《Kidnapping Game》Ep Intro

On June 2, 2020, the self-made short series - Kidnapping Game - was officially launched exclusively.The play is directed by Zang Xichuan and stars Zhu Yawen, Jin Chen, Geng Le, Liu Yijun, Xu Keer, and Ni Dahong makes a special appearance.

The play tells the story of Yu Hai, the boss of a game company, who unexpectedly meets the investor's daughter Lu Jie after his investors withdraw his capital. The two people with different ideas conspired to plan a special kidnapping case, but unexpectedly the two fell in love with each other during the process., However, just when the “kidnapping” ended, Yu Hai, who wanted to return to normal life, received the news of Lu Jie's death, and the truth of the matter was by no means as simple as “a game”.

《Kidnapping Game》E1Plot

Episode 1

On September 15, 2019, an unexpected violent debt collection incident pushed Yu Hai, the owner of a game company, into the whirlpool of life.That night, Yu Hai went to the home of investor Shen Hui with his last hope, trying to save the investment plan that was about to collapse.However, he never expected that what was waiting for him was not only Shen Hui's cold rejection, but also a more difficult problem - Shen Hui's daughter Lu Jie was preparing to run away from home.

Yu Hai witnessed Lu Jie climbing over the wall. Out of sympathy and helplessness, he chose to take in this teenage girl.For Yu Hai, this is a heavy burden and an unexpected turn of events.He tried to communicate with Lu Jie to understand the real reason why she ran away from home, but Lu Jie remained wary and indifferent to him.

Episode 1

On the second day after taking Lu Jie in, Shen Hui clearly rejected Yu Hai's investment request and mocked his dark personality.This blow made Yu Hai feel angry and desperate, and he realized that his gaming career might be in dire straits.What was even more unacceptable to him was that Lu Jie's disappearance seemed to have become an accessory to this failed investment, and was indifferently forgotten by Shen Hui.

Ten days later, on September 24, 2019, Wu Yuke, a new police officer of the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Team of the Criminal Police Team of the Lanshan Responsible Area, received the report.The report stated that a female body was found in the jurisdiction. After confirmation, the body was that of Lu Jie, who had been missing for many days.This news shocked the entire Lanshan City and plunged Yu Hai into deep self-blame and pain.

Wu Yuke and new police officer Miao Jia quickly launched an investigation. They not only wanted to find out the cause of Lu Jie's death, but also uncover the truth behind her running away from home.As the investigation deepened, they discovered that Lu Jie's death was not a simple run away from home or an accidental mistake, but a carefully planned kidnapping and murder.

Yu Hai became one of the key targets of the police investigation. His behavior in taking in Lu Jie and Shen Hui's ridicule and refusal to invest in him became key clues in the case.Under the close investigation of the police, Yu Hai was forced to face his inner fears and struggles. He tried to clear his suspicions and also hoped to find the real murderer of Lu Jie's death.

《Kidnapping Game》E2Plot

Episode 2

In the hustle and bustle of the city, a seemingly simple kidnapping case hides unknown secrets.Brother Long used Yu Hai's mother's safety as a bargaining chip, forcing him to embark on a path full of danger.Yu Hai, a seemingly ordinary young man, made an astonishing decision under tremendous pressure.

He took advantage of the darkness and quietly returned home.The tranquility at home was broken by his arrival, and Lu Jie, an innocent girl, became his target without any defense.Yu Hai acted quickly and decisively to tie up Lu Jie.However, after a brief conflict and struggle, he let go of Lu Jie, and a more bold plan quietly took shape in his mind.

Lu Jie made a bold proposal - to create a fake kidnapping to defraud Shen Hui of ransom.In a desperate situation, Yu Hai actually agreed to this seemingly crazy plan.The two of them joined hands to start this elaborate scam.

Episode 2

Before sending the blackmail letter, they decided to find out Shen Hui's true identity.So, they came to the club where Shen Hui often went.However, to their disappointment, Shen Hui seemed to be normal, without the slightest hint of panic or uneasiness.Lu Jie couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sadness in her heart when she saw her father neglecting her.

Although her heart was full of uneasiness and doubts, Lu Jie was determined.She personally clicked the button to send the email, and the blackmail letter flew quietly to Shen Hui's mailbox like a black ghost.

At the same time, the police are also investigating intensively.Wu Yuke, an experienced police officer, discovered that the trading game platform where the kidnappers contacted Shen Hui used a proxy server, which made it extremely difficult to track the kidnappers' whereabouts.However, he did not give up, but turned his target to Yu Hai, who was divested by Shen Hui and had network skills.

While checking Yu Hai's personal information, Wu Yuke unexpectedly discovered a surprising fact.Many years ago, he appeared at the scene of a person who died after falling from a building, and the deceased was Yu Hai's father, Yu Zhaohe.This unexpected discovery made Wu Yuke have a keen interest in Hai. He began to doubt whether there was some secret connection between Yu Hai and the kidnapping case.

《Kidnapping Game》E3Plot

Episode 3

Yu Hai's mood was like a sky covered with dark clouds, gloomy and heavy.The moment he found out that Lu Jie had gone out without permission, the anger in his heart burned like a lit firewood.He was worried about Lu Jie being recognized, worried about her safety, and even more worried that his plan would be ruined.He was furious at Lu Jie, his voice full of blame and worry.

Lu Jie stood aside and lowered her head to admit her mistake.She knew that she acted impulsively and did not consider the consequences.She looked at Yu Hai's angry face, her heart filled with guilt and regret.She understands that her behavior not only worries Yu Hai, but may also put the entire plan in danger.

However, at this moment, they finally received Shen Hui's reply.This reply was like a ray of sunshine, illuminating the gloom in their hearts.They began to discuss the next action plan, hoping to solve the immediate problem as soon as possible.

Episode 3

At night, Yu Hai drunkenly confided the truth about his father's death to Lu Jie.His voice was filled with grief and anger, as if he was pouring out years of grievances.He told Lu Jie that he had been looking for the truth and seeking justice for his father.Now, he once again confirmed with Lu Jie whether he wanted to risk losing his loved ones and continue.

Lu Jie felt mixed emotions in her heart as she listened to Yu Hai's story.She knew that Yu Hai had paid too much for this plan, and she also knew the pain and struggle in his heart.She silently held Yu Hai's hand and gave him support and encouragement.

On the other side, Wu Yuke found the surveillance video of Yu Hai and Brother Long in the nursing home.He carefully studied every detail in the video, hoping to find more clues.He decided to ask Miao Jia to investigate Long Ge's moving company, hoping to find some breakthroughs.

At the same time, Shen Hui was also running around.He found Xu Lifeng, his former brother who lived in a shanty town.The two of them sat in a dilapidated hut, recalling bits and pieces of the past.Shen Hui asked Xu Lifeng for help, hoping that he could help solve some difficult problems.

However, they didn't know that there was a pair of eyes watching them in the dark.Tian Peng's subordinate Zhang Bao was hiding in a corner not far away, recording their every move.Zhang Bao was full of doubts and curiosity. He didn't know what Shen Hui and Xu Lifeng were planning, but he knew that it must be related to Yu Hai and Lu Jie's matter.

《Kidnapping Game》E4Plot

Episode 4

In the hustle and bustle of the city, the relationship between Yu Hai and Lu Jie is like a winding river, full of doubts and mixed with unspeakable emotional entanglements.Recently, Lu Jie revealed a surprising secret to Yu Hai: she once left a voice message for a flight attendant friend on the night she met Yu Hai.This behavior seemed to open a door to the truth of the “kidnapping” incident, and also left a time loophole in the entire case.

Faced with this sudden information, Yu Hai decisively decided to go with Lu Jie to delete the message.He knew very well that if such a loophole was discovered by someone who was interested, it would bring them unforeseen trouble.And Lu Jie also gained a deeper understanding and trust in Hai during this process.

After deleting the message, Yu Hai took Lu Jie to a hotel near the port.As night falls, the whistles of the ships sound one after another, as if playing a tragic movement for the fate of the two people.Against this background, Yu Hai dialed Shen Hui's phone, seemingly looking for some answer or trying to solve a mystery.

Episode 4

At the same time, on the top of the Blue Mountain, two lonely hearts gradually approached in the face of an unknown future.They may all be looking for a kind of support, something that can allow them to find a little comfort and strength in this complicated world.

On the other side of the city, Wu Yuke is facing another crisis.He found Brother Long's stronghold, where he accidentally met Miao Jia, who was pretending to be a borrower to investigate.The encounter between the two undoubtedly added more variables to the entire case.Wu Yuke successfully subdued Brother Long and learned an important piece of information from him: Yu Hai had paid off the debt a few days ago.This information changed Wu Yuke's view of the entire case. He began to re-examine the relationship between Yu Hai and Lu Jie, and their roles in the entire incident.

However, the danger was not far away from Wu Yuke.On the way home, he was nearly hit by a car, and the other person was Zhang Bao, whom he had a grudge against when he was undercover in the Tian Peng drug cartel.This incident made Wu Yuke realize that he might have fallen into a more complicated situation.Not only does he have to face the case at hand, but he also has to deal with grudges and hatred from the past.

《Kidnapping Game》E5Plot

Episode 5

In the bustling city, a sudden encounter intertwined the fates of Yu Hai and Lu Jie.It was an afternoon, the sun was just right, the breeze was gentle, and the two of them went out together, enjoying the rare leisure time.However, the appearance of a familiar face, Brother Long, broke the tranquility.

Yu Hai cleverly pushed Brother Long away, but when he turned around, he found that Lu Jie was missing.An inexplicable panic suddenly surged in his heart, as if he had lost something important.He anxiously walked through the crowd, looking for that familiar figure.Finally, he saw Lu Jie in the crowd, and at that moment, he felt a joy of regaining something welling up in his heart.

After the two reunited, they began to discuss the love story in the game.Those fictional plots seem to have become metaphors for their real lives.They were so immersed in the conversation that they seemed to have forgotten the hustle and bustle around them.Suddenly, Lu Jie approached Yu Hai and kissed him gently.This sudden move stunned Yu Hai, but immediately, a warm current surged in his heart.

Episode 5

However, reality is always more complicated than games.Yu Hai asked Lu Jie to instruct Shen Hui to pay the ransom according to his own plan.But at the last minute, something new happened.This made Lu Jie begin to doubt Yu Hai's motives and true identity.She began to re-examine the relationship and wonder if she had fallen into an elaborate trap.

At the same time, another clue is quietly unfolding.Wu Yuke and Du Lei from the Crime Team went to Yu Hai's house to conduct a search.They found a strangely folded shirt and what appeared to be a woman's hair.These clues gave them a new understanding of the case and made them more certain that Yu Hai was inextricably linked to the kidnapping case.

During the conversation between Wu Yuke and Shen Hui, he learned that the kidnapper had mentioned the sound of the ship's whistle on the phone.This detail seems to imply that the kidnappers' hiding place may be related to the water.When Miao Jia visited Shen Hui's company, she also discovered unusual clues.Shen Hui Company suddenly terminated most of its long-term cooperative business and started cooperating with a new company.This change seems to be somehow related to the kidnapping case.

As the investigation deepens, the truth gradually emerges.The relationship between Yu Hai and Lu Jie has also become more complicated.The emotional entanglement between them is closely connected with the kidnapping case, making it difficult for people to see clearly.Wu Yuke and the crime team are getting closer to the truth step by step, preparing to uncover the mystery of this case.

《Kidnapping Game》E6Plot

Episode 6

The night was dark, and Yu Hai nervously stared at the path ahead. Behind him was Lu Jie, who was worried but followed firmly.Their destination was the old home of Lu Jie's parents, a place they thought they would never set foot again.In order to avoid Brother Long's pursuit, they must be careful and make no mistakes.

Yu Hai's heart was full of reluctance, but he knew that parting at this moment was for a more important task tomorrow.He held Lu Jie's hand tightly, and their eyes met, full of deep attachment and trust.At the moment when they were about to part, they kissed passionately, as if they wanted to integrate each other into their lives.

Episode 6

The next day, the sun shone all over the earth, and Yu Hai and Lu Jie started taking action as planned.Every move they made seemed extremely cautious, as if every step they took was on the tip of a knife.At this moment, another clue is also quietly unfolding.

Wu Yuke, this keen detective, through careful analysis, locked the transaction location - the commanding heights hotel next to the roundabout.His heart was full of doubts, why would Shen Hui choose such a conspicuous place to conduct transactions?What shocked him even more was that he learned that the new company Shen Hui was working with after his transformation was actually Tian Peng's.This discovery made Wu Yuke realize that there might be a bigger secret hidden behind this transaction.

At the same time, new news also came from the police force.Forensic doctors have made new discoveries in Yu Hai's home, which seem to point to Yu Hai's suspicion.However, Wu Yuke has a different view on this.He knows that in this complicated case, the truth is often hidden beneath the surface.

《Kidnapping Game》E7Plot

Episode 7

In a peaceful city, a sudden kidnapping case made the citizens' heartstrings tense.The daughter of well-known entrepreneur Shen Hui was kidnapped by unknown persons. After some tense negotiations, Shen Hui paid a huge ransom in accordance with the kidnapper's instructions.After receiving the ransom, Yu Hai and Lu Jie in the kidnapping gang quickly divided the loot, and then Lu Jie left the scene with reluctance.

However, on September 24, the day after the ransom was distributed, shocking news spread throughout the city—the daughter of Shen, a famous entrepreneur in the city, was found murdered.This news was like a bolt from the blue to Hai. He couldn't believe that the kidnapping case he had just participated in ended in such a tragic ending.

Episode 7

At the same time, another clue is quietly unfolding.Policewoman Miao Jia is working hard to investigate Lu Jie's disappearance.Based on the surveillance footage from that night, she reconstructed Lu Jie's route of action step by step.During the investigation, she encounters a scavenger who may be able to provide key information that will shed light on the case.

During the investigation of the Crime Team, Yu Hai's old house became an important scene.The police found a mineral water bottle here with lipstick marks on the mouth.This discovery aroused Wu Yuke's intuition, and he felt that the case might have unexpected development directions.

As the investigation deepens, more and more clues emerge, but the truth seems to be more confusing.What was the cause of death of Shen Hui's daughter?How is Lu Jie’s disappearance related to this kidnapping case?What does the lipstick mark on the mineral water bottle mean?

《Kidnapping Game》E8Plot

Episode 8

Yu Hai hacked into Shen Hui's computer and accidentally discovered some shocking information.This information is not only related to Shen Hui, but also inextricably linked to himself.He began to carefully review every detail of his time with Lu Jie. Every detail seemed to hide some deep meaning.He couldn't help but begin to wonder if all of this was a carefully planned game.

In order to verify his guess, Yu Hai decided to go to Meicheng in person.There, he digs deep into the investigation, trying to find clues.After some hard work, he finally realized that he had indeed been cleverly used.Behind all this, it seems to point to Shen Hui.

Yu Hai decided to confront Shen Hui.He asked Shen Hui to meet and bluntly expressed his inference.When Shen Hui heard this, his expression changed suddenly, but he denied it and insisted that he had nothing to do with it.However, when Yu Hai took out the evidence obtained from the computer, Shen Hui could no longer remain calm.

Episode 8

At the same time, Shen Hui also received a mysterious USB flash drive.He opened it and found that the content inside turned out to be the secret he had been trying to hide.Once these secrets are exposed, they will have a devastating impact on him.Terrified, Shen Hui began to search for clues in his home, and finally discovered a hidden camera in a corner of the living room.

On the other hand, forensic examination has also made new progress.Based on these clues, Wu Yuke put forward a bold speculation: there may be a larger conspiracy hidden behind all this.And the purpose of this conspiracy may be to cover up a deeper secret.

As the investigation deepens, Yu Hai and Wu Yuke gradually get closer to the truth.However, the truth is often more complicated and cruel than imagined.Can they unravel the mystery and find the truth behind it?And how will Shen Hui deal with this sudden crisis?

《Kidnapping Game》E9Plot

Episode 9

In the complicated cases, everyone's fate seems to be pulled by an invisible thread.Shen Hui's other daughter Shen Yun, also known as Lu Jie, finally made an appointment to meet Yu Hai.With a heavy inner burden, she confessed the truth of everything and at the same time confirmed her deep love for the sea.

Shen Yun's eyes were full of complex emotions, and she knew that she was about to make a major decision.She opened her heart to Yu Hai and told the whole incident without reservation.Her voice is gentle but firm, and every word reveals her true feelings for the sea.She told Yu Hai that she had been paying attention to him silently. Although the secret of her identity made them full of misunderstandings and gaps, he always had a place in her heart.

Episode 9

In Shen Yun's narration, Yu Hai gradually understood the truth of the entire incident.He was shocked by Shen Yun's frankness and moved by her deep love for him.He knew that he could no longer escape, so he decided to shoulder all the responsibilities alone and chose to escape.Before leaving, Shen Yun left a voice recorder, which recorded her affectionate confession to Hai and her expectations for the future.

On the other side, Wu Yuke and Miao Jia discovered new doubts at Lu Jie's funeral.They were keenly aware of something unusual and began to doubt the truth of the entire case.In the evening, Wu Yuke tracked down the area near Meicheng Pier. He stood on the beach, listening to the whistle of the ship, and his heart was full of doubts and uneasiness.

At this moment, he was surprised to find that the ship's whistle sounded simultaneously in the space where he was and in the space where Yu Hai was.He realized that the two dimensions seemed to be merging into one.As time and space intersected, the time was fixed on October 5, 2019.

This day is a turning point for everyone.Shen Yun's confession, Yu Hai's escape, Wu Yuke and Miao Jia's pursuit, everything came together on this day to form an intricate situation.At this special moment, truth and love seem to have quietly had some kind of wonderful collision.

《Kidnapping Game》E10Plot

Episode 10

In the night, Miao Jia's figure looked particularly determined.She went to Shen Hui's house alone, filled with a persistent pursuit of the truth.Her eyes were sharp, like a falcon staring at its prey, not letting go of any possible clue.

In Shen Yun's bedroom, Miao Jia's eyes fell on the neatly stacked clothes.Her heartbeat accelerated instantly because she discovered that the folding method of these clothes was consistent with the shirts found in Yu Hai's family.This discovery shocked her heart and made her even more convinced that there must be some unknown secret hidden behind this case.

At the same time, Wu Yuke's arrest operation at the dock was also successful.He will be arrested at sea and interrogated overnight.Facing Wu Yuke's pressing pressure, Yu Hai behaved impeccably, as if there was an invisible barrier protecting him, allowing him to withstand all interrogation pressure.

However, Miao Jia was not discouraged.After she came out of Shen Hui's house, she met a scavenger.While talking to scavengers, she unexpectedly discovered a major clue.This clue may reveal the truth of the case and allow her to find the key to solving the case.

Episode 10

Miao Jia excitedly called Wu Yuke and told him that he had found a witness.However, the moment she hung up the phone, she was attacked by an unknown person.At the critical moment, Wu Yuke arrived in time and rescued Miao Jia.

In the hospital, Wu Yuke looked at Miao Jia lying on the hospital bed, feeling full of worry.He hopes that Miao Jia can learn to protect herself while handling cases, because the pursuit of the truth is often accompanied by danger.However, he also knew that Miao Jia's courage and determination were unmatched, and she would move forward bravely for the truth.

The two began to deduce the truth of the entire case based on existing clues.They know that this case is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there must be more complex secrets hidden behind it.They need to connect all the clues to find the truth of the case.

《Kidnapping Game》E11Plot

Episode 11

In this world full of complexity and conspiracy, everyone has their own secrets and purposes.Xu Lifeng, behind this seemingly ordinary name, there is a thrilling past hidden.When he learned that Shen Hui was threatened by Tian Peng, he decided to step forward and find Tian Peng, trying to blackmail the leader of the dark forces with the important evidence in his hand.

The evidence in Xu Lifeng's hands points to Tian Peng's crime of killing Guman's family.This is a secret that is enough to ruin Tian Peng's reputation, and it is also Xu Lifeng's last bargaining chip.He knows very well that competing against an opponent like Tian Peng requires both wisdom and courage, as well as firm belief and determination.

At the same time, Wu Yuke was also telling Miao Jia about his past.He used to be an undercover policeman in the Tian Peng drug cartel, but his failure in the mission resulted in the murder of his colleagues, leaving him with indelible pain.This past incident made Wu Yuke full of hatred for Tian Peng, and also made him more determined to expose Tian Peng's crimes.

Episode 11

After Xu Lifeng came back from Tian Peng, he made an appointment with Shen Hui.He confessed their crimes back then and told Shen Hui where the murder weapon was hidden.At this moment, Xu Lifeng seemed to be seeking redemption. He hoped to alleviate his inner guilt by revealing the truth.

Yu Hai, who had just been released by the police, also found Shen Hui.He came up with a plan to get rid of Tian Peng's control and save Shen Yun.This plan seems simple, but it is full of unknowns and dangers.But Yu Hai firmly believes that as long as they work together, they will be able to defeat the dark force Tian Peng.

In this battle with the forces of darkness, everyone is working hard for their own goals.Xu Lifeng tried to blackmail Tian Peng with evidence, Wu Yuke hoped to avenge his colleagues by revealing the truth, and Yu Hai hoped to protect himself and others by getting rid of Tian Peng's control.

《Kidnapping Game》E12Plot

Episode 12

Shen Yun's heart was deeply touched. She could not sit idly by and let her father continue to suffer such torture.So she decided to take action and wrote a confession in an attempt to end this endless crime in her own way.She wants to reveal the truth, let everyone know what Tian Peng did, and let justice be done.

At the same time, Shen Hui is also actively looking for a solution.He made an appointment with Tian Peng and wanted to use evidence of the murder weapon from twenty years ago in exchange for the hard drive storing the threatening video.Shen Hui knew that this was the only way to protect his daughter and family.He is willing to pay any price just to have a peaceful life.

Wu Yuke, a just policeman, also received a call from Shen Hui.He understood that this was an important opportunity to bring Tian Peng to justice in one fell swoop.So, he went to the meeting place without hesitation, preparing to arrest Tian Peng.

Things didn't go as they planned.Yu Hai, another key figure, came to Shen Hui's house as planned, but unexpectedly found police at the door.He instantly understood that the matter had been exposed and had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Episode 12

The meeting between Shen Hui and Tian Peng did not go as smoothly as expected.During the exchange of evidence and hard drives, Tian Peng suddenly insulted Xu Lifeng, which made Shen Hui furious.Tian Peng took out a video and showed it to Shen Hui. The content in the video made Shen Hui fall into despair.He realized that he might not be able to escape Tian Peng's control.In despair, Shen Hui tried to die together with Tian Peng, but in the end Wu Yuke and the crime team arrived in time to control the situation.

Amid all this chaos, both Shen Yun and Yu Hai chose to surrender.They admitted their mistakes and also revealed Tian Peng's crimes.However, what Wu Yuke got was two completely different stories.Shen Yun insisted that she embarked on this path to protect her father and family, while Yu Hai admitted that he was involved in this sinful whirlpool.

Although these two stories have different perspectives, they both point to the same fact: Tian Peng's crime.Wu Yuke knew that he must uncover the truth of all this and let justice be done.

In this battle between sin and redemption, both Shen Yun and Shen Hui showed touching courage and determination.In their own way, they tried to end this endless crime and paid the price for their mistakes.Wu Yuke, on the other hand, used his justice and persistence to bring a glimmer of light and hope to the city.

In the end, Tian Peng was brought to justice and his crimes received the punishment they deserved.And Shen Yun and Yu Hai also began their road to redemption.They hope that through their own efforts, they can make up for past mistakes and regain social recognition and acceptance.

Kidnapping Game

Kidnapping Game

Total 12 Episodes Jun 02, 2020 C-Drama Myst Actor: Ni Dahong Xu Keer Liu Yijun Geng Le Jin Chen Zhu Yawen