《Inside No. 9 Season 2》E5

grandma's party

On a morning full of laughter, Angela, a woman with severe mysophobia, was carefully preparing a 79th birthday party for her mother.She meticulously cleaned every corner of the room, making sure everything was perfect.Angela's husband Jibao watched her busy from the side with a mischievous light in his eyes.He sneaks under the soon-to-be-unveiled birthday cake and prepares to surprise Angela at the party - although the surprise may be more of a prank.

Just when Angela was about to complete all the preparations, her grandmother unexpectedly arrived early with her youngest daughter Carlo and son-in-law Pat.Angela looked at them in surprise, feeling secretly annoyed because there was still a corner of the room that had not been cleaned.She hurriedly welcomed them into the house, while secretly praying that Kebao would not jump out at this moment.

However, fate always seems to play tricks when least expected.Just when Angela turned to pour tea, Kebao couldn't help but jumped out from under the cake, ready to shout “surprise!”However, his prank caused a series of chaos.Grandma was startled, and the tea cup in her hand fell to the ground, and the tea splashed everywhere.The youngest daughter Carlo was so frightened that she started crying, while Pat was busy comforting her and her grandmother.

Angela looked at the mess in front of her, and the mysophobia in her heart made her almost unbearable.She looked at Ji Bao angrily, her eyes full of disappointment and confusion.Jibao also realized his mistake. He lowered his head and silently started to help clean up.

grandma's party

However, when everything finally returned to calm, Angela learned a shocking truth from her daughter Carlo.It turned out that Carlo had always been afraid of Angela's mysophobia. She felt that her mother's pursuit of perfection made their lives depressing.Angela listened to her daughter's words with mixed feelings in her heart.She suddenly realized that her mysophobia not only made her life exhausted, but also put invisible pressure on her family.

That night, Angela decided to leave the party, which was full of chaos and contradictions.She needs time to think and re-examine her lifestyle and values.She understands that true happiness does not come from an impeccable environment, but from the company and understanding of her family.

Angela's departure surprised and worried Kebao and the rest of the family.However, they also understood that Angela needed time to deal with her problems.In the days that followed, the family began to pay more attention to each other's emotional needs and became less concerned about the cleanliness of the environment.

A few days later, Angela returned home with a new realization.She apologized to her family and promised to work hard to change her mysophobia.She also thanked her family for their support and understanding during this time.

From that day on, Angela's life began to undergo subtle changes.She no longer pursues perfection in her environment, but focuses more on spending quality time with her family.Her smile became brighter and the atmosphere at home became more warm and harmonious.

Inside No. 9 Season 2

Inside No. 9 Season 2

Total 6 Episodes Mar 26, 2015 Us Comedy