《The Queen of NEWS》 Summ

The six-thirty news report with the highest ratings is a battleground for anchors.In the news and television department, senior anchors Wen Huixin and Liang Jingren were divided into two factions, and the former made waves and eventually climbed to the management position.The vacancy of prime-time female anchors has caused a storm!

Female anchors Xu Shiqing, Zhang Jiayan, and Xu Xiaowei at different times in the morning, afternoon, and evening. In order to get the upper hand, they ignored the friendship between master and apprentice and journalistic ethics. They used all means to strive for performance in public, and dug up each other's wounds and hurt each other in private.In the end, some people found comrades in the cold palace, some people jumped out of the mainstream and found another way out, and some people became the people they hated the most.

Newcomer Liu Yan is full of enthusiasm, witnessing overt and covert struggles, and just wants to avoid being assimilated and maintain her ideals.She thought that by controlling the results, she would gain power. However, the old director and boss had other plans, and they did not hesitate to reveal her unsavory past and pull her down in order to achieve the final reform plan.Everyone was only competing for the glass of water in front of them, but they forgot that there was a vast ocean behind them.

《The Queen of NEWS》Full Summary

Episode 1 Traffic accident sparks dispute between anchors

The school invited Wen Huixin, a big entrepreneur and a leader in the journalism field, to come to the school to give a speech to the students. Wen Huixin has a very strong professional quality. When faced with questions, her answers are very attractive and capable at the same time..After learning the news about the bus, Wen Huixin began to arrange work and prepare to obtain first-hand information. Some subordinates suggested that animation could be used to restore the scene of the bus accident to attract attention.Because it was breaking news, the TV station did not prepare in advance. This was a test of the host's skills, but Wen Huixin didn't take it seriously because she was used to it.

Episode 2 Wen Huixin fires Tang Zhiyao

Wen Huixin offended the sponsor, who angrily withdrew the sponsorship, resulting in a sharp drop in the TV station's income.Wen Huixin's enemies felt that Wen Huixin's actions would lead to criticism from other colleagues in the TV station. Wen Huixin suddenly came up with a plan. It turned out that she had already negotiated with Guangxiang Heavy Industries a long time ago and was preparing to sponsor the TV station.In order to build a good relationship with her new colleagues, Tang Zhiyao bought a cake for everyone to eat.After seeing Wen Huixin, she happily greeted her, but she gave Tang Zhiyao a letter.

Episode 3 Ye Chen’s domestic violence incident was exposed

Xu Xiaowei told Xu Shiqing that she could make her own choice and did not have to listen to the above forms, and also used benefits to seduce Xu Shiqing.After Xu Shiqing heard it, although she didn't say anything, she was indeed a little tempted and gave Xu Xiaowei a piece of information when she got in the car.Xu Shiqing has been using Xu Xiaowei. Xu Xiaowei got angry and came to Xu Shiqing to argue, but Xu Shiqing was unwilling to talk to Xu Xiaowei.Colleagues were watching at the door. At this time, Wen Huixin came and drove everyone away, but Xu Xiaowei knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

Episode 4 Liang Jingren gets promoted and wants to poach Wen Jiajun

Liang Jingren knew that Wen Huixin deliberately resigned and got into a car accident, so he came to Fei Ge's office to complain, but was scolded by Fei Ge.Although Wen Huixin was in a car accident, she did not stop her dominance on the TV station and even arranged work for her subordinates over the phone.Liang Jingren called Xu Xiaowei to the office, and the two deliberately acted and had a quarrel in front of everyone.Xu Xiaowei came to Wen Huixin's office and sat in Wen Huixin's seat, thinking about what she had just said about coming to the TV station, and looking forward to the day when she would finally be able to sit in Wen Huixin's seat.

Episode 5 Zhang Jiayan and Liu Yan discover new clues

While everyone was preparing for the explosive news, Wen Huixin suddenly returned to the TV station to prepare for official work. Through the scene, everyone saw that the emotional suspect seemed to have a gun.Xu Xiaowei hosted the news, while Zhang Jiayan led people to conduct interviews at the scene. Both parties cooperated, and the scene was very tense. The suspect even pointed a gun at the camera and seemingly fired a shot.Liu Yan had first-hand information and took a picture of the police officer lying injured on the ground when he entered. Zhang Jiayan and Liu Yan analyzed the police officer's injuries through video and found that they were not stab wounds, so Uncle Sijue did notNo harm done.

Episode 6 Shi Qing recommends herself to prime time

The boss wants to hold a departure party for Wen Huixin, which shocks everyone.In order to stay in the TV station, Wen Huixin took the initiative to go to Mrs. Fang to plead for mercy, but Mrs. Fang always refused to see Wen Huixin.Brother Fei understood what Mrs. Fang meant and found Zhang Jiayan. Because Zhang Jiayan had not participated in the struggle between the two sides, she had suddenly become a new force in the TV station. He wanted Zhang Jiayan to stand up and become the third force, but Zhang Jiayan refused.

Episode 7 Wen Huixin appears at the fire scene

The colleagues Zhang Jiayan called over found Liu Yan's work badge at the connection between the two buildings, and guessed that Liu Yan had entered the fire scene.Wen Huixin also came to the fire scene in the building, preparing to start reporting, and even called all her former subordinates over, because this time Wen Huixin must perform well and strive to stay in the TV station, and her former subordinates alsoFollow Wen Huixin wholeheartedly to help.Zhang Jiayan saw Wen Huixin coming to the scene and stepped forward to accuse Wen Huixin of not caring about the lives of her subordinates. The two also quarreled over Liu Yan's safety.

Episode 8 Xu Xiaowei is forced to discredit Huixin

The police fire protection system received a report that SNK's news building fire protection equipment was illegal and wanted to inspect it. However, because the news is time-sensitive, if the fire protection system is inspected, it will affect the entire SNK and no one is willing to do so.Because the personnel of the fire protection system were accused of stealing things when they went to put out the fire, Director Fang must give his employees a clean slate.Fei Ge reluctantly returned to the TV station, ready to help the deceased firefighter clear his name, and he also specifically planned to let Liu Yan be the scapegoat.However, Liang Jingren wanted Wen Huixin to take the blame and make Wen Huixin leave the TV station completely.

Episode 9 Jiayan found that the overpass was cracked and tilted

After Wen Huixin came to the TV station, she kicked everyone out. At this time, Zhang Jiayan came out of the data room. When she saw Wen Huixin, she thought she wanted to control firefighting materials.Wen Huixin proposed to cooperate with Zhang Jiayan, because Zhang Jiayan did not have the current manpower to collect all the materials.When Mr. Yang faced the camera, he still said that the firefighters were fire rats and had stolen his jewelry. However, Zhang Jiayan said that she had learned that Mr. Yang had people take away the jewelry to defraud the insurance money.While interviewing outside, Zhang Jiayan discovered that the bridge built by Songbai Group had quality problems, so she took photos of all the evidence.

Episode 10 Wen Huixin was excluded during the meeting

Fei Ge wanted to stop the special program and continue doing it, but Zhang Jiayan wanted to continue as Fei Ge in order to repay Zhang Jiayan's favor, so she agreed.Liang Jingren sent a golden tiger to Wen Huixin, but Wen Huixin had no intention of reconciling with Liang Jingren. Just when Liang Jingren was about to go out, Kongran sent a letter announcing the death of Zheng Songbai.In order to get the real evidence about the richest man, everyone began to use their own methods and investigate everywhere.However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not contact Zheng Songbai and the information could not be confirmed.

Episode 11 Jingren is accused of sexual harassment in the workplace

The baby incident continued to ferment, and the couple even held a press conference. The husband held his wife, while the woman nestled in her husband's arms, appearing to be mentally abnormal.The man told reporters that his wife suffered from depression because of the New Year's Day baby incident, and demanded an apology and compensation for mental damages.

Episode 12 Xiaowei exposes the photos and causes crisis

Xu Xiaowei found that Wen Huixin was holding a mobile phone that was exactly the same as hers, so she came back to look for it in a panic, but couldn't find it no matter how hard she looked, so she called Liang Jingren. After Liang Jingren learned about it, he felt a little panicked.Liu Yan was transferred to the Internet Department to do a special topic. She asked Zhang Jiayan for questioning and saw Zhang Jiayan's voice recorder. Zhang Jiayan also recalled the scene when Liang Jingren gave her the voice recorder.Wen Huixin deliberately made things difficult for Liang Jingren. Liang Jingren wanted to reconcile with Wen Huixin, but Wen Huixin continued to kick Liang Jingren away and even insulted her. Liang Jingren threatened Wen Huixin to die with her.

Episode 13 Liang Jingren reveals his relationship during live broadcast

Zhang Jiayan proposed to directly gather all the parties involved, and then everyone would start a live show to explain everything clearly. Mrs. Fang supported this method after hearing it, and it could even bring some ratings to the TV station.It happened that Mrs. Fang saw Liu Yan, who worked in the blogging department, so she suggested that the blogging department directly do the online live broadcast. Zhang Jiayan also felt that it was appropriate to let the network department do the live broadcast.During the live interview, Liang Jingren took the initiative to admit that he and Xu Xiaowei were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Episode 14 Xu Xiaowei’s sister died unexpectedly

When Mrs. Fang was shopping, she used each bag to describe everyone on the TV station and used this to tell Wen Huixin to make some decisions.Xu Shiqing approached Wen Huixin and proposed that she would follow the police to film the scene of arresting the missing girl, and also made a condition that she would be the anchor for a week.Xu Shiqing went to the scene to conduct a live broadcast. During the arrest, she picked up a bag. The bag turned out to belong to Xu Xiaowei's sister, Xu Xiaoxin.The police were chasing Xu Xiaoxin. When Xu Shiqing saw it, she quickly asked reporters to follow her. Xu Xiaowei was also worried about her sister's safety and called her, but the phone fell to the ground.

Episode 15 Xu Shiqing’s father is suspected of being abused

Wen Huixin requested Xu Xiaowei, and Xu Xiaowei also understood what Wen Huixin meant. Wen Huixin was also very satisfied with some of the on-the-spot reactions, and helped Xu Xiaowei fake her academic qualifications to recruit Xu Xiaowei into the TV station.Zhang Jiayan opposed the publication of news about the abuse of the elderly in nursing homes, because it cannot be concluded based on just one video that a nursing home is abusing the elderly. It requires an in-depth investigation. And this nursing home happened to be the nursing home where Xu Shiqing's father lived, so in order to capture first-hand information,Xu Shiqing decided to investigate secretly by herself.

Episode 16 Wen Huixin and Zhang Jiayan join forces to investigate

Wen Huixin was inspired that the captain of the women's volleyball team changed frequently, so she wanted someone to find out the reason for the change of captain.Wen Huixin found the former captain of the women's volleyball team. After talking with the former captain, Wen Huixin learned that the former captain had been abused by Coach Ma.Wen Huixin felt strange, because Wen Huixin and Coach Ma had known each other for many years, and she had never found Coach Ma to be such a person. The former captain even cried aggrievedly while talking. Xu Xiaowei found Liang Jingren, hoping that Liang Jingren could help her.Back in the TV department.But Xu Xiaowei's matter has not been completely resolved yet, and she cannot return to the TV department at all.

Episode 17 Something happened in the news and Jiayan left

Wen Huixin and Zhang Jiayan discussed how to respond? The two had differences. Zhang Jiayan felt that the interviewees should be respected, while Wen Huixin believed that the truth in reporting the news was the most authentic.Liang Jingren asked Zhang Jiayan to have Western food together. Zhang Jiayan was always angry and expressed it while eating.Wen Huixin found the former captain of the women's volleyball team and encouraged the former captain to stand up and continue to testify against Coach Ma.Coach Ma and the women's volleyball players were preparing to fly out for the competition. Zhang Jiayan came to the players and took out a video of Coach Ma telling the ladies about harassing the women's volleyball players.

Episode 18 Sister Wen is replaced by Sister Hua

Wen Huixin proposed that Xu Xiaowei return to the TV department, and Xu Xiaowei agreed. However, Wen Huixin asked Xu Xiaowei to be responsible for the news broadcast after two o'clock in the morning.The time period of Xu Xiaowei's broadcast was not very ideal, which was very sad, but Liang Jingren encouraged Xu Xiaowei, because not many people wanted to report whatever Xu Xiaowei wanted during this time period, and asked Xu Xiaowei to broadcast the news about the investigation into the bar.Colleagues at the TV station all accused Xu Xiaowei of reporting the news casually without permission, which had a huge impact on the TV station.After Mrs. Fang heard about Wen Huixin's reform plan, she knew that Wen Huixin wanted to monopolize power and asked Sister Hua for help.

Episode 19 Xu Shiqing and Wang Wei reveal their relationship

Wen Huixin asked someone to investigate Sister Hua's family, and Sister Hua had been deliberately concealing her family situation from others, but Wen Huixin still found out some information through the investigation.Sister Hua was having dinner with others, and when she swiped her card to settle the bill, the card had been stopped. At this time, Wen Huixin came to pay the bill for Sister Hua.Xu Shiqing kept vomiting during the morning news broadcast. Everyone suspected that Xu Shiqing had morning sickness, and the TV station also began to discuss the issue of Xu Shiqing's pregnancy.Wang Wei took the initiative to admit that the two were boyfriend and girlfriend in front of everyone, and admitted that the child in his belly was his own, which moved Xu Shiqing very much.

Episode 20 Wen Huixin and Zhao Minhua reconcile

In order to be able to check and balance Wen Huixin, Fei Ye proposed to add another deputy director position to be equal to Wen Huixin, and Wen Huixin also guessed that the deputy director position was given to Sister Hua.Sister Hua was taking care of her children at home, and suddenly Wen Huixin arrived. After seeing Wen Huixin, Sister Hua was a little nervous. She didn't want her children to see her bad side, but Wen Huixin took the initiative to propose a reconciliation between the two parties.Wen Huixin secretly investigated Sister Hua's husband and took some photos that were beneficial to Sister Hua. If these evidences were obtained, Sister Hua would be able to obtain custody of the child even if she did not work, and she would also get a share of the child's custody.A lot of money.

Episode 21 Wen Huixin begins to reform the TV department

Wen Huixin's TV department reform plan was approved by Mrs. Fang. The most important and core part of it was the reorganization of prime time news.Wen Huixin's new program after reform has been welcomed by many people, and they have also commented online.When Xu Xiaowei got off work, she bumped into someone else's cell phone and dropped it to the ground. It happened that Zhang Jiayan also came out from get off work and picked up Xu Xiaowei's cell phone and saw the slash message.Xu Xiao came to the hospital. Although she didn't know Slash's full name, she knew that Slash was in the emergency ward.When Xu Xiaowei came outside the ward, Slash was still in a coma, and there was a policeman standing at the door.

Episode 22 Xiaowei wants to jump into the sea but is saved by Hui Xin

During the prime time in the evening, Zhang Jiayan broadcast the information about drunk driving. When Wen Huixin saw it, she was confused because the article Zhang Jiayan broadcast was not approved by Wen Huixin but written by Zhang Jiayan herself.When Xu Xiaowei came to the hospital, Slash couldn't be rescued because of her serious condition. Xu Xiaowei was very sad when she saw it. Recalling the happy past of the two of them, she sat on the ground and cried bitterly.Liu Yan returned to work in the TV department, and Zhang Jiayan excitedly told Liu Yan that from now on the two of them would completely create their own news events.The death of Slash was a great blow to Xu Xiaowei. Xu Xiaowei planned to commit suicide by throwing herself into the sea, but was saved by Wen Huixin.

Episode 23 Zhang Jiayan and Liu Yan go in opposite directions

When Wen Huixin learned about Xu Xiaowei's situation, she took Xu Xiaowei to the kindergarten of her friend Mrs. Ye. This place was organized by the Love Foundation. The children had a great time. Wen Huixin hoped that Xu Xiaowei could rediscover her love with the children.confidence.Xu Shiqing was about to leave. She entered the system and became a civil servant, and the conditions were very good.Someone sent a message to Liu Yan, saying that he had information on hand and if he wanted it, he had to spend money to buy it.Liu Yan's informant was hit by a car. Zhang Jiayan hoped that Liu Yan could hand over all the clues found, but Liu Yan refused.

Episode 24 Huixin was taken away at the award ceremony

Liu Yan gave Zhang Jiayan the earrings given to her, and gave Zhang Jiayan a voice recorder for herself. She also expressed her intention to Zhang Jiayan. From then on, the two seemed to be going their separate ways.Liu Yan insisted on exposing information about Luo Zhenyu's car accident on her open online platform, which also led to Luo Zhenyu being arrested by the police.Mrs. Fang feels that Wen Huixin's reform plan is actually feasible and can help the TV station achieve higher ratings.However, Fei Ye was worried that once Wen Huixin successfully implemented reforms, the TV station would lose its status, so he presented his own reform plan to Mrs. Fang.

Episode 25 Can Huixin stay at SNK?

Wen Huixin held a press conference. She publicly apologized to the victims, took the initiative to admit her mistakes, and told the entire story of that year. She even publicly resigned from her position as deputy director and stopped engaging in journalism.After hearing Wen Huixin's decision, both friends and enemies felt regretful.Xu Shiqing was preparing to marry Wang Wei, and the boss behind Xu Shiqing told Xu Shiqing not to let Wang Wei leave New Network TV Station. This would allow for internal and external cooperation, which would make Xu Shiqing's image better and gain a good reputation in the political circles.

Episode 26 Wen Huixin puts herself in danger to do an interview

Wen Huixin bought a Love Bear as agreed. After seeing Wen Huixin, Lai Zhixiong put away his evil face and behaved very normally.Lai Zhixiong only wanted an answer to the child's death, but no one helped him, so he had to use this method. Wen Huixin promised Lai Zhixiong that she would help him hold a press conference to expand his influence, but no matter what the final result was, Lai Zhixiong could notLai Zhixiong also said that he would not cheat on excessive behavior.Zhang Jiayan and Liu Yan came to Lai Zhixiong's home together. After seeing the situation inside the home, Zhang Jiayan recalled the scene when she interviewed Lai Zhixiong's father and daughter, and was deeply moved.

The Queen of NEWS

The Queen of NEWS

Total 26 Episodes Nov 17, 2023 C-Drama Plot Actor: Ma Guoming Charmaine Sheh