《Lost You Forever》Ep Intro

In the wilderness, humans, gods, and demons live together, and the three kingdoms of Xiyan, Chenrong, and Haoling stand in harmony.Ji Jiuyao (Xiaoyao), the king of Haoling who lives in the wilderness, has gone through a hundred years of hardship. Not only has he lost his identity, but also his appearance. He settled in Qingshui Town and became a person with nowhere to go, no one to rely on, and no way to protect himself.Wen Xiaoliu.He makes a living by hanging pots and is uninhibited.Sun Xuanxuan, the king of Xiyan, who had been Xiaoyao's childhood sweetheart, went to Haoling Kingdom to be a hostage. Even if he stayed under the fence and hid in hiding, he traveled all over the wilderness to find Xiaoyao and came to Qingshui Town.The days in Qingshui Town are ordinary and warm. Wen Xiaoliu accidentally saves the dying young master Tu Shanjing of Qingqiu, and the two gradually fall in love with each other day and night. Wen Xiaoliu and the nine-headed demon Liu Buda are strangers to each other, and they cherish each other and become close friends.Wen Xiaoliu and Xuan Xuan met but did not know each other. After many twists and turns, they finally recognized Xuan Xuan and resumed their status as Wang Ji.In order to unify the world, Xuanxuan sacrificed her affair to get the throne. Xiang Liu Shouyi died in battle. After Xiaoyao helped Xuanxuan complete his great cause, he and Tushanjing secluded themselves in the world.Xuanxuan, who was unable to think about anything, put all his energy into governing the country, because he knew that as long as the world was peaceful, his Xiaoyao would be happy and healthy.

《Lost You Forever》E1Plot

Episode 1

Zijin Palace, Daming Palace Xuanxuan and Xiaoyao drank together. Xiaoyao congratulated Xuanxuan on becoming the King of Xiyan. At the same time, she also took this opportunity to return the Ruomuhua that Xuanxuan gave to her last night, because Xiaoyao was veryIt is clear that this is what the fourth aunt left to Xuanxuan before she died, asking Xuanxuan to give it to her beloved girl in the future. Xiaoyao said that she did not dare to ask for it, but she did not know that Xuanxuan gave this flower to her beloved girl, butXiaoyao didn't understand. She always regarded Xuanxuan as her biological brother and had no other thoughts. In the end, Xingxuan did not pierce the window paper and expressed that she was very grateful to Xiaoyao. However, Xiaoyao felt that the two of them were one and the same.There is no need to express gratitude.

Xinyue fell in love with Xuanxuan, and she was the queen who had no objection at the moment, but it seemed that Xuanxuan didn't want to accept her affection.The letter she wrote to Xuanxuan was sent for 7 days but there was no reply. Xinyue felt uneasy and didn't know why Xuanxuan didn't believe it.At this time, she heard the maids whispering again, which probably meant that many people were eyeing the queen's position now, and she didn't know who would be the winner in the end. The maid saw this and scolded the maids. She was also worried about the young lady.After all, Xuanxuan's attitude towards her is very distant now, and there is also Haolingyi who sticks to Xuanxuan all day long. Xinyue listened thoughtfully to the maid's words.

After Xuanxuan ascended the throne, he stayed in the Central Plains. Xiyan City was the capital, so the ministers suggested moving the capital to the Central Plains. However, there were different opinions, and some people believed that the capital could not be moved casually. Both sides held different opinions.Xuanxuan believed that moving the capital was a major matter and required long-term planning.

After the next court, Zhuo Shuhui prepared fine wine and delicacies in the palace, and respectfully invited Xuanxuan to come and have a meal. However, her subordinates told Xingyuan that Xinyue was in Zhuo Shuhui's palace at this time, and Xuanxuan did not want to meet her, so she had an excuse.The political affairs minister discussed with his grandfather and rejected the palace maid who came.Xinyue was very disappointed after learning the news.

Xuanxuan came to the gate of his grandfather's palace and saw Hao Lingyi and Xiao Yao playing chess with their grandfather. They were having a good time. He couldn't help but smile with relief on his face. It was a sense of happiness. This was what he wanted to protect the world.significance.Xuanxuan told his grandfather that he planned to make a girl from the Shang Yang family his concubine. Unexpectedly, his words made Hao Lingyi very disappointed, but Xiaoyao supported her brother's decision.After that, Hao Lingyi drank to relieve her sorrow. After getting drunk, she told her grandfather what she really wanted to say. She liked Xuanxuan and wanted to marry him. She hoped that her grandfather could help her. Her grandfather looked at the child in front of him and agreed. Hao LingYi is very happy. After all, with the help of her grandfather, she may be able to realize this wish.Grandpa thinks that Xiaoyao should be like Hao Lingyi and be more willful like a girl, but Xiaoyao feels that she and Xingxuan have a mission and are not qualified to be willful and indulgent, so there is no need to deceive herself.

The Five Kings and others did not agree to move the capital and hoped that the old Xiyan King could help them, but the old Xiyan King refused them on the excuse of being unwell. In order to appease the old Xiyan clan who were unwilling to move the capital, Xuanxuan married Shang Yang.When Xinyue heard the news, she was sad and angry. She wanted to take action on Xiaoyao, so she invited Xiaoyao and Haolingyi to her home. The three of them went out to play together. Xiaoyao accidentally spread the nard on the ground., Tu Shanjing saw it and went to help, saying that he could ask the waiter to install another one, but Xiaoyao declined.

Xiaoyao was in a bad mood after seeing Tushanjing, so she went to the dupe to play alone. Tushanjing saw Xiaoyao, but he didn't dare to appear in front of Xiaoyao, so he could only secretly watch Xiaoyao from behind.The place where Yao is.At this time, Xiang Liu also came. He said that he wanted to have a duel with Xiao Yao, and the loser had to answer a question for the winner. Hao Lingyi took the initiative to agree.In the first game, Xiaoyao lost. Xiang Liu asked who Xiaoyao liked, and Xiaoyao chose an opportunistic answer. In the second game, the situation was reversed and Xiaoyao won. Xiaoyao asked him, if there was a chance,If he had to choose again, would he still choose this path? Xiang Liu said he would still do it because he met a very important person on this path. Xiao Yao thought he was talking about his adoptive father and felt that he was very material., and left.Xiang Liu followed Xiao Yao and congratulated her on her engagement. Xiao Yao was very disappointed and told Xiang Liu that after she got married, she would no longer be able to make pills for him as before, and she wanted to get rid of the poison between the two.Xiang Liu felt very bitter in his heart, but he still agreed to Xiao Yao.

《Lost You Forever》E2Plot

Episode 2

Xuanxuan personally cooked Xiyan dishes for the ministers, and sincerely told the reasons for his decision to move the capital. The ministers were moved by Xuanxuan's sincerity and changed their minds. They began to support Xuanxuan. After hearing the news, the five kings decided toIn a last-ditch battle, he wanted to unite with the old Xiyan tribe who did not agree to move the capital and return to Xiyan to establish himself as king.

Xiang Liu promised Xiao Yao to get rid of the poisonous insects, but he hoped to have a meal with her. Xiao Yao agreed. As soon as they sat down, they met Tu Shanjing and Li Rongchang. After Li Rongchang sat down,, and began to persuade Haoling Jiuyao with earnest words, hoping that she could put down her obsession with Fangfeng Bei and consider his brother Tushan Jing instead.However, Haoling Jiuyao was very dissatisfied with Li Rongchang's disparaging remarks about Xiang Liu, so she interrupted him resolutely and confessed that she had entered into an engagement with Chishui Fenglong.After hearing the news, Li Rongchang suddenly realized that she was actually the noble Princess Haoling. For a moment, she was at a loss and fell into silence.

At this time, the old man on the side suddenly sang a melodious ballad, and the song was full of nostalgia and admiration for Chichen.When Li Rongchang saw this, he quickly stopped him, for fear that the singing would bring back any unpleasant memories.However, Hao Ling Jiu Yao said that she would forget all this when she leaves this door.She no longer wants to dwell on past grudges, she just wants to cherish the person in front of her.

Then, she left with Xiang Liu.Xiang Liu told her that the old man was actually Li Rongchang's uncle, who was once a heroic general under Chi Chen. His arm was lost in the fierce battle of Jizhou.After hearing this, Hao Ling Jiu Yao couldn't help but feel a surge of complex emotions in her heart.She is well aware of the weight of history and the cruelty of war, and also understands the pain in the old man's heart.

She told Xiang Liu to be careful and not to put herself in danger.Xiang Liu responded to her gently, asking her to care more about herself and stop worrying about others.The two smiled at each other and walked out of the room hand in hand, facing the challenges and unknowns of the future.

Hao Ling Jiu Yao stared at Xiang Liu, with a hint of uncertainty in her tone, and asked him if he felt that she should not marry Chishui Fenglong.Xiang Liu shook his head slightly, indicating that he had no such intention.Hao Ling Jiu Yao's eyes flickered and she asked tentatively, if she doesn't marry Chishui Fenglong, then who should she marry?Xiang Liu was silent for a moment and did not answer directly.Hao Ling Jiu Yao said to herself, no matter who he is, this person must not have a family, nor can he be an enemy of his brother.At this time, Hao Lingyi's call came from the distance. Xiang Liu smiled bitterly, turned around and left lonely.

In the court hall, all the ministers were persuaded by Xi Yan Xuanxuan, and no one went to the banquet of the five kings.The move of the capital went smoothly, but the five kings had no choice but to obey, and finally decided to retire and return to their hometown, Xiyan City.Xinyue came to visit Xi Yanxuan. Xuanxuan thought that she might need to rely on her family's strength in the future, so she did not neglect her.

The old King Yan of Xi hoped that Xuanxuan could recruit Xiangliu to surrender. Xuanxuan sent Xiangliu's friends to persuade him, but Xiangliu refused.Xiang Liu then went to see the one-armed old man. The old man asked if the poison on his body was planted by Xiao Yao, and Xiang Liu admitted it frankly.The old man advised them to go to the Baili tribe as soon as possible to find the Witch King to remove the poison. Xiang Liu wondered how the Baili people had weird personalities and could remove the poison for foreigners.The old man revealed that as long as the Witch King sees Xiaoyao, he will definitely agree.Xiang Liu noticed something strange and asked about the relationship between Xiao Yao and Chi Chen.The old man was silent for a moment, only saying that their positions were different and there was no hope. They must not be like the general who sincerely promised each other but ended up fighting to the death on the battlefield.Xiang Liu was shocked and disappointed, and shook his head bitterly to reassure the old man that Xiang Liu knew that the person in Xiao Yao's heart was not him at all.He picked up the wine bottle and drank to drown his sorrows.

Xiaoyao has been unable to leave the house recently and has lost interest in everything.Xuanxuan noticed her changes and came to care.Xiaoyao said frankly that she always thinks of the days in Qingshui Town and Chaoyundian, and misses those good times.She didn't want to dwell on the past, but she couldn't help but miss Shi Qi.She hated her current weakness.Xuanxuan comforted her distressedly, hoping that someone could heal the pain Tushanjing had caused her and make her believe that she was valued, cherished and loved.This cannot be given up no matter what.Xiaoyao smiled bitterly and said that she had been unlucky since she was a child, and she never dared to expect such a thing.Xuanxuan comforted her gently, but she felt regretful in her heart.He had known that she would cry because of Tu Shanjing today, so he would not have given him the chance to get close to Xiaoyao in any case.Now, looking at the sad Xiaoyao, he hated Tu Shanjing and hated himself at the same time.

《Lost You Forever》E3Plot

Episode 3

Tu Shanjing had something on his mind and had not rested until late at night. The maid Jingye came to remind him to rest.Tu Shanjing saw that Jingye had cried and asked why. Then he remembered that today was the death anniversary of his sister-in-law.Tu Shanjing remembered that Jing Ye and her sister-in-law Lan Mei had entered the house together, as well as Lu Yu and Lan Xiang. The four of them ate and lived together when they were young, grew up together, and fell in love with each other as sisters.Later, Lan Mei and Lu Yuan followed the young master, and Jing Ye and Lan Xiang followed Tu Shanjing.Now, Lan Mei and Lu Yu are dead, Lan Xiang is gone, and only Jing Ye is left.Tu Shanjing didn't expect that Lu Yun had also died. Jingye told him that Lu Yuan blamed herself for Lan Mei's death and became depressed and became ill. She died of illness not long after returning to her hometown.Tu Shanjing felt that Lan Mei's death was unexpected. While chatting with Jing Ye, he recalled that at his mother's funeral, Lan Mei secretly told him that he had something to say, but before she and TuWhen Shan Jing met, Lan Mei passed away. Tu Shan Jing recalled that according to the major events of the year, in addition to the death of his mother, another thing was that he had an heir. Tu Shan Jing had doubts about the identity of the heir, so he decided toRush back to Qingqiu.

Tu Shanjing got the blood of his son Tu Shanqi and conducted a blood test, but in the end it could only prove that they were close relatives. As for whether they were father and son, brothers or nephews, this could not be verified.

When it came time to choose a queen for Xuanxuan, Xuanxuan had always wanted Xiaoyao to be his queen, but he didn't want to force Xiaoyao.When discussing this matter with Xiaoyao and grandpa, grandpa believed that Xinyue was the best candidate for the queen, because only by marrying the Chenrong clan could Xiyan develop and grow. Grandpa considered the overall situation, because now XiyanYan is the king and needs the support of the Central Plains clans. Only the fusion of blood can stabilize Xi Yan's empire, so there is no doubt that Xinyue is the most suitable candidate for the queen.But Xiaoyao disagreed. For a moment, Xuanxuan was a little happy. She thought that Xiaoyao had the same feelings as her, but she didn't expect that she was actually for A-Nian. Xiaoyao knew that A-Nian had always liked Xuanxuan, and Xuanxuan stopped seeing it.What was he thinking? Since he became the emperor, he would have to bear what he should bear. He was very sad and said that whoever they wanted to be the queen could be fine, and he didn't care.

A-Nian was very sad when she found out that Xinyue would become the queen, but there was a little secret between her and her grandfather, so she believed that her grandfather would help her take care of it. She knew that the Purple Gold Palace could no longer live in it, so she decided to return to the Five Gods Mountain., and also hoped that Xiaoyao could go back with him. Xiaoyao also wanted to go back to accompany his father, so he said goodbye to the old King Xiyan and prepared to leave.Xuanxuan chased him out. He asked when Xiaoyao would come back. Xiaoyao did not give a clear time. Xuanxuan said that after thirteen months, he would send someone to pick up Xiaoyao, or even go there himself. XiaoyaoThinking that he should do what he should do, know the way by himself, and don't bother anyone to pick her up, then he turned around and left. Xuanxuan looked at Xiaoyao's back, feeling very sad.

Xinyue became the queen as she wished. She wanted her mother to honor the world and also wanted love, but she thought too much after all. On the wedding night, Xuanxuan would rather take a walk in the Phoenix Forest than go to Xinyue's palace.Yue knew that this was Xuanxuan's intention. She was furious and wanted to throw away Xuanxuan's rewards. Fortunately, the maid on the side tried her best to dissuade her from letting other concubines see the joke. Once they mistakenly thought that the queen and Xuanxuan were at odds,Xinyue's path will be even more difficult from now on. Xinyue must not let other women in the harem see her jokes.

《Lost You Forever》E4Plot

Episode 4

Xiaoyao and Anian opened a medicine shop in Yingzhou. Xiangliu came to get medicine. In fact, he wanted to see Xiaoyao. Xiaoyao said that he was in a bad mood and had not prepared pills. Xiangliu heard Xiaoyao sayHe was in a bad mood and very worried, but he did not want to show his feelings and emphasized that he just hoped that he would not delay his illness.Xiaoyao was playing the piano, and Xiang Liu said that he didn’t have to stop playing if he didn’t know how to play. Then he showed off his piano skills in front of Xiaoyao.

Since Xiaoyao left, Xuanxuan has been writing to Xiaoyao, but Xiaoyao feels that they should keep a distance, and in order not to cause trouble, it is better not to reply.Unexpectedly, the next day, Xuanxuan came to see Xiaoyao in person. Xiaoyao was startled and accidentally cut her hand with a knife. Xuanxuan was very nervous and hurriedly dealt with it for Xiaoyao.Xiaoyao felt that Xuanxuan was too reckless to do this. The king has not seen the king since ancient times. As the king of a country, how could Xuanxuan run to another country privately? However, Xuanxuan missed Xiaoyao and wanted Xiaoyao to return to Xiyan as soon as possible, soJust came in person.

Xuanxuan said that he would be wherever Xiaoyao was. If Xiaoyao wanted to stay in the market, he would not be a King of Xiyan. In the end, Xiaoyao just gave in and decided to go back with Xuanxuan, but she told him clearlyXuanxuan, I am not willing.After returning to Xiyan, Xiaoyao was arranged by Xuanxuan to live in Xiaoyueding because his grandfather lived here and he didn't like Zijin Palace. He guessed that Xiaoyao wanted to live closer to his grandfather, so he arranged for her to live there.here.

Xiaoyao was depressed all the time, and Xuanxuan patiently tried to make him happy, because he had no choice now, but he wanted to keep Xiaoyao by his side, so he had no choice but to do this. The two of them sat on the swing together, and Xuanxuan told XiaoyaoDon't think about leaving him in the future, because no matter where she goes, you can get her back.

Grandpa was very happy to see Xiaoyao back, but he was a little angry when he saw that Xuanxuan was still here. He asked Xuanxuan to return to Zijin Palace quickly. Although Xiaoxiao helped him cover up, none of the women in his harem were fools.The next day, Xinyue brought people to visit her grandfather, and wanted to meet Xiaoyao by the way. Xiaoyao still didn't forget her luggage when meeting the queen. Xinyue still hoped that they could get along like that, but Xiaoyao felt that they still had to keep their guard in front of outsiders.Basic etiquette.Because grandpa went to the ground and was not at Xiaoyueding, Xinyue was ready to leave after seeing Xiaoyao. Here she saw a phoenix tree and remembered the time when Xuanxuan went to the phoenix forest on the wedding night. XiaoyaoExplaining that the phoenix tree and the swing were all memories of Xuanxuan's childhood, Xinyue felt a little blocked in her heart and coldly said "His Majesty is nostalgic" and then left.

Tu Shanjing wanted to retrieve his previous memory, the memory of the night he and Fang Fengyi had a skin-to-skin kiss.He wanted to know what really happened that night, and running away wouldn't solve any problems.But if you look back on the past seriously, it will harm your heart and life.You can't chase yesterday, and you can't keep the people in the past, so Uncle Li Rong didn't agree with Tu Shanjing to retrieve his memory.But Tu Shanjing was very persistent. Even if it cost him his life, he would give it a try. Uncle Li Rong finally agreed.

Uncle Li Rong took out the lamp of time and used Tu Shanjing's hair as the wick, his blood as the oil, and his life as the light.Tu Shanjing did not hesitate, he would rather give up his life for Xiao Yao to find out the truth, because his heart was too small and could only hold Xiao Yao alone.After some manipulations, Tu Shanjing only had half a life left and needed to take good care of himself. However, he only remembered that Fang Fengyi had transformed into Xiao Yao to seduce him, but he could not remember what happened after that.

Xiaoyao agreed to Fenglong's proposal and decided to marry him as late as possible. Xiaoyao's decision made Xingxuan very sad.After Fenglong left, Xuanxuan kept asking Xiaoyao to think carefully. He wanted to express his feelings for Xiaoyao, but was blocked by his grandfather. Grandpa asked Xuanxuan to let go and not to hurt more people because of his emotions.

《Lost You Forever》E5Plot

Episode 5

When the wedding between Xiaoyao and Chishui Fenlong reached the most critical moment, Tu Shanjing hid in the dark, tears falling silently, and her heart felt like a knife being twisted.Just as the bride and groom were preparing to go to the wedding hall to get married, a burst of hurried footsteps broke the tranquility of the scene. Xiang Liu barged in like a sudden storm and asked Xiao Yao to give up the wedding.There was a trace of struggle in Xiaoyao's eyes, but in the end she shook her head firmly and asked Xiang Liu to leave immediately.Xiang Liu did not give up. He reminded Xiao Yao in a serious tone whether he still remembered the vow he had made.These words were like a bolt from the blue, making Xiaoyao's face turn pale instantly. She closed her eyes in pain, as if she had returned to the moment when the vow came true.Seeing this, Xiang Liu once again begged her to leave with him, promising to protect her from all harm.However, Xiaoyao asked Xiang Liu why he intervened in her life in such an almost insulting way, putting her in a dilemma.Xiang Liu remained silent, with a flash of complicated emotions in his eyes.He knew that his actions might cause irreparable harm to Xiaoyao, but he couldn't just watch her enter what he thought was a wrong marriage.In the end, Xiang Liu just firmly asked Xiao Yao to go with him again, with an unquestionable determination in his tone.After a fierce ideological struggle, Xiaoyao finally made a decision.She apologized apologetically to Chishui Fenglong, and then resolutely chose to leave with Xiang Liu.Chishui Fenglong's face was full of disappointment and sadness, but he still held back his tears and waved to his men to let them go.The news quickly spread throughout the continent. Xuanxuan of Xiyan secretly rejoiced after learning about it, while Chenrong Xinyue was furious. She couldn't understand why someone would be so bold to destroy a carefully prepared wedding.

Xiang Liu stared at Xiao Yao, his eyes full of complicated emotions. He was worried that if he ruined Xiao Yao's wedding, she would hate him.Xiaoyao smiled bitterly, a trace of exhaustion flashed in his eyes: “Hate or not, so what?There is an unfinished love debt between me and him.”She turned to ask Xiang Liu when he learned about her marriage.Xiang Liu replied that he knew it before she decided to leave Haoling.

Xiaoyao became emotional after hearing this. She asked Xiang Liu: "You obviously have enough time to stop all this, why did you choose to make me the target of public criticism at the wedding?"You caused the Chishui clan and the Chenrong clan to form an indissoluble feud with me, and you also damaged the prestige of Haoling's country. You made me lose my reputation and become the laughing stock of the wilderness.Why do you treat me like this?“ Xiang Liu responded in silence, with an indescribable bitterness flashing in his eyes.

Seeing this, Xiaoyao's heart was full of disappointment and helplessness. She sighed softly: "That's it. Maybe this is my fate, destined to be swayed in the wind and rain."” She felt exhausted as never before and said to Xiang Liu: “ I'm tired, you go.”Xiang Liu nodded silently, turned and left, leaving Xiaoyao alone, tears falling silently.

Soon after, the old King Yan of Xi unexpectedly appeared and broke off Xiaoyao's engagement with Chishui Fenglong.This news made Xiaoyao feel a little relieved, but at the same time, it also made her full of confusion about the future.After Xi Yanxuan learned about this, he immediately sent people to find Xiaoyao's whereabouts.

In Haoling's country, ministers were full of hostility towards Fangfeng Bei (Xiang Liu's pseudonym). They were worried that his existence would pose a threat to Haoling's country, and some even suggested that King Haoling execute him.However, King Haoling had great admiration for Fangfengbei. Not only did he not follow the advice of his ministers, but he also came up with the idea of ​​letting Fangfengbei marry Xiaoyao.This decision put Xiaoyao into a dilemma again.

Xiaoyao looked at Xiang Liu worriedly and asked softly: “Fangfeng Bei made such a big mistake, how will he deal with himself in the future?”Xiang Liu's answer was decisive and cold: “He would naturally die to atone for his sins.After hearing this, Xiaoyao's heart felt like a knife. She held back her tears and said angrily: "Xiangliu and Fangfengbei, you are so different."When he really gets to that point, I will never shed a tear for him.”Xiang Liu, despite the ups and downs in his heart, managed to remain calm and maintain his superficial indifference and alienation.There was only one door between the two of them, but they seemed to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, each immersed in endless sorrow.

On the other side, Jingye walked into Tu Shanjing's residence with a medicine bowl in hand. Seeing that his injury was not healed but he was still busy with official duties, she couldn't help but advise with distress: "Sir, your health is important, you'd better drink medicine first.Tu Shanjing smiled and declined, saying he would drink later.Seeing that he insisted on doing this, Jingye felt anxious and snatched the letter from his hand, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of the words “Chen Rong Bandit”.While she was shocked, she couldn't help but worry about Tu Shanjing's safety and advised him not to get involved in the matter, lest he get into trouble.Tu Shanjing looked firm, saying that he had to handle the matter personally to ensure nothing went wrong.Jingye was puzzled and asked why, but Tu Shanjing just smiled lightly and didn't say much.

At this time, although Xiaoyao has returned to Qingshui Town, the warmth and excitement of the past no longer exist, replaced by the desolation and loneliness of things and people changing.She had no intention of going out and wanted to drink with Xiang Liu to soothe her sorrows.When Xiang Liu saw this, he felt pity and cast a spell to try to find out her true words.He asked her if she was willing to marry Chishui Fenglong, and Xiaoyao shook her head in denial. He asked her again if she was willing to marry Ye Shiqi (Tu Shanjing), and she nodded in agreement.When Xiang Liu further asked who she most wanted to spend her life with, Xiao Yao fell into silence, suffering from a splitting headache and unable to answer.Upon seeing this, Xiang Liu quickly put away his magic spell, hugged the unconscious Xiaoyao tightly, and comforted him gently: “Have a good sleep, you will forget everything when you wake up.”

The next morning, Xiaoyao was walking on the street and met Tian'er, an old friend from the past.Although she recognized Tian'er, she didn't dare to recognize him and just listened silently.From Tian'er's mouth, she learned that old friends such as Lao Mu, Mazi, and Chuntao had passed away, and she couldn't help but feel sad.Tian'er also mentioned that Ye Shiqi came back to visit Lao Mu before he died, helping him fulfill his wish and letting him die with a smile.In addition, Ye Shiqi often comes back to visit them, like family members.These words filled Xiaoyao's heart with warmth and made her more convinced of her deep love for Ye Shiqi.

Li Rongchang urgently reported that Xiaoyao was missing, but Tushanjing was unusually calm and only asked about Fenglong's current situation.He gave Li Rongchang a gift to accompany Fenglong, but he refused to look for Xiaoyao. Before, Tushanjing took advantage of Xiaoyao's softness, but now he gave her the right to choose. The little fox was by his side. Tushanjing missed Xiaoyao and prayed for her.Safety.

《Lost You Forever》E6Plot

Episode 6

When the wedding between Xiaoyao and Chishui Fenlong reached the most critical moment, Tu Shanjing hid in the dark, tears falling silently, and her heart felt like a knife being twisted.Just as the bride and groom were preparing to go to the wedding hall to get married, a burst of hurried footsteps broke the tranquility of the scene. Xiang Liu barged in like a sudden storm and asked Xiao Yao to give up the wedding.There was a trace of struggle in Xiaoyao's eyes, but in the end she shook her head firmly and asked Xiang Liu to leave immediately.Xiang Liu did not give up. He reminded Xiao Yao in a serious tone whether he still remembered the vow he had made.These words were like a bolt from the blue, making Xiaoyao's face turn pale instantly. She closed her eyes in pain, as if she had returned to the moment when the vow came true.Seeing this, Xiang Liu once again begged her to leave with him, promising to protect her from all harm.However, Xiaoyao asked Xiang Liu why he intervened in her life in such an almost insulting way, putting her in a dilemma.Xiang Liu remained silent, with a flash of complicated emotions in his eyes.He knew that his actions might cause irreparable harm to Xiaoyao, but he couldn't just watch her enter what he thought was a wrong marriage.In the end, Xiang Liu just firmly asked Xiao Yao to go with him again, with an unquestionable determination in his tone.After a fierce ideological struggle, Xiaoyao finally made a decision.She apologized apologetically to Chishui Fenglong, and then resolutely chose to leave with Xiang Liu.Chishui Fenglong's face was full of disappointment and sadness, but he still held back his tears and waved to his men to let them go.The news quickly spread throughout the continent. Xuanxuan of Xiyan secretly rejoiced after learning about it, while Chenrong Xinyue was furious. She couldn't understand why someone would be so bold to destroy a carefully prepared wedding.

Xiang Liu stared at Xiao Yao, his eyes full of complicated emotions. He was worried that if he ruined Xiao Yao's wedding, she would hate him.Xiaoyao smiled bitterly, a trace of exhaustion flashed in his eyes: “Hate or not, so what?There is an unfinished love debt between me and him.”She turned to ask Xiang Liu when he learned about her marriage.Xiang Liu replied that he knew it before she decided to leave Haoling.

Xiaoyao became emotional after hearing this. She asked Xiang Liu: "You obviously have enough time to stop all this, why did you choose to make me the target of public criticism at the wedding?"You caused the Chishui clan and the Chenrong clan to form an indissoluble feud with me, and you also damaged the prestige of Haoling's country. You made me lose my reputation and become the laughing stock of the wilderness.Why do you treat me like this?“ Xiang Liu responded in silence, with an indescribable bitterness flashing in his eyes.

Seeing this, Xiaoyao's heart was full of disappointment and helplessness. She sighed softly: "That's it. Maybe this is my fate, destined to be swayed in the wind and rain."” She felt exhausted as never before and said to Xiang Liu: “ I'm tired, you go.”Xiang Liu nodded silently, turned and left, leaving Xiaoyao alone, tears falling silently.

Soon after, the old King Yan of Xi unexpectedly appeared and broke off Xiaoyao's engagement with Chishui Fenglong.This news made Xiaoyao feel a little relieved, but at the same time, it also made her full of confusion about the future.After Xi Yanxuan learned about this, he immediately sent people to find Xiaoyao's whereabouts.

In Haoling's country, ministers were full of hostility towards Fangfeng Bei (Xiang Liu's pseudonym). They were worried that his existence would pose a threat to Haoling's country, and some even suggested that King Haoling execute him.However, King Haoling had great admiration for Fangfengbei. Not only did he not follow the advice of his ministers, but he also came up with the idea of ​​letting Fangfengbei marry Xiaoyao.This decision put Xiaoyao into a dilemma again.

Xiaoyao looked at Xiang Liu worriedly and asked softly: “Fangfeng Bei made such a big mistake, how will he deal with himself in the future?”Xiang Liu's answer was decisive and cold: “He would naturally die to atone for his sins.After hearing this, Xiaoyao's heart felt like a knife. She held back her tears and said angrily: "Xiangliu and Fangfengbei, you are so different."When he really gets to that point, I will never shed a tear for him.”Xiang Liu, despite the ups and downs in his heart, managed to remain calm and maintain his superficial indifference and alienation.There was only one door between the two of them, but they seemed to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, each immersed in endless sorrow.

On the other side, Jingye walked into Tu Shanjing's residence with a medicine bowl in hand. Seeing that his injury was not healed but he was still busy with official duties, she couldn't help but advise with distress: "Sir, your health is important, you'd better drink medicine first.Tu Shanjing smiled and declined, saying he would drink later.Seeing that he insisted on doing this, Jingye felt anxious and snatched the letter from his hand, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of the words “Chen Rong Bandit”.While she was shocked, she couldn't help but worry about Tu Shanjing's safety and advised him not to get involved in the matter, lest he get into trouble.Tu Shanjing looked firm, saying that he had to handle the matter personally to ensure nothing went wrong.Jingye was puzzled and asked why, but Tu Shanjing just smiled lightly and didn't say much.

At this time, although Xiaoyao has returned to Qingshui Town, the warmth and excitement of the past no longer exist, replaced by the desolation and loneliness of things and people changing.She had no intention of going out and wanted to drink with Xiang Liu to soothe her sorrows.When Xiang Liu saw this, he felt pity and cast a spell to try to find out her true words.He asked her if she was willing to marry Chishui Fenglong, and Xiaoyao shook her head in denial. He asked her again if she was willing to marry Ye Shiqi (Tu Shanjing), and she nodded in agreement.When Xiang Liu further asked who she most wanted to spend her life with, Xiao Yao fell into silence, suffering from a splitting headache and unable to answer.Upon seeing this, Xiang Liu quickly put away his magic spell, hugged the unconscious Xiaoyao tightly, and comforted him gently: “Have a good sleep, you will forget everything when you wake up.”

The next morning, Xiaoyao was walking on the street and met Tian'er, an old friend from the past.Although she recognized Tian'er, she didn't dare to recognize him and just listened silently.From Tian'er's mouth, she learned that old friends such as Lao Mu, Mazi, and Chuntao had passed away, and she couldn't help but feel sad.Tian'er also mentioned that Ye Shiqi came back to visit Lao Mu before he died, helping him fulfill his wish and letting him die with a smile.In addition, Ye Shiqi often comes back to visit them, like family members.These words filled Xiaoyao's heart with warmth and made her more convinced of her deep love for Ye Shiqi.

Li Rongchang urgently reported that Xiaoyao was missing, but Tushanjing was unusually calm and only asked about Fenglong's current situation.He gave Li Rongchang a gift to accompany Fenglong, but he refused to look for Xiaoyao. Before, Tushanjing took advantage of Xiaoyao's softness, but now he gave her the right to choose. The little fox was by his side. Tushanjing missed Xiaoyao and prayed for her.Safety.

《Lost You Forever》E7Plot

Episode 7

Xiaoyao chatted with the elderly Tian'er. Through Tian'er's words, Xiaoyao suspected that it was her own fault that she and Tu Shanjing got to where they are today.Xiaoyao stood up and left. She rubbed Tian'er's face and told her that she had done a good job. Chuanzi would definitely regret marrying her, and she and Lao Mu were both very happy.Tian'er looked at Xiaoyao, very shocked, and asked her in a low voice who she was, but Xiaoyao didn't answer, turned around and left with Xiang Liu.Tian'er looked at Xiaoyao's back and realized it was Brother Six. She choked and called Brother Six, then knelt down and kowtowed.

Xiaoyao didn't know why Xiang Liu wanted to steal the marriage. Later, with Xiang Liu's explanation, she found out that Tu Shanjing hired him, but Xiang Liu didn't ask for money. He just asked Tu Shanjing and Cheng Nuo to provide Chenrong Rebels with money.37 years of food and grass.But Tu Shanjing hoped that Xiang Liu would complete the robbery before the wedding, not let more people know about it, and try to minimize the damage.But Xiang Liu said that he didn't need to worry about it. He didn't need to worry about how to complete the work he took on.

Xiang Liu agreed to let Xiao Yao leave, and told her not to reveal the news that she was Fang Feng Bei, otherwise she would die of heartache, after all, the poison was still there.After saying that, they demonstrated it on the spot. Xiaoyao was heartbroken and couldn't stand up, so she fell to the ground. Only then did Xiaoyao understand the reason why Xiang Liu was unwilling to remove the poison.He just wanted to plot against himself, Xiang Liu didn't say much, he just said that he was such a person, and then left, leaving Xiaoyao alone.

Xiaoyao found Yu Xin and asked him to take him to Qingqiu to find Tu Shanjing. Yu Xin saw that Xiaoyao was extraordinary and decided to take her to Qingqiu. Xiang Liu looked at the background of Xiaoyao leaving with a smile on his face.He showed a look of relief, knowing that if Fangfeng Bei died, he would give Xiaoyao a person who would be with him for a long time.

Hao Ling Jiu Yao unexpectedly visited Tu Shan Mansion. Upon seeing this, Jing Ye quickly conveyed the news to Tu Shan Jing.Upon learning of Jiu Yao's arrival, Tu Shanjing felt indescribable joy in his heart. He hurriedly arranged his appearance, eager to be in the best condition to welcome her arrival.However, when Hao Ling Jiu Yao stepped into the house, a complex emotion surged into her heart. The feeling of timidity caused her to feel a little regret for her impulse, and she had the idea of ​​leaving.She tried to sneak away quietly from the window lattice, but accidentally tripped. At this critical moment, Tu Shanjing arrived in time and held her firmly.

Hao Ling Jiu Yao hurriedly explained that she came here on impulse because she was angry about Xiang Liu's incident.But Tu Shanjing didn't seem to fully listen to her explanation. He just looked at her dreamily, his eyes full of tenderness and concern.He cleverly used the excuse that it was already dark to invite her to stay the night, and cast a spell to make a blizzard fall from the sky, as if the whole world was cheering for their reunion.

Faced with this scene, Hao Ling Jiu Yao finally agreed to stay, but she still had thousands of words in her heart that she wanted to express.She whispered to Tu Shanjing that she had something to say to him, and when Tu Shanjing heard this, a gentle smile broke out on his face, and he responded that he also had a lot of things to say that he wanted to share with her.So, on this windy and snowy night, the two hearts quietly approached each other, preparing to have a spiritual dialogue together.

Xi Yanxuanxuan's subordinates noticed that carriages frequently came and went from Tushan Mansion. Xuanxuan keenly guessed that Hao Ling Jiuyao must be in Tushan Mansion at this moment, and they were likely to have been staying in Qingshui Town recently.Therefore, he immediately sent his confidants to Tushan Mansion to pick up Hao Ling Jiu Yao, and sent another team to Qingshui Town to investigate in detail Hao Ling Jiu Yao's whereabouts and experiences in the past few days.

In Tushan Mansion, Hao Ling Jiu Yao confessed her heart to Tu Shan Jing. She admitted that she had been paying attention to him silently over the years, and revealed the true face of Fang Feng Yiying, pointing out his hypocrisy, cunning, and deep scheming.She apologized to Tu Shanjing with deep remorse, regretting that she knew Fangfeng Yiying would take advantage of his kindness, but failed to take action in time, and instead put all the responsibility on him.She recalled that the two could have overcome the difficulties together, but because of her distrust and self-righteousness, he fought alone and eventually fell into a trap.Haoling Jiuyao's tears fell like a fountain. Tu Shanjing hugged her tightly and comforted her by saying that it was not her fault, but his own failure to fulfill his promise to her.In the affectionate exchange of words, the two regretted that their past mistakes could not be undone, but the knot in their hearts was finally resolved.

However, at this moment, Tu Shanjing suddenly coughed violently and even coughed up blood, which frightened Hao Ling Jiu Yao.She quickly checked his pulse and found that his injuries were far more serious than imagined.Jingye explained on the side that this was all because Tu Shanjing missed Haoling Jiuyao for a long time.Tu Shanjing stopped Jingye from further explanation and asked the others to retreat, leaving only him and Haoling Jiuyao.Hao Ling Jiu Yao hugged Tu Shan Jing with heartache and self-blame, and decided to prepare a prescription for him so that he could rest in peace.Tu Shanjing gratefully accepted her kindness and gave her the precious Yu Dan Zi as a medical fee.

Just as the two of them were emotionally blending, the people sent by Xi Yanxuanxuan had arrived.Hao Ling Jiu Yao took the Yu Dan Zi with mixed feelings in her heart.Although Tu Shanjing was reluctant to leave, he still watched her leave with a smile.

On the other side, Xiang Liu's adoptive father was inspecting the grain and grass reserves and curiously asked about their origin.Xiang Liu's words were vague, only revealing that Xi Yan might take action in the near future, so that they could be prepared for precautions.Seeing this, the adoptive father stopped asking any more questions.

When Hao Ling Jiu Yao returned home, her grandfather was furious and asked about Fang Feng Bei.She responded calmly that Fangfeng Bei had passed away and did not want to mention it again.Xi Yanxuan used clever tricks to find a reasonable excuse for Jiu Yao to escape from marriage and calm his grandfather's anger.The two of them had a tacit understanding in private. They had already known about the mystery of Fang Feng Bei and Xiang Liu, but they had a tacit agreement to keep it secret.When Jiu Yao is alone, her mood is difficult to calm down. She is grateful for Xuan Xuan's help, but she is also confused about the future.But she knows very well that as a daughter of the Haoling family, she must face all challenges with strength.

《Lost You Forever》E8Plot

Episode 8

Taizun told Xuanxuan not to worry. Xiaoyao is different from Aheng. She puts Xuanxuan first in everything, so the things he worries about will not happen.After Xuanxuan left Taizun, he went to find Xiaoyao. In fact, he was happy that Xiaoyao escaped from the marriage. Xiaoyao was worried that Fenglong would have difficulty explaining it. Xuanxuan reassured her that she would compensate him, so Xiaoyao didn’t need to worry..

In order to deceive others, Tu Shanjing had to prepare two bowls of medicine every time, drink one bowl and throw away the other. Sure enough, his method was effective, because Fangfengyi wanted to harm him, and she didn't want to talk to Tushan this time.Hou discussed that she should kill him first and then tell him the story, because she couldn't wait any longer and had to let Tu Shanjing die quickly.

Xiaoyao returned to Wushen Mountain to meet her father. She found that she had caused a lot of trouble for the family, but no one meant to blame her. King Haoling had long told her that no matter what she wanted to do, she could do it.She will support her. This time Xiaoyao comes back to ask her father for help. She wants to ask him for the key to his private vault and to find the treasures he has secretly hidden. His father knows that she wants to refine medicine again, butWhat Xiaoyao was refining this time was life-saving medicine.

Xiaoyao recalled what happened back then. At that time, Tu Shanhou got Yudanhong, and Xinyue wanted it very much, but Hou declined her politely, saying that he was useful. At that time, only Fangfengyi did not show interest in Yudanhong. Thinking about it now, that must be because she was sure that Hou would give Yu Danhong to her.King Haoling saw murderous intent in Xiaoyao's eyes. Xiaoyao said that he wanted to kill two people, but death cannot solve the problem, only the truth can solve the problem.King Haoling told Xiaoyao that it has been difficult to reveal the truth since ancient times. Xiaoyao said that she did not want to be played, so she wanted to find out the truth. She told her father that she wanted to return to the Central Plains. King Haoling agreed. He has always supported Xiaoyao..

Tu Shanjing found out that the person who poisoned him was Xuan Zhou, the maid next to Fang Feng Yi. Tu Shan Jing found two people. In order to preserve his wife's innocence, Xuan Zhou said that the incident was done by him alone and for revenge.The lady beat and scolded her, so she drugged Tu Shanjing.Xuan Zhou hoped that Tu Shanjing would not embarrass her family, and then committed suicide in front of everyone.Unexpectedly, Fangfengyi escaped this time, and Jingye was a little angry, but Tushanjing was calm. On the one hand, he was waiting for the opportunity, and on the other hand, he was waiting for news from Xiaoyao. Sure enough, he received a letter from Xiaoyao, asking him toWhen they met in Zhiyi City, Tu Shanjing immediately arranged for Jingye to pack her luggage and set off to meet in Xiaoyao as soon as possible.

Xuanxuan and Fenglong were discussing matters. Someone reported that Xiaoyao was back. Xuanxuan took this opportunity to solemnly apologize to Fenglong and said that he would compensate him well. In fact, Fenglong also thought about his relationship with Xiaoyao after the wedding.In fact, he doesn't have deep feelings for Xiaoyao, it's just for the sake of face, a man's little self-esteem.

Xuanxuan went to find Xiaoyao. He found that Xiaoyao was embroidering a sachet for Tushan Jing.Zun and Zhoushan heard the laughter of Xiaoyao and Xingxuan outside the house. Zhoushan couldn't help but sigh that Xingxuan would only be so happy when he was with Xiaoyao.Tai Zun doesn't know, but there are some things that have been difficult to have both ways since ancient times.

Jingye met Xiaoyao, and through questioning, Xiaoyao determined that Hou was trying to prove that he was better than Jing by conquering Tushan Jing's woman.Xiaoyao dragged Jingye back to Tu Shanjing with two things. One was a sachet with pills inside, and the other was a letter. The letter told Tu Shanjing to trust him unconditionally and that she would not have any more relationships with him in the recent period.He met and hoped that he could rest in peace and recuperate, and no matter what he saw in the future, he would close his eyes and ask his own heart first.

Xiaoyao asked Xuanxuan to hold a banquet. Xiaoxiao came up with the idea that Concubine Shang Yang could hold a banquet. Xiaoyao proposed who to invite. It didn’t matter who else was invited, but four people must be present.After learning that Concubine Shang Yang was hosting a banquet, Xinyue refused to invite her to show off her authority as the queen, and even deliberately mocked Xiaoyao in front of everyone. Xuanxuan arrived just in time, and Xinyue was so frightened that she almost couldn't stand.In order to embarrass Xinyue, Xuanxuan deliberately whispered to Concubine Shang Yang. Xinyue's face was extremely ugly. Xuanxuan did not even look at Xinyue and left with Xiaoyao.

《Lost You Forever》E9Plot

Episode 9

Tu Shanhou offered many jewels, but they were not favored by Hao Ling Jiu Yao. She only cared about Yu Dan Zi, which was a gift from Tu Shan Jing.Tu Shanhou was unwilling to accept it and invited her to dissect the gem together, and Jiu Yao agreed.Li Rongchang saw this scene and complained angrily to Tu Shanjing.After hearing the news, Jing smiled calmly and sent Rongchang away, saying that he wanted to go to Qingshui Town to find out the truth.Li Rongchang was puzzled, but Jing had her own concerns and decided to uncover the mystery herself.

Tu Shanjing asked Xiang Liu about Tu Shanqi's life experience, and was willing to buy the information with money. Xiang Liu denied knowing, but revealed that Fang Feng Yiying had an affair with Tu Shanhou, and left immediately.The next day, Tu Shanhou presented Hao Ling Jiu Yao with fish red red, but his attempt to exchange the fish red with purple failed, Jiu Yao only accepted the fish red, and Hou did not dare to force it.

Tu Shanjing revealed the truth, and Li Rongchang was furious and wanted to prevent Fang Feng Yiying from attending the banquet.Tu Shanjing learned that Hao Ling Jiu Yao would also attend, understood the strategy behind it, and warned Li Rongchang not to interfere.At the banquet, Hao Ling Jiu Yao cleverly displayed Yu Dan Hong, but Fang Feng Ying saw through it and left the table angrily.Afterwards, Hao Ling Jiu Yao secretly met with Tu Shanjing and wanted to explain the current situation. Tu Shanjing expressed his trust and said nothing more, and revealed that he knew his intentions.Jing encouraged Haoling Jiuyao to continue investigating, while she waited for the opportunity.When parting, Jing gave Begonia flowers as a gift and hinted that she wanted something.Fangfeng Yiying questioned Tu Shanhou and exposed his lies, and the relationship between the two broke down.Tu Shanjing relied on the 狋狌 mirror to grasp key evidence, confirm Tu Shanqi's identity, and reconcile with Haoling Jiuyao.Hao Ling Jiu Yao told Xi Yan Xuanxuan about this, and Xuan Xuan was unhappy at first. Later, he was enlightened by his grandfather and finally relieved.

Tu Shanjing took the initiative to meet with Tu Shanhou and expressed his willingness to fulfill his relationship with Fangfeng Yiying. This move made Tu Shanhou realize that he had fallen into a trap, and he wanted to attack Tu Shanjing in anger, but fortunately others stopped him in time.Fangfeng Yiying saw this and tried to defend Tu Shanhou, but Tu Shanhou unexpectedly bit back and accused her of seducing her.After hearing this, Fangfeng Yiying felt his heart twisting and chose silence, no longer defending himself.Upon seeing this, Tu Shanjing handed the two of them over to the family elders for justice.

As night fell, Fangfeng Yiying found Tu Shanjing privately and begged him to treat Tu Shanjing well in the future. Tu Shanjing was deeply touched by this maternal affection, and he solemnly promised to take good care of Qi'er.Subsequently, the family meeting made a decision that Fangfeng Yiying should go to the altar and offer his own essence and blood to the consciousness as a punishment; while Tu Shanhou was exiled to Haoling to show the family's severe condemnation of his behavior.

At the same time, the misunderstanding between Tu Shanjing and Haoling Jiuyao was finally solved, the two reconciled, and their mutual feelings were relieved.On the other hand, after Xiang Liu learned the news, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss in his heart. He drank alone to soothe his sorrows, lamenting the helplessness and twists and turns of love.

In the Tushan family's mansion, Tushan Jing is playing chess with his grandfather. The relationship between grandfather and grandson is full of warmth and harmony.The grandfather looked at Tu Shanjing's distracted appearance because of Hao Ling Jiu Yao, and his heart was full of relief. He knew that his grandson had found his true belonging.

On the other side, Hao Ling Jiu Yao finally completed her long-cherished collection of herbal medicines, a medical masterpiece that condensed her years of hard work and wisdom.She asked her brother Xi Yanxuan to help distribute this book to doctors all over the country, with the aim of benefiting the people and stabilizing the hearts of the people for her brother.Xi Yanxuan was deeply pleased with this and asked his sister about her next plan.Haoling Jiuyao said that she has always cherished the dream of opening a medical clinic and hanging pots to help the world.

Finally, the day came for the opening of the medical clinic.Tu Shanjing personally led many relatives and friends to congratulate him, and the scene was very lively.Hao Ling Jiu Yao stood in front of the medical center, looking at this warm and hopeful scene, her heart full of gratitude and happiness.She knew that in the days to come, she would continue to write her own legendary story in this land full of love and hope.

《Lost You Forever》E10Plot

Episode 10

Tu Shanjing led a group of relatives and friends to add a highlight to the opening ceremony of Haoling Jiuyao's medical clinic.Not only did he arrange for Dr. Yin to come for a consultation to help with the daily operations of the medical center, he also specially presented a “Huichuntang” signboard, which means that the medical center can rejuvenate and benefit the whole community.Hao Ling Jiu Yao couldn't put it down and was filled with joy.

Jing Ye silently observed all this from the sidelines. Seeing that the patriarch Tu Shanjing finally realized his long-cherished wish and helped Hao Ling Jiu Yao realize her dream, she couldn't help but feel sincerely happy for him.At this moment, Dr. Yin, who was standing next to Jingye, took advantage of the joyful atmosphere and mustered up the courage to express his feelings to Jingye.The two looked at each other and smiled, holding hands and immersed in happiness, becoming another warm scene at the celebration.

Seeing this, Hao Ling Jiu Yao felt warm in her heart.She turned to Tu Shanjing and smiled: "When they get married, we have to give them a big gift."%Hearing this, Tushan Jing smiled and nodded in agreement, his eyes full of pampering and care for Hao Ling Jiu Yao.

However, in this happy and peaceful atmosphere, Tu Shanjing suddenly noticed a strange look.He looked into the distance alertly, but did not find anyone suspicious.In a hidden place not far away, Chen Rong Xinyue was pulling her maid to hide in a hurry, feeling mixed emotions in her heart.She recalled the scene she had just seen, the happy moment between Hao Ling Jiu Yao and Tu Shan Jing, and couldn't help but feel jealous and sad.But she also understood that this emotion could only be buried deep in her heart and could not be expressed in words.

Recently, rumors about Haoling Jiuyao have been pouring in, and Tu Shanjing is deeply worried. He suspects that the masterminds behind all this are the Chenrong clan and the Chishui clan.In order to find out the truth and protect Hao Ling Jiu Yao, Tu Shanjing decided to personally go to Gu Shu and Beiliu City to visit the Xiling clan leader and the Gui Fang clan in an attempt to curb the source of this malicious slander.Before leaving, he carefully warned Jingye that if Haoling Jiuyao asked, he would excuse her on the grounds of family business and promised to leave as soon as possible.

After returning, Tu Shanjing rushed to Haoling Jiuyao's place as soon as possible. The two reunited after a long absence, talking to each other and missing each other beyond words.Talking about the future, Tu Shanjing told Haoling Jiuyao that she was about to return to Qingqiu to offer sacrifices, and promised to return as soon as possible.At the same time, he also revealed that the matter of Fangfeng Yiying will soon be settled, and after the elders announce his death after the new year, they can discuss the marriage.However, when talking about the recent rumors about Hao Ling Jiu Yao's life experience, Hao Ling Jiu Yao couldn't help but feel depressed.Tu Shanjing saw this and quickly comforted her gently. The two hugged each other tightly and faced the wind and rain of the outside world together.

Due to rumors, turmoil arose again in the court, and some ministers actually petitioned Xi Yan Xuanxuan to send Hao Ling Jiu Yao away.Xiyan Xuanxuan was furious when he heard this, and sternly warned the ministers that the rumors should be stopped only by the wise, so everyone silenced them.After King Hao Ling learned about this, he gave a large number of treasures to Hao Ling Jiu Yao to express his comfort and love, which made Jiu Yao feel warm in her heart.She made an appointment with Tu Shanjing to go to Haoling together in the coming spring to renew their relationship.

On New Year's Eve, Xi Yanxuan went to Xiao Yueding alone. This move made Chen Rong Xinyue dissatisfied and even more jealous of Hao Ling Jiu Yao.In the palace, Hao Ling Jiu Yao shared the New Year's Eve dinner with her grandfather and Xi Yan Xingxuan, and the atmosphere was warm and happy.After three rounds of drinking, Hao Ling Jiu Yao was tipsy and asked her grandfather about the mystery of her life experience. Her grandfather responded affectionately that no matter what her life experience was, she was the daughter of General Ji, King of Xiyan, and her beloved granddaughter.Family love never changes.In the dead of night, Hao Ling Jiu Yao, Xi Yan Xingxuan, and Tu Shan Jing went out to taste barbecue, but unexpectedly heard General Liyuan and others talking about Chi Chen and her mother. Some even claimed that Wang Ji had personally admitted that she had been in love with Chi Chen for many years..As soon as these words came out, Hao Ling Jiu Yao's heart was as sharp as a knife and she left alone.Seeing this, Tu Shanjing asked Xi Yanxuan the truth behind the rumors. Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still hoped that he could explain it himself.Xi Yanxuan was silent for a moment, saying that everything he did was for Hao Ling Jiu Yao, and then turned around and left, leaving behind endless mysteries and deep thoughts.

Hao Ling Jiu Yao unsuccessfully searched for the one-armed old man and found that he had passed away. She was so sad that she burst into tears.At this time, Xiang Liu appeared quietly, and Jiu Yao asked angrily if he wanted to see a joke.Xiang Liu responded indifferently, just to pay tribute to his old friend, and said that she had no jokes.When talking about Chi Chen, Xiang Liu advised Jiu Yao to trust her mother's vision and not to worry about external rumors. Jiu Yao's mood eased a little.

《Lost You Forever》E11Plot

Episode 11

After Xiang Liu's gentle words of comfort, Xiaoyao's mood improved slightly.She asked Xiang Liu if he knew Chi Chen, and the answer was no.Later, she asked in confusion why Chi Chen chose that path of no return. Xiang Liu spoke in a deep voice about the cruelty of war and the fate of the general. His words not only interpreted Chi Chen, but also revealed his own thoughts.

Xiaoyao recalled her mother's teachings and talked about the importance of deep love and friendship in the world, but she could not let go of her mother's abandonment and deception.She closed her eyes and meditated. When she opened her eyes, Xiang Liu had quietly left, leaving only the familiar lamp.In anger, she wanted to throw down the lamp to vent her anger, but Tu Shanjing stopped her gently.The light illuminated the pattern on the lamp, and it was embellished into %'s ambition to kill the powerful, protect the Central Plains, shoulder the righteousness, abandon personal feelings, and live up to the people and your lord. She suddenly realized that her parents had no control over their actions.

Tears welled up in Xiaoyao's eyes, and Xiaoyao was heartbroken.She didn't understand that although her parents had achieved their ideals, she had suffered a lot, and her resentment was hard to calm down.Tu Shanjing hugged her tightly and comforted her.Back home, Xiaoyao lost control of her emotions, and Xi Yanxuan was well aware of her pain. The two drank and complained together, sharing the pain and regret caused by their mother, seeking comfort in each other's company, and trying to get out of this haze.

King Haoling issued an order to announce to the world that Xiaoyao was not of his bloodline and that he would immediately deprive him of his title and clan status.Hao Lingyi was very puzzled by this and believed that this move was just adding insult to injury.However, King Hao Ling didn't say much. Seeing this, Ling Shou quickly pulled the emotional Hao Lingyi away.

On the other side, Chenrong Xinyue was secretly happy after hearing the news.Chishui Fenglong privately told his sister that the rumors about Xiao Yao were actually done by Xi Yan Xingxuan, in order to show the importance of Xiao Yao in his heart and persuade Xinyue to let go of her prejudices.But after hearing this, Chen Rong Xinyue was not only unhappy, but even more angry. She directly invited Chishui Fenglong out of the door. The hostility towards Xiao Yao in her heart did not seem to dissipate.

After learning King Haoling's will, Haoling Xiaoyao was heartbroken and wanted to burn her past letters. Fortunately, Tu Shanjing dissuaded her and reminded her not to forget King Haoling's tenderness and kindness.At this time, the two overheard their grandfather discussing with Xi Yan Xuanxuan about changing their surname. Haoling Xiaoyao's eavesdropping was discovered by her grandfather and she was called into the room.Faced with the choice, she resolutely chose Xiling as her new surname. Although her grandfather felt helpless, he agreed.From then on, Haoling Xiaoyao changed her name to Xiling Xiaoyao and moved to Chenrong Mountain.

On the other side, Xiling Xiaoyao (formerly Haoling Xiaoyao) is worried about the future of her maid Coral, worried that sending her back to Haoling will implicate her.Tu Shanjing proposed a solution at the right time, using Tu Shan's extensive business network in Haoling to find a position of female boss for Hualu, which not only ensured her safety but also showed her dignity.In addition, Tu Shanjing also revealed that Fangfeng Yiying has announced his death from illness, which indicates that their marriage is approaching.Xiling Xiaoyao was delighted when she heard this, and admitted that she chose Xiling because she was a good match for the Tushan family.The two looked at each other and smiled, holding hands to draw a blueprint for the future.

At the same time, the Xi Yan Kingdom officially launched an offensive against Hao Ling, and the changes in the situation between the two countries seemed to be quietly affecting the fate of Xiling Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing.

Xiling Xiaoyao was having a heated discussion with Dr. Yin about the pros and cons of prescriptions. Grandpa intervened at the right time and pointed out that the two prescriptions had their own merits. The key was to choose flexibly according to the patient's family background.Xiling Xiaoyao was deeply convinced and realized that the only book he had on hand - a collection of herbal medicines - was not enough, and the water and soil differed greatly in different places, so his knowledge needed to be expanded urgently.At this time, Xi Yanxuan generously expressed his willingness to devote all the efforts of the country to help Xiling Xiaoyao compile more medical books to benefit the people.

On the other side, Tu Shanjing carefully prepared for the proposal and decorated the Huichun Hall, hoping to give Xiling Xiaoyao an unforgettable surprise.However, the night before, Xi Yan Xuanxuan persuaded Xiling Xiaoyao to postpone the marriage on the grounds that compiling medical books might cause internal conflicts in Tushan.After hearing this, Xiling Xiaoyao felt that it made sense. In addition, after seeing the changes in Huichun Hall today, she mistakenly thought that this was specially arranged by Tu Shanjing after learning about her plan to revise books, so she happily praised him for understanding her own feelings and being willing to arrange the marriage.Postponed.When Tu Shanjing saw this, even though he was reluctant to give up, he could only endure the loss and agreed to her decision with a smile.

《Lost You Forever》E12Plot

Episode 12

The Kingdom of Xi Yan launched a campaign against Hao Ling, and the general Chishui Fenglong bravely led the troops and successfully conquered the two cities. This news aroused widespread public attention and discussion.Xiaoyao noticed the abnormal working conditions of the doctors in the medical clinic, so she returned home to ask her grandfather and Tu Shanjing.However, his grandfather stopped Tu Shanjing from answering and suggested that Xiaoyao ask Xi Yanxuan directly for more accurate information.

When Hao Lingyi learned the news about the war, she felt deep nostalgia for the time she spent with Xi Yan Xuanxuan in the past. This memory made her feel extremely sad.Upon seeing this, King Haoling comforted her gently, saying that this was a dispute between himself and Xi Yanxuan and had nothing to do with her, and emphasized that Xi Yanxuan was still her brother.However, Hao Lingyi found it difficult to accept this reality. She cried and said that Xi Yan Xuanxuan was so determined that she no longer wanted to recognize him as her brother.King Haoling explained patiently, pointing out that Xiyan Xuanxuan was not only his apprentice, but also the king of Xiyan. If he forgot the righteousness of the country due to personal affairs, that would be what he did not want to see.Although Hao Lingyi was still heartbroken and asked why her sister Xiaoyao did not dissuade Xi Yanxuan, King Hao Ling did not answer directly, but silently let her lean into his arms and cry bitterly.

During dinner, Xiaoyao once again asked Xi Yanxuan the whole story of the incident, and Xi Yanxuan had no choice but to tell everything.After learning the truth, Xiaoyao was shocked and filled with pain and disappointment. She angrily threw the cup in her hand at Xi Yanxuan and rushed out of the room.Xi Yanxuan quickly chased after him, but his grandfather stopped Tu Shanjing, who was also about to chase him out, and invited him to play chess together.Tu Shanjing cares about Xiaoyao, but his grandfather's words make him realize that this is a problem that Xiaoyao and Xi Yanxuan must face on their own.Under the guidance of his grandfather, Tu Shanjing gradually understood this and decided to respect their choice.

Xiao Yao angrily closed the door, isolating Xi Yan Xingxuan from outside.Xuanxuan eagerly explained past grievances: when her aunt discovered Chichen's conspiracy, she even broke her fingers and swore an oath to beg King Haoling to save her father, but was rejected. Moreover, Haoling Kingdom also participated in the incident that led to the death of her father and aunt.battle.After hearing this, Xiaoyao's heart was like a knife, and she was in pain and wanted to live.Xingxuanxuan continued to express his inner conflict. Although he was full of resentment towards King Haoling, he also understood his helpless choice as a king in the face of righteousness.Therefore, he decided to attack Hao Ling and believed that King Hao Ling would understand his decision.Although Xiaoyao understood Xuanxuan's position, the pain in her heart was hard to heal. She blamed Xuanxuan for making the right choice like her father and mother, but ignoring her feelings.Eventually, she asked Xuanxuan to leave and announced that Xiao Yueding would no longer welcome him.Xuanxuan was heartbroken and kept begging for forgiveness, but received no response.

In the early morning of the next day, Xi Yanxuan was invited by his subordinates to go to court after waiting outside the door all night.After learning that the war was progressing smoothly, he ordered the march to be slowed down to help the Haoling people who were troubled by the rainy season.This decision reveals his complex and contradictory emotional world.

At the same time, Chen Rong Xinyue had doubts about the injury on Xi Yanxuan’s forehead and asked the maid about its origin.The maid insisted that she was injured in the study. Although Xinyue was suspicious, she had no choice but to warn the maid and then let her go.After the maid left, she asked Xi Yanxuan to resign, saying that she knew too many secrets and could only keep them through death.Xi Yanxuan didn't understand what she meant and asked if he had done anything bad to her.The maid shook her head and denied it, admitting that she fell in love with His Majesty and was worried that she would be swallowed up by desire and jealousy and lose herself if she stayed in the Purple Palace for a long time.After hearing this, Xi Yanxuan was both grateful and regretful, and suggested that she be allowed to travel around the wilderness to collect news from all over the world.The maid happily accepted, and Xi Yanxuan toasted to her, wishing her a smooth journey and finding the person she loves as soon as possible.

In the current war between Xi Yan and Hao Ling, Xi Yan has the upper hand.Tu Shanjing was worried that the poison in Xiang Liu's body might endanger Xiao Yao, so he left a message urging him to remove it.The two met, but Xiang Liu said he couldn't understand himself.On the street, Xiaoyao mistakenly thought she met Xiangliu by chance, and only realized she had made a mistake when she caught up with him.Xiang Liu then changed his face, showing many different looks, which amazed Jiu Yao.

《Lost You Forever》E13Plot

Episode 13

Xiling Xiaoyao firmly told Xiang Liu that no matter how he changed his face, she could accurately recognize him.When she expressed her desire to get rid of the poison, Xiang Liu regretfully expressed her inability to do so.Faced with Xiaoyao's doubts, Xiang Liu explained that Tu Shanjing invited him to try to undo the poison and gave him extremely attractive conditions, but he really had no way to undo it.After Xiaoyao heard this, she was surprised and asked if Tu Shanjing was there. Xiang Liu told her that Tu Shanjing was standing behind her.Xiaoyao turned around and saw Tu Shanjing walking slowly.Afterwards, Xiang Liu left alone, leaving Xiao Yao and Tu Shan Jing behind.

Xiaoyao gently comforted Tu Shanjing, saying that there is no need to be too anxious about the poison. I believe there will always be a solution and time will bring about a turn for the better.Tu Shanjing smiled and nodded, and the two of them sat side by side on the bridge, quietly admiring the night view in front of them.However, this tranquility did not last long. Xi Yanxuanxuan, who was far away, witnessed this scene and was filled with jealousy. He stepped forward to interrupt the time between the two of them, claiming that he was here to take Xiaoyao home.Xiaoyao said goodbye to Tushanjing and left with Xiyan Xingxuan.

Back home, Xiling Xiaoyao's attitude towards Xi Yanxuanxuan was still cold.It was raining heavily outside the window, and she asked about the truce. Xi Yanxuan explained that since it was the rainy season, continuing the war might cause floods, so there was a temporary truce.After that, he asked Xiaoyao to rest early and prepared to leave.Xiaoyao stopped him and handed him an umbrella. Xiyan Xingxuan took the umbrella, walked into the rain with a smile, and drifted away.

King Haoling's health deteriorated day by day, but he still insisted on handling the heavy government affairs personally.Hao Lingyi deeply felt her father's hard work, felt sorry for him, and was eager to help him. However, she was helpless in the face of a table full of memorials, which made her blame herself.Upon seeing this, King Haoling gently comforted his daughter, telling her that as long as he was by his side, she would be his greatest comfort.Hao Lingyi looked at her father's increasingly gray hair, feeling even more sad in her heart. She couldn't help but cast spells to try to restore her father's black hair.In the dead of night, Hao Lingyi stayed up alone, studying the art of war and strategies, hoping to share the state affairs with his father and reduce his burden.

At the same time, Xi Yan was defeated in a recent battle. Xi Yan Xingxuan was worried that his friend Chishui Fenglong would be hit, so he decided to go to the military camp to accompany him.After getting his grandfather's permission, Xingxuan informed Xiling Xiaoyao of the plan.Although Xiaoyao is worried about the safety of this trip, she also wants to stay with Xuanxuan, but she is worried that Haoling's position may not welcome her.In order to dispel Xiaoyao's concerns, Xuanxuan invited Tushanjing to accompany them. Tushanjing readily agreed, and Xiaoyao followed them with peace of mind.

After entering the city, Xiling Xiaoyao saw a peaceful and peaceful scene, and she couldn't help but have some doubts in her heart.Tu Shanjing immediately solved her doubts and revealed that all this stemmed from Xi Yanxuan's strict military orders.He emphasized that people should not be disturbed, and violators would be severely punished without mercy. He also actively took measures to build dams and dredge rivers for the people to improve people's livelihood.Therefore, despite the disputes between Hao Ling and Xi Yan, during this period of peace, the people of Hao Ling expressed understanding and gratitude for Xi Yan Xuanxuan's actions, and it was difficult to feel resentment.

After learning this, Xiling Xiaoyao's view of Xi Yan Xuanxuan changed significantly.Xi Yanxuan frankly expressed his ambitions to her, and at the same time emphasized that he was just following the general trend of the world and striving to unify the wilderness to benefit all people.He acknowledged that war was unavoidable and would bring sacrifices and suffering, but he did his best to reduce innocent casualties.After hearing this, Xiling Xiaoyao nodded to express understanding and approval.

As night fell, under the careful arrangements of Tu Shanjing and Xi Yanxuanxuan, Xiling Xiaoyao spent a pleasant night and experienced a different kind of camping fun.

Later, the three of them went to visit Chishui Fenglong.Xiling Xiaoyao was unavoidably uneasy, worried that her escape from marriage would make the other party concerned.However, Chisui Toyotaka treated her with tolerance and understanding, as if nothing had changed, which made her feel very at ease.

While the four of them were talking, a soldier hurried in and brought news that Xi Yan's army had been defeated again.This was the fourth defeat, which made Chishui Fenglong feel deeply guilty and self-blame.However, with Xi Yanxuan's encouragement, he quickly regained his confidence and determined to fight again.

On the other hand, in Haoling's country, the issue of appointing a crown prince aroused heated discussions among the courtiers.Some ministers suggested that Hao Lingyi be made the crown prince, but there were also objections that believed that she had a pampered personality and was not suitable for such an important task.It is even suggested to select suitable candidates from among the nephews.These disputes made King Haoling, who was already in poor health, even more exhausted and coughing frequently.After Hao Lingyi learned about this incident, she blamed herself and was angry, and decided to take measures to teach those ministers who made arrogant comments about government affairs.

In fact, it was Tu Shanjing who proposed to abandon Xiyan Mountain and attack Chenrong Mountain. However, Xiyan Xuanxuan was unaware of this and mistakenly believed that this was Chishui Fenglong's strategy. Therefore, Chishui Fenglong's status in the army was improved..Tu Shanjing confessed to Chishui Fenglong that he had no intention of fighting for power and only wanted to stay with Xiaoyao. He admitted that he owed Chishui Fenglong and at the same time longed for his sincere blessing.After hearing this, Chishui Fenglong said he needed to think about it.Hao Lingyi, on the other hand, broke into the Xiyan military camp desperately, vowing to punish the treacherous person.

《Lost You Forever》E14Plot

Episode 14

Hao Lingyi broke into Xi Yan's military camp alone, intending to assassinate Xi Yan Xuanxuan, but unfortunately was subdued by Yu Jiang on the spot.However, Yu Jiang was well aware of Hao Lingyi's noble status and did not dare to use violence against her easily, so he could only tie her up first.Later, Chishui Fenglong and Tu Shanjing came over after hearing the sound, and immediately asked Yu Jiang to untie Hao Lingyi.Tu Shanjing also carefully arranged for people to clean and tidy up Hao Lingyi. After she changed her clothes, Xi Yanxuanxuan hurried into the room and asked Hao Lingyi if she was injured with a worried face.Facing this familiar face, Hao Lingyi struggled internally, wanting revenge but also feeling hesitant.In the end, she chose to plead with Xi Yanxuan to stop attacking Haoling, but was rejected by the other party.This news made Hao Lingyi feel desperate. She cried bitterly, unable to accept this cruel reality.

As night fell, Xiling Xiaoyao went to visit Hao Lingyi out of concern, but Hao Lingyi was resentful of her and believed that she, like Xi Yan Xingxuan, was an untrustworthy liar.Facing Haolingyi's accusation, Xiling Xiaoyao calmly explained what he did after learning the truth, including his plea to Xi Yanxuan and the resulting cold war.These explanations gradually eased Hao Lingyi's hostility, although she was still dissatisfied with Xiling Xiaoyao's late visit.Later, Xiling Xiaoyao sincerely apologized to Hao Lingyi and shared her inner struggle and pain after learning about her life experience.Hao Lingyi was deeply moved after hearing this. She said that no matter what Xiling Xiaoyao's background was, she would always be her sister.This understanding and acceptance moved Xiling Xiaoyao to tears, and the misunderstanding and estrangement between the two finally disappeared.

However, when Xiling Xiaoyao prepared a table of dishes for Hao Lingyi with great expectations the next day, she learned that she had left the military camp, which made her feel a little disappointed.At the same time, Hao Lingyi was sent to Lingshou.She blamed herself for her failure to assassinate Xi Yanxuan and believed that she was worthless.But Liao Sou comforted her gently, pointing out that her kindness and intolerance were her precious qualities, not a reflection of her incompetence.In order to divert Hao Lingyi's attention, Lingshou cleverly devised a plan that resulted in Yu Jiang being seriously injured.Fortunately, Xiling Xiaoyao appeared in time and rescued Yu Jiang, allowing him to save his life.This series of events not only demonstrated Xiling Xiaoyao's bravery and medical skills, but also allowed Hao Lingyi to see her shining points, further deepening the emotional bond between the two sisters.

A minister formally made a suggestion, hoping that Ling Shou and Hao Lingyi could marry. However, this proposal was explicitly rejected by both Ling Shou and Hao Lingyi.King Haoling did not force this, showing his tolerance and understanding.As for the sensitive issue of establishing a crown prince, King Hao Ling already had a hunch that Bai Hu and Chang Xi might have planned a new strategy.

On the battlefield, the Haoling army led by Ling Shou dealt a heavy blow to the Xiyan army, with remarkable results.Chishui Fenglong was worried about Xi Yanxuan's safety and advised him to return as soon as possible, but Xi Yanxuan chose to stay because he had a premonition that something important would happen.Soon, Chang Xi's tribe sent an envoy to announce that Bai Hu and Chang Xi's tribe had decided to surrender to Xi Yan. This news caused an uproar in Haoling's country, and everyone was furious.King Haoling decided to personally lead the army to conquer, but he suddenly fainted due to physical weakness.At this critical moment, Hao Lingyi stepped forward and decided to go on the expedition in place of her father, demonstrating her sense of responsibility and courage as a princess.

Xiling Xiaoyao felt complicated after learning about this. She asked Xi Yanxuanxuan if she understood Hao Lingyi's decision.Xi Yanxuan expressed his knowledge, but he believed that Hao Lingyi was not good at military affairs and there must be a secret behind the matter.Therefore, he decided to lead the army in person. This decision deeply disappointed Xiling Xiaoyao. She chose to leave alone and went to the Five Gods Mountain to visit the seriously ill King Haoling.

Later, Xiling Xiaoyao and Xi Yanxuan disguised themselves as Tu Shanjing's followers and successfully sneaked into the Haoling Palace.Although King Haoling was weak, he still insisted on receiving them.During the conversation, King Haoling confessed his heart to Xiling Xiaoyao, explained the complicated emotional entanglement between himself and her mother, and tried to untie the knot in her heart.In the end, King Haoling decided to take Xiling Xiaoyao to Baili Chichen Village, which was her parents' former home, hoping that she could find her own answers.

Xiling Xiaoyao stepped into the house and unexpectedly found a man wrapped up tightly, who claimed to be the housekeeper.Xiling Xiaoyao asked the other party to tell the story about Chichen and Xilingheng.The housekeeper slowly said that here, Chichen is not the big devil in the eyes of the world, but the beloved king of beasts; and Xilingheng is not a heroic general, she is just Chichen's wife, who saves people with her medical skills, is respectfully called the Xiling Witch by Baili people.

《Lost You Forever》E15Plot

Episode 15

In the housekeeper's narration, Xiaoyao's heart was filled with ups and downs.The relics in the house evoked her deep longing for her parents, but resentment also followed them.When she noticed the housekeeper coughing, an instinct drove her closer.Finally, the housekeeper couldn't hide anymore. He took off his hat and revealed his face. It turned out to be Xiaoyao's mother, Xilingheng. Although her face was ruined, her maternal love remained undiminished.

Xiaoyao was shocked and had mixed feelings in her heart.She hugged her mother tightly, tears mixed with resentment and understanding.Xilingheng gently told her difficulties and sacrifices, making Xiaoyao gradually feel relieved.At this moment, the mother and daughter bridged the gap and became spiritually connected.

Xiaoyao knew very well that although her parents' choice made her lonely, it was also for greater responsibility and mission.She decided to inherit her parents' legacy and protect the world with love and courage.This experience made her stronger and made her cherish the family affection and warmth in front of her even more.

When Xiaoyao witnessed the tragic situation of her mother Xilingheng, she felt heartbroken and burst into tears.Xilingheng apologized apologetically and admitted that he owed her a lot.Jiu Yao burst into tears and asked about her father's whereabouts. Heng's mother told her with tears that her father, Chi Chen, had sacrificed himself to save her a chance of survival, and was reduced to ashes, while she was sealed here to protect this memory.The peach petals danced in the wind, surrounding Jiu Yao, like Chi Chen's gentle embrace, giving her a moment of comfort.

Heng's mother said that she knew that Jiu Yao and Xing Xuan had grown up safely, that her wish had been fulfilled and she was about to leave.Jiu Yao cried and begged her mother not to leave, but she could only watch her gradually disappear before her eyes. Heartbroken, she knelt down and kowtowed, saying goodbye.

Now, under the protection of her parents' spiritual power, Hao Ling Jiu Yao has regained the ability to use the beauty-changing flower technique. This is not only a way to protect herself, but also a memorial to her parents' deep love.She is grateful and determined to cherish this strength and move forward bravely.

At the same time, in order to solve the problem of lover's poison, Xiang Liu went to Baili with the Beast King's Bone Token in hand to seek answers, and religiously offered incense in front of Xiaoyao's parents' tomb to express respect and memory.

Xiaoyao and Xuanxuan stayed in Haoling and jointly assisted the elderly King Haoling.Jiu Yao not only regained her identity as Princess Hao Ling, but also fought side by side with Xuan Xuan to plan for Hao Ling's future.One day, Xuanxuan finally couldn't restrain his doubts and asked King Haoling why he had been pretending to be ill for a long time.King Haoling smiled slightly and revealed his long-term plan: not only did he secretly train the future prince, he also carefully selected and trained many important ministers to ensure the stability and prosperity of the country.

He mentioned that Tan Mang, Ping Shou and Xingxuan were all his favorite disciples, each with their own merits and could be of great use.When King Hao Ling announced that Xuan Xuan would be his ideal prince Hao Ling and hinted at the blueprint for the future merger of Xi Yan and Hao Ling, the three of them were all shocked.Xuanxuan's heart was filled with gratitude and admiration, and she was fully aware of King Haoling's good intentions.

Later, King Hao Ling mentioned Hao Ling Yi and hoped that Xuan Xuan could marry her as his queen to consolidate the alliance between the two clans.Jiu Yao agreed with this, and although Xuan Xuan was reluctant, she still gritted her teeth and agreed for the sake of the overall situation.King Haoling was keenly aware of Xuanxuan's hesitation. After Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing left, he privately asked Xuanxuan what he really thought.Xuanxuan told the truth frankly and promised to give Hao Lingyi a lifetime of peace and happiness, just like King Hao Ling treated Concubine Jing'an.

After hearing this, King Hao Ling was heartbroken.Xuanxuan took the opportunity to ask his master about the true meaning of love and marriage, but King Haoling lamented that he had never experienced true love and only married because of responsibility and mission.Xingxuan lamented his emotional dilemma. What he longed for was not the entire garden, but the unique flower.King Hao Ling also felt this. He was well aware of the loneliness and helplessness of the road to becoming an emperor. He had high hopes for Xuan Xuan, believing that he was more suitable for this position than himself and could lead Hao Ling to a brighter future.Hao Ling recalled the great victory over Bai Hu and Chang Xi, and the whole country celebrated.Chishui Fenglong proposed to marry Hao Lingyi on behalf of Xingxuan, hoping to have the two queens side by side to consolidate the friendship between the two clans.As soon as this news came out, Chen Rong Xinyue was furious and her body was shaking.

《Lost You Forever》E16Plot

Episode 16

Xi Yanxuan is about to marry Hao Lingyi, but her face is full of sorrow. Xiling Jiuyao does not understand her worries.She thought that Hao Lingyi was different and could win Xingxuan's favor, but she didn't expect that it was not what he wanted.Jiu Yao attaches great importance to the overall situation and persuades Xing Xuan that marriage can bring peace to both countries, and Hao Ling Yi treats each other sincerely.However, Xuanxuan accused Jiuyao of not caring about him, causing a dispute.Jiu Yao recalled how happy Xuan Xuan was when she married Chen Rong Xinyue, and compared with her current situation, she felt even more dissatisfied.Xuanxuan lost control of her emotions and wanted to kiss Jiu Yao to vent her anger. In the end, reason defeated her emotions and she fell on Jiu Yao's shoulder. Her heart was filled with mixed emotions that were difficult to describe.Jiu Yao treated him gently, trying to calm the turmoil in his heart.

Now, Hao Lingyi is about to enter the marriage hall with Xi Yan Xingxuan, but her state of mind is very different from her past expectations, and her pure joy and excitement are missing.When King Haoling saw this, he mistakenly thought that his daughter was regretful. He couldn't bear her wronging him and wanted to dissuade her.However, Hao Lingyi firmly stated that she knew that there was no place for her in Xuanxuan's heart, but her own feelings were true.She admitted that although marrying Xuanxuan was not completely what she wanted, she also understood that if she gave up the marriage, she might be immersed in endless regrets for the rest of her life.Hao Lingyi's words revealed a kind of growth and transformation. She told her father that she was no longer the Hao Lingyi who only knew the love between her children.She still likes Xuanxuan, but this love is no longer everything in her life.At critical moments, she will stand by her father's side without hesitation and protect the honor of her family; but in the face of national justice, she is more willing to put her personal emotions behind and choose to protect Haoling's people.

King Haoling looked at the grown-up, mature and stable daughter in front of him, with complex emotions surging in his heart.While he was pleased with his daughter's sacrifice and growth, he was also inevitably worried about her future happiness.Thousands of emotions gathered in my heart and turned into a deep sigh.

Xiling Jiuyao wanted to help Xi Yanxuanxuan cancel the wedding, but Xingxuan said that she was just talking nonsense after drinking too much. Now that she is sober, she feels that it doesn't matter whether the wedding is held or not, and the overall situation is more important.Seeing that her brother was sad, Jiu Yao said she wanted to do something to help him.Xuanxuan said that she hoped everyone would be safe and asked Jiuyao not to go on the wedding day.Jiu Yao agreed, hoping that her brother would be happy and that the marriage between the two countries would bring peace.

On the wedding day of Xi Yanxuan and Hao Lingyi, Xiling Jiuyao walked alone on the beach with a lot of thoughts in her heart.At this time, Xiang Liu appeared quietly in front of her, his words were as sharp and arrogant as the sea breeze.“I have understood King Haoling's foresight,” he whispered, his eyes sharply penetrating Jiu Yao's disguise.Jiu Yao tried hard to stay calm and tried to hide her inner turmoil with a smile, but Xiang Liu became more convinced of his judgment from her subtle reaction.

“Now that Xi Yan Xuanxuan has firmly established himself in Haoling, his next step will be to point his sword at Hongjiang. ”Xiang Liu's words revealed an indescribable complex emotion, “What are your plans?Are you still willing to continue to follow the torrent that is destined to fail?” He looked at Jiu Yao, with both provocation and expectation in his eyes.

Jiu Yao shook her head gently. She knew Xiang Liu's situation and struggle well, so she tried to persuade her with reason: "Although we are connected by poison, it does not mean that you have to bet your life on Hongjiang."You have the ability and qualifications to choose another path.%However, Xiang Liu did not respond directly. He just smiled faintly, left the sentence "How can our destiny be changed so easily" and then turned around and left.

Soon, Tu Shanjing came with the good news of the wedding. Seeing that Jiu Yao was safe and sound, he finally let go of his hanging heart.Knowing that Xiang Liu was visiting and that he might know the method of undoing the poison, Tu Shanjing was worried but managed to stay calm, comforting Jiu Yao that everything was settled.The two walked side by side to the place where sweet memories had been left, their emotions surged again, and they couldn't help but kiss each other again.And all this seemed to be sensed silently by Xiang Liu in the distance. He stroked his lips lightly, and an indescribable emotion appeared in his heart.

At the same time, major changes occurred in Haoling's country.King Hao Ling declared his Zen status and completely handed over the country to Xi Yan Xuanxuan. This decision not only consolidated Xi Yan's dominance, but also demonstrated King Hao Ling's wisdom and foresight.The old King Xi Yan was deeply pleased with this and believed that Xi Yan Xuanxuan's achievements exceeded his expectations.In order to further strengthen his rule, King Haoling decided to move to Xiyan Mountain. This move was both a respect for tradition and a declaration of the future.

On the other hand, Chenrong Xinyue was resentful because of Hao Lingyi being made queen, and she also lost her former closeness to her brother Chishui Fenglong.She refused to listen to any advice and was only immersed in her own anger and unwillingness.Faced with his sister's indifference and rejection, Chishui Toyotaka had no choice but to leave, leaving behind a room of silence and unresolved love.

《Lost You Forever》E17Plot

Episode 17

Facing Haoling's decision to surrender without a fight, Hong Jiang was shaken in his heart, and his long-standing beliefs and persistence seemed to become blurred overnight.And Xiang Liu, with his unswerving attitude, said the heroic words "Although there are thousands of people, I am going", showing extraordinary courage and determination.

At the same time, Chishui Fenglong returned home angrily and confided to his father all his dissatisfaction with Chenrong Xinyue, thinking that she was too pampered.However, his father's words left him speechless.It turned out that Chen Rong Xinyue was willing to live as a hostage in Xiyan City for one hundred and twenty years for his future, and exchanged her youth and freedom for Chishui Fenlong's carefree childhood.After learning the truth, Chishui Toyotaka felt deeply guilty. He promised his father that he would cherish and treat his sister more kindly in the future.Seeing this, his father warned him earnestly that as the bloodline inheritor of the Chenrongshan and Chishui clans, he was not only his own pride, but also Chenrong Xinyue's only support. He must always be cautious and think twice about his words and deeds.Then go.

In order to make up for his mistake, Chishui Fenlong carefully selected a top-quality Xiao as a gift and went to the palace to apologize to Chenrong Xinyue.Seeing her brother's sincere apology, Chenrong Xinyue's anger disappeared, she showed a long-lost smile, and happily accepted the gift.

On the other side, when King Hao Ling gradually adapted to Xi Yan and gained a firm foothold, Xiling Jiu Yao returned to her little moon top.The news spread like wildfire and soon reached Xi Yanxuanxuan's ears.He was so anxious that he immediately set off for Xiao Yueding.At this time, Chen Rong Xinyue was planning to present the precious Xiao to His Majesty as a gift, but she unexpectedly learned of Xi Yan Xuanxuan's arrival. This made her original joyful mood instantly complicated, and she couldn't help but feel...There was an inexplicable jealousy and dissatisfaction.

Xiling Jiuyao made a joke and asked Tu Shanjing if she wanted to marry her. Unexpectedly, Tu Shanjing was not annoyed, but agreed happily. The maid on the side saw this and couldn't help laughing.Xiling Jiuyao's cheeks turned red at the sudden answer. She was shy and lightly slapped Tu Shanjing to express her displeasure.

On the other side, Xi Yanxuan was very upset about Tu Shanjing's failure to severely punish Fangfeng Ying who repeatedly harmed Xiling Jiu Yao. He used this as an excuse to advise his grandfather, hoping that his grandfather would not entrust the future of Xiling Jiu Yao to Tu.Shan Jing.However, my grandfather had an insight and believed that this just reflected the strength and tolerance of Tu Shanjing's heart. What's more, Xiling Jiuyao's intention was clear, and she fell in love with Tu Shanjing.After Xi Yanxuan heard this, he felt even more depressed, so he invited Chishui Fenglong to drink together to relieve his sorrow.After drinking for three rounds, Chishui Fenglong asked about the reason. Xiyan Xuanxuan said frankly that with the completion of Xiling Jiuyao's medical book, the marriage of the two was also put on the agenda, but he was worried that Tushanjing was weak and might not be able toMatching the talent and wisdom of Xiling Jiu Yao.Chishui Fengtong originally wanted to reveal the efforts and contributions behind Tu Shanjing, but due to his father's instructions, he finally chose to remain silent.

During the banquet, everyone turned to discuss strategies on how to destroy Hongjiang's army.Ping Shou hit the nail on the head, pointing out that although Xiang Liu was a rare genius, his intelligence paled in the face of absolute power.Now Xiyan Xuanxuan is sitting in a vast wilderness, with abundant talents and strong soldiers and horses, while Chenrong's rebels are like water without a source or a tree without roots. If they adopt the strategy of siege but not attack, time will wear away their will.As soon as this statement came out, everyone agreed and thought this was the best policy.However, the old King Yan of Xi still felt sorry for him, thinking that both Hong Jiang and Xiang Liu were rare talents, and it would be a blessing if they could recruit them.After Chishui Fenglong heard this, he took the initiative to ask for help, hoping to try again to persuade Hong Jiang to surrender, but in the end he still failed to persuade Hong Jiang, and his way to persuade him to surrender was blocked again.

Hu Zhen brought the news that Tu Shanqi was seriously ill, which made Tu Shanjing extremely anxious and decided to visit Qingshui Town immediately.After Xiling Jiuyao learned about it, she was worried beyond words and offered to go with her, and Tu Shanjing happily agreed.

After arriving in Qingshui Town, Xiling Jiu Yao immediately diagnosed and treated Tu Shanqi, but was unexpectedly attacked by Fang Feng Ying and was knocked unconscious to the ground.Fangfeng Yiying emotionally explained that Tu Shanhou had poisoned her own son, and that she had no choice but to protect Tu Shanqi.At this time, Tu Shanhou appeared and proposed a fair duel as a condition for the release of Tu Shanjing and Xiling Jiuyao.In order to save her lover, Tu Shanjing had no choice but to fight, but due to the disparity in strength, she was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

At the critical moment, Fangfeng Yiying suddenly struck back and shot an arrow at Tu Shanhou, revealing that his real target had always been Tu Shanhou.She apologized to Xiling Jiu Yao and told him that she would wake up in three hours. She also left a letter to Tu Shan Ai to let him know the mistakes her parents had made.Later, Fangfeng Yiying died together with Tu Shanhou with a decisive gesture. The two hugged each other tightly and went to hell together.Before he died, Tu Shanhou used his last strength to control another arrow and killed Tu Shanjing and pushed him into the cold river.

After Xi Yanxuan heard the news, he was so anxious that he immediately led his people to the scene.Li Rongchang used his magical skills to trace back all the injuries Tu Shanjing had experienced and confirmed that he had fallen into the river and his life or death was uncertain.When Xi Ling Jiu Yao learned about Tu Shan Jing's experience, she jumped into the river desperately, vowing to find her lover, and Xi Yan Xuanxuan followed closely behind.

At this moment, Xiang Liu, who was hanging in the sky, witnessed all this, and felt an indescribable pain in his heart. He was keenly aware of Tu Shanjing's crisis, but he could only watch it all from a distance.After experiencing this thrilling incident, Xiling Jiuyao was exhausted physically and mentally, and eventually fell ill. Her heart was filled with worries and uneasiness about Tu Shanjing's safety.

《Lost You Forever》E18Plot

Episode 18

Everyone searched hard for Tushan Jing to no avail. Li Rongchang concluded that it was more dangerous than good and had drifted with the waves to the depths of the sea.When Xiling Jiu Yao heard the news, although she was heartbroken, she did not lose her composure and only asked Xi Yan Xingxuan to take her to the seaside.The sea wind howled, and she stood on the shore, her heart full of confusion and unwillingness.She asked herself, this trip was just to visit a sick child, what was wrong?Tu Shanjing's fight to protect her was an act of justice. Why was fate so fateful?She asked Xuanxuan for help, but found no solution.In desperation, she climbed onto the rocks, shouted Tu Shanjing's name to the vast sea, and vowed to get married immediately as long as he returned, no matter the cost.However, the only response to her was the sound of waves crashing on the shore, and there was still no news from Tu Shanjing.Xiling Jiu Yao's call echoed on the empty seaside, telling her deep love and reluctance for her lover, as well as her endless helplessness in the face of fate.

After seven days, there was still no trace of Tushan Jing, so Xiling Jiuyao insisted on holding the wedding.Xi Yanxuanxuan was heartbroken and tried his best to dissuade him, but Xiling Jiuyao firmly refused.Upon seeing this, his grandfather comforted Xuanxuan not to interfere with Jiuyao's feelings. However, Xingxuan could not bear to see her self-sacrifice and blocked the marriage with the dignity of an emperor.Jiu Yao knelt down and begged her with decisive words, which made Xing Xuan's heart feel like a knife.Finally, his grandfather came forward and agreed to the marriage on behalf of Xuanxuan.The wedding was simple, and Jiu Yao stood alone between heaven and earth, completing her vow with Tu Shanjing.In the wedding room, she waited all night, but her expectations failed. The groom did not return, leaving her alone to face endless emptiness and sadness.

Xiling Jiu Yao was isolated on the top of the mountain. The wind took away her soft hair and seemed to take away her past expectations and regrets.Once upon a time, she waited for her mother in Xiyan Mountain for six years, but her expectations turned into endless disappointment; and she watched Xiyan Xuanxuan and her father in Yushan for seventy years. The years have passed, she has not returned, and her heart has grown old.Those years of waiting were like hanging my heart on the tip of a sharp knife, suffering day and night.

Now, she stood on Chenrong Mountain, looking across the sea of ​​clouds, but her heart was extremely determined.This time, she vowed not to let herself fall into endless waiting and torture, but she was willing to make an exception for Tu Shanjing.She thought silently in her heart, Tu Shanjing, you must come. Whether it is ten years, twenty years, one hundred years, or three hundred years, I will wait for you here.The long river of time cannot stop my determination. No matter how late it is, I will wait for you, just for you, Tu Shanjing.

Grandfather's gaze was profound, as if he could see into people's hearts. He slowly asked Xi Yanxuan if he had any grudges because of Xiling Jiuyao's unfinished wedding.Xi Yanxuan raised a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and replied calmly, that was just a superficial title, nothing worth mentioning.He mentioned that Xiling Jiuyao's name would not be included in the Tushan clan's genealogy. In the eyes of the world, Tushanjing had passed away and the two had nothing to do with each other anymore.However, his grandfather's next words made him unable to maintain his superficial calm.

Grandfather questioned how Tu Shanhou, a deposed man, could have the power to compete with the Tu Shan clan and cultivate so many dead soldiers.Xi Yanxuan tried to excuse Tu Shanhuang by secretly training him, but his grandfather's insight was extraordinary. He bluntly said that it was impossible for Tu Shanjing to leave such a big hidden danger. There were only a handful of people in the wilderness who could do this..The implication is that Xi Yanxuan naturally became the object of suspicion.Facing his grandfather's questioning, Xi Yanxuan was silent. He could not deny it or explain it.

On the other side, after Xiling Jiu Yao calmed down, she asked Xi Yan Xingxuan to have a drink together.She was grateful to Tu Shanjing for healing her spiritual trauma and had a deep affection for him.However, when the topic turned to the cause of Tu Shanjing's death, her eyes became sharp and full of doubts.She wondered how Tu Shanhou could have so many dead soldiers, and directly asked Xi Yan Xuanxuan whether he was involved.Xi Yanxuan's silence was acquiescence. This truth was like a bolt from the blue, causing Xiling Jiuyao to collapse.

She clenched the knife in her hand and pointed it at Xi Yanxuanxuan's vitals uncontrollably, with tears and anger intertwined on her face.She asked why, why he treated her and Tu Shanjing so cruelly.At this moment, all trust and emotion were gone, leaving only endless hatred and despair.Xi Yanxuan looked at her, his eyes full of pain and helplessness. He knew that he had lost her and the chance to redeem her.This sudden revelation of the truth brought the relationship between the two to the brink of rupture.

《Lost You Forever》E19Plot

Episode 19

Xi Yanxuan frankly admitted to killing Tu Shanjing. This news was like a bolt from the blue, which made Xiling Jiu Yao heartbroken.She couldn't understand why her brother was so cruel. With anger and sadness intertwined, she uncontrollably raised the sharp blade and pointed it directly at Xi Yanxuan's vitals.Xi Yanxuanxuan was shocked, but also confused and sad. He never expected that his sister would hate her so much because of her love.Although he struggled hard, he finally chose to give up resistance and let the tip of the knife penetrate his skin, staining his clothes red with blood.

Xi Yanxuan, who knelt on the ground, was full of confusion and unwillingness. He murmured to himself, expressing his deep love and confusion for Xiling Jiuyao, why falling in love with each other turned out to be hurt.Xiling Jiuyao held the trembling handle of the knife, and her heart was as sharp as a knife as she listened to her brother's confession.Xi Yan Xuanxuan even covered the blade with his hand, trying to go to hell with her. This determination made Xiling Jiu Yao collapse and scream.The grandfather heard the sound and rushed to stop the tragedy in time, but Xiling Jiuyao read the despair in her grandfather's eyes that saw everything. It turned out that they already knew the truth. She broke down and asked, and in the end she could only sit on the ground helplessly.Tears fell like a fountain.

As night fell, my grandfather walked into Xi Ling Jiu Yao's room and comforted her with sincere words, saying that Xi Yan Xuanxuan's mistake was just a thought, and hoped that she would not fall into the abyss of hatred.After Jiu Yao heard this, she was disheartened and her trust in the family was gone. She asked her grandfather why he was here, with tears in her eyes.Grandfather sighed and mentioned that his parents sacrificed themselves for the righteousness of the world, and advised Jiu Yao not to use personal grudges to bring disaster to all people.Later, my grandfather ordered strict supervision to prevent accidents.Jiu Yao sneered and said that she had been imprisoned by the nine-tailed fox demon for thirty years and was not afraid of being imprisoned again. If it prevented her from taking revenge, it would be better to take her life now.Grandfather shook his head helplessly, turned and left, leaving Jiu Yao alone, licking her wounds in the night.

The old King of Xiyan isolated Xiling Jiuyao and Xiyan Xingxuan and strictly prohibited them from seeing each other.However, Xuanxuan cleverly passed a key to Jiuyao secretly by sending wine and mulberries.When Jiu Yao was playing with mulberries, she accidentally discovered the key and used it to unlock the shackles that bound her.Jiu Yao, who was free, decided to go to Phoenix Forest, which was the place of memories she shared with Xuan Xuan.In the depths of the Phoenix Forest, she indeed saw Xuanxuan. Their eyes met, and it was difficult to describe.Jiu Yao thanked Xuan Xuan for the key and laughed at herself that she had been trapped all her life and never thought that the key could be used to unlock the shackles imposed by her family and her brother.

Xuanxuan tried to mend the cracks with her childhood swing. Although Jiuyao agreed, her heart was full of cracks.She sat on the swing and slowly told her brother Xuanxuan in her heart, the innocent image that had disappeared with the death of Tu Shanjing.Later, Jiu Yao stepped off the swing and frankly said that she had fantasized about spending her old age with Xuanxuan, picking flowers and swinging in the Phoenix Forest, but now, all of this has been destroyed by Xuanxuan's actions.She announced that since Xuanxuan killed Tushanjing, she would also fulfill her vow of revenge.

Xi Yanxuan quietly agreed to Xiling Jiuyao's determination. She handed him a phoenix flower and admitted that the flower contained highly toxic substances.Xuanxuan took it without hesitation, tasted the nectar, and Jiuyao also drank it, vowing to live and die together.The two sat side by side, tasting the poisonous phoenix flowers one by one. However, Jiu Yao unexpectedly became poisonous first.Xuanxuan hugged her weakly and asked if she would be so decisive if Tu Shanjing harmed her.Jiu Yao shook her head, saying that Tu Shanjing knew his position in her heart and would never let her suffer the slightest pain.Xuanxuan felt remorseful and apologized to Jiuyao, blaming herself for treating her as a pawn.Jiu Yao gently wiped away his tears and expressed that she had forgiven everything.Xuanxuan asked if she would choose herself if time went back. Jiuyao vomited blood before she could answer.Xuanxuan suddenly realized that there was no poison in Jiuyao's flowers, and she only sacrificed herself to protect herself.Jiu Yao passed away with a smile on her face, and Xuanxuan hugged her cold body, tears of despair bursting out.

《Lost You Forever》E20Plot

Episode 20

Xiyan Xuanxuan was heartbroken when he saw Xiling Jiuyao passing away in his arms, and suddenly woke up from the illusion of his grandfather's tea.He eagerly told his grandfather about his experience in the dreamland and firmly denied killing Tu Shanjing.Grandfather expressed his trust, but also pointed out that Xuanxuan had neglected Xiaoyao's innocence and ignorance of the family's conspiracy, and failed to investigate the origins of the deceased.Xuanxuan blamed himself and admitted it, but his grandfather warned him earnestly not to betray Jiu Yao's trust.Xuanxuan made a solemn promise, and his grandfather nodded happily, thankful that his opponent was impatient and did not let Xuanxuan truly fall into a situation of no return.

Chishui Fenglong accidentally exposed the true identities of those dead soldiers, and angrily confronted Chen Rong Xinyue.When questioned, Chenrong Xinyue frankly admitted what she had done and revealed that her original target was Xiling Jiuyao, but Fangfeng Yiying suddenly betrayed her, changing the situation.Chishui Fenglong was deeply disappointed with Chen Rong Xinyue's stubbornness. In anger, the two broke out into a fierce quarrel.However, Chenrong Xinyue seemed extremely determined. She assured Chishui Fenlong that all the consequences would be borne by her alone, and he and his family would never be affected.

Later, Chishui Fenglong approached Chenrong Xinyue and told her that the trouble in Qingshui Town had been taken care of by him, but this kind of help was only for this time. He hoped that she could learn from it and act more cautiously in the future.After saying that, Chishui Fenlong turned and left in disappointment, leaving Chen Rong Xinyue alone to face his decision.

On the other side, when Xi Yanxuan visited Xiling Jiuyao, he was surprised to find that she had grown white hair, and his heart was filled with pity.Xiling Jiuyao didn't care about this. She explained to Xingxuan why she said before the wedding that the situation was different this time - in her heart, although her mother is a close relative, she is also a citizen of Xiyan. When the two conflict,, she knew very well that she would be abandoned, and she had no complaints about it.However, Tu Shanjing is different. In her heart, she is always the most important.Xiling Jiu Yao firmly believed that Tu Shan Jing was not dead and determined to continue searching.After hearing this, Xuanxuan promised that he would keep sending people to look for Tushanjing, and hugged Xiling Jiuyao tightly, blaming himself and saying that it was all his fault.Although Xiling Jiu Yao still had doubts in her heart, she still responded to Xing Xuan's hug gently.

Xi Yanxuan angrily scolded Chenrong Xinyue and asked him whether he killed Tu Shanjing. Xinyue silently admitted that the target was Xiling Jiuyao.In a rage, Xuanxuan slapped Xinyue and vowed that although she would not deprive her of her position as queen, she would be deprived of real power, isolated and helpless, and suffer a lot.After saying this, Xuanxuan left angrily, leaving Xinyue paralyzed on the ground.Later, Xuanxuan dispatched Pingshou and Qin Mang to lead troops to conquer Chenrong's rebel army.Unexpectedly, Chishui Fenglong took the initiative to ask for a job with a firm attitude, but Xingxuan reluctantly agreed.This incident reached the ears of Chishui Fenglong's father, who was furious that he had forgotten his roots.Fenglong had no choice but to reveal the truth and wanted to exchange his military exploits for His Majesty's forgiveness for his sister Xinyue.After hearing this, his father understood his difficulties and sighed helplessly.On the eve of the expedition, Fenglong visited Xinyue, but was scolded by him and forced to leave.Grandfather informed Xiling Jiu Yao about Feng Long's expedition, worrying that he would not be able to let go of his love for Xiang Liu.Jiu Yao held back tears and recalled the happy times in Qingshui Town. Her eyes turned red, but she insisted that she understood that the world is impermanent.

Xiang Liu set up a trap, and Hong Jiang took the opportunity to sneak attack Chishui Fenglong, causing heavy losses to the Xiyan army.The courtiers were in an uproar and asked for a change of coach.However, the change of generals is not a good move for either Hong Leong's supporters or opponents, and may lead to suspicion.Xi Yanxuan was convinced of Fenglong and decided to go to Qingshui Town to investigate in person.Jiu Yao of Xiling wanted to go with him after hearing the news, but Xingxuan refused at first, but with the support of his grandfather, thinking of Jiu Yao's deep love for Qingshui Town, he finally agreed to her wish.The two join hands and go to Qingshui together, intending to uncover the truth and also to end Jiu Yao's old dream.

《Lost You Forever》E21Plot

Episode 21

Jiu Yao of Xiling cares about the people of Qingshui Town. Chishui Fenglong comforts her heart, saying that the townspeople have been properly resettled and their return date will be determined by themselves after the war.The two stayed in Yu Mansion, where the environment was elegant.Jiu Yao saw things and missed people, Tu Shan Jing's shadow emerged, and her heartache was uncontrollable.Xiang Liu is keenly aware and stays with her silently.In troubled times, emotions are even more precious. Between Jiu Yao, Chishui, and Xiang Liu, their friendship gradually deepens and they overcome difficulties together.

In a tense conversation, Xi Yanxuan raised serious questions about Chishui Fenglong's reckless behavior, trying to understand why he fell into Xiang Liu's trap.However, Chishui Fenglong seemed unusually silent, as if he had something to hide.Xi Yanxuan was keenly aware of this. He chose silence and did not continue to ask questions. Instead, he gave Chishui Fenglong enough space to decide when to speak.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and Xiang Liu appeared in the sky like a ghost, shooting an arrow at Xi Yan Xingxuan.At this critical moment, Chishui Fenglong stepped forward without hesitation and blocked the fatal arrow with his body.Upon seeing this, Xiang Liu did not continue the pursuit, but turned and left, leaving behind a mess of chaos and shock.

Xiling Jiuyao was urgently invited to treat Chishui Fenglong, but her face became more and more serious.She discovered that not only was the arrow poisonous, but it was also smeared by Xiang Liu with his own blood, and she could not undo the poison.Chishui Fenglong's injuries became more and more serious. He knew that he had no time left, so before he died, he revealed to Xi Yanxuan the truth about Chen Rong Xinyue's assassination of Tu Shanjing and begged him to forgive Chen Rong Xinyue.At the same time, he also confessed to Xi Yanxuan the real reason why he abandoned Xiyan Mountain to protect Chenrong Mountain. It was Tu Shanjing's strategy, but he took the sole credit.

After hearing this, Xi Yanxuan felt mixed emotions in his heart.He was both shocked by Chishui Toyotaka's betrayal and grateful for his confession before his death.He promised Chishui Fenglong that he would protect Chenrong Xinyue's life and give her the highest status in the Zijin Palace.

After the death of Chishui Fenglong, Chenrong's rebel army took the opportunity to launch an attack.Faced with this sudden crisis, Xi Yanxuanxuan decided to go into battle personally and lead the army to resist foreign enemies.Xiling Jiu Yao came to the seaside because of her anger and confusion towards Xiang Liu.She shouted Xiang Liu's name loudly, hoping that he would come out and give her an explanation.Sure enough, Xiang Liu appeared, and a heated conversation started between the two.In the end, Xiling Jiuyao chose to use her own blood to repay Xiang Liu's kindness, and fainted to the ground after losing too much blood.Xiang Liu picked her up and kissed her wrist, his heart filled with pain and regret.

When Xiling Jiu Yao woke up, she found herself lying in the warm embrace of Hao Ling Yi.Hao Lingyi told her gently that he came with Liao Shou, and when he saw that his sister was seriously injured, he offered to take her back to recuperate.At the same time, Xiyan Xuanxuan will return to Chenrong Mountain with the body of Chishui Fenglong to comfort the souls of the deceased.

Although Chenrong Xinyue got her wish and gained power, the grief of losing her loved one made it difficult for her to control herself.She blamed herself so much that she broke the jade flute she had collected, which was a memory she shared with her brother.Now, she vows to go all out to become a virtuous queen not only for herself, but also for Chenrongshan and the Chishui clan.

After Xi Yanxuanxuan learned the truth about Tu Shanjing, he felt heavy and drank alone to soothe his sorrows. At the same time, he ordered his men to find Tu Shanjing's whereabouts at all costs and vowed to see him alive and dead.

After Hao Lingyi safely sent Xiling Jiu Yao back to Yushan, she turned to Xiang Liu to question her intentions.It turns out that Xiang Liu has quietly deleted his own image in the mirror of Jiu Yao and Xi Ling, and admitted that there is no solution to the poison of the same fate.The reason why he was able to help Xuanxuan remove the poison was because Xiling was unwilling to do so, while Xiling Jiuyao sincerely planted the poison on herself, making him willing to accept the bondage.

《Lost You Forever》E22Plot

Episode 22

Although Xiang Liu could not directly eliminate the poison, he sacrificed two lives with a decisive gesture to finally get rid of this disaster.Later, he entrusted the comatose Jiu Yao of Xiling to Hao Lingyi, and begged the Queen Mother to conceal the truth on her behalf, making Jiu Yao mistakenly believe that she had solved the poison herself.The Queen Mother agreed, but Hao Lingyi couldn't understand what she meant, and said calmly to Liu: "Since we have no chance to stay together in this life, we will not add any love debts, and we will not arouse lovesickness, just like strangers."%This statement touched Hao Lingyi, and she promised to keep it secret.Xiang Liu was grateful, but he declined the Queen Mother's offer to keep him in his care. He was injured and left Yushan resolutely, his figure gradually drifting away.

Xi Yan's army and Chen Rong's rebel army were about to go to war. His grandfather told Xi Yan Xuanxuan that Hong Jiang and others could only kill but not humiliate him. Xi Yan Xuanxuan agreed. His grandfather asked him again what he planned to do when Xiling Jiu Yao was healthy.Xiyan Xuanxuan said that Chenrong Xinyue killed Tushanjing, and he was afraid that Xiling Jiuyao would not be willing to come back. His grandfather said that Tushanjing should be gone, and there would be no obstacle between Xiling Jiuyao and Xiyan Xuanxuan., has he ever thought about the future with Xiling Jiuyao? Xi Yanxuanxuan said that there is no rush in this matter. When Xiaoyao lets go, the two will always be together no matter how many years it takes. Grandpa poured him a cup of tea and waited.After Xiyan Xuanxuan drank it, he said, this is mantra tea. After drinking this tea, you will answer all questions and speak the truth. Xiyan Xuanxuan froze, and his grandfather laughed. Only then did Xiyan Xuanxuan understand that his grandfatherThis was just teasing himself. Grandpa still asked him if Xiling Jiu Yao insisted on killing Chen Rong Xinyue, would he agree? Xi Yan Xuanxuan said no, and grandpa asked again. Now there are two ways in front of him, one is to give up the throne.With Xiaoyao, Yiyi gives up Xiaoyao and continues to be the King of Xiyan. Which one does he choose? Before Xiyan Xuanxuan could answer directly, he received a message from Li Rongchang handed over by his subordinates. After reading it, Xiyan Xuanxuan was shocked.Open your eyes wide.

On the top of Jade Mountain, Xiling Jiu Yao hesitated in her heart, wondering whether she should stay and become the Queen Mother. She lamented that the world was so big that there seemed to be no place for her to stand.At this time, Xi Yanxuan was hiding quietly behind the tree, looking at her back, knowing that he was not qualified to talk to her about her concerns at the moment, so he could only watch silently.Jiu Yao talked to herself, immersed in her own thoughts, while Xuan Xuan felt distressed but did not dare to show up.

Suddenly, a burst of illusion struck Jiu Yao as if she heard Tu Shanjing's call. She turned around slowly and actually saw that familiar figure.The two looked at each other for a moment, then ran towards each other and hugged each other tightly. All the waiting and pain disappeared at this moment.Seeing this scene, Xuanxuan felt mixed emotions in her heart. She smiled bitterly and left quietly.

Tu Shanjing used his spiritual power to gradually dye the white hair on Jiu Yao's head back to black. He slowly told his own experience: That day, his life was hanging by a thread, but fortunately Jiu Yao's puppet risked his life to save him.Must be preserved.Later, he fell into the abyss of the ocean floor, was seriously injured and almost died when he encountered a whirlpool.Fortunately, the elixir given by Jiu Yao miraculously repaired his heart, allowing him to find a glimmer of hope in despair.After nearly dying, he finally managed to escape, but he fell into a coma due to excessive injuries. Fortunately, Li Rongchang rescued him in time.

Hearing this, Jiu Yao burst into tears and said with a smile that if Tu Shanjing had not returned in time, she might have decided to stay in Yushan.Tu Shanjing knew that she didn't want to be bound here, and felt pity in her heart.When Jiu Yao mentioned her intention to kill Chen Rong Xinyue, Tu Shanjing held her hand distressedly and gently stopped her.Seeing this, Jiu Yao playfully resolved the heavy burden with a joke, and suggested that if she was moved beyond words, she would agree with her body. Tu Shanjing agreed with a smile, and the relationship between the two became even deeper at this moment.

On the top of Jade Mountain, Xiling Jiuyao was in a state of confusion, wondering whether she should accept the position of Queen Mother, and lamented that in such a vast world, there seemed to be no place for her to settle down and live her life.Xi Yanxuan hid in the darkness, staring at her back, knowing that he could not be the one she confided in, so he could only guard her silently.Jiu Yao murmured to herself, immersed in the whirlpool of her own thoughts. Although Xuan Xuan felt pain in her heart, she did not dare to disturb the tranquility.

At this moment, a strange illusion passed by, and Jiu Yao seemed to hear Tu Shanjing's call in a trance. She slowly turned around and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was not an illusion, Tu Shanjing really appeared in front of her eyes.The two people's eyes met, and in an instant they transcended all the waiting and barriers, embracing each other tightly, and all the pain and loneliness disappeared at this moment.Xuanxuan witnessed this scene from the side, with mixed feelings in his heart, and finally smiled bitterly, turned around and left silently.

Tu Shanjing used his spiritual power to gently stroke Jiu Yao's hair, gradually turning the white hair caused by worry back to black.He gently told Jiu Yao his experience: from the crisis of hanging by a thread to the puppet's life-saving rescue; from the despair in the abyss of the sea to the miraculous vitality brought by the elixir; to the coma after escaping the predicament, and the separation.Rong Chang's timely rescue.Every detail is full of struggle and persistence between life and death.

After hearing this, Jiu Yao burst into tears, grateful for Tu Shanjing's return, and even more grateful for everything he had done for her.She admitted that if Tu Shanjing had not appeared in time, she might have chosen to stay in Yushan.Tu Shanjing knew her feelings well and cherished the relationship between the two even more.When Jiu Yao mentioned that she wanted to kill Chen Rong Xinyue, Tu Shanjing gently stopped her and comforted her in her own way.Finally, in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, Jiu Yao jokingly proposed to marry each other in return. Tu Shanjing agreed with a smile, and the relationship between the two became deeper.

《Lost You Forever》E23Plot

Episode 23

The dust of the war settled and Xiang Liu died.The soldiers of Xiyan were so angry that they wanted to cut his body into thousands of pieces to comfort his soul.Ling Shou stepped forward and ordered him to stop, saying that although Xiang Liu was an enemy, he was also a brave man and should not be humiliated.After saying this, he bowed deeply to Xiang Liu's body to express his respect, and then led the soldiers to leave silently, leaving behind a scene of solemnity and respect.

Xiling Jiuyao's tears fell silently, and she was filled with regret. If she had known earlier that it was the farewell to Xiang Liu, she would never have let her words become sharp swords and stab each other.She picked up the mirror with trembling hands, only to find that all the memories of Xiang Liu were gone, and her heart was filled with shock and pain.It turned out that not only did Xiang Liu not take her words to heart, he also completely destroyed those common memories without leaving a trace.Jiu Yao felt that she was so unbearable in Xiang Liu's heart that she wasn't even worth keeping in mind.

At the same time, Xi Yanxuan raised a glass and drank alone, offering sacrifices to the spirit of Xiang Liu from afar.He secretly promised in his heart that he would fulfill his promise to Xiang Liu. When he becomes the king of Xiyan one day, he will set aside a peak on Chenrong Mountain as a sacrificial place so that all the heroes who died in the battle can rest in peace and their ashes can be buried.To be able to return to the homeland that my soul has always dreamed of.He told his grandfather about this idea and got his approval and support.

Xi Yanxuan was suddenly summoned by his father, and the whole group went to Chaoyun Peak together.On the top of the peak, the atmosphere was solemn and warm. Tu Shanjing proposed to Xiling Jiu Yao in public. His sincerity moved the old Xi Yan King and Hao Ling King who were present, and the two elders happily agreed.However, Xuanxuan had doubts in his heart. He confronted Tu Shanjing and questioned him about the concealment of his plan to occupy Chenrong Mountain.Tu Shanjing was honest and said that everything was because of Xiaoyao, but his choice to support Xingxuan was not entirely because of her.He traveled across the wilderness, witnessed the suffering of the world, and fully understood the importance of the king of a country to the people.Tu Shanjing emphasized that although he could break the clan rules as Xiaoyao, in the face of the overall situation, he valued Xuanxuan's mind and talents more, so he spared no effort to support her ascension to the throne.After hearing this, Xuanxuan was deeply impressed by his broadmindedness and foresight, and was finally convinced and happily agreed to their marriage.

Later, Xuanxuan took out a precious token, which was a gift from his mother to his future daughter-in-law. He personally gave it to Xiling Jiuyao, and confessed affectionately that she was the one he had been happy with for a long time.When Jiu Yao heard this, she was shocked and unbelievable, while Xuanxuan explained gently that although she had weighed the pros and cons, her position in her heart had never changed.He gently inserted the Ruomu flower in Jiu Yao's hair, saying that it was not only a token of the Ruoshui tribe, but also a blessing from him as an elder brother. He hoped it would protect her and keep her safe throughout her life.Jiu Yao was moved and accepted this heavy gift.

The two recalled the past, and Xuanxuan was filled with emotion when she mentioned the vows made in Phoenix Forest.He admitted that he had found the answer and would choose to take the road to the throne, but his deep love for Xiao Yao remained in his heart.Jiu Yao's eyes were filled with tears, feeling happy for her brother's growth and decision. The two hugged each other tightly, as if all misunderstandings and barriers disappeared at this moment.

In the end, under the witness and blessing of everyone, Xiling Jiu Yao and Tu Shan Jing got married and started their common life journey.Jiu Yao, with the joy of her wedding, worshiped her mother with Tu Shanjing, expressing her nostalgia for the past and expectations for the future.Later, they decided to return to Qingshui Town, a place full of memories and warmth.Before leaving, Hao Lingyi gave the big-headed doll to Jiu Yao as a wedding gift, symbolizing blessing and companionship. He hoped that she could take this pure happiness and travel around the world with Tu Shanjing to make up for her unrealized dream..

The medical book - Jimin Waijian - was finally completed, but many sacrifices were made during the compilation process.Xiyan Xingxuan was grateful for the contribution of all the doctors, and ordered the erection of a monument to commemorate each participant's name and achievements, so that future generations can remember their immortal contributions and pay tribute to the doctors' benevolence and dedication.

Lost You Forever

Lost You Forever

Total 23 Episodes Jul 08, 2024 C-Drama Period Actor: Tan Kenci Deng Wei Zhang Wanyi Yang Zi