《Laughter is always in the lane》Ep Intro

Juqingli, an old alley adjacent to Xintiandi, a landmark building in Shanghai, welcomes a group of “New Shanghainese”. This group of young tenants from different regions each have their own dreams and are eager to settle down in Shanghai and realize their own life values. Among them areFeng Pitt, a young assistant in a film and television company, and his immediate boss Zeng Xiang.The two are both neighbors and superiors. Their subtle relationship and personality differences lead to constant conflicts, but they are arranged by the company to jointly complete a film and television project - Laughter is always in the lane.

In order to save this project that was about to be stopped, the two used VR high-tech means to immerse themselves in the story written by the screenwriter, and gained a new understanding and recognition of the story, which increased their confidence in creation.At the same time, they also discovered that besides working hard in their careers, warm family ties and friendship are equally important.The project was successfully completed, and the neighbors in Juqingli have become closer. Feng Piet and his neighbors will continue to work hard and take root in this city that embraces all rivers. There will always be their beautiful dreams worth pursuing and protecting.

《Laughter is always in the lane》E1Plot

Episode 1

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 1 plot introduction: Peter Feng has a conflict

In the alley, Feng Pitt opened a VR experience center, which was loved by everyone.

The role played by Peter Feng in the game world is a social animal. When he went to the toilet in a daze in the morning, his roommate Du Ziyuan robbed him of the toilet. Peter Feng deceived his roommate without hesitation, and then successfully obtained the right to use the toilet!

Feng Piet looked at the lottery numbers in his hand and imagined when he would be able to buy a house in Shanghai. Then he walked to the window. Feng Piet suddenly became interested and wanted to throw the lottery ticket into the garbage downstairs, but he didn't throw it into the trash can., but it was thrown to Zeng Xiang, who was about to move in today, but her neighbor Granny Lin refused to let her move in. Zeng Xiang asked the master to move directly, and then introduced herself generously.As soon as Feng Pitt came downstairs, Zeng Xiang pointed at Feng Pitt's nose and scolded him for throwing objects at high altitude. Feng Pitt simply ignored it and then set off on his way to work!

Feng Pitt took the takeaway from the front desk very naturally and walked to the conference room. He had only been in the office for a few minutes when he heard that a new leader was coming to take office. While he was chatting, Zeng Xiang came in. Feng Pitt was stunned.I wanted to take the opportunity to sneak away, but I was assigned a task of chasing manuscripts. The takeaway that Feng Piet just got suddenly stopped being good, and I couldn't run away even if I wanted to.After leaving the house, Feng Pitt had a headache. Du Ziyuan also told how the last person who went to urge Teacher Zhao to write the manuscript ended up suffering from mental problems. Du Ziyuan also complained that Feng Pitt had provoked the wrong person. Feng Pitt saw Zeng Xiang coming from a distance., so he quickly started to praise Zeng Xiang, but Du Ziyuan didn't see it and was still talking bad about Zeng Xiang. The moment he turned around and saw the person, he knelt down, and then Feng Pitt quickly slipped away to work.

Feng Pitt went to the home of Mr. Zhao who lived next door to him. After entering, he felt strange. Teacher Zhao suddenly appeared. After Feng Pitt expressed his intention, the other party directly gave the script to Feng Pitt. Feng Pitt went back very happily., he was also very arrogant when he was in front of Zeng Xiang. Zeng Xiang was also very surprised when he saw this. It was obvious that Teacher Zhao's manuscript was difficult to follow, so he opened it casually and took a look. Unexpectedly, it was all blank. Feng Pitt was stunned.Obviously there are words when I read it.Feng Pitt had no choice but to return to the place where Teacher Zhao lived, only to find that the stairs that originally existed were gone. After asking the aunt in the building, he learned that the third floor where Teacher Zhao lived did not exist at all!

Feng Pitt returned to the room. Soon the landlord's aunt came to tell Feng Pitt that he wanted to pay the rent. After dealing with it, Feng Pitt went back and took a sip of Coke, then opened the script to read. Suddenly the script flashed. After closing the script, the landlordThe aunt came again and said the same words as last time. Feng Piet was very confused about what was going on. Even the Coke he just drank turned into an unopened bottle of Coke. Feng Piet didn't understand why and opened it again.After reading the script, the same thing happened again. After testing it twice, von Peter realized that the problem was with the script. The script can turn back time!Von Pitt was walking on the street, and when he saw the lottery ticket, Von Pitt's head moved. He seemed to have found a way to become a billionaire.

After making all preparations, Von Pitt opened the script again, imagining going back to the day before the lottery draw, but the script didn't respond at all. Von Pitt hit the script a few times in anger, and the script reacted!But when Feng Piet opened his eyes again, everything was different. It seemed that it was the time of the Republic of China. Du Ziyuan also said that his name was not Du Ziyuan. The person asking for rent became a young woman, and the other party called Feng Piet a little cobbler!In the chaos, von Peter was forced to go to jail, but he was released on bail not long after he stayed!Before Feng Peter could react, he was kidnapped again. When he opened his eyes, he was in a completely unfamiliar place. At this moment, Feng Peter only wanted to go home!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E2Plot

Episode 2

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 2 plot introduction: Feng Peter goes back to save Axiang

Feng Piet was tied up, and the other person pointed a gun at Feng Piet's head. Feng Piet didn't know what the other person was going to ask, but the other person didn't have much patience. Instead, he fired directly, but luckily the gun was in his head.There were no more bullets. Feng Pitt was relieved. The other party told the people around him to continue interrogating him, and he went to the leader's office. The leader learned that Feng Pitt seemed to know nothing and did not change his attitude. He said that what he was looking for was hope, not death.His life, the other party seemed to understand the leader's intention, and then returned.

Feng Pitt was still worried and didn't understand what the other party was asking. At this time, another group of people came. When the other party came up, they knocked down the person who was interrogating Feng Pitt. Feng Pitt thought that the other party was here to save him., followed happily, and then got in the car. Feng Pitt wondered whether he was also looking for hope?The other party was very happy and said that there was nothing wrong with bailing the person out. Feng Piet seemed to realize something and quickly expressed his thanks. However, he still didn't know anything, but the other party said that he would remember it.After getting off the bus at the place, Feng Piet was captured by another group of people. Feng Piet hurriedly asked the other person whether they were here to save him or harm him. The other person bluntly said that they were here to save him, and Feng Piet followed them., and the other party soon let him go.

Feng Piet walked around and finally returned to the place where he lived, but his luggage was thrown out. It turned out that Hu Manli kicked him out because he didn't pay the rent. Everyone spoke for the little cobbler, and finally everyone was aloneAfter contributing a little money, Feng Piet returned to his room. After going back, Feng Piet thought about it and decided to go back as soon as possible, but he couldn't find the script after searching around.Feng Piet knocked on the door of Hu Manli's room and accidentally discovered that the script was with Hu Manli's husband, but Hu Manli didn't give it to him at all and even threw him out.Feng Piet looked frustrated, and A Xiang came to care about him. Feng Piet suddenly discovered that this A Xiang was exactly the same as Zeng Xiang, and this A Xiang also liked the little cobbler!

Feng Piet was sent by Hu Manli to clean the toilet, and Axiang also stepped forward to help him. Feng Piet was very touched. Axiang hoped to do something for the little cobbler, so Feng Piet asked Axiang to help him get the script back. Although AxiangXiang knew that the little cobbler would leave after getting it, but he still agreed.Axiang brought wine to Hu Manli's husband and got him drunk. He successfully got the script. Feng Pitt ran away immediately, but Axiang was punished by Hu Manli. At the critical moment, Feng Pitt came back. Axiang knew that the little cobbler was doing it for him.Having just come back, the two of them were happy even being beaten.

Feng Piet went out to pour Yexiang, and was caught by the person who arrested him before. The other person threatened and lured him!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E3Plot

Episode 3

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 3 plot introduction: Feng Peter found hope

Feng Pitt flipped through the scripts all night, and when he woke up in the morning, he found that he was still in the Republic of China. Feng Pitt knew that if this continued, the webmaster He would definitely not let him go. Feng Pitt flipped through the scripts twice and realized that he might die.He wanted to leave before he could leave, so he picked up the hammer, but he still couldn't bring himself to be cruel. In the end, he decided to continue to rewrite the script. As a result, the script was turned over and it didn't work. Von Pitt was disheartened.

Shan Liujiu saw Stationmaster He tempting the little cobbler, so he came to Hu Manli with the news. When Hu Manli and her husband heard that someone wanted to exchange a box of gold with the little cobbler, their glasses lit up. Each of the three of them had their own differences.It meant that before the matter was completed, they already had a quarrel over the money. However, several people quickly focused on the little cobbler's treasure. They immediately thought of the scene of the little cobbler snatching the script, and they had the answer in their hearts.But he didn’t tell Shan Liujiu.

Feng Piet poured the night incense, and the person who collected the night incense also asked the little cobbler for hope. The little cobbler hinted that someone was watching from a distance, so he asked people to leave as soon as possible, and then went back. He happened to meet Hu Manli's husband stealing his script.Pete chased out and found that Stationmaster He's men were behind him. Feng Pitt quickly changed his mind and didn't want the baby. Then Feng Pitt ran away, but Hu Manli's husband was kidnapped by Stationmaster He.Facing the interrogation, Hu Manli's husband expressed that he wanted to go home. Stationmaster He thought he was faking, and he was going to resort to tricks. Hu Manli's husband told Shan Liujiu that the little cobbler had a treasure, and Stationmaster He's peopleHe immediately found Shan Liujiu.

Shan Liujiu went to find Feng Pitt and pretended to be a contact person to cover the little cobbler's departure. Stationmaster He chased after him very cooperatively. Shan Liujiu acted like he wanted to help the little cobbler.He also defeated a large group of Station Master He's people. Before leaving, he proposed to meet at Shiliupu Pier, but Feng Pitt didn't take it to heart at all.Shan Liujiu told Stationmaster He that he had gained the little cobbler's trust, but Feng Pitt didn't go at all in the evening.Stationmaster He's people came to the door, and Feng Piet grabbed two eggs to fool him. Unexpectedly, he was captured by the people of Longmenmen again!

Feng Piet recognized the other person as the person who saved him before, but the other person was also looking for hope from him. Feng Piet said that he had lost his memory. The other person told him about it, but Feng Piet still didn't know where the hope was. At this time, Axiang broughtHe came to the little cobbler with a package. Feng Piet learned that the important things the little cobbler had hidden at this time quickly handed the things over to him. Although there were some mistakes in the process, Feng Piet was sent back safely in the end.Thank you very much for protecting Hope!Feng Pitt was thinking whether to get back the script in the hands of webmaster He or hold on to Long Wu's thigh!He gradually began to feel that this place was not that bad, but while chatting with Axiang, Feng Piet seemed to see Teacher Zhao!But the other party ran away immediately, and Feng Pitt even wondered if he had seen it wrong!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E4Plot

Episode 4

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 4 plot introduction: Von Peter returns to reality

Feng Piet went to find Long Wu, hoping that Long Wu could help him find someone. Long Wu was very grateful for the hope% provided by the little cobbler, so he was also happy to help the little cobbler, so Feng Piet happily took out the money he had prepared.The portrait, but Long Wu looked at it for a long time and didn’t understand that the person in the portrait was human!It turned out that Feng Piet had held the portrait upside down. Feng Piet quickly turned it over, but the result was still hard to explain. Long Wu was speechless and asked the cobbler to describe it. He could paint it himself. In the end, the painting was completed.

Hu Manli was still looking for Baogen everywhere. After searching for a long time, no one knew his whereabouts. Finally, she met Shan Liujiu. Shan Liujiu vowed that he knew the clues, but he couldn't tell them in front of so many people, so the two of them started looking for him.Speaking in a secluded place, Shan Liujiu bluntly said that he knew the matter, but just needed some benefits, and then stretched out three fingers. Hu Manli scolded Baogen for being worth three thousand, while taking something from the box, but Shan Liujiu suddenlyHe said it was three small yellow croakers!Hu Manli was stunned and withdrew the hand holding the money. Hu Manli bluntly said that people should go to hell. Unexpectedly, Shan Liujiu took out a blood coat and started crying. Hu Manli immediately panicked and hugged the clothes and started crying, butThe money really wasn't that much. When Shan Liujiu saw this, he actually changed his mind and asked for two small yellow croakers. Hu Manli immediately changed her face.

When Feng Piet came back, he happened to meet Axiang. Axiang asked Feng Piet anxiously to help find Baogen. Feng Piet felt sorry for Axiang, so he had to take over the matter, and then went to find Long Wu.At that time, Lao Jiu was still yin and yang with Feng Piet. As a result, Feng Piet came to ask for help again. This time it was Stationmaster He who was on the opposite side.The brothers sent it to Von Piet.Feng Pitt took people to find Shan Liujiu. Under coercion, Shan Liujiu directly admitted that he had deceived Hu Manli. Feng Pitt achieved his goal and left.What Feng Pitt didn't expect was that when he went back, he found that Hu Manli wanted to marry Axiang to Commander Lu as his concubine in exchange for money!Feng Pitt quickly stopped this incident from happening and said that Baogen would be caught soon.

To everyone's surprise, Baogen came back soon. Now everyone looked at the little cobbler with admiration.But the matter is not over yet. Commander Lu sent someone over and said that he must marry Axiang. At the critical moment, Feng Piet said that it was just to prepare well. The other party said that Axiang should be locked up well and he must marry him at night.Walk!Feng Pitt went to find Long Wu, but there was nothing the other party could do. Feng Pitt unexpectedly found Teacher Zhao!The other party told him the way to go back, but he had to choose by himself!After hesitation, Peter Feng said he wanted both, so he and his neighbors rescued Axiang. However, they were accidentally discovered. During the fight, the script accidentally dropped, and Peter Feng went back!

When Feng Pitt opened his eyes, Zeng Xiang was anxious to take the script and leave. Feng Pitt couldn't accept it for a while and wanted to take a rest, but was told that today was a script reading session. Feng Pitt was very anxious because there were no words in the script!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E5Plot

Episode 5

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 5 plot introduction: Long Wu travels to modern times

Feng Pitt went to the meeting in fear, but was accidentally late. As a result, he was criticized by Zeng Xiang. Then everyone began to analyze the script. Everyone thought that the content of the script was very average. Everyone had their own opinions, and the overall level was very poor., Zeng Xiang was about to say something, when a so-called Mr. Xiao suddenly came. He said frankly that he liked the script very much, so everyone started to compliment him. The other party also brought Ma Ke to be responsible for the production in the future, and encouraged Feng Pitt to let himTeacher Zhao, do a good job and keep doing it!After von Peter finished, he went to the bathroom to read the script, and found that the content of the script was exactly the same as his dream!

Feng Pitt was thinking about the problem at his workstation. A few words from Du Ziyuan reminded Feng Pitt. Feng Pitt went to Teacher Ding's house again. It turned out that the aunt who scolded him last time didn't even recognize Feng Pitt. But in the end, Feng Pitt was kicked out.When he got out, von Peter was completely confused.Feng Pitt accidentally fell asleep. In his dream, he dreamed of those characters from the Republic of China. After waking up, he wandered around and met Du Ziyuan. Feng Pitt told him about his dream and the content of the script, and asked Du ZiyuanHave you met Mr. Zhao? The answer is no. He finally agreed to help Feng Pit take leave and left. Feng Pit was very grateful. Unexpectedly, Du Ziyuan started spreading rumors when he returned. Soon everyone began to spread rumors about Feng Pit's previous life.Sanshui went crazy.

Feng Pitt was still wandering around and met a person who looked the same as Mrs. Jin, but the other person also said that he had never met Feng Pitt. After the two chatted for a while, the other party offered to help Feng Pitt with psychological counseling. The other party was very pleased.He carefully analyzed it for Feng Piet and told him that it was probably because he had the same dream at night after reading the script during the day, but the cause and effect relationship was wrong. Feng Piet was convinced, and the other party invited him to come and sit more often in the future.When Feng Pitt returned to the company, Du Ziyuan was leading everyone to analyze Feng Pitt's illness!Feng Piet didn't know what was going on. When he turned around, he was called away by Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang asked Feng Piet to take paid leave. After all, he had to take a good rest due to mental problems. After listening for a long time, Feng Piet finally understood that it was Du Ziyuan who was there.He spread rumors about himself, but what was unexpected was that Mr. Xiao actually wanted to reward Feng Pitt, which Du Ziyuan was very envious of.

Some accidents suddenly occurred in the normal life of everyone in Juqing. Some people's food was stolen, and someone's things were smashed. Everyone always suspected that a bad person had come in, so they asked for a meeting!Zeng Xiang made an appointment with Du Ziyuan, and Du Ziyuan actually volunteered to do Feng Piet's job. Fortunately, Feng Piet stepped forward in time, so Du Ziyuan had no choice but to leave.When the two returned to Juqingli, everyone was having a meeting. Feng Pitt didn't know what happened until there was a crashing sound outside the door. Feng Pitt saw that it was Long Wu!Long Wu actually came through, and Long Wu told Feng Pitt everything he had done. Feng Pitt finally understood everyone's behavior, but Long Wu fell asleep!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E6Plot

Episode 6

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 6 plot introduction: Feng Peter discovers the relationship between Zeng Xiang and Ma Ke

When Feng Piet saw the real Long Wu, he couldn't help but think that Axiang might also exist. Feng Piet came up with the idea of ​​saving her, but the most important thing at the moment was to find Teacher Zhao, otherwise Long Wu would have no way to deal with it. Speaking of Feng Piet,Peter couldn't help complaining that Long Wu was a big trouble. At this time, Long Wu suddenly woke up. Feng Pitt was startled and quickly calmed him down. Feng Pitt really didn't dare to look directly into Long Wu's eyes.

When Feng Pitt came back from work for a day, Long Wu was still there, but his condition was very bad. It turned out to be because he was hungry. After Feng Pitt cleaned up, he took people out to eat, but Long Wu's appearance was really special.Everything around him was very curious, which inevitably attracted everyone's attention. Feng Piet patiently helped him solve everything. Long Wu couldn't help but wonder who Feng Piet was. Feng Piet said he couldn't explain it in a few words.When the two of them went back, they met everyone asking for money from Long Wu. Feng Piet was afraid that Long Wu would start a fight with others. Unexpectedly, Long Wu took out a piece of gold with the word “林” on it. When Mrs. Lin saw this, she directlyGrabbed it back.Then Mrs. Lin went to look at the photo album, and there was a little boy wearing the same piece of gold around his neck!Mrs. Lin burst into tears.

Feng Piet then took the person to buy clothes, and even kept the person there to work and pay back the money!Von Pitt then returned to the company. At the meeting, everyone began to analyze the script. Everyone had various questions. Von Pitt subconsciously answered all the questions. Everyone couldn't help but ask, did Von Pitt see it with his own eyes?Feng Pitt couldn't give an answer. Zeng Xiang insisted that A Xiang's character was too soft and he wanted to change it. He also wanted A Xiang to marry Commander Lu. This would be more attractive to the audience. Feng Pitt couldn't help feeling that this man looked the same as A Xiang, but he couldn't help but sigh.The personalities are really different!

Long Wu's temperament is so impressive, he is more like a boss than a boss. He sits on the sofa and watches - Shanghai Anecdotes - very naturally. When a customer came to ask for an explanation, he thought the boss was Long Wu. In the end, the boss had to give up and decided not to accept it.After Long Wu had paid off his part-time job, he wanted to ask Feng Pitt directly for the money, but the customer just came back with someone else. The boss couldn't handle it, and finally Long Wu came forward to force the other party to retreat.Long Wu looked at Shanghai today and couldn't help but sigh that he really had won!The customer who had just caused trouble focused on Long Wu again. Upon seeing this, Mrs. Lin in the distance directly staged a drama and successfully rescued Long Wu.

Feng Pitt and Zeng Xiang accidentally bumped into Ma Ke and Mr. Xiao being in love. When they met Mr. Ma, Zeng Xiang's tone was very strange. Feng Pitt immediately guessed the relationship between Zeng Xiang and Ma Ke!Zeng Xiang took the person into the toilet for interrogation, and the two of them discovered that Du Ziyuan was also there. Fortunately, Du Ziyuan was wearing headphones!Zeng Xiang recalled what happened with Marco before, and finally did not forget to comfort herself. After going out, Zeng Xiang discovered that Feng Pitt was outside the door!Looking at Feng Pitt's leaving figure, Zeng Xiang smiled.

Long Wu and Mrs. Lin were watching TV and chatting. Mrs. Lin learned that Long Wu couldn't eat mung beans, and then fell into deep thought. Long Wu was called to boxing, and the other party specifically told him not to fight back. Finally, Long Wu couldn't bear it anymore and started punching.Got Marco!Peter Feng was chasing Teacher Zhao when he received the news!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E7Plot

Episode 7

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 7 plot introduction: Long Wu helps Mrs. Lin punish the liar

When Feng Piet arrived, Long Wu was already fighting with Ma Ke. Later, Mrs. Lin also arrived. The old lady immediately took care of them. Only Feng Piet was worried that he would be killed by Ma Ke soon.Targeted!When Feng Pitt went back, he told Long Wu about Teacher Zhao. Long Wu said that he would go find Teacher Zhao!

Zeng Xiang went to work normally, but found that everyone in the company was looking at her in a different way. Zeng Xiang couldn't help but suspect that Feng Pitt had told the secret, but it was actually Du Ziyuan who was behind the scenes!Not long after Feng Pitt returned, someone came to ask him to leave. Feng Pitt apologized for Long Wu to no avail!Old Mrs. Lin passed by a stall selling health care products on the street. This stall specializes in scamming the elderly. At first, Old Mrs. Lin didn't believe it, but the other party's service was excellent and there were many gifts. It didn't take long for Old Mrs. Lin to get started. Long Wu took a look.It was obvious at a glance that the other party was a liar, but Mrs. Lin still didn't believe it.

Zeng Xiang found out that Feng Pitt was driven away by Ma Ke, and went directly to find Ma Ke. Zeng Xiang was not polite in his words, and Ma Ke was also petty. He turned around and made things difficult for Zeng Xiang and Feng Pitt at work.During the whole process, Mr. Xiao noticed something was wrong with the way Ma Ke looked at Zeng Xiang, but he didn't go into details.Mrs. Lin got deeper and deeper into the situation, but the scammer made a lot of money. Long Wu came to the door with his things and took care of them. Later, he even called the police. Mrs. Lin was deceived.The money came back.While holding the money, Mrs. Lin asked Long Wu to follow her back!

Feng Pitt was wandering on the road and unexpectedly met Teacher Zhao. Teacher Zhao told Feng Pitt everything and said that Feng Pitt was the chosen one!Feng Pitt looked at Teacher Zhao's blabbering look and couldn't help but wonder if Teacher Zhao had told many people this sentence. Teacher Zhao felt very guilty because Feng Pitt guessed it right. Teacher Zhao himself had indeed told many peopleWith these words, Teacher Zhao quickly organized himself, and then once again stated that Feng Pitt was the real chosen one. He also said that only Feng Pitt could solve this matter. Feng Pitt had a headache thinking about going back. Teacher Zhao timely saidFeng Piet was really pinched when he mentioned Axiang, but Feng Piet still felt that the most important thing now was to send Long Wu back!Teacher Zhao said that today is the night of the full moon, and the energy is very suitable. It is a good opportunity to send people back!

Long Wu was having dinner with Old Mrs. Lin. Old Mrs. Lin kept picking up food for Long Wu with concern in her eyes. At this time, Feng Piet's voice called Long Wu. Only after Long Wu passed by did he know that Feng Piet had found him.There was no way to go back, but Feng Piet insisted on dressing up Long Wu. After all the trouble, Long Wu went to say goodbye to Old Mrs. Lin. He heard the sound of Old Mrs. Lin and Zeng Xiang chatting at the door. It turned out that Old Mrs. LinHe regards Long Wu as his deceased brother.So after Zeng Xiang left, Long Wu went in to say goodbye to Mrs. Lin, and even called him sister!But after Long Wu returned, he discovered that Feng Pitt was missing!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E8Plot

Episode 8

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 8 plot introduction: Feng Peter and Axiang traveled to the Republic of China together

It turned out that Zeng Xiang also went to find Feng Pitt after leaving her grandmother's house. Zeng Xiang picked up the script while chatting, but accidentally triggered the script!When Feng Piet woke up again, he was wearing bridal clothes. When Feng Piet was confused, someone suddenly came. Feng Piet quickly covered his head. The person called the bride Axiang. Feng Piet seemed to realize something!

Commander Lu is now happily attending his wedding banquet. However, his ex-aunt Bafang is not very happy. Commander Lu wanted to shock her, but everyone went back. Commander Lu was so angry that he started drinking alone.After drinking, the person became drunk and walked towards the new house in a daze.At this time, Feng Piet discovered Du Fumin hiding in the dark. After getting to know him, he realized that this was a trick designed by the little cobbler to save Axiang. However, the little cobbler did not tell Du Fumin about the next move., seeing that Commander Lu was about to come in, Feng Pitt pulled Du Fumin to run with him at the critical moment, but he was not familiar with the road, so he ran around and went back, got entangled with Commander Lu, and was bumped into by a guest. Finally,By a strange combination of circumstances, the two of them ran back to Juqingli, but their plan succeeded, but Axiang disappeared!

Du Fumin bluntly said that Axiang was hidden by the little cobbler. Feng Pitet did not know where the little cobbler had hidden him. The two searched for a long time but could not find it. Finally, Hu Manli took the initiative to stand up and said that she had sent the person back.Got it!Feng Pitt was speechless, but not long after, the news came that Commander Lu had sent Axiang back!Feng Pitt saw that it was A Xiang from a distance, and then ran over happily. Unexpectedly, he was slapped. Feng Pitt felt familiar. It was not until the other party called out his name that Feng Pitt realized that Zeng Xiang was alsoIt’s coming through!

It turned out that when Zeng Xiang woke up, she happened to meet Hu Manli coming over. After listening to a few words, Zeng Xiang realized that she was wearing A Xiang's body and was going to marry Commander Lu!After Zeng Xiang finished complaining about why A Xiang was added, she turned around and thought about her original remarks about insisting that A Xiang marry Commander Lu. Now she regrets it very much, but she still has to hold on and be a good heroine!Zeng Xiang talked with the adjutant for a long time, but the other party couldn't make the decision at all. Zeng Xiang called Commander Lu over directly. He couldn't understand and started applying the anti-wolf spray. Commander Lu felt that Axiang looked like his first love Cheng Cheng, so he was very worried about it.Tolerate, Zeng Xiang just lived here, but Zeng Xiang was not idle at all. Instead, he exported a large basket of independent women's theories to his concubines. Everyone liked her, but Zeng Xiang just wanted to leave, and LuWhen the commander was reasoning, he accidentally used the modern Heimlich maneuver to save Commander Lu, and then the negotiation was successful and he was sent back.

Feng Peter looked at the unfamiliar Axiang in front of him and felt very angry!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E9Plot

Episode 9

Laughter is always in the lane episode 9 plot introduction: Peter Feng transforms into Brother Cheng

Feng Piet was already depressed, but Zeng Xiang even dragged Feng Piet to hold a regular meeting!Feng Pitt was unwilling, but he still sat down. Zeng Xiang came up and asked how the two got through. Zeng Xiang didn't believe Mr. Zhao's theory that Feng Pitt told. Zeng Xiang didn't want to waste time, he just wanted toZeng Xiang went back immediately. When he learned that he could not go back until the night of the full moon, Zeng Xiang wanted to find something to do.However, Feng Pitt advised her not to mess around. Later, when Du Fumin came in, Zeng Xiang took him to do profitable business together. Feng Pitt told Du Fumin to be careful, but Du Fumin turned around and agreed!

Zeng Xiang was then called over by Hu Manli. After chatting with Zeng Xiang for a long time, Hu Manli discovered that Zeng Xiang had not come back, so she thought that the engagement was broken off. Zeng Xiang emphasized that it was because she saved Commander Lu!Hu Manli couldn't listen at all and wanted to deal with Zeng Xiang. However, Baogen reminded Hu Manli that Commander Lu shook hands with her when A Xiang came back. Hu Manli calmed down. Zeng Xiang complained in her heart that Baogen was very greasy, but stillTake the time to leave.

Zeng Xiang immediately seized the time and started planning a grand blueprint for shared trams with Du Fumin. However, it is too difficult to make ppt in this era. Zeng Xiang really wanted to move his computer and mobile phone!No one understood what A Xiang was talking about, but Zeng Xiang started doing business on his own. Soon he took Du Fumin to the streets to promote his business. No one understood it very well. He heard that there was a discount.After that, everyone was coaxed up. After Feng Peter arrived, he couldn't stop everyone at all, so they had to watch from the sidelines.Seeing that Zeng Xiang's business was not doing well, Feng Pitt couldn't help but sigh that Zeng Xiang was indeed no better than Hu Manli in terms of business.

Zeng Xiang turned around and went to find Hu Manli and explained her ideas to her. However, the other party didn't understand and refused directly. Instead, Baogen secretly stole money and invested in Axiang!Axiang also contacted other vendors and asked Commander Lu's aunt to help him promote it. He soon brought modern logistics ideas to the Republic of China. Things went very smoothly. Axiang soon became the boss. Hu Manli was jealous, but she hadXiang didn't give any face at all, and everyone's views on Axiang changed. Only Feng Piet stood aside and reminded Zeng Xiang that people like him couldn't keep up with their thinking.

Hu Manli discovered the intrigue between Baogen and Shan Liujiu and asked Baogen to get the money back immediately.Suddenly, Zeng Xiang fell into a financial crisis. Both vendors and his concubine asked him for money. Zeng Xiang had to talk to his concubine about a solution. In the end, he was kidnapped by Ninth Brother. Feng Pitt was still locked up in the room where Zeng Xiang was imprisoned!It turned out that Ninth Brother wanted to replace Long Wu as the eldest brother, so he arrested the little cobbler and called the elders in the hall to testify. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Feng Pitt took out Long Wu's token. In an instant, Feng PittHe became the descendant of Long Wu, and his status immediately changed!When Zeng Xiang went back, he was still in danger of having his financial chain broken, but Feng Pitt acted like his eldest brother and said frankly that it had nothing to do with him!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E10Plot

Episode 10

Laughter is always in the lane episode 10 plot introduction: Peter Feng and Zeng Xiang rescued Mr. Mei

Feng Pitt quickly adapted to his identity as the eldest brother. After getting dressed up, he went to the Dragon Gate Pavilion and took up the position of Dragon Five. Seeing the younger brothers cheering and cheering each other, Feng Pitt exclaimed that he was so happy!But soon Lao Jiu brought bad news. It was a letter sent to Long Wu, which contained the news that something had happened to Mr. Mei. However, Feng Piet didn’t take it too seriously. He planned to go back at night, and thenLong Wu came back just in time to save Mr. Mei, and now Feng Peter wants to enjoy the feeling of being a big brother!

With Lao Jiu by his side, Feng Pitt's eldest brother was not doing very well. He wanted to eat an insect feast at one moment, and was assassinated at another. Fortunately, Feng Pitt was lucky enough to escape.But when I went back, I was surprised to find that Zeng Xiang had become his wife!Von Pitt was speechless, but he couldn't stop it at all.Zeng Xiang found the script that Feng Pitt had hidden. There was actually a lot more content in it. Feng Pitt was shocked after reading it. Feng Pitt knew that he had to go back quickly, so the two of them were sitting on the script on a full moon night.In front of me, I was ready to go back, but the script didn't respond. Instead, I heard Teacher Zhao's voice again. In summary, I can't go back now, something went wrong!When nothing could be done, Zeng Xiang offered to rescue people. Feng Piet couldn't go back now, so he had no choice but to act together with Zeng Xiang.

Lao Jiu's people are not idle either, secretly planning to kill the little cobbler with Station Master He!Later, Feng Piet and Zeng Xiang attended the cocktail party together. Zeng Xiang acted alone at the cocktail party, while Feng Piet was with the difficult Ah Jiu. Feng Piet made excuses to ask for a drink and sent Ah Jiu away, while he got the money mentioned in the letter.The secret code “Give me a kiss”, Feng Pitt went around to exchange the code, but was misunderstood as a gangster, and the progress was very unsatisfactory. Zeng Xiang heard Feng Pitt saying this everywhere and thought he was talking nonsense, until Feng PittSaying that this was a code, Zeng Xiang smiled awkwardly, and then went around to read the codes. He accidentally bumped into Commander Lu, and it took a lot of effort to get rid of him.

Feng Piet and Lao Jiu arrived in the dressing room one after another. Lao Jiu wanted to attack Feng Piet. At the critical moment, Zeng Xiang knocked out Lao Jiu from behind. At this time, Mr. Mei, who had been pretending to be a cleaner, also took the initiative to stand up and give the code. Then Feng XiangPeter and Mr. Mei left together, and Zeng Xiang stayed to look at Lao Jiu. Unexpectedly, stationmaster He arrived soon. Zeng Xiang used his acting skills to escape successfully, but did not gain much time. At the critical moment, he met Commander Lu., Commander Lu protected the person behind him, and Zeng Xiang promptly identified Lao Jiu as Mr. Mei. With Commander Lu protecting him, Station Commander He had no choice but to take the people away.Zeng Xiang then quickly got rid of Commander Lu and left.At this time, Feng Pitt had already covered Mr. Mei out, and Zeng Xiangya quickly joined Feng Pitt.Both of them thought they could leave after rescuing Mr. Mei, and they were able to go back smoothly. However, they had a quarrel and went back angrily!The script was torn apart during the quarrel!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E11Plot

Episode 11

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 11 Plot introduction: Zeng Xiang discovers that his creativity has been plagiarized

The script was torn apart. Feng Pitt and Zeng Xiang began to read randomly, and even crossed into other people's scripts. Feng Pitt even became an emperor, but Zeng Xiang couldn't stand Feng Pitt's happy look, so he immediately separated the two.The two and a half scripts were put together, and then the two of them returned to the celebration of the Republic of China!Peter Feng was anxious to go back and went directly to Teacher Zhao's stall to guard Teacher Zhao, but Teacher Zhao said that it would take a week to revise the script!

Zeng Xiang was surprised to find that Hu Manli started plagiarizing her ideas and started a business. Zeng Xiang just watched from a distance, and Du Fumin stood next to her. After Hu Manli announced her business plan, everyone was at a loss.Zeng Xiang was very disdainful as he rushed forward, but Du Fumin on the side suddenly rushed out and was directly attracted by Hu Manli's business.Zeng Xiang was stunned. Feng Pitt happened to come over. Zeng Xiang learned that it would take another week to fix the script. Zeng Xiang was very happy and said that he wanted them to see the business wisdom of modern people!

On Long Wu's side, Mrs. Lin always thought that Long Wu was her younger brother. Long Wu was very distressed and explained many times but it didn't work. Long Wu asked a psychological counselor for help. The other party asked Long Wu why he was so sure it wasn't the case. Long WuThe explanation is not clear.In the following days, Long Wu drank mung bean soup in front of the old lady. As a result, he accidentally drank raw mung bean water. However, Old Mrs. Lin's attitude did not change at all. Long Wu said that he was from the Republic of China, and the old ladyI don't believe it at all.The psychological counselor asked Long Wu again why he didn't do a DNA test. Long Wu seemed to understand something, turned around and tried hard to pull the hair from Mrs. Lin's head.

Zeng Xiang also had a business of selling crabs, but it didn't work. Baogen was doing calculations until the abacus was smoking. Hu Manli played mahjong happily. Dan Liujiu came to Bao Gen to chat. Bao Gen and Dan LiuJiu mentioned that the cost price of the crabs he got from his old friend was very low!The business was very profitable, and these words were overheard by Zeng Xiang who was hiding in the dark. Zeng Xiang also found out from Du Fumin the day when Baogen entered the crab market, so he and Feng Pitt waited, but in the end they waited for nothing.When Zeng Xiang went to settle accounts with Du Fumin, she met someone who came to Baogen because of diarrhea. Zeng Xiang wanted to seize the opportunity to clean up Baogen, but she didn't expect that after Baogen stuffed the other party with some money, the other party changed his mind and said that there was no problem with the crabs!Long Wu got the hair, but after recalling how happy Mrs. Lin was because of him, he changed his mind and finally lost the hair.

Zeng Xiang racked her brains and thought of letting Feng Pitt starve for a day and then eat Baogen's crabs. If something went wrong, it would be the crab's responsibility. However, before the crabs got into his mouth, Shan Liujiu told Hu Manli about it, and Hu Manli called her directly.After getting up, Feng Piet was so hungry that he ate some crabs and fainted.

《Laughter is always in the lane》E12Plot

Episode 12

Laughter is always in the lane episode 12 plot introduction: Zeng Xiang quarreled with investors

Feng Pitt lay on the bed. Teacher Zhao also came over and brought the revised script. Feng Pitt looked uncomfortable. Teacher Zhao bluntly said that the medical conditions here were not good and asked the two of them to go back and treat Feng Pitt first.Zeng Xiang wanted Feng Pitt to persist a little longer, but Feng Pitt looked like he couldn't bear it, so the two of them went back.At this time, Long Wu was still standing on the balcony, but Mrs. Lin didn't understand this and moved the stairs away!

When the two of them rushed back, they happened to encounter Long Wu who had been staying on the balcony all night and had a stomachache. He kept running to the toilet. Feng Piet and Zeng Xiang looked at it and didn't know what to do. After all, Long Wu didn't have an ID card.When they went to the hospital, they couldn't get a call, so the two had to watch the person go to the toilet in discomfort, and then collapse on the bed.When Feng Piet saw the house that Mrs. Lin gave Long Wu to live in, he couldn't help feeling that Mrs. Lin was so kind to Long Wu!It’s just that Long Wu just wants to know when he can go back. Zeng Xiang promptly reminds Long Wu that the script cannot be given to Long Wu yet. After all, Zeng Xiang and Feng Pitt are going back to work now.

Then the two went to the company. In the parking lot, they saw Mr. Xiao and Ma Ke having a fight. Zeng Xiang began to think about who Mr. Xiao would choose. In the elevator, she was still practicing how hard she would play with Mr. Xiao later.talk.

After entering the office, Zeng Xiang's momentum did not diminish, and she bluntly said that she wanted President Xiao to choose him. If Ma Ke was there, he would leave. At this time, Ma Ke confidently asked Zeng Xiang to leave. Unexpectedly, President Xiao suddenly said that he wanted to keep Zeng Xiang.Xiang, Zeng Xiang changed his expression instantly and said that he was going to a meeting.

This time Zeng Xiang completely understood Feng Pitt last time. Faced with other people's doubts about the script, Zeng Xiang also began to refute.

Long Wu was worried about Old Mrs. Lin and wanted to find some drinks. Unexpectedly, he met Teacher Zhao. Teacher Zhao hid his identity at first and told Long Wu about Old Mrs. Lin and his younger brother when they were young. Long WuWu was very moved when he heard this, but he didn't understand what Teacher Zhao meant at all. At this time, Teacher Zhao ran away, leaving Long Wu alone to feel sad.

The company held a script reading meeting. Unexpectedly, the investors were dissatisfied and insisted on a sweet pet drama. Zeng Xiang disagreed and wanted a heroine script. In the end, they started to quarrel. However, Feng Pitt saidYou have your own way.It turned out that Feng Pitt wanted to leave Zeng Xiang and go back alone, so that Axiang could still be the same Axiang as before, and then there would be a couple. Unexpectedly, these words were heard by Du Ziyuan, and Feng Pitt hurriedly covered it up.

In the evening, Feng Piet and Long Wu agreed on a time for them to go back together. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lin's granddaughter was about to move in at this time. The important thing is that this granddaughter is exactly the same as Mei Mei from the Shanghai Song and Dance Hall. Long Wu suspected that she had also passed through., but von Peter read it with a slightly different flavor.The granddaughter asked Du Ziyuan to help carry her luggage, and then returned to the room happily. Unexpectedly, when she entered the room, she saw a grown man, Long Wu!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E13Plot

Episode 13

Du Ziyuan fell in love with Lin Yuanyuan at first sight. After returning home, he followed Liu Yuanyuan's account on the short video platform. Both neighbors laughed at Du Ziyuan and said bluntly that none of the three female generals in Mrs. Lin's family were easy to mess with.Knowing who was going to marry into their family in the future, Du Ziyuan didn't listen at all and kept watching the video.

Early the next morning, Lin Yuanyuan practiced yoga in the yard and took out her mobile phone to record a video. At the beginning, Du Ziyuan, Feng Pitt and Zeng Xiang went out to work. They came and went to arrange their looks for Lin Yuanyuan's selfie phone.Later, Lin Yuanyuan felt that she couldn't get enough sunlight, so she moved the mat to the door, which blocked Daxing's path. Daxing was very disdainful of people like Lin Yuanyuan who loved to shoot videos, and they raised their objections after just a few words with Lin Yuanyuan., Daxing suddenly heard someone calling him from behind, and when he poked his head out, he actually saw Ma Ke.

Daxing was so frightened that he immediately shrank back, but he still mustered up the courage to go out and face him. Lin Yuanyuan also went out and took a look. Lin Yuanyuan also knew Ma Ke, and then Lin Yuanyuan followed the two of them to the boxing gym.

Marco said that he no longer held grudges about what happened last time, but he was still angry in his heart, so he took his anger out on Daxing, who was unable to fight back.While Ma Ke was resting and taking selfies, Lin Yuanyuan went up to talk to her, but Ma Ke ignored Lin Yuanyuan at all.

Later, when Marco left, Lin Yuanyuan pestered Daxing to teach her how to practice boxing. Lin Yuanyuan said that she was very powerful, but she was injured after three strikes. Lin Yuanyuan still took pictures on her own and was not sad at all.

Feng Pitt arranged for Long Wu to go over and get what he had prepared long ago, and then go to the company to find him, while he went to Zeng Xiang to get the script, and was ready to go back after it was over.Long Wu knew that his departure would cause great harm to Mrs. Lin, but he still went out.

After arriving at the company, Feng Pitt asked Long Wu to wait for him in the office while he went to get the script. Unexpectedly, Du Ziyuan turned around and betrayed Feng Pitt. Zeng Xiang directly caught Feng Pitt and took the script back.

Feng Peter couldn't find Long Wu yet, so he could only stay there and feel sad.Lin Yuanyuan and Daxing's relationship got closer by chance, and they even became WeChat friends.Long Wu went back to have dinner with Mrs. Lin. Long Wu didn't want to go back.

Mr. Xiao was talking to Ma Ke about Zeng Xiang. He also said that Zeng Xiang said that if the project was completed, he would let Ma Ke leave.He also wanted Ma Ke to stay, so he arranged for Ma Ke to prepare a plan in case of emergencies.

Lin Yuanyuan and Daxing applied facial masks together, and Zeng Xiang was pulled together as they passed by. The three of them just lay in the courtyard of Juqingli and looked at the moon, applying facial masks, very comfortable.

《Laughter is always in the lane》E14Plot

Episode 14

Feng Pitt and Zeng Xiang reported their ideas for the script, and they ended up writing A Xiang as a stupid love brain. Zeng Xiang strongly disagreed. Feng Pitt said angrily and asked Zeng Xiang to think about it. Unexpectedly, Zeng Xiang actually had his own mind.idea, but the plot was too bloody, and Feng Pitt also disliked it very much. The next two people submitted both versions of their ideas. As a result, the leader said that the two versions were very average, and it was best to combine them, but Zeng Xiang did notI agree, because the two versions are completely different. The leader was completely confused and asked people to stop arguing. It turned out that the leader came up with the idea himself.

Ma Ke came to Daxing to practice boxing again. As before, he drove a luxury car and waited in Juqing. Because it was too eye-catching, Lin Yuanyuan noticed it at a glance and waited quietly for Lin Yuanyuan after Ma Ke and Daxing finished the phone call.He went up to chat with Ma Ke. Ma Ke was very reluctant to talk to Lin Yuanyuan and didn't even remember who she was. Later, Du Ziyuan passed by on a tram and came up to him. While chatting, Ma Ke found out that Lin Yuanyuan was Zeng.Xiang's sister, Ma Ke, suddenly became interested and immediately took out WeChat to add friends. Lin Yuanyuan was naturally happy, and Daxing came out later, and Daxing left with Ma Ke.

After Ma Ke finished here, he happened to see Lin Yuanyuan sending a message. Ma Ke directly invited Lin Yuanyuan to come over and practice together. Lin Yuanyuan happily agreed, but Du Ziyuan was very worried about Lin Yuanyuan and followed him quietly.

Later, Ma Ke was called back for a meeting, but his wallet was left behind. Lin Yuanyuan opened it excitedly and found evidence that Ma Ke had money inside, as well as a ppt to rate his ex-girlfriend. Lin Yuanyuan realized clearly that Ma Ke was a big guy.The fact that he was a scumbag happened to be when Zeng Xiang called to urge Du Ziyuan to go back. Lin Yuanyuan asked Du Ziyuan to bring something back to Zeng Xiang.

At this time, Zeng Xiang and Feng Pitt were listening to the boss's ideas for the script. It was really difficult to describe the script. In the end, Zeng Xiang had no choice but to suggest that both versions should be shown to the investors and let the investors choose. Feng Pitt also agreed very much.

After reading it, the investors agreed with the leader and suggested merging the two versions. Zeng Xiang disagreed, but Mr. Xiao said there was a third plan. Neither Zeng Xiang nor Feng Pitt knew what was going on. As a result, XiaoThe boss called Ma Ke out. Ma Ke gave the USB flash drive to Du Ziyuan and asked him to play it for him. Du Ziyuan laughed. As a result, while Ma Ke was explaining, the ex-girlfriend rating ppt produced by Ma Ke was displayed on the screen. The final meetingIn a frenzy, Mr. Xiao begged Zeng Xiang not to leave. Both of them recognized Ma Ke's true face and became good friends.Zeng Xiang and Lin Yuanyuan practiced yoga together, but they didn't know that Du Ziyuan and Feng Pitt were quietly observing the two outside the door.

《Laughter is always in the lane》E15Plot

Episode 15

Feng Pitt had not given up the idea of ​​going back, so he quietly packed up his luggage and went to the balcony to try to open the script, but it still didn't work. At this time, Zeng Xiang appeared behind Feng Pitt. Hearing that the script didn't work, he didn't believe it at all, so heI opened the script myself, but to my surprise, the two of them walked right through it.

Neither of them knew what was going on. Teacher Zhao on the side appeared in time to explain the reason. It turned out that Teacher Zhao sensed that Zeng Xiang was more suitable for this magnetic field, so Zeng Xiang became the true chosen one.As soon as Zeng Xiang read the script, he went back directly. Zeng Xiang was very proud, and then reassured Feng Pitt to work hard.

Lin Yuanyuan's credit card overspent, so she tried every means to borrow money from Zeng Xiang. In fact, Zeng Xiang saw through Lin Yuanyuan's little idea at a glance, but Zeng Xiang turned around and went to work. In desperation, Lin Yuanyuan approached Mrs. Lin again. Mrs. LinShe also knew what her granddaughter was thinking, but she didn't match her words with her words. Lin Yuanyuan had no way to deal with her grandma.

Mr. Zhang from Zeng Xiang’s side wanted to meet a celebrity. Zeng Xiang didn’t know who it was at first, but she was stunned when she saw it was Dong Ge, a very famous person. Later, she heard that he wanted to join.During the project, Zeng Xiang was happy for a while, but the more we talked, the more uncomfortable it became, because it was too difficult to add such a heroic character to the project.

The clever Zeng Xiang directly assigned this job to Feng Pitt. The advantage was that Zeng Xiang could let Feng Pitt act alone without intervening. Feng Pitt agreed upon hearing this.

Lin Yuanyuan once again targeted her lover Du Ziyuan. Of course Du Ziyuan was very happy, so he happily took people to drink coffee. Later, Lin Yuanyuan found the right moment and started to hint to Du Ziyuan. Du Ziyuan heard that Lin Yuanyuan wanted to borrow money, and Du Ziyuan hurriedlyShe pulled her mother out and said she wanted to go home and ask. Lin Yuanyuan said she didn't like her mother and went back.

Feng Pitt went back here, and the first thing he did was to look for Axiang, but he didn't expect that the other party slapped Feng Pitt backhand. Feng Pitt immediately realized that the person coming was Zeng Xiang, and Zeng Xiang also said that he would check on him at any time.

Feng Piet was at a loss for words and had to start working, but where to find a hero? Feng Piet immediately thought of Du Fumin, but Du Fumin was too weak and couldn't even protect Meimei. Du Fumin proposed to goFeng Pitt seemed to have an idea to learn martial arts, but when he arrived at the martial arts hall, he saw a man who looked exactly like Dong Ge. He turned around and took Du Fumin to become his apprentice. Unexpectedly, the other person was not interested in being a hero at all, but admired Du Fumin very much.Feng Piet had no choice but to think of a solution on his own, and was accidentally sent to the police station. After spending some money, Shan Liujiu started to help him think of ideas.

《Laughter is always in the lane》E16Plot

Episode 16

Laughter is always in the lane episode 16 plot introduction: Feng Pitt apprentices as a teacher

Finally, with Feng Piet's efforts, Shan Liujiu found an opponent for Feng Zhen. Feng Piet felt that things were finally progressing, so he went to find Feng Zhen and said that a foreign friend was coming to challenge him, hoping to anger him.Feng Zhen didn't expect that Feng Zhen was broad-minded and didn't care at all. At this time, Shan Liujiu brought his foreign friends to the martial arts gym. The two hit it off and the foreign friends even felt that Feng Zhen was his confidant.After telling a lie and successfully irritating Feng Zhen, Feng Pitt struck while the iron was hot and directly promoted the development of this matter.The matter even made it into the newspapers. Feng Peter came to announce the good news, but he happened to encounter Feng Zhen running away!Feng Piet asked why, and Feng Zhen had to tell the truth, that is, Feng Zhen didn't know martial arts at all!The people in the martial arts world that I defeated before were all due to luck!

After hearing this, Feng Piet sighed repeatedly. Feng Zhen said that he could only escape before the battle, but Feng Piet asked Feng Zhen to sharpen his guns before the battle!After saying that, he took Feng Zhen to study with his master. As a result, people from various martial arts schools hid when they saw Feng Zhen. Feng Piet still insisted on leaving this matter to himself.Feng Zhen was still worried when he was about to go on stage. Feng Piet bluntly said that he had already arranged it, but it failed. Feng Zhen had no choice but to bite the bullet. As expected, Feng Zhen received a lot of punches, but he was climaxing.At that time, the foreign boxer suddenly felt uncomfortable. As the referee ended the countdown and announced that Feng Zhen had won, Feng Zhen helped the foreign friend. It turned out that the opponent's chewing gum was stuck in his throat. After the end, the opponent thanked Feng Zhen, and Feng Zhen really became a winner.A hero!

Zeng Xiang took the script to Brother Dong to read. Brother Dong was dissatisfied with the script at first, but Brother Dong also knew that he could no longer take those martial arts scenes like before. After all, things are different now. In the end, he signed the contract directly without his agent.After signing the contract, Zeng Xiang was very moved!When Long Wu returned to Juqing, he was stopped by the security guard. Later, Mrs. Lin appeared to help him, and he was able to go home. But gradually, Long Wu realized that everyone seemed to be afraid of him, even Mrs. Lin.Taiya wanted Long Wu to smile more. Long Wu tried hard to adjust, but it didn't seem to work.So Long Wu tried to ask Zeng Xiang to send him back. At this time, everyone began to comfort Long Wu and bluntly said that Long Wu's existence was very meaningful!

Lin Yuanyuan was still borrowing money from everywhere, and she went to see a psychological counselor. The other person broke through Lin Yuanyuan's mask with one sentence, saying that she could be more sincere and that sometimes it would be much better to tell the truth.Du Ziyuan was debating whether to lend money to Lin Yuanyuan, but when Lin Yuanyuan showed up, she directly told the truth that she wanted to borrow money. Du Ziyuan felt that Lin Yuanyuan was sincere and agreed directly. Lin Yuanyuan also realized for the first time that telling the truth really works!When she met the director later, Lin Yuanyuan was always honest with her. Upon seeing this, the director arranged for Lin Yuanyuan to meet the female lead. However, Lin Yuanyuan was a little too sincere and actually said everything in her heart. In the end, she lost the role.In the evening, Lin Yuanyuan complained to Daxing and Zeng Xiang. Zeng Xiang was chatting and felt that she had forgotten something. It turned out to be Feng Pitt!When Zeng Xiang rushed over, Feng Pitt was planning to develop a relationship with A Xiang!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E17Plot

Episode 17

Laughter is always in the lane episode 17 plot introduction: Feng Peter resolves Mr. Xiao’s troubles

Du Ziyuan and Daxing got together. It turned out that Du Ziyuan wanted to buy a bag for Lin Yuanyuan. The bag was second-hand. The seller said it was given by his ex-boyfriend, so he didn't want to keep it. Du Ziyuan happened to take over, but Daxing persuaded Du Ziyuan to calm down. After all, he hadXiang and Mrs. Lin were both difficult to deal with, but Du Ziyuan said it was the worst he could do!

Feng Piet was still sad that the matter with A Xiang was not progressing, but Du Ziyuan was nibbling buns next to him. At this time, the two of them noticed that an agent came out of Zeng Xiang's office very angry. The two of them didn't pay much attention at first, but they didn't expect it.Zeng Xiang turned around and called Du Ziyuan in. As soon as he entered the door, he asked Du Ziyuan if he realized his mistake. He also warned Du Ziyuan not to touch things that he shouldn't touch and not to care about people he shouldn't care about. Du Ziyuan thought of Daxing's warning to Zeng Xiang that he shouldn't.Will agree to Lin Yuanyuan and Du Ziyuan being together, Du Ziyuan immediately nodded to admit, and then left.Later, Du Ziyuan and Feng Pitt were chatting. When Zeng Xiang came over, he quickly covered up, for fear that Zeng Xiang would find out something.

Du Ziyuan gave the bag to Lin Yuanyuan. Lin Yuanyuan liked it very much and looked in the mirror for a long time. Later, Zeng Xiang found out that Zeng Xiang was teasing her and Du Ziyuan. Lin Yuanyuan ignored it and went to wash her clothes.

The next day everyone went out to get free gifts. When they returned, Long Wu picked up a gold watch on the ground. Long Wu first collected the things and prepared for the owner. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Lin also lost something. EveryoneI went up to show concern but was kicked out by Mrs. Lin.Some sharp-eyed people noticed that what Mrs. Lin lost might be a watch!Everyone knew that Long Wu had picked up the watch, and everyone came to claim it one after another. Long Wu didn't believe it at all, until he overheard that Lin Yuanyuan was looking for the watch because of Mrs. Lin, and then Long Wu took the watch to Mrs. Lin.I looked too much and accidentally found the watch lost by Mrs. Lin in the glasses case, so the watch was not Mrs. Lin’s.

Mr. Xiao was blaming his secretary for accidentally selling the gold watch when he sold the bag. Feng Pitt happened to pass by. Mr. Xiao was having a headache and didn’t know how to get the watch back. Feng Pitt appeared in time and gave Mr. Xiao a solution. So Feng PittHe took over the matter and found that Long Wu had picked up the watch when he returned. Feng Pitet immediately thought of Mr. Xiao, and then called Mr. Xiao. He unexpectedly found that Mr. Xiao had found his watch, and the watch was alsoIt's no longer Mr. Xiao's. Until now, only Lin Yuanyuan insists that the watch is hers!But Long Wu still didn't believe it.

Du Ziyuan always thought that Zeng Xiang was making things difficult for him in the company because of Lin Yuanyuan's affairs. After returning home, he wanted to tell Lin Yuanyuan not to date anymore. At this time, Lin Yuanyuan was worried that no one believed that the gold watch was hers. Later, the director came to Lin Yuanyuan and it turned out that JinThe watch was given by the director, and he came to take it back today. Long Wu then took out the watch, and the truth became clear!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E18Plot

Episode 18

Laughter is always in the lane episode 18 plot introduction: Zeng Xiang decided to travel through time to make a movie

Feng Pitt got up early and passed Zeng Xiang's room and noticed that Zeng Xiang was practicing yoga. Feng Pitt accidentally peeked at Zeng Xiang. Lin Yuanyuan happened to pass by and shouted to scare Feng Pitt away.When Feng Piet was brushing his teeth, he was thinking about how he could think of Zeng Xiang as A Xiang, but when he thought about it carefully, they did look the same. At this time, Du Ziyuan also got up. Du Ziyuan was still thinking about Lin Yuanyuan, so he fell asleep., and ended up with two big black circles under his eyes.

Du Ziyuan bought flowers and apologized to Lin Yuanyuan. Lin Yuanyuan took the flowers, but regarding the date, Lin Yuanyuan said that she was hot-headed, but Du Ziyuan confessed to herself, and Lin Yuanyuan was even more unforgiving. Everyone has Du Ziyuan's innocence.The power of being liked, finally Lin Yuanyuan said she would make a bet, if someone tells Lin Yuanyuan that she likes Du Ziyuan within three days, then she will agree to date Du Ziyuan!

Du Ziyuan turned around and went to the Dream Come True Dating Agency. As a result, Du Ziyuan accidentally picked up the wrong information form with someone else at the door. As a result, the people at the dating agency entertained Du Ziyuan very warmly, but they didn't say a word about the price.Zeng Xiang went to the company and met Mr. Xiao’s new friend Wang Xinyu in the parking lot!Zeng Xiang also helped people cover up, and then started the script "Surrounding the City". After the end, Mr. Xiao and Zeng Xiang mentioned the matter of adding a role to Wang Xinyu. Zeng Xiang knew that the other party debuted in a group and didn't know much about acting.After asking a few questions, the other party really didn’t understand him very well, so Zeng Xiang rejected him flatly.Both Feng Pitt and Du Ziyuan are now in deep emotional crisis. Feng Pitt is in great pain and feels like he is falling in love with a fictional character.

Mr. Zhang came to put pressure on Zeng Xiang again, and Zeng Xiang reluctantly agreed. However, after going back and talking to Feng Pitt, Feng Pitt refused directly. Zeng Xiang was not used to it, and immediately decided to wear it by herself to make a movie.Then add a young character.When Zeng Xiang went over, he found that A Xiang had started practicing calligraphy, so he lamented that A Xiang had grown up. Then Zeng Xiang proposed the idea of ​​making a movie. Although Hu Manli and Bao Gen thought that A Xiang was crazy again, they still gave Zeng Xiang the idea.I found some clues, that is Mr. Yao!It's just that when Zeng Xiang looked for him, he didn't even see anyone.

Hu Manli and Baogen had a conflict. Hu Manli went out to have a drink and met Yang Cheng by chance. The two didn't know each other before fighting. Later, Yang Cheng accidentally saved Hu Manli. When leaving, he expressed to Hu Manli that he wanted to leave with her..After returning home, Hu Manli looked at Baogen more and more displeased.

Du Ziyuan's Xiaomei mistakenly thought that Du Ziyuan was rich, so she fell in love with him. As a result, she said a lot of other things when she came to Lin Yuanyuan, which caused Du Ziyuan and Lin Yuanyuan to have a big quarrel. Later, Xiaomei discovered Du Ziyuan's true identity and directlyThey broke up on the spot and turned around to hook up with other people!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E19Plot

Episode 19

Laughter is always in the lane episode 19 plot introduction: Zeng Xiang helps Hu Manli catch the liar

Hu Manli's mind was now filled with Yang Cheng, and as a result, the more she looked at Baogen, the more she disliked him. Baogen didn't realize Hu Manli's abnormality, and instead looked as slovenly as before, which made Hu Manli feel even more disgusted.Zeng Xiang successfully met Mr. Yao with the help of Meimei. Zeng Xiang told Mr. Yao his ideas. Mr. Yao agreed very much, but what Mr. Yao said next stunned Zeng Xiang. Mr. Yao asked ZengOf course Zeng Xiang couldn't give an answer for the time being as to whether Xiang had a company. After that, Zeng Xiang went to Hu Manli to talk about the matter.

At this time, Hu Manli was trapped in love and was very unconscious. She said "I have a friend". After listening to this story about a married man falling in love with a young pretty boy, Zeng Xiang seemed to understand in her heart, but she couldn't say much.Later, Hu Manli went on a date with Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng wore a suit and leather tie and played the piano for Hu Manli. Hu Manli was very happy. The two even danced ballroom dancing together. After that, Yang Cheng gentlemanly put his coat on Hu Manli.They also sent Hu Manli home, but Yang Cheng met the debtor on the way. Hu Manli looked familiar to the person, but she didn’t think much about it. When she heard that the other person was asking Yang Cheng for money, Hu Manli went crazy and took her own money.He came out and gave it to the other party. After the man left, Hu Manli cared about Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng bluntly said that he was unwilling to spend Hu Manli's money. Hu Manli was even more moved when he said this.

Hu Manli thought for a long time and decided to give money to Yang Cheng to help him leave. The two were playing an inseparable drama when Baogen suddenly appeared. Baogen saw at a glance that the other party was a charlatan, but Hu Manli didn't believe it at all.Angry and asked for the money back, Hu Manli had no choice but to give some of her private money to Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng was very touched on the surface and started complaining to his accomplices as soon as he left the house. He even discussed going there again the next day. If that didn't work, Yang Cheng, just go up and grab it!Unexpectedly, these words were heard by Zeng Xiang and Du Fumin!

When Zeng Xiang returned, Hu Manli and Bao Gen were quarreling. Zeng Xiang helped to persuade her, saying that instead of giving the money to a scammer, it would be better to invest in her own film company. After hearing this, Hu Manli insisted on Zeng Xiang proving it to her, and said that if it was true,If you can prove it, buy it yourself!Then Zeng Xiang pretended to be a rich wife to deceive Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng immediately took the bait when he saw that Zeng Xiang was rich. He played the piano and danced ballroom dancing together, but this time Zeng Xiang took the initiative.Xiang offered to let Yang Cheng dissolve his brothers, and then take all his belongings and fly away with him!Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment, but finally he actually did it!When Yang Cheng took his luggage to seek refuge with Zeng Xiang, he realized that he had been fooled and was taken away directly by the police. Hu Manli was very sad, but Zeng Xiang walked past coldly and reminded Hu Manli not to forget to buy shares!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E20Plot

Episode 20

Laughter is always in the lane episode 20 plot introduction: Zeng Xiang is recognized by Mr. Yao

With Hu Manli's investment, Zeng Xiang's company really got off the ground. Zeng Xiang also recruited many outstanding talents to join his company. Zeng Xiang was very confident that this could be done, but everyone had concerns. Zeng XiangXiang had no choice but to take out the little goldfish that Hu Manli invested in him!Everyone immediately returned to their posts and performed their duties. Shan Liujiu on the side saw it and couldn't help asking Hu Manli if Zeng Xiang really did this. Hu Manli's mind was filled with guilt for Baogen and she didn't want to care about Zeng Xiang at all.!When Zeng Xiang came back again, everyone happily showed Zeng Xiang the progress of their work, but they were all very miserable. Hu Manli also brought her partner over to act. Zeng Xiang bluntly said that this was too unreliable, and it was Mei.Mei was reliable, but Hu Manli disagreed and even used her status as an antique shop to pressure Zeng Xiang!

Feng Pitt was about to get off work. Unexpectedly, he saw Zeng Xiang coming out of the elevator just as he walked to the elevator. Feng Pitt was pulled back again. Zeng Xiang told Feng Pitt about his progress, and Feng Pitt almost laughed.Big Ya, Zeng Xiang directly pulled the person over from behind!Feng Piet was angry, but he couldn't go back. The two quarreled, and they found Baogen hiding in the cabinet. They suspected that Baogen had heard what the two of them had just said, so they tied them up directly.The people were discussing strategies when Mr. Yao came over!

Zeng Xiang rushed out to introduce his company to Mr. Yao, while Feng Pitt stayed to appease Baogen. Mr. Yao reminded Zeng Xiang to be careful when entering the game. Zeng Xiang was very confident. At this time, Baogen chased Feng Pitt out and ran back., Zeng Xiang quickly explained that he was just walking in a show, and Mr. Yao finally dispelled his doubts and invited Zeng Xiang to watch Director Li Ping'an filming the next day!Zeng Xiang agreed, and then went back to study Baogen with Feng Pitt. As a result, Hu Manli accidentally broke in. Zeng Xiang solved the problem by dividing five by two, and then locked up Baogen first. Zeng Xiang immediately went to work on the company.Something happened.

Zeng Xiang looked at a large circle of actors, and finally felt that Mei Mei was the most reliable, so she took Mei Mei to audition the next day. Director Li Ping'an turned out to be very harsh, and Mei Mei herself was not very confident, so things quickly changed.It seemed to be going bad. Zeng Xiang quickly explained that it must be a problem with the script!The screenwriter left angrily, so Zeng Xiang and Feng Pitt had no choice but to bite the bullet. They wrote and acted themselves, and finally won unanimous approval from the director and Mr. Yao!When the two went back, they were surprised to find that Baogen was very abnormal and even cooked with his own hands. When Shan Liujiu came over, Baogen didn't ask for help. The two were directly moved and let Baogen go.Unexpectedly, Baogen turned around and sold the two of them. As a result, no one believed him. Finally, Hu Manli came out and took Baogen home. In everyone's opinion, Baogen was completely crazy, and Hu Manli was very distressed.

《Laughter is always in the lane》E21Plot

Episode 21

Laughter is always in the lane episode 21 plot introduction: Peter Feng transforms into a big star

Zeng Xiang and Mr. Yao talked about the “International Film Festival”. Mr. Yao bluntly said that he had never heard of it. Zeng Xiang said that it would be held in France in two years. Mr. Yao said that it was okay to engage in art, but he was a businessman and would lose money.She would not do it. Zeng Xiang said that she would not let such a thing happen. He also said that he would invite celebrities from all walks of life to come and watch it in advance, and then invite some media to promote it. It will definitely become popular!Mr. Yao was very happy to see that Zeng Xiang was confident. When asked what Zeng Xiang still lacked, Zeng Xiang said that he only lacked an idol!

People on Baogen's side were still nagging. Hu Manli directly used Feng Peter to suppress him, while Baogen just drank the medicine obediently.Feng Pitt paid attention to Zeng Xiang's progress, and Zeng Xiang said that his target was Xia Lei!But when Zeng Xiang approached him, the other party's agent said that Xia Lei was very popular now, but Zeng Xiang's company had no works, so the other party didn't trust Zeng Xiang at all. Zeng Xiang also saw with his own eyes Xia Lei's pampered and arrogant look., Zeng Xiang was very angry because the other party did not trust him!

Zeng Xiang thought hard for a long time and decided that she wanted to make a person famous who was absolutely impossible to become famous, so that the other person would definitely come to ask Xia Lei to act in her script!So Zeng Xiang set her sights on the little cobbler. Feng Piet was speechless as to why he wanted to trouble her, because Du Fumin and Baogen both looked like big stars and were very jealous!After Baogen returned, he acted in front of the mirror, and finally performed in front of Hu Manli. In the end, Hu Manli decided that she wanted to support Baogen!

Feng Pitt soon started acting under Zeng Xiang's arrangement, but the result was not very good. Zeng Xiang was very dissatisfied. The people Zeng Xiang hired to be Feng Pitt's assistant also had many complaints. Zeng Xiang directly announced that he wouldTaking people back for a meeting, Feng Pitt said that he was really not that good. Zeng Xiang had to encourage Feng Pitt in turn. At this time, Hu Manli called Zeng Xiang away and prepared a lot of food. Then Hu Manli bluntly said that the little cobbler was not a star.It was better to let Baogen give it a try. Zeng Xiang started to test Baogen, using tongue twisters and acting. Baogen's performance was very unsatisfactory, so Zeng Xiang immediately seized the opportunity and left.

Feng Pitt was arranged to have a crying scene, but Feng Pitt couldn't cry. Zeng Xiang called a lot of reporters and said he wouldn't stop working if he couldn't cry. Feng Pitt had no choice but to find a rival actor to take over the magic weapon of the crying scene. Finally,Cry and become famous!Zeng Xiang's company was also seen, and Xia Lei's appointment as male lead was also settled. However, Feng Pitt began to expand. Zeng Xiang asked Hu Manli to be his agent, with the intention of suppressing him, but Feng Pitt refused directly.Acted!Zeng Xiang was called over by Mr. Yao, and Zeng Xiang was so angry that he almost died. At this time, Du Fumin came to Zeng Xiang to complain about Feng Pitt. Unexpectedly, everyone heard it. As a result, Feng Pitt became notorious, Xia Lei resigned, and YaoMr. also withdrew his capital.Feng Piet was frustrated and drank on the rooftop. Zeng Xiang came to enlighten him, but he actually wanted to go back. Zeng Xiang bluntly said that Wang Xinyu's role had not been decided yet, and then the two started drinking together!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E22Plot

Episode 22

Laughter is always in the lane episode 22 plot introduction: Zeng Xiang gave up on being popular with Wang Qi

There was another problem with the water in Juqing. A bunch of people lined up to get the water. Hu Fumin started complaining. Shan Liujiu passed by and said he wanted to file a complaint, but snatched away the water that Du Fumin had been collecting for a long time.Okay, this is Meimei coming back. Dan Liujiu generously gave all his water to Meimei. Du Fumin was stunned, but he was still very happy to give the water to Meimei, but Meimei looked at it.Something was wrong, so he refused and left, and Shan Liujiu also left. Unexpectedly, Feng Piet came back behind him, and Feng Piet directly snatched Du Fumin's water away. Du Fumin was speechless and had to continue queuing.

Zeng Xiang wanted to continue looking for Mr. Yao, but was blocked directly outside the door. She also met Feng Pitt, who had been terminated. The two were distressed that the plot was not advancing. When they turned around, they discovered that Wang Xinyu looked exactly the same in the plot.The person's name is Wang Qi, and he is now a doorman. He only cares about the front door and eats. Zeng Xiang understands that he must help Wang Qi transform, otherwise Wang Xinyu will not be willing to play the role. Zeng Xiang looked up and saw the poster of Miss Shanghai., so I came up with the idea to hold a Mr. Shanghai selection contest!The news spread quickly. Everyone had never seen this thing before and they were very interested. There were many people who came to the scene, but the quality was average. Baogen and Xia Lei also came. It was obvious that one failed and the other passed.Shan Liujiu also went up to perform a lip-syncing sequence, but Zeng Xiang unexpectedly gave the pass. The reason was that he wanted to be a green leaf to set off the red flower Wang Qi.

Everyone voted for Mr. Shanghai by buying newspapers. What Zeng Xiang and Feng Pitt didn't expect was that the winner was Shan Liujiu!It turned out that Hu Manli was supporting Dan Liujiu from behind, and the purpose was to let Shan Liujiu chase Han Meimei and then make Baogen give up. These words were heard by Zeng Xiang at the door, and Zeng Xiang wanted to see how much Shan Liujiu could uncover.flower!While Zeng Xiang was packing Wang Qi, Shan Liujiu was also canvassing for himself.Zeng Xiang was also called over by Xia Lei's agent, who asked Wang Qi to give up the game to make way for Xia Lei, but Zeng Xiang refused.But what Zeng Xiang didn't expect was that while Xia Lei was exerting pressure, Wang Qi also started to cause trouble. He actually drank alone and resisted the packaging Zeng Xiang gave him!

Shan Liujiu was praised by his unit for his good performance. In order to continue to get everyone to vote for him, Shan Liujiu also tried his best to save Xiaoping who was trapped in the fire.Xia Lei's votes soon surpassed Wang Qi's. Zeng Xiang decided to copy Wang Qi and Meimei's couple. Unexpectedly, Wang Qi refused and went back to work as a doorman!Shan Liujiu talked about his partner with Xiaoping and even withdrew from the Mr. Shanghai competition.Zeng Xiang tried his best to vote for Wang Qi and even wrote many fake votes. Feng Pitt persuaded him, but Zeng Xiang refused.When the votes were announced the next day, Zeng Xiang took the initiative to confess, and all the votes were checked again. Zeng Xiang also decided to let Wang Qi live his own life. Later, Zeng Xiang was chased by reporters, and Feng Pitt protected her and hid.Teacher Zhao sent the script, and the two of them went back as soon as they opened it!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E23Plot

Episode 23

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 23 plot introduction: Zeng Xiang is entangled by a blind date

It was raining when the two came back. Feng Pitt protected Zeng Xiang and went back together. In the taxi, Zeng Xiang fell asleep due to sleepiness. Feng Pitt helped her put some clothes on her. Zeng Xiang woke up and even helped Feng Pitt.With white hair, the two of them met Lele and Du Ziyuan as soon as they came downstairs when they returned to the plot. The two of them immediately pretended that nothing happened, while Du Ziyuan smiled like an aunt.At night, the two of them were lying on the bed separately, unable to sleep for a long time. The next day, when they got together, they both heard the same song. At this time, Yang Gang came out and was surprised to find that the clothes they wore were very similar to couple's clothes.They were very embarrassed and went back to change their clothes. However, when they arrived at the company, their new clothes still looked like couple's clothes. Everyone began to spread some rumors, and Zeng Xiang couldn't stop them at all.When Zeng Xiang returned to the office, Mr. Xiao was sitting there. Mr. Xiao praised the love spark between the little cobbler and A Xiang in the new script, but he and Wang Xinyu broke up and the role was no longer available. Zeng Xiang was very helpless, and Mr. Xiao turned aroundThen he became concerned about Zeng Xiang and Feng Pitt. Zeng Xiang was so angry that he stood up and said that he would never like Feng Pitt!

Feng Piet couldn't live well when he returned to Juqing. Everyone was spreading the news. Even Mrs. Lin started talking about it and she looked down on Feng Piet very much. Mrs. Lin asked Long Wu who was standing aside to come up with an idea. Long Wu askedDoes Zeng Xiang like Feng Pitt? Before Zeng Xiang could give an answer, Long Wu suggested that Zeng Xiang go on a blind date. Mrs. Lin was very happy when she heard it and agreed directly.Then Feng Pitt and Zeng Xiang went back to their rooms respectively. Feng Pitt heard the familiar song again, but when he asked Long Wu next to him, Long Wu heard nothing. Feng Pitt had to send a message to Zeng Xiang, and Zeng Xiang alsoHe could hear that Zeng Xiang couldn't help asking Lin Yuanyuan whether she believed in fate. Lin Yuanyuan knew that Zeng Xiang was thinking about Feng Pitt, but Zeng Xiang didn't want to continue the conversation and directly turned the topic to the clothes she would wear on the blind date the next day..

Zeng Xi left in a hurry when she got off work the next day. Feng Pitt kept pestering Zeng Xiang, wanting to talk about work and eating noodles together. Zeng Xiang said frankly that she was in a hurry, and then set off for a blind date. Unexpectedly,There were a lot of things going on during the blind date. The ordinary and confident blind date in front of her was not to Zeng Xiang's liking. Feng Piet kept sending messages to Zeng Xiang to complain about this blind date, as if he was right next to her. Zeng Xiang couldn't help but leave after the blind date.The target chased him out, but Feng Pitt never showed up. Later, Zeng Xiang was forced to add the other party's WeChat account, and the other party kept asking for food. Zeng Xiang ordered a random dish and ate it quickly, wanting to escape as soon as possible.Unexpectedly, the blind date still lingered on and refused to let go. Finally, Feng Pitt stood up and pretended to be Zeng Xiang's boyfriend to get rid of the blind date. The two even returned to Juqingli together, and the blind date man caught up with him the next day.At Zeng Xiang's company party, Mr. Xiao helped Zeng Xiang stand out. Unexpectedly, the blind date man changed his target and started to pester Mr. Xiao!Mrs. Lin was still arranging a blind date for Zeng Xiang, but Zeng Xiang said that she would not go.

《Laughter is always in the lane》E24Plot

Episode 24

Laughter is always in the lane Episode 24 Plot introduction: Feng Peter travels back in time to save Axiang

Feng Piet dreamed about Wang Chongjiu. When he woke up, Long Wu came to borrow the suitcase. When Feng Piet asked, he found out that Long Wu planned to accompany Mrs. Lin to the countryside to worship his ancestors. Feng Piet was shocked that Long Wu really didn't want toHave you gone back? Long Wu said that it is good now. Feng Pitt asked Long Wu if he did not plan to be with Han Meimei. Long Wu said that she would not have a good result if she was with him, and he hoped that she would find someone to marry.He also took out a letter he had written a long time ago and handed it to Feng Pitt, asking her to take it to him if she had the chance to go back. Feng Pitt began to care about Long Wu's current relationship status again. Long Wu was speechless and left directly..

After Zeng Xiang sent Mrs. Lin and Long Wu away, she went to the supermarket with Lin Yuanyuan. Lin Yuanyuan didn't buy her favorite soda. Unexpectedly, when she went back, Du Ziyuan handed over a whole box of soda. Zeng Xiang saw that Du Ziyuan was chasing Lin Yuanyuan., but Zeng Xiang ate half of the melon and unexpectedly received a courier. Zeng Xiang’s face immediately changed.Zeng Xiang and Feng Pitt talked about how Wang Chongjiu had completely messed up the plot in the days when Long Wu and Little Cobbler were away. Feng Pitt also said that he dreamed about Wang Chongjiu and that he really didn’t dare to go back now, but Zeng XiangHe brought another piece of bad news, that is, Wang Chongjiu kidnapped Axiang!Feng Piet was shocked. When he opened his eyes again, the person had already passed by.

The little cobbler's former subordinates had been exploited by Wang Chongjiu for so long, and they were very happy to see the little cobbler come back. In the end, Feng Piet was forced to fight Wang Chongjiu in the chaos.Feng Pitt went back and told Hu Manli about this matter. Hu Manli still had a headache. Baogen stood up directly and said that he used to be a vice president and he could help because of his good deeds. Then Feng Pitt's business gradually improved., Feng Pitt also brought modern ideas with him. After receiving the news, Wang Chongjiu began to secretly compete with Feng Pitt.Feng Pitt's side, Han Meimei, joined in to help and gained many suitors. Feng Pitt saw with his own eyes that Han Meimei threw away the flower baskets sent by the suitors. After Feng Pitt seized the opportunity, he handed Long Wu's letter to him to Han Meimei.Mei pretended to be strong in front of Feng Pitt, but Han Meimei still couldn't hold back tears after Feng Pitt left.On his way back, Feng Piet met an injured man named Tomorrow, who was the same person as Mr. Mei. The man was in trouble because he had lost important funds, so the cover picture decided to sell some things without hesitation to help him.

Zeng Xiang couldn't get over the upcoming meeting in Shikumen's Two Worlds, but she had been paying attention to Feng Peter's progress.Du Ziyuan was not idle either and took the initiative to take on new projects.When Feng Pitt arrived at the agreed time, and seeing that the little cobbler was about to win, Wang Chongjiu suddenly found so-called evidence to prove that Feng Pitt had killed Long Wu!Von Pitt couldn't argue!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E25Plot

Episode 25

Laughter is always in the lane episode 25 plot introduction: Everyone helps Yang Gang and his son open their hearts

Feng Piet was in a passive situation, and Wang Chongjiu was about to act for heaven. At this time, Long Wu suddenly appeared. Feng Piet asked him why he came so late. Long Wu bluntly said that there was a traffic jam, and Feng Piet was unable to say a word because he was stuck in the traffic jam., Later, Long Wu directly explained to Feng Piet, saying that he had instructed the little cobbler to do everything, and also said that he had washed his hands in the golden basin long ago. After Long Wu explained, the elders were speechless, and Wang Chongjiu's momentum was also weak.After they came down, everyone left. Long Wu explained that he came here because of Zeng Xiang's instructions. Zeng Xiang also wrote a tip to Feng Pit, asking Feng Pit to get rid of Wang Chongjiu as soon as possible. The two were talking, and Han Meimei listened.After telling the news about Long Wu, he rushed over. Long Wu asked Feng Piet to go out to help him. As soon as Feng Piet went out, he saw Zeng Xiang. Feng Piet's eyes lit up, but Zeng Xiang didn't have much time, so he went in directly to take Long Wu.left.Feng Piet helped Long Wu persuade Meimei. Meimei suddenly felt nauseous and left. Then A Xiang came too. Feng Piet's eyes suddenly disappeared after he found out that the other party was A Xiang. A Xiang vaguely felt that the little cobbler had changed.Got it!

Yang Gang's family was coming, so Yang Gang paid several bags and clothes to ask Lin Yuanyuan and Daxing to help him act. But just as the house was decorated, Mrs. Lin came back. Lin Yuanyuan directly told Mrs. Lin everything.Tai, Yang Gang quickly explained that his mother was here to see a doctor, and he didn't want her to worry. As he was talking, his mother called. When Yang Gang went out, Mrs. Lin agreed to help Yang Gang!Von Pitt set up his boss's agenda and began to deal with those who were disloyal to him.

When Yang Gang brought his mother back, everyone cooperated very well with the acting. During the meal, Old Mrs. Lin even made a special dish and brought it over. However, when Yang Gang opened his mouth, he complained that Old Mrs. Lin charged too much rent and squandered all the money Yang Gang had worked so hard to earn.After wiping it away, Old Mrs. Lin was completely angry and left directly. However, considering that Yang Gang's mother had cancer, she didn't plan to care about it. But later, Yang Gang's mother began to touch Old Mrs. Lin's flowers, and Old Mrs. Lin couldn't bear it anymore., Sure enough, a conflict broke out within a few words. Mrs. Lin also discovered that Yang Gang's mother only had arthritis, and Yang Gang's mother also discovered that Yang Gang was not living as well as she imagined.The mother and son were chatting in the room, and in a few words they talked about letting Yang Gang inherit the crayfish factory in Lake District. Yang Gang got excited and said something he shouldn't have said, and Yang Gang's mother slapped Yang Gang!Yang Gang slammed the door and left.Everything went smoothly on Feng Pitt's side, and Wang Chongjiu was also calculated by Feng Pitt.

The neighbors knew about the quarrel between Yang Gang's mother and son, and wanted to help, so they sat down to have dinner with Yang Gang's mother. Only then did they realize that the purpose of Yang Gang's mother came was to see Yang Gang's father for cancer, but the knot between the father and son had to be cured.Untie it!Later, Yang Gang and his father called. Their words were full of concern. With everyone's help, Yang Gang left with his mother. Du Ziyuan's sincerity was also seen by Lin Yuanyuan. The relationship between the two heated up. Du Ziyuan was so happy that he jumped up.!

《Laughter is always in the lane》E26Plot

Episode 26

Laughter is always in the lane episode 26 plot introduction: Feng Peter has feelings for Zeng Xiang

Lin Yuanyuan finally agreed to go on a date with Du Ziyuan, but as soon as she turned around, she ran into Mrs. Lin. Seeing Lin Yuanyuan dressing up so beautifully, Mrs. Lin began to hint overtly and secretly that Lin Yuanyuan's partner should keep his eyes open. Du Ziyuan knew it from a distance.Mrs. Lin was hinting to herself that Du Ziyuan was very helpless and turned to ask Feng Pitt for help. Unexpectedly, Feng Pitt himself was in trouble and hid immediately when he saw Zeng Xiang appear.

Zeng Xiang went to the old lady and said that she was leaving for the crew. However, the old lady mentioned that Lin Yuanyuan was going out alone. The old lady was worried. At this time, Zeng Xiang suggested that Long Wu accompany Lin Yuanyuan. This reassured Lin Yuanyuan.The old lady was very willing, but Lin Yuanyuan was not very happy.After Du Ziyuan heard this, he came up with an idea and turned around to find Long Wu. Du Ziyuan was going to pay Long Wu to cover his date with Lin Yuanyuan!The company held a script reading meeting. There were many misunderstandings about the script. Feng Pitt and Zeng Xiang had surprisingly unified opinions. Everyone was stunned. Only the two of them knew what happened., Feng Pitt also seemed to realize that his feelings for Zeng Xiang were different.

Lin Yuanyuan was about to go out again, and this time she happily took Long Wu with her. Mrs. Lin was surprised but let her go, but she was a little disappointed.Lin Yuanyuan and Long Wuze soon met up with Du Ziyuan. Du Ziyuan happily dated Long Wu. Long Wu followed him to drink milk tea but was disliked by Du Ziyuan. He was out of tune when watching movies. Looking at the movie posters in Shanghai, Long Wu seemed to recall his previous self.Got it!

When Mrs. Lin came home, she found that everyone was piled up in the public place. When she asked, she found out that Mr. Jiang had moved in. He won everyone's hearts with three words, five by two, and only Mrs. Lin stood there.Don't speak.Du Ziyuan sent Zeng Xiang the design drawings of the little cobbler. Zeng Xiang looked at the drawings, and her mind was filled with Feng Piet's face and the two of them in the plot. Zeng Xiang laughed out loud as she thought about it.Feng Pitt was looking for the actor to play Axiang. Hearing the other agent's understanding of the role of Axiang, Feng Pitt was inspired, but the people next to him were dumbfounded.

Mrs. Lin met Mr. Jiang again. The man said that he was just looking for Mrs. Lin and asked if he was an old resident here. He said he was looking for a well. Mrs. Lin helped him find it and the two chatted.They talked a lot, and Mrs. Lin took the person around. Finally, the other party went to the old lady's house for dinner. The old lady mentioned that she and her brother were separated, and the other party said that he would come back!Mrs. Lin felt very uncomfortable.

When Daxing heard something, he turned around and told Lin Yuanyuan. Lin Yuanyuan immediately became concerned about her grandma's relationship status and helped Mrs. Lin prepare new clothes. But what the old lady didn't expect was that the other party actually brought bad news. ThenIt’s just that Mrs. Lin’s real estate certificate is fake!Is this true or false?

《Laughter is always in the lane》E27Plot

Episode 27

Laughter is always in the lane episode 27 plot introduction: Long Wu chooses to leave

The real estate certificate was indeed fake. Lin Yuanyuan and Zeng Xiang were shocked when they heard it. The old lady herself couldn't believe it, but the old lady didn't want them to stay here, so she kicked them out.The two sat down with everyone in Daxing, and they discussed a lot about who was deceiving the old lady. After thinking about it, some people thought that it might be grandma's brother who took it as a mortgage!Yang Gang suddenly thought that if the real estate certificate was fake, then Mrs. Lin would no longer be the landlord, and wouldn't everyone have to move out?Lin Yuanyuan turned around and went back to pack her things. Zeng Xiang watched from the side. Mrs. Lin was now looking at the house in the yard. Zeng Xiang and Lin Yuanyuan came over. Zeng Xiang said that she would buy a similar alley and the three of them would live together!But Mrs. Lin said that this is her home!At this time, two people who were exactly the same as Hu Manli and Lu Baogen suddenly came. They came to ask for a house. Zeng Xiang immediately stood up and fought with each other. In the end, the other party left, but Mrs. Lin fell down.

After seeing it, the doctor said it was a heart disease, but the old lady just didn't want to wake up.The psychotherapist on the side said that this might have something to do with the old lady's mother, so Zeng Xiang and others went back to look for clues, and finally discovered that the old lady's mother was the prototype of Han Meimei in the script!Feng Pitt and Zeng Xiang thought about bringing Han Meimei here, but Mr. Xiao went on a business trip with the script. In the end, Feng Pitt suggested that Lin Yuanyuan dress up as Han Meimei and try it out.

Lin Yuanyuan imitated the old lady's mother's tone and spoke for a long time, but it didn't work at all. Later, Long Wu quietly came to see the old lady, and met Teacher Zhao. Teacher Zhao told Long Wu that only he could save the old lady, and then took out the script!Long Wu quickly brought Han Meimei over and met Lin Yuanyuan. Long Wu didn't have time to explain so much and immediately took Han Meimei into the ward. Han Meimei started retching. It turned out that Han Meimei was pregnant, but because she was worried about the child in the future,She was bullied, so she kept struggling. Long Wu told her that the person lying on the bed was her daughter!Han Meimei sat down and sang a song with Mrs. Lin, and Mrs. Lin actually woke up!Han Meimei expressed her love to her, and Mrs. Lin finally couldn't help crying!

Lin Yuanyuan and Zeng Xiang said that they saw someone like themselves. Zeng Xiang heard the news that the old lady had woken up before she had time to think!When the two rushed to the ward, the old lady was sitting on the bed with a smile on her face.It didn't take long for a few people to return to Juqing, and the two people came again. Mrs. Lin directly stated that she would fight the lawsuit to the end!Mr. Jiang on the side said that a key person will appear soon!After a while, Mrs. Lin's brother came back, and all the misunderstandings were cleared up. Long Wu stood outside watching all this, and Teacher Zhao promptly reminded him that it was time to leave!

Feng Piet and Zeng Xiang saw Long Wu off. They sighed with emotion. They had a lot to say, but at the critical moment Long Wu actually came out!After Long Wu stirred things up for a while, Feng Piet finally didn't say what was in his heart!Long Wuze really went back!

Laughter is always in the lane

Laughter is always in the lane

Total 30 Episodes May 16, 2024 C-Drama Comedy Actor: Sun Yizhou Deng Jiajia