《Ming Dynasty 1566》Ep Intro

This drama tells the story of Jiajing and Hai Rui.In the thirty-ninth year of Jiajing, corruption was rampant and the people were in dire straits.The treacherous minister Yan Song is surrounded by many factions and has great power. The upright official Hai Rui is not afraid of power and dares to challenge the decadent feudal imperial power.Emperor Zhu Houcong practiced Taoism and Xuanxuan for twenty years, and Yan Song always controlled the military, political and economic power of the Ming Dynasty.

Yan Song's autocratic power aroused the dissatisfaction of local officials at all levels, and the voice of "anti-strict" was rampant. From top to bottom, from inside to outside, from the court to local officials, everywhere was filled with bloody intrigues and intrigues.

Loyal ministers, good generals and treacherous ministers and traitors have stepped onto the stage of history at that time.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E1Plot

Episode 1

In the 39th year of Jiajing's reign, there was no snow all winter. This was regarded as a celestial anomaly at the time and heralded misfortune for the country.On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Zhou Yunyi, the eunuch of the Qin Dynasty, was outspoken and criticized the excessive spending of the imperial court and rampant corruption in the government. His advice undoubtedly touched the interests of the powerful.As a result, Zhou Yunyi was punished by the imperial staff and was beaten to death by Feng Bao, the eunuch of Dongchang, outside the Meridian Gate.This incident shocked the government and the public, and the scholars and the people were all indignant about it.

However, even under such high pressure, Jiajing Emperor Zhu Houcong had to face reality.On the first day of the first lunar month of the 40th year of Jiajing, he was forced to fast and pray for snow in Yuxi Palace in Xiyuan, in order to pray for auspicious snowfall from heaven and bring good news to the people.On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, before the annual financial meeting was held in Yuxi Palace in Xiyuan, snow finally fell, which seemed to indicate that the court was about to usher in a profound change.

Episode 1

Faced with the problem of national treasury deficit and official corruption, Xu Jie, the second assistant of the cabinet and the minister of the Ministry of household affairs, Gao Gong, the minister of the Ministry of household affairs, Zhang Juzheng, the minister of the Ministry of war, and others, together with the chief minister of the cabinet Yan Song and his son Yan Shifan, as well as the chief minister of rites on behalf of Emperor JiajingThe five great eunuchs launched a fierce struggle.This struggle was not only about financial issues, but also a redistribution of power within the imperial court.

At the same time, Emperor Jiajing's son, Prince Yu Zhu Zaihe, gave birth to Emperor Jiajing's first grandson. This good news brought a touch of joy to the court.The birth of the emperor's grandson changed Emperor Jiajing's attitude towards further investigating Zhou Yunyi's background, and also brought new variables to the power struggle within the court.

In this context, Emperor Jiajing approved a national policy proposed by the Yan Party - to implement the policy of converting rice fields into mulberry fields in Zhejiang.This policy aimed to increase silk production and expand import and export trade to fill the national treasury deficit.However, behind it lies the intention to further annex people's fields, which undoubtedly exacerbates the people's suffering.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E2Plot

Episode 2

During the reign of Emperor Jiajing, the balance of power in the court was like a thin ice that could break at any time.When Emperor Jiajing's first grandson was born, this delicate balance changed significantly.Lu Fang, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, was an old man who was well versed in government affairs. He was keenly aware that King Yu was about to ascend the throne of Ouchi.For future plans, he borrowed the name of Emperor Jiajing and sent Feng Bao to Prince Yu's Mansion to serve as the emperor's grandson's companion. This move undoubtedly paved the way for Prince Yu's future rule.

At the same time, King Yu's masters and attendants Xu Jie, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and others, as representatives of the righteous faction of the court, also felt the changes in the court situation.They believe it is time to fight back against the strict party.The Yan Party has been annexing land in the name of converting rice into mulberry, which has brought huge disasters to the people of Zhejiang.In order to resist this policy, they discussed with King Yu and decided to send Tan Lun, the official of Prince Yu's palace, to Zhejiang to work with Hu Zongxian, the governor of Zhejiang and the governor of Zhejiang, to stabilize the overall situation.

Episode 2

Their concerns are not unfounded.As soon as the policy of changing rice to mulberry proposed by Party Strict was implemented in Zhejiang, it brought serious disasters to the local people.On the Chun'an Embankment, Zhejiang Chief Minister Zheng Michang and Zhejiang Inspector He Maocai ignored the people's plight of lack of food and forced them to plant mulberry trees.This short-sighted behavior aroused strong dissatisfaction among the people, which eventually led to the siege of the Governor's Yamen by the people led by Sannong Qi Dazhu.

Within the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau, Yang Jinshui, the eunuch of the Weaving Bureau and the general manager of the Zhejiang Shipping Department, and Zheng Michang, He Maocai and others who were members of the Yan Party in Zhejiang, thought this was a good opportunity to both please the court and make a fortune.They signed a large number of silk sales agreements with foreign merchants and strongly promoted the policy of changing “ rice to mulberry ”.However, Hu Zongxian, who was the governor of Zhejiang Province and a student of Yan Song, was well aware of the harm of this policy.He went to the imperial court to request an extension of this policy, but was suppressed by the strict party.

In this power struggle, Yan Song also fell into trouble.On the one hand, he has to maintain his position of power, on the other hand, he has to face the pressure from King Yu and the righteous faction.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E3Plot

Episode 3

During the turbulent Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, the struggle for imperial power and family interests intertwined into a complex historical picture.When Emperor Jiajing stepped into Prince Yu's Mansion and saw his grandson, the long-indifferent family affection in his heart was reawakened.With a wave of his hand, he rewarded Concubine Li with a hundred thousand pieces of silk, and even had an unprecedented vegetarian meal at Prince Yu's Mansion. This series of actions showed his deep affection for the emperor's grandson.

Behind this tenderness, the struggle for power never stops.Yan Song, the powerful prime minister, took this opportunity to deliver Hu Zongxian's memorial to Emperor Jiajing through Lu Fang, intending to test the emperor's attitude.He tried to consolidate his position through this move, and at the same time secretly observed Emperor Jiajing's reaction.

At the same time, Yan Song's son Yan Shifan was even more eager for quick success.He privately rejected Hu Zongxian's memorial and conspired with Zheng Michang and He Maocai to use the Dragon Boat Festival flood season to dig open the gates of the dikes in nine counties of Xin'an River in an attempt to annex the victims' fields at a low price by destroying the dikes and flooding the fields.Once this plan is implemented, it will bring huge disaster to the local people.

Episode 3

After Hu Zongxian received the approval, he understood that he was in a dilemma.Originally, he could use the memorial to make suggestions to Yan Song, or directly explain the matter to Emperor Jiajing in a memorial, but due to Tan Lun's intervention, he became a victim of party strife.Tan Lun's actions in Zhejiang put Hu Zongxian into trouble. He knew that the strict party's chaotic government would definitely lead to chaos in Zhejiang.In order to stabilize the morale of the army, he persuaded Tan Lun to go to Qi Jiguang's camp first.

The development of the situation exceeded Hu Zongxian's expectation.Yang Jinshui, the eunuch in charge of the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau, colluded with Zheng Michang, He Maocai and others to buy the land of the victims at a low price.When the flood came, they ordered Ma Ningyuan, the prefect of Hangzhou, and others to dig out the gates of the dikes in nine counties of Xin'an River behind Hu Zongxian's back. Nine counties were in danger of being flooded.

After learning about the breach of the levee, Hu Zongxian led Qi Jiguang, Tan Lun and others to quickly mobilize troops to the levee in person, and worked together with the people led by Qi Dazhu to fight the flood.After hard work, they were finally forced to divert floods in Chun'an County and Jiande County.Chun'an Jiande suffered severe disasters, while seven other counties were spared.This flood brought a major setback to the Yan Party's attempt to annex land in nine counties.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E4Plot

Episode 4

Recently, the disaster in Zhejiang has attracted widespread attention both inside and outside the imperial court.As a major local official, Hu Zongxian quickly intervened and began to investigate the ins and outs of the incident.However, as the investigation deepened, he found that Yang Jinshui, Zheng Michang, He Maocai and others were difficult to give a clear explanation of the matter, and the situation became extremely complicated.

In order to stabilize the situation, Hu Zongxian took decisive action.He secretly interrogated Ma Ningyuan and others, and after finding out the truth, he made the decision to behead Ma Ningyuan, Chang Boxi, Zhang Zhiliang, and Li Xuan as a warning to others.Although this decisive measure caused quite a shock, it also effectively curbed the further deterioration of the disaster.

Hu Zongxian went to the imperial court again and requested that the plan to convert rice into mulberry be postponed to avoid placing a greater burden on the disaster area.At the same time, he was still carrying Ma Ningyuan's confession, preparing to go to Beijing to face the Holy Spirit and report the matter to Emperor Jiajing in person.

Episode 4

After learning about this, Yan Shifan and Luo Longwen, as well as Yan Maoqing, the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment, had to report the destruction of embankments and flooding of fields to Yan Song.After Yan Song learned the inside story, he knew that the matter was not trivial, so he decided to go to the palace to meet Emperor Jiajing immediately to discuss countermeasures.

After Emperor Jiajing learned of the incident, he immediately ordered to summon Lu Fang, Yan Song, and Yang Jinshui, Hu Zongxian, Tan Lun and others from King Yu's three parties to secretly inquire about the details.At this time, Yang Jinshui was ordered to go to Beijing, but he was uneasy and didn't know what would happen.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E5Plot

Episode 5

During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, father and son Yan Song and Yan Shifan relied on their power and wealth to form a powerful Yan Party in the court and controlled the government for more than 20 years.However, their power play led to the alienation and exclusion of one outstanding official, Hu Zongxian.

Hu Zongxian was a man who could understand the general situation, consider the overall situation, and be willing to act with sincerity. In his position as governor of Zhejiang, with his wisdom and talent, he successfully appeased the people, resisted the invasion of Japanese pirates, and protected the imperial court's tax-rich areas.However, Yan Shifan deceived Yan Song, causing them to misunderstand and alienate Hu Zongxian.

Although Emperor Jiajing has learned that Yan Shifan was the instigator of the incident of destroying dikes and flooding fields, he still needs to rely on the Yan Party to make money.Therefore, he accepted Yan Song's suggestion and asked Hu Zongxian to resign from his part-time job as governor of Zhejiang and only serve as governor of Zhejiang.Such an arrangement would not only allow Hu Zongxian to grasp the overall situation, but also concentrate on suppressing Japanese pirates, opening up maritime trade routes, and ensuring the normal conduct of foreign trade.

Episode 5

However, Yan Dang's behavior has caused dissatisfaction with Qingliu of the imperial court.When Zhang Juzheng was discussing matters in Prince Yu's Mansion, he expressed strong indignation against Yan Dang's behavior.He even planned to plunge Zhejiang into chaos and overthrow the Yan Party in one fell swoop.But Concubine Li's intervention made him calm down.She reminded King Yu that as the crown prince, he could not act on his own impulse. He needed to consider all the people of the Ming Dynasty.Although Hu Zongxian knew how to care for the people in his territory, King Yu and his loyal ministers should not turn a blind eye.

Concubine Li's words undoubtedly sounded the alarm to Zhang Juzheng, Tan Lun and others.They began to realize that although Yan Dang had great power in the court, their actions had aroused widespread resentment.And Hu Zongxian's experience made them understand that the victims of the power game were not only Hu Zongxian, but also the innocent people.

In the struggle for power, Yan Song and Yan Shifan may temporarily have the upper hand, but their actions will eventually trigger a greater crisis.For Emperor Jiajing, he needed to understand that the real national affairs were not just about amassing money and maintaining power, but also the long-term development of the country and the well-being of the people.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E6Plot

Episode 6

Gao Hanwen, editor of the Hanlin Academy, was a disciple of Yan Shifan. His talent and knowledge allowed him to occupy a place in the court.However, his influence was not limited to the imperial court. His decisions and actions had a profound impact on the lives of people in Zhejiang.

Zhejiang's policy of converting rice from rice to mulberry has led to serious disasters and people are living in dire straits.Faced with this severe situation, Gao Hanwen put forward a proposal to solve the dilemma by using both reform and relief, aiming to resolve the contradiction between the disaster situation and reform policies.This suggestion was appreciated by Yan Shifan and his party, and he was appointed as the prefect of Hangzhou, responsible for implementing this policy.

However, the implementation of the policy was not smooth.After Zheng Michang, the governor of Zhejiang, took over, the power of the strict party spread throughout Zhejiang, and the implementation of policies was seriously hindered.The imperial court was unable to provide enough food for disaster relief, so Xu Jie, Gao Gong and others could only ask for help from Hu Zongxian of Jiangsu through official documents.

Hu Zongxian had high hopes for Gao Hanwen.On his way to Jiangsu to borrow grain, he specially greeted Gao Hanwen, the new prefect of Hangzhou, at the inn, and explained to him in detail the disaster situation in Zhejiang and the reality that powerful powers took the opportunity to annex land.He hoped that Gao Hanwen could curb the powerful behavior and make decisions for the people.

Episode 6

Hu Zongxian himself borrowed food for Zhejiang despite his illness and provided support for Gao Hanwen.After learning about the critical situation in Zhejiang, Gao Hanwen felt deeply responsible.He and Hu Zongxian worked together to deal with the disaster in Zhejiang and the pressure of the strict party.

At the same time, King Yu, Xu Jie, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and others were also discussing countermeasures.They decided to send two good officials to serve as magistrates of Chun'an and Jiande counties respectively to compete with the strict party.Tan Lun recommended Hai Rui, who was then the magistrate of Nanping County, Fujian Province, to be the magistrate of Chun'an County.In order for Hai Rui to accept the appointment, Zhang Juzheng even wrote an article himself, asking him to be filial and loyal in Tan Lun's name.

After hearing about the suffering of the people in Zhejiang, Hai Rui decided to put aside his personal filial piety and generously went to Zhejiang to take up his post.He persuaded the strong-minded Haimu Xie and embarked on the road to Zhejiang with deep concern for the people of Zhejiang.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E7Plot

Episode 7

In the gatehouse of the governor's office in Hangzhou, a figure hurriedly appeared. This was Gao Hanwen, who had traveled day and night to get here.He did not reveal his identity, but he eagerly asked Hai Rui and Wang Yongji, who were present, about their views on the strategy of "reform and provide relief at the same time, and solve the dilemma".

Wang Yongji seemed a little at a loss for this sudden question, fearing that his words would cause unnecessary trouble.Hai Rui, with his usual straightforwardness and fearlessness, directly pointed out the shortcomings of this strategy.He was not shocked by Gao Hanwen's identity, but used his sharp eyes to analyze the essence of the strategy.

In the governor's hall, Zheng Michang and He Maocai were leading Zhejiang officials, large and small, preparing to welcome Gao Hanwen with etiquette that exceeded the standards.Their purpose was clear, which was to get Gao Hanwen to approve their proposal to buy the victims' fields at a low price after the meeting ceremony was completed.This bill seems to be to solve the problems of the disaster victims, but in fact, it is more concerned with how to let the big silk companies buy fields as soon as possible and plant mulberry seedlings instead.As for whether the large farmers who bought the land would take the opportunity to lower the price of the land, and whether the people who sold the land could live a normal life, these were completely ignored.

Episode 7

After reading the bill, Gao Hanwen immediately noticed the problems.He resolutely put forward the request to renegotiate the case and received the full support of Hai Rui and Wang Yongji.Their opposition prevented Yan Party's motion from passing.

Faced with Gao Hanwen's firm stance, Zheng Michang and He Maocai knew that they could not make him submit using official bribery and wooing methods.So, they secretly discussed with Shen Yishi and decided to use a more insidious method - a honey trap.They asked Yun Niang, the eunuch Yang Jinshui, who was in charge of the Weaving Bureau, to meet Gao Hanwen privately in an attempt to force him to surrender.Afterwards, they suppressed Hai Rui and Wang Yongji to further weaken the opposition.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E8Plot

Episode 8

In Chun'an County in the Ming Dynasty, Gao Hanwen was lured to the weaving workshop to watch silk because of a trap.At the same time, Hai Rui and Wang Yongji came to the dock to check the situation of the grain market, but unexpectedly met Qi Dazhu and other Chun'an disaster victims. They were dissatisfied that large households took the opportunity to buy farmers' fields at low prices and were bullied by the officers and soldiers of the Yamen.scene.Hai Rui angrily stopped the atrocities committed by the officers and soldiers, released Qi Dazhu, and promised the people that he would handle the disaster relief matters.

This incident aroused the anger of Zheng Michang and He Maocai.They attempted to frame the Chun'an victims who were released by Hai Rui for treason, and planned to let Hai Rui bring these wronged people to justice.In order to realize this conspiracy, He Maocai personally went to the prison to negotiate with the Japanese leader Jushiro Inoue in custody, in an attempt to induce the victims to buy food from the Japanese pirates.

Episode 8

At the same time, in order to frame Gao Hanwen, Shen Yishi ordered Yang Jinshui, the eunuch, to frame Gao Hanwen and Yun Niang for adultery while they were playing ancient songs, and forced Gao Hanwen to write down the evidence.After Hai Rui and Wang Yongji returned to the prefect's Yamen, they found that Gao Hanwen had not returned and realized that the matter might not be simple.Sure enough, Gao Hanwen looked abnormal when he came back, which aroused their suspicion.

The next day, Zheng Michang and He Maocai came up with an unaltered bill to change rice to mulberry in an attempt to force Gao Hanwen to sign.This bill was originally formulated to reform agricultural production methods and increase food production, but under the manipulation of Zheng MiChang and He Maocai, it became their tool to frame Hai Rui and Gao Hanwen.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E9Plot

Episode 9

In Zhejiang during the Ming Dynasty, Gao Hanwen was forced to sign an order to bring innocent victims to justice.Faced with this injustice, Hai Rui and Wang Yongji stepped forward. They sternly questioned Zheng Michang and He Maocai on why they treated the people affected by the disaster in this way.However, Zheng MiChang and He Maocai were so insane that they ignored the life and death of the people and were at war with Hai Rui above the lobby.

At this time, Gao Hanwen was exhausted mentally and physically. He tried to argue for Hai Rui, but his body could no longer support him and he fainted on the spot in the lobby.This scene shocked everyone present, but Zheng Michang was merciless. He ordered Hai Rui to immediately take the soldiers of Zhensi Yamen to Chun'an to bring justice to the victims who had been wrongly accused, otherwise they would be charged with treason with the Japanese.Discuss.

Episode 9

Hu Zongxian, who is far away in Jiangsu, is also worried about the situation in Zhejiang.Accompanied by Tan Lun, he borrowed food from Jiangsu, but his body could not support it and fell ill.After Zhao Zhenji, the governor of Yingtian, learned about it, he invited Li Shizhen, the imperial physician who had advised Emperor Jiajing not to accidentally take elixirs, to diagnose and treat Hu Zongxian.Li Shizhen healed people first, and his medical skills impressed Hu Zongxian.

Hu Zongxian thought of the tragic situation after the disaster in Jiande, Chun'an, and that the plague must be prevalent. He decided to ask Li Shizhen to treat the disease and save people.Li Shizhen, a doctor with a kind heart, readily agreed.

The situation in Zhejiang has undergone unexpected changes.Yang Jinshui deliberately hid in Beijing and did not return, which made the situation in Zhejiang even more confusing.Shen Yishi felt the crisis. After venting his feelings to Yun Niang, who had already fallen in love with him, he drove the grain ship to the disaster-stricken Chun'an and Jiande counties in the name of the Weaving Bureau.

Hai Rui, who was kidnapped by the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Zhensi Yamen, came to Chun'an and was forced to kill the unjust Chun'an people at three quarters to noon.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E10Plot

Episode 10

Yang Jinshui, an official of the Weaving Bureau who was deeply trusted by the emperor, secretly returned to Zhejiang, but unexpectedly uncovered the ulterior secrets between Zheng Michang, He Maocai and Shen Yishi.In the name of the palace, they actually bought farmers' fields at low prices. This behavior undoubtedly poured dirty water on Emperor Jiajing's head.

Yang Jinshui was shocked when he learned about this. He understood that this was not only an infringement on the farmers, but also a provocation to the imperial power.He acted decisively and sent the news to the palace with an official letter from the Weaving Bureau at a speed of eight hundred miles, hoping to attract the emperor's attention.

At the same time, Hai Rui, an official known for his impartiality and selflessness, was also sticking to his principles in another corner of Zhejiang.Facing the urging of He Maocai's minion Jiang Qianhu, Hai Rui did not give in.According to Ming Dynasty law, he rejected the request for execution because there was no record of the Japanese Tongtong case and no oral confession.In order to prevent the strict party from killing people and silencing them, Hai Rui even sent the prisoners to the county jail for strict supervision.

Episode 10

Not only that, Hai Rui also sent two urgent reports to the Governor's Yamen, Zhensi Yamen in Hangzhou and Hu Zongxian in Suzhou, requesting the Governor's Yamen, the Governor's Yamen and Zhensi Yamen to jointly hear the case.His move not only reflected his wisdom, but also demonstrated his courage and determination.

After the incident in Zhejiang reached Suzhou, Hu Zongxian had a premonition that internal troubles would lead to foreign troubles.While he was deploying anti-Japanese military forces, he sent Tan Lun to lead the governor's Yamen soldiers to Chun'an to deal with possible crises.

Zheng Michang and He Maocai's conspiracy did not succeed. Their anger and panic made them murderous.They ordered Jiang Qianhu and Xu Qianhu to rush back to Chun'an at night in an attempt to eradicate the problem, killing Thirteenth Inoue and innocent people, and then immediately detained Hai Rui.

Hai Rui was already prepared.On the one hand, he ordered Tian Youlu to continue to borrow food from local wealthy households to cope with possible crises; on the other hand, he strictly guarded the prisoners to ensure their safety.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E11Plot

Episode 11

Zheng Mi Chang predicted that Shen Yishi's grain ship had arrived in Chun'an. This news was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, breaking the original tranquility.On the surface, he gently urged Gao Hanwen to go and deal with it, but in fact he secretly sent troops to protect him, and actually escorted Gao Hanwen to buy land.This ingenious technique not only shows Zheng Michang's profound city, but also reveals his persistence and use of power.

At the same time, Yang Jinshui also secretly visited Gao Hanwen late at night, warning him not to be threatened for Yun Niang's affairs.Yang Jinshui's move was not only a protection for Gao Hanwen, but also an expectation for him.He hoped that Gao Hanwen could put aside his personal grudges and focus on the overall situation.At the same time, he also asked Gao Hanwen to take off the flag of the Weaving Bureau after arriving in Chun'an to clear Emperor Jiajing's name.This move undoubtedly deepened the close relationship between Yang Jinshui and Emperor Jiajing, and also reflected his loyalty and responsibility to Emperor Jiajing.

Episode 11

Emperor Jiajing was in deep trouble at this moment.He took the elixir and accumulated poison in his body, causing dryness in winter and cold in summer, and his physical condition was worrying.In order to save him, Lu Fang used Li Shizhen's prescription to detoxify him.At this time, Emperor Jiajing received eight hundred miles of urgent documents from Yang Jinshui, and was furious after reading it.He urgently summoned Yan Song to inquire whether the matter was related to Yan Shifan.This incident not only revealed Emperor Jiajing's sensitivity and vigilance towards power, but also demonstrated his clear attitude towards loyalty and betrayal.

As the incident deepened, Emperor Jiajing gradually discovered that Yan Song's party was too powerful to be eliminated.He ordered Lu Fang to let his men continue to investigate, and sent Jin Yiwei to inspect Zhejiang for him.This move not only reflected Emperor Jiajing's desire to control power, but also revealed his fear and guard against Yan Song's party.

Outside the palace, Feng Bao carefully served the young prince and won his trust and dependence.At the same time, he also exchanged news between Lu Fang and King Yu, which caused both King Yu and Concubine Li to gradually change their attitudes towards him.Feng Bao's move not only demonstrated his wit and skill, but also foreshadowed his important position in future palace struggles.

In Chun'an Prison, Hai Rui learned that Shen Yishi's grain ship had arrived at the dock, but he could not leave even half a step away.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E12Plot

Episode 12

Gao Hanwen led the soldiers of the Governor's Office to arrive in time. They were brave and fearless and saved the crisis with thunderous momentum, allowing Hai Rui to overcome the first difficulty.This thrilling scene made people break out in a cold sweat, and also made people marvel at Gao Hanwen's bravery and wisdom.

In the main hall of Yuxi Palace, Emperor Jiajing was angrily scolding Yan Song and Yan Shifan and his son.Yan Shifan insisted that what happened in Zhejiang was all done by Zheng Michang and He Maocai, and that he did not instruct them to buy farmers' fields at low prices in the name of the Weaving Bureau.Although Emperor Jiajing was doubtful about Yan Shifan's words, he let him go for the time being and ordered him to investigate the matter.The storm at this time seemed to indicate that the end of Yan Song and his son was coming.

At the same time, Zhu Qi and others from Jinyiwei rushed to Zhejiang on the orders of Emperor Jiajing. Their mission was to find out the truth and solve the mystery in Emperor Jiajing's heart.And the story of Zhejiang using the palace's name to buy the victims' fields at low prices also reached Prince Yu's palace.After King Yu heard the news, he planned to return the 100,000 pieces of silk that Emperor Jiajing had given to Concubine Li's family as a protest.However, Concubine Li felt that it was inappropriate to do so. She believed that she should understand the situation clearly before making a decision.

Episode 12

King Yu was very anxious and eager to see Xu Jie, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng to discuss countermeasures.Concubine Li saw that King Yu was so impulsive and advised him to treat it calmly and not to act rashly.However, King Yu thought that Concubine Li did not understand his feelings and scolded her.Xu Jie, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng rushed to Prince Yu's Mansion after hearing the news. The three of them were important ministers of the imperial court and had great responsibility for the safety of the country.

In Prince Yu's Mansion, they discussed countermeasures with Prince Yu.Zhang Juzheng felt that this matter was unbelievable and treacherous. He suggested that King Yu wait and see what happens and not act rashly.After hearing this, King Yu couldn't help but regret wrongly blaming Concubine Li. He also realized that his impulsiveness might bring greater crisis to the court.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E13Plot

Episode 13

Yan Song's authority is unquestionable.His order was enough to shock the entire court.Recently, Yan Song once again gave strict instructions to Yan Shifan, demanding that in order to prevent civil unrest, the land price should not be too low.This move is obviously to maintain social stability, but the interest entanglements involved are far from simple as they appear.

After receiving this order, Yan Shifan, Luo Longwen, Yan Maoqing and others showed reluctance on their faces.They claimed that they were not colluding with Zheng Michang and He Maocai, and the implication seemed to be that they were shirking responsibility.However, behind this lies a more complex power struggle and interest entanglement.

Shen Yishi, a little-known figure, played a key role in this struggle.He actually used the grain he bought to help the victims. This move undoubtedly disrupted the plans of Yan Song and others.Seeing that the land purchase failed, Zheng Michang, He Maocai and others became furious and cursed Shen Yishi.But what they are more worried about is that Thirteenth Inoue, who is imprisoned in Chun'an, will reveal the matter. Once the matter is exposed, they will all face the danger of annihilating the nine clans.

Episode 13

In order to calm the situation as soon as possible, Zheng Michang instructed He Maocai to go to Chun'an to escort Inoue Jushiro back before Hu Zongxian.As for himself, he went to Yang Jinshui to discuss countermeasures.Yang Jinshui, as an important figure in the imperial court, was preparing to let the Jin Yiwei who came from the capital capture Shen Yishi.But when he heard that Shen Yishi used the grain purchased from the fields to help the victims, he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.He was worried that he would be guilty of deceiving the emperor if he made a mistake in reporting, so he decided to go and find out the truth personally.

Things did not develop as Yang Jinshui expected.Zheng Michang actually pretended to be dead and refused to admit his crime.In desperation, Yang Jinshui had to invite Jin Yiwei Zhu Qi to assist in the investigation.As soon as Zhu Qi came out, Zheng Mi Chang lied that he didn't know what Shen Yishi had planned in order to escape the charges.This kind of shirking of responsibilities undoubtedly exacerbated the conflicts within the court.

In the end, Zheng Michang and Yang Jinshui conspired and decided to go to the court to shift the responsibility to Shen Yishi.They claimed that Shen Yishi sabotaged the court's plans and caused the turmoil.Zhu Qi also discovered during an unannounced visit that Qi Dazhu's accusation of Tongwa was indeed unjust.This discovery made the people extremely grateful to Emperor Jiajing for sending food for disaster relief and Hai Rui, who was sent by King Yu to make decisions for the people.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E14Plot

Episode 14

Hai Rui handled a complex case involving Japanese pirates and innocent people.He handed over the real Japanese pirate Inoue Thirteenth Lang to He Maocai and brought him back to the province, eliminating a major hidden danger for the people of Chun'an.In this incident, the innocent Qi Dazhu was wrongly accused. According to Ming law, he should have been punished with twenty lashes before being released.Hai Rui understood the righteousness well, and in order to calm the people's hearts, he whipped Qi Dazhu in public to let the people understand that this was a sacrifice for the overall situation.

During the whipping process, Hai Rui did not forget to explain to the people the difference between growing mulberry and growing grain. He emphasized that the three-year tax-free policy for growing mulberry would not only help Chun'an's economic development, but the harvest of mulberry leaves far exceeded that of grain, which was important for the people.Improving people's living standards is of great significance.His words deeply moved everyone present. The wronged persons, including Qi Dazhu, were deeply aware of Hai Rui's good intentions. They all expressed their willingness to follow Hai Rui and work together for the prosperity and stability of Chun'an..

At the same time, Hai Rui also actively persuaded Qi Dazhu and others to join the Qi Army, fight against Japanese pirates, and kill the enemy to serve the country.His persuasion not only inspired the patriotic enthusiasm of Qi Dazhu and others, but also contributed to the border security of the Ming Dynasty.

Episode 14

In another corner of Chun'an, Tan Lun invited the famous medical scientist Li Shizhen here.He not only hoped that Li Shizhen could prevent and treat the epidemic for the victims of Chun'an, but also hoped that he could prescribe fertility medicine for the Hai Rui couple and leave offspring for the Hai family.This move not only reflected Tan Lun's deep friendship for Hai Rui, but also reflected his deep concern for the people of Chun'an.

Before Tan Lun left, he had an in-depth conversation with Hai Rui.He explained the current situation to Hai Rui: the policy of resisting the conversion of rice into mulberry has disrupted the Yan Party's position, the Japanese pirates along the coast will also take action, and the southeast region is about to usher in a war.He emphasized that to win this battle, a large amount of financial support is needed.However, the treasury was empty, and Emperor Jiajing still relied on Yan Song and his son to support the situation.According to Hu Zongxian's analysis, the only wealthy man who can currently fill the national treasury deficit is Shen Yashi, and it is inevitable for the court to take action against him.

Things developed as Hu Zongxian expected. Emperor Jiajing summoned Yan Song. Although the conversation did not directly involve state affairs, he hinted that Yan Song and Lu Fang should take good care of their sons by talking about the relationship between father and son.Yan Song immediately understood Emperor Jiajing's intention. He ordered Yan Shifan to search Shen Yishi's property in order to raise military rations and send them to Hu Zongxian's camp.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E15Plot

Episode 15

Shen Yishi colluded with local officials Zheng Michang and He Maocai, and used honey traps and false land purchases to create a huge political turmoil.All this was hidden from Yang Jinshui, an important official of the imperial court. It was not until the incident was revealed that the truth of the conspiracy was revealed.

Shen Yishi, a silk giant with 25 workshops and 3,000 looms, could weave 548 pieces of silk every day.However, life was not easy for the richest man.Not only did he want to fill the deficit in the national treasury, but he also wanted to give Zheng Michang, He Maocai and corrupt officials in the capital a share.In order to maintain his business, Shen Yishi had to collude with Zheng and He and buy an acre of land with ten shi of rice to barely make ends meet.

In this conspiracy, Shen Yishi deliberately used the name of the Weaving Bureau to buy fields to attract Yang Jinshui's attention.He expected that Yang Jinshui would report to the court. If something unexpected happened, the court would have more confidence in Yang Jinshui.However, after Yang Jinshui learned the inside story, he hated what Zheng Michang and He Maocai did.

Episode 15

After the cabinet learned of the incident, it urgently ordered Zhejiang officials to confiscate Shen Yishi's property and allocate it to the military.In order to shirk responsibility, Zheng Michang and He Maocai passed the matter to Gao Hanwen.Desperate, Shen Yishi chose to set fire to himself, but four boxes of bribery account books fell into the hands of Zheng Michang and He Maocai.

In fact, Shen Yishi had already been exploited to the point where there was very little left.His inventory of raw silk could only sustain the workshop for weaving for twenty days, totaling 10,960 pieces, which was 489,440 pieces short of the 500,000 pieces the imperial court needed to sell to the West.There are only a hundred pieces of silk left in stock.This conspiracy turmoil put Shen Yishi into a desperate situation.

At the same time, the internal affairs of the Ming Dynasty became increasingly corrupt, and Japanese pirates had been infesting the southeastern coast for ten years.Amid this internal and external troubles, Hu Zongxian, the governor of Zhejiang Province, took charge of the deployment, and the Qi Jiajun led by the famous general Qi Jiguang became the main force in the decisive battle against Japan.In this year, a war concerning the life and death of the country began on the southeastern coast of China.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E16Plot

Episode 16

Gao Hanwen is responsible for checking Shen Yishi's account books and family property.In his carefully planned operation, he found nothing.Unwilling to be reconciled, he decided to split up with the Jin Yiwei who came with them, rushing all the way to the governor's Yamen and the other to the Weaving Bureau, hoping to find clues.

At this time, Zheng Michang and He Maocai, two officials from Zhejiang, were urgently burning account books and destroying evidence.They knew that once Gao Hanwen found Shen Yishi's account books, their corrupt behavior would have no way of hiding.Therefore, they blocked Gao Hanwen from the gate of the governor's office in an attempt to prevent him from continuing to investigate further.

Zheng MiChang and He Maocai's plan did not succeed.What they never expected was that Yang Jinshui actually had four wooden boxes in his possession, which contained all of Shen Yishi's account books for the past twenty years.These account books were sent to the capital intact, handed over to Lu Fang, and finally presented to Emperor Jiajing's imperial case.

Episode 16

Emperor Jiajing was furious when he learned the truth, and he immediately ordered a thorough investigation of the case.At this time, the corrupt behavior of Zhejiang officials such as Zheng Michang and He Maocai was completely exposed.Not only did they embezzle huge sums of money, resulting in a shortage of military pay and being unable to supply the soldiers fighting against the Japanese at the front, but after the incident was exposed, they even conspired to frame the crime on Gao Hanwen in an attempt to make him a scapegoat.

At this critical moment, Japanese pirates burned, killed, raped and looted along the southeast coast, posing a huge threat to the Ming Dynasty.Thousands of soldiers of the Qi family army still stood firm even after being without food for several days, waiting for the opportunity to kill the enemy and serve the country.One can imagine how critical the situation in the southeast is.

After Gao Hanwen learned the news, he knew that he had a heavy responsibility.He quickly rushed to the front line with his only military supplies and met Hu Zongxian.Hu Zongxian was an official with keen insight. He concluded that within a month, the imperial court would set off a major case in Zhejiang.Therefore, he advised Gao Hanwen to immediately find the Jin Yiwei sent by the imperial court, take the initiative to plead guilty, and request that he be sent to the capital.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E17Plot

Episode 17

Gao Hanwen revealed Shen Yishi's secret accounts before his death to Hai Rui one by one, revealing many ulterior corruption behaviors within the court.Hai Rui's deep sense of corruption all began in the inner court. This is undoubtedly a profound reflection on the entire political ecology of the Ming Dynasty.

As a member of the Zhejiang officialdom, Shen Yishi's corruption actually involved one million pieces of silk, equivalent to seven to eight million taels of silver. This was undoubtedly a huge fortune.Emperor Jiajing was extremely concerned about this matter and ordered the eunuchs to check four boxes of account books to reveal the truth about the corruption in Zhejiang officialdom over the past two decades.This incident not only exposed the seriousness of corruption in official circles, but also reflected Emperor Jiajing's strict control over the country's financial revenue and expenditure.

Episode 17

After learning the news, Emperor Jiajing immediately summoned Hu Zongxian and severely questioned the breach of the Xin'an River embankment and the corruption in Zhejiang officials.As a loyal minister, Hu Zongxian knew that the country's affairs were difficult, so he admonished Emperor Jiajing to thoroughly investigate the matter at the appropriate time to avoid involving the cabinet and the six ministries and nine departments, which would lead to chaos in the Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Jiajing did not stop there. In order to further test Yan Song, he ordered Hu Zongxian to send four boxes of account books to Yan's mansion overnight.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E18Plot

Episode 18

In the Jingshe of Yuxi Palace, Emperor Jiajing summoned Yan Song. This move itself revealed an unusual atmosphere.Yan Song, as the chief minister of the cabinet at the time, had overwhelming power, but at this time he was facing unprecedented challenges.Emperor Jiajing handed Yan Song a wooden box containing account books. These account books were key evidence in Shen Yishi's case.Shen Yishi, a little-known figure, was involved in a series of corruption cases that shocked both the government and the public.

In the face of overwhelming evidence, Yan Song had to bow his head.He knew that his political career had reached a critical juncture, so he stated that everyone involved in Shen Yishi's account books should be dealt with immediately, and the property embezzled should also be strictly recovered.This statement was not only a submission to Emperor Jiajing, but also a repositioning of his own political stance.

Episode 18

Emperor Jiajing expressed satisfaction with Yan Song's response and immediately adjusted the cabinet members. This move was undoubtedly a major weakening of Yan Song's power.At the same time, he assigned Xu Jie's student Zhao Zhenji as governor of Zhejiang, responsible for arresting Zheng Michang, He Maocai and others, and recovering Shen Yishi's embezzled property.

As a famous doctor, Li Shizhen formed a deep friendship with Hai Rui and his wife.He diagnosed the pulse of Hai Rui and his wife and won the favor of Hai Mu.Hai Rui, an official known for his integrity, was also facing tremendous pressure at this time.The mulberry seedlings had just sprouted, which was the most critical moment for raw silk production, but Zheng Michang and He Maocai, who were furious, sent people to various counties to urge the collection of raw silk.Hai Rui was fully aware of the irrationality of this policy and immediately seized the official document urging the raw silk to be paid.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E19Plot

Episode 19

The name of Shen Yishi's family once represented glory and glory.However, with the confiscation of the family property, the family fell into an unprecedented crisis.Although Shen Yishi's workshop cannot be stopped, the family's fate seems to be doomed.

Zheng Michang and He Maocai, two Zhejiang officials, decided to sell Shen Yishi's 25 workshops and 3,000 looms to Huizhou weavers in order to fill the vacancy in military pay and satisfy the silk trade with the West.In their view, this transaction will solve the military supply problem ahead and bring them huge profits, enough to offset their previous mistakes.

However, they did not expect that the new governor Zhao Zhenji and Jin Yiwei were already only thirty miles away from Hangzhou.In a few hours, they would be arrested and jailed.The purpose of Zhao Zhenji's trip was to trace Shen Yishi's family property. He was very puzzled by the practice of selling the Shen family's property to Huizhou merchants.

Yang Jinshui, as the envoy of the imperial court, explained the matter.He emphasized that Hu Zongxian's camp was in urgent need of military supplies, and the court had 500,000 pieces of silk to sell to the West this year, so this transaction was necessary.He also revealed that this matter had been approved by Lu Fang.

Despite this, Zheng Michang and He Maocai still insisted on completing the transaction and reported the good news to Yang Jinshui.However, their joy was short-lived.They were caught red-handed by Zhao Zhenji and faced serious charges.

In the past twenty years, the Shen Yishi family has surrendered four million pieces of silk to the court, many of which were corrupted by Yang Jinshui.Therefore, Zheng Michang and He Maocai tried to involve Yang Jinshui, hoping to take this opportunity to save their lives.

Episode 19

At the same time, Hai Rui and Wang Yongji were appointed as jurors to examine the corruption case in Zhejiang.Their arrival makes this power struggle more complicated.

Zhao Zhenji came to the Zhejiang Governor's Yamen to meet with Hu Zongxian.He suspected that he was being used by Hu Zongxian, while Hu Zongxian bluntly stated that the current situation in Zhejiang was very bad. If Zhao Zhenji could handle this problem, he might join the cabinet and become prime minister.Emperor Jiajing was looking for candidates for the next cabinet, and Zhao Zhenji was one of his favorite candidates.

These words made Zhao Zhenji's eyes flash with light.He understood that this was a rare opportunity.However, he also knew that to seize this opportunity, he must handle Zhejiang's affairs.

Hu Zongxian was very angry when he learned that his hometown friend was also involved in this turmoil.He didn't know it, but he deeply abhorred this kind of use of family ties for power struggle.In desperation, he could only ask Zhao Zhenji to handle the affairs in Zhejiang again.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E20Plot

Episode 20

Under Hu Zongxian's expectations and the public's attention, Zhao Zhenji returned to the governor's office, ready to fulfill his promise.He knows that the next task is both difficult and urgent - recovering stolen money and urgently raising military pay to cope with the current tense situation.

Zhao Zhenji did not hesitate to interrogate Zheng Michang and He Maocai in the second hall.Although Zheng Michang still held a fluke mentality and firmly believed that Yang Jinshui would come to the rescue, Zhao Zhenji was not moved by it.He quietly waited for the arrival of jurors Hai Rui and Wang Yongji, preparing to continue the interrogation.

Episode 20

At the same time, as soon as Hai Rui arrived in Hangzhou, he immediately went to the Zhensi Yamen Prison and began to interrogate Zheng Michang and He Maocai.His arrival made the whole case more eye-catching.Wang Yongji knew that this matter was not trivial and immediately informed Zhao Zhenji.Zhao Zhenji did not stop him, but chose to notify Yang Jinshui again.

Yang Jinshui was well aware of Zhao Zhenji's move. He understood that Zhao Zhenji was trying to uncover some unknown truths with the help of Hai Rui.He hurried to the prison of Zhensi Yamen in an attempt to prevent the situation from developing further.

During the interrogation process, Hai Rui came close to two serious cases: destroying the embankment of the Xin'an River and flooding the fields and releasing the Japanese leader Jushiro Inoue.These questions directly involve the secrets of the palace.Yang Jinshui was shocked when he heard this in the dark room next door.He understood that if the interrogation continued, sooner or later the palace would be involved. This would undoubtedly be a huge crisis for them.

Therefore, Yang Jinshui immediately ordered Jin Yiwei to stop Hai Rui's interrogation.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E21Plot

Episode 21

In the Ming Dynasty's court, a contest about justice and power was fiercely taking place.Hai Rui, the appointed interrogator known for his integrity, is looking at all kinds of injustices inside and outside the court with his sharp eyes.However, in the whirlpool of this trial, Hai Rui involved many forces including the Weaving Bureau and the palace, triggering a thrilling power game.

Yang Jinshui, as an important figure in the Weaving Bureau, was deeply disturbed by Hai Rui's trial actions.He urgently asked Zhao Zhenji and Shangshu to remove Hai Rui from his position as juror, trying to prevent this trial that might reveal the truth.But Zhao Zhenji knew very well that Hai Rui and Wang Yongji were impartial and selfless, and they would not favor any criminals, nor engage in malpractice for personal gain.Therefore, even if he participated in playing for them, King Yu would not agree.Faced with this dilemma, Yang Jinshui went crazy overnight, which undoubtedly added more complexity and uncertainty to the trial.

At the same time, the imperial court ordered that Shen Yishi's property be confiscated and returned to the national treasury.However, Zheng Michang and He Maocai privately sold these properties to Huizhou merchants.Although Zhao Zhenji had an imperial edict, he not only did not fight, but signed and sealed the agreement.Hai Rui was keenly aware that Zhao Zhenji was trying to figure out the holy will and please Emperor Jiajing.He concluded that Zheng Michang was greedy for money, while Zhao Zhenji was greedy for fame.Faced with this situation, Hai Rui decided to investigate the case in depth and reveal the truth.

Episode 21

During the trial for several days, Zhao Zhenji shelved the case.One morning during the meeting, he wore casual clothes in the deposit room and showed his leisure, intending to make the Jinyiwei people think that Hai Rui was tracking down the Weaving Bureau.However, Hai Rui expected that if the Weaving Bureau was not investigated, Zhao Zhenji would force Huizhou merchants to produce more silk, and then buy Sannon's raw silk at half price to please the palace and Emperor Jiajing.However, this approach will only make the national treasury more empty and the people will still be exploited.Without investigating the Weaving Bureau, those corrupt officials would have no way to investigate, and even the actual facts of destroying embankments and flooding fields and secretly colluding with Japanese pirates to frame good people would be nowhere to be investigated.

Faced with such a shocking case, Hai Rui knew that he must persevere.He resolutely stood together with Wang Yongji, determined to uncover the truth of all this.Things developed as Hai Rui expected. Zhao Zhenji colluded with Jin Yiwei to move Zheng Michang and He Maocai to their custody.Zhao Zhenji defended himself by saying that the most important thing was to prepare military supplies to suppress the Japanese and defend the enemy. Instead, he accused Hai Rui of ignoring the Japanese invaders, burning, killing, raping and plundering.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E22Plot

Episode 22

In the profound history of Zhejiang, Hai Rui's name is like a bright pearl. His story is full of tenacity, wisdom and endless pain.His father, Hai Fu, was once the guardian of this land. However, he was poisoned by Japanese pirates, which filled Hai Rui's heart with endless grief and anger.

Hai Rui's grief was not understood by Zhao Zhenji.Zhao Zhenji put the case on hold on the grounds that Yang Jinshui was crazy and no one could verify it. He claimed that he had reported the matter to the court by express delivery 800 miles away and was waiting for the court's order.However, for Hai Rui, every day of waiting is filled with deep guilt and endless pain for his father.

Despite this, Hai Rui did not give up.He was ordered to escort military supplies to Hu Zongxian's camp. This was an arduous task, but he found hope in it.In Hu Zongxian's camp, he met Hu Zongxian, a man who made his ambition clear with poetry.He asked Hu Zongxian about the secrets of Ma Ningyuan, Chang Boxi, Zhang Zhiliang, Li Xuan and others who were executed for embezzling money for river construction.However, Hu Zongxian did not answer directly, but only told him that the case file had been submitted to the Ministry of Punishment.

Episode 22

However, Hai Rui did not give up.He continued his in-depth investigation and found that Zheng Michang and He Maocai ordered the Japanese chieftain Inoue Shisanro and Chun'an citizen Qi Dazhu to be executed for treason with the Japanese. This was an unjust imprisonment.Although Hu Zongxian knew that this was an unjust imprisonment, he did not pursue it to the end.Hai Rui was deeply puzzled by this. He asked Hu Zongxian why he didn't investigate to the end, but Hu Zongxian asked him if he was already investigating.

With Hai Rui's persistence, he finally found out the truth and vindicated the injustice of Qi Dazhu and others.At the same time, he also caught up with Qi Dazhu to marry the woman he saved on the battlefield, which was undoubtedly the best reward for his persistence in justice.

Zhao Zhenji's memorial brought new challenges to Hai Rui.Chen Hong, the eunuch of Bingbi, was shocked by this and asked to report it directly to Emperor Jiajing.However, Huang Jin suggested informing Lu Fang first.Lu Fang ordered Huang Jin to stabilize Emperor Jiajing, and went to the imperial prison to meet with the two witnesses of Shen Yishi's case: Gao Hanwen and Yun Niang, and told them that only silence could save their lives.

Emperor Jiajing guessed that there would be a memorial in Zhejiang, implying that Lu Fang was "emphasis on the outside and despised on the inside". Lu Fang immediately drafted an order and ordered the Jin Yiwei in Hangzhou to escort Yang Jinshui to Beijing immediately, and let Zhao Zhenji act as the agent of the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau, ordering him to spare no effort.Everything was used to raise military supplies for Hu Zongxian's southeastern front.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E23Plot

Episode 23

Amid the turbulence of the Jiajing Dynasty, Zhao Zhenji signaled to Tan Lun that he should take charge of the case of Zheng Michang and He Maocai.When these two officials heard the imperial edict, they knew that Yang Jinshui had escaped responsibility and that they could not protect themselves.So, they chose to confess everything and reveal the truth behind it.

Zheng Michang and He Maocai admitted frankly that they actually served the Weaving Bureau and the palace, and the cabinet also served Emperor Jiajing.All this was to satisfy Emperor Jiajing's needs and wishes.They further revealed that Yan Shifan wrote a letter instructing them to destroy the embankment and flood the fields. Yang Jinshui knew all this, and Emperor Jiajing naturally knew it too.

Episode 23

This series of confessions and revelations made Zhao Zhenji feel the seriousness of the situation.He couldn't help but confess to Tan Lun, pointing out that if the action of overthrowing Yan (that is, overthrowing Yan Shifan) involves Emperor Jiajing, not only will it fail, but it will cause greater trouble, and may even implicate King Yu.Zhao Zhenji emphasized that important ministers like Hu Zongxian must be protected, and in order to protect Hu Zongxian, the destruction of embankments and flooding of fields must not be investigated in detail.

Tan Lun also faced a dilemma.On the one hand, Jin Yiwei demanded that all palace-related content in the confession must be deleted; on the other hand, Hai Rui insisted that in all cases heard by order, the confession must be submitted to the court and Emperor Jiajing word for word.Zhao Zhenji also asked Tan Lun to persuade Hai Rui, hoping that he could change this approach.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E24Plot

Episode 24

His persuasion enabled the confessions of Zheng Michang and He Maocai to be truthfully reported to the court, which demonstrated his firmness and fairness.

This confession aroused the anger of the five eunuchs of the Bureau of Ceremony.They asked Zhao Zhenji why he presented such a confession.At the same time, Lu Fang, Yan Song, Xu Jie and other important court officials were also involved and discussed countermeasures together.Yan Song even bluntly said that if the confession was true, then Yan Shifan and others should be executed.

Episode 24

But Lu Fang and Xu Jie's worries made things complicated.They were worried that this confession would involve Hu Zongxian and thus affect the overall situation of the Southeast Anti-Japanese War.

Against this background, Emperor Jiajing also began to realize the seriousness of the matter.He did not blindly believe the contents of the confession, but sent Chen Hong to avoid Huang Jin and took the opportunity to tell him the truth.Emperor Jiajing knew that the truth revealed in this confession might greatly shock the court.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E25Plot

Episode 25

Feng Bao was sent to monitor the activities of Yan Mansion, but unexpectedly found that the palace also sent people to observe secretly.This discovery not only reveals the complex interpersonal relationships within the palace, but also foreshadows an upcoming storm.

Yan Song, the chief minister who once held all the power in the world, is now at home, posting books, with the door closed.His son Yan Shifan anxiously broke down the door, but Yan Song was still nowhere to be seen.Yan Shifan felt like an ant on a hot pot, at a loss.He, Luo Longwen and Yan Maoqing went to the cabinet duty room to find Xu Jie, but were told that officials from the six ministries and nine ministers were blocked from the forbidden gate of Xiyuan.This series of setbacks made Yan Shifan deeply aware of the seriousness of the situation, and he had to leave angrily.

At the same time, Zhang Juzheng is also facing tremendous pressure.He received an urgent report from Tan Lun and learned that Hai Rui and Wang Yongji had interrogated Zheng Michang and He Maocai for their crimes of colluding with Japanese pirates under the instructions of Yan Shifan and Yang Jinshui.Immediately afterwards, he received an emergency military report on the anti-Japanese war in Zhejiang, which made him deeply feel that this was a serious act.He did not understand why Zhao Zhenji submitted the confessions of Hai Rui's interrogation of Zheng Mi Chang and He Maocai to another case, so he suggested that Xu Jie's top priority must be to submit the confessions of Hai Rui's interrogation transcripts of Zheng Mi Chang and He Maocai to Emperor Jiajing.

Episode 25

In this power struggle, Chen Hong also played an important role.When he first took charge of the imperial eunuch's seal, he got carried away and began to squeeze out Lu Fang's eunuchs.He was eager to replace Lu Fang's position and used Yan Song's position as chief assistant to win over Xu Jie.However, Xu Jie was not only alert to his actions, but also felt disgusted.

Yan Song also realized the seriousness of the situation and found his son Yan Shifan.He orally ordered his son to write a letter to Hu Zongxian, secretly ordering Hu Zongxian to suppress the Japanese pirates but not all.He knew very well that the Japanese pirates were with Hu Zongxian, and as long as Hu Zongxian was there, the Yan family would not fall.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E26Plot

Episode 26

In July of the 40th year of Jiajing's reign in the Ming Dynasty, when reinforcements had not arrived and military supplies were in a difficult situation, Hu Zongxian used his firm determination to personally supervise the Qi family's army and launched the Eighth Taizhou Anti-Japanese War.He was exposed to artillery fire, intending to die for his country and gain a reputation of loyalty.Although he failed to die for his country as he wished, his bravery and determination inspired the entire army, contributed to the great victory in Taizhou, and laid the foundation for victory in the final battle with the Japanese pirates who had been troubled for ten years.

Behind the victory lies a power struggle and complex political relationships.Hu Zongxian's firm stance and decisive actions, without listening to the Yan family's private opinions, enabled him to achieve a major victory in the Anti-Japanese War, but also attracted criticism from the cabinet and the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

Episode 26

Although Zhao Zhenji played an important role in the war as a support officer, he received an urgent letter from the cabinet and the Supervisor of Ceremonies, asking him to reexamine the confession of Hai Rui and sign the original confession before reporting it.This obvious power struggle and complicated political relationships made Zhao Zhenji feel a little uneasy amidst the joy of victory.

As the presiding judge, Zhao Zhenji received such a court letter and read it out openly without consulting the jurors, causing the two criminals to retract their confessions in court.This move undoubtedly intensified the power struggle and complicated political relations.Zhao Zhenji's approach was seen as a means to induce the second criminal to retract his confession, but the sudden appearance of Hai Rui and the irrefutable evidence made Zhao Zhenji's plan fail.Hai Rui arrested the lackeys of Zheng MiChang and He Maocai, and revealed the fact that He Maocai ordered them to destroy embankments and flood fields and release the Japanese pirate Inoue Shiichiro privately to trap the people.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E27Plot

Episode 27

He arrested the great eunuch Yang Jinshui who was stationed abroad in Beijing with great fanfare. This action undoubtedly sent a clear message to the whole country: no matter who is involved, no matter how high their status, as long as there is corruption, they will be punished.Severe punishment.This was Emperor Jiajing's determination and his commitment to the country and people.

Yang Jinshui was taken into the palace and was humiliated and tortured by everyone.However, this did not make him surrender.Under the personal interrogation of Emperor Jiajing, he frantically confessed the persons involved in the case, including the Shangyi Supervisor, the Scarf and Hat Bureau, the Needlework Bureau, Lu Fang, Zheng Michang, He Maocai, and Yan Song and his son.This list was like a thunder, shocking the whole country.

Episode 27

Yan Song and his son, as the chief assistants of the cabinet, have always been a major worry for Emperor Jiajing.Their desire for power and greed had already attracted the attention of Emperor Jiajing.However, Yang Jinshui's confession undoubtedly provided Emperor Jiajing with an excellent opportunity. He could use this opportunity to break the power network of Yan Song and his son in one fell swoop.

Lu Fang's name also appeared on this list, which undoubtedly caused greater trouble to Emperor Jiajing.Lu Fang, as the palm eunuch, has always won the trust of Emperor Jiajing.His sudden involvement in the case deeply shocked and pained Emperor Jiajing.

After interrogating Yang Jinshui, Emperor Jiajing summoned Lu Fang.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E29Plot

Episode 29

When Emperor Jiajing burned Hai Rui's express delivery without opening it, the profound meaning behind this action was immediately keenly captured by Yan Song and Xu Jie, two important officials in the court.This was not only a battle over the content of the express delivery, but also a battle involving the distribution of power in the court and differences in political opinions.

Yan Song, as a senior powerful official in the DPRK, immediately took counterattack measures and petitioned Qi Dazhu, who was a traitor to the Japanese, to be arrested and severely punished.This move was not only a direct blow to Hai Rui and others, but also a strategy of turning from defense to offense, trying to divert Emperor Jiajing's attention through this incident and at the same time stabilize his position.Although Emperor Jiajing hated Yan Song's actions, he finally reluctantly agreed to Yan Song's request due to various considerations.

At the same time, Emperor Jiajing ordered Xu Jie to go to Prince Yu's Mansion to discuss with Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and others on the disposal of Zheng Michang, He Maocai and others, and to commend meritorious officers such as Hu Zongxian and Qi Jiguang.This series of measures shows Emperor Jiajing's thoughtfulness in maintaining the stability and balance of power in the court.In addition, he also ordered Gao Hanwen to be reinstated as a civil servant and return to the Hanlin Academy. This was not only a recognition of Gao Hanwen's personal talents, but also an appeasement to the forces behind him.

However, the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau's production of 500,000 pieces of silk this year was affected. Yan Song took the opportunity to petition Yan Maoqing to pay the salt tax for a southern tour of the Huaihe River, in order to collect money for the country.This proposal not only reflects Yan Song's proficiency in financial affairs, but also reflects his desire to control the economic lifeline of the imperial court.

Episode 29

Yan Song's petition also included the arrest of Qi Dazhu, who was released by Hai Rui. This move was aimed at further attacking Hai Rui and others who were investigating the case in Zhejiang.King Yu, Xu Jie, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and others were all filled with indignation about this, believing that this was Yan Song's blatant provocation against the court's justice.

During this period, Huang Jin went to the imperial prison on the order of Lu Fang to release Gao Hanwen and Yun Niang.Yun Niang insisted on returning to Hangzhou, and Huang Jin gave her an ultimatum from the Supervisor of Ceremonies as an amulet, along with a banknote from Lu Fang.Before leaving, Gao Hanwen confessed his mistakes to Yun Niang, gave her some music scores and clothes, and asked her to forward several letters to Hai Rui and Wang Yongji.This plot not only shows Gao Hanwen's deep affection for Yun Niang, but also reveals the complex interpersonal relationships within the imperial court.

After Chen Hong learned of this, he slandered Huang Jin for letting Yun Niang go privately, intending to exonerate Yang Jinshui, and the two fought.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E30Plot

Episode 30

When the Zhejiang case was concluded in accordance with the imperial court's decree, Hai Rui submitted his resignation to Zhao Zhenji.He chose to return to Chun'an, a place he loved deeply.His return brought not joy but a heavier burden.He found that although the Strict Party had not fallen, and although Zheng Michang and He Maocai were executed, Zhao Zhenji still implemented the harsh rule of his predecessor.Chun'an, which suffered severely, was not spared.

At home, Hai Rui has his beloved wife and their soon-to-be-born child.However, the despair in his heart did not lessen.What he saw was the misunderstanding and accusation made by Tian Youlu and others. They believed that he had made mistakes in handling cases in the province.They don't know that every decision Hai Rui makes is for the benefit of the country and the people.

Hai Rui's despair comes from his deep love for the country and the people.He saw Zhao Zhenji's helplessness, and he also saw the anxiety of Huizhou merchants.He knew that the ownership issue of the silk industry was not only a dispute between the five Huizhou merchants and the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau, but also related to the economic stability of the entire country.

Episode 30

Hai Rui did not give up.He decided to stand up again and fight for the rights of the people.He knows that his struggle may bring greater risks, but he is willing to pay any price for the happiness of the people.

At the same time, Hu Zongxian also launched the ninth war in Taizhou for the well-being of the country and the people.He wiped out the remnants of the Japanese pirates who had plagued Zhejiang for ten years, and finally freed the people on the southeast coast from the suffering of burning, killing, raping and kidnapping.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E31Plot

Episode 31

Hu Zongxian, the then governor of Zhejiang, remained at his post despite being seriously ill.However, physical fatigue and illness forced him to take leave and return to his hometown to recuperate.While passing through Chun'an, he unexpectedly met Hai Rui, and the two had an in-depth conversation.Hu Zongxian deeply admired Hai Rui's outspokenness, loyalty and integrity. The conversation between the two not only involved national affairs, but also personal morality and cultivation.

At the same time, Hu Zongxian's followers Qi Dazhu and Qi's wife also came to Haijia.After experiencing the life and death of Taizhou Jiujie, the two families have long been deeply attached to each other, and now they are together happily.However, this calm and warm atmosphere was soon broken.

Episode 31

Jin Yiwei, who was ordered to secretly arrest Qi Dazhu, suddenly appeared at Chun'an Pier.This news was like a thunder, shocking everyone.Why was Qi Dazhu, an important figure in Taizhou Jiujie, suddenly secretly arrested?What kind of political conspiracy is hidden behind this?

At the end of the 40th year of Jiajing, heavy snow arrived early, and Yan Maoqing, a strict party member, escorted a fleet of salt tax money to Beijing.This amount of money is not only an important source of national finance, but also an important bargaining chip used by the Yan Party to consolidate its position and attack dissidents.The ship escorting Qi Dazhu by the Jin Yiwei also entered the capital, and Qi Dazhu was taken directly to the imperial prison.

In prison, Qi Dazhu was framed by the strict party and was framed as a criminal who had collaborated with the Japanese.This unjust case not only put Qi Dazhu behind bars, but also dealt a heavy blow to the righteous faction in the DPRK.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E32Plot

Episode 32

According to records, Yan Maoqing did not hesitate to spend two hundred thousand taels of silver to buy a theatrical troupe to flatter Yan Song.This opera troupe is extraordinary. The Kunlings in it specialize in singing authentic Wu dialect and Kunqu opera, and what they perform is exactly the Shuimo tune that Wei Liangfu of Kunshan has mastered after being closed for ten years - what people in Jiangnan call it.Water grinding chamber.This kind of tune is beautiful and has a unique charm, and it has become a hot topic in the capital for a while.

In Yuxi Palace, a secret report broke the superficial calm.The secret report revealed the scandal of Yan Maoqing embezzling half of the salt tax money for the Yan Party, and the matter was quickly reported to Emperor Jiajing.Emperor Jiajing had long been dissatisfied with Yan Song's autocratic power, and this secret report undoubtedly provided him with an excellent opportunity.However, Yan Song had great power in the court, and Emperor Jiajing knew that he could not act rashly.

Episode 32

In order to stabilize Yan Song, Emperor Jiajing summoned him to the palace. On the surface, he was conciliating Yan Song, but secretly he was planning countermeasures.In order to appease Yan Song, Emperor Jiajing even agreed to put Qi Dazhu to death. This decision convinced Yan Song and his son that their status was still stable.

This decision caused great uneasiness among Yuwang Xu Jie, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and others.They knew that Qi Dazhu was the irrefutable evidence of the Yan Party's involvement in the Japanese in Zhejiang in the future, and they must try to rescue him.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E33Plot

Episode 33

These two blood scriptures were not only Shen Yishi's instructions before his death, but also triggered a thrilling contest between the court and the powerful officials.

On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month in the 40th year of Jiajing, Princess Yu took the opportunity of entering the palace to present these two blood classics with her son.They are carefully wrapped, as if they carry endless expectations and secrets.Princess Yu claimed that this was a treasure given by Zhenren Zhang to Qi Dazhu's wife.Emperor Jiajing, the most powerful emperor in the world, was overjoyed when he saw the blood menstruation.He may have seen the possibility of more stable power, or he may have seen the hope of immortality.Therefore, he pardoned Qi Dazhu, who was used by the Yan Party to attack his political opponents, and asked the ministers to express their congratulations.

However, behind all this, there are more complex plots and struggles.Yan Dang, the force that had been entrenched in the court for twenty years, was naturally unwilling to accept such a defeat.They began a close investigation, trying to find out the real source of the menstrual blood.Eventually, they discovered that these two blood classics were written by Gao Hanwen and Yun Niang.Gao Hanwen and Yun Niang, a weak woman entrusted to Shen Yishi before his death, how could they possess such an important treasure?

Episode 33

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the forty-first year of Jiajing, Yan Dang finally found the answer.They led troops to surround Gao Hanwen's house, intending to capture Gao Hanwen and his wife.At this time, Zhang Juzheng also came with troops, intending to protect Gao Hanwen and his wife and send them away from Beijing.As the two armies faced each other, the atmosphere was extremely tense.However, at this moment, Jin Yiwei came with a secret order and captured Yan Shifan.At the same time, several other groups also arrested important members of the Yan Party.

The Strict Party, which had been in trouble for twenty years, collapsed.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E34Plot

Episode 34

When Gao Gong stood in the court hall, holding up the memorial to impeach the strict party with both hands, he looked up, tears filling his eyes.His voice was sonorous and powerful, and every word hit the hearts of every official present like a heavy hammer.As the contents of the memorial unfolded, many officials could not help but burst into tears. Their tears were not only due to sympathy and indignation, but also because of concerns about the future political direction.The remnants of the Yan Party were even more frightened, and the tidal wave of cries in their ears seemed to indicate that the sky was about to fall.

The Tixing Division and the Fu Division acted quickly and decisively. They surrounded the residence of Yan Shifan and others. The news spread throughout the capital before dawn.That night, the glory of the Yan Party seemed to collapse overnight, and the powerful people who had been attached to the Yan Party were all frightened.

It is worth mentioning that Yan Song was once the coveted guest of many people, and his calligraphy and paintings are hard to find.However, at this moment, when he wanted to inscribe a plaque for a pickle shop, Liu Xinju, the shop owner did not dare to accept it even if it was for free.

Episode 34

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E35Plot

Episode 35

The large plaque of "Liu Biju" inscribed by Yan Song still hangs high on the lintel of a pickle shop, and the gold letters shine brightly in the sun.However, in stark contrast to this conspicuous plaque, is the desolation of the front door.Pedestrians took detours one after another, seeming to avoid having anything to do with the plaque.Behind this, there is a secret decree from Emperor Jiajing: Do not take off this plaque. He wants to see how the people in the world talk about him.

At the other end of the street, a carriage carrying Hai Rui, the new head of the Household Department, was slowly approaching.Hai Rui, an official known for his integrity, although the years have left traces on his face, his eyes are still sharp and lively.When his keen eyes caught the plaque of “六比ju”, he had already made up his mind.

Episode 35

Not long ago, Yan Shifan and other dignitaries were executed, but the plaque inscribed by Yan Song still hangs here. This is undoubtedly a hot potato.Faced with this situation, Hai Rui decided to inscribe the new "Six Must Ju" true meanings: The place of origin must be authentic, the season must be suitable, the melons and vegetables must be fresh, the sweet sauce must be mellow, the container must be clean, and the water spring must be fragrant.“ He explained that this is the real meaning of changing ”六心尊“ to ”六必尊%, which is intended to rectify people's hearts and calm down nonsense.

After Emperor Jiajing heard about it, although he asked King Yu to copy Hai Rui's inscription and carve a new plaque and send it to Liu Biju, Hai Rui's voice of justice had already spread throughout the capital.

Hai Rui, an incorruptible official from Nanping, Fujian, to Chun'an, Zhejiang, and magistrate of Xingguo, Jiangxi, spent his whole life fighting for justice and fairness.Even as the political landscape in the capital changed dramatically, he still stuck to his beliefs.Although he had no money when he received the official notice of being transferred to Beijing and could not even afford to rent a decent house, he did not flinch.Fortunately, his friend Wang Yongji, who served in the Beijing Metropolitan Procuratorate, secretly supported him and found him a simple courtyard house.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E36Plot

Episode 36

During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, there were endless intrigues and intrigues in the palace.Feng Bao had already aroused the extreme disgust of Emperor Jiajing because he secretly traveled between the inner palace and Prince Yu's palace many times, secretly delivering messages to Lu Fang and Prince Yu.His behavior not only challenged the majesty of the imperial power, but also created an atmosphere of unrest in the court.

With the collapse of the Yan Party, Emperor Jiajing lost important power against hundreds of officials, which made him even more eager to find new agents.Chen Hong, a ruthless and manipulative eunuch, came into the sight of Emperor Jiajing.Chen Hong not only won the trust of Emperor Jiajing, but also had the means to deal with all the officials in the court.Emperor Jiajing then ordered Chen Hong to declare that Feng Bao would be expelled from the palace and sent to Chaotian Temple to perform hard labor.This move was not only a punishment for Feng Bao, but also declared to the entire court that the imperial power was unchallengeable.

Episode 36

The prince was naturally reluctant to leave Feng Bao, but Chen Hong took the opportunity to deliberately provoke Concubine Li. He was punished, but he successfully pointed the finger at Lu Fang.Chen Hong's plan was extremely vicious. It not only made Emperor Jiajing more suspicious of Lu Fang, but also put Lu Fang's position in the court in jeopardy.

As expected, Emperor Jiajing fell into the trap and immediately issued an order to eliminate dissidents starting from the Tixing Division and Zhenfu Division. This series of political purges made everyone in the court panic.In this power game, Lu Fang became the victim.Emperor Jiajing reluctantly sent Lu Fang, who had been with him for forty years, to Nanjing to guard the mausoleum of Emperor Taizu Gao. This decision was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Lu Fang and a huge shock to the entire court.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E37Plot

Episode 37

In the capital, everyone knows the story about Hai Rui's inscription on Liubiju.Emperor Jiajing respected Hai Rui so much that he not only ordered King Yu to copy and engrave the plaque, but also secretly arranged a royal guard in Qianliang Alley to protect the safety of this loyal minister.Behind the officialdom, Hai Rui's life was not easy.

At this moment, Li Shizhen stepped into the tranquility beyond the hustle and bustle.He came to visit Hai Rui, but unexpectedly saw Hai Rui moving coal at home.This resolute official in the court was very hands-on at home, showing his simple and true side.

Episode 37

During the conversation with Hai Rui's mother, Li Shizhen learned about Hai Rui's past in Xingguo County.It was a county town that was short of water. Large families occupied precious water sources, making it impossible for the people to plant rice and farm.Faced with this dilemma, Hai Rui stood up without hesitation and fought for the people's right to survive.After hard struggle, he finally secured water for the people, but his daughter accidentally fell into the river in front of his door and unfortunately drowned.

This blow was huge to Hai Rui's family.When Hai Rui's wife saw her daughter's body, she was so distraught that she fainted.This accident not only caused her to lose her beloved daughter, but also failed to save the fetus in her belly.For Hai Rui, the breakup of his family and the pain of losing his loved ones were undoubtedly the heaviest blows in his career.

However, it was in such adversity that Li Shizhen chose to stay by Hai Rui's side.He did not alienate because of Hai Rui's experience, but stood with him more firmly.This kind of friendship between ancient people is valuable when the other person is in adversity and can accompany them all day long without getting tired.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E38Plot

Episode 38

Since the beginning of the year, the issue of official salaries owed by the Ministry of Revenue has not been properly resolved and has become a huge problem hanging in the minds of many court officials.In May, the imperial court confiscated the property of several corrupt officials of the Yan Party. It originally hoped that the ill-gotten gains could be used to repay the salaries owed in the first half of the year. However, in order to rush to build the Emperor's Wanshou Palace, Yongshou Palace, Chaotian Palace, etc.After the completion of the Guan and Xuandu Guan, these funds were misappropriated in large quantities, resulting in less than half of the salary arrears being repaid.

Entering July, the situation was even worse.Thirteen provinces across the country suffered from disasters in many places, and there was no hope for the autumn harvest. The silver and grain transported by water could not be turned over to the Ministry of Household Affairs in the scheduled amount.This made the problem of salary arrears even worse. By the end of the year, the salary arrears of many officials in the capital had accumulated to more than half of the annual salary.

Against this background, the treasury was empty and the lives of officials became extremely difficult.Even in such difficult times, each official could only receive two buckets of rice, two liters of pepper and ten slings of copper coins at the end of the year as New Year's greetings.These meager supplies and currency are far from meeting the basic living needs of officials, let alone maintaining the normal functioning of their families.

Episode 38

In such a predicament, the gate of Guangyingku has become the focus of attention of all officials.Once this door is opened, you can imagine the disappointment and anger in the hearts of officials.They are looking forward to getting some substantial help from here to alleviate their current life difficulties.

The reality is cruel.The officials of the Thirteenth Cleaning Bureau shouldered a huge responsibility. They had to persuade everyone to understand the difficulties of the court, live in poverty and abide by the law, and live a peaceful year without worrying about the world.This is not only a political requirement, but also a moral responsibility.

Against this background, Li Qingyuan, the director of the Imperial College, led hundreds of officials to create a riot in the Guangying Treasury, which went all the way to the Ministry of Household Affairs and became a focus of attention both inside and outside the imperial court.Although Li Qingyuan's behavior was radical, it also reflected the officials' helplessness about the difficulties in life and their disappointment with the court.

And Hai Rui, an official known for his integrity, lived an extremely miserable life.His wife was less than three months pregnant, but Hai Rui had to sell the cloth her mother had knitted on the street in exchange for a meager income to support the family's basic expenses.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E39Plot

Episode 39

The time for the emperor to move to the new palace has been decided, and it is scheduled to be at the end of the fifth hour of the first lunar month of the 45th year of Jiajing.The sun is shining brightly in winter, and the entire city of Beijing is bathed in the warm sunshine.At that time, the Jingyang Bell will ring one hundred and eight times, and the Taoist priests from Chaotian Temple and Xuandu Temple will play fairy music and fire cannons to welcome the Holy Emperor to move to the new palace.However, behind this grand relocation ceremony, there are many contradictions and disputes hidden in the palace.

Emperor Jiajing is about to enter the new palace, but not all courtiers are celebrating this.The officials were dissatisfied and did not want to express their congratulations. Some even gathered outside the forbidden gate of Xiyuan in the name of impeaching the cabinet, preparing to present the memorial to Emperor Jiajing.Dongchang and Jinyiwei, led by Chen Hong, violently suppressed these dissatisfied officials, triggering a palace storm.

Episode 39

Against this background, Hai Rui, an official known for his integrity, was returning home exhausted after a large-scale disaster relief effort.There was only an elderly mother and a pregnant wife in the house, which was deserted and deserted, without any celebration of the New Year.Hai Rui's face was bloodshot, his figure was thin, and his official uniform looked shabby.He suddenly fell ill and became unconscious, which made the already troubled family even worse.

After the news spread, Wang Yongji came over after hearing the news. He invited Li Shizhen and went to Hai Rui's home with him.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E40Plot

Episode 40

At that time, the Qingliu officials were severely punished for speaking out and remonstrating, and their hearts suffered great trauma.However, King Yu did not give up because of this. He knew that what these officials had in mind was the safety of the country and the well-being of the people.Therefore, he personally came forward to comfort these officials one by one with a sincere attitude and affectionate words, hoping that they could regain their strength and continue to work hard for the future of the country.

King Yu's persuasion was not an empty comfort, but gave them confidence and courage based on the specific situation of each official.His words were full of concern for the country and care for the people, which made Qingliu officials feel warm and inspired.In their hearts, King Yu is not only a prince, but also a leader who can lead them to the light.

Episode 40

With the encouragement of King Yu, officials from the Qingliu capital expressed their willingness to write congratulations overnight to express their respect and blessings to Emperor Jiajing.They understood that Emperor Jiajing needed their support and loyalty at this moment.As one of them, Xu Jie acted quickly and ordered Li Chunfang, Gao Gong, Zhao Zhenji and others to gather officials from various ministries and quickly notify the officials in Beijing to go to their respective ministries to write congratulations overnight.This is a race against time, and the congratulatory form must be submitted to Yuxi Palace at Mao hour on the sixth day of the lunar month.

At the same time, another world-famous official, Hai Rui, was also preparing to create a masterpiece that would shock the past and present.He was well aware that Emperor Jiajing had neglected and neglected the national economy and people's livelihood during his decades of rule, so he decided to use his life as a bet to forgive Emperor Chen Jiajing's mistakes.In order to show his determination, he prepared a coffin and entrusted his mother and wife to Li Shizhen to take them away from the capital. He was waiting to present this heavy memorial when Emperor Jiajing moved to the new palace.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E41Plot

Episode 41

On the 23rd day of February in the forty-fifth year of Jiajing reign, it was time for the emperor to move to the new palace.That night, the stars were shining brightly, as if indicating that an unknown storm was coming.In the palace grounds, one hundred and eight lanterns illuminated the entire palace, symbolizing the splendor and glory of the imperial power.However, behind the glory of this night, there is an unfathomable political undercurrent.

The banknotes paid in advance by the cotton merchants brought by Gao Hanwen repaid the arrears of all officials. This news warmed the officials in the capital like a spring breeze.More than a thousand officials presented congratulations to Emperor Jiajing to celebrate the completion of the new palace and the stability of the imperial power.However, all this joy and peace are waiting for the congratulatory form from Hai Rui sent by Zhao Zhenji. It seems that only this congratulatory form can make this relocation celebration truly successful.

However, the congratulatory note sent by Zhao Zhenji was not a simple word of congratulations, but "Public Security Notice" written by Hai Rui.This memorial was like a thunder, instantly exploding in Emperor Jiajing's heart.He never imagined that at this moment of universal celebration, a small head of the household department would dare to speak out so bluntly and criticize his own actions for decades.

Episode 41

Shock, rage, disbelief... Emperor Jiajing's mood fluctuated like a roller coaster.He quickly thought that this was a collective premeditation to force him to abdicate, and asserted that there was someone working together behind the scenes, colluding internally and externally, to force him to abdicate.The target was directed at Lu Fang and the cabinet, who had already left Beijing, and even King Yu was involved.

After hearing the news, the eunuchs from the Ouchi Criminal Division rushed to Hai Rui's mansion like a swarm.The door of the main room was open, and a chair was placed in front of a square table. Hai Rui was sitting on the chair, with a white wooden coffin placed behind him, as if to indicate that he had already prepared for the worst.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E42Plot

Episode 42

Fusi Chao Prison in Beizhen is famous for its strictness and cruelty, and is known as the "No. 1 Prison in the World".This prison, located in the heart of the empire, has a unique architectural style - four stone walls, stone floors, and stone slabs on the roof, all made of granite. It has witnessed the tenacity and unyieldingness of countless loyal ministers and martyrs.

Hai Rui, the sixth-rank head of the Household Department known for his integrity, was once imprisoned here.He was imprisoned not because he committed a heinous crime, but because he dared to speak out and offended the powerful at the time.Hai Rui's imprisonment is more like a battle between power and justice, a conflict between ideals and reality.

The environment of the Fusi Imperial Prison in Beizhen was harsh. There was no sunlight all year round and the humidity was unbearable.In such an environment, it is difficult for a person's body to stay healthy, let alone being detained for a long time.However, it was in this environment that Hai Rui showed his perseverance.He not only continued to read and write in prison, but also conveyed his political opinions and determination to plead for the people through the jailer.

Episode 42

The emperors of the Ming Dynasty were extremely skilled at controlling their ministers. The most feared thing among them was the presence of Tiqi and spies everywhere.These spies are always monitoring the powerful ministers, and will be ruthlessly suppressed at the slightest sign of trouble.However, as a middle- and lower-level official, Hai Rui was not within the scope of their investigation.However, as soon as he entered the capital, he caused trouble in Liubiju and attracted the attention of Emperor Jiajing.From then on, his deeds were recorded in detail by the Criminal Department and the Zhenfu Department, and finally fell into the hands of Emperor Jiajing.

The relationship between Hai Rui and Zhao Zhenji can be described as complicated.When investigating the case of converting rice into mulberry in Zhejiang, Hai Rui, as the county magistrate, repeatedly disobeyed orders, causing Zhao Zhenji, the governor, a deep headache.Although there are conflicts between the two, Zhao Zhenji also has respect for Hai Rui's talent and integrity.After Hai Rui was imprisoned, Zhao Zhenji tried to rescue him many times, but failed.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E43Plot

Episode 43

The fifty-year-old son, an honest son in Hai Mu's memory, made a promise to his mother that he could not keep.Li Shizhen has sent Haimu and Haizhu to Gao Hanwen and Yunniang at Qingyunhao Weaving and Dyeing Shop in Nanjing. The couple are very happy about this.However, at this festive moment, a court crisis is quietly approaching.

On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, officials from the Qing Dynasty and Neo-Confucianism gathered in the lobby of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and were ordered to refute Hai Rui's remarks attacking the emperor in his memorial.Hai Rui's outspokenness and whim made Emperor Jiajing so angry that he eventually vomited blood and left.Both Chen Hong and Xu Jie understood that every word of the emperor had deep meaning and must be understood carefully.

Episode 43

At this time, the task of asking officials to convict Hai Rui fell on them.However, this theory of crime is not simply a conviction, but must be based on the word theory.The holy intention was obvious. Although Hai Rui was not taken into custody, these officials were required to refute his views, thereby showing the world that the ministers believed that he was guilty.

Behind this turmoil is a test of honesty and integrity, and a battle of faith and loyalty.Although Hai Rui's outspoken words shocked the court, it also caused people to worry endlessly about his fate.In front of this fifty-year-old son, Haimu's endless waiting and anxiety have become the family's unspeakable pain.

And all of this stems from that promise that cannot be fulfilled.The son who had never lied in his mother's memory used lies this time to push her mother into endless waiting.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E44Plot

Episode 44

The three-judicial trial is a symbol of judicial fairness, and its results are often related to the fate of countless lives.This time, Hai Rui, as a representative of the Ministry of Justice, tried a major case with a fair and impartial attitude.The cause of the case was that the son insulted his father, which was considered a crime of disrespect at the time. Hai Rui mercilessly sentenced him to death by hanging, and decided to execute him in the autumn.Another person involved in the case, Wang Yongji, was sentenced to eighty canes and three thousand miles of exile because he had no father and formed a clique for personal gain.

Hai Rui's sentence demonstrated his impartiality and the majesty of the Ming Dynasty's law.In the Ming Dynasty, there were two types of executions: "Jue Jue" and "Autumn Jue".The former refers to immediate execution with a tick of the ink pen. This method is mostly used for criminals who have committed the most heinous crimes.The latter executed criminals on the day of Beginning of Autumn. This practice not only reflected the ancients' respect for time order, but also gave the prisoners a certain buffer time.Hai Rui's decision chose the latter, which is not only respect for the law, but also consideration of human nature.

Episode 44

Behind this seemingly fair verdict lies Emperor Jiajing's power game.After Hai Rui came to power, Huang Jin was deprived of his position as the chief eunuch Bingbi of the Supervisor of Ceremonies and was instead working as an errand beside Emperor Jiajing.This change not only changed Huang Jin's fate, but also affected the political structure of the entire court.Huang Jin accompanied Emperor Jiajing day and night, effectively becoming Emperor Jiajing's eyes and ears in the court, which made it extremely difficult for other officials to meet Emperor Jiajing.This high degree of concentration of power allowed Emperor Jiajing to firmly control the power of the court.

At the same time, Hai Rui's family was also facing huge changes.Haimu insisted on taking Haizhu, who was seven months pregnant, back to her hometown. This decision not only made Li Shizhen feel helpless, but also made people worry about Haizhu's safety.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E45Plot

Episode 45

When Guangdong and Tan Lun's memorials were presented to Emperor Jiajing's imperial court at the same time, a battle about life, death and fate quietly unfolded.One is the tragic report of Hai Rui's wife in Leizhou, and the other is the good news of 100,000 pieces of cotton brought by Tan Lun.These two memorials, one sad and one happy, seem to indicate that some kind of power game is quietly going on behind the scenes.

The tacit understanding between Xu Jie, the cabinet, and South Zhili Guangdong made this contest even more complicated and confusing.They obviously chose this special method at this time to try to persuade Emperor Jiajing to change his mind and pardon Hai Rui's death penalty.The subtle changes in people's hearts and minds are clearly visible in this contest, in which various forces intertwine and collide.

The day for executing criminals is set at the beginning of autumn, and the time is three-quarter noon.This choice was not accidental, but closely related to the celestial phenomena at that time.The autumn wind is chilling and the sun is shining brightly. It is the moment when the sun turns to overcast, which seems to herald the end of human life and the coming of divine punishment.Such days and hours undoubtedly added a layer of mystery and solemnity to Hai Rui's execution.

However, Hai Rui's fate does not seem to be entirely determined by celestial phenomena and power.In Chun'an, he once took advantage of the opportunity of missing three quarters of noon to successfully vindicate Qi Dazhu's unjust case.This time, can he also find a glimmer of hope at the crossroads of destiny?

Episode 45

Finally, Emperor Jiajing ordered Hai Rui to be executed, and ordered Huang Jin to pass on the edict that he was not allowed to ride a horse or ride in a sedan, and he must walk to the prison at noon.This is an order full of symbolic meaning, as if to tell the world that even the world-famous Hai Rui cannot escape his fate.

However, things didn't end there.Emperor Jiajing also gave a condition: if the decree was not delivered at three quarters of noon, it would be heaven's will to pardon Hai Rui.This suspense makes the whole event even more gripping.Is it a trick of fate or a contest of power?How will Hai Rui's life or death be decided in the end?

At the same time, in order to send 100,000 pieces of cotton cloth to Liaodong and sign a peace agreement with Mongolia before winter, Gao Hanwen and Li Qi were also busy escorting the water ships.Their schedule was tense and orderly, and they finally arrived in the capital after the cold dew and before the frost.

《Ming Dynasty 1566》E46Plot

Episode 46

In the long history of the Ming Dynasty, the forty-fifth year of Jiajing (1566) was destined to be a magnificent year.On December 14 of this year, Zhu Houcong, the eleventh emperor of the Ming Dynasty, also known as Emperor Jiajing, ended his legendary life.Just after this day, the political stage of the Ming Dynasty ushered in a new protagonist-Yu Wang Zhu Zaihe succeeded to the throne, with the reign name Longqing.

《History of Ming Dynasty·Biography of Hai Rui》It is recorded that when Hai Rui heard the news of the death of Emperor Jiajing, he was so grief-stricken that he vomited and fainted to the ground.This feeling of monarch and minister is enough to bear witness to the important position and deep friendship between the two in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

Episode 46

Before his death, Emperor Jiajing confided his way of governing the country to the people around him.He used the Yellow River and the Yangtze River as metaphors to express the wisdom of using people to govern a country.Although the water of the Yellow River is turbid, it can still nourish the fields on both sides; although the water of the Yangtze River is clear, it still needs to be used for irrigation.Emperor Jiajing believed that the same was true for governing the country and employing people, who should not be biased based on personal preferences or moral standards.He deposed Yan Song and killed Yan Shifan and others precisely because they abused their power and harmed the country. They were like the Yellow River overflowing and must be controlled.

In the eyes of Emperor Jiajing, Hai Rui was a sharp sword that only a virtuous person could wield.He had high hopes that Hai Rui could deal with those corrupt officials and implement a new system.In Emperor Jiajing's heart, Hai Rui was a fearless and outspoken minister. His loyalty and integrity were rare treasures in the Ming Dynasty's bureaucracy.

The day after the death of Emperor Jiajing, King Yu Zhu Zaihe succeeded to the throne and began his Longqing era.Following the late emperor's edict, he released and reinstated imprisoned officials, and, represented by Hai Rui, pardoned all officials who had remonstrated.This move not only reflected the tolerance and open-mindedness of the new monarch, but also laid the foundation for the subsequent Longqing Reform.

From this moment on, the eighteen-year Longqing Reform began.

Ming Dynasty 1566

Ming Dynasty 1566

Total 46 Episodes Jan 08, 2007 C-Drama Hist Actor: Zhang Zhijian Xu Guangming Ni Dahong Wang Qingxiang Huang Zhizhong Chen Baoguo