《Believe》Ep Intro

Riku Kariyama, an architect who is passionate about bridge construction, encountered unexpected difficulties such as being imprisoned in prison, but he never gave up, but kept exploring the road to hope and rebirth.The unpredictable and gripping suspense story and the thrilling and soul-stirring human story are intertwined to compose a magnificent drama.


Episode 1

Riku Kariyama, the civil design director of Teiwa Construction, a large construction company who is passionate about bridge construction, is engaged in major projects that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is devoted to.In order to build the Dragon God Bridge, which carries the dreams of countless people, he spent several years fighting every day.But one day, at the construction site of the Ryujin Bridge, an accident occurred involving many people!

Why on earth did such a tragedy happen?While Kariyama, who was trying his best to design the bridge, was speechless, the situation began to develop in an even more unexpected direction.Detective Masaaki Kuroki of the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Section 1 began the investigation with astonishing obsession in order to pursue the truth of the mysterious accident.In addition, Kariyama and his wife Reiko, a couple who are separated by missing each other, will also face an unimaginable and ruthless fate...!

There are “something” of unknown origin ready to move everywhere, and Karishan is swallowed up by the turbulent whirlpool.In that way, he found the path of hope and rebirth, and where did he end up...!?


Episode 2

All this was to protect the company - at the begging of President Noritaka Isoda, Riku Kariyama concealed the true cause of the collapse of the Ryujin Bridge construction site, took full responsibility, and was eventually sentenced to prison.However, when he learned that his wife Reiko Kariyama was suffering from cancer and might become a person of no return when she was released from prison, he made up his mind! He proposed a retrial negotiation to the lawyer Yoshito Akizawa...

The key to clearing his innocence is the decisive evidence that Kariyama secretly entrusted to his trusted subordinate Daiki Nagumo.However, Nayun only said "There is nothing to say" and ignored every phone call from Akiza.The road to retrial is extremely bumpy.Nagumo's appearance even seems strange to his fiancé, Erika Honmiya...?

On the other hand, detective Masayuki Kuroki of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Investigation Section 1 who stubbornly investigates Kariyama comes into contact with Reiko.In addition, we also visited the criminal officer Hayashi Yifu of the National Penal Institution where Kariyama was imprisoned...

Kariyama is being driven to a dead end day by day.In this case, in order to find out the truth no matter what, he formulated a plan...


Episode 3

Due to the collapse of the construction site of the Ryujin Bridge he designed, Riku Kariyama was charged with an unwarranted crime and served his sentence in the National Penitentiary.However, in order to uncover the truth that was once covered up to protect the company, and return to his wife Reiko Kariyama, who has only a short time left - Kariyama plans to escape from prison with the awareness of death.Deliberately seriously injured and transported to an outside medical facility.

All that's left is to find a way to avoid surveillance during treatment and wait for the chance to leave the hospital...However, something unexpected happened here.Unexpectedly, the criminal officer Lin Yifu, who secretly saw through his escape plan, had a one-on-one confrontation with Kariyama in the ward! In order to find out the purpose of his escape, he questioned Kariyama...

Soon, the security guards who returned to the ward saw a “shocked scene”! What happened in the ward? Detective Masaaki Kuroki of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Investigation Section 1 who stubbornly investigated Kariyama also made new moves.Kariyama takes “unexpected actions” one after another——!!


Episode 4

His wife Reiko Kariyama, who is seriously ill, must prove her innocence no matter what during her lifetime! Riku Kariyama escapes from the prison with the determination to die in order to retrieve the important evidence handed to his subordinate Nagumo Daiki and reverse the situation.Worried that escaping from prison would increase the punishment, Reiko secretly met Kariyama and tried to persuade him to surrender to the police as soon as possible.However, for his beloved wife, he did not want to be a disgraceful man - Kariyama wanted so much that he did not change his determination.At this time Reiko suddenly confessed a shocking fact.

Detective Masaaki Kuroki of the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Section 1 sneaked in behind the two men.On the other hand, Nagumo, who read a text message asking Kariyama to hand over important evidence, was caught in the middle of the management who tried to destroy the evidence, and was mentally forced into a desperate situation...

At the same time, all the characters are secretly showing “unstable trends”, and the situation is changing rapidly moment by moment.It develops into an unexpected situation that no one expected...!? What awaits ahead is hope or despair - an unforgettable day% for Kariyama begins!


Episode 5

Riku Kariyama, who escaped from prison in order to retrieve important evidence to prove his innocence, desperately escaped under the fierce pursuit of detective Masaki Kuroki.However, Daiki Nagumo, who was determined to deliver the evidence to Kariyama's subordinate, fell down the stairs in order to get rid of Kariyama's lawyer Akizawa Yoshito who tried to block the way, and was in critical condition.Is this the end of it? After seeing the news about the falling accident, Kariyama finally made up his mind.According to the agreement with her beloved wife Reiko, she went to the police station to surrender...

Due to the serious injuries he suffered while escaping from prison, Kariyama's consciousness became increasingly blurred.The person who suddenly took him away was a man named Yutaka Handa.Handa took Kariyama back to his home in Shizuoka after a long journey.And, what on earth is going on - Handa told him that he wanted to ask you something, so he brought you here...!?


Episode 6

In order to prove his innocence in the collapse of the Ryujin Bridge construction site, Riku Kariyama escaped from the prison and hid in Yutaka Handa's home in Shizuoka.However, the detective Kuroki Masaki who was chasing Kariyama finally came to his hiding place.Kariyama took the initiative to appear in front of Kuroki. In order to protect Handa, he threatened him and asked him to hide.On the 4th day of his escape, he was arrested again!

At this time, lawyer Akizawa Ryoto, who was entrusted by Noritaka Isoda, the president of Teiwa Construction Co., Ltd., to find the location of Kariyama, found Kariyama's wife Reiko.Reiko, who had been hiding the express delivery from her husband, was shaken by Akizawa's words...!?

On the other hand, what did Kuroki think of when he was transferring Kariyama to Tokyo?Start investigating Kariyama alone! What is Kuroki's goal!? And what awaits Kariyama's fate next -.

Soon, things developed in an unexpected direction.The darkness hidden in the collapse accident, far beyond imagination, gradually surfaced...!


Episode 7

The reason why Kariyama Riku was imprisoned was the collapse of the Ryujin Bridge construction site.Could that big tragedy be an “incident” deliberately planned by “the mastermind with ”unknown origins?!?

In order to prove his innocence, detective Kuroki Masaki hunted down Kariyama who escaped from prison, and finally ensured his personal safety.His real purpose is to find out the truth about the “incident” in which his brother Wakamatsu Homichi, who died during the collapse, was also an accomplice! But here, Kuroki was excluded from the search.Now the only one who can investigate the truth is himself. Thinking this way, Kariyama and Kuroki established a “secret cooperation system” and escaped again! In order to make Kariyama bear the blame, President Noritaka Isoda asked him for the truth.With a glimmer of hope, Kariyama went to the tryst place designated by Isoda...

On the other hand, Kariyama's wife Reiko, who was seriously ill, delayed hospitalization and ran around to get the innocent evidence that her husband wanted to get back even if he escaped from prison.He never dreamed that he was the one who was entrusted with the evidence, so he went to find Nagumo Daiki, Kariyama's subordinate.

Soon... things are developing rapidly every moment.Toward the core of the “extremely dangerous incident”, unexpected dots are connected——


Episode 8

“Teiwa Construction” put all the responsibility on the designer of the bridge, Kariyama Riku, and there was a bigger existence behind him——!?

In the process of escaping from prison, he finally grasped the "terrifying dark truth". Dominated by strong anger, Kariyama was determined to find out the truth regardless of his own danger.Ignoring the restraints of detective Kuroki Masaki, who was also pursuing the truth, he started to run away!“ Break up with me” - After calling his beloved wife Reiko and saying that he would submit a divorce application immediately, Kariyama asked “ Teiwa Construction” for the society.Noritaka Nagaisoda made a “bold and fearless request”...!!

What did Kariyama want to do? From Kariyama's voice that seemed to have changed into a different person, Reiko felt a ghostly consciousness, driven by an indescribable uneasiness.Soon... she made up her mind and contacted Kariyama, begging him to come home...!?


Episode 9

In order to prove his innocence in the “Ryujin Bridge” collapse“ accident” and to find out “the truth” covered by the vast darkness, he escaped from the prison.With the help of detective Kuroki Masaki, who also pursues the truth, Riku Kariyama, who was on the run, was finally arrested! Kariyama no longer resisted and was taken away in front of his beloved wife Reiko.But, he hasn't given up yet——.Prepare for the next battle.

On the other hand, Noritaka Isoda, the president of Teiwa Construction Co., Ltd., who planned the collapse of the Accident, and Ryoto Akizawa, the former lawyer in charge of Kariyama who had an affair with Isoda, continued their secret activities.At the same time, Erika Motomiya, the fiancé of Nagumo Daiki, the subordinate who participated in “accident”, suddenly visits Reiko...!?

The bottomless pit of thoughts of various characters is more complicatedly entangled, and the extremely cruel battles revolve around real battles.So, who is truly worthy of belief? Then, what is the fate of Kariyama, who is desperately searching for hope and the road to rebirth, and Reiko, who is seriously ill, waiting for her...!?



Total 9 Episodes Apr 25, 2024 Japan Urban Actor: Kimura Takuya