《Destiny》Ep Intro

Nishimura Kanade's prosecutor father died when she was in middle school, so she came to her mother's hometown of Nagano Prefecture and entered the law department of the local university, but the death of a certain figure disrupted her destiny.Twelve years later, a classmate whose information was unknown appears in front of Kanade, who has become a prosecutor of the Central Branch of the Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office. The incident in college, the truth about his father's death, the secret expressions of his friends, and the reunion with his lover....These scattered things are connected in series, and the story moves in an unexpected direction.


Episode 1

While facing the investigation of the suspect, Prosecutor Nishimura Kanade of the Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office's Central Branch recalled the scene in the third grade of junior high school when his father Eisuke Tsuji, who was a prosecutor of the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office's Special Investigation Department, passed away.Eisuke, who pursued justice as a prosecutor, was involved in a corruption case, leaving doubts and dying. Kanade changed his surname and moved to Nagano, his mother's hometown, and lived life with bated breath.Wanting to become a prosecutor like his father, Kanade's fate changed a lot when he studied hard in isolation. This was the summer of his second year at Shinano University School of Law.

Nogi Maki (Kamenashi Kazuya), who was sitting next to Kanade who was about to take the final exam, suddenly made a cordial contact despite the surprise of Kanade.After that, Maki also contacted Kanade and introduced his friends Tomomi Mori (played by Emma Miyazawa), Yuki Umeda (played by Yuma Yamoto), and Oikawa Takuri (played by Minami Tanaka).Thanks to Maki like this, Kanade has a partner for the first time in a closed spiritual life.“Let's be friends forever” - As this sentence says, sing the praises of youth with friends on a campus full of nature.For the first time, I laughed from the bottom of my heart and lived a fulfilling life.

Furthermore, the relationship between Kanawa, who had been living alone until now, and his father Nogi Koichiro was bad, and Maki, who had never liked anyone sincerely, was gradually attracted to each other, and a secret love affair with his friend began.While noticing Kaori being attracted to Maki, Kanade deliberately diverted his attention and indulged in his first love...

One day, something unexpected happened to Kanade and them.With this incident as the boundary, their youthful era, which was supposed to be an eternal friendship, suddenly came to an end...

But, 12 years later——.Kanade is faced with an incident from his college days again in an unexpected way - and that is connected to the mystery of his father's death 20 years ago...!?


Episode 2

“The Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office” Central Branch Prosecutor Nishimura Kanade was discovered that the suspect in the illegal drug trading incident was the second son of a famous politician.It suddenly attracted the attention of the world.This was a case that should have been prosecuted anyway, but the suspect denied not having the drugs when he was arrested.After only receiving the confession of the accomplice, the branch chief Setsuko Ohata scolded:“Do you think you can file a lawsuit like this?”

Regretful and anxious, after returning home, my mind was filled with memories of the incident.So the lover Takashi Okuda who returned home asked: “ Are you almost married? ” was asked.Regarding the sudden proposal, Kanade couldn't help but feel at a loss, and suddenly remembered the day when she met Takashi 12 years ago.

In the nature of Nagano, I sang about my youth with my first friends and learned about love for the first time in college.Then a certain shocking event marked the day when his lover Maki Nogi disappeared... Kanade, who lived a life worse than death, also failed the law school exam.Tortured by despair and powerlessness, he finally collapsed.Takashi, an intern who was working at the university hospital at the time, helped Kanade.

At this time, Maki, who had disappeared, appeared.Twelve years have passed since the shocking incident. Kanade and Maki finally reunited after a long period of time.Taking this as an opportunity, the fate of the two people began to change drastically around the truth of the incident that should have been sealed.


Episode 3

“ Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office” Central Branch Prosecutor Nishimura Kanade saw his college sweetheart Nogi Maki, who reunited 12 years later, quarreling with his lawyer father Nogi Koichiro in the Yokohama District Court.

What I heard at that time“You kill Tsuji Eisuke!”“So I want Kaori...!”Maki's words lingering in Kanade's mind, he began to investigate the former Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office“Tsuji Eisuke, the father of the chief prosecutor of the Special Department, was ultimately responsible for the environmental and energy corruption incident.As a result, the prosecutors arrested Eisuke on the grounds of fabricating the incident. It turned out to be Koichiro, who was known as the ”Justice Lawyer“ at the time.

What is the relationship between Eisuke's death and Oikawa Kaori's accident? With the suggestion of branch chief Setsuko Ohata, Kanade began to investigate Kaori's accident that happened in college.

One day when Kanade started to face the past cases, Koichiro came to the Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office.Pretending to be calm, Kanade questioned the truth behind his father's death and the connection between Kaori's accident...!?

Under such circumstances, Kanade and her lover, surgeon Takashi Okuda, returned to their hometown in Nagano.Her mother Yuko Nishimura realized that this might be a ”marriage report%, and she excitedly made a fuss.However, looking sideways at her mother's smile, Kanade felt mixed...


Episode 4

At the home of Umeda Yuki and Tomomi, Nishimura Kanade and Nogi Maki reunited by chance.The college friends finally got together after 12 years. Maki ran out of the house because of embarrassment, and Kanade chased after him despite Tomomi's restraint.

the next day.Maki is alone, wondering what he wants to do. He came back after 12 years, and he always misses his childhood when he had no definite place to live——.

When he was 3 years old, his biological mother suddenly disappeared, and Maki was afraid of falling in love with someone else.His father, Koichiro Nogi, who opposed work priority, and his new mother, wanted to leave home and enter a university in Nagano.There I met my irreplaceable friends, and then I truly fell in love with Kanade for the first time... and finally found my place.However, due to an accident involving one of her companions, Oikawa Kaori, her hiding place suddenly disappeared...

On the other hand, Kanade's marriage to her lover Takashi Okuda began to progress little by little, and her heart was shaken by her reunion with Maki.Kanade told herself that the love between “ and Maki was in the past...

One day, Maki came to ”Yokohama District Inspection“.”Tell me about that day%——.Kanade questions why Maki's fingerprints were on the steering wheel of the car Kaori was driving, and Maki begins to tell what happened in the car that day.


Episode 5

Prosecutor Nishimura Kanade of the Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office's central branch reunited with his college sweetheart Maki Nogi. His father Eisuke Tsuji was the chief prosecutor of the Special Department of the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office, and Maki's father Hiroshi Nogi is a lawyer.He has been investigating the environmental and energy corruption incident that Ichiro was involved in 20 years ago.However, the relevant personnel at the time all agreed in unison that the play was stuck early...Therefore, Branch Chief Setsuko Ohata introduced Ryuichi Shinzato, a subordinate from the Special Department period to Eisuke.

Shinsato, who met Kanade, resigned from his job as a prosecutor after the “Environment Incident.Although Shinzato said he had nothing to say, he still had one thing to say to Kanade.”Mr. Yasubumi Tsuji used death to seal the truth.“

As he thought about Nisato's words over and over again, Kanade thought of his hometown in Nagano.Surprised by her sudden return home, her mother Yuko Nishimura starts looking for Eisuke's belongings again.So Kanade intermittently recalled the time when his father was hiding in his study in middle school, and finally found an important relic! He learned the truth about the hidden impact of the ”Environmental Energy Corruption Incident“ that led to Eisuke's death...

Kanade, who returned to Yokohama, called Maki to his home and told him that he had found the truth”.Witnessing the unimaginable cruel truth revealed by the relics, Maki was speechless and stood up in confusion...!?

In the end, the cruel fate of Kanade and Maki who continues to tease Kanade will be——.


Episode 6

Nogi Maki's hometown was set on fire, and his lawyer father Nogi Koichiro was seriously injured and fell into coma...Unexpectedly, Maki, who came to his hometown that day, confessed the crime and was investigated by the police as a suspect in the arson case.

Nishimura Kanou, prosecutor of the Central Branch of the Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office, who learned about Maki's arrest from the news, was so surprised that he was speechless.Moreover, the branch manager, Setsuko Ohata, made a shocking speech...

Then, Kanade and Maki...the two people who fell in love in college will confront each other as prosecutors and arson suspects 12 years later.

Why did Maki commit the murder? What happened between Maki and his father Koichiro that day?

Several mysteries surfaced, and after 12 years, the two first lovers faced each other in the interrogation room.

“Can you judge this love—”


Episode 7

“ Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office” Central Branch prosecutor Nishimura Kanade, because of the words of his lover Okuda Takashi, who is also the chief physician, accompanied Nogi Maki who fell down after vomiting blood.Maki woke up and said to her: “ Do you want to escape together? ” was invited.

The next morning, Maki, who was so weak that his feet were unsteady, sneaked out of the hospital and got on a long-distance bus to Nagano.So, I also jumped in the car before the start...

On the other hand, faced with the emergency situation of Maki's disappearance, Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office branch chief Setsuko Ohata and affairs officer Takuya Kachi and others desperately tried to get in touch with Kanade.However, the phone is turned off...


Episode 8

Prosecutor Nishimura Kanade of the Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office Central Branch brought his college sweetheart and arson suspect Maki Nogi back to Yokohama from Nagano.

Maki, who has always admitted his crimes, has discrepancies between his statement and forensic results... Kanade, Detective Watanabe and others continue the search.During the course of many visits, Kanade and others obtained witness information about a suspicious man who was not Maki.

However, the vicinity of the garage of Maki's hometown at the scene was a blind spot for surveillance cameras. Decisive evidence could not be found for a long time, and the search encountered a hidden reef.

At this time, Kanade noticed a delivery truck near the scene and asked Watanabe to analyze the driving recorder on the vehicle.The person who appeared in the camera was my friend from college, lawyer Yuki Umeda...!

Unable to hide his shock, Kanade went to the home of Yuki and Tomomi.Faced with Kanade, who was the prosecutor asking about the case, Yuki finally spoke...

Under such circumstances, the investigation of Maki, who is in stable health, begins again.Kanade and Maki once again faced off against the prosecutor as suspects...!.

Yuki or Maki, who is the real culprit in the arson case?

Facing the cruel reality, Kanade continues to pursue the truth as a prosecutor. His fate is...!?


Episode 9

Kanade Nishimura, prosecutor of the central branch of the Yokohama District Prosecutor's Office who saw the inauguration report of the Gerakan President on the news, was the chief prosecutor of the special investigation department of the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office during the environmental and energy corruption incident 20 years ago.Father Tsuji Eisuke.Remembered.With the help of lawyer Koichiro Nogi, Representative Shotaro Higashi won a not guilty verdict.Then, the doubts that were imposed on others ended the life of the father——.

However, the next moment, Kanade was attracted by the man on the TV screen.Shotaro's father, former Prime Minister Higashi Tadao.Moreover, the man applauding nearby was the person who was witnessed at the scene of the “Nogi Residence Arson Incident” in which Nogi Maki became a suspect, and who was photographed on the courier company's certificate of placement! After investigating the Congressman's Handbook, it was confirmed that the man wasAfter Akiba Yoji, the secretary of the former Prime Minister, Kanade went to find Koichiro who was in the hospital...

The death of his father, the accident of his friend Oikawa Kaori, the disappearance of Maki and the arson incident... Kanade, who is convinced that everything is connected, begs Koichiro to tell him the truth.

Twenty years ago, in the public trial of the Environmental Energy Incident, the lawyer Koichiro overturned all the prosecutor's evidence and acquitted Representative Shotaro Higashi.He brought up the fact that it was his secretary Akiba who set fire to his home and wanted his life, “I don't think this is irrelevant.There are some things that only you should know.”Faced with such an urgent question, Koichiro finally spoke.

On the other hand, Maki's condition worsens and she decides to undergo surgery by Takashi...!?

The shocking truth is finally revealed.The destined love affair between Kanade and Maki has also come to an end.

The suspense x love story that lasted for 20 years finally came to its fateful ending!



Total 9 Episodes Apr 09, 2024 Japan Myst/Rom Actor: Satomi Ishihara Kamenashi Kazuya