《The Land of Spirits》Ep Intro

Human beings have been exploring the meaning of nature, exploring various extreme natural landforms and life on this land, and exploring the harmonious coexistence of humans, animals, and nature.The film spans different ecologies in the four corners of China, exploring four awe-inspiring animals, trying to feel them, and trying to communicate with heaven and earth.

In ancient times, they were totems and animals at the top of the food chain - the Siberian tiger, the king of the forest, the white dolphin, the elf of the sea, the giant Asian elephant in the rainforest, and the wild yak, the messenger of the snow-capped mountains.These four animals, known as flagship species, coexist with heaven and earth, coexist with humans, and use special ways to help humans communicate with nature.The Land of Spirits, is where those magical communications happen.

《The Land of Spirits》E1Plot

Reincarnation in the wilderness

According to legend, when the first ray of sunshine in the world shone on Kailash, the first yak appeared.When the Tibetan ancestors first landed on the plateau, they were unable to gain a foothold and turned to the mountain gods for help. The mountain gods divided the wild yaks into two groups. Some went down the mountain to help the Tibetans, carrying heavy objects and contributing their own hair and milk, becoming today's domestic yaks.The other part continues to stay in the mountains, maintaining their ancient living habits, and is still “wild yaks”.

Long-term reproduction has seriously degraded the body shape and disease resistance of % domestic yaks, making them unable to adapt to the cold winters of the plateau. Herders urgently need to find ways to improve the genetics of the population.With intensive grazing, people and wild yaks have come closer together, and problems have arisen.Although wild yaks can help herders improve the genes of domestic yaks, they often take away some domestic yaks, and the genes of domestic yaks will affect the purity of wild yaks' genes. Domestic yak diseases will also cause irresistible consequences to the wild yak population.blow.No one knows how this game will end in the future.

《The Land of Spirits》E2Plot

pink memories

The Chinese white dolphin, a mammal at the top of the marine food chain, lives in shallow waters about 10 meters deep off the coast of China. It is one of the few cetaceans in the world that only lives in shallow waters.Every year in the third month of the lunar calendar, fishermen begin to worship Mazu, and it is also when white dolphins become active.It is said that white dolphins can deal with sharks, and a bay guarded by white dolphins will be very safe.

Therefore, they are also considered to be the incarnation of Mazu and are called “Mazu fish”.Many people marvel at the spectacular scene of a group of white dolphins forming a circle and chasing human fishing boats, but they do not know that this is actually because the food that offshore white dolphins can hunt is getting less and less, so they have to take the risk of approaching fishing boats.However, getting close to fishing boats means countless fatal dangers such as tangled fishing nets and sharp propellers.At the same time, various human production activities such as offshore bridge construction, sand dredging, and reclamation, as well as the sound of ship engines, also seriously interfere with the sonar detection system of white dolphins, causing them to stray into the inland.

《The Land of Spirits》E3Plot

Looking for hometown

There are more than a dozen elephants in the elephant herd, the leader is Sutuoduo (Perfect Elephant in Dai language), which the locals also call Wu Zetian, and the boss Atiqiduo ("King" in Dai language).In addition, there are second child, third child, fourth child and so on.Among them, the eldest, second, and third adult male elephants are of the same generation, and the newly born baby elephants are all descendants of the eldest elephant.In 2007, this group of elephants escaped from the Mengyangzi Reserve of the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve Management Bureau, crossed the Lancang River, and migrated. New hydropower dams and highways cut off their way home. They and other families completelyContact was lost.

Trapped for many years without being able to see other elephants, the almost-adult male elephants are unable to find a mate.How to reproduce has become their biggest problem.When the estrus comes, the duel is imminent.The “Lao4” who had just grown up challenged the provocative “Lao2”, but unfortunately it was still too young and did not have enough power to defeat its predecessors.“Lao Si” kept retreating and screamed for help from his father, the current “boss” of the elephant herd.

No one expected that “boss” looked at this scene and turned around and left.This is almost a decision that goes against the rules of the animal world.”In nature, few male elephants will voluntarily give up control of the elephant group. People speculate: Maybe it is for the health of the family.But even if “boss” makes this decision, the elephant herd still has no future.Because the “boss” was still there, the female elephants refused to succumb to the “unjustified ”boddling%, and the elephant herd was torn apart, and no more baby elephants were born since then.

《The Land of Spirits》E4Plot

The return of the mountain god

In the last Year of the Tiger in the 20th century, due to human deforestation and war, it was almost deemed that there was no breeding population of Siberian tigers in China.In order to recreate the grand occasion when tigers were found in every mountain, villagers, forest rangers, and scientific researchers worked together to restore the habitat suitable for Siberian tigers bit by bit.

As the ecological chain of the entire forest gradually returned to health, finally, in the first Year of the Tiger of the 21st century, a female tiger named “October” appeared in the sight of the research team.%The settlement of female tigers really means that tigers will have a future.In 2012, the Siberian tiger returned.

The Land of Spirits

The Land of Spirits

Total 4 Episodes Jul 11, 2022 C-Drama Docu