《Reblooming Blue》Ep Intro

Man's boss Ke Yan also suffered an unprecedented setback.In order to make a good turnaround, Ke Yan came to Chen Xiaoman's hometown and sought the help of a legendary figure in the investment community who lived in seclusion here.Chen Xiaoman and Keyan meet again, and their fates are intertwined because of porcelain.Under Ke Yan's guidance and encouragement, Chen Xiaoman decided to embark on the road of entrepreneurship.During the difficult process of starting a business, Ke Yan gave Chen Xiaoman warm love and strong support.Chen Xiaoman plucked up the courage and began to face the conflict of interests in the family business, overcome various difficulties, and innovatively developed the porcelain manufacturing industry.When Ke Yan was in despair, Chen Xiaoman invited him to start a business together, and the two developed a beautiful love.In the end, Chen Xiaoman opened up the relationship with her family and restored warmth and harmony to the family. She also became a new and richer self.

《Reblooming Blue》E1Plot

Episode 1

Reblooming Blue Episode 1 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman faces unemployment

When the sky was filled with clouds as light and transparent as cotton candy, Chen Xiaoman was happily playing with the dog next to her residence. Ke Yan came uninvited, disrupting Chen Xiaoman's calm mood. This man had given her countless admiration and happiness.Now it has become the saddest pain in my heart. Ke Yan admitted his mistake to her and hoped to have another chance, but Chen Xiaoman was tired of it. Ke Yan had been using her from the beginning, which was absolutely intolerable to her.This reunion only officially announced the breakup.

Back to two years ago, Chen Xiaoman was still working overtime every day with his two roommates in Beijing. He was like a top every day with no chance to stop. He didn't even celebrate his birthday properly, but just had a cake with his roommates.Although life is hard, Chen Xiaoman enjoys it. She wants to save money to help her father pay off debts. Seeing that the number has reached her expectations, she is even more eager to give it a try. Once she saves enough money, she will transfer it to her mother so that she will not have to work so hard.

These days, Pang Juan asked Chen Xiaoman to help her modify some documents. She agreed to pay 5,000 yuan at that time. However, after staying up all night, Pang Juan temporarily changed the price and lowered the price from 5,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan. The reason was that sheWhen you are pregnant, your expenses are relatively high.Chen Xiaoman was too embarrassed to break up, so he could only pretend that he was just a follower.

I originally thought that this matter was over, but when Pang Juan was modifying the document, his boss Tian Xiwen saw it. Tian Xiwen saw the comment next to it and asked her who helped her do it. This Pang Juan was not honest at all, but he told the truth.The report was made with the help of Chen Xiaoman from Keyan's project team.

Tian Xiwen has always regarded Keyan's project team as a thorn in her side, and Chen Xiaoman helped revise the copywriting design of Fengyuan's business secrets. She lost no time in using this opportunity to bring down Keyan's project team, and solemnly reminded Pang Juan that he must mention it at the company meeting later.Chen Xiaoman said it.

The leader of the project team, Keyan, was on vacation when he received a call from the company and rushed back. When he heard the company's execution of Chen Xiaoman, he felt it was unfair but could do nothing about it.Chen Xiaoman was also sad. At first, she refused to agree to Pang Juan, but Pang Juan insisted on her help and said he would keep it secret. Now, he completely betrayed her, not only bargaining temporarily, but also losing her job.However, Pang Juan downplayed his explanation of the matter and said it was just their bad luck. Seeing the shameless villain in front of him, Chen Xiaoman took out his recording pen. Pang Juan once begged Chen Xiaoman for help in revising the copy. At that time, he had alreadyHe refused, but Pang Juan was as ignorant of martial ethics as a scoundrel. At this point, Chen Xiaoman also pitied Pang Juan for being pregnant and having trouble finding a job, saying that he would not make the recorder public.

Chen Xiaoman's roommate heard about this and was very worried at home. It was still raining outside the window. Chen Xiaoman didn't know why he didn't go home. After waiting for a long time, Chen Xiaoman finally came back. Even though he was still crying in the taxi just now,But when she got home, she easily said that she just wanted to eat a bowl of noodles.Her father's teachings to her have always been there, and Chen Xiaoman chose to endure many difficulties alone.

《Reblooming Blue》E2Plot

Episode 2

Reblooming Blue Episode 2 Plot Introduction: Ke Yan reorganizes the company and team

The group fired Ke Yan's most profitable assistant. Behind this incident, Ke Yan knew very well that Tian Xiwen had always wanted to swallow up the project he had worked so hard on. Since he no longer cared about his own appearance, Ke Yan immediately submitted it to the group.Resignation.

Chen Xiaoman has started to look for a job and has contacted a headhunter. However, after working for Ke Yan for several years, it seems unreasonable to rashly enter another field. I heard that Ke Yan also resigned and started to form a new company. Chen XiaomanHe immediately dialed Ke Yan's phone number.Ke Yan has rented a working space, which is on the upper floor of the original company. Preparations have been made. Ke Yan asked his assistant to arrange a position for Chen Xiaoman and then met to discuss it.

Seeing Ke Yan again, Chen Xiaoman felt very guilty. It seemed that her boss resigned because of her own mistakes. For this reason, she wanted to make up for her mistakes and prove to Ke Yan that she would work hard, even if she went up mountains of swords and seas of fire. Ke Yan heard that Chen XiaomanXiaoman had been showing her loyalty and holding back her joy. Xiang Shang covered her mouth and told Chen Xiaoman that Ke Yan had already arranged her work tasks.

After the company was established, Ke Yan also recruited professional elites in all aspects. He held a meeting with employees. The projects everyone was responsible for were very clear, and their rights and responsibilities were clear. Ke Yan made it clear that if the work is done well in the future, those in charge will receive generous rewards.The reward does not need to be shared with extra people. Although the work is a bit harder, everyone is excited to hear it, and they are naturally reluctant to share a piece of the pie with irrelevant people.Chen Xiaoman saw the boss's courage from the side and was glad that he followed the right person.

In the evening, when Ke Yan was browsing Moments, he accidentally saw Mr. Qin from Hesheng and his wife on vacation. After carefully checking the vacation location information of the two people, Ke Yan quickly called his assistant Xiang Shang and asked him to buy some children's clothing.Camping toys, then rent a campervan.

Early the next morning, Chen Xiaoman came panting on his bicycle. In order to save taxi fares, Chen Xiaoman usually covered most of the city with just one bicycle.The vehicle drove Chen Xiaoman, Keyan and Xiang Shang all the way to the camping site Woye, where they finally met Mr. Qin and his wife from Hesheng. Unexpectedly, the original company also came here because of the reputation. The two competitors met and were very wary of each other.Ke Yan was very relaxed. First, he gave many gifts to President Qin's children. Chen Xiaoman also enthusiastically explained to them a lot of knowledge about making porcelain.

Mrs. Qin was very satisfied with Chen Xiaoman's explanation of porcelain. After all, they also invested in porcelain. However, Mr. Qin saw at a glance that Ke Yan was using a bitter trick and did not buy it. He also said that he did not talk about work during the break.

Seeing that the night was already deep, Chen Xiaoman could not help but feel her cheeks getting hot when she heard that the RV only had one bed. Ke Yan asked her to take out her notebook and continue working. However, Chen Xiaoman did not expect that the boss meant to let her camp outdoors.She was working at the kitchen table, but the company had just been established, and Chen Xiaoman had to quickly complete the investment plan for Mr. Qin, so she immediately bent over the table and rushed to work.

After a while, Ke Yan also came out, studying and modifying the design plan with Chen Xiaoman. The night was as cold as water, and both of them were workaholics. These were seen by Mr. Qin, who had been paying close attention to them. He walked over with interest and took a look.The design plan made by Chen Xiaoman was very detailed, and he couldn't help but nod in approval, and asked Ke Yan to come to the office on Monday to discuss it in detail.Chen Xiaoman and Ke Yan looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they finally had a chance.

《Reblooming Blue》E3Plot

Episode 3

This episode shows the growth and changes of the protagonist Chen Xiaoman in the workplace, as well as the complicated emotions between her and her boss Xu Zhiyuan.

After a period of hard work in the workplace, Chen Xiaoman is no longer the young girl she was when she first joined the company.She has become more confident and capable, able to stand alone, and has been recognized and appreciated by her boss Xu Zhiyuan.

In order to encourage Chen Xiaoman and motivate her to perform better at the upcoming signing ceremony, Xu Zhiyuan specially gave her an expensive formal suit and lipstick.

Chen Xiaoman was surprised by the boss's gift and expressed his sincere gratitude.She felt her boss's trust and expectations for her, and she became more determined to work hard and do a good job.

The company is about to sign contracts with two companies, Jingheng and Hesheng, which is crucial to the company's future development.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the project, Xu Zhiyuan did a lot of preparation work and put in a lot of effort before signing the contract.However, he also faced some practical problems, such as some certificate procedures that had not been completed and the project had certain risks.

Xu Zhiyuan's partner, who was also his friend, warned him about the risks of the project and advised him not to put all his bets on the project.

Xu Zhiyuan said that he understood his friend's concerns, but he believed that this project was worthy of his full efforts and believed that he could lead the company to success.

Chen Xiaoman also expressed his desire to contribute to the company and overcome difficulties with his boss.

In this episode, the emotional relationship between Chen Xiaoman and Xu Zhiyuan remains complicated.Chen Xiaoman's gratitude and admiration for his boss are beyond words, and Xu Zhiyuan's appreciation and concern for Chen Xiaoman are also obvious.

Xu Zhiyuan's partner hinted to him that Chen Xiaoman might have a crush on him, but he denied this possibility.

In the conversation with her best friend, Chen Xiaoman also revealed her appreciation and gratitude to her boss, but she said that she had no other thoughts about her boss because he already has a family.

Although Chen Xiaoman and Xu Zhiyuan both hope that the project can proceed smoothly, some potential risks and problems still exist, laying the groundwork for subsequent plots.

At the same time, the emotional direction between Chen Xiaoman and Xu Zhiyuan is still unclear, leaving suspense.

《Reblooming Blue》E4Plot

Episode 4

Ke Yan left Juhe, and Xiaoman expressed confusion and disappointment about his behavior.

Ke Yan decided to leave Juhe and fought for better treatment for the team, especially Xiaoman's salary which was doubled.Xiaoman was puzzled and disappointed by Ke Yan's departure, thinking that he had betrayed Chen Zhonglei's trust.

Xiaoman discovers that her boyfriend Fang Hao has lost contact

Xiaoman discovered that her boyfriend Fang Hao had lost contact, not answering calls and sending WeChat messages. She had previously lent money to Fang Hao for emergency purposes.Xiaoman was very worried about Fang Hao, suspecting that he was being controlled by debt collectors, and asked colleagues to help find Fang Hao.Colleagues said that Fang Hao’s ID card and information were fake and it would be difficult to find him.

Xiaoman is disappointed and blames herself, but she also hopes to settle down with Gezi in Beijing.

Xiaoman felt angry and disappointed with Fang Hao's behavior, thinking that he had deceived her, and felt guilty for trusting others.Facing the future, although Xiaoman and Gezi felt confused, they encouraged each other and hoped to work hard in Beijing and have a home of their own.

《Reblooming Blue》E5Plot

Episode 5

Reblooming Blue Episode 5 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman and Ke Yan reunite

Chen Xiaoman chatted with Fa Xiaoman in his hometown. Fa Xiaoyujian heard that Chen Xiaoman had not collected all the shares and advised her to stay here with peace of mind. It was the third uncle's property anyway, so for the sake of their family friendship, he would definitely give her some face..Even so, Chen Xiaoman was still unhappy. When she heard that Yu Jian was going to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Royal Kiln, Chen Xiaoman volunteered to accompany her. She and Ke Yan had been following this project for a long time. If the villain hadn't interfered with it, the Royal Kiln would haveThe ribbon-cutting ceremony may have started early.

At the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Chen Xiaoman was shocked to see that the host Liu Shang did not introduce Ke Yan's name and deliberately embarrassed him. The former ambitious boss was so stranded today. Chen Xiaoman was very angry. After the ribbon-cutting, Chen Xiaoman tried his best to squeeze in.He greeted the boss with a smile, but Ke Yan just nodded.

In the evening, Chen Xiaoman arrived at Yu Jian's handicraft workshop and saw many exquisite handmade products displayed there, including the coin jar that Chen Xiaoman made when they were apprentices more than ten years ago, which was still well preserved by Yu Jian..The two made an appointment to have dinner together, but Chen Xiaoman met a drunk Ke Yan next to the restaurant.Ke Yan was obviously drunk, but Liu Shang next to him still forced him to go back and continue drinking. Fortunately, Chen Xiaoman blocked Liu Shang in time and helped Ke Yan to the hotel to rest.

In the early morning, after Ke Yan woke up, he saw Chen Xiaoman sleeping next to him. Apparently she had been taking care of him last night. Chen Xiaoman explained that he had resigned, but Ke Yan immediately interrupted and said that he owed her a job, and he soon left.here.

Ke Yan made an appointment with his college buddy. The two of them had been together from college to internship and knew each other very well. After extending the olive branch, his friend came immediately and asked Ke Yan if he would like to join his company. The friend worked in NanmianVery good. After explaining the purpose of the visit and reaching a consensus, Ke Yan made an appointment with his friends to play badminton together early the next morning.

When we arrived at the badminton hall, the customer service at the front desk was embarrassed and said that because there was no reservation, there were no vacancies for the time being. My friend was preparing to move elsewhere. Suddenly, Ke Yan greeted someone. His friend learned that the person Ke Yan was greeting just now was the director of the local Culture and Tourism Bureau, so he guessedSeven or eight points.

After conspiring with Keyan, his friend cooperated with him to lose several games and made the director of culture and tourism happy. The other party asked Ke Yan if he needed his help and gave him advice. Nowadays, the competition in culture and tourism is very fierce.He only needs qualifications and practical experience, so he suggested that Ke Yan look for Ma Muzhi, a veteran in the porcelain industry.After being prompted, Keyan suddenly became enlightened and quickly began to contact Ma Muzhi about his whereabouts.

Key Yan went to meet Ma Muzhi, who had lived in seclusion in the mountains for ten years and had never encountered a suitable opportunity. When he saw Key Yan, he guessed his purpose and directly refused to cooperate with Key Yan. He also said that the local porcelain industry currently ranks among the top ten.Three families were bribed by Liu Shang, and the remaining seven formed an alliance. They were firmly united and did not allow outsiders to share their soup.Having said so much, it is obvious that he does not trust Ke Yan.

《Reblooming Blue》E6Plot

Episode 6

Reblooming Blue Episode 6 Plot Introduction: Chen Huafeng firmly opposes cooperation with capital

As Chen Xiaoman's third aunt, Xu Man has always been strong in her life. She worked hard to raise a son and a daughter, but she was pampered since childhood and did not seek advancement. She allowed them to study hard in Beijing, but the daughter was busy eating and dressing up, while the eldest son had enough to eat all day long and remembered every day.He just goes out to play and doesn't do his job every day.As long as their mother advises them to be diligent, they will say that there is already a talented girl in the family, Chen Xiaoman, and they do not need them to add to the cake.

When Ke Yan heard what Ma Muzhi said about the “Wind Alliance”, he was very interested and found the photos and backgrounds of all the members of the Gale Alliance. If he wanted to gain a foothold in the local area, he had to cooperate with the members of the alliance and gain their recognition.Many things will be easily solved in the future, so he is very active in searching for information.

Thinking that Chen Xiaoman was the niece of the leader of the “Wind Alliance”, Ke Yan was definitely going to grab this trump card. He made an appointment with Chen Xiaoman to meet his friends. Originally, the other party was trying to persuade Ke Yan to leave it as soon as he got along, so he might as well start a new business and follow him to work in Nanmian.But after hearing Chen Xiaoman's self-introduction, he didn't say anything anymore. As long as Chen Xiaoman made a little effort, Ke Yan would definitely be able to get the order from the imperial kiln.

Chen Xiaoman was very happy to help. She agreed to persuade the third uncle and tried to talk to the third aunt after returning. However, the third aunt stopped when she heard Chen Xiaoman asked about the order, and deliberately prevented Chen Xiaoman from interfering with the royal kiln.Things, obviously still wary of her.

Chen Xiaoman went to the ward to visit his third uncle, and asked him why he didn't cooperate with Ma Muzhi back then. When he talked about Ma Muzhi, his third uncle was so angry that he couldn't eat, and cursed Ma Muzhi as a capitalist, and he was unwilling to cooperate with capitalists.Giving away the business he had worked so hard to run, Sanshu believed that blindly expanding the scale of production was very risky, especially now that marketization is developing rapidly, and no mistakes are allowed.

When Ke Yan had nothing to do, he went around the Yu Kiln area. On this day, he saw Liu Shang getting out of the luxury car arrogantly. It turned out that Liu Shang was going to take him to the Yu Kiln production site to have a look. It turned out that there happened to be two local residents., begged Liu Shang not to break the contract midway. When the contract was signed, Ke Yan personally considered and formulated it. However, due to Liu Shang's unkindness, the project withdrew its capital midway and it was difficult to revitalize it.

Chen Xiaoman met Keyan by chance and acted as a tour guide for him. He visited nearby porcelain kilns and met several childhood friends. They all chatted together and mentioned the famous local Shanhai Porcelain Kiln, which had been hijacked by capital. It had signed a contract with Liu Shang.The contract was to complete the order, but because of the desire for quick success and quick profit, the products produced did not meet the requirements, so the contract was held accountable. Shanhai Porcelain Kiln was also asked to pay three times the liquidated damages. It had just spent a huge amount of money to expand the scale and hired so many employees.The sub-fund chain is broken, and the time-honored brand that has been established for decades is about to be destroyed.

Ke Yan heard clearly from the sidelines that it was necessary to visit the Shanhai Porcelain Kiln. That afternoon he personally visited the owner of the Shanhai Porcelain Kiln. The boss told the whole story. The deposit he gave at the beginning could still meet the raw materials and purchase order.However, after three months, the deposit became less and less, and there was not even enough funds to order raw materials, let alone pay wages to employees. Therefore, if orders could not be completed, they were constantly held accountable, and even huge liquidated damages were imposed.Leave them breathless.The boss of Shanhai Porcelain Kiln held Ke Yan's hand in embarrassment and begged him to clear the air and let them cancel the compensation. Although Ke Yan could understand the boss's dilemma, he also said that he would try his best to help, but the result could not be guaranteed.

Ke Yan contacted Liu Shang again, hoping that he could give Shanhai Porcelain Kiln a way out. Liu Shang was now in power, but he arrogantly pretended to be helpless. He was impatient and asked Ke Yan, was he giving him a task or asking for help?Ke Yan understood what Liu Shang meant, so he stood up and took the Maotai wine beside him, put it into a red wine glass and prepared to apologize.

《Reblooming Blue》E7Plot

Episode 7

Reblooming Blue Episode 7 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman becomes a shareholder of the kiln factory

When Liu Shang saw that Key Yan had apologized to him, he stopped pursuing Key Yan's issue. He then brought up Key Yan and Shanhai Porcelain Kiln, and learned that Key Yan's mood had changed due to the setbacks he experienced.

After handling the matter of Shanhai Porcelain Kiln, Keyan took the initiative to visit Chen Huafeng in the hospital. Chen Huafeng knew that Chen Xiaoman was once a subordinate of Keyan. After learning about their experience of entrepreneurial failure, Chen Huafeng did not object to Ke Yan continuing to open a porcelain kiln locally, and asked Ke Yan if he wasPrepared to take Chen Xiaoman to watch again, Ke Yan answered truthfully that Chen Xiaoman just wanted to spend time with his family. Hearing that this was the reason, Chen Huafeng was relieved. He knew Chen Xiaoman and knew that Chen Xiaoman was quite good at making porcelain.

After Chen Huafeng recovered, he started to open a kiln with many of the ancestors of the Gale Kiln Factory. Making porcelain is a lifelong career for craftsmen. Time and practice are what they value most. What they pay attention to is down-to-earth. After opening the kiln, they will put every work into their own hands.He put it in his hands and examined it carefully. If he found something that was not suitable, he would smash it with a small hammer. Ke Yan was surprised to see that many porcelains looked flawless and still had not escaped the fate of being eliminated.

Chen Xiaoman told Chen Huafeng that he had not saved enough money. After opening the kiln, Chen Huafeng announced in public that Chen Xiaoman had become a shareholder of the Gale Group.Chen Xiaoman was very surprised. When the third uncle announced the matter, he did not tell her in advance. Chen Xiaoman took the initiative to find the third uncle and wanted to refuse, but the third uncle comforted her. Even if he did not raise enough 500,000 yuan, because of Chen Xiaoman's fatherHaving made great contributions to the porcelain factory, it is only natural to become one of its shareholders.

When the third aunt Xu Man heard the news, she looked dissatisfied. A few days ago, she said that the kiln had its own rules and that joining without actual cash was not allowed. She did not expect that Chen Huafeng would kill first and then play.In the evening, Xu Man was going to argue with Chen Huafeng, but Chen Huafeng didn't hide it. He really wanted Chen Xiaoman to return to work in the kiln. His eldest brother passed away early, and he had the obligation to help take care of such a child.

Ke Yan was not happy when he saw that Chen Xiaoman became a shareholder of the kiln factory, and he admired this girl even more. How many girls nowadays worship money and material things, and becoming a shareholder without spending any money seemed to many people to be winning the lottery, but Chen Xiaoman got it.Ashamed, I even had to refuse.Ke Yan handed Chen Xiaoman a bottle of beer and encouraged her to cherish this opportunity and improve her skills while she was young.Chen Xiaoman was very happy to hear Ke Yan's encouragement. Ke Yan had always been her superior boss, so it was very helpful to get his praise.

Ke Yan told how he once saw Chen Xiaoman doing blackboard work for the company after get off work. He felt that she was full of energy and seemed to have endless energy. At that time, Ke Yan began to pay attention to her and regarded Chen Xiaoman as his. power bank%.

Chen Xiaoman took Ke Yan to walk around the town. Ke Yan also went to the handicraft workshop where Chen Xiaoman made Xiao Yujian. Yu Jian regarded him as his love rival and naturally had a bad look. Chen Xiaoman also took Ke Yan to his relatives' house.What I experienced in Beijing was a fast-paced life. When I returned to my hometown, I felt like I was surrounded by relatives and smiling faces wherever I went. Chen Xiaoman was very contented.

Late at night, Ke Yan posted Chen Xiaoman's photo on the planning wall. Originally, he had cast a wide net to break up the Gale Group and then pocket it, but now Chen Xiaoman has become a shareholder of the Gale Alliance, which gives himscruples.

《Reblooming Blue》E8Plot

Episode 8

Reblooming Blue Episode 8 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman works hard to bake a kind of blue

When she got up early in the morning, Chen Xiaoman packed her things and was about to go out. Suddenly she remembered that there was an important item she hadn't brought with her. She quickly searched for it and finally found the power bank. Recalling that Ke Yan said that he was her “power bank”, sheSincerely happy.

Chen Xiaoman went to Yu Jian's studio and found that Fa Xiaoman's craftsmanship was getting better and better. Many vases were of exquisite colors and very beautiful. Several friends had already ordered their favorite vases. Chen Xiaoman was a little disappointed. Yu JianHe had already taken out a huge collection box. Inside was the most satisfying finished product he had made in the past few years. There were also many cute little animals of different colors, which made Chen Xiaoman very happy.

Ke Yan also came and begged Chen Xiaoman to continue to be his tour guide. A few people were talking when they suddenly saw Quan Ge and his wife bringing many boxes of porcelain. Quan Ge and his wife were not going to do this business anymore and wanted to use the unsalable porcelain before leaving.Let Yujian sell it as a consignment.Thinking that the recent environment was indeed not easy, Yu Jian felt sad for Brother Quan. With so many unsaleable products, he must have lost a lot of money.

Seeing such a scene, Ke Yan took the initiative to suggest that they start a live broadcast to bring goods. It was the first time that the porcelain kiln encountered a live broadcast to bring goods. Chen Xiaoman was dubious and found the anchor. Unexpectedly, after a while, there were unexpected sales. Seeing Brother QuanWith a smile on his face, Yu Jian gradually let go of his grudge against Ke Yan and went ahead with today's order. He believed that Brother Quan would regain his confidence and not plan to go back.

Ke Yan is naturally one of the heroes who helped local craftsmen solve the unsalable problem. He took the initiative to invite Chen Xiaoman to join him and start a new business. This time, Chen Xiaoman was a little hesitant. Now that she sees porcelain every day, she really wants to try her craft again and doesn't want to do it again.Do your previous sales job.

The third uncle was still recuperating at home, but a big order was received in the kiln factory. The order contained a blue color that he had never tried before. The third uncle was worried and prepared to go into battle himself. Xu Man was worried that his body would not be able to bear it, so he asked him to recuperate at home.But the third uncle couldn't sit still at all, so Chen Xiaoman proposed to accompany the third uncle himself, so that it would be easier to take care of him.

In the studio, the third uncle frowned. There were many kinds of blue, but the blue on the order was something they had never tried before. How to mix it and what materials were needed to make pigments. These were all very brain-burning. HopeSeeing the distressed expression on his third uncle's face, Chen Xiaoman was also very anxious. Once the goods were not delivered on time, the kiln factory would also face huge liquidated damages.

Ke Yan found that Chen Xiaoman was unhappy. After hearing her distress, he suggested that she should give it a try in case it succeeded. Chen Xiaoman was very unconfident at first, but Ke Yan's words reminded her, and she went home and looked through her father's porcelain making materials.Diary, Chen Xiaoman decided to try it according to his own ideas.

Chen Xiaoman personally went to his uncle and asked him how to control the heat of burning porcelain. He stayed at the stove all night, adding firewood rigorously, and being careful to keep the temperature of the flame within a certain range.In the morning, the uncle made breakfast and saw that Chen Xiaoman had not slept all night, so he comforted her not to work too hard. Now the third aunt is still afraid of her, and the lack of color in the burning will help them reduce their grudges.

Finally, several blue colors were fired. Chen Xiaoman selected a few colors that he was satisfied with and wanted to show them to the workers. But when he came to the kiln, he saw a five- to six-meter-long table filled with various colors.After choosing various blues, Chen Xiaoman fell silent. None of these colors were what the customer needed, and the richness of the colors was much higher than what she had done.

In order to feel the colors that consumers like, Chen Xiaoman personally went to the Rain Tea Garden to carefully observe the color changes of the clouds and blue sky. It was both warm and fantastic, giving people a heart-stirring feeling. After getting inspiration, Chen XiaomanReturning to my uncle's studio, I started to break the routine and fire it again.

《Reblooming Blue》E9Plot

Episode 9

Reblooming Blue Episode 9 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman bakes Yunxiao Xueji

Chen Huafeng worked intensively to develop the blue-fired mug. Another member of the board of directors felt that his opportunity had come. He encouraged Chen Huafeng to launch it at the right time and sell the stocks in his hands so that he could enjoy his old age. This person who was very fond of Chen HuafengChen Huafeng has been eyeing the shares in his hand for a long time. Chen Huafeng has long seen clearly what kind of person he is, and persuaded him to put his ability in painting cakes into the research and development of product technology. In this way, the development of Gale Wind Royal Kiln will be even better.

Chen Xiaoman also immersed himself in practicing more at his uncle's kiln. His third aunt, Xu Man, arranged an eyeliner there. She didn't see Chen Xiaoman for several days, so she called Xu Man to report. Xu Man was still worried about Chen Xiaoman., then blew the wind in Chen Huafeng’s ears, saying that Chen Xiaoman only played with mud for a few days under the influence of his father when he was a child, and it was impossible to make a difference in porcelain.

Ke Yan hadn't seen Chen Xiaoman for several days and was curious to see what she was doing. In his uncle's kiln, Chen Xiaoman was concentrating on shaping a model. The sun slowly fell on Chen Xiaoman, and a few bangs were blown gently by the breeze.The girl who swayed slightly, had thick and long eyelashes, and was attentive was the cutest. Ke Yan did not disturb her making porcelain, and left quietly after watching for a while.

Gao Feng was focusing on his craft, but Liu Shang and Keyan were not idle either. Both teams approached the leaders at the local cultural bureau. In the end, the director of the cultural and tourism bureau decided to give the title page of the website to Liu Shang and the others.It was Ke Yan who first came up with the idea of ​​making a promotional website. Unexpectedly, he ended up making wedding dresses for Liu Shang and others. Ke Yan's partners were very dissatisfied, but this was also the intention of the local cultural and tourism bureau. Ke Yan comforted his partners.Don't be impatient, although Liu Shang and his company's products are posted on the title page, they may not attract traffic.

Many years ago, Yu Jian fell deeply in love with Chen Xiaoman. Although the two were brothers and sisters, as time passed and now that Chen Xiaoman finally came back from Beijing, Yu Jian could no longer hide his love., and even always felt jealous of Key Yan. His father saw through Yu Jian's thoughts and told him that they should treat Chen Xiaoman well, but they must not have any unreasonable thoughts. Chen Xiaoman was born in a golden family, and the two of themIt's the difference between clouds and mud. My father also used the metaphor of porcelain tiles and tiles stuck together to make a difference.Yu Jian was not convinced. In the dead of night, he began to carve Chen Xiaoman's silhouette on the cup and hit the silhouette on the wall with light. It was very beautiful.

The hard work paid off, and she finally fired the ideal blue color and sent it to the boss at the last moment. Although the quilt had cracks and had to be repaired, the enamel color of the mug was really beautiful. The boss heard that Chen XiaomanHe called this blue color “Yunxiaoxueji” and explained the origin of the idea. He was very satisfied, signed the order readily, and gave Chen Xiaoman ample time for production.

The skills of so many masters in the Gale Group were not valued, but instead a fledgling girl was allowed to take the lead. Xu Man was very appreciative on the surface, but very jealous in his heart.

《Reblooming Blue》E10Plot

Episode 10

Reblooming Blue Episode 10 Plot Introduction: Chen Huafeng arranges for Chen Xiaoman to enter the company

When Ke Yan is free, he will also help Chen Xiaoman with things he can do, such as being with Ni, and he will also chat during the period. Ke Yan really wants Chen Xiaoman to help him get to know her aunt Chen Huayun, because an expert has pointed out that Chen Huayun is better than Chen Xiaoman.Chen Huafeng wants to be easy to win over, so Chen Xiaoman advises him to give up this idea, because her aunt usually keeps to herself, and even people she knows very well rarely find her.Ke Yan asked Chen Xiaoman when he would return to Beijing. Yes, he had been in his hometown for a while and it was time to consider going back. However, Chen Xiaoman was not sure yet whether he wanted to stay here. This time, he fired “Yunxiao Xueji”.Make her feel like she's home.

The next day, Chen Xiaoman went to see her father, Chen Huaji, holding a bouquet of flowers. In front of her father's grave, she remembered many past events. When her father was alive, they lived together. Although their lives were not rich, her father was very fond of her.Less restraint and gave her some tips on painting techniques. Seeing that Chen Xiaoman was distressed because he had no ideas for painting, he asked Chen Xiaoman to play in the mud for a while. Her father has been an artist all his life and is gentle and elegant. If it weren't for an illness, maybe his fatherNow I can give her more guidance.

Third aunt Xu Man went to Chen Xiaoman's uncle to investigate whether Chen Xiaoman had baked the “Yunxiao Xueji” alone. She was convinced that Chen Xiaoman had baked it alone. In the evening, she called Chen Xiaoman to eat with him.During the celebration banquet, Chen Huafeng specifically proposed to let Chen Xiaoman join the company while his family was here. Although the third aunt was not very happy, since Chen Huafeng had already proposed it, she had no choice but to nod in agreement.

She originally made an appointment to go to the company with her third uncle, but Chen Xiaoman received a call from Dunge early in the morning. It was related to Yuan Yuan. She immediately rushed back to Beijing. The police found a voice recorder from Yuan Yuan's belongings. The content inside was:The fact that Yuan Yuan was deceived by her boyfriend, who repeatedly encouraged her to embezzle public funds privately, even though Yuan Yuan took desperate risks for her boyfriend, in the end her boyfriend still abandoned her and married another girl from a well-off family. She knew that her boyfriend had alreadyYuan Yuan was very sad when she held a wedding with another girl.Therefore, jumping off a building due to debt collection is also because of being completely heartbroken.

At this point, in addition to cursing this scumbag, he also deeply felt sorry for Yuan Yuan. Chen Xiaoman told Dunge that he was going back to his hometown. Dunge knew nothing about porcelain firing and had no plans to follow Chen Xiaoman yet. Chen XiaomanSo he packed his luggage and went back alone.Third aunt Xu Man quietly reminded her son Chen Xuntong to be careful with Chen Xiaoman. If Chen Xiaoman gained a foothold in the company in the future, he might be in danger of being eliminated. Chen Xuntong, who had never had any scheming ideas, was particularly cautious when he heard the instigation. Then, when Chen Huafeng proposedWhen Chen Xiao got full marks for her position, Xu Man specially placed her in the sales position..

Ke Yan brought a very rare porcelain bottle to visit Chen Huayun. Chen Huayun was also a person who had seen big events. The visitor gave such an expensive gift. Of course, the drunkard did not care about the wine. Ke Yan saw that Chen Huayun did not have a good impression of capital, so he immediately proposed to become a disciple..Chen Huayun was also unambiguous, proposing that it would take ten years to start a business, and during this period he was not allowed to cooperate with capital, otherwise he would die.These regulations violated Ke Yan's destiny. He could not agree to this condition, so he immediately proposed to cooperate with Chen Huayun.

《Reblooming Blue》E11Plot

Episode 11

Reblooming Blue Episode 11 Synopsis: Chen Xiaoman went up the mountain to look for Ke Yan on a rainy day

Chen Xiaoman went to his aunt and happened to meet Key Yan. She immediately gave Key Yan a chance to show off to Chen Huayun. When he heard that Chen Huayun was going to go up the mountain to look for porcelain pieces next week, Chen Xiaoman immediately gave up such a precious opportunity.To Keyan.

The time when I went up the mountain was during the scorching sun. It was humid and hot in the mountain stream. After climbing for a long time under the strong sun, my body was soaked with sweat and it was very uncomfortable. However, Ke Yan did not flinch and followed Chen Huayun as he walked.It started to rain again, and Ke Yan failed to follow Chen Huayun because he wasted time on a few pieces of porcelain.The mountain road was difficult to walk in the first place, and because he was not familiar with the road conditions, Keyan quickly got lost in the mountains.

Chen Xiaoman couldn't find Keyan at night, so he called his aunt and learned that Keyan had not gone down the mountain with his aunt. It was raining heavily outside, so Chen Xiaoman held an umbrella and went to the mountain to search for a long time.They still met Keyan. The road down the mountain had been washed away by water. Chen Xiaoman suggested that Keyan take shelter from the rain in a mountain hut.

In the hut in the mountains, there are not only dry firewood, but also some daily necessities. Chen Xiaoman explained that this hut is for those who are lost in the mountains to use it as a resting place. They used some food and firewood at night, and went there the next day.Go up the mountain again, replenish what you have used, and leave it to the next person for use. This goes on forever.There are many exquisite ceramic cups in the hut. Ke Yan was impressed by the exquisiteness of the porcelain cups. Chen Xiaoman told him that many people who have been here will put out the best features of their homes for peers to learn from each other. The so-called like-minded people will alwaysCherish each other.

Keyan only brought enough instant noodles for one person in his backpack. Chen Xiaoman saw him cooking noodles and eating them without caring about her feelings. At this moment, Yu Jian came, not only bringing various flavors of fried chicken, but alsoBrought drinks and potato chips, it was a sumptuous picnic. Chen Xiaoman pretended to be proud and showed off in front of Ke Yan. Seeing her happy, Yu Jian felt particularly happy.The three of them spent the night together in the mountains. Chen Huafeng was very worried when she heard that Chen Xiaoman did not come back last night. Xu Man told her that Ke Yan was excellent in all aspects and was a good match for Chen Xiaoman. However, according to industry rules, if Chen XiaomanXiaoman was with the capital and could not join the board of directors. Since then, Chen Huafeng had followed Xu Man's wishes, but Chen Huafeng was a little uneasy. He thought that Chen Xiaoman was a good porcelain maker and was afraid that he would be delayed midway.

Chen Xuntong saw that the sales of last season's orders were very good. In order to make a lot of money, he secretly found a master and secretly made the same product. However, when it was time to deliver the goods, the boss disappeared. A large number of goodsThere was a backlog, and the manufacturer was eager to get the cost money, so he went to the company to ask Chen Xuntong for money. One million was not a small amount. Chen Xuntong felt guilty and had to go to Xu Man to find a way.After all, he was his biological son. Although he knew that Chen Xuntong was operating illegally, Xu Man still had to find a way to save his son.

Xu Man approached Ma Muzhi, hoping that he would find sales channels, but Ma Muzhi was not tight-lipped and quickly handed over this hot potato to Ke Yan. Soon, Chen Huafeng knew about the good deeds his son had done, and he was furiousAngry, he immediately called Chen Xuntong and asked loudly. A tea cup was thrown at Chen Xuntong and he was bleeding. Chen Xuntong covered his head and said back that Chen Huafeng always looked down on him and never saw his progress and efforts. He ran away angrily.

《Reblooming Blue》E12Plot

Episode 12

Reblooming Blue Episode 12 Plot Introduction: Xu Man intends to match up Chen Xiaoman and Ke Yan

Liu Shang invited Chen Xiaoman to drink together, and also called his boss to talk about the bidding for the kiln factory project. Every time there is a new project, as long as it can make money, the news will spread like wildfire. This time Liu Shang's purpose is obviousNot innocent, Chen Xiaoman didn't want to hurt his friendship, so he went to the appointment on time. He originally exchanged a few words and was about to leave, but Liu Shang just pulled him to drink together. At this moment, Chen Xuntong came, and Chen Xiaoman came with him. When he sawKe Yan, Liu Shang, and Chen Xiaoman realized that this dinner was not an easy one. They were afraid that their younger brother Chen Xuntong would fall into a trap, so they insisted on dragging Chen Xuntong away.

Chen Xuntong was scolded by his father during the day, and he was very angry. At this time, Chen Xiaoman insisted on stopping him, and he hated Chen Xiaoman even more. He deliberately said that he would agree to go back as long as Chen Xiaoman could drink the whole bottle of wine. Chen Xiaoman had already drank the whole bottle.After a glass of wine, Chen Xuntong deliberately drank more alcohol. Ke Yan couldn't bear to see Xiaoman drinking so much, so he pulled her away first.

In the car, Chen Xiaoman opened the window to get some fresh air. He thought how envious Chen Xuntong was because she had the support of her father just now. Unfortunately, she passed away very early due to dystocia, and her father also died of illness early. If her parents were here now,, how contented she would be.Chen Xiaoman murmured with emotion, and Ke Yan felt very unbearable when he heard these words.

Ke Yan successfully found the sales channel for Chen Xuntong's goods. Through his connections, he actually contacted overseas orders. After telling Chen Huafeng and Xu Man the good news, they were also very happy. At first, Chen Xuntong was very proud, thinking that he was againHe made a fortune for the Chen family, but Ke Yan then deliberately said that he did all these things to help Chen Xiaoman and couldn't bear Chen Xiaoman's hard work. When he heard that Ke Yan did all this because of Chen Xiaoman, Chen Xuntong was unhappy again.

Chen Huafeng found that the person Chen Xuntong secretly sent to do the private business was also his junior brother. The junior brother violated the teacher's instructions. Chen Huafeng forgave him for this violation of the precepts, but also solemnly stated that he would not be allowed to make the plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum tea cups taught by his master in the future..At first, the master only taught this memory to three people. Now one of them, Chen Xiaoman's father, has passed away. Only he and Chen Huafeng are left. However, the two apprentices taught by Chen Huafeng are still not independent. The other party reminds Chen Huafeng not toBring the unique skills to the coffin.

Chen Xuntong openly questioned why Chen Xiaoman had such a big impact on him as soon as he returned home. Not only did his mother force him to make progress every day, but his father always felt that he was a dead wood and everything he did was wrong.Seeing her brother so sad, Chen Xiaoman felt uncomfortable. She took the initiative to find her brother and confessed that she didn't want to argue with him, but just wanted to be a good sister. Chen Xiaoman's tone was sincere. Chen Xuntong saw her sincerity and stopped talking.Gone.

Originally, Ke Yan said that he would sell those porcelains abroad. Unexpectedly, a few days later, they were sold in large quantities in the local Jifeng Group, and the price was 20“ off the previous group's price. The bottom of the porcelain was openly engraved with the logo of ”Jifeng%, which was a high-end product.Whether it is a fake or genuine product is very detrimental to Ji Feng Group. People on the board of directors were held accountable at Chen Huafeng's house. The whole thing was caused by Chen Xuntong. Chen Huafeng had to apologize continuously and implore everyone to give him another chance.

《Reblooming Blue》E13Plot

Episode 13

Reblooming Blue Episode 13 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman takes the initiative to become a disciple

Xu Man originally handed over this batch of porcelain to Ma Muzhi. Now that this kind of disclosure has appeared, Chen Huafeng no longer trusts Ma Muzhi. Ma Muzhi angrily called Ke Yan to hold him accountable. He had originally told Ke Yan to deal with this matter.I did it safely, but I didn't expect it to mess up.Ke Yan seemed surprised and said that he didn't know the whole thing, but it would be very helpful for their future acquisition plan. As he said that, he showed Ma Muzhi his plan to restore the ancient building village.

Although Ma Muzhi was a little unhappy about being held accountable by Xu Man, as a businessman, he would still weigh the pros and cons in the face of greater interests. He quickly forgave Ke Yan and helped him find resources to attract sponsorship.

Chen Huafeng has been thinking of ways to make up for the mistake that just happened. Chen Xiaoman suggested that they must use actions to prove that they will not be held hostage by capital. Chen Huafeng suddenly opened his spear and took out all the remaining cups. In front of the Gale Group and many otherIn front of the villagers, those exquisite cups were openly smashed, and everyone felt heartbroken when they heard the harsh smashing sound. Because of this, Ke Yan restored the image of the Gale Group.Ke Yan was also among those in the audience. He was impressed by Chen Huafeng's high integrity. In contemporary society, there are not many people who can stay awake without being coerced by capital.

Chen Xuntong once couldn't help but tell the story about Chen Xiaoman spending money to sign up for a porcelain-making training class outside. He originally wanted to humiliate Chen Xiaoman, but Chen Huafeng was secretly surprised when he heard that he had such a good talent around him but didn't pay attention to it.A few days ago, his junior brother reminded him not to give up the skills passed down from his ancestors. At that time, he wanted to find an apprentice who could pass on the skills. This was an opportunity.

Coincidentally, Chen Xiaoman was thinking about “Yunxiao Xueji” every day. Uncle Zhou suggested that she might as well find a master to learn from it. Taking a training class worth 3,000 yuan outside would not be able to master the art of porcelain making. Chen Xiaoman never thought thatAfter her third uncle was able to accept her as his apprentice, he took Key Yan to visit the hilly tea gardens the next day. The scenery was picturesque and even the air was different. Ke Yan suggested that she take Chen Huafeng as her disciple. Two people had already suggested Chen Xiaoman.It gave her a lot of courage. When Chen Xiaoman returned home, he took the initiative to tell Chen Huafeng his thoughts. Chen Huayun was also there at the time. Chen Huayun took out a very elegant porcelain vase for Chen Xiaoman to analyze. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiaoman got everything right. At that time, Chen HuafengSaid he would consider accepting Chen Xiaoman as his disciple.

When Xu Man heard that Chen Xiaoman was going to become a disciple, she was worried that one day Chen Xiaoman would be able to take charge of his own affairs, which would threaten her son's position on the board of directors, so she immediately tried to stop her. At night, she said she had a nightmare, dreaming that Chen Xiaoman was making a decision on the board of directors to replace her and her son.Chen Xuntong drove them out, Xu Man pretended to be pitiful, and Chen Huafeng comforted her, saying that he had not yet officially decided to accept Chen Xiaoman as his disciple.

Chen Huafeng intentionally asked Chen Xiaoman to visit Jifeng's production workshop. Xu Man specifically asked Chen Xuntong to go with him, lest his son would fall behind. Xu Man thought about his son, but Chen Xuntong did not have this ambition. He did not like making clay since he was a child., and now his mother forces him to work at the kiln every day, which is really torture.

《Reblooming Blue》E14Plot

Episode 14

Reblooming Blue Episode 14 Plot Introduction: Chen Huafeng tests Chen Xiaoman

At the bidding meeting, Chen Xiaoman and Keyan attended together. They were very happy to confirm that Keyan's company won the bid and hugged each other. Then Ma Muzhi called and Keyan decided to take Chen Xiaoman to the celebration.

When he was in Beijing, Chen Xiaoman often accompanied Keyan to socialize. It has been six or seven years in a blink of an eye. After dinner, everyone sang together. Ma Muzhi and his assistant Xunxun were about to fall asleep. Only Keyan and Chen Xiaoman were still satisfied. They chatted.Chen Xiaoman asked Ke Yan how many girlfriends he had dated, and heard that the other party had only dated four or five. Chen Xiaoman deliberately said that it was not many. When hearing Ke Yan ask how many boyfriends she had, Chen Xiaoman hesitated and responded.There were only four or five more people than him, and Ke Yan felt as if a lot of jealousy had been overturned.

Chen Huafeng and Ma Muzhi talked about the ancient town renovation project, and overheard that Ke Yan seemed to be interested in Chen Xiaoman. Chen Huafeng's temper was bad, and he just wanted to take in this suitable apprentice. Once Chen Xiaoman got involved with capital, what would happen in the future?I'm afraid I won't be so focused.

Through his many days of observation, Ke Yan finally found the initiator of reselling porcelain, Chen Huayun's son Zhao Jun. By coincidence, just when Ke Yan was about to tell Chen Huafeng the truth, Zhao Jun came uninvited. He also claimed credit for investigating the porcelain on the market.The porcelain cups that appeared for resale were originally made privately by Chen Xuntong.Chen Huafeng's face began to look ugly. There were a certain number of porcelain cups that he destroyed, and he was present during the entire process. There was no way he could have kept them privately.After Zhao Jun left and received Ke Yan's confirmation, Chen Huafeng carefully examined him quietly.

Realizing that Keyan was not only well-thought-out, but also had a deep understanding of the city, Chen Huafeng immediately went to find Chen Xiaoman to find out the depth of the relationship between the two people. For this reason, he also specifically asked Chen Xiaoman what his opinion was on Keyan's development of ancient buildings. Chen Xiaoman still tolerated it after all.He couldn't help but favor Keyan's side, saying that if Keyan's plan for renovating the ancient city was really good, it would be a good thing for the small town.

Chen Huafeng was very angry and directly announced that if Chen Xiaoman got too close to capital, he should not think about being his apprentice.Chen Xiaoman was startled by his master's words. Although he didn't know why, Chen Xiaoman still paid attention to keeping a distance from Keyan.

Chen Xiaoman and Chen Xuntong were learning to make porcelain together. One time, Chen Xuntong was supposed to be working the night shift. He said good things to Chen Xiaoman, hoping that Chen Xiaoman could help him on the night shift. It was originally said that it would be a while, but Liu Shang called Chen Xuntong again., asked him to go to KTV, but Chen Xuntong couldn't resist the temptation and ran away anyway.

There was a sudden power outage in the middle of the night. After Chen Xiaoman called Chen Xuntong to inform him, he immediately went to find a power generation machine as a backup power supply. The temperature of the porcelain firing process would directly affect the quality of the finished product. Ke Yan happened to call Chen Xiaoman and heard that ChenXiao Man was anxious to find a generator and immediately ran to help.The two of them already knew about the backup power source. Chen Huafeng came, Chen Xiaoman focused on guarding the stove, and Chen Xuntong, who arrived late, smelled of alcohol. Chen Huafeng was almost disappointed in his own son.

On the next day, Chen Huafeng handed Chen Xiaoman a piece of exquisite porcelain in the workshop and asked her to study it carefully in preparation for taking a porcelain-firing exam. Chen Xuntong heard this and thought that his father was giving up on him and met Chen on the way back.Xiao Man stood by the river holding the piece of porcelain and couldn't put it down. He was so angry that he snatched it away and threw the piece into the river.

《Reblooming Blue》E15Plot

Episode 15

Reblooming Blue Episode 15 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman successfully became a disciple

In order to find the porcelain pieces that were thrown into the water, Chen Xiaoman went into the water to search for them himself. Then Ke Yan, who came later, saw what happened and helped search with them.

Chen Xiaoman groped in the river for a long time but could not find the porcelain piece. It was raining again, and he couldn't bear to have Ke Yan accompany him in the water. Chen Xiaoman decided to come back when the weather was fine.

After searching for a long time with no results, Chen Xiaoman drew the flowers on the porcelain tiles on paper based on his impressions, then took pictures and sent them to Yu Jian. Yu Jian saw at a glance that they were works exhibited in previous years. He vaguely remembered that they were in a certain place in Shanghai.There is a showroom, but the price should be high.After getting the information from Yu Jian, Chen Xiaoman quickly asked Keyan to help find a solution. He knew that Keyan had a wide network of people, but he didn't expect it to be so wide. In just two or three days, Keyan lent out the exquisite porcelain vase..

The two of them were particularly happy on the road. Ke Yan told her to take good care of it. This bottle was worth more than the two of them combined. In order to show his gratitude to Ke Yan, Chen Xiaoman also invited Yu Jian to eat local wontons together.When Ke Yan saw Yu Jian and Chen Xiaoman eating the chili peppers with gusto, he was speechless. Not to be outdone, he immediately took a big spoonful of the chili sauce next to him. Even though his face was red from the spicy food, Ke Yan still tried his best to act calm.Fengqing's appearance.While Chen Xiaoman was not around, Yu Jian deliberately asked Ke Yan to quit because Ke Yan and Chen Xiaoman couldn't agree on diet, so Ke Yan probably couldn't give Chen Xiaoman what he wanted.This was not the first time that Ke Yan and Yu Jian had an argument. He looked Yu Jian squarely in the eyes and asked Yu Jian if he could tolerate one day when Chen Xiaoman walked in front of him.Yu Jian was stunned.

When Chen Xiaoman very accurately told the year that Chen Huafeng gave her the piece of porcelain, Chen Xuntong was shocked. Chen Huafeng was very satisfied with her solid basic knowledge and even held out the vase that he had treasured for a long time. Chen Huafeng told Chen Xiaoman thatThe piece of porcelain was an imitation made when she was young, but there was no way it could compare with the original. When Chen Xiaoman heard that the brightly colored porcelain vase with exquisite patterns in front of her was actually made by her father, she suddenly had mixed feelings.

Chen Huafeng officially decided to accept Chen Xiaoman as his apprentice and asked her to prepare for the opening ceremony. This is the most solemn ceremony for a craftsman and represents the inheritance of craftsmanship. Everyone wants to have a smart and focused apprentice.When Chen Xuntong saw Xu Man handing over the color, he quickly tried to please Chen Huafeng, hoping that his father would also qualify him for the competition. Chen Huafeng had no objection.

Ke Yan heard that Chen Xiaoman was preparing to lift the ban, and he used his connections to help Chen Xiaoman. The lifting ceremony was usually a closed-door discussion between representatives of experts, but Ke Yan deliberately expanded its influence.

Xu Man heard that Zhao Jun was secretly making Jifeng textiles, and she quickly guessed that there was an expert behind Zhao Jun, and that person was Zhao Zhihong!Zhao Zhihong was also Xu Man's pursuer at one time, and the two got along well for a while. However, Xu Man gradually recognized Zhao Zhihong's true face, and the two began to drift apart.Zhao Zhihong was obviously prepared this time, and was targeting “Ji Feng”. Xu Man went to Zhao Zhihong privately and reminded him not to play with fire and burn himself, but Zhao Zhihong was still immersed in the memories of the past, thinking that he had taken it away from him.The one I love is Chen Huafeng!

《Reblooming Blue》E16Plot

Episode 16

Reblooming Blue Episode 16 Plot Introduction: Ke Yan confesses to Chen Xiaoman

The long-awaited opening ceremony finally began. After the lively dragon and lion dance, the mayor began to announce the assessment procedures and precautions. The audience was full of apprentices who came here to become apprentices. As the number one master Chen Huafeng, he wanted to becomeHis disciples faced more stringent reviews and tests.

On weekdays, Chen Huafeng was painting in the handicraft workshop. One day, he thought that an old friend had specially brought a magazine with Chen Xiaoman's photo, and specially asked Chen Huafeng to let Chen Xiaoman help sign it. Chen Xiaoman, who had become a disciple of a famous teacher, immediately attracted everyone's attention.And it has been published as an advertisement in many professional magazines. Ceramic enthusiasts are very fond of Chen Xiaoman.

When Xu Man was visiting a client, she accidentally learned that someone was building momentum behind Chen Xiaoman and using Chen Xiaoman's reputation to sell porcelain to big cities such as Shanghai and Beijing. Xu Man was very surprised. She had always thought that Chen Xiaoman should be a down-to-earth person.My son, I just worked in Beijing for a period of time before, but when I heard a client say that Chen Xiaoman was related to some capital parties, I quietly inquired in private about who else Chen Xiaoman had contacts with.

In the magazine that published Chen Xiaoman's photo, Ke Yan deliberately bribed the reporter. The purpose was not simple. After the magazine was published, the response in the market was very good. Ke Yan and his accomplices were preparing future plans. He was a little absent-minded and always felt uncomfortable.She was sure that she would tell Chen Xiaoman every move she made before, but she didn't tell her about this magazine. She didn't know what Chen Xiaoman would think.The companion feels that Chen Xiaoman has eyes for Ke Yan, and maybe he can directly take Chen Xiaoman as his girlfriend. In this way, if Ke Yan's comeback plan succeeds in the future, he can also benefit from it.

This sentence reminded Ke Yan that he also liked Chen Xiaoman, but he kept hiding it and using her, which made him feel a little bit unbearable. Suddenly he received a call from Chen Xiaoman and asked to meet. That night, Ke Yan confessed to Chen Xiaoman, and Chen Xiaoman was caught off guard., she usually calls her boss Keyan, but unexpectedly, her boss confessed her love to her. Chen Xiaoman shyly agreed. After clarifying her relationship with Keyan, she was very happy. She even told her best friend about it, sharing her joy and happiness.

Zhao Zhihong had hated Ji Feng for a long time. He always wanted to start his own business and get the shares that belonged to him, but his wife was always reluctant to split up the family. This made him extremely dissatisfied. In fact, he didn't like Chen Huayun at first.He broke up with Xu Man for the resources and dividends of Ji Feng behind Chen Huayun, but he soon found that his hopes were in vain. Not only did he not have any shares, Chen Huayun also did not agree to go it alone. In order to achieve his own goals, Zhao Zhihong did a lotLittle moves.Recently, he noticed that Ke Yan has a very good business acumen, and even took the initiative to win over Ke Yan and propose cooperation. However, Ke Yan knew all the dirty things Zhao Zhihong had done to Ji Feng before, so he did not bother to cooperate with such a villain.

Zhao Zhihong saw that Ke Yan refused to cooperate with him, so he turned around and went to Liu Shang. Several people worked together. As long as the capital was in place, they quickly formed a tacit understanding. Zhao Zhihong was responsible for the technical aspects, and Liu Shang was responsible for capital operations and publicity.They toasted with satisfaction and each had their own plans.

Although they had reached an agreement with Liu Shang and the others, Zhao Zhihong was not confident in making porcelain. He quickly thought of Xu Man. After all, the two had loved each other. Liu Shang made an appointment with Xu Man and even brought coffee in person to talk about their relationship.In the past, Xu Man naturally knew that he had no good intentions and directly reminded him not to be scheming. Besides, Chen Huafeng was her most important person now and would not do anything detrimental to Ji Feng no matter what.

《Reblooming Blue》E17Plot

Episode 17

Reblooming Blue Episode 17 Synopsis: Rain Sword Makes Chen Xiaoman’s Father Angry to Death

Chen Xiaoman devoted all his efforts to making porcelain, preparing to fire works that represented his own strength. Chen Huafeng's disciples were so righteous that they kneaded clay in the handicraft workshop every day. The purpose was to cultivate their muscle memory and make up for all the homework they had missed.superior.Ke Yan would also send some late-night snacks during off-duty hours. He was very distressed when he saw that her wrists were cramped due to fatigue.But Chen Xiaoman is calm. As a porcelain-making family, she has seen that her father, uncle and aunt have all come from this way. Only by experiencing hardships that ordinary people can't bear can they make progress.

During this period of time, with Ke Yan's company, Chen Xiaoman made rapid progress. However, due to insufficient boy skills, tenosynovitis occurred. On the day of the official examination, in order not to affect his performance, Chen Xiaoman brought a bucket of ice over and during the drawing processOnce discomfort occurs, they put their hands into the cold water to reduce the pain. Chen Huafeng and Chen Huayun saw Chen Xiaoman’s hands shaking a little during the drawing process. It was obvious that his hands were injured. Although the competition is cruel, they are also craftsmen.A hurdle passed.

The first round of assessment was over. Chen Huafeng and some judges reviewed each contestant's work one by one. When he saw his son Chen Xun's work, Chen Huafeng smiled. In fact, his son was quite good at drawing blanks. At least it was improved compared to many years ago. But looking atHe found it even more interesting when it came to the scores. Although his son's work was good, the score given by the judges for first place was still too high.Master Zhou on the side praised Chen Xuntong repeatedly. After Chen Huafeng told him, he couldn't help laughing and said that Chen Xuntong must be the first.

Liu Shang and others immediately congratulated Chen Xuntong. They wished that Chen Xuntong would turn against Chen Huafeng so that they could put pressure on Ji Feng.Liu Shang deliberately called Chen Xiaoman eager to win. It was obvious that he wanted to become Chen Huafeng's successor and surpass him. As the chairman of Jifeng in the future, Chen Xuntong couldn't bear to hear them talking about Chen Xiaoman like this. Although they were cousins, the twoWe grew up together and didn't want outsiders to dismiss him like this. Chen Xuntong directly retorted a few words and left angrily.

Back home, Chen Xuntong told Chen Huafeng that people outside said that he entered the re-examination because of his father's reputation, but he thought that as long as someone from the Chen family won, it would be fine.This sentence also deeply satisfied Chen Huafeng. When his son grew up, he always thought that his qualifications were mediocre, but now he heard that his son's mood was more generous. Chen Huafeng was very pleased and took Xu Man and his son out for dinner in the evening. He was worried thatXu Man usually wore high heels and her feet were tired, so he gave her a pair of exquisite flat shoes. Chen Huafeng personally leaned over and put them on Xu Man. Xu Man was very touched. Although Chen Huafeng was not as smooth-talking as Zhao Zhihong, he was an upright man, aboveboard and honest in his words.Not much, but really keeping her in mind.

Yu Jian found out that Chen Xiaoman and Keyan were in love. He felt particularly unhappy. Lying in bed at night, he thought of the first time he met Chen Xiaoman's father. It was when their family was at its lowest, because he was so hungry., Yu Jian went to a house to steal fruit. After being discovered by Chen Xiaoman’s father, he learned that they were in a difficult situation. He took Yu Jian’s father home with his injured leg and took good care of them, and found a job for them.He also promised to teach Yujian skills and accept him as a close disciple.

Chen Xiaoman's father worked hard to train this apprentice, but Yu Jian was eager to win. Three years later, after just achieving some small results, he became proud and even sold the porcelain bottles he made outside to make money.The first money he just earned was given to Chen Xiaoman's father. Chen Xiaoman's father earnestly told him to study hard. Some of the works he fired at the beginning cannot be sold. They can be used as a reference in the future to discover his own shortcomings in porcelain making., but Yu Jian couldn't listen and thought that the master was just dissatisfied with his skills. Not only did he contradict the master, he also immediately said that he no longer wanted to be his apprentice and wanted to go out and make a living.Yu Jian's words were very unreasonable. Chen Xiaoman's father died of a heart attack not long afterward.

《Reblooming Blue》E18Plot

Episode 18

Reblooming Blue Episode 18 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman expresses his dissatisfaction to Ke Yan

Ma Muzhi and Key Yan played chess together. He asked Ke Yan if he really planned to be the Chen family's son-in-law. Ke Yan knew what Ma Muzhi meant. He showed that he sincerely treated Chen Xiaoman and had plans for his relationship with Chen Xiaoman and the future.They are two different things, and I will handle them well and not let a lose-lose outcome occur.

Chen Xiaoman followed Xie Junyao's suggestion and got a closed injection. This closed injection can relieve the pain of tenosynovitis in a short time. However, you should not get wet after the injection, and you should not overwork yourself. There are many side effects. Ke Yan saw that Chen Xiaoman was in pain during the injection.His expression was very unbearable.When I saw Xie Junyao, I asked him if he suggested such an injection.Xie Junyao reminded not to let things go wrong because of love. Chen Xiaoman is an indispensable bargaining chip for them to win.

During the opening ceremony of the ban, Keyan also actively promoted it. He deliberately attracted business near the imperial kiln. All porcelain craftsmen could set up stalls here without charging a penny. There were handicrafts for sale on both sides of the street. Chen Huafeng saw thatI saw a variety of fresh elements, and Ke Yan took the initiative to plan it. I felt that this event was very meaningful.

The sales of Jifeng Porcelain have dropped rapidly in recent months. Xu Man asked the sales department what was going on. In addition to the old rule of one work per month, a handicraft company called “Yujing” appeared in the same industry with the same technology.Not inferior to Jifeng, and the price is also very low, which is very competitive for Jifeng.Xu Man was very curious. There must be a way to rise so rapidly in such a short period of time.

Xu Man went to Yujing and saw Zhao Zhihong, and she understood that Zhao Zhihong was Chen Huayun's husband. He had worked in Yukiln for so long and had accumulated a lot of contacts. Zhao Zhihong could also make some of the craftsmanship produced by Jifeng through certain means.arrive.Xu Man felt sick every time she saw this person, but she had no choice. When she went back at night, she told Chen Huafeng about her visit to Yujing during the day. Unexpectedly, Chen Huafeng knew that Zhao Zhihong was the boss of Yujing, but he still chose to remain calm.He comforted Xu Man by saying that Zhao Zhihong was greedy and would suffer the consequences sooner or later.

In order to help the company promote the company, Xie Junyao will also arrange some dinners, often making arrangements beforehand, and calling Ke Yan when the time is approaching. Ke Yan clearly knows that Chen Xiaoman does not like this, but the customers have already arrived, so in order not to disappoint them,Ke Yan still took Chen Xiaoman with him to the door of the hotel. When he heard the people inside mentioning her name, Chen Xiaoman understood about it, but still forced a smile to socialize.

After going back from the evening party, Ke Yan felt guilty and speechless all the way. Chen Xiaoman finally couldn't help but tell him that she really liked what she was doing now. Creating characters was something she was not good at, and she hoped that Ke Yan could give it to her.I will no longer arrange any commercial activities. Just like the last public account interview, the cracks that appeared when she burned Yunxiaoxueji for the first time were because of poor academic skills, not because of illness in her hands, but the interviewer insisted on doing so for the sake of traffic.Chen Xiaoman brings out the best and most inspiring side.

After being scolded by Chen Xiaoman, Ke Yan was a little confused and flustered. The plan had just begun and already made Chen Xiaoman unhappy. If Chen Xiaoman knew that he had been using her in the future, he would definitely not be forgiven.

《Reblooming Blue》E19Plot

Episode 19

Reblooming Blue Episode 19 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman’s apprenticeship work was smashed

Xie Junyao and Keyan were about to go back after dinner. Suddenly, a girl hurriedly got into their car, followed by a few gangsters who wanted to chase her. Seeing this, Ke Yan and Xie Junyao helped the girl get out, and then sent her home. When they said goodbye,The girl volunteered that her father was Chen Huafeng and would treat them to dinner next time to thank them.

Xie Junyao said it was so satisfying to see a hero rescue a beauty and a daughter of a noble family. They were now anxious about how to get Chen Huafeng to cooperate with them, but they didn't expect that they would help his daughter.

Chen Xiaoman wanted Uncle Zhou to teach him how to read fire. Uncle Zhou deliberately asked her to teach him how to watch fire. After so many years of making porcelain in Jifeng, Lao Zhou could tell how high the fire had reached just by looking at it. Chen Xiaoman wanted to burn the fire he wanted.She wanted pastels, but Uncle Zhou told her that if she wanted to take a shortcut, she could only rely on her Uncle Zhou, otherwise even if the on-site teaching was very detailed, she would still make mistakes in the actual operation.

Chen Xiaoman attached great importance to this opening ceremony. In order to be able to draw the desired pattern in time when the fire was fired, she worked overtime without caring about her hands. The doctor had told her a few days ago that she must pay attention to rest, otherwiseJust relying on occlusive injections can easily cause muscle atrophy.In the evening, Chen Xuntong and several classmates went to drink and rest, while Chen Xiaoman was still drawing pictures.

The hard work paid off, and everyone finally got the porcelain vase they had made. When they saw the pink porcelain fired by Chen Xiaoman, they all exclaimed. It was simply outstanding, and only Chen Xiaoman's work was the best.Chen Xiaoman carefully held his work and placed it on the exhibition stand with other students, looking forward to showing the work to his master the next day, and he would definitely be satisfied.

But on the next day, when Chen Xiaoman was about to take the pink porcelain to the master, he found that his porcelain vase had been broken. The works of other students had been placed securely, but hers was the only one broken. Chen Xiaoman felt sad for a while., but there was still one day left, so she had to hurry up and try to produce her work during the assessment.

Xu Man met with Ke Yan privately and openly proposed that she could let Ji Feng cooperate with Ke Yan, and even become a permanent partner. The only requirement was that Xiao Man quit Ji Feng. Ke Yan knew Chen Xiaoman's thoughts very well, and joining Ji Feng was her only choice.wish, but after all, he had his own plan to come to Yuyao this time. He had been taking advantage of the situation some time ago. Now Xu Man's request is to let Chen Xiaoman out. This is a dilemma for Ke Yan.

Late at night, Chen Xuntong quietly came to the kiln factory and saw Chen Xiaoman in a daze facing the broken porcelain pieces. He walked towards Chen Xiaoman anxiously and solemnly declared that it was really not him. Even if he was no longer good, he would not be able to use this kind of porcelain.Winning by using the next trick.Seeing Chen Xuntong's serious look, Chen Xiaoman smiled. She had never doubted this younger brother, but hearing what his younger brother said to her made her sincerely happy.

On the day of the audition, Chen Xiaoman reassembled his broken porcelain pieces and placed them on the selection table for the judges to comment on. Chen Huafeng asked Chen Xiaoman why he was participating in the election with a broken porcelain bottle. Chen Xiaoman truthfully said that becauseShe accidentally broke the work, but she took it seriously. Although the bottle cracked, it had condensed too much of her hard work, so she still had to be seen.Chen Huafeng was moved by Chen Xiaoman's persistent attitude as a craftsman. When he and Chen Xiaoman were the only two people around, Chen Huafeng asked Chen Xiaoman whether he would waver in his decision even though he knew that the process of making porcelain was difficult.

Chen Xiaoman firmly stated that she likes to make porcelain and will continue to do so. She enjoys the process of making porcelain and does not find it difficult. Chen Huafeng admitted that he broke the porcelain vase just to test Chen Xiaoman's determination. Now he is officiallyAgree to accept Chen Xiaoman as his disciple.

《Reblooming Blue》E20Plot

Episode 20

Reblooming Blue Episode 20 Plot Introduction: Zhao Jun and Dun Ge get acquainted

Zhao Jun's parents divorced when he was a child. Although his mother was very kind to him, he felt lost when he saw other children's parents around him. Although he worked hard to have a good relationship with his father, and even seemed to be fawning, it seemed thatThe parents still didn't call each other. It was his birthday. Zhao Jun specifically asked his father in the morning if he wanted to have a dinner as a family. His father gave him a Mercedes-Benz as a gift and did not refuse the dinner party.

After returning home, Chen Huayun also wished her son a happy birthday. When she heard that her son wanted the whole family to have dinner together in the evening, she refused without hesitation. Zhao Zhihong was a businessman through and through. The two people had different views and had no way to communicate.In the evening, Zhao Jun took the cake to the appointed place alone to wait for his father.

Zhao Zhihong hadn't come yet, so Zhao Jun poured himself a glass of wine. Hearing that a girl at the bar wanted to order the set meal on the coupon but was rejected, he took the initiative to invite him to share a table. This girl was Dunge and had just come to Yuyao. Since she had already orderedSo he shared the table with Zhao Jun.During this period, the two of them didn't speak much, but Dunge saw the cake on the table and knew that the other party must be celebrating his birthday. In order to make room for it, he hurriedly put rice into his mouth.

Zhao Zhihong called because he had business engagements and could not come to celebrate his son's birthday that night. After answering the phone, Zhao Jun returned to the table and saw that the girl sharing the table had left. There was a note on the table with blessings for him.Happy birthday, and I won’t celebrate my birthday alone next year. At this time, soft birthday songs came from the restaurant, and Zhao Jun felt warm in his heart. Even the blessings from strangers were enough to make him feel warm..

Dunge came to the royal kiln, and Chen Xiaoman went to pick her up. The two hugged each other excitedly when they met. Now that good friends are around, Chen Xiaoman has Ke Yan's meticulous care. For a moment, she felt very happy.On the first day of work, the master called her to Ji Feng's treasure - Eight Views of Niulan Mountain. This was a work made several years ago. Now that Chen Huafeng has an apprentice, he wants to regroup and complete his previous work.My wish is to make a bigger porcelain.Chen Xiaoman was very excited to be able to complete this masterpiece together with her master. She could finally start from scratch, including drawing blanks, watching fire, and painting. She could learn every link in detail. Chen Xiaoman told Ke Yan this, and Ke Yan was also happy for her., the moonlight was like silver, and in such an ambiguous atmosphere, the two people rolled on the bed together.

Ever since Chen Xunyao was saved by Keyan the last time, she has been thinking about him. After searching for Keyan's resume on the Internet, I felt that Keyan was unfathomable and charming.So after that, whenever she had something to do, she would always hang out next to Keyan's B&B. Several times, Keyan politely invited her out.But one night, Ke Yan came out after taking a shower and found a sleepy Chen Xunyao lying on the bed in the bedroom. Ke Yan immediately called Chen Xiaoman.

Chen Xiaoman sent his cousin home. Chen Xiaoman was helpless and ridiculous for such a charming boss. Ke Yan solemnly stated that he was not Liu Xiahui, he was clearly the type who had been among hundreds of flowers and never touched his body.

In the early morning, after Chen Xunyao woke up, she immediately asked Chen Xiaoman if a very handsome man sent her home last night. Chen Xiaoman concealed her relationship with Keyan and only said that the two met in Beijing and that Keyan was her boss and came to Yuyao.It's about developing projects.After hearing this, it was confirmed that Ke Yan was indeed a career-oriented man, and Chen Xunyao became more determined to pursue Ke Yan.

《Reblooming Blue》E21Plot

Episode 21

Reblooming Blue Episode 21 Plot Introduction: Zhao Jun starts dating Dun Ge

Chen Xunyao stalked Key Yan. In order to make her give up completely, Keyan directly confessed that he had a girlfriend, Chen Xiaoman.This violated Chen Xunyao's taboo. She ran home crying and begged her parents to kick Chen Xiaoman out and not allow Chen Xiaoman to continue living in their home.

Chen Xuntong didn't know what was going on and asked Chen Xunyao why she had been howling. Moreover, Chen Xiaoman also admitted that Ke Yan and her were already boyfriend and girlfriend before the ban was lifted. Finally, Chen Xuntong understood that Chen Xunyao also liked Keyan.Xu Man quietly comforted Chen Xunyao that there is no sweet grass in the world. She would look for more good candidates for her baby daughter, and any one of them would be better than Key Yan.

Key Yan went to discuss with Ma Muzhi, hoping to renovate the Huizhilou to attract more small town literary and artistic young people to start their own businesses. Ma Muzhi was very interested in this plan, but could not resist Key Yan's request, so he agreed to fund the cooperation.

In the evening, Xu Man came to Chen Xiaoman's room, pretending to care about her love life. When she heard that Chen Xiaoman had feelings for Ke Yan in Beijing, she immediately went to Chen Huafeng's room to add insult to injury and said that Chen Xiaoman and Ke Yan would get along well in Beijing, and asked Chen Huafeng to think about it quickly.Preparing for dowry.Xu Man is not interested in drinking. She clearly knows that according to Ji Feng's rules, people with close ties to capital cannot inherit heirloom skills, so Xiao Man can no longer be Chen Huafeng's apprentice.Chen Huafeng didn't like hearing this the most. He had just announced in public that he would accept Chen Xiaoman as his disciple. How could he divorce his newly accepted disciple because of this unfounded matter.

Chen Huafeng came to his sister's house in a depressed mood and told Chen Huayun what had happened recently. Chen Huayun hit the nail on the head - the reason why Xu Man made such a fuss about Chen Xiaoman and Ke Yan's relationship was ultimately because he was worried that the Chen family's property would fall into the hands of others., Xu Man has two children, so naturally he is trying every possible means to get them to inherit the future property.Chen Huafeng also knows this, but according to the current situation, Chen Xuntong cannot manage Ji Feng well at all, and he cannot bear to take risks in a business that has been the work of several generations of his family.

Key Yan and Liu Shang began to compete for the ancient street reconstruction project again. The financial backer behind Liu Shang had a strong family, but Keyan did not have the advantage, so he could only do more thorough planning and details of the entire ancient city.

Chen Xiaoman and Chen Huafeng concentrated on making giant porcelain vases. Under the guidance of the master, Chen Xiaoman gained something every day and she was very happy.Ke Yan and Xie Junyao also stepped up their time for publicity. Xie Junyao wanted to spend a lot of money to package Chen Xiaoman and create an expert persona for her. Ke Yan couldn't put it down while holding the porcelain vase Chen Xiaoman had just fired. He reminded Xie Junyao that there was no need to create one. According to Chen Xiaoman's current situation,With his strength, he is fully qualified to serve as a publicity ambassador.

Zhao Jun often asked Dunge out to play. One time Dunge was late. She had just chatted with Chen Xiaoman. The two talked about each other's lives. Dunge admitted that he had lost his job in Beijing not long ago and there might be nothing he could do about it.Zi paid back the money.Chen Xiaoman comforted her not to worry. Now the two sisters can help each other in the imperial kiln. As long as they are alive, there will be no obstacles that cannot be overcome.

Zhao Jun saw that Dunge's eyes were a little red. Hearing that Dunge had just talked about his life in Beijing, he couldn't help but feel a little pity. He drove to Shanghai and gave her the gift he had selected. Such an expensive gift, he suddenlyGe Zhi waved her hand, but Zhao Jun's sincere attitude still moved her.

《Reblooming Blue》E22Plot

Episode 22

Reblooming Blue Episode 22 Plot Introduction: Ke Yan has strong feelings for Chen Xiaoman

After returning home, Dunge specifically asked Chen Xiaoman something about Zhao Jun. Hearing that he had a powerful mother and that his father had been doing foreign trade, he knew the gap between the two people and always lived in Chen Xiaoman.Xiaoman is not a long-time person here, and Chen Xiaoman is also staying at his third uncle's house, so Dunge plans to go out and look for a house.

Zhao Jun heard that Dunge was looking for a house, so he rented his vacant house to her, and the two of them had dinner together. Dunge saw the video of Chen Xiaoman who had just won the award. She was also sincerely happy for her best friend, so she told Zhao Jun about her.When she was in trouble in Beijing, thanks to Chen Xiaoman's care and Chen Xiaoman's help in repaying her huge debt, Chen Xiaoman seemed to be her only relative in the world.Although Zhao Jun has parents, he has had low self-esteem since he was a child. The broken family always made him feel lacking. Seeing Dunge's face of loss when talking about his parents, he felt the same.

Liu Shang made a private appointment with Keyan. On weekdays, Liu Shang and Yan Zhen were inseparable when they discussed business and went out to socialize. However, Zheng Yan was still a lot less thoughtful than Liu Shang. On the surface, Liu Shang chatted with Keyan about life in the royal kiln, but in fact, he alsoDeliberately explore Ke Yan's recent progress.

Chen Xiaoman and Chen Huafeng were busy in the workshop every day, and finally finished the work of drawing and painting. Chen Huafeng and Chen Xiaoman sent the semi-finished products to Lao Zhou anxiously. Such large-scale porcelain was the first in China. Chen Xiaoman suggestedWhen the finished product comes out, it can be seen by the world. This is also the craftsmanship of Chinese craftsmen.

Chen Huafeng was hesitant at first, but it was a good thing to build some confidence among fellow porcelain craftsmen. Maybe more ceramic enthusiasts would join their ranks. Chen Huafeng agreed to participate in the exhibition if the finished porcelain products were perfect.

Chen Xunyao did not give up on Key Yan. Every time she was drunk, she would stumble over to Key Yan's place to stay, and by the way, she would ask why Keyan chose Chen Xiaoman. She was no worse than Chen Xiaoman in any way, but Keyan was very determined.Reminding her that he and Chen Xiaoman now have a good relationship and no one can sway his choice. Chen Xunyao felt humiliated and was so angry that she cursed Ke Yan and Chen Xiaoman for not growing up.

Ke Yan wants to transform an old alley in Yuyao into a porcelain town. The original studio stationed here does not need to change its name. He just leaves the marketing work to Ke Yan, which can not only improve the office environment, but alsoIt can also increase potential customers and broaden sales channels. Why not do it? All merchants signed contracts immediately.

Chen Xiaoman accidentally saw Chen Huafeng's personal operating room, which was full of semi-finished products that Chen Huafeng had made by himself but had not been fired. Chen Xiaoman saw her name on the note on the side of the porcelain, even though she had been working hard in Beijing for six years.It has been a long time, but the third uncle has not forgotten her as a child. He often makes some works and uses them to express his concern. In a corner of the world, knowing that there is always someone who cares about her, Chen Xiaoman is very contented.

The eight-view vat was finally fired and pushed out of the kiln. Seeing the sparkling porcelain vat in front of him, Chen Xiaoman almost cried with joy. Chen Huafeng's wish was finally fulfilled. He was also very happy and asked Keyan to take pictures of them.

In the dead of night, Ke Yan looked at the photos of himself and Chen Xiaoman, often in a daze. Xu Man once had a private interview with him and proposed that his company would become Ji Feng's permanent and only partner, but the prerequisite was that Xiao Man must leave Ji Feng., and cannot learn any of Chen Huafeng's porcelain making techniques.Ke Yan could see that Chen Xiaoman loved making porcelain, and Ke Yan was hesitant to go ahead with his next plan.

《Reblooming Blue》E23Plot

Episode 23

Reblooming Blue Episode 23 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman rejects Ke Yan’s proposal

Discovering that Keyan was going to participate in the auction, Ma Muzhi suspected that Keyan wanted to take risks and was worried that his relationship with Jifeng would be affected by Keyan, so he warned him.

The eight-view vat made by Chen Huafeng quickly attracted the attention of the market. The director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau personally received him and Chen Xiaoman and gave them high honors.After Chen Huafeng returned, he specially invited Lao Zhou, the kiln maker, and his sister Chen Huayun. The three close friends drank together. Chen Huafeng sometimes left temporarily, leaving only Lao Zhou and Chen Huayun. The atmosphere was a bit subtle. Both of them loved porcelain.Chen Xiaoman's father helped Lao Zhou and left them to work in Ji Feng, and Lao Zhou has been here ever since. Later, Yu Jian made Chen Xiaoman's father so angry that he suddenly died of a heart attack. Chen Huayun angrily went to Lao Zhou to hold him accountable. Lao Zhou knew thatThe son's sin was so serious that he knelt in front of Chen Huayun and begged, hoping to let Yu Jian go. The two of them were willing to spend the rest of their lives to atone for their sins.

Lao Zhou confirmed his original promise with actions. Chen Huayun invited Lao Zhou to drink. After three rounds of drinking, Lao Zhou deliberately mentioned Zhao Zhihong and sincerely said that Zhao Zhihong was handsome, smart and very suitable for her. Lao Zhou's words had a very unintended meaning.Clearly, he knew he was not worthy of Chen Huayun and had never had extravagant hopes, but he still told her that he would take good care of Chen Xiaoman and treat her as his own daughter, and would not let her suffer any grievances.Chen Huayun drank the wine in the glass and put it down, his eyes turning red.

Chen Huafeng took Chen Xiaoman to the exhibition, and their eight-view vat won an award in the city. At the press conference, Chen Huafeng specifically emphasized that he and Chen Xiaoman made it together. Under the spotlight, Chen Huafeng smiled as brightly as a flower.This played right into Key Yan's wish. This time, Ke Yan had booked the booth for the Eight Scenery Tanks several days in advance and paid a lot of money. Chen Huafeng didn't know about this. Ma Muzhi saw Chen Huafeng and Chen Xiaoman on TV, and heHe was very satisfied with Keyan's plan and taught Keyan all the subsequent town renovation matters.

Ke Yan specially invited Chen Xiaoman to a celebration banquet. In the evening, the two of them went shopping together hand in hand. The lights were shining brightly. During the day, he accompanied his third uncle to participate in the exhibition. In the evening, he and his lover ate together and went shopping. At this time, Chen Xiaoman was very content. Ke Yan lost no time in giving away the gift.Chen Xiaoman has not accepted the diamond ring that she has been preparing for a long time. She hopes to have more time to get to know each other.

On the second day, several old artists from the Porcelain Association chatted with Chen Huafeng. Chen Huafeng had no idea that Keyan had purchased the best location for this booth with a lot of money in advance, so he emphasized in front of the old artists that he would take advantage of this opportunity to participate in the exhibition.Build confidence in veteran artists and let them see that they can achieve great results without cooperating with capital parties.Some artists couldn't stand listening anymore and asked him why he had to emphasize his innocence in front of everyone now that he was already cooperating with capital?Chen Huafeng was very surprised when he heard this, and Chen Xiaoman was also confused.

《Reblooming Blue》E24Plot

Episode 24

Reblooming Blue Episode 24 Plot Introduction: Chen Huafeng decided to disband the Extreme Wind Alliance

Chen Huafeng, who returned to the imperial kiln, saw his colleagues who asked whether Chen Huafeng had colluded with Keyan. Through the recent orders from Ji Feng, everyone suspected that Chen Huafeng was partial to Chen Xiaoman.

The public opinion was so one-sided that Chen Huafeng fell ill quickly. Chen Xiaoman stood in front of the hospital bed sadly and said that she really didn't know about it. She never knew about the high-priced booths, and the Yunxiao Xueji mentioned by her colleagues just now.The matter was planned by Keyan in advance, and he asked people to go to Jifeng to customize that kind of mug.

Ke Yan came to explain to Chen Huafeng that Chen Xiaoman overheard the conversation between the two people outside the door, including Chen Huafeng's dissatisfaction with Ke Yan's secret operations and blaming Ke Yan for using Chen Xiaoman all the time. Ke Yan could not deny it, but he also praised Chen Xiaoman's ability.It is very strong and is worth investing in from a business perspective or other aspects.Hearing the word "investment", Chen Xiaoman felt a little chilled. Could it be that her relationship with Ke Yan turned out to be a "investment" based on rational weighing?

When Ke Yan returned home and saw Chen Xiaoman sitting in sadness, he wanted to try his best to explain, but cheating was cheating, and Chen Xiaoman could not forgive her. She just asked, but Ke Yan refuted it. When he was sad, Chen Xiaoman desperately broke up.

Ke Yan's whole plan was disrupted. Originally, he wanted to use a gentle way to get Chen Huafeng to agree to cooperate with them. Unexpectedly, someone leaked the information about the booth in advance. Now Chen Huafeng is very disgusted with him, ruining his subsequent plans.

Ke Yan went to Ma Muzhi, hoping that Ma Muzhi could help mediate the situation, but was quickly denied that Ma Muzhi and Chen Huafeng had a close personal relationship, and would not destroy the friendship accumulated over several years for a capital party.

Returning from Ma Muzhi, Ke Yan met Liu Shang on the road. Seeing his sarcastic expression, Ke Yan finally understood who was letting loose in the dark. Liu Shang did not hide it. He confirmed that he did it, just to prove that Ke YanHe was still a defeated general. Seeing the villain's face, Ke Yan walked away without even bothering to waste a minute on him.

Liu Shang's partner asked him seriously how he came up with this clever plan. Ke Yan made everything perfect, but Liu Shang chuckled and said that Xu Man quietly told him that, no matter what Xu Man's true purpose was, as long asHe would do it if it made Key Yan uncomfortable.

Xu Man finally found the opportunity to bring down Chen Xiaoman. She deliberately blew the pillow in front of Chen Huafeng, so that Chen Huafeng could distance himself from Chen Xiaoman and restore Ji Feng's losses.Chen Huafeng could not do anything to put aside the relationship with Chen Xiaoman. He thought about it and decided to disband the Extreme Wind Alliance. Ma Muzhi was very surprised when he heard the news of the dissolution. He stopped Chen Huafeng and persuaded him to calm down. Although some things Ke Yan did were a bit inappropriate.On the surface, at least Ke Yan never framed Ji Feng, and did a lot of things silently, all to promote Ji Feng, and then he got a lot of orders.

What Ma Muzhi said was very pertinent, but Chen Huafeng, who was annoyed, couldn't listen. He hated the quick success of capital the most in his life, especially when Ke Yan said he was patient, but in fact he still used Chen Xiaoman everywhere, and even used emotions as bait to lure him away.Chen Xiaoman was pushed into such an embarrassing situation.

Chen Xiaoman had no way to continue working in Ji Feng. She went to visit her father's grave and met her aunt there. Chen Huayun understood Chen Xiaoman's situation. When she heard that Chen Xiaoman liked making porcelain and would continue to do it, Chen Huayun decided toOne of his studios was rented to her.

《Reblooming Blue》E25Plot

Episode 25

Reblooming Blue Episode 25 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman moves out of Chen Huafeng’s house

Chen Xiaoman was going to move out. When she told Chen Huafeng, she was very sad to see him. Chen Xiaoman was also very unhappy. After her father passed away, her third uncle took her home and enjoyed the same treatment as Chen Xuntong and Chen Xunyao.Until going to college, now that the children are older, Chen Huafeng has a lot of things that he can't help himself with. Nowadays, there are constant turmoil. It would be good to let Chen Xiaoman go out independently, at least he can be quiet for a while.

Ever since Chen Xiaoman broke up with Ke Yan, Ke Yan has been living a miserable life every day, as if he suddenly lacks a backbone. 77 asked him about business matters, but he was too lazy to push forward.Zhou Shi'an saw Chen Xiaoman sitting there motionless for two days in the workshop. He was very worried and was about to go to Chen Huafeng to discuss the theory. Chen Huayun pulled him and asked him to give the two of them time. Since he chose to make porcelain, there were many thingsThey all need to face it. The conservative Chen Huafeng needs innovative ideas, while Chen Xiaoman must also face some rumors outside and learn to adjust his mood.

These days, Dunge has been staying with Chen Xiaoman, hoping that she can feel better.Chen Xiaoman devotes himself to studying porcelain in the studio every day. Yu Jian is also anxious here. Hearing the news of Chen Xiaoman's breakup, he really wants to visit, but his father Zhou Shi'an always reminds him to pay attention to distance and propriety. Chen Xiaoman andYu Jian is not on the same level, and besides, their family feels guilty about Chen Xiaoman, let alone have any inappropriate thoughts. Yu Jian has liked Chen Xiaoman since he was a child, but now he is so close but cannot love her, and his heart feels like being gnawed by many ants every day.Zhou Shian understood that Chen Xiaoman and Ke Yan were matched in ability, and reminded Yu Jian not to mix things up in the middle, otherwise Chen Xiaoman might not even call him "brother" in the future.

Zhao Jun always asked Dunge to go out to eat together. This day the two of them met Zhao Zhihong. Zhao Jun directly introduced Dunge as his girlfriend. After Zhao Zhihong left, Dunge was very embarrassed. She asked Zhao Jun in surprise, when did she become her girlfriend?His girlfriend, Zhao Jun, immediately confessed to Dunge and fell in love at first sight from the first time they met. Now he is even more sure that Dunge is the person he is looking for.

Yu Jian still wanted to give it a try. One time, he helped Xiao Man go up the mountain to find porcelain pieces. There were only two of them around, so Yu Jian spoke his mind. Chen Xiaoman heard it clearly, but he was embarrassed to say that he had always regarded him asTreat him like an elder brother.After all, Zhou Shian was right, and Yu Jian was a little flustered. He explained that no matter what capacity he was next to Chen Xiaoman in the future, he would do his best to protect her and support her.

When Yu Jian went down the mountain, he happened to meet Ke Yan. Ke Yan had already heard Yu Jian's confession to Chen Xiaoman. At this time, he did not want to take advantage of others, but asked Yu Jian to help convey the message, telling Chen Xiaoman to be careful about Xu Man.

《Reblooming Blue》E26Plot

Episode 26

Reblooming Blue Episode 26 Plot Introduction: Dunge agrees to become Zhao Jun’s girlfriend

Because of business matters, Ke Yan would always go to Ma Muzhi. Over time, they got to know each other. Ma Muzhi is a very enlightened businessman. He not only understands operations, but also loves China's intangible cultural heritage.He respects old craftsmanship and craftsmen very much. Recently, Ke Yan saw that Ma Muzhi seemed to be ill. After reporting on his work, he told Ma Muzhi to take good care of his health. Ma Muzhi was not only concerned about Ke Yan's projects, but also about his personal problems.Knowing that Ke Yan likes Chen Xiaoman, he also told Ke Yan to learn to communicate and that young people must be loving and tolerant when doing things. Although they have not known each other for a long time, they are affectionate and the two have become friends every year.

Chen Xiaoman made some porcelain and put it at Yu Jian's place. On this day, someone in Yu Jian's small shop finally took a fancy to Chen Xiaoman's works and placed an order. Chen Xiaoman was very excited at first, but after a long time,No one bought her works, Chen Xiaoman couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, so she asked Yu Jian what kind of works customers like now, and what style suits her. Yu Jian couldn't help but laugh when he heard Chen Xiaoman's serious question.The Tao is finally enlightened. As a senior craftsman, I will ask myself these questions countless times.

Dunge would broadcast live when Chen Xiaoman was making porcelain, telling netizens some of the experiences of her and Xiaoman's acquaintance, including her experiences during the Northern Drift, and the meaning behind each of Chen Xiaoman's works. As Dunge continued to broadcast,The number of fans in the live broadcast room has increased sharply, which has gradually boosted Chen Xiaoman's sales. Now both Dunge and Chen Xiaoman have careers they want to do, and the two of them play to their strengths and work well together.

Keyan continued to renovate the Gezilou according to the scheduled plan. Because he hired professional designers, after the decoration, it exuded a strong artistic atmosphere. Many people came here because of its reputation, and some craftsmen were also inspired by it.Yu Jian brought Chen Xiaoman here to relax. Every place in the grid building made Chen Xiaoman feel friendly, as if the designer had a spiritual connection with them.Inadvertently, Chen Xiaoman saw Ke Yan, and their eyes met. Ke Yan's eyes were red, but Chen Xiaoman still did not choose to forgive, and turned around silently to leave.

Ma Muzhi was on a business trip in Beijing and suddenly died of illness. Ke Yan was shocked when he received the call. Ma Muzhi left suddenly. He had promised verbally that he would always invest in Ke Yan's projects, but he passed away before he could sign the contract. Ke Yan fell into deep sorrow.At the memorial service for Ma Muzhi, Chen Huafeng also gave a painful eulogy. Although Liu Shang appeared at the memorial service, he still had the attitude of watching the excitement. He even sarcastically said at the scene that Ma Muzhi's death was just the right time.Otherwise, let Keyan succeed again.For such a vicious person, Ke Yan directly beat Liu Shang, and Chen Huafeng immediately asked Liu Shang to leave.

Zhao Jun made an appointment with his parents and wanted to formally introduce Dunge to them. Zhao Zhihong waited at the banquet for a long time and finally got impatient and was about to announce the start of the banquet. At this moment, Chen Huayun arrived late and she greeted Dunge enthusiastically.After saying hello, he also invited Dunge to have dinner at home when he was free. After a few brief greetings, he left. It was obvious that he did not want to eat with Zhao Zhihong.

《Reblooming Blue》E27Plot

Episode 27

Reblooming Blue Episode 27 Plot Introduction: Ke Yan refuses to use Chen Xiaoman again

Qianhe, the company where Ma Muzhi worked before, sent Zhou Xuan to Yu Kiln to investigate the possibility of cooperation. Zhou Xuan came just when Ke Yan was imminent. For several days, Ke Yan personally acted as a guide, showing Zhou Xuan the future development space of Yu Kiln, proving that thisThe money will pay off well in the future.But Zhou Xuan didn't seem to be interested in any of this. As soon as Ke Yan mentioned the many advantages of the imperial kiln, Zhou Xuan would change the topic to other places.

As the meal was approaching, Zhou Xuan immediately asked Keyan to take her to dinner. The two were once lovers. Even though they had broken up, Zhou Xuan came to Yuyao and saw that her former lover still had feelings for him. Keyan's whole body and mind were devoted to the whole project.He has no interest at all.During the meal, Ke Yan was absent-minded. Chen Xunyao, who heard the news, rushed over and angrily asked whether Ke Yan was cheating again. After that, she slammed the table fiercely to demonstrate.Zhou Xuan had never seen anything before. She smiled and asked Zhou Xuan, maybe it was not Ke Yan's taste. Chen Xunyao was speechless and immediately corrected that she was the sister of Key Yan's girlfriend. The two of them talked to each other, and Chen Xunyao was almost blown away.Zhou Xuan was still talking and laughing. Fortunately, Xie Junyao pulled Chen Xunyao out at that time, otherwise the two women would have really quarreled.

Chen Xunyao immediately ran to find Chen Xiaoman and told her about the Zhou Xuan she had just met. In Chen Xunyao's view, the arrival of old love at the right time is likely to get twice the result with half the effort, allowing Chen Xiaoman to seize the time to get Keyan back.Chen Xiaoman did not stop what he was doing, but reminded Chen Xunyao that now Ke Yan is free and can choose who he wants.

After several days of careful assessment, Zhou Xuan finally proposed that he could continue to invest, but it needed to be in the form of shares and agreed on a profit cycle. If the investment failed to expire, he would receive double the shares from Keyan.Ke Yan knows the importance of time to a craftsman. One and a half years are not a sure way to get back the money, but as a businessman, getting back the money as soon as possible is a prerequisite.Zhou Xuan was very surprised by Key Yan's change. Before, Keyan was thoughtful and decisive, but now he tried his best to speak for the people in the Royal Kiln.

Zhao Zhihong was still thinking about his old relationship. He discussed privately with Liu Shang to buy some equity in Ji Feng and financially support Xu Man. When Liu Shang went to communicate with Xu Man, he heard that Liu Shang supported Chen Xuntong in taking the helm of Ji Feng. Xu Man reallyMy heart is moved.

Hearing that Fang Zhouxuan, the representative of Qianhe Capital, was talking about cooperation with Juhe recently, Liu Shang was also restless and tried every means to get in touch with Zhou Xuan, trying to get Qianhe to consider their Yaosheng.Zhou Xuan will meet both parties to discuss cooperation conditions and let them compete fairly. Liu Shang and Ke Yan are almost incompatible on weekdays. Now Zhou Xuan openly said that according to industry regulations, which party has the largest proportion of technical backbones. Currently, Chen Xiaoman is well-known in the industry., Zhou Xuan hopes that someone from both parties can win over Chen Xiaoman as an image ambassador.

Ke Yan refused to use Chen Xiaoman again and directly rejected Zhou Xuan on the spot. Afterwards, he came near Chen Xiaoman's studio and told Chen Xiaoman to be careful with Liu Shang. Zhou Xuan had already thrown out the chips. According to Liu Shang's character, it was impossible.No action.Chen Xiaoman slightly changed his view of Ke Yan when he heard that Ke Yan flatly rejected Zhou Xuan's request.

Zhao Jun talked to his mother about the girlfriend he had just made, but her mother seemed to have forgotten about it. Thinking of the last time his parents agreed to meet his girlfriend, but they broke up so awkwardly, Zhao Jun suddenly became angry and scolded his mother for not doing so.Don't take his matters to heart.

《Reblooming Blue》E28Plot

Episode 28

Reblooming Blue Episode 28 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman cooperates with Ke Yan

Zhou Xuan took Ke Yan to Beijing and met with many investors. However, those investors set very harsh conditions and completely squeezed the efforts of the craftsmen. Ke Yan was very dissatisfied and refused the cooperation of many people at that time.intention.

Zhou Xuan received a text message from Keyan and saw that Keyan had given up on Qianhe's cooperation and competition. Zhou Xuan took the initiative to go to Chen Xiaoman and told Chen Xiaoman the ins and outs of the matter. She also analyzed Chen Xiaoman's joining Keyan's company.As an investor who always thinks about craftsmen, you will not go wrong by following them.

It was raining outside, and Chen Xiaoman had something on his mind. He couldn't help but come to Jifeng Kiln Factory. When he saw Chen Huafeng still concentrating on painting there, he was suddenly very moved. The workers around him told Chen Xiaoman that Chen Huafeng always worked very late recently.Go back late.When Chen Huafeng saw Chen Xiaoman coming, a long-lost smile appeared on his face. He admitted that since Ma Muzhi left, Ji Feng's orders seemed to have been paused. Ma Muzhi had given him a lot of help in terms of sales before., now without his right-hand man, Ji Feng seems to have a broken wing.

With nothing to do, Chen Xiaoman visited Zhou Xuan again and listened to her tell some stories about her past with Ke Yan. Zhou Xuan sincerely admitted that Ke Yan's attitude towards Chen Xiaoman was different from others. She seemed to be really serious and stood from Chen Xiaoman's perspective.Consider that as a senior craftsman, if you want your work to be seen by more people, you need a strong and experienced team. You can't go far alone.Zhou Xuan's words gave Chen Xiaoman a lot of inspiration, and Chen Huafeng also had real experience. Without the support of orders, the workers in the kiln factory would not be able to support themselves.

Chen Xiaoman took the initiative to find Ke Yan. She was willing to join Juhe and become a partner. This was good news and Ke Yan was very excited.A few days later, Chen Xiaoman took the pattern he designed to discuss with Keyan. Ke Yan had no objection to Chen Xiaoman's creativity, but just told him to do some market research before making the finished product, and then consider controlling production costs.When it came to production costs, Chen Xiaoman couldn't help but ask where Ke Yan's current funds came from. At this moment, Zhou Xuan came and she sent Ma Muzhi's will. In the content of the will, Ma Muzhi mentioned the statue of Ke YanHis younger self, and far beyond him, used part of his assets to sponsor the project of revitalizing the ceramic town in Keyan.

Seeing Mr. Ma's will, Ke Yan had mixed feelings, and Mr. Ma's voice and smile in his memory came to mind. This was a man who truly loved Chinese porcelain. He not only devoted his life to the cause of revitalizing ceramics and supporting new craftsmen, but alsoEven after death, he never forgets to continue to use his remaining energy.The funding problem has been solved, and Ke Yan can only redouble his efforts and use practical actions to live up to Mr. Ma's expectations of him.

《Reblooming Blue》E29Plot

Episode 29

Reblooming Blue Episode 29 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman and Ke Yan reunite

Ke Yan came to visit Chen Xiaoman in his spare time. Chen Xiaoman has been doing research and development recently and couldn't bear to fall asleep. Ke Yan was about to take off his clothes and put them on her. When he saw Chen Xiaoman woke up, he quickly put them on again. NowKe Yan cherishes getting along with Chen Xiaoman very much, and is even more cautious than before.I have just rented a stall at the porcelain exhibition. I can put up Chen Xiaoman's works when the time comes. Now that Chen Xiaoman has set up a studio, as long as there are many opportunities, he will not worry about no one seeing his works.

Chen Xuntong, Chen Xunyao and Zhao Jun played cards together. When talking about the recent progress of the company, Chen Xuntong proudly said that looking at the current situation, their Jifeng business is the best. Chen Xunyao shook his head. Chen Xiaoman is doing well now that he has left Jifeng.He also opened his own studio. In time, he will definitely be able to establish a foothold in the imperial kiln.

Chen Xuntong accidentally said that they had heirlooms at home, so they were not afraid of Chen Xiaoman. Zhao Jun heard this and began to pay attention. Chen Xuntong said that when he was a child, he saw a porcelain vase at home, which was particularly unique. The patterns and designs on it were extraordinary at first glance. Chen XunyaoShe didn't believe it, thinking that Ji Feng was taking the antique route. Chen Xuntong reminded her that even if it was an antique, it would have to be copied by a real person.

The exhibition was very successful. In the evening, everyone celebrated together and drank a few glasses of wine. Ke Yan mustered up the courage and asked to get back together. Chen Xiaoman immediately changed the topic and said that they were still focusing on their respective careers.When he went back, Ke Yan was already drunk. Chen Xiaoman helped him go home and saw Ke Yan sleeping peacefully on the bed. Thinking of him asking if they could stop torturing each other at night, Chen Xiaoman couldn't help crying. In fact, these days,She had never missed her, but some things that happened made her unable to let go. She originally thought they were over, but later the two worked together to make porcelain again, and their relationship was still there, and they soon reunited.

Dunge heard that her best friend finally reunited with her boyfriend, and she was sincerely happy. Zhao Jun couldn't help but be jealous when he heard that Dunge was full of praise for Ke Yan. Although Ke Yan is like a pearl in the hearts of many people, Zhao Jun, who is silent, also has his ownAdvantages, she suddenly smiled. Of course, Zhao Jun was the best in her mind.

After getting along for a period of time, Chen Xunyao felt that Xie Junyao was also a very good choice. After thinking about it for a while, he bravely confessed to Xie Junyao. Unexpectedly, Xie Junyao agreed without hesitation at all.

Ke Yan and Chen Xiaoman not only innovated in the process of making porcelain, but also paid more attention to the raw materials. They repeatedly compared foreign raw materials with local production, and personally negotiated with domestic raw material manufacturers, hoping to improve the quality.Be diligent.

Zhao Zhihong was ready to overthrow Ji Feng and get his shares, so he discussed his plan with his son Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun followed his advice and quickly encouraged Chen Xuntong to set up another company with him, so that if the operation was successful in the future, he could also prove his ability.Strength also has a say in Ji Feng.Chen Xuntong was simple-minded and couldn't resist Zhao Jun's temptation, so he agreed.

Xie Junyao accidentally discovered that Zhao Jun and Chen Xuntong had secretly established a company. After getting a copy of their contract, he quickly called Ke Yan to look at it together. After reading all the regulations, Ke Yan finally understood Zhao Zhihong's conspiracy. This was obviously a trap.If you give it to Chen Xuntong, I believe that the career that Chen Huafeng has worked so hard to do will soon be destroyed.

《Reblooming Blue》E30Plot

Episode 30

Reblooming Blue Episode 30 Plot Introduction: Zhao Zhihong discovers Chen Xuntong’s life experience

Chen Xiaoman called his friends for a dinner, and Dunge also called Zhao Jun. Ke Yan was also there. When there was no one else around, Ke Yan reminded Zhao Jun not to go too far. Zhao Zhihong had secretly asked Zhao Jun to resell the gale porcelain, and theHe knew all the little tricks that followed. Ke Yan told Zhao Jun that working with Yan Zheng and Liu Shang would not end well, because both of them were hard-core characters who never had any credibility at all. And if they were behind their backs,He did something against Chen Xiaoman, and Ke Yan would never sit idly by.

It was the first time that Zhao Jun saw Ke Yan being so serious. Seeing his sharp eyes, Zhao Jun felt a little guilty. They had been setting traps for Chen Xuntong behind his back these days, and they had indeed done some shameful things.

When Zhao Zhihong was having dinner with his former colleagues, he accidentally learned that Xu Man seemed to be pregnant when she broke up with him. In order to prove his suspicion, Zhao Zhihong immediately asked Zhao Jun to call Chen Xuntong to have dinner with him. When he found out that Chen Xuntong was just as happy as him.When she became allergic to taro, she was finally convinced that it was his child.

Many memories came to mind. Zhao Zhihong recalled that when he went to Chen Xiaoman's father's house to propose marriage to Chen Huayun, Chen Xiaoman's father was very excited. At that time, Chen Huafeng suddenly ran in and scolded Zhao Zhihong for being shameless. The two almost started fighting. After that, Chen HuafengXiaoman's father died suddenly of a heart attack.

Within a few days, there were rumors everywhere in Yuyao Town that the death of Chen Xiaoman’s father was related to Chen Huafeng. This news also reached Yu Jian. Yu Jian hurriedly told the messenger to shut up. Before the matter was clear, Qian QianDon't spread rumors, Yu Jian is worried that Chen Xiaoman will be hurt again.

Xu Man had already guessed who was making the big announcement, and she immediately called Zhao Zhihong. Zhao Zhihong shamelessly admitted that he couldn't wait to recognize Chen Xuntong, and said that he had not forgotten his old relationship with her.Xu Man left angrily. From then on, their business went from bad to worse. Many people had doubts about Chen Huafeng's personality and the orders they had agreed to were cancelled.

Chen Huafeng stayed at home for several days. Of course he knew Chen Xuntong's life experience. Chen Xiaoman's father called him and Xu Man that day and said that he would hand over Ji Feng to them. At that time, Chen Huafeng and Xu Man refused. According to local rules,The craft of making porcelain is passed down from male to female. At that time, Chen Xiaoman's father was very surprised why they did not inherit Ji Feng. Chen Huafeng and Xu Man had no choice but to admit that Chen Xuntong was not of the Chen family's blood.

This incident also gave Chen Xiaoman a big blow. Fortunately, Ke Yan was by her side. The past has passed, but Chen Xiaoman missed her father very much. She still remembers that it was her third uncle who took her back when her father was away.He has been taking care of her since she was brought up at home. Now with these rumors, it is difficult for Chen Xiaoman to face Chen Huafeng.

《Reblooming Blue》E31Plot

Episode 31

Reblooming Blue Episode 31 Plot Introduction: Chen Xuntong’s life experience exposed

When Yu Jian came home, his father was sweating next to the automatic ball server. He had heard the rumors outside. He knew that his son had made Chen Huaji angry to death, but this matter was related to his son's reputation.So in a depressed mood, Yu Jian returned home and played table tennis with his father. The father and son had rarely spoken since Chen Xiaoman's father passed away. It was the Mid-Autumn Festival soon, and Yu Jian bought moon cakes to visit Zhou Shi'an.While playing table tennis, Zhou Shian accidentally twisted his waist. Yu Jian called his father and immediately helped him to the chair next to him.As the child grows up, Zhou Shian also has mixed feelings.

Dunge and Zhao Jun watched a horror movie together, and the atmosphere was so intense that Zhao Jun saw Dunge's terrifying expression and held her in his arms, and their relationship heated up.Zhao Jun saw that Dunge was helping Chen Xiaoman every day, so he encouraged her to start an independent business. Now that she has Ke Yan, she should be intoxicated with the sweetness of love every day and have no intention of working. No matter how Zhao Jun tried to seduce her, Dunge would notAfter leaving Chen Xiaoman, the two of them have experienced a lot together along the way, and it is difficult to be shaken.

Affected by some events in the past, Chen Huafeng has been feeling uncomfortable with his heart recently. After one attack, he immediately took Suxiao Jiuxin Pills. After his mood eased, Chen Huafeng came to Chen Xiaoman's studio and saw her busy.She felt guilty again. Chen Xiaoman hadn't gone back recently. She hesitated and was about to explain, but Chen Huafeng waved his hand. This time he came to tell her father about the quarrel between him and Xu Man that day.Chen Xiaoman was very shocked. On one side was her biological father, and on the other side was her third uncle who took care of her when she grew up.

Zheng Zheng and Liu Shang have not been idle. Seeing the rumors intensifying, they privately encouraged many shareholders of Ji Feng to take advantage of this turmoil to force Chen Huafeng to withdraw their shares. Zhao Zhihong secretly placed many orders in Ji Feng, but this time he deliberately placedThe withdrawal of the order during a time when rumors were widespread created a crisis for Ji Feng. Some shareholders did not know the reason and thought that Chen Huafeng's reputation had ruined their business name for many years.Yan Yan and Liu Shang put pressure on Zhao Zhihong together, asking him to bear all the losses alone if Chen Huafeng could not be successfully expelled from the Jifeng board of directors this time.

Ji Feng held a board meeting, and Chen Xiaoman, Chen Huafeng and Xu Man all attended. When the three people appeared at the meeting together, some people began to be surprised, but the people who fanned the flames were not idle. They insisted that Chen Huafeng explain Chen Xiaoman's father, Chen HuajiChen Huafeng's death had anything to do with him, and Chen Huafeng was straightforward all his life. He admitted that something about him had annoyed Chen Huaji that day.Then some shareholders suggested that in view of his impact on Ji Feng, it would be better to withdraw from the board of directors directly.Seeing that the board of directors was distracted, Chen Huafeng was worried. Someone wanted to talk about Chen Huaji's matter. At this moment, Yu Jian came.

Yu Jian revealed the truth of the matter. The reason why Chen Huaji had a heart attack was because he was angry with his apprentice. Yu Jian apologized to Chen Xiaoman in public. He thought he could save Ji Feng, but Zhao Zhihong came.

After all, he is still a villain. Zhao Zhihong got Chen Xuntong's paternity test last night. Instead of feeling grateful because Chen Huafeng helped him raise his son, he publicly humiliated Chen Huafeng, saying that he not only wanted to occupy Chen Huaji's industry, but also wanted to take over Chen Huafeng's property.He used despicable means to marry Xu Man.Chen Xuntong was stunned on the spot. For many years, he thought he was the apple of his parents' eye. When his true life experience was revealed, he had such a biological father in full view of the public and acted in such a vicious manner. Chen Xuntong's thoughts were confused and he ran away.

《Reblooming Blue》E32Plot

Episode 32

Reblooming Blue Episode 32 Synopsis: Chen Xiaoman puts aside past grudges to comfort Yu Jian

Chen Xuntong didn't know where he had gone. Chen Xiaoman hurriedly went out to look for her. Ke Yan pulled her and told her not to worry. Many things that happened recently happened to Chen Huafeng's previous generation. Chen Xiaoman was told not to get involved, because this was not justHousehold affairs are also related to Ji Feng's next reorganization.It is suggested that Chen Xiaoman give them some time and wait until everyone is in a calm mood before making a choice.

Zhao Zhihong revealed in public that Chen Xuntong was his biological son, which not only hurt Chen Xuntong, but also greatly hurt Zhao Jun.Zhao Jun returned home in despair and saw his mother, Chen Huayun, still painting on ceramics quietly. Then Chen Huayun looked up at him and smiled, as calm as usual.Zhao Jun felt uncomfortable, so he ran to Zhao Zhihong again and asked why he did what he did today.All the time, Zhao Zhihong secretly encouraged his son to do things with Ji Feng as his enemy, but today at the board meeting, Zhao Zhihong actually dragged Chen Xuntong into trouble in public, and even announced that he was Zhao Jun's half-brother. This made himWhere to go from now on?

Zhao Zhihong went crazy and asked Zhao Jun why he didn't call him father. He picked up a porcelain vase and threw it at Zhao Jun. Chen Huayun also rushed over, protecting her son behind her and accusing Zhao Zhihong of not treating the child so harshly.The two quarreled again, and both looked disgusted with each other. Zhao Jun hated seeing his parents quarreling the most, and he howled-why did he give birth to him if the two had no feelings in the first place.

Chen Xiaoman went to meet Chen Huafeng and Xu Man. She confessed that her father had been suffering from heart discomfort for the past few days, and there was always something he couldn't do at work. As a result, something like that happened just before going to the hospital. This was notIt's all Uncle San's fault.Chen Xiaoman's open-mindedness and righteousness made Chen Huafeng sigh. His brother was devoted to the porcelain kiln, but now his daughter is so good. Old things and new things came to his mind at the same time. Xu Man and Chen Huafeng leaned together and cried.

After comforting his third uncle, Chen Xiaoman also went to see Yu Jian. During the day, Yu Jian clarified the truth at the board of directors, which also had a great psychological impact on him. He didn't think about tea or food all day long, and Zhou Shi'an personally served the food to him.In front of him, I advised him to raise his head, no matter how big the problem is, he can survive it as long as he lives.Chen Xiaoman came to Yu Jian. Although her biggest wish was that her father would stay with her as long as possible, things had already happened. She had always regarded Yu Jian as an elder brother since she was a child. She hoped that Yu Jian could help her realize her dream.Always be there for her like a brother.Hearing Xiaoman's words, Yu Jian started to pick up the meal. The future is still long, and he must fulfill his promise to stay with Chen Xiaoman forever.

Chen Xuntong went to meet Yan Yan and Liu Shang for a drink. He was in a very low mood. Yan Yan and Liu Shang took the opportunity to brainwash him and told him to draw a clear line with the Chen family as soon as possible. The money in his hands was real money, and they also advised him to recognize it earlier.Realizing the reality, Chen Xuntong said nothing.It was very late that night. Chen Xuntong finally came home and started to pack his luggage and prepare to leave home. Xu Man tried his best to hold him, but Chen Xuntong refused to listen. Chen Xunyao, who followed closely, also began to persuade his brother. In fact, over the years, Chen Huafeng has beenHe regarded him as one of his own and never had any prejudice. This was obvious to all. Perhaps Chen Huafeng had already recognized Chen Xuntong in his heart.

Chen Xuntong passed Xiaoman's studio with his luggage and saw Zhao Jun there, so he beat him angrily. Chen Xiaoman pulled the two people away in time and persuaded Chen Xuntong to calm down and let him live here for the next few days.

Chen Xuntong took the initiative to meet Zhao Zhihong and asked him why he abandoned Xu Man in the first place. Zhao Zhihong immediately said that he was very poor in those years and could not afford to raise a girlfriend or get married. However, these reasons seemed so pale. Zhao Zhihong is now not onlyHe did not give Chen Xuntong any care or compensation, and even deliberately instigated Chen Huafeng to say that Chen Huafeng had always been wary of him and favored Chen Xiaoman. If Chen Xuntong wanted Ji Feng, Zhao Zhihong would help him get Ji Feng back.

Chen Xuntong stood up directly and reminded him unceremoniously: He would never recognize him as his father, and everything about Ji Feng was a family matter and no outsiders needed to worry about it.

《Reblooming Blue》E33Plot

Episode 33

Reblooming Blue Episode 33 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman takes over Ji Feng

Chen Xuntong once signed some contracts with Zhao Jun. After they registered their wages privately, they have been losing money. On the days when he ran away from home, the decoration companies also asked Chen Xuntong for debts. Chen Xuntong was forced by those who wanted debts all day long.At the end of the day, Ke Yan came. Seeing the data that the creditor had quoted a price that was several times higher than the market price, Ke Yan scolded the other party for defrauding customers. If he reported it to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau with this evidence, the fraudulent party would face huge compensation..Ke Yan's words were reasonable and well-founded, but the other party walked away in despair knowing that he was wrong.

Ke Yan couldn't help but enlighten Chen Xuntong. He had been pampered since he was a child and lived completely under the protection of his parents. The salary he opened with Zhao Jun in private was completely a trap, as evidenced by his constant losses.Chen Xun suddenly shot away. Could it be that Zhao Jun was framing him?Ke Yan suggested to Chen Xuntong that perhaps Zhao Jun was also instigated by others, and Ke Yan could guess how Zhao Zhihong would explain to Chen Xuntong why he abandoned the pregnant Xu Man in the first place.

Chen Xuntong was shocked to hear that what Ke Yan said was exactly the same as what Zhao Zhihong said. He almost thought that Zhao Zhihong was not bad at heart, but he did not expect that he was digging a hole for Ji Feng from the beginning.After a few days of thinking, Chen Xuntong wanted to go home. He discussed with Chen Xiaoman at night, hoping that Chen Xiaoman could accompany him home to avoid embarrassment.

Zhao Zhihong began to encourage other shareholders of Jifeng, hoping to join his company. Chen Xiaoman and Ke Yan saw these small actions of his and came to the old employees of Jifeng in time to give them hope. Jifeng was a veteran craftsman of several generations.They work hard, and the little setbacks in front of them cannot threaten them at all.In the end, the old employees decided to wait and see for a while.

Chen Xiaoman and Chen Huafeng discussed that Xu Man still had to work in the company's sales department. Only when their whole family was united could they dispel those untrue rumors.Chen Xiaoman's words moved Chen Huafeng very much. At present, Ji Feng was in a state of panic, and he really couldn't control his position. In the days that followed, Ke Yan began to help Ji Feng expand orders through his own connections, and the situation began to improve little by little.

Chen Xiaoman is also improving his craftsmanship, combining the most fashionable information of the times, using porcelain beads to make exquisite bracelets and small ornaments, which has won a lot of reputation in the market.

Keyan not only helped the Chen family with sales, but also made some financial investments out of his own pocket. Chen Huafeng gradually learned about Keyan's excellence and found that he was really wrong before. He had once been paranoid about rejecting the intervention of capital, but now he has completely reflected on it.It was because he was too conservative that he lost many precious opportunities. Chen Huafeng made it unnecessary for Ke Yan to spend any more money. He and Xu Man still had some savings over the years, which was enough to help Ji Feng tide over the difficulties.

Chen Huafeng had been having chest pains recently. He seemed to have some premonition, so he called Chen Xiaoman and gave her the precious Shoudao porcelain vase that his brother Chen Huaji had made before his death. Chen Huafeng told Chen Xiaoman to take over Jifeng. He didn't understand before.Now I finally understand why my brother insisted that he take over Ji Feng. He wanted this craft to be passed down forever.This time, Chen Xiaoman did not refuse.

《Reblooming Blue》E34Plot

Episode 34

Reblooming Blue Episode 34 Plot Introduction: Zhao Jundong gets married

Chen Xiaoman and Keyan began to discuss the next plan. Different from Chen Huafeng's conservative approach, Chen Xiaoman planned to use the power of capital and combined with the Chen family's porcelain making technology to build the Jifeng brand. Keyan fully agreed, and the wine was also afraid of the deep alley, after so many years of polishing, Jifeng really needs people to witness its ingenuity and craftsmanship.

After Chen Huafeng handed Ji Feng to Chen Xiaoman, he began to focus on making porcelain and his favorite things. Thinking that Xu Man always complained that he was not romantic enough, Chen Huafeng began to study how to make pear tea and serve it to Xu Man.Chen Xuntong and Chen Xunyao couldn't help laughing when they saw how caring their father was to their mother.

Xu Man saw that his wife was idle at home, so she encouraged him to learn to enjoy life. What they most dreamed about was traveling abroad. Now they can put it on the agenda. Why not go to New Zealand, where the air is good and there are few people, which is convenient for taking care of the body. Chen Huafeng is completelyAgreeing, he immediately started preparing his luggage as if he could go to the airport tomorrow. Xu Man couldn't help laughing and reminded Chen Huafeng that he still needed to apply for a passport and other procedures. Xu Man realized that Chen Huafeng was still so innocent in his seventies, so he finally married the right person.

Zhao Zhihong originally signed a gambling agreement with Zhen Zhen and Liu Shang, agreeing to bring down Ji Feng within a certain period of time. To this end, Zhen Zhen and Liu Shang also spent a lot of money. Now they see that Ji Feng not only has not collapsed, but has also seen a surge in orders recently,Became dissatisfied with Zhao Zhihong.Zhao Zhihong had no money to compensate for the losses, so he reasoned that he could get the antiques from Lao Chen's family. These antiques were priceless treasures and could offset the previous losses.

During the days when Zhao Jun was ill, Dunge was taking care of him. Someone cared and accompanied him every day, which brought a lot of comfort to Zhao Jun. After Dunge got to know Zhao Jun's family and the trauma he suffered when he was a child, he cared more about him.After understanding and pity, and agreeing to Zhao Jun's proposal, Dunge decisively left Mange Studio in order to start their small family without being disturbed. When taking away his personal belongings from the studio, Dunge saw an exquisiteThe bottle was left by Chen Huafeng to Chen Xiaoman.Zhao Jun drove to pick up Dunge, and Dunge accidentally mentioned the Shoudao porcelain vase.

Dunge and Zhao Jun went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their certificates. The two officially became husband and wife. Zhao Jun decided not to be used by Zhao Zhihong anymore and did not intend to listen to his father to steal the bottle. However, the ringtone of his cell phone kept ringing, and Dunge couldn't help it.When he went to see Zhao Zhihong, Zhao Zhihong used a bitter trick, saying that he was at the end of his rope and only the antique bottle could make him stand up.In order to make Zhao Jun obey, Zhao Zhihong also specifically told the magic tricks he loved to do for Zhao Jun when he was a child. After all, he was his own son. Zhao Jun couldn't bear to see his father being forced into debt and left in tears.

Zhao Jun deceived Dunge and asked her to invite Chen Xiaoman out for dinner. He said it was because of the marriage. Dunge believed it and waited for Chen Xiaoman in the restaurant for a long time without seeing Zhao Jun.Zhao Jun took advantage of Chen Xiaoman's absence and sneaked into Chen Xiaoman's workshop and tried to steal the porcelain bottle.

That night, when Zhao Jun tried to open the safe, he happened to be caught by Chen Xiaoman's camera. He thought the camera was broken, so Chen Xiaoman asked Dunge to take it back and take a look. As a result, Dunge discovered that Zhao Jun had deliberately stolen the porcelain bottle.

《Reblooming Blue》E35Plot

Episode 35

Reblooming Blue Episode 35 Plot Introduction: Chen Xiaoman was arrested

Dunge disagreed with Zhao Jun doing anything that would harm Chen Xiaoman. In order to prevent Zhao Jun from taking advantage of it, Dunge also returned the key to the studio to Chen Xiaoman.Zhao Jun did not find the bottle in Chen Xiaoman's studio, so he went to Chen Huafeng's studio late at night to steal it. As a result, he met Chen Huafeng. Chen Huafeng persuaded him to put down the porcelain bottle. Zhao Jun was about to relent. At this moment, Zhao Zhihong came.Without hesitation, he pushed Chen Huafeng to the ground and hurried away with Zhao Jun.

After Chen Huafeng was pushed to the ground, he had a heart attack. When he was most uncomfortable, he took out his mobile phone and tried to call Zhao Jun to try to dissuade him, but he fainted before the call was made.

Zhao Jun was also very scared. He ran to Chen Huayun and huddled in the corner alone. His mother turned on the light and asked him what happened. Zhao Jun originally wanted to tell his mother what had just happened, but when he spoke, he was worried.His mother was sad, so she concealed the fact that Chen Huafeng discovered his theft, saying that she was just saying that she was married.

That night, Chen Xiaoman received a call from the hospital. When they rushed to the hospital, Xu Man, Chen Xuntong and Chen Xunyao were already crying. They did not expect that seeing Chen Huafeng again would be a yin and yang.When Zhao Zhihong and Zhao Jun ran out of Chen's house that night, Liu Shang happened to see them on the roadside. He became suspicious when he saw their hurried movement. It wasn't until he heard the news of Chen Huafeng's death the next day that he suddenly understood the culprit..Liu Shang began to show a ferocious face and reminded Zhao Zhihong that if he wanted to keep the secret, he had to transfer money into his account.

The porcelain vase was stolen, and Chen Xiaoman was quickly taken away by the police on charges of participating in smuggling. The workers of Jifeng Kiln Factory were panicked. Xu Man comforted everyone to go back and rest first, and their wages would be calculated as usual these days.Chen Xiaoman confessed to the police that this porcelain vase was imitated by her father. It was because the imitation was so successful that it was almost fake, so Chen Huaji did not take it out, but chose to keep it at home.It was provided for Chen family craftsmen to observe and gain experience in making porcelain. Since it was not genuine, there was no smuggling. Chen Xiaoman was cleared of suspicion and was acquitted.

Ke Yan went to pick her up in person and told Chen Xiaoman about his suspicions. According to the clues he had so far, Zhao Jun was very suspicious and thought that Dunge had also gone to see him a few days ago. He also specifically asked the police about the progress of the investigation., obviously knew something. Based on the relationship between Dunge and Zhao Jun, it is not difficult to guess that Zhao Jun committed the crime.

《Reblooming Blue》E36Plot

Episode 36

Reblooming Blue Episode 36 Finale Plot Introduction: Ke Yan proposes to Chen Xiaoman

Ke Yan understood Liu Shang's methods very well. Hearing that Liu Shang had broken up with Zhao Zhihong, Ke Yan personally found Liu Shang and advised him to stop immediately and report to the police immediately if he knew something. Moreover, Zhao Zhihong was not trustworthy at all.

Zhao Jun had an uneasy conscience and had trouble sleeping and eating. When he saw his father again, he found that his mood had collapsed. Zhao Jun persuaded Zhao Zhihong to surrender. Zhao Zhihong was still struggling and begged Zhao Jun to give him some more time.

Zhao Jun went to the police station and voluntarily surrendered. Soon the police arrested Liu Shang and Zheng Zheng. Zheng Zheng and Liu Shang were always in trouble. They went to the police station together and cursed Liu Shang seriously and asked him why he reported it to the police. After all, he ended upA “dog bites dog” outcome.The case was finally solved. Chen Xiaoman held the porcelain vase imitated by his father and placed it in front of Uncle Zhou and Yu Jian. Everyone discussed the matter again and felt that they should not destroy the porcelain vase that was so authentic that they should tell the story behind it.Give it to the public and let them know the story of a craftsman.

When Zhao Jun moved into prison, Dunge packed up his things and moved in with Chen Huayun so that he could take care of his mother-in-law more easily.When it was time to visit, Dunge went to see Zhao Jun and told him what had happened recently. In order to make him feel at ease to reform inside, Dunge told him that he had a baby.Zhao Jun's eyes were red. He had thought since he was a child that he was the most unfortunate person when his parents divorced. But now that he has someone he loves deeply, he has established his own small family, and his wife is willing to wait for him to return, so he has nothing to complain about.

Chen Xiaoman fired the last porcelain bottle that Chen Huafeng made before his death. The finished product was very stunning. Chen Xiaoman couldn't help but sigh. His third uncle also found his own style and created his own unique features. This bottle has balanced colors and exquisite lines.Both the enamel and the painting are exquisite.

Later, this blue and white vase won an award. Chen Xiaoman went to the podium to give a speech. She has experienced too much along the way. It is precisely because of these experiences that she understands herself better, knows what she is good at, and what she wants.Looking back on the career she has been engaged in throughout her life, she recalls the unsuccessful works she made at the beginning. Fortunately, her third uncle has always encouraged her, helped her find her shortcomings, and worked hard to improve. It is precisely because of these lovely people around her that she has been supporting her until now.

Yu Jian decided to go out for a walk and see the outside world. Before leaving, he entrusted his father to Chen Xiaoman so that she could visit him when she was free.Xu Man went to Chen Huafeng's tomb to sweep the tomb, and then told him naggingly that his daughter Chen Xunyao and Xie Junyao were married. Now Chen Xiaoman's studio has been moved to Jifeng, and the business in the factory is better than before, which made Chen Huafeng feel at ease. Now Xu Man has boughtI bought a ticket to New Zealand and prepared to travel to New Zealand with Chen Huafeng’s last wish.

How many hardships does a seed have to go through before it blooms, and how many times it goes through wind and rain before it can bear fruit?Ke Yan and Chen Xiaoman have gone all the way to this point. They understand each other better and love each other's career. On the night after attending the award ceremony, Ke Yan stood by the star-studded road and proposed to Chen Xiaoman, and Chen Xiaoman finally nodded in agreement.The two embraced and kissed.

Reblooming Blue

Reblooming Blue

Total 36 Episodes May 08, 2024 C-Drama Urban/Rom Actor: Liu Mintao Zhou Yimin Song Qian