

The play is adapted from Yi Nan's novel of the same name
  • Reg:
  • No. Ep:
    Total 45 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:
  • Premiere:
    Feb 13, 2024
  • Genre:
  • Plat:
  • Actor:
  • Synopsis:
    The resolute patriarch Qiao Haiyun (played by Song Chunli) once set a rule that everyone must go home during the Chinese New Year. No one has ever broken the rules until the most h ...

《Islands》 Summ

The resolute patriarch Qiao Haiyun (played by Song Chunli) once set a rule that everyone must go home during the Chinese New Year. No one has ever broken the rules until the most honest third generation Li Yijin (played by Ma Sichun) suddenly breaks the traditionI went to my boyfriend's house to celebrate the New Year, which caused family conflicts.Qiao Haiyun has three daughters. The eldest, Meng Mingwei (played by Xu Fan), is not his biological child. He is lame and has low self-esteem, so he looks after his daughters. The relationship with his daughter Li Yijin is very tense, but in the end they understand each other's difficulties and finally understand that maintaining an appropriate distance is the key to maintaining a relationship.A good recipe for a mother-daughter relationship; the second oldest child, Meng Wanqing (played by Liang Jing), and the top student's daughter, Tao Shuna (played by Sun Qian), are perfect mother and daughter, but the two people who talk about everything accidentally discover each other's secrets and get to know each other again.The process of getting to know each other again is also a process where the two finally understand that a perfect mother-daughter relationship is not about covering up shortcomings but supporting each other; the third child, Meng Yi'an (played by Li Xiaoran), is most like Qiao Haiyun, strong and independent, and does not want to become a strong woman like her mother., but by chance, she and her mother were on the same road. The difficulty of balancing career and family made her gradually understand her mother back then.The three generations of women of the Meng family are like an archipelago. Although they are far apart from each other, they support each other and live together.


《Islands》Character Info


《Islands》Ep Summ


Because Liu Shuyan passed away due to illness this year, her last wish was to be buried with Meng Xianrong, so Meng Liangchen came to the Meng family to recognize her relatives, in order to move the old man's grave back to his hometown.Qiao Haiyun was alone in her room looking at old photos and crying bitterly. Although Meng Xianrong's promise during his lifetime was still in her ears, she knew that Meng Xianrong's biggest obstacle in his life was Liu Shuyan, and it was a knot in his heart that he would never untie.During dinner in the morning, Meng Yi'an told her eldest sister to pack up the new house and move there as soon as possible, and asked her second sister to go to the hospital for a review as soon as possible.Meng Wanqing couldn't stand the way Meng Yi'an always gave orders, but she felt that her manner of speaking was becoming more and more like Qiao Haiyun.Zheng Bin had been waiting downstairs for a long time. He was extra thoughtful and bought breakfast and fruits. He was even more considerate to Meng Wanqing. Tao Shuna watched the whole process.Meng Liangchen pondered for a long time outside the community and decided to negotiate with the Meng family in person. As for Meng Xiaobing and his son, they went to the cemetery to pay homage to Meng Xianrong.It happened that Li Yijin and Zhou Xie came back by car and heard the conversation between their grandfather and grandson. They hurriedly called Meng Mingwei and asked her to rush to the cemetery as soon as possible.At this time, Meng Liangchen showed Qiao Haiyun photos of Meng Xianrong when he was young to prove his identity, and cried that his mother had been waiting for him all his life and could not see him until his death.In fact, in the 1990s, a fellow villager met Meng Xianrong here and went back to his hometown to tell Liu Shuyan about the news of Meng Xianrong's marriage. Because Liu Shuyan had a strong personality, she had always concealed this secret and did not mention it to her son until the end.and.Meng Liangchen admitted that his family had received money from Meng Xianrong over the years, but Liu Shuyan had returned all the money. Whenever Meng Liangchen thought about this, he felt sorry for his mother.Qiao Haiyun seemed to have thought of something when he heard Meng Liangchen's words. When Meng Liangchen explained his purpose, he took out an old diary from the room, which was full of Meng Liangchen's confession and longing for Liu Shuyan.Meng Xianrong was indeed sorry for his first wife, so he felt guilty and blamed himself for the rest of his life. At least he was not the heartless and heartless man Meng Liangchen imagined.In the hospital, Zheng Bin stood anxiously in the corridor, worried that something would go wrong during the re-examination. It was not until Meng Wanqing came out and announced that the examination results were good, that he was finally relieved.At this moment, Tao Dalei came from the opposite side. Tao Shuna and Zheng Bin went to wait outside the hospital, leaving room for the two to talk alone.On the other side, Tao Dalei revealed to Meng Wanqing that he had moved out of his home and planned to open a calligraphy studio.The main purpose of his visit this time was to hand over the signed divorce agreement to Meng Wanqing, while the house was left to his daughter.Meng Wanqing suddenly felt that Tao Dalei had changed a lot. Tao Dalei smiled bitterly when he heard this, and couldn't help hugging Meng Wanqing, and then left pretending to be cool, but the photo included in the agreement represented how much he couldn't bear to leave Meng Wanqing.Despite this, the marriage of Meng Wanqing and Tao Dalei came to an end, giving both parties enough dignity.Tao Shuna saw that Zheng Bin was worried and guessed that he was worried about his parents' reconciliation, so she simply expressed her support for him to pursue Meng Wanqing as her daughter, which made Zheng Bin very touched.Meng Wanqing came over with a smile on her face and offered to have a big meal to celebrate, but before she got in the car, she received a call from Meng Mingwei, and Zheng Bin made an emergency U-turn and diverted to the cemetery.Meng Wanqing hurried over with Tao Shuna, and saw Meng Xiaobing and his son kneeling in front of the tombstone, shouting for grandpa, crying and wiping away tears, and bringing tools to prepare to move the tomb.Meng Mingwei and Li Yijin were very angry and argued with Meng Xiaobing on the spot. Tao Shuna accused the other party of having to obtain the consent of the family if they wanted to move the grave, otherwise it would be a crime of harming the remains.The man seemed to be a little afraid, but he still said that he was not afraid at all, and the two sides were in a stalemate over this.Fortunately, Meng Yi'an appeared in time. When Meng Liangchen saw Meng Xiaobing like this, he cursed him, then knelt down towards the tombstone, called daddy, and left the cemetery with his son and grandson. The farce was over for the time being..On the way back, Meng Yi'an revealed that the reason why he had not come back to visit the grave for many years was because his father shouted “Yan” before he died, but at the time everyone thought his father shouted “Yi'an”.It was precisely because of this that Meng Yian did not dare to come back, for fear of knowing that her father had failed her mother. If Meng Liangchen had not come to her door, she might never know the truth.That night, Meng Yian and Qiao Haiyun talked a lot. Although Qiao Haiyun resented Meng Xianrong in his heart, he felt more love and gratitude.Because Meng Xianrong owed Liu Shuyan, Qiao Haiyun felt guilty. After careful consideration, she decided to ask her daughter to contact Meng Liangchen and agree to move Meng Xianrong's grave back to her hometown.The day before moving, Meng Mingwei was still a little reluctant to let go of the old house. Zhou Zhou took out the old photos that he had restored, which made Meng Mingwei very happy.Most of these photos are of their Meng sisters and their parents. One of them is a photo of Zhou Zhou and his mother. Li Yijin did this deliberately because he already regarded him as his own family. Meng Mingwei also acquiesced to her daughter's behavior and told Zhou ZhouI was very moved by Zhou Zhou to take good care of her mother after she was released from prison.Soon the whole family moved to a new house and took a family photo in the old house before leaving.Meng Mingwei and the children took Qiao Haiyun to their new home first, while Meng Wanqing and Meng Yi'an inspected the old house. Both of them had known for a long time that Meng Mingwei was not her mother's biological daughter, but they still regarded her as their biological sister. Even though they had been arguing for half their lives, they stillWith the feeling of constant separation, we will always be a family.

《Islands》Related Info

Preliminary publicity

On May 15, 2023, the crew released a set of official announcement posters; on June 19, the play appeared on the Goose Factory 2023 drama list, and at the same time released the first trailer and their version of the poster; on September 1, the play released its motherboardPoster of Female Dependence; On September 2, the drama released stills; on the same day, the drama released its final episode.On December 15, 2023, watch the Year of the Dragon drama on the main channel!《She and her Islands》selected in the “ Vientiane Life · Living up to the Time” section.

On January 9, 2024, the show released stills.

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