《the slave to love》Ep Intro

Modern man Yuan Mingyu traveled through time and became the fourth evil princess of Suye Kingdom who was assassinated at any time. Only by becoming the empress can she return to modern times.Yuan Mingyu, the imperial sister with a fiery personality, started her journey to become emperor. She teased Ye Shao, the innocent hidden guard around her, and asked him to protect her safety. Unexpectedly, the little hidden guard also had feelings for her, and the two of them worked together to break all kinds of prejudices and conflicts.stop.Yuan Mingyu believes that Ye Shao is the most trustworthy person in this time and space, but she does not know that everything is an illusion. The little hidden guard she trusts most is the former prince, and she is only close to her to get the fish charm that symbolizes military power.In imperial power and love, Yuan Mingyu doesn't make a choice, she wants them all and starts the road of strategy.

《the slave to love》E1Plot

Episode 1

The fourth princess Yuan Mingyu lives a luxurious life in Suye Kingdom and has many male favorites.One of the male favorites is named Sun Jia, who is actually from the previous dynasty. He pretended to be a male favorite and was favored by the princess.One day, Sun Jia took the princess unawares and assassinated her.Modern urban girl Yuan Mingyu traveled to Suye Kingdom by chance and possessed herself as the fourth princess.She realizes that only by becoming emperor can she return to modern times.

After the princess regained consciousness, the emperor and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.The eldest prince decided that the guards at the princess mansion must be strengthened to protect the princess' safety.After Yuan Mingyu woke up, she felt strange to everyone around her and could only tell the emperor, who called her daughter, that she needed to rest.When she woke up again, she found herself in the princess mansion with a masked man next to her.The maid Jinlan told her that this was her hidden guard and she should always protect her safety.Yuan Mingyu tried to take off Yinwei's mask, but Jinlan hurriedly stopped her and told her that Yinwei could not reveal his true identity, otherwise he would die.

Yuan Mingyu didn't understand who made this rule, but Jinlan told her that it was a rule she made herself.Yuan Mingyu found that the hidden guard named Ye Shao had outstanding appearance, so he ordered him not to wear a mask in the future.On the street, Yuan Mingyu met a vendor selling painting books. He was very enthusiastic about her. It turned out that he was her regular customer.Suddenly, the assassin attacked Yuan Mingyu, but fortunately Ye Shao reacted quickly and protected her.Yuan Mingyu felt relieved and ordered Ye Shao to move into her bedroom.

《the slave to love》E2Plot

Episode 2

Ye Shao originally thought that she was still the lustful fourth princess and thought that she was greedy for her beauty, so she firmly refused to move into the princess's palace.While taking a bath, Yuan Mingyu came uninvited. Ye Shao felt unhappy and felt that he was being seen naked. He was very unhappy and felt that he had become unclean.Ye Shao complained to her uncle Feng Congshan, saying that Yuan Mingyu was completely different now than before, but she firmly disagreed to move into the palace.The uncle persuaded her to obey Yuan Mingyu, not only to move into the palace, but also to seduce her.Ye Shao was dissatisfied with her uncle's idea of ​​sacrificing herself, so her uncle told her some stories from the previous dynasty, hoping that she would get the fish charm as soon as possible to complete the great cause of restoring the country.Ye Shao reluctantly agreed.

The consort was very angry when he learned that Yuan Mingyu had let Ye Shao move into the palace. He came to blame Yuan Mingyu for ignoring etiquette and having an affair with a man other than her husband.Yuan Mingyu reminded him to pay attention to his identity, and the consort became even more angry and asked her not to use her identity as a princess to suppress him.Compared with her, the third princess is countless times better.Yuan Mingyu knew that the prince-in-law had a close relationship with the third princess, and it was the emperor who urged him to marry her.The prince-in-law said without hesitation that it was the emperor's fault.Yuan Mingyu said that he said this himself, and the consort was so frightened that he stopped talking and left in a hurry.

Assassin Sun Xiang wakes up, and it turns out that she came for revenge, for her brother Sun Jia.But Yuan Mingyu didn't remember what happened before at all.Ye Shao noticed the changes in Yuan Mingyu, and she warned Ye Shao not to reveal her amnesia.

《the slave to love》E3Plot

Episode 3

Ye Shao found that the fourth princess was completely different from before, and had lost memory of many things in the past.Ye Shao saw her flaw, so Yuan Mingyu decided to confess. She said that she had completely lost her memory since the last assassination and knew nothing about what happened in the past.Only Ye Shao knew this secret, and he regarded her as one of his own.Yuan Mingyu warned Ye Shao that if he dared to make this matter public and let others use it against her, she would never let him go.

This year was a year of famine, and the people were homeless and living in poverty.Yuan Mingyu believed that if she started to provide disaster relief, she would be closer to becoming the emperor.She thought that disaster relief was easy, as long as she took out some money.However, her maid Jinlan told her that not only did the princess's palace have no money, but even the emperor's treasury was empty, so the emperor did not mention the disaster relief.Yuan Mingyu's mind turned around, didn't he even have any jewelry?Ye Shao couldn't help but feel a little shaken when he heard the conversation between Yuan Mingyu and Jinlan.

Yuan Mingyu took a treasure, pretended to be someone else and went to the pawnshop, negotiated with the pawnshop owner, and finally reached an 82“ deal.After Yuan Mingyu left the pawnshop, a bearded man came in and asked the boss about the result of the conspiracy between Yuan Mingyu and Yuan Mingyu.It turned out that Yuan Mingyu planned to hold an auction with the pawnshop owner, and she would get 80” of the share, while the boss would get 20%.

《the slave to love》E4Plot

Episode 4

After Ye Shao learned that Yuan Mingyu planned to hold an auction to raise disaster relief funds, he secretly thought to himself that Yuan Mingyu was really going to change his ways.In this case, he can help her behind the scenes. If she doesn't really want to rescue the disaster, then he can take action again.

Yuan Mingyu told Jinlan about the auction, but reminded her not to let Guard Ye know, because Ye Shao had begun to doubt her identity as a princess, and he could not let him know that she planned to sell off the property of the princess mansion.

Ye Shao received a letter from his uncle with a flying knife, urging him to find the fish charm as soon as possible and complete the great cause of restoring the country.The prince-in-law was still jealous of Yuan Mingyu. He deliberately soiled his face and brought a bowl of lotus seed soup to Yuan Mingyu, but Yuan Mingyu just took it and drank it in one gulp without showing any more emotion. This madeThe prince-in-law became even more resentful towards her.

Yuan Mingyu entrusted the pawnshop owner to hold an auction, and the eldest prince and the consort decided to attend. They had already colluded together to see if there was any trick in the auction.

The pawnshop owner took out a Ruyi jade given to Yuan Mingyu by the emperor. The eldest prince was worried that he would be photographed away by others, so he asked his consort to make an offer immediately.The prince-in-law first quoted a thousand taels, but a bearded man behind him followed up with the quotation.Finally, when the prince-in-law raised the price to three thousand taels, the man stopped making any sound.The prince-in-law bought Yu Ruyi for three thousand taels, and the eldest prince asked him to deliver the jade to the princess's house to test Yuan Mingyu's reaction.

On the way, the prince-in-law saw the bearded man who had been bidding with him, and he was very angry and wanted to settle the score with him. Unfortunately, the prince-in-law was no match for the big man, and he was beaten with a bruised nose and face after a few punches.

Yuan Mingyu had been lurking in the dark to observe, and found that the bearded man looked very familiar, so he followed him all the way to the princess's house. He happened to see Ye Shao changing clothes. Yuan Mingyu suddenly understood in her heart that it turned out that the bearded man was Ye Shao in disguise..

The consort came to send Yu Ruyi to Yuan Mingyu. Seeing that Ye Shao was so close to her, he couldn't help feeling jealous and asked Yuan Mingyu again to drive Ye Shao out of the palace, but Yuan Mingyu made it clear that Ye Shao wasHer people must stay here.

《the slave to love》E5Plot

Episode 5

The prince-in-law left angrily and walked away.Before leaving, he also said he knew Yuan Mingyu's secret.Yuan Mingyu began to worry that it was Ye Shao who told the consort that she was not a princess but her identity.However, Ye Shao said that he didn't say anything.The auction continues, and what is being auctioned this time is a gold hairpin studded with pearls and jade.Yuan Mingyu sat next to the bearded man and stared at him.The prince-in-law also followed him and took his seats one by one.

The third princess Yuan Mingyi also walked over slowly, and the prince-in-law was very excited after seeing her.The starting price of the gold hairpin was three hundred taels of silver. Yuan Mingyu was the first to shout out the price, and Yuan Mingyi followed suit.Seeing that the third princess liked the golden hairpin, the consort made up his mind to get it.Yuan Mingyu took Big Beard's hand and reminded him not to be impulsive, but Big Beard still pushed the price to four thousand taels.Yuan Mingyi congratulated Yuan Mingyu on his success in getting the golden hairpin, but Yuan Mingyu said nonchalantly that she could give it to her.Yuan Mingyi laughed at her that she didn't like to steal other people's things.After Yuan Mingyu came back, she revealed that the bearded man was actually Ye Shao. It turned out that she had put some paint on the bearded man's hands at the scene.

The consort felt that he was being used by Yuan Mingyu and ran over to make a fuss. Yuan Mingyu was so angry that he shouted that he wanted to divorce her husband.The emperor was very angry when he heard this, thinking that Yuan Mingyu was becoming more and more unrestrained.However, Yuan Mingyu expressed that she wholeheartedly wanted to provide disaster relief and help the people. The emperor was impressed by her caring for the world and agreed to make her an imperial envoy to preside over disaster relief.The emperor planned to get rid of Ye Shao, but Yuan Mingyu tried his best to defend him and said that he would divorce her husband after the disaster relief work was completed.In order to ensure her safety, the emperor gave the imperial fish talisman to Yuan Mingyu. Ye Shao was moved when he saw it.The eldest prince saw it from a distance and left silently.

《the slave to love》E6Plot

Episode 6

Yuan Mingyu began to provide relief to the victims, but the officials were greedy and maliciously withheld the relief food, causing the victims to eat only clear soup and little water.Yuan Mingyu was very angry about this and ordered Ye Shao to arrest these corrupt officials and bring them to justice.As the relief work for disaster victims proceeds in depth, the problem faced is that food supply is becoming increasingly tight and rice prices are getting higher and higher.

Yuan Mingyu asked Ye Shao to find the last four grain merchants in the market who had increased their prices. Ye Shao asked why he only found these four merchants. Yuan Mingyu replied that these four merchants must be helpless, so it is best to disband them., she wants to show them a bright future.After the four grain merchants were brought, Yuan Mingyu used a fragrant flatbread as an example to explain to them how to develop together through the concept of cooperative management.The four bosses were inspired and followed this method after returning home. Soon the price of rice dropped, and people joined in to cooperate to buy rice and get what they needed at the lowest price.After the problem was solved, Ye Shao and Yuan Mingyu celebrated together. Both of them drank too much and showed love to each other through their eyes.

Ye Shao was still thinking about the fish charm at first, but at this time his heart was filled with Yuan Mingyu's presence, and his face turned red when he saw them cuddling together.Ye Shao's uncle secretly felt proud, thinking that Ye Shao had lived up to his expectations and won Yuan Mingyu's heart, but he was also worried that young Ye Shao would be impulsive because of Yuan Mingyu, so he decided to go to the eldest prince to discuss and try to get the fish as soon as possible.symbol.Ye Shao walked with Yuan Mingyu on the street. At this time, Ye Shao received a note from his uncle, urging him to speed up the progress.

《the slave to love》E7Plot

Episode 7

Ye Shao was very surprised when he received the note from his uncle.At this moment, the pastry shop owner on the roadside stopped them and said that seeing the sincere relationship between the princess and Ye Shiwei, he was willing to give them a pastry and wish them happiness.However, Ye Shao declined the offer to accept the pastry, explaining that he and the princess were not who the boss thought they were.Yuan Mingyu asked Jinlan to pay and thanked his boss for his blessing, but he could not accept his gift in vain.Ye Shao still wanted to stop it, thinking that the pastry was too vulgar and not worthy of the princess's nobility.Ye Shao didn't speak until Yuan Mingyu's angry expression appeared.

After Ye Shao met his uncle, his uncle pressed him to ask him about the progress of the investigation on the fish charm.Ye Shao told him that the fish charm was in Yuan Mingyu's clothes, and his uncle asked why he didn't retrieve it as soon as possible.Ye Shao expressed that he did not want to hurt Yuan Mingyu, and his uncle slapped him hard and condemned him not to forget the hatred of destroying the country.

In the evening, Yuan Mingyu was in a good mood and prepared some side dishes and red bean cakes, saying that these were their love tokens and they must celebrate.However, Ye Shao firmly told Yuan Mingyu that he did not like her and that everything he did before was just out of duty.Yuan Mingyu left angrily after hearing this.

The disaster relief work went smoothly, and the eldest prince and the consort became even more jealous.They arranged for their men to secretly sabotage disaster relief and prepared to set fire to the grain depot.Sun Xiang stopped them after seeing it, and showed the captured burning objects to Yuan Mingyu and Ye Shao.Yuan Mingyu expressed his gratitude, but Sun Xiang said that he was just helping the victims.Yuan Mingyu decided to investigate the matter. Although Ye Shao refused her help, she still believed in Ye Shao.

《the slave to love》E8Plot

Episode 8

Ye Shao asked Yuan Mingyu if he was worried that he was the remnant of the previous dynasty who assassinated the princess. Yuan Mingyu replied that if he was the remnant of the previous dynasty, then he should approach him to cater to him, so why should he refuse.Ye Shao tested whether his uncle was related to the arson case, but his uncle dismissed him with only a few words.However, Ye Shao believed that his uncle had nothing to do with the arson case, while his uncle believed that Ye Shao had lost his original nature and should not let him know about his alliance with the eldest prince.

Ye Shao found that this fourth princess was different from the previous one, and she had forgotten many things that had happened before.Yuan Mingyu told the truth that she had lost her memory since she woke up after being assassinated last time. She could not remember what happened before. Only Ye Shao knew this secret. She regarded Ye Shao as one of her own.If Ye Shao dared to tell this matter and let others use it to his disadvantage, then she would not forgive him.Recently, a missing man case occurred on the street. Ye Shao and Yuan Mingyu went to investigate together, but they were surrounded. The people asked Yuan Mingyu to let them go. It turned out that they all received an anonymous pamphlet, which said that Yuan Mingyu was hidingIn the name of relieving the victims, they are actually looking for male favorites.Yuan Mingyu returned to the house angrily. It seemed that his opponent's plan had failed.Yuan Mingyu planned to investigate again with Ye Shao, but the emperor ordered her not to leave the princess mansion and could only recuperate at home.

Ye Shao went to investigate alone, and Yuan Mingyu repeatedly told him to pay attention to safety.Ye Shao pretended to be a drunkard and was alone on the street. As expected, he was dragged into a broken house. They called the consort to check and found out that it was a bearded man who had a grudge against him. The consort ordered people to beat him severely. Ye Shao tried his best to resist.However, there were many people on the other side and they were eventually captured.Ye Shao told the consort that he was indeed the one behind the plot to murder the princess. The consort smiled proudly and said, so what, today he will take revenge and dig out his eyes.

《the slave to love》E9Plot

Episode 9

Just as the consort was about to attack Ye Shao, he suddenly heard a voice saying that since Ye Shao is Yuan Mingyu's celebrity, keeping him will be useful in the future.The prince-in-law could only stop, but he said that although he could not kill Ye Shao, he could make his life worse than death.The eldest prince went to see his father Yuan Tu and said that his sister Mingyu was recuperating in the mansion and that he was willing to continue disaster relief for her, which could be regarded as sharing his father's worries.Yuan Tu asked the eldest prince what he planned to do. The eldest prince said impassionedly that he found that Mingyu had offended many ministers during the disaster relief. They were the pillars of the court and he wanted to bring order to the chaos.

Ye Shao learned that Yuan Mingyu planned to hold an auction to raise disaster relief funds, and thought that Yuan Mingyu was really going to change her ways, and he could help her secretly. If he didn't really want to provide disaster relief, it would not be too late for him to take action.Yuan Mingyu told Jinlan about the auction, but reminded her not to let Guard Ye know about it, because Ye Shao had begun to doubt her identity as a princess, and he couldn't let him know about selling off the things in the princess's mansion.Ye Shao received a message from his uncle about the flying knife, asking him to find the fish charm as soon as possible and complete the great cause of restoring the country.Yuan Tu became furious after hearing this. Yuan Mingyu caught corrupt officials during the disaster relief operation. He also knew that these pillars had been corroded, yet the eldest prince actually wanted to bring order to them. Did he think he still had money in his treasury for them to embezzle?Seeing his father's rage, the eldest prince quickly knelt down and admitted his mistake, and Yuan Tu left angrily.

Yuan Mingyu was worried that Ye Shao would not return and was so anxious that something must have happened to him.Sun Xiang secretly investigated and discovered that Ye Shao was being imprisoned and tortured by the consort, and they also planned to set fire to the grain depot.Sun Xiang told Yuan Mingyu the situation, and Yuan Mingyu ordered his generals to report to the emperor immediately that the grain depot was about to be destroyed by Zhurong.She desperately broke through the siege of the imperial army and led people to the dilapidated house, where she saw that Ye Shao had been tortured by the consort and was scarred.Yuan Mingyu warned the consort that the emperor already knew what he had done and asked him to surrender immediately.In order to rescue Ye Shao, Yuan Mingyu took the initiative to be a hostage. Ye Shao struggled to break free from the rope and subdued the consort.Yuan Mingyu and Ye Shao saw their true love in a difficult situation and no longer tried to hide it, expressing their love for each other.

《the slave to love》E10Plot

Episode 10

Ye Shao fell into a deep sleep because he was seriously injured.When he slowly woke up, he was surprised to find his uncle sitting on the bedside to treat him.Yuan Mingyu introduced him to Dr. Cong, who was famous for treating trauma.The uncle prescribed medicine to Ye Shao and left in a hurry, just in time to be seen by Sun Xiang who came in.Yuan Mingyu and Ye Shao were chatting intimately. Sun Xiang came in and wanted to avoid it, but Ye Shao stopped her and asked to protect the princess while she was recovering from her injuries.

Yuan Mingyu thought Sun Xiang would refuse, but he didn't expect Sun Xiang to say that he would leave after Ye Shao recovers.The consort left angrily, and before leaving, he also hinted that he knew Yuan Mingyu's secret, making Yuan Mingyu worry about whether Ye Shao had told the consort her true identity.However, Ye Shao said that he said nothing.The auction continues, and what is being auctioned this time is a gold hairpin studded with pearls and jade.Yuan Mingyu sat next to the bearded man and observed him. The prince-in-law also sat down, and the third princess Yuan Mingyi also walked over gracefully. The prince-in-law became very excited after seeing her.The starting price of the gold hairpin was three hundred taels. Yuan Mingyu bid for it for the first time, and Yuan Mingyi followed suit. The prince-in-law was determined to get it because he knew that the third princess liked the gold hairpin.

Learning that the consort had woken up in prison, Yuan Mingyu went to interrogate him.The prince-in-law was full of hatred for Yuan Mingyu and bluntly stated that he did not want to plot against her, but wanted revenge.She had forcibly terminated his engagement with the third princess as a princess, and now she was divorcing him as a princess.Yuan Mingyu admitted that his behavior was wrong and if he felt embarrassed, he could divorce her.The prince-in-law sighed and said it didn't matter anymore. He was already in jail and had committed an unforgivable crime, so he wouldn't say anything.After Yuan Mingyu left, the eldest prince came in.The prince consort thought he was coming to save him, but the eldest prince told him that he could only feel at ease if he died.

After saying this, he put a poison into the consort's mouth, and the consort died of poisoning.After taking the medicine given by his uncle, Ye Shao felt weak and coughed up blood.He found his uncle, who bluntly said that he drank this drug because he had forgotten revenge, forgotten the throne, and wanted to become a useless person.This drug will first make him feel weak and weak, and then he will lose all his martial arts skills.

《the slave to love》E11Plot

Episode 11

Yuan Mingyu saw Ye Shao looking haggard and hurriedly came over to help him.Sun Xiang hurried over and told them that the consort died in prison.The emperor summoned Yuan Mingyu and asked her how she felt about the consort's death from poisoning in prison.Yuan Mingyu expressed that he wanted to investigate the matter thoroughly, but the emperor said no, the eldest prince had already investigated clearly, and the prince-in-law committed suicide by taking poison out of fear of crime.He asked Yuan Mingyu if he reflected on his shortcomings.Yuan Mingyu was confused by this and didn't understand why it involved him again.

The eldest prince blamed Yuan Mingyu on the side, saying that it was because she wanted to divorce her husband that the prince-in-law became so angry that he lost his mind and did such a thing.Yuan Mingyu began to carry out disaster relief, but the officials were greedy and withheld the relief food without conscience. As a result, the relief meals received by the victims were only soup and water.Yuan Mingyu was very angry and ordered Ye Shao to arrest and punish these corrupt officials.As disaster relief efforts progressed, food became scarce and rice prices continued to rise.Yuan Mingyu realized that the eldest prince was trying to suppress her voice, so she argued with him, but the emperor stated that the matter was over and no further investigation was allowed, and Yuan Mingyu did not need to carry out disaster relief.

Yuan Mingyu felt angry after returning to the mansion.Sun Xiang persuaded her that many people in the court were against Yuan Mingyu, and perhaps the emperor did this to protect her.But Yuan Mingyu was unwilling to bear the charge of killing the consort for no reason. The third princess also came to question Yuan Mingyu and condemned her for killing the consort.Yuan Mingyu couldn't defend himself.She was determined to change the laws and abolish the ban on women not being able to divorce their husbands.Doctor Cong diagnosed Ye Shao again and prescribed many medicines for him.Ye Shao said that he wanted to go out for a walk, which might help him recover faster. Yuan Mingyu readily agreed and cooked medicine for Ye Shao and took it. Ye Shao said that the medicine was bitter and wanted to eat candied fruits, so Yuan Mingyu hurriedly went to find it.Ye Shao took the opportunity to pour out the medicine.Sun Xiang witnessed all this and asked Ye Shao why he did this.Ye Shao said that he would tell her everything at the appropriate time.

《the slave to love》E12Plot

Episode 12

Yuan Mingyu met a crazy woman while traveling in the countryside. She kept saying that her daughter was innocent.So Yuan Mingyu asked someone to invite her over, and the crazy woman told her the story about her daughter.It turned out that her daughter was married to a prodigal son who was engaged in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. The son-in-law often asked his daughter for money. If the daughter did not give it, he would beat her.

The daughter has expressed many times that she does not want to continue living with her husband.However, she persuaded her daughter to obey her husband.A few days ago, the son-in-law treated his daughter like this again. The daughter couldn't bear it and picked up the scissors. The intention was just to scare her husband, but unexpectedly, the husband lost his mind after being drunk, and the daughter accidentally hurt herself and died.Her daughter was arrested by the authorities, and later she learned that her daughter had committed suicide.After hearing this story, Yuan Mingyu hated the laws of Suye Country even more. She believed that the suffering and harm caused by the laws to women must be changed.In order to awaken more women, Yuan Mingyu decided to open a women's school, with Sun Xiang in charge.

However, no matter how much they promoted it, they failed to recruit a single student.Yuan Mingyu planned to use rewards to stimulate enrollment, and asked Sun Xiang to announce the test questions in advance to reduce the difficulty of admission, but Sun Xiang refused, saying that she would not participate in such fraud.Ye Shao advised Yuan Mingyu not to be anxious, and also mentioned that he saw the eldest prince near the school, and it seemed that he was interfering with the school's affairs.Ye Shao also suspected that the death of the consort was related to the eldest prince, and reminded Yuan Mingyu to be careful.

《the slave to love》E13Plot

Episode 13

Yuan Mingyu was sleeping soundly, and Ye Shao was sitting next to her.When Yuan Mingyu woke up, Ye Shao told her that she would arrange everything by herself today.Ye Shao prepared a lot of delicious food for Yuan Mingyu, and he was determined to get the fish charm.However, Yuan Mingyu hoped that he would not be busy with official duties, and Ye Shao agreed to accompany her to go shopping and to the theater.Just as the two were about to leave the mansion, Dr. Cong suddenly appeared and announced that he would follow up with Ye Shao.Therefore, they had to return to the mansion.

Doctor Cong warned Ye Shao that today is the deadline.Ye Shao decided to take action at night. He asked his uncle to get the fish charm at the agreed place.The emperor suddenly arrived at the princess's residence and expressed his intention to personally observe the Bailiang brain competition that Yuan Mingyu had stopped.The emperor felt that Doctor Cong seemed familiar and looked at Ye Shao carefully.The emperor decided to observe the game in person, which made Yuan Mingyu even more nervous. She understood that this way, the women's chance of winning would become even smaller.Therefore, she asked Sun Xiang, who represented the female side, to review the answers immediately, but Sun Xiang was determined not to cheat.Yuan Mingyu had no choice but to lock Sun Xiang in the room.Ye Shao was worried that the emperor would mention things related to him to Yuan Mingyu, but fortunately Yuan Mingyu knew nothing about it.

After the emperor returned to the palace, the more he thought about it, the more suspicious Doctor Cong became. He suddenly remembered Doctor Cong's identity.So, he ordered someone to summon Dr. Cong and arranged for someone to follow and monitor Ye Shao.When meeting Dr. Cong, Yuan Tu directly called him Brother Feng, but Dr. Cong refused to acknowledge it.So Yuan Tu ordered him to be dragged down and executed. At this time, Doctor Cong began to curse.Yuan Tu asked Doctor Cong where the little prince that he had taken away from the palace was now, but Doctor Cong refused to tell him, so the emperor ordered Doctor Cong to be imprisoned.

《the slave to love》E14Plot

Episode 14

In the evening, Ye Shao and Yuan Mingyu enjoyed a banquet together and were intimate.Then, they started a period of loving and affectionate time until Yuan Mingyu fell into a deep sleep.Ye Shao got Yuan Mingyu's fish charm and decided to write a letter to her about the cause and effect of the whole incident.Then, he took the fish charm to the pre-arranged place and waited for his uncle's arrival.

However, when Ye Shao arrived there, he found that his uncle had left a note telling him that he must return to the princess mansion immediately.So Ye Shao hurried back and found Yuan Mingyu looking at the letter he left.She learned that Ye Shao turned out to be the prince of the previous dynasty, and he had another purpose for staying with her.Yuan Mingyu was very disappointed.Ye Shao handed over the fish charm, but Yuan Mingyu could not forgive him.She ordered Ye Shao to leave here, but Ye Shao said that he would stay and find the person with the fish charm.

Yuan Mingyu thought that they truly loved each other, but she didn't expect that Ye Shao had been deceiving her.However, she then thought about it and realized that she had not confessed the truth to him either.She understood that their relationship was destined to have no future, so she decided to ascend the throne and proclaim herself emperor as soon as possible and return to modern society to avoid falling deeper into the trap.

The Bailiang Brain Competition was about to begin. In order to give Sun Xiang a greater chance of winning, Yuan Mingyu specially asked Jin Lan to read out the test questions and answers in front of Sun Xiang's door.Sun Xiang was very annoyed.On the day of the competition, seeing Emperor Yuan Tu personally supervising the exam, the young talents participating were full of fighting spirit and hoped to win.After two rounds of eliminations, only Sun Xiang and two other boys won.In the third round of the competition, the emperor decided to pose the question himself and play chess with three players. The winner would be the leader.

As a result, Sun Xiang defeated the emperor in the game, which made Yuan Tu very happy.He announced Sun Xiang as the final leader because he thought Sun Xiang was knowledgeable and handsome.So, he immediately issued an edict to marry Sun Xiang to the eldest prince.Everyone present was surprised.

《the slave to love》E15Plot

Episode 15

The emperor was full of praise for Sun Xiang's intelligence and beauty, and publicly announced that she would be betrothed to the eldest prince and made her a concubine.Yuan Mingyu firmly objected after hearing the news, but the emperor's decision did not change.Yuan Mingyu felt sorry for her opposition, but Sun Xiang felt helpless. They were facing the most powerful person in the world and could not change their decision through rational explanation.

Sun Xiang said that if the eldest prince used coercive measures against her, she would rather die together with Yuan Mingyu.Yuan Mingyu felt that she had brought trouble to Sun Xiang, but Sun Xiang was very indifferent. Ever since she was released after assassinating Yuan Mingyu, she had always thought that Yuan Mingyu was a benevolent and moral person, but later she sawShe provided disaster relief and rescued people, took risks for a hidden guard like Ye Shao, and now opened a school for women. This shows that she is a person with lofty ideals, and she has no regrets about being able to help her achieve such a result.Yuan Mingyu decided to go to the emperor again to plead for mercy. When he learned that Sun Xiang was unwilling to marry the eldest prince, the emperor was dismissive and thought that who could not like power? If Sun Xiang was not a vain person, why would he stay with Yuan Mingyu?Around?

Yuan Mingyu had nothing to say, but said that if the emperor did not agree to her request, she would be unable to kneel down.The emperor thought she was threatening him and left.Yuan Mingyu knelt for a whole day and night, and finally fainted and fell to the ground due to exhaustion.After the third princess Yuan Mingyi saw it, she sent someone to take her back to the house.When Yuan Mingyu woke up, he saw Ye Shao staying by his side.The emperor still did not change his mind, so Ye Shao proposed to let Sun Xiang take medicine to fake death in order to deceive the emperor and the eldest prince.

《the slave to love》E16Plot

Episode 16

Ye Shao took out a bottle of fake death medicine, and Sun Xiang hurriedly grabbed the bottle and prepared to drink it.Yuan Mingyu immediately stopped her and asked her to think twice before acting.Sun Xiang said that the women's school could indeed be opened, and she had helped Yuan Mingyu.She asked Yuan Mingyu to take good care of her parents and ask the emperor not to be too harsh on them.Although she would have to remain anonymous after faking her death, it would be nice to be able to return to her previous free life.After saying this, she resolutely drank the potion in one gulp.After taking this fake death drug, the person will have no pulse within an hour, as if they are really dead.

Yuan Mingyu went to report to the emperor and told him that Sun Xiang chose to commit suicide because he felt guilty that he had affected the relationship between the emperor and the princess.The emperor sighed and thought that the people at the bottom were really ignorant. Since he was dead, he should be buried as a concubine.After Yuan Mingyu left, the emperor became suspicious and sent someone to investigate whether Sun Xiang was really dead because her death was too sudden.The eldest prince also suspected this. He personally came to Sun Xiang's coffin and ordered someone to open the coffin to check. He found that there was no one inside. He knew in his heart that it must be Yuan Mingyu's fault.Yuan Mingyu and Ye Shao bid farewell to Sun Xiang and asked her to take good care of themselves.Sun Xiang said goodbye to them and left the princess mansion.

The emperor issued a decree and ordered Sun Xiang to continue getting married to the eldest prince.The reason is that the eldest prince loves Sun Xiang deeply and wants to marry her regardless of whether she is a human or a ghost.Yuan Mingyu was very angry, but didn't know what to do.Ye Shao reminded her that she might as well take action first and strike first.The eldest prince was feeling very proud. He wanted to see how Yuan Mingyu responded, but was suddenly knocked down by a smell of incense. When he woke up, he found that he had been imprisoned in prison, but Yuan Mingyu died in front of him..

He looked up and found that the consort was also dead, and the eldest prince was frightened to death.The prince-in-law told him that Yuan Mingyu deserved his crime and he would be next.If he writes down the events leading up to his death so that he can go to the underworld to redress his grievances, then let him go today.The eldest prince hurriedly wrote down the entire process in detail, and then was knocked unconscious again.Yuan Mingyu stood up, and the consort also took off his mask. It turned out to be Ye Shao.The two of them looked at the eldest prince's confession and couldn't help but smile at each other.

《the slave to love》E17Plot

Episode 17

The eldest prince insisted on marrying Sun Xiang and forced Yuan Mingyu to hand over Sun Xiang's body.Yuan Mingyu asked him, wasn't Sun Xiang's body kept by the eldest prince?The eldest prince said angrily that Yuan Mingyu was the one causing trouble.Seeing the emperor coming, Yuan Mingyu took out a letter, which contained the confession of the eldest prince poisoning his consort. Only then did the third princess realize that the eldest prince was the murderer of his consort.

After the emperor read the confession, he angrily threw it at the eldest prince and scolded them for blaming each other for the sake of a consort.Ye Shao made Yuan Mingyu happy, but Yuan Mingyu was still angry with him. Ye Shao pretended that he was the prince of the former dynasty, and Dr. Cong was the uncle of the former dynasty, and kept urging him to get the fish charm as soon as possible to complete the great cause of restoring the country.When he told Yuan Mingyu about the matter in detail, the reason why he hid it from her was because he couldn't help it, but he was sincere to Yuan Mingyu in his heart.

The emperor invited Qi Yun, the Prince of Zhenbei, to dinner and wanted to introduce him to a marriage. Qi Yun expressed his special liking for the fourth princess Yuan Mingyu. Yuan Mingyu made it clear that she had already fallen in love with Ye Shao, but Qi Yun did notInstead of being angry, he said that he admired the four princesses even more for their deep love and loyalty.Yuan Mingyu was angry, grabbed the wine glass in front of him, drank it down, stood up and left.The emperor had no choice but to smooth things over by saying that he had spoiled her, and then asked Qi Yun to continue drinking.

Then the eldest prince came to the emperor with the three princesses. The emperor told him of the necessity of marrying Qi Yun. The Zhenbei Marquis had a heavy army and was the backbone of the court, but he had to be on guard.The eldest prince expressed his understanding and wanted to introduce the third princess to Qi Yun. The third princess said that since Qi Yun proposed to like the fourth princess, he would not get involved.

《the slave to love》E18Plot

Episode 18

Ye Shao worriedly told Yuan Mingyu that his uncle had been missing for many days, and it seemed that the odds were against him, so he had to go find him.Yuan Mingyu asked him if he had ever thought about becoming an emperor?Ye Shao shook his head and said that he had never thought about it. Yuan Mingyu clearly told him that he wanted to be the emperor. Ye Shao looked at her in surprise. Yuan Mingyu said that judging from the affairs of Sun Xiang and the eldest prince, the emperor was old and faint.If he replaces him, he will definitely be a different emperor. When the time comes, men and women will be equal, and women will no longer have to submit to men. Ye Shao said that he will definitely support her.

The eldest prince explained to the third princess that he just thought Qi Yun was of good family background and handsome, so he planned for his sister.The third princess said bluntly that the eldest prince was probably planning for himself!The eldest prince had no choice but to change the subject, pretending to be concerned about the emperor's health, saying that he had met a person in the palace before who did not say he had medical skills at first, but now his father stayed in the palace to see a doctor. He didn't know why.The third princess agreed to help investigate the matter.After Ye Shao's investigation, he found out that his uncle had been imprisoned by the emperor.At night, Ye Shao came to rescue his uncle alone. Unexpectedly, he was ambushed. He was injured and fled back to the princess mansion in a hurry.

Yuan Mingyu felt that he must speed up the pace of proclaiming himself emperor. Ye Shao judged that since the emperor had arrested his uncle, he must have known his identity, but why didn't he arrest himself?If he mounts his troops now, the so-called remnants of the previous dynasty will definitely be wiped out by the emperor. Yuan Mingyu thinks that they should join forces with Qi Yun to increase their strength.Qi Yun came uninvited and was very enthusiastic towards Yuan Mingyu. Neither Yuan Mingyu nor Ye Shao knew what he was going to do.

《the slave to love》E19Plot

Episode 19

The eldest prince came to see Qi Yun and said that he wanted to recommend himself. Qi Yun was puzzled. The eldest prince said that there was more than one princess in the dynasty, Yuan Mingyu. The third princess was dignified and virtuous, and her talents were even better than Yuan Mingyu's. Therefore, he was prepared to serve her.After finding a good son-in-law, he introduced the third princess to Qi Yun.Qi Yun came to see Yuan Mingyu. Mingyu was very impatient, but when he heard that what he said was exactly the same as the person who sent him to time travel, Yuan Mingyu was very surprised. Could it be that he was here to help her?

The third princess found out that Ye Shao was actually the prince of the previous dynasty, and was shocked. The strange thing was that the emperor obviously knew Ye Shao's identity, but still did not arrest him. I don't know why.Qi Yun took the initiative to contact the third princess. The two were polite and did not have any feelings for each other.The third princess heard that Qi Yun actually knew Ye Shao's identity, but the eldest prince knew nothing, and she knew in her heart that Qi Yun and the eldest prince were not in the same boat.However, the third princess still told the eldest prince Ye Shao's identity.

The eldest prince wanted to use the Qi Yun family's military power to force the palace. He asked the third princess to go to Qi Yun to send a message. Seeing someone listening, the third princess and Qi Yun loudly said that the eldest prince wanted to use Qi Yun's military power to clear the emperor's side. Qi Yun also answered loudly., I must live up to the great trust.Yuan Mingyu couldn't sleep at night, recalling Qi Yun's words repeatedly. When she walked out of the room, she saw Qi Yunyu standing beside her. She asked Qi Yun in confusion why he was here. Qi Yun answered immediately that he was here to help her.

《the slave to love》E20Plot

Episode 20

Qi Yun told Mingyu that the eldest prince not only wanted the lives of Mingyu and Ye Shao, but also wanted the throne.Now only his own Zhenbei Army and the Forbidden Army can join forces to help Yuan Mingyu claim the throne and return to modern times. The eldest prince wants to use his own Zhenbei Army to force the palace. This is a golden opportunity for Yuan Mingyu to take action.Ye Shao eavesdropped, but didn't understand.Yuan Mingyu returned to the room, and Ye Shao had already gotten up and sat at the table. Mingyu told him that the eldest prince already knew the identity of his former prince, and now that he wanted Qi Yun to help him force the palace, he would have to take action himself..

Ye Shao was unhappy that Qi Yun always came to Mingyu, thinking that Qi Yun liked Mingyu. Seeing that he was jealous, Mingyu told him that she and Qi Yun were in a purely cooperative relationship. After so many things, the relationship between her and Ye Shao had becomeIrreplaceable, she will definitely be responsible for Ye Shao.Now that his father is not moving against Ye Shao, he also wants to use him to mobilize the old troops of the previous dynasty to catch them all. In this way, the eldest prince can take action in advance.When Qi Yun saw the third princess, he said that he had told Mingyu everything she had asked him to do. Qi Yun asked her why she wanted to help Mingyu, and if she didn't tell her in person, the third princess said that it was just to avenge the prince-in-law, while he and himselfMingyu hasn't matured to that level yet.

Their conversation was heard by the eldest prince. The eldest prince hated the third princess for colluding with outsiders to become his enemy. Since she was unkind, he could not blame himself for being unjust.The eldest prince found the third princess and thanked her for winning over Qi Yun for him. Both of them pretended to express their brother-sister love to each other. The eldest prince took out the map and asked the third princess to give it to Qi Yun, and asked him to lead the Zhenbei Army to Danfeng Valley to stop the attack.Forbidden troops, he himself led the troops to serve the king.Sun Xiang saw the eldest prince's soldiers ambushing secretly, so he came to Yuan Mingyu's house to report. Qi Yun didn't know the eldest prince's poisonous plan yet, and was about to ask Mingyu to take the imperial army to Danfeng Valley. When he heard Sun Xiang's report, only then did everyone realize that they had almost been fooled.The eldest prince brought his troops to force the palace. The emperor asked him if he could bear the charge of patricide.The eldest prince confidently said that Mingyu could only bear the name of patricide.

《the slave to love》E21Plot

Episode 21

The eldest prince told the emperor that he would not be the one to kill him, but his precious daughter, and that he would kill his relatives out of justice.The eldest prince also persuaded the emperor. The emperor was surprised. What did the eldest prince do to Mingyu?The eldest prince angrily asked the emperor that he had been no worse than Mingyu in every aspect since he was a child, but he wanted to pass the throne to Mingyu and he was not convinced.The emperor said how could he be the emperor if he was so vengeful and would not spare even his own sister.

The eldest prince said that he would decide on the throne today. Although Jiangshan was conquered by the emperor, he doted on Mingyu. He knew that Ye Shao was the prince of the previous dynasty, but he did nothing. It was obvious that he was insane and should have been let go long ago.Give it to yourself.If Mingyu dares to come, he will capture both father and daughter.Mingyu arrived with Sun Xiang and told the emperor that the eldest prince could not succeed. Ye Shaozheng came with the imperial army and learned that Mingyu had given the fishing talisman to Ye Shao. Mingyu was confused, but Mingyu said that Ye Shao would not betray him.

Ye Shao arrived with the imperial army, and all the eldest prince's men were wiped out. Ye Shao counted the emperor's killings of the previous dynasty and his own father, queen, and queen, saying that he would get back what belonged to him now.After Mingyu heard this, he looked at Ye Shao in confusion, wondering why he changed his mind. Ye Shao asked Mingyu to put away his fantasy, and he could only be the emperor. After saying that, he ordered people to take them away. Mingyu looked back., and found that Ye Shao gave him a gesture, and he no longer had any doubts in his heart.

《the slave to love》E22Plot

Episode 22

Ye Shao looked at the Ninth Five Supreme Being in front of him with mixed feelings in his heart.The uncle said excitedly that he had been planning for more than ten years and finally succeeded.He asked Ye Shao to kill Yuan Tu and his children. Ye Shao said that he would not be the emperor and that Mingyu was more suitable than him.Yuan Tu was very angry after hearing this. He scolded Ye Shao for having forgotten the hatred between his father, the emperor and his mother.Ye Shao said when will the injustice be repaid?The uncle was extremely frustrated after hearing this. He walked slowly past Ye Shao and was about to go out. Ye Shao asked him where he was going.The uncle said that now Ye Shao no longer needs him, Yuan Tu lost to power and he was blinded by hatred.Now he wants to leave here and go into seclusion in the mountains and forests.

Mingyu said to Ye Shao, why didn't he tell her when he suddenly did this?Ye Shao said that she shouldn't go to force him to have a baby with him, as it would be very dangerous. Mingyu understood Ye Shao's intentions. He came to be the villain who forced her to marry just to protect herself.Qi Yun and the three princesses came together to see Mingyu, and Qi Yun congratulated her on ascending the throne and proclaiming herself emperor for completing her mission.Mingyu told the third princess that she would not kill her father and the eldest prince.The third princess came to pick up the eldest prince, and the eldest prince lost control of his emotions. He scolded the third princess for helping Mingyu. The third princess said that Mingyu was more suitable to be emperor than him. If he took a stake in the eldest prince's succession, he would not let go of his father and Mingyu.

Jinlan sighed and said that she had never seen a woman put on a dragon robe and became the empress. Mingyu asked her what her plans were in the future. Jinlan said that she would be able to leave the palace in a few years, and Mingyu wanted to reward more fertile land., she has to collect rent with her parents and sisters.Sun Xiang also expressed the same wish, because they believed that Mingyu would be a good emperor, and said that they would occasionally come to the palace to see her and Ye Shao. Although Mingyu expressed welcome, she knew that they would never see each other again once they said goodbye.

《the slave to love》E23Plot

Episode 23

Mingyu proclaimed herself emperor, and she announced the law of women's emancipation. From today on, men and women are equal, there can be no gender discrimination in studying and choosing a career, and everyone can be reconciled.Seeing the confident Mingyu sitting on the throne, Ye Shao smiled sincerely, and Mingyu also smiled knowingly.Qi Yun, who was standing by, felt sorry for Mingyu. Even if he completed his task of proclaiming himself emperor, he would have to return to modern times. Can she really let go of Ye Shao?

Ye Shao accompanied Mingyu to relax in the garden. Mingyu asked Ye Shao that if he helped him become emperor, what wishes did he have that he could help realize?Ye Shao talked about how his father, the emperor, and his mother were so loving that they once planted a red bean tree in the garden to show that their relationship would last all year round.Mingyu said that they would plant red bean trees in the back garden.The two kissed passionately, and Mingyu suddenly vomited blood.The third princess came to see Qi Yun and asked about Mingyu. Qi Yun said that the secret must not be leaked.Qi Yun asked the third princess that Mingyu's time was running out and had the third princess ever thought about becoming emperor so that she could keep her father and the eldest prince.

The third princess said that even if she had thought about it, she had no chance of winning. Qi Yun lamented that he had chosen the distance instead of the near.Qi Yun came to Mingyu and told her that she had two choices. One was to jump from the east city gate in three days and return to modern times.The other option is to stay, but only for ten days, and then it's all gone.The eldest prince heard the conversation between Qi Yun and Mingyu and hurriedly came over to report to the emperor, but the emperor didn't believe him.

《the slave to love》E24Plot

Episode 24

Also hearing the conversation between Qi Yun and Mingyu was Ye Shao.Ye Shao asked her what she was hiding from him. Mingyu told Ye Shao that she was a modern person, but Ye Shao didn't believe it. He begged Mingyu not to leave him. Mingyu finally made up his mind and decided not to leave.She wants to stay and eat delicious food with Ye Shao and live a world of two people.The eldest prince was stunned, and the third princess came to persuade him not to bother anymore, but the eldest prince still madly imagined that he was the emperor giving orders.

In the remaining days, Ye Shao and Mingyu were inseparable. They cuddled up to each other and enjoyed every moment together. When the three-day time limit came, Ye Shao came to the tower with Mingyu in his arms. MingyuAlready dying, she nestled in Ye Shao's arms. She ordered Guard Ye to obey her orders for the last time. She was tired and wanted to take a nap, but she could only feel relieved if he protected her.Ye Shao agreed with tears in his eyes.Mingyu closed her eyes in Ye Shao's arms.

Ye Shao hugged Mingyu and followed Qi Yun's words from the city gate tower to send Mingyu downstairs. Then he jumped up and followed Mingyu.The third princess ascended the throne with Qi Yun's support, and she was determined to inherit Mingyu's ambition to be a good emperor.Mingyu slowly woke up in the hospital bed. His attending physician saw her waking up and said happily that she finally woke up and that he had been keeping her guard for a long time.Mingyu reached out and took off his mask, and Ye Shao's handsome face appeared in front of her. The two looked at each other and smiled happily...

the slave to love

the slave to love

Total 24 Episodes Mar 03, 2024 C-Drama Period/Rom Actor: Kurosawa Lu Yanqi