《The Ordinary World》Ep Intro

The play is adapted from the famous novel "The Ordinary World" by the famous writer Lu Yao. In the 1970s, Sun Shaoping, a self-respecting and strong-willed farmer's son, was studying in Yuanxi County High School. He fell in love with Hao Hongmei, a landowner, and Hao fell in love with the class leader Gu Yangmin, who came from a superior family.fall in love.Runsheng, a good friend from the same village and classmate, felt unfair and beat Gu Yangmin severely.The stubborn Shaoping refused to admit that he was broken up in love, but he began to struggle with his excessive self-esteem and actively participated in rehearsals for regional performances.Shaoping, who loves to read extracurricular books, is sensitive and self-respecting, and attracts Tian Xiaoxia, the daughter of the county leader.Shaoping failed the college entrance examination and returned to his hometown to work. After experiencing severe drought, water grabs, and deaths, he flatly rejected Hou Yuying's pursuit of entering the city as a temptation, stayed away from his hometown, and wandered around looking for work.After graduating from junior high school, his elder brother Sun Shaoan worked at home and became a childhood sweetheart with the daughter of the village party secretary Tian Futang, but was strongly opposed by Tian.In the end, Shaoan married Xiulian, a hard-working and kind-hearted Shanxi girl, transformed and opened a brick kiln, and embarked on the road to wealth.

《The Ordinary World》E1Plot

The two Sun Shaoping brothers returned home

In the pouring rain and snow, Sun Shaoping hid in a corner of the school wearing thin clothes. After all the classmates who were cooking had left, he secretly took his black-faced buns; the rice bowl made a sharp scratching sound, but he could onlyYou can drink vegetable soup mixed with water.Although his good friend Tian Runsheng took the initiative to help him, Shaoping's strong self-esteem made him unwilling to let anyone know that he was like this.But he was not afraid only in front of one person, and that was Hao Hongmei, a female classmate with whom he had the same problem.Sun Shaoan, who is strong and smart, is fighting against the cold wind and cold nights in order to treat cattle. In order to save money for the team, he is not willing to stay in a hotel outside. God will help those who work hard, and he meetsThe blacksmith stays in the blacksmith shop for free for one night.Runye, Runsheng's sister, treated Shaoping like a biological brother. She enthusiastically invited Shaoping to her home, allowing Shaoping to have his first full meal since high school, and he also met the quirky Tian Xiaoxia.What touched Shaoping the most was the money and food stamps Runye left for Shaoping when they said goodbye; most importantly, Runye asked Shaoping to send a message to his brother Shaoan.The old man Sun Yuhou had been a man of rules all his life, but he allowed his son-in-law to ruin the reputation of the Sun family. Unexpectedly, his younger brother Sun Yuting and the village party secretary jointly persuaded him to speak at the denouncement meeting. However, Sun Yuhou jumped over the wall and picked up the thermos bottle that he had just poured boiling water into.Just pour it into his mouth... Only when Shaoan arrived at the entrance of the village did he hear that there was a sudden change in his family.It turned out that my brother-in-law Wang Manyin was caught selling rat poison in the market, and he and his father were also arrested and sent to labor reform.My sister Lanhua had already burst into tears at home and didn’t know what to do.Just at the anxious moment, Shaoan and Shaoping returned home at the same time, and the two brothers discussed how to arrange things properly.

《The Ordinary World》E2Plot

Sun Yuting acts impartially

Sun Yuting turned his elbows outwards and only wanted to carry forward his revolutionary spirit. He had no distinction between public and private affairs and did not care about family affairs. No matter how much Lanhua, who was crying, begged him to help free Wang Manyin, he would not accept any hard or soft words.It is to act impartially.At the criticism meeting, the whole village turned around when Sun Yuhou entered the scene with his elderly mother and young daughter Lanxiang. The old man Sun Yuhou was so embarrassed that he could not lift his head.At the conference, Tian Er was unexpectedly brought to the stage as the target of criticism. Han Niu looked at his father on the stage and thought it was a glorious thing. He yelled and giggled, which made the villagers laugh in the tense atmosphere.Lean forward and close behind.Due to the special relationship between the village party secretary Tian Futang and the Sun family, in order to evade responsibility and make everyone think that he had nothing to do with the matter, he hid himself at home and did not go out. He also thought of ways to come back from outside the next day so as to escape everyone's eyes..Sun Shaoping, who was inexperienced in worldly affairs, didn't care about the criticism conference at all. Instead, he took a book from Runsheng's house - How Steel Was Tempered - and read it at night.With no other choice, Sun Shaoan could only ask Runye for help from his second father, deputy secretary of the county party committee Tian Fujun. Little did he know that Runye's second mother, Xu Aiyun, had secretly arranged a movie date between Li Xiangqian and Tian Runye.The angry Runye met Brother Shaoan after coming out of the cinema.Runye and Shaoan were walking by the Dongla River one after another. Runye was insinuating himself into Shaoan's thoughts, but Shaoan was talking about him.Sun Shaoping couldn't stand the arrogant attitude of class monitor Gu Yangmin and ignored his roll call. If it hadn't been in class, the two of them would have fought.

《The Ordinary World》E3Plot

Tian Fujun appreciates Sun Shaoan

Runye finally took Shaoan to meet Tian Fujun. Tian Fujun was very angry after learning about the situation, but at the same time he also admired a good young man like Shaoan.Finally, he wrote a letter asking the commune to release Wang Manyin.Runye helped Shaoan return to the village to deliver the letter. Before leaving, he gave Shaoan a letter. Shaoan thought it was the letter written by Tian Fujun just now, but after reading the letter, he found that it was a confession letter written by Runye to him.He didn't know whether he was happy or sad.When he arrived at Shigejie Commune, Runye met his father Tian Futang. Knowing that his father was opposed to their relationship, he lied to his father and said that it was a letter he brought along the way home to pick up teaching materials.Tian Fujun and Zhang Youzhi went to the village for inspection and encountered a heartbreaking thing. In order to imitate Dazhai in agriculture, Zhou Wenlong gathered the farmers and forced them to work, while his father was eating and drinking in the commune canteen; fortunately, Tian FujunThe timely arrival of Mr. Qingtian saved the farmer's life.Tian Futang returned to the village and asked Xu Zhigong and Sun Yuting to inform Wang Manyin of their release, because he said it was like hitting himself in the foot with a stone and he lost face.He also gloated and told Yuhou that he had done something good for the Sun family. Yuhou told him that it was Shaoan who went to the county to find someone for help. Only then did Tian Futang realize that it was Sun Shaoan who had asked his daughter Tian Runye to do this., making him furious.Feng Shikuan, Tian Fujun and other leading cadres held a meeting. The two quarreled because of their different political lines. However, except Zhang Youzhi who stood on Tian Fujun's side, no one spoke to him. Tian Fujun now realized that his situation was besieged on all sides.

《The Ordinary World》E4Plot

Hao Hongmei was made things difficult for her

Xu Aiyun told Tian Fujun to introduce his niece Run Ye to Li Xiangqian. In fact, he asked Li Dengyun, Li Dengyun's father, to support Tian Fujun in political work; but Tian Fujun did not want to use this to consolidate his political status.Wang Manyin was finally released.Liu Genmin privately told Shaoan not to tell anyone that Tian Fujun wrote the letter releasing Wang Manyin, because Tian Fujun's political status was now in jeopardy.When Shaoan was about to leave the commune, he learned that Shi Zhong, deputy director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee, was here, and emboldened him to rush in... Tian Futang found Xu Aiyun's home, and Xu Aiyun told Tian Futang about the marriage of his daughter Run Ye and Li Xiangqian. Although Tian FutangThey say they are afraid of not being good enough for each other, but in their hearts they are happy to be on such a high tree.Tian Futang later approached Tian Runye, who told her father that he had Sun Shaoan in his heart, but Tian Futang disagreed.The two of them started arguing without saying a few words, which made Tian Futang feel uncomfortable.When Runye's good friend Du Lili learned about Runye's difficult love relationship, she advised Runye that marriage should be practical and well-matched.After Tian Futang returned home, he got angry and talked about Runye with Runye's mother, and also talked about Shaoan's distribution of the pig feed land. Tian Futang wanted to take this opportunity to take care of Sun Shaoan.Sun Shaoping performed better and better in school. Shaoping became more conspicuous in order to attract Hao Hongmei's attention, but he still couldn't escape the dilemma of being hungry.Shaoping had the idea of ​​dropping out of school, but the only one in the school worthy of his memory was Hao Hongmei.Shaoan allocated pig feed land to the team, but everyone was still full of doubts, low enthusiasm, and had to keep it secret for the time being.Tian Fugao advised Shaoan not to make political mistakes.Hou Yuying mocked Shaoping in front of all his classmates for giving the good shovel to his aunt Hao Hongmei. Hao Hongmei asked Sun Shaoping to clear up the misunderstanding and said that the two were just classmates.Hou Yuying's behavior and Hao Hongmei's attitude made Sun Shaoping feel extremely disappointed.Hao Hongmei returned the book to Shaoping with white flour cakes in it, which rekindled hope in Shaoping's heart.

《The Ordinary World》E5Plot

Both Sun brothers suffered disaster

After Tian Futang put on his two pairs of old shoes, he arrived at Sun Yuting's house and asked Sun Yuting again to warn Shaoan to stay away from Runye; Sun Yuting gave him advice.After Tian Futang left, Sun Yuting and He Fengying discussed and came up with a way to get the best of both worlds, taking care of both Tian Futang and Runye.Early the next morning, Sun Yuting personally sent Runye back to the county. Tian Futang and Runye's mother saw Runye leaving and distributed wedding candies from door to door.Sun Yuting still couldn't help but tell Runye that his father Tian Futang started to kill first and then report before she left. After hearing this, Runye hurried to the Dongla River to find Shaoan. This time she must speak clearly to Shaoan.After hearing what Runye said, Shaoan was secretly happy. Shaoan finally expressed his feelings to her. From then on, the two confirmed their feelings for each other.When Tian Futang saw the tractor that originally sent Run Ye to the county seat parked at the entrance of the village, he questioned Sun Yuting. After knowing that Run Ye had not left but was looking for Shaoan, he could not let his thoughts go to waste. He went to Dongla River to send Run YeTake it home.Runye treated his father both softly and hardly, but Tian Futang was furious and refused to agree with anything between the two of them.Seeing that something was not going well, Runye took the initiative to collect wedding candies in the village; here Shaoan called Tian Fujun, hoping that his relationship with Runye would be supported by Tian Fujun, but Tian Fujun did not express his attitude.An angry Tian Futang approached Director Xu Zhigong and said that he would rectify Shaoan's private distribution of pig feed land.Shaoan went to the field and saw Xu Zhigong leading people to measure the pig feed land. He was curious and learned that Tian Futang had complained about the matter, and the two quarreled.Sun Shaoan put down two sentences: He just wants to be good to Tian Runye, and people cannot be poor all their lives.

《The Ordinary World》E6Plot

Shaoan Runye confirms his relationship

After Tian Futang put on his two pairs of old shoes, he arrived at Sun Yuting's house and asked Sun Yuting again to warn Shaoan to stay away from Runye; Sun Yuting gave him advice.After Tian Futang left, Sun Yuting and He Fengying discussed and came up with a way to get the best of both worlds, taking care of both Tian Futang and Runye.Early the next morning, Sun Yuting personally sent Runye back to the county. Tian Futang and Runye's mother saw Runye leaving and distributed wedding candies from door to door.Sun Yuting still couldn't help but tell Runye that his father Tian Futang started to kill first and then report before she left. After hearing this, Runye hurried to the Dongla River to find Shaoan. This time she must speak clearly to Shaoan.After hearing what Runye said, Shaoan was secretly happy. Shaoan finally expressed his feelings to her. From then on, the two confirmed their feelings for each other.When Tian Futang saw the tractor that originally sent Run Ye to the county seat parked at the entrance of the village, he questioned Sun Yuting. After knowing that Run Ye had not left but was looking for Shaoan, he could not let his thoughts go to waste. He went to Dongla River to send Run YeTake it home.Runye treated his father both softly and hardly, but Tian Futang was furious and refused to agree with anything between the two of them.Seeing that something was not going well, Runye took the initiative to collect wedding candies in the village; here Shaoan called Tian Fujun, hoping that his relationship with Runye would be supported by Tian Fujun, but Tian Fujun did not express his attitude.An angry Tian Futang approached Director Xu Zhigong and said that he would rectify Shaoan's private distribution of pig feed land.Shaoan went to the field and saw Xu Zhigong leading people to measure the pig feed land. He was curious and learned that Tian Futang had complained about the matter, and the two quarreled.Sun Shaoan put down two sentences: He just wants to be good to Tian Runye, and people cannot be poor all their lives.

《The Ordinary World》E7Plot

Shaoan hurt Runye's heart

At a meeting to criticize the private distribution of pig feed land, Sun Yuting avoided speaking, and his words were inconsistent with what he said.He Fengying became anxious, grabbed the microphone and began to denounce the evils of capitalism.Finally it was Sun Shaoan's turn. His words not only slapped the leaders in the face, but also inspired the hearts of the villagers.Runye came after hearing the news and was anxious in the audience, but was forced to stop by his father.But Runye still wants to pester Shaoan.When Runye found Shaoan again, Shaoan deliberately avoided her.The heartbroken Runye had to return to the county seat in tears.Sun Shaoping's spiritual world has become much richer. She chatted with Tian Xiaoxia in front of the newspaper column. Tian Xiaoxia knew that Shaoping dug out the chimney for the teacher and worked with Shaoping. Tian Xiaoxia deliberately tricked Shaoping into digging out the chimney several times more so that he could receive more.salary.By digging out the chimney, Sun Shaoping and Tian Xiaoxia gained a deeper understanding.Shaoan took Tian Futang with him to find Run Ye, and asked Tian Futang to take a closer look at the relationship between his daughter Run Ye and his Sun Shaoan.In the restaurant, Tian Futang hid behind the screen and listened to the conversation between Run Ye and Sun Shao'an. Shaoan reaffirmed his attitude to Run Ye and drew a clear line with Run Ye.At this time, Li Xiangqian found a piece of clothing to give to Runye, but Runye gave the money to Li Xiangqian, and Li Xiangqian walked away.Shaoan pulled Tian Futang out, and the three of them made it clear in person. Shaoan said that he had given up completely now, and promised not to bother Runye again in the future.The heartbroken Shaoan cried like a child in front of his father... Shaoan cheered up and finally told his father that he would help him find an aunt to live a good life.So early in the morning, he and his father Yuhou went to find his second father, Sun Yuting, and asked them to find an aunt for Shaoan. After several discussions, they were stumped by the betrothal gift.Sun Yuting turned his elbows outwards and only wanted to carry forward his revolutionary spirit. He had no distinction between public and private affairs and did not care about family affairs. No matter how much Lanhua, who was crying, begged him to help free Wang Manyin, he would not accept any hard or soft words.It is to act impartially.At the criticism meeting, the whole village turned around when Sun Yuhou entered the scene with his elderly mother and young daughter Lanxiang. The old man Sun Yuhou was so embarrassed that he could not lift his head.At the conference, Tian Er was unexpectedly brought to the stage as the target of criticism. Han Niu looked at his father on the stage and thought it was a glorious thing. He yelled and giggled, which made the villagers laugh in the tense atmosphere.Lean forward and close behind.Due to the special relationship between the village party secretary Tian Futang and the Sun family, in order to evade responsibility and make everyone think that he had nothing to do with the matter, he hid himself at home and did not go out. He also thought of ways to come back from outside the next day so as to escape everyone's eyes..Sun Shaoping, who was inexperienced in worldly affairs, didn't care about the criticism conference at all. Instead, he took a book from Runsheng's house - How Steel Was Tempered - and read it at night.With no other choice, Sun Shaoan could only ask Runye for help from his second father, deputy secretary of the county party committee Tian Fujun. Little did he know that Runye's second mother, Xu Aiyun, had secretly arranged a movie date between Li Xiangqian and Tian Runye.The angry Runye met Brother Shaoan after coming out of the cinema.Runye and Shaoan were walking by the Dongla River one after another. Runye was insinuating himself into Shaoan's thoughts, but Shaoan was talking about him.Sun Shaoping couldn't stand the arrogant attitude of class monitor Gu Yangmin and ignored his roll call. If it hadn't been in class, the two of them would have fought.

《The Ordinary World》E8Plot

Tian Fujun is besieged on all sides

Shaoping and Tian Xiaoxia went to the county cultural center to secretly watch a drama rehearsal, but were kicked out.When the family was in distress, the second mother, He Fengying, told Shaoan that her relatives in Shanxi, the He family, did not want any gifts and were waiting for Shaoan to reply to them.Shaoping made up his mind to go to Shanxi and told his family that Run Ye's name could no longer be mentioned in this family.Runye knew that Tian Futang deliberately asked the school to arrange work for Runye on weekends so that she could not go home to find Shaoan. The stubborn Runye went to Shaoping again and asked him to send a message to Shaoan.Lanhua also learned that Shaoan wanted to marry a girl from the He family in Shanxi and was a little worried; but now that Shaoan had made up his mind, no amount of persuasion was of any use.Now Shaoan can only make up for the pain in his heart by working hard.Finally, the He family sent a letter asking Shaoan to go on a blind date in Shanxi.Before Shaoan went to Shanxi, he paid his last tribute to his love with Runye alone.Run Ye knew that Shaoan was still avoiding her, and was so sad that she hid alone by the river in the school and cried.Xu Aiyun and her former mother Liu Zhiyun came to Runye together and invited her to have dinner at home.Although Runye was reluctant, due to the reputation of her second mother, Xu Aiyun, she had to go against her will and go to a “stranger”'s house for an unreasonable meal. The most important thing was that she didn't want Li Xiangqian to die at all.Family members misunderstood.As soon as Shaoan arrived at the He family, he was warmly welcomed by the He family, and He Xiulian fell in love with Shaoan at first sight.Shaoan went to a local banquet with Xiulian.Xiulian took this opportunity to happily get herself drunk. She fell asleep leaning on Shaoan, and Shaoan carefully carried Xiulian back home.Xiulian tried her best to let Shaoan stay at home for a few more days, but Shaoan expressed her attitude towards Xiulian, saying that she was poor and had a poor career and could not let her, a good woman, follow him home and suffer.But how could Xiulian, who had fallen in love with Shaoan, let Shaoan go just after hearing this... Runye took Shaoan to finally meet Tian Fujun. After Tian Fujun learned about the situation, he was very angry, but at the same time he also admired a good young man like Shaoan..Finally, he wrote a letter asking the commune to release Wang Manyin.Runye helped Shaoan return to the village to deliver the letter. Before leaving, he gave Shaoan a letter. Shaoan thought it was the letter written by Tian Fujun just now, but after reading the letter, he found that it was a confession letter written by Runye to him.He didn't know whether he was happy or sad.When he arrived at Shigejie Commune, Runye met his father Tian Futang. Knowing that his father was opposed to their relationship, he lied to his father and said that it was a letter he brought along the way home to pick up teaching materials.Tian Fujun and Zhang Youzhi went to the village for inspection and encountered a heartbreaking thing. In order to imitate Dazhai in agriculture, Zhou Wenlong gathered the farmers and forced them to work, while his father was eating and drinking in the commune canteen; fortunately, Tian FujunThe timely arrival of Mr. Qingtian saved the farmer's life.Tian Futang returned to the village and asked Xu Zhigong and Sun Yuting to inform Wang Manyin of their release, because he said it was like hitting himself in the foot with a stone and he lost face.He also gloated and told Yuhou that he had done something good for the Sun family. Yuhou told him that it was Shaoan who went to the county to find someone for help. Only then did Tian Futang realize that it was Sun Shaoan who had asked his daughter Tian Runye to do this., making him furious.Feng Shikuan, Tian Fujun and other leading cadres held a meeting. The two quarreled because of their different political lines. However, except Zhang Youzhi who stood on Tian Fujun's side, no one spoke to him. Tian Fujun now realized that his situation was besieged on all sides.

《The Ordinary World》E9Plot

Li Xiangqian died in love, and Sun Shaoan returned with his wife

Rumors spread in school that Run Ye and Li Xiang Xiang were engaged, which made Run Ye very angry; what was even more annoying was that Li Xiang Xiang came to school to find her!The perseverant Li Xiangqian didn't care about Runye's indifferent attitude towards him, and tried every means to make Runye happy. Little did he know that Runye didn't appreciate it at all, so he made an excuse and walked away.Unexpectedly, Li Xiangqian took advantage of Run Ye's absence to clean her dormitory.Shaoping took Tian Xiaoxia to see the train, and the two young people chatted so speculatively and full of tacit understanding, which made Xiaoxia even more impressed by Shaoping.Not only that, Shaoping also participated in various artistic performances in the school with his classmates under Xiaoxia's guidance, performed in plays, and participated in the chorus. All these experiences made Shaoping more cheerful and open-minded.A month later, Shaoan finally took Xiulian back to Shuangshui Village, just in time to catch up with the jujube festival in Shuangshui Village, which was very lively.The villagers were even more surprised that Shaoan returned with a new wife, and they gathered around Shaoan and Xiulian to tell them about their blind date.Li Xiang came to see Run Ye's mother. Run Ye originally wanted to politely refuse the marriage, but Liu Zhiying brought the news that Li Xiang committed suicide for Run Ye... Sun Yuhou was worried about Shaoan's marriage. Unexpectedly, JinJunwu and Tian Fugao fought to free up a new kiln for Shaoan for his wedding.Jin Junshan also wanted to give Shaoan food.Shaoan and Xiulian met Tian Fujun, and Tian Fujun gave him 100 yuan to buy a wedding, which moved Shaoan very much.Seeing that Shaoan was so popular in the village, Xiulian became even more determined to live with Shaoan.

《The Ordinary World》E10Plot

Officials and students lament the suffering of the people

Shaoan took Xiulian to see Tian Futang and told him that this was the aunt he was going to marry; Tian Futang was stunned, so that he would never have to worry about Runye in the future, but he was full of guilt for Shaoan.Shaoping was very surprised to see his future sister-in-law Xiulian.But he was angry that his brother used someone else to escape Run Ye; but he admired this sister-in-law who didn't want any gift.Runye saw with her own eyes that Shaoan was going to be with another woman, and her heart finally collapsed.Unexpectedly, while I was still struggling in the trenches in front, my emotional backside would be burned into a sea of ​​fire.Shaoan takes Xiulian to buy cloth to make new clothes in the city, but they are different from other lovers. Shaoan insists on sewing good materials for Xiulian, but Xiulian always refuses.People around him looked sideways.After a period of high school life, Shaoping's most important gain so far is her acquaintance with Tian Xiaoxia. She was strongly attracted by Tian Xiaoxia's extraordinary ideas.The friendship between the two took a step further.Tian Fujun personally went to the countryside to observe the people's situation. The condition of the villagers was simply shocking. Some people were so hungry that they fainted on the bed, and some families only had one set of clothes to wear in rotation... Tian Fujun was so heartbroken that he no longer cared about whether he violated the regulations of his superiors., immediately ordered the opening of the warehouse to stock up on food... Shaoping is no longer the one who avoided everyone in the past. He is now very generous and queuing up for meals like other classmates.The school held a short notice to hold a meeting to remember the bitterness and remember the sweetness. Tian Xiaoxia's vivid imitation of the suffering farmers moved the students and she shed tears herself.

《The Ordinary World》E11Plot

Tian Fujun’s report on public sentiment met with opposition

Li Qianqian went to Xu Aiyun's house as a guest. Under Xu Aiyun's instigation, he used the power of wine to plot against Run Ye. He happened to be seen by Tian Fujun who entered the house and drove him away angrily.Runye was greatly hurt. When she was sad, she heard the conversation between Tian Fujun and Xu Aiyun. She knew that his second father, Tian Fujun, was currently surrounded by enemies. If she could combine with Li Xiangqian, she would be able to greatly help Tian Fujun in his work..Tian Fujun went to Shigejie Commune to understand the public sentiment. Bai Mingchuan reported to him about the infrastructure construction battle. After learning that the farmers were still being imprisoned, he insisted on their release.While Tian Fujun was eating, Liu Genmin came to him again and again to ask for instructions from the County Revolutionary Committee to ask him to go back for a meeting. Tian Fujun refused many times. Unexpectedly, the county directly asked someone to take Tian Fujun to the county for the meeting.Runye went to Li Xiangqian's home in person and said straight to the point that she wanted to marry Li Xiangqian; Runye deliberately held hands with Li Xiangqian on the street to let everyone see the two of them together.Tian Fujun held a meeting with all leading cadres in the county. Tian Fujun sadly described the current situation of farmers; but Feng Shikuan did not listen to this at all, and the two had a heated argument.Except for Zhang Youzhi, everyone else opposed Tian Fujun.When it was Li Dengyun's turn to speak, due to his special relationship with Tian Fujun, he pretended to have a toothache and did not speak to show his neutrality.Throughout the night, Tian Fujun had a profound and depressing conversation with Zhang Youzhi and Bai Mingchuan.

《The Ordinary World》E12Plot

Premier Zhou passed away, where will his name go?

The whole country is saddened by the death of Premier Zhou!China's future is even more worrying.What should we do?Where should we go from here?!In the first month of the new year, Shaoan was making the final preparations before getting married; he accidentally learned from Liu Genmin that Runye and Li Xiangqian were engaged, which caused waves in Shaoan's heart... On the day of Shaoan and Xiulian's wedding, Runye suddenlyShe came to visit and said without hesitation that she came to compete with Xiulian for Shaoan's brother; she also said that she was engaged to Li Xiangqian because of the work of her second father Tian Fujun, and the person she loved in her heart was her Shaoan.Brother, and she believed that her brother Shaoan also loved her.Her words made everyone present nervous. No one knew what decision Shaoan should make.In the end, Shaoan and Runye worshiped heaven and earth, and they became brother and sister from then on.The wedding was very lively and everyone was beaming with joy; but only two people were sad. One was Runye who was hiding from the crowd and feeling sad alone on the top of the mountain, and the other was Shaoan who was avoiding heartache in the bustle.The next day Runye went to Shaoan's house again to look for him, but came to nothing.Shaoan chased the car that Run Ye left, but met Tian Futang halfway. Tian Futang gloated that he had sent Run Ye away personally.The frustrated Shaoan was walking on the village road. Shaoping saw his appearance and scolded him for being a coward. Shaoan got angry and told Shaoping his true thoughts... Finally, Shaoping understood Shaoan's thoughts..Hou Yuying reported on Sun Shaoping and Gu Yangmin's reading of Tiananmen Poems. The teacher severely condemned the two people. If they were discovered, the consequences would be very serious.There was a sudden heavy rain, and Hou Yuying, who was about to be submerged in the flood, struggled hard. The situation was critical, and Shaoping jumped into the water without hesitation.

《The Ordinary World》E13Plot

Shaoping sends red plums, Xiaoxia is disheartened

On the day when her graduation photos were taken, Hao Hongmei went to the store to steal a handkerchief and was caught. It was over, everything was over. She was locked in a small dark room. There was nothing she could do. She could only shed tears of regret and fear.She knew that if this incident spread, she would never be able to live a good life again, especially her and Gu Yangmin's bright future would be ruined!Sun Shaoping, who was looking for Hao Hongmei on the street, met Hou Yuying. It turned out that she was about to rush to school to report the theft by her teacher Hao Hongmei.Sun Shaoping stopped her in time. In order to protect Hao Hongmei, Sun Shaoping settled the matter peacefully and told Hou Yuying to keep the matter secret.But can Hou Yuying, nicknamed "Little Trumpet%", really agree to her former savior?What's more, she hates and is jealous of Hao Hongmei.Xiaoxia used the excuse of saying goodbye to her graduation to invite Shaoping to have dinner at the county hotel. During this period, Xiaoxia tried her best to communicate with Shaoping in a lighthearted manner, but she never said anything to Shaoping that was in her heart.On the last day of graduation, Sun Shaoping was invited to dinner at Hou Yuying's house. Shaoping accused Hou Yuying's father of breaking his promise and told the story about Hao Hongmei, completely burying Hao Hongmei's future and the love between Hao Hongmei and Gu Yangmin.At the station, Shaoping sent Hao Hongmei away. Xiaoxia saw everything. She lost the letters she had written to Shaoping over and over again. Frustrated, she could only leave quietly.

《The Ordinary World》E14Plot

Chairman Mao passed away and lost his guide. The Gang of Four shattered the national celebration.

Chairman Mao passed away.China has completely lost a leader.In October, the Gang of Four was finally crushed.The whole country celebrates.The Chinese people have come out into the sunshine again.This is a victory for the people!Shaoping drank with Tian Fujun to celebrate this auspicious day. The two people, who seemed to have known each other forever, were both worried about China's future and full of hope for the unknown future.Tian Futang wants to take advantage of this opportunity of transformation to make a big impact and make the whole village look at him with admiration again; but Runye's mother is worried about Runsheng, an ignorant son who does not work in the fields but idles all day long. This is terrible.Tian Futang was furious to death.Sun Yuting was really sympathetic to Tian Futang. Sun Yuting would catch a cold whenever Tian Futang sneezed. Sun Yuting proposed to set up a junior high school class in the village. This not only responded to the country's call, but also solved Runsheng's work. Of course, he also brought his nephew Sun Shaoping with him..Tian Futang was overjoyed after hearing the news of killing two birds with one stone and decided to hold a village committee meeting to discuss and confirm.Just when the Sun family was at a loss about Shaoping's future, Sun Yuting came to the door happily with the good news.This time, he finally did something practical for this family.But before the Sun family could laugh, a piece of bad news poured cold water on them: the county stipulated that there could only be one teacher.Runsheng signed up to join the army, so the teacher's quota naturally fell to Shaoping; but Tian Futang's words made Shaoping really unhappy.Rumors spread in school that Run Ye and Li Xiang Xiang were engaged, which made Run Ye very angry; what was even more annoying was that Li Xiang Xiang came to school to find her!The perseverant Li Xiangqian didn't care about Runye's indifferent attitude towards him, and tried every means to make Runye happy. Little did he know that Runye didn't appreciate it at all, so he made an excuse and walked away.Unexpectedly, Li Xiangqian took advantage of Run Ye's absence to clean her dormitory.Shaoping took Tian Xiaoxia to see the train, and the two young people chatted so speculatively and full of tacit understanding, which made Xiaoxia even more impressed by Shaoping.Not only that, Shaoping also participated in various artistic performances in the school with his classmates under Xiaoxia's guidance, performed in plays, and participated in the chorus. All these experiences made Shaoping more cheerful and open-minded.A month later, Shaoan finally took Xiulian back to Shuangshui Village, just in time to catch up with the jujube festival in Shuangshui Village, which was very lively.The villagers were even more surprised that Shaoan returned with a new wife, and they gathered around Shaoan and Xiulian to tell them about their blind date.Li Xiang came to see Run Ye's mother. Run Ye originally wanted to politely refuse the marriage, but Liu Zhiying brought the news that Li Xiang committed suicide for Run Ye... Sun Yuhou was worried about Shaoan's marriage. Unexpectedly, JinJunwu and Tian Fugao fought to free up a new kiln for Shaoan for his wedding.Jin Junshan also wanted to give Shaoan food.Shaoan and Xiulian met Tian Fujun, and Tian Fujun gave him 100 yuan to buy a wedding, which moved Shaoan very much.Seeing that Shaoan was so popular in the village, Xiulian became even more determined to live with Shaoan.

《The Ordinary World》E15Plot

Runye Li Xiangqian gets married

Xiulian and Shaoan lived a warm and warm life. Just when Shaoan felt very happy to have such a good aunt as Xiulian, the news of Runye's marriage made his peaceful heart flutter.On the day of the wedding, Shaoan did not attend, but asked his second father, Sun Yuting, to bring a gift for Runye.Facing all the beaming guests who came to congratulate her, Runye was expressionless, even tearful, as if attending a funeral.Only she herself understood that her thoughts were not here, because all her love had already been given to her beloved brother Shao An.Sun Yuting happily told everyone about the grand ceremony of Runye's wedding. Everyone listened with interest, except Shaoan who stood in the distance with his brows twisted into a knot.When everyone was happy that Run Ye had found a good family, and when Li Xiang Xiang was still immersed in the joy of marrying Run Ye, Run Ye behaved like a hotel tenant. She actually chose to separate from Li Xiang Xiang.sleep.Whenever it was time to eat, Xiulian always deliberately gave Shaoan the thick, white flour buns to eat, regardless of the rest of the family.Shaoan was very dissatisfied with Xiulian's actions and had many quarrels with Xiulian because of this, but Xiulian still did what she did.The sensible Lanxiang wanted to give up her studies because of the poor situation at home. Of course, her whole family was firmly opposed to it, so she had no choice but to give up. The only way she could give her family more comfort was by studying hard.Desperate, Yuhou approached Tian Wanjiang and asked him to help him earn money to support his family by selling excrement.Although this was illegal, Sun Yuhou had no choice but to take the risk in order to make some money.Jin Junshan and others held a meeting before patrolling at night and learned that someone was secretly selling dung tonight.This allowed Jin Junshan to succeed, so he discussed strategies with the patrol team and waited for Sun Yuhou to fall into the trap.

《The Ordinary World》E16Plot

Tian Wanjiang led people to buy manure, and Shuangshui Village suffered from the Great Sweat.

Yuhou found his eldest daughter Lanhua and asked her to help him prepare to transport manure.Lanxiang started fighting with children from other villages over a pile of dung.The second captain, Jin Junwu, found Yuhou and reminded him about the patrol of the patrol team tonight, and asked Sun Yuhou to be more careful; the honest and honest Sun Yuhou was so scared that he could hardly move, but in order to earn more money, he had the courage to greet him.Take the risk.The timing was just right. Just as several dung sellers headed by Tian Wanjiang reached the mountainside, they were caught by the patrol team. Just when Jin Junshan and others were about to arrest them, Shaoan and a team of team members appeared.... Li Xiangqian made his own decision to leave home for a while, thinking that such a separation would make Runye miss him, and they would be able to live a normal life as a couple when he returned home.After Li Xiangqian arrived in Beijing, he wandered around Beijing aimlessly every day, and his heart was empty.Suddenly one night, he dreamed that Runye was waiting for him in that warm home to miss him. Early the next morning, after he sent a telegram to Runye, he set foot on the train home.Gu Guan Village took advantage of its geographical advantage to block the water from the Dongla River, causing the land in Shuangshui Village to be in severe drought.Tian Fugao took someone to reason with him but was beaten.Reluctantly, Tian Futang convened a meeting with members. When Sun Shaoan proposed a suggestion and asked Tian Futang whether it was feasible, he pretended to have a headache and was slow to express his opinion.

《The Ordinary World》E17Plot

Li Xiangqian is drunk

Li Xiangqian fell drunk at the door of the house, and Runye spent a lot of effort to drag him to bed and wash him. When Xiangqian woke up, he thought Runye had accepted him, but it turned out that Runye didn't even bother holding his luggage.Returned to the ground and left.Sun Shaoan went to Guigun Village to negotiate with Party Secretary Wang, but the people in Guigun Village were not easy to mess with. They tried every means to embarrass Sun Shaoan, and even humiliated Shaoan by peeing in a group. The stubborn Shaoan would not back down and picked up a brick.Without saying a word, he hit himself on the head. Everyone was shocked by his behavior.In Shuangshui Village, Tian Futang, Jin Junshan and others were anxiously waiting for news about Shaoan. Seeing that the time agreed with Shaoanli was approaching, there was still no news.As soon as Shaoan arrived at the commune of Shigejie Brigade, he was arrested and kidnapped without explanation. The panicked Tian Haimin could only return to Shuangshui Village quickly.The secretaries and cadres in the brigade deliberately made things difficult for Sun Shaoan and kept pouring him wine. Shaoan drank himself down to show his sincerity and refused to accept anyone who came.At this time, Runye appeared.After hearing the news that Shaoan had been arrested, the people in Shuangshui Village finally couldn't hold it any longer. Besides, the time agreed with Shaoan had passed and it would be too late if they didn't take action. Sun Yuhou resolutely stopped them and wanted to wait for Shaoan.We'll talk about it when we come back, but it's too late... Here at Shigejie Commune, Shaoan and Runye are still desperately making their last efforts for Shuangshui Village.Sun Yuting began to lead people to direct the opening of the dam, and everyone in Shuangshui Village became busy up and down; especially the two brothers Jin Fu and Jin Qiang were anxious and did not listen to the command to open the dam mouth.At dawn, Shaoan finally rushed back to Shuangshui Village with the good news, but it was too late.Now not only is the dam not in good condition, but because the mouth of the dam is too large, floods will soon erode this land.

《The Ordinary World》E18Plot

Li Xiangqian cried and complained about his depression

It was completely light and the flood finally stopped.However, Jin Junbin died and Shaoan was washed away by the flood.Just as people from Shuangshui Village were holding a memorial service for Shaoan, people from Jinjiawan came carrying Jin Junbin's coffin and mourning in mourning. They said they would add the title of martyr to Jin Junbin.When the two tribes were arguing, Shaoan appeared... According to the village rules, Wang Cai'e's husband Jin Junbin died, and she had to follow Jin Junwu. When everyone was worried about this, another thing changed everyone's attention.attention.When investigating the dam breach, Jin Fu and Jin Qiang placed all the responsibility on Sun Shaoan.Not only did Shaoan bear all the blame, he also demanded that Jin Junbin be given the title of martyr.Tian Futang did not thank Shaoan for helping him, but accused him of leaving Runye alone on the village road that night. Now Runye is seriously injured, but Shaoan is not allowed to visit her.Shaoan learned that Li Xiangqian had committed violence against Runye, and Shaoan, who didn't know why, went to him to settle the score. The two started fighting each other without saying a word. Li Xiangqian, who was also very aggrieved, finally told the truth and his inner anguish.

《The Ordinary World》E20Plot

Gao Lao went to the countryside to inspect

Gao Lao finally arrived and recognized Tian Fujun at a glance, which made other leading cadres unconsciously increase their vigilance.Gao Lao was very opposed to the meal being served with big fish and meat, but Tian Fujun had already made preparations and asked the kitchen people to change to simple meals in time. Of course, those good dishes could not be wasted, so he received those who were still suffering in Gao Lao's name.Old revolutionary warrior.When Mr. Gao met with those old revolutionary fighters, other leading cadres deliberately did not allow Tian Fujun to participate.When Gao Lao met his old comrades, they cried together as they recalled the painful days in the past.After the meeting, Zhang Youzhi and Tian Fujun talked alone, feeling guilty because of what had just happened.Gao Lao wanted to inspect the village. Tian Fujun was riding in the same car with him. Gao Lao wanted to understand the real rural situation.Therefore, Tian Fujun thought of a way. Instead of stopping the car at the designated entrance of Shuangshui Village, he passed quickly and met Sun Shaoan unexpectedly at a certain intersection. The two led Mr. Gao to the place he wanted most.Place to go.Before leaving, Mr. Gao told everyone about his painful feelings when he saw the actual suffering of the villagers, and asked the leading cadres to stop shouting slogans and really put their minds into how they can help the people live a good life.Shaoan and Tian Futang planned to blow up the mountain to build a dam. Tian Futang was a little timid after hearing this, because the Jin family was a big problem if they wanted to blow up the Shenxian Mountain. Shaoan promised Tian Futang that he would find a way to move the people of Jinjiawan.Seeing Tian Futang's hesitation, Shaoan tried another trick and moved out of Jinjunshan. Tian Futang was finally moved by his words and promised to help Shaoan secretly.

《The Ordinary World》E21Plot

Exploding mountains and building dams

Shaoan gathered several captains and village cadres for a meeting. Jin Junwu firmly disagreed with the bombing of the mountain.Sun Yuting wanted to sell the grain and use it for dynamite to blow up the mountain. He wanted to kill it first and then show off. Shaoan did not agree because Jin Junwu had not agreed yet.Sun Yuting volunteered to do Wang Cai'e's work first, but Shaoan reminded him to pay attention to the impact. Everyone in the village knew that Sun Yuting and Wang Cai'e had stolen people; Sun Yuting refused to admit it.Jin Junshan found Xu Zhigong and said he wanted to file a complaint, saying that Sun Shaoan wanted to blow up the mountain.Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Xu Zhigong not only opposed but also supported Sun Shaoan's approach.Moreover, Jin Junshan needs to take up this responsibility and give him some guidance to help Shaoan sort things out.Sun Shaoan persuaded Jin Junwu, but Jin Junwu still disagreed, saying that he would agree when the sun came out in the west.Shaoan stayed on the mountain and waited.Shaoan waited all night until Jin Junwu came out. Jin Junwu was moved by Shaoan and agreed to blow up the dam.Jin Junshan deliberately made trouble with Shaoan in front of the villagers, and the two competed in rake the field. If Jin Junshan won, he would agree to Shaoan's bombing of the mountain dam.Shaoan deliberately lost to Jin Junshan, but Jin Junshan knew Shaoan's intention, because it was just for the people in the village to live a good life.Sun Yuhou found Wang Cai'e's house by himself, but Sun Yuting and Wang Cai'e just refused to come out.Someone came from Jinjiawan and locked the two people in the house.After Shaoan heard the news, he came to the yard of Wang Cai'e's house. Dozens of Wang Cai'e's young men rushed over with sticks and asked them to let him go. Jin Fu refused to let him go, so he started fighting without explanation;The promising Sun Yuting was like a turtle hiding under the quilt.Shaoan saw Jin Junshan, and Jin Junshan analyzed the pros and cons for him. Shaoan said that Jin Junshan was responsible for blowing up the dam, and Jin Junshan came to break up the fight.When Shaoan broke up the fight, someone threw a stone at his head, and a pregnant Xiulian came over.

《The Ordinary World》E22Plot

Xiulian production

The Jin family finally released the man.Here, He Fengying cried, made trouble, and hanged herself.They recalled the time when Sun Yuting came back from the Taiyuan Steel Plant and insisted on marrying a wife.Sun Yuhou took Sun Yuting and Shaoan to Shanxi to propose marriage to the He family, but was troubled by the issue of the bride price.Those who give betrothal gifts should give more, and those who want dowry should give less.He Fengying gave Yu Ting her watch worth 120 yuan and asked him to sell it as a betrothal gift.Sun Lanxiang gave Yuhou a dollar she had picked up. After Yuhou found out, he insisted on taking Lanxiang and waiting for the person who lost the money at the place where he picked up the money to return the money. Unexpectedly, Lanxiang saved the money himself.In the end, Lan Xiang got sick from the cold.Sun Yuting lost the watch before he could sell it. Desperate, he participated in an artificial meat-eating competition and even landed himself in the hospital.As a result, the gift money was still not collected at the agreed time.As a result, He Fengying did not want any gift. When Sun Yuting heard this, the two proletarian revolutionaries hit it off.Xu Zhigong held a meeting with the leaders of the two teams and announced the punishment for each team after the fight.Old Mrs. Jin refused to move, so Shaoan united with the whole village to encourage Tian Futang to persuade Old Mrs. Jin. Tian Futang moved her with love and reason, and Old Mrs. Jin was finally persuaded and decided to move.On the day when the mountain was blown up and the dam was built, Sun Shaoan deliberately avoided it, but it was Jin Junshan who stole the spotlight.It happened that He Xiulian gave birth to a baby. When the hospital was in urgent need, Tian Er was carried to the hospital. It turned out that he was killed when the mountain was bombed, and Tian Er died... Xiulian gave birth, and Sun Shaoan became a father!Things have really changed.

《The Ordinary World》E23Plot

Wang Cai'e spreads rumors

Shaoping learned that he could not be a teacher, but he still insisted on giving the last lesson to the only student in the class.When he met Lan Xiang and Jin Xiu on the road to Shaoping, he was very distressed. He had not thought clearly about whether he wanted to be an accountant, and he was not willing to live his whole life in this small village.Shaoping came to Sun Yuting's house and saw that everyone in the team was helping his family with work, but he himself was smoking there and He Fengying was gesticulating, and he became angry.Shaoping was angry and asked his second father for wages. If he didn't pay, Shaoping became angry and settled old and new accounts together.Sun Yuting angrily went to the ancestral grave to dig graves for himself and Fengying. This farce finally attracted Sun Yuhou. Seeing that he refused to listen, Yuhou picked up a stone and threw it at his hand... Xiulian brought something to Liu Genmin and asked him toHe helped Shaoping handle the matter of transferring private teachers to public teachers, but he didn't expect to be seen by Wang Cai'e when he was pulling the strings.Wang Cai'e took advantage of the topic and told everyone that Xiulian was restless and had an affair with his classmate Liu Genmin while Shaoan was busy.There was no airtight wall, but the matter still reached the Sun family, and Xiulian told Shaoping the whole story.When Wang Cai'e returned home, she didn't expect Jin Fu to open her door and sleep inside.Just when Jin Fu was performing a so-called magic trick for Wang Cai'e, Shaoping came.Wang Cai'e apologized to Xiulian in front of everyone in the gossip center and got Xiulian's forgiveness.Shaoping lied to Shaoan about becoming a teacher at Yuanbei County Middle School. Shaoan announced the good news in the village. Shaoping was in a dilemma and had to admit it.The village Yangko competition begins, and Shaoping becomes the director. Shaoping takes the opportunity to tell Shaoan that being a teacher is a lie. He lies just to prevent everyone from worrying about his affairs.While everyone was celebrating the festival lively, only Shaoan was squatting in a corner far away, seeming to be thinking about something.

《The Ordinary World》E24Plot

Tian Fujun is devoted to the people

Qiao Bonian and Shi Zhong took other leading cadres to inspect Huangyuan, asking them to take a good look at Huangyuan and let them think about it.Qiao Bonian advocated emancipating the mind and being bold.Shi Zhong recommended Tian Fujun to him, but felt that it would be too bold to choose Tian Fujun because he had made mistakes before.Gao Fengge found Miao Kai, and Miao Kai recommended Gao Fengge to be the administrative commissioner.Tian Fujun, who worked at the health and epidemic prevention station, called Miao Kai. Miao Kai did not agree with him working at the agricultural machinery station.Soon, Tian Fujun was seconded to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to investigate people and things related to the Gang of Four.Du Lili's father, Du Zhengxian, approached Tian Fujun and asked him to help because the party did not recognize his party membership and no one could deal with his current situation. Tian Fujun agreed to help him after knowing the situation.But when Xu Aiyun learned about this incident, he believed that Tian Fujun's involvement in this matter would affect his political future and bring him a lot of trouble.After Du Zhengxian found out, he wanted to stop dragging Tian Fujun down, but Tian Fujun insisted on helping him.Xu Aiyun forced Tian Fujun to visit Shi Zhong, and Tian Fujun took the opportunity to tell Shi Zhong about Du Zhengxian.Shi Zhong promised to help Tian Fujun solve the problem.Du Zhengxian took the initiative to ask Tian Fujun for a report, saying that Tian Fujun could not be implicated.Qiao Bonian took the initiative to ask to see Tian Fujun. Tian Fujun took this opportunity to tell Qiao Bonian his true thoughts, as well as the policy of production responsibility system and household responsibility system. Qiao Bonian was very satisfied with Tian Fujun's performance.But Tian Fujun just wants to return to Huangyuan and become the director of an agricultural machinery station to benefit the people.

《The Ordinary World》E25Plot

Work together

Qiao Bonian did not agree with Tian Fujun to be the director of the agricultural machinery station, but asked him to serve as the administrative commissioner.He was sure that Tian Fujun had the ability to make Huang Yuan get rid of his poverty.Turn Huangyuan, the cabbage gang, into cabbage heart, and turn the black-flour buns into white-flour buns.No one expected that the administrative commissioner turned out to be Tian Fujun.Miao Kai was hospitalized, and Feng Shikuan was with him in the hospital. Miao Kai was unhappy because he didn't like cadres like Tian Fujun. In fact, Miao Kai was hospitalized on purpose as an excuse.Feng Shikuan found Xu Aiyun and reminded her to take this opportunity to lay the foundation for a good relationship between Miao Kai and Tian Fujun, so that it would be easier for Tian Fujun to take office in the future.Xu Aiyun learned through Miao Kai's words that Tian Fujun was going to be the administrative commissioner of the Huangyuan area. She was shocked and angry.Tian Fujun came to see Miao Kai as soon as he arrived in Huangyuan, and also met Gao Fengge and Feng Shikuan, cleverly resolving the embarrassment.Feng Shikuan went to Tian Fujun's home to find him, lowered his identity and took the initiative to apologize to him and admit his mistakes. Both of them understood each other, reached a consensus, and worked together to do a good job in political work.Tian Fujun and a group of cadres were preparing to inspect, but the agriculture director arrived late. Tian Fujun was immediately suspended from his position as agriculture director.As they delve deeper into their bus ride, numerous local problems continue to be exposed.Tian Fujun and his party went to the village for an in-depth inspection and held a meeting to discuss the promotion of the agricultural production responsibility system. However, this caused controversy and some people expressed great doubts about this new policy.

《The Ordinary World》E26Plot

production responsibility system

Gao Fengge approached Tian Fujun and said that Du Zhengxian would be suspended from his job. Tian Fujun knew that he was fundamentally opposed to Tian Fujun's implementation of the production responsibility system, and the two had a dispute.At this time, Feng Shikuan came to report that the director of agriculture committed suicide due to suspension.After Tian Fujun rushed to the hospital, the director's family members stayed with him in the hospital.Shi Zhong called Tian Fujun and told him that he had been sued and reminded him to pay attention to the way he did things.Tian Fujun called everyone to a meeting and sentenced himself to an administrative warning and removed his position as director of the Agricultural Bureau. Tian Fujun also took the initiative to ask for help in investigating Du Zhengxian.Shaoan was very happy to learn that the production responsibility system was to be implemented. He happened to meet Xu Zhigong halfway, but Xu Zhigong said that the new policy had no documents, only the spirit, and could only be conveyed orally.Tian Futang and Sun Yuting firmly disagreed with the implementation, but Shaoan was eager to implement it. Xu Zhigong wavered around and did not make a clear stance, which made Shaoan's heart hang in the air again.Tian Futang summoned the cadres of each team to the branch committee to decide whether to implement the production responsibility system. Shaoan was very anxious when he heard it outside, so he thought of a way to gather everyone in the village to the branch committee, and everyone collectively advocated the implementation of the production responsibility system.The anxious Shaoan went directly to find out about Tian Fujun's implementation of the production responsibility system. When he learned that Tian Fujun supported this matter, Shaoan's heart finally fell to the ground.

《The Ordinary World》E27Plot

Meet Shaoan Runye

Tian Fujun told Runye that Shaoan came to the county and arranged for the two young people to meet.Shaoan waited anxiously for Runye's arrival, and the two people who had been separated for a long time finally met.Shaoan gathered people in the village and divided them into groups to prepare for the implementation of the agricultural production responsibility system. Tian Futang and Sun Yuting were angry and left.The villagers all agreed to implement a production responsibility system, namely contracting to the group and contracting to the household.When everyone had questions, Shaoan analyzed the pros and cons for everyone. After listening to Shaoan's opinions, everyone's enthusiasm suddenly increased.Shaoping went to Tian Futang to persuade him to admit to implementing the production responsibility system, but he heard Tian Futang and Runye's mother arguing.Seeing that his efforts to persuade Uncle Futang were fruitless, Shaoping took the initiative to ask to help Tian Futang farm.Gao Fengge reported to Miao Kai about the production responsibility system. Gao Fengge revealed Tian Fujun's various culpability. After hearing this, Miao Kai knew that Tian Fujun was still for the good of the Huangyuan region and the people. Miao Kai's rapid change in attitude made Gao Fengge feel ashamed.He Fengying complained to Shao'an and the others, saying that Sun Yuting didn't do any work at all, but just wandered around Tian Futang all day long.The people in the second team watched the first team working vigorously, with high energy and itchy eyes. However, Jin Junshan and Jin Junwu still did not agree to implement the production responsibility system.Miao Kai applied for early retirement from Shi Zhong and recommended Tian Fujun to take his place

《The Ordinary World》E28Plot

mule thief

Sun Shaoan met Liu Genmin when he was buying vegetables at the market. Out of respect for his previous friendship with Shaoan, Liu Genmin introduced Shaoan to an opportunity to make more money and asked Shaoan to take over the job of pulling bricks.After hearing this, Shaoan thought this was a good opportunity and went home excitedly to discuss the matter with Xiulian and Yuhou.When the considerate Xiulian heard the good news, she especially supported Shaoan in taking the job.But the only problem was there was no money to buy a mule.While Shaoan and her father Yuhou were discussing how to raise money, Xiulian quietly sent a telegram to borrow money from her family.Shaoan was moved by Xiulian's behavior, and Yuhou also felt that his family had a good wife.Shaoan successfully found Liu Genmin's cousin, but something disturbing happened. Someone stole Shaoan's newly bought mule, which made Shaoan anxious.Liu Genmin's cousin saw that Shaoan was a good man and was determined to find out the mule thief and severely punish him.But in order to save the face of the man who stole the mule, the kind-hearted Shaoan came up with another idea. As long as the man returned his mule, he would not pursue it any further.God helps those who save themselves. When all the problems were solved, Shaoan found another abandoned kiln.He carefully cleaned the cave house inside and out, and soon it turned into a cozy little nest.Jin Junwu saw that after the first team implemented the production responsibility system, the production volume increased significantly, and he was anxious and jealous but unable to do anything.People from the second team found Tian Futang and asked him why he didn't let the people in Jinjiawan implement the production responsibility system.Tian Futang said angrily that he didn't care.Everyone in the second team approached Jin Junshan and Jin Junwu and said that they wanted to divide the land. The whole village worked alone and divided things by drawing lots, but everyone was unbalanced.The scene was chaotic, everyone started grabbing collective property, and order was completely lost.Shaoan came after hearing the news and controlled the situation in time.

《The Ordinary World》E29Plot

Shaoan was beaten, Xiulian stepped forward

Liu Genmin went to Tian Futang and said that he was irresponsible and derelict in his duties, which brought the matter to this point.Liu Genmin couldn't make sense with Tian Futang, so he came to Shaoan again.The superiors decided to let Shaoan serve as the captain of the second team's production responsibility system and lead them to work, but Shaoan had his own concerns.In the end, the cadres of the two teams met and decided to let Sun Shaoan take care of this matter, and Shaoan also came up with a good solution.When everyone was measuring the land, Jin Qiang led his people to settle accounts with Sun Shaoan, saying that he did not need to take care of the affairs of Jinjiawan, and started fighting without saying a word.Unexpectedly, Xiulian appeared in time and protected Shaoan.After Liu Genmin found out about this, he led his men to arrest Jin Qiang, saying that he was helping Sun Shaoan to clear obstacles for implementing the production responsibility system.Facing Liu Genmin who was anxious to get angry, Sun Shaoan finally persuaded him to let Jin Qiang go.Things finally calmed down, and the second team finally implemented the production responsibility system.Jin Fu came back to the village in a big way.Not only did he bring a lot of new gadgets, he also boasted in front of the whole village about how big a scene he had seen; only Jin Junwu saw some clues.When Tian Fujun moved back to Yuanxi County, the leaders came to see him, and the cadres and the masses also came to see him off.This is a treatment that no former leader in Xi County has ever received, which shows Tian Fujun's status in the hearts of the people and that he is a leader supported by the people.Tian Futang asked Shaoping about Runsheng's situation since he joined the army. He didn't know if he had gone to the battlefield; but Shaoping didn't know either. Tian Futang was very worried and said with disappointment that if Runsheng died, the government would notify them.

《The Ordinary World》E31Plot

Run Ye to please, ignore it forward

Sun Shaoan and Xiulian had a dispute, and they had differences. Xiulian wanted to hoop a new kiln, and Shaoan wanted to hoop a new brick kiln.Yuhou, who is sensible, supports Xiulian. After all, Xiulian has never had a good day since she came to this house.The only person in the family who supported Shaoan's opening of a brick kiln was Shaoping. Shaoping helped Shaoan persuade his sister-in-law that burning a brick kiln was a good idea. Shaoping told his sister-in-law about the benefits of building a brick kiln, and Xiulian finally agreed to build a brick kiln.Shaoan took a few people to see the site for building a brick kiln. Everyone disagreed with the occupation of farmland, so Shaoping gave him a good idea to contract the barren hills.Li Xiangqian and Run Ye began to return to their shared home and live a normal life as a couple.When Runsheng came to Runye's house, Runye tried every means to please Qiangqian, but Qiangqian ignored him.Runye also realized the bitterness of life, and at the same time continued to look for happiness in life.Tian Runsheng met Hao Hongmei, who was selling dumplings at Huangyuan Market. She was carrying a child on her back. Runsheng drove her back to the village while waiting for Hao Hongmei to close her stall. Only then did he realize how difficult Hao Hongmei's life has been over the years..After Runsheng sent Hao Hongmei home, Hongmei stayed with Runsheng to eat before leaving. The two of them recalled those green years.This meeting caused a stir in Runsheng's heart.

《The Ordinary World》E32Plot

Shaoping went out to explore

Sun Shaoan was going to hold a lighting ceremony for the brick kiln. The rules of Shuangshui Village were that women were not allowed to go, but He Fengying wanted to go, but she encountered strong opposition.Seeing that she was not taken seriously, He Fengying made a fuss and wanted to run away.As soon as the whole family finished the lighting ceremony, they chased He Fengying back.Runsheng often came to Hao Hongmei's house to help her. After all, there were many disputes at the widow's door, so the neighbors of Hao Hongmei's house began to point fingers at her and Runsheng.Hao Hongmei didn't want to delay Runsheng and asked him not to come again, but Runsheng was upright and not afraid of the shadow.Hao Hongmei's father-in-law also asked about her and Runsheng, but she just said that they were old classmates.Runsheng still insisted on looking for Hao Hongmei, but when he confessed to Hao Hongmei, he was rejected by Hao Hongmei.On a thunderstorm night, Runsheng prepared to rush back overnight, but Hao Hongmei, who was already heartbroken, kept him.Runsheng went home and told Tian Futang about him and Hao Hongmei. Even if Tian Futang beat Runsheng to death, he would not agree to the two of them being together. Runsheng found Sun Yuting to help persuade his father, but it was of no use.After such a fuss, Runsheng was no longer in front of Hao Hongmei. From then on, Hao Hongmei looked hopefully at the direction of Runsheng's return.Shaoping told Shaoan that he wanted to go out and have a try. Although Shaoan disagreed, after all, now that his family had a brick factory, he still needed help; but Shaoping's mind was not here, so Shaoan still agreed..Before leaving, Shaoping packed his luggage in the evening. At this moment, his mood was not bright but heavy.His father came in to give him things to prepare for going out, but he pretended to be asleep without saying a word to his father. After his father left, he cried alone.

《The Ordinary World》E33Plot

It’s not easy to break through

Shaoping finally arrived in Huangyuan City, but the actual situation was not as good as he imagined. He waited and waited, walked and walked, but never got a job.Of course the stubborn Shaoping will not be defeated by such a small difficulty.Shaoping had nowhere to go at night. He was alone in the waiting room of the train station, but was kicked away.He suddenly remembered that there was still Teacher Jia Bing, so he went to his house, and the kind-hearted Jia Bing took him in.Jia Bing is also an impractical person. He only knows how to indulge in books and doesn't care about normal real life.Shaoping was too embarrassed to stay at his house for a long time, so he found an excuse to leave. When he left, Jia Bing gave Shaoping a copy of "The Gadfly", hoping that Shaoping could face the future with tenacity.Shaoping still hadn't been recruited, so he remembered what his father told him about his cousin Ma Shun. When he went to join his cousin, his aunt disliked Shaoping, a poor relative, and didn't look good on him.Ma Shun introduced Shaoping to Party Secretary Cao. Shaoping took the initiative to ask for a salary cut, so Party Secretary Cao had to take him in to get a job.Shaoping took the opportunity to move out of his cousin's house and slept in Datong Shop with other workers of Party Secretary Cao.Shaoping was carrying stones at the construction site. When the weight was heavy, his back almost bent, but Shaoping could endure the pain.Shaoping's work was not satisfactory, so Party Secretary Cao arranged for him to drill blastholes, but he was ignored by everyone.Although Shaoping felt aggrieved, he could only compare it with a more difficult life, and forget about the happy and lucky people on the street in front of him, forget about warmth, forget about gentleness, forget about all pleasures, and forget about all hunger, cold,Treat humiliation and suffering as part of your normal life.

《The Ordinary World》E34Plot

Shaoping works while Xiaoxia studies

One day, when everyone was in position to blow up the mountain, the contractor suddenly appeared and he was in danger; it was too late and then Shaoping rushed to protect him without hesitation.This behavior has been recognized by everyone.Shaoping understood that happiness is not just about having enough food and clothing, but also having the courage to overcome difficulties.This thought of self-comfort made Sun Shaoping feel calmer.He began to think about what he should do now.Society is progressing, but Sun Yuting's thoughts are still stuck in the revolutionary thought of fighting against the sky and the earth. Shaoan thought of a way to ask Uncle Futang to hold a meeting with Sun Yuting, which temporarily solved Yuting's problem.Tian Fujun and Zhang Youzhi went to the supply and marketing cooperative to understand the situation. Now the supply and marketing cooperative cannot supply coal and oil.Zhang Youzhi became very slack at work. Tian Fujun was embarrassed to tell him because of his feelings and was very disappointed in Zhang Youzhi.Party Secretary Cao and his wife saw that Shaoping was a good young man and he read a lot.He asked him to give tutoring lessons to his daughter Yingzi and gave him extra wages.Shaoping took Yingzi to buy books in the rain, but Yingzi made an excuse to go to a classmate's house to play.Shaoping looked at the gate of Xiaoxia University in front of Teacher Huang, feeling melancholy and bitter; he did not see Xiaoxia looking at him happily behind him, but Shaoping and Yingzi held umbrellas together.Gone.The two people passed each other regretfully... As time passed, Shaoping now seemed like a real job hunter.The house of Secretary Cao's family was finally completed. Ma Shun took the initiative to move the stones, but accidentally bruised his hand and got blood on the stones.Party Secretary Cao was very taboo about this. When questioned, Shaoping did not help Ma Shun hide it but told the truth. The angry Ma Shun ruthlessly drove Shaoping out of the house.

《The Ordinary World》E35Plot

Settlement registration

Shaoping learned that Runsheng was working at the Martyrs Cemetery and went to find him.Party Secretary Cao searched all the way and found Shaoping who said he could transfer his household registration. Shaoping was very happy to learn the news and went home to get his household registration.When he returned home and saw his family members working hard in the fields and brick factories, his eyes were filled with tears.Shaoping told Shaoan about settling in, and Shaoan was not very happy. The next day, Shaoping left without saying hello to Shaoan, which made Shaoan feel regretful.Shaoping's household registration was completed, but the condition was that Shaoping would marry Cao Party Secretary's daughter Yingzi. Faced with this problem, Shaoping didn't know how to make a decision.

《The Ordinary World》E36Plot

Shaoping Xiaoxia communicates with each other

Shaoan followed Shaoping to Huangyuan City, and first went to see Lanxiang. When he gave Lanxiang money, he learned that Shaoping sent money to Lanxiang every month.Only then did he realize that he had overlooked the fact that his younger brother Shaoping had grown up long ago.Runsheng knew the cost of Shaoping's household registration change, so he approached Xiaoxia to help Shaoping. Xiaoxia claimed to be Shaoping's girlfriend and cleverly helped Shaoping solve the problem.Shaoping was surprised and happy to see Xiaoxia again.Shaoan went to the construction site to find Shaoping. Knowing that Shaoping had suffered a lot here, he took Shaoping to Huangyuan Hotel and stayed in a high-end suite.The next day, Shaoan left without saying goodbye to Shaoping.What troubles Shaoan is that poverty was enough for them in the past, but they don't know why being rich still makes them suffer so much.Xiaoxia came to see Shaoping again, and the two of them went under the tree. Shaoping asked Xiaoxia to count to one hundred before calling him.Shaoping dressed up and came to Xiaoxia's school and helped them win the basketball game. Xiaoxia took Shaoping to the school dance.The two had a wonderful and romantic evening.Shaoping and Xiaoxia met in Huangyuan Guta Mountain and chatted about their ideals. From then on, they agreed to meet every half month and not to lose contact again.The two recalled that Xiaoxia deliberately threw her wallet next to Shaoping in high school, and the two finally quarreled in the teacher's office; and that Shaoping secretly roasted sweet potatoes in the back of the school, and Xiaoxia snatched the sweet potatoes from him.time.On his way back, Shaoping rescued Xiaocui who was molested by a group of gangsters. Finally, he introduced Xiaocui to Hu Yongzhou's place to cook and arranged room and board for her.At the Martyrs Cemetery, Runsheng told Shaoping about his previous encounter with Hao Hongmei.But now he doesn't have the courage or determination to go back to find Hao Hongmei.Runye and Xiaoxia met, and Xiaoxia confessed to Runye her feelings for Shaoping. Runye encouraged her to be brave because Shaoping and Shaoan are different

《The Ordinary World》E37Plot

Shaoan Xiulian keeps quarreling

Shaoan's brick factory was already doing well and making some money, but he still refused to build a new kiln. It turned out that many people in the village asked Shaoan to borrow money.Xiulian told Shaoan that they wanted to separate their families, but Shaoan disagreed, and the two quarreled over this matter.Shaoan asked Xiulian for money, and Xiulian said that she gave all the money to her hometown in Shanxi.The two people quarreled over this matter, and Yuhou helped Xiulian prove it to her.Shaoan later agreed to Xiulian's new kiln, and the two of them asked Jin Junwen for help. Xiulian changed her story and said she had money.Liu Genmin and Xu Zhigong wanted to find top households to participate in the county's wealth boasting meeting. After much deliberation, only Shaoan from Shuangshui Village barely met the standards.Xiulian and Shaoan went to the market to find Jin Junwen. Xiulian first approached Jin Junwen, but Jin Junwen refused. Shaoan took advantage of the situation and persuaded her not to separate the family, which made Xiulian and Shaoan quarrel again.Xu Zhigong and Liu Genmin found Shao'an's home. Xiulian thought it was a good idea to be a top householder. After piecing together things and adding the new kiln that was about to be installed, this top householder became a member of the family on the sidelines.Jin Junwu and Jin Junwen quarreled that Jin Fu's money was unknown.Jin Junwen agreed to help Shaoan fake a new kiln.Xiulian was very happy to hear that she wanted to hoop a new kiln, but Jin Junwen asked Xiulian to pay him the money for the kiln in one lump sum. Xiulian agreed but had to create written evidence to prove it.Junwen returned all the money Xiulian gave to Shaoan.Shaoan led everyone to expand their brickyard without telling Xiulian.

《The Ordinary World》E38Plot

Shaoan moved Xiulian

At the summit, Hu Yonghe chatted with Shaoan. Hu Yonghe opened a cannery and suggested that Shaoan take a loan.Shaoan was a little tempted after hearing his words and told Sun Yuhou.Jin Junwen's family was arrested by the police and the Wen family was sealed off. Xiulian cried and argued that all her money belonged to Jin Junwen.At night, Shaoping saw Hu Yongzhou raping Xiaocui, and Shaoping was furious.He quit his job the next day and even beat Hu Yongzhou.Shaoan didn't find Xiulian and thought she had lost her mind and returned to her parents' home; Xiulian came back at this time and even got a new perm.It turns out she already knew the truth.Hu Yongzhou led people to settle the score with Shaoping, but he went to the Martyrs Cemetery and beat Runsheng.Shaoping sent Xiaocui to the station to let her go home, and also gave Xiaocui his money.Shaoan and Yuhou discussed how to coax Xiulian, so they took Xiulian to watch the performance of the cultural troupe, but there was a power outage during the performance.Shaoan couldn't find either Huzi or Xiulian. In panic, Shaoan ran to the stage and shouted the names of Xiulian and Huzi excitedly. Shaoan's behavior touched Xiulian. She knew that ShaoanHe loves her.Sun Yuhou also agreed to split the family, but Shaoan could not persuade him no matter what, so he had no choice but to agree and find Tian Futang, Sun Yuting, and Jin Junshan to split the family for them.While signing the receipt, Xiulian ran away crying, Shaoan also refused to press his fingerprints, Xiulian cried and said that they would not separate the family, and the old man Yuhou also shed tears.At the celebration of wealth, Shaoan rode a horse in the parade, which was so majestic.Xiulian watched from below, proud of her beloved Shaoan.

《The Ordinary World》E39Plot

Xiaoxia exposes evil deeds

Former classmates and friends Sun Shaoping, Tian Xiaoxia, Tian Runsheng, Hou Yuying, and Gu Yangmin gathered together to celebrate Xiaoxia's upcoming career as a reporter; they drank, sang, and had a great time.Sun Yuting was arguing with others because he owed money. Tian Fujun who was passing by saw him and asked him to help him solve it.Tian Fujun talked to Sun Yuting and talked about how he implemented the production responsibility system; he sarcastically said that now that Shaoan has implemented the production responsibility system, his life has become better.Tian Fujun and Zhang Youzhi met. Tian Fujun wanted Zhou Wenlong to be Zhang Youzhi's deputy, deputy secretary and county magistrate, but Zhang Youzhi strongly opposed it.Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a long time, Zhang Youzhi turned into a person Tian Fujun didn't recognize, and even blamed himself for not having the courage to criticize his friends.The brick-burning master came. The master and Shaoan advanced one month's salary, but Shaoan gave him three months' advance.Shaoan's actions aroused Xiulian's strong dissatisfaction, and she also told Shaoan to be more careful.Xiaoxia accompanied Shaoping to get a job, but she didn't expect to meet Xiaocui again on the road. She is now cooking for Hu Yongzhou.Shaoping didn't expect that things would happen again, and he was very angry.The considerate Xiaoxia comforted him and helped him find a solution together.Xiulian told Shaoan that there were too many people in the brick factory and they couldn't pay wages, but Shaoan couldn't bear to refuse people who came to work. At this time, someone came to Shaoan to ask for work, and Shaoan readily agreed.Xiulian could only sulk alone.After Xiaoxia's interview and data collection, she wrote an article about how job seekers were exploited and published it in a newspaper, exposing Hu Yongzhou-like figures to the public.

《The Ordinary World》E40Plot

Shao An’s blood was destroyed

Sun Yuting wanted to hold a lighting ceremony for Shaoan's brick factory. After Shaoan heard this, he asked his second father to do it. Now Sun Yuting got interested and rummaged through boxes and cabinets at home to find things and red paper to write invitations.Under the repeated urging of her second mother He Fengying, Xiulian finally went for family planning surgery.Although he was aggrieved, it was also to avoid causing trouble to Shaoan, because the family's situation was not good enough for them to have another child.Before the lighting ceremony, Liu Genmin called the county to invite county leaders to participate in the lighting ceremony. County Magistrate Zhou Wenlong came very honorably.But Tian Futang hid at home and refused to participate in the so-called fun on the grounds of illness. In fact, he still had a grudge against Shao An in his heart.Runsheng told Shaoping about his feelings for Hao Hongmei and determined that no matter how difficult it was, he would find Hao Hongmei; Shaoping admired and moved him and encouraged him to be with Hao Hongmei.On the day of the lighting ceremony, everyone was happily preparing to welcome the arrival of the county leaders; but Shaoan was so nervous that he always went to the latrine.County Magistrate Zhou Wenlong arrived as scheduled. Unexpectedly, Tian Futang, who was unable to come at first, also came and gave a speech.But old man Sun Yuhou did not come to attend the lighting ceremony of his son Shaoan. As expected, all the bricks fired from the first batch of brick kilns were burned... Shaoan's long-term hard work was all destroyed in one day!

《The Ordinary World》E41Plot

Lan Xiang is admitted to university

After Jin Junwu learned about Shaoan, he took the initiative to find Shaoan, worried that he wanted to lend him money to tide over the difficulties, but the strong Shaoan still rejected his kindness.Now besides Shaoan, even grandma also asks Shaoan to listen to Xiulian's idea of ​​dividing the family.Helpless, Shaoan finally agreed to separate the family from his father Yuhou and signed a fingerprint.Xiulian gave Shaoan her own money and asked him to pay his wages to the villagers.When Xiulian and Shaoan gathered workers to pay them wages, no one wanted Shaoan's money.Shaoan and Xiulian chatted at night, talking about Junwu lending money to Shaoan.After careful calculation, I felt that I should accept the money borrowed by Jin Junwu for the time being.Unfortunately, when Shaoan was about to ask Jin Junwu for a loan, he learned of the death of Mrs. Jin.In order to hold a funeral for Mrs. Jin, Jin Junwu didn't have much property left, so he could only help Shaoan.Xiaoxia was about to go to the provincial capital to work as a reporter. After learning the news, Sun Shaoping went to school to look for her, but did not meet her.But he and Xiaoxia had a close connection, and found Xiaoxia in the rain at the back of the school.Facing the impending separation, the two people finally expressed their feelings to each other and made an agreement under the pear tree in Guta Mountain two years later.The frequent couple life caused Xiulian, who had already undergone family planning surgery, to become pregnant again. The doctor asked them to have an abortion, but Shaoan couldn't bear it.There is no end to the road, and Shaoan, who was at a low point in his life, met Hu Yonghe again.When Hu Yonghe learned about Shaoan's situation, he decided to help Shaoan re-establish the brick factory.But when Shaoan rekindled his hope, the second batch of bricks was not finished yet.But another piece of good news added a touch of joy to this rotten family: Lan Xiang was admitted to college!

《The Ordinary World》E42Plot

Runye is pregnant

Lan Xiang, who had already left on the tractor with Jin Xiu, came back halfway and said that this time her eldest brother should send her off instead of leaving by herself.So, grandma and Shaoan took Lanxiang to school in Yuanxi County in a car. On the way, grandma even argued that she wanted to go to Yuanxi to see Runye.Since Li Xiangqian was discharged from the hospital, Runye has lived a normal family life with him. Runye has also taken good care of him. Xiangqian has also slowly walked away from the shadow of the past; but he can't avoid nightmares in the middle of the night.Awakened with a start.When Runye participated in the rehearsal of the school's art performance, Shaoan met quietly in this way. They were just two emotionally mature people. They would no longer stir up emotional waves in their hearts, but only warm feelings.ripple.When Shaoan, Lanxiang, and grandma were having dinner with Xiangqian and his parents at Runye's house, Du Lili suddenly broke in drunk. It turned out that she was divorcing Wu Huiliang, and she was in a bad mood.In the evening, Shaoan sang and Runye played the accordion to accompany him, which was so discordant.Wu Huiliang came to pick up Lili and leave. Lili confessed to Runye that she loved the ancient wind chime, but she didn't want to leave Wu Huiliang.Du Lili's feelings reminded Runye of her past self again.The sensitive Li Xiangqian seemed to have noticed something. He deliberately left Runye and Shaoan a separate space for the sake of work.How could the attentive Runye not notice Xiang Xiang's thoughts? Finally, she told Li Xiang Xiang that she was pregnant.

《The Ordinary World》E43Plot

Shaoping missed the opportunity due to high blood pressure

Shaoan and Lanxiang took their grandma to the county seat and finally met Shaoping.Shaoping has been away from home for so long, so he can be reunited with his family.They are also happy for Shaoping now.Shaoping learned that he had finally got a stable job. He had been recruited by Dayawan Coal Mine. When he told Xiaoxia excitedly, although Xiaoxia was also happy for Shaoping's happiness, she also felt a little more in her heart.Shaoping saw her worry and calmed down Xiaoxia's worries with a passionate kiss.Shaoping and other workers left the county in a truck, full of longing and expectations along the way.Although they don't know what they are about to face, they are also full of hope for this unknown future.They suffered a lot along the way, and Shaoping also met Hui Ying's wife, a coal miner's family member.Finally arriving at Dayawan Coal Mine, all the new workers were stunned by the scene here. It was completely different from the scene they imagined.But Shaoping disagreed with this. No matter what the conditions were, he cherished this hard-won opportunity.If you want to truly become a coal miner, you have to pass layers of inspections and tests. The first level is a physical examination.If there is any physical condition that does not meet the requirements of being a coal miner, you cannot stay here any longer.Hearing this news made Shaoping, who valued this opportunity so much, very nervous.Sure enough, when the blood pressure was taken, Shaoping was rejected because of his high blood pressure.This news was like a bolt from the blue. How could Shaoping be willing to be removed at the first level?what to do?Shaoping would not give up this opportunity no matter what. He turned his worry into courage and plucked up the courage to inquire about the home of the doctor who examined him and plead with her...

《The Ordinary World》E44Plot

Shaoping was touched

Shaoping drank the vinegar he got from Huiying's wife and drank it all.His efforts paid off and he passed the second blood pressure measurement.This is equivalent to him having completely stepped into the gate of Dayawan Coal Mine.Lei Hanyi, the head of the coal mine district, gave a speech to the new workers. He talked about the importance of being a coal miner in a relaxed and joking manner; the squad leader Wang Shicai also left a deep impression on everyone.All the workers collectively went down the mine for the first time, making them experience unprecedented fear and tension. No one thought that the underground situation was so depressing. It was more severe than any of them imagined, and some even had the urge to go home.thought.But all this is just a new challenge for Sun Shaoping.Shaoping won first place in a written examination, so district chief Lei Hanyi assigned him to squad leader Wang Shicai as his apprentice. Wang Shicai was one of the most famous coal miners in Dayawan Coal Mine. Shaoping felt extremely honored to follow him.However, Wang Shicai persuaded Shaoping that it was too late to leave because of his physical condition. The stubborn Shaoping said that he would not back down at all, but would only become more courageous with every setback. Wang Shicai was moved by Shaoping's tenacity and decided to officially accept him as his disciple.An Suozi was another disciple of Wang Shicai. He came earlier than Shaoping and often made Shaoping unhappy. He even played tricks on Shaoping and smeared his own shit on Shaoping's face.The two have formed a feud, but Shaoping will not give in because of this kind of thing.Finally it was time to collect wages, and the diligent Shaoping received more wages than anyone else.When Yuhou took the remittance slip from Shaoping, tears welled up in his eyes.

《The Ordinary World》E45Plot

Wandering ghost brings back a Nanyang woman, Lanhua commits suicide and wants divorce

The ghost king Manyin finally returned home, but he actually brought a Nanyang woman with him, whom he claimed was his sister who could help him make a fortune.What's even more unreasonable is that Wang Manyin let this strange woman sleep on the same kang as him and Lan Hua.In the middle of the night, Wang Manyin couldn't hold himself back and crawled towards the Nanyang woman in the middle of the night... Early the next morning, the soulless Lanhua immediately found Township Chief Liu and arrested her, saying that he wanted to sue the Nanyang woman.It is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs, and this kind of thing cannot be done based on Lanhua's one-sided words.Township Chief Liu came up with a plan and told Lanhua that he could be arrested, but Wang Manyin would also be arrested.Hearing this, how could Lanhua bear to let her man be arrested again?After Shaoan heard about this, he went to Wang Manyin full of anger. When he saw Wang Manyin and the Nanyang woman making love to each other, he became even more angry. He picked up the table and chairs and threw them at Wang Manyin.After teaching Wang Manyin a lesson, Shaoan couldn't find his sister Lanhua anywhere and knew something was wrong.Sure enough, Lanhua took the rat poison at home and committed suicide by taking poison somewhere on the mountain.Wang Manyin went to the hospital and asked what color paper-wrapped rat poison Orchid had taken. It turned out that Orchid had taken the fake rat poison that Wang Manyin had sold, which was a false alarm.Despite this, Lanhua took the initiative to divorce Wang Manyin.

《The Ordinary World》E46Plot

Orchids forgive wandering ghosts

Wang Manyin, who was carefree, was walking around the market like a normal person. When he saw Shaoan, he ran away like a rabbit after seeing a hawk; Sun Shaoan, who had not thought about anything, could only chase him desperately when he saw him like this.The two chased each other and turned the market upside down.Wang Manyin came to Sun's house with the counterfeit cigarettes he made at home, saying that the Nanyang woman he brought back this time was to help him make a fortune, but in this way he could only make money by making counterfeit cigarettes himself.The Sun family was very angry at Wang Manyin's unyielding attitude; upon seeing this, Wang Manyin, who bullied the weak and feared the strong, hurriedly kowtowed to Lanhua and apologized, vowing to live a good life with her in the future.The soft-hearted Lanhua can only forgive him again. After all, Man Yin is her husband, and her love was given by him.Shaoping has become the person who works the hardest in their dormitory and earns the most wages. He seems to be the richest person among them now.In order to meet their daily expenses, other people sold all their valuable things to Shaoping.Coal miners repeat boring and monotonous mining operations underground every day.Wang Shicai saw that Shaoping read a lot, so he asked Shaoping to tell everyone stories.This gives everyone a little more fun in their free time, and Shaoping is happy to serve everyone in this way.Shaoping still read Xiaoxia's letter to him as usual, but this time Xiaoxia mentioned a man's name in her heart - Gao Lang.Xiaoxia's attitude and tone gave Shaoping a sense of crisis. Unexpectedly, the separation between him and Xiaoxia made their relationship no longer as pure and persistent as before...

《The Ordinary World》E47Plot

Xiaoxia proves her true feelings again

Under the mine, Shaoping continued to tell everyone a story, and An Suozi angrily grabbed the book and tore it up.Yes, in such monotonous and hard work as coal mines, everyone's heart will suppress the desire of human nature; listening to the people in the book squandering the good things in life, can't we still be allowed to vent our resentment?Finally, Shaoping couldn't hold on and fainted after finishing working underground.When he woke up again, he was already at the home of his master Wang Shicai.Mrs. Huiying was preparing food for them. An Suozi put down his chopsticks and left after finishing the meal.After careful consideration, Wang Shicai told Shaoping the truth. He fainted not because of anything else, but because of Shaoping's high blood pressure.Shaoping did not give up his identity as a coal miner. As time went by, he still worked hard. During this period, his master Wang Shicai and Huiying's wife also gave him a lot of care, allowing him to experience the warmth of human kindness.Shaoping also formed a deep relationship with their family.Since the last time Shaoping received a letter from Xiaoxia, Shaoping has cut off contact with Xiaoxia.What is gratifying is that one day when Shaoping came up from the well, he was greeted by his beloved Xiaoxia.This is the envy of all coal miners.The arrival of Xiaoxia naturally eliminated all the doubts and unhappiness in Shaoping's heart. The sensitive Xiaoxia also noticed the changes in Shaoping. She came this time to prove her intentions to Shaoping again.

《The Ordinary World》E48Plot

Shaoping takes Xiaoxia home

Shaoping and Xiaoxia were walking on the night road in Daya Bay. An Suozi suddenly appeared in front of them. It turned out that he was here to protect them. He knew the unsafety of this place.His behavior made Shaoping change his view of him.Xiaoxia insisted on accompanying Shaoping down the well. When she saw the true situation underground, she burst into tears. She truly understood what kind of suffering and suffering Shaoping had endured. What exactly was the heaviness Shaoping said?One thing.When she said goodbye to Shaoping, she experienced a feeling of separation between life and death.The two made an appointment at Guta Mountain and decided to return to Shuangshui Village. This time, Xiaoxia wanted to meet Sun Shaoping's family as his girlfriend.Gao Lang greeted Xiaoxia who had returned from a business trip. Gao Lang talked eloquently along the way, but Xiaoxia had no intention of listening to him. All her attention was only on Shaoping, in the black mine where Shaoping worked.Xiaoxia went to Northern University to visit Shaoping's sister Lanxiang.In the name of Shaoping, he gave Lanxiang money and a skirt.Of course the sensible Lanxiang understands that Sister Xiaoxia did all this for her.After so many ups and downs, Shaoan finally stood up again!The second batch of brick kilns was successfully ignited!When everyone was immersed in joy, Hu Yonghe came to Shaoan and said that he must repay the loan of 4,000 yuan within three days.But Shaoan, who was making a comeback, couldn't get the money for a while.The members took action one after another, trying every means to help Shaoan raise money, and tried every means to please Tian Futang and let him help Shaoan apply for a loan.Tian Futang saw everyone helping Shaoan like this. This time, all the pressure was focused on him, Tian Futang.

《The Ordinary World》E49Plot

Wang Shicai passed away, Shaoping helped his wife

Xiulian anxiously waited for Shaoan to come back from a loan from outside, but there was still a thousand yuan shortfall. When the two were at a loss, Yuhou sent him a thousand yuan that he had saved over the years, which solved Shaoan's crisis in time..Shaoping still lives a cyclical life as a miner. He works and rests every day, and occasionally takes Mingming to fly kites in the countryside. He seems to be very satisfied with this ordinary but extraordinary job.Wang Shicai led Shaoping and An Suozi's group down the well again. As usual, he emphasized the most on everyone's safety.Wang Shicai saw that Shaoping loved learning, so he gave Shaoping two books on coal mining. Shaoping also taught An Suozi the difference between coal mines and diamonds.But no one expected that the disaster would come so quickly.During the blasting operation underground, a beam fell down. In order to save An Suozi, Wang Shicai was crushed to death!When holding a memorial service for Wang Shicai, Sun Shaoping wrote a touching eulogy for his master.Since then, Mrs. Huiying has lost her husband and Mingming has lost her father.After poor Huiying's wife heard the news, she didn't eat, drink, or leave home, as if she was waiting for Wang Shicai to come back.Even Mingming was implicated.Shaoping knew the situation of Huiying's wife's family, so he took the initiative to take on the responsibilities of labor and cooking to help Huiying's wife alleviate the pain of losing her husband.After a period of adjustment, Mrs. Huiying could only cheer up and live a good life.Fortunately, she got a job in the mining area, which allowed her to support her family while also being cared for by Shaoping.However, the frequent exchanges between Shaoping and Huiying's wife caused a lot of disputes.

《The Ordinary World》E50Plot

Shaoping gets promoted

Lei Hanyi asked Shaoping to be the monitor of the second class because the second class was a mess and he believed that Shaoping had the ability to manage this class well.Unexpectedly, An Suozi came and wanted to be in the same class with Shaoping. In the end, he had to arrange for An Suozi to follow Shaoping to the second class as the deputy squad leader.The notorious reputation of the second shift was indeed well-founded. When Shaoping and An Suozi arrived at work in the second shift, less than half of the class was in the well area, and the other half was actually preparing to pack their luggage and go home for the autumn harvest.Shaoping took a deep breath and made up his mind not to let anyone from the second class leave.An Suozi was very dissatisfied with his boastful behavior, but he couldn't look back.Fortunately, Shaoping thought hard and finally came up with a clever plan.So Shaoping immediately called a meeting of workers and handed down a new policy to everyone.The workers were shocked after hearing this, and now no one dared to leave the coal mine without authorization.Shaoping's good ideas were praised by the leaders of the mining area. In order to reward him, Lei Hanyi approved him to take a few days off.Shaoping excitedly took advantage of these few days off and embarked on the road to find Xiaoxia.Although someone on the train accused the coal miners of being unclean, he didn't care and was immersed in the joy of meeting Xiaoxia.Tian Fujun received another inspection from the central leadership.This task was very serious and important. Tian Fujun and other cadres did not dare to slack off, were vigilant, and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the reception work.When the elated Shaoping found the newspaper where Xiaoxia worked, he was disappointed because Xiaoxia was on a business trip for work.Fortunately, his younger sisters Lan Xiang and Jin Xiu were also at the provincial capital university. Meeting them at least alleviated Shaoping's inner disappointment.

《The Ordinary World》E51Plot

Xiaoxia went to the disaster area and unfortunately got into an accident

Since the last inspection by central leaders, they were very satisfied with Tian Fujun's work. After a period of investigation, Tian Fujun was immediately appointed as deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Baokang Municipal Party Committee.Not long after Tian Fujun took office, Baokang City encountered the largest flood in four hundred years.The city is at a critical moment.Tian Fujun and his leadership team were ready to go.Provincial newspaper reporter Tian Xiaoxia learned about the flood in Baokang City and took the initiative to apply to go to the first scene of the disaster area to report; she even boldly asked to take the same plane with Qiao Bonian to Baokang City.There are still three days left before the agreed date in Guta Mountain. Shaoping is full of expectations and longing for this date. For him and Xiaoxia, this will be a very sacred and important date.He couldn't wait to see Xiaoxia and take him home. How happy his family would be when they found out!As soon as she arrived in Baokang City, Xiaoxia couldn't wait to follow the rescue team and ran to the first scene of the disaster area to conduct interviews.The situation at the scene was very serious. She not only wrote the manuscript vigorously, but also participated in the rescue work.Just as she was about to leave, she heard a little girl calling weakly for help.Xiaoxia, who was full of a sense of justice, looked for the direction of the sound without hesitation.Shaoping, who was immersed in a dream, was urgently called to the office by Lei Hanyi, saying that an important telegram was delivered to him.This was sent by Tian Fujun to Shaoping. Shaoping looked at the contents of the telegram and felt like a bolt from the blue. Tears instantly blurred his eyes... Impossible!Xiaoxia!

《The Ordinary World》E52Plot

Xiaoxia died while saving someone

Shaoping rushed to Xiaoxia's room at the newspaper office as quickly as possible. The only thing that came into his eyes was a black and white photo of Xiaoxia placed in the middle of the table, Xiaoxia!My dear Xiaoxia!He could no longer hold back the grief in his heart and shouted out the name of his beloved. He couldn't believe that Xiaoxia had left like this.Equally grieving is Tian Xiaoxia's father Tian Fujun. He can no longer comfort Shaoping with words. All he can give are a few diaries of Xiaoxia's lifetime, which record every detail of her and Shaoping.The appointment at Guta Mountain has finally arrived.With pain, Shaoping came to the pear tree in Guta Mountain alone. He longed for a miracle, but he still couldn't believe that Xiaoxia died like this.He even thought it was a joke Xiaoxia played on him.Time passed bit by bit, it was so long, and it was an unprecedented torment, but Shaoping did not see Xiaoxia's figure.Gradually, Shaoping fell asleep. When he woke up again, he saw aliens... The beloved left, but we still have to endure the pain in our hearts and live on.Shaoping returned to Dayawan Coal Mine, and now only work can alleviate or even temporarily make him forget the pain.Wang Manyin lived alone in the guest house. The police station suddenly came to check the room. After the police left, Wang Manyin suddenly saw in the mirror that he looked neither human nor ghost.Hiding his face and crying bitterly.At this moment, he finally realized that the home with orchids was his final destination.

《The Ordinary World》E54Plot

Tian Fujun surrendered with his wife

Not long after Tian Fujun was transferred back to Huangyuan as Secretary of the Prefectural Committee, he encountered the collapse of the Huangbei Bridge; and Feng Shikuan hinted that this accident seemed to be related to the people around Tian Fujun.Feng Shikuan's words aroused Tian Fujun's vigilance. He had no idea that the person closest to him would do such a thing. He didn't want to lose the person he loved most around him again, not to mention that he had already lost his daughter Tian Xiaoxia.After the alert Tian Fujun returned home, he checked for suspicious clues. It turned out that his wife Xu Aiyun had accepted money from others without her knowledge.Five thunder strikes!But no matter what, the upright Tian Fujun still insisted on personally sending Xu Aiyun to surrender.Similarly, Tian Fujun was exempted from punishment because of his positive and cooperative attitude.Jin Xiu told Lan Xiang that she no longer liked Gu Yangmin, and that what she really loved was Brother Shaoping.The two decided to go to Dayawan Coal Mine to talk to Shaoping clearly, but they didn't expect that after waiting for Shaoping all night, they still didn't see him. Fortunately, An Suozi helped to take care of the two of them. Shaoping was the person An Suozi admired the most.He and Shaoping talked about everything now. Shaoping listened to him Beethoven's symphony and said that he was starting to write a book. An Suozi was very excited after hearing this and encouraged Shaoping.

《The Ordinary World》E55Plot

Shaoping disfigured

Shaoping woke up the next morning and found himself at Hui Ying's wife's house. An Suozi came with Lan Xiang and Jin Xiu. Jin Xiu saw this and turned around and left without saying a word.Lan Xiang hinted that Jin Xiu was more than just a brother to him, but Shaoping only regarded Jin Xiu as a sister.Because of the festival, everyone still smelled of alcohol from last night. Although Shaoping was angry, he still asked everyone to cheer up and go to work. Of course, safety is still the first priority.Sure enough, the accident happened.This time, it was Shaoping who was trapped underground.After timely rescue, Shaoping finally escaped from the gate of hell for once.Under Jin Xiu's careful care, Shaoping gradually recovered.During this period, the district chief Lei Hanyi also came to see him and persuaded him to give up his job as a coal miner, but Shaoping refused.Currently, Shaoping, who is hospitalized, can only pass the time by writing. He wants to write a book about the people and things he has experienced over the years.Finally, the day came when Shaoping could remove the stitches and he could see the light again, but Jin Xiu and Lanxiang hid the mirror to prevent Shaoping from seeing what he looked like now.After all, paper can't contain fire. One day when Shaoping was looking for a pen, he pulled out a mirror. He carefully looked in the mirror, but was shocked by what he saw in the mirror.He couldn't accept the fact that he was disfigured!Shaoping quietly went through the discharge procedures and left. At the same time, he also wrote a letter to Jin Xiu, telling her that he only regarded her as his sister.The new courtyard of Shuangshui Village Primary School was finally built, and the whole village came to attend the unveiling ceremony.

《The Ordinary World》E56Plot

Shaoan, you laugh

Before the Spring Festival, Shaoping said goodbye to Huiying's wife at the Dayawan Coal Mine. He promised that he would come back to reunite with their mother and son after the New Year.Shuangshui Village is so lively!Runye and Xiangqian took their children back to the village. They even looked happier than a normal family of three; even Hao Hongmei and Tian Runsheng came back, and Tian Futang finally accepted them.All the people in the village were beaming with joy, and every household was busy.Now that things are better, Tian Futang no longer even coughs, but Sun Yuting is still around him unshakably; but he will no longer be as obsessed with thinking about how to resist capitalism as before. But unfortunately, he justComing to this family that deserves the most happiness, the Sun family has learned with great sadness that Xiulian's disease is: lung cancer.Xiulian, who was seriously ill, cheered up and put on exquisite makeup. She was as young and beautiful as when she first married into the Sun family, but this time it was Shaoan, Shaoping and Lanxiang who dragged her in Shuangshui Village in a car.on the way.The night sky of Shuangshui Village is filled with colorful fireworks, just like this beautiful day in Shuangshui Village.Innocent children are laughing, while some adults are quietly wiping away tears; laughing and crying are all because of happiness.Xiulian gently stroked Shaoan's tears: Shaoan, if you smile, I will laugh with you; if you shed any tears, I will wipe them for you.

The Ordinary World

The Ordinary World

Total 56 Episodes Feb 26, 2015 C-Drama Rom Actor: Yuan Hong Tong Liya