《Brush Up Life》Ep Intro

33-year-old Asami Kondo (played by Sakura Ando) works in the city government in her hometown and is a single family living with her parents.

Her work process is lengthy, and everything she does has to be reported and approved step by step, and she has to be careful when speaking to clients.There's nothing wrong with repeating it day after day, but it also doesn't mean anything.Suddenly one day, a car accident brought everything to an abrupt end.

After her death, she was told in front of a counter in a pure white space that she would be reincarnated as the giant anteater in Guatemala in her next life.She can choose to be reincarnated as an animal, or she can choose to start her unfinished life over again.

So, when she came to her senses, she was already lying on the bed in the obstetrics and gynecology department, with her young parents in front of her.Kondo Asami's second life begins here.

《Brush Up Life》E1Plot

Episode 1

HempMei, 33 years old, is a woman who works quietly at the local government window.Her life is ordinary and peaceful, weaving the warmth of home with her parents and sister.However, behind this seemingly ordinary life, there is deep pressure and helplessness hidden.Every day, she has to face all kinds of citizens, many of whom are emotional and resentful.Although she tried hard to keep smiling, no one could understand her inner exhaustion and helplessness.

One night, Asami and her children Natsuki and Miho gathered together to enjoy a rare relaxing time.They ate, sang karaoke, and chatted about their classmates who had gone their separate ways.While talking and laughing, Mami seemed to have found the long-lost happiness. She thought this life would last forever.

However, fate played a joke on her that night.As she was walking home, a truck hit her and knocked her to the ground.At that moment, her life ended simply.

When Asami opened her eyes again, she found herself in a strange white space.She was not sure if she was dead. Just when she felt confused and helpless, a mysterious guide appeared in front of her.

“Ms. Kondo Asami, you have worked hard over the past 33 years.Now let me take you to a new journey of life.”The voice of the guide was calm and solemn.

Episode 1

Asami was shocked to find that she was already dead, and the guide in front of her was the messenger responsible for guiding the dead to the afterlife.She couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and loss because she never thought she would end her life in this way.

However, the words of the guide shocked her even more.

“I regret to tell you that you will not be reincarnated as a human in the next life.”

Asami felt a wave of despair.Although she complained and was dissatisfied with life in the world, she never thought that she would lose the chance to be a human again.However, the facts were before her eyes, and she had to accept this cruel reality.

Just when she felt helpless and confused, the guide brought her a message of hope.

“If you are willing to start your life over as 'Asami Kondo' and work hard to accumulate virtue, your probability of being reincarnated as a human will increase.”

Asami hesitated for a moment, but in the end she chose Brush Up Life.She hopes to change her destiny through her own efforts and have another chance to be a human being.

In this way, Asami's second life began.She returned to the world with the memories and experiences of her previous life and started a new life.

《Brush Up Life》E2Plot

Episode 2

In the endless reincarnation, Mami decided to restart her life from scratch in order to be reincarnated as an adult in the next life.This time, she was enjoying her second primary school life, feeling the pure joy and carefreeness.

In an era when electronic pets had not yet become a trend, Asami had already obtained rare varieties.Her wisdom, the depth and sensitivity of an adult, allowed her to be among the best in her studies without having to work hard.Her life is full of laughter and play with her peers. Stickers and personal data books are all tools for her to communicate with her friends, full of innocence and fun.

Reina, the girl who went through elementary school with her, and Xiaofuku and Xiaojing, who later got married and divorced, have all become a part of Asami's life.The friendship with Natsuki and Miho is as harmonious and deep as expected.She regained her childlike innocence and enjoyed this simple and pure happiness. Six years of primary school life passed by in such a hurry.

Episode 2

Life in junior high school is full of challenges and opportunities for Asami.When she faced the unreasonable teachings of the most annoying social studies teacher, she did not choose to remain silent, but boldly put forward her own opinions.This is not only the protection of one's own rights, but also the accumulation of valuable merit.

In high school life, her mood fluctuated with the love affairs of her friends.The sweetness and bitterness have become the spices in her life.In college, she was admitted to the Department of Pharmacy, which she longed for, and medical-related majors became her choice.However, this also means that she has nothing to do with Tanabe, whom she dated for the first time in her life.She did not regret it because she knew that every choice she made was for a better future.

Finally, she ushered in the coming of age ceremony of her second life.At that moment, she felt extremely excited and proud.When her middle school classmates gathered at a karaoke bar and saw Xiaofu taking the lead in singing, she couldn't help but have mixed emotions in her heart.She knew that Xiaofu's future was full of hardships and setbacks.He works part-time at this karaoke bar and dreams of becoming a singer, but the reality is so cruel that it is impossible to look directly at him.

《Brush Up Life》E3Plot

Episode 3

In order to accumulate merit, she started her second life.Now, her workplace has become a drugstore near her home. She drives to work every day, sleeps 30 minutes more in the morning, and enjoys an ordinary and peaceful life.

Her boss, Miyaoka, is a meticulous and kind-hearted senior.Under Miyaoka's guidance, Asami not only improved her professional skills, but also learned how to get along with others.However, the peace of life did not last long.When Asami learned that her grandfather was ill, she immediately used her knowledge as a pharmacist to point out that her grandfather's commonly used medicines were inappropriate.After replacing the correct medicine, my grandfather's body gradually recovered.At this moment, Asami felt her value as a pharmacist and successfully achieved the greatest merit in her second life.

Episode 3

However, life is always full of surprises.At this moment, Asami unexpectedly heard about the current situation of her last boyfriend, Tanabe.The news sent ripples through her heart.She couldn't help but start to recall her past relationship and every detail of her first life.

In the blink of an eye, Asami is 33 years old.She knew clearly that the day was not far away when she would die in her first life.On this day, she had dinner with Natsuki and Miho, as if she wanted to seize the last moment.By chance, they met a classmate who came to the store to eat alone.Hearing that the classmate's boyfriend was great and the two lived happily, Asami couldn't help but become curious.

She looked at the photos on her classmates' mobile phones with great interest, but was surprised to find that the person in the photos was someone she knew well.What shocked her even more was that according to her memory, the man already had a wife.Asami was in a dilemma. She didn't know whether she should tell her classmates the truth.

After some thinking, Asami decided to talk to her classmates.

《Brush Up Life》E4Plot

Episode 4

On the stage of life, she challenged the boundaries of fate again and again with tenacity and determination. Although in her second life, she still could not escape the fate of 33 years old and was told that she could not be reincarnated as a human again, but she did not ask for it.Fate bows its head.Instead, she chose to set out again and start her third round of life.

In her third life, Asami chose the same path as the first two times and entered the literature department of the university.There, she met her ex-boyfriend Tanabe again.She was troubled by history repeating itself, but she was steadfast in her determination not to repeat it.However, Tanabe's tenderness and thoughtfulness touched her again and plunged her into an emotional whirlpool.Despite this, Asami has not completely lost herself, and she clearly knows her purpose in life.

Episode 4

After graduating from college, Asami chose to join Nippon Television, hoping to bring happiness to more people through her work and accumulate merit.Living independently in Tokyo, she threw herself into her work with tenacity and enthusiasm.Her talent and hard work were recognized, and she soon participated in the “24 Hour TV” program and was assigned to the TV series crew.There, she established a deep friendship with Asami Usuda, who starred in "Woman", and the two agreed to hire Usuda to star when Asami became a producer.

At the costume discussion of the TV series - Mai Hanasaki is No Longer Silent -, Asami unexpectedly reunited with her classmate Maruyama, who has now become a makeup artist.This encounter made Asami's world wider, and her life became more colorful.

Despite her busy schedule in Tokyo, Asami still maintains a deep friendship with Natsuki and Miho.Whenever she feels tired, she will go back to her hometown and chat with her friends to relieve stress.One day, Asami suddenly remembered an important event - the day when her teacher Yamada was wrongly accused of being a pervert.However, this time she was working late into the night in Tokyo, and physically she couldn't make it back home in time to help Yamada.

《Brush Up Life》E5Plot

Episode 5

Asami, who has worked at Nippon Television for five years, is busy participating in the production of a TV series called - The Woman Who Sells a House.She has a successful career and a fulfilling life, and she lives a busy and happy life every day.However, Mami's life is not limited to the busyness and laughter of the TV station. Her life is also full of memories of the past and expectations for the future.

At a clothing discussion meeting for Toru Nakamura, Asami happily chatted with Usuda Asami and other staff who were working together again. This was not only a work exchange, but also a manifestation of friendship.During lunch time, she had lunch with her elementary school classmate and makeup artist Maruyama. The two recalled the past and shared their current life.These ordinary moments make Asami feel the beauty and warmth of life.

Episode 5

In the evening, Asami chatted with Natsuki and Miho, who came from their hometown, and the three of them shared each other's daily life details and moods.This kind of intimate communication made Asami feel the warmth of home, and all fatigue was swept away.These ordinary family gatherings are part of Mami's life and the harbor of her soul.

Asami's life has not been easy.She works hard and hopes to one day become a producer.Finally, she got the opportunity and planned a TV series called《Brush Up Life》.The theme of this TV series is about girls remaking their lives, which is similar to Asami's own life experience.However, everyone from writers to directors questioned her idea, saying that content such as preventing cheating was too boring.This made Asami feel more pressured, but she did not give up, but pursued her dream more firmly.

In addition to her busy work, Asami also faces problems from her grandfather and Rena.She remembered that the last time she was reborn, her grandfather died because of taking the wrong medicine.And if she didn't expose her colleague Miyaoka at the pharmacy like she did at the beginning, Reina would be unlucky.However, this time Asami is not a pharmacist, so she cannot solve the problem directly like last time.This troubled her so much that she had to travel between her hometown and Tokyo during work breaks, which started a bitter battle.

《Brush Up Life》E6Plot

Episode 6

The TV series that Mami is the producer of - Brush Up Life - is currently being produced in an intense and orderly manner.The lead actor of the series, Asami Usuda, uses her acting skills and charm to interpret the character vividly, making this series highly anticipated.Although this TV series is based on Kondo Asami's own life, after a series of adaptations and creations, the content now has become completely different and more fascinating.

At this busy moment, Kofuku suddenly came to Tokyo to visit Asami.Since the coming-of-age ceremony, the two have not seen each other for nine years.Seeing Xiaofu, Asami couldn't help but feel a sense of kindness and surprise.Kofuku told Asami that he had resigned from the agency and decided to carry out music activities as a freelance singer. At the same time, he also hoped to become an actor on the road of music.

Episode 6

He showed Asami his new song CD, business card and resume, hoping that Asami would take good care of him in the days to come.Asami was moved by Xiaofu's enthusiasm and determination. She knew that Xiaofu had excellent musical talent and performance potential, so she agreed to his request without hesitation.

After returning home, Asami couldn't wait to share Kofuku's new song with Natsuki and Miho.While enjoying the beautiful melody, they sighed at Xiaofu's talent and hard work.At that moment, Asami deeply felt that Xiaofu's music and dreams would bring hope to the difficulties she was about to face.

An unexpected dispute occurred during the filming of 《Brush Up Life》.This plunged the originally busy and orderly crew into chaos and anxiety.Faced with the sudden dilemma, Asami felt overwhelmed.

《Brush Up Life》E7Plot

Episode 7

Asami has experienced four rebirths, each time accompanied by new opportunities and challenges.This time, she, Natsuki and Miho are still classmates, but fate seems to be playing tricks on them, and the friendship between them is no longer as close as it used to be.Asami chose to focus on her studies, and her hard work allowed her to surpass the top student, Mami Uno, and stand at the top of her grade.

The price of this honor is heavy.She lost the time she spent with her friends chatting and having fun together during breaks.Whenever she saw Natsuki and Miho happily taking photos of themselves, Asami could only watch silently in the dark, her heart filled with helplessness and longing.

Until that accidental moment, Mari's appearance broke Asami's inner loneliness.Mari is a child with a cheerful personality, and her appearance gives Asami a long-lost warmth.The two quickly became friends, worked together on the student union, and spent their junior high school years together.

Episode 7

Asami's hard work paid off. She was admitted to the top high school in the county and eventually entered the medical department of a national university.Her goal has always been clear: to become a medical researcher and contribute to human health.

Time flies, Asami celebrates her fourth coming-of-age ceremony.Although she still dared not take the initiative to say hello to Natsuki and Miho, at the karaoke party after the ceremony, the three of them finally chatted for a long time.At this moment, Asami felt relieved in her heart. She knew that no matter how time passed, friendship would always be the most precious asset in her life.

After graduating from college, Asami successfully qualified as a doctor and was admitted to graduate school.She is full of expectations and confidence in her future.She believes that as long as she can make a significant contribution in the medical field, she can save more people.And her ultimate wish is to become a human in the next life through her own efforts.

《Brush Up Life》E8Plot

Episode 8

Asami finally ushered in her fourth rebirth.However, this time, she is no longer fighting alone.Beside her, there is a mysterious figure who has also experienced countless rebirths-Uri Mari.

Mari has been silently observing Asami, and every move and decision she makes seems to reveal a familiar aura.Finally, in a casual conversation, Mari saw through Asami's true identity, and she whispered: "You are also a reborn person."“

Episode 8

Asami was shocked by Mari's words.She never thought that there was another person in this world who was like her, constantly traveling through the river of time, looking for the opportunity to reincarnate as a human being.She recalled her experiences in RUND1 during her middle school days, as well as Mari's seemingly meaningful words at the coming-of-age ceremony later, and she couldn't help but feel ripples in her heart.

Mari confesses her journey to rebirth to Asami.Her purpose is the same as Asami's, hoping to be reincarnated into a real human being and get rid of the endless reincarnation.However, beyond that, she also has a more important purpose - to find the other person who has been with her throughout countless rebirths.

The ”Another Life% that Mari talks about is a world that Asami has never set foot in.

《Brush Up Life》E9Plot

Episode 9

In Asami's memory, she always thought that she, Natsuki and Miho were a close trio, and their friendship with each other was deep and unique.However, Mari revealed a shocking secret: In Mari's first life, the four of them - Mari, Asami, Natsuki, and Miho - have been indispensable friends in each other's lives since they were in elementary school..

However, the cruelty of fate lies in its impermanence.Natsuki and Miho died in a plane accident, leaving Mari and Asami deeply hurt.After being reborn, Mari deeply missed her friends and decided to do everything possible to save them.She told Asami that she was fully prepared and this time, she would definitely succeed.

However, just when everything seemed promising, Asami saw the news of the plane crash on TV, and none of the three people could get through on their mobile phones.At that moment, Asami's heart sank to the bottom, but she did not give up.She knew that this was her chance to be a human being in the next life, and it was also her chance to save her friends.So, she decided to start her fifth rebirth.

This was Asami's last chance to be reborn, and she knew she couldn't fail.With firm determination, Asami entered elementary school and reunited with Mari, who was also reborn.Mari told Asami that in her previous life she had tried to change the plane's route, but was rejected by the senior captain and ultimately failed to prevent the accident.

Episode 9

After Asami heard this, she made a decision in her heart.She told Mari that she would also become a pilot in this life, so that they could become the captain and co-pilot on the same plane and jointly protect the safety of the plane.Under the guidance of Mari, Asami began professional flight training. She vowed that this time, she would save Natsuki and Miho no matter what.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, but just a few weeks before the plane took off, their plans were disrupted again.In the face of sudden changes, Asami and Mari did not flinch. They firmly believed that as long as they did not give up, they would be able to find a way to save their friends.

So they sorted out their moods again, re-planned their plans, and prepared to face the next challenge.They know that their road is full of unknowns and difficulties, but they also firmly believe that as long as they work together, they will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve their goals.

《Brush Up Life》E10Plot

Episode 10

In countless rebirths, Asami found her mission - to protect those she loved deeply.This time, she faced an unprecedented challenge: avoiding an accident on the plane on which her children Natsuki and Miho were traveling.She understood that this task was more difficult than any other, because it meant that she had to spend all her fifth life fighting against fate.

Becoming a pilot together with Mari, Asami experienced countless simulated flights and rigorous training.She is familiar with the mechanics of every aircraft and understands the potential risks of every flight.However, just before the flight carrying Natsuki and Miho was about to take off, the airline suddenly decided to appoint the experienced senior Nakamura as the captain.

Episode 10

Asami's heart tightened, she knew what this meant.If Nakamura cannot be convinced, Natsuki and Miho will face unforeseen dangers.She tried various methods, pleading, quid pro quo, and even directly explaining the consequences, but Nakamura remained unmoved.He sticks to his decision and doesn't want to trade with Asami.

Time was running out, and Asami knew she had to come up with something else.She couldn't just watch her friend in danger.So, she decided to use the knowledge and experience she had accumulated over her several reincarnations to formulate a careful plan.She dug into airline operating rules and explored every possible opportunity.She reached out to her colleagues and friends for help and support.

On that fateful day, Asami prepares to put her plan into action.However, at this time, a series of unexpected things happened one after another.

Brush Up Life

Brush Up Life

Total 10 Episodes Jan 08, 2023 Japan Comedy Actor: Tori Matsuzaka Kinan Haruka Xia Fan Asami Mizukawa Sakura Ando