《Teresa Teng》Ep Intro

On that early winter morning in 1953, in the military community, the fourth child of the Deng family, Teresa Teng (Michelle Chen), was born.The girl's talent in singing has been evident since she was young, but her father Deng Shu firmly opposed it.Deng Shu retired from the army and started his career as a market stall.The girl didn't understand her father's depression and homesickness, but she became his little helper selling steamed buns.After graduating from elementary school, the girl failed to enter junior high school.However, he has won a radio singing competition and become a regular member of the singing program.Deng Shu clashed with gangsters while setting up a stall in the market, was beaten and injured, and even filed a lawsuit.Late at night, the couple lamented that all this was due to the lack of a fixed storefront.The girl heard this and felt sorry for her parents. She became a signed singer and received an advance salary, and used the money to finance her father's store.Deng Shu was deeply moved when he found out.Yatou finally made it to the stage successfully and received numerous praises.

《Teresa Teng》E1Plot

Episode 1

In the spring of 1995, Teresa Teng's mother Zhao Sugui celebrated her 70th birthday in the lobby of Taipei Birthday Banquet Hall.Teresa Teng promised to help collect tap water in the mountainous area of ​​northern Taipei, but she couldn't come back to celebrate her mother's birthday, so she sang happy birthday to her mother over the phone to make up for it.As a famous singer, Teresa Teng is almost a household name, and Zhao Sugui followed suit. Many people came to celebrate her birthday and asked when Teresa Teng would come back to hold a concert.When her young lover Zhou Taisheng came to attend Zhao Sugui's birthday party, Teresa Teng's friend Duan Ning said that Teresa Teng was living very well with her current boyfriend in Thailand.Even so, he still talked to Teresa Teng on the phone through Deng Changfu and sang the songs of his youth.

Teresa Teng knew that it was Zhou Taisheng on the other end of the phone. She left her lover and walked aside to respond to him, then hung up the phone and sang the lyrics over and over again alone.Teresa Teng suffered an asthma attack, and there was no one around her. By the time she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance for emergency treatment, she was already dead.Zhao Sugui had an unknown premonition, so she got up and called her daughter, but no one answered.The news that Teresa Teng had an asthma attack and died in Thailand was broadcast on TV. As soon as Deng Changfu learned the bad news, he called the nanny at home and asked her to cut off all the phone and television lines.Countless reporters gathered outside Teresa Teng's home in Taipei, and Zhao Sugui could not turn on the TV. At this time, her third son came back, knelt down in tears and said that the girl was gone.The mother specially prepared flowers for her daughter that would bloom longer, but she still could not wait until Teresa Teng came back to see them.

Zhao Sugui accepted the fact that the white-haired man gave away the black-haired man, and asked his son to take Teresa Teng back no matter what.Afterwards, Teresa Teng’s compatriots brought her body back to Taipei.Zhao Sugui found Teresa Teng's foreign boyfriend at the time, Ma Ke, to learn about the situation that day. On the day of Teresa Teng's accident, Ma Ke was not around for something, so he blamed himself, but Zhao Sugui did not blame him.Marco took out a photo, and Zhao Sugui immediately remembered when the photo was taken.Before Zhao Sugui entered the mourning hall, she told the children not to follow her in. She wanted to talk to Teresa Teng alone for a while.The last thing Zhao Sugui said on the phone that day was thank you. Without Teresa Teng, the Deng family would not be what it is today.It was January 29, 1953 in Taipei. Deng Shuyang named the upcoming child Teresa Teng. At the same time, Zhao Sugui gave birth to a baby girl, breaking the old Deng family's curse that the first three children were sons.Deng Hua and his wife used the words written by Deng Shu drunkenly to ask for a child but were rejected. The commotion was quite big at that time.

Duan Ning and Teresa Teng are similar in age and grew up together. She returned to her hometown to reminisce about her old friends. This land called the Military Village surrounded Teresa Teng's childhood and slowly told the story of the past.Teresa Teng often stayed with her father Deng Shu when she was a child, listening to him and several uncles singing "The Ballad of the Great Wall", and she gradually grew into a good singer.Mother Chen and others were playing mahjong, and Zhongyu, who was on duty in the gendarmerie, came to arrest them.Mother Chen hid a piece of mahjong, but little Teresa Teng saw it. Zhongyu chased directly to Deng Shu's house and refused to hand over the piece of mahjong. Later, little Teresa took out the hidden mahjong and the money and gave it to Zhongyu, and then sang the songThe song - Ballad of the Great Wall -, everyone hummed along, feeling more homesick. Zhongyu stood there, they were born from the same roots, so there was no need to rush into each other. Zhongyu suddenly felt ashamed.

《Teresa Teng》E2Plot

Episode 2

Duan Litian wants to help Lao Li's family and Lao Deng's family to smoothen their relationships and help their families change their homes. His wife Zhou Min disagrees. She believes that favors should be used wisely, not on irrelevant people.She dressed up beautifully and went out just to buy groceries at the vegetable market. Then she went straight to the commander's house, cooked a table of authentic Haitian side dishes, and served the old lady obediently.This matter is not a secret in the military community. Everyone thinks that it is no wonder that Duan Litian has been going smoothly in recent years.On this day, the old lady reminded Zhou Min not to let Duan Litian always use the banner of commander to ask people to do small things.

Zhou Min agreed, actually feeling very angry. When he got home, he saw Lao Li's wife bringing two cans of pickled radishes to Duan Litian, saying thank you for his help.Zhou Min immediately called Duan Litian into the room and reprimanded her. Duan Litian quarreled with her. One was trying to get promoted, and the other was trying to get her to give birth to a son. Zhou Min wanted to throw the pickled radish away, but Deng Lijun had no face for her child.leave.Zhao Sugui talked to Deng Shu about the successful house exchange of Lao Li's family, and wanted to persuade him to bring out tea leaves as gifts and ask Duan Litian to help, but Deng Shu naturally disagreed.He was reluctant to drink the fine tea himself, and only wanted to drink it while chatting with his Sichuan buddies.

Little Teresa Teng likes to listen to songs on the radio, but it didn't play on the radio tonight, and she seemed very disappointed.After hearing from her brother that the wooden box could play songs and listen to the news, she begged Deng Shu to make a wooden box. Deng Shu told her daughter that she couldn't make it, and Deng Liyun became even more disappointed.Zhao Sugui took the tea to Duan Litian's house and gave him the gift without any explanation, hoping that he could help with the house change.There are many children in the family and the house is small. Zhao Sugui dreams of moving to a bigger house.Deng Shu wants to introduce his daughter-in-law to Sichuan to start a family. Sichuan's mother must see her, but the problem is that they are not allowed to contact the family now.Before the matter of changing houses was even mentioned, someone always mentioned it to Deng Shu.Deng Shu took Sichuan to meet the woman. Although the woman's eldest brother was intimidating, after asking a few questions, he drank with Deng Shu and settled the matter.

Duan Litian asked about it and found that Deng Shu had not reported the room change at all, so Zhou Min asked him to return the tea. The couple pushed it back and forth, and the tea can was opened, and they found that there was only half a can of tea.Zhou Min made it clear to Zhao Sugui the next day, and Zhao Sugui's face turned red and white.Teresa Teng happily took out half a bag of tea and said that she had stolen it. Zhao Sugui was so angry that she chased her and beat her.When Deng Shu and Sichuan returned home, they saw Zhao Sugui beating the child and quickly asked why.Zhao Sugui quarreled with him, saying that he did not report the matter, which made her embarrassed in Duan Litian's house.Deng Shu also got angry and scolded her for being vain and comparing herself to others.Zhao Sugui's eyes turned red and she was about to leave with her things, but Deng Shu did not chase him.

After explanation, Deng Shu learned that it was indeed him who was at fault, and he drove to find Zhao Sugui.Zhao Sugui wanted to change the house because of her child. The girl was a girl and she needed her own independent room.Deng Shu knew that he had wrongly blamed Zhao Sugui, and he also admitted that he was homesick for his mother, and he had the idea of ​​​​retiring from the army.Zhao Sugui was startled, thinking about what to do with the family's various expenses after Deng Shu was discharged from the army. She would rather not change the house than for her husband to be discharged from the army.Deng Shu was extremely torn between his hometown, which he had not returned to for many years, and homesickness that affected his heart every day, and his wife and children's career. No matter which side he chose, he would never give up.

《Teresa Teng》E3Plot

Episode 3

The girl said that she did not steal anything, and that the half bag of tea was given to her by Duan Ning. Because the two children agreed that this was their little secret, the girl did not tell the truth to Zhao Sugui at first.Zhao Sugui felt guilty for her daughter. Knowing that her daughter liked listening to music, she spent money to buy a radio. The girl was so happy that she couldn't put it down holding the radio.Not long after, on a big day in Sichuan, a singer was invited to sing on the stage. The girl's eyes were full of envy, and she also wanted to sing on stage.But the adults ignored her, so the girl went on stage by herself, boldly asked the singer for a microphone, and the two of them sang together on the stage.At this time, Black Dog's enemies came to seek revenge and made a big fuss at the wedding. Deng Shu did not sit idly by and helped Black Dog deal with those people.

When a colleague asked about the matter afterwards, Deng Shu seemed a little extreme and said that he could handle the punishment alone, and at worst, he could no longer be a soldier.The girl returned the microphone to the singer and learned that the microphone would only ring when it was plugged in, and that singing could make money. The girl was very excited.Typhoon Galli passed through, and even though precautionary measures were taken, the house was still flooded and leaked. Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui settled their children. After hearing what the girl said, they remembered that only mother and daughter Zhou Min were at home in the Duan family.Deng Shu went to pick up his daughter, followed closely by Zhou Min.Nannan was very scared, so the girl sang to help her relieve her nervousness. Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui and his wife saw that the girl was singing well, and they couldn't tell how proud they were.The impact of this typhoon was very serious. Electric circuits and houses were severely damaged. Mrs. Chen's child Xiaomiao even died in the typhoon.When Duan Litian returned from his inspection, Zhou Min cried and asked him to get out, accusing him of leaving his mother at home.Duan Litian retorted angrily, but Zhou Min was speechless and pushed him away angrily, saying that he was no better than Deng Shu. Duan Litian ignored his daughter's pleas, took his bag and left.

The superiors planned to ask the people in the military village to move, but Mrs. Chen refused to move, saying that Xiaomiao was afraid that he would not be able to find a home when he came back. Mrs. Chen was holding a kitchen knife in her hand and was very emotional.Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui were startled when they heard the sound, but they never thought that the girl ran over and whispered something to Mrs. Chen. Mrs. Chen's attitude changed 180 degrees and she immediately agreed to move.The brothers were curious about what the girl said. The girl told them that Xiaomiao wanted to move. The reason why he ran out during the typhoon was because he wanted to leave here.For Xiaomiao, home is where her mother is, so after hearing what the girl said, Mrs. Chen immediately agreed to move.Soon after, they moved to No. 21, Ampang New Village. Everyone was very happy and started moving in full swing, followed by the Chinese New Year.Every household has posted Spring Festival couplets and Chinese characters for blessing, and children are running around setting off firecrackers, creating a strong New Year atmosphere.

Zhao Sugui specially asked Deng Shu to take the girl to the Chen family and invite them all to have a New Year's Eve dinner. The girl was clever and clever and persuaded Mrs. Chen.Firecrackers were going off outside, and Sichuan missed his home and his mother. Now he had a family, but his mother didn't even see him.The girl knew that Mrs. Chen missed Xiaomiao, so she took her to light the fairy stick, saying that she would see the person she missed.Mrs. Chen lit the fairy wand and saw the girl holding the fairy wand in circles with both hands. She seemed to have really seen her child, Xiaomiao.As the days passed, the girl's interest in singing continued, but her studies were a mess and she couldn't even recite the multiplication table.Unable to resist the pressure from others, Zhao Sugui agreed to sign and let the girl sing, but only if it did not affect her studies.Deng Shu wanted to retire, but his report was suppressed by Sichuan. Sichuan always felt that Deng Shu wanted to retire because his subsidy was too low.

《Teresa Teng》E4Plot

Episode 4

Sichuan speculated that Deng Shu wanted to quit because the subsidy was not enough to support his family. Deng Shu finally admitted that he was homesick. Every time he corresponded with his family, his homesickness became even stronger.Sichuan was shocked to learn that Deng Shu was communicating privately with his family. This was strictly prohibited behavior in the team.Zhao Sugui accompanied her daughter to a singing competition on the radio. Mrs. Chen and the others were listening to the radio at home, but when it was the girl's turn to sing, the radio began to malfunction.Everyone couldn't hear Yatou singing, so they went to Zhou Min's house to borrow a phone to complain. Before they could finish the complaint, they learned that Yatou had won the first place in the singing competition. They turned from anger to happiness and took photos with Yatou.

Deng Shu was discovered by the security guard and was communicating with his family. The security guard said that it was not that serious. As long as Deng Shu gave up the first grade in the assessment and made room for a major.Afterwards, Deng Shu mistakenly thought that it was Sichuan who was telling the secret. After drinking, he went straight to his house and punched Sichuan in front of Xiumei. He then dumped Xiumei who came to start a fight, which indirectly caused Xiumei to have a stomachache and was beaten.Sent to hospital.The doctor said that You Xiumei's situation was special. The fetus was not yet full-term, and the placenta had already separated. She needed an operation as soon as possible.Deng Shu felt guilty and knelt down to admit his mistake. Fortunately, Xiumei was fine and gave birth to a son. Sichuan was happy to be his father.When Zhao Sugui learned about her husband, she agreed to his withdrawal this time.But if you want to quit, just quit in a nice way, and you can't let people use excuses to give up your grades.Deng Shu was very torn. He actually wanted to quit, but he was worried that if he quit, his family would lose their source of livelihood.

Zhao Sugui said that he could make money by selling buns and steamed buns. If there was no stall, he would ride his bicycle and shout to sell them.Zhao Sugui took out the girl's championship banner to make Deng Shu happy. Deng Shu agreed that his daughter would sing, but only if it did not affect her studies.After that, Deng Shu began to go out to buy steamed buns and steamed buns. At first he didn't lose face, but later he got used to it.Duan Litian was promoted to an official, and then he asked Zhou Min to give birth to a son for him. Zhou Min said that he would be satisfied with just one plum blossom, but deliberately avoided mentioning the topic of having a son.The eldest son stopped taking tutoring for a long time, so Deng Shu found that Zhao Sugui's account book was full of red words and showed a huge deficit. As the mainstay of the family, he felt very uncomfortable.On the day when the supplies were distributed, Deng Shu had already withdrawn and his family could not receive any more. Mrs. Chen and the others spontaneously sent flour to Zhao Sugui, while Zhou Min sent sugar, which surprised everyone.Boss Lin, a guest of the country, came to the radio station to poach people. The girl's singing voice impressed him, so he tried hard to get close to her, but was stopped by the director. Later, the third brother took the girl back.

When Deng Shu met Lao Duan while selling steamed buns, he quit. Lao Duan was promoted to major. Both of them were a little embarrassed. The wife of the barber salon always mentioned his promotion.The business of the steamed buns and rolls was not good, so Deng Shu returned home before the goods were sold out. Hearing the conversation between his wife and Mrs. Chen, he felt depressed and wanted to go to Sichuan for a drink, but he learned that Sichuan was at war today.Xiumei gave him the flour because the Deng family used flour for their business.Zhao Sugui knew that her daughter loved to eat bean paste buns, so she made some and sent them to Zhou Min. The airs that Zhou Min held gradually disappeared in front of the simple and kind-hearted Zhao Sugui.Duan Ning and Yatou were selected as students to give a graduation speech on stage, but one of them was a backup in case the other had a temporary problem and could not come on stage.Sure enough, the weather changed at that time, and Nannan was laughed at because her speech was not in line with her speech, and she was unable to get off the stage in public.

《Teresa Teng》E5Plot

Episode 5

Nannan couldn't adapt on the stage, so the teacher quickly asked Teresa Teng to come on stage. Just when Zhao Sugui and Mrs. Chen arrived, they were surprised and pleasantly surprised to see the girl standing on the stage.Then Deng Shu also came. He came to give the girl a raincoat. Unexpectedly, he saw that his daughter was very promising and spoke on behalf of the graduates.Zhao Sugui went over to talk to him, but Deng Shu didn't stay long and left.Nannan was very angry, but Teresa Teng finally managed to coax her back, and the two reconciled. It was obvious that Teresa Teng cared about Duan Ning as a friend.The results came out and Duan Ning was successfully admitted to the listed girls' middle school.Zhou Min had already prepared the uniform, and then Nannan walked from the beginning of the village to the end of the village to show off in uniform. Nannan was unwilling, and Duan Litian also felt that doing so was too ostentatious, so he and Zhou Min quarreled.Zhou Min is a young lady from a wealthy family. She refuses to lower her stature and face, and always tries to make Duan Litian inferior. The couple often quarrels over this matter.

The girl was happy because her daughter was admitted to a listed girls' high school. Her failure was expected, and the entire Deng family did not think it was a failure.The girl ran around the village with Nannan, telling everyone the good news that Nannan was admitted to the listed girls' middle school.Deng Changfu negotiated terms with Deng Shu. As long as he got first place in the exam, Deng Shu would allow the girl to sing one more day a week.As the days passed, the girl accumulated a lot of fans, and the director gave the girl a big bag of fans' letters.Deng Shu was bullied by some gangsters. Deng Changfu and his girl saw this and wanted to help, but Deng Shu ordered him to go home.Later, the black dog came and scolded these younger brothers, but Deng Shu did not care about them.The girl felt very sad. She heard the third brother say that this was because she didn't have her own store. The girl wrote down her wish for a store in her notebook.After returning home, Deng Shu lied to Zhao Sugui, and the girl and the third brother also pretended not to know anything.The girl took out the letter written by the fans and read it to Deng Shu. Deng Changfu also took out his proud report card. The third brother came back and proudly shared his basketball record. There was good news for his children, and Deng Shu was very happy.The girl wanted to get a salary advance from the radio station, but she learned that she had to sign a contract with the radio station to become a formal employee before she could get the salary advance. Since she was underage, Deng Shu had to sign the contract.

With the help of several brothers at home, the eldest brother imitated Deng Shu's handwriting and found a seal to seal it, successfully getting the girl to sign a contract with the radio station.When they handed the key to the store to Deng Shu and told them frankly, Deng Shu knew about it, but fortunately he was not angry and named the store Deng's Little Restaurant.On the opening day, there was a huge flow of customers and it was very lively.Yatou has fans, and Nannan also has a pen pal, and her pen pal is a boy, and she calls him honey. Yatou is very surprised, but Yatou agrees to keep it a secret for Nannan.The radio station paid for Teresa Teng to take pictures, and the girl took a group photo with her daughter.Deng Shu, who had been drinking, got very angry when he saw the autographed photos when he came back. He asked Teresa Teng to say loudly that she should study hard and stop showing off.Deng Lijun felt aggrieved and sad, so Zhao Sugui asked her third son to take the girl upstairs.Zhao Sugui was puzzled. After questioning, she learned that people said that the Deng family relied on girls to make money. Zhao Sugui disagreed. She thought it would be enough to explain to others, but Deng Shu said that no one would believe it even if he said it. He was the master of this store.The store always has a surplus, but no one believes it.The girl heard it on the stairs and unexpectedly learned that her parents did not use the money she earned.

《Teresa Teng》E6Plot

Episode 6

After he retired from the army in Shandong, he wanted to go to Pingtung with his wife to raise chickens, but they had no capital, so they borrowed 1,000 yuan from Deng Shu, but Deng Shu did not have 1,000 yuan.Zhao Sugui did not forget the care these friends had shown Deng Shu before, and said that he could borrow the money from the girl's bankbook first, and then pay it back slowly when the store has a surplus.Deng Shu adhered to the rules he had set and was unwilling to use the girl's money at all.Li Yan and Liu Xiaochun had a quarrel, and finally Li Yan said that she could give up for a few days, but the condition was that someone she designated would sing the finale with Liu Xiaochun. Just then the girl walked in, and Li Yan designated her to sing.Liu Xiaochun was very dissatisfied. In her opinion, Teresa Teng was just a little-known girl who was not qualified to sing the finale with her.Lin Jinmu wanted it, but the director refused again, saying that Teresa Teng's father would not allow her to appear on stage as a student.

Li Yan began to persuade Teresa Deng alone, and what she said moved Teresa Deng very much.Nannan met her pen pal Qingfeng, but unexpectedly saw her father Duan Litian hurriedly passing by in a rickshaw with a woman in his arms.She chased after her, already understanding that the photo studio had replaced the group photo of their family with a photo of Deng Lijun alone. Duan Ning didn't do anything but said she wanted to take the painting back.Deng Lijun took her bankbook to Uncle Shandong, and later Uncle Shandong returned part of it to Deng Shu. Only then did Deng Shu know that his daughter was kind-hearted, so he took the bankbook to help Shandong in emergency, feeling emotional and moved in his heart.Later, Zhao Sugui sold her dowry to make up for the shortfall. Teresa Teng didn't understand why her father didn't use the money she earned.Deng Shu said that it was difficult to go from luxury to simplicity. He was worried that once he got used to the money earned by his daughter, he would become numb and lazy. So now as a father, he and his wife make money to support their children, which is a good and exciting thing.What makes him happy.

After listening to Deng Shu's words, Deng Lijun thought that he would not object to her appearing on stage to sing, and she couldn't help but feel happy.Duan Litian came home from work, but Duan Ning did not expose him.Teresa Teng took her third brother to go to the karaoke hall with her to listen to the special performance. Seeing that Li Yan could sing beautifully without a band, she admired and envied Li Yan even more.Liu Xiaochun and Li Yan were quarreling backstage. The third brother thought that no wonder this place was considered a bad place and all the unscrupulous people came.Zhou Min received a call from her teacher. She didn't believe that her daughter's grades had declined and she was fooling around with boys.Zhou Min rummaged through Duan Ning's room and found a letter written to Qingfeng, so she went to the radio station to find the girl, and happened to see Lin Jinmu taking the girl and Nannan into the car.

Zhou Min immediately stepped forward to stop them, brought the two children back, and accused the girl of bringing up Nannan in front of Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui.Teresa Deng did not dare to say that those letters were written by Duan Ning, so she took the blame silently.Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui knew their daughter well. Although she did not explain, the couple also knew that the letter was written to Duan Ning. The reason why they did not reveal it or ask further questions was because they knew that their daughter did not want to betray her friends.As for the karaoke bar owner Lin Jinmu, the couple did not allow Teresa Teng to have any contact with him, nor did they allow her to sing in the karaoke bar.Zhou Min found a tutor for her daughter named Zhou Taisheng, who was said to have returned from England.Deng Lijun was angry that Duan Ning did not tell the truth, which caused Deng Shu to be scolded by Zhou Min. Duan Ning cried behind her and said that her father Duan Litian was having an affair outside.

《Teresa Teng》E7Plot

Episode 7

Duan Ning cried to Teresa Deng that her father had cheated on her. Unbeknownst to her mother, she had to watch her father act every day. She wanted to tear off his mask several times, but the words stopped in her throat.Duan Ning said that the teacher who tutored her was only seventeen years old. The tutoring methods were reading comics and listening to songs. This made Teresa Deng very curious and asked if she could participate. Duan Ning said that Zhou Min would go and the ice cream shop was not big. Teresa Deng wanted to hide it.Nope either.The topic returned to the matter of taking the blame. Teresa Teng was no longer angry with her and promised not to tell anyone about Duan Litian's cheating.Teresa Teng took Duan Ning to the karaoke hall, and met Liu Xiaochun at the door. Seeing that Teresa Teng still wanted to sing on stage, Liu Xiaochun took her in to see what was going on inside.When he saw a guest teasing the singer, Duan Ning pulled Teresa Teng out.Liu Xiaochun came out soon after, asked her many questions sarcastically, and finally said that she should hang out on the sidelines.

This aroused Teresa Teng's rebellion. Liu Xiaochun didn't want her to sing, but she insisted on singing.My brother said that if she replaced Li Yan in the finale, it might arouse the audience's disgust and even boo her.Teresa Teng felt that things were not that complicated. She just simply wanted to sing, and she happened to have such an opportunity to sing the finale.The third brother thought that it was pointless to discuss all this. The most important thing was to see Deng Shu's attitude. Anyway, her brothers advised her to give up the idea of ​​singing on stage.Later, the second brother told Zhao Sugui about this first, and then it was Teresa Teng's turn to take the initiative to speak out. After confirming that her daughter really liked singing, Zhao Sugui agreed to let her go on stage to sing.On the day of rehearsal, Teresa Teng went to rehearse with Li Yan's set of music scores. Liu Xiaochun deliberately asked the music teachers to take a break. At this time, the second brother appeared with ice drinks and helped his sister entertain these teachers. They were indeed very tolerant of Teresa Teng.

Zhao Sugui and Mrs. Chen accidentally saw Duan Litian shopping for clothes with a woman, but Zhao Sugui quickly pulled her away.After Zhou Taisheng finished tutoring Duan Ning, he took her to watch a movie and took her back by bicycle very late. Then he met Teresa Teng who was practicing singing outside and accidentally discovered that she and Duan Ning were friends and were singing on stage somewhere.The third brother thought that Zhou Taisheng wanted to pick up girls and strike up a conversation, so he did not allow Teresa Deng to tell him where to sing.Duan Ning was very unhappy because Zhou Taisheng said that he likes girls who sing well, and Teresa Teng is such a person.Later, Taisheng Zhou went to buy Chinese records and studied for a long time when he came back.Zhou Min went to Chujia Photo Studio to get photos and accidentally brought back a solo photo of Teresa Deng. Zhou Taisheng quietly put the photo away.One night he met Teresa Teng who was practicing singing at the same place and chatted with her for a few words.

The night when the girl went on stage for the first time, Zhao Sugui was worried that Deng Shu would become suspicious, so she did not go. However, with her second brother and mother Chen accompanying her, the girl was not nervous at all and performed very well on the stage.The girl further raised her demands on herself and wanted to sing in her own unique style. Lao Wu's words reminded her, so she went to Zhou Taisheng to help her listen to her singing.Duan Ning finally interrupted Deng Lijun and dragged Zhou Taisheng to find evidence of Duan Litian's cheating. But when Zhou Taisheng saw Duan Litian with a woman, he didn't think it was anything.The second time she went on stage to sing, Liu Xiaochun started to get into trouble. The girl's performance clothes disappeared and she couldn't go on stage for a while. The second brother scolded Liu Xiaochun to hand over the clothes.

《Teresa Teng》E8Plot

Episode 8

Duan Ning had to perform on stage in her school uniform because her costume was stolen. However, she cleverly used her bicycle to add a touch of creativity to her performance.On the other side, Duan Litian and his female companion appeared as guests of the state, and Duan Ning and Zhou Taisheng followed quietly.Duan Ning was busy looking for someone, but Zhou Taisheng could not keep his eyes off the affectionate Deng Lijun on the stage.Suddenly, the appearance of the youth team interrupted their snooping, and Duan Ning hurriedly left with Zhou Taisheng.After returning home, Zhou Min found that her perfume and lipstick were missing, and suspected that it was her daughter.Duan Litian tried to calm the atmosphere, but blamed the problem on Duan Ning's rebellious behavior.Duan Ning felt extremely aggrieved. Her explanation was not recognized by her mother. Instead, she was scolded and slapped.Duan Ning retorted angrily, insisting that someone in the family was lying, but that person was definitely not him.

While Deng Shu was enjoying the warm time of family reunion, homesickness welled up in his heart, making him feel extremely melancholy.The girl mistakenly thought that her eldest brother knew nothing about it, but in fact Zhao Sugui was able to go to see Teresa Teng's performance only because the return of her eldest son gave the store more manpower.Driven by homesickness, Deng Shu read the letters and was filled with emotion.Zhou Taisheng learned from his mother what it feels like to like someone, and thus confirmed that he fell in love with Teresa Teng.He created a painting of Popeye and gave it to Teresa Teng. Whenever he heard her singing, he felt extremely happy and enjoyed it.However, Teresa Teng knew nothing about love and could not understand the profound meaning of Zhou Taisheng's words. She only had the love and pursuit of singing in her heart.

In the warm atmosphere of his family, Deng Shu's homesickness became more and more intense, which made him feel uncomfortable.The girl mistakenly thought that her eldest brother had no knowledge of this, but in fact, it was precisely because of the return of her eldest son that Zhao Sugui was able to get away to watch Teresa Teng's performance.Driven by a strong feeling of homesickness, Deng Shu read the letters one after another, and his emotions surged like a tide.At the same time, Zhou Taisheng realized the feeling of liking someone from the conversation with his mother, thus confirming his deep feelings for Teresa Teng.He carefully created a painting of Popeye as a gift to Teresa Teng. Whenever her singing sounded, he felt extremely happy and satisfied.However, Teresa Teng knew nothing about love and could not understand the profound meaning of Zhou Taisheng's words. Her heart was filled with her love and pursuit of singing and she had no time to care about anything else.

《Teresa Teng》E9Plot

Episode 9

The disappearance of Lao Deng left the police station and Mother Chen helpless, and Mother Chen could only comfort herself with the saying "No news is good news".However, when the people from the police station brought the news that the male body was found on the beach, Zhao Sugui's heart immediately sank.She stepped into the morgue alone, and the sight before her made her cover her mouth in shock.Deng Lijun mistakenly thought it was Deng Shu, and self-blame and fear were intertwined in her heart.After Zhao Sugui came back, she lit incense silently and murmured the blessings of Bodhisattva. Only then did Deng Lijun feel relieved.However, this incident made her determined to give up her beloved singing career.So she went to the station and told the director that she would not renew her contract after it expired.For her, although singing has endless charm, the importance of family far exceeds this dream.

When relatives in Sichuan learned about Deng Shu's disappearance, they anxiously rushed to search for him.They thought of Shandong, where chickens were raised in Pingtung, and speculated that Deng Shu might have gone there.Mrs. Chen and others went to Zhou Min's house to borrow a phone, but found that the phone line was disconnected. Although Zhou Min denied that it was a mouse bite, her words revealed her disparagement of the Deng family, which made the Deng family unhappy.Duan Ning overheard Zhou Min's words and felt very uncomfortable.She knew that Duan Litian deliberately broke the phone line to prevent Jin Baozhu from the hair salon from calling home.Zhou Min took Duan Ning to visit the Zhou family. The status of the Zhou family is now different from what it used to be, but Duan Ning has no intention of appreciating these changes.She went to visit the injured Zhou Taisheng and wrote the words "Tranquility and Zhiyuan" on his plaster.Zhou Taisheng had special feelings for Deng Lijun. He asked Duan Ning to help deliver the letter, but Duan Ning refused.Although Zhou Taisheng was full of praise for Deng Lijun, Duan Ning had completely different thoughts.

Zhao Sugui brought his whole family to Pingtung and finally found Deng Shu, who was safe and sound.Teresa Deng did not dare to eat at the table because of her own fault. Zhao Sugui assured Deng Shu that Teresa Teng would not sing again in the future.The anger in Deng Shu's heart finally subsided and he allowed his daughter to come to the table for dinner.Afterwards, Deng Shu confided in his Shandong brothers that he understood his daughter's love for singing and his helplessness in giving up her dream for the sake of her family.Just like although he misses his hometown, he has to stay in a different place for his family. Life is always full of helplessness and compromise.After Zhao Sugui and Deng Shu reconciled, the family finally embarked on their way home.Jin Baozhu still appeared in the village drinking from time to time. In order to avoid her, Duan Litian did not even dare to go home and face her.Zhao Sugui heard about Jin Baozhu from Mrs. Chen. She was confused and didn't understand why a young and beautiful girl fell in love with a married man.But Zhou Taisheng, a young man who also loves music, knows very well the importance of dreams to a person.He insisted that Duan Ning help deliver the things to Teresa Deng, and he would not give up even if he was rejected.He dragged his injured leg and went to see Teresa Teng in person, hoping to bring her some comfort and support.

《Teresa Teng》E10Plot

Episode 10

The reason why the girl treated Zhou Taisheng coldly was because she was convinced that his curse had come true.She didn't miss Zhou Taisheng at all. Unexpectedly, she encountered misfortune the next day. The director discovered her, which directly led to her being forced to drop out of school.Although Zhou Taisheng felt a little disappointed, he still hoped that the girl could continue her singing dream and never give up easily.Duan Ning, who was not far away, witnessed all this and felt strong jealousy in his heart.

When the girl returned home and saw the painting Zhou Taisheng drew for her, she couldn't help but smile, and at the same time she was confused as to why he knew these little things about herself.Zhou Taisheng praised her beautiful voice in English, which made the girl happy.However, this happy moment made her suddenly realize that she needed to focus more on her studies, so she decided to give up singing.

Deng Shu came to the cram school to visit his daughter. He stood outside the window for a long time, but the girl didn't notice at all.Deng Shu was secretly pleased, thinking that the girl had changed her mind.However, Zhao Sugui was not so optimistic. She found that although the girl was studying hard, no longer singing, and no longer listening to the radio, her smiles were becoming less and less.

Duan Ning saw Jin Baozhu wandering in front of her home. In anger, she picked up the brick. This move was seen and stopped by a girl who happened to be passing by.Later, Zhou Min walked out of the house and saw the girl holding a wine bottle in her hand. She mistakenly thought that the girl was taking Duan Ning to drink, so she sternly warned her daughter not to associate with the girl again.

The next day, Zhou Min found Zhao Sugui. Zhao Sugui initially thought she was here about Duan Litian's cheating.But Zhou Min told her that the girl took Duan Ning to drink in the village square last night.Zhao Sugui naturally didn't believe it, because she knew the girl's character.Zhou Min was called to talk by the school teacher and learned that her daughter had been misbehaving recently. Not only did she wear perfume every day to go to school, but she also frequently visited the Ice Palace of Wannian Department Store in Ximending and mingled with a group of bad teenagers.Zhou Min didn't want to believe it. She insisted that it was Teresa Deng who had led Duan Ning astray, so she angrily ran to the Deng Family Pavilion to argue with Teresa Deng, and even belittled Teresa Deng in front of Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui.

Zhao Sugui refuted Zhou Min, and the two had a fierce quarrel.After Zhou Min returned home, she looked through her daughter's room and found the perfume and Duan Ning's diary.Only then did she suddenly realize that Duan Litian had a woman outside.She plugged in the phone line and called the war room, but the person who answered the phone was Duan Litian. He lied that his trip to Pingtung had been rescheduled to another date.Although Zhou Min had suspicions, he did not expose him.However, when she went out, she saw Duan Litian and the woman being intimate on the street.Zhou Min asked him to go home with her, but Xiaosan cried and refused to let go.In the end, Duan Litian chose to leave with Xiaosan.

Duan Ning came home from school and saw the diary on the table, and suddenly understood everything.She was in great pain and wandered alone in the rain.Seeing her pain, Teresa Teng took the initiative to comfort her and gave her the Popeye doll given by Taisheng Zhou.Duan Ning was deeply moved by Teresa Deng's sincerity towards Duan Ning. Even if it was the person she liked, Teresa Deng was willing to give it to her.Zhou Min was also walking in despair on the street. Zhao Sugui saw that her face was not good, so he took her into the store.Zhou Min cried to Zhao Sugui about Duan Litian's betrayal. She felt that she had lost her family and her daughter Duan Ning.Zhou Min said emotionally that she even wanted to kill them to make everyone feel uncomfortable.

However, despite Zhou Min's thoughts, she still looked humble when facing Duan Litian.She almost begged him to go home with her, but Duan Litian insisted on sending the woman home and did not come back in the end.Zhou Min's mood hit rock bottom, and she didn't even have time to take care of her daughter's affairs.Duan Ning started to quarrel with the girl because of Zhou Taisheng, but at this time the girl had no feelings for Zhou Taisheng, so she didn't want to quarrel with her good friend because of an unimportant person.Zhou Taisheng accidentally discovered that the photo of Popeye was in Duan Ning's hands. He wanted to take it back, but saw Duan Ning crying and had to give up.After the tutoring session, Duan Ning turned around and tore the painting into pieces.

《Teresa Teng》E11Plot

Episode 11

Since Duan Litian abandoned his family, Zhou Min's life has become a mess, and he even almost caused a fire when using the iron. Fortunately, Yatou, Zhao Sugui and Mrs. Chen arrived in time to avoid a greater disaster.Mrs. Chen comforted Zhou Min with her own experience and encouraged her to face life positively.Zhao Sugui suggested that Zhou Min talk to Jin Baozhu, but Zhou Min had a grudge against that woman and rejected the proposal.Seeing Zhou Min in such a state, Zhao Sugui and Mrs. Chen decided to take turns accompanying her to prevent her from being lonely and helpless.The girl also wanted to help, but Zhao Sugui refused because she was too young.The older generation's concept is patience. They hope that Duan Litian can return to his family and live a stable life again.The girl was puzzled by this. She didn't understand why Nannan's father had made such a big mistake and everyone was still waiting for him to come back.Zhao Sugui thinks that the girl is still young and cannot understand the complex emotions.

Yatou accompanied Zhou Min. She witnessed Zhou Min's loss and pain, and wanted to help but was unable to do anything.At this time, Duan Ning was indifferent to her mother's changes, and she devoted herself to her relationship with Zhou Taisheng.She held a photo of her mother and son with Zhou Tai, and excitedly shared her joy with the girl.Yatou reminded Duan Ning that Zhou Min needed her company now, but Duan Ning asked Yatou to help her spend more time with her mother because she was worried that her mother would think of Duan Litian when she saw her.On the basketball court, Duan Ning cheered for Zhou Taisheng who was playing, but the subsequent conflict put Zhou Taisheng into trouble.Fortunately, Zhou Taisheng's friends arrived in time and resolved the crisis.

Afterwards, Zhou Taisheng's father severely reprimanded him, but Duan Ning did not shift the responsibility to Zhou Taisheng, but defended him, which won the favor of Zhou Taisheng.Duan Ning once again showed off to the girl that Zhou Taisheng fought for her, but the girl pointedly pointed out that Duan Ning did not really care about Zhou Taisheng's safety.The girl also suggested that Duan Ning go and ask Duan Litian to go home, maybe he could be soft-hearted.Although Duan Ning hesitated, he decided to give it a try.She cried and begged Duan Litian to go home, but out of control, she shifted the responsibility to the girl.Duan Litian looked at his crying daughter, his heart filled with pain and helplessness.

Although Duan Litian promised to go home, he was unable to mend the rift in his family.Zhou Min was busy organizing a birthday party for him, but was troubled because she couldn't book a good restaurant.Duan Litian left home angrily, and Zhou Min had to turn to the Deng family for help.Deng Shu suggested holding a birthday banquet in a small restaurant at home and letting the girls sing to entertain.The girl was very happy to be able to sing, but Duan Ning was dissatisfied with Zhou Taisheng teaching the girl to sing.However, at Zhou Taisheng's insistence, the girl began to learn to sing English songs.

《Teresa Teng》E12Plot

Episode 12

Zhou Taisheng cleverly taught the girl a cheerful clapping song. He cleverly replaced “Clap your hands” with “Hello”, making it easy for the girl to accept.Duan Ning accidentally heard Zhou Taisheng mention that he met the girl for the first time in the record store. It turned out that he was not the first person to discover the girl.Zhao Sugui asked Deng Shu with some uncertainty if she really agreed with the girl to continue singing. Deng Shu replied that she would be allowed to sing from the beginning to the end, and could even continue at next year's birthday banquet.But Zhao Sugui understood that her husband's intention was just to let the girl sing this time, and he did not really allow her to continue singing.

In order for Deng Shu to truly agree to the girl continuing to sing, Zhao Sugui firmly stated that if he disagreed, the girl would not participate in the birthday banquet singing.When the girl came back, she happily shared her newly learned English songs with everyone, but Zhao Sugui interrupted her.The girl felt wronged and sad, so Deng Shu had to let her go upstairs first.In the next few days, the girl didn't go to practice singing. Zhou Taisheng was worried about her, so he went to look for her downstairs in the cram school, but the girl didn't want to see him because she was in a low mood.Zhou Min also didn't understand Zhao Sugui's decision, and she begged Zhao Sugui to let the girl sing.

Zhou Taisheng asked the girl why she was unhappy. After learning that Zhao Sugui did not agree with her singing, the girl felt very angry.Zhou Taisheng comforted her, saying that Zhao Sugui must have her reasons for doing this, and that this birthday banquet is very important to Zhou Min.Duan Ning also persuaded the girl to sing for the birthday banquet and asked her to go home to apologize to Zhao Sugui and ask for permission.The girl said that she was willing to sing even if she could only sing once.Zhao Sugui's attitude softened, and Deng Shu decided to proceed according to the original plan.Yatou continued to practice singing with Zhou Taisheng. Although it took a lot of time and effort, she felt very happy.

However, just as everyone was preparing for the birthday banquet, Zhou Min brought bad news-the superiors decided to cancel all luxurious banquets.The girl's mood went through ups and downs again and she felt very sad.Zhou Taisheng thoughtfully sang to the girl downstairs at her house. After being stopped by Deng Shu, the girl went downstairs to talk to him.Zhou Taisheng's encouragement cheered the girl up again, and she sang for Zhou Taisheng alone for the second time.On the way to send the girl home, Zhou Taisheng suddenly confessed to her, telling her that he would return to the United States soon, but would come back during the holidays, and hoped that the girl would miss him all the time.

Duan Litian stopped going to Jin Baozhu, and Jin Baozhu started drinking in the village to get drunk. Everyone mistakenly thought that Duan Litian had changed his mind.The girl felt very sad and tore up her notebook, but was stopped by her third brother.The third brother showed the torn book to his parents, told them his sister's pain and longing, and asked Deng Shu to allow the girl to sing.Deng Shu was moved by his third brother's words and began to pay more attention to his daughter.He saw that the girl would go outside the record store to listen to music during her break, and looked envious at Li Yan's promotional photos.Finally, Deng Shu built a stage for the girl in the store, and the girl shed tears after seeing it.Deng Shu finally agreed that the girl should continue singing and no longer restricted her number of songs.Zhou Taisheng, who is in the United States, continues to learn Chinese in his free time. He even asked the Chinese owner of the restaurant the meaning of the word “jun”.

《Teresa Teng》E13Plot

Episode 13

Lin Jinmu visited Deng Shu in person with the intention of signing a contract with the girl and the guest of the state, but was declined by Deng Shu.At the same time, Zhou Taisheng, who was far away overseas, sent a letter to Yatou. Deng Shu accidentally discarded it. Fortunately, Zhao Sugui picked it up carefully and handed it to Yatou.The girl learned in the letter that the word “筠” in her name meant the outer skin of bamboo, which gave her a deeper understanding of the name.

On the other side, Jin Baozhu appeared near Zhou Min's house again and was bumped into by Duan Ning.Without the girl's dissuasion, Duan Ning took action angrily and injured Jin Baozhu.Hearing the screams, Zhou Min hurried over and chose to take responsibility for her daughter.Jin Baozhu was rushed to the hospital for treatment. Except for Zhou Min and Duan Ning, no one else knew anything about it.Zhou Min knew that if Jin Baozhu died due to negligence, the consequences would be disastrous. She implored Zhao Sugui to take care of her daughter Nannan when necessary.

After a doctor's examination, Jin Baozhu was not seriously injured although she was not seriously injured. What was even more surprising was that she was already two months pregnant.This news shocked Zhou Min and fainted on the spot.Zhao Sugui was so angry that he rushed into the ward and slapped Duan Litian twice, blaming him for turning a deaf ear to the lives and deaths of Zhou Min and Duan Ning.Not only did Duan Litian feel no shame, but he confidently claimed that Jin Baozhu was pregnant with his child.

Deng Shu briefly went to visit the guests of the state, but when he saw the chaos there and everyone was playing cards instead of rehearsing, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​signing a contract with the girl.Lin Jinmu chased after him, but still failed to convince Deng Shu to change his mind.At the same time, Duan Ning, who was temporarily living in Deng's house, accidentally discovered a letter written by Zhou Taisheng to the girl.She opened the letter and read it without the girl's permission, and therefore had a dispute with the girl.Deng Shu heard the news and came to persuade her. The girl angrily asked Deng Shu why he snatched her name. Deng Shu smiled and explained that Duan Ning was the first choice and Deng Lijun was only the backup.After hearing these words, Yatou and Duan Ning finally reconciled.

When the girl's birthday came, she made a special wish, that is, she hoped that her father Duan Litian could come home and reunite.Zhao Sugui conveyed this wish to Zhou Min.On the other side, Li Yan accidentally met Zhou Taisheng abroad. After returning to China, she gave the tape that Zhou Taisheng asked her to hand over to the girl.The girl was very curious about the contents of the tape and looked forward to hearing Zhou Taisheng's voice.

On the birthday, the Deng family was very lively. Zhao Sugui suggested that Nannan celebrate her birthday together, after all, their birthdays were not far apart.After singing the birthday song, everyone presented gifts one after another. When the girl saw the guest of state singing contract in Deng Shu's hand, she was so excited that tears filled her eyes.This means that Deng Shu finally agreed to her embarking on the path of singing.In sharp contrast, Zhou Min's side was deserted and sad.Nannan accidentally discovered the tape, and the girl didn't hide it. She frankly told her that it was a gift from Zhou Taisheng.The girl keeps her promise and is willing to share everything with Nannan. If Nannan doesn't listen, she won't listen to Zhou Taisheng's voice alone.Finally, the two played the tape together and listened to the greetings and blessings from afar.

In order to deal with the girl's contract signing, Deng Shu lied that he was going to his home in Sichuan.He chose to ride a bicycle, which aroused Zhao Sugui's suspicion.She then went to investigate outside Sichuan's home and found that Sichuan was on duty that day and Deng Shu was not looking for him.In fact, Deng Shu went to the karaoke hall and asked Lin Jinmu for Liu Xiaochun's contract to study carefully.He made it clear that if Lin Jinmu wanted to sign a contract with Yatou, he would have to go through him.Back home, Zhao Sugui asked Deng Shu about his whereabouts. Although Deng Shu did not want to disclose it at first, facing his wife's insistence, he had to confess that he had gone to the karaoke bar and showed Zhao Sugui Liu Xiaochun's contract.Deng Shu seemed very attentive and cautious about her daughter's future development, which made Zhao Sugui both pleased and reassured.

《Teresa Teng》E14Plot

Episode 14

Yatou's first performance at the State Guest attracted everyone's attention, including her father Deng Shu.Although the host mispronounced her name during the introduction, the girl didn't care and devoted herself to her singing.Deng Shu sat in the audience, looking at his daughter on the stage who was like a bright star. Her singing voice was full of charm, intoxicating everyone.After singing a song - Tuberose -, the girl announced that today was her father's birthday and she wanted to dedicate a song to him.Deng Shu listened to his daughter's singing and recalled every bit of his daughter's growth, with tears in his eyes.

However, the news that the girl was singing as a guest of the country also reached Director Jin's ears, and he hurried over to learn about the situation.Deng Shu comforted him, saying that Yatou would continue to renew her contract with the radio station, and thanked Director Jin for his support and help.On the other side, Liu Xiaochun deliberately gave the girl a difficult problem and asked her to sing Hokkien songs.Although the girl can speak Hokkien, singing is another matter.However, the girl was not stumped. She asked drummer Azhi for advice. Azhi helped her learn the singing skills of Hokkien songs by letting her touch his throat to feel the vibration of pronunciation.

Yatou's first attempt at a Hokkien song did not go well. She was ridiculed by the audience because of her inaccurate pronunciation.These ridicules made the girl feel uncomfortable, but she did not give up.She wrote a letter to Zhou Taisheng. Although she did not send it, it became a way for her to vent her emotions.In order to improve her pronunciation, Yatou asked Black Dog's younger brothers for advice, and they taught her singing with Zhao Sugui's permission.Although the process is funny, the girl's progress is obvious.When she took the stage again to sing Hokkien songs, the audience burst into encouraging applause.

Zhao Sugui noticed Azhi's feelings for the girl, so he changed the song arrangement without authorization.The girl was dissatisfied with this, but she did not dare to go against her mother's wishes.When Deng Shu asked the reason, Zhao Sugui chose to remain silent.Although the girl was angry, she still rejected Azhi's proposal and did not want to sing Hokkien songs when Zhao Sugui was away.Chen's mother mistakenly believed that Zhao Sugui was discriminating against talents from the province and did not let the girl sing Hokkien songs, but Zhao Sugui explained that she just didn't want the girl to get too close to Azhi.

At the same time, Zhou Taisheng received the cassette, but it only contained Duan Ning's voice, not Teresa Teng's singing, which disappointed him.He suspected that the girl didn't like the song he adapted, so she didn't reply to him.In order to persuade his mother to let him return to Taiwan to accompany his father, Zhou Taisheng was able to return to T Bay.He learned that the girl was currently singing at the Guest of State, but was unable to come to the record store because of her busy schedule.Azhi invited Yatou to watch a movie together, but Yatou refused because she knew there was inappropriate content in the movie.However, Azhi's insistence triggered a conflict. Yatou's third brother and Zhou Taisheng were both involved in the fight and were eventually taken away by the youth team.After Boss Lin's plea, everyone except Zhou Taisheng was released.Afterwards, the third brother asked the girl about Zhou Taisheng, and the girl explained that he was just Duan Ning's English teacher.That night, the girl went to Duan Ning and told her the news that Zhou Taisheng had been arrested.

《Teresa Teng》E15Plot

Episode 15

The girl borrowed Duan Ning's phone number to contact the Zhou family, and Zhou Taisheng cleverly used Duan Ning as a cover and pretended to be talking to Duan Ning in front of his mother.This once again triggered a dispute between Duan Ning and the girl.Duan Ning accused the girl of not being as good as her in liking Zhou Taisheng, and the girl felt very sad after hearing this.Duan Ning's almost obsessive love, although admirable, also makes people feel heavy pressure.However, Duan Ning didn't seem to realize this.

At the same time, Azhi took a girl to watch a movie, but the movie did not go through. Instead, he encountered a conflict and was beaten.The other musicians ridiculed Azhi's experience. Angry, Azhi had a conflict with him on the stage, but the girl stopped him in time.Afterwards, everyone returned to their respective positions and continued working.However, the band conductor felt that his authority had been challenged and was extremely agitated.

At this time, Zhou Taisheng and Duan Ning walked into the singing hall.Seeing the girl's determination and momentum on the court, Zhou Taisheng smiled proudly.But the good times did not last long, and the musicians left one by one. They were no longer willing to accompany the girl. This was due to their dissatisfaction with the girl and Liu Xiaochun's secret instigation.Both Yatou and Zhou Taisheng firmly disagreed with the apology, and Yatou did not dare to tell Deng Shu about it.

In order to solve the problem, Zhou Taisheng found his friends for accompaniment training.But because they were accustomed to foreign rock styles and were not familiar with domestic pop songs, they left one after another.As the band director left, Azhi was also called away by his master.Teresa Teng's mood became heavy, and even the letters written to her by her fans were no longer interesting.Director Jin noticed something strange about her, and after asking, he learned the reason.

On the other hand, Zhou Taisheng secretly found someone to rehearse the accompaniment in order to surprise the girl.But due to the lack of manpower familiar with popular songs, he asked Duan Ning for help, but was rejected.Fortunately, the girl unexpectedly learned that Black Dog had a band, which gave her hope.She tried hard to persuade the conductor to rehearse on time, but the conductor was not cooperative.The girl decided not to rely on him anymore, but to find other solutions.

After Zhou Taisheng completed the rehearsal, he took Duan Ning to the guests of the country to cheer for the girl.Seeing the girl leading a new band performing so well on stage, Zhou Taisheng was filled with joy.Although he put in a lot of effort behind the scenes, he had no intention of telling the girl, but was just silently happy for her.He even shouted in the rain to express his support for the girl, but ended up catching a cold and fever.

Uncle Black Dog's band performed very well on stage and won warm applause from the audience.When Adu and others saw this scene, their faces became very ugly.Zhou Taisheng didn't want the girl to bear too much pressure, so he decided to stay. No matter where the girl was, he would follow her.

However, Lin Jinmu only cares about whether the girl's performance can be sold out every time, but Director Jin is more sensible.He realized that Adu, as a senior and conductor, had a high status in the karaoke hall.If not handled properly, it can easily cause trouble for the girl.Sure enough, some customers left the karaoke bar one after another because they were dissatisfied that the venue was booked by gangsters.At the same time, the third brother also accidentally learned of the difficulties his sister encountered in the karaoke hall.Liu Xiaochun even fanned the flames in front of Adu, and a storm against the girl was about to break out.

When Duan Litian and Zhou Min were talking about divorce, they deliberately kept Duan Ning away.When the girl saw this, she and her third brother took Duan Ning home.In order to give Zhou Min and Nannan a stable place to live, Duan Litian even asked her to act in a play.However, there are complex emotions and motivations hidden behind it all.

《Teresa Teng》E16Plot

Episode 16

Duan Litian firmly told Zhou Min that she could only make a choice between house and status.After receiving a call from Zhao Sugui, Zhou Min learned that her daughter was at her place. She immediately made a decision and told Duan Litian that she was willing to divorce.After Zhao Sugui learned about it, he was very dissatisfied. He felt that Zhou Min had a smart face, but gave up the house and marriage so easily.Even if Zhou Min doesn't think about himself, he should consider that his daughter is about to take the joint entrance examination.Zhou Min herself did not seem to be in a hurry to find a house. Instead, Zhao Sugui, Mrs. Chen and others took the initiative to discuss with the village chief, hoping to find a place for Zhou Min.

On the other hand, Black Dog (You Yingjun) continued to lead his men to cheer in the karaoke hall, but this time Adu brought people in to cause trouble, and the two sides almost clashed.When the guards arrived, they took both parties back to the police station.The guards determined that it was illegal for gangsters to rent the venue, and they believed that the venue for guests of the state was not innocent.Although Lin Jinmu tried to argue, it was to no avail.Everyone knew that Liu Xiaochun was behind this, and Duan Ning suggested that the girl give up singing for the time being and concentrate on studying.But Zhou Taisheng disagreed. He felt that the girl was innocent.The girl was very disappointed. Without the band, she had no chance to sing.Zhou Taisheng then asked his friends for help, but all his friends just wanted to play basketball.The girl apologized to Lin Jinmu, but Lin Jinmu didn't appreciate it. He decided to let Liu Xiaochun sing to his heart's content, preferably until his voice became hoarse and he was kicked off the stage by the audience.However, the girl still bowed to him sincerely and apologized.

Zhou Taisheng only had a girl in his heart, which made Duan Ning very dissatisfied, but Zhou Taisheng didn't care and corrected her grammatical errors.After Zhou's mother returned home, the servant reminded her that it was okay for Zhou Taisheng to play music, but it was not appropriate to mix with girls.Zhou's mother then went to the village to look for Zhou Min, but Zhou Min hid as soon as she saw her. Her pride prevented her from facing people who were once inferior to her.Liu Xiaochun sang on the stage, and the girl watched enviously in the background.The guards came to inspect the guest of state again, and Lin Jinmu could only deal with it with a smile.The third brother was aggrieved for his sister, but Lin Jinmu felt that he was also a victim. He thought it was a trivial matter that Teresa Teng could not sing, but the third brother did not think so.The contract clearly stipulates that Liu Xiaochun cannot sing at state guests. Lin Jinmu's behavior is a breach of contract, and the Deng family can sue him.But Lin Jinmu had an indifferent attitude.After returning home, the girl tried her best to keep a smile in front of her parents, not wanting them to worry.Zhou Taisheng told the girl that she could sing on stage at the guest of state tonight. The girl thought he was joking because she did not have a band to accompany her.But Zhou Taisheng definitely said that there is a band.Sure enough, Deng Shu brought several brothers from Shandong to the country to listen to the girl sing.Deng Shu felt strange when he found out that the person on stage was not a girl.Zhou Taisheng collided with someone on the way to the state guest, but regardless of his injuries, he insisted on looking for the girl.When it was the girl's turn to take the stage, the host asked her anxiously if she had a band to accompany her. When the girl was feeling anxious, Zhou Taisheng appeared with his friends.They used human voices instead of musical instruments to accompany the girl. This novel way surprised everyone.The host and Lin Jinmu were also surprised by this performance method.Deng Shu sensed something was wrong, and after questioning, he learned the truth. He decided to let his third son and daughter go with him to the guest of state tomorrow.

《Teresa Teng》E17Plot

Episode 17

The girl apologized to Deng Shu because her unauthorized actions caused the third brother to be involved in the turmoil at the police station.Deng Shu did not blame her, but asked her with concern if she regretted it.The girl firmly replied that she had no regrets, but was worried that once the matter was revealed, she would lose the opportunity to sing.Deng Shu was silent. The next day, he took the girl and Deng Changfu to the guests of the state, and bowed deeply to Lin Jinmu on stage to apologize. This move shocked Lin Jinmu.Later, Deng Shu sincerely apologized to the conductor Mr. Adu and Liu Xiaochun respectively, emphasizing that since the girl had accepted the reward, she should perform her singing duties on time.Finally, it was Azhi's turn, and Deng Shu asked Deng Changfu to come forward and apologize, because it was wrong to hit someone.At first, Deng Changfu was reluctant, but at Deng Shu's insistence, he finally apologized to Azhi, who accepted his apology and admitted that he was also at fault.

On the way home, Deng Changfu finally couldn't help but raise his doubts: Why should he apologize even if he was not wrong?The girl thought her father did this to protect her.However, Deng Shu clarified that Yatou was not wrong. A person should have the courage to face challenges and evil forces. He hoped that Yatou would be able to face it bravely no matter what difficulties she encounters in the future.He promised that no matter how difficult it was, her parents and brother would be her strong backing.After this incident, Deng Shu conducted a deep reflection in the store, and Zhao Sugui briefly described what happened to Chen's mother.Although Deng Shu had already apologized to Teacher Adu, the girl still felt that she should apologize to him in person.Teacher Adu accepted her apology, and the girl felt very relieved.

On the other hand, Xiumei seeks help from her brother Youyingjun without authorization, which causes a big disturbance among the guests of the country.As a result, Sichuan had a conflict with Xiumei, and the two fell into a cold war, communicating through their son Yaozu.While Xiumei was talking to Zhao Sugui, Yaozu hurried over to tell them that You Yingjun was having a dispute with someone.It turns out that Jin Baozhu's brother went rogue because of the house problem and tried to evacuate Zhou Min's home.You Yingjun scared the opponent away with his majestic aura and helped Zhou Min move all the items back.The girl accidentally learned that Zhou Taisheng had paid a lot for her.Duan Ning was once again dissatisfied with Deng Lijun because of Zhou Taisheng. Although this was not Deng Lijun's fault, she could not control Zhou Taisheng's emotions.Teresa Teng admitted that she was indeed moved by Zhou Taisheng's sincerity, and she could not hide this feeling from Duan Ning.The girl found Zhou Taisheng and heard his confession to her. She found that her feelings for Zhou Taisheng were also quietly growing.The girl told Duan Ning about this change, and Duan Ning angrily expressed that he hated her.Later, Zhou Taisheng frankly expressed his feelings to Duan Ning and expressed his willingness to continue helping her with tutoring, but he would stay with the girl most of the time.Zhou Min felt distressed because she could not tell Duan Ning directly about the move, so she asked the girl for help.The girl apologized to Duan Ning and even expressed her willingness to break up with Zhou Taisheng for her.Although Duan Ning sometimes seems willful, in this matter, she does not want to play the role of a bad person, and her heart is full of contradictions and pain.The girl took Duan Ning back to her old home. Zhou Taisheng played the guitar, and the villagers stood at the door to greet them with laughter.People including mother Zhou Min, Yatou's mother Zhao Sugui and mother Chen were all present.Duan Ning walked into her new home surrounded by everyone, and saw that the house was warm and full of love, and the walls were covered with photos of her and Zhou Min.The girl showed her around the room, and Duan Ning's mood changed from gloomy to sunny, and she successfully accepted the fact of moving.

Version 2

《Teresa Teng》E18Plot

Episode 18

After returning Popeye's painting to the girl and warning Zhou Taisheng not to bully her, Nannan finally decided not to have conflicts with the girl because of Zhou Taisheng.Zhao Sugui learned about Zhou Taisheng's personality from her daughter, but she did not realize that the girl was dating Zhou Taisheng at the time.Deng Changfu directly asked Zhou Taisheng whether he was pursuing the girl. Zhou Taisheng admitted frankly, but Deng Changfu firmly opposed it, believing that Zhou Taisheng's appearance distracted the girl's attention and affected her singing career.What's more, Zhou Taisheng has an American passport and may leave at any time, which makes Deng Changfu even more distrustful of him.

However, Zhou Taisheng did not give up because of this. He began to study Chinese seriously and even looked up the dictionary, which surprised Zhou's father.Zhou's mother believed that all these changes were attributed to Nannan, and even hinted that there may be further development between Nannan and Zhou Taisheng.But Zhou's father did not agree with this view. He believed that once he returned to the United States, the connection between the two would inevitably be interrupted.

In order to broaden the girl's musical horizons, Zhou Taisheng took her to a bar and let her appreciate the charm of jazz music.He encouraged the girl to incorporate her own ideas into the songs to make the work more personalized.However, when Zhou Taisheng sent the girl home, Deng Changfu warned him again to stay away from the girl, but Zhou Taisheng insisted that he was helping the girl and exposing her to more different music forms and singing methods.

Since helping Zhou Min last time, You Yingjun began to appear frequently in the village, enthusiastically helping Zhou Min carry things.But Zhou Min felt a little uncomfortable with his enthusiastic help, so he declined most of the time.After Deng Shu observed the girl's singing practice, he found that she seemed cautious when singing on the stage, and looked back from time to time to check the face of the band teacher, which led him to guess that the girl's situation as a guest of the country was not ideal.In order to improve the girl's situation, Deng Shu personally went to the radio station to find the director, and with his help met with the owner of Majestic Cabaret.Since Yatou's contract with Guo Zhimin did not stipulate that she could not sign with other karaoke bars, Deng Shu decided to sign a contract with Majestic Cabaret on Yatou's behalf.This is not for money, but for the girl to be able to sing freely without any restrictions.

On the other hand, You Yingjun secretly entered Zhou Min's previous house, took out some items, and placed them outside her current residence, leaving without leaving any traces.Zhao Sugui planned to choose fabrics to make clothes for the girl, so she and Chen's mother took Zhou Min out for shopping.However, a sudden thunderstorm interrupted their trip.The girl hurried to Nannan's house to help collect clothes, but unexpectedly met You Yingjun.He was helping Zhou Min collect clothes and even took off his shoes.When You Xiumei saw this scene, she was very surprised and began to wonder if her brother had a crush on Zhou Min.You Xiumei objected to this, believing that Zhou Min was divorced and came from a foreign country, but these reasons did not stop You Yingjun from liking Zhou Min.

On the way home, the bus suddenly broke down. Zhao Sugui and the girl had to get off the bus halfway and called Deng Shu for help.At this time, Zhou Taisheng was silently following them on his bicycle, chatting and joking with the girl while hiding out of sight of Zhao Sugui.This made the girl feel shy and excited. At the same time, she was worried that Zhao Sugui would discover Zhou Taisheng's existence and reveal the secret between them.

《Teresa Teng》E19Plot

Episode 19

The boss took his girlfriend Shuhui home for dinner, adding a warm atmosphere to the home.Deng Shu seized this opportunity and brought good news to the girl. He told her that his family would prepare more singing places for her and specially made several sets of clothes for her to wear on stage.After hearing this, the girl was filled with joy and smiled, as if the whole world had lit up.

However, Zhou Min misunderstood all this. She thought those clothes and supplies were secretly taken back to her by Duan Litian.So she decided to return the items, but to her surprise, the door locks had been changed.Fortunately, You Yingjun appeared in time, climbed over the wall and unlocked her.This home is full of memories for Zhou Min. Every corner has left traces of her daughter’s growth, especially the height scale on the door, which has witnessed every bit of her growth.Although there are some things that cannot be taken away, and anything that can be taken away can be bought with money, Zhou Min knows that there are some things that cannot be measured by money.She told herself to be strong because she had friends and people who supported her, and she believed she could get out of the shadow of her marriage being betrayed.

On the other side, Lin Jinmu couldn't help but feel worried when he heard that Deng Shu had negotiated for the girl to perform at the Majestic Cabaret.He was worried that the girl would leave the country for a better opportunity.However, Liu Xiaochun disagreed with this. She firmly believed that the girl would not leave because she had too many cares and emotions here.At this time, Teresa Teng was spending time with Zhou Taisheng, but due to her very tight schedule, she was worried that she would not have enough time to meet with Zhou Taisheng.Zhou Taisheng thought of a way. He got up early every day and met the girl by the river. Although sometimes he was so sleepy that he fell asleep, but he still persisted.At night, when the girl dozed off on the bus, Zhou Taisheng followed silently behind on his bicycle, guarding her.Although the girl didn't know all this, Zhou Taisheng's silent dedication made people feel warm and touching.

You Yingjun has also been paying attention to Zhou Min silently.He always hangs around Zhou's house just to take a look at Zhou Min.He observed her daily routine, watched her rest and sleep at a fixed time, and then he left with peace of mind.When the girl was puzzled by his behavior, You Yingjun told her that if a person doesn't want to see another person, it's because he doesn't miss him enough; if he doesn't miss him enough, it's because he doesn't love him enough.These words made the girl think deeply.

One day, it was raining. Zhou Taisheng got up early and rode his bicycle to the river to meet the girl without even eating breakfast.He held an umbrella, chatted briefly with the girl, and then hurried to class.Although the time was short, both of them felt satisfied and happy.However, this peaceful life did not last long.You Yingjun stole Jin Baozhu's door frame and placed it at Zhou Min's house, which aroused Jin Baozhu's anger and suspicion.Fortunately, You Xiumei had someone move the door frame in advance, avoiding Zhou Min's embarrassment and trouble.Zhou Min knew that these things were brought by You Yingjun. Although she was grateful for his kindness, she also told him clearly that she hoped he would not do such things again in the future.At the same time, she also emphasized again that there is no relationship between them, not now and never in the future.However, You Yingjun didn't seem to care about Zhou Min's attitude. He was as thick-skinned as a city wall and still stubbornly insisted on his own thoughts.

On the other side, the girl also started preparations for her performance at Majestic Cabaret.Deng Changfu was curious about her performance and didn't know why she was always absent-minded.However, the girl did not tell him what was on her mind.Zhao Sugui knew that Zhou Min needed money now, so he invited her to help in the store.Although Zhou Min was worried that her daughter would feel embarrassed, she gave up her worries with Zhao Sugui's comfort.Zhou Taisheng thought of a way for the girl to let more people know about her - to put up posters.He hopes that in this way, more people will understand Yatou and appreciate her talent.Zhou's mother also decided to go to Meiqi Cabaret to listen to music, which made Nannan a little worried.She knew that Mother Zhou liked girls who were simple and obedient, not those with outstanding personalities wearing heavy makeup.Therefore, she tried to persuade the girl to change the repertoire and style to suit Zhou's mother's preferences.However, Zhou Taisheng disagreed with this approach.He believes that girls should maintain their own personality and style instead of changing themselves to cater to others.In the end, the girl followed Zhou Taisheng's suggestion and decided to perform according to her own ideas.

《Teresa Teng》E20Plot

Episode 20

On August 6, Teresa Teng's special performance in Majestic Cabaret attracted many guests. They filed in, looking forward to the wonderful performance that was about to begin.On this special day, the girl chose a set of the most conservative clothes, and her makeup looked particularly elegant.She had good intentions and even changed the song to a classic old song. Zhou Taisheng in the audience saw this and couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He understood that the girl did this to make his mother Wang Youling feel friendly and comfortable.

Sure enough, Wang Youling was full of praise for the girl's performance, which made Zhou Taisheng feel sincerely proud.And when he noticed that his mother behind him was praising the girl, he was even more moved by the girl's intentions.At this moment, the girl is not only his lover, but also the pride in his heart.

However, not everyone is as fond of the girl as Zhou Taisheng's family.Zhou Min's appearance made the situation a little awkward. She was afraid that her current poor situation would be seen and made fun of.Fortunately, Mother Chen and others came forward to smooth things over in time and lied that Zhou Min was now the person in charge of Zhou. This allowed Zhou Min to save face in front of Wang Youling.

After the show, Yatou's fame rose rapidly.Reports about her frequently made headlines, and Mrs. Chen excitedly took the newspaper to tell everyone the good news.Deng Shu even bought several newspapers, cut one out and kept it as a souvenir, and burned the others to his deceased relatives so that they could know about the girl's achievements in another world.

As the girl's fame grew, she began to be invited to participate in various singing and interview activities, and she was very busy.CTV even invited her to sing the theme song for the TV series.Although the process of recording songs was not smooth sailing, Yatou overcame the difficulties with her own efforts and talent and successfully completed the recording.

After the TV series was broadcast, the girl's touching singing voice spread throughout the streets and alleys, touching countless viewers.Sales of Jingjing Records also soared, and they were quickly sold out.Zhou Taisheng wanted to buy a record as a souvenir, but was told that it was sold out.Fortunately, the record store owner left one for him, which made him very happy.

However, as the girl became more and more famous, she also became busy and did not even have time to go to Zhou Taisheng.Although Zhou Taisheng was a little disappointed, he still silently supported the girl's career and paid attention to her movements.Whenever the girl has activities or performances, he will watch silently in front of the TV, feeling happy for her success.

Father Zhou found out that his son had applied for an equivalent school in the United States and asked his son what was going on.Zhou Taisheng frankly told his father that he planned to go to the United States with his girl to further his studies, which made Zhou's father very dissatisfied.He believes that his son should return to his country to inherit the family business instead of being with a singing girl.However, Zhou Taisheng insisted on his choice and hoped that his father could understand his relationship with the girl.

After experiencing a series of twists and turns and tests, the relationship between Yatou and Zhou Taisheng became deeper.They have experienced the ups and downs of life together, and have faced pressure and doubts from the outside world together.In the end, they decided to move towards a broader future together, go to Hong Kong to develop, and let more people hear Yatou's singing.

《Teresa Teng》E21Plot

Episode 21

Zhao Sugui's insistence surprised the girl to go to Hong Kong to sing. Although Deng Shu also supported it, he was worried that his wife would be too overworked.What neither of them knew was that Zhao Sugui and Wang Youling had met before, and Wang Youling held a deep prejudice against the Deng family, especially Deng Lijun, who loved singing. She even regarded the girl as a cash cow for the Deng family.Although Zhao Sugui did not argue with Wang Youling at the time, she was determined to make her daughter stand out on the road of singing.Wang Youling's attitude made the relationship between Yatou and Zhou Taisheng impossible. Zhao Sugui directly asked Wang Youling to take care of his son and cut off the contact between Yatou and him.

Wang Youling searched her son's room at home and tore up the letters. After Zhou Taisheng found out, he had an argument with her and insisted on gluing the letters together.When he met Zhao Sugui, he excitedly talked about his classmates' admiration for Teresa Teng, but Zhao Sugui directly stated that he did not want him to have contact with the girl anymore, believing that their life trajectories no longer matched.Zhou Taisheng was confused by this, but he still had the illusion that as long as he continued his studies, he could keep in touch with the girl.However, the cruel reality made him gradually realize the seriousness of the problem.

At the same time, Zhao Sugui took the girl to Hong Kong, determined to let her make a career there.Although Teresa Teng has fewer fans in Hong Kong, Zhao Sugui encouraged her not to be discouraged.The girl's singing in the karaoke hall did not impress the audience at first, but her voice attracted the attention of PolyGram Company.Although some within the company were skeptical about investing in Teresa Teng, her talent was eventually recognized.With the filming of a movie, Yatou's fame gradually increased in Hong Kong, and her ranking also continued to rise.However, she never forgets to remind her fans to focus on their studies and not to be too obsessed with her.

《Teresa Teng》E22Plot

Episode 22

The girl missed her makeup because she was waiting in line for a call. In desperation, she asked a passing man to help her hold a seat.However, the girl on the other end of the phone did not bring good news, and the girl hung up the phone in disappointment.At this time, the man took her into Ji Fei's special dressing room and used the phone inside.Although the girl was a little uneasy, the man claimed to be Ji Fei's assistant Ajie, which made her feel a little relieved.However, things were not that simple. When the girl was about to pay back the money, she discovered that the man who helped her was actually TVB's mainstay Ji Fei, not Ajie.Ji Fei proposed that Yatou become the first Taipei artist signed by TVB, but Yatou's mood had already been affected by Zhou Taisheng's indifference.The next day after returning to Taipei, the girl accidentally met Zhou Taisheng at David's stadium. She thought the reunion would bring joy, but Zhou Taisheng's indifference and hurtful words broke her heart.Despite this, the girl still chose to walk through the memories she shared with Zhou Taisheng alone, hiding the pain deep in her heart.

《Teresa Teng》E23Plot

Episode 23

In order to prevent the girl from spending the rest of her life under the hatred of his parents, Zhou Taisheng chose a cruel way to cut off the emotional bond between the two.He knew that long-term pain was better than short-term pain. Although this decision caused harm to the girl, he still stuck to his promise until the end of the joint examination.Duan Ning was confused by Zhou Taisheng's approach and didn't understand its significance.

After Zhao Sugui returned to Taipei, she learned that Deng Shu was in poor health. She was sad and shed tears because Deng Shu concealed his illness.Seeing this, Deng Shu could only agree to accompany her for examination.With a heavy heart, the girl came to the door of Duan Ning's house and happened to meet Duan Ning going out to collect his shoes. Duan Ning took her into the hospital and they went out to have a heart-to-heart talk.Yatou retraced the path she had walked with Zhou Taisheng. Although those familiar places could be walked in one day, the memories between the two took a lifetime to forget.The girl even had the idea of ​​not wanting to stay in Taipei.

Duan Ning hesitated whether to tell the girl Zhou Taisheng's difficulties, but in the end she chose to remain silent.Zhao Sugui took Deng Shu to the hospital for examination, and the results confirmed that there was indeed something wrong with his heart.Zhao Sugui was worried about this, but Deng Shu insisted not to transfer the store.In order to reduce Deng Shu's burden, Zhao Sugui discussed with Zhou Min, hoping that You Xiumei could come to the store to help.Although Zhou Min was at odds with You Xiumei, he still agreed to Zhao Sugui's request.The day before Zhou Taisheng left Taipei, Duan Ning gave him the fabric and learned that he had also returned to the road with the girl.Duan Ning did not tell Zhou Taisheng that the girl had done the same thing.

Two years later, Duan Ning still maintained correspondence with Zhou Taisheng, but when Deng Changfu asked about Zhou Taisheng's current situation, she could not give a clear answer.You Xiumei and Zhou Min didn't get along well in the store, and they often had frictions.You Xiumei discovered that Zhou Min not only cared about Lao Wu's grades, but also supervised Deng Shu's drinking of ginseng tea. She complained privately to Sichuan that Zhou Min wanted to seduce Deng Shu while Zhao Sugui was away.However, Sichuan did not believe You Xiumei's statement. He believed that You Xiumei was biased against Zhou Min.In Duan Ning's letter to Zhou Taisheng, she found that he always mentioned the college entrance examination and the girl, but never cared about her current situation and did not know that she was about to face the college entrance examination.Wang Youling felt distressed that her son was still concerned about the girl, but Zhou Taisheng did not blame his mother for her decision to break them up.Ji Fei pursued Teresa Teng, but was politely rejected.The Deng family bought a big house in Beitou. Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui took their daughter to the new house and handed the key to the girl.Only then did the girl realize that the big house in the highlands on her wish list had come true.

《Teresa Teng》E24Plot

Episode 24

Duan Ning asked the girl privately whether she would feel resentful if she dated Zhou Taisheng.Faced with this sudden problem, the girl was speechless for a moment.After all, Zhou Taisheng had caused a lot of harm to the girl, but Duan Ning seemed not to care about it, and even had the same feelings for Zhou Taisheng.The girl took a deep breath and said that if the two really came together, she only hoped that Zhou Taisheng would not hurt her again.

After Zhao Sugui returned to Taiwan, Zhou Min reported all recent events to her in detail. Zhao Sugui was deeply reassured by her ability to do things.You Xiumei walked into the house at this time and sent Zhou Min away to go to the kitchen to check the condition of the steamed buns.She planned to take the opportunity to remind Zhao Sugui to pay more attention to Zhou Min, but after learning that Deng Shu was also in the kitchen, she hurriedly went in and replaced Zhou Min.Zhao Sugui was a little embarrassed about this and explained to Zhou Min the reason for You Xiumei's character.Zhou Min didn't take it to heart, but expressed his envy that Zhao Sugui had a friend like You Xiumei. If he had had such a friend, he might not have suffered Duan Litian's betrayal.

At this moment, You Xiumei's exclamation came from the kitchen. It turned out to be Deng Shu who suddenly fainted.Everyone hurriedly called an ambulance to take Deng Shu to the hospital.Zhou Min quickly handed Deng Shu's medicines and medical records to the doctor.After You Xiumei inquired, she learned that it was Zhao Sugui who entrusted You Xiumei to take care of Deng Shu, and it was not Zhou Min who had any special intentions for Deng Shu.After Deng Shu regained consciousness, he insisted that he was fine and insisted on being discharged from the hospital.The girl threw herself on him coquettishly, insisting that the doctor would check and confirm that he was fine before allowing him to leave the hospital.Since everyone else in the family was busy, Zhao Sugui decided to take turns going to the hospital with Yatou and Lao Wu to take care of Deng Shu.Although the girl has a busy schedule, she still insists on visiting Deng Shu in the hospital every day.

During a brief conversation with Director Li, Yatou learned that Deng Shu refused to sign the consent form for the operation.It turned out that two-thirds of the blood vessels in his left atrium had been blocked, and he would face great risks if he did not undergo surgery.The girl entered the ward with the consent form and tried to persuade Deng Shu to sign it, but Deng Shu still insisted on his opinion.Since Teresa Teng had not been to Hong Kong for a long time, Ji Fei took the initiative to come to Taiwan to visit her.After learning about Deng Shu's unwillingness to undergo surgery, Ji Fei came up with an idea for the girl.Ji Fei suggested that the girl quit the music scene to indirectly persuade Deng Shu to undergo surgery.Duan Ning learned about Ji Fei's existence from the girl's mouth, and deliberately mentioned him in a letter to Zhou Taisheng.Zhou Taisheng felt complicated after reading the letter. He flipped through the magazine and found an article about Ji Fei.

Deng Shu's operation was finally successful. In order to take better care of him, Zhao Sugui decided to hand over the management of the small restaurant to Zhou Min.Zhou Min declined at first, but after the persuasion of Zhao Sugui and You Xiumei, she began to waver.However, Duan Ning objected to this.The girl advised her to see the positive side of things and live with hope.Duan Ning wrote the words conveyed by Zhou Taisheng through the girl into a letter and sent it to Zhou Taisheng, making Zhou Taisheng mistakenly think that she was leaving him thoughts, so he tried to persuade Zhou Min to take over the restaurant.Zhou Taisheng had no idea about this and mistakenly thought that Duan Ning understood his thoughts very well.After her daughter no longer objected, Zhou Min finally took over the store.Yatou and Zhao Sugui managed to bring Deng Shu's relatives to Hong Kong so that they could be reunited.Deng Shu hugged his old lady and cried bitterly. This heartwarming scene touched everyone present.Unfortunately, the scene was secretly photographed by paparazzi and published in the newspapers.The superior showed the newspaper to Deng Changfu. Although Deng Changfu did not know about it, he was happy that his father could be reunited with his relatives.However, his superiors believed that his attitude was incorrect and asked him to write a report to express his position and condemn this behavior.Although Deng Changfu felt embarrassed, there were so many military orders that he had to rewrite them many times to meet the requirements of his superiors.

《Teresa Teng》E25Plot

Episode 25

Deng Changfu briefly stated his position in the report. He was not aware of his father's contact with his mainland family, but he supported it.The superior had no choice but to ground him for three weeks.At the same time, Mr. Sasaki from Polydor Japan came to Hong Kong for vacation and got together with Mr. Zheng and others from PolyGram Hong Kong, which also belongs to Philips Corporation of Japan.They originally planned to entertain Sasaki, but learned that he was not in the room, but was deeply moved by Teresa Teng's singing in the karaoke hall.Excited, Sasaki called Mr. Funaki in Japan to share the matter.When the PolyGram people and Sasaki went to listen to the song in person, they learned that the touching voice came from Teresa Teng.

At this time, they began to regret not signing Teresa Teng earlier, but now they have to compete with Polydor.Fortunately, both parties have a chance, because PolyGram has not signed her yet.Sasaki purchased a large number of Teresa Teng's albums and ended his vacation early to return to Japan to discuss with the company the signing of Teresa Teng.Mr. Zheng and others felt frustrated, but some people also pointed out that although Japan has signed many Southeast Asian singers, the response has been mediocre. Maybe the signing of Polydor and Teresa Teng will not go smoothly, and they will still have a chance by then.After hearing Teresa Teng's singing, Mr. Funaki and others thought it was the sound of nature and decided to send people to discuss signing a contract with the Deng family.

Funaki soon came to Hong Kong in person and, together with Mr. Zheng, proposed the signing intention to Teresa Teng and her daughter.They expressed their willingness to wait for Teresa Teng's contract with Lei Feng to expire and promised to sign a contract with her with the highest standards and the best terms.Faced with such an important opportunity, Zhao Sugui did not make an immediate decision and expressed that he would go back to discuss with Deng Shu.Due to time constraints, Funaki went directly to Taiwan to find Deng Shu, but was resolutely rejected. Deng Shu was determined not to cooperate with the Japanese.Afterwards, Deng Shu was furious with Zhao Sugui on the phone, and Zhao Sugui had to promise not to have contact with the Japanese again.

On the other hand, Haitian's boss asked Teresa Teng to perform on the same stage with Judy Liu, a singer from Taiwan, in order to promote this new singer.Teresa Teng readily agreed, but unexpectedly Judy Liu was an old acquaintance of Liu Xiaochun.Liu Xiaochun deliberately appeared close to Teresa Teng, and even tried to get close to Ji Fei, and used Teresa Teng's fans to expand his influence.Despite being rejected, Mr. Funaki did not give up. He insisted on sitting outside the restaurant, eating steamed buns day after day, waiting for the opportunity.

Liu Xiaochun planned to have a supper with Teresa Teng's fans, but Teresa Teng chose not to attend.A fan came back to ask if she was angry, and Teresa Teng explained that she considered her fans as friends and didn't want them to spend too much on her.She offered to send flowers to a nursing home, a move that left fans mortified and deeply in awe.Mr. Zheng, who heard these words in the background, appreciated Teresa Teng's kindness even more, and he offered to drive Teresa Teng and her fans to eat.Mr. Zheng also revealed to Teresa Teng his previous experience of going to Taiwan to discuss signing a contract with Deng Shu but being rejected. He also emphasized Japan's leading position in record production and believed that Teresa Teng would have greater room for development there.Although Deng Shu felt some resistance in his heart, he also realized that his daughter had grown up and no longer interfered too much with her choices.

《Teresa Teng》E26Plot

Episode 26

In order to get close to Ji Fei, Liu Xiaochun deliberately created an opportunity for entertainment reporters to take photos of the two of them. As she wished, the relevant photos were published in the newspapers the next day.However, after that, Ji Fei never appeared in the karaoke hall again.The fans followed Teresa Teng's advice and no longer bought tickets to enter. Instead, they waited for her to appear outside the singing hall and left together.Liu Xiaochun was deeply jealous of this. She decided to break the news to reporters and spread rumors about Teresa Teng, which led to false reports in newspapers that Teresa Teng had many boyfriends, that her father had secret meetings with mainland relatives and friends, and that her third brother, Deng Changfu, enjoyed privileges as a soldier.Teresa Teng was so angry that she went directly to Liu Xiaochun, slapped her hard and warned her not to hurt her family again.From then on, Teresa Teng also gave up the idea of ​​singing with her.

When had Liu Xiaochun ever experienced such humiliation? When Teresa Teng turned around, she picked up the wine bottle on the table and slammed it into the back of Teresa Teng's head.Although Teresa Teng was injured, she behaved extremely calmly. She did not argue with Liu Xiaochun, but just told her coldly not to let her see her again in the future.In order not to worry her mother Zhao Sugui, the girl called a doctor in time to treat her wound.Regardless of whether the cooperation is successful or not, Mr. Zheng hopes to become friends with Teresa Teng and help her solve her problems.

At the same time, Funaki and his assistant were invited to Deng Shu's home, and Deng Shu was ready to be rejected again.However, Funaki's sincerity finally moved Deng Shu, and he decided to let his daughter go to Japan to seek broader development.After Funaki and his assistant heard the news, they were so excited that they almost cried with joy. They could finally drink without any worries.

Mr. Zheng and Simon approached Liu Xiaochun to discuss cooperation. They were interested in signing her, but the condition was that she must develop out of town.Liu Xiaochun mistakenly thought that they were sent by Teresa Teng to deal with her, but after hearing that she could make a lot of money by traveling to other places, her attitude immediately changed.She is a person who chases money and interests.Bill knew that Teresa Teng did not like Ji Fei, so he cleverly arranged for Teresa Teng to meet with Ji Fei and fabricated a lie, claiming that Teresa Teng could not fall in love within five years, otherwise she would be subject to many restrictions in her career.Ji Fei left angrily after hearing this.Later, Bill told Teresa Teng that she could actually fall in love as long as she had someone she liked.Bill's high IQ allowed him to detect without leaving any trace that Teresa Teng did not like anyone.

Zhou Taisheng returned from the United States for a few days, and Duan Ning was secretly happy to learn that he remembered his preparations for the joint entrance examination.But when Zhou Taisheng asked if the girl was okay, Duan Ning immediately realized that he still couldn't forget the girl.Duan Ning came home after school and learned from her mother that the girl was coming back. She was angry and worried, and prayed to God not to let Zhou Taisheng and the girl reunite, so as not to rekindle their old relationship.However, the girl still came to school to cheer Duan Ning on the day of the joint entrance examination, and unexpectedly met Zhou Taisheng.Since there were so many student fans, everyone rushed to get the girl's autograph, and the scene was quite lively.Out of politeness, the teacher asked the girl to leave first.Zhou Taisheng didn't chase after Duan Ning because he promised to wait for her.

When Duan Ning returned home, she lost her temper with her mother Zhou Min, thinking that the Taiwanese student came back specifically to accompany her in the joint entrance examination, but it was messed up because of the appearance of the girl.Zhou Min patiently persuaded her, telling her that if a relationship always needs help from others, it is destined to not last long.But Duan Ning couldn't listen at all. She stubbornly believed that her mother was not on her side.When discussing the details of the contract, Deng Shu made two demands: First, Teresa Teng could not become a Japanese national, and second, she could not use a Japanese stage name.After Funaki thought for a moment, he nodded and agreed to these conditions.The girl also made her own request, which was to wear more cheongsams in style, and Funaki agreed without hesitation.Duan Ning decided to find the girl to explain things clearly.

《Teresa Teng》E27Plot

Episode 27

Duan Ning knew that Zhou Taisheng and the girl met today, and her mood fell from the clouds to the bottom.Yatou cannot understand Duan Ning's obsession with Zhou Taisheng, just as Duan Ning cannot understand Yatou's love for singing.Duan Ning told her that from now on, she would only do what she wanted to do and love who she wanted to love.The girl wanted to persuade and comfort her, but Duan Ning left.Zhou Taisheng went to the tavern and wanted to ask Zhou Min about the contact number and address of Yatou's family.This time Zhou Min did not dare to disobey her daughter and lied that she did not know the girl's home phone number and address.When Zhou Taisheng left the tavern, he met Deng Shu who was coming to the tavern to help.

Deng Shu didn't know about his relationship with the girl, so he eagerly pulled him into the tavern to chat.Zhao Sugui and Zhou Min were on the phone, but the girl heard them.When she learned that Zhou Taisheng was looking for her in the store, she took the initiative to talk to him.No matter what difficulties Zhou Taisheng had at the beginning, she could not forgive him for breaking up with her in that way.From now on, Teresa Teng's happiness or unhappiness has nothing to do with Zhou Taisheng.Zhou Taisheng turned and left. The girl knew that Duan Ning was nearby and heard these words.Between Zhou Taisheng and Duan Ning, the girl chose Duan Ning, even though she still loved Zhou Taisheng at this time.Afterwards, Zhou Taisheng drank with Duan Ning and complained. He regretted why he didn't tell the girl the truth directly.If he told him, the girl would definitely wait for him.Duan Ning felt so uncomfortable hearing what he said and kept drinking. She also felt very uncomfortable.

Duan Ning helped the drunk Zhou Taisheng to the hotel. On the way, he was hit by Xiaoyang riding a motorcycle. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured.Xiaoyang realized something was wrong and went back to the hotel to find Duan Ning and persuade her to go back with him. The police would come to check at any time.Originally Duan Ning didn't care, but when she heard Xiaoyang say that she was underage and would harm Zhou Taisheng badly if she was discovered, she changed her mind and left with Xiaoyang.Xiaoyang told a white lie, making Zhou Min mistakenly think that he took Duan Ning to drink, and Zhou Min gave him a lesson for this.In the end, Duan Ning came out and said she was in a bad mood, so she asked Xiaoyang to accompany her, and Xiaoyang was not an outsider.Hearing this, Xiaoyang was very happy.Zhou Taisheng woke up with a hangover and couldn't remember what happened yesterday. Duan Ning told the truth this time, saying that nothing happened to them, and even if something happened, it was of her own free will.

Bill specially sent Zhao Sugui and the girl to Japan. The mother and daughter lived in the place rented by Bill and began to work hard in Japan.They had just arrived and the company had not arranged her schedule for the time being. The girl took advantage of this time to learn Japanese and listened to people speaking Japanese on the street. As a result, she was photographed by reporters who distorted the facts and said that Teresa Teng was not doing well in Japan.Deng Shu called to question. Zhao Sugui explained that the girl was learning Japanese, but Deng Shu didn't understand. Wouldn't it be better to find a serious teacher to learn Japanese?He had to run out to bask in the wind and sun, and he couldn't help but suspect that Funaki and the others were bullying his daughter.The girl explained that she was not bullying, and Deng Shu reluctantly hung up the phone.

However, the news in the newspaper reminded the girl that handing out flyers was a good way to learn Japanese. The next day she went to the streets to hand out flyers and was recognized as Teresa Teng.He Liyun was a fan of Teresa Teng and excitedly took them to the store to meet her husband Zhao Yu.Zhao Yu was also a fan of Teresa Teng and took a blank piece of paper and asked her to sign it.Teresa Teng felt that it was not good to sign on white paper, so she suggested giving him a few signed photos in the future. Zhao Yu could keep them for himself or give them to family and friends.

《Teresa Teng》E28Plot

Episode 28

The company's requirement for the girl is not only to be familiar with Japanese and sing in Japanese, but also to use Japanese flexibly.The staff conveyed this request to the girl, and the girl readily agreed without any dissatisfaction and studied hard after that.But Zhao Sugui didn't understand that it was just fine if she could sing, but the requirements were so high.Sasaki and Funaki were invited to dinner, and the girl said that she learned to speak on TV. Sasaki and the others were shocked and did not tell the girl what the reason was.Later, the girl told Zhao Yu and He Liyun the same thing. Zhao Yu said that her Japanese sentence was relatively vulgar and meant what I meant.

The girl felt that one and a half years was too long and she needed to learn Japanese as soon as possible. For this reason, she asked for help in Zhao Yu's store to improve her Japanese level as soon as possible. Zhao Yu reluctantly agreed.Duan Ning wrote a letter to Zhou Taisheng. In order to reunite with him as soon as possible, Duan Ning was already preparing for the TOEFL exam. Her T-Taiwan Joint Entrance Examination results were terrible, and it was almost impossible to get into National Taiwan University.Zhou Min asked her to continue working hard and try to take the exam again, but Duan Ning refused.Zhou Min thought she was worried about tuition fees and said that the store's business was good and there would be no pressure for her to study.Duan Ning suddenly asked her if she could support him to go to the United States, but Zhou Min suddenly stopped answering.After You Yingjun was released from prison, he often went to a small restaurant to eat noodles, but every time he went there, Zhou Min would hide in the back kitchen and not come out.She didn't dare to face him, let alone her true feelings for You Yingjun.

A girl in school pursued Zhou Taisheng, but Zhou Taisheng refused, but the girl did not give up.Zhou Taisheng learned that she was familiar with Japan and quickly asked her about Japan.The girl said that Japan is very xenophobic and that non-Japanese people have a hard time in Japan.The girl was curious about why Zhou Taisheng was so interested in Japan. Zhou Taisheng told her that the person he liked was there.The girl waited for a long time, and finally waited for the day when she could make her singing debut.When she was in the company, she had a calm expression and hid her emotions, but on the way home, she burst into tears and shared the good news with Zhao Sugui.The girl began to practice singing hard, and Sasaki felt that she could master any song.Yaozong's grades were very poor. You Xiumei wanted Duan Ning to help his son with tutoring, but Duan Ning refused, taking advantage of Yaozong's poor grades.Deng Shu came in and told everyone the good news that Yatou was about to release a record in Japan. Everyone was happy for Yatou from the bottom of their hearts and looked forward to the day when she would sing all over the world.Out of a performance mentality, Duan Ning suddenly agreed to Xiumei to tutor Yaozong.

Publicity is very important, and the company arranged a tight interview for the girl.Bill came to Japan to see her and found that she put too much pressure on herself, so he advised her to sing with her heart, which would surely impress consumers.The company has also made preparations for the second and third editions. They believe that this record will be a big hit and they will add more copies.Even though Teresa Teng worked hard, the results were not satisfactory. Sasaki warned everyone not to give up.The girl sang her own song in the song studio, but the response from the audience was mediocre, and the sparse applause was almost non-existent. Sayuri, who came on the stage immediately behind her, was far more popular than her.The girl named the famous Japanese singer she knew well, but Teresa Teng's name was not included.Zhou Taisheng was silent. In his opinion, Teresa Teng, who shone like a superstar, was not well known to people. The girl even doubted whether Teresa Teng existed.

《Teresa Teng》E29Plot

Episode 29

Teresa Teng experienced hard work in Japan, but these efforts did not seem to translate into the expected rewards.Taking into account Teresa Teng's mood, the company decided not to tell her the bad news about the dismal record sales for the time being.At the same time, Duan Ning tutored Yaozong. Although the two parties were neighbors, she still accepted the tutoring fee paid by You Xiumei.Zhou Min was puzzled by this and thought that Duan Ning was just a small money fan, but in fact, Duan Ning had already planned in her heart. She planned to use the money to go to the United States to find Zhou Taisheng.

When Teresa Teng was conducting promotional activities in Hokkaido, she found that local people did not have high awareness of her.During the phone call with her mother, Zhao Sugui, she chose to report only the good news and not the bad news, so that her mother should not worry.Teresa Teng often recalled Lin Jinmu's words and warned herself to remain humble and patient before succeeding.

The record sales rankings were announced, and Teresa Teng only ranked 75th, with very few on-demand radio broadcasts. This result is undoubtedly disappointing.In order to comfort her, Dongye took her to a high-end restaurant.Teresa Teng had a premonition that her performance would be poor, but she did not expect it to be so dismal.After twenty-six days of promotion in Japan, she returned to Tokyo. Instead of going home directly, she first went to the stores of He Liyun and Zhao Yu to talk about her hardships and hardships.It happened that Zhao Sugui was also in the store and overheard her daughter's voice.

Teresa Teng sang alone at the beach to relieve her sorrow, and her longing for Zhou Taisheng became more and more intense.Zhao Sugui felt sorry for her daughter and decided to buy a ticket back to Taipei, and the mother and daughter returned together.After returning to Taipei, Teresa Teng felt ashamed that she had not been able to make a breakthrough in Japan, and stayed at home all day long.Deng Shu tried to take her out to relax, but Teresa Teng firmly refused.At this time, Nannan came to visit and told the girl about Zhou Taisheng's current situation and the truth about their breakup.It turns out that Zhou Taisheng originally proposed to break up because Wang Youling didn't like the girl, and because Zhou's father had a stroke, he had to make that choice.

After Deng Shu learned about his daughter's record sales ranking in Japan, he was as shocked and worried as Deng Changfu, worried that Polydor would give up its investment in Teresa Teng.At Polydor's internal meeting, most people opposed continuing to invest in Teresa Teng, but Higashino, Funaki, Sasaki and others insisted on supporting her.Sasaki even stated that if it fails again, he is willing to take full responsibility and permanently retire from the recording industry.

In the end, Polydor decided to let Teresa Teng develop in Hong Kong first, hoping that she would get the opportunity to perform on stage here.Zhao Sugui was dissatisfied with this decision and believed that the Japanese were dumping a burden.However, Teresa Teng chose to accept this arrangement and worked hard to convince her mother to support her decision.On the other hand, Duan Ning had a dispute with Zhou Min over the business license issue, and Zhao Sugui stepped in to mediate in an attempt to ease the tension between the two.When You Yingjun chatted with Zhou Min, although he was not good at finding topics, his sincerity and kindness made Zhou Min feel warm.

《Teresa Teng》E30Plot

Episode 30

Zhou Min and You Yingjun had dinner together, and You Yingjun enjoyed it and enjoyed the time spent with her.In his dreams, Zhou Min appeared frequently. Although she always blamed him for not doing his job properly, he always felt happy in his dreams and still had a smile on his lips when he woke up.After dinner, You Yingjun thoughtfully sent Zhou Min home.Duan Ning was not asleep yet. She knew that her mother had received fifty yuan from Mother Chen before, so she knew that her mother had already finished the game.No need to ask, she also guessed that You Yingjun sent Zhou Min back.Duan Ning complained dissatisfiedly that Zhou Min always dated unsuitable people, but Zhou Min retorted seriously, insisting that she had the freedom to make friends, but Duan Ning remained unmoved and asked Zhou Min to remember her words.

The next day, Duan Ning left a letter and ran away from home.In the letter, she borrowed money from Zhou Min and said she would return it as soon as possible.Zhou Min hurriedly informed the girl about the incident and blamed himself for not discovering Duan Ning's unhappiness in time.Duan Ning ran to the United States and lied that he was attending an exchange meeting with the school, but in fact he was pursuing Zhou Taisheng.Wang Youling and his wife knew this well but did not expose her lie. Instead, they warmly invited her to stay.Although Zhou Taisheng was reluctant, under his mother's persuasion, he finally agreed to let Duan Ning stay.He tried to persuade Duan Ning to return to China, but Duan Ning insisted on his own opinion and refused to leave.

After careful consideration, the girl decided to call the Zhou family.Zhou Taisheng, who received the call, was surprised by the girl's call.The girl then spoke to Duan Ning and persuaded her to return to China, but Duan Ning refused.She firmly stated that she would stay with Zhou Taisheng and was not afraid of the risk of illegal immigration.She also cried and begged the girl to give Zhou Taisheng to her and asked her to forget the number.The girl told Zhou Min where Duan Ning was going, and Zhou Min was extremely angry.Duan Ning not only deceived his parents, but also stole all the money and even tricked Zhou Min into signing the business license.Zhou Min became even more angry when he thought of this.

The girl left the Zhou family's phone number with Zhou Min, and Zhou Min then called Wang Youling.She took her daughter's face into consideration and did not expose Duan Ning's lies.The mother and daughter talked on the phone. Zhou Min also persuaded Duan Ning to return to China, but Duan Ning still refused and refuted her with Zhou Min's previous words.Soon after, Zhou Min fell ill due to Duan Ning's rebellious behavior and did not go to the store.After learning about it, the girl called to show her condolences and learned that Duan Ning still refused to listen to Zhou Min's advice and insisted on staying in the United States.Zhou Min was helpless and decided not to interfere.

Duan Litian accused Zhou Min of inappropriate behavior and went out for supper with You Yingjun, causing Duan Ning to run away from home.Zhou Min was unable to refute, but fortunately You Xiumei came to help and scolded Duan Litian away.The company arranged a trip to Southeast Asia for the girl. She was worried that this was a sign that the company wanted to get rid of her as a high-paying employee.However, this was not the case and the company was still trying to find the right song for her.Ji Fei told Yatou that there was an opportunity to go to the United States to promote a condolence mission. Although it would not help her career much and the schedule was tight, the girl agreed without hesitation.

You Xiumei no longer opposed her brother's feelings for Zhou Min, and even took the initiative to ask him to bring something for Zhou Min to eat.Zhou Min lost her appetite due to her bad mood, so You Yingjun patiently fed her one bite at a time.In the United States, Duan Ning found a job in a restaurant. Zhou Taisheng persuaded her to return to China, but Duan Ning insisted on staying and asked Zhou Taisheng if he could control her for the rest of his life.

《Teresa Teng》E31Plot

Episode 31

On the flight to the United States, Teresa Teng covered herself with a blanket and pretended to be asleep.A man noticed her and handed her a mask, reminding her that she still had at least ten hours of flight. The mask could help her avoid inhaling too much second-hand smoke.When the cabin gradually became quiet, Teresa Teng was finally able to breathe fresh air.The man's name was Wang Zhongwen. He took the initiative to talk to Teresa Teng and learned that she had never set foot in the United States.When asked if she had any friends in the United States, Teresa Teng remembered Duan Ning's words and lied that she had no friends in the United States.

After the plane landed, Wang Zhongwen unexpectedly met Teresa Teng again.He saw that Teresa Teng was having difficulty communicating with people because she did not understand English, so he took the initiative to help and sent her to her destination.Teresa Teng knocked on the door of the Zhou family, and Wang Youling mistakenly thought that she was here for Zhou Taisheng.Teresa Teng clarified that she was here for Duan Ning, but Wang Youling insisted that she wanted to break up Duan Ning and Zhou Taisheng, and even lied that Duan Ning and Zhou Taisheng were now inseparable.Teresa Teng was rejected by Wang Youling, and it was not until Wang Zhongwen appeared that the embarrassment was resolved.

Wang Zhongwen took Teresa Teng out for dinner and deliberately concealed his identity as the restaurant owner.He wanted to know the story between Teresa Teng, Duan Ning and Zhou Taisheng.Wang Zhongwen expressed friendship with Teresa Teng and expressed his willingness to help her allow Duan Ning to return to Taiwan legally and safelyNorth.After the meal, Wang Zhongwen drove Teresa Teng back. Ji Fei saw Wang Zhongwen's promotional poster and told Teresa Teng that Wang Zhongwen was a second-generation overseas Chinese entrepreneur with a wealthy family.Teresa Teng was shocked. She did not expect that the friend she had just met had such a background.

When Wang Zhongwen learned that Duan Ning was working in a restaurant, he specially arranged for people from the Immigration Bureau to scare her, but unexpectedly, Duan Ning and Zhou Taisheng were involved in a car accident.Wang Zhongwen felt deeply guilty and rushed to the hospital to visit.

《Teresa Teng》E32Plot

Episode 32

Wang Zhongwen originally planned to visit Duan Ning, but unexpectedly found in the hospital that the injured person was not Duan Ning, but Zhou Taisheng.This Zhou Taisheng was the first love that Teresa Teng once mentioned. He gave tremendous help to Teresa Teng in the early stages of her singing career.Wang Youling's dissatisfaction began to spread. Unable to bear the disturbance, Duan Ning decided to go out for some air. Wang Zhongwen followed closely, trying to persuade her to return to Taipei.Duan Ning was confused about how Wang Zhongwen knew that she was from Taipei, and Wang Zhongwen cleverly replied that she should be from there like Mr. and Mrs. Zhou.When leaving, Wang Zhongwen expressed his appreciation for Zhou Taisheng's behavior in protecting women.

After Zhou Taisheng was injured by Duan Ning, Wang Youling's attitude towards Duan Ning changed significantly and she no longer took the initiative to support her.In the process of looking for a job, Duan Ning accidentally missed some items. When he returned to pick up the items, he overheard the conversation between Wang Youling and Zhou's father.They were disappointed that Duan Ning failed to establish a relationship with Zhou Taisheng, and Wang Youling even expressed that she was no longer willing to help her.Under Wang Zhongwen's intervention, Duan Ning encountered many difficulties in the job search process.Wang Zhongwen's move was intended to suppress him, and he also hoped that Duan Ning could retreat despite the difficulties.After Yatou tried to contact Wang Zhongwen to no avail, she turned to Ji Fei for help.

Duan Ning suddenly decided to buy a ticket to return to China. Although Wang Youling showed reluctance, she did not try to persuade him to stay.Zhou Taisheng sent her away personally, while Duan Ning cleverly used Teresa Teng as a bargaining chip, implying that once she left, Teresa Teng might also follow.Wang Zhongwen watched Duan Ning board the plane at the airport, and Duan Ning told Zhou Taisheng that their relationship was just that of passers-by or ordinary friends, and even Wang Zhongwen was just one of her many suitors.

Wang Zhongwen once tried to call Ji Fei, but accidentally answered Teresa Teng's call, and he hung up in a hurry.Teresa Teng did not go into details and thought she had made a wrong call.The next day, Teresa Teng learned that someone had tried to contact her, guessing it was Wang Zhongwen, but she didn't understand why he stopped contacting her.After a long journey, Duan Ning returned to Taipei and was taken home by the little sheep.She saw You Yingjun helping her repair the leaking room, and burst into tears after entering the room silently.

When Zhou Min was on the phone with Zhao Sugui, the girl overheard the news that Duan Ning had returned to China and immediately answered the phone.She learned that Duan Ning had just returned to China, and the girl herself had also returned from the United States.Zhao Sugui guessed that the girl came to Duan Ning specifically, but was worried that Duan Ning's character might not appreciate it, or even misunderstand the girl's intentions.The girl only thinks about Duan Ning and hopes that she will not leave a record of illegal immigration.Wang Zhongwen hesitated whether to contact Teresa Teng, but was always interrupted by other things.

Teresa Teng was selected by the company to sing a song with a very different style. Sasaki and Funaki came to take her back.Teresa Teng initially thought they were terminating the contract, but in fact she was asked to go back and record new songs.She persuaded Zhao Sugui to return to TaiwanNorthReunited with Deng Shu, she decided to return to Japan to continue her music career.Wang Zhongwen called from the United States, but Zhao Sugui hung up directly.Later, she asked the girl if it was true that she had not met Zhou Taisheng. After receiving a positive answer, Zhao Sugui fell into deep thought.

《Teresa Teng》E33Plot

Episode 33

Old Mrs. Wang in Indonesia has a special liking for Teresa Teng's singing, and Wang Dequan's aunt, Aunt Mei in Wang Zhongwen's mouth, usually hires a theater troupe for her every year to please her, but this approach makes the old ladyI feel there is a lack of novelty.At the same time, Mrs. Wang and her daughter Wang Zhongfen chose to listen to Teresa Teng's singing.Wang Zhongwen accidentally saw Teresa Teng's poster and walked in, but came out soon after. Teresa Teng noticed it and chased him out.Through conversation, the two clarified the misunderstanding that Teresa Teng stayed in Ji Fei's room last time. It turned out that it was because the group leader Ji Fei did not arrange a room for her, so she temporarily borrowed Ji Fei's room.

After Wang Zhongwen's misunderstanding about Teresa Teng was resolved, the two got along happily and tasted delicious food together.During the conversation, Wang Zhongwen asked about the relationship between Teresa Teng and Ji Fei. Teresa Teng admitted that they were in the same circle and were naturally familiar with each other.In order to make his mother and grandma happy, Wang Zhongwen specially arranged another breakfast. Mrs. Wang doted on Wang Zhongwen and let him sit next to her, while Aunt Mei sat on the other side with her two children.

Mrs. Wang's birthday banquet was deliberately arranged by Aunt Mei on the day before Ningxia Day to seize the limelight.After learning about this, Teresa Teng had a plan in mind.On the day of the birthday banquet, Aunt Mei and Wang Dequan greeted the guests at the front desk, acting like hostesses.Mrs. Wang asked Wang Zhongwen's mother to stand beside Wang Dequan, but she refused because of her honest character.At this time, Wang Zhongwen was very eager to see Teresa Teng.

He ran to knock on Teresa Teng's door and pour out his heart to her.Although Teresa Teng is not ready yet, Wang Zhongwen expressed his willingness to wait.On Mrs. Wang's birthday, Teresa Teng suddenly appeared and sang a Teochew tune, which surprised both Wang Dequan and Wai Shi.Teresa Teng explained that Mrs. Wang invited her and revealed that Mrs. Wang taught her this song line by line.Wang Zhongfen asked Wang Zhongwen for confirmation, but Wang Zhongwen chose to remain silent.This move made Mrs. Wang shine at the birthday banquet, while Aunt Mei was embarrassed.Mrs. Wang said this was her happiest birthday.

After the birthday banquet, Wang Zhongwen prepared to drive Teresa Teng away.In the car, he told Teresa Teng about his life background and admitted that he was not as rich as she thought.Then, he mustered up the courage to confess his love to Teresa Teng and asked her if she was willing to date him.Teresa Teng deliberately joked that she likes rich people, but the relationship between the two has quietly heated up.

《Teresa Teng》E34Plot

Episode 34

Mrs. Wang was also a loyal fan of Teresa Teng. After learning that Teresa Teng was about to leave at the end of her schedule, she decided to meet her in person and gave her a carefully selected gift - a sapphire necklace.Although Teresa Teng was not keen on jewelry, she opened the gift box out of politeness.However, she discovers that the necklace is far more precious than she expected, so she feels a little embarrassed to accept it.In contrast, she had a soft spot for the pudding recommended by Mrs. Wang, which surprised Mrs. Wang because Teresa Teng was different from other people in the singing circle. She did not have that exaggerated air about her. This made Mrs. Wang very fond of it.The impression of Teresa Teng is excellent.

On the way to send Teresa Teng to the airport, Wang Zhongwen expressed his feelings for her and expressed his willingness to wait.He joked that maybe one day Teresa Teng would suddenly want to marry him on the plane.Teresa Teng did not fully understand what he meant at the time, but when she boarded the plane and tasted the dessert specially prepared for her by Wang Zhongwen, she suddenly understood what he meant.

At the same time, Zhao Sugui hoped to stay in Taipei to take care of Deng Shu, but Deng Shu disagreed. He believed that Teresa Teng needed someone to accompany and provide advice in Japan.Although Zhao Sugui smiled and said that her daughter had her own opinion, Deng Shu still insisted on his own opinion.

After returning to Japan, Teresa Teng began to reflect on the reasons for her failure.She realized that singing should be a simple and happy thing, but in Japan, she worked too hard and lost her original intention.She decided to get back to herself who simply loved singing and didn't care about success or failure.However, the company did not give her such an opportunity. Not only did it not allow her to adjust her condition, it also refused her request to match the cheongsam according to her own ideas.After being rejected many times, Teresa Teng realized that losers have no right to make demands, so she chose to remain silent.

Funaki noticed Teresa Teng's originality and tried to convince the team to tailor her music to her style.However, when Zhao Sugui flew to Japan to deliver dumplings to Teresa Teng, the company refused to let her bring the dumplings into the conference room.Teresa Teng went to get it herself and sang the company's unpublished songs at the izakaya, which aroused Funaki's serious reminder.Teresa Teng was disappointed with the company's approach and had a dispute with Funaki.However, with Rie's persuasion, she realizes how hard Funaki and Sasaki have gone to get her to continue singing, and she decides to work harder to repay their trust.

After hard work, Teresa Teng's "Airport" record received an enthusiastic response as soon as it was released, and her name gradually became known to people.The record sales ranking rose rapidly, eventually reaching the top ten and achieving unprecedented success.Wang Zhongwen deliberately stayed in Japan and said to Teresa Teng in Chinese: “You are awesome!”At this moment, Teresa Teng felt unprecedented happiness and satisfaction.

《Teresa Teng》E35Plot

Episode 35

In a certain izakaya in Japan, Wang Zhongwen quickly won the love of Teresa Teng's colleagues with his excellent social skills.When the party ended, Teresa Teng shouldered the important task of sending the drunk Wang Zhongwen home.At this moment, Wang Zhongwen once again expressed his love to Teresa Teng, but Teresa Teng still had concerns and could not accept it immediately.Wang Zhongwen left in despair.Teresa Teng's album - Airport - was a huge success in the market, and Fuji TV invited her for an exclusive interview.While returning to Taiwan, Teresa Teng caught a glimpse of Duan Ning in the crowd, but chose to avoid it.Duan Ning has mixed emotions about Teresa Teng's return, and is also dissatisfied with the fact that the name of the Deng's restaurant has not been changed.

The relationship between Nannan and Yatou was described by Zhou Min as Angelica and Duhuo, interdependent.Inspired, Nannan decided to get back together with the girl.The girl told Nannan that her heart belonged to someone, which made Nannan feel relieved.Duan Ning returns to his hometown, and the girl is full of nostalgia for the memories here.After the interview with Teresa Teng, she continued to work hard on her music career in Japan.She was invited to participate in the New Music Festival, and despite fierce competition, she won the Bronze Award for her outstanding performance.

During the post-match interview, Teresa Teng unexpectedly saw Wang Zhongwen, which made her speechless for a moment.Wang Zhongwen traveled thousands of miles to support Teresa Teng.He also told Teresa Teng that he would attend the shareholders' meeting because he did not want his mother's shares to be diluted to Wang Zhongkai.Faced with the pressure of the Record Awards, Teresa Teng chose to move forward bravely. She longed to stand on the stage of the Empire Theater.Wang Zhongwen accompanied her, and the two agreed that once Teresa Teng won the Newcomer Award, they would celebrate together.

《Teresa Teng》E36Plot

Episode 36

During the confrontation between Wang Zhongwen and Wang Dequan, he keenly discerned his father's true intentions - he wanted to retain his mother's shares but did not want He Rumei to know his ambitions.For many years, Wang Dequan has controlled the balance of the family. One wife, Mrs. Wang, has a title as the official wife, while the other is an outlaw with an unjustified name. Both of them have expectations.Wang Zhongwen bluntly pointed out that his father's so-called balance was actually about maximizing personal interests.This angered Wang Dequan, who forced his son to attend the upcoming shareholders' meeting.

Teresa Teng lost her morning jogging partner Wang Zhongwen in Japan and felt a little lonely.After the shareholders' meeting, Wang Zhongwen felt his mother's state of mind.The shares in her hands are not important, but her father regards them as treasures, and her mother's love for her father is even deeper.Wang Zhongwen admitted that he has the one he likes - Teresa Teng, and he has the support of his mother.

Teresa Teng looked forward to spending time with Wang Zhongwen, but learned that he had left.She was disappointed and even more shocked when she learned that he had been in a car accident.On the stage of the Empire Theatre, she silently prayed that her voice would return.Eventually, she regained her voice, but Wang Zhongwen was too injured to appear.Li Hui went to the hospital to visit Teresa Teng on behalf of her, and Wang Zhongwen asked her not to tell Teresa Teng about this.

《Teresa Teng》E37Plot

Episode 37

Wang Zhongwen was still injured and was determined not to let Rie reveal the truth about the car accident to Teresa Teng, even if it might lead to her misunderstanding.After this incident, he deeply understood Zhou Taisheng's helplessness when he chose to break up with Teresa Teng due to pressure.At the same time, Duan Ning successfully passed the exam as a stewardess, and she determinedly went to find Zhou Taisheng. Although the girl felt sorry for her, her decision could not be changed.Wang Dequan held his son's landline phone and listened to him weave white lies to his ex-wife.Wang Dequan reminded his son to be cautious, but Wang Zhongwen turned a deaf ear. He deeply loved Teresa Teng, and this emotion made him unable to extricate himself.

Funaki read the news in the newspaper that Teresa Teng sang in the Taipei market, which violated the company's regulations.He ordered Dong Ye to immediately notify Teresa Teng to return to Japan on the grounds of preparing a new song.However, Zhou Min does not want Duan Ning to become a stewardess, and is even willing to stop her at the cost of breaking up with You Yingjun (Black Dog).But Duan Ning firmly chose her own path. She supported her mother's feelings and hoped that her mother would not interfere with her choice.Deng Shu was surprised when he learned about Zhou Min's relationship with Black Dog from his daughter, which also explained why Black Dog frequently appeared in the store.

Teresa Teng was confused by the changes around her. She asked He Liyun about the situation in the company, especially Wang Zhongwen's movements.He Liyun avoided talking and only revealed that Rie had been here.Duan Ning started training as a stewardess. Although she was tired, she chose to persevere.On the way to the United States, Duan Ning and Zhou Taisheng reunited, and their topic revolved around the girl.Teresa Teng gradually realized that something was wrong with the company, and she asked to see Mr. Funaki.Higashino hesitated, and Teresa Teng was keenly aware that Funaki was avoiding her.After Wang Zhongwen learned about it, regardless of his injury, he wanted to ask Funaki to argue, but was stopped by Rie.She promised that the company would treat Teresa Teng well.Teresa Teng found Funaki in person and learned that he would hold a concert for her.

Rie prepared pudding for Wang Zhongwen and helped him give it to Teresa Teng.Wang Zhongwen sat outside the car, watching Teresa Teng's satisfied expression enjoying the food, and his heart was filled with happiness.Teresa Teng burst into tears when she tasted the familiar pudding.Later, Teresa Teng learned from Wang Zhongfen that Wang Zhongwen was injured. She visited the hospital and made dumplings for him with her own hands.Wang Zhongwen explained the reason for his concealment, while Teresa Teng made her feelings clear. She decided to cherish the present with Wang Zhongwen and bid farewell to Zhou Taisheng's past.

《Teresa Teng》E38Plot

Episode 38

The Popeye paintings collected by Teresa Teng are memories shared by her and Zhou Taisheng.Zhou Taisheng once said that the fear of forgetting is greater than death, and they vowed to remember each other.However, as time goes by, people and things change, and what should be forgotten will eventually drift away with the wind.Zhou Taisheng is a thing of the past, but Teresa Teng is looking forward to building a future with Wang Zhongwen.She chose to put the painting into the river and let it go with the water, symbolizing farewell to the past.On the night of the full moon and Mid-Autumn Festival, Duan Ning accompanied Zhou Taisheng in the United States, but Zhou's father was worried because his son had no deep affection for Duan Ning and he was worried that the pairing was not a match made in heaven.

Wang Youling is different. As long as her son is well, she is happy to see Duan Ning take the initiative to get close to Zhou Taisheng and become her daughter-in-law.Teresa Teng went to the hospital with the interview outline. Wang Zhongwen accompanied her to familiarize herself with the content. When asked if she had a boyfriend, she did not answer.When he actually faced the radio host, Wang Zhongwen called, but he didn't press for an answer.At this moment, Teresa Teng confessed in Chinese that she already has someone she likes, and invited him to her home to eat dumplings.When Wang Zhongwen heard this, his heart was as sweet as honey.

He Rumei was indifferent to Wang Zhongwen's car accident in Japan. She only cared about the relationship between Wang Dequan and Xie Yifang.When Xie Yifang learned about this, she burst into tears, but fortunately Mrs. Wang comforted her.Wang Dequan gave his son two choices, either to return to Indonesia or to work in the United States.Wang Zhongwen did not dare to directly propose conditions to Teresa Teng. He knew that once he mentioned it, he might lose her forever.He knew that he loved her deeply, even though her feelings for him might not be that deep.Mrs. Wang and Xie Yifang confirmed that Wang Zhongwen did like Teresa Teng, but Xie Yifang didn't know who loved her more.Teresa Teng is indifferent to fame and fortune, and Mrs. Wang is worried that she is unwilling to give up everything for Wang Zhongwen and become the daughter-in-law of the Wang family.

Teresa Teng could not contact her family, so she learned from Zhou Min that Deng Shu was hospitalized.She hurriedly asked Higashikata to return to Taiwan, but because there were two performances to be completed, Higashino had to ask Tokyo for permission first.Soon, Deng Shu and Zhao Sugui guessed that their daughter had known about it, and Deng Shu lied and said it was just a routine inspection.Teresa Teng didn't believe it, knowing that her mother would not come all the way back for this.She was concerned about her father's illness, but could not fulfill her filial piety before his bedside. She felt the pain of singing for the first time.At this time, Wang Zhongwen appeared and comforted her.The two hugged each other in the snow and kissed passionately.Not far away, Zhou Taisheng, who had just arrived from the United States, saw this scene, his heart was cut by a knife, and he turned and left silently.

《Teresa Teng》E39Plot

Episode 39

In the snow on Christmas Eve, Wang Zhongwen suddenly appeared like an elf in the snow. He smiled and sent Christmas blessings to Teresa Teng.Teresa Teng was moved by this sudden surprise, with tears in her eyes. She couldn't help hugging Wang Zhongwen, and their lips were tightly attached to each other in the falling snow.However, this scene happened to be witnessed by Zhou Taisheng, who had just arrived. The disappointment in his heart was like dead leaves blown away by the wind and snow, and his back turned and left stretched long in the snow.

Duan Ning, who is far away in the United States, specially adjusted his work in order to spend Christmas with Wang Youling and his wife.However, when she learned that Zhou Taisheng was not in the United States, she received a letter from Zhou Taisheng.In the letter, Zhou Taisheng frankly expressed his longing for Teresa Teng, and he decided to pursue his heart.After Duan Ning read the letter, he just smiled lightly and continued to prepare dinner for Wang Youling.She is well aware of Zhou Taisheng's feelings for Teresa Teng, but she also believes that as long as Teresa Teng is willing to let go, everything will turn around.

Teresa Teng had a happy smile on her face while enjoying the delicious pudding sent by Wang Zhongwen.Wang Zhongwen noticed that she had been losing weight recently, and after asking, he found out that it was because Deng Shu was ill and she was worried.Wang Zhongwen asked Teresa Teng what Christmas gift she wanted. Teresa Teng looked at him affectionately and said: "Having you here is my best Christmas gift."% However, when Teresa Teng learned that Wang Zhongwenming had to fly back to Rome, a trace of disappointment flashed across her face, but she did not force it.

Duan Ning behaved extremely calmly in front of Wang Youling and his wife. She not only accompanied them to dinner, but also enthusiastically took photos for them.Although Wang Youling was a little worried about Duan Ning's condition, Duan Ning could always deal with it calmly.When parting, Wang Zhongwen and Teresa Teng said goodbye reluctantly. Wang Zhongwen's instructions to Dongye were like the instructions of a guardian. He hoped that Teresa Teng would go well in Japan.

On the way to Japan, after careful consideration, Zhou Taisheng decided to stay in Japan to follow Teresa Teng's footsteps.He called Duan Ning and his parents to tell them his decision.On the way to Japan, Zhou Taisheng had a brief conversation with his father Zhou Wei.Zhou Wei reminded him that the gap between him and Teresa Teng is already huge, but Zhou Taisheng firmly stated that Teresa Teng in his heart will always be the innocent little girl who loves singing.

At Die's door, Zhou Taisheng stopped to listen to Teresa Teng's singing, and his heart was filled with emotion.The proprietress He Liyun invited him into the store. From their mouths, Zhou Taisheng heard a lot about Teresa Teng's hardships and efforts when she first came to Japan.It turns out that Teresa Teng's success did not happen overnight. She has put in a lot of hard work and sweat to get to where she is today.

Teresa Teng was about to have her first concert. She was so excited that she sang and danced on Die's table, like a child who got a beloved toy.Zhou Taisheng watched her quietly from outside and did not disturb her happiness.Later, Teresa Teng accidentally heard Zhou Taisheng's name from He Liyun and Zhao Yu, and she specially waited for him in Die.After the two met, Teresa Teng persuaded Zhou Taisheng to return to the United States, but Zhou Taisheng firmly stated that he was responsible for his own life.Teresa Teng respected his decision and said nothing more.After returning home, she received a call from Wang Zhongwen and wanted to tell him about her meeting with Zhou Taisheng today, but Wang Zhongwen did not dare to listen.

At this time, Wang Zhongwen was planning a surprise for Teresa Teng.He came to Japan, but learned that Teresa Teng had gone to Hong Kong.At Die's door, Wang Zhongwen unexpectedly met Zhou Taisheng.Tensions build between the two men, who both seem to be lusting after the same woman.However, on this Christmas Eve, they all know that no matter what the outcome, they will respect Teresa Teng's choice.

《Teresa Teng》E40Plot

Episode 40

Teresa Teng devoted countless efforts to the upcoming concert. However, just as she was concentrating on preparations, Duan Ning appeared unexpectedly.Perhaps the appearance of Duan Ning distracted Teresa Teng. She accidentally fell on the stage and was rushed to the hospital for treatment.Doctors diagnosed that her foot ligaments were damaged and she was unable to engage in strenuous exercise for a short period of time.Faced with such a predicament, Bill was extremely anxious, but Teresa Teng maintained an optimistic attitude. She firmly believed that as long as her vocal cords were not injured, other problems would not be a problem. She even said that she could sing on stage in a wheelchair.

The purpose of Duan Ning's visit is to understand Zhou Taisheng's current situation and hope that Teresa Teng can persuade Zhou Taisheng to return to the United States.However, Teresa Teng rejected Duan Ning's request.She said that she didn't want to make Duan Ning unhappy because of Zhou Taisheng.After Duan Ning's flight mission ended, You Yingjun drove to pick her up.Duan Ning jokingly mentioned that her colleagues thought she was from a well-off family and would be picked up by a taxi every time she went home.You Yingjun took the opportunity to ask Duan Ning for advice on marrying Zhou Min, and revealed that Duan Litian refused to continue paying Duan Ning alimony due to Zhou Min's marriage to You Yingjun.

Zhou Min is no longer the woman who revolves around her husband, and she has decided to take legal measures to protect her rights.The reason why You Yingjun mentioned this to Duan Ning was that he hoped she could persuade Zhou Min to give up alimony.At the same time, Xie Yifang was ordered by Mrs. Wang to fly to Japan to find her son because she was worried about Wang Zhongwen's whereabouts.However, she learned from Ruwei that Wang Zhongwen was not in Japan.Xie Yifang bluntly said that she was sent by Mrs. Wang and must find traces of Wang Zhongwen.

Wang Zhongwen has actually been following Teresa Teng's footsteps from Japan to Hong Kong.However, Teresa Teng had a short period of free time due to a foot injury and decided to return to Taipei to visit her parents.When Wang Zhongwen learned about it, he couldn't laugh or cry. He felt as if he was chasing Teresa Teng all over the world.In order to marry Zhou Min, You Yingjun asked Deng Shu to come forward to communicate with Duan Litian, hoping that Duan Litian would ostensibly agree to pay alimony, but in fact You Yingjun would subsidize Duan Litian privately.Deng Shu was surprised by this.

Zhao Sugui has an in-depth understanding of Zhou Min. She believes that Zhou Min may not really want to marry You Yingjun, but is using the alimony agreement as an excuse.After Teresa Teng returned to Taipei, she missed Wang Zhongwen endlessly.She recited the numbers silently in her mind, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Wang Zhongwen's figure.She took Wang Zhongwen home to meet her parents, who all expressed their love for him.After dinner, while Teresa Teng was playing on the swing, Vincent's words reminded her of what Zhou Taisheng once said.Vincent expressed envy of Teresa Teng and Zhou Taisheng's past, and hoped that he could be involved in her present.However, Teresa Teng is already famous and powerful enough, and she has the most professional orchestra support.

In order to persuade Zhou Taisheng to return to the United States, Zhou Wei personally went to Tokyo.But no matter how he tried to persuade him, Zhou Taisheng was determined not to go back.Zhou Wei had no choice but to mention Duan Ning, hoping to impress Zhou Taisheng.Mrs. Wang was worried that He Rumei would take advantage of the sisterhood to gain power, so she ordered Wang Zhongfen to notify Xie Yifang to return as soon as possible.At the critical moment when Teresa Teng encountered turbulence on the plane, she told Nannan that she fell in love with Wang Zhongwen, and firmly stated that Zhou Taisheng belonged to Duan Ning and she would never compete with her.After getting off the plane, Teresa Teng couldn't wait to run to Wang Zhongwen, and the two hugged each other tightly.This scene was captured by many reporters, who asked about their relationship status.

《Teresa Teng》E41Plot

Episode 41

Teresa Teng hurried to the rehearsal venue as soon as she got off the plane. Bill and Vincent watched her silently in the audience.Bill firmly stated that Teresa Teng was not the kind of woman who used singing as a springboard to pursue fame, wealth and wealth.He believes that as long as Teresa Teng can find true happiness, everyone will feel sincerely happy.At the same time, he also reminded those around him that Teresa Teng was an extraordinary woman whose heart was far tougher and stronger than her appearance.

Duan Ning traveled thousands of miles from Japan to Hong Kong to bring delicious food and care to Taisheng Zhou.This affection made Zhou Taisheng feel warmer and made him cherish the friendship with Duan Ning even more.Vincent saw that Teresa Teng had put in so much effort for this concert and decided to invest in buying all the remaining tickets to ensure the success of the show.However, Bill smiled and told him that the tickets for the three concerts had already been sold out, and they did not even dare to promote them anymore because there were no more tickets to sell.

Mrs. Wang and He Rumei came to Hong Kong to visit Wang Zhongwen, but He Rumei always tried to intervene in the conversations between the grandfather and grandson, but Mrs. Wang cleverly put them aside.Mrs. Wang gave Wang Zhongwen an ultimatum. If Teresa Teng was still unwilling to disclose her relationship with Wang Zhongwen within three days, then Wang Zhongwen must return to Indonesia with her.Wang Zhongwen reluctantly revealed the matter to Bill, but Bill knew that Teresa Teng attached great importance to this concert, so he did not want Vincent to disturb Teresa Teng at this time.

Wang Zhongwen once tried to find an opportunity to mention the matter to Teresa Teng, but Teresa Teng was busy rehearsing and he never found a suitable opportunity.At the insistence of Mrs. Wang, Wang Zhongwen had to plead with his grandmother again, hoping to give her two more days.However, Mrs. Wang's attitude is very firm. She believes that the relationship between Teresa Teng and Wang Zhongwen has reached a time when a choice must be made.

Bill was worried that Vincent's appearance would affect Teresa Teng's performance, so he had a dispute with Vincent.Teresa was confused by this, but Bill cleverly lied and said Vincent left because he was jealous.Before leaving, Vincent expressed to Mrs. Wang that he was willing to go back to Indonesia with her, but he still came to the hotel with his luggage on the day of the concert.He kept his agreement with Teresa Teng, but did not appear at the concert.

After the concert, Teresa Teng asked again about Vincent's whereabouts.Bill lied hesitantly and said that Vincent had arrived and listened with rapt attention.However, at this moment, Vincent unexpectedly appeared in front of Teresa Teng and praised her for her excellent performance.Teresa Teng held Vincent's hand tightly, regardless of the surrounding reporters' questioning and flashing lights.With only each other in their eyes, the two walked out of the circle of reporters hand in hand.

On the plane flying to Indonesia, Mrs. Wang looked out the window and fell into deep thought.Not long ago, she heard Wang Zhongwen's words at the airport and was deeply moved.She understood that this grandson always cared about and cared about her.Xie Yifang also praised her son Wang Zhongwen as a person who knows how to distinguish between priorities.When Teresa Teng needed Vincent the most, although Vincent's people were not with her, the old lady knew that his heart was always concerned about Teresa Teng.Therefore, Mrs. Wang temporarily changed her mind and agreed that Vincent should go to Teresa Teng.This also explains why Vincent appeared in front of Teresa Teng.

Teresa Teng later learned from Bill that Vincent's grandmother came to Hong Kong and that he was absent from her concert.She blamed Vincent for not telling her the news in time, otherwise she would have taken time to have a meal with Mrs. Wang anyway.In the Wang family in Indonesia, Xie Yifang and Mrs. Wang expressed great satisfaction with Teresa Teng's performance, but He Rumei was still worried about Teresa Teng's identity and kept emphasizing that she was from the entertainment industry.However, these remarks were interrupted by Mrs. Wang.Although Wang Dequan on the side saw through it but refused to say anything, he also had his own plan in mind.

《Teresa Teng》E42Plot

Episode 42

When the concert came to an end, Teresa Teng changed into casual clothes and hurried to the airport to fly to Japan.As soon as Vincent got off the plane, he had to say goodbye to her again, feeling full of reluctance.Teresa Teng promised Vincent that she would try her best to spend more time with him.

At Taipei Airport, Liu Xiaochun unexpectedly saw Teresa Teng.Nowadays, Teresa Teng is famous, but she herself is becoming dull day by day, and the jealousy in her heart surges into her heart again.She observed Teresa Teng carefully and found that there seemed to be something unusual about her passport.

Teresa Teng made an appointment with Zhou Taisheng in Japan to meet in Die.She frankly told Zhou Taisheng that she had met the person she loved and planned to spend the future with him hand in hand.Zhou Taisheng did not want to believe that the past between them could be forgotten so easily, but Teresa Teng's attitude was firm, and in the end he could only silently bless her.

Back at his residence, Duan Ning sat on the stairs waiting for Zhou Taisheng.Like countless times in the past, she was always there when he looked back.Duan Ning drank with him, trying to ease the pain in his heart.Zhou Taisheng said some cruel words to Duan Ning, but Duan Ning did not leave, but silently helped him clean up the housework.Zhou Taisheng finally couldn't help crying and Duan Ning comforted him softly.

The day after Teresa Teng arrived in Japan, she was taken away by the Japanese police and imprisoned in a detention center because she was suspected of illegally using a fake passport.The Deng family was shocked after seeing the news, and Deng Shu immediately arranged for his sons to investigate the situation.After Liu Xiaochun saw the news, he secretly rejoiced. It turned out that she was the one who reported Teresa Teng's passport.

Vincent was anxious after learning about Teresa Teng's accident and wanted to go to Japan to visit her, but was opposed by his family.Xie Yifang also tried to stop her son from going, but Vincent insisted on going.During the dispute, his sister accidentally let something slip, and Vincent learned that his mother had terminal cancer.

When Funaki visited Teresa Teng in the shelter, she explained to Funaki that her passport was issued by the Indonesian Embassy and was not used illegally.This passport was not given by Vincent, but by a female fan.Zhao Sugui decided to fly to Japan to support Teresa Teng, and received the support signatures of most people in Anbang New Village the night before leaving.Although we can't go to Japan together, we silently pray for Teresa Teng in our hearts.

In the shelter, Teresa Teng felt a little relieved when she saw those signatures.She asked Zhao Sugui if Vincent had also come to Japan, but she felt a little disappointed when she learned that Vincent could not come because his mother was seriously ill.At this time, Vincent was busy taking care of his mother who was suffering from terminal cancer and had no time to think about anything else.

After investigation, the fake passport incident was clarified, and Teresa Teng was acquitted.However, Japan required her to leave the country within a time limit and was not allowed to re-enter Japan within a year.Teresa Teng decided not to return to Taipei and did not ask her mother to see her off.

Duan Ning accompanied Zhou Taisheng through this difficult time in Japan.She brought him dumplings made by Deng Shu to make him feel the warmth of home.Zhou Taisheng finally responded to Duan Ning's love and mentioned his dream of the future and children to her for the first time.Duan Ning was so moved that she ran into the bathroom and cried, while Zhou Taisheng took out a ring and gave it to her.This ring was originally used by Zhou Wei when he proposed to Wang Youling, but Zhou Taisheng never gave it away. Duan Ning was the first person to receive this special gift.

Teresa Teng encountered difficulties in the United States while preparing for the first leg of her North American tour.Because the editor-in-chief of a Chinese newspaper believed that she had moral flaws, he refused to promote her.Even radio stations were unwilling to broadcast relevant information for her.After learning about Teresa Teng's plight, Vincent took the initiative to contact the person in charge in the United States and proposed to post flyers at Wang's supermarkets, jewelry stores and Chinese schools in Chinatown to promote her concert.

《Teresa Teng》E43Plot

Episode 43

The promotional poster for Teresa Teng's concert in the United States made her recognize Wang Zhongwen's style at a glance.Wang Zhongwen not only brought his mother to the United States for treatment, but also took the time to make a beautiful poster for her and came to visit her in person.When she learned that Wang Zhongwen's mother was ill, Teresa Teng did not blame him for not showing up during the previous fake passport scandal, but gave him a warm hug.Surprisingly, Teresa Teng's first concert in the United States was a great success, with all seats packed. Her reputation quickly spread in the United States, and she even became an honorary citizen of Las Vegas.

Time flies, and Nannan successfully gave birth to a new life. When Teresa Teng saw the photo of the child, her smile revealed incomparable sweetness.Zhao Sugui and Mrs. Chen helped in the small restaurant, while Zhou Min went to the United States to take care of Duan Ning.While chatting, the three of them lamented that time flies by and Duan Ning is now a mother.Teresa Teng and Vincent's relationship has been public for a long time, but their wedding date has not yet been decided.On a flight back to Taiwan, Teresa Teng mentioned her first encounter with Wang Zhongwen. Although Wang Zhongwen pretended to forget, he later gave her a ring as a surprise.On the plane, Wang Zhongwen proposed to Teresa Teng affectionately, and Teresa Teng readily agreed.

Teresa Teng was invited to attend a concert held by the Retirement Association for veterans and took the opportunity to introduce her fiancé Vincent to her family.Deng Shu was concerned about their married life. Wang Zhongwen said that although his career was in the United States, his family was in Indonesia.This made Zhao Sugui a little worried, but Teresa Teng promised to go home often.When Wang Zhongwen returned to Indonesia to visit his mother, he found the ward empty. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.During the family dinner, the marriage of Teresa Teng and Wang Zhongwen became the focus, and both parents looked forward to their wedding as soon as possible.

《Teresa Teng》E44Plot

Episode 44

Teresa Teng learned from Bill that Polydor had been criticized by all parties for the fake passport incident, and her singing career seemed to be over.However, Funaki didn't take it seriously. He led a group of supporters to leave Polydor and founded Taurus Company.When Teresa Teng's contract with Polydor expired, she chose Funaki's new company without hesitation.She returned to Hong Kong and met Ji Fei, who was also joined by a Hong Kong and Taiwan reporter named Jenny.Teresa Teng did not shy away from Jenny's questions, revealing that she was about to get married to Wang Zhongwen, and said that her life would not change much after marriage.Ji Fei was curious about Wang Zhongwen's choice, and Teresa Teng simply said that he made her happy.

When Teresa Teng and Wang Zhongwen were choosing wedding dresses, their aesthetics were different, but her choice was ultimately supported.She wrote to the girl in the United States to share the joy of her upcoming marriage to Vincent.However, soon after, she learned that Xie Yifang had passed away due to deterioration of her condition, and Wang Zhongwen was devastated.At the suggestion of Mrs. Wang, Wang Zhongwen decided to postpone the wedding, either after three years or within a hundred days.Wang Dequan chose the latter, hoping to comfort Xie Yifang's spirit in heaven.

In order to comply with the Wang family's request, Teresa Teng decided to suspend performances and record releases to concentrate on accompanying Wang Zhongwen.Bill reminded her that as the eldest daughter-in-law of the Wang family, she needed to keep a low profile and avoid negative news.Although Teresa Teng accepted these conditions, Liu Xiaochun's appearance disrupted her plans.Liu Xiaochun threatened to jump off a building and demanded money from Teresa Teng. This incident was captured by the paparazzi, triggering negative reports about Teresa Teng.After Mrs. Wang saw these reports, she asked Teresa Teng to completely quit the entertainment industry and cut off contact with her past boyfriends.Teresa Teng agreed to these requests for Wang Zhongwen, but she hoped to continue making records.

When preparing for the wedding, Teresa Teng decided to keep everything simple to reduce the pressure on Wang Zhongwen.However, Mrs. Wang insisted that she withdraw from the entertainment industry completely and not allow her to act as a singer again.During the wedding preparation process, Teresa Teng chose the simplest form for her wedding dress and wedding wine.Zhao Sugui told Zhou Min and Xiumei that there would only be one table for the wedding banquet.

《Teresa Teng》E45Plot

Episode 45

Wang Zhongwen felt heavy and took his grandmother to inform Teresa Teng of her decision. However, her grandmother firmly opposed her continuing her career as a recording singer.For Teresa Teng, singing is her soul and a dream that she will not give up easily, even though she loves Wang Zhongwen deeply.Wang Zhongwen had no choice but to express Teresa Teng's firmness to his grandmother again.But grandma's attitude did not waver at all.Wang Dequan tried to understand his mother. He believed that Teresa Teng's family background was innocent and that Teresa Teng's talent should be respected.However, Mrs. Wang insisted on her position. She hoped that Teresa Teng would give up singing for the sake of their marriage.

Teresa Teng talked to her mother Zhao Sugui on the phone about her inner struggle and pain.Although the Wang family is good, singing means a lot to her.She didn't want to give up singing in exchange for marriage.And Wang Zhongwen failed to give her a clear answer.His sister Wang Zhongfen persuaded Wang Zhongwen to relent, but Wang Zhongwen insisted on his principles and was unwilling to let Teresa Teng give up her dream for him.

Vincent loved Teresa Teng deeply, and he could not accept that Teresa Teng gave up singing for marriage.He rejected his grandmother's request and told her that there would be no children between them.Grandma was silent, and she began to reflect on her decision.Bill felt aggrieved for Teresa Teng, and he believed that her sincerity should be respected.

Zhao Sugui originally planned to go to Hong Kong to accompany Teresa Teng, but Deng Shu persuaded her that Teresa Teng had grown up and could handle things on her own.After Rie in Japan learned the news, she cried for Teresa Teng's experience.Teresa Teng chooses to be strong, and she will use her own efforts to change other people's opinions of her.She met Duan Ning in the United States, and the two shared each other's joys, sorrows, and joys.Teresa Teng remembered Duan Ning's birthday and asked Taisheng Zhou to bring her a gift. However, Taisheng Zhou forgot this important day, which made Duan Ning angry and left home with his son.

《Teresa Teng》E46Plot

Episode 46

Duan Ning took his son James and chose to defect to Teresa Teng.Both of them have experienced low points in life. Teresa Teng has been controversial due to various negative news and private life turmoil, while Duan Ning feels confused because of her marriage problems with Zhou Taisheng.Duan Ning found that in this world, except for her deep friendship with Teresa Teng, no one could make her feel so dependent.Duan Ning was deeply disappointed by Zhou Taisheng's neglect of Duan Ning, especially his forgetfulness of her birthday.She decided to leave temporarily to give Zhou Taisheng a chance to reflect.

In the company, some people are skeptical about Teresa Teng's public image and worry that her negative press will affect record sales.However, Ms. Rie stood firmly on Teresa Teng's side and even made a bet to use Teresa Teng's handstand exercises to respond to those doubts.Teresa Teng chose "Repay" as her new record. This song has special meaning to her.When she returned home, she found that Duan Ning had fallen asleep on the sofa. Teresa Teng's girl gently woke her up, and Duan Ning prepared hot dishes for her.

Teresa Teng is so busy with the release of her new record that she can fall asleep quickly even if she takes a nap on the sofa.At this time, Zhou Taisheng arrived and took Duan Ning home.The conversation between Duan Ning and Zhou Taisheng was full of barriers. She felt that Zhou Taisheng's love for her was incomplete because he always had Teresa Teng's girl in his heart.Duan Ning cried in front of Zhou Taisheng, and Zhou Taisheng expressed his helplessness at the complicated emotions between the three.

Wang Zhongfen conveyed Vincent's longing for Teresa Teng to her through Shui Tiao Ge Tou, and Teresa Teng was deeply moved.On the other hand, Duan Ning was recalled by Zhou Min because Duan Litian was about to undergo surgery and Zhou Min hoped that she could come back for a visit.Duan Ning is confused about the ambiguous relationship between his mother and Duan Litian, and is also worried about the prospects of his marriage to Zhou Taisheng.

You Yingjun was involved in a car accident on the way to Zhou Min's home and died unfortunately.Zhou Min lost her lover and was heartbroken.Teresa Teng's records have achieved great success in the market, and her singing has once again spread throughout the streets.Funaki is full of expectations for Teresa Teng's future, believing that she will surpass everyone and achieve higher achievements.However, at the celebration banquet, everyone felt sorry for Wang Zhongwen's absence.

《Teresa Teng》E47Plot

Episode 47

At Die's celebration banquet, laughter and laughter filled the air. Teresa Teng's face was also filled with joy, but there seemed to be something missing in her heart.She drank a lot of wine and left alone without He Liyun accompanying her.In the hazy night, she saw a figure from behind, who looked very much like Wang Zhongwen. She chased him impulsively, but fell to the ground.At this time, a kind-hearted foreign man appeared. He rode a bicycle and communicated with her in Chinese. She learned that his name was Mark, from Lugano, and that he could speak Chinese because his grandmother was from Suzhou.

Mark sent Teresa Teng home safely and asked her to apply cold compress to the wound and then apply heat.Teresa Teng limped into the yard, while Mark stood outside the door, watching her silently.He watched her insist on standing up even if she fell, and he couldn't help but have some respect for her in his heart.The next day, Mark came to Teresa Teng's house again with food and a painting, which showed the scene when she fell.

Teresa Teng's neighbor Rie was curious about Mark. Teresa Teng told her that Mark was a painter and her savior last night.Rie warned her to be careful, but Teresa Teng had a good impression of Mark.Mark’s roommate is a Chinese who works as a local escort in Japan. He helps Mark introduce painting clients and also sells Teresa Teng’s cassettes.After Mark learned about Teresa Teng's popularity, he was very surprised. He did not expect that the ordinary girl in his eyes was actually the famous Teresa Teng.

Mark decided to stay for Teresa Teng. He waited outside Teresa Teng's house and prepared to take her out for a walk.However, Teresa Teng failed to attend the appointment because of a company party, and Mark waited outside the door until late at night.The next day, Teresa Teng hurried to the airport and passed Mark.Mark later learned that the girl he had missed was Teresa Teng, and he was filled with regret.

《Teresa Teng》E48Plot

Episode 48

Teresa Teng returned from a trip to Japan and found a painting among the mountains of letters at home that stood out.Ali told her that it was left by a foreigner and speculated whether it was done by her fans.Teresa Teng immediately thought of Mark in her mind, and she had a lot of thoughts.When talking about work with Funaki, she expressed her desire to sing in white gauze on her favorite stage.

When her roommate proposed using Mark's portrait of her to make money, Mark firmly opposed it. He said that he regarded Teresa Teng as a friend and was unwilling to do anything to harm her.

Teresa Teng hurried to the rehearsal site and unexpectedly met Wang Zhongwen.Although her past relationships had hurt her, Teresa Teng chose to let go. She knew that singing was her true love.On the stage, she wore a white gauze and sang with a moving voice. The past came to her mind like a tide, but her singing was full of relief for the past and expectations for the future.Wang Zhongwen in front of the TV was also deeply moved, with tears rolling in his eyes.

Teresa Teng's concert attracted the attention of many audiences, including Deng Changfu, Zhou Taisheng, Duan Ning's family, Zhou Min and others.They were all moved by Teresa Teng's singing and immersed in the wonderful world of music.Zhao Sugui also came to Japan and listened to her daughter's singing silently in the audience.After the celebration banquet, Teresa Teng was surprised to find that her mother was also present, and the two shared a warm dumpling time.However, when Teresa Teng learned that her father had passed away, she was so distraught that she burst into tears.

When Teresa Teng was in the most pain, she found Mark.The good impression between the two is getting stronger day by day, but Teresa Teng still has concerns in her heart.Mark frankly expressed his love for her, which made Teresa Teng feel warm.So the two decided to start a relationship.However, their relationship has aroused criticism and doubts from the outside world.Some newspapers even published rumors about the chaos in Teresa Teng's private life.In order to protect his daughter, Zhou Taisheng clashed with the doubters, which ultimately proved the firm relationship between them.

Teresa Teng and Mark traveled to Chiang Mai, Thailand, and had a great time together.However, on Zhao Sugui's birthday, Teresa Teng suddenly encountered an accident.She suffered a bronchial asthma attack and suffered a cardiac arrest due to an overdose.The hotel staff found out in time and called an ambulance, but Teresa Teng ultimately failed to make it to the hospital. Her life was forever fixed at the glorious age of forty-two.Although Teresa Teng has passed away, her singing will always remain in people's hearts and become an eternal memory.

Teresa Teng

Teresa Teng

Jun 04, 2024 C-Drama Urban/Plot Actor: Peng Guanying Jiang Shan Peter Ho Michelle Chen