《A Good Day To Be A Dog》 Summ

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Adapted from the online comic of the same name (original title: 오늘도사랑스럽개), the plot tells the story of the heroine, high school teacher Haina, who accidentally kissed her colleague Chen Shuyuan after being drunk one day, starting a familyThe curse caused her to turn into a puppy in the early morning, and the way to change back was to kiss the male protagonist Chen Shuyuan again, but she didn't expect that he was not only boring and shy, but also super afraid of dogs!So Haina had no choice but to work hard to get closer to him...

Park Kyuyoung plays the heroine Han Haena and Chen Shuyuan are teachers in the same high school. Haina has never been in a decent relationship since she was born. Because her ancestor tortured a puppy to death, she was punished by the mountain god and cursed their family for generations.As long as the children and grandchildren kiss the opposite sex, they will turn into dogs every morning.

Cha Eun Woo plays the male protagonist Chen Seo Won, a high school mathematics teacher who is a colleague of Han Hae Na.She is very popular among female students. She is very cautious at heart, considers the feelings of others and is also very gentle, so she is not likely to reject others.Because he was afraid of dogs and afraid that others would laugh at him if they found out, he was bullied when he was in school.

Lee Hyun-woo will play Lee Bo-gyeom, a mountain god who hides his sword behind his smile, and he is the mastermind behind the heroine Haina's entire family being cursed with the curse that turns her into a dog if she kisses him!

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Full Summary

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Adapted from the online comic of the same name (original title: 오늘도사랑스럽개), the plot tells the story of the heroine, high school teacher Haina, who accidentally kissed her colleague Chen Shuyuan after being drunk one day, starting a familyThe curse caused her to turn into a puppy in the early morning, and the way to change back was to kiss the male protagonist Chen Shuyuan again, but she didn't expect that he was not only boring and shy, but also super afraid of dogs!So Haina had no choice but to work hard to get closer to him...

Park Kyuyoung plays the heroine Han Haena and Chen Shuyuan are teachers in the same high school. Haina has never been in a decent relationship since she was born. Because her ancestor tortured a puppy to death, she was punished by the mountain god and cursed their family for generations.As long as the children and grandchildren kiss the opposite sex, they will turn into dogs every morning.

Cha Eun Woo plays the male protagonist Chen Seo Won, a high school mathematics teacher who is a colleague of Han Hae Na.She is very popular among female students. She is very cautious at heart, considers the feelings of others and is also very gentle, so she is not likely to reject others.Because he was afraid of dogs and afraid that others would laugh at him if they found out, he was bullied when he was in school.

Lee Hyun-woo will play Lee Bo-gyeom, a mountain god who hides his sword behind his smile, and he is the mastermind behind the heroine Haina's entire family being cursed with the curse that turns her into a dog if she kisses him!

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 1 plot

Han Haena has a beautiful appearance, is a high school literature teacher, has a cheerful personality and is loved by everyone. Everything seems to be perfect.Except for one thing, she failed repeatedly in love because she couldn't kiss.Han Haena's family has been plagued by a curse that turns her into a dog if she kisses her, and she lives in the form of a dog from midnight to 6 a.m.If the curse cannot be broken within 100 days, he will become a dog forever.Han Haena couldn't help but feel scared and frightened when she saw her uncle who couldn't break the curse and turned into a dog since she was a child.Her relationship has always failed because of the lack of kissing. Her boyfriend of one year wanted to kiss Han Haina at a birthday party. Han Haina rejected him in public. As a result, the ex-boyfriend married his good friend.

There are two popular male teachers in Han Haena's school, Li Baoqian (played by Lee Hyun Woo) and Chen Suyuan (played by Cha Eunwoo).Han Haina has a crush on Li Baoqian, who has a cute smile, is gentle and considerate, but does not like the arrogant and cold Seowon.Because Seo-won often avoids Han Hae-na.Han Haina said: It's not that I hate him, it's that he hates me.“ However, when Li Baoqian invited his colleagues to drink, the drunk Han Haina mistakenly thought Seowon was Li Baoqian and kissed him. Haina left immediately because she knew she would turn into a dog in one minute.Hina carried her shoes and went to find her sister.

Yuze and his sister immediately recognized her, and her sister was very worried.In the flashback scene, I learned that my uncle turned into a dog because he could not solve the curse.In order to prove the truth of the curse to her childhood friend Yuze, Yoona took away Yuze's first kiss.Their mother told them that they would become human again only if they kissed the person they kissed again.Therefore, in order to break the curse, he must kiss Shuyuan again in his dog state.The question is how to kiss Chen Shuyuan again in 100 days while looking like a dog.Sister Han Yoona proposed that she want to drink with that man again.Let him drink more wine before midnight, kiss him in the drunken dog state, and break the curse.

However, things were not easy. She tried her best to invite him to drink on the grounds that she felt sorry for Shuyuan.During the drinking session, Hina asked: ”Why do you hate me?“Shuyuan said:”I have never hated you.“ But Han Haina said that Seowon always avoided her: ” When they went to buy cakes for Teacher Song’s birthday last year, he suddenly disappeared. Another time when they went to buy snacks together, he also suddenly disappeared. % She showedA little unhappy, Shuyuan said it was a misunderstanding and didn't hate him.Hae-na kept pouring wine for Seo-won, eventually making him drunk, and Hae-na hurriedly said that she wanted to leave temporarily.As it approaches midnight.Han Haena began to fantasize about becoming a cute puppy, and Seowon approached her with a beautiful face and was very gentle to her.Han Haena, who returned to reality and turned into a dog, walked confidently, while Seowon was so frightened that he just stood on the trash can, falling into panic and not daring to move.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 2 plot

Haina's efforts are close to Seo-won's. In order to undo the curse, Hae-na uses her connection with Baoqian as an excuse to make a regular appointment with Seo-won again.Bao Qian made an appointment with the teachers to play an escape room, and Seo Won quickly deciphered the secret. However, when Hae Na further invited him to drink, Seo Won was rejected, making Hae Na angry that he often rejected him.When Shu Yuan wanted to explain, he was blocked by the dog.Haina met the bully student from the neighboring school smoking at the school gate. When she was tutoring the problem students, she was put in danger. Seowon rescued Haina, but the student Cui Yu discovered the situation and named the bully student.Scare the other person away.

After helping her, Haena keeps thinking about Seowon's behavior.When discussing with her sister and Yuze, Yuze guessed that Shuyuan was afraid of dogs. Haina thought of the past scenes when Shuyuan avoided him. It seemed that this theory made sense.The next day Seo-won tries to get closer to Hae-na and unravel her annoying misunderstanding about him.The camera explains Seo-won's childhood bullying, and the dog barking at him at that time.Seo-won looked anxious as he tried to explain.Seeing this expression, Henna comforted: “Everyone has their own situation and may have some secrets in their hearts.” moved Shuyuan, which brought them one step closer to each other.

In the evening, the resentful students accidentally met Cui Yu in a convenience store and started a dispute with him.At this time, Haina received a contact from the police station and went to find Cui Yu and help him fight against the parents of problem students.After solving the incident, she realizes that the curse is about to be activated, and she rushes to return home.However, in the end, in front of Cui Yu, she turned into a dog and her identity was exposed. Cui Yu saw this with his own eyes and was overwhelmed by the huge shock and lost consciousness.

Cui Yu barely woke up and took Haina, who had turned into a dog, back to his home, whereupon Haina and Cui Yu welcomed the morning together.At this time, Seo-won appeared in Cui Yu's room and saw Haina's appearance. Hae-na also saw Seo-won and said "Is this a dream?" She faced the biggest crisis in her life. How will she survive it?, and Cui Yu will learn that Seo-won is his uncle in the next episode.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 3 plot

Hina celebrated her birthday with her colleagues at school, and they gave her her favorite cake.However, her colleagues suddenly treated her like a dog, which made her feel terrible.After waking up, I found myself in a student's room and had a nightmare.When she was about to leave, she was caught by Cui Yu's uncle Shuyuan.Both Cui Yu and Haina were censored by Shu Yuan.In order to protect herself, Haina mentioned Cui Yu's visit to the police station, hoping to divert Shu Yuan's attention.Unfortunately, this method didn't work.They made an excuse, claiming that Haina was unconscious after drinking outside, and Cui Yu helped her get home.Shu Yuan believed it and stopped pursuing it.Seo-won leaves with Haena, but is discovered by Yin Caiya.Hina's sister was very worried when she found out, worried that Hina would pay her ex-boyfriend to keep silent like she did.

Cui Yu tried to persuade Shuyuan to raise a dog, but failed.Haina's sister sent her to school and asked her to give Shuyuan a dog keychain to get him used to it.Mr. Lee sees the keychain and mentions that it resembles henna.Yoon Chae Ah feels uneasy and tries to get close to Seo Won by sharing secrets.Seo-won is surprised and refuses to talk to her anymore.The vice-principal brought a dog to school, and Seo-won, who was afraid of dogs, was unable to enter the staff room.Hina tried to help, saying that she was allergic to dog hair and suggested that the dog be kept in a cage.The vice principal refuses and Seo-won is trapped at the door.He made an excuse to leave, but was sent to the car to get dog supplies and was even asked to feed the dog.He tried to avoid being spotted by the dog, but the dog heard the sound of food and chased him.Haina pushed Seo-won away and saved him, explaining that she went in the wrong direction and accidentally entered Seo-won's location.

Haina asked Cui Yu to keep the secret, but Cui Yu mistook Haina for a dog.Shuyuan avoids contact with dogs and asks Mr. Li to help put things away.But then the dog approaches Seo-won, and Haena appears in time to divert the dog's attention.Seo-won cannot enter the staff room to rest, and Teacher Cheon tells Hae-na that Gou has gone back to sleep.Hae-na says this loudly outside Seo-won’s classroom to let him know that the staff room is safe.After the staff meeting, Yin Chae Ya said that she knew about Hae Na. At first Hae Na was worried about being found turned into a dog, but she relaxed after understanding what Yin Chae Ya meant and denied that she had anything to do with Seo Won.Hae-na learns that the dog is back and that Seo-won will be in the staff room, so she rushes to save him.

Seo-won confronts the dog before Ha-na arrives, and he climbs on the table to save himself.However, two colleagues arrived earlier than Hina.Haena appears and saves Seo-won, picking up the dog and making an excuse for Seo-won.She explained that he was standing on the table to fix the leaking sprinkler above.Others commented that it might be weird if Seo-won was afraid of dogs, but Hae-na defended him and said there was nothing weird about it.Seo-won smiles and watches Haena playing with the dog. He recalls the scene of meeting Haena in the past and guesses that he likes Haena.

Li Baoqian arranged for Haena and Seowon to meet again and asked Seowon to buy a cake from Haewon as a gift.Seo-won buys all the cakes and Hae-na thanks him for his help.Before they leave, Seo-won gives Hae-na a cake as a thank you, and Hae-na teases him.Henna gave back a keychain, calling it a vaccine against her fear of dogs.Li Baoqian and Seo-won are sitting next to the camper in the forest, talking about why they like living in the wild and an old teacup.But Li Baoqian did not want to reveal the history of the tea cup and avoided the question with playful pick-up lines.When we see the secret room of his underground collection, more doubts arise about Li Baoqian's true identity.His memory of a woman from the past wearing the same scarf may have a deeper meaning.

Teachers were invited to attend the weddings of their colleagues, which took place far away and were provided with free buses.Haina, Teacher Qian, Shuyuan, and Li Baoqian witnessed the date of the newlyweds and wanted to give them gifts.At first, Haena and Li Baoqian were selected to buy gifts, but Seowon made excuses to buy them instead.Haena and Seowon searched in different stores and finally decided to buy a matching set of pajamas as a gift.Hae-na mentions that she feels uncomfortable on the bus, so Seo-won offers to drive her.Yin Caiya, who was passing by, heard this conversation and tried to stop it. She pulled Li Baoqian in and said that he would take everyone there together.Although Haena agreed to Yoon Chae-ah's proposal that day, the next day, Teacher Cheon replaced Haena and rode with Li Baoqian, while Seo-won carried Haena.Yin Caiya was determined to stop Shuyuan. When Caiya went to find them, Shuyuan saw her coming from a distance and opened an umbrella to cover him.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 4 plot

Yin Chaiya didn’t want Haena to get too close to Seowon, so she arranged for her to take Baoqian’s car.Haena ostensibly agreed to the arrangement, but Seo-won pointed out that Baoqian was often late, so he invited Haina to take his car instead and agreed to meet in the park.

Cui Yu expressed doubts about Shuyuan's driving skills because although he had a driver's license, he had never actually driven.But in order to be able to travel with Haina, Seowon improved his driving skills in advance.

After Yin Caiya learned that Haena did not plan to take Baoqian's car, she hurried to the park to find the two of them, which delayed their departure time.It was raining heavily at that time, and Shuyuan was driving in a hurry. Cui Yu called and accidentally revealed that Shuyuan could not actually drive. This made Haina very worried, and she held on to the seat belt tightly.

Fortunately, they finally arrived at their destination successfully. In order not to be late, Seowon took Haina's hand and rushed to the wedding venue.

At the wedding, Hina was very envious when she saw her colleagues getting married in wedding dresses.Seo-won went on stage and sang a song to express his wishes for a happy wedding to them.His voice is full of masculine charm, which deeply attracts Hina and makes her start thinking about her wedding.

A colleague asked Shuyuan to help move things. After learning about it, Yin Caiya asked him to take her to the passenger terminal.Bao Qian deliberately calls Seo Won to taunt him and try to sabotage their plan.Seo-won took the wrong route due to a navigation error while driving, and the two were forced to return directly to Seoul.

Baoqian and Haina had a heart-to-heart talk at the beach and said some strange things.When the two left, Haina walked in front, and Baoqian talked to himself, recalling the scene of Haina's previous life.He seemed to see some of his past self.

As soon as Seo-won got home, he sent a message to Hae-na, apologizing for not being able to see her off in person.Yoona gave Haina an idea and asked her to ask Cui Yu for help.While Seo-won is sleeping, he puts Hina, who has turned into a puppy, into his bedroom.

After Cui Yu learned that Haina's transformation was a family curse, he became curious about the cause of the curse.But Yuze stopped him in time, but he still learned that Haina's transformation was due to her kiss with Shuyuan.He confirms this to Hina and agrees to help her in the hope that they can take this opportunity to develop.

At night, Cui Yu urged Shuyuan to go to bed several times, but Shuyuan could not fall asleep because of his busy work.Cui Yu thought of some ways to make him sleep.When he went downstairs, he found that Yoona had appeared with the transformed Hina.Yuze prepared all the tools, and the three of them immediately took action and put Hina, who had transformed into a puppy, into Shuyuan's bed.

Looking at the sleeping Seowon, Haina's heartbeat quickened.She thanks the curse for bringing the two closer and recalling some heart-warming moments.But when she thought that everything would be restored to its original state after the curse was lifted, she hesitated and kissed Shuyuan.However, the kiss did not turn Haina back into her human form but woke Seo-won up.

Seo-won screams when he sees the puppy, and Cui-yoo rushes in to comfort him and give Hae-na a chance to escape.Haena's curse has not been lifted, and Yoona suggests that she go find her mother and ask why.By looking through archives from the past, they uncover clues that may require the two of them to kiss at the same time to unravel the curse.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 5 plot

Hina's actions made Seo-won feel warm. He saw the dog pendant and thought of Hina's sweet smile.At night, Haina turned into a puppy, and Baoqian sent a message and a photo of the dog. Yoona mistakenly thought that Haina was discovered, and thought Baoqian wanted to chat with Haina.After passing the final exam, students celebrate and want to post funny videos on Facebook.Haena accidentally browsed the video and saw that Seowon liked Yoon Chaeya, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Shuyuan was confused and didn't know how to clarify after seeing the online video.The students thought Seo-won liked Yin Caiya, and Yin Caiya became popular among the students.Hyun Jae Hee bullied Kim Ji Won and was discovered by Seo Won.Seo-won asked Kim Ji-won, but she did not dare to say for fear of revenge.Shuyuan told Yin Caiya what happened and hoped that she would manage the class, but she didn't take it to heart.

The vice principal heard the conversation between Seo-won and Yoon Chae-ah and accused Seo-won of being nosy and should not interfere with other classes.Shuyuan was very excited and found that everyone did not pay attention to school violence.Baoqian asked him why, and he was embarrassed.After listening to Seo-won's words, Han Na paid special attention to Hyun Jae-hee and found that she had taken the key to the gymnasium warehouse and was preparing to bully Kim Ji-won again.

Han Na told Seo Won about this, and the two found Kim Ji Won before Hyun Jae Hee and found her crying alone.Xuan Zaixi and others couldn't find Jin Zhiyuan and had to give up.Kim Ji-won said that because some people said that her acting skills were better than Hyun Jae-hee, Hyun Jae-hee started bullying her.Other students also bullied her.Hyun Jae Hee said that he was making a video to prevent school bullying and cried that he was a victim.The vice-chancellor thought it was a trivial matter.

Shuyuan believed that this was related to the heart of the victimized students. He remembered his experience of being bullied on campus and became particularly afraid of dogs.In front of Haena, Seowon opens his heart.Hina comforts him.

Haena used her identity as a puppy to steal Hyun Jae Hee's cell phone and obtain video evidence of her bullying Kim Ji Won.Seo-won found Hyun Jae-hee and hoped that she would sincerely regret it, but the vice-principal was powerless and could only open a parents committee on campus bullying.Hyun Jae Hee was accused by her mother that she might not be able to make movies anymore. She hated Seo Won and wanted to use herself to damage Seo Won's reputation.

This incident was accidentally overheard by Haina. In order to expose their conspiracy, she turned into a puppy to monitor the conversation between Hyun Jae Hee and her classmate. She heard that they asked Seo Won to meet at the botanical garden.Yoo Na calls Seo Won, but he is no longer in the house.Fortunately, Cui Yu received the call and met Yu Na.

Seo-won came to the botanical garden, and classmate Hyun Jae-hee was filming in the dark.She cried and took the initiative to approach Shuyuan, trying to pull off a bitter trick.Fortunately, Haina appeared in time, and Xuan Zaixi immediately chased the puppy after seeing it.When Shu Yuan saw Cui Yu, he realized that he had been deceived by Xuan Zai Xi.

Haina heard that Shuyuan was about to go on a graduation trip and thought that she didn't have much time to cast a spell. Cui Yu once again asked Cui Yu for help. Cui Yu took the puppy home and resisted drowsiness until night, but she still fell asleep. When she woke up the next day, Haina returned to her human body.Shuyuan, who quietly left Cui Yu's house when she woke up, bumped into her.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 6 plot

Haina wanted to take the opportunity to sneak out, but Seo-won didn't wake up and almost scared Haina.Cui Yu woke up to look for the puppy and lied that the puppy had been taken away by Jun Shu. Shu Yuan thanked Jun Shu.Junshu felt strange but didn't say much.

Min Ji Ah became an idol because her algorithm was accurate and she did not charge money, only snacks.She reminded Cui Yu to be careful when entangled with puppies.Baoqian learned that the puppy spent the night at Shuyuan's house and also came to Shuyuan's house at night.Haina reminded Cui Yu not to fall asleep and seize the last chance, but Cui Yu still fell asleep at the critical moment.Yoona couldn't contact Cui Yu and had to take the puppy away. Bao Qian reminded her to cherish the time.Yoona thought Baoqian was strange but left quickly without thinking. Baoqian suddenly appeared on the roof and smiled.

Cui Yu prepares puppy supplies for Haina.Haena tried to sneak out while Yin Caiya was sleeping and was discovered. When the time was approaching ten o'clock, she quickly slipped out and was spotted by Seowon.The next day, Yin Caiya woke up from the kennel and went back to her room to sleep.

Hina didn't sleep well all night due to her transformation, and dozed off along the way.Song Yi suggested rowing, winning over Bao Qian and Haina. Shu Yuan and Song Yi rowed together. It was unpleasant to see the two talking and laughing.Haina suddenly saw a caterpillar screaming, and Baoqian held her hand to attract onlookers.Haina and Yin Caiya found that the three girls were not in the room when they were checking their bed during the night shift, so they took a taxi to the night market to look for them.

The story of Min Zhiya discovering strange divination signs and seeing Haina during fortune telling.Shuyuan followed Haina who was in a hurry to go out to the night market, but couldn't find the student for a long time. Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, Haina deliberately said that she would look for him alone.Cui Yu didn't see Haina learning from Yuna that she was looking for a student.

The physical education teacher found three female students, but Seo-won could not find Hae-na’s phone number.Seo-won was looking for Haena everywhere when he saw a puppy and thought it was Coco. An old man picked up the puppy from behind. Haena shouted for help in her heart, but Seo-won missed Haena.When Haina reacted, she found that she was tied up. When she saw the smell of blood all around, she thought the old man was a dog-killing pervert, so she bit off the rope and ran away.Cui Yu found Haina and found that she had fallen down the slope. He threw his clothes to Haina and waited for her to return to her original shape during the day.Cui Yu asked for help, and Seo Yuan saw Haina's shoes and found Haina and helped her bandage her injured foot.

On the way back, Hina discovered that the old man was not a dog-killing pervert, but that he really lost a puppy that looked like Hina.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 7 plot

When Seo-won and Haena were visiting the night market, Yoona's ex-boyfriend Chang Xiu took a photo and posted it online. Someone who Seo-won had bullied saw and contacted Chang Xiu.Yuze takes care of Uncle Haina who has turned into a puppy, and his physical condition is deteriorating day by day. Haina is afraid to lift the curse but dare not tell Shuyuan.The uncle motioned for her to tell the truth.

Xiaoheng found Shuyuan and provoked him by bullying him, but Shuyuan didn't want to pay attention to it.Haina originally wanted to tell Shuyuan the truth, but when the two were entangled, Haina couldn't wait any longer when it was almost twelve o'clock, so she had to leave in a hurry, but Xiao Heng saw her and discovered the secret of her transformation.

The next day, Hina looked for the clothes but couldn't find them.Haina's mother suddenly came to the house and found that Haina was cursed. She asked Yoona to bring back the person who kissed Haina.Yoona asked Cui Yu to pretend to be her brother-in-law.Haina had no time to explain. Haina's mother liked Cui Yu very much and hoped that he would treat Haina well.

Cui Yu told the truth and didn't care about Haina's situation, but his heartbeat accelerated.When Shuyuan was on the phone with Cui Yu, Cui Yu was locked in the room by Haina's mother.Hina admitted that the person she kissed was someone else.

Cui Yu invited Haina to attend Shuyuan's birthday party, but Shuyuan didn't expect Haina to come too.The three of them had a great time, and Shuyuan had a happy birthday.Xiao Heng brings back the clothes that Ha Na transformed into, and finds out that her faculty members testified and learned that she and Seo Won work at the same school.He checked various information to find out why the Hina family turned into dogs.

Cui Yu realized what was going on and left, leaving Haina and Shuyuan to have dinner together.Seo-won mustered up the courage to confess to Haena, but was interrupted by Haena.Hina gets drunk and gets herself drunk.

Xiao Heng went to Haina's fried chicken restaurant to talk things over and tried to secretly take a video but was stopped.Xiao Heng heard that there was a pet hospital in their home and asked his friend to take the dog to test it out.He placed the monitor in their store.

Min Zhiya felt a special aura and wanted to check into the secret room of the school but was locked.When Xiao Heng went to school to inquire about information, Shu Yuan saw him and handed Xiao Heng's business card to Shu Yuan.The surveillance camera secretly captured the chat between Yuna and Yuze, knowing that uncle's time is running out.Yoona didn't want Haina to make the same mistake as Yoona's mother had to do with her when she met someone unkind.Xiao Heng saw the contents of the monitor and contacted Chang Xiu to buy the video.

Chang Xiu sells the secretly filmed video to Xiao Heng and tells all the secrets he knows about the Haina family.Shuyuan often contacts Haina but is worried that she will get entangled with Xiaoheng.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 8 plot

Yoo Na asks her sister to have the courage to confess the truth to Seo Won because he seems like a good guy.Hina tells her sister that although her situation is unusual, she doesn't want to act strange in front of the man she likes.With only seven days left to break the curse, Haena decides to spend one day with Seo-won.That night, Haena and Seo-won meet across the street.Seo-won asks Hae-na to wait for him, but he notices a strange-looking man following Hae-na.He crossed the street to Hina and attacked the man.

It turned out that the man was Haina's father, Mr. Han Changtong, who wanted to give his daughter a surprise.Seo-won apologizes after realizing his mistake, and Mr. Han Huandong demands that he kiss Hae-na immediately.Shuyuan was confused by these words, while Mr. Han Huantong kept blaming the teacher for not being close to his daughter.Hina is embarrassed by this interaction and takes her dad away.She tells Dad about triggering the curse when she was drunk, and Seo-won’s fear of dogs.Hae Na also told her father that she had true feelings for Seo Won and didn't want to look weird.

Han Changtong told the love story between him and Haina's mother, trying to make Haina feel better.He also reminds her that time is running out and asks her to trust Seo-won.Hae Na sends a text message to Seo Won to apologize for what happened before.However, she received a message from Eun-hwan asking her to meet him in person.Knowing that her secret may soon be revealed, Haina tells Yuna and Yuze that they accompany her to meet Eunhwan at an abandoned house on the outskirts of the city.There, Eun-hwan warns Hae-na, threatening to expose her if she doesn't give him and her family all the money.

Eun Hwan threatens to release a video of Yoo Na turning into a dog, which was shared by her ex-boyfriend Sang Soo.Haena is scared, but Eunhwan escapes before Yuze can catch up with him.That night, Hina's parents came to the house to discuss the threat.Yoona and Haena both apologized to each other for causing the incident.Meishun gave the entire Han family and Yuze a holiday and decided to take revenge on Sang Zhu.The next morning, Seo-won is worried about Hae-na skipping school.He was concerned that she was unwell and decided to visit her.However, Shuyuan met Junrui who was playing with his mobile phone.Junrui told Shuyuan that in his mobile game, Coco was the name of his pet dog.Seo-won confronts Cui Yu about the lie, but Cui Yu insists that Jun Rui named the dog after his real pet dog Coco in the game.

Seo-won adopted Cui Yu's point of view and ate some food at Haina's house.He left meals on her doorstep and texted Hina, wishing her a speedy recovery.Hae Na is worried that Eun Hwan will reveal her secret to Seo Won and panics.Yoona blames herself for being the cause of Haena's illness and starts crying.At the same time, Yuze, Meishun and Han Huantong found Sang Zhu's address and went to visit him.The three tortured and tied him up.They find Eun-hwan's address using his phone and reach the place.Seo-won discovers that his students are watching Eun-hwan’s reveal video, in which he promises to reveal the identity of the teacher who turned into a dog.He hurriedly searched for Eun-hwan, worried about Haena's safety.

Seo-won breaks into Eun-hwan's studio and starts a fight with him.Eun-hwan tries to escape and Seo-won chases him, but Eun-hwan takes Seo-won to the place where he bullied Seo-won when he was a teenager.Eun-hwan asks his friend to bring his dog there and beats Seo-won while he is distracted.At the same time, Meishun and Han Huantong discovered that Enhuan's studio was open.They ransacked the place and took most of the hard drives and photos.Yu Ze, Mei Shun and Han Huantong forced Sang Zhu to call Eun Huan and tell him about the destruction of the studio.Eun-hwan feels uneasy when he sees his studio.He calls Haena and threatens to cause harm to Seo-won.

Without thinking about time, Hae-na hurried to see Eun-hwan to protect Seo-won.Seo-won wakes up and convinces Eun-hwan's friends to let him go.He finds Eun-hwan, tries to live broadcast Hae-na's transformation, and fights with him.Seo-won beats Eun-hwan, knocking him unconscious, and Hae-na escapes.Seo-won follows her and catches her minutes before she transforms.Seo-won asks Hae-na to trust him and tell him her secret.Hae Na tries to tell Seo Won the truth but fails.She turned into a dog in front of Shuyuan, and Shuyuan finally understood the truth.Despite being afraid of dogs, Seo-won recalls all the good memories he had with Hae-na and picks her up.He kisses Hina, who transforms into a dog, and she immediately changes back to a human.Hae Na thanks Seo Won for trusting him and confesses her feelings for him.

Meanwhile, Bao Qian wakes up from a dream in which he, as a mountain god, curses Haena.After he woke up, he went to the abandoned house where Eun-hwan was unconscious.Eun-hwan wakes up and tries to find Seo-won, but Bo-gyeom uses his magical powers to erase the incident from his memory.After some time, Eun-hwan woke up alone in that abandoned house, feeling confused.In a flashback from the past, a young girl named Chuying worshiped in front of the mountain god.When Chuying grew up, he continued to visit the mountain god's temple, where he met Baoqian.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 9 plot

Hina celebrates the end of her curse with her family.She confirms to her sister that she and Seo-won are officially dating.The new couple doesn't want the school to know about their relationship.However, they were in their honeymoon phase and found it challenging to be apart from each other.They flirted secretly, exchanged love letters, and met in secluded places, assuming no one would spot them.

Unfortunately, a teacher and a student saw them but failed to gather evidence to reveal the secret of their love affair.Hae-na comes to Seo-won’s house after her dinner date with Seo-won.As they start sharing intimate moments, Bo-gyeom comes to visit.Haena hides in the room of Seowon's nephew Cui Yu.When Cui Yu also returned home, things got a little out of control.Hae Na hides in a cupboard and Seo Won lets the two boys watch a boring movie to get them to fall asleep.Once they fell asleep, the lovers shared a passionate kiss.

The principal of the school is a follower of Baoqian (mountain god), and his real body is a fox.He handed an amulet to Hina.Bo-gyeom, on the other hand, is nervous when a strange student named Min Ji-ah (Kim Yi-kyung) discovers his basement.She finds a piece of cloth and her picture on the wall, related to her past life.She eventually discovers that Bao Qian knows the truth.Clearly, she is the woman he loves.

In the flashback scene, Seo-won protects Hae-na from Ji-ah.Baoqian is the one who cursed Haina's ancestors.

The episode ends with Bo Gyom calling Seo Won and asking him to go to his trailer.When Seo-won arrives, he sees his lost keychain (given to him by Hae-na) at Bo-gyeom’s place.As he grabs the keychain, Lee Hyun Woo's character holds a sword to Seo Won's neck.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 10 plot

Back in the previous life, Seo-won was Young Master Soo-hyun (a nobleman of the Yangban class in ancient times), and Hae-na was a disobedient servant.They dated secretly.Things get unusual when an order is announced to kill the misbegotten master Chu Ying.The three fled to the mountains.Soo-hyun is caught, and Mi-shun searches for Cho-young, but the mountain god Bo-gyeom saves her.

Chuying lost her child and was heartbroken.Bao Qian manages to stop her from taking her life and they begin to grow closer.Meanwhile, Weishun continues to visit the village, making Baoqian suspicious of her intentions.Baoqian keeps Choying company while she is away.They share their first kiss and plan to go to the beach.When they were about to leave, a group of soldiers came to kill Chuying.Baoqian uses his powers to save her, but things get unusual.

Lee Hyun Woo's character sees Cho Young standing on the edge of a cliff while searching for her.Weishun stands next to her out of fear, while Soo-hyun holds a blood-stained sword at Cho-young.At this moment, a soldier stabs Baoqian and distracts him.A few minutes later, he looked back and watched Cho-young fall off the cliff and Soo-hyun's sword stabbed her.

It is still unclear why Soo-hyun assassinated Cho-young and whether there are more unknown parts to the story.Regardless of the truth, Bo-gyeom believes Soo-hyun and Mi-soon killed his lover.

Why Bo Gyeom wants to hurt Hae Na and Seo Won.They are the reincarnations of Chuying's murderer.Back to the present, Baoqian has tried every means from the beginning, and designed to make Haina and Seowon fall in love, and finally separate them in order to get revenge.

He hopes to make the couple feel the pain he has experienced in the past.The ending of episode 10 is horrifying.Bo Gyeom seems to have killed Hae Na's uncle who was trapped in his dog form.Meanwhile, Cho-young's reincarnation, Min Ji-ah, is recalling her past life.Before she remembers the truth about her death, Bo-gyeom may do more harm to Hae-na and Seo-won.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 11 plot

Han Haena's uncle existed in the form of a dog for a long time and eventually returned to human form.The Han family tried to find out the reason, but failed.While searching for clues, Hae Na (Park Kyu Young) finds an ancient letter that mentions a mountain god and a curse.

Bao Qian is waiting for Hae Na outside Hae Na’s house.It made her nervous when he talked about the curse and said it had been placed on her family.After he leaves, she looks through old photos and finds a picture of Bao Qian among her childhood photos.She takes it to Seo-won, who confronts Bo-gyeom.Bo-gyeom shows Seo-won a flashback to the time when Bo-gyeom saved Seo-won when he was a child.

The mountain god told them to go back in time and asked them to forget each other.When Seo-won and Hae-na are alone, Seo-won tells her that their hearts will remember each other and says he will come to her this time.Episode 11 looks back at the characters falling in love in their past lives.It is further revealed that Ha Na was pregnant while Seo Won was imprisoned.

In order to save him, she may reveal Cho-young's whereabouts, adding to the intrigue of the storyline.The episode ends with Hae Na and Seo Won walking past each other in the present time without looking at each other.It seems they don't remember each other.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 12 plot

Seo-won discovers that Haena's memory has been deleted, and remembers that Haena said she only needed to give her dessert, so he immediately gives Haena a cake, but Haena instead gives it to Song Yi. Seowon helps Haena clean her desk and invites her to have a barbecue.Meat, just like Haena did to him, but Haena said she wanted to eat it with everyone. Seo-won gave Haena a warm pack and invited her to dinner. Baoqian suddenly appeared to take Haena home. Seo-won discoveredCui Yu doesn't remember Coco either.Everyone was happy when their mother discovered that Dong Zhe had changed back, but Yu Na felt that they were similar.

Haena fell down while cleaning and was hugged by Seowon. Everyone made a fuss about the two dating. Zhiya found that Cui Yu didn't remember their relationship.Seo-won gave Haena a cake, and Bao-qian suddenly chatted with Ha-na and helped her brush her hair. Seo-won immediately pulled Ha-na out to confess her love, but Ha-na apologized and said she had someone she liked, and then had a meeting with Bao-qian, talking and laughing..Shuyuan was so angry that Baoqian asked Baoqian to stop. Baoqian said that he was the one who asked Haina to date Shuyuan from the beginning. Shuyuan beat Baoqian, Haina came to stop and helped Baoqian apply medicine. Baoqian asked Haina if he wanted to date.

Cui Yu asked Shuyuan if he was dating Haena. Shuyuan found out that Zhiya remembered what happened between the two, so he ran to confirm with Zhiya.The classmates asked Haina if she was dating Baoqian, but Seo-won heard it, and Seo-won told Haina that he was worried.Ji-ah asked Bao-gyeom if he had a grudge against Hae-na and Seo-won, so he broke them up, but Bao-gyeom didn't respond.Zhiya went to the dean of academic affairs to play games, and asked Cui Yu and Jun Rui to look out for the situation, and asked the dean of academic affairs which mountain she died on.Yoona said she wanted to cross the boundary between friends and kissed Yuze.

Haina went on a date with Baoqian, and Seo-won followed them to watch a movie. After the movie, Baoqian quickly left with Haina, and saw Yuna holding hands with Yuze. Haina discovered that Baoqian knew Yuna, but Yuna had never seen it.Bao Qian.The next day, Haina found that Shuyuan's calendar had a trip to the West Sea as hers, so she ran to ask Shuyuan and found that Shuyuan was hanging a puppy pendant. Shuyuan said that he missed Cocoa very much and was worried that Cocoa would never fall in love with him again.He, Haina saw Yuna and Yuze, and seemed to see herself and Shuyuan.

Bao Qian was very angry when he found out that Cui Yu and Jun Rui accompanied Zhi Ya to the mountains. Zhi Ya said that Shu Yuan was lonely because his girlfriend had lost her memory. After hearing this, Cui Yu immediately called Ha Na and asked Ha Na to go to his house. Ha Na came and saw Shu Yuan.Yuan, Shuyuan said he was Cui Yu's uncle, and asked Haina to stay and eat instant noodles. Haina said that she seemed to have been here before, Shuyuan kissed her, and Haina suddenly got up and left.Zhi Ya came to the place where she fell from the cliff and remembered her past life.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 13 plot

After being kissed by Seo-won, Haena ran home and found that she had not turned into a dog. Her uncle said that Haena had been dating the math teacher before, but both Haena and Yoona said not.The next day Seo-won asked Haina not to hide from him, and would wait for Haina to regain her memory.The uncle found a photo of Haina, Shuyuan and Cui Yu, and found that he remembered it correctly, so he ran to find Haina, but the dean took away the photo. The uncle suddenly couldn't speak. After Haina found out, the uncle took the dean's photo.The identification card was shown to her. When Hina returned the identification card to the dean, she saw the photo sticker.

Baoqian said that it was Haina's selfish choice and left Seowon behind. Haina asked Baoqian to return her memory, and Baoqian asked her to go to the mountain to redeem it.A classmate asked Zhiya and Haina to go to Xuanji Mountain to film a courage test. Zhiya hurried to the information room and found it empty, so she told Seo-won that Baoqian had decided to end everything and thought Haina could not go to the mountain.Haina met with Shuyuan and said she was going to the West Sea. She apologized that she found out too late. Shuyuan said it was not too late and would accompany Haina to the mountain.

Everyone came to the temple of the mountain god and were frightened by the ghost played by the dean. Haina was looking everywhere. Her cell phone lost signal and she fell and got injured. Seo-won found Haena. Baoqian sent a bunch of dogs to chase him. Seo-won and Haina hurriedlyEscape.Zhi Ya came to the cliff and Bao Qian appeared. It turned out that Mo Shun said that he would bring Chu Ying back personally, but he was followed by the adults. Xiu Xian took the adults as hostages and asked Mo Shun to escape with Chu Ying. However, the three of them were chased to the cliff., Soo-hyun raised the knife in front of Cho-young to block the arrow, but he was hit by the arrow.

Chuying suddenly stabbed herself with a knife, saying that only in this way could Mo Shun and Xiuxian survive, but then Xiuxian also died of serious injuries.Zhiya told Baoqian the whole story. Baoqian thought Chuying didn't think of him when she made the decision and cried. Zhiya hugged Baoqian.Seo-won protects Hae-na, but the dog suddenly disappears. Hae-na's memory recovers, and Seo-won hugs her happily.

《A Good Day To Be A Dog》Episode 14 plot

A year later, the students wanted to participate in the Garland Talent Show and asked Haina for help. Garland night happened to be Shuyuan's birthday, and Haina wanted to give him a surprise.Yuze came to visit Yuna's parents, and the two were planning to get married.Dong Zhe met Caiya because he went to school to find Haina last time and dated her, but Caiya ran away after finding Dong Zhe barking like a dog.Seo-won and Haina went to a pet school to be volunteers. Seo-won volunteered to take a sheepdog for a walk. He took the opportunity to pet the dog and named it Deok-gu.

Haena was very happy that Seowon had overcome his fear. Seowon thanked Haena for being his gift. In the evening, Haena wrote the story of the two into a script.The next day - Do Min Kyung, the producer of Single Dog Hell - came to see Seo Won. Seo Won apologized and said he had a girlfriend, and told Haena that he wanted to make it public, but everyone already knew about it.Shuyuan sent Deokjiu to an adopter, but the adopter was very casual, so Shuyuan had to take Deokjiu away.On Shuyuan's birthday, Cui Yu prepared breakfast.

It was Jialan night. Zhiya sold the dean's board game and the dean dressed up as a ghost to meet him. Zhiya asked him where Baoqian was.Haina invited her uncle to play. Donghao said that he missed Caiya very much. Haina went to prepare for the performance. The academic director ran away with the board game. Seo-won and Donghao chased after him and asked the academic director to change Donghao back, but failed.The performance ended successfully, and Hae-na discovered that Seo-won had not appeared.Seo-won sent Dong-ho home, and then received a performance video from Hae-na. After watching Hae-na, he just went home.

Seo-won thanked Hae-na for the gift, and the two kissed. After Seo-won returned home, Cui Yu prepared a cake.Dong Zhe and Cai Yati broke up, Cai Ya was very sad, but Dong Zhe kept thinking of Cai Ya and finally called her.Zhiya went to the beach to find Baoqian and said that she was doing well and asked Baoqian to do the same. Then she accompanied Baoqian to put out sky lanterns.Seo-won adopted Deok-gu and often took him for walks with Haena.

A Good Day To Be A Dog

A Good Day To Be A Dog

Total 14 Episodes Oct 11, 2023 Korean Urban/Rom Actor: Liu Shanying Cha Eun Woo Park Guiying