Despite exuding an overwhelming aura of a strong woman, new employee Takano (played by Nanao) behaves like a loser and becomes a marginalized person within the company.Today, she was severely scolded by Minister Suzaku (Takahashi Katsumi), but she apologized with a strange expression. In fact, she had no idea why she was scolded...
In the TALON sales department, for some reason, Hatoyama (Arata Iura), Kashiya (Asuka Kudo) and Ukai (Honami Sato) all looked “contemplative”.Hatoyama suspects his wife Misa (Mahibi Sei) of cheating on her due to frequent business trips recently; Chisotani is in despair because his overly willful girlfriend Asami booked a wedding venue without permission; Ukai is in love with his lover (Miyao Shuntaro) in the divination and development department.)’s marriage fortune, the result seems not to be ideal.Although each of them is deeply troubled by love, Soda (played by Shiono Ehisa), who has never loved anyone in his heart, can't help but think: Why do people fall in love with others?“
Soon, Hatoyama concluded that his wife had an affair because he was too ordinary and boring, so he asked the maverick Takano to be his instructor.In addition, he also accepted the suggestion of Uobi (Shio Doi), tried to let AI propose a random action plan, and followed the suggestion of the smartphone AI application to go to the hot girl cafe in Shibuya with Takano.
After that, the two actually challenged themselves in a heat wave sauna, a knitting cafe, and were extras in a tokusatsu movie, and finally even tried paragliding!A month later, Hatoyama, who was inseparable from Takano, actually became” Takano“...?
On the other hand, Tsuruta was shocked to hear company rumors from the gossip expert known as ”CIA“ within the company.At the same time, Karasuto (Takato Nagata) from the Human Resources Department told about his surprising past and at the same time inquired about Ukai's love troubles.At the same time, Ukai catches Takano who accidentally went to work on a holiday and discusses the proposal.It seems that he is planning to work up the courage to propose, but he seems to have an unspeakable secret about his lover...
During this period, Tsuruta made serious mistakes at work.With the mission of going all out to apologize, Tsuruta, Takano and Hatoyama went to the client's company, but a series of misunderstandings angered the president of the long-established wagashi shop, Xiaoduzawa (Masashi Umezawa)...
However, Takano unexpectedly achieved a ” doubled return% and triggered a miracle...!?
Does falling in love make people stupid?
However, that gesture of extreme love may also be beautiful.
Taking the office as the stage, the sincere love story of professionals begins!