《deleting (me)chain of revenge》Ep Intro

A heroine with nothing to lose helps her hated rival rise to the top of his life and then... crush him!Haihara Glass (Shida Ayara), who was once an ordinary female high school student, met Tokudom Hitoshi (Hongo Kanata), a beauty video publisher, and became famous by appearing in his video.However, she was framed by classmates who were jealous of her active performance, and a video of her atrocities circulated online, making her the subject of slander.Even her residence burned down in a suspicious fire and her parents died.A series of malice took away everything from Glass.Not only that, her ugly electronic brand is still circulating on the Internet... The traumatized Glass lives in her grandmother's house and leads a wasted life like a useless person.Ten years later, Glass decided to end his life.At this moment, she saw the smiling faces of the classmates who framed her being interviewed live on TV.For revenge, Glass cheered up!The weak defeat the bullies of the past...a delightful revenge film that encourages good and punishes evil!

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E1Plot

Episode 1

As 2024 begins, Haihara Glass (played by Ayara Shida) is alone in a dark room, preparing to end her 25-year life. But at the moment she chooses to hang herself, a disgusting sound comes from the TV.laughter.Glass sees his former classmates Ari (Misu Yoshimoto), Takeshi (Sojiro Yoshimura) and Unknown Ryu (Yuka Kohinata) through TV.

When she saw these three people, a past event that made her feel sad, angry, and disgusting came to her mind, and it all started on that day 10 years ago.When she was a student, Glass was an ordinary high school girl. She was never noticed by others because she was not good at dressing up. Although she admired Lan Li and others who were at the top of the school's food chain, she was unable to break through because of her lack of self-confidence.

Until one day, by chance, she met Tokudomi Hitoshi (played by Hongo Kanata), a beauty live broadcaster who is active on the Internet. Under Tokudo's careful dressing up, Glass suddenly became the focus of the school, and even...She began to work as an exclusive model in De Dao's channel and was photographed by magazines. Faced with this sudden change, Lan Li, who aimed to become a model, felt jealous. Wu also secretly laughed at Glass because he slept with her.

After listening to Wu's words, Lan Li arranged a trap to destroy Glass' achievements.When Glass came to a remote classroom alone, Wu assaulted her in the classroom, and Lan Li and unknown Liu also spread the video on the Internet.Overnight, Glass's life was ruined.She didn't dare to explain the situation to her parents. When she returned home from an outing one day, she found that her home had been burned down.

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E2Plot

Episode 2

The simple and ordinary high school student Shoko (Shida Ayara) started modeling activities under the guidance of Tokudō (Hongo Kanata), but was raped by Ari (Yoshimoto Mizu) and Takeru (Yoshimura Sojiro) who were jealous of her.They even took a video of it and spread it quickly.Since then, Glass has been tortured by a “digital tattoo” that cannot be erased even if he tried to erase it. Moreover, due to a sudden fire, his home was burned down and his parents also died...

10 years after that -.Glass has been staying at his grandmother's house in the countryside, it's enough... When Glass was planning to commit suicide, he saw Lan Li playing around on TV and was hit hard.Those guys who made me suffer are smiling nonchalantly... It can't end like this... I will never forgive you!

The venue for a wedding party.Lan Li, who is eager to get married, uses women's weapons to look for men indifferently and constantly creates trouble.In this kind of situation, a simple woman wearing glasses touches me... Can you go on a blind date with me?“.The woman who praised Ami's beauty and wanted to be friends with her...called herself ”Okuda Asuna%...Glass used a pseudonym to approach Ami...

The curtain of the heroic revenge drama has finally been opened——!

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E3Plot

Episode 3

Glass (Ayara Shida), who vowed to take revenge, disguised his identity and sneaked into the wedding party attended by Ami (Misu Yoshimoto), supported Ami's marriage, and helped her deal with her relationship with clothing president Yonezawa (Junpei Yasui)., was successfully trusted by Lan Li as a “friend”.But behind the scenes, Glass and Yonezawa met alone...

Lan Li's wedding is coming soon, and Glass proposes to Lan Li that the wedding process be broadcast live. It will not only be an excellent publicity for Yonezawa's company, but also an opportunity for Lan Li to show his image as a "good wife".Glass said enthusiastically: Let's have the most grand wedding.“However, for some reason Lan Li's expression was very unpleasant.It seems that he is worried about his mother Shue (Hiroko Nakajima).

”My mother is very bad%... Shuhui, who has no serious job and drinks in the park all day, appears in front of Lanli when she is short of money and asks her for drink money.If Shuhui comes to the wedding, something bad will happen... The scared Lanli doesn't want Shuhui to attend the wedding.So Glass thought of something and went to Shuhui without telling Lan Li.

Then welcome Lan Li and Yonezawa's wedding.Everything is for this moment...Glass's revenge finally begins...

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E4Plot

Episode 4

Glass (Ayara Shida) pushed Ani (Misu Yoshimoto), the mastermind who disrupted his life, from the peak of happiness into the abyss of hell, completing his first revenge.At the moment when he completed his revenge 10 years later, Glass finally smiled... The next target was Omomotake (Yoshimura Sojiro) who raped him.

Da Taowu, his wife and daughter form a happy family.“I must let you go to hell...” Glass looked for a way to get close to Wu and found out that Wu often visited a bar named “Sinbad”.However, the bar seems to be for members only and entry is not allowed.Just when she was about to give up and go back, “Glass?”...a man stopped her, and that man was Tokudo (Hongo Kanata)...!

Dedao resigned from his original job and is now the operator of a catering group."Sinbad" is also a moral shop.Reunited after 10 years...Glass spoke of the pain of the past 10 years.The house was burned, his parents died, he was forced to drop out of school, and lived in seclusion at his grandmother's house in the countryside.Then he returned to Tokyo for revenge...“I have something to ask you. Can you let me become a member?”......

Glass seeks help from De Dao.However, De Dao's answer failed to live up to Glass's expectations.

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E5Plot

Episode 5

As long as I can get my revenge, I don't care if I go to hell.Glass (Shida Ayara), with the help of Tokudou (Hongo Kanata) whom she reunited with ten years later, begins to investigate the situation of Takeshi (Yoshimura Sojiro), the person she wants to revenge.

According to a report from his moral superior Sora (played by Asatatsumi), Takeru, who works in a food company, promotes his handsomeness in the company and seems to be admired by his juniors.However, the situation at home is completely different... In fact, he rarely does housework and takes care of the children, leaving everything to his wife Minori (played by Rei Okamoto) who also works.Minori criticizes her every day, telling her don't just show your appearance, show it with your actions!“, the relationship between husband and wife is in trouble.

On weekend nights, De Dao's bar Bar Sinbad held an online salon meeting, and Wu also participated.This is a good opportunity to get up close and personal with Takeshi... To go undercover as a bartender, Shoko asks Tokudo to do her makeup for the first time in a while.” very nostalgic.“Ten years ago, I loved the time when it was just the two of us.but...!

After Tokutang's makeup, Glass turned into another person, and Wu, who knew nothing about it, immediately approached... ”Sister, are you a new employee?“”Yes...my name is Onipei.%

Glass hides her true identity and gets close to the man she hates!However, a desperate crisis is approaching...!

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E6Plot

Episode 6

Shoko (Shida Ayara) and her revenge partner Takeshi (Yoshimura Sojiro) greet the morning at a hotel.Takeshi was sleeping naked next to Glass, who was sitting on the bed holding something in his hand.

A few days later, Wu unexpectedly got a chance to be promoted.Due to a scandal caused by senior colleague Inukai (played by Shuichiro Naito), Takeru is forced to take over a large contract from Tokudomi's (played by Kanata Hongo) company.Takeshi was very excited when his boss Saruto (played by Hisato Okubo) told him that if the contract went well, he would be promoted.If I get a promotion, it will be easier to spend time with my family, and I will be able to focus more on housework and childcare...!That night, Takeshi is happy and apologizes to his wife Minori (Rei Okamoto) for not being able to face his family properly and leaving Minori to handle the household chores alone.Later, Minori also regretted her stubbornness and anger all the time, and jumped into Takeshi's arms with her daughter Fujino (played by Sena Izumiya).“My wealth is my family, ”Vu said, feeling happy.…But at that moment, Glass was celebrating with Deten.“Let us toast...to Omomo's happiness” - everything is a trap set by Glass!

If you enjoy happiness, all you have to do is fall...!Glass' desire for revenge is tearing apart a happy family!!

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E7Plot

Episode 7

Shoko Haihara (played by Ayara Shida) took away her precious “family” from her second revenge partner Omotake Takeshi (played by Sojiro Yoshimura) and pushed him into the depths of hell.Glass' revenge finally comes as he is the last man standing.His partner is Michiru Aoshima (played by Yuka Kohinata), who laughed and called for help after being attacked by a samurai 10 years ago.“There is another person...are you willing to stay with me until the end?”Glass once again asked Todao (played by Hongo Kanta) for cooperation, and Todao vowed to stay with her until the end.However, some news suddenly came from Sora...

Meanwhile, Michiru learns about the incident between Airi (Miyu Yoshimoto) and Takeshi, and realizes that it was all Shoko's doing.It will definitely be my turn next... “Don't be stupid, this is not my fault...” Takeru was the one who attacked Glass, and Airi was the planner. He just followed their orders, and he did nothing wrong.Anything...Michiru became more cautious and said: “I” will be the only one who can escape."

Glass, aware of Michiru's good instincts, decided that approaching her directly was too risky.He proposed a strategy to De Dao...

Glass VS Man!How to make the smart tall Michiru turn a corner!?As Glass seeks final revenge, a fateful reunion strikes...!

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E8Plot

Episode 8

“Do you know who Airi Kaizaki is?” Shoko (played by Shida Ayara) gasped when she heard the words of Junko (played by Katayama Yuki), a good friend who reunited ten years later.Junko, who became a detective, was responsible for the case of Airi (Miyu Yoshimoto).Glass gets through it with a simple answer, but when Yiko smiles and says "Nothing has changed between us," she has mixed feelings...

With the help of her master Sora (played by Asatatsumi), Glass pushed the life of the third person she wanted to take revenge on (played by Kohinata Yuka) to a climax and drove her into hell.I originally planned to take my time and let Michiru fall, but now that I was in contact with the police, I had no time to relax.“I will contact Qingdao Daoliu directly.”...Gulazi, who was eager for revenge, approached Daoliu under a false name, but Daoliu found it difficult to open his heart to her.

On the other hand, Tokudo (Hongo Kanata), who helped Glass take revenge, felt guilty for getting his subordinate Sora involved.Sora also starts to feel guilty for cheating on Michiru.

Just as Glass planned, Michiru fell from the slope to hell... However, a series of revenge that Glass did not expect is waiting for her...!

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E9Plot

Episode 9

“Dad, mom...it's all over.” - Shoko (Ayara Shida) puts her third revenge partner, Michiru (Yuka Kohinata), deeply in debt, while also taking away her last hope, Sora (Asatatsumi).Leave and ruin Michiru's life.Revenge is now complete... However, the tattoo on the face reflected in the glass has not disappeared... It seems that there is still someone who wants revenge...

“Thank you so much.” Shoko bowed deeply to Tokudo (played by Hongo Kanata), who has been working with her so far.A lot has happened, but I'm glad we met 10 years ago... Glass expressed his gratitude and Tokudo asked: “How can I help you from now on?” Tokuto said that he also wanted to contribute to Shoko's future happiness.Glass's answer, however, is...

At the same time, detective Junko (played by Yuki Katayama) begins to suspect that Shoko is related to the incidents that happened one after another with Airi (Miyu Yoshimoto), Takeru (Sojiro Yoshimura) and Michiru (played by).I don't want to believe it...I hope it's wrong...but... Junzi visits Airi who is lying in the hospital bed, feeling filled with anxiety.Then, Airi's consciousness became clear, completely different from before.

The gears of fate are beginning to go wrong...!Revenge seems to be over, but unexpected tragedy befalls Glass!!

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E10Plot

Episode 10

“who I am……?” After completing their revenge, Glass (played by Ayara Shida) and Tokudo (played by Hongo Kanata) decided to live far away after breaking up.When Glass went to the government office to apply for her passport, she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw a copy of the household registration book.Shoko is not her parents' biological child, but an adopted son... Who am I?

At the same time, the video of Shoko's beating ten years ago was once again leaked on the Internet, and it spread everywhere in the blink of an eye...!Why now??Glass, who had watched the video, immediately recalled the horrific past and trembled all over... In the end, nothing changed... There was nowhere to escape... Someone appeared in front of the frightened Glass.

Around the same time, Yiko (Yuki Katayama) also watched the video and bit her lip.The person who posted the video must be Airi (Miyu Yoshimoto)... Yoriko asked Airi on the hospital bed.Then, without showing any sign of remorse, Airi announced to Yiko with a look full of hatred...“ I will spend the rest of my life getting revenge on the person who put me through all this.”

A series of revenge that no one can stop!Another new victim...!And in the depths of Glass's mind, the “memory” he had forgotten came back... The matter is not over yet... Glass's final revenge has begun!!

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E11Plot

Episode 11

“Revenge is not over yet...!” - That night 10 years ago, Shoko (played by Ayara Shida) lost her parents in a fire. She passed by the troubled anchor Watanuki (played by Emoto Tokyo).I remember that.Ten years ago, Watanuki set his sights on Glass and continued to spy... His father and mother were set on fire and killed by Watanuki...!?Todao (played by Hongo Kanta) also spared no effort to help Glass, and Glass's eyes once again ignited the flames of revenge.In order to obtain evidence of arson, “I would contact him first.”

Tokudomi called Watanuki to his shop and told him directly: “Please stop broadcasting the broadcast about Haibara Glass?” However, Watanuki didn't listen at all and said it was his fault and scolded him.Facing Watanuki with such a shameless attitude, Tokudom becomes excited...!

Meanwhile, Yoriko (played by Yuki Katayama) feels strange about the death of Airi (played by Miyu Yoshimoto) who died in the ward.The police are investigating the matter as suicide, but Raiko turns her attention to Tokudomi, who last saw Airi.

The final revenge has begun!Why did Xiangzi's parents die 10 years ago?The truth is finally revealed!And what amazing facts are hidden in the birth of Glass that even Glass himself doesn’t know?

《deleting (me)chain of revenge》E12Plot

Episode 12

“I fell from the height of happiness to hell.” In order to take revenge, Shoko (played by Ayara Shida) broke into the home of Watanuki (played by Emoto Tokyo) whom she wanted to take revenge on, but was unable to take the last step.I won't let you die easily...

At the same time, Yiko (Yuki Katayama) and Taniguchi (Takara Sakamoto), who were investigating Glass's birth, were surprised to find out who Glass's biological mother was.“She is Glass's biological mother...” Glass heard the conversation through the bug and was speechless.That night ten years ago, what her parents wanted to tell her... the reason for the special adoption... Xiangzi learned everything...

Meanwhile, Watanuki posted a shocking video on his own distribution channel.In the picture, the moment Glass, who broke into Watanuki's room illegally, reached out and touched Watanuki's neck... Watanuki permanently installed a hidden camera in his room!In addition, Watanuki revealed during the live broadcast that Glass and Tokudomi (Hongo Kanata) are still in contact, saying: “I also have a great story.The secret of Glass Ashfield's birth...it will be revealed.If you don't do this and don't like it, stop me!”, provoking Glass!

The head-to-head confrontation with Watanuki awaits!Reconcile with Yiko...Farewell Totou...!The secret of Glass's birth will be revealed again...??The epic revenge story finally reaches its climax!

deleting (me)chain of revenge

deleting (me)chain of revenge

Total 12 Episodes Jan 05, 2024 Japan Myst Actor: There are many musical instruments Ayara Shida