《Rhyme of Tang》A generation of poets

Qinglian Township, Jiangyou County, Sichuan, is only a small place, but it is the hometown of the great poet Li Bai.A generation of poetry immortals started here, breaking into the poetry world with faint thunderous footsteps, leaving a poetic monument that will always shine with ruby ​​red light in the history of Chinese poetry, and a name that will never fade.Since the Ming Dynasty, people who study Tang poetry have traditionally divided Tang poetry into four periods, namely the early Tang Dynasty, the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the middle Tang Dynasty and the late Tang Dynasty.The early Tang Dynasty lasted nearly a hundred years from the founding of the Tang Dynasty in 618 AD to the early eighth century, before Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty Li Longji ascended the throne of emperor. The time span was the largest, but the achievements were the lowest.The Yangtze River, a world-class river, has the same source

It is narrow, shallow, and winding, but without these narrow, shallow, winding roads, there would be no majestic rolling waves downstream.

Li Bai, whose courtesy name is Taibai, calls himself Qinglian layman.According to records, he was born in Suiye City in the Anxi Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty, in what is now northern Kyrgyzstan, and moved here when he was about five years old.His father's name is Li Ke.“客” may be a term for outsiders, indicating that they are not locals.According to Li Bai himself, when he was young, he roamed around Yangzhou and scattered more than 300,000 yuan in less than a year (《History of Pei Chang of Shang'an Prefecture》).Later generations inferred from this that his father should be a wealthy businessman.It doesn't matter where Li Bai was born. What matters is that he has been breathing the fragrance of green mountains and green waters since he became sensible.His poem "Clear water produces hibiscus, and the natural beauty is not carved." This fresh and natural beauty without carving should be said to be influenced by the natural scenery of "Shu's green mountains and rivers."

When he was five years old, he recited Liujia, and when he was ten years old, he watched hundreds of schools of thought.Liujia generally refers to Taoist classics, and Baijia generally refers to the doctrines of various schools.Sichuan has always been the most active place for Taoism, so it is natural for Li Bai to be familiar with Taoism.Furthermore, Taoism respects Zhuangzi as a real person, and the most extraordinary thing about Zhuangzi is that he looks at the world from the top of the Nine Heavens and treats all the joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows in life with a detached attitude.

The reason why Li Bai had that kind of spirit was not only because he stood at the peak of history in the prosperous Tang Dynasty and had the conditions to see far, but also because Zhuangzi's philosophical thoughts gave him the courage to break away from all constraints and made him dare to hold his head high.Gaze at the universe and expand your horizons to the maximum.In addition, Li Bai also wrote fifteen books on wonders, fifteen good swordsmanship, and fifteen traveling immortals.It can be seen from this poem that although he is familiar with Confucian classics, he yearns for the Dapeng whose wings are like clouds hanging from the sky, and does not bother to be a believer in Confucianism.At the age of twenty-four, Li Bai went to the country with his sword and left his relatives to travel far away.He began his march into the world of poetry.He traveled far and wide in search of immortals in the Five Mountains, and enjoyed traveling to famous mountains all his life. He traveled to almost all areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the entire Yangtze River Basin.At that time, not to mention that travel mainly relied on walking, riding horses, boats, and ox carts. To travel across such a vast area, at least mentally, he was running around all the time.

Li Bai not only traveled to many places and was well-informed, but his life experience was also full of legend.

He worked as a hermit, drank heavily with friends in the mountains and forests, and raised countless tame birds.He once worked as a Taoist priest, focusing on collecting herbs and refining elixirs, seeking immortality and attaining Taoism, thinking that he could really ascend in the daytime. He was good at riding, archery, and fencing. He called himself a knight-errant and always carried a short sword with him.He was once recruited by the imperial court, and had the honor of being summoned by the emperor and personally greeted by him. He rose from an ordinary citizen to a scholar of the Hanlin Academy. During the Anshi Rebellion, he joined the army and named himself Xie An, the famous prime minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He wanted to do something great.An earth-shattering undertaking, he was unexpectedly involved in a political struggle. He was imprisoned, became a prisoner, and was sentenced to eternal exile in Yelang. After being pardoned, at the age of sixty, he rushed to today's Nanjing, ready to goParticipated in the army to quell the Anshi Rebellion. In short, his life experience was full of ups and downs, full of glory and hardships.The people he had dealt with ranged from Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Concubine Yang, officials at all levels of the court, to prison guards, monks, Taoist priests and the lowest level farmers and women.He was familiar with people from all walks of life, all statuses and all professions, and included all these colorful lives in his poems.

He can write the majestic frontier poems of Gao Shi and Cen Shen.The bright moon rises out of the Tianshan Mountains, and among the vast sea of ​​clouds, the wind blows tens of thousands of miles across the Yumen Pass.When the Han Dynasty came down Bai Dengdao, Hu took a look at Qingwan. He came to fight, but no one was still there to garrison. The guest looked at the border town, thinking about returning home with a sad face.The tall building is like this night, and the sighs should not be idle.(《Guan Shanyue》).

The realm of Wang Wei's poems is quiet but full of vitality.Li Bai also has this kind of poem.I am unaware of the wine, and my clothes are filled with fallen flowers.Drunk at the beginning, the moon is flowing, and the birds are gone and the people are few (《自 dispatch》-) There is a kind of Zen joyful state in Wang Wei's poems, which is not found in Li Bai's poems, but Li Bai's poems have another kind of calmness and unrestrainedness.There was bright moonlight in front of the bed, which was probably due to frost on the ground.Raise your head to look at the bright moon, lower your head to think of your hometown (《Silent Night Thoughts》) This is probably the most widely circulated poem in Chinese.The wanderer's homesickness is a subject that can never be written enough about small-scale peasant society.This poem combines the three images of “bedside”, “bright moonlight”“frost on the ground”.Saying "suspecting it is frost on the ground" means that the lyrical protagonist has realized that it is not frost. He knows that it is not frost but associates it with it. It just reveals that there is a layer of frost in his heart, and there is an air of homesickness. The Chinese people feel depressed about this homesickness.of air conditioning.So when I leave home and see the moon, I will think of this poem.

Meng Haoran's poems describe pastoral life so interestingly.Li Bai also has a pastoral poem, but the meaning is quite different.I stayed under the five pine trees, lonely and joyless.Tian Jiaqiu is suffering.The neighbor's girl is in the cold at night.Kneel down and eat the carved rice, the moonlight shining on the plain plate.It's embarrassing.I can't eat with three thanks.(《Xun Yun's house at the foot of Wusong Mountain》) This poet who shouted that "An Neng can destroy his eyebrows and bend his waist to serve the powerful" did not put on a compassionate posture to sympathize with the peasants, but just acted as a very ordinary tourist., picked up the old woman's bowl of wild rice, with tears in her eyes, she wanted to eat but couldn't.There are several poets who have such shocking charisma.As for his - "I will drink wine" - and many other poems that are unique in ancient and modern times.Don't say that other poets have never written before. First of all, they cannot reach such a high level of ideological realm.

I don’t see you, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and rushes to the sea never to return.Don’t you see, the bright mirror in the high hall has sad white hair, and it looks like blue silk in the morning and turns to snow in the evening.If you are proud of life, you must have all the joy, and don't let the golden bottle stand empty against the moon.I am born with talent that will be useful, and I will come back again after all the gold is gone.Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle is a pleasure, and you will have to drink three hundred cups at a time.Master Dan Qiusheng is about to drink, please don’t stop!A song with you, please listen to me.Bells, drums, food and jade are not expensive.I hope I will never wake up after being drunk for a long time.In ancient times, all the sages were lonely, and only the drinkers left their names.In the old days, King Chen had a banquet and a lot of fun and banquets.What does the master mean if he has less money? It is up to you to sell it.The five-flowered horse and the golden fur will be exchanged for beauty, and I will sell the eternal sorrow with you.

Yan Yu, a famous poetry critic in the Song Dynasty, believed that while others wrote poems with their pens and wrote them down sentence by sentence, Li Bai only had to breathe out the breath in his heart. This metaphor is really apt.The poet stood on the edge of the Yellow River and watched the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky. Suddenly he became excited and thought that the water of the Yellow River is like a series of human life. It will never return from generation to generation, but it is still rolling in.

However, life is so short. The hair in the mirror is like blue silk in the morning and turns into snow in the evening. In the blink of an eye, it is a cycle of birth, old age, illness and death!Faced with this contradiction between infinite and finite, why don’t people enjoy life to the fullest!“I am born with talent that will be useful, and I will come back after all my money is gone”. The poet is so confident in the realization of the value of his life.It is precisely because this poem strongly calls for real life that so many forcibly compressed souls come to the poem to enjoy the smoothness that is enough to relax their muscles and activate their blood.The reputation of Li Bai's poems became more and more famous, which not only shocked the poetry world, but also shocked many dignitaries, and finally even shocked Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, who had profound attainments in art.So in the first year of Tianbao, when Li Bai was forty-two years old, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty followed the recommendation of his confidants and issued an edict to recruit him to Chang'an and give him grand courtesy.The opportunity he had been waiting for finally came. The poet, who thought he was a first-class politician but actually didn't understand politics at all, was so proud that he went out singing "Looking up to the sky and laughing, "How can I be a Penghao native"?(《Nanling Farewell Children Entering Beijing》) He thought wishfully that this time he could really achieve his great ambitions. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty would summon him to his side and ask him how to govern the world and how to make the world peaceful..However, he was wrong. He was a poet who lived completely in a dream. Once he wakes up from the dream, all he will be left with is disappointment.

As a poet, Li Bai walked into the palace with his head held high and became the emperor's guest. In the history of Chinese poetry, Li Bai was the only one. However, "Able to bend his eyebrows and bend his waist to serve the powerful makes people unhappy", so he did it without any worriesLying here, are you drunk or tired?

Rhyme of Tang

Rhyme of Tang

Total 20 Episodes Aug 21, 2014 C-Drama Docu/Hist