《Mashle: Magic and Muscles Season 2 - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc》Ep Intro

Issue 1: Muscular boy in the forest

In a world where magic is respected, magic is taken for granted, and people use its merits to measure a person's status and ability.However, in this endless torrent of magic, there is a unique existence, he is Matthew Banded.

Matthew lives in a deep mountain forest. He does not rely on magic like others, but chooses a different path-exercise.Every day, he sweats profusely in the forest, challenging his physical limits over and over again, hoping to protect himself and his family's safety.

However, this peaceful life did not last long.One day, Matthew was suddenly targeted and sent to a magic school for unknown reasons.In this world where magic is revered, Matthew, who cannot use magic, is undoubtedly an anomaly.However, he did not give up because of this. Instead, he decided to accept the challenge and strive to become the first “spiritually awakened person”.

Matthew's muscle strength seems out of place in this magical world, but he firmly believes that as long as the strength he develops is strong enough, he can crush all magic.Thus, he began his own extraordinary magical fantasy journey.

The second issue: Candidate Selection Trial for Divine Enlightenment

Matthew Bandide is an ordinary boy living in a magical world, but he hides a shocking secret - he can't use magic.However, he did not give up because of this. Instead, he decided to accept the challenge and strive to become the “spiritually awakened person” at the top.

In the magic school, Matthew began his trial for the selection of candidates for the divine enlightenment.The opponents he faces are all elite magicians. They possess powerful magical power and can easily defeat ordinary people.However, Matthew was undeterred, convinced that his muscle power could override magic.

In the selection test, Matthew showed amazing strength and perseverance.He relied on his muscle power to defeat powerful opponents time and time again, making people admire him.His performance made people begin to believe that even if they didn't know how to use magic, they could still gain a foothold in this world.

However, Matthew's journey did not end there.He knew that if he wanted to become a truly enlightened person, he still needed to go through more tests and challenges.But he did not back down, but strengthened his belief.He believes that as long as the strength he develops is strong enough, he can crush all magic and become a truly top existence.

《Mashle: Magic and Muscles Season 2 - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc》E1Plot

Episode 1: Selvo has left

In the magical world, Selvo's name symbolizes endless magical power and unfathomable wisdom.However, when this pure source disappeared, what was left was a puzzling mystery - Matthew, the boy who was once regarded as Selvo's successor, suddenly couldn't use magic.

The news spread quickly within the school, causing widespread concern and speculation.Matthew was once seen as a boy with the same powerful magical potential as Selvo, but his mutation shocked everyone.They begin to question whether Matthew has really inherited Selvo's powers, or is it just a misunderstood legend?

However, while everyone was talking about it, Matthew and his partners proved their strength with practical actions.In the arduous task of defeating the Seven Demonic Fangs, they relied on wisdom, courage and unity to successfully recapture the super coins of Leian's dormitory and regarded it as the glory of Adela's dormitory.This victory not only strengthened their status in the school, but also took them a step closer to becoming spiritually enlightened beings.

To celebrate this victory, Matthew and others held a grand party.After school, Abel and Abyss joined them to share the joy.In the laughter, they forgot about Matthew's trouble of being unable to use magic, and enjoyed each other's company and friendship.

However, just as the party was in full swing, an owl suddenly flew over and dropped a letter.There was no mark on the envelope, but it made everyone present feel a little uneasy.They didn't know where the letter came from or what secrets it contained.

Matthew picked up the envelope and opened it slowly.The content of the letter shocked them - it turned out that Selvo had not really left, and his power was only temporarily hidden in Matthew's body.And this letter is the key to guiding them on how to awaken this power.

Faced with this sudden turn of events, Matthew and his companions fell into deep thought.They know this will be a challenging and unknown path.But they also firmly believe that as long as they unite as one, no matter how many difficulties lie ahead, they can overcome them.

So, Matthew held the envelope tightly in his hand, with a determined light shining in his eyes.

《Mashle: Magic and Muscles Season 2 - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc》E2Plot

Episode 2: Matthew gets a reprieve

In a world full of magic and fantasy, the Bureau of Magic is the authoritative organization that maintains magical order and rules.However, today, the atmosphere in the Magic Bureau is extremely tense, because an emergency interrogation meeting about Matthew is about to be held.Matthew, a special being who is known to everyone but cannot use magic, has become the center of attention because of his hidden secrets.

After the news of the interrogation meeting spread, the divinely awakened people also arrived at the Magic Bureau one after another.They are the people in this world who have special sensory abilities and can sense the flow and changes of magical energy.Naturally, the spiritually awakened people are extremely concerned about abnormal individuals like Matthew.They wanted to punish Matthew severely, but at the critical moment, Walpack appeared with Ryan.

Walpack is an important figure in the Bureau, and Lane is his right-hand man.The two of them bowed their heads to the spiritually enlightened ones, hoping to give Matthew a chance.After their pleading, the enlightened ones finally decided to grant Matthew a reprieve, but the condition was that he must become a candidate for the enlightened ones and accept their observation and training.

Matthew, who received a reprieve, left the Magic Bureau with mixed emotions.He knew that although he had escaped punishment for the time being, the road ahead was still full of challenges.He decided to report the incident to his friends, hoping to get their support and help.

Dot, Aria and Jack are Matthew's good friends. After hearing the news, they did not give him comfort and advice as Matthew expected. Instead, they made an unexpected suggestion - hang out together and relax.They believe that before facing huge pressure and challenges, it is also very important to sometimes relax and spend quality time with friends.

《Mashle: Magic and Muscles Season 2 - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc》E3Plot

Episode 3: Macaron and Ren start fighting

On the eve of the selection exam, Matthew, Finn and their friends returned to Matthew's hometown, located in the picturesque Regro.They enjoy rare tranquility and rest in this familiar and friendly place.The tense preparations and tense atmosphere during this period made them all feel a little tired, and this short break was like a timely rain that nourished their souls.

However, while they were enjoying the tranquility, Margaret Macaron, the supervisor of Olga's dormitory, was gradually approaching them.Macaron, with her consistent rigor and fairness, has extremely high requirements for dormitory management and student behavior.Her appearance made Matthew and the others feel a bit of pressure, as if it foreshadowed the pressure and tension of the upcoming selection exam.

However, at this moment, the divinely awakened Ren suddenly appeared in front of Macaron, blocking her way.Renn is a being with mysterious power. He can sense people's inner world and emotional changes.His appearance made Macaron feel a little surprised, and also made her deeply in awe of his abilities.

The battle between Macaron and Renn begins.This is a high-level battle with an obvious contrast in power between them, but every attack and defense is full of strategy and wisdom.Their battle seemed to show Matthew and the others the pressure and challenges of the upcoming selection exam, and also made them understand more clearly that only by constantly improving themselves can they stand out in the exam.

At the same time, Matthew and the others were happily playing Sugoroku.Their laughter and cheers filled the room, leaving all the stress and tension behind.Their joy and relaxation are in sharp contrast to the battle between Macaron and Renne, but it is also this contrast that makes them understand more that no matter how much pressure and challenge they face, they need to keep their heart.Optimism and resilience.

The battle between Macaron and Renne continues, and Matthew and the others are also enjoying their happy time.These two seemingly unrelated scenes, at this special moment, together formed a part of their lives.They understand that whether it is fighting or playing, it is part of their growth and preparation for future challenges.

On the eve of the selection exam, through this battle and game, they understood their goals and direction better.They know that no matter what challenges and difficulties they may face in the future, they will persevere, continue to improve themselves, and pursue higher goals.

《Mashle: Magic and Muscles Season 2 - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc》E4Plot

Episode 4: The exam finally begins

The Selection Examination for the Awakened Ones, a grand competition aimed at selecting the strongest Awakened Ones, has finally begun.This game has a long history and strict traditions, attracting countless brave and fearless warriors to challenge it every year.However, the rules for this year's selection examination have undergone major changes due to a special reason.

As usual, only warriors who have collected five or more gold-level coins can enter the second stage of the exam.The gold-level coin, as a symbol of the selection of the divinely awakened person, requires not only strong strength of the warrior, but also keen intuition and unparalleled luck to obtain it.Therefore, the selection at this stage has always been the most competitive and cruel.

This year, however, is different.Due to the intervention of “Pure Root” and the advancement of the exam time, the rules were forced to change.Now, as long as you hold more than three gold-level coins, you can participate in the second stage of the exam.This change undoubtedly gives more people the opportunity to participate, but it also greatly increases the difficulty and uncertainty of the game.

Matthew, Finn, Lance, and Dot, these four brave warriors, successfully entered the second stage of the exam under such rules.Each of them has outstanding strength and unique fighting skills.However, what they are about to face is a life-or-death preliminary competition called “Undead Hunting Ground”.

The undead hunting ground is a mysterious and dangerous place.This place is full of all kinds of powerful undead creatures. They not only have powerful attack power, but also have various weird skills.In such an environment, warriors not only have to face attacks from the undead, but also face challenges from the environment.If you are not careful, you may die here.

However, it is precisely this challenge that makes the selection examination for spiritually enlightened persons even more attractive.Because only here can the strength and wisdom of the warriors be truly tested.Only by passing the test of the undead hunting ground can one have the opportunity to become a true divine awakener.

Matthew, Finn, Lance, and Dot, the four of them will start a life and death battle in this challenging and dangerous place.They will use their own strength and wisdom to conquer those powerful undead creatures and strive for the opportunity to become spiritually awakened ones.Every attack and every defense they made was full of determination and courage.Their eyes were full of desire for victory and determination to challenge.

The battle in the Undead Hunting Ground is fierce and cruel, but this is also the charm of the selection examination for the Awakened Ones.Here, no weak can survive, only the strong can win.However, even the strongest warriors cannot underestimate the difficulty of this exam.Because here, every mistake may lead to the end of life.

However, even in the face of such a huge challenge, Matthew, Finn, Lance and Dot did not back down.They know that only by passing this exam can they become true enlightened beings and realize their dreams.Therefore, they will go all out to meet this challenge and strive for the victory that belongs to them.

《Mashle: Magic and Muscles Season 2 - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc》E5Plot

Episode 5: “Life Crystal”

After a fierce preliminaries, nine players including Matthew, Dot and Finn successfully advanced. The next challenge they faced was a team competition called “Life Crystal”.This is not only a simple game, but also a test of teamwork and strategy.

According to the rules, nine players are divided into three groups of three people each, and there will be a fierce confrontation between the teams, with the goal of breaking the other team's crystal.This rule is simple and direct, but contains infinite strategic depth.Each team member needs to play to their strengths while working closely together to gain an advantage in the game.

However, for the team of Matthew, Dot and Finn, the challenges they face go beyond that.Before the game started, an unexpected situation occurred: two members of their team accidentally broke the crystals being handed out.This means that when they face powerful opponents, their team is left with only one crystal to rely on for defense.

Faced with such a dilemma, Matthew, Dot and Finn were not discouraged.They understand that although they have lost two crystals, teamwork and strategy are their real weapons.Matthew, as the core of the team, quickly organized a tactical discussion.They analyze their opponent's possible attacks and develop corresponding defensive strategies.Dot and Finn also actively spoke and put forward their own suggestions and opinions.

The game started, and the atmosphere on the court was tense and intense.Although the team of Matthew, Dot and Finn only has one crystal, their teamwork is extremely harmonious.Whenever their opponents attack, they are able to react quickly and effectively defend their crystals.At the same time, they are also actively looking for opportunities to try to break each other's crystals.

At a critical moment in the game, Matthew caught an opponent's mistake and successfully broke the opponent's crystal.At this moment, the entire stadium was in a state of excitement. The team of Matthew, Dot and Finn defeated the strong and successfully advanced to the next round.

《Mashle: Magic and Muscles Season 2 - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc》E6Plot

Episode 6: An overwhelming victory was achieved

In the magic world, there is an ancient legend circulating - about the 13 mysterious wands known as the "Thirteenth War of the Ancients".These wands, said to be created by the demon lord Cain, contain great power, each possessing unique and astonishing magical abilities.One of the wands chose a magician named Kalbaju as its master.

Kalbaju, a lucky man selected by the ancient magic war, gained the invincibility ability to negate all damage.This ability makes him almost unrivaled in the magic world, and countless magicians have been defeated by him.However, in the face of such an invincible existence, a magician named Finn, determined never to abandon his friends, launched a fierce battle with Kalbaju.

Finn's persistence was not in vain. His determination and courage attracted the attention of another magician, Matthew.Matthew, a magician who also possesses powerful magic, heard Finn's call and felt the persistence of friendship.So, he rushed to Finn's side without hesitation, preparing to fight side by side with him to face this powerful enemy of Kalbach.

Facing the invincible Kalbachiu, Matthew and Finn's situation seems extremely unfavorable.However, during the battle, Matthew unexpectedly discovered Kalbaqiu's weakness.It turns out that although Kalbachiu's invincibility can negate damage, he cannot resist the emotional impact from his heart.Matthew took advantage of this and released powerful emotional magic, directly hitting Kalba Qiu's heart.

At this moment, Finn's friendship combined with Matthew's wisdom formed an irresistible force.Kalbaqiu was finally defeated in front of this force.Matthew and Finn's victory is not only the best interpretation of friendship, but also a high praise for wisdom and courage.

《Mashle: Magic and Muscles Season 2 - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc》E7Plot

Episode 7: One-on-one battle

The final assessment of the selection test for candidates for spiritual enlightenment is a one-on-one battle.In this battle for the future, every contestant is trying their best, hoping to stand out and become a true enlightened person.

The first match was Matthew versus Margaret.Margaret is a formidable opponent, her magic power is unfathomable and intimidating.However, Matthew was not intimidated by this. He was well aware of his strength and potential and was determined to give his best in this battle.

The game began, and Margaret attacked first, and her magic instantly filled the entire battlefield.Matthew reacted quickly, dodged the attack, and quickly counterattacked.He unleashed his magic power and launched a fierce confrontation with Margaret.

Although Matthew's magic power is not as good as Margaret's, he has a special ability, that is, he can sense the flow and changes of his opponent's magic power.This ability allows him to quickly adapt to his opponent's attack methods and find his opponent's weaknesses in combat.

As time went by, Margaret gradually felt a little powerless.Although her magic power was powerful, it began to show flaws under Matthew's precise attacks.Matthew saw the right moment and launched a powerful attack, finally defeating Margaret.

The victory in this battle gave Matthew a boost of confidence.He is fully aware of the strength and potential he possesses, and also knows that he needs to work harder to become a true spiritual awakener.In the next game, he will continue to go all out and fight for his future.

Although Margaret failed, she did not give up.She is fully aware of her own shortcomings and understands that she needs to work harder to become a truly enlightened person.In the days to come, she will continue to practice her magic, improve her strength, and continue to fight for her dreams.

Mashle: Magic and Muscles Season 2 - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc

Mashle: Magic and Muscles Season 2 - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc

Total 12 Episodes Jan 06, 2024 Japan Anim