《House of Ninjas‎》Ep Intro

《House of Ninjas‎》A completely original story about the last ninja family who gave up on ninjas due to a certain mission in the past, and confronts the biggest crisis in history that shakes the country.

This is a work that combines secret mission espionage action with full-scale family affection. Kento Harai not only stars, but is also a co-executive producer, and the director is Dave Boyle.Kento Kaku plays Haru, the second son of the Tao family. He is an outstanding ninja with extraordinary talents. He has a lot of inner trauma. He retired due to his past mission and lives as an ordinary person. His father Soichi is played by Yosuke Eguchi, and his mother Yoko is played by Tae Kimura.Played by Kora Kengo, the eldest son Yue who becomes the cause of family disintegration, Nagi, the eldest daughter who insists on exercising alone in college, is played by Makita Saizu, and the mysterious grandmother Taki is played by Miyamoto Nobuko.

If “Ninja” is still hiding in Japanese society, performing tasks one after another... This work is set in contemporary Japan and tells the story of the last ninja family, the Tatoru family, who gave up their identity as ninjas because of a certain task in the past and faced the country.The story of the greatest crisis in tumultuous history.It is an original work.

Starring Kento Harai plays Haru, the second son of the Tao family. He is an excellent ninja with extraordinary talents, but his gentleness turns into hatred, and he has a huge psychological shadow in his heart.In this work, He Laixian also participated in the production as a senior producer and invested a lot of effort. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a work that he risked his life to complete.

In addition, Yosuke Eguchi plays Soichi, the father of the Tao family. He gave up his identity as a ninja after a certain mission in the past, and only showed himself to the outside world as a manager of a liquor company, trying hard to play the role of an ordinary citizen.Tae Kimura plays the role of mother Yoko, who leads a ninja life full of excitement.Kora Kengo plays Yue, the eldest son of the family. It is because of Yue that the Tao family gave up the path of ninja, and the hearts of the family became broken and separated because of him.Aizhu Makita plays the eldest daughter Nagi, an ordinary female college student who has been training herself alone.Nobuko Miyamoto plays the role of her grandmother Yuki, who is full of mysteries and has been watching the entire family in the dark.

American director Dave Boyle serves as the director of the production, and has been responsible for - The Man from Reno -, - White Rice - and so on.In addition to Kento Kaku, Yoshiaki Murao and Takafumi Imai were also responsible for the original design.

《House of Ninjas‎》E1Plot

Episode 1: “No more putting your family in danger”

In their quiet life, the Tao family seems to be far away from the world of ninjas. However, the shadow of the past always lingers like a ghost.When the BNM (Ninja Management Bureau) came to the door again, the Tao family was once again involved in an unknown storm.

In the past, the Taoka family once fought fiercely with the Fuma Ninja in order to rescue the kidnapped politician Mukai Hitoko.Although Haru won the duel with the Fuma ninja, she was unable to land a fatal blow when the opponent begged for mercy.This decision indirectly led to the death of the eldest son Yue, making him a victim of the masked ninja, and his body sank into the cold sea.This incident made the Tao family decide to retire from the world of ninjas and live an ordinary life.

However, life was not as peaceful as the Tao family wished.Although his father Soichi is ostensibly focused on his home brewing business, his financial situation is not going well.Mother Yoko is tired of her boring family life and repeatedly pickpockets in supermarkets.Nagi was confessed to by Kyotani, but she refused. Instead, she became interested in stealing art and then returning it.Haru, on the other hand, while working as a supplier of vending machines, would go to the beef don shop he often went to every night. There was a poor woman named Ito there, which became a great joy in his life.

However, when BNM's Hamajima came to visit again and asked Soichi to investigate the recent incident in which all passengers on the tour boat died of poison, the Tao family was once again involved in the storm.Zhuangyi refused the request, saying that he would no longer put his family in danger.But things don't end there, Pity's true identity is revealed to be a reporter, and her behavior attracts Haru's attention.

Qing originally had an appointment with Poor, but after the dinner was cancelled, Qing decided to follow Poor.He found out that Piti put on a mask and went to the club to meet a man named Akiyama to collect intelligence about the tour boat incident.From their conversation, Qing learned that a passenger survived the incident and was suspected of being the murderer.However, when Akiyama mentioned “yellow flowers...”, he was killed by an assassin.The assassin then tried to attack Pity, but Qing appeared in time and started a fierce battle with the assassin.

During the fierce fighting, the assassin was injured and fled outside.Just as Qing chased him out, the assassin was hit and killed by a car.However, Haru discovers that the dead man does not have the arm scars he left behind, proving that he is a stand-in and the real assassin has escaped.At this time, Tsujioka, the leader of the new religion Gentenkai, also appeared near a nearby club, and all of this seemed to be inextricably linked to him.

Nagi, on the other hand, secretly took photos of the artwork and posted them on social media.Suddenly, a stranger paid attention to her and asked her: "Do you call yourself a ninja?"%.The appearance of this mysterious man plunged the Tao family's life into chaos again.

《House of Ninjas‎》E2Plot

Episode 2: Worrying if she’s cheating

In the quiet apartment in Akiyama, Qing and reporter Ito explore the secret of death.Akiyama, the provider of information, seems to be involved in a more complicated mystery.When his girlfriend returns unexpectedly, the two are forced to hide in a closet and witness a murder disguised as a suicide.An assassin takes away the yellow flowers Akiyama hid, leaving more questions.

As the investigation deepens, Qinghe and Wanwei step into the domain of Yuantianhui.Here, they tried to find the clues left by Akiyama, but unexpectedly got involved in a ninja dispute.Riku, Akiyama's younger brother, takes a keen interest in Fuma Kotaro during the school's castle performance, and his mother Yoko is troubled by this.

Yoko was involved in a poisoning case of a cruise ship passenger by Hamajima of the Ninja Management Bureau.In order to obtain intelligence, she decided to sneak into the cruise company, but accidentally discovered that employee Kashiwagi was handling a suspicious passenger list.After interpreting Kashiwagi's lip language, she learned about Kashiwagi's connection with Matsuura.However, just as she tried to investigate in depth, Kashiwagi was assassinated.Yoko fights the killer, but eventually lets him escape.

All of this seems to be related to the mysterious ninja, and Nagi's experience makes the whole incident even more confusing.While returning the cultural relics, she was intercepted by a mysterious ninja and the cultural relics were stolen, leaving only a ninja sword as a clue.Although she successfully escaped the police pursuit, her younger brother Lu discovered something strange about her.

As the investigation deepens, Qing, Pianyou, Yangzi and Lu are all involved in a huge conspiracy.They must work together to solve this series of mysteries, find the truth, and at the same time neutralize the threat of ninjas.In the process, they not only have to face the murderer's pursuit, but also face their own inner fears and doubts.

In the end, with the efforts of everyone, the truth gradually emerged.It turns out that there is a huge ninja organization hidden behind all this. They are trying to achieve their own goals by manipulating the Yuantianhui and the tour boat company.Akiyama is a key figure in this organization, and the yellow flowers he left behind have become the key to revealing the truth.

In a thrilling decisive battle, Qing, Pingmei, Yoko and Lu successfully defeated the leader of the ninja organization and rescued the hostages.The police also arrived in time to bring the remaining criminals to justice.After the incident, Yoko confessed her experience to her husband Soichi and received his understanding and support.Riku also grew a lot through this incident and gained a deeper understanding of the world of ninjas.

《House of Ninjas‎》E3Plot

Episode 3: Tsujioka has disappeared

In the world of ninjas, disappearing and returning to their original place is considered the most outstanding skill.Nagi, a girl who is passionate about ninja skills, has been fascinated by her brother Yue's disappearing skills since childhood.Yue Zeng told her: “ disappears and returns to his original position is the best ninja.”This sentence was deeply imprinted in her heart.

However, fate played a trick on Nagi.She is caught by Lu, who is interested in her disappearing technique.Riku wants to learn this technique, but Nagi firmly refuses and demands that it be kept secret.In her heart, she was more concerned about a lost cultural relic.This cultural relic means a lot to her.Suddenly, she received a text message from a mysterious person X, claiming that he had stolen the cultural relic.Nagi asked for it to be returned, but the mysterious man offered to exchange it for the scroll.She didn't know where the scroll was, but the mysterious man continued to say "our family", which shocked Nagi and made her start to doubt whether her brother Yue was still alive.

Meanwhile, Haru and Piti are watching Tsujioka's instructional video, and a yellow flower appears at the end of the video.This draws Haru's attention, and he worries that Hamajima is spying on them.Sure enough, Hamajima sent Haru to steal the Yuantianhui's yellow flowers, but Haru chose to handle the matter on her own.

At home, Zhuang Yi brought good news. The winery was about to be reported by an international magazine, and a family photo would be taken on Saturday.However, the family didn't care too much about this, and Zhuang Yi even doubted whether Yaozi was having an affair.Yoko, with the help of Oki from the Ninja Bureau, dated Matsuura on a dating app as Miss Misa, hoping to attract him through their shared interest in jazz.However, Yoko finds a mysterious man in monk's robes lip-reading Matsuura's dialogue, which scares her.

At school, Nagi received a message from X and learned that the scroll was called - Black Evil Natural Disaster Picture.The police identified Kyotani as a suspect because he was at the art museum at the time of the missing items.Kyotani claims to have an alibi and claims to be traveling with Nagi.The police came to Nagi's house and Lu revealed Nagi's special ability, but grandma did not stop him.Nagi tries to search for the scroll, but is stopped by Granny.So, she decides to sneak into her grandma's room on photo day and steal the scroll.

However, Nagi's actions did not go as planned.Although she successfully found the scroll hidden on the ceiling of her grandma's room, a trap was triggered on the way.Fortunately, she managed to escape.Meanwhile, Haru enters the Gentenkai alone in an attempt to find Tsujioka.Under the guidance of Sawabe, he met Tsujioka and learned that the tragic loss of his parents was a hotel fire when he was three years old.Tsujioka asks Haru to kill Pity, but Haru refuses.Sawabe's treachery was revealed and he was nailed to the wall.Haru cuts Sawabe's bonds and he escapes.Tsujioka asked Pity to go back with a yellow flower and let her leave.It turns out that Tsujioka is the masked ninja that Haru failed to end six years ago. He claims to be the soul of the ancestor of the 18th generation Fuma Kotaro.Haru attempts to assassinate Tsujioka, but the knife is caught in his hand and knocked away.When Haru came to her senses, Tsujioka had disappeared.

Nagi's adventure continues as she not only faces Riku's threats, but also searches for lost artifacts and scrolls.And Qing is also walking further and further on his own path. He must face his past and at the same time protect those he cares about.The stories of the two are intertwined to form a ninja legend full of suspense and thrills.

At the same time, other people in the family have their own troubles and secrets.Zhuang Yi suspected Yao Zi of having an affair, while Yoko was frightened by the appearance of the mysterious man.Grandma’s attitude towards Nagi’s special abilities and scrolls is also unpredictable.This family seems to be harmonious, but in fact there are undercurrents.

However, no matter what difficulties and challenges they face, they must persevere.Because in this world full of danger and unknown, only by persisting can we find the truth and a way out.

《House of Ninjas‎》E4Plot

Episode 4: Art Thief

Six years ago, when the Fuuma masked ninja stabbed Yue's chest in the dark, no one expected that the incident would cause such a huge ripple.And that chooser, Takayuki Yamada, the 19th generation Fuma Kotaro, never imagined that his actions would trigger a series of chain reactions, closely linking the fate of multiple people.

Poor, a girl who experienced a family tragedy when she was three years old, a fire claimed the lives of her parents and other passengers.She firmly believes that this is a murder and vows to uncover the truth.As an adult, she became a journalist, digging into Japan's deepest secrets.In the process of pursuing the truth, she discovered that the kidnapping of the politician Mukai six years ago was inextricably linked to Yue's death.This discovery made her decide to investigate further and pursue the truth at all costs.

At the same time, the life of Yue's younger brother Qing also changed dramatically because of the poor investigation.Qing was shocked when he learned the real purpose of poori's daily visits to the beef don shop.However, what is even more shocking is that after he cooperated with Kuze of the Ninja Management Bureau (BNM) and burned all the evidence files in the room, they discovered a new clue - Matsuura.

Matsuura, a murderer who played a major role in the mass poisonings on tour boats, had his name found on the boat list on a shredder.Yoko, a smart and witty girl, grabbed Matsuura's hand and tried to get close to him, but Matsuura left in a hurry.Yangzi did not give up and followed him to an abandoned factory.

On the other side, Nagi came to the designated factory with the hanging scroll he stole from his grandmother.What she was looking forward to was meeting Yue, but it was Fuma's second-in-command, Aya Mei, who showed up.The battle between Nagi and Ayame ended in Nagi's defeat.At this moment, Yoko chased Matsuura and arrived. Matsuura, who transformed into a wind demon, looked at Yoko and said: “I didn't want to meet again in this way”.Yoko started a fierce battle with Fuma's ninjas, but the enemies were numerous and the situation was critical.

At this moment, Zhuangyi received the message delivered by BNM's carrier pigeon, and he quickly rushed to the scene.While defeating Fuuma's ninjas, he teamed up with Yoko and eventually defeated all the enemies.Facing Matsuura, Zhuang Ben wanted to kill him, but was stopped by Yoko.They hope to get more information from Matsuura.

On the other hand, Ouman also comes to the factory to hunt down Nagi who stole the art.He witnessed the ninjas fighting, but was eventually caught by Kuze and others from BNM and accused of being an art thief.However, he is not alone, because he knows that there are more secrets and truths hidden behind this mystery.

《House of Ninjas‎》E5Plot

Episode 5: The living person is Yue

The train station platform was crowded with people.In the midst of this hustle and bustle, a seemingly ordinary old woman became the target of the Wind Demon's minions and was pushed into the crowd with nowhere to escape.Just when the train was about to run over her, a figure rushed forward and rescued her.The hero's name was Qing, and his appearance made everyone present breathe a sigh of relief.

The old woman who was rescued was named pitiful. Although she was saved, her heart was full of doubts.When she realized that Qing was rescuing her, she took away all the evidence on her body, including the yellow flower.She stared at Qing closely, her eyes full of longing, and asked in a low voice: “Tell me the truth.”

Qing didn't answer, but returned to his home silently and pitifully.Here, Poor finally understands that Haru is not an ordinary person, but a member of a ninja family.This family has passed down the skills and beliefs of ninjas from generation to generation, and has a deep grudge with the Fuma clan.

Haru introduces Pity to his family and tells them that six years ago he did not kill Fuma Kotaro, now Tsujioka, but Tsujioka killed his brother.This news shocked Soichi and Yoko, who realized for the first time that Haru had shouldered such a heavy burden for the honor of the family.

In Qing's room, the relationship between him and Piti also changed.They kissed and hugged each other, and each other's souls were soothed by the intimate contact.However, all this was seen by other members of the Tao family, especially Riku, who was very attached to the ninja family's traditions and was dissatisfied with Haru's behavior.He decided to accept his grandmother's ninja training to prove his worth.

At the same time, a bizarre incident occurred in Yuantianhui's facility, and someone disappeared mysteriously.And Fuma Kotaro, the leader of the 19th generation Fuma, received a hanging scroll in his hiding place, which was sent by Ayame.But Kotaro soon discovered that this was just a fake.What he really wants is the family tree of the Hojo family that the Fuma family serves.This family tree not only represents the glory of the family, but is also the key to his plan.

However, plans always come with crises.Sawabe, a man whose wife and children were killed by Kotaro, vowed to take revenge.But before he could act, he was attacked by other Fuuma ninjas and had to flee the scene.On the other hand, Matsuura, who was captured by BNM, revealed an important piece of information: Kotaro planned to take action during the solar eclipse a few days later.

《House of Ninjas‎》E6Plot

Episode 6: Found a message card

In the whirlpool of fate, although Yue was physically disabled, his spirit remained persevering.Yue, who lost a leg, not only survived tenaciously, but also bravely accepted the interrogation of BNM.His story is powerful and full of complex emotions.

An encounter six years ago completely changed Yue's life.He was stabbed in the chest by Kotaro, fell into the sea, became entangled in the ship's propeller, and lost a leg.This kind of pain and suffering is unbearable for anyone.However, Yue did not succumb to his fate. He was tortured by Kotaro and forced to plant highly toxic yellow flowers.This experience not only devastated his body, but also tortured his spirit.

Nonetheless, his family, Soichi, Yoko, Nagi, and Haru, were tearfully happy when Yue was temporarily sent home.They saw Yue's tenacity and vitality, and also saw his deep attachment to his family.However, they could not deny the possibility that Yue might be a Feng Mo spy.This conflicting emotion makes their mood even more complicated.

Qing apologized to Yue, believing that she did not kill Kotaro six years ago, which led to what happened to Yue.This kind of guilt and self-blame made Qing feel heavy.However, Yue showed a fearless smile and said: “As long as it is a mission, I can even kill you.”This firmness and determination make people feel his loyalty to the mission and his fight against fate.

Due to the presence of bugs, BNM learned that Pingmei was at home, and they ordered Bangandao to kidnap Pityi.This news made Soichi and Yoko decide to go to the sea of ​​yellow flowers near Mount Fuji to investigate.They found that all the flowers containing toxins had been picked and transported out of the sea of ​​​​flowers.This clue led them to track a suspicious truck and eventually to the Kujo Logistics Center.

At the same time, Qing invaded the home of the Yuan Tianhui cadre whom Yue killed and found a message card saying that %Hope Powder was about to be released.This discovery led her to make an appointment with Sawabe to meet and obtain information.However, it was Yue who arrived at Sawabe first.The battle between Yue and Sawabe was fierce and tense, and Yue eventually beat him to death.This scene shocked Nagi and made the whole story become more complicated and tense.

《House of Ninjas‎》E7Plot

Episode 7: Learning that Yue is a member of the Feng Demon

Six years ago, things changed. Yue fell from the boat and lost a leg. Fate seemed to push him into the abyss of despair.However, it was in this endless darkness that he was rescued by Aya Mei of the Wind Demon Party and received treatment.Two weeks later, when he woke up in Feng Mo's hiding place, he faced a whole new world.

Yue tried to escape from this hiding place, but the ruthless reality made him understand that he had nowhere to escape.In despair, he tried to end his life, but the appearance of Kotaro and Ayame prevented him from committing suicide.They told Yue that the woman he assassinated in the past was actually an innocent victim who was killed to cover up the politician's extramarital affair scandal.Yue was shocked. He had never thought that he would become a tool used by those in power to manipulate ninjas.At this moment, he understood that the world needed to change.

Inspired by Kotaro's words, Yue decided to join the Fuma Party and start a new life.He was given the name “Karas” and became Kotaro's right-hand man.Together, they work hard to change this dark world.

However, now, Pity has been kidnapped by BNM's Kuze.This world is still full of dangers and conspiracies.Once ordinary people know about ninjas, they will be killed. This is the rule of this world.Qing broke into BNM's hiding place, knelt down and begged, just to save her poor life.He is willing to live according to the BNM's orders, as long as they don't kill the poor.Hamadao agreed, but on the condition that Qing could never see Mi Pian again.Qing bid farewell to the poor in pain. He knew that this was the sacrifice he had to make in order to protect the poor.

At the same time, Ayame and others also came to the mansion, and their target was the hanging scroll in the home.Nagi fights Aya Mei, but is clearly no match.Lu and his grandmother also joined the fight, but their age and injuries left them unable to cope.At the critical moment, Yue appeared.He said coldly: “Hand over the real hanging scroll.”Grandma was helpless. She knew that Yue was already a member of the Wind Demon, and his power was not something she could resist.So, she handed over the hanging scroll.

Qing returns home, only to find that Yue has left.He knew that the world was undergoing tremendous changes, and Yue was already standing at the center of this change.

Soichi and Yoko witnessed the poisonous powder of yellow flowers being packaged in the logistics center.They realized with horror that this was a terrorist attack targeting nearby residents.On the day of the solar eclipse, 30,000 believers will use these poisonous powders to kill innocent people. This is Kotaro's “solar eclipse” plan.Yue and Lingya learned the news and decided to take action to prevent this disaster from happening.

Yoko looked at Yue, her eyes filled with tears.She knew that Yue was a member of Feng Mo, and his appearance meant more dangers and challenges.But she also knew that the world needed him, his strength and courage.

In order to save poor life, Qing promised Mr. Hama something.He didn't know what consequences this would have for him, but he knew he had to do it.Because he is a ninja, he has his own responsibilities and mission.

Lu, Nagi and grandma also encountered unprecedented challenges at home.They must protect their homes and loved ones from enemies who seek to destroy their lives.They know that this will be a difficult battle, but they also believe that as long as they unite as one, they will be able to overcome all difficulties.

《House of Ninjas‎》E8Plot

Episode 8: Visit and become the 20th generation Fuma

As the specter of a massive attack looms, members of the Tao family know they must unite to weather the coming storm.Under the threat of a solar eclipse, they are tasked with saving their families and countless lives, while also protecting their family's reputation.At this critical moment, Haru and Nagi work together to break into the logistics center controlled by Fuma, join Souichi and Yoko, and prepare to stop Fuma's eclipse plan.

The family bravely broke into the logistics center, but Fuma's ninjas were already prepared to launch a fierce attack.Zhuang Yi and others resisted vigorously, but the number of enemies was so large that they fell into a hard fight.At this moment, a mysterious female ninja appeared and provided valuable assistance to the members of the Tao family.It turns out that this female ninja is Taki's former companion, and surprisingly, Mayuko, the director of the brewing business, is also among them.

Qing started a fierce battle with Yue in the hall.He tried to persuade Yue to return to the family, but was met with fierce resistance from Yue.After a thrilling contest, Qing successfully made Yue unconscious.He continued deeper inside, but encountered Fuma Kotaro in a room filled with psychedelic smoke.Kotaro declares himself a god created by Haru and launches a violent attack.With her firm will and excellent fighting skills, Haru successfully defended herself against Kotaro's attack and cut off his arm.However, Kotaro reveals another secret of the eclipse plan in an attempt to get Haru to let her guard down.Haru skillfully dodged Kotaro's flying knife and prepared to give him a fatal blow.However, at this moment, Yue suddenly appeared and assassinated Kotaro.Yue said to Qing: “You'd better stay kind.”Then left quietly.

On the day of the solar eclipse, the poor woman rescued by BNM still felt that the incident was not over yet, so she went to the ruling party's leadership election rally.At the party venue, she accidentally saw Aya Mei.Poor tried to convey the crisis to the kidnapped presidential candidate Mukai Councilor, but was blocked from the door.Champagne was distributed to everyone, and Councilor Mukai raised a toast.However, those who drank the champagne sprayed foam from their mouths and fell to the ground one after another.It turns out that the toxins from the yellow flowers were mixed into it, which was another eclipse plan of the wind demon.In this tragedy, only Representative Mukai survived.

Upon hearing this news, Taki realized that Councilor Mukai was a descendant of the Hojo family and was born in the Sakaki family.Councilor Mukai decided to visit Yue, who has become the 20th generation Fuma Kotaro, to pay his respects.Yue gave Councilor Mukai future instructions, and the news reported that the Self-Defense Forces' land chief of staff Yoshikawa, who was none other than Fuuma's ninja, was promoted to chief of staff.BNM received a call from the commander. The person on the other end of the phone who said that the leader had changed was Aya Mei from Fuma, and Hamashima agreed.

After the storm, Qing made an important decision.He quit his part-time job at the vending machine and stared at the poor girl who had been missing him and went to the beef don shop to wait for it.However, he did not open the door and chose to leave.Qing knows that his mission has not yet been completed, and he will continue to protect his family and innocent lives until the threat of the wind demon is completely eliminated.The members of the Tao family will continue to unite as one to face future challenges together.

House of Ninjas‎

House of Ninjas‎

Total 8 Episodes Feb 15, 2024 Japan Fam