor had no choice but to send someone to deliver the baby first.

Ruyi personally went to the prison of the Shenxing Department to pick up Concubine Yu from prison, and concluded that Mrs. Wei was not the one responsible for the incident, and that Concubine Zhuang was also to blame.She decided to continue to investigate and avenge the dead prince.After a day and a night of hard work, Concubine Zhu finally gave birth to a princess.But due to the long ordeal, her body was severely damaged and she was unable to conceive again within two years.Jinzhong was very disappointed with this.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E68Plot

Concubine Zhuang was deprived of her title, mother and daughter were separated

Deep inside the palace, a battle involving life, death, honor and disgrace is quietly taking place.Concubine Zhuang gave birth to the seventh princess after all the hardships. This should have been a happy event worth celebrating, but for her, it was like a bolt from the blue.The prince she longed for did not appear, but a delicate daughter replaced her.Originally, she expected that the birth of this child would bring her the emperor's forgiveness, but now she can only resign herself to fate.

The emperor's indifference made her even more despairing.When he learned that Concubine Zhuang had given birth to a princess and was extremely weak, the emperor did not give him due care. Instead, he handed over the seventh princess to Concubine Ying to raise her to make up for Concubine Ying's pain of losing her daughter.This move was undoubtedly a huge blow to Concubine Zhu.She fully expected the emperor to come to visit her and her children, but what she was waiting for was the sad news that Jiangwei had promised and the decision to hand over the seventh princess to Concubine Ying.

The despair and helplessness that Wei promised became even more desolate in the heavy rain late at night.She went to Cining Palace in the rain to ask for help from the Queen Mother, but was turned away.Desperate, she could only drag her weak body back. She accidentally fell down on the way and was saved by Ling Yunche.However, Ling Yunche's indifference and reminder made her deeply aware of the warmth and warmth of human nature.

Concubine Ying's rejection of Wei's promise and Concubine Chun's indifference made this woman who was already in a desperate situation even more helpless.She repeatedly proposed to visit the Seventh Princess, but was flatly rejected by Concubine Ying.And the emperor's indifference to all this made her even more disheartened.

However, the tricks of fate did not stop there.The return of Hejing Princess Jingse caused another stir in the palace.The subtle relationship between Jingse and Ruyi, as well as her yearning for Queen Xiaoxian, made the emperor feel guilty.And Jingse's complaints about the extravagance in the palace put Ruyi into an embarrassing situation.

At this time, Sambo's investigation made things more complicated.The appearance of Wang Chan made Wei promised to contact Lao Lao Tian.Although Wei's act of agreeing to sacrifice her life to save Qingyou won the emperor's gratitude, it failed to change her fate.Under the torture of the Shenxing Division, Wei Yao and Wang Chan always insisted that they were innocent. However, no one knew the truth.

Although Jingse's persistent plea for Wei's consent reflects her kindness and righteousness, under the imperial power, personal emotions and wishes often seem insignificant.Although the emperor's treatment of Wei promised to take into account the rules and decency of the palace, it could not conceal his indifference and ruthlessness.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E69Plot

Wei promised to rack his brains to regain favor.

Deep in the palace, the battle between power and emotion never stops.Wei agreed. A once ordinary palace maid was now involved in this complicated palace struggle.Facing Concubine Ying's question, she was speechless. Only Chun Chan explained to her that the reason why she sneaked to the Imperial Garden was just because she missed her daughter, the Seventh Princess.Wei was in a daze when she agreed, and kept calling the name “Jingyu” given by Concubine Ying to the seventh princess, showing her inner fragility and longing.

However, the emperor's attitude was chilling.He ignored Wei's promised cries and left with Concubine Ying, and even ignored her pleading to have another child.The emperor's ruthlessness made Wei agree to have no choice but to turn to Jingse for help.She took the opportunity to slander Ruyi and tried to deepen Jingse's hatred for Ruyi in order to achieve her own goals.

However, things did not develop as Wei promised.The emperor received a memorial from Horqin's Ministry and interceded for Wei Yongsheng, which gave Wei Yingsheng hope.The emperor hoped that Ruyi would take into account the overall situation and let Wei go.Although Ruyi found it difficult to accept it for a while, the emperor was determined.

Under the emperor's arrangement, Wei promised to be favored unexpectedly.After she became pregnant, the news had to be made public. Although Ruyi and Yufei were angry, they could only tolerate it for the time being.Wei promised to give birth to the prince successfully and was named a nobleman. Her status was improved, but this was only the beginning.

With the border calm, the emperor began to prepare for the draft.New concubines entered the palace one after another, among which Concubine Yu was favored by the emperor.Her arrival made the situation in the harem more complicated.Ruyi and the emperor discussed Yongqi's marriage, while Concubine Yu took the opportunity to please the emperor and spy on the court's secrets.

Concubine Yu's ambition was gradually exposed, and she actually made wild claims in public that she wanted to replace Ruyi as queen.This move angered Ruyi and Concubine Yu, but Ruyi knew that a lesson could not extinguish Concubine Yu's ambition.The emperor's favor for Concubine Yu made the fight in the harem more intense, and Wei promised that as one of them, he was also secretly plotting his own revenge plan.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E70Plot

Concubine Yu was punished for seducing the emperor

Deep in the gorgeous palace, a contest about power and love quietly unfolds.Concubine Yu carefully prepared the emperor's favorite meals, hoping to gain more favor from the emperor.On the day of the canonization ceremony, she dressed up early and didn't care about the non-participation of the concubines from Mongolia. She was full of confidence.However, her scheming and plans were shattered in an instant.

The eunuch of Yangxin Palace got the medicine that Concubine Yu wanted, but unexpectedly, Yongqi sent someone to catch her on the spot.Ruyi and Yongqi reported the investigation results to the emperor. It turned out that Concubine Yu not only arranged for eunuchs to collect information and record important matters, but also privately conveyed information outside the palace.What shocked the emperor even more was that those pills turned out to be pleasure drugs for men and women. They were powerful and easily addictive.The emperor's anger erupted like a volcano, and he personally came to question Concubine Yu, who was so frightened that she lost her mind.In the end, the emperor ordered that her green card be removed, she would never be allowed to sleep with him, and he would confine her to his own palace.From then on, she was just Concubine Yu in the Forbidden City, no longer the emperor's favorite concubine.

On the other side, Yongqi's fate is also changing.He was highly valued by the emperor and was entrusted with important tasks.Although old leg injuries often recurred, he persisted and refused to let the emperor down.At this time, in order to deal with Yongqi, Binbin sent Tian Yuner to his palace as a maid and changed her name to Yunjiao.On a snowy day, Yunjiao's innocence, cuteness and intelligence deeply attracted Yongqi's attention.A deep relationship gradually developed between the two, and Yongqi even promised to give her the title of Clan Fujin.

At the same time, Han Bu presented rare white jade to the emperor and brought a portrait of Han Ti's daughter Han Xiangjian, hoping to dedicate her to the emperor.The emperor had long heard of Han Xiangjian's beauty, and was even more moved after seeing the portrait.Han Xiangjian encountered an avalanche on the way to Beijing and witnessed the death of her fiancé Han Qi, and was heartbroken.However, at the emperor's welcome banquet, her beauty once again touched the emperor's heart.The emperor was full of praise for her and determined to keep her in the palace.

However, Han Xiangjian did not appreciate the emperor's favor. She only had her late fiancé Han Qi in her heart.In Chengqian Palace, she refused to accept the emperor's gift and just stood in front of the window looking into the distance.The emperor had no choice but to send someone to deliver good food in the hope that she would change her mind.However, Han Xiangmi still sticks to his beliefs and feelings.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E71Plot

The emperor tried every means to please Han Xiangjian

Since Han Xiangjian entered the palace, the peace on the border of the Qing Dynasty and the diligence of the people have become a beautiful landscape.The emperor's joy at all this was beyond words, and behind this was Yongqi's witty report and suggestions.He was well aware of the emperor's obsession with Han Xiangjian, so he took the opportunity to suggest that the emperor appease her heart through letters.The emperor was worried about how to resolve Han Xiangjian's resentment over Han Qi's death, so he adopted Yong Qi's suggestion.

However, Ruyi and the other concubines were suspicious of the emperor's obsession.Ruyi was worried that the emperor would do something outrageous because of this, while Concubine Yu thought that the emperor was more obsessed because he couldn't get Hanxiang to see her.At the same time, in order to please the emperor, Concubine Bing suggested bringing in Hanbu's cooks and performers to sing and dance, hoping to please Han Xiangjian.The emperor greatly appreciated this and immediately sent someone to make arrangements.

Han Xiangjian received a letter from her father Han Ti. The letter described the prosperity and harmony on the border and hoped that she could stay in the palace with peace of mind.Despite this, Han Xiangjian still couldn't let go of Han Qi's death.In order to enable her to eat, the emperor specially invited Hanbu's chef to cook her favorite meals and customized Hanbu's clothes.

However, none of these efforts seemed to move Han Xiangjian's heart.She still wanted to leave the palace and return to Hanbu.The emperor was not discouraged and even promised to build a palace for her.At the same time, the news of Concubine's pregnancy came, but the emperor was not interested in it, and all his thoughts were on Han Xiangjian.This aroused dissatisfaction from Bin Bin and worry from Jin Zhong.

Concubine Chun's condition became increasingly serious, but the emperor ignored her.Yongzhang wanted to persuade the emperor, but Concubine Chun firmly refused.However, he still insisted on seeing the emperor and informed Concubine Chun of her condition.Although the emperor agreed to send an imperial doctor for diagnosis and treatment, he was very dissatisfied with Yongzhang's outspokenness.The rumors and rumors about Han Xiangjian by the common people and civil and military officials made the emperor furious. He gave Yong Zhang a lesson and drove him away.

This series of events put both Chun Guifei and Yong Zhang into trouble.After Concubine Chun learned that Yongzhang had been beaten, she came to plead for mercy in the rain, but was scolded by the emperor.Ruyi and Concubine Yu came to persuade her, but Concubine Chun could not kneel down until she vomited blood and passed out.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E72Plot

Concubine Chun’s mother and son died one after another

In the deep courtyard of the palace, Ruyi clearly told the concubines that it was impossible for the emperor to send Han Xiangjian away.This news is like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.When Qing Guiren learned that the emperor had named her Qing Concubine, she immediately went back to her palace to think about it, while Ruyi persuaded the concubines to leave and went directly to visit Concubine Chun.

Concubine Chun knew that she didn't have much time left, so she sent all the maids away and tried her best to tell Ruyi her inner anguish.She hoped that her death would make the emperor forgive Yong Zhang, and she would rest in peace.Ruyi felt very uncomfortable, but there was nothing she could do but give her good words.This scene is like a tragedy in the palace, singing the ruthlessness of imperial power and the indifference of the palace.

However, the fighting in the court never stopped.Jingse deliberately provoked in front of the emperor, accusing the concubines of coercing the emperor and blaming all the resentment on Ruyi.The emperor was distraught and sent her away.Concubine Chun struggled to get up and looked in the direction of Xiefang Hall from the window, wanting to take a last look at Yongzhang.She was so sad and seriously ill that she suddenly collapsed and died.The tragic death of Concubine Chun made all the concubines extremely sad, and there was a lot of crying inside and outside the palace.

Ruyi asked Rong Pei to dress Chun Guifei in the clothes of an imperial concubine and bury her.However, the fighting in the palace did not stop.Three months later, Yongzhang also passed away. The emperor felt very sad, so he drank alone to drown his sorrows.The more he thought about it, the more unconvinced he became, and he didn't understand why Han Xiangjian couldn't forget Han Qi.He used the power of wine to send Hanbu clothes to Han Xiangjian, but Han Xiangjian still ignored him.The emperor begged Han Xiangjian to forget Han Qi and help her change her clothes, but Han Xiangjian was angry and used the hands of the clock to kill himself, forcing him to die.

The emperor was helpless with Han Xiangjian, so he had to ask Ruyi for help.Although Ruyi was disheartened, the situation forced her to do it against her will.She bravely came to see Han Xiangjian, and she started to like her relationship with Han Qi.Han Xiangjian finally let go of her grudge, opened her heart to Ruyi, and told her romantic and beautiful emotional experience with Han Qi.Ruyi understood her sadness very well and hoped that Han Xiangjian would live a good life and not let down Han Qi's infatuation and the expectations of her old father and clan members.These words all came to Han Xiangjian's heart, and she gradually felt relieved.

However, as soon as Ruyi left the Chengqian Palace, she became distraught.She empathizes with Han Xiangjian's infatuation, and her feelings for the emperor are as deep and profound as Han Xiangjian's affection for Han Qi.But the current emperor is no longer the infatuated young man he used to be.Ruyi kept looking back at the tower where she and the emperor had a date. The laughter and laughter of the past were vaguely in her ears, but things were different in front of her. Ruyi's heart felt like a knife piercing her heart, and her steps became heavier.

The emperor was overjoyed when he learned that Han Xiangjian had resumed his diet, looked much better, and the injuries on his face were no longer serious. He immediately asked Li Yu to inform Ruyi and invite all the concubines to Baoyue Tower in the afternoon.Enjoy the beautiful scenery in Beijing.The Baoyue Tower was specially built by the emperor for Han Xiangjian. A prayer temple was also built outside the palace, opposite the Baoyue Tower.

Ruyi and the concubines arrived at Baoyue Tower on time and saw the splendor inside, all decorated according to the Hanbu palace.Han Xiangjian accompanied the concubines to visit Baoyue Tower. Unexpectedly, the emperor arranged for Han Xiangjian's tribe to settle in the capital, and today he specially invited Han Xiangjian to the palace to meet him.Hanxiang was so excited that tears filled her eyes when she saw her relatives reunited after a long absence.The concubines were very unconvinced and could only complain secretly.The emperor came later and specially wore Hanbu's clothes just to please Han Xiangjian.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E73Plot

Ruyi was completely disheartened by the emperor

Deep in the splendid palace, every decision of the emperor affects the fate of countless people.When the emperor announced that Feng Hanxiang was a noble person, it not only changed her personal destiny, but also dropped a stone in the palace, causing ripples.

The emperor's move appeared to be a reward, but in reality it was coercion.He knew Han Xiangjian's feelings well and did not want to be trapped by the palace, but he used this method to ensure that she stayed in the palace.His behavior made all the concubines feel bored and left one after another. Only Ruyi chose to stay and change the emperor's clothes.This scene not only shows the emperor's persistence in power, but also reflects Ruyi's responsibility and helplessness as a queen.

Ruyi knew the emperor's thoughts well. She sympathized with Rong Guiren's experience, but she also understood that she could not go against the emperor's wishes.Her inner conflict and struggle reached its climax when the emperor insisted on wearing Hanbu clothes.She was worried that such a move would chill the various Mongolian tribes, but the emperor didn't care. He only hoped that Ruyi could set an example for the Sixth Palace and treat Rong Guiren well.Such a request not only reflects the emperor's trust in Ruyi, but also exposes his blindness and selfishness towards power.

Rong Guiren's experience is a microcosm of the deep palace.She was forced to submit to the imperial power.Although her choice was helpless, it also reflected that in the deep palace, personal destiny was often determined by the imperial power.The emperor's favor and neglect are like the changes of seasons, which catch people off guard.Rong Guiren finally chose to stay in bed but not have children, which was not only her resistance to the imperial power, but also her helpless acceptance of her fate.

The emperor's mood improved after he won Rong Guiren's heart, and his love for Rong Guiren reached its peak.His behavior not only made the concubines dissatisfied, but also made Ruyi feel chilled.Ruyi's choice between the Queen Mother and the Emperor put her in a dilemma.She had to abide by the Queen Mother's orders while also taking into account the Emperor's feelings. This situation made her feel even more stressed.

And Rong Guiren's fate also changed due to the emperor's favor.Her body was weakened by the infertile potion, but she wanted nothing more.Her choice is not only a resistance to the imperial power, but also a helpless acceptance of her own fate.She was like a trapped bird in the deep palace, unable to fly freely.

The emperor's rage and Ruyi's beating pushed the story to a climax.The emperor's anger was not only punishment for Ruyi, but also disappointment for her failure in doing things.Ruyi's beating was a reflection of her helplessness and pain as a queen but unable to protect Rong Guiren.Such a plot not only shows the cruelty of imperial power, but also reflects that in the deep palace, personal destiny is often affected by imperial power.

Rong Guiren has been neglected since then, and her destiny has changed again.As for Concubine Zhuang's favor, all the concubines showed their favor to her one after another, but Yikun Palace became desolate.This contrast not only shows the impermanence of imperial power, but also reflects that in the deep palace, personal destiny often fluctuates with the changes of imperial power.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E74Plot

Concubine Zhuang uses concubine Wan to deal with Ruyi

In ancient palaces, the emperor's attention and approval were of great significance to the princes.In this story, we see the emperor's deep joy for Yong Cang, his complicated emotions for Ruyi, and the complicated interpersonal relationships in the harem.

Although Yong Cang was not very intelligent, his honesty and kindness won the emperor's love.The emperor valued his character, not just his intelligence.This emphasis on character undoubtedly set a good example for other princes in the palace.At the same time, the emperor's concern for Yong Cang also reflects his side as a father. He hopes that his son can grow up healthily and have good conduct.

As for Ruyi, as the emperor's concubine, her experience is deeply sympathetic.Although she is kind and well-liked by the emperor, she is often ostracized and misunderstood in the complicated harem battles.Ruyi's calmness and rationality allow her to keep a clear mind when facing difficulties, but this also makes her seem out of place in the palace.The emperor's attitude towards her was full of contradictions. He admired her talent and beauty, but was troubled by her stubbornness and independence.This complex emotion makes their relationship extremely delicate.

In the palace, interpersonal relationships are complicated and everyone has their own goals and desires.Concubine Zhuang's ambition and cunning made her the biggest threat in the harem.She took advantage of Concubine Wan's ignorance and eagerness to gain the emperor's favor, and asked her to help her organize and transcribe the emperor's memorial letter to Empress Xiaoxian.This move not only allowed Concubine Wan to gain favor from the emperor, but also made her a tool for Concubine Zhuang to realize her ambitions.Concubine Yu's lifting of the ban and her decision to accompany her to Mulan made the battle in the harem even more intense.

The day when the emperor visited Mulan was an annual event in the palace.The emperor took his princes on a hunting trip, enjoying the gifts of nature and the glory of being an emperor.In this process, the performance of the princes has also become an important reference for their future destiny.The emperor's appreciation and expectations for them undoubtedly made them full of confidence and expectations for the future.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E75Plot

Concubine Yu arranged for assassins to kidnap Yongxu

A bonfire party was held in the Mulan paddock, and the girls from the pastoral area sang and danced. The emperor and the envoys from various Mongolian ministries celebrated the success of the hunt. The warriors also performed wonderful gladiatorial dances. The emperor was delighted and kept cheering loudly.Yongxun felt sleepy, so she came to ask Concubine Yu to resign, and wanted to go back to rest early. Concubine Yu wanted to take Yongcun back, but Concubine Zhug forced her to make a toast. Ruyi had no choice but to ask Sanbao to report it to the emperor, and then accompanied Yongcun back.After resting, Concubine Yu quietly followed and left.

Yong Cun was deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery of the grassland. He ran ahead curiously. Suddenly someone rushed out and kidnapped Yong Cang and threatened to kill him. Ruyi was so frightened that she begged the assassin to let Yong Cang go.She could be exchanged with Yong Cang as a hostage, and promised never to kill the assassin, but the assassin claimed that even if he killed her, the disgraced queen, Yong Cang could still succeed to the throne as his legitimate son in the future.The emperor got the news and brought Ling Yunche over immediately. Seeing the emperor coming from a distance, Concubine Yu rushed over and scolded the assassin, reminding him that the guards would be arriving soon, but the assassin didn't care and pressed the knife against Yong Cang's throat. The situationVery critical.

The emperor loudly stopped the assassin from committing the crime. The assassin claimed to be a man from Hanbu. After experiencing the situation of discrimination in Hanbu, he reluctantly sent Hanxiangjian to the palace. He claimed to admire Hanxiangjian and threatened to take her back to Hanbu. But HanbuXiangjian had never seen this person before, and the emperor asked him to let Yongzhu go, promising to leave him a intact body.Concubine Ying took the initiative to reveal that the assassin was not from the Han tribe. The assassin mistakenly thought Concubine Ying was Han Xiangjian. Concubine Yu was worried that the matter would be exposed, so she immediately stood up and threatened the assassin to stop struggling. Ling Yunche took the opportunity to injure the assassin, and Ruyi immediatelyStepping forward to save Yong Cang, the assassin stabbed Ru Yi with a knife. At this critical moment, Ling Yunche risked his life to protect Ru Yi, but he was stabbed by the bayonet. The guards rushed forward and captured the assassin in one fell swoop. The emperor immediatelyReward Lingyun Che with a yellow mantle.

Han Xiangjian took the initiative to expose the assassin as someone pretending to be Han Bu. The emperor also knew that he wanted to sow discord between the Qing Dynasty and Han Bu. The assassin loudly teased the emperor that he was worse than a bodyguard and could not even protect his wife and children. The emperor asked Yong YongQi found out the identity of the assassin, but unexpectedly the assassin committed suicide on the spot.Concubine Yu was so angry when she returned to her yurt. Firstly, it was because Concubine Yu did not do things well and almost caused a disaster. She also hated Ling Yunzhe for risking everything to save Ruyi.

Dr. Jiang examined carefully and found that Yongxu was just frightened. He only needed to take the soothing medicine. Ruyi was relieved and asked Rong Pei to follow Dr. Jiang to get the medicine. Ruyi blamed herself and thought it was wrong.She was useless, but Concubine Yu was more worried that the emperor would doubt Ling Yunche because of this. Ruyi made it clear that she and Ling Yunche were life and death friends, and the only man she could rely on most in her life was the emperor.The emperor tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. The scene of Ling Yunzhe desperately saving Ruyi always flashed in his mind. He also remembered the whispers of the concubines. He felt very uncomfortable. He racked his brains and couldn't guess the identity of the assassin. Concubine YingI tried to persuade him kindly, but the emperor was still worried, so he went to see Yong Cang that night.

Ruyi couldn't sleep either. She thought about the assassin's every move over and over again. She felt that Concubine Yu's words were a reminder to the assassin, and she suspected that the assassin had something to do with her.At this time, the emperor came to see Yong Cang and sent Concubine Yu back to rest. Ruyi personally prepared medicine for Yong Cang. The emperor hoped that Yong Cang could be as promising as Yong Qi and could inherit the throne in the future, but Ruyi could onlyYong Qi could hear clearly outside that he wanted Yong Cang to be safe and to do his best to assist the future emperor.Yongxun finally woke up, and the emperor and Ruyi fed him medicine together. The emperor had high expectations for Yongxun and hoped that he could take over the throne in the future, so he couldn't help scolding him. Ruyi was very angry and complained that he shouldn't.He said these words in front of the child. When Yongzhen saw this, he hurriedly cried and admitted his mistake. The emperor was already angry, but now he was robbed of a few words by Ruyi. He was completely angered and even doubted Ruyi's loyalty to her. RuyiYi made it clear that she only had the emperor in her heart, but she was not the only one in the emperor's heart. When the two disagreed, they started to quarrel. The emperor warned Ruyi to be obedient, and then left without looking back.

Yongxun was so frightened that he burst into tears, and Ruyi hurriedly hugged him to comfort him in every possible way.Early the next morning, Zhai Sang first came to explain to the emperor, and tried his best to disassociate himself from the assassin. Both Yongqi and the emperor suspected that Concubine Yu was behind the plot, but they suffered from the lack of conclusive evidence and the power of Zhai Sang and the Horqin tribe., I can only tolerate it temporarily.The emperor asked Yuhu to send Concubine Yu back to Beijing immediately. Yongqi reminded the emperor that the Mongolian ministries would come to Beijing to pay a visit in the new year next year. Zhai Sang learned that Concubine Yu was being dealt with, which would definitely cause unnecessary trouble, so the emperor had to punish Concubine Yu by slapping her four times.Ten, she was confined to the palace, copying scriptures and thinking about her past, hoping to wait until she saw the prince later in the year before making another decision.Concubine Yu struggled desperately, yelling and screaming, and refused to leave Mulan's paddock. Yu Hu forcibly sent someone to take her away.

Ever since Mulan Weichang returned to the palace, the emperor had never been to Yikun Palace again. Yongxun also had a psychological shadow and was depressed all day long. Concubine Yu persuaded Ruyi to take the initiative to go to the emperor to explain clearly, so as not to affect the relationship between the couple and Yongcun.Ruyi could never let go of her feelings.Ling Yunche was ordered to send Yong Cun back to Concubine Yu's Yanxi Palace. Concubine Zhu was waiting for him halfway, reminding Ling Yunche to stay away from Ruyi, and also slandered Ruyi and Kezi Kefu. Ling Yunche warned her not to talk nonsense, let alone be casual.Insulting Ruyi, Concubine Zhuang was so angry that she was speechless.

Ling Yunche sent Yongcun back to Yanxi Palace of Concubine Yu, and Concubine Yu reminded him to stay away from Ruyi, so as to ensure Ruyi's safety.Ling Yunche tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, thinking about Concubine Yu's words over and over again, with mixed feelings in his heart. However, his wife Mao Qian was full of complaints because the emperor's reward was too little. Ling Yunche didn't want to listen to her nagging, so he left home in anger.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E76Plot

Rumors about Ling Yunche and Ruyi spread

Ruyi felt bored and came to the imperial garden for a walk. She happened to see Rong Bin relaxing here, and the two started chatting. Rong Bin opened her heart to Ruyi. Although she stayed in the palace, her heart was still in her hometown in Hanbu.He Hanqi's body was full of tears, and Ruyi could only give her good words.Li Yu took Yong Cang to greet the Queen Mother, and happened to see Ruyi, so Rong Bin hurriedly left.Ruyi asked Li Yu about Ling Yunche's whereabouts, and found out that the emperor had not allowed Ling Yunche to escort Yong Cang and left him to serve in front of the emperor.

Li Yu quietly told Ruyi that the emperor was very upset about Ling Yunche risking his own life to save Ruyi. Ruyi asked him to tell Ling Yunche that he must stay calm and hide his power and hide his power.Rumors about Ruyi and Ling Yunche spread wildly in the palace, and the eunuchs and maids talked about it privately. When Concubine Yu heard the news, she immediately came to report to Ruyi, worried that the rumors would be used by people with ulterior motives, and even worried that the emperor would believe it.After hearing these words, Concubine Yu decided to make a fuss about the old relationship between Concubine Zhuang and Ling Yunche to cover up the rumors about Ruyi. Ruyi firmly disagreed. She did not want to involve Ling Yunche in it anymore, but Concubine Yu was unwilling to do so.Let Ye Xin do it secretly.For the sake of the relationship between Emperor Huanghe and Ruyi, the Queen Mother specially invited them to watch "The Legend of White Snake" together. The Queen Mother watched it with gusto, but the Emperor and Ruyi each had their own concerns and remained silent.

The Queen Mother used the relationship between White Snake and Xu Xian in the play to remind Ruyi to ask the emperor to reunite her husband and wife. However, the Emperor and Ruyi were at odds with each other and refused to give in. The Queen Mother tried her best to reconcile them.Don't let Yongxun sigh all day long. The Queen Mother specially arranged something that they both liked - the wall immediately - but the Emperor excused himself to have official business and left first. Ruyi also found a reason to leave. The Queen Mother was so angry that she was speechless., Worried that the discord between the emperor and the empress would cause commotion in the palace.

Concubine Yu was unwilling to be punished by copying Buddhist scriptures. She got angry and beat her, and she was full of complaints.The palace maid could only give her kind words and words of encouragement with a smile on her face. Just as Li Yu was ordered to release her from the ban, Concubine Yu was immediately delighted.Concubine Zhuang and Concubine Ling Yunche were childhood sweethearts. Rumors about childhood sweethearts spread wantonly in the palace, and Ling Yunche was helpless. When Yuhu heard these rumors, she secretly conducted an investigation and immediately reported to the emperor, confirming that Ling Yunche and Concubine Concubine were fellow villagers, butThey had no contact for a long time, and Ling Yunche and Ruyi were even more innocent. Yuhu also praised Lingyunche for his loyalty and bravery, but the emperor still had a grudge, so he asked Jinzhong to call Concubine Zhuang to find out.

Jinzhong came to call Concubine Zhuang according to the order, and reminded her that she must clean herself up, face the past with Ling Yunche calmly, and let Lingyunche go out in critical moments. Jinzhong asked Concubine Zhuang to push all rumors to such an end.Yi also asked Concubine Zhu to pass the message to Ling Yunche's wife Mao Qian, asking her to expose Ling Yunche as well. Concubine Yu decided to let Concubine Yu, who had just been released from confinement, pass the message.Ruyi complained that Concubine Yu should not spread rumors about Ling Yunche and Concubine Zhu, but Concubine Yu wanted to keep Ruyi, but Ruyi did not want to implicate Ling Yunche.

Concubine Zhuang followed Jin Zhong's reminder and admitted to the emperor that she and Ling Yunche were old acquaintances. She also offered to kill Ling Yunche to prove her innocence. The emperor felt that she was magnanimous and forgave her on the spot.At this moment, Concubine Yu braved the heavy snow to come to the Yangxin Hall to see the emperor, and she also brought Ling Yunche's wife Mao Qian. Li Yu quietly sent a eunuch to notify Ling Yunche.Concubine Yu reported to the emperor that Ruyi and Ling Yunche were having an affair. Concubine Zhu was still helping. The emperor asked Li Yu to call Ruyi to listen.

Ling Yunche learned that Mao Qian came to see the emperor and hurried over to check. Ling Yunche first confessed to the emperor and wanted to take Mao Qian home, but Mao Qian kept falsely accusing him. Ling Yunche couldn't forget Ruyi, even in his dreams he shoutedRuyi's name, Mao Qian actually took out the three exact dates she had written down about Ling Yunche's nightmare.Ruyi walked to the door and heard clearly. She clearly remembered those three days, which were the days when Jingsi and Yongjing died. The last one was the day when the emperor learned that Rong Bin was infertile and blamed her deeply. He pointed out Mao to her face.Qian was making random guesses, and Mao Qian then produced another piece of evidence.

At the same time, the imperial guard Zhao Jiuxiao came to see Concubine Yu. He happened to see Yongqi, so he told Yongqi about Mao Qian's report on Ruyi and asked Yongqi to ask Concubine Yu to persuade her.Mao Qian brought the box collected by Ling Yunche. Inside were the boots that Ruyi had given to Ling Yunche when he was demoted to the cold palace. They were also embroidered with Ruyi cloud patterns. Ruyi admitted that they were made by Xingxin and asked the emperor to take his clothes.Yu Hu compared the patterns on the boots and found that the patterns on the boots were not embroidered by Ruyi. Concubine Yu tried her best to quibble, and the emperor immediately ordered Concubine Yu to be imprisoned in the Shenxing Division and left to fend for herself.The emperor asked Ling Yunche to go home and write a letter of divorce to break up with Mao Qian. Mao Qian was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

Concubine Zhuang immediately knelt down to admit her mistake, and the emperor sent her back to the palace to rest. Ruyi was about to leave, but the emperor hurriedly called her to stop her. Although it was confirmed today that Ruyi and Ling Yunche were innocent, the emperor still had doubts. Ruyi repeatedly statedLing Yunche was the imperial bodyguard, and it was his duty to rescue the leader in case of emergency. However, the emperor still refused to let him go, and falsely accused Ling Yunche of having evil thoughts about Ruyi. Otherwise, Ruyi would not be so cold to him. Ruyi argued with him on the basis of reason.The two people had a heated argument. Ruyi had nothing to say to him, and left without looking back, regardless of the emperor's obstruction.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E77Plot

Hailan accuses Yongqi of standing idly by

Under the curtain of the palace, the conflict and interweaving of emotion, power and human nature constitute the fascinating plot of Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace.Among them, the deep mother-son love between Hailan and Yongqi, as well as the complex emotions between Ruyi and Ling Yunche, have become the focus of the audience's attention.

Hailan's reproach to Yongqi reflects the mother's expectations and disappointment in her son.She hoped that Yongqi could treat Ruyi like a biological sister, but Yongqi chose to stay safe.Although this choice has its rationality, in Hailan's view, it is an abandonment of family ties.Yongqi's defense also reflects his struggle between power and emotion.He knew that this matter involved the reputation of the emperor and the queen, so he chose to protect himself and E Niang rather than risk speaking for Ruyi.Although this choice kept his own safety, it deeply disappointed Hailan.

And what happened to Ling Yunche makes people lament the ruthlessness in the palace.He was once the emperor's right-hand man, but was demoted to eunuch due to trumped-up charges.This kind of humiliation is undoubtedly a huge blow to Ling Yunche.But he chose to endure it, and even returned to Ruyi as a eunuch, just to eliminate the emperor's doubts.This kind of sacrifice is both touching and distressing.

The emperor's behavior makes people deeply feel his ruthlessness.His suspicion of Ling Yunche was not only because of Mao Qian's exposure, but also because of his own persistence in power.He does not allow anyone to challenge his authority, even the once loyal Ling Yunche.His intimacy with Ruyi was more like a demonstration, a show of power.His indifference and rudeness towards Ruyi exposed the emptiness and uneasiness in his heart.

The appearance of Xiangmi adds a touch of brightness to the plot.She is different from others in the court. Her straightforwardness and kindness make her become Ruyi's confidant.Her accusation against the emperor also showed her respect for human life and her resistance to power.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E78Plot

The emperor transferred Ling Yunche away from Yikun Palace

In the deep palace, rumors and rumors are like invisible swords, pointing directly at people's hearts.Yongqi picked up his twelfth elder brother from school, but he couldn't help but frown when he heard rumors in the palace about the scandal between E Niang and Ling Yunche.Despite his doubts, Yongqi still chose to believe the queen, thinking that she was definitely not such a person.But Ling Yunche's life in the palace became increasingly difficult.

Eunuch Qin sent Yue Yin to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and met Ling Yunche who was returning from picking flowers. His words were full of sarcasm. Ling Yunche's identity had become a shackle that he could not get rid of.Jin Zhong even took this opportunity to ridicule the rumors between Ling Yunche and Ruyi. Although Ling Yunche was angry, he also understood his situation and could only endure it silently.

Rong Pei was well aware of Ruyi's worries and told her that Ling Yunche did not want to enter the inner hall to serve her and only wanted to keep a distance from her.After hearing this, Ruyi felt mixed emotions in her heart. She was moved by Ling Yunche's loyalty, but also worried about his future.

Yan Wan was pregnant again, which should have been a happy event, but it made her even more anxious.Ling Yunche's presence in Ruyi Palace was like a thorn, piercing deeply into her heart.Ruyi and the emperor watched the play together, and Ling Yunche served on the side. In Yanwan's eyes, all this was a provocation to herself.

Finally, the emperor found an excuse, saying that Ling Yunche had stolen his treasure in Yikun Palace, and demoted him to a eunuch.After Ruyi heard this, although her face was expressionless, the pain in her heart was indescribable.She understood that all this was the emperor's plan, just to make herself surrender.

People from the Ministry of Internal Affairs were transferred away one after another, and Yikun Palace became deserted.Hailan came to visit Ruyi with snacks, but Ruyi had no appetite.She knew very well that the Emperor's suspicions were still lingering and all this would not end here.

Ling Yunche was bullied in the palace, but still insisted on his beliefs.Rong Pei brought him a pillow he had made by himself. Although it was a small item, it represented the queen's concern.Ling Yunche was extremely grateful. He knew that although he suffered physically, the real suffering was in the Queen's heart.

Winter has arrived, Yan Wan gave birth to her sixteenth brother, but was ordered by the Queen Mother to be sent to Shoukang Palace to be raised.Ruyi was copying scriptures and praying for blessings in the Queen Mother's palace. The Queen Mother lamented that Yan Wan had given birth to children one after another, but the Queen only had one son, and her heart was inevitably desolate.Ruyi sighed, between life and death, who can tell which one is blessing?

In order to show his kindness, Ruyi proposed to distribute Laba porridge in the palace.The Queen Mother agreed and emphasized that no expense should be spared so that everyone in the palace could feel the grace.Yan Wan was heartbroken when her sixteenth brother was sent away. She was determined to suppress the queen to relieve her hatred.

The fifth elder brother returned from hunting and brought back a red fox as a gauntlet for Yunjiao.Yun Jiao prepares bath water for the fifth elder brother, but feels guilty because the fifth elder brother's leg injuries are recurring and insists on taking a cold bath.The fifth elder brother's great concern for Yunjiao made her feel deeply warm.

Jin Zhong reminds Yan Wan that although Yun Jiao has been placed beside the fifth elder brother, the emperor still has the twelfth elder brother, and the queen's position is still unstable.Yan Wan decided to use Ling Yunche again to make the queen completely lose the emperor's sympathy.Chunchan's aunt died after accidentally eating poisonous wild mushrooms. After Yanwan learned about it, she decided to use this to deal with Ling Yunche and Ruyi.

The eunuch next to the twelfth prince deliberately mentioned to him the scandal between the queen and Ling Yunche, and gave him slices of mushroom meat.The twelfth elder brother felt dizzy in the imperial garden and mistakenly thought that Ling Yunche was having an affair with Ruyi, so he ran back to Hailan Palace in panic.Yan Wan and the emperor arrived soon after, and the eunuch next to the twelfth prince accused Ling Yunche of having an affair with Ruyi, causing the emperor's trust in Ruyi to be shaken again.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E79Plot

The conflict between the emperor and Ruyi escalates

In a deep palace, there were rumors that Ruyi and Ling Yunzhe were having an affair. The news quickly spread throughout the palace, causing the emperor to be extremely angry.The emperor immediately ordered Yan Wan to take the twelfth elder brother away, and at the same time sent someone to check whether Ling Yunche was in the imperial garden.Although Yan Wan faced the emperor's order, she worked hard to calm the situation in private, hoping not to make it public, especially for the queen's face.

Jin Zhong quickly carried the twelfth prince back to Yanwan Palace, but at this time the twelfth prince was already unconscious.Jin Zhong hurriedly took the tranquilizing medicine for him, hoping that the poison would dissipate and that the incident would leave no trace.Hailan learned that the twelfth prince was involved, and she immediately checked the twelfth prince's diet, but found no abnormalities.This made Ruyi realize that this was a conspiracy against herself, and that the twelfth prince was also involved.

The emperor's anger did not subside, and he ordered Ling Yunche to be sent to the Shenxing Department for severe torture.Hailan suggested that Ruyi act first, which might convince the emperor of her innocence with Ling Yunche.However, Ruyi decided to take care of the twelfth elder brother first. She ordered Sanbao to thoroughly investigate the people serving the twelfth elder brother.

Yanwan pleads for Ruyi in front of the emperor, hoping that the emperor will not make the matter public.But the emperor's anger was hard to calm down, and he angrily accused Ruyi of being unworthy of being his queen.At this time, Yongqi also asked the twelfth elder brother if he saw Huang Eniang hugging the leading guard, but the twelfth elder brother did not remember anything.He believed that he had harmed his mother and felt deeply guilty.

Ruyi realized that things were far more complicated than she imagined.She discovered that Xiao Lizi, who served her twelfth brother, died in an unknown manner, which made her even more convinced that there was a larger conspiracy behind the matter.Hailan reminded Ruyi that it might be more dangerous to continue the investigation, because the emperor originally wanted to get rid of Ling Yunche.But Ruyi insisted on keeping Ling Yunche, and she told Hailan not to act rashly.

In the Shenxing Division, Yan Wan brought medicine and side dishes to Ling Yunche in an attempt to comfort him.But Ling Yunche said that he had never forgotten Yan Wan back then, and the current Concubine Zhuang was no longer the same person.He asked Yan Wan to take back the gift he gave her - a ring engraved with clouds and swallows.Yan Wan returned the ring to Ling Yunche, then turned and left.

Hailan decided to hide it from Ruyi and went to the Shenxing Division overnight.She lied that she was ordered by Ruyi to see Ling Yunche.In the Shenxing Department, Hailan told Ling Yun that Che Ruyi was investigating the matter thoroughly.Ling Yunche understood that this would only make the emperor angrier and make Ruyi more dangerous.He decided to die in exchange for the emperor's trust.

Hailan asked Ling Yunche about his feelings for Ruyi, and Ling Yunche confessed that their relationship went beyond the relationship between a man and a woman.He is willing to trade his life for Ruyi's well-being.Hailan was moved by their feelings and asked Ling Yunche if he had any unfulfilled wishes.Ling Yunche took out the ring that Yan Wan returned to him and said it was a token of their love.He hopes the ring will come in handy in the future.

Hailan ordered Sanbao to execute Ling Yunche.Sanbao couldn't bear to take action, but Ling Yunche said that there was no room for turning now.Before he died, he smelled the fragrance of plum blossoms and lamented that he would no longer be able to pick plum blossoms for Ruyi in the future.He asked Sanbao to bring a plum blossom to visit him next year, and then died of anger.

Hailan informed the emperor of Ling Yunche's death and temporarily concealed the news from Ruyi.Yong Qi told Ruyi that Ling Yunche was executed by promotion, which was a very cruel way of death.The emperor lamented that Ruyi was not easy, but still took advantage of Ling Yunche.He ordered Yongqi to throw Ling Yunche into a mass grave.

Hailan confessed to Ruyi what she had done.She told Ruyi that she was doing this for her own good, and Ling Yunche also volunteered to die.Ruyi lamented that the only people who gave her warmth when she was cold to the bone were Hailan and Ling Yunzhe. This matter had nothing to do with love, only mutual understanding.She knew that Hailan did this for herself, but she still thought that Hailan shouldn't do this.Ruyi looked out the window, feeling guilty.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E80Plot

Ruyi accompanied the emperor on another southern tour to Hangzhou

Deep in the palace, secrets always flow like an undercurrent.Yan Wan, the once glorious queen, is currently experiencing the saddest moment in her life.She was shocked to learn that Ling Yunche was executed by the queen.What made her even more heartbroken was that she lost two young brothers. The fourteenth and sixteenth brothers had a sudden convulsion last night. Even the imperial doctor had no time to summon them, so they died together.The pain of losing a loved one made Yan Wan heartbroken.

At the same time, Hailan came to Yikun Palace, hoping to see Ruyi, but Ruyi insisted not to see her.Ruyi's heart was filled with guilt. She often dreamed of Ling Yunche, remembering that she had caused him harm.Although Rong Pei comforted her and Ling Yunche had been properly buried and worshiped, his departure still made it difficult for Ruyi to let go.

Time flies, two years later, the emperor's mind has been away from the harem for a long time, and he rarely even sets foot in Baoyue Tower.The emperor is about to tour the south. The twelfth prince believes that the relationship between Huang Ama and Huang Eniang is due to his own reasons, so he persuades Ruyi to accompany the emperor on the tour to the south.Under Hailan's persuasion, Ruyi finally agreed to accompany him.

During the southern tour, the emperor and Ruyi recalled the first time they visited Hangzhou.They talked about the plum blossoms in Gushan, Ruyi once liked the scenery there.Xiangjian thought that the name of Gushan was not pleasant. Rong Pei told her that there is a saying in Hangzhou: "A lonely mountain is not alone, but broken bridges continue to break", while Ruyi lamented: "Broken bridges continue to break the heart, but a lonely mountain is not lonely, and the king's heart is lonely".This sentence expresses the emotional changes between Ruyi and the emperor.

Later, Xiangjian came to see the emperor and talked about Ruyi.The emperor is still concerned about Ling Yunzhe's incident, and Xiangjian thinks that Ruyi has been wronged.The emperor angrily rebuked Xiang Jian for being presumptuous, but Xiang Jian bluntly said that if the emperor wanted to hear flattery, there would be kabuki theater from all over the country to coax the emperor.The emperor complained that the women sent from various places were boring, but Yan Wan secretly made up her mind to let Jin Zhong select women to give to the emperor.

At night, Jinzhong took the emperor to a boat, where a woman danced gracefully, mysteriously and charmingly.The next day, Jin Zhong reported back to Yan Wan, saying that the girl Shui Linglong presented by Yan Wan was deeply loved by the emperor.Yan Wan asked Jin Zhong to arrange for a few more people to come in and serve the emperor well.However, all this was overheard by Rong Pei.

While the emperor was watching a play, Yan Wan accompanied the emperor back to rest first, but their conversation was overheard by Rong Pei.The matter of Shui Linglong was so secretive that even Li Yu, who was beside the emperor, did not know about it.Fu Heng, who was in charge of the garrison, discovered some clues. Li Yu asked Fu Heng to conceal the matter.However, the people were talking a lot and it was hard to hide it.

Ruyi once again came to the place where she once bought Tiaotou cake with the emperor, but she could no longer taste the same taste.She learned about the emperor's affair with Shui Linglong from the romantic anecdotes by the West Lake mentioned by the storyteller.Ruyi was very angry, thinking that Yan Wan did not hesitate to charm the emperor and damaged the emperor's reputation.She ordered San Bao to investigate the matter in detail and asked Li Yu who was serving the emperor on the ship.Ruyi became even more angry after learning that Jin Zhong was serving him closely.

At this time, the emperor was sitting on the dragon boat, enjoying the service of many kabuki actors.The next day, the emperor was supposed to have dinner with his concubines, but he failed to arrive.Ruyi stared at Yanwan and accused her of lying.The emperor came to the banquet, and Ruyi alluded to the emperor's enjoyment of kabuki all night long, which made the emperor very unhappy.The emperor ordered Li Yu to bring some cakes to Ruyi. When Ruyi saw that the cakes were sticky to his teeth, he knew that the emperor wanted him to talk less.

Ruyi called Yanwan into the room and accused her of dedicating the brothel girl to the emperor.She asked Sanbao to lock up Concubine Zhuang and wait for the emperor's decision.Concubine Zhuang was unconvinced and kept claiming that she was the concubine personally designated by the emperor. Ruyi did not show any weakness and repeatedly declared that she was the queen personally designated by the emperor.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E81Plot

The emperor dotes on promiscuous women

Deep in the palace, the battle between power and emotion is endless.Ruyi, as a queen, seems particularly isolated and helpless in this contest.Faced with Concubine Zhuang's provocation, she did not flinch and firmly maintained her status and dignity.However, the emperor's indifference and alienation made her feel more desperate than ever.

Ruyi's anger reached its peak when she learned that the emperor and a group of women were having fun on the boat.She was not only doing it for her own status and reputation, but also for the emperor's reputation and the country's future.She resolutely went to the dragon boat and tried to awaken the emperor's conscience.However, the emperor's response made her feel despair.He was obsessed with sensuality and turned a deaf ear to Ruyi's advice.

In front of the emperor, Ruyi showed her tenacity and decisiveness.She cut off her hair to express her disappointment and determination towards the emperor.This move was highly symbolic in Manchu culture and meant that her relationship with the emperor had been completely severed.The emperor was shocked and ordered Ruyi to be confined in Yikun Palace and named Concubine Zhuo as the imperial concubine.

Ruyi's experience caused an uproar in the palace.Concubine Ying, Concubine Rong and others came to visit her one after another to express their support and sympathy for her.The Queen Mother also expressed concern about this matter. She believed that deposing the Queen was unethical and criticized the Emperor's behavior.However, the emperor's resentment towards Ruyi was deep, and he only cared about his own power and status.

In this palace struggle, Jin Zhong became a victim.He was originally a confidant of Concubine Zhuang, but he was retaliated for offending Yan Wan.Before his death, he accused Yan Wan of being ungrateful and foreshadowed her tragic fate in the future.Yan Wan, on the other hand, is willing to sacrifice the lives of others for her own status and power.Her coldness and ruthlessness make people worry about her future.

Although Ruyi lost her status and power as queen, her spirit was sublimated.She used her actions to explain what true dignity and value are.The moment she cut off her hair was not only a final farewell to the emperor, but also a release and transcendence of her past.She chose independence and freedom, no longer subject to the constraints and struggles of the palace.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E82Plot

The emperor made up his mind to establish a crown prince

In the deep palace of the Forbidden City, the friendship between Ruyi and Hailan is as deep-rooted as the ancient tree that has withstood the wind and rain.Although Ruyi is now trapped in Yikun Palace and it is difficult for the two to see each other, their hearts are always closely connected.

Ruyi insisted not to see Hailan and ordered Rong Pei to return to her the sachet given to her by Hailan.Behind this move, there is Ruyi's deep concern and love for Hailan.She understood that her current situation was extremely difficult. The emperor had already moved his mind to depose the queen, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was even more neglectful of Yikun Palace.Even Li Yu, who was close to Ruyi, was sent to serve in the Old Summer Palace, which made Ruyi's situation even worse.Ruyi didn't want Hailan to be involved in any way, so she chose not to see him, but she conveyed her instructions to Hailan through Rong Pei, asking her to take good care of her twelfth and fifth elder brothers.

Hailan naturally understands Ruyi's painstaking efforts.She recalled the time she spent with Ruyi, and the happy, sad, painful, and joyful days were all vivid in her mind.She understood that Ruyi didn't see her because she was worried that she would be implicated.But she also knew that Ruyi was still thinking about her.This tacit understanding and understanding makes the friendship between them even deeper.

At this moment, Ruyi was sitting in the palace, and she knew that Hailan would understand her thoughts.She asked Rong Pei to leave first and sat alone in the room, her heart full of helplessness and expectation.She looked forward to one day being able to get out of this cold palace and meet Hailan again.

And Hailan did not live up to Ruyi's expectations.She devoted herself to taking care of her twelfth and fifth elder brothers, while also looking for opportunities to visit Ruyi.She knew that Ruyi must have had a very difficult time in Yikun Palace, so she always tried her best to bring her some daily things, hoping to bring her some warmth and comfort.

Fifth elder brother Yongqi is also well aware of Ruyi's predicament.He acted decently and won the emperor's respect, but he never forgot Ruyi's kindness.He repeatedly begged the emperor for mercy, hoping to treat Ruyi well.Although his efforts failed to immediately change Ruyi's situation, it allowed the emperor to see his filial piety and kindness.

Just as Ruyi and Hailan were working hard to reunite, new changes occurred in the harem.In order to fight for power, Yan Wan actually wanted to frame the fifth elder brother.She took advantage of Yunjiao's love for the fifth elder brother and tried to get her to poison the fifth elder brother.However, Yunjiao chose to give up at the critical moment. Instead of attacking the fifth elder brother, she spread all the poison on the ground.

This incident made Ruyi deeply gratified.She saw Yunjiao's kindness and determination, and also saw the fifth elder brother's deep blessings.She understands that no matter where she is, there are so many people caring about and supporting her.This strengthened her belief and determination.

Now, although Ruyi is still trapped in Yikun Palace, her heart is full of hope and expectation.She looks forward to one day getting out of this cold palace and seeing those who care about her again; she looks forward to meeting Hailan again and continuing their deep friendship; she looks forward to seeing a better and more harmonious harem.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E83Plot

Yongqi succumbed to his illness and refused medical treatment.

Yongqi and Fujin entered the palace together, but unexpectedly fell down on the way and became seriously ill.After diagnosis and treatment by Imperial Physician Jiang, it was discovered that Yongqi had deep abscesses, high fever, and a dangerous condition.Yongqi's condition worsened because she had been hiding her illness for a long time and avoided medical treatment.After hearing the news, the emperor ordered Yongqi to rest in the palace so that Hailan could take care of her.

After Ruyi heard about Yongqi's condition, she felt uneasy and immediately sent someone to inquire about the situation.Ruyi was even more worried when she learned that Yongqi finally regained consciousness, but her condition was still serious.In front of Yongqi's bed, Erniang Hailan burst into tears. Yongqi asked her to take good care of Mianyi and Yunjiao.Yunjiao heard all this behind the screen and felt deeply guilty.

Yanwan learned that Yongqi was seriously ill and had a treacherous plot, so she ordered someone to tell Yunjiao to frame Ruyi after Yongqi's death.Just as everyone was in grief, Yunjiao stood up and claimed that Yongqi died unjustly and asked the emperor to make the decision.She accused Ruyi of forcing Yongqi to find a feng shui treasure land for Ling Yunche to bury, and said that what Ruyi cared about most in her life was Ling Yunche, which made Yongqi feel deeply ashamed.Hai Lan angrily slapped Yun Jiao and scolded her for talking nonsense.But Yunjiao ignored him. She drank the poisoned wine and followed Yongqi, making the matter unconfirmable.

When Ruyi rushed to the scene, she found that Yun Jiao had fallen to the ground and died.The emperor angrily asked Ruyi how he treated Yongqi, so that his concubine died to report.Hailan begged the emperor not to misunderstand Ruyi, but the emperor already had doubts about Ruyi.He accused Ruyi of going all out to deal with Ling Yunche, but later asked Yongqi to find someone to arrange Ling Yunche's future life properly, and now he even killed Yongqi.The emperor ordered Jinbao to take Ruyi back and take back her queen's treasures, saying that he did not want to see her again.

Ruyi seemed not to hear, looking at Yongqi blankly, and then walked out of the room without saying a word.Rong Pei handed over the queen's treasures, but Ruyi didn't care.She asked Jinbao to tell Concubine Yu that Gegehu, who was called Prince Rong, spoke strangely, and asked Hailan to investigate her details.

In the Yangxin Hall, the emperor looked at the edict he had written on establishing the crown prince and missed Yongqi very much.He burned the edict to show that the fifth elder brother was gone and he still had the princes.At this time, Yan Wan came to the Yangxin Hall to visit the emperor, but the emperor said that he wanted to be alone and asked her to go back first.After the death of the fifth elder brother, Yan Wan became the first person in the harem. She sent someone to tell Ruyi's current situation to Ruyi's mother, hoping to continue to suppress Ruyi.

Hailan felt very sad and self-blame for Yongqi's death, and she vowed to thoroughly investigate the details of the Hu family.The emperor ordered Yu Hu to investigate Ling Yunche's grave and learned that things were indeed as Yun Jiao said.Both the Queen Mother and Yu Hu thought there was something fishy about the matter and said they would send people to continue investigating.At the same time, Ruyi's mother-in-law was seriously ill. When she learned that Ruyi's queen's treasures had been taken away and that the emperor wanted to abolish the queen, she immediately died.

Yu Hu told the emperor Yun Jiao's life experience, and pointed out that Ruyi had no contact with Yun Jiao and wondered why she would do this.When Ruyi learned that Yan Wan had indirectly killed E Niang, she knelt in front of the Buddha statue and remained silent, her heart filled with grief and helplessness.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E84Plot

Ruyi was seriously ill and secretly planned to deal with Yanwan

In the deep night of the palace, Ruyi knelt quietly in front of the Buddha statue all night. Her tenacity and determination aroused Rong Pei's deep concern.Rong Pei felt sorry for Ruyi and persuaded her to take care of her body. After all, in this palace, a healthy body is the basis for coping with everything.With Rong Pei's help, Ruyi stood up and took out the old clothes in her hand, as if she was reminiscing about the past.

At the same time, Hailan also knelt outside the Yangxin Hall all night. She would do anything for Ruyi's safety.She begged the emperor to allow her to see Ruyi, just to ask about her arrangements for the old lady's funeral.Seeing Hailan's sincerity, the emperor finally agreed to her request.

When Hailan met Ruyi, she brought shocking news.She told Ruyi that she didn't find out who Yun Jiao was interacting with, but she found that Yong Qi and Yun Jiao always bathed in cold water and ate cold things together when they were together.Such behavior is extremely harmful to Yongqi's health, and Hailan is deeply worried about it.What shocked her even more was that she found a prescription in Yunjiao's room without her name written on it.

Ruyi knew that this matter was not trivial, so she asked Hailan to hand over the prescription to Dr. Jiang for detailed investigation to see if there were any clues.At the same time, Ruyi also asked Hailan to handle several things, including handing over the relics left by the Hu family to Hailan, asking Li Yu to inspect Yunjiao's relics in detail, and being responsible for delivering news between the Old Summer Palace and the palace.

However, the development of things was far more complicated than Yi imagined.Hailan sent someone to inform the emperor that Ruyi was ill and hoped that the emperor could send an imperial doctor to treat her.The emperor immediately allowed Imperial Physician Jiang to enter Yikun Palace.Doctor Jiang's diagnosis was shocking. He found that Ruyi was not suffering from a simple cough, but from tuberculosis, and his condition was already very serious.Doctor Jiang admitted that Ruyi only had three or four months to live.

At the same time, Yan Wan gave birth to her seventeenth elder brother. Many concubines fawned over her, saying that the emperor had already moved on to depose the queen, and sooner or later the throne of the queen would belong to the imperial concubine.Yan Wan came to the Yangxin Hall with her two children and deliberately mentioned Ruyi, which made the emperor unhappy.Yan Wan was afraid of her twelfth elder brother, and had secretly sent someone to tamper with Yong Cun's food.However, all this was seen by Ruyi and Hailan.

When Imperial Physician Jiang examined Ruyi's pulse, Ruyi asked about the physical condition of the twelfth elder brother.Doctor Jiang said that there was nothing unusual about Yong Cun, but Ruyi knew that Yan Wan would definitely attack her twelfth brother, so she asked Doctor Jiang to take more care of her.In addition, Ruyi also learned from Hailan about the prescription and powder box found in Yunjiao's room.She suspected that Yan Wan was behind all of this. They were targeting not only herself, but also Yong Qi and Yong Cang.

At the ceremony of Prince Rong, Concubine Ying exposed Yan Wan's ambition and inappropriate behavior to Princess He Jing.Ruyi was also well prepared and came to Yongqi's ranking. She wrote down the word "Poisonous Heart" and sent it to the Queen Mother.The Queen Mother didn't know what she meant, so she came to ask Ruyi.Ruyi's eyes were firm and profound, and she seemed to have found the key to uncovering the truth of all this.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E85Plot

Yanwan suspects that Chunchan is a secret killer

In the depths of the palace, Ruyi frankly told the Queen Mother her aunt's teachings before her death: “ act in the palace not to poison the body, but only to poison the heart.” She had never understood this before and had never done it, but now she ended up like this.She claimed to be useless and was confused about how to protect her twelfth brother. She begged the Queen Mother to save the only bloodline of Aixinjueluo and Ulanara.

However, the Queen Mother's request to Ruyi was not clear. At this time, a battle for power was quietly going on in the court.Rong Pei and Ye Xin took Chun Chan away, and Yan Wan learned about it and quickly sent people to search for her.Ruyi ordered people to tie up Chunchan and tried to learn Yanwan's secret from her, but Chunchan remained tight-lipped.Rong Pei decided to wait until dark before letting Chun Chan go back. This move undoubtedly deepened Yan Wan's suspicion of Chun Chan.

Ruyi encountered the emperor's chariot when she left, but she ignored it. She only worried about her twelfth brother.On the other side, Yan Wan couldn't find Chun Chan, but Chun Chan was returned to her palace.Faced with Yan Wan's questioning, Chunchan insisted that she didn't say anything, but Yan Wan had already developed deep doubts about her.

After a tiring day, Ruyi still insisted on sewing clothes for the twelfth prince. Her motherly love and perseverance were touching.The next day, the twelfth elder brother was taken to Cining Palace to be raised by the Queen Mother. This news made Yan Wan feel uneasy.She was worried that her plans would be affected, and even more doubted whether Chunchan had leaked the news.

At the palace table, the twelfth prince was not interested in the food in the imperial kitchen, which attracted the attention of the Queen Mother.She ordered the emperor to check the chef who cooked for the twelfth prince in the imperial kitchen. If it was really more to his taste, let him continue to cook for the twelfth prince.This news reached Yanwan's ears, and she became even more convinced of what Chunchan said in front of Ruyi.So, she decided to take action and send the person who served the twelfth prince out of the palace.

On the way to pick up her fifteenth elder brother from school, Yan Wan asked him to protect her, which was overheard by the eunuch arranged by Princess He Jing.Princess He Jing learned of Yan Wan's ambition and informed the emperor about it.After weighing the candidates to inherit the throne, the emperor decided to hand over the fifteenth prince to the concubine of Shoukang Palace to raise him.This decision made Yan Wan feel desperate. She didn't understand why the emperor treated her like this.

In Yanwan Palace, Yuhu read out the emperor's decree and said that from now on all Mongolian concubines would be free from Yanwan's control.Yan Wan felt helpless and angry. She begged to keep her fifteenth brother by her side, but Yuhu accused her of not being able to teach her son well and ordered someone to take her fifteenth brother away by force.Yanwan grabbed Chunchan's neck in anger, but then apologized to her and asked her to leave the palace to pull out the weeds in front of her mother's grave.All this was seen by Hailan, who sent someone to tell Dr. Jiang to follow Chunchan.

In the suburbs, Chunchan felt exhausted and realized that Yanwan wanted to harm her.At this time, Doctor Jiang appeared and rescued Chunchan.Back in the palace, Hailan told Wang Chan that Chunchan was dead, and now only Wang Chan was left with Yan Wan.Soon after, the emperor fell ill, and Yu Hu secretly invited Dr. Jiang.Imperial Physician Jiang told Yan Wan that the emperor's condition was critical and required consultation from other imperial physicians.Yan Wan felt uneasy. She thought of the scene when the late emperor died and began to prepare for her future.

In the Yangxin Hall, Yan Wan overheard the Queen Mother and the Emperor discussing the throne.After she learned that the Queen Mother intended to let the twelfth prince succeed to the throne, she began to have thoughts.She decided to take action to pave the way for a future for herself and her fifteenth brother.However, she did not realize that she had fallen into a trap.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E86Plot

Yan Wan’s face is finally revealed

Deep in the palace, Yan Wan walked lightly to the emperor's bed, her heartbeat speeding up, and there was a trace of nervousness and expectation on her face.However, the sudden appearance of Dr. Jiang startled her. She hurriedly asked about the emperor's condition, and then asked Dr. Jiang to leave first.Only Yan Wan and the emperor were left in the room. She stood in front of the emperor and called softly, but the emperor never responded.

Yan Wan stood up and closed the door. Her eyes fell on the emperor's edict on establishing the crown prince.She discovered that the emperor had not yet decided on a successor, and she was secretly happy.She took out the fake edict that she had prepared and tried to replace the real edict.However, she did not expect that the emperor was not unconscious, but was just testing her.

The emperor suddenly appeared in front of Yan Wan and discovered her conspiracy.He looked at Yan Wan angrily and asked her why she forged the edict.Yan Wan knelt in front of the emperor and claimed that she was doing it for the emperor's sake.However, Hailan's arrival broke her lie.

Hailan pointed out that Yongqi's death was related to Yanwan.She bribed Hu Yunjiao, framed Yongqi, and used Yunjiao to drive a wedge between the emperor and Ruyi after Yongqi's death.Yan Wan insisted that she did not know Hu Yunjiao, but Hailan produced evidence.Chun Chan, who was once thought to be dead, appears before the emperor and she confirms Yan Wan's guilt.

Yan Wan was accused of poisoning her child, and she insisted that she was unjustly accused.However, the evidence was conclusive and the emperor slapped her in anger.Chunchan also pointed out that Yanwan was resentful of Ruyi and she used Ling Yunche to frame Ruyi, but in fact she was the one who couldn't let Ling Yunche go.Hai Lan took out the ring that Ling Yunche gave to her before she died, proving that Yan Wan and Ling Yunche had an affair.

Yan Wan insisted that everyone had united to frame her. She tried to quibble, but everyone no longer believed her lies.The Queen Mother rushed to the scene and reprimanded Yan Wan for plotting to kill her legitimate son.She pointed out that Yan Wan poisoned the twelfth prince's food, which was a chronic poison that was extremely difficult to detect.

The emperor ordered Yan Wan to eat mushrooms to prove her guilt.Yan Wan was too frightened to resist, and Chun Chan admitted that the mushroom was planted by Yan Wan.The Queen Mother told Ruyi that all of this was a game, but whether she made progress or not was up to Yanwan herself.Ruyi made prayer flags for every life Yan Wan killed, and asked Yan Wan to kowtow to each prayer flag as punishment.

Yanwan cried and complained that she had never done it, but the emperor no longer believed her.He ordered Yan Wan to kowtow and apologize, and then ordered someone to bring the medicine.Yan Wan repeatedly begged for mercy, but the emperor was determined to punish her for her crimes.The drug was in great pain when it took effect. Yan Wan mentioned to the emperor before the poison took effect that she had been promoted by the emperor. Now that she is in this situation, is it because the emperor misjudged the person or because she and the emperor did not learn well enough?She admitted that the emperor had never given her sincerity, but also admitted that she had never received the emperor's sincerity either.In pain, Yan Wan drank the medicine.

The emperor ordered Yan Wan to be sent back to her palace so that she could continue to suffer.The palace door of Yikun Palace was opened, and the concubines came to see the Queen, but Ruyi said that she was tired and did not want to see anyone.Li Yu was ordered by the emperor to send the Queen's treasure to Ruyi, but Ruyi refused to accept it.The Queen Mother told the Emperor that Ruyi planned all this, and now everything has come to fruition.

Yan Wan was dying in Yongshou Palace. She thought she was going to die, but the emperor ordered Aunt Yuhu to give her the antidote.Chun Chan and Wang Chan continued to give Yan Wan the decoction and let her continue to suffer.The emperor came to Yikun Palace to visit Ruyi. He bowed his head and apologized to Ruyi, admitting his fault.Ruyi said that she had already forgotten about it.She asked the emperor if he knew the saying "Lanyin Xuguo“", and said that she already understood the truth that flowers must have their time to bloom and fall.The emperor wrote the words "Lanyin Xuguo”" in the Yangxin Hall, lamenting that Ruyi had been disappointed with him.The two of them can never go back to the past.Ruyi cut out her own portrait and burned it in the fire.

《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》E87Plot

Ruyi remembers her old friend and passed away peacefully

In the splendor of the palace, Queen Ruyi was alone on the tower overlooking the endless palace, her heart filled with memories of the past.The emperor led the concubines to Mulan Qiuyi, but Ruyi chose to stay in the palace. This decision gave her more time to recall her life.

Ruyi and Rong Pei walked together in the palace and came to a place where they had laughed when they were young.Ruyi walked up to the tower alone and asked Rong Pei to wait below.She stood on the tower and looked into the distance. Those endless palaces reminded her of her life.

At night, Ruyi sat in the courtyard and invited Rong Pei to sit down and drink tea with her.Although Rong Pei repeatedly complained that this was against the rules, Ruyi insisted that she sit down.Ruyi recalled the first time she met Rong Pei on the long street. At that time, Rong Pei was still a helpless little girl, and Ruyi's kindness made her as lucky as she is now.Ruyi said with emotion that she was lucky to have Rong Pei.

Ruyi began to recall many things in the palace. She remembered that when she first met her aunt, she was shocked by the red walls and green tiles in the palace.She remembered that when she first met Hongli, it was because he immediately stepped out of the wall, and Hongli also promised on the wall that he would always make her feel at ease.She remembered the way Hongli looked at her on the first day she married into the palace, and the emperor's reliance and trust in her when she became the middle palace.Ruyi keeps these memories in her heart one by one.

However, Ruyi also lamented that she thought of many people from time to time these days, including her aunt, A Ruo, Xi Yue and others, and even Yan Wan.She deeply felt that the endless battles in the palace were boring, and she had sacrificed so many lives for the sake of favor and her relatives.It would be great if both Yonghuang and Yongqi were well, and Jingsi and Yongjing had grown up.Ruyi asked Rong Pei, if all this had not happened, what would the emperor's concubines look like now?The people he drinks tea with and talks to may be them, and maybe the emperor.

Ruyi and Rong Pei tasted tea together. Ruyi said that the tea was weak and asked Rong Pei to get a new one.Ruyi stayed alone in the courtyard, looking at the green plums that the emperor had given her, and passed away peacefully.The next day, the emperor learned in Mulan Paddock that Ruyi had passed away and Rong Pei had also died. The emperor now learned that Ruyi had been seriously ill for a long time.

The emperor returned to the palace and felt extremely painful when he saw the paintings of the two destroyed by Ruyi.He recalled the time he had spent with Ruyi, those laughters and sweet moments, all of which had turned into the alienation he felt now.The emperor burst into tears. He could not accept the fact that Ruyi had left.

The emperor ordered Li Yu to decree that Ruyi's funeral ceremony should be performed according to the etiquette of an imperial concubine, and all traces of her in the palace should be erased.The Queen Mother met the emperor and asked him why he handled Ruyi's death in this way. The emperor said that it was not that he was determined to abolish the queen, but that Ruyi no longer wanted to be his queen.The Queen Mother knew that the Emperor wanted to give Ruyi some freedom, so she said no more.

Nine years later, the emperor was in the Plum Wu of Yangxin Hall, staring blankly at the green plums left by Ruyi.He felt relieved but also uneasy. He lamented that in his life, he had lost most of his family ties and love, and he was just an orphan between heaven and earth.

In the fourth year of Jiaqing, Qianlong was already old.He ordered people to find the box containing Ruyi's broken hair, cut off his own white hair, and send it together with Ruyi's broken hair.Soon, the young eunuch who was serving found that the green plum blossoms in the palace had sprouted new leaves. Just when he was about to tell the emperor, he found that the emperor had passed away and he was still holding the brocade box containing the hair of the two people.

Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace

Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace

Total 87 Episodes Aug 20, 2018 C-Drama Period/Hist Actor: Chen Chong Wu Junmei Li Chun Xin Zhilei Dong Jie Tong Yao Zhang Junning Huo Jianhua Zhou Xun