《Stranger Things Season 1》Ep Intro

In 1983, there was an unknown government agency in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana. It seemed harmless, but the wire fence and tight security surrounding the building led people to suspect that some magical secret experiments were going on here.

After a little boy named Will Byers mysteriously disappears one night, his best friends Mike, Dustin and Lucas make a pact to find him.On the second night after Will disappeared, Mike and his friends met “Eleven”, a girl who seemed mentally abnormal and almost silent. They knew that the girl and the disappearance of her friends must be inextricably linked.The boys hid Eleven and decided to solve the mystery on their own.

《Stranger Things Season 1》E1Plot

The Disappearance of Will Byers

Recently, a serious experimental accident occurred at Hawkins National Laboratory, causing a monster secretly studied by the Department of Energy to escape out of control.After killing a scientific researcher, this monster disappeared without a trace in the night, causing widespread public concern and panic.

On the day of the incident, teenager Will Byers was walking home and unfortunately became the next target of the monster.Will's mother, Joy, immediately called the police for help after discovering that her son was missing.Sheriff Hope quickly intervened in the investigation, and through careful investigation of the crime scene, he initially determined the existence of the monster and the danger Will might encounter.

The Disappearance of Will Byers

At the same time, Joey received an unidentified call while waiting anxiously. There was a creepy low laughter on the other end of the phone, which made Joey's mental state even more broken.She couldn't bear the double blow of her son's disappearance and this strange phone call, and her emotions became hysterical.

In a fast food restaurant in Hawkins, the owner kindly accepted an unidentified girl and tried to contact a social worker to help her.However, this good deed brought disaster.Secret personnel sent by the Ministry of Energy suddenly broke into the fast food restaurant and brutally killed the boss, while the girl 11% fled in panic in the chaos.

《Stranger Things Season 1》E2Plot

weirdo on maple street

Mike secretly took a boy named Eleven home without telling his parents.Eleven is not an ordinary person,herHe has incredible superpowers, and after Mike and his best friends saw this, they put aside their previous prejudices against him.

The arrival of National Day undoubtedly brought quite a shock to this peaceful little group.Her ability not only surprised them, but also made them start to think about whether there was some mysterious connection between Eleven and the missing Will.Although Eleven’s superpower is powerful,herBut suffered from claustrophobia.WheneverherWhen feeling closed off or threatened, herThe memories will involuntarily flash back to the laboratory experience, and those painful memories makehimUnable to maintain self-control.

Meanwhile, the Department of Energy has not given up its pursuit of Eleven.They know the value of the 11th, and they don’t want to seehiminto the hands of others.For Hope, Will's disappearance and the appearance of Eleven made his life more complicated.In the process of investigating Will's disappearance, he took over the murder case of a fast food restaurant. The connection between the two cases gave him a headache.Frequent cases made Hope feel stressed, but he did not give up. Instead, he became more determined to find Will.

weirdo on maple street

Joey felt extremely depressed after losing contact with Will.He bought a new phone and waited for Will's call every day.However, the reappearance of supernatural phenomena was even more dramatic than last time.Joey began to wonder, is all this related to Eleven?

In order to find Will, Jonathan had an in-depth conversation with his father, Lonnie.He hoped to get his father's support and help, but Lonnie's attitude disappointed him.However, Jonathan did not give up. He put on his night vision camera and started looking for clues in the darkness.Coincidentally, in his search for clues, he encountered Nancy and her classmates at a party.

At the party, Nancy had a great time with her classmates, but Barbie felt left out.Just when she was about to leave, a vision suddenly appeared and Barbie disappeared from everyone's sight.While Nancy was shocked, she also began to realize that all this might not be simple.Meanwhile, she gets her first taste of the forbidden fruit at a party.

《Stranger Things Season 1》E3Plot

Merry Christmas

They decided to set out again to find Will who disappeared in the laboratory.

Eleven, this little girl with superpowers, often recalls her experiences in the laboratory intermittently when she is alone.Those painful memories pierced her heart like sharp knives.However, she also knows that her abilities may be the key to finding Will.

At the same time, Jonathan was humiliated because he was misunderstood by Steve and others as a candid camera maniac.His reputation was damaged and he was depressed.However, Nancy found clues in a set of photos.She saw something unusual in the woods where Jonathan was squatting.When she decided to look for Barbie, she unexpectedly saw the monster.Fear made her unable to control herself, and she could only ask her parents for help.

Merry Christmas

While Mrs. Weller is visiting Joey, Holly unexpectedly sees the monster on the wall.This discovery made them realize that behind the peaceful life of this small town, there were many unknown fears hidden.

Joey tried to communicate with Will using lanterns, hoping to get clues.Under Will's instructions, they managed to escape the monster's pursuit.However, at the same time, Hope was blocked by the Department of Energy in the process of investigating Will's disappearance.He tried to find clues from old files, but unexpectedly discovered that Brenner, the head of the Department of Energy, had been accused of experimental abuse.

Just as they fell into despair, the state police came with shocking news: they found Will's body.The news was like a bolt from the blue to Mike, who couldn't accept the fact that Will was dead.His sadness and anger were uncontrollable, and he poured out his emotions to Eleven.

《Stranger Things Season 1》E4Plot


Joey is convinced that Will is still alive.She refused to accept the body recovered by state police, convinced her brother was still somewhere waiting to be rescued.This belief clashed with Jonathan's, and the two had a heated argument.

At the same time, Mike, Lucas and Dustin discovered Eleven's mysterious ability-she seemed to be able to receive Will's signal.They decided to use this clue and take Eleven to the school to find Will with the help of a device called “His Radio”.In the process, they not only successfully taught Troy, the bully in the school, but also strengthened their belief in finding Will.

However, things didn't go smoothly.The Department of Energy dispatched a professional team to explore the alien space, hoping to find clues about Will and other missing people.Unfortunately, the expedition ended with a loss of personnel, making the whole incident even more confusing.


Meanwhile, Nancy is frustrated with Steve's indifference.In an old photo, she accidentally discovered the monster.This discovery led her to seek out Jonathan and share her discovery.In his conversation with Nancy, Jonathan expressed his deep apology for the previous candid filming behavior and confessed his thoughts.The two were convinced that Will and Barbara were still alive.

Mike and others decided to use Eleven's superpowers to try to get in touch with Will again.This time, they heard a conversation between Will and Joey, which further confirmed the theory that Will was still alive.Lonnie also came home at this time to comfort and support Joey, which strengthened her belief.

And Hope, the police sergeant who has been working hard to find Will, discovered the suspicious aspects of Will's body after carefully questioning the state police.He decided to personally visit the Department of Energy at night, hoping to find more clues.

《Stranger Things Season 1》E5Plot

Fleas and Acrobats

Hope sneaks into the Department of Energy building silently, trying to uncover the secrets hidden in the darkness.However, his action did not go as smoothly as expected. Instead, he was restrained by security personnel when he penetrated into the core area.When Hope woke up from the coma, she found that she had been sent home. There was silence around her, with only the sound of her heartbeat echoing.

What shocked him even more was that a bug was installed in his home.This discovery made Hope realize that his actions were already under the control of the Department of Energy.At the same time, the Ministry of Energy also initially grasped Eleven's whereabouts, and this mysterious girl once again became the focus of everyone's attention.

Joey's life was not easy either.When he found out that Lonnie's real purpose of coming home was just to collect the insurance money, he angrily kicked him out of the house.The disappointment and pain in Joey's heart were unspeakable, but at this time Hope unexpectedly came to his door.

Fleas and Acrobats

Hope revealed to Joey that she was being monitored, which surprised and grateful Joey.He felt that he was not alone, and Hope's understanding and affirmation helped him regain his confidence.The conversation between the two was full of trust and resonance, as if they had found each other's support in this world full of mysteries.

At the same time, Mike, Lucas and Eleven are also looking for the entrance to the counter-world.They hope to find a way to another world, but Eleven is frightened by the horrific experiments in the past.She didn't want to go back to that laboratory, so she used her ability to interfere with everyone's compass, hoping that they would give up searching.

Lucas and Mike did not understand Eleven's intentions, and the two had a fierce argument.Eleven recounted her experimental experience with a trembling voice in her memories. She could not forget those dark days.Eventually, she chose to leave the scene, leaving Mike and Lucas looking at each other.

Nancy and Jonathan decided to search for the monster, hoping to find the key to solving the mystery.However, Nancy accidentally fell into the reverse world, but Jonathan was unaware of the entrance to the reverse world.

《Stranger Things Season 1》E6Plot

The Disappearance of Monster Will Byers

After Jonathan rescued Nancy, the two decided to join forces again to capture those mysterious monsters.However, their actions aroused Steve's dissatisfaction.Steve believes Nancy is developing feelings for Jonathan and tries to smear her reputation.Jonathan was very angry about this and had a fierce fight with Steve, and was eventually arrested.

At the same time, in search of clues, Hope and Joey decided to find Terry, who had sued Brenner for her daughter's disappearance.However, they discovered that Terry had gone insane.During the investigation, they also learned that Terry had participated in a secret experiment and became pregnant.Although the information seemed absurd, they had to believe Taylor's words.

Michael tried to reconcile with Lucas, but Lucas rejected him.Lucas firmly believed that he could find the entrance to the reverse world, so he started searching alone.In the process of searching for Eleven, Michael and Dustin unfortunately encountered Troy's revenge.At the critical moment, Eleven appeared and rescued the two.She confessed the fact that she had opened the entrance to the reverse world, which shocked everyone.

The Disappearance of Monster Will Byers

After the Ministry of Energy learned that Eleven was being hidden by Michael and others, it immediately sent a large number of troops to capture her.However, during the experiment, the Department of Energy accidentally released a monster.The monster escaped from Hawkins National Laboratory after killing a researcher, leaving fatal scars on teenager Will Byers on his way home.Will's mother Joy reported her son to the police after discovering that her son was missing, and Sheriff Hope accepted the case.After investigating the possible location of the crime, Hope gradually found clues to the case.

Joy, who almost collapsed after searching for her son to no avail, received an unknown phone call, which made her even more hysterical.At the same time, the owner of the fast food restaurant accepted an unidentified girl and tried to contact the social worker for help.However, the DOE personnel who came to the door brutally killed the boss.In the process of escaping, Eleven met Mike, Dustin and Lucas who came to look for Will.

《Stranger Things Season 1》E7Plot

bathtub the weirdo on maple street

The Department of Energy has been hunting a trio named Mike and a mysterious figure named Eleven, but the hunt failed recently.

According to reliable information, the Department of Energy originally planned to launch a large-scale pursuit of the Mike trio and Eleven, but surprisingly, the operation failed to successfully capture the target.The news undoubtedly shocked many people who followed the case.

At the same time, a person familiar with the matter revealed that in order to obtain Mike's whereabouts, Brenner, a senior executive of the Department of Energy, actually used intimidation methods to try to force Mrs. Weller to reveal Mike's hiding place.This extreme approach has aroused widespread condemnation from society.

On the other hand, after Steve calmly thought about it, he deeply felt that he owed Nancy something, so he took the initiative to remove the graffiti.This move was seen by the outside world as his reflection and repentance for his past actions.

bathtub the weirdo on maple street

After Hope and Joey learned that Jonathan and Nancy purchased bear hunting equipment, they rushed to the police station to deal with the fight.During the conversation, the four people reached a consensus on the recent strange events and believed that there might be some unknown secret behind these events.

In Troy's report description, Hope unexpectedly learned that Eleven was Terry's daughter and was with Mike and others.He quickly found and rescued the children via radio.The discovery provides new clues to the mystery.

With the help of everyone, Eleven created a sensory deprivation pool and made contact with the reverse world through channeling.Sadly, Barbara is no longer alive, but there is still a glimmer of hope for Will.However, when Hope and Joey try to get to the entrance to the counter-world, they are once again overpowered by the Department of Energy.

In the reverse world of “Beyersburg”, Will sings to gain courage.However, before the singing ended, the monster had already broken through the door.

《Stranger Things Season 1》E8Plot

Counter the world

Hope has reached a major agreement with the Department of Energy.In order to find the missing Will, the Department of Energy decided to allow Hope and Joey to enter the reverse world, but they must strictly keep all secrets.This decision is both an opportunity and a challenge for Hope, because he is well aware of the dangers and uncertainties of the reverse world.

After setting off, Hope and Joey quickly devoted themselves to the task of finding Will.However, what they don't know is that the Department of Energy has already mobilized to hunt down another key figure - Eleven.At the same time, Jonathan and Nancy tried to lure the monster with blood, but were unexpectedly disrupted by Steve who came to apologize.The three work together to fight the monster, eventually succeeding in burning it, but also revealing their location.

Michael showed his love to Eleven during this chaotic moment, expressing his deep feelings for Eleven.However, their sweet moment was interrupted when they were surrounded by DOE personnel.In the process of protecting Michael and others, Eleven killed the besiegers, but the sight of blood attracted a more powerful monster.In this fierce battle, Brenna got his due retribution, and Eleven finally died with the monster in order to save Michael and others.

Counter the world

In the process of searching for Will, Hope continues to recall the tragic experience of his deceased daughter.This memory made him more determined to find Will.After experiencing all kinds of hardships and dangers, Hope and Joey finally found Will and successfully rescued him.

When the trio gathered together to welcome Will's return, they told Will about this series of adventures and Eleven's heroic deeds.Will's return brought new hope and joy to the town, but Hope was taken away by the mysterious man in black, leaving suspense and unknown.

The bells of Christmas are ringing, and the whole town is immersed in a joyful and peaceful atmosphere.Nancy gives Jonathan a camera, symbolizing their renewed relationship.After going through all the twists and turns, Nancy finally forgave Steve and chose to spend a future with him.

The children gathered together again to play their beloved game of Dungeons and Dragons.Mike thought of Eleven in the game, and his heart was filled with endless thoughts and emotions.But at this happy moment, Hope left a box full of party food in the dark forest, as if to express his thoughts and blessings for his family and friends.

After Will returns home, he hallucinates again and vomits strange bugs, but he pretends to be fine in order to comfort his family.On this Christmas Eve, the Beyers family had a happy and warm holiday, temporarily leaving the shadows of the past behind.

Stranger Things Season 1

Stranger Things Season 1

Total 8 Episodes Jul 15, 2016 Us Plot Actor: Natalie Dyer Caleb McLaughlin Gatha Matarazzo Finn Wolfhard Millie Bobby Brown David Harbor Winona Ryder