《Missing Crown Prince》Ep Intro

Missing Crown Prince (세자가 사라졌다) is a North Korean version of a romantic comedy that tells the story of the dramatic final escape of two young men and women after the crown prince is surrounded by the woman who will become the crown princess.

《Missing Crown Prince》E1Plot

Episode 1

As night falls, a solemn atmosphere fills the Joseon-era castle.A group of assassins sneaked in quietly like ghosts, breaking the tranquility of the castle.At the same time, the imperial doctor Cui Shanglu was diagnosing the pulse of the empress dowager.What he felt was not only the physical discomfort of the Queen Mother, but also the undercurrent of crisis under the castle.

Inside the castle, the sound of clashing weapons pierced the tranquility.The assassins broke through the defenders and targeted the king.However, this sudden attack did not achieve the expected effect, and the king evacuated safely under the protection of everyone.However, this chaos brought unforeseen harm to Dr. Cui.He was seriously wounded in this battle and his fate was grim.

In another corner of the castle, the crown prince Li Jian quietly left his residence.He accidentally met a liar who claimed to be the exiled prince. Although this liar was full of lies, he unexpectedly triggered Li Jian's thinking about identity and responsibility.He saw through the liar's lies and handed him over to the police, but was accidentally injured during the fight.In order to cover up his injuries, he had to put on makeup, which foreshadowed his future actions.

When Li Jian returned to the castle, he faced his father's reproach and the queen's concern.He knew that his actions had aroused dissatisfaction and suspicion among everyone, but he stuck to his beliefs and secrets.At the same time, rumors about the prince began to spread in the castle.Some people rumored that the crown prince often sneaked out of the castle to have private meetings with a woman.These rumors not only caused the ministers to question the crown prince's ability, but some even began to propose that the crown prince's half-brother Daocheng should be replaced.

Episode 1

The Queen Mother was also dissatisfied with the Crown Prince's behavior. She believed that the Crown Prince went out frequently because he was addicted to sensual places.In order to save the crown prince's reputation and future, she proposed to let Cui Shanglu's daughter Choi Myung-yun be the crown prince's concubine.However, this proposal was rejected by Li Jian.He knows his true inner thoughts and pursuits and does not want to be restricted by worldly constraints.

Cui Mingyun is a unique woman. She inherited her father's medical talent and devoted herself to becoming a great doctor.She is eccentric and passionate, often treating the poor, and fearlessly confronting rebels and thugs who are many times stronger than her.She firmly believes that she belongs to the civilian world, and even though she lives in a castle, she always maintains a simple heart.

However, fate did not seem to favor this kind woman.An old sage's prophecy puts her in a difficult situation.The prophecy that she would bring disaster and death to her husband deeply worried Choi Sang-rok.He tried to persuade his daughter to give up her relationship with Li Jian, but Cui Mingyun firmly believed that her destiny was in her own hands.She decided not to marry Li Jian because she didn't want to be the woman who brought misfortune to her husband.

At the same time, another bizarre murder occurred in the castle.Li Jian found the body of a girl in the palace pond, but the autopsy results showed that it was suicide.However, this is already the second such case.Last year, a maid was found dead in the same place, and was also ruled a suicide by royal doctor Heo Jin-soo.These two cases did not seem simple, and Li Jian decided to investigate the matter personally.

As the investigation deepened, Li Jian gradually discovered some shocking truths.It turned out that the Queen Mother actually had an improper relationship with a palace doctor.And this secret seems to be inextricably linked to the two murder cases.Li Jian is determined to uncover the truth of all this and seek justice for those innocent souls.

However, as he sinks deeper and deeper, the danger gets closer and closer to him.A group of mysterious rebels began to hunt him, and their leader turned out to be a figure inextricably linked to Cui Shanglu.All this made Li Jian realize that he was in a huge conspiracy.He must remain vigilant to uncover the truth and protect himself and those around him.

《Missing Crown Prince》E2Plot

Episode 2

At the beginning of this episode, the audience witnessed a well-planned kidnapping case suffered by the crown prince Li Jian.A group of thugs drugged Li Jian and his companions and knocked them unconscious and took them away.All this stems from Choi Sang-rok's conspiracy.However, the motivation behind why Choi Sang-rok planned such a complicated kidnapping case is still confusing, adding a layer of mystery to the plot.

Choi Sang-rok made careful arrangements to ensure the smooth progress of the kidnapping case.He summoned Wu Yueyi and tried to use her to complete a key step.However, Wu Yueyi did not attend due to Cui Mingyun's assignment, which temporarily hindered Cui Sanglu's plan.But Cui Shanglu did not give up. He finally found Wu Yueyi and ordered her to use a special drug to put Cui Mingyun into a deep sleep for several hours.At the same time, he also assigned Wu Bai to guard Cui Mingyun's door to ensure that the plan could proceed smoothly.

It turns out that Cui Shanglu's conspiracy was to break the curse on Cui Mingyun.According to the old sage, the crown prince and Cui Mingyun need to wear wedding clothes and sleep together in order to synchronize their souls and lift the curse.However, there is a huge risk during the ceremony: if the crown prince wakes up during the ceremony and sees Cui Mingyun's face, the entire ceremony will fail.Cui Shanglu's careful arrangement of all this was to ensure the success of the ceremony.

Episode 2

However, the development of the plot did not go as Choi Sang-rok expected.Cui Mingyun woke up during the ceremony. She took quick action, exchanged clothes with the maid, and awakened the prince Li Jian.With the help of Cui Mingyun, Li Jian successfully escaped, and all this was done quietly in Cui Shanglu's manor, and the bodyguards knew nothing about it.

Subsequently, the entire palace fell into panic over the disappearance of the prince.The king mobilized all his power and vowed to find the missing prince as soon as possible.Cui Shanglu was urgently summoned to the castle to face the king's questioning.However, at this time, the prince Li Jian was under the care of Cui Mingyun. He knew nothing about his situation and could not determine the identity of the kidnapper.

The climax of the plot occurs in the confrontation between the Queen Mother and Li Jian.The Queen Mother learned that the prince already knew her secret, and she threatened the prince not to reveal it, otherwise he would be killed.This plot not only reveals the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Queen Mother, but also foreshadows the development of subsequent plots.

At the end of the series, when Li Jian and the king decided to reveal the Queen Mother's secret lover, they were assassinated by an assassin.Li Jian was unfortunately injured during his escape, and the betrayal of his cronies put him in a desperate situation.

《Missing Crown Prince》E3Plot

Episode 3

At the end of the previous episode, Crown Prince Li Jian was accidentally stabbed by his loyal maid. Although he escaped by chance, he was seriously injured and found himself in deep trouble.The story of this episode unfolds against this background, continuing to reveal in depth the power struggle and complex human nature within the palace.

After Li Jian escaped from the palace, he decided to seek help from Cui Mingyun.Cui Mingyun suggested seeking medical treatment, but Li Jian insisted on secret treatment for various reasons.This decision not only reflects Li Jian's complex attitude towards trust, but also reveals his decisiveness when facing life and death situations.However, trust and crisis are intertwined at this time, making the entire treatment process full of uncertainty.

In the castle, the Queen Mother learned that the assassination operation had failed, and she was furious and ordered her men to hunt down Li Jian.After the king learned of this, he had a fierce confrontation with the Queen Mother and resolutely defended Li Jian's status as the heir apparent.This plot shows the power game and conflict within the palace, and also hints at Li Jian's important position in it.

At the same time, the dangerous situation caused ministers to begin to speculate that Li Jian had absconded.Queen Yin also became the target of assassination, which put the king in a dilemma and had to lift the state of emergency.This tense situation not only increases the tension of the story, but also foreshadows the development of the subsequent plot.

Episode 3

In this episode, Daocheng was assigned the task of exploring the Queen Mother's weaknesses.During the mission, he accidentally met the imperial doctor Cui Mingyun and developed a heart-pounding feeling for her.This plot not only adds emotional clues to the story, but also demonstrates Daocheng's unique role in complex situations.

In addition, the reveal of the identity of the owner of the needle box is also a highlight of this episode.After Daocheng learned that the owner of the needle box was the imperial doctor Xu Jinxiu, he rushed to question him, but unexpectedly found that Xu Jinxiu had died mysteriously.The Queen Mother burst into tears and her suggestion that Xu Jinxiu was her lover added more suspense to the story.

In the process of Li Jian's recovery, he learned about the loyalty of the maid Shang Shu and the tip-off from Jia Shi.This plot not only reveals the loyalty of the maid and Jia Shi to Li Jian, but also provides important help for Li Jian's recovery.At the same time, the cause of Xu Jinxiu's death revealed by Cui Sanglu also made Li Jian suspicious, and he began to suspect that there might be a larger conspiracy hidden behind the entire incident.

Finally, the Queen Mother's secret meeting with Choi Sang-rok reveals their lover's relationship and their conspiracy to overthrow the monarch.Cui Shanglu even kidnapped Li Jian to force him to submit.This plot brings the tense atmosphere of the story to a climax and also leaves suspense for the subsequent development of the plot.

《Missing Crown Prince》E4Plot

Episode 4

The plot of this episode continues to unfold in a tense and suspenseful atmosphere, surrounding the complex relationship between the crown prince Li Jian, Cui Mingyun, Cui Shanglu and the Queen Mother Xiulian, revealing more secrets hidden deep in the palace.

Cui Mingyun successfully rescued Li Jian from Cui Shanglu in this episode. When facing Li Jian's doubts, he responded concisely and mysteriously on the grounds that he was ordered by the lady, which not only protected his identity, but also deepened Li Jian's doubts.Jian's trust and dependence on her.Cui Mingyun carefully inspected Li Jian's wounds to ensure that there was no infection. This move undoubtedly deepened the emotional bond between the two.

When Cui Mingyun visited her father, she frankly admitted her assistance to Li Jian, which showed her firm stance and persistent pursuit of justice.Although Cui Shanglu was angry about this, Cui Mingyun's determination did not waver.She refused to participate in the concubine selection ceremony, a decision that not only angered Choi Sang-rok but also further revealed her independence and autonomy.

Episode 4

At the same time, the king learned that the chief royal secretary had died unexpectedly, and the suspicion was pointed at the Queen Mother Xiulian.And Xiulian, after learning that the royal secretary planned to ask the general for help to stop her plan, took decisive action, learned the news through Docheng's grandfather, and eliminated the threat.This episode showcases Soo Ryeon's Machiavellian tactics and her desire for power.

After Li Jian accidentally met the maid who had stabbed him, he learned a series of shocking truths from her.It turned out that the Queen Mother's secret lover they had always mistakenly thought was not the real lover, because the Queen Mother was witnessed with another man.This discovery caused Li Jian to have more questions about the Queen Mother's true identity and motives.

As the plot progresses, the relationship between Xiulian and Cui Sanglu is gradually revealed.They once loved each other deeply, but Xiulian was forced to marry the deposed king, and their love was forced to be hidden.This plot not only increases the complexity of the story, but also leaves suspense for the development of the subsequent plot.

Li Jian and Cui Mingyun examined the doctor's body and found that the cause of death was not suicide but poisoning.This discovery made them more convinced that there was a huge conspiracy at work behind it.Li Jian sent a message to Daocheng and asked him to meet at a secret location to try to reveal the truth.However, Daocheng's betrayal put Li Jian into trouble.

The king announced that he would inspect the construction of the new palace, actually to meet with the general and ask for help.However, the Queen Mother convinces Queen Yin to assist her in stopping the King's actions, further exacerbating the power struggle within the palace.At the same time, the Queen Mother revealed her intention to leave the castle to seek a peaceful life, but whether there is a larger conspiracy hidden behind this is people who can't help but speculate.

Cui Shanglu confessed to Li Jian that he was the Queen Mother's secret lover, and revealed the past that the Queen Mother was originally engaged to him.This plot not only reveals the complex relationship between Choi Sang-rok and the Queen Mother, but also reveals the true identity and background behind the Queen Mother to the audience.

《Missing Crown Prince》E5Plot

Episode 5

The plot of Episode 5 revolves around power struggles, family emotions and personal choices, bringing a more complex and tense plot to the audience.In this episode, Daocheng faced an unprecedented dilemma and needed to make a choice between his father and his younger brother. At the same time, Li Jian also showed his firm belief and spirit of sacrifice.

At the beginning of the plot, Daocheng rushed into the palace and witnessed the critical condition of his father falling into a coma.In the face of this sudden change, Daocheng must not only deal with the immediate crisis, but also uncover the truth hidden behind it.He discovered that Princess Wang was the mastermind behind all this, a discovery that shocked and angered him deeply.Daocheng broke into Princess Wang's palace with a sharp sword, ready to seek justice for his father.However, after learning that only Concubine Wang could save the king, Daocheng fell into a dilemma.He needs to choose between saving his father and protecting his younger brother, a dilemma that makes him feel painful and helpless.

At the same time, Li Jian was imprisoned and faced unfounded charges of treason.In order to save his father, Daocheng asked Princess Wang to hand over the antidote in exchange for the king's recovery.This move undoubtedly deepened the rift between him and his brother.However, when Daocheng visited his brother in prison, he expressed his apology and helplessness.He admitted that he had no choice but to betray his brother.Li Jian showed amazing strength and sacrifice. He was willing to bear the charge of treason in exchange for the safety of the king and Queen Yin.

Episode 5

The joint pressure exerted by Choi Sang-rok and Zuo Yijing also added a lot of tension to this episode.They tried to achieve their goals by forcing Li Jian to admit treason.Choi Sang-rok emphasized that if they cannot obtain a confession, all plans will be in vain.This plot not only reveals the conspiracy and ambition of Cui Shanglu and Zuo Yizheng, but also shows their desire and pursuit of power.

While Princess Wang was acting in state affairs, Li Jian submitted a letter requesting a meeting.He revealed Zuo Yizheng's conspiracy to Concubine Wang and begged her to rescue her.However, Choi Sang-rok blocked Princess Wang's rescue operation on the grounds that it was too late.This plot not only gives the audience a deeper understanding of Choi Sang-rok's cunning and ruthlessness, but also reveals the complex relationships and power struggles within the palace.

In the evening, Li Jian was taken to the court for trial.Zuo Yizheng portrayed him as a traitor who poisoned the king.Although Li Jian's guards tried to defend him, they were eventually beaten and gagged.This scene is not only heartbreaking, but also shows the cruelty and ruthlessness within the palace.Cui Shanglu made a condition to Li Jian that if he admitted the crime, he would guarantee the king's safety.However, Li Jian resolutely refused this request, demonstrating his firm belief and bravery.

Meanwhile, Queen Yin anxiously called the king's name, hoping he would wake up.She told the king that his son would be threatened with death if he did not wake up.This plot not only shows Queen Yin's deep affection for the king, but also hints at important information that the king may be about to awaken.

《Missing Crown Prince》E6Plot

Episode 6

In episode 6, the tension and suspense of the plot reached new heights.Choi Sang-rok assured Li Jian of the king's safety. However, when Li Jian firmly denied treason, members of Zuo Yizheng impatiently demanded that he be punished immediately.This eager attitude not only reveals their desire for power, but also hints at the conspiracy that may be hidden behind them.

The royal doctor's interpretation of the tiny movements of the king's fingers adds a glimmer of hope to the plot.This detail may indicate that the king is about to awaken, paving the way for the next plot development.Daocheng's move to summon Yin Zheng, the Grand Minister, further demonstrated his determination to ascend the throne of the king.His trust and reliance on Grand Chancellor Yin Zheng also foreshadowed the political direction of his future reign.

Concubine Wang has always been brooding about the news revealed by Li Jian. This not only deepened her doubts about Mr. Zuo Yizheng Yin and Cui Sanglu, but also paved the way for her possible actions in the subsequent plot.And Li Jian's successful escape made the plot full of drama and uncertainty.The participation of Daocheng and Yin Zhengda Shangshu made the rescue operation more complicated and confusing, and also caused the audience to have more questions about Daocheng's true motives.

Episode 6

Mr. Zuo Yizheng's anger and accusation against Daocheng further revealed the power struggle and grudges between them.Daocheng's rebuttal to Master Yin also showed his wit and determination.He refused to accept Choi Sang-rok's advice and insisted on accepting the position of crown prince only at the request of the king himself. This move not only reflected his loyalty and principles, but also won him more popular support.

However, the trouble of Wang Yin's disappearance brought a new crisis to the plot.Queen Yoon becomes a suspect in stealing the royal seal, a plot that not only complicates her role but also adds more suspense elements to the plot.Lord Zuo Yin's interrogation of Queen Yin and Queen Yin's firm denial formed a sharp contrast, making the plot more tense and exciting.

The soldiers' pursuit of Li Jian and the escape of Li Jian and Jia Shi constitute the climax of this episode.Their escape was thrilling, full of thrills and excitement.Li Jian's injuries and fever during his escape made the audience even more worried about his safety.The plot of Kaishi kidnapping Yue Yi as a hostage not only showed his resourcefulness and decisiveness, but also added more complexity to the plot.

The plot where Cui Mingyun discovers that the maid is missing and Li Jian learns Cui Mingyun's true identity brings an unexpected twist to the plot.The exposure of Choi Myung-yoon as Choi Sang-rok's daughter not only makes her character more full and three-dimensional, but also provides more possibilities for the actions she may take and the development of relationships with other characters in the subsequent plot.

《Missing Crown Prince》E7Plot

Episode 7

In Episode 7, the tension and complexity of the plot further escalated.Li Jian has doubts about Cui Mingyun's identity. This plot not only reveals the deepening relationship between the two, but also foreshadows the subsequent plot development.Cui Mingyun skillfully pretended to be comatose and avoided facing Li Jian's questioning directly, showing her wit and calmness.

At the same time, Li Jian began to think deeply about Cui Shanglu's motives for kidnapping Cui Mingyun. This thinking process showed his keenness and insight.His suspicion of Choi Sang-rok also foreshadows the possible conflicts and confrontations between the two in the future.

Daocheng issued an order to Yin Zhengdae to hunt down Li Jian, which aroused doubts in the audience.After all, Li Jian helped Zhengda escape from prison, and Zhengda should be grateful instead of pursuing him.However, Daocheng's true motive gradually emerged - he seemed to want to please Cui Sanglu through this move in order to marry Cui Mingyun.This plot not only reveals Daocheng's desire for power, but also shows his feelings for Cui Mingyun.

Choi Sang-rok was extremely anxious after learning the news of Choi Myung-yun's disappearance. This plot further deepened the audience's speculation about Choi Myung-yun's identity.Cui Shanglu's bodyguard interrogated Cui Mingyun's entourage and learned that they helped Cui Mingyun and Li Jian pass through the fortress gate. This plot provided clues for the subsequent pursuit.

Episode 7

In the castle, Queen Yin had a secret conversation with the Queen Mother.Queen Yin clarified her distrust of the Queen Mother and her gang, and accused the Queen Mother of framing her husband.This plot reveals the deep hatred between Queen Yin and the Queen Mother, and also adds more suspense and complexity to the subsequent plot development.

Choi Sang-rok discusses with Grandpa Yoon about delaying the announcement of the crown prince due to the missing seal.This plot not only explains why Daocheng is temporarily unable to ascend to the position of crown prince, but also provides a new turning point for the subsequent plot development.Mrs. Yin plans to forge the royal seal and establish Daocheng as the crown prince. Although this plan seems simple, it is full of risks and uncertainties.

At this time, Cui Mingyun fell ill due to high fever.Li Jian sent her to the local village doctor for treatment, but unexpectedly found that the doctor seemed to recognize them.This plot not only made the audience sweat for the safety of the two people, but also added more tension and uncertainty to the subsequent plot development.

Soldiers surrounded the village doctor's residence. Li Jian and Cui Mingyun tried their best to fight them, but were eventually arrested.This climax plot not only brought the audience's mood to its peak, but also left huge suspense for the subsequent plot development.

《Missing Crown Prince》E8Plot

Episode 8

In episode 8, the tension of the plot reached a new climax.Soldiers escorted Jia Shi, Li Jian, Cui Mingyun and Yue Yi to the prison. On the way, Jia Shi proposed an escape plan, but Li Jian refused because he was worried about Cui Mingyun's safety.However, a sudden attack by a masked swordsman provided them with a chance to escape, but the subsequent pursuit made the escape extremely difficult.

Cui Mingyun suffered from a high fever during the escape, and Li Jian firmly stated that he would protect her. This plot showed the deep emotional bond between the two.Although they were eventually captured by the guards and taken back to prison, the appearance of Jia Shi changed the situation again and successfully rescued Cui Mingyun and Li Jian, while Yue Yi was captured by Cui Shanglu's bodyguards.

In another storyline, the conversation between Choi Sang-rok and the Queen Mother reveals the complexity of the political struggle.Choi Sang-rok revealed that he was not actively searching for the royal seal because Zuo Yizheng-yin planned to assassinate the king once Do-seong became crown prince.This information not only increases the tension of the plot, but also hints at the coming power struggle.

Yin showed up with forged royal and state seals, and although Choi Sang-rok expressed concern, he ultimately agreed to use the forged seal.This decision is not only a compromise on power, but also foreshadows the uncertainty of the future.Choi Sang-rok's announcement of the crown prince's coronation date made Queen Yoon despair, because she knew that after Do-seong ascended the throne, the king's life would be in danger.

Episode 8

During the coronation ceremony, Daocheng behaved abnormally. He deliberately destroyed the Queen Mother's beloved plants and showed contempt for Confucian principles.His behavior seemed to be a provocation to his grandfather and Choi Sang-rok, and it also made Queen Yoon feel heartbroken.Daocheng's rebellious behavior not only aroused everyone's dissatisfaction, but also further aggravated the tense atmosphere of the plot.

Zuo Yizhengyin and Chief Inspector Zheng ordered the removal of Li Jian and Jia Shi. This decision made their situation even more dangerous.Zuo Yizhengyin claimed that everything was under control, but the audience could feel the crisis and uncertainty contained in it.

Additionally, the flashbacks between Choi Sang-rok and Seol Ye-woon add emotional depth to the plot.The love and tragic past between the two made Choi Sang-rok more determined to pursue power, and at the same time revealed Choi Sang-rok's complex character to the audience.

《Missing Crown Prince》E9Plot

Episode 9

The king is suddenly critically ill, the entire court is in chaos, and the only person who knows how to cure the king's mysterious method is Choi Sang-rok.This highly skilled medical figure plays a crucial role in this episode, and his knowledge becomes the key to solving the crisis.

King Daocheng (or can be understood as a character in the plot, the crown prince or a figure related to the crown prince) faced a difficult choice. He decided to follow the Queen Mother's order. This step was in exchange for the opportunity to save his father and himself.This shows that the power struggle within the palace and family interests are intertwined, and every decision is full of weight.

Choi Myung-yoon, a female character who has a complicated relationship with the crown prince, may play a key supporting role in this episode, using her wisdom and medical skills to help solve the current crisis.The relationship between the crown prince and Cui Mingyun further deepened in the process of escaping and facing difficulties together. Their cooperation was not only for survival, but also gradually revealed the emotional bond between them.

The plot also involves the revelation of some secrets, such as why Choi Sang-rok became a key figure and his connection with the internal secrets of the palace, which paved the way for the subsequent plot.

At the same time, the prince's personal growth and decision-making ability are demonstrated in this episode. How he finds a balance between protecting himself and saving his father has become the focus of the audience's attention.

Missing Crown Prince

Missing Crown Prince

Total 20 Episodes Apr 13, 2024 Korean Comedy Actor: Kim Jun-myeon