《Fantasy Sonata》E4

Episode 4

Gui'er and Si Zuxian/Egui met again the night after the sacrificial ceremony at Fenghan Mountain, and Gui'er had recovered her memory at this time.Although she was filled with rage and almost wanted to stab him, she ultimately chose to suppress her impulse and pretend that she still had amnesia.

Episode 4

Through a recollection, it turns out that the wizard Zhongtai changed the goal of the ritual and locked up Ergui instead of the prince.However, this change makes the identity of the person after the ritual confusing.When the wizard Chuta revealed the truth about the ritual to Nouchiguan, after Nouchiguan entered the prince's room, the reaction of the people inside was more like misfortune, which frightened Nouchiguan.

Guier decides to stay in the palace, her goal being to take revenge and kill the king.One night, she sneaked into the king's palace and witnessed the king being troubled by nightmares, in which Guier's mother kept pestering him.When the king becomes delirious in his sleep, eunuchs, princes, prince concubines, guards and doctors rush into the room, forcing Gui Er to temporarily abandon her assassination plan.She hurriedly returned to her secret base, but the failure of the mission made her afraid of facing Xia Lang and Yang Zaiyi.

The next day, Guier accompanied the prince to see the king.She used her medical knowledge to help the king and win a favor for the crown prince in front of him.On the way back, the prince noticed Guier's confusion about whether the people around him were Ergui or Sizuxian.Guier revealed her true feelings. She mentioned that the existence of evil spirits made the prince sometimes as cold as frost and sometimes as passionate as fire.However, when she touches the person next to her, he is neither cold nor hot, leaving her unsure of his true identity.Whether it was Ergui or Sizuxian, Gui'er harbored deep resentment towards them both - Ergui had erased her memory, and Sizuxian was the son of her enemy.

Later that day, Guier encounters Si Zuxian while walking, and he accidentally drops a pill.Guier picked up the pills and immediately realized that this was evidence that Si Zuxian was trying to kill her.This made her start to wonder, who is her real enemy?

The crown prince Si Zuxian visited the wizard Zhongtai and learned from the wizard Zhongtai that the ceremony had been successful.It turns out that the wizard Zhongtai locked Ergui, and the one who came out was the prince.The wizard Zhongtai asked the prince why Ergui wiped Gui'er's memory, but Zhongtai vowed to keep this secret.After leaving the wizard's villa, the wizard left a note to the prince, warning him to stay away from Guier.Neng Naiguan told the prince that Gui'er might have a crush on Ergui because she felt that Ergui was better to her.This made the prince begin to doubt whether Gui'er was an evil woman.

The prince vowed that he would do better than Ergui and never let himself show weakness.He first attended the rally and made suggestions to the king to solve the problem of theft and arson among the capital's poor population.He suggested making the men work in the fields as punishment and receiving a percentage of the harvest.The king accepted the prince's advice and dismissed the assembly.However, the prince's appearance surprised the king, and he asked the prince to inform him in advance the next time he attended a gathering so that a seat could be prepared for him.But the crown prince reminded him that as king, he should lead the assembly himself.The prince's firm attitude made the king furious.Later that night, the crown prince meets with his secret army, while Gui Er secretly follows him.

Concubine Zhaoming told Jinhua that Guier disappeared in the woods for a while during the day and was covered in mud when she came back.It turns out that Guier has been looking for medicinal herbs to prepare potions for the king.Qing Fei also revealed to Jin Hua that she smelled the aroma of herbs coming from Gui Er's room.However, the next day Hong Jun found that the potion they had put on the stove to cook had been knocked over.

Guier was not surprised because she had anticipated this situation and prepared the medicine overnight.She left a letter to the prince and asked him to meet outside the king's palace.When the king expressed concern about the safety of the drug and feared death from it, the crown prince stepped forward to defend Gui'er.He showed Guier's hands that were worn out in the rugged mountains and forests while searching for the medicine, and told the king how hard she had worked for this medicine.He said that if the king was unwilling to take it, he would try it himself.The king looked at the prince and knew that he had fallen deeply in love with Gui'er. He even joked that maybe he would be able to have a grandson soon.These words reached the ears of the Crown Princess inadvertently.

The king greatly appreciated Guier's medical skills and hoped that she could often come to the palace to diagnose and treat him.Under the prince's inquiry, Guier readily accepted the request.Suddenly, Prince Si Zulong came in and told everyone that wolves and wild boars would migrate tomorrow and proposed to organize a hunting event.The prince also expressed his willingness to participate.

On the eve of the hunt, Gui'er accidentally discovered the prince practicing archery in an indoor venue, and curiously asked him why he didn't practice in an open area.At first, the crown prince had a cold attitude and asked Guier to leave.But at Guier's insistence, he finally opened up and revealed that he was afraid of the howling wind.After hearing this, Guier gave him some practical suggestions to help him overcome this psychological barrier.The crown prince tried according to Guier's suggestion, and he hit the target.Despite this, he asked Gui'er to leave because he found that he couldn't stay calm as long as he was around her.

On the day of the hunt, the Crown Prince kept Guier's advice in mind and tried to concentrate.Although he had the chance to kill the boar, he ultimately chose to let it go.The king arrived later and mistakenly thought that the crown prince had shot the wild boar, but the crown prince firmly denied it.

It is worth mentioning that the hunting activity on this day happened to be the death anniversary of Si Zuxian’s mother.It turned out that his mother had opposed the usurpation of the throne and massacred members of the royal family, and was eventually poisoned by his father.This secret has been hidden and no one knows.

After the hunt, Si Zuxian revealed his feelings when he was alone with Guier.He recounted the tragedy of witnessing a family massacre as a young man, and the deep trauma left by the little girl he was unable to save.Every time the wind howled, he would think of the girl and the mother he could not protect.After hearing this, Guier felt deep sympathy. She hugged Si Zuxian and made him shed long-awaited tears.

Later, Si Zulong accompanied the king back to the palace.Before leaving, the king warned him not to try to surpass his son, and revealed a shocking secret: Si Zulong was not his biological son.Nevertheless, the king adopted him and made him a prince, which was the greatest kindness he could give.This secret shocked Si Zulong and made him re-examine his relationship with the king.

When Si Zulong left the king's palace angrily, his heart was in turmoil.A youthful flashback shows him an intimate moment between his mother and another man, an image that leaves a deep imprint on his mind.At this time, he found that his saddle was loose, the pills were missing, and Guier was the last person who had touched it.Determined to take advantage of this clue, Si Zulong wrote a letter with a drawing of the dagger, hinting to the imperial concubine that Gui'er was the daughter of Yanfengxue (a former general).The purpose of this letter is to reveal the identity of the Crown Princess, and at the same time, it is also a frame-up for Guier.

When Si Zuxian was thinking hard about how to express his love to Gui'er, the imperial concubine suddenly broke in. She held the letter and ordered Si Zuxian to search Gui'er's attic immediately.Guier's solitude with the king was interrupted. Faced with the king's life, Guier considered taking action, but in the end she chose to give up.She decided to leave this palace full of intrigues.

Outside the king's palace, Gui'er met Si Zulong.She frankly told him her true identity and purpose in the palace.At the same time, she also revealed that her memory has been restored.Gui'er asked to leave, but at this time, a guard rushed over and reported that King Si Zusheng had been killed.They returned to the palace and saw a needle stuck in the king's throat.Faced with this sudden change, Si Zulong angrily questioned Guier, but Guier firmly denied the crime.

Fantasy Sonata

Fantasy Sonata

Total 16 Episodes Jan 02, 2024 Korean Period Actor: Hong Yeji Park Ji Hoon