《read on the island 2》Ep Intro

This season's “Island Bookstore” is led by Yu Hua, Su Tong, Cheng Yongxin, and Ye Zizi. They will come to Zhuhai's Dong'ao Island to meet new friends and old acquaintances to taste life in books.

In addition to the four bookstore managers, Mo Yan, Alai, Wang Yao, Chen Jiming, Xu Yigua, Zhu Yong, Ma Boyong, Sun Pin, Zijin Chen, Zheng Zhi, Ye Xinyun, Wu Changhong, Jiao Dian, etc. will also serve as flight attendants.The guests accompanied everyone on another bookish journey facing the sea.

《read on the island 2》Based on the audience's feedback on the first season of "I Read on the Island", the program specially increases the proportion of invitations to young writers born in the 80s and 90s, reflecting the program's hope to further dialogue with young people.of eagerness.

《read on the island 2》E1Plot

Episode 1

Starting from Wang Zengqi's prose and talking about Su Tong's short stories, we recommend some literary masterpieces suitable for reading before going to bed.

Wang Zengqi's food prose essays have won the love of readers with their delicate brushwork and unpretentious language.These proses do not have ups and downs of emotional fluctuations, but they can touch people's hearts inadvertently, making people feel the beauty of life while enjoying delicious food.Reading such words, it seems that you can smell the aroma of food, feel the warmth of home, and fall asleep with a sweet and pleasant feeling. It is really a rare enjoyment.

Episode 1

Su Tong's short stories have won widespread praise for their unique narrative style and profound humanistic care.His works not only show the true face of life, but also reveal the complexity and multifaceted nature of human nature.In Su Tong's writing, each story seems to be an independent small world, in which readers can freely travel and experience different life styles.Such works are not only suitable for reading before going to bed, but can also trigger people's profound thinking about life.

It is worth mentioning that the arrival of two young writers Ye Xinyun and Wu Changhong restored a more realistic version of Yu Hua and Su Tong for us.In the mutual learning between teachers and students, they not only learned the literary spirit of their predecessors, but also achieved outstanding achievements in creation.Works such as Ye Xinyun's "Peacock" and Wu Changhong's "Saya Desert", with their unique perspectives and profound connotations, were published in "Harvest" magazine and became the best among the younger generation of writers.

《read on the island 2》E2Plot

Episode 2

Yu Hua, Su Tong, Cheng Yongxin and other literary figures tried to use AI to create poems with the themes of the classic works - Living - and - Wives and Concubines.This attempt not only demonstrates the rapid development of modern science and technology, but also triggers people's in-depth thinking on the nature and future direction of literature.

With AI creating % works in seconds, its speed and efficiency are amazing.However, in the face of such technological innovation, everyone in the literary world has a surprisingly unanimous view: literature, as the carrier of human emotions and thinking, is the last bastion that technology cannot reach.Su Tong's words not only expressed his firm belief in literature, but also hinted at the boundary between technology and literature.

Cheng Yongxin further pointed out that the value of literary works lies in its creativity and imagination, but also in its ability to depict a life that the author has never experienced.Behind this lies the unique thinking, emotion and experience of human beings, which cannot be replaced by machines.Literature is not only words and stories, but also a reflection of the human soul, an exchange of emotions, and a collision of ideas.

Episode 2

When reminiscing about the hot 1980s, Yu Hua, Su Tong, Alai and others talked about that era when buying books relied on panic buying.In that period when resources were not very abundant, literature, with its unique charm, became the solace and pursuit of people's souls.At the same time, they jointly recalled the days when they were loyal fans of football king Maradona. Their love and passion for football, like their persistence in literature, became their common memory.

When the time came for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, Yu Hua and Alai went to watch the game together, which pushed this love for sports and literature to a climax.At that moment, they truly felt the passion of "I'm a Football Maniac" and realized the commonalities between literature and sports in stimulating human emotions.

《read on the island 2》E3Plot

Episode 3

Writers and critics such as Yu Hua, Su Tong, and Cheng Yongxin not only explore the infinite possibilities of art, but also look for commonalities between the two.They firmly believe that music and literature are as closely connected as twin brothers, whether in terms of artistic ideas, structural organization or means of expression.

Yu Hua, with his unique insight and profound literary attainments, leads the audience into the inner worlds of music masters and literary giants.He talked about how Tchaikovsky's melodies tell the joys and sorrows of human nature like novels, and how the jumping notes on Rubinstein's keyboard interpret the joys and sorrows of life.Under Yu Hua's interpretation, Bach's polyphonic music, Tolstoy's narrative novels, Rachmaninov's soulful melodies, and Shostakovich's sad elegy all seemed to have become visual literary pictures, touching people.touch the hearts of every listener.

Episode 3

Su Tong, with his delicate brushwork and keen observation, embarked on a magical journey of plant discovery with Alai on Dong'ao Island.Using plants as a medium, they shared the mysteries of nature hidden in literature.Su Tong said that nature is not only a source of inspiration for literary creation, but also an important carrier of emotional sustenance and philosophical thinking for writers.In his works, readers can feel the vitality and vitality of nature, as well as the beautiful vision of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Cheng Yongxin discussed the relationship between literature and music from a more macro perspective.He believes that appreciating symphony music is actually similar to reading literary works.Music tells stories through melody, rhythm and notes, while words depict the normality of people in life in a clearer and more accurate way.Although the two are different in form, they are surprisingly similar in narrative techniques, emotional expression, and touching of the soul.

《read on the island 2》E4Plot

Episode 4

The well-known writer Zhu Yong joins hands with literary giants such as Yu Hua, Su Tong, Cheng Yongxin, and Alai to return to this culturally rich space, leading the audience on a spiritual journey that traces memories of their boyhood and shares enlightenment readings.

In this special gathering, the writers not only talked about their reading experiences while growing up, but also selected three representative works from their respective literary creations to show the spiritual nourishment and growth insights they gained in the world of words..For these literary giants, reading and writing are not only the enlightenment of wisdom, but also the nourishment of the soul. The spiritual power they impart has become an indispensable support on their literary creation path.

Episode 4

Su Tong revealed his favorite reading material as a boy - comic books.From - Xiaobing Zhang Ga - to - Railway Guerrilla -, to - Crossing the River Reconnaissance - and - Sunny Day -, these comic strips accompanied him through countless afternoons.Su Tong admitted that these comic strips not only enriched his imagination, but also invisibly shaped his unique understanding of stories and characters.To this day, he still has a box full of comic books in his collection. The stories between these pages have long been the source of inspiration for his literary creation.

Cheng Yongxin, his juvenile books are more inclined to history and legend.From - Generals of the Yang Family - to - Yue Fei's Biography - to the popular - Romance of the Three Kingdoms -, these books opened a door to the world of ancient heroes for him.Cheng Yongxin specifically mentioned that "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a classic that he has read repeatedly. The wisdom and bravery in the book gave him a deeper understanding of human nature and destiny.

《read on the island 2》E5Plot

Episode 5

In the latest episode of “山海经书屋”, the well-known writer Ma Boyong gathered together with Yu Hua, Su Tong, Cheng Yongxin, Alai and other literary figures to have a unique literary talk.This gathering was not only a collision of ideas, but also a cultural feast.

Ma Boyong revealed his unique creative habits in the program. He said that unlike most writers, he often creates in noisy environments.This unique creative method aroused curiosity and discussion among the guests, and also demonstrated the different creative styles and environmental needs of contemporary writers.

It is worth mentioning that when talking about the new generation of young writers represented by Ma Boyong, Yu Hua and Su Tong humorously called them "a generation of writers without manuscripts".This title is not only a joke on their use of computers for creation, but also reflects the tremendous changes in literary creation tools with the development of the times.

Episode 5

During the discussion session of the program, literary experts recommended a series of classic works of humorous literature to the audience, taking European and American literature as an example.Giovanni Boccaccio's - The Decameron -, Cervantes Saavedra's - Don Quixote -, William Somerset Maugham's - The Moon and the SixPenny--and other works were named one by one.These works not only attracted countless readers with their humorous writing style, but also left a deep mark on the history of literature.

In his speech, Su Tong emphasized that the most orthodox literary history of European and American literature has an inseparable relationship with humorous literature.He believes that humor is the soul of literature and can give works unique charm and vitality.Yu Hua also expressed similar views. He believed that humor is ubiquitous in literature and can appear in many forms, whether it is language, details, expressions or behaviors.

《read on the island 2》E6Plot

Episode 6

The high-profile young writer Zheng Zhi was invited to be a guest at “山海经书屋”, where he discussed the art and insights of writing with many literary figures such as Yu Hua, Su Tong, Cheng Yongxin, Zhu Yong, Alai, etc.Zheng Zhi is unique in the literary world with his unique realism and unbridled imagination. His work - Immortal Disease - won the first prize of the Anonymous Writers Project and won wide acclaim.

In this exchange, Zheng Zhi not only shared his writing experience, but also used his own works as a starting point to lead everyone into a magical world of stories.He said that whether it is the magnificence and fantasy of mythological stories or the depth and vastness of science fiction novels, they are both manifestations of literary imagination and the source of creative inspiration for writers.

Under the guidance of Zheng Zhi, Yu Hua, Su Tong and others introduced their classic works to the readers present.Su Tong's "Binu" has won everyone's praise for its unique narrative method and profound exploration of human nature; Alai's "King Gesar" has shown great historical background and delicate characterization.The charm of mythical stories; and works such as Li Rui and Jiang Yun's "The World", Ye Zhaoyan's "Houyi" and the ancient "Book of Mountains and Seas", even more show the rich and colorful myths and legends of the Chinese nation.

In addition, Zheng Zhi also specifically mentioned the rise and influence of science fiction in Chinese literature.He particularly praised Liu Cixin's works such as "The Three-Body Problem", "The Wandering Earth" and "The Rural Teacher". He believed that these science fiction stories were not only ingenious in conception and unpredictable in plot, but also had a profound impact on the international status of Chinese science fiction.Influence.

Episode 6

《read on the island 2》E7Plot

Episode 7

In the world of literature, Su Tong and Yu Hua are well-known names. They have won the love of readers with their profound insights and unique writing styles.However, behind the glamor, they have also experienced the dilemma of not being recognized for their talents, and their works were frequently rejected by magazines.Such an experience is a big blow to any writer, but they did not give up, but found the strength to move forward amidst the constant setbacks.

According to Su Tong's recollection, he once had an enlightenment because of one sentence.That sentence is: “Atong, whenever you write until others can't stop it, you can post it.”This sentence is not only an encouragement for his creation, but also an affirmation of his talent.It reminds Su Tong that only by constantly honing his skills and making his works irresistible can he win the recognition of others.

At the same time, the stories of Zheng Zhi and Zhu Yong, two writers from Shenyang, also show us another kind of intersection between literature and life.They joined forces to cook and restore the famous Northeastern dish Guobaorou, not only to enjoy the fun of cooking, but also to experience the fireworks of the world in the process.When smoke rises from the seaside, when the smell of hot food and rice mix with the waves and sea breeze, they feel that ideals and reality are magically intertwined.This may be the true meaning of “human vegetation” - every detail in life can become an inspiration for creation.

Episode 7

With the menu in mind, Zheng Zhi and Zhu Yong immediately got into the process of buying and preparing vegetables.They carefully select ingredients and prepare every dish with care.After a busy afternoon, their cooking skills were praised by Yu Hua, Su Tong and others.Especially for the Guobao Pork, the plate was already bottomed out not long after it was served, which is enough to prove their superb cooking skills.

《read on the island 2》E8Plot

Episode 8

Writers Xu Yigua and Sun Pin were invited to “Shan Hai Jing Book House”, and together with Yu Hua, Su Tong, Cheng Yongxin, Zhu Yong, Zi Zi and other literary figures, they went to this beautiful island located deep in the ocean to visit and create in retreat here.Chen Jiming.This trip is not only a simple visit, but also a wonderful experience of sharing beautiful scenery, delicious food and literary atmosphere.

As a writer who successfully crossed over from a political and legal reporter to the writing field, Xu Yigua admitted at the event that Yu Hua, Su Tong and others had left a glorious presence in her literary life.She said that she came to Shan Hai Jing Book House not only to exchange experiences with these literary seniors, but also to express her respect and love to them as a fan.Sun Pin's creations were also greatly influenced by Yu Hua, Su Tong, Cheng Yongxin and others. Her literary works are unique in the literary world and have attracted much attention.

The beautiful scenery of Guishan Island is refreshing, and the completely different atmosphere of life from Dong'ao Island gave this group of writers a different kind of inspiration.Chen Jiming has been in seclusion here for nearly 5 months, focusing on the creation of new works.His invitation made Yu Hua, Su Tong and others happily go there to experience the tranquility and charm of this island.

Episode 8

At the show, Yu Hua also showed off his fishing skills. Although he failed to catch three swordfish in several attempts, his optimistic and humorous attitude made the atmosphere more relaxed and enjoyable.This is not only a simple fishing attempt, but also a life attitude and fun that Yu Hua conveys to his companions.

This trip to Guishan Island is not only a simple visit and exchange, but also a literary event.Here, writers not only feel the charm of beautiful scenery and delicious food, but also draw inspiration and strength from mutual exchanges.Their arrival also added a sense of cultural richness to Guishan Island, becoming a vivid portrayal of %people swimming in the painting.

《read on the island 2》E9Plot

Episode 9

Famous writers Mo Yan, Yu Hua, Su Tong and others gathered in the bookstore to chat about travel and writing, and work together to salvage those beautiful memories that have accumulated over the years.This gathering is not only a literary feast, but also a spiritual exchange.

In the program, Mo Yan recalled his experience traveling abroad with Yu Hua, Su Tong, and Wang Shuo in 1998.It was a journey full of adventure and discovery. The four of them walked in a foreign country together and experienced different cultures and customs.Mo Yan mentioned that he bought six pairs of leather shoes in Italy at that time, but ended up giving them to others because they were not the right size.This interesting anecdote caused bursts of laughter among the old friends present, and also allowed people to see Mo Yan's humorous side.

Su Tong used his own travel experience as an introduction to share his unique insights on travel.He said that travel often plants a seed in your life. Whether this seed can germinate, grow, bloom, and bear fruit is unknown, but it is this unknown and mystery that makes travel full of charm and attraction.force.Su Tong also revealed that he had visited Kafka's former residence in Prague, Shakespeare's former residence in Stratford, England, and Victor Hugo's former residence in the Place des Vosges in the center of Paris.In the former residences of these literary giants, Su Tong felt their literary atmosphere and creative inspiration, and tried to have a dialogue with them across time and space.

Episode 9

Ye Zi also shared his own travel story.She mentioned that in order to go to the Yumotokan written by Kawabata Yasunari, she made a reservation half a year in advance, just so that she could personally experience the trip to Izu that was full of beautiful love.Ye Zi's experience allows people to see the power of travel, which allows us to step out of familiar environments and experience different customs, thereby enriching our inner world.

《read on the island 2》E10Plot

Episode 10

Recently, the well-known writer Wang Yao set foot on the beautiful Dongao Island and gathered with a group of old literary friends Yu Hua, Su Tong, Mo Yan, Cheng Yongxin, etc. to discuss the infinite charm of drama and literature.This gathering is not only a literary event, but also a testimony of the deep friendship between old friends.

Mo Yan, a well-known writer in the literary world, has not only made world-renowned achievements in the field of novels, but his love for the art of dialogue is also admirable.At this gathering, Mo Yan transformed into a photographer. Wherever he went, he never forgot to take out his mobile phone to capture beautiful moments and record the happy gatherings with old friends.

It is worth mentioning that Mo Yan recently launched a new drama script - Crocodile -, which is another masterpiece ten years after he won the Nobel Prize for Literature.When asked why he got involved in drama creation, Mo Yan humorously said that it was to distinguish himself from his writer friends such as Yu Hua and Su Tong. After all, in the literary circle, great writers often write both novels and scripts.

Episode 10

Looking back on Mo Yan's literary journey, it is not difficult to find his deep affection for local culture.In works such as - Sandalwood Punishment - and - Life and Death Fatigue -, his vivid descriptions of local operas in the Gaomi area of ​​Shandong Province demonstrate his love and inheritance of the culture of his hometown.The creation of this drama - Crocodile - is undoubtedly Mo Yan's affectionate confession of the art of drama.

《read on the island 2》E11Plot

Episode 11

In the long river of literature, the four writers Yu Hua, Su Tong, Mo Yan and Cheng Yongxin are like shining stars. Their works lead readers to sit in a time machine, travel through time and space, and return to their past years.

The young writer and poet Jiao Dian once said affectionately that Mo Yan was like a grandfather to him, a big tree that always supported him.Mo Yan fully affirmed Jiao Dian's creative talent and encouraged him to continuously pursue innovation on the road of creation.Mo Yan believes that a writer should not solidify his own style prematurely, but should be brave enough to try new ideas and forms.He suggested that Jiao Dian could try some larger-scale creations, such as novellas or short novels, because these forms can better demonstrate the writer's ability to control language, characterization and structure.

In Mo Yan's view, writing about his childhood is actually about writing about his hometown, and writing about his hometown is about writing about the people he is most familiar with.He emphasized that literature is always inseparable from the soil of life, and the gaze of childhood is the most literary because it has not been domesticated by worldly disturbances.This pure perspective makes childhood memories the most valuable asset in literary creation.

Episode 11

Su Tong also holds a similar view. He believes that observation and imagination in childhood are indispensable elements in literary creation.Su Tong's works are often full of innocence and fantasy. He is good at showing the wonder and beauty of the world through children's perspective.

Yu Hua and Cheng Yongxin lead readers into different literary worlds with their unique writing styles and profound social insights.Yu Hua's works often explore the complexity of human nature and the impermanence of society, while Cheng Yongxin paints vivid pictures of life with his delicate brushwork and profound social observation.

《read on the island 2》E12Plot

Episode 12

Between the mountains and sea of ​​Dongao Island, a unique candlelight concert is slowly opening.Yu Hua, Su Tong, Mo Yan, Cheng Yongxin and other literary figures gathered together to wave goodbye to “山海经书屋” and, under the influence of music, jointly explore the infinite charm of literature and art.

With the sound of classic melodies such as - Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai - Cantabile Andante - Second Waltz - On the Water Side - the whole mountain and sea seemed to be surrounded by a mysterious and mysterious melody.Surrounded by a profound atmosphere.These beautiful melodies, like a trickle, flow gently in everyone's heart, arousing endless thoughts and emotions.

In this feast of music and literature, Yu Hua expressed his deep emotions for music.He believes that music is a flowing and narrative art, which is similar to the narrative method of novels.The melody, rhythm and harmony in music can arouse people's emotional resonance, allowing people to immerse themselves in it and feel the infinite charm of art.At the same time, Yu Hua also said that the works of music masters such as Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich had a great influence on his literary creation.

Su Tong discussed the relationship between literature and art from the perspective of film.He believes that the memories of movies are actually the memories of literature.As an audio-visual art, film can vividly present the plots and characters in literature to the audience through pictures and sounds, allowing people to understand and feel the charm of literature more deeply.

Episode 12

During the conversation, Yu Hua also mentioned his close friendship with literature.He said that literary friends are friends from beginning to end. They met each other when they were young, talked about literature all night long, and exchanged reading experiences.As time went by, their topics gradually expanded from literature to family, children's growth, etc. This deep friendship became the most valuable asset in their lives.

read on the island 2

read on the island 2

Total 12 Episodes Jun 15, 2023 C-Drama Docu Actor: Wang Yao Jiao Dian Zijin Chen Mo Yan Chen Jiming Sun Pin Need a melon Zheng Zhi Ma Boyong Zhu Yong Alai Ye Xinyun Wu Changhong