Got Old Recently:New Year

《Got Old Recently:New Year》

Got Old Recently:New Year
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 20 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Feb 08, 2024
  • Genre:
  • Plat:
  • Update:
    It will be broadcast on Mango TV on February 8, 2024; it will be broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV from 23:45 on the fourth day of the first lunar month on February 13.
  • Synopsis:
    In the twilight years of their lives, the two aunts chose a different path than ordinary people - they did not choose a comfortable retirement life, but resolutely entered the Ivy ...

《Got Old Recently:New Year》 Summ

In the twilight years of their lives, the two aunts chose a different path than ordinary people - they did not choose a comfortable retirement life, but resolutely entered the Ivy League University for the Elderly, using practical actions to interpret the spirit of “old people.Here, they once again experienced the vitality and passion of youth, and embarked on a ridiculous learning journey.

These two aunts, one is named Aunt Li and the other is Aunt Wang.They all achieved great achievements in their respective fields when they were young, but as they grow older, they gradually feel the rapid development of society and the gaps in their own knowledge.In order to keep up with the times, they decided to return to school and enrich their lives with learning.

At the Ivy League University for the Elderly, Aunt Li and Aunt Wang met elderly students from all walks of life.Some of them do it to learn new knowledge, some to make new friends, and some to realize their unfinished dreams when they were young.Here, age is no longer a barrier, and everyone is full of desire for knowledge and love for life.

In their studies and life, Aunt Li and Aunt Wang encountered many challenges.Some modern teaching tools and teaching methods made them feel a little difficult, but they never gave up.They encourage each other and make progress together, using practical actions to interpret the spirit of "live to old age and learn from old age".

During the learning process, they also experienced many ridiculous moments.Once, while taking a computer course, Aunt Li mistakenly sent an email to the entire class, and the content of the email was the shopping list she had just written in the morning.This move aroused laughter from the whole class, but Aunt Li said with a smile: "This is the fun of learning, we can share the details of life together."”

In addition to learning knowledge, Aunt Li and Aunt Wang also made many new friends at the Senior College.They participate in various activities together and share each other's life experiences and insights.These new friends made them feel the beauty and warmth of life, and also made them cherish this rare learning time even more.

During their study and life at the Ivy League University for Senior Citizens, Aunt Li and Aunt Wang not only learned new knowledge, but also gained friendship and happiness.They have proved with their actions that even in their twilight years, they can still live their own wonderful and valuable lives.

《Got Old Recently:New Year》Stills

《Got Old Recently:New Year》Ep Summ

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